I THE EVENING STANDARD OGDEN UTAH WEDNESDAY NOVEMBER 23 1910 3 I5IEA1LO- R E S- o T A- T JI 0 1 LIJ 1l REAL ARGAINS CONSULT THESE COLUMNS 10 20 30 or JO acres fine fruit land on Sand JUdge lermn to suit Also water in Dave Weber Counties Cnn nl company for santo KELLY HER- RICK 102Glt OWNER of 3000 improcd farm In Ogden valley will exchange for small lonse In ORvleti and tko security on the farm for tho balance or exchange or tract of land nenr Ogdon or will take good wagon find cum as part pay Huntor Kennedy 211 First National Bldg 1122lwk- BIGHTROOM modern brick houso on SALT LAKE OGDEN ELECTRIC RALWAY LEAVE OGDEN 610 a p 730 n mf 0 a m 103B a m 12 noon 130 p m 3 p IL- L 30 p in C p m 730 p m 9 p m 1030 p in- Twelve fast traJns each way dally Call Bamborgor Express either phone for quick and careful service In Salt Lake valley- J F REARDON Gen Snot UNION DEPOT TIME CARD EFFECTIVE OCT 16th 1910 Mountain Time DENVER RIO GRANDE R R DEPART 6 Exprepi for tho EaJt 7 am j 30 To Slllt Lako 100 ILIII 32 Salt Lllku Pu8oonger 1 nm 2 Atlzintto Limited cat 05 pm I Atlantlo Mall oat 6Q pm t irand Junellon Expreoo GIQ pm ARRIVE 9 Ogden Pnnocnllcr llZ nm I LIlnlteu from Ealt 245 Prn 6 Chlc1go Expres9 from caRL 10 pm i Ogden Exnrei JO pm 11 Local from Sanpe 710 pm 3lUtah and Cal Expreu5123 utn UNION PACIFIC R R CO I No Tr I I Enatbound I Depart Mall And ExprAQ S30 jim 10 Past Mall s3o turn S Los Antfulos Ltd daily 105 pm 2 Overland Limited 2M pm Atlantic Express cSO pm No I Westbound j Arrive G nssonKcr 6JJ am 3 California Express am FaiL Moll Jll17 am 1 Overland Limited iJ nm Los Ajitelea Ltd dally I 335 11n OREGON SHORT LINE R R CO- Tj North of Ogden Depart Portlojid Expreao 1js om 2 Butte Cxproaa 123 un I OKJonMalad rotor Car Sa nm JS Idaho Express 910 om I j Dutto and Portland aM Im 11 Cacho Valley Pajjoengcr 525 pm 0 NoJ North of Ogden i Arrive 2 Dutto Express C26 a m 2J Portland Express 90 um H Utah 903 am 12 Salt LoJco Pooaonpor 1020 tm 4 Salt Lake Special 333 pm 132 Iala Motor Cnr1 iso pm No I South of Ogden I Depart I Salt Lclto Expreza T15 a m K Local for Salt Lako S20 nm 3i Portland Exprcas T 9 Qm 12 Cacho Valley Expreaaios J arn 3t Local 11M um Local 230 p ni 4 Salt Lao Special 400 pm 5 Los Angola Ltd dally 3DO M Local t 3C9irmI 20 Flyer1 C45 pm 34 Salt Lake Local dally ClGnm It Utah Express I 91 pm 4QLocal ISMS pm No Bouth of Ogden I Arrive Portland Express 12M3 i3 Butto Express 10 aim u o s05 a m 12lduho lisprcaa 90 an STFlyer 033 am 2iLocol 1105 am 7 Los Angolod Limited 1200 pm 21 Local 00 pm 3 Butto and Portland 3 Cfl Local tIOpm 1J Cache Valley Express 520 pm CO Local G30 pm 19 Flyer Gf5 pm SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY- No I Weattfound Depart Express j nm Fast Mall 11157 am 1 Overland Limited 3IO pm CPaclflo express J20 pm No I From West I Arrive GAtlnntlo Express C2D nm lOFAJst Nail 7W am Overland Limited 2IO pm VAtlantic Express S2S pm l Dally except Sunday LEGAL I I NOTICE I In tho district court of tho Second i J Judicial district of tho state of Utah j in and for the county of Weber In tho matter of the application of flagI rausaon Realty Company a Uon for voluntary dissolution Notice Is hereby given that the RWmu son Realty Company a cor- poration ¬ of the state of Utah has presented to tim above named court a petition praln to be allowed to diR Incorporate and dissolve find that j Saturday the 10th day of December 1910 at 10 oclock in the forenoon has been appointed as the time and the court room of the district court of Weber county In Ogden City Utah as tho place at which said applica- tion ¬ will bo heard At any time be ¬ fore the expiration of said day last named any person may file his chloe tions to tho application of said cor I oration and Its directors for the dis- solution thereof Witness the clerk of said court I with the seal thereof alllxcd this 5th das of November A D 1910 Seal I s G DYE Clerk By L A Van Dyko Deputy Petitioners C R Holllngsworth Attorney for NOTICE To the stockholders ol the Amal- gamated Sugar company Notice Is hereby given that a meet ¬ ing of tho stockholders of tho Amal- gamated Sugar company will he held At the companys office room No 206 Bceles building Ogden Utah on the 6th dayof November 1910 at 1100 oclock a m for tho purpose of 0 considering and voting upon tho fol bench very easy terms Inquire I Boll Phone 17SY ll23UnoF- IVID loto Riverside California wo would lIke to exchange for Ogdcn property 22C1 Wash Ave 11111 mo BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT FARMS flO cash flU monthly In Glorious Koolenay Fertile No Irrigating Mild climate Free booklet copy In vestors Trust Mortgage Corpora tim Ltd 131 Hastings St W Van couver B c i19lwk A GOOD fiveroom houso with pantry I Continued LEGAL lowing proposed changes and amend- ments to the articles of Incorporation- of this company towit topcai articlo V and substitute In lieu thereof tho following Article VTho authorized amount of tho cap ¬ ital stock of Raid corporation shall be Four Million 400000000 Dollars di- vided Into Forty Thousand 10000 shares of preferred stock of the par valuo of One Hundred 10000 Dol lars each Unless otherwise ordered by tho Board of Directors all divi- dends shall be paid In four equal quar- terly ¬ Iaymentfl towIt On tho first day or April July October and January of each year commenc ¬ lug with the fret auch day suc- ceeding the directors meeting ht which such dividend Is declared All dividends are payable to the stock- holders ¬ appearing of record on tho companys books on the day beforo such dividend Is payable Repeal article XI and substitute in lieu thereof the following Aril1 clo XlT1i0 officers of this corpora- tion shall consist of a Board of Eleven J 11 Directors a President two Vice Presidents a Secretary and a Treas- urer each officer and director In or- der to bo eligible must own and hold In his own name at least ton shares of the preferred stock of this corpora tlon as shown by the books thereof Repeal article XII and substitute i in lieu thereof the following Art do XII Wthin ten days after the election of a Board of Directors they shall hold a directors meeting and elect a President two VIcePresldcnts- u I Secretary and Treasurer The Presi- dent and the VlccPresldcnts shall bo ehoson nn l loctef from nmnnr theIr own number but the Secretary and I f Treasurer may bo elected either from the directors or from tho stockholders In the discretion of the board and I In tho offices of Secretary and Treas- urer may bo combined In tho same person There shall hereafter bo luCid an annual meeting of tho owners anti holders of the preferred stock of the I corporation on the second Wednesday I of April of each year such meeting ohall be held for the purpose of elect j Jill a Board of eleven Directors antI I transacting such other business as may bo deemed necessary or conveni- ent foe the welfare of the corpora- tion ¬ Such meeting shall bo held at the general office of the corporation- In tho city of Ogdon County of We- ber and State of Utah at such hour of said day as the President or Board of Directors may determine Tho Board of Directors nay direct the calling of snecial meetings as thor may deem proper nnd necessary At all meetings of stockholders whether annual or I special representation of a majority of thc preferred stock exclusive of treasury or nonIssued stock shall be necessary for the transaction of buai I ness and no business except to ad Journ or to adjourn to a specified date Bhall bo transacted at any meeting of stockholders unless a majority of the preferred stock Issued JB represented I The Board of Directors shall be elect cd by ballot nnd a stockholder re- ceiving a majority of tho votes cast by tho owners of the preferred stock of the corporation shall be deemed and declared duly elected OB such di- rector Each owner and holder of tho preferred stock In tho corporation shall be entitled to as many votes as ho holda shares of such stock Repre- sentation by proxy duly appointed shall bo allowed at all meetings of I the stockholders whether annual or special The failure to hold any an nual or special meeting on the day I appointed for tho same shall not for- feit ¬ or in any way interfere with the corporate rights acquired under this I agreement but any sucn meeting nay be held at any subsequent time upon giving twentyone 21 days notice thereof by publication In a dally news- paper published In Ogden City State of Utah The secretary shall and In case of failure any other officer of said corporation may give twentyone 21 days notice of nil annual or special stockholders meetings as aforesaid Tho notice must specify In general terms the purpose or pur- poses for which any special meeting Is called Notice of any annual or special meeting tony be served by the Secretary or other officer by deliver- Ing a copy thereof to such stockholder owning 01 holding preferred stock In this corporation personally or by de- positing copies thereof in the United States postofflcc at Ogden Utah with the postage prepaid thereon at least twentyone 21 days prior to the date of Oily such meeting addressed to the several addresses of such stockhold erg which shall havo the same effect- as the publication aforesaid DAVID ECCLES President HENRY H ROLAPP Secretary Dated Ogden Utah Oct llth 1910 Ogden Utah Nov 5th 1910 The above meeting is hereby ad journed until Momlaj Dcc 5th 1910- at 1100 oclock a m at the com panys ofllce above mentioned M S BROWNING VicePrealdcnt HENRY H KOLAPP Secretary 0 NOTICE Will Pay City Warrants I Ogden Utah Nov 14 1910 Notice is hereby given that tho un- dersigned ¬ Treasurer of Ogden City will at his office on and after this date pay city warrants hearing regis- try ¬ numbers from A8G90 to A935C anti BSC90 to B935G all Inclusive and further that all such warrants not presented to uio for pay- ment ¬ I on or before November 21 1910 will cease to draw Interest thereafter THOMAS B FARR City Treasurer NOTICE OF SPECIAL STOCKHOLD- ERS MEETING TOTHE STOCKHOLDERS OF JAMES COAL t ICE COMPANY NOTICE HEREUY GIVEN that a special meeting of the stockholders of tim James Coal loo company a and closets Connected with sew I or good barn cement walks fine lawn with shade and fruit troe In the host of neighborhoods If you want a good homo for little money this Is your filmnco Any reasonable offer will bo uccoptcd If made nt once Qnll at 971 24th or Phone Doll 133SY 1119lwk FOURROOM house pantry and clos- et ¬ 1500 A payment down balance 11 a month at 5 per cent Interest 1047 Twentysecond SU 11lClwk LEGAL CntrUnuudI- Utah corporation Is hereby called nnd will bo hold at the law offices of Joseph Chez Esq at Rooms 403404 First National Bank Building Ogdon Utah on Thursday tho 15th tIny of December 1910 at 1 oclock P M of Bald day Said meeting is called for the purpose of adopting or reject Ing tho following proposed amend- ment to Uio Articles of Incorporation of said James Coal leo company aa follows To amend Articlo VIII of said Ar- ticles of Incorporation by striking out from said Article the following words and figures The amount of the authorized capi- tal stock of this corporation shall bl- and Is FIFTY THOUSAND 50000 DOLLARS divided into FIFTY THOUSAND 60000 shares of tho par value of Quo 100 Dollar each fully paid and nonassessable Which words and figures are set out on lines 1 2 3 and 4 of said Article And substituting In lieu thereof tho following wordo and figures Tho amount of tho authorized cap ital stock of this corporation shall bo and Is 100000 ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS divided Into ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND 100 000 shares of tho par value of 100 Ono Dollar each fully paid and non ¬ assessable Tho Intent and purpose of said amendment Is to Increase the capital stock of said corporation from FIFTY THOUSAND 50000 DOLLARS to ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND 100 000 DOLLARS and from FIFTY THOUSAND 50000 Sharos to ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND 100000 SHARES of the par value of One 100 Dollar each fully paid and nonassessable- This meeting Is called by authority- of the Board of Directors Dated at Ogden Utah November 22nd 1910- JAMES COAL ICE COMPANY- By W F JAMES President By D B ELLIS Secretary Joseph Chez Attorney HOW TO KEEP YOUR CLOTHES LIKE NEW ADIES or gentlemens gar ¬ 1111 ments can be kept In beau- tiful condition until worn outby taking frequent ad- vantage of our dry cleaning and press- ing service Our dry cleaning process removes- the soil and stain from your cloth- Ing freshens up the fabric brightens tho colors and raised tho nap like now It does not affuct tho lIfo or color of even the most dainty or del- icate garments- Our pressing service takes out tho wrinkles creases and other marks of wear It gives the garments a new like shape and fit It removes n11 the bagglnosa In the knees and el- bows otc- Every garment or article In han- dled In each iart of tho process by skillful careful workers Wo use the genuine Fronci Dry Cleaning process of cleaning oy spirits and colventd and have a thoroughly uptodato equipment- You should send your garments to us and take advantage of this serv- ice No article of men or womens wear IB too dainty for us to dry clean and finish satisfactorily <t our charges arc not high OGDEN STEAM LAUNDRY 00 LAUNDERERS AND FRENCH DRY CLEANERS Phones 174 437 25th St ITS THE Rivcldale Hour THAT IS THE BEST Made by the OGDEN MILLING AND ELEVATOR CO Ogden Utah SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE CRIPPLED S1jOE- SPECIALIST J No matter what they look like you will get them back new In 15 minutes OGDEN SHOE REPAIR FACTORY 333 24th 8bee- tViel1IDla i Cafle 322 Twentyfifth St Special Dinner 25 Lunch from 11 a m to 4 p m Dinner from 4 to 8p m Lee Foon Tom Managers wJ OGDEN UPHOLSTERING WORKS MENDERS AND JOBBERS OF ALL KINDS OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE 2001 Washington Avenue Bell 1081Y Ind 368M Ogden Utah READ THE CLASSIFIED PAGE 1y 1 d r 1L tat FRATERNAL SOOIETIES WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Sero Lily Circle No 171 moots every second anil fourth Monday nt 73 O K Hull Visiting neighbors ordIully InvIted TUNA NELSON O N KATE I1EYMAN Clerk Doll 1hono 1241T O ELKS B P O giJoJ Ogden d e No 713 lodge anti club rooms second floor 2ttS Washington avenue nebular mcotincs every Tuesday ovmilnc C A Exalted littler C O DowaLl Secretary WOODMEN OF THE WOULD Wobor Camp No 71 meetfl In K 01 P nail In tho Utah National BldB ivory Thursday evenIng nt S OCIOCK sltinK Woodmen cordially Invited to at- tend W H DRABBLE C C K AUTH Clerk First 1a lionel Dank llIdl ORDER OF OWLS Ogden N Order of Owls moots every Thursday evening In Eagles Hull east of Heod hotel at 8 oclock VUltlnc Brother Owls aro Invited to ut tend DIP Neat mcullnga THOMAS LESLIE President J OLIVER Secretary No 2U3 Waahlncton Avo WOMEN OF WOODCRAFT Women of Woodcraft Ogden Clrclo 65J meet ovcry Wednesday nlclit it oclock 1C of P Hall VlulUnp nelch bent Invited Dues con at the Raean Grocery uloro thu afternoon or the 2th of each month ALMA LUDDINQTON G N WS I2lh SL MARIE CRITES Clerk 2731 Monroe AVO KNIGHTS OU PYTHLVS Ogden Lodi No2 Knigiitu of Pythian meets at Caatlo hall Utah Notional Ban bulldlnc every Monday cvenlni All li- ef ¬ IVo requested to moot with Us- A E PRATT C C W O W L UDL5RWOUD- of 1C R S IMPROVED ORDER OF HED lEN Improved Order of Hodmen lllawntna Tribe No3 meets In Eagles Hall every flrpt and third Monday evenings nt aJ1- p m Vlslllnc chiefs cordially Invited JAMES MAC1IETH Sachem E it GEIGER C of R A B WRIGHT C or W LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE Loyal Order of Mouse On lcn Lodge No SU meets every Friday evening at SW p m Eiislcv Hall JOS CHEZ D P A KOHN T R A IRVINE Secretary ROYAL ARCANUM Fraternal beneficiary order Insures men nl low rates lleccrvo fund over six million dollars Koclcy Mountain Council- No G37 convenes eccond and fourth Thursdays at 1 O 0 F Hall- P A IIERDT1 accent J W WOTHKKSPOON Collector lEO B ROBERTS Secretary ROYAL HIGHLANDERS The Iloyrl Hlchlandcrs meet tlto flmt and third Mondays at Union Labor Hull SIX 2ltli Bircci Dues can be paid from 2 to office of G W Green on tho 21th of each month VUltlntf members cor ¬ dially InvltuJ- DAYKEL D SMITH I P ALICE COLLINS Sccy anti Treaa BROTHERHOOD OF AMERICAN YOEMEN Ogden Homefteud No IMG ond and fourth Wednesday n fleJd Fellows Hull VisitIng Archers cor dially Invited to inet with uo W H TOLLER C5 21st St Foreman O E WILLIAMS 153 2Ut St Correspondent- ODD FELLOWS Ogden Lodge No 5 Independent Or ¬ der of Odd Fellow moDtu In 1 O O F Hall every Tuesday ovonlni VIsiting brothers cordially Invited to be present SIDNEY BAKER Noble Grand HENRY KISSEL Secretary Queen City Rcbokah Lodge No 4 I 0 O F meets second and fourth Friday evenings at Odd Follows HaiL VIsitIng members Invited KATE IJAILEY N G EMMA MElD Rcc Kooy 71S 23rd ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORS Wasatch Division No u u c meets second end fourth Fridays at 2M p m In K of P Shill corner Wash liiKlun avenue and 24th Street All brothers are cordially InvIteJ to attontl GEO ALLEN C C D L DOYLE S anti T MASONIC Queen Esther Chapter No I O E S Regular mcctmcB lucId at Masonic Hall on WnshlnKton avonuo between Twciily fIfth und Twentysixth streets thu flrit and third Fridays of each month So ¬ journing members cordially Invited to attend MRS KATE SMITIIERS W M LILY V HALSTEAD Sccy ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICA Excelsior Camp No K <0 mcetu every rccond nnd fourth Monday ovcnlnc of each month at Ito Envies halt Visit Inc members cordially Invited INDIA SAWYER Oracle 19IS Jackson Ave LILLIAN NEWTON Recorder Room 31 Lowls Block LADIES OF TIlE MACCABEES SlIver Hive No1 L O T M meets every nl and 411 Tuesday afternoon at 2300clocJ In 1 O O P haIl 241C 1ash- IngtOn avenue VIsitIng members aro- cordIally inviicu to uniiju- MlS ADDIB ANGKLI L C MISS L JENNIE IPOUT H K FRATERNAL OHDER OF EAGLES Fraternal Order of EaRlcn Ocdcn Acrlo- o Ill F O E moots eel Wednesday evenIng at Bugle Mall east of hired 110 tel at S p m Visiting Brother Eagles are Invited to attend the Aorlo mcctl- niiS LEON nitOWNlNG W President E R GKIGEI Secretary DR N M ESTES Acne Physician I IODEnN WOODMEN OF AMERICA Utah Cumi No 3I11 uttstts every Titoi day nlltt at S clock at Eagles Hall 25th St Visiting mt1l1b0C11 Invited to meet with Ul- P A FARRIS Counsel j II SIIAFER Clork Ogden Business Directory Advertisements In ikls column cost TGc per line per month payable Ju CUVUDcO ALVORD ANYTHING Boll 333 MUCH MORE for LOTS LESS Imo 6 ARCHITECTS P C W ODS CO let Natl eon ATTORNEYSATLAW- R I S FARNSWORTH Attornoyat Law 3H nod 31G Ecck3 building EVERYBODY READS j t OUR If WANTADSI L < IREAD TUIS ADVERTISING PRICES Want advertisements cost one cent per word each Issue or 5 cents per line of five words per day no first Insertion less than 25 cents Or two or more lines per week at the rate of 25 cents per line per week or 75 cento per line per month Remember five overage words make a line All advertisements on this page muct be paid In advance No exception to this rule OGDEN BUSINESSDJLREOTORY- Con tinned CARPETS AND UPHOLSTER- ING I CARPETS cleaned and laid linoleum and upholstering work done Prices reasonable work guaranteed Dell phone 1311Z 210 30th at William M Boyle 1029lmo CIGARS AND TOBACCO THE DEN Clears and Tobacco iMpo doctors 335i- fJtHK OGDEN JUNK HOUSE If you have any kind of Junk phone us ww will call for It Bell phono 325K bud 725 FOR JUNK OF ANY KIND phone Jacobson Bell 6267 loU 3695D lM62i- MVSIO OGDEN CITY MILITARY BAND Music fumlBhod for all occasions Ind 1134372A Bell 205 71 If PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS- DR A FERNLUND PhyalclaD nod Surgeon offlco hours 10 to 12 a m 2 to 4 p m 310 26th SU Offlco phones Bell 615K Ind 615 resi- dence 646 Wash Ind phone 602 PLASTERING AND PATCHING- AMES WRIGHT 3C2 Parry Ave Ind phono liDS AU work guaran- teed 102Mino SANITARY YORK APPOINTED SCAVENGER cl Diet No 2 nil of tho city Bouth of 24th street Bell Phono 224Z Nch McCarty G10ti OGDEN SCAVENGER CO Paul Van Kenton Prop Phone Boll 1002 All kluds of scavenger work promptly attended to- SECOND HAND GOODS NEW AND SECOND HAND furniture clothing and shoes bought Gold or exchanged also trunks and suit- cases cbenp Bell Phone 132L 179 12 Twentyfifth street 7Dlyr STORAGE STORAGE spuco rensonabe Ogden Wholesale Grocery Co 310 Wall ave 317tf I TRANSFER COMPANIES ALLEN Baggage Hack and Duo Lino- Eaggago and passenger transfer a specialty 412 Phonos t2 JOGALONG TRANSFER VAN a Storage Co moving vans nil klujs transfer work pianos a specialty Of flee 328 12 26th St Phones 283 UMBRELLA REPAIRING UMBRELLA repairing and cocrlnga- 282Stb J don Ilartog Boll G71X Ind 433 9lt UPHOLSTERING AND REPAIR- ING 1C VAN KAMPEN parlor furnlturo upholsterer Carpets cleaned fit- ted and laid work guaranteed 2769 Volker Both phones 8Slt UPHOLSTERING French polishing repaIring and furniture packing Carpets and wall paper cleanIng Highest prices paid for secondhand furniture Denkera Kammeyer phones B 1179Z I 3C05D 119lrao I VIBRATORY TREATMENTS- Dr R E Baird M T Uruglcsa Vibratory Treatments and the scion tiflco application of manual manipula- tion ¬ for the permanent euro of chron- ic ¬ diseases Office at residence 2717 Madison Ave Hours 6 to 11 a in 5 tq S P m Bell 142CY Consultation free llJllmo LOST A LOST OR STOLEN Largo yehliw- St Bernard dog answering to the name of Prank Finder please re turn to John Scowcroft Sons Co and receive reward 1123tf LADYS GOLD WATCH Initial A II on front small diamond sot In back Please return to 6ii9 23rd St Liberal reward 1121lwk LOSTFur neckpiece in the neigh- borhood ¬ of Lincoln and 2Ctb street Return toOlS 2fith Reward BUY l117lwk- WANTEDTO I SMALL BARN or outbuildings to be niovcd away H A C care Stnpd ard 1123lwk CLEAN whio ng o al Standard offlco j 1217tf HELP WANTED FEMALE- STFNOGItAIHER 1 and bookkeeper at The Mercantile Installment Co TiJG I 24ta St Experienced preferred ll23trx- perienced AIIBD girl for al- teration ¬ department The Mercan tile Inst Co 1123lt A YOUNG girl to care for baby 52C 24th ll223t GIRL for general housework 67C 21st 112231- STENOGRPAHER Stato age experi- ence ¬ anti salary wanted Lock Box SCO Ogden 12231 LADIES wanted to tako work homo spare time experience unneces- sary reliable help only 2235 Wash Ave 1121lwk- WANTEDAn I experienced girl for housework no washing good pay permanent place Call Ind Phone 712- 1121tf EXPERIENCED girl for housework Small family 762 27th St 11lSlwk LADY SOLICITOR for city nnd also for Weber county one well ac- quainted ¬ preferred Roycroft Letter Shop WIder First NatJ Bank City 1117tf WANTED Young or middleaged woman for housework Call Boll phone 892 1116lwk HOUSEKEEPER not over 3D to alto charge of girl C years old Apply W II Care Standard IMMwk SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE MIDDLEAGED WOMAN desires po- sition IB housekeeper in small fam- ily ¬ elderly couplo preferred AdJrcsa Mro Lulu Friel Roy Utah 1121 wit YOUNG WOMAN desires position In small family caring for children I Address Miss Nellie Thomas Roy Utah 1122lwk I DRESSMAKINGP- LAIN SEWING and dressmaking reasonable Bell phono 533K570 26th 1022lwk DRESSMAKING Wash 441 lad 79tf HELP WANTED MALE BRIGHT young man to act as sales- man ¬ Big proposition to right party Call Boll 162SK or address H C Wilhelm 20S7 Lincoln avenue 1122lwk WANTED Firstclass press feeder good wages also good steady boy Union Ptg Co 373 23rd St 11lDlwk HELP WANTED MALE OR FEi CHOCOLATE DIPPHR apply Orphe um Candy Kitchen 2C22 Wash Ave- 1121lwlc SITUATION WANTEDIffALEJ- OB for hotel or saloon porter from fi to 9 oclock every morning No 257 24th St 1119lwk POSITION In grocery store delivering- or Inside work G Pann Box 13- 71122lwk YOUNG JAPANESE boy wants situ- ation ¬ as salesman or porter Box 134 1122lwk WANTED MISCELLANEOUS i FAMILY to care for boy 2 years old will pay 250 per wk Call lad 37051 1123lwk FOR RENT- FURNISHED HOUSES FOURROOM furnished houso 3 12 blocks from 25th on Grant Ave In quire 2IS 29th Bell 50GY 1123lwk FURNISHED HOUSE modern Call at 221S Jefferson 1122lwk FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED nearly new brick house 762 27th SI Bell 1310Y 1113lwk FOURROOMED furnished flat with heat G4S 24th 1117lwk FIVEROOM furnished house 16 931 21st 17lwk = FOR RENT I ROOMS AND BOARD BOARD AND ROOM 54S 25th 111 Hmo FURNISHED front rqom down stairs with board 2250 per month 2674 Monroe ave 1024lmo ROOMS AND BOARD 2333 Adams 216tf FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE Fourroomed modern house cheap 2945 Lincoln avenue 1022lino TONI6llT I l I READ THE CLASSIFIED PAGE FOR RENTF- URNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED room with bath 2620 Joff Dell 119SY 1113lwk TWO furnished rooms for housekeep ing 2758 Lincoln Phone Ind 113- S1123lwk FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished mod- ern rooms 3065 Grant venue 1122lwl HOUSEKEEPING rooms modern over Livingston Cafeteria 11231 Wit THREE furnished rooms for house- keeping ¬ Enquire 2128 Lincoln 1122lwk FURNISHED front housekeeping rooms gas range 336 24th St- 1119lwk NICELY furnished room for single person In private family 2554 Jeff Dell 1E07Y 1118lwk NEWLY furnished rooms 235C Wash- ington 11211mk THREE nicely furnished housekeep ing rooms 2927 Hudson Ave 1121lwk FOUR furnished rooms modern with bath and gas heat 2485 Jeff H17lf FURNISHED room 255 26th SL roll I 11SOX 1117lmo TWO rooms for light housekeeping 2259 Monroe 1117lwk NICE FURNISHED raom 2452 Lin- coln ¬ 1115lmo ROOMS for gentlemen modern Deli 306K 1011lmo HOUSEKEEPING rooms 2353 Mon- roe ¬ 11Slmo THREE FURNISHED rooms 1600 W B WcdeH 117tf FURNISHED rooms modern 223G Grant 11tlrrm FOR EENTU- NFURNJOHED lOUSES SIX OR EIGHTROOM HOUSE close In Inquire of owner Deli phono 100CY 1123lwl HOUSE FOR RENT 3GC 22nd also good barn 1121lwk SBVEXROOM modern house close In 24G 23rd Enquire 2C33 Adams 1118lwk THREEROOM house 2029 Madison 11181 wk HOUSE 10 rooms strictly modern with furnace 3500 a month Ap I plv C53 27th 11lGtt SIXROOM modern houso 679 2Jth- S2500 per month Apply S Hor rocka on corner s 1116lwk FOR RENT- UNFURNISHED ROOMS TVO unfurnished rooms CCO 35th 1122lwk THREE good rooms 10 2C3 21st ll17lwi- cFRSALEbIISGELLANEOUS CHEAP our delivery horses and har- I ness I L Clark Sons Co- 1122lwk ROOMING house 2506 Lincoln Ave 1122lwkS- TBREOPT1CAN lantern complete fifteen colored Japanese and Rue sIan war views cheap Box 06- 61121lwk FURNITURE also 31 volumes Ency ¬ clopaedia Prlttanica new Doll 1031 or Bell 153CK 11171 wk I TYPEWRITERS bargains 216 25th street ll12lmo I FOIl SALEHorse buggy and har- ness cheap Call either phone 149 or P O Box B 4390 1110tf I TWO SADDLE ponies at Smiths Mat tress Factory 117tf OLD newspaper matrices good to putt under carpets lIne your chicken coop and rabbit PODS etc a handy thing around the house Call at Stand- ard office 1022tf PRESS FOR SALE Drum cylinder Cottroll press with folder Sizo of bed 33x47 12 IncItes In first class order Prints six col- umns four pages at one time Cheap for cash Inquire or address the Evening Standard 72tl r I FOR SALEOld mll Good to put under carpets Icqulro standard i office tt jt MONEY TO LOAN MORTGAGES koona on Improved fav o or city property HUNTER f KENNEDY 211 First National Bdg- 430tf MONEY to ln on Watches dliv mondss Jewelry firearms fete Judo Sams Loan Office establlahuJi- SSC Tho Moay Lenders of Ogdoa I 278 25th St C H Smith Prop 94lvr r I op i i lInDEN TURF EXCHANGE 326 25th street I I Wires Sporting to all tracks Eventt on all i- I I I

The Evening Standard. (Ogden, Utah) 1910-11-23 [p 3].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85058397/1910-11-23/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · i the evening standard ogden utah wednesday november 23

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REAL ARGAINS CONSULT THESE COLUMNS10 20 30 or JO acres fine fruit land

on Sand JUdge lermn to suit Alsowater in Dave Weber Counties Cnnnl company for santo KELLY HER-RICK 102Glt

OWNER of 3000 improcd farm InOgden valley will exchange for small

lonse In ORvleti and tko security onthe farm for tho balance or exchangeor tract of land nenr Ogdon or will

take good wagon find cum as partpay Huntor Kennedy 211 FirstNational Bldg 1122lwk-

BIGHTROOM modern brick houso on




610 a p 730 n mf 0 a m 103Ba m 12 noon 130 p m 3 p IL-

L 30 p in C p m 730 p m 9 p m1030 p in-

Twelve fast traJns each way dallyCall Bamborgor Express either

phone for quick and careful serviceIn Salt Lake valley-



EFFECTIVE OCT 16th 1910Mountain Time


DEPART6 Exprepi for tho EaJt 7 am j

30 To Slllt Lako 100 ILIII32 Salt Lllku Pu8oonger 1 nm

2 Atlzintto Limited cat 05 pmI Atlantlo Mall oat 6Q pmt irand Junellon Expreoo GIQ pm


9 Ogden Pnnocnllcr llZ nmI LIlnlteu from Ealt 245 Prn6 Chlc1go Expres9 from caRL 10 pmi Ogden Exnrei JO pm11 Local from Sanpe 710 pm3lUtah and Cal Expreu5123 utn


NoTr I I

Enatbound I Depart

Mall And ExprAQ S30 jim10 Past Mall s3o turnS Los Antfulos Ltd daily 105 pm2 Overland Limited 2M pmAtlantic Express cSO pm

No I Westbound j ArriveG nssonKcr 6JJ am3 California Express amFaiL Moll Jll17 am1 Overland Limited iJ nmLos Ajitelea Ltd dally I 335 11n


Tj North of Ogden DepartPortlojid Expreao 1js om2 Butte Cxproaa 123 un

I OKJonMalad rotor Car Sa nmJS Idaho Express 910 omI j Dutto and Portland aM Im11 Cacho Valley Pajjoengcr 525 pm

0NoJ North of Ogden i Arrive

2 Dutto Express C26 a m2J Portland Express 90 umH Utah 903 am12 Salt LoJco Pooaonpor 1020 tm4 Salt Lake Special 333 pm132 Iala Motor Cnr1 iso pm

No I South of Ogden I DepartI Salt Lclto Expreza T15 a mK Local for Salt Lako S20 nm3i Portland Exprcas T 9 Qm

12 Cacho Valley Expreaaios J arn3t Local 11M umLocal 230 p ni4 Salt Lao Special 400 pm5 Los Angola Ltd dally 3DO

M Local t 3C9irmI20 Flyer1 C45 pm34 Salt Lake Local dally ClGnmIt Utah Express I 91 pm4QLocal ISMS pm

No Bouth of Ogden I Arrive

Portland Express 12M3i3 Butto Express 10 aimu o s05 a m12lduho lisprcaa 90 anSTFlyer 033 am2iLocol 1105 am7 Los Angolod Limited 1200 pm21 Local 00 pm

3 Butto and Portland 3 Cfl

Local tIOpm1J Cache Valley Express 520 pmCO Local G30 pm19 Flyer Gf5 pm


No I Weattfound DepartExpress j nmFast Mall 11157 am

1 Overland Limited 3IO pmCPaclflo express J20 pm

No I From West I Arrive

GAtlnntlo Express C2D nmlOFAJst Nail 7W amOverland Limited 2IO pmVAtlantic Express S2S pm

l Dally except Sunday




In tho district court of tho Second i

J Judicial district of tho state of Utahj in and for the county of Weber In

tho matter of the application of flagIrausaon Realty Company aUon for voluntary dissolution

Notice Is hereby given that theRWmu son Realty Company a cor-poration


of the state of Utah haspresented to tim above named court apetition praln to be allowed to diRIncorporate and dissolve find thatj Saturday the 10th day of December1910 at 10 oclock in the forenoonhas been appointed as the time andthe court room of the district courtof Weber county In Ogden City Utahas tho place at which said applica-tion


will bo heard At any time be ¬

fore the expiration of said day lastnamed any person may file his chloetions to tho application of said cor I

oration and Its directors for the dis-solution thereof

Witness the clerk of said court I

with the seal thereof alllxcd this 5thdas of November A D 1910

Seal I s G DYE ClerkBy L A Van Dyko Deputy

PetitionersC R Holllngsworth Attorney for


To the stockholders ol the Amal-gamated Sugar companyNotice Is hereby given that a meet¬

ing of tho stockholders of tho Amal-gamated Sugar company will he heldAt the companys office room No 206Bceles building Ogden Utahon the 6th dayof November 1910 at1100 oclock a m for tho purpose of

0 considering and voting upon tho fol

bench very easy terms InquireI Boll Phone 17SY ll23UnoF-

IVID loto Riverside California wowould lIke to exchange for Ogdcnproperty 22C1 Wash Ave 11111 mo

BRITISH COLUMBIA FRUIT FARMSflO cash flU monthly In GloriousKoolenay Fertile No Irrigating

Mild climate Free booklet copy Investors Trust Mortgage Corporatim Ltd 131 Hastings St W Vancouver B c i19lwkA GOOD fiveroom houso with pantry

I ContinuedLEGAL

lowing proposed changes and amend-ments to the articles of Incorporation-of this company towit

topcai articlo V and substitute Inlieu thereof tho following ArticleVTho authorized amount of tho cap ¬

ital stock of Raid corporation shall beFour Million 400000000 Dollars di-vided Into Forty Thousand 10000shares of preferred stock of the parvaluo of One Hundred 10000 Dollars each Unless otherwise orderedby tho Board of Directors all divi-dends shall be paid In four equal quar-terly


Iaymentfl towIt On tho firstday or April July October andJanuary of each year commenc¬

lug with the fret auch day suc-ceeding the directors meeting htwhich such dividend Is declared Alldividends are payable to the stock-holders


appearing of record on thocompanys books on the day beforosuch dividend Is payable

Repeal article XI and substitutein lieu thereof the following Aril1clo XlT1i0 officers of this corpora-tion shall consist of a Board of Eleven J

11 Directors a President two VicePresidents a Secretary and a Treas-urer each officer and director In or-der to bo eligible must own and holdIn his own name at least ton sharesof the preferred stock of this corporatlon as shown by the books thereof

Repeal article XII and substitute i

in lieu thereof the following Artdo XII Wthin ten days after theelection of a Board of Directors theyshall hold a directors meeting andelect a President two VIcePresldcnts-u


Secretary and Treasurer The Presi-dent and the VlccPresldcnts shall boehoson nn l loctef from nmnnr theIrown number but the Secretary and I


Treasurer may bo elected either fromthe directors or from tho stockholdersIn the discretion of the board and I

In tho offices of Secretary and Treas-urer may bo combined In tho sameperson There shall hereafter bo luCidan annual meeting of tho owners antiholders of the preferred stock of the Icorporation on the second Wednesday

Iof April of each year such meetingohall be held for the purpose of elect j

Jill a Board of eleven Directors antII transacting such other business as

may bo deemed necessary or conveni-ent foe the welfare of the corpora-tion


Such meeting shall bo held atthe general office of the corporation-In tho city of Ogdon County of We-ber and State of Utah at such hour ofsaid day as the President or Boardof Directors may determine Tho Boardof Directors nay direct the calling ofsnecial meetings as thor may deemproper nnd necessary At all meetingsof stockholders whether annual or I

special representation of a majorityof thc preferred stock exclusive oftreasury or nonIssued stock shall benecessary for the transaction of buai

Iness and no business except to adJourn or to adjourn to a specified dateBhall bo transacted at any meeting ofstockholders unless a majority of thepreferred stock Issued JB represented I

The Board of Directors shall be electcd by ballot nnd a stockholder re-ceiving a majority of tho votes castby tho owners of the preferred stockof the corporation shall be deemedand declared duly elected OB such di-

rector Each owner and holder of thopreferred stock In tho corporationshall be entitled to as many votes asho holda shares of such stock Repre-sentation by proxy duly appointedshall bo allowed at all meetings of

I the stockholders whether annual orspecial The failure to hold any annual or special meeting on the day

Iappointed for tho same shall not for-feit


or in any way interfere with thecorporate rights acquired under this

Iagreement but any sucn meeting naybe held at any subsequent time upongiving twentyone 21 days noticethereof by publication In a dally news-paper published In Ogden City Stateof Utah The secretary shall and Incase of failure any other officer ofsaid corporation may give twentyone

21 days notice of nil annual orspecial stockholders meetings asaforesaid Tho notice must specifyIn general terms the purpose or pur-poses for which any special meetingIs called Notice of any annual orspecial meeting tony be served by theSecretary or other officer by deliver-Ing a copy thereof to such stockholderowning 01 holding preferred stock Inthis corporation personally or by de-positing copies thereof in the UnitedStates postofflcc at Ogden Utah withthe postage prepaid thereon at leasttwentyone 21 days prior to the dateof Oily such meeting addressed to theseveral addresses of such stockholderg which shall havo the same effect-as the publication aforesaid

DAVID ECCLES PresidentHENRY H ROLAPP SecretaryDated Ogden Utah Oct llth 1910

Ogden Utah Nov 5th 1910The above meeting is hereby ad

journed until Momlaj Dcc 5th 1910-

at 1100 oclock a m at the companys ofllce above mentioned

M S BROWNING VicePrealdcntHENRY H KOLAPP Secretary


Will Pay City Warrants I

Ogden Utah Nov 14 1910Notice is hereby given that tho un-


Treasurer of Ogden Citywill at his office on and after thisdate pay city warrants hearing regis-try


numbers from A8G90 to A935Canti BSC90 to B935G allInclusive and further that all suchwarrants not presented to uio for pay-ment

¬ I

on or before November 21 1910will cease to draw Interest thereafter

THOMAS B FARRCity Treasurer



a special meeting of the stockholdersof tim James Coal loo company a

and closets Connected with sewI or good barn cement walks fine lawn

with shade and fruit troe In the hostof neighborhoods If you want a goodhomo for little money this Is yourfilmnco Any reasonable offer will bouccoptcd If made nt once Qnll at971 24th or Phone Doll 133SY


FOURROOM house pantry and clos-et


1500 A payment down balance11 a month at 5 per cent Interest

1047 Twentysecond SU 11lClwk


Utah corporation Is hereby callednnd will bo hold at the law offices ofJoseph Chez Esq at Rooms 403404First National Bank Building OgdonUtah on Thursday tho 15th tIny ofDecember 1910 at 1 oclock P Mof Bald day Said meeting is calledfor the purpose of adopting or rejectIng tho following proposed amend-ment to Uio Articles of Incorporationof said James Coal leo companyaa follows

To amend Articlo VIII of said Ar-ticles of Incorporation by striking outfrom said Article the following wordsand figures

The amount of the authorized capi-tal stock of this corporation shall bl-and Is FIFTY THOUSAND 50000DOLLARS divided into FIFTYTHOUSAND 60000 shares of thopar value of Quo 100 Dollar eachfully paid and nonassessable

Which words and figures are set outon lines 1 2 3 and 4 of said Article

And substituting In lieu thereof thofollowing wordo and figures

Tho amount of tho authorized capital stock of this corporation shall boand Is 100000 ONE HUNDREDTHOUSAND DOLLARS divided IntoONE HUNDRED THOUSAND 100000 shares of tho par value of 100Ono Dollar each fully paid and non ¬

assessableTho Intent and purpose of said

amendment Is to Increase the capitalstock of said corporation from FIFTYTHOUSAND 50000 DOLLARS toONE HUNDRED THOUSAND 100000 DOLLARS and from FIFTYTHOUSAND 50000 Sharos to ONEHUNDRED THOUSAND 100000SHARES of the par value of One

100 Dollar each fully paid andnonassessable-

This meeting Is called by authority-of the Board of Directors

Dated at Ogden Utah November22nd 1910-


Joseph Chez Attorney


ADIES or gentlemens gar ¬

1111 ments can be kept In beau-tiful condition until wornoutby taking frequent ad-

vantage of our dry cleaning and press-ing service

Our dry cleaning process removes-the soil and stain from your cloth-Ing freshens up the fabric brightenstho colors and raised tho nap likenow It does not affuct tho lIfo orcolor of even the most dainty or del-

icate garments-Our pressing service takes out tho

wrinkles creases and other marks ofwear It gives the garments a newlike shape and fit It removes n11

the bagglnosa In the knees and el-

bows otc-Every garment or article In han-

dled In each iart of tho process byskillful careful workers Wo use thegenuine Fronci Dry Cleaning processof cleaning oy spirits and colventdand have a thoroughly uptodatoequipment-

You should send your garments tous and take advantage of this serv-ice No article of men or womenswear IB too dainty for us to dry cleanand finish satisfactorily <t ourcharges arc not high


CLEANERSPhones 174 437 25th St








No matter what they look likeyou will get them back new

In 15 minutesOGDEN SHOE

REPAIR FACTORY333 24th 8bee-



Cafle322 Twentyfifth St

Special Dinner 25Lunch from 11 a m to 4 p m

Dinner from 4 to 8 p m

Lee Foon Tom Managers




FURNITURE2001 Washington Avenue

Bell 1081Y Ind 368MOgden Utah


1y1 d r



WOMEN OF WOODCRAFTSero Lily Circle No 171 moots every

second anil fourth Monday nt 73O K Hull Visiting neighbors


Doll 1hono 1241T

O ELKSB P O giJoJ Ogden d e No 713

lodge anti club rooms second floor 2ttSWashington avenue nebular mcotincsevery Tuesday ovmilnc

C A Exalted littlerC O DowaLl Secretary

WOODMEN OF THE WOULDWobor Camp No 71 meetfl In K 01

P nail In tho Utah National BldBivory Thursday evenIng nt S OCIOCK

sltinK Woodmen cordially Invited to at-tend

W H DRABBLE C CK AUTH Clerk First 1a

lionel Dank llIdl

ORDER OF OWLSOgden N Order of Owls

moots every Thursday evening In EaglesHull east of Heod hotel at 8 oclockVUltlnc Brother Owls aro Invited to uttend DIP Neat mcullnga


No 2U3 Waahlncton Avo

WOMEN OF WOODCRAFTWomen of Woodcraft Ogden Clrclo 65Jmeet ovcry Wednesday nlclit itoclock 1C of P Hall VlulUnp nelch

bent Invited Dues con at theRaean Grocery uloro thu afternoon orthe 2th of each month


MARIE CRITES Clerk2731 Monroe AVO

KNIGHTS OU PYTHLVSOgden Lodi No2 Knigiitu of Pythian

meets at Caatlo hall Utah Notional Banbulldlnc every Monday cvenlni All li-ef

¬IVo requested to moot with Us-


of1C R S

IMPROVED ORDER OF HED lENImproved Order of Hodmen lllawntna

Tribe No3 meets In Eagles Hall everyflrpt and third Monday evenings nt aJ1-p m Vlslllnc chiefs cordially Invited


LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSELoyal Order of Mouse On lcn Lodge No

SU meets every Friday evening at SWp m Eiislcv Hall


ROYAL ARCANUMFraternal beneficiary order Insures

men nl low rates lleccrvo fund over sixmillion dollars Koclcy Mountain Council-No G37 convenes eccond and fourthThursdays at 1 O 0 F Hall-

P A IIERDT1 accentJ W WOTHKKSPOON CollectorlEO B ROBERTS Secretary

ROYAL HIGHLANDERSThe Iloyrl Hlchlandcrs meet tlto flmt

and third Mondays at Union Labor HullSIX 2ltli Bircci Dues can be paid from 2to office of G W Green on tho 21thof each month VUltlntf members cor ¬

dially InvltuJ-DAYKEL D SMITH I PALICE COLLINS Sccy anti Treaa


Ogden Homefteud No IMGond and fourth Wednesday n fleJdFellows Hull VisitIng Archers cordially Invited to inet with uo

W H TOLLERC5 21st St Foreman

O E WILLIAMS153 2Ut St Correspondent-

ODD FELLOWSOgden Lodge No 5 Independent Or¬

der of Odd Fellow moDtu In 1 O O FHall every Tuesday ovonlni VIsitingbrothers cordially Invited to be present


Queen City Rcbokah Lodge No 4 I 0O F meets second and fourth Fridayevenings at Odd Follows HaiL VIsitIngmembers Invited


ORDER OF RAILWAY CONDUCTORSWasatch Division No u u cmeets second end fourth Fridays at 2Mp m In K of P Shill corner Wash

liiKlun avenue and 24th Street Allbrothers are cordially InvIteJ to attontlGEO ALLEN C CD L DOYLE S anti T

MASONICQueen Esther Chapter No I O E SRegular mcctmcB lucId at Masonic Hallon WnshlnKton avonuo between Twciily

fIfth und Twentysixth streets thu flritand third Fridays of each month So¬

journing members cordially Invited toattend


ROYAL NEIGHBORS OF AMERICAExcelsior Camp No K <0 mcetu every

rccond nnd fourth Monday ovcnlnc ofeach month at Ito Envies halt VisitInc members cordially Invited

INDIA SAWYER Oracle19IS Jackson Ave

LILLIAN NEWTONRecorder Room 31 Lowls Block


every nl and 411 Tuesday afternoon at2300clocJ In 1 O O P haIl 241C 1ash-IngtOn avenue VIsitIng members aro-cordIally inviicu to uniiju-


FRATERNAL OHDER OF EAGLESFraternal Order of EaRlcn Ocdcn Acrlo-o Ill F O E moots eel Wednesday

evenIng at Bugle Mall east of hired 110tel at S p m Visiting Brother Eaglesare Invited to attend the Aorlo mcctl-niiS

LEON nitOWNlNG W PresidentE R GKIGEI SecretaryDR N M ESTES Acne Physician I

IODEnN WOODMEN OF AMERICAUtah Cumi No 3I11 uttstts every Titoi

day nlltt at S clock at Eagles Hall25th St Visiting mt1l1b0C11 Invited tomeet with Ul-


Ogden Business Directory

Advertisements In ikls column costTGc per line per month payable JuCUVUDcO




P C W ODS CO let Natl eon



S FARNSWORTH AttornoyatLaw 3H nod 31G Ecck3 building





Want advertisements cost one centper word each Issue or 5 cents perline of five words per day no firstInsertion less than 25 cents Or twoor more lines per week at the rate of25 cents per line per week or 75cento per line per month Rememberfive overage words make a line Alladvertisements on this page muct bepaid In advance No exception to thisrule



CARPETS cleaned and laid linoleumand upholstering work done Prices

reasonable work guaranteed Dellphone 1311Z 210 30th at William MBoyle 1029lmo


THE DEN Clears and Tobacco iMpodoctors 335i-

fJtHKOGDEN JUNK HOUSE If you haveany kind of Junk phone us ww

will call for It Bell phono 325Kbud 725

FOR JUNK OF ANY KIND phoneJacobson Bell 6267 loU 3695D



OGDEN CITY MILITARY BANDMusic fumlBhod for all occasionsInd 1134372A Bell 205 71 If


DR A FERNLUND PhyalclaD nodSurgeon offlco hours 10 to 12 a m2 to 4 p m 310 26th SU Offlcophones Bell 615K Ind 615 resi-dence 646 Wash Ind phone 602


AMES WRIGHT 3C2 Parry AveInd phono liDS AU work guaran-

teed 102Mino


APPOINTED SCAVENGER cl DietNo 2 nil of tho city Bouth of 24thstreet Bell Phono 224Z NchMcCarty G10ti

OGDEN SCAVENGER CO PaulVan Kenton Prop Phone Boll 1002All kluds of scavenger work promptlyattended to-


NEW AND SECOND HAND furnitureclothing and shoes bought Gold orexchanged also trunks and suit-cases cbenp Bell Phone 132L 17912 Twentyfifth street 7Dlyr


STORAGE spuco rensonabe OgdenWholesale Grocery Co 310 Wall

ave 317tfI


ALLEN Baggage Hack and Duo Lino-Eaggago and passenger transfer aspecialty 412 Phonos t2

JOGALONG TRANSFER VAN aStorage Co moving vans nil klujstransfer work pianos a specialty Offlee 328 12 26th St Phones 283


UMBRELLA repairing and cocrlnga-282Stb J don Ilartog Boll



1C VAN KAMPEN parlor furnlturoupholsterer Carpets cleaned fit-

ted and laid work guaranteed 2769Volker Both phones 8SltUPHOLSTERING French polishing

repaIring and furniture packingCarpets and wall paper cleanIngHighest prices paid for secondhandfurniture Denkera Kammeyerphones B 1179Z I 3C05D 119lrao



Dr R E Baird M T UruglcsaVibratory Treatments and the sciontiflco application of manual manipula-tion


for the permanent euro of chron-ic


diseases Office at residence 2717Madison Ave Hours 6 to 11 a in 5 tqS P m Bell 142CY Consultationfree llJllmo


LOST OR STOLEN Largo yehliw-St Bernard dog answering to the

name of Prank Finder please return to John Scowcroft Sons Coand receive reward 1123tf

LADYS GOLD WATCH Initial A IIon front small diamond sot In

back Please return to 6ii9 23rd StLiberal reward 1121lwk

LOSTFur neckpiece in the neigh-borhood


of Lincoln and 2Ctb streetReturn toOlS 2fith Reward




SMALL BARN or outbuildings to beniovcd away H A C care Stnpd

ard 1123lwk

CLEAN whio ng o al Standard offlco j1217tf




and bookkeeper atThe Mercantile Installment Co TiJG


24ta St Experienced preferredll23trx-

periencedAIIBD girl for al-teration


department The Mercantile Inst Co 1123ltA YOUNG girl to care for baby 52C

24th ll223tGIRL for general housework 67C 21st


STENOGRPAHER Stato age experi-ence


anti salary wanted Lock BoxSCO Ogden 12231

LADIES wanted to tako work homospare time experience unneces-

sary reliable help only 2235 WashAve 1121lwk-


experienced girl forhousework no washing good pay

permanent place Call Ind Phone 712-


EXPERIENCED girl for houseworkSmall family 762 27th St 11lSlwk

LADY SOLICITOR for city nnd alsofor Weber county one well ac-


preferred Roycroft LetterShop WIder First NatJ Bank City

1117tfWANTED Young or middleaged

woman for housework Call Bollphone 892 1116lwk

HOUSEKEEPER not over 3D to altocharge of girl C years old Apply

W II Care Standard IMMwk



sition IB housekeeper in small fam-ily


elderly couplo preferred AdJrcsaMro Lulu Friel Roy Utah 1121 wit

YOUNG WOMAN desires position Insmall family caring for children I

Address Miss Nellie Thomas RoyUtah 1122lwk I


LAIN SEWING and dressmakingreasonable Bell phono 533K570

26th 1022lwk

DRESSMAKING Wash 441 lad79tf


BRIGHT young man to act as sales-man


Big proposition to right partyCall Boll 162SK or address H CWilhelm 20S7 Lincoln avenue


WANTED Firstclass press feedergood wages also good steady boy

Union Ptg Co 373 23rd St11lDlwk


CHOCOLATE DIPPHR apply Orpheum Candy Kitchen 2C22 Wash Ave-


OB for hotel or saloon porter fromfi to 9 oclock every morning No

257 24th St 1119lwk

POSITION In grocery store delivering-or Inside work G Pann Box 13-


YOUNG JAPANESE boy wants situ-ation


as salesman or porter Box134 1122lwkWANTED MISCELLANEOUS


FAMILY to care for boy 2 years oldwill pay 250 per wk Call lad

37051 1123lwk


FOURROOM furnished houso 3 12blocks from 25th on Grant Ave Inquire 2IS 29th Bell 50GY 1123lwk

FURNISHED HOUSE modern Callat 221S Jefferson 1122lwk

FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHEDnearly new brick house 762 27th

SI Bell 1310Y 1113lwk

FOURROOMED furnished flat withheat G4S 24th 1117lwk

FIVEROOM furnished house 16 93121st 17lwk=



BOARD AND ROOM 54S 25th111 Hmo

FURNISHED front rqom down stairswith board 2250 per month 2674

Monroe ave 1024lmo

ROOMS AND BOARD 2333 Adams216tf


FOR SALE Fourroomed modernhouse cheap 2945 Lincoln avenue







FURNISHED room with bath 2620Joff Dell 119SY 1113lwk

TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping 2758 Lincoln Phone Ind 113-


FOR RENT 2 nicely furnished mod-ern rooms 3065 Grant venue

1122lwlHOUSEKEEPING rooms modern

over Livingston Cafeteria 11231 Wit

THREE furnished rooms for house-keeping


Enquire 2128 Lincoln1122lwk

FURNISHED front housekeepingrooms gas range 336 24th St-


NICELY furnished room for singleperson In private family 2554 Jeff

Dell 1E07Y 1118lwkNEWLY furnished rooms 235C Wash-

ington 11211mk

THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms 2927 Hudson Ave

1121lwkFOUR furnished rooms modern with

bath and gas heat 2485 Jeff H17lfFURNISHED room 255 26th SL roll I

11SOX 1117lmo

TWO rooms for light housekeeping2259 Monroe 1117lwk

NICE FURNISHED raom 2452 Lin-coln


1115lmoROOMS for gentlemen modern Deli

306K 1011lmoHOUSEKEEPING rooms 2353 Mon-


11SlmoTHREE FURNISHED rooms 1600

W B WcdeH 117tf

FURNISHED rooms modern 223GGrant 11tlrrm


SIX OR EIGHTROOM HOUSE closeIn Inquire of owner Deli phono

100CY 1123lwl

HOUSE FOR RENT 3GC 22nd alsogood barn 1121lwk

SBVEXROOM modern house close In24G 23rd Enquire 2C33 Adams


THREEROOM house 2029 Madison11181 wk

HOUSE 10 rooms strictly modernwith furnace 3500 a month Ap I

plv C53 27th 11lGtt

SIXROOM modern houso 679 2Jth-S2500 per month Apply S Hor

rocka on corner s 1116lwkFOR RENT-


TVO unfurnished rooms CCO 35th1122lwk

THREE good rooms 10 2C3 21stll17lwi-

cFRSALEbIISGELLANEOUSCHEAP our delivery horses and har-

I ness I L Clark Sons Co-


ROOMING house 2506 Lincoln Ave1122lwkS-

TBREOPT1CAN lantern completefifteen colored Japanese and Rue

sIan war views cheap Box 06-61121lwk

FURNITURE also 31 volumes Ency ¬

clopaedia Prlttanica new Doll 1031or Bell 153CK 11171 wk

I TYPEWRITERS bargains 216 25thstreet ll12lmo


FOIl SALEHorse buggy and har-ness cheap Call either phone 149

or P O Box B 4390 1110tfI

TWO SADDLE ponies at Smiths Mattress Factory 117tf

OLD newspaper matrices good to puttunder carpets lIne your chicken

coop and rabbit PODS etc a handything around the house Call at Stand-ard office 1022tf

PRESS FOR SALEDrum cylinder Cottroll press with

folder Sizo of bed 33x47 12 IncItesIn first class order Prints six col-umns four pages at one time Cheapfor cash Inquire or address theEvening Standard 72tl


I FOR SALEOld mll Good to putunder carpets Icqulro standard i

office tt jtMONEY TO LOAN

MORTGAGES koona on Improvedfav o or city property HUNTER f

KENNEDY 211 First National Bdg-430tf

MONEY to ln on Watches dlivmondss Jewelry firearms fete

Judo Sams Loan Office establlahuJi-SSC Tho Moay Lenders of Ogdoa I278 25th St C H Smith Prop

94lvrr I op i i

lInDEN TURF EXCHANGE326 25th streetI IWiresSporting

to all tracksEventt

on alli-