781 1950-55, only 8 have required operation. These preliminary results are encouraging; but during therapy there is need for the most careful evaluation of visual tests, for which the neurosurgeon should be respon- sible. 8 Patients with pituitary adenomas who are correctly treated can survive a long time.1 These cases are well worth the thoughtful care which must be given to their diagnosis and management. Annotations THE EVOLUTION OF VISION WHEN Lister returned from Scotland, surgical London flocked to his first lecture to hear the latest news of his technique; but he had been interested in the curdling of milk, and told the audience, instead, about the Bacillus lactis that he had discovered. Introducing his Lister oration on March 28 with this story, Sir Stewart Duke- Elder elected to talk, not of any detail of eye surgery, but of the Emergence of Vision in the Animal World. He pointed out that whereas most lower animals depend largely on other senses, and their brains (" nose-brains ") are largely devoted to smell, the human brain is an " eye- brain ", with its receptive area behind, large association areas, and centres for control and coordination further forward. Sensitivity to light is first manifest as a motor reaction. An amoeba will move away from light as it will from any other noxious stimulus; some insects move not directly towards or away from a light but in a direction at a constant angle to it. By this means an ant, moving at a constant angle to the sun’s rays, can find its way back to its home; but if it is imprisoned in the dark while the sun moves through an arc, when released it will set off in the wrong direction. Moreover, if the source of light is, unlike the sun, near by, moving at a constant angle will involve moving in a spiral; that is why the moth flies to its death in a candle flame. Bees can orient them- selves by the sun, but can make a correction for the time of day, and so can birds. Manx shearwater released in America flew, lost, in any direction on an overcast day, on a sunny day they oriented themselves correctly in 40 seconds, and flew across the Atlantic, each to its own particular burrow off the west coast of England. These reactions are unlikely to involve visual per- ceptions. Plants too can react to light-Hedysarum girans nods to a passing cloud-and machines can follow a torch. In animals purposeful appreciation can reverse the automatism of a response: thus a cockroach, which normally avoids light, can be taught to approach it if there is a dark shelter underneath. The first animal to show such intelligent appreciation is the earthworm, which has many light-sensitive cells, and normally approaches a dim light and avoids a bright one; but it can be conditioned to respond in other ways. Thus vision for the first time is associated with awareness: the animal can see, though it cannot form an image of anything. Appreciation of movement in the outside world is evident in the molluscs: any movement causes the protrusion of the organs of chemical and tactile sense. But sensitivity to movement is important in an animal as high as the rabbit, which will run into a stationary man. Form vision appears in cephalopods-an octopus 8. Ray, B. S. ibid. p. 5. can distinguish between vertical and horizontal lines- and colour vision in certain insects, though it is important only in fishes, birds, and primates. Development of vision depends on environment. In deep-sea fishes, which live in darkness, it is lost; in small mammals, such as the dog and cat, living near the ground, it is less important than tactile and olfactory sensation. The highest development has come in certain fishes (living in a three-dimensional world) and more particularly in birds and arboreal creatures-tree- snakes, tree-shrews, and primates. The swaying habitat of branches necessitated the development of prehensile limbs and fine stereoscopic vision; moreover, "the security of the tree-tops allowed an escape from the urgent fears of life on the ground with its teeming population of predators, so that the senses, not constantly alert for danger, turned to other things ". New explorations by hand and eye gave rise to new associations, curiosity, and inventiveness-the foundation for the intellectual supremacy of man. A chimpanzee, unlike lower mammals, will amuse himself visually-by looking at the world upside down or through a hole, or even with a kaleidoscope. This is the first indication, says Sir Stewart, " that vision has become elevated from the level of biological usefulness to approach that of aestheticism ". In evolution, he says, there are stages when something new appears different from its constituent parts; thus the molecule differs from its atoms, and other stages are marked by the emergence of life and of consciousness. In the evolution of vision the first stage is that of the motor reaction, the second that of perceptual vision, which emerges in the earthworm with a brain-ganglion, for it needs central nervous organisation. The third emergent is imaginative vision, exploratory and creative, dependent on the development of forebrain and association areas. We know that animals see, but not what they see. Analysis of our own perceptions is hard; analysis of those of dumb creatures is impossible. Sensations can be appreciated and interpreted only through our per- ceptions ; we know of no corresponding higher stage for the interpretation of our perceptions. But the brain of a bee, which can correct for changes in the sun’s position with time, is only 1/10 in. across; the brain of man is vastly bigger, and may expand further. New capacities and understandings may well emerge-given time, for the apes threw sticks and stones, and we throw atom bombs. NOMENCLATURE OF PATHOGENIC FUNGI THE former unsatisfactory state of the nomenclature of fungi pathogenic to man was due, in some measure, to inadequate description of newly named species, which led to the same species being renamed from time to time by different authors; also to the tendency to variation inherent in many fungi, the unidentified variant often being accorded specific rank. These faults gave rise to multiplication of names, and in a work on pathogenic fungi published twenty years ago some 746 " species " were recorded. Since then a new and more scientific interest in fungus diseases, particularly the systemic infections, has been aroused by the discovery of their widespread distribution in some countries, mainly through mass radiography of the chest and routine testing for specific cutaneous sensitivity to fungus antigens. Through the work of the Committee on Medical and Veterinary Mycopathology of the International Associa- tion of Microbiologists, international agreement on the


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1950-55, only 8 have required operation. These

preliminary results are encouraging; but during therapythere is need for the most careful evaluation of visual

tests, for which the neurosurgeon should be respon-sible. 8 Patients with pituitary adenomas who are

correctly treated can survive a long time.1 These casesare well worth the thoughtful care which must be

given to their diagnosis and management.



WHEN Lister returned from Scotland, surgical Londonflocked to his first lecture to hear the latest news of histechnique; but he had been interested in the curdlingof milk, and told the audience, instead, about the Bacilluslactis that he had discovered. Introducing his Listeroration on March 28 with this story, Sir Stewart Duke-Elder elected to talk, not of any detail of eye surgery,but of the Emergence of Vision in the Animal World.He pointed out that whereas most lower animals dependlargely on other senses, and their brains (" nose-brains ")are largely devoted to smell, the human brain is an " eye-brain ", with its receptive area behind, large associationareas, and centres for control and coordination furtherforward.

Sensitivity to light is first manifest as a motor reaction.An amoeba will move away from light as it will from anyother noxious stimulus; some insects move not directlytowards or away from a light but in a direction at a

constant angle to it. By this means an ant, moving ata constant angle to the sun’s rays, can find its way backto its home; but if it is imprisoned in the dark while thesun moves through an arc, when released it will set offin the wrong direction. Moreover, if the source of lightis, unlike the sun, near by, moving at a constant anglewill involve moving in a spiral; that is why the mothflies to its death in a candle flame. Bees can orient them-selves by the sun, but can make a correction for the timeof day, and so can birds. Manx shearwater released inAmerica flew, lost, in any direction on an overcast day,on a sunny day they oriented themselves correctly in40 seconds, and flew across the Atlantic, each to its ownparticular burrow off the west coast of England.These reactions are unlikely to involve visual per-

ceptions. Plants too can react to light-Hedysarum giransnods to a passing cloud-and machines can follow a

torch. In animals purposeful appreciation can reversethe automatism of a response: thus a cockroach, whichnormally avoids light, can be taught to approach it ifthere is a dark shelter underneath. The first animal toshow such intelligent appreciation is the earthworm,which has many light-sensitive cells, and normallyapproaches a dim light and avoids a bright one; butit can be conditioned to respond in other ways. Thusvision for the first time is associated with awareness:the animal can see, though it cannot form an image ofanything. Appreciation of movement in the outside worldis evident in the molluscs: any movement causes theprotrusion of the organs of chemical and tactile sense.

But sensitivity to movement is important in an animalas high as the rabbit, which will run into a stationaryman. Form vision appears in cephalopods-an octopus

8. Ray, B. S. ibid. p. 5.

can distinguish between vertical and horizontal lines-and colour vision in certain insects, though it is importantonly in fishes, birds, and primates.Development of vision depends on environment.

In deep-sea fishes, which live in darkness, it is lost;in small mammals, such as the dog and cat, living nearthe ground, it is less important than tactile and olfactorysensation. The highest development has come in certainfishes (living in a three-dimensional world) and moreparticularly in birds and arboreal creatures-tree-

snakes, tree-shrews, and primates. The swaying habitatof branches necessitated the development of prehensilelimbs and fine stereoscopic vision; moreover, "the securityof the tree-tops allowed an escape from the urgent fearsof life on the ground with its teeming population ofpredators, so that the senses, not constantly alert for

danger, turned to other things ". New explorations byhand and eye gave rise to new associations, curiosity,and inventiveness-the foundation for the intellectual

supremacy of man.A chimpanzee, unlike lower mammals, will amuse

himself visually-by looking at the world upside downor through a hole, or even with a kaleidoscope. This isthe first indication, says Sir Stewart, " that vision hasbecome elevated from the level of biological usefulness toapproach that of aestheticism ". In evolution, he says,there are stages when something new appears differentfrom its constituent parts; thus the molecule differs fromits atoms, and other stages are marked by the emergence oflife and of consciousness. In the evolution of vision thefirst stage is that of the motor reaction, the second thatof perceptual vision, which emerges in the earthwormwith a brain-ganglion, for it needs central nervous

organisation. The third emergent is imaginative vision,exploratory and creative, dependent on the developmentof forebrain and association areas.We know that animals see, but not what they see.

Analysis of our own perceptions is hard; analysis ofthose of dumb creatures is impossible. Sensations canbe appreciated and interpreted only through our per-ceptions ; we know of no corresponding higher stage forthe interpretation of our perceptions. But the brain of a

bee, which can correct for changes in the sun’s positionwith time, is only 1/10 in. across; the brain of man is

vastly bigger, and may expand further. New capacitiesand understandings may well emerge-given time, for theapes threw sticks and stones, and we throw atom bombs.


THE former unsatisfactory state of the nomenclature offungi pathogenic to man was due, in some measure, toinadequate description of newly named species, whichled to the same species being renamed from time to timeby different authors; also to the tendency to variationinherent in many fungi, the unidentified variant oftenbeing accorded specific rank. These faults gave rise to

multiplication of names, and in a work on pathogenicfungi published twenty years ago some 746


species "

were recorded. Since then a new and more scientificinterest in fungus diseases, particularly the systemicinfections, has been aroused by the discovery of theirwidespread distribution in some countries, mainly throughmass radiography of the chest and routine testing for

specific cutaneous sensitivity to fungus antigens.Through the work of the Committee on Medical and

Veterinary Mycopathology of the International Associa-tion of Microbiologists, international agreement on the