. o-W -oti so asse but eb , nomterm 4p. M.bf Dr Pd assescmes ar gue la begrwy (for - Tepma3W Opi plo.:-r.15r. *eM gem ~ 6-O sne emiatordibs ra-, W |- C Neda P11111111 1w 41 l. eawe)d t .r the a m I s a e a----d- efmimei hm be ad eay a asame - h a e ceaihd. I.bed se asse mAstit LA tBy fa tE EAIs or ui yi eamhsaf eerwh bwL Youd unteo rsses P.Oadde SA hme R.io 22$M 8. eY mmral ab h0he own 8"E- mm a' gusiACMEBlacking 2nr nv a-mo-o0yt T' a A vT E- S hae ba g e"Llin WI ElA. h"sHleGS tareaandarpeatoe thea3 e A - w ea m e ae n c cMea sf ETm hma--e pt Riew Swnow contra eaolin rd flmweinela 01111, evamre"~ bylrta aebn GONSUMPTION ANam a AYTOWei hav the aimilpsu me temmha . nos .1e aid ofay and ai nssb Ua.Aeg~be provae. thate or C iTPm ica i .seemcg. USt Iwill cp rabyithth CAAL AR mmCESiedby other V- A. ISleamme AL C-9 1581 Amm M" X. V ao. XO&r th. ftbre a nd prrvenome a argetsre to dat , o lear ay. epfedlly Whets the pay- thel ofr. and wenhaletaro o sb and e:bahe. rm I" AEOURT r We have hsre n. fn. otal- TMAL p1MIt turvaur ntpealato tce I e se IN Sul ah V411 -t sl~ullmgtefrs"mny yeRM That AL XTE13- webhawtem nmawcewzl from a IMAIX bms-"e pulit of view is ben *v1- wveecvd by the tact tet e to dowo e al setlea vene aand lareer by a .hm hineverbee eidh a Flri ute inus SoAS r WA BrTO W clshae tb coe. tohpui WtXuNISIRU16 our in.h and c"inO. e eVON notu day eu te yea. WIch m.ume can- mt cai.d of n a maifr stab- Uns Esst asso Thuaber. 3e., casa 4r tb i o u r Ad r Bu cOae, a With e a C1111 eltCs quoe b= te bcash, te.tir. narrainm Car- che or ate uwt aste de eran tnach an" we calseN. you h ZAJWS OR Our rmT vequtrs .o PLAJ AN 3 LS mama. msaa ;aanpnt at time a IZIL S . puar haw.. tn bsaa'e in emailn weii y ur ninoath~y 11ahzot to h JWe "Lw K50 ~~ mChevio Iefes So............. em.s dtmqinuntam al ..t... .e.. s 6.de Vie -0.1 a Farlor 21ite in Plush or flat, cl.,t. tof **2bcmah. "j VIA, I-r- A te.. 7.0d VAPuM aS Um e . no ...e. . $18,a t"a. Trlar I Rormr ites. r 14 11 .0.. .n t. ... A 7.-f30 v"E CzAEB Tabir. 5 cam. 04. A) ' tlr.e 4-Pon = .ar )Sattr'. 4. Wiab 5utne brOl .. . per cmi.:,iCt au time. . a...a. - C. .et. C ,a. per yr.. a . 41.a We umae and lay ae l adpea fretrftrmm ct. and dolt even timr, andr fhe weath ccase e uma10 733~~m Mar eeie id aa us. UE Uoa eeew...... . . *I eraaitC.. T' ...AA 1 - enemmtCa. now.0 T A A *1 eSenalape now A. . 1050w gReale hoe h Caessem. ow.........17. deeabaer e ma.. ase gesnwaa eherhe etyim eao IbM demn. aemaan aeh .s s ene en tim zsmsssm asessPs seetr bE f------ uE hmeah eme w. use SeQ~eemeautme.swila bes asei1.3anesessenebesh~ am. -ni net bese w 3mm.... .IS thsam m me............--........ . beem m eer............... . 18 - am............ e.mg Is em ete a6.............. ea e0U 003rnA Esosa .t.. um CITY AND DISTRW. w Upe.de bomb p1 pets.per m.m pr If eiremuktii, the adver saasa 2 Tm1 EVZa iNg Utah are only about ha as highas sose ed Other Washington pera. But eksagmss b not the only merit. Mb aiis li bienr a en e~e r in A efp dim pooA gsuW Arnsmemes md Ier te ourassek As. umns ane c desda Xigns. The fourteenth esnual dimser of the Ma. soad Veteran Associatia of the Distriet e Columbia will take place at She Scottish Bite Sanetary, 1007 0 street northwest,aext Satur- day ight. As this is the rst diner since the death of Gen. Albert Pike, who was president of the organization. efforts are bling made to secure a fun attendane. The present sebers of the association are: President Win. W. Upton; Ars$ vice president. Clement W. Ben- Seat; second vice president. Thos E, Hatch; secretary, Abner T. Langley; tressurar, Gem. W. Balloch. and stewards, WE. . Roee and James H. Trimble. 0 The present resident membership of the aso- eation is follows: Geore IL Abramo. Thomas Adams, Lesbnel Adams. Dr. Charles Allen, Job W. A J. F. B. A&pleby, Algernon A. Aspin- wsm, Bell. W. S. Ballard, George W. Balloch, Moses N. Bane, Morris Barnett, H. W. Barrett, Joseph Barton. Was. H. Barton. Samuel Belford, James IL Bel. Clement W. Bennett. H. W. Dirge. Asaph L. Mies, Geo. W. Donnell, HarryE. Bwies, Alex. C. Bromley. Benjamin w. owne, William B. Irown, Andrew K. Browne, John Mills Browne. P. H. Bronson, Aars Bruns, D. . Burnham. David L.Calliher, Raymond F. Cardello, Joe. J. Carrol, William W. Case. Jonathan W. Childs, William P. Cole, Thomas B Creighton, William H. Crosby, Rob- ert F. Crowell, J. D. Cumming, JAo. Scott Cun- ninghas, John W. Daniels, William W. Davis, Archibald R. Dick, John N. Dickson, M. A. Dil- 1a, A. T. C. Dodge, Thomas Dowli , Anton Eberly, Watson W. Eldridge, Chester Faulk- ner. 0. . Firman. Charles Fisher. Robert L Fleming. Weston Flint. Lambert T. Follansbee, John A. Foos, Charles H. Fowler, Adam Gaddis, Geo. EL Gad-lis. Wa. Gaddis, Lemuel Gaddis. Thomas 1. Gardner.Jos. Gawler. David Gibson, 1% m. Uibson, Stephen F. Gil, Richard Goodhart, Win. I. Goods, Burgess K. Oladman, (iso. Gib- son, John Gibson, Benj. F. Gilbert, T. F. Green, Hamilton L Gregory, Gof A. Hall, Henry Q. HaL Chas. W. Hancock, Bobt. W. Hardy, Joe. H. Hartley. Dr. Thoe. E. Hatch, Win. J. Hay, Louis Bedbrun, Was. H. Henderson, Jacob D. Herrington, H. M. Higbee. W. L. Hinds, Joe. F. Hodgason, Alez. H. Holt, Peter H. Hoom, Frank T. Howser, Emil Hock, Goo. Hunter, Jam. M. Hodges. Geo. W. Hascall, W. IL Hutch- ineon. Bobt. B. Hamilton, William Helms, Edwin . Holmes, John P. Jefries, BenRieId S. Jenks. Daniel Johnson, George J. Johnson, Jefferson H. Jenings, Herman KoppeL Geo. W. Knox, Andrew W. Kelly, Chas. C. Kimball. Joseph W. King, Angus Lamon B. F. Lar- combe, Abraham IL Lascalette, John Lockie. A. T. Logan. D. J. Logan, Abner '. Longley. 1. 0. Loockerman. Theo. L. Lamb, John Jay Little, Was. Henson Libbey, John Newton Minnix, Edwin B. MacGrotty, Granville Mason, Chas. Matthews, B. P. Mimmack, Daniel P. Macarty Henry 13L McKean, Bemj. P. Mclnew, Danie McFarland, Jas. H. Mcintosh, William Merts, John A. Milburn, Fred'k W. Mitchell, George H. Moore, L H. McCaLran, James W. Moore, W. H. Myers, Charles Neal, Cas. W. O'Neill, John Nichols . B. Nixon. George E. Noyes, Lewis . O'Neal, Bev. E. D. Owens, Myron M. Parker, Henry A. Pierce, Daniel L. Pitcher, Dr. Wis. Pittie. H. J. Playtor Geo. W. Pratt, Charles H. Perry, Charles H. Beaney, Walliam S. Noose, Wilnam Oscar Boome, John J. Bupli, John H. Bussell, John W. Boss, Henry E. Riley, Valentine Bebsam, E. ater, A. J. Sanderson, ThomasE. Scheller, Ernst Schmad, Aug. Schroe- der, Abraham B. Shekell, Win. H. Sibley, William B. Singleton, William T. Spencer, Francis H. Smith, William B. Smith, sr., W. J. Stephenson, Leonard Stoddard, Louis P. Bator, David G. Swaim. Fred W. Storch, C. B. Smith, Thos. Somerville Alfred B. Talcott. Leroy M. Taylor, John B. ?fhonn- son. Edward T. Tibbetts, L S. Tichenor, James . Topham, C. G. TownsnA Rev. John Trim- ble, Jas. H. Trimble, A. M. Tabman, Will-m W. Upton, Albert H. Van Dews, Willim Van leck, L. Vauderhoef, Win. L. VanDeriiv, John L Vog, Peter Vierbuehen, Frederick Webber, Willia H. Wetsel, William P. Wetherell. Ja. W. White, Spencer J. Wills,Snos Wolf, Frank Wolfe, Thos. E. Wood, W. N. Wood and W. D. Wyville. 'Am following members died during the year: hos. B. Cross, Albert Pike, Frederick Mehl, Jn.. W. D. Gray Edward J. Whipple, Ws. . Ireland, Jo. H. 1. Latrobe, Dr. J. 0. 8tanton. Samuel Emery, Theu. C. Evans, Gee. B. Loring and Was. A. fates TARs TOOR CUT&ABSUM. ESlish Seers Am0 ed m Inets t Chile and Did the Mob Up. Apropos of the recent unpleasantness be- tween the United States sailors and a Chilean mob in Valparaiso, says a London dispatch to the Boston Globe, an occurrence of a like nature is called to mind that happened there in 1861, forty years ago. It took place between the crew of an English man-of-war on one side and the poce, some soldiers and a mob em the other. Incensed at the brutal treatment of a sailor at the hands of a policessen, some of the milor's comrades undertook to interfere to protect him, but more police were called, and as the police and mob increased the sailors in- cresed, and, there being about 100 sailors ashore on liberty, the row was no 'small affair. But the sailors being unarmed were getting handled pretty roughly. resulting in many broken heads and several sailors being taken The miloss, however, msassed their forces and an order to retreat to the mole was passed among them, and before the mob was aware of It they were half way down the street to the mole. As soon as it was reached they seized all the waterinen's beats they could lay their hands on and started for their own vesseL. It being sums- mer the ports were open, and through them they scrambled without ceremony and made for the eutlass racks and any other arms they could lay their hands on. Then all of the crew that the boats could carry )oined them and they recbed the mole in guick timne, and then the fun began. The poliemsen and mob made an attempt to op- pose them, but they might as well hare tried to stop a hurracame. Foot by foot they fought their way up town again, the English cheer an- swering to the shouts of the mob. It was no one-aided play then, as before. Everything went down before their at- tack, and In one hour they cleared the streets and had the city at their mercy, until their demsands for release of their comarades were complied with; that done, they marched beck to the mole, seized the boats and returned to their ship. The boarding of their own vassal for arms and reinforcemsents was done so auietly and guickly that the otheers were taken by srrise and were powerless to prevent it. It tauh the Valparas mob a lesson, however, whic they did sot forget very aeon. As it was related to sme I thought it was the quicket planned and beet eseeuted piece of retributive justice I had ever teerdof. Cratial casarges Agatse Dry Geed. Men. Mr. Leo Frank, who is in eharge of the H. B. Clai Company's affairs in Cin- cinnati, states this morning that two arresta es erimnal charges will be made today In the Weatherby dry goods matter. There will aima be instituted, he myetril suits agaist Mr. Levi I. Stevens for terecovery of amont up ward of 5100,000, s he Is surety forth Weatherby concern. Mayer Matthews' estiumts et espossem ed Beston for the coming year,tumte to she beard et saldes Mm ~ ve amount to *13,SW0. Thywerererrda Se emomitsem apreead e Pralsdene et the lue 4mb £Engme, The Internatiemal Press Leage at lam Psam. dnsee1~eeted K. 3. Do Tesag Ed Uinasse -sg and Wamae le-Mesed The emadsal stsee 45 Mi pi emded -ee~ in s Sevoesellem et s.i (heapg by a vele ot le se himsf to Uese osi. asshea nd af (ham. Walthaf to be bIs ems maesmsebu 13. vetse out et a total et 311. Masams er 3mniess Ktle Mr. Ilipato a ae .welkhasea dee Wse, me mss em Meadeg in Eea dos to Kim himera, ehist at toe pe Amerisem mso C. W. Masn, who em seesty at lmb hem pbt brsew. lb rwhich u a esesA ese s ha s as a-- s aansailateee sen es s uimnu~s -g maa Umer esms em A he M i 10111211 gnew Veasoen, "Wheo wants teregelst ahe pes ies ef a" eine and of dentisy is the Distiol of Colam bi?" asked fenator Gullige e a rm re perter this aftseueno. Bemaiee Galinger b a member of Se Distrl committee and lher hae bee referred to him measures looking to he local reorgain.atia a things medisal and destal. "Sumebody may be interested In teme bills but the interest has not been apparent to me No one has appeared to request their passage amd I am amred by prominent membtr. a the profession that there*js so demand for Waa sash legislation as is proposed. "The medical bill." continued the Beasto (who is also a doctor), "is a monstrosity. Ue der its provisions no one can sell even pateni medicine. nor practice massage am a prolessios without Arst obtaining a permit Irom tiU board provided for in the bilL The establish- ament of a board to examine physicians as U4 their ability is in line with a good deal of stath legislation and I should favor IS, but I do noi know of any state that tries to prevent drug gists from elling patent nedicimes unless the dru sts have permits. A rational law woni be allright, but the one I am talking about if not that kind of a statute. "Yes; I am going to be quietly interested is District affairs. Byand bylain going to asks few questions. It may be that among other things I shall want to know why the big street railroad companies do not make the annual re- ports to Congress which the law requires them to make. Non, of these corporations are slow to take advantage of any section that favors them, but they are slow to obey provisions that are more mandatory and at the same Aimse more interesting to the law makers and the general public. I understand that some companies have been uniformly neglectful in this matter of reports. There is no excuse for such con- duct. We have a right to know what had been done by theme beneciarles and we are going to know. "It is my purpose to do anything which wil ameliorate the condition of many employee on the street railroads. Many of these are with- out shelter. and their compensation is miser- ably insufficient. The bill on that line which I introduced will be the basis on which to oper- ate. "Muddy water has given me an interest in any proposition which wUl result in a big sup- ply of t pure clear liquid for this city. Sona- tor Hansbrough has taken this matter up, and if he needs any assistance I may be able to render he is welcome to it." TUE LATS GEN. 3kU1Q. What an Eaglish Paper says of Me Es- meat Career. hrtom the London Times. Maj. Gen. Montgomery Cunnimghbmt Meigs, a prominent military figure on the northern side in the great civil war, died in Washington on the morning of Saturday last, after a useful and honorable lifetime of seventy-six years. Graduating at West Point in 1836, writes a cor- respondent, he became a member of the corps of engineers, in which capacity for several years he was engaged chiefly in the construc- tion of military works for the protection of the coasts and the frontiers. For eight years, from 1852 to 1860, he devoted hismslt to the great work of supplying the national capital with water from the Potomac river; the Washington aqueduct, including a bridge, the span of whose arch is the largest in the world, was de- signed and constructed under his personal direction, simultaneously with which import- ant service he conducted the construction of the extension of the national Capitol and of its great dome. In the earliest days of the great internecine struggle he fitted out and accom- panied a secret expedition for the relief of Fort ikens, threatened by the confederates; and on his return to Wshington, then still a captain he was appoiated to the onerous and responsible position of quartermaster general of the United States armies with the rank of brigadier general. When the civil war began the strength of the United States army was under 20.000 men- when it ended, four years later, the north had a million of men under arms. The principal oficers of the head- quarter staff had tjarown up their commissions and positions and taken service in the confed- erate army. Gen. Meigs had not so much to strengthen as to create a department, and that without experience or precedent to guide him, for the organization devolving on him from the first needed to be on a scale of greater magni- tude than the military world had over yet seen. He chartered transports, he established con- veyance conventions with railway chiefs, or if occasion demanded took over the lines bodily and ran them himself; he built new line and repaired others wrecked by the enemy; he clothed the armies and provided and supplied them with tents, forage and fuel, camp and gar- rison equipment; he furnished horses for cav- alry and artillery, and beasts for the transport wagons and ambulances which he too sup- plied; he built barracks, hospitals, store houses and bridges; set up telegraph lines, and he so copiously yet so scrupulously disbursed the money of the republic that he expended some 2,000,00,000, vouched for punctiliously to the last cent. To his realization that his proper post was al the national capital he sacrificed his longing ardor to share the fortunes of the fighting men; yet duty occasionally offered him the op portunity of participating in active warfare; and he was in tLattanooga throughout its in- vestment; was present at the battles of Lookout Mountain ("the battle above the clouds") aqd of Missionary Ridge; was with Grant during the desperate fighting of the Wilderness, and when Early suddenly threatened the capital he mobilised and commanded a division consist- ing of the peopie of his own department. dent to Europe in 1873 on special service te study the organisation of continental military stairs Gen. Meigs was treated with great die- tinction by the Emperor William 1, and had manyinterviews with Moltke and with Pod- rek,'tePrussian quartermaster general. In 1882, after a service of fifty years, he retired from active service, but so great was still his energy that he subsequently built the structure in the city park of W ashington known as the pension buiding. He ws one of the regents of the Smithsonian Institute and was a member of council of the National Academy of Ucnces. SENATOm WILlOmeS secashge Ne Cama Eseesee a Majority er Vea et the General Assemnbly. The vote of both honses of the Maryland general assenably yesterday for United State. Senator to ill the unexpired term of Senator E. King Wilson resulted in no choice and was as follows: John 8. Wirt.........--................. Elihn E. Jackson..............1 James Alfred Pearce....................11 John B. Brown..........................1 .obert is. MicLano.......................14 Charles II. Gibson...........................1 Wimiamn J. Vannort.............1 George 1. Ronseum............. Leva L. Waters........................ Thomas 0. Hayes........................ Barnes compton.......................... JamesHoes........ .. William A. i.hr.::.::..:::::::::::::::. Bernard Carter ........................ Absent and not voting-....................I When the legislature meets in joint conen tion today the voting will be continued foi U'nited States Senator and continue daily tl a mecessor to Senator Wilson is choeen' Tb joint convention will be held in the hall of thb hotu.o of delegates, the senators attending in body, ________ Nalinag the Omttenbeeg 3n..&Se. Immediately after lb. Iret race at Goatee berg yesterday coestabalee of the Law ant Order League of Hudson eamaty,1N. J., agaii rai the Hudson County Jockey Club rae track and arrested mime of the bookushse They had ten warrants, but eeukt mel find 5. J Carroll, for wham the tenth warrant ws issued The prisoners were taken to the @U.e of te secretr tf he raeing associatiem, where jos te et eewere in waiting, who me Amem aitAasesm asy. Stale Ieste, Maubach et Alsnmamas a Mit begose ath Visginla mEas -eeae gensel inws to prevent and penih bettheg sembling, beaahtag and ether fino C waeen. The Mae isepeetafar eee .ewhos spehea et as Nests Carte at Sehm INlb where Itis miWaslegs mehe i u - ndere t the proswm edest is nt lesth0er the - Man iin Jaa et nss bemmht The ametal daelneso st e M begg Ieeiem abSr et msa s ,.e a S pengteb hoetaa 4gdiUi A RUSSELL SAGE, nancier, writes: Niw Y< "For the last i using ALLCOCK'S PoRc repeatedly cured me ol in my side and back, a one on my chest and relieve me. My fami Beware of imitations, a misrepresentation. Ask for j solicitation or explanation indu AUCTION SALES. THIS ArTEHoOll. THONAS z WAGGAMAN. Esal Estate Auciau TRUSTEES' SALE OF THREE LOTS EACH IM. 1110V1.D 1;V A TWO-hTOLY AND 11ASELIENI! BRICK DWELLINU. TW T ON T DN- TWEL NOUTH 'CAPITOL STREET ANI PIhttT SIR~ET NOR&THEASIT AND tEEX ON OATH CAPITOL SrA T XTWEN X AND N STREETS. By virtue of three deeds of trust recorded tlve~' fin A.l1ier No. 14MW folia 1CNl; ULei o.,jj 1foio I. and Libor No. 141 .o 11 of te a records uf the Dstrict of uolunabia, and by requet of the parties tdler- y w-ccitid. we %i5sl as ~ublic sk- tit ID :rFoit or Iw' rmn.le vu %k). ks] Af J .V UARl' TWENTIE1Hi. taJd, at HILLF-PAST rut)h O'LO4.CK P.M.. lot* 194. 1ri anad Itt in Russel. Brwe and harpsr'abuhdivision of partof orgnal lot I record* of the surve r vilee of said v h the lziiprovensaisa avesated4. Terms: One-.hied cash, of which a deposit of 6100 on esch lWt i-unet be made at time of le, and the balanes in three equal insta!lments in six. twelve and e laten months. :or which uute oi purchaser bitag interest from day of sale. andI sctlred by deed of trust on the protrt y sold. wil be taken, &r all cash. at the option of the ptrnaeer. If terms are not complicd with in tweiie dals rwm se tbe propy wili d at. sld at the risk antt coat of defaulting purchaer after ten days advertisement in The Evening btar. All con- verancing recur at purehasers cost. JXO. W. PILLING. Trutn T. E. WAOUAMAN. Auct. j1-dM.s TOMORKOW. WALTER I. WILLIAMS & CO., Anetfton.u= GRAND DISPLAY OF ORIENTAL OOOD. 1UPZAB AND PREUMPTORLY SALE B1 CATALOGUE o0 FIVE HUNDRED ORIENTAL CARPETS, RUGS. PORTIERES AND HANGINGS. COmprisdg the cholests specimen of overy make which the Asiatie market afsor. EZXIBITION TUESDAY. JANUARY 29. This colleclpa has been madm up specali to Upply the wants of our eiteens, who should not fai to at tend the pubUc ale which takes place at or salme loom CORNER 10TH STREET AND PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE NORTHWEST. WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. JANUARY TWENTIETH. TWEETY-FIERT AND TWENTY-SECOND. AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK A. I. AND TKRE O'CLOCK P. X. EACE DAY. CATALOGUES will be distebatsi at th* plasmof exhibition. WALTER . WT.LIANS & 00.. 3a164B A=etamn. W ALTER B. WILLIAMS & CO.. AnOm-h-s. TWO TWO-TORY AE AE HOUSES AND ATS BITUATED 0ON DOWNS ROAD. G4UOD HOPE H'IL CONY F WASH] NOTOR ONE N1ILbftF1ROMUXNAVY YARD DEIDGE. At AUC- TION. n THURSDAY. JANUARY TWL%TY-rIRST. at HAA -PAST TIEE O'LOCK P N we shall ell. on the premies. two two-story frame Jweusn. Ave roou111s each. ba1il, tink roots. latobe*, sloves. water in yard. with two-story rustic weatherbad stable, on preuts. Lots It eet trout by 110fe deep each. frontng on Bowen road. Good o l *"mussa ad made known a ae J1M8-3tWALTkR . WILLIAMS & CO., Aucts. S. BENSINGER. AUCTIONEER. WAMbINUTON HORSE AND CARRIAGE BA- ZAAR. No. 190 LOUIMIANA AVENUE. AUCTION SALES OF HORSES. CARRIAGES. HARNESS. be.. EVERY TUESDAY. TRURS- DAY AND SATURDAY MORNINGS. COM- MENCING AT TEN O'CLOCK. THE ONLY PLACE IN THE CITY DEVOTED EXCLUS- IVELY TO THE SALE OF HORSES. CAR- RIAGES AND HARNESS. AND IS THE REST PLACE TO EITHER RUT OR SELL. NOW ON HAND 30 DAYTON WAGONS AND 80 BUG- GIES. WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT PRIVATE tALE AT VERY LOW PRICES. ALSO EVERY SORT OF VERICLE KNOWN TO THE TRADE. WHICH WILL BE SOLD OR EXCHANGED AT PRICES THAT CANNOT PAIL TO Pr.ASE. THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK IN THE CITY. PURCHASERS ARE INVITED TO CALL AND EAMIaNtE OUR STOCK BEFORE PURCH ASNMG. CATA~IJUE SALE OF A RARE COLLECTION OF HOUSEHOLD FUR- NITUltE, TWO P'IANOS. A VAST NUMBER OF SUPERB OIL PAINTINGS. ETCBINS AND ENGRAVINGS. RRIC-A-RBAC. BEUS- SELS AND AXUINSTER CARPETS. TUENISM flUGS AND HANGINGS. THE PROPERTY OF A CONNOISSEUR OF RARE JUDGMENT AND TASTE. WHO HAS BRN 303 THIRTY YEARS MARING THE COLLEO- TION WOR HIS OWN PLEASRR AND HOUSE. HOLD ADORNMENT. EMBRACING IN PART ~heh a e~ agRiso aCu.pitdI Capture of Salvatoros by John Wilson; an~g grat yco a anaeb Caheo Th Pth a a~phn by Thraca Vomnm. In incsst Br ttany Th Vias of Sit Two Wsup aine ad D e DosNet Pe Ie'.Mttwdu - a w-+ -.hse- lare. and a nuaa fsie distinerutshe Anoian.b ari. A eo y et 5 Twil ht Seene from the Dusseldorf gal cry. a tare n ao r lgaigvrestly acaure. stata y andilrsse.lt nmber of im L braryon .e unaefor Sie roonas, with hilgolpse Glaeesnlw hl o h 9~eie t a5Msunth t bw DAIRUN & AS p F.F,2. m i" .M b. I r - -eaxnmmn - teamm m da m atML-Cm B.N & . even (" of 'sa mereof uwe eme m bid mo t tu .r .o n et. ....... de ~ ms.a...g a er .ith e..k .S .5at Satt ocka~ tc as S wih he"W l snew0 Ma ait. a a .. the- W" am a the pia.e at la* m~ kwwv 1 Siee4um Welk b TlAINN. Re. . T EU0 b FlaaUARSKY . dEep lauid be mae at timea of ale. esd -5mw am il ofS twelve WetABLS1 tor which noltiof raerb n ai "n ay "t sa.a""*in deaor ..w as the tOe t.Seld wi. r ..06 or l cah. at the .ep .. t Me "|". 'a". a.. a"t .=". Nuiai leo() daangrywill to ~u a h "a u S ot ea.. pe~. c . .aerto the the Csin .. 04EARea L=. t. c. E e tI d... NIe torEEVNA~E th le rbea a..o he upem .re~ le.d .hecn D. (11e enOlie bydedIT dated O 9,eim~1w,&an racOrde e tMe lang RT Ioct of1C.~iI .o6.e lll be . h aND am. il tneo ..w d V.1==TV ans: '. .at im of the Sare ar hn.a hmeaoghead 'wsI al- 4all times two n oelie to IN.the. . .h coat o e ' ere d to Will". .am eow d *.do . dead 41M Den., tea S.t i.a is. recordedotth rem.C L;Llehato .o. t AL&T A e. MlaCee-nlA6= at thebd ath asnd laeaSh L1~11ait sky: Mebusr damrtoux thlde twot 7bw 'ra t a ain Ahen ga h1arapk thenda tec atha l** dams. . . ala thisoa uesell~ Lat, ~ dco the na 1U0chan. o aU~W w _0 ri m t ao taai t r .l wth"P a b ibo- thsab Weaey hs ..a...u a ..Uham the *id 1:t2:13 ca ins toae ti Steve. chance Is. L:10 Cis. th Suth "W4 degr. I. 4 0;chai. S ..ei c atta b S te .o a. d pt e aid w1 pac.':r-nd bytniia."*" * h-ian mai oroleald c~on. annaozndto theen, North 73. .or ni e- the m.t a ih ed ot cm ra ued to costan iwit Dok aim a deetim pe "'la. ni o fm en. theothe..le..... a Weft I' n oa a bywim aaim.anala tothdee and thfu, time.xa ins d leaSh prta at atn a.b rdrin Whiche mid ro atlns erale wpdamli et them as*i erein- All f ich imi tw tacte tilhe td forae e ASp theAI ol a stafeil; ten potcs thej Saeu. atisan ) theEN Duh M W. tte tref snpie ( .y w cas rt.. a e by det at a.'"o.e'aa. ro|h .. e am leEsa."rnd me& '.".l'o."..' m.d IrO tmad l . m aftitae'le' t.- two naetcate. m rvd the decee at: One.ij La'".s,.*t"..al ". -gi ..,,,g t .the Eee.E money IaeOOan. 9. A.om ann te eql fn~ te atelategv . and twlven pe...tee Duo s day91. ofi .ew et par. s- - - - ---er the t reday antot aer eow ahe ntom ha he ome anded at te thepop wthe orehaalsaopi.Aact of 0105)all wdlb pu eo= wirds bothertie uponie the rdd a"l a o oMpIed th OUwihAW-twity 99v an dam onae. Lbis omery wl eme~a h ekndoe h ER,."''"..".%ED.NJ.Y....... WALTOE.?.'.ILLIAM- &..L"de det O . to WAhiKn . Real E tbe 8"ditami bou ..Sw mcract.... of.a IISTUSAEF F.040 KTR DCl RA BUWIES B rtu of ded oiu eoded by thei w e . s scared wfte wuil mony ~in anksand thee aid eiAhFeenEm sS owcti Par -na kuma ach lot ate anda tte of fae adte Iane Mo t~o P- tee ofa. th e lat $100 all breeI sI be endo eared Id- tawe n prot adwih VWtentyr eliafth e, opitymo al- r y4will bPe b h do o eaL chOAeae ILoAGeeAA. Ball sEst el udiay wlhea uow5atAGG ... J. R. IMNUW ASOF.F kEuse aT. ND N I BK NOWNDI 0EU4.ON 0 ST~IT OF CLUN RIA AN. TIL J~virttue of a ded of ftc date DEimber No. ch e, 3L eofede a hlds of mdDiic.sd isrite oe f Sfteat ecuretdro. we will sell atrat Oflife wbton afoa ftegiaga m MONDAY...-A TWAN1- AM I W NKVIMI S at HAF-U R O CL4X K IS.. th talng du is thl e tui t ,o the klown en cI n mea p Plo Isme th=. in(14. ao m K.e ofw GndWiehom o Moun yahaorthe m --a abaf them th alle raro e of :=b~coathb al Sheb noth walem cret of ume mnd 7th =1e6-0 oft od o.5 Gaem~nd Sil~fas" thene ah arty wrlle tken lere ab cashed as ie;t Bh~r It te th an h e om idlS7~9. @web*A &ing mpoved" thaucei. A . deoIt of O wil erured AIT &OMANDuomnaI LRv~t. ANY8 000!)PNO KNOW MAn RU? ON 31014if~~w 8XGNTZT EXENDD .TEXpeo mDINRC Oran C hel. lrAeeommbe em lam 4 r~od~laMeWNo 3. 512da fo*go te of t ln o d fad ~ t and a d euest K..aams fofelc r ew fapl4aealineI h Flnlrfo r e ab a ~ l the ~ not ka5 tsop0ed ith ,1 feat tooeb. ruawtec etry&o h eIwo tm k~8 tsofth &W Qaft (20) feetWuaEMesa.as SECOplowN b1*106. imped. .y n os trta prpetyeo.o.A tAMELY V~flZm beem ns.m , .-,Alw uf Toe m :Tfum% 13 .mg!I1it.Ii."mi Fost Gma thi , mteusw L-'~ ImS £8 ria e0 Nmi OUN~ . allp, gaemmbe IW a WI M L" w-Iltb Was. mmd Mom A Reda. to Ubee ftelomis oonwom I owelal Ongil mil oupwitts 5now% medmatkm and pbhuded ebe 4 g £inv~ IV -Pogrom of I" abe emd a~s F. Mmi. %Ibf Ai LAW& P. Mwta.OMW Juntic W. M. ft. Mi. Cum It. FIik.aGo. %ft. smith Od. camelAL 0wifolk. LAD". OeM'd'JL X. Ai3- s O u5. sms w AEEIGXON "KMALE 111311111aDr. sm a sT~1?u~ a C~AOU oVE. ST. ?OWS cAUSS TTM 3 . St. i a. ~ y W. ]EVUC QOXANo teIG tAT TM T K. . CJ'QJC8NA O0ltsRUVATORgT Musvvic S= MAT fridii fa. tth ew emd Coniem.- ]KINDNOARTKN AND SCHOOL CLASE5. AD-I 07as Nw SW ADucaT1os." COLLLUXg. 614 1*h mg.. mw.. WawMtau.Q J~4MLAXV UAU! AND IK3.AT[F3E. 1005W. kwmatofte oftrmi eoeleAe a reI b w o; . Ar"Im OLDS . ftoL IT. Iff noWftug w" 0tw"d rwia U S. 3MANNS KIND11eJARTZI& W) CU an91 SALd &Vwac. mIt orDve.L heis Q. K. UMNLK. A .. C.. P"b ULULm. Prmamt M 1101W C" LTRAPMU AMLth haIGU1ht, Mmd li inm9hComm. 09 r ofic y44w agn. 41"t411eug VLAF FUND W.33 CamLK T3kAA1 LoGOS ISO uMAY R.lpw ime. AM."FTR1A0 cmrii a@ PuilagHo it a %ebe 11"i M- pouVasm o VW. MXVMN usA" C boc =0" St. Mt. OwzuL. . wh Em. LA;T10. ONLhee.OI am DILuAp or memizo aught U DXaAR CM.m . T14=9s am hum ADA 2vSgsat. Tft m Or, 2 G -WSCOUL 01r C0OEUM, AL A him team t mi n 611 to ZIN& 1*h GL it. W. sedm£ie orm cum= Fmek W.e ej 16 L NEY~v. ISM I hT.eX. W. LUTA. MANWbO2 "amU u*1340snPU* A w a"d lmay methei.L pE~ji. 7rL. aciLxTurnc Amu s?1N1TAz Abo.euemein odedugy. toI~M41 4iaw. = WASKINOTOR mmlWhch SI di. I~a-" ftm., LEIM 7 imLOK 8.4 summ ~ F hed@ to 48L U R. e..M at w~- 9- 016 m ;t. a a. dotlY. 0110"A Pq0wo ...A.. I hma~p"M. 7. W%& &d 26 1A' cML Pa- hf-..w. m : h..'e """**lk. Sn..... r.- a -y -- - -f m=IG4.11 lo AM 06 A .... ft ..H. 0% Im. Ay. 707 a ~6v. . L a ma.m. SM. 14. 2.WOZA 'k flTE m t~Mm --eimm--a.aem mh.m (4 Lambd %MeM imal; g,.fto. wo. r u~ m' ab 3- FIN, MIMSi Ge~m sA 01%. 10 a.~ 1.h wuw A m11.L&Li IL &%NAR ANDmU S SeL W"-wroaf moaw or mes a I. W. ima.ms f abo.we , Dm . mc ieai *.m~ .EL a .1 " k401. al l" k..tA..pau to 41111 am .. nm w eles U411011,. slosmr -a me unaf A L 3 13 101 iu All. ft. maym MOLr ma 91 mu60. ssm. IL. m .L MaL am4 bob XPouWMA &MV .=6 1 Si~~.W W~hiWU rnmil uses weOU oo b~ ammmm9d AISum O "WoML ~ ~~ bed.-at."m * L-R op-" P!L- - - --- the well-known 5o6 FiFarn AVUNUK, >a CITy, Dec. 2o, i8go, wenty years I have been Us PLASTERS. They have rheumatic pains, and pains md, whenever I have a cold, one on my back speedily ly are never without themn.' nd do not be deceived by 4LLCOCK'S, and let no ce you to accept a substitute. AUCTION SALES. STOMORROW. EEEa a 00.. A'ac -a ae OpP. city Pug Oa6 AitGz SALE or nouttENOLD) UFtITURS. sAPt 8TOVE. FA 0 NITUREL axD ROO TSa FULDINll BXDILOI ULUTNHt. be M.3 M L~hb1Cl TION L OFA . AL O 1 ABOUT t LOADS ASSORTED F RN AND CARPETb * ROW FAKILT REARINO IIIUBUDAY. JAN ITARY -WNTFR' j rjWT O'CLOK. A TIN OR SHINE. It LATIMEn LoAn . Aucionees. alY VALUABLE IMPROVED AND UNI. PROVED P140P..TY ON OLXTK NTH STREET BZTWEN P AND q STXV' NOREHWET VINU NO. lftl FU- ThEETH STUON (WITH 8IDE LOT?. AT AUCTION. , AUR RNC- C Os el ( i A! as in tR hALF-P A FoUR OCI.OCK P. tfrat t ahe I we will sellallof aot 14 andnorth ofi a Lt3iJusqar No. 24L fratiW37jis oen net side of Yourt uth street between 9ad stres" mtbwe~ bya depibof loo bt toss alI . Izisproved orya coitttble i-story presa-brick dv. tuat contain- y12 roat. and both. with moderm improvemens, dall In good order. The boom covers &Weet 21 set of the front. leavinw a vacsat'lot of logs feet broas as the north-a vry derable lot to improve. Taken as a whoin this to one of the most desirable 'fece of property that has bee@ offored at suction on &t stre fr som time a nd should onisad ne. atAttention. Te-ta E CO ND0 ch. bala to equO al a one. two an three Yeas. with interest.s Bit dded of trust on the property. or all cash. All 'on eysacin0 and recdrdiut cs of pnrcw . A ledatf *3e05W be required at time of sale. Terms alowing esied wihwihnfes dare. ladlte rect SiGnEE'S SALE BRICK HOUBE NO. Aft . STREET NORTHWEST. By vIrtue ofa deed of assnmta tr t he uignd epbwc a uncion IAk~ a ..... t..d... .16..XT DY .. - ltY. A. 1). Iri* at HALF-PA&T FOUR OCLUjCK M.. in abut fn pnales. all them piece or pr- sa of ad ad promises eatd in theas y of Wash. daton. District of Cohu a, sad knw. and describe. a the around plnt and plan of ad city "' be r th rettev 1)feet two (9) Inches 09 origfinal. lot mnaee vn( n thereat nineafg) tefteleven ad treequater(I I) inches of lot tem. (10P. equape iuthunre and1e0ghty-nine the luiumb-ve eleven (11).rundng thence mouth aeventy. kye (75) fee. thence wes twelve t12) teo" two (1) aches; thence south twenty-frare (25) teso ad Shy. oar hundreAth, of a foo; theAeTON i (9 feEt eva an thrN PErer D ( EA) ic T; e. At GW hundred feet and Shty-tour om ndrdh ala bat; thencea ea twenty-two (Z") fee" one and thgns- matter inchea to the beginning. improved bTE o. No. CPT A DIet northwest. eTE Db tA A tTur O 0. dAue Octobe. a. money, oni-half csk (o end above he.00 et.smed). balase.s one rearater aste t Ale noatei bearing 6 Per cent itrust. Bad to he wo ed bytrustonpeise U.sold.. it pu8asere cost. A depoht h as time P sale Tarmate hecompliedsa il days.other. wae the ne e-thi te rty at risk and cos f tn ucee MayW advertisement of such reeds isnsoune awalaplr I 0a efon. SC. O . KAL . AssOeGes L 3.a ~S~de 30Mad - a ann WTER ABOVE SAL19IS P10A 91) OR eaut of the 'o S weatheruntil. TUESDAT. E 1IIETESNYM bA OF JANyAY.A.. IM92 smem tour and Pinse IL 'aKALI. jait Amdg". 4WYNN ABOVE BALE I8 FURTHER POST- "adednnacount of the rain until FRIDAY TUB tIETY-SECOND DA OF JANUAjRY 1lWjasme Qa!,4~aa PD. &MA~kALLa DuNGN"OuB~abl~rm=..Aedg.. MIUSTES' SALM OF VALUABE IMIROVMD PRO)PERTY ON TRE NORTH SIDR OF P 8TIIEXT BETWEEN FIFTEENTH AN4D 81X. TEIINTV 16TREETS NORTH WEST. WASHING- ToN. D. C. by virtue of a Certain deed of trus to usnbarn la0s October 1A. A. Di. 11M. and duly recorded= ie 4o. 1IM1 folio 3011 ot seg.. of the land records of the >litait of Columbia sD at the requet of the party acured tbrei~y ewl elI rn ttepeie al WEDNSDAY JANUARiY TWEltI4TIZT.L D. 11AtIALV3i'AST Fortiv O'CLOCK P.M.. thes ollowladesrbe pee or parcel of land situate and .2ig~ the city of W acntoo. Dhaftict of Cal --hias and bngallot lot numbered W. in Columbian Col- ewe an Ites subdivlton of lote in urssemnbed LULS as per plat reced i ber C. e. B.. 10k101 tf the records Go the a~eof the surveyor of theaftm gistat ofCeluothia tobether with auggovaeeat Term of asle:On~hra th0ueaemnyS -paid in cash.; te baance~ ina thre qan Itol Dents in one two and three rears, far which notes at be purchase beain ltaes aS ercentusa an u.Inestpatesm-nuu.and secured by

The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1892-01-20 [p 7]. · soad Veteran Associatia of the Distriet e Columbiawill takeplace at She Scottish Bite Sanetary,1007 0streetnorthwest,aextSatur-day

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Page 1: The Evening star.(Washington, DC) 1892-01-20 [p 7]. · soad Veteran Associatia of the Distriet e Columbiawill takeplace at She Scottish Bite Sanetary,1007 0streetnorthwest,aextSatur-day

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CITY AND DISTRW.w Upe.de bomb p1pets.per m.m pr If

eiremuktii, the adver saasa2 Tm1 EVZaiNg Utah are only about ha as highas sose edOther Washington pera. But eksagmss bnot the only merit. Mb aiis li bienr a ene~e r in A efp dim pooA gsuW

Arnsmemes md Ier te ourassek As.umns ane c desda Xigns.

The fourteenth esnual dimser of the Ma.soad Veteran Associatia of the Distriet eColumbia will take place at She Scottish BiteSanetary, 1007 0 street northwest,aext Satur-day ight. As this is the rst diner since thedeath of Gen. Albert Pike, who was presidentof the organization. efforts are bling made tosecure a fun attendane. The present sebersof the association are: President Win. W.Upton; Ars$ vice president. Clement W. Ben-Seat; second vice president. Thos E, Hatch;secretary, Abner T. Langley; tressurar, Gem.W. Balloch. and stewards, WE. . Roee andJames H. Trimble. 0

The present resident membership of the aso-eation is follows: Geore IL Abramo. ThomasAdams, Lesbnel Adams. Dr. Charles Allen, JobW. A J. F. B. A&pleby, Algernon A. Aspin-wsm, Bell. W. S. Ballard, George W.Balloch, Moses N. Bane, Morris Barnett, H. W.Barrett, Joseph Barton. Was. H. Barton. SamuelBelford, James IL Bel. Clement W. Bennett.H. W. Dirge. Asaph L. Mies, Geo. W. Donnell,HarryE. Bwies, Alex. C. Bromley. Benjaminw. owne, William B. Irown, Andrew K.Browne, John Mills Browne. P. H. Bronson,Aars Bruns, D. . Burnham. David L.Calliher,Raymond F. Cardello, Joe. J. Carrol, WilliamW. Case. Jonathan W. Childs, William P. Cole,Thomas B Creighton, William H. Crosby, Rob-ert F. Crowell, J. D. Cumming, JAo. Scott Cun-ninghas, John W. Daniels, William W. Davis,Archibald R. Dick, John N. Dickson, M. A. Dil-1a, A. T. C. Dodge, Thomas Dowli , AntonEberly, Watson W. Eldridge, Chester Faulk-ner. 0. . Firman. Charles Fisher. Robert LFleming. Weston Flint. Lambert T. Follansbee,John A. Foos, Charles H. Fowler, Adam Gaddis,Geo. EL Gad-lis. Wa. Gaddis, Lemuel Gaddis.Thomas 1. Gardner.Jos. Gawler. David Gibson,1% m. Uibson, Stephen F. Gil, Richard Goodhart,Win. I. Goods, Burgess K. Oladman, (iso. Gib-son, John Gibson, Benj. F. Gilbert, T. F. Green,Hamilton L Gregory, Gof A. Hall, Henry Q.HaL Chas. W. Hancock, Bobt. W. Hardy, Joe.H. Hartley. Dr. Thoe. E. Hatch, Win. J. Hay,Louis Bedbrun, Was. H. Henderson, Jacob D.Herrington, H. M. Higbee. W. L. Hinds, Joe.F. Hodgason, Alez. H. Holt, Peter H. Hoom,Frank T. Howser, Emil Hock, Goo. Hunter,Jam. M. Hodges. Geo. W. Hascall, W. IL Hutch-ineon. Bobt. B. Hamilton, William Helms,Edwin . Holmes, John P. Jefries, BenRieIdS. Jenks. Daniel Johnson, George J. Johnson,Jefferson H. Jenings, Herman KoppeL Geo. W.Knox, Andrew W. Kelly, Chas. C. Kimball.Joseph W. King, Angus Lamon B. F. Lar-combe, Abraham IL Lascalette, John Lockie. A.T. Logan. D. J. Logan, Abner '. Longley. 1. 0.Loockerman. Theo. L. Lamb, John Jay Little,Was. Henson Libbey, John Newton Minnix,Edwin B. MacGrotty, Granville Mason, Chas.Matthews, B. P. Mimmack, Daniel P. MacartyHenry 13L McKean, Bemj. P. Mclnew, DanieMcFarland, Jas. H. Mcintosh, William Merts,John A. Milburn, Fred'k W. Mitchell, GeorgeH. Moore, L H. McCaLran, James W. Moore,W. H. Myers, Charles Neal, Cas. W. O'Neill,John Nichols . B. Nixon. George E. Noyes,Lewis . O'Neal, Bev. E. D. Owens, Myron M.Parker, Henry A. Pierce, Daniel L. Pitcher,Dr. Wis. Pittie. H. J. Playtor Geo. W. Pratt,Charles H. Perry, Charles H. Beaney, WalliamS. Noose, Wilnam Oscar Boome, John J. Bupli,John H. Bussell, John W. Boss, Henry E. Riley,Valentine Bebsam, E. ater, A. J. Sanderson,ThomasE. Scheller, Ernst Schmad, Aug. Schroe-der, Abraham B. Shekell, Win. H. Sibley,William B. Singleton, William T. Spencer,Francis H. Smith, William B. Smith,sr., W. J. Stephenson, Leonard Stoddard,Louis P. Bator, David G. Swaim. Fred W.Storch, C. B. Smith, Thos. Somerville AlfredB. Talcott. Leroy M. Taylor, John B. ?fhonn-son. Edward T. Tibbetts, L S. Tichenor, James

. Topham, C. G. TownsnA Rev. John Trim-ble, Jas. H. Trimble, A. M. Tabman, Will-mW. Upton, Albert H. Van Dews, Willim Van

leck,L. Vauderhoef, Win. L. VanDeriiv, JohnL Vog, Peter Vierbuehen, Frederick Webber,Willia H. Wetsel, William P. Wetherell. Ja.W. White, Spencer J. Wills,Snos Wolf, FrankWolfe, Thos. E. Wood, W. N. Wood and W. D.Wyville.'Am following members died during the year:hos. B. Cross, Albert Pike, Frederick Mehl,Jn.. W.D. Gray Edward J. Whipple, Ws. .

Ireland, Jo. H. 1. Latrobe, Dr. J. 0. 8tanton.Samuel Emery, Theu. C. Evans, Gee. B. Loringand Was. A. fates

TARs TOOR CUT&ABSUM.ESlish Seers Am0 ed mInetst Chile

and Did the Mob Up.Apropos of the recent unpleasantness be-

tween the United States sailors and a Chileanmob in Valparaiso, says a London dispatch tothe Boston Globe, an occurrence of a like natureis called to mind that happened there in 1861,forty years ago. It took place between the crewof an English man-of-war on one side and thepoce, some soldiers and a mob em the other.Incensed at the brutal treatment of a sailor

at the hands of a policessen, some of themilor's comrades undertook to interfere toprotect him, but more police were called, andas the police and mob increased the sailors in-cresed, and, there being about 100 sailorsashore on liberty, the row was no 'small affair.But the sailors being unarmed were gettinghandled pretty roughly. resulting in manybroken heads and several sailors being taken

The miloss, however, msassed their forces andan order to retreat to the mole was passedamong them, and before the mob was aware ofIt they were half way down the street to themole.As soon as it was reached they seized all the

waterinen's beats they could lay their hands onand started for their own vesseL. It being sums-mer the ports were open, and through themthey scrambled without ceremony and madefor the eutlass racks and any other arms theycould lay their hands on.Then all of the crew that the boats could

carry )oined them and they recbed the molein guick timne, and then the fun began. Thepoliemsen and mob made an attempt to op-pose them, but they might as well hare tried tostop a hurracame. Foot by foot they foughttheir way up town again, the English cheer an-swering to the shouts of the mob. It was noone-aided play then, as before.Everything went down before their at-

tack, and In one hour they cleared thestreets and had the city at their mercy, untiltheir demsands for release of their comaradeswere complied with; that done, they marchedbeck to the mole, seized the boats and returnedto their ship.The boarding of their own vassal for arms

and reinforcemsents was done so auietly andguickly that the otheers were taken by srriseand were powerless to prevent it. It tauh theValparas mob a lesson, however, whic theydid sot forget very aeon.As it was related to sme I thought it was

the quicket planned and beet eseeutedpiece of retributive justice I had everteerdof.Cratial casarges Agatse Dry Geed. Men.Mr. Leo Frank, who is in eharge of the

H. B. Clai Company's affairs in Cin-cinnati, states this morning that two arrestaes erimnal charges will be made today In theWeatherby dry goods matter. There will aimabe instituted, he myetril suits agaist Mr.Levi I. Stevensfor terecovery ofamont upward of 5100,000, s he Is surety forthWeatherby concern.

Mayer Matthews' estiumts et espossem edBeston for the coming year,tumteto she beard et saldes Mm~ veamount to *13,SW0. ThywerererrdaSe emomitsem apreead

e Pralsdene et the lue 4mb £Engme,The Internatiemal Press Leage at lam Psam.dnsee1~eeted K. 3. Do Tesag Ed

Uinasse -sg and Wamae le-MesedThe emadsal stsee 45 Mi pi emded-ee~ in s Sevoesellem et s.i (heapg by a

vele ot le se himsf to Uese osi. assheand af (ham. Walthaf to be bIsems maesmsebu13. vetse out et a total et 311.

Masams er 3mniess KtleMr. Ilipato a ae .welkhasea deeWse, me mss em Meadeg in Eeados to Kim himera, ehist at toe peAmerisem mso C. W. Masn, who emseesty atlmbhem pbt brsew. lb

rwhich ua esesA

ese s ha s as a-- s

aansailateee sen es s

uimnu~s -g maaUmeresms em A he M i

10111211 gnew Veasoen,"Wheo wants teregelst ahe pes ies efa"

eine and of dentisy is the Distiol of Colambi?" asked fenator Gullige e a rm reperter this aftseueno.Bemaiee Galinger b a member of Se Distrl

committee and lher hae bee referred to himmeasures looking to he local reorgain.atia athings medisal and destal."Sumebody may be interested In teme bills

but the interest has not been apparent to meNo one has appeared to request their passageamd I am amred by prominent membtr. athe profession that there*js so demand for Waasash legislation as is proposed."The medical bill." continued the Beasto

(who is also a doctor), "is a monstrosity. Ueder its provisions no one can sell even patenimedicine. nor practice massage am a prolessioswithout Arst obtaining a permit Irom tiUboard provided for in the bilL The establish-ament of a board to examine physicians as U4their ability is in line with a good deal of stathlegislation and I should favor IS, but I do noiknow of any state that tries to prevent druggists from elling patent nedicimes unless thedru sts have permits. A rational law wonibe allright, but the one I am talking about ifnot that kind of a statute.

"Yes; I am going to be quietly interested isDistrict affairs. Byand bylain going to asksfew questions. It may be that among otherthings I shall want to know why the big streetrailroad companies do not make the annual re-ports to Congress which the law requires themto make. Non, of these corporations are slowto take advantage of any section that favorsthem, but they are slow to obey provisions thatare more mandatory and at the same Aimse moreinteresting to the law makers and the generalpublic. I understand that some companieshave been uniformly neglectful in this matterof reports. There is no excuse for such con-duct. We have a right to know what had beendone by theme beneciarles and we are going toknow.

"It is my purpose to do anything which wilameliorate the condition of many employee onthe street railroads. Many of these are with-out shelter. and their compensation is miser-ably insufficient. The bill on that line which Iintroduced will be the basis on which to oper-ate."Muddy water has given me an interest in

any proposition which wUl result in a big sup-ply of t pure clear liquid for this city. Sona-tor Hansbrough has taken this matter up, andif he needs any assistance I may be able torender he is welcome to it."


What an Eaglish Paper says of Me Es-meat Career.

hrtom the London Times.Maj. Gen. Montgomery Cunnimghbmt Meigs,

a prominent military figure on the northernside in the great civil war, died in Washingtonon the morning of Saturday last, after a usefuland honorable lifetime of seventy-six years.Graduating at West Point in 1836, writes a cor-respondent, he became a member of the corpsof engineers, in which capacity for severalyears he was engaged chiefly in the construc-tion of military works for the protection of thecoasts and the frontiers. For eight years, from1852 to 1860, he devoted hismslt to the greatwork of supplying the national capital withwater from the Potomac river; the Washingtonaqueduct, including a bridge, the span ofwhose arch is the largest in the world, was de-signed and constructed under his personaldirection, simultaneously with which import-ant service he conducted the construction ofthe extension of the national Capitol and of itsgreat dome. In the earliest days of the greatinternecine struggle he fitted out and accom-panied a secret expedition for the relief ofFortikens, threatened by the confederates; and onhis return to Wshington, then still a captainhe was appoiated to the onerous andresponsible position of quartermastergeneral of the United States armies with therank of brigadier general. When the civil warbegan the strength of the United States armywas under 20.000 men- when it ended, fouryears later, the north had a million of menunder arms. The principal oficers of the head-quarter staff had tjarown up their commissionsand positions and taken service in the confed-erate army. Gen. Meigs had not so much tostrengthen as to create a department, and thatwithout experience or precedent to guide him,for the organization devolving on him from thefirst needed to be on a scale of greater magni-tude than the military world had over yet seen.He chartered transports, he established con-veyance conventions with railway chiefs, orif occasion demanded took over the linesbodily and ran them himself; he built new lineand repaired others wrecked by the enemy; heclothed the armies and provided and suppliedthem with tents, forage and fuel, camp and gar-rison equipment; he furnished horses for cav-alry and artillery, and beasts for the transportwagons and ambulances which he too sup-plied; he built barracks, hospitals, storehouses and bridges; set up telegraph lines,and he so copiously yet so scrupulouslydisbursed the money of the republicthat he expended some 2,000,00,000,vouched for punctiliously to the last cent.To his realization that his proper post was althe national capital he sacrificed his longingardor to share the fortunes of the fightingmen; yet duty occasionally offered him the opportunity of participating in active warfare;and he was in tLattanooga throughout its in-vestment; was present at the battles of LookoutMountain ("the battle above the clouds") aqdof Missionary Ridge; was with Grant duringthe desperate fighting of the Wilderness, andwhen Early suddenly threatened the capital hemobilised and commanded a division consist-ing of the peopie of his own department.dent to Europe in 1873 on special service testudy the organisation of continental militarystairs Gen. Meigs was treated with great die-tinction by the Emperor William 1, and hadmanyinterviews with Moltke and with Pod-

rek,'tePrussian quartermaster general.In 1882, after a service of fifty years, he retiredfrom active service, but so great was still hisenergy that he subsequently built the structurein the city park of W ashington known as thepension buiding. He ws one of the regentsof the Smithsonian Institute and was a memberof council of the National Academy of Ucnces.

SENATOm WILlOmeS secashgeNe Cama Eseesee a Majority er Vea

et the General Assemnbly.The vote of both honses of the Maryland

general assenably yesterday for United State.Senator to ill the unexpired term of Senator E.King Wilson resulted in no choice and was asfollows:John 8. Wirt.........--.................Elihn E. Jackson..............1James Alfred Pearce....................11John B. Brown..........................1.obert is. MicLano.......................14Charles II. Gibson...........................1Wimiamn J. Vannort.............1George 1. Ronseum.............Leva L. Waters........................Thomas 0. Hayes........................Barnes compton..........................JamesHoes........ ..William A. i.hr.::.::..:::::::::::::::.Bernard Carter ........................Absent and not voting-....................IWhen the legislature meets in joint conention today the voting will be continued foiU'nited States Senator and continue daily tl

a mecessor to Senator Wilson is choeen' Tbjoint convention will be held in the hall of thbhotu.o of delegates, the senators attending inbody, ________

Nalinag the Omttenbeeg 3n..&Se.Immediately after lb. Iret race at Goatee

berg yesterday coestabalee of the Law antOrder League of Hudson eamaty,1N. J., agaiirai the Hudson County Jockey Club raetrack and arrested mime of the bookushseThey had ten warrants, but eeukt mel find 5. JCarroll, for wham the tenth warrant ws issuedThe prisoners were taken to the @U.e of tesecretr tfhe raeing associatiem, where joste et eewere in waiting, whome

AmemaitAasesm asy.Stale Ieste, Maubach et Alsnmamas aMit begose ath Visginla mEas -eeaegensel inws to prevent and penih betthegsembling, beaahtag and ether fino Cwaeen. The Maeisepeetafareee .ewhosspehea et as Nests Carte atSehm INlbwhere Itis miWaslegs mehe i u- ndere tthe proswm edest is

ntlesth0erthe- Maniin Jaa et nss bemmht

The ametal daelnesost e M begg

Ieeiem abSr et msa s ,.e aS pengtebhoetaa 4gdiUi A

RUSSELL SAGE,nancier, writes:

Niw Y<"For the last i

using ALLCOCK'S PoRcrepeatedly cured me olin my side and back, a

one on my chest andrelieve me. My fami

Beware of imitations, a

misrepresentation. Ask for j

solicitation orexplanation indu




By virtue of three deeds of trust recordedtlve~' fin A.l1ier No. 14MW folia 1CNl; ULei o.,jj1foio I. and Libor No. 141 .o 11 of te arecords uf the Dstrict of uolunabia, and by requet ofthe parties tdler- y w-ccitid. we %i5sl as ~ublic sk-tit ID :rFoit or Iw' rmn.le vu %k). ks] Af J .VUARl' TWENTIE1Hi. taJd, at HILLF-PAST rut)hO'LO4.CK P.M.. lot* 194. 1ri anad Itt in Russel.Brwe and harpsr'abuhdivision of partof orgnal lotIrecord* of the surve r vilee of said v hthe lziiprovensaisaavesated4.Terms: One-.hied cash, of which a deposit of 6100on esch lWt i-unet be made at time of le, and thebalanes in three equal insta!lments in six. twelve ande laten months. :or which uute oi purchaser bitaginterest from day of sale. andI sctlred by deed of truston the protrty sold. wil be taken, &r all cash. at theoption of the ptrnaeer. If terms are not complicdwith in tweiie dals rwm se tbe propy wili d

at.sld at the risk antt coat of defaulting purchaer afterten days advertisement in The Evening btar. All con-verancing recur at purehasers cost.

JXO. W. PILLING. TrutnT. E. WAOUAMAN. Auct. j1-dM.s






PORTIERES AND HANGINGS.COmprisdg the cholests specimen of overy make

which the Asiatie market afsor.EZXIBITION TUESDAY. JANUARY 29.

This colleclpa has been madm up specali to Upplythe wants of our eiteens, who should not fai to attend the pubUc ale which takes place at or salmeloom





CATALOGUES will be distebatsi at th* plasmofexhibition.

WALTER . WT.LIANS & 00..3a164B A=etamn.




n THURSDAY. JANUARY TWL%TY-rIRST. atHAA -PAST TIEE O'LOCK P N we shall ell.on the premies. two two-story frame Jweusn. Averoou111s each. ba1il, tink roots. latobe*, sloves. water inyard. with two-story rustic weatherbad stable, onpreuts. Lots It eet trout by 110fe deep each.frontng on Bowen road. Good o l

*"mussaad made known a aeJ1M8-3tWALTkR . WILLIAMS & CO., Aucts.







EMBRACING IN PART~heh ae~agRisoaCu.pitdICapture of Salvatoros by John Wilson; an~g

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B rtu of ded oiu eoded by thei w e .s

scared wfte wuil mony ~in anksand theeaideiAhFeenEm sSowcti Par


kuma ach lot ate anda tte of fae adte Iane Mot~oP- tee ofa.th e lat $100 all breeI

sI beendo eared Id- tawe n protadwih VWtentyr eliafth e, opitymoal-

r y4will bPe b h do o eaL

chOAeae ILoAGeeAA. Ball sEst el udiay

wlhea uow5atAGG...

J. R.



ST~IT OF CLUN RIA AN. TILJ~virttue of a ded of ftc date DEimber No.

c h e, 3L eofede a hlds of mdDiic.sd isrite oe fSfteat ecuretdro. we will sell atrat Oflifewbton afoa ftegiaga m MONDAY...-A TWAN1-AM I W NKVIMI S at HAF-U R O CL4X KIS.. th talng d u is thl e tui t ,o the

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07as Nw SW ADucaT1os."COLLLUXg. 614 1*h mg.. mw.. WawMtau.Q


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Q. K. UMNLK. A .. C.. P"b

ULULm. Prmamt M 1101W C" LTRAPMUAMLth haIGU1ht, Mmd li inm9hComm. 09r

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Si~~.W W~hiWUrnmil uses weOUoo

b~ ammmm9dAISum O

"WoML~ ~ ~bed.-at."m *L-Rop-"P!L- - - ---

the well-known

5o6 FiFarn AVUNUK,>a CITy, Dec. 2o, i8go,

wenty years I have beenUs PLASTERS. They haverheumatic pains, and painsmd, whenever I have a cold,one on my back speedily

ly are never without themn.'

nd do not be deceived by4LLCOCK'S, and let noce you to accept a substitute.


EEEa a 00.. A'ac -a ae

OpP. city Pug Oa6AitGz SALE or nouttENOLD) UFtITURS.




LATIMEnLoAn . Aucionees.


Osel (i A! as in

tR hALF-P A FoUR OCI.OCK P. tfratt ahe I we will sellallof aot 14 andnorthofi a Lt3iJusqar No. 24L fratiW37jis oen

net side of Yourt uth street between 9ad stres"mtbwe~ bya depibof loo bt toss alI . Izisprovedorya coitttble i-story presa-brick dv. tuat contain-

y12 roat. and both. with moderm improvemens,dall In good order. The boom covers &Weet 21

set of the front. leavinw a vacsat'lot of logs feet broasas the north-a vry derable lotto improve.Taken as a whoin this to one of the most desirable'fece of property that has bee@ offored at suction on

&t stre fr som time a nd should onisad ne.


Te-ta E CO ND0 ch. bala to equO al a

one. two an three Yeas. with interest.s

Bit dded of trust on the property. or all cash. All'on eysacin0 and recdrdiut cs of pnrcw . A

ledatf *3e05W be required at time of sale. Terms

alowing esied wihwihnfes dare. ladlte rect


STREET NORTHWEST.By vIrtue ofa deed of assnmta tr t he uignd

epbwc a uncion

IAk~ a ..... t..d... .16..XT DY ..-

ltY. A. 1). Iri* at HALF-PA&T FOUR OCLUjCKM.. in abut fn pnales. all them piece or pr-

sa of ad ad promises eatd in theas y of Wash.

daton. District of Cohu a, sad knw. and describe.a the around plnt and plan of a d city "' be r th

rettev 1)feet two (9) Inches 09 origfinal. lotmnaee vn( n thereat nineafg) teftelevenad treequater(II) inches of lot tem. (10P. equapeiuthunre and1e0ghty-nine the

luiumb-ve eleven (11).rundng thence mouth aeventy.

kye (75) fee. thence wes twelve t12) teo" two (1)aches; thence south twenty-frare (25) teso ad Shy.oar hundreAth, of a foo; theAeTON i (9 feEteva an thrN PErer D( EA)ic T;e. AtGW hundred feet and Shty-tour om ndrdh alabat; thenceaea twenty-two (Z") fee" one and thgns-

matter inchea to the beginning. improvedbTE

o. No. CPT A DIet northwest.

eTE Db tA A tTur O 0. dAue Octobe.

a. money, oni-half csk (o end above

he.00 et.smed). balase.s one rearater aste t

Ale noatei bearing 6 Per cent itrust. Bad to he woed bytrustonpeise U.sold..

it pu8asere cost. Adepohth as time

P sale Tarmate hecompliedsa il days.other.

waethe nee-thi te

rty at risk and cos f tn uceeMayW advertisement of such reeds isnsoune awalaplr

I 0a efon.SC.

O . KAL . AssOeGes L 3.a


30Mad - a ann

WTER ABOVE SAL19IS P10A 91) OReaut of the 'o S weatheruntil. TUESDAT. E1IIETESNYM bA OFJANyAY.A.. IM92 smemtour and Pinse IL 'aKALI.jait Amdg".4WYNN ABOVE BALE I8 FURTHER POST-"adednnacount of the rain until FRIDAY TUBtIETY-SECOND DA OF JANUAjRY 1lWjasme

Qa!,4~aa PD. &MA~kALLaDuNGN"OuB~abl~rm=..Aedg..

MIUSTES' SALM OF VALUABE IMIROVMDPRO)PERTY ON TRE NORTH SIDR OF P8TIIEXT BETWEEN FIFTEENTH AN4D 81X.TEIINTV 16TREETS NORTHWEST. WASHING-ToN. D. C.by virtue of a Certain deed of trus to usnbarnla0s October 1A. A. Di. 11M. and duly recorded= ie

4o. 1IM1 folio 3011 ot seg.. of the land records of the>litait of Columbia sD at the requet of the partyacuredtbrei~y ewl elI rn ttepeieal WEDNSDAY JANUARiY TWEltI4TIZT.L D.11AtIALV3i'AST Fortiv O'CLOCK P.M.. thesollowladesrbe pee or parcel of land situate and.2ig~ the city of W acntoo. Dhaftict of Cal --hiasand bngallot lot numbered W. in Columbian Col-ewe an Ites subdivlton of lote in urssemnbedLULS as per plat reced i berC. e. B.. 10k101tf the records Go the a~eof the surveyor of theaftmgistat ofCeluothia tobether with auggovaeeatTerm of asle:On~hra th0ueaemnyS-paid in cash.; te baance~ ina thre qanItol

Dents in one two and three rears,far which notesatbe purchase beain ltaes aS ercentusa anu.Inestpatesm-nuu.and secured by