Wm. THE EVENING JOURNAL. SATURDAY, MARCH a, 1907. 7 SENATE IS FOR LOCAL OPTION o'clock p. m., with an Intermission from? the year 1907. deliver to the Inspector of It o'clock mid-day to 1 oclock p, m.,1 election district, or oUiar officer «B-I Dl AYS AND PI AYFRS I at the place In each election district where "*'*** hçreb>- to hold t*«' eleoKon ,(>ri fcHUniW» Eai« ta«W 1 . . ,, itaklna the vote hereby provided for It proponed take the vote aforesaid,| theretn ,wo 8uUabft ballot wlth ,,| John Price, the beat Irish . horaoter I or at some convenient and suitable other pJe0€. Qf tape and sealing wax. appropriate tor stage since Joseph Murphy re-1 tired. w\\\ arUh McFadden'« CLASSIFIED ADS ac- WANTS. FOR SALE. FOR RENT. REAL ESTATE, ETC. place In said election district, and çt'8'ieh written or printed forma of tally lists sittings to add to the reglst. rs and books '>f certificates of the result of . lection ' «t *>>»♦ «-y^ur.* M-rt-b 11. IS «nd 13. . . : ,. in rard election district, of the oaths or ■'*Pt-lce will bo seen «» Tim Mr Pad of registered votera of*Hieir respective __ _____ . , , ' .. A 'affirmation» of the inspector or election districts the names of all persons t , )•.<,. ..««.hip nf thn v©rv iM«t facial ex. .. A ...... person authorised by law to hold the elec 1181 or in« \<r> »es« xaciax ex applying to them who muj have bccomi j . . . , . . . , 1 nreexlon he is iihki mmitor ^ . .. )nmt tion therein, and the persons to taken pvreaion nc is a pasi rnasier. qualified to vote since the day of the last . # . _ WANTBDEnergetic lady or gent.oman General Election, or who may becomt.i t,r and also of tho Hooligan s Trip Around the fop traveling position. Good line. Parmni - ... . ! ,h. 1>f ,.lrh . Clerks who shall be ohosen ,u> net at such , y M lwn * lrlI>, a™"'".-nt poaltlon. Bplendtd chance for ndvanr - streta. ** . . {election, and of thr certificate of .dm n- World. the attraction which will hold mem. Experience unnecessary. Ill ww kljfc store Tenth and BcnneH streets, ial election. Isterln* such oaths or afflrmatlona. with for,h **ceuih Mrch <• * and 8 Is to start. Kxpcn-.-s advanced. Address (l| printed or written directions as to cor- *>"• ,hat considerably from the| O-Ctows^ W UnlnKlo". DeL reeling, completing and signing such oath ordlnary Une of oflerlngs at this play-! ! or affirmation and certificate of admin- liou*p Though the patrons undoubtedly like melodrama where th© triumph '»f vii- ■/ T. Coleman duPont Expressed Himself Vigorously on Partys Pledges TEXT OF THE MEASURE other den- and to a«« him is to laugh. Aa an ar- il ( RULlSUTt FDR SALtORFflfi BENT FOR SALE. HELP WANTEDFEMALE. ............... ................. I---- .------ -. FOR DALETwo black horaes, good foe KOK RENT »tore Thirteenth and West dr bring purposes. Addrao* Y. L Jou. twJ 1 Office. ra-Jt I' FOR SALEColonial Acorn No. 7 c-ok stove, neatly new. Apply 210* West Fifth street. 1 FOR BA 7,EOne ten horse-power, four- I cyclo gasolln* engine. In good order. Ad- dress P. O. Box 534, Wilmington, Del. ml-nt Apartment* Seventh and Franklin Sts. Apartments Kleventh and Adam* St*. Apply WILMINGTON TRUST CO.. 915 Market Street. The said registration officers, within one week before their first sitting as pro- special to The Evening Journal. Vlded for In Mils section, »hull procure DOVER March 2.-After u, momentous fom «»e clerks of the peace of the r re-; State Central' "Pcctlve counties the two registers and th© two book» of registered voters« ami the books of registration certificates, for their respective election districts. It shall Fk th© duty of th* clerks of the pa-ice In the several «outilles to deliver mild book» to the »aid r«*#ristralion officer» when (he m2-2t ml-Jl HELP WANTEDMALE, 1st crime the «mu-, and »hall »1« » d liver each Inspector or other officer uutlio tu® over vice Is repeated ad lib., they willj xcd by law to lioid the olecllon ah «for. - undoubted!# welcome a *how In whlch^ West sts.________________________________ Kild a book of blank form* of on,tbs or mirth, mueie and bounty are combined.; WANTEDA hoy for grocery »lore, affirmai!ions provided for In sect ou 19 other words, they will go to tho !->•■ Apply j. R. E. MONTQOMBUT. Kleventh of chapter 38, volume 21. l,aws of Del«-, w«»' prepared to laugh and not to ciy.j and Tntnall. ml-*t The ballot box. forma of oaths or They wont to fe.t*t their eye« on pretty, girls and beautiful costumes. They want; speotor or other officer authorised by law have their risllvllti.-e tickled and their j of luimor gratified. It stated by] ------- meeting of the Republican Committee hero yesterday In which Republican State Chairman T. Colomnnj duPont expressed himself very vigorously on carrying out party pledges and fulflll- fhe people, the Sen. BOV WANTEDDrug store, 2nd on! m2-It PUBLIC SALES. DRESSED SQUABS » PUBLIC SALE. Will be sold at Public Sale on the l,y-j WANTED every Thursday. Best prtoes. ram Earn., one mile from Price's Cor- Pel phone 229S. P. and A. UST. D»*Mg tier. Del., near the 1 mile tavern, and ad- J and Thomson. 8th and Monroe. J2*-Mt-ea j.inlng the Kerris Industrial School on) MONDAY.MARCH 4. WT nt I o'clock. Five ho.nl of work and driving horses. NO. 1-Itnv mare. 9 years old, sound and ] gentle, good driver and will work any- ■where. J.0-301 , No, 2Gray hors*. 9 years old. good driver and worker. No. S Gray mar.v * years old, sound and gentio and a good brood mate. NO. 4-Bay stallion, coming 1 years old. sired by Brooklyn Chief, and a very prom- ising eokt and thoroughly broken. No. SColt. 1 year old. 15 head of choleo milch cows. Also 27 acres wheal In ground. FURNIBHED ROOMS Housekeeping Household goods, consisting of stoves, j ^ Ktng street. f8-lra beos. bedsteads, tables and many other j----------------------- articles not enumerated. TermsAll sums under Î20 cash, that amount * credit of 3 months and J | gi,-lm per rent, off for cash on all credit sums FOR BALK CHEAP Stock and flx-tur s f24.27,28,ml.2 store Including horse and Ing the confidences of ate of Delaware reconvened and passed .... vs . the Conner bill tolling for a special clot- »*«*= »»»II f applied for as af re n d. | tlnn on the Tuesday after the llrst Mon- On delivering one of the registers and day In next November, when there will ha <<* the book, pf regl.tered voter. and «»o oth©r ©lection pending, throughout iho; >oo o r°k * ra 0,1 <ir * ° qim^tlcatiim of euch officer», th« forms win Ih> fulfilled. Bta.e, on the question of license or no 1,.; Inspector or öfter Person -uUtortosd by of Hld nh-ctlon. *W »P^«' " sd th, certification of the administra- Al. W. Martins worlds greatest Section one of the bill reads: '1 * n l!'" 1 or. " J111*1 ' ' tlon of said oaths so furnished, shall be newest edition of t tide Toms Ca in. The penalties for »elling in any district ,h* vote «foretold. It »h»U bo the m,,.b arP prr8r,nMKl ch«pter 38. Vol-| «ll> «Ppfar «t tho Lyceum March T. 8 and whom ttift voter» havo voted for ro li- 11 y ° °7\ . . P um« 21, Laws of llflawnr©. ujion the hold- ® ^ ^ «Iway« hoen Mr. Martin» one FOR SALE- Kgrellrnt husinc.«« location cenee- shall la- both fine and Imprison-' "«««f «nd ,h" ° Wrtptered voter,> of 8 (Jeneral K|ectton de.lre each year to la tter the production; "n Madison street, ment m every case, a second offense_ ^irh^ was no usedi -, he^g noral Hec- Th#> w,|y lt8ts R1> funl,shed shall bs -n <* this everlasting^ pMy. Th«r»for©. h<»» y««*iinnton »treat. rnaaning: on© year 4n Stist«» prison. ] in V' J .ai, h .!_'H f ' »uch form an Ih used «t mich 0»n©ral El©o-J decided to discontinu© giving a »ticct FOR 8A1 *EW acres of good tru* klntf While the passage of the bill was a re- reglafrar» shall deliver the 'her of s, .1 f ,hut ,ln u,,. margin, on Ih- parade and the money he has spent ""i J«'«1; » *r0»n^.Wilmington within l demption of the Republican partys pub-j ct^ks of thl ,pf"ld' of tally lists, ah.« he wrt,-: same he has taken and added to hi. Pro- ^mmable Apply " lTr Lyna.n 'K Uflhei plediç«« during the campaign and ( .. |fhl *©n or printed, instead of any names of ductlon on the »tage. The company con »ballton* Del. U71m peace of their .^eCWe counUes within ^ tQ b6 ^ word(, of Bn all white people. Including a _ one week after such spodul election, „oenae " chorus of 20 singers and dancers, who Will [ 1 In case from any cause there shall bo beîwJenthesame : «.tacken up to impersonate the negroes of! <>« grocery vacancies among such registration offl- .the South The play will be proeented with w*g°n end good will of store. For par- cers In any elect lor district outside of Th"* -lari". tM- ^ 1 "J ' ^«enlc and «Irulars spply to E. O, BnadfoWI, Jr. 10U the city of Wilmington, such vacant. of th. American Market et.. Wilmington, or Emory Blake, «hall be mied by the appointment of the ** «*»; pUM,e l concert tond and orchestra wlll^' »enry Cay. IV,. •'............ County and ............ Election Dls-i»* «*"■<h will give grand concert.| I riot of ............Representative District. SB. ,n f,ont of ,hu thcalrc- ware. ; affirmation«.to to administered to the In- WANTEDFop tha 15. S. Marine Corps; men between ages 21 and US. An oppor- tunity to see the world. For full Informa- t'on spply in person or by letter to U. B. REMNANT STORE to hold the election, and to judges of elsv- ■llon. the form« for t,hu certificates of the the advance agent that all these desires ense Fin* Woolen Dress Goods Remnant*. JOHN T, THOMAS. MB King Street. Marine Corps Recruiting otnee, P->.<t ut- ilea Building, Wilmington. Del. md tense. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ROOMS FOR RENT. 1 GIRARD306, 897 and 809 Race st.. Phd*~ delphls. Rooms, 2S, 15. BOe, Gentlemen only Apply to owner, tal f20-lm ROOMS FOR RENTFurnlshsd. mod- Over ern convenience*. B07 Wert Fifth rtrset. j n part of its platform, the vote was not a party dlfferentilatlon. In fact the strong ret speech for the bill was mad© by Sena- tor Jester. Democrat. Th© vote was 10 to 4, but final announce-- ment was held up uhtll Monday and tho ' vote was committed to the care of Presi- dent Parker, a pronounced temperance FOR RENT- Two third-story rooms tor light housekeeping. Also two houses In PUBLIC BALEThe subscriber, about the country. Apply 41« JelTer*on street, to relinquish farming, will sell al pub!«- ml-ït sale, on the Hill Bide Farm , at Walnut Green Schoolhouse. Christ ana hundr. 1. FOR RENTTwo large communh at n* Delaware, on the road leading from tho second-story front room». 7U6tj Market st. Kennett Pike to Ashland, on FRIDAY Apply ,0 Geo. Mar s, frh and Shlplev or m2-« DEL. LYNAM r-tf MARCH 8. 1907. al 1 p. m., 3 head of J on premises. work or driving herse» and 2 fine colls. ! ------------- No. 1. Bill, sorrel 'horse. A years old. will work Single or double, weight 1350 pounds: munleatlng rooms, at W>4 King st.. for me# aa good a horse as anyone owns. No, 2 only Would make nlee tochelor quarters. Frank, sorrel horse, 10 years old. weighs Inquire of W, H. Hanna, city tax oftlcs, lino pounds, good worker or driver. No 3 «®* K. Sixth st. f27-5t Jennie, bay mare, 10 years old, brood1 ___ _ mare. In foal by Fnglc: good woiker and Brown colt, coming 2 No. B Brown colt, coming 1 year old. Eight head of homo-raised milch cow*. Some flesh, other* close springers; good heifer and 8 «heals Deer log mower and hinder. Blekfsrd and Hoff- man grain drill, corn drill, 8-horse farm wagon, ihay flat, hay wagon, markeli 0fflr. wagon. market dearborn. Jump-seal car I ' bJ?K.,rlr" rn,> M rood now; WANTEDroot five or »tx room» j aoxrDorn pol«. I horso-pow©r Rn»n fod- der cutter and belt, hay fork and rop.-« I plows, harrows And cultivators, block and fall, tonus snd pens, fork», shovels, hoe« and rakes, double and single trees. 2 sets double harness, set o«rt harness, set dear- born harness, set carriage harness, col- lars, bridle« and halters. Delatvel separ ator. good as new; 2 ohurna, 2 butter tubs, buckets, pans and keltlss. Babcock milk governor, and in case such vacancies ...... . - __ _ t among such registration officers ehall man, so a vo <s n They «tat In any election district within thel Boyce and Rose could be recorded. They ^ w|lm, BUCh ,arancles shall| ,At h,> elec,1°rn h"d ln *,d d,trk'tfdrj ,R furtllln r, upon the flr*t act I on de*:rabD first ■were absent yesterday. . . _ ___ «..„.i--,' the purpose of taking the vote of thel A" ,ne curium ns 1 mortgages on city properties In amounts Mr. Conner said In part: "Two yea.« ** " ^ VuMIloB elector, upon the question.' of Mr. Ck.nthonya comedy. 'A Message. ««.ult, HAtlKINI A CO. 712 Market BL Ogo we were accused of passing a bill hei* °r '* •' m * on. . 1 whether the manufacture and »ale of Hi-' From Mars, which will seen era « |,1 >fhlch would neither hold water nor wills- £ ' " * * p «■ ilhmald tortcatlng liquors shall to licensed or pro- , I -key. The pending bill ha», therefore been tho first '««y flxed as afoi-esald ^ lo[al optlon dl8lrlct con.l noon and evening. March 6. one ae«t the] ; prepared with great care, taking n week f"r °[ *M -7ner' "f............ >n «»« Tuesday next aft- r Iu*urlou»ly furnished apartment In * Lon- -PWTL2 t if the valuable time of our learned sen or cers by the appointment of capable per- « KovenibePi A. D1W.-.' don House. The nrs, sensation la that of, WARNER S. LEWIS, f counsel Mr Ward, and his associate*., *ho r*' v°tor* and resident In .the lh,Und a. foIiowi- I complété mysUfleation. "What mesMS« CARPENTER AND BUlLUEle I f . ..... . na»,,iiAns] election district for which they »hall hi the vote» stand as lonows. possibly be sent from tihe far off Jooblng a specialty. Good material I and has been submitted to constitutional of lists ............ vote, were received "for license," r»n fossimy »'ni rom . Skilled workmen. Fair pries*. Let m-> giva f.awvers elsewihere. My head Is not big appointed, and the furnishing of lists received "against «. planet Mars to dweller* In this convention-] «utmals. Offlea an« »« Or- |nough to prompt me to stand here and of name, by the county executive com- ^ ^ ,Lhat thn,'«l English Hornet" TM. th. question j sng. -ttoal. Both Ohon.a __ ta.nv nmnia th© rlirht lo have Ju»t WUtsss of any political party nh«ll not * . cWAPn that th© nvcraip* author axk» hlm»rlf J. F. HEAHDON. «24 Wect Thl*d Ti©ny tho poople the rl«ht lo »ave juax nocowarv i)r©ronUl»ito for such clerk« appointed by wm* duly »Worauf thi_i carpenter and buUdor. JubWn« pr mp ly tot tot they wwnt. « right to vote on ,h*. . , !Z l . sffirmed «ceordlng to law. and that We From 'he \er> s|. rllng pol t 1 ■' at Mir prices. Ask estimate. Phone. D. and Question of license or no license. | «PPo ninvent. The registration off cers ro ^ ^ . - comedy the Interest 1n the beautiful do- A, 3427A. m2-2m. ? "False reports havo been circulated aa appointed to fill vacancies, as well as TJttmony whereof, we the Judges velopment of the play 4s so intense that To the cost of this special election, which teglstratlon officers now In office, shall pIactton for „,ld Elect on District. !t «-'»on""" <* «h""" wh'' is the only method to get this matter, by «»> «»uds take such oaths, and anJ lt from thn hlm of the first to the- fell ihe wav. out Of politics. One Is that It will 'a' " ^ylng ao « to ♦ost tYi.nno. Now I have had tho matter fll1 *"ch offices ond fulfill the duties written or printed forms <-f I tjbr the coat Investigated and find It will «hereof ns are provided by law In «h«t( ^ thr aUall b, d. J Lena Rivers" w ill Include Its en- Vost Kent county, «.non; Sussex count}-, behalf ' livered bv the sheriff as above directed. I KaSfemcnt at the Lyceum Theatre with au»; and New Castle county. 63.600." The registration officers serving for the i'*r d hy t roUn,y and election gl.-.'Performances this afternoon and eve,- Ï The following Is the full text of the bill: »l"-'*« registration of voters herein pro- a, Roprown,artv» dlstrletl.' '"»■ Thl" U ,he '^8t 8how tha' ,hd8 I An Act providing for the submission toj d''d *hal> induct the registration of «1 «• d K £ th(f bIanks for seen In Wilmington for aometlmo the vote of the qualified electors of the '"«T"- advertise the dates, hours and ^rm.Tln Urn fmeg-lng form T !nnd undoubtedly the best prodttatlcn 'several districts of the State mentioned m P1-*"" for their sitting to register voters. 5'rp°* n of the peace of the " h,<h h"". eV,>r * Uotoption Article XIII of the Constitu- H»t» of additional registered Sertïon 5' popular prices. tlon of the State of Delaware, tho ques- «a^rtntad aTl btaatawd torrnTT^h] n |AW _______ PUBLIC SALES. At on .ton whether the Manufacture and Sale o, '^.tratn to^ks! c3fy1 ^ £*** MADE COLD-SLAW -------------------- -------- ---------------------------------- TgÄffÄ "Jff'SÜ ~ wd. Ä fl'.r OF WIFES $30 LACE _ OF FEKSOnIl"property. lube fore pmvlded for. The said clc.kt -f ^ J ^ w^'»Ä ^ drlv^'^le or double! Nn. ; B*s- DO THEY *ACHEI W. H. JACOB. Ho naupp -»«11 ruiMA to be urlntrd for Toll ««uw .Frtrnito blly V*^r» old. regular block.I Chiropodist Corn» rrmov»d without pallU the p©»ce nh«ül niu»c to b€ ^ WINBTBD, Conn.. March 2.-A Wood- non farm, near Centrcvlllo. wh«r© he i»ow extra good worker. No. S. D©wey. black1 j* conU m w#gt s#v»nth »treat the several elrv-Llon ^tHetawlthln thUr bury mBn ^ ,,njoylng hirnsrif ^Es'daÎ. MARCH B. at 1 o'clock sharp. 'CÄ ton'f.' jirespective counUe». all necessary lots felt hungry when he got home Four head of horsea, 12 rows, turne with Hgh 8*tanhoniB^âl/tornisa Mo ' , for said special election, which shall be In .. k . j morning caJvw« by th«lr side, some close springers. liy borï7 in ve.rînm _____ number not l.-cs Itnn four times Ihe total , 1 bull, Fsrmlng Implements1 Cibamploii i.AndA high good driver an,l would muk* ^**w Castle county will bold their psgula* -ete Of «II oa. tle.at the preceding general "Wher* dld u Iut ,h* oold c*bbe«- Mnder. good as new. horsersk«, mowing. a"«5,?i«î?han!eTîa A glntoe tal k meeting at the office of Daniel O. H si- vote of all parti*» at Ihe precedlng gcmn ho (.alIed upatalra to his wife, machine »weep tower, fodder cutter . ',^7 TTXl^d bv a Frem u ,nF"' »»« Market atroeL Wilmington, election. Bald elerke of the peace .hall .__ . w„,,_ rornaheller. plows, harrows, eu l vator. * years oid; sired oy a rrom n v»vanpaàHy March «th at 1«I0 o'clock tie murk ami seal and d- wl«> had coughed loudly tolethim know roI|(>r , TO#rfPt wnKon, rria,c. buggy, f*11»»^ *• ■ft bH^..ma,,v a Ir was useless lo take off bisshoes. rosd carl, milk sled, cutter, mowing * years old, ssred by Aleyo, No. 704*. ree- "On the aecond shelf In the pantry.scythes, forks, hoes shovels, rskes. torn- °Tdl°2*f|*1' ***" 'r » «,-ta w^A H.rsthiv knlven. Babcockmilk t©»t**r. m-Ilk can». 2 n!o»ly br©«l and h good-gait©<J mar©. th© mini© manner .\f at aiwneral ©lection.*he tthly. butter tub©, barn©©« of all kind«. "f *P^ «nd quality. This mar© and No. 6 l4Ä_0.. He found th© cabbage and the oil. vino- ]|ou©©hold Good*- 1 No. 9 Victor Cook, ß «re with foal to Hrookland Chief. No. M, iSa.d ballot» and ?.M pencil© or ci.i>on« , rtnd pcppei.f cut up thG ^bbag^. cook «tov©. 1 wood oxwl and heater. » hay Ally, comln» two year» old. out of « anwif Wdaht^n n*! « 1 ©hall rccelwd Horn ©aid clerk» of th© * . ,4 , . , P. . . . . j»aJr bcdittadi, chiffonier. d»>od «« new; Nupwood mar©, very fine. No. 9, I*u«iwlg. l R s*mIngton, T ©I.. Fob. 2*». peace by Ih© name official», at » mllar dre,M<* ^ to hls »to It wltll ûp- tuhl©a. « can» dining chairs. 1 aorr»l «îolt. .T year© old. aired by th© ßcotlon 2, of Artld© XÎII of th* C<«n- Klml* *>0 obtained, proaecuted and d©t©r- Jy * . . _ , . , , petit©. child*» writing desk and chair, p'etur©». Quûlttr. Dam. Blanch© Atherton. Not a of c- MrC*?îlînl autullon of the Sinto of Delaw ire the mtwefi. and the dec's ons tfaarswi certtfied.1 * r Vi j 'Ooorgc, why didn't you eat tho enh- lamp». Ingrain and rag carpet, w.ndow bctgsr brsd on« In the'■«•«* «»• «* 1": *5 ixama or'aftatSSTawflM^Carttah hn%w * mi« uwMta.iru, in»f _____ ___ treated, dlapoaed of. delivered rtnd ©m- * ; ___ _ . _ . nhad©», many other article» not men- l«o!i©r. #t©el gray tfektin*. 6 year» od 15 nam© oi mamo» «na Mn araan. na\a question, whether the manufacture and "P"" ""d *nforeed. In the same tbe os of'w1d .p.cl t bage last nlghtï asked hla wife when he Hnnod,Hay by the don; corn fodder by th. hands high, Thl. U a road horse that Ih-. d*Y dlMoIvefi jiartnsr^lp by -«ale of Intoxtcat nK liquors shall be 11- manner and before and by the same ntr- 11 same maimer as the ballots PP*»I*>d rath, r shnky for bfisakfaat bundle. I m .st timid iwraon can drive to electric win' il n- °Sovnsed or prohib1i©4l within the limits rf w>nB as ,n the ©a»© of registration appeals . •*! did: U wm» fineî, nald Georg©; "fo All »um» of and !©•• ea«h, over «hn»loar» or automobile« and with what Ifcttl© -Jf. J \iÀ ur prunmim wnmn me umm n * _ ** and pem-Us or ccayon» employ*! at \ . A . , « , . . .. amount a credit of R months W'ill ho IP V. n handlln« he ha© had ha© shown oiiarlera "iHnton and all debts contractad by srXld aaid several districts, ©hall l>© submit^ ^r,or f® * ff^neral clec^n. Tor the pur- ew|, rloctlon> Xn<, borot»*©hàll thoughtful of you to keep It. <*©ar©*t. hy purchaser giving bankable note, with..m 12 »©oonds. and all that sew him ih h * flrm WllLl^£S,di,bynWi»5r*5nÄ«TT to the vote of the qualified electors cf I**»* ,of hearing such appeals the appro., ln|tJ|ilC(1 b the clrrkil delivered to quail-' *^ 4t on tho Pa«try ©h If. sho an approved endorser. . malLna©» last fall know a great] signedR. C. MeTARDEDL. ptrUt several districts In everv such dl-- prtate* Judge constituting under the law m . ^ . . ! .. ... . . cried. f _ . . IX)i 18 POTTS hors© to finish. Nos. II and 12 ar© a pal** trict in which there'«hall be. upon said «bunal of appeal shall sit In th. nnd 'CoU^tKl "mthc Is' y "a. T". KI,Ud *,,h *PPtoh«n*k>«. Mr*. Oarga EMD HlrkTclsrk.U<'' «1-26 26-r*m2-4 hL?,ofB^w*.n,l«55l,?r«*hotC. * rlo« I »T)f». a majority against license, no person. P *cc designated by statute for such pur- e|ect|on searched the second shelf hurriedly. Ih, re .. ........ '■ '„prlngcr*. Farming utenalls and household,firm or corporation shall thereafter man- on Wednesday the twenty-third duy ' she had left four yards of lace, wo:th 53« _________________________ good», hay and straw, by the ton. about SO ^facture or se„ spirituous, vinous, or malt of October.1907. a. 10 o'clock In the taro- ln * ^ ^ _ . 't°n" °f SÄÄn, Hauers, except for medicinal or aacrn- noon, and from day lo day thareafter SO rmJ bp tthfrwl(,„ ,Ill)y quallnM as at a The lace was gone. TTj-pp TIlSFlPIlSarV ml-4t Mt. Cuba. DeL mental purposes within slid district, unt 1 I long as may to necessary, to hear and gener4, Plw.tlon Thp llprll, of the _ar, -------------------------------- A 1 V.V, UUpVUJUl Jf gt a subsequent submission of auch ques- determine such appeal* and sheriffs of the several counties, the tlon. a majority of votes shall be castNo registration fees «hall he exact, d hlapectora or ^h«,- penong oonducttngsald election, the Judges and clerks of said MORTGAGE BROKERS. FOR RENTTwo large third-story cam ! the Grand Opera House on Tuesday atter- CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. WANTED. driver, years old. No. 4. AGENTS wanted at «13 King str.-st, ml-:u room 8. Salary or commtsrton. WANTEDTo buy go d second-hand folding bed. Address B-2 Evening Journal m2* suitable for offices nr a bouse on Market »tree*, by the year. Dr. Barnea, 71« We»t f28-lf_ FOR RENT Second and third »tury front room, after March 28; 7 eaat Four- teenth st Address, C-I4, Journal Oftic* t2*-tf ■trash TIN AND SLAG ROOFING. JOS. I. O'NEILL CO., 411 Ea*t Fourth Street. I of the final curtain. □elm. 2914. D. A A. 149«. WANTED-To buy two dwelling house* tester, lot good seed potatoes. 7 aer«s of on West side between Market and Jet- wheat In th< ground and other articles fcreep. Fourth and Eighth. Must to I,ar- ten numerous to mention. Condition«: I gains. Address T. T. Evening Journal Of- All sum* of 620 snd lota, cash: over that fire. m2 3t amount, 6 monthscredit with bankable note with approved endorser. 3 per cent, for cash on all credit sum*. BOATS AND LAUNCHES. LAKE ENGINE. COME SEE IT RUN, or write for information. WANTED.Organiser of "Two-Ceat Club" In »very community in Delaware, male or female: easy; pleasant. Particu- lars free. John T. Mullins loc., Wilming- ton, Del. 1 H LAKE. Bourse Bldg., Philadelphia Pa. J M McCOLLUM inl,2.5.«.7 William 1-ank. Auctioneer. / (U-Neod NOTICES. . Intoxicating Liquirn shall be licensed or [ prohibited within the limits of tihe said and verlfy the alphabetical lists of reg- scveral districts, in accordance with said Istered voters and registers, be ;>ossessed Article XIII of said Constitution, and of •*" ,he Powers while sitting for such j fixing tho penalties for the Illegal manu-l registration of voters, and perform all facture and sale of Intoxicating liquors °f their official duties In the tome mau- lr> any of said districts wherein there shall ner' 88 *n the case of tbe registration of 1 "be a majority of votes oast against 1- vo,cr» prior to a gtnernl election. cf nse I All penalties imposed by statute upon Be It enacted by the Senate and House "oh registration officers for non-feasance cl Representatives of tbe State of Delà- or misfeasance In office, and upon all persons for violations of law regulating NOTICETh« School Commissioners ol fold. wrap, liver said ballot«, and furnish and deliver Indelible black load pencils or crayons, n ru ware in General Assembly met. J- Section J. That on the Tuesday next! ,h*registration of voters In this statt rafter the first Monday of November In sha" be applicable to and in force in con- Ihr year of our Lord one bhotiaind n'ne »1wdtb the special registration of hundred and seven, In each of the act- voters herein provided for. Appeals from said registration officers ANDREW S KLIABON. ELIAS N. MOORE, BENJ. A. GROVES. ml M < o-nralasioners. «■a! districts of the Stale mentioned In Slgncd-WALTER B. STANTON f28 3t > FARMS FOR SALK. 1/ BUY A FARM IN PENNSYLVANIA, NEW JERSEY OR DELAWARE. Best Slates for profitable farming. Soli ... .. . . .A, I adapted to great variety of craps. Near The subscriber atom tu relinquish Btlih markets that psy beat prices ft>r your pro- log. w.ll sell at puquo sale at his resl auct|1. Farm lh#M Btatwi my deuce on Jasen Davla farm, barnhursl. specialty, sold and bought. Write ferpar- Dataware. on ticulars RAYMOND G. FRICK. 1102 B S. THURSDAY. MARCH 7. at 9 a. m.. Trost Bld., Phlladalphla. 13 bead of good horse* and colts. No. 1 Coalle. black mar*. 12 yoais old. No. 2 Dave, toy horae, 16 years old. No 3. Goldie, sorrel mare. 7 year* old. No. 4. Maud, toy marc. K) years old. No, S. Fan- nie. toy more. 22 years old. No. «, Bello, sorrel mare. 14 years old. No. 7. Fannie, brown marc. 11 years old. No. 8. Hop, bay stallion. 6 yoars old In Juno, sired by Hop. No. 9. Edna, bay coming 6 yew» old. No. 10. Sadie, ehe»,nut sorrel, coming two year» old. No. ll. Ada. sorrel, coming 2 years old. No 12, < Viril«, bay yearling. No. 13. Rock, tone; yearling. 10 hand of coo.l .in rt COW*. Soma have m*r. 7-Ofley Verron erd S Mt C NU calves by their side, other« close springers. Del., stock snd lninlem-nt« " «rtoTiobbV'. 101 °f cblrk'nl1' 4 Mar. 8-J. H. McCollum. Chrbd sna H w- Farming lmpT«nunt* of all kinds. New dred. near M aient Green School last year. Italians collars and bridles, sot House. Stock and Implrmrnts. milk wagon l.rncas mid nuumrous other Mar. 8Special sal* of first dar« fu nU things too tedious to mention. ,, st.dh.m . B . Dairy Fixtures-3 »-quart. 2 20-quart and ,ur* , . B uc on, 1 40-quart milk cons, cooler, buckets, milk room, «I I o e.ocK. measuring stick, chum and bustor print.; Mar. 11Millard F. Pay. rt.r'.stl >na huna Also SO acres of wheat In th* ground.' dred. sloe* and Imp'cments. HouicfcoM and kltclien furti.iture, 1 Mar. 12John C. Johnston. ConditionsAll sums of $2« and 1«.=». er that amount. 9 monthsrred t PUBLIC SALE. MAN. NOT DEATH, FORLung Diseases AT THF,Delaware Anti-Tuberculosis ------- Society-------- 602 West Street. I from or paid by any voter registered at Section 3. It shall be the duty of the the »peclhl registration herein provided egtstratkon officers of the respective r- lection districts In this State now in office, to Bit on tho third and fourth Sat- »«leer* and all the costs and expense* jprdayis immediately preceding the day of conducting such special registration herein prescribed for taking tho aforesaid, from 8 o'clock a. m. to said district for license. PARTS WIDOWS eicctlon. shall to subject to the same pen- alties for nonfeasance or misfeasance in office, and all other persons shall be sub-1 Bridegroom Arrives and Smashes Lifa : Jtct to auch penalties tor misbehaviour relative to the special election herein pro- vided for ns are provided by the laws rela- tive to general elections in this State. I The compensation of such Registration PUBLIC SALES. ContractsNow Dividing Property Mar. 4Del Lynam, Oak Hill farm, ml Price's Corner, farm »to* k nd farm Implement«. Mar. 8Louie Potta, vote shall be ascertained and paid In the same unt I 7 manner, by the same authority, with n ------- - a reasonable time after the performance COLORADO SPRINGS. Col., March 1| Widow Nellie B. Hewlet and widow Columbia Ann Robbins hero had each be< n - All the provisions and requirements of law looking lo the sverecy of the ballot, | bereft of the only man she could ever love.i mingled tears, exchanged neir Ontrév;;;«^ stork and farm Implrmrnts. Mar. 7-Georgs Blackburn. of their duties as aforesaid, as In the case of the registration of voters prlur to a general election. The «aid registration officers shall hold nnd dispose of said registers, books of registered voters and sa d books of reg- istration certificates in the same manner, nnd deliver the same to tho same election A mgether with all penakilcs imposed f„r They met, ' violations of the provisions of law looking mournful recollections, swapped sympa- to that end, shall apply with full force to tot*®- '(he special election herein provided for | Finally they agreed on a unique merger 'The ballot boxes used at said special cleo-, nf their real estate snd personal prop- tlon shall to delivered, held snd «treated «'idy. They decided they would be happier before, during and after the bolding of 8nd more prosperous If they occupied one said special election. In the same manner h01*8*. New Ca-tlq hundred, stack and Imptemsat. o'clock. 3 P. M. Tuesday 8 P. M. Thursday 8 P. M. Saturday \ ï* Thn niOKt ob«t.f.its^ and diKflnirint fkin af. => fectlon Tieldii »pnn<iiiy and permanent It to tan healinu, cooling, aoottdnc, ypt powerful uiflorucea or and oth«r officer», iH'for©, a»t «nd after th© holding of said special ©lection for th© taking of tlje voto^ aforesaid, nnd for the purpose of the taking of the voto »for - ] .«id. as in tho café of th© hldlngr of a i «enaral election. Section 5. All qo«lffl©d ©lectors ehall be entitled to vote upon the question» so divided their domestic work, «hared equally in rent» and all other pr«*- / HEISKELLS OINTMENT Physicians and Nurse* in attendance is at a general election. Ejection 6. On the day fixed for the hold-! fit8- 88 w8" «" ln Xtonses. So they ing of th* special election for th* taking consolidated, bath signing a written cop- of th*' vote affrc^ald, th© pills shall b / f r«sd In connection with IfF.fSRFJ.I.*» It nerer full* to core Clm», Tetter, , EciernK.Kfysip^ias. Klninrorui Sr»l every iort I of tkin sffictum. At nnntarMte. S4»«p. fftu. r-i*Otntm«nt, 60o. Hend for hook of tetUmonislf. t iOHNSTON.HOLLOWAYAC0..Philadelphi tract and recording It with the County Re- ---- opened In tlie several voting districts Ikj- o0n**r- th©lr real estate was trans- tween 8 and 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and furred to th© public trust©©, who In turn( continuously open until 7 o'clock deeded it to tih© two women Jointly. Tlie, in tihe afternojn# Said polls shall open- contract, in all ©ns©ntlal» was much like tors would be totuioa ta egrt ther to' - « d and closed, and ih, tollots given during « Tb Tom' *Th *' lota at a general election. The special 8ttid ,loctlon sh*U ^ co,m,ed and o, ,h do ? election for «the taking of tho vote p. a- >" «*>« '"«nner as at a general elec-, dpth do ,,s >1"rt ' id*<I for n this «et shall b held m the 8n- Thrff' tortlfl. at. . of the résulta of _^r4 tto mtorÏ 11f. w^Tlnebra* f W the taking of said vote in each voting dis- m»»r> during th© other a Ilf© was Included. Th© widows seemed content and wer© prosperous until the man appeared. He1 „0 COPAIN near MilfurdL X - Roads, Mill Creek hundred Mar. HC.W. McNamee, Mill Creek him* dred. »lock *nd implement«. Mar. 12Fersoom property of Hi« at« C. H. Griffith, Bnndywtn« bull-' drsd. etock ind Implement*. Mar. 12William Duff. n«ar New P -rt. stock and faming Implements. Mar. 12Personal Property of Bam tel Easlburn.deceased, Mil! Creek Hd. at 10 o'clock a. m. Ctrh. with bankable note, with approved In- doroer. 5 per cent off for cash on all credit' sums. remain to to submitted lo them as «foréesid. tinder the same condition* aa such eie« Or ki o .. GEORGE M BLACKBURN. ! Pt'dham snd Ron. Aur. 3 1 Rlh» P. Hick». Clerk. i PUBLIC BALE I M Public Sale of personal property. The f rubsrriber intending to quit farming will I 1 :-e|| th«' fiolloving perron«) property with- out reserve on me farm of Mr* Cirri* A. I.ynam. two miles north of Brandywine Mar. 14-John Taylof, Mill Creek hundred, [ Spring» on the Kennett trolley line on Mar. 13Edgar Vernon, sale of personal ï MONDAY. MARCH 11. a.1 12 o clock sharp. property, near Oak Hill School « head of hors.-» and colt*, gord work and driving h«>r* v*. 9 h.ad of good mil. h House, Christian« hundred, j rows. 1 Holstein stock hull. farming Implements and hoc«** A full line of fanning implantent», alii hold goods nearly new. Carriages wagons, ham* s.l v»r. 14David Unfiet. Christiana hund-efi. _|Sb«gh and bolls Household goods, daii-y I fixtures and other articles too numerous A nr . . i to mention Hay and millet by the ton. DLAUTIFUL FACE ConditionsAll sums of »20 and over a1 Mar. lî-Herman I.ange «dlo'ntn» Bhelipot Send stamp for Particular» and Testl 1 fredlt of six months will be given bv th«l Park. Stovx and implements montais of the remedy that c>«r« the I IW-hasef xivlng tonkabie note with an Mar 13-Jam» rwrpenter. Christiana lun- Complexton. Removes Skin Imperfections approved endorser All sums under W to dred. stock and Implement*. Makes New Blood and Improves the *>• o««h. S per cent off tor tosh M,r. i»_Talley and Burker, Brandys««* I (SSlth If V4TI1 (ak* LnAt\l/Kr W. MÄ1 I> AMKE. _ - tv. took, Auc. M*r»ha"ton, Del. Springs. «-.* of »toe*. J. Taylor Pelraon, Clerk. m2-4-6-S Mar. 20-Furniture. «19 Lombard at. af 1 o'clock p. m Mar. 21Furniture. BOS West 11th st, at ..'clock a. m. Mar. 21Orlanda O. Sutton, on road lead* a V R. T. Felix Oouraud'a Oriental Cream or Magical Boautifier. a m2-4: o several voting districts of Ihe stale, lip m ______ similar notice, by the same election off -i <"ct- 'P°n thp bUnkf 88*d 8- BhLi'üüntoïïS 1 oer*. including clerks and voters' aaei«..1,«" 88 «foressid. shall to mad* S on,sad»t | ants, and subjoct in all ix>SD©da to the out* «ten'*1 c©rttfl©d, placed In ©nv©l p *. "aK not on ÄP»i» bors©. Infact w ir fS jfSdUtt l«J ! same law», so far aa tho same are appl - bald and disposed of in the same manner 8f*°^BUL*JytoT^'llraTw *"i Zâ\SS!X* ' cable, as were employed, used and en- -8re corresponding certificates a, general ^ SS 5T tU ^ RenP,a' ^UOn ln ^rjdc^tad rJ tob - property? The di.irie. court ^ STVtr ! case from any cua* there sha« be' lot boxes shall be placed in the custody cf '*£*J*ttn* »8nkruP^ *r' gyygj» [ vaesnous among such ©lection off cer» in th© Judges of ©lection, not being th« In-1 tn* (a patost). any 'elcrtlon district outride of Ihe pltyj «pector In each election district, one to iffl «M thîS I Of Wilmington, such vacancies shall b>' f avli. and each of raid Judges rhall pro- - - ., { TM°«7£l to ftl,pd hy the v*n*or. and case such ».«-' Ouce and deliver said certificates to said rtfSîïelî.yilîàiîbTifIn«»'« ,n4_Frary canrles among such cleotlon nff eer' shall Superior Court sitting aa a board of c«n- Qood. Imlw» lo lbs Unli.u bisiM, CiaeC. uod Euroes. ej[tst ln >ny district within the v«ss as afor<»a'd. at the countv Oourt W. S. Todd Win» Paintings, Lac* and iEHO.T.MWKWS, Pro»» 87 Brat «lows Streit 8«w Toit city of Wilmington. *ueh vacanc es shall House at 12 o'clock noon on «the first to filled by the Department of Elections Thursday following the said special elec-| Ramevi« Tan, Plrrplet. Frecki«. Moth P.ichw, SÎ5d s Ê3 % » V.& ir o ll IN 2^^ stock and Implements, at o'clock- LUCKIEST MAN IN JERSEY r Piano at Fair. j ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., March 2.W1I- ! 11am S. Todd, an insurance man of this BEAUTYSKIN for the City of Wilmington by the ap-|tlon. pointaient of the governor or eald Depart-1 ment of Elections respectively, of sut-' able and duly qualified persons to serve! as such election officer» in the yaeaneics Second Baptist Church lo-morrow. The no then existing as aforesaid. Such va-1 ordinance of the Lords Supper will to or MS» IspUi» «rspps*. i cancles «hull 'be so filled at least tWOlllv observed after the morning sermon, the a«« Todd went to a firemens fair in thatj *T ..pr.».,*c**at4. for . days before the snKl date fixed for »n 1 subject of which will be "lawrnlng In city ond took chances on varkms articles.| îi.xaUrViat*-n V--'» holding of sad election ns aforesaid. The ,h'School of Adversity.He came home before the drawing, but jeleetton officers so appointed to fill vs.; Tho Sunday School will me t ut 2 oclock.j M<) h<j wrs tnfo,m<ld by mathat, fancies, aa well as election offlce-s con- Harry Stauacbach leads the Intermediate , , , tinned Iri office a. atoresnld, shall lake C K. Society, which, stud lea "How to to J*' ha *°"T^ braulhtwordl tor the government has not torn giv. suoh oath» unfi-pertorm such other qunl-i honest with yourself and God,'a most parh- Tuesdai s niait brought *o i . a , dtylng arts tn fill such office» and hUflll Important theme. Baptism Mil Introducej ot his winning a prtie plec-e of lace work| trial trip tocaus.- the tea tnnhe Delaware the duties thereof, «s are provided by! the evening service at 7.45 to be followed'Slued at IIW«.'snd a letagram Wednesday rlv,.r eo thlrlc tbal tho craft could not law tn that behalf. 1 by the usual song service, which Is much night notified him that a 8»' piano tod j pr(ipCTly ,eitcaj xh, boat will have Section 4. The sheriff of each county, enjoyed by all. The pastor will »peak in been added to list of winnings, fodl shall, after tha twenty-third and before the evening upon "Two Facta About ( ordered tha trophic# *h pped to hi* home tha twenty-aaveath day ot October, taj Christ." j h»r*- ÜAEN ANS WOMEîï. toneliclal results are guaranteed or money ITw Dix U for unnstnrsl di.cksriM.isflammstloni, irritation, or ulcer.tlon. of mucosd m.mbrsa:*. Psinl.u. sud sot sitrin- |gl Baptism at Second Church. Good things are promlaed tor visitors to ,uckleat m,n tha State. Dm ing a bu»i-| nera trip to Phoenlxville, Pu., a few da* s city, is putting forth claims as one of the; refunded. CIVIL ENGINEERS. i. « * Cf ... M »irtclut. rc. ■«»»>•• ElTktf»*8»C«Mietl Co. »«nt or i.onou,. * ------- Bald by Draggl.lt, CHICHESTER CHEMICAL CO. FRANCIS A. FH1CF. civil engineer and surveyor, lOOrtk Market St.. Wtb phon*x s2ï-eod ! fng froh« State Rosd to Bear Station, slock aad Implements. opposite Court House 0)88188471,4 , r.s.1. Trial Run for Pamlico. Altltough practically completed the revenue cutter Pamlico building at the I yards of. She Piracy and Jones Company f WARNERS FREIGHT LINE. MsrUt ÄM© VflkMftaik P«' ».$*> f««t .fWJiwt 5trt.PW*«dpAM Throu«» CHICHESTERSPILLS /■mCK I.sdle.1 *.k j«r llrunl.l f , M box««. MElr-1 wltft Flu« ElhÖOS. r **.:>» ?mäv*Vf.-s 1C H BRAND PILW.f r 16 l V 0 yp«8« r*f«rd«d m »wt, Ai»m Re- AT iitblE Itld k; l)rir(f]*(8 87FfT»hPr««. ^r aasc &gr**»• ? ;> k. { a tast run just aa toon oa conditions «u 1 ih% rlvar iri Uvortbi». I i A tL b r '

THE EVENING JOURNAL. SATURDAY, MARCH a, 1907. …THE EVENING JOURNAL. SATURDAY, MARCH a, 1907. 7 SENATE IS FOR LOCAL OPTION o'clock p. m., with an Intermission from? the year 1907

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Page 1: THE EVENING JOURNAL. SATURDAY, MARCH a, 1907. …THE EVENING JOURNAL. SATURDAY, MARCH a, 1907. 7 SENATE IS FOR LOCAL OPTION o'clock p. m., with an Intermission from? the year 1907




o'clock p. m., with an Intermission from? the year 1907. deliver to the Inspector ofIt o'clock mid-day to 1 o’clock p, m.,1 election district, or oUiar officer «B-I Dl AYS AND PI AYFRS

I at the place In each election district where "*'*** hçreb>- to hold t*«' eleoKon ,(>ri ■ fcHUniW» Eai« ■ ta«W 1

. . ,, itaklna the vote hereby provided forIt I« proponed take the vote aforesaid,| theretn ,wo 8uUabft ballot wlth ,,| John Price, the beat Irish . horaoter

I or at some convenient and suitable other pJe0€. Qf tape and sealing wax. appropriate tor stage since Joseph Murphy re-1tired. w\\\ arUh “McFadden'«


WANTS. FOR SALE. FOR RENT. REAL ESTATE, ETC.place In said election district, and çt'8'ieh written or printed forma of tally listssittings to add to the reglst. rs and books '>f certificates of the result of . lection ' «t *>>»♦ «-y^ur.* M-rt-b 11. IS «nd 13.

. . : ,. in rard election district, of the oaths or ■'*Pt-lce will bo seen «» Tim Mr Padof registered votera of*Hieir respective __ _____ . ,

, ' .. A 'affirmation» of the inspector orelection districts the names of all persons ■ t , )•.<,. ..««.hip nf thn v©rv iM«t facial ex... A ...... person authorised by law to hold the elec 1181 or in« \<r> »es« xaciax exapplying to them who muj have bccomi j . . . , . . . , 1 nreexlon he is iihki mmitor

^ . .. )nmt tion therein, and the persons to b© taken pvreaion nc is a pasi rnasier.qualified to vote since the day of the last . # . —_ WANTBD—Energetic lady or gent.omanGeneral Election, or who may becomt.i t,r and also of tho Hooligan s Trip Around the fop traveling position. Good line. Parmni -

... . ! ,h. 1>f ,.lrh . Clerks who shall be ohosen ,u> net at such , ™y M lwn * lrlI>, a™"'"’ .-nt poaltlon. Bplendtd chance for ndvanr - streta.** . . {election, and of thr certificate of .dm n- World. the attraction which will hold mem. Experience unnecessary. Ill ww kljfc store Tenth and BcnneH streets,ial election. Isterln* such oaths or afflrmatlona. with for,h **ceuih M‘rch <• * and 8 Is to start. Kxpcn-.-s advanced. Address (l|

printed or written directions as to cor- *>"• ,hat considerably from the| O-Ctows^ W UnlnKlo". DeL

reeling, completing and signing such oath ordlnary Une of oflerlngs at this play-!! or affirmation and certificate of admin- liou*p Though the patrons undoubtedly

like melodrama where th© triumph '»f vii-

■/ T. Coleman duPont Expressed Himself Vigorously on

Party’s Pledges


other den- and to a«« him is to laugh. Aa an ar­ il(


—............... ................. I---- .------ -—. FOR DALE—Two black horaes, good foeKOK RENT »tore Thirteenth and West dr bring purposes. Addrao* Y. L Jou. twJ

1 Office. ra-JtI'

FOR SALE—Colonial Acorn No. 7 c-ok stove, neatly new. Apply 210* West Fifthstreet.

1 FOR BA 7,E—One ten horse-power, four- I cyclo gasolln* engine. In good order. Ad­dress P. O. Box 534, Wilmington, Del.


Apartment* Seventh and Franklin Sts. ■ Apartments Kleventh and Adam* St*.

Apply WILMINGTON TRUST CO..915 Market Street.

The said registration officers, within one week before their first sitting as pro-

special to The Evening Journal. Vlded for In Mils section, »hull procure DOVER March 2.-After u, momentous f‘om «»e clerks of the peace of the r re-;

State Central' "Pcctlve counties the two registers and th© two book» of registered voters« ami the books of registration certificates, for their respective election districts. It shall Fk th© duty of th* clerks of the pa-ice In the several «outilles to deliver mild book» to the »aid r«*#ristralion officer» when (he

m2-2t ml-Jl

HELP WANTED—MALE,1st crime the «mu-, and »hall »1« » d liver

each Inspector or other officer uutlio • tu® over vice Is repeated ad lib., they willj■ xcd by law to lioid the olecllon ah «for. - undoubted!# welcome a *how In whlch^ West sts.________________________________Kild a book of blank form* of on,tbs or mirth, mueie and bounty are combined.; WANTED—A hoy for grocery »lore, affirmai!ions provided for In sect ou 19 other words, they will go to tho !->•■ Apply j. R. E. MONTQOMBUT. Kleventh of chapter 38, volume 21. l,aws of Del«-, w«»' prepared to laugh and not to ciy.j and Tntnall. ml-*t

The ballot box. forma of oaths or They wont to fe.t*t their eye« on pretty, girls and beautiful costumes. They want;

speotor or other officer authorised by law 1° have their risllvllti.-e tickled and their jof luimor gratified. It !» stated by]

-------meeting of the Republican Committee hero yesterday In which Republican State Chairman T. Colomnnj duPont expressed himself very vigorously on carrying out party pledges and fulflll-

fhe people, the Sen.

BOV WANTED—Drug store, 2nd on!m2-It


» PUBLIC SALE.Will be sold at Public Sale on the l,y-j WANTED every Thursday. Best prtoes.

ram Earn., one mile from Price's Cor- Pel phone 229S. P. and A. UST. D»*Mg tier. Del., near the 1 mile tavern, and ad- J and Thomson. 8th and Monroe. J2*-Mt-ea j.inlng the Kerris Industrial School on)

MONDAY.’MARCH 4. WT nt I o'clock.Five ho.nl of work and driving horses.NO. 1-Itnv mare. 9 years old, sound and ]

gentle, good driver and will work any- ■where.

J.0-301 , No, 2—Gray hors*. 9 years old. gooddriver and worker.

No. S Gray mar.v * years old, sound and gentio and a good brood mate.

NO. 4-Bay stallion, coming 1 years old. sired by Brooklyn Chief, and a very prom­ising eokt and thoroughly broken.

No. S—Colt. 1 year old.15 head of choleo milch cows. Also 27

acres wheal In ground. FURNIBHED ROOMS — HousekeepingHousehold goods, consisting of stoves, j ^ Ktng street. f8-lra

beos. bedsteads, tables and many other j-----------------------articles not enumerated.

Terms—All sums under Î20 cash, that amount * credit of 3 months and J | gi,-lm per rent, off for cash on all credit sums

FOR BALK CHEAP Stock and flx-tur s f24.27,28,ml.2store Including horse and

Ing the confidences ofate of Delaware reconvened and passed .... vs .the Conner bill tolling for a special clot- »*«*= »’»»II f applied for as af re n d. | tlnn on the Tuesday after the llrst Mon- On delivering one of the registers and day In next November, when there will ha <’"«’<* the book, pf regl.tered voter. and«»o oth©r ©lection pending, throughout iho; >oo o r°k * ra 0,1 <ir ‘ ‘ * ° qim^tlcatiim of euch officer», th« forms win Ih> fulfilled.Bta.e, on the question of license or no 1,.; Inspector or öfter Person -uUtortosd by of Hld nh-ctlon.

*“W *° »P^«' " W» s„d th, certification of the administra- Al. W. Martin’s world’s greatestSection one of the bill reads: '1 * ”n l!'" 1 ’ or. " J’111*’”’1 ' ' tlon of said oaths so furnished, shall be newest edition of ’t tide Toms Ca in.The penalties for »elling in any district ,h* vote «foretold. It »h»U bo the m,,.b „ arP prr8r,nMKl ch«pter 38. Vol-| «’ll> «Ppfar «t tho Lyceum March T. 8 and

whom ttift voter» havo voted for “ro li- 11 y ° °7‘ \ . . P um« 21, Laws of llflawnr©. ujion the hold- ® ^ ^ «Iway« hoen Mr. Martin» one FOR SALE- Kgrellrnt husinc.«« locationcenee- shall la- both fine and Imprison-' "«««f «nd ,h" ° Wrtptered voter,> of 8 (Jeneral K|ectton de.lre each year to la tter the production; "n Madison street,ment m every case, a second offense_ ^irh^ was no usedi -, he^g noral Hec- Th#> w,|y lt8ts R1> funl,shed shall bs -n <* this everlasting^ pMy. Th«r»for©. h© h<»» y««*iinnton »treat.rnaaning: on© year 4n Stist«’» prison. ] in V' J .ai, h ’ .!_'H f '»uch form an Ih used «t mich 0»n©ral El©o-J decided to discontinu© giving a »ticct FOR 8A1 *E—W acres of good tru* klntf

While the passage of the bill was a re- reglafrar» shall deliver the “'her of s, .1 f ,hut ,ln u,,. margin, on Ih- parade and the money he has spent ""i J«'«1; » *r0»n^.Wilmington within ldemption of the Republican party’s pub-j ct^ks of thl ,pf‘ "ld' of — tally lists, ah.« he wrt,-: same he has taken and added to hi. Pro- ^mmable App’ly " lTr Lyna.n 'K

Uflhei plediç«« during the campaign and ( .. |fhl *©n or printed, instead of any names of ductlon on the »tage. The company con • »ballton* Del. U71mpeace of their .^eCWe counUes within ^ tQ b6 ^ word(, of Bn all white people. Including a _one week after such spodul election, „oenae " chorus of 20 singers and dancers, who Will [ 1

In case from any cause there shall bo beîwJenthesame : «.tacken up to impersonate the negroes of! <>« grocery

vacancies among such registration offl- .the South The play will be proeented with w*g°n end good will of store. For par-cers In any elect lor district outside of Th"* -lari". tM- ^ 1 ’ "J ' ^«enlc and «Irulars spply to E. O, BnadfoWI, Jr. 10U

the city of Wilmington, such vacant. 7»“ of ‘th. American Market et.. Wilmington, or Emory Blake,«hall be mied by the appointment of the ** «*»; pUM,e l concert tond and orchestra wlll^' »enry Cay. IV,.

•'............County and ............Election Dls-i»* «*"“■<’ h will give grand concert.|I riot of ............Representative District. SB. ,n f,ont of ,hu thcalrc-

ware.; affirmation«.to to administered to the In-

WANTED—Fop tha 15. S. Marine Corps; men between ages 21 and US. An oppor­tunity to see the world. For full Informa- t'on spply in person or by letter to U. B.

REMNANT STOREto hold the election, and to judges of elsv- ■llon. the form« for t,hu certificates of the the advance agent that all these desires

enseFin* Woolen Dress Goods Remnant*.

JOHN T, THOMAS.MB King Street.

Marine Corps Recruiting otnee, P->.<t ut- ilea Building, Wilmington. Del.


1 GIRARD—306, 897 and 809 Race st.. Phd*~ delphls. Rooms, 2S, 15. BOe, Gentlemen onlyApply to owner, tal


ROOMS FOR RENT—Furnlshsd. mod- Over ern convenience*. B07 Wert Fifth rtrset.

j n part of its platform, the vote was not a party dlfferentilatlon. In fact the strong ret speech for the bill was mad© by Sena­tor Jester. Democrat.

Th© vote was 10 to 4, but final announce-- ‘ ment was held up uhtll Monday and tho ' vote was committed to the care of Presi­dent Parker, a pronounced temperance

FOR RENT- Two third-story rooms tor light housekeeping. Also two houses In

PUBLIC BALE—The subscriber, about the country. Apply 41« JelTer*on street, to relinquish farming, will sell al pub!«- ml-ït sale, on the Hill Bide Farm , at Walnut Green Schoolhouse. Christ ana hundr. 1. FOR RENT—Two large communh at n* Delaware, on the road leading from tho second-story front room». 7U6tj Market st. Kennett Pike to Ashland, on FRIDAY Apply ,0 Geo. Mar s, frh and Shlplev or



r-tfMARCH 8. 1907. al 1 p. m., 3 head of J on premises.work or driving herse» and 2 fine colls. ! —------------- —No. 1. Bill, sorrel 'horse. A years old. will work Single or double, weight 1350 pounds: munleatlng rooms, at W>4 King st.. for me# aa good a horse as anyone owns. No, 2 only Would make nlee tochelor quarters. Frank, sorrel horse, 10 years old. weighs Inquire of W, H. Hanna, city tax oftlcs, lino pounds, good worker or driver. No 3 «®* K. Sixth st. f27-5tJennie, bay mare, 10 years old, brood1 ___ _mare. In foal by Fnglc: good woiker and

Brown colt, coming 2 No. B Brown colt, coming 1

year old. Eight head of homo-raised milch cow*. Some flesh, other* close springers; good heifer and 8 «heals Deer log mower and hinder. Blekfsrd and Hoff­man grain drill, corn drill, 8-horse farm wagon, ihay flat, hay wagon, markeli 0fflr. wagon. market dearborn. Jump-seal car I '

V® bJ?K.,rlr" rn,> M rood n» now; WANTED—T© root five or »tx room»j aoxrDorn pol«. I horso-pow©r Rn»n fod- der cutter and belt, hay fork and rop.-« I plows, harrows And cultivators, block and fall, tonus snd pens, fork», shovels, hoe« and rakes, double and single trees. 2 sets double harness, set o«rt harness, set dear­born harness, set carriage harness, col­lars, bridle« and halters. Delatvel separ ator. good as new; 2 ohurna, 2 butter tubs, buckets, pans and keltlss. Babcock milk

governor, and in case such vacancies...... . - „__ _ t among such registration officers ehall

man, so a • vo <s n They ‘«tat In any election district within thelBoyce and Rose could be recorded. They ^ w|lm, BUCh ,arancles shall| ,At ‘h,> elec,1°rn h"d ln *,d d’,trk't’ fdrj ,R furtllln r”, upon the flr*t act I ™ on de*:rabD first■were absent yesterday. . . _ ___«..„.i--,' the purpose of taking the vote of thel A" ,ne curium ns 1 mortgages on city properties In amounts

Mr. Conner said In part: "Two yea.« ** " ^ VuMIloB elector, upon the question.' of Mr. Ck.nthony’a comedy. 'A Message. ««.ult, HAtl’KINI A CO. 712 Market BLOgo we were accused of passing a bill hei* °r '* •' ‘ m * on. . ‘ 1 whether the manufacture and »ale of Hi-' From Mars, which will seen era « |,—

1 >fhlch would neither hold water nor wills- £ ' " * * p «■ ilhmald tortcatlng liquors shall to licensed or pro- ,I -key. The pending bill ha», therefore been tho first '««y flxed as afoi-esald ^ lo[al optlon dl8lrlct con.l noon and evening. March 6. one ae«t the]

; prepared with great care, taking n week f"r °[ *M -7ner' "f............‘>n «»« Tuesday next aft- r Iu*urlou»ly furnished apartment In * Lon- -PWTL2t if the valuable time of our learned sen or cers by the appointment of capable per- « KovenibePi A. D„ 1W.-.' don House. The nrs, sensation la that of, WARNER S. LEWIS,

f counsel Mr Ward, and his associate*., *’ho •r*' v°tor* and resident In .the lh„ ,Und a. foIiowi- I complété mysUfleation. "What mesMS« CARPENTER AND BUlLUEleI f . ..... . —na»,,iiAns] election district for which they »hall hi the vote» stand as lonows. possibly be sent from tihe far off Jooblng a specialty. Good materialI and has been submitted to constitutional of lists ............vote, were received "for license," r»n fossimy »'ni rom . Skilled workmen. Fair pries*. Let m-> giva

f.awvers elsewihere. My head Is not big appointed, and the furnishing of lists received "against «. planet Mars to dweller* In this convention-] «utmals. Offlea an« »« Or-|nough to prompt me to stand here and of name, by the county executive com- — ^ ^ ,Lhat thn,'«l English Hornet" TM. 1» th. question j sng. -ttoal. Both Ohon.a __ta.nv nmnia th© rlirht lo have Ju»t WUtsss of any political party nh«ll not * . cWAPn that th© nvcraip* author axk» hlm»rlf J. F. HEAHDON. «24 Wect Thl*dTi©ny tho poople the rl«ht lo »ave juax nocowarv i)r©ronUl»ito for such clerk« appointed by u» wm* duly »Worauf thi_i carpenter and buUdor. JubWn« pr mp ly

tot tot they wwnt. « right to vote on ,h*. . , !Z l . „ sffirmed «ceordlng to law. and that We From 'he \er> s|. rllng pol t 1 ■'at Mir prices. Ask estimate. Phone. D. andQuestion of license or no license. | «PPo ninvent. The registration off cers ro ^ ^ . - comedy the Interest 1n the beautiful do- A, 3427A. m2-2m.? "False reports havo been circulated aa appointed to fill vacancies, as well as TJttmony whereof, we the Judges velopment of the play 4s so intense that

To the cost of this special election, which teglstratlon officers now In office, shall pIactton for „,ld Elect on District. !t «-'»on""" <* «h""" wh''is the only method to get this matter, by •“«»> «»uds take such oaths, and anJ lt from thn hlm of the first to the- fellihe wav. out Of politics. One Is that It will 'a' " ^ylng ao « to♦ost tYi.nno. Now I have had tho matter fll1 *"ch offices ond fulfill the duties ■ written or printed forms <-f

I tjbr the coat Investigated and find It will «hereof ns are provided by law In «h«t( ^ ‘ thr aUall b, d. J “Lena Rivers" w ill Include Its en-

“Vost Kent county, «.non; Sussex count}-, behalf ' livered bv the sheriff as above directed. I KaSfemcnt at the Lyceum Theatre withau»; and New Castle county. 63.600." The registration officers serving for the i'*r d hy t roUn,y and election gl.-.'Performances this afternoon and eve,-

Ï The following Is the full text of the bill: »l”"-'*« registration of voters herein pro- a, Roprown,artv» dlstrletl.' '"»■ Thl" U ,he '^8t 8how tha' ,hd8I An Act providing for the submission toj '«d''d *hal> induct the registration of «’1 «• d K £ th(f bIanks for seen In Wilmington for aometlmo

the vote of the qualified electors of the '"‘«T"- advertise the dates, hours and ^rm.Tln Urn fmeg-lng form T !nnd undoubtedly the best prodttatlcn'several districts of the State mentioned m P1-*"" for their sitting to register voters. 5”'rp°* n of the peace of the " h,<’h h"". eV,>r *

Uotoption *» Article XIII of the Constitu- H»t» of additional registered Sertïon 5' popular prices.tlon of the State of Delaware, tho ques- «a^rtntad aTl btaatawd torrnTT^h] n |AW ‘ _______ PUBLIC SALES. At on

.ton whether the Manufacture and Sale o, '^.tratn to^ks! c3fy1 ^ £*** MADE COLD-SLAW -------------------- -------- ---------------------------------- TgÄffÄ "Jff'SÜ ~ wd. Ä

fl'.r OF WIFE’S $30 LACE _ OF FEKSOnIl"property.lube fore pmvlded for. The said clc.kt -f ^ J ^ w ̂'»Ä ^ drlv^’ '^le or double! Nn. ; B*s- DO THEY *ACHEI W. H. JACOB.

♦ Ho naupp -»«11 ruiMA to be urlntrd for Toll ««uw .Frtrnito blly • V*^r» old. regular block.I Chiropodist Corn» rrmov»d without pallUthe p©»ce nh«ül niu»c to b€ ^ WINBTBD, Conn.. March 2.-A Wood- non farm, near Centrcvlllo. wh«r© he i»ow extra good worker. No. S. D©wey. black1 j* conU m w#gt s#v»nth »treatthe several elrv-Llon ^tHetawlthln thUr bury mBn ^ bç ,,njoylng hirnsrif ^Es'daÎ. MARCH B. at 1 o'clock sharp. 'CÄ ton'f.' ji“respective counUe». all necessary bä lots felt hungry when he got home Four head of horsea, 12 rows, turne with Hgh 8*tanhoniB^âl/tornisa Mo '

, for said special election, which shall be In • .. k . j morning caJvw« by th«lr side, some close springers. liy borï7 in ve.rînm _____number not l.-cs Itnn four times Ihe total , 1 bull, Fsrmlng Implements—1 Cibamploii i.AndA high good driver an,l would muk* ^**w Castle county will bold their psgula*-ete Of «II oa. tle.at the preceding general "Wher* dld y°u I’ut ,h* oold c*bbe«- Mnder. good as new. horsersk«, mowing. a"«5,?i«î?han!eTîa A glntoe tal k meeting at the office of Daniel O. H si- vote of all parti*» at Ihe precedlng gcmn ho (.alIed upatalra to his wife, machine »weep tower, fodder cutter . ',^7 TTXl^d bv a Frem u ,nF"' »»« Market atroeL Wilmington,election. Bald elerke of the peace .hall .__. w„,,_ rornaheller. plows, harrows, eu l vator. * years oid; sired oy a rrom n v»vanpaàHy March «th at 1«I0 o'clock

tie murk ami seal and d- wl«> had coughed loudly to let him know roI|(>r , TO#rfPt wnKon, „rria,c. buggy, f*11»»’ ^ *• ■““•“■ft bH^..ma,,v aIr was useless lo take off bis shoes. rosd carl, milk sled, cutter, mowing * years old, ssred by Aleyo, No. 704*. ree-

"On the aecond shelf In the pantry.” scythes, forks, hoes shovels, rskes. torn- °Td-£l°2*f|*1' ***" 'r» «,-ta w^A H.rsthiv knlven. Babcock milk t©»t**r. m-Ilk can». 2 n!o»ly br©«l and h good-gait ©<J mar©. I« I»

th© mini© manner .\f at a iwneral ©lection.’ *he “tthly. butter tub©, barn©©« of all kind«. "f *P^ «nd quality. This mar© and No.6 l4Ä_0.. He found th© cabbage and the oil. vino- ]|ou©©hold Good*- 1 No. 9 Victor Cook, ß «re with foal to Hrookland Chief. No. M,

iSa.d ballot» and ?.M pencil© or ci.i>on« , rtnd pcppei.f cut up thG ^bbag^. cook «tov©. 1 wood oxwl and heater. » hay Ally, comln» two year» old. out of « anwif Wdaht^n n*! «1 ©hall b© rccelwd Horn ©aid clerk» of th© * ’ . ,4 , . , P. . . . . j»aJr bcdittadi, chiffonier. d»>od «« new; Nupwood mar©, very fine. No. 9, I*u«iwlg. J±l R s*mIngton, T ©I.. Fob. 2*».peace by Ih© name official», at » mllar dre,M<* ^ to hls »to It wltll ûp- tuhl©a. « can» dining chairs. 1 aorr»l «îolt. .T year© old. aired by th©

ßcotlon 2, of Artld© XÎII of th* C<«n- Klml* *>0 obtained, proaecuted and d©t©r- Jy * . . _ , . „ , , petit©. child*» writing desk and chair, p'etur©». Quûlttr. Dam. Blanch© Atherton. Not a of c- MrC*?îlînl .®autullon of the Sinto of Delaw ire the mtwefi. and the dec's ons tfaarswi certtfied.1 * r Vi j 'Ooorgc, why didn't you eat tho enh- lamp». Ingrain and rag carpet, w.ndow bctgsr brsd on« In the'■«•«* «»• «* O«1": *5 ixama or'aftatSSTawflM^Carttah hn%w

* mi« uwMta.iru, in»f _____ ___ treated, dlapoaed of. delivered rtnd ©m- * ’ ; ___ _ . _ . nhad©», many other article» not men- l«o!i©r. #t©el gray tfektin*. 6 year» o’d 15 m© nam© oi mamo» «na Mn araan. na\aquestion, whether the manufacture and "P"" ""d *‘nforeed. In the same tbe os of'w1d .p.cl t bage last nlghtï asked hla wife when he Hnnod,Hay by the don; corn fodder by th. hands high, Thl. U a road horse that Ih-. d*Y dlMoIvefi jiartnsr^lp by-«ale of Intoxtcat nK liquors shall be 11- manner and before and by the same ntr- 11 ’ same maimer as the ballots “PP*‘»I‘*>d rath, r shnky for bfisakfaat bundle. I m .st timid iwraon can drive to electric win' il n- °S‘ovnsed or prohib1i©4l within the limits rf w>nB as ,n the ©a»© of registration appeals ’ ’ . •*! did: U wm» fineî’, nald Georg©; "fo All »um» of and !©•• ea«h, over «hn»loar» or automobile« and with what Ifcttl© -Jf. J\iÀ

ur prunmim wnmn me umm n * _ ** and pem-Us or ccayon» employ*! at \ . A . , « , . . .. amount a credit of R months W'ill ho IP V. n handlln« he ha© had ha© shown oiiarlera "iHnton and all debts contractad by srXldaaid several districts, ©hall l>© submit^ ^r,or f® * ff^neral clec^n. Tor the pur- ew|, rloctlon> Xn<, borot»*©hàll b» thoughtful of you to keep It. <*©ar©*t. hy purchaser giving bankable note, with..m 12 »©oonds. and all that sew him ih h * flrm WllLl^£S,di,bynWi»5r*5nÄ«T‘T to the vote of the qualified electors cf I**»* ,of hearing such appeals the appro., ln|tJ|ilC(1 b the clrrkil delivered to quail-' *‘WÄ^ 4t ■ on tho Pa«try ©h If. sho an approved endorser. . malLna©» last fall know h© I» a great] signed—R. C. MeTARDEDL.ptrUt several districts In everv such dl-- prtate* Judge constituting under the law m ‘ . ^ . . ! .. ... . . cried. f _ . . IX)i 18 POTTS hors© to finish. Nos. II and 12 ar© a pal**trict in which there'«hall be. upon said «bunal of appeal shall sit In th. nnd 'CoU^tKl "m’thc Is' w«“y "a. T". KI,Ud *,,h *PPtoh«n*k>«. Mr*. Oarga EMD HlrkT’clsrk.U<'' «1-26 26-r*m2-4 hL? ,ofB^w*.n,l«55l,?r«*h”otC. * rlo« I

»T)f». a majority against license, no person. P *cc designated by statute for such pur- e|ect|on searched the second shelf hurriedly. Ih, re .. ■ ■ ■■ ■ ........ ■ ■ ■ ——'■ '■ „prlngcr*. Farming utenalls and household,—firm or corporation shall thereafter man- on Wednesday the twenty-third duy ' she had left four yards of lace, wo:th 53« _________________________ good», hay and straw, by the ton. about SO^facture or se„ spirituous, vinous, or malt of October.1907. a. 10 o'clock In the taro- ln * ^ ^ _ . 't°n" °f SÄÄn,

Hauers, except for medicinal or aacrn- noon, and from day lo day thareafter SO rmJ bp tthfrwl(,„ ,Ill)y quallnM as at a The lace was gone. TTj-pp TIlSFlPIlSarV ml-4t Mt. Cuba. DeLmental purposes within slid district, unt 1 I long as may to necessary, to hear and gener4, Plw.tlon Thp llprll, of the _ar, -------------------------------- A 1 V.V, UUpVUJUl Jfgt a subsequent submission of auch ques- determine such appeal* and sheriffs of the several counties, thetlon. a majority of votes shall be cast No registration fees «hall he exact, d hlapectora or ^h«,- penong oonducttngsald

election, the Judges and clerks of said

MORTGAGE BROKERS. FOR RENT—Two large third-story cam

! the Grand Opera House on Tuesday atter- CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. WANTED.driver, years old.

No. 4.

AGENTS wanted at «13 King str.-st, ml-:uroom 8. Salary or commtsrton.

WANTED—To buy go d second-hand folding bed. Address B-2 Evening Journal


suitable for offices nr a bouse on Market »tree*, by the year. Dr. Barnea, 71« We»t

f28-lf_FOR RENT Second and third »tury

front room, after March 28; 7 eaat Four­teenth st Address, C-I4, Journal Of tic*




411 Ea*t Fourth Street.I of the final curtain.□elm. 2914. D. A A. 149«.

WANTED-To buy two dwelling house* tester, lot good seed potatoes. 7 aer«s of on West side between Market and Jet- wheat In th< ground and other articles fcreep. Fourth and Eighth. Must to I,ar­ten numerous to mention. Condition«: I gains. Address T. T. Evening Journal Of- All sum* of 620 snd lota, cash: over that fire. m2 3tamount, 6 months’ credit with bankable note with approved endorser. 3 per cent, for cash on all credit sum*.


LAKE ENGINE. COME SEE IT RUN, or write for information. WANTED.—Organiser of "Two-Ceat

Club" In »very community in Delaware, male or female: easy; pleasant. Particu­lars free. John T. Mullins loc., Wilming­ton, Del.

1 H LAKE.Bourse Bldg., Philadelphia Pa. J M McCOLLUM

inl,2.5.«.7William 1-ank. Auctioneer.

/ (U-Neod

NOTICES.. Intoxicating Liquirn shall be licensed or[ prohibited within the limits of tihe said and verlfy the alphabetical lists of reg-

scveral districts, in accordance with said Istered voters and registers, be ;>ossessed Article XIII of said Constitution, and of •*" ,he Powers while sitting for such

j fixing tho penalties for the Illegal manu-l registration of voters, and perform all facture and sale of Intoxicating liquors °f their official duties In the tome mau- lr> any of said districts wherein there shall ner' 88 *n the case of tbe registration of

1 "be a majority of votes oast against 1- vo,cr» prior to a gtnernl election.cf nse I All penalties imposed by statute upon

Be It enacted by the Senate and House "“oh registration officers for non-feasance cl Representatives of tbe State of Delà- or misfeasance In office, and upon all

persons for violations of law regulating

NOTICE—Th« School Commissioners ol

fold. wrap, liver said ballot«, and furnish and deliver Indelible black load pencils or crayons, n

ruware in General Assembly met.

J- Section J. That on the Tuesday next! ,h*’ registration of voters In this statt rafter the first Monday of November In sha" be applicable to and in force in con- Ihr year of our Lord one bhotiaind n'ne n«’»1™ wdtb the special registration of hundred and seven, In each of the act- voters herein provided for.

Appeals from said registration officers


ml M < o-nralasioners.

«■a! districts of the Stale mentioned In

Slgncd-WALTER B. STANTONf28 3t



Best Slates for profitable farming. Soli ... .. . . .A—, I adapted to great variety of craps. Near

The subscriber atom tu relinquish Btlih markets that psy beat prices ft>r your pro- log. w.ll sell at puquo sale at his resl auct|1. Farm lh#M Btatwi mydeuce on Jasen Davla farm, barnhursl. specialty, sold and bought. Write ferpar- Dataware. on ticulars RAYMOND G. FRICK. 1102 B S.

THURSDAY. MARCH 7. at 9 a. m.. Trost Bld., Phlladalphla.13 bead of good horse* and colts. No. 1

Coalle. black mar*. 12 yoais old. No. 2 Dave, toy horae, 16 years old. No 3.Goldie, sorrel mare. 7 year* old. No. 4.Maud, toy marc. K) years old. No, S. Fan­nie. toy more. 22 years old. No. «, Bello, sorrel mare. 14 years old. No. 7. Fannie, brown marc. 11 years old. No. 8. Hop, bay stallion. 6 yoars old In Juno, sired by Hop.No. 9. Edna, bay coming 6 yew» old.No. 10. Sadie, ehe»,nut sorrel, coming two year» old. No. ll. Ada. sorrel, coming 2 years old. No 12, < Viril«, bay yearling.No. 13. Rock, tone; yearling.

10 hand of coo.l .in rt COW*. Soma have m*r. 7-Ofley Verron erd S Mt C NU calves by their side, other« close springers. Del., stock snd lninlem-nt« "

«rtoTiobbV'. 101 °f cblrk'‘nl1' 4 Mar. 8-J. H. McCollum. Chrbd sna H w-

Farming lmpT«nunt* of all kinds. New dred. near M aient Green Schoollast year. Italians collars and bridles, sot House. Stock and Implrmrnts.milk wagon l.rncas mid nuumrous other Mar. 8—Special sal* of first dar« fu nU things too tedious to mention. ,, st.dh.m . B. Dairy Fixtures-3 »-quart. 2 20-quart and ,ur* , . B “uc on,1 40-quart milk cons, cooler, buckets, milk room, «I I o e.ocK.measuring stick, chum and bustor print.; Mar. 11— Millard F. Pay. rt.r'.stl >na huna Also SO acres of wheat In th* ground.' dred. sloe* and Imp'cments.HouicfcoM and kltclien furti.iture, 1 Mar. 12—John C. Johnston.

Conditions—All sums of $2« and 1«.=». er that amount. 9 months’ rred t


Lung Diseases—AT THF,—

Delaware Anti-Tuberculosis - - - - - - - Society- - - - - - - -

602 West Street.

I from or paid by any voter registered at Section 3. It shall be the duty of the the »peclhl registration herein provided egtstratkon officers of the respective f°r-

lection districts In this State now in office, to Bit on tho third and fourth Sat- »«leer* and all the costs and expense* jprdayis immediately preceding the day of conducting such special registration herein prescribed for taking tho

aforesaid, from 8 o'clock a. m.

to said district for license. PARTS WIDOWSeicctlon. shall to subject to the same pen­alties for nonfeasance or misfeasance in office, and all other persons shall be sub-1 Bridegroom Arrives and Smashes Lifa :

Jtct to auch penalties tor misbehaviour relative to the special election herein pro­vided for ns are provided by the laws rela­tive to general elections in this State.

I The compensation of such RegistrationPUBLIC SALES.

Contracts—Now Dividing PropertyMar. 4—Del Lynam, Oak Hill farm, ml

Price's Corner, farm »to* k nd farm Implement«.

Mar. 8—Louie Potta,

vote shall be ascertained and paid In the same unt I 7 manner, by the same authority, with n ------- - a reasonable time after the performance

COLORADO SPRINGS. Col., March 1— |

Widow Nellie B. Hewlet and widow Columbia Ann Robbins hero had each be< n- All the provisions and requirements of

law looking lo the sverecy of the ballot, | bereft of the only man she could ever love.imingled tears, exchanged

neir Ontrév;;;«^ stork and farm Implrmrnts.

Mar. 7-Georgs Blackburn.

of their duties as aforesaid, as In the case of the registration of voters prlur to a general election.

The «aid registration officers shall hold nnd dispose of said registers, books of registered voters and sa d books of reg­istration certificates in the same manner, nnd deliver the same to tho same election

A mgether with all penakilcs imposed f„r They met,' violations of the provisions of law looking mournful recollections, swapped sympa- to that end, shall apply with full force to tot*®-

'(he special election herein provided for | Finally they agreed on a unique merger 'The ballot boxes used at said special cleo-, nf their real estate snd personal prop- tlon shall to delivered, held snd «treated «'idy. They decided they would be happier before, during and after the bolding of 8nd more prosperous If they occupied one said special election. In the same manner h01*8*.

New Ca-tlqhundred, stack and Imptemsat. o'clock.

I«3 P. M. Tuesday

8 P. M. Thursday8 P. M. Saturday


ï*Thn niOKt ob«t.f.its^

and diKflnirint fkin af. => fectlon Tieldii »pnn<iiiy andpermanent It to tan healinu, cooling, aoottdnc, ypt powerful uiflorucea or and oth«r officer», iH'for©, a»t «nd after

th© holding of said special ©lection for th© taking of tlje voto^ aforesaid, nnd for thepurpose of the taking of the voto »for -

] .«id. as in tho café of th© hldlngr of a

i «enaral election.• Section 5. All qo«lffl©d ©lectors ehall be

entitled to vote upon the question» so

divided their domestic work, «hared equally in rent» and all other pr«*-


Physicians and Nurse* in attendanceis at a general election.Ejection 6. On the day fixed for the hold-! fit8- 88 w8" «" ln "» •’Xtonses. So they

ing of th* special election for th* taking consolidated, bath signing a written cop- • of th*' vote aff’rc^ald, th© pills shall b


r«sd In connection with IfF.fSRFJ.I.*»It nerer full* to core Clm», Tetter,

, EciernK.Kfysip^ias. Klninrorui Sr»l every iort I of tkin sffictum. At nnntarMte. S4»«p. fftu. r-i*Otntm«nt, 60o. Hend for hook of tetUmonislf. t iOHNSTON.HOLLOWAYAC0..Philadelphi

tract and recording It with the County Re- ----opened In tlie several voting districts Ikj- o0n**r- th©lr real estate was trans- tween 8 and 9 o'clock in the forenoon, and furred to th© public trust©©, who In turn(

continuously open until 7 o'clock deeded it to tih© two women Jointly. Tlie, in tihe afternojn# Said polls shall b© open- contract, in all ©ns©ntlal» was much like

tors would be totuioa ta egrt the’r to' - « d and closed, and ih, tollots given during « “Tb Tom' *Th *'lota at a general election. The special 8ttid ,loctlon sh*U ^ co,m,ed and ■ „ ’o, ,h do ? •election for «the taking of tho vote p. a- >" «*>« '"«nner as at a general elec-, dpth do ,,s >1"rt' id*<I for n this «et shall b held m the “8n- Thrff' tortlfl. at. . of the résulta of _^r4 tto mtor’Ï 11f. w^Tlnebra* f W

the taking of said vote in each voting dis- m»»r> during th© other a Ilf© was Included.Th© widows seemed content and wer© prosperous until the man appeared. He1

„0 COPAIN near MilfurdL X - Roads, Mill Creek hundred

Mar. H—C.W. McNamee, Mill Creek him* dred. »lock *nd implement«.

Mar. 12—Fersoom property of Hi« ’at« C. H. Griffith, Bnndywtn« bull-' drsd. etock ind Implement*.

Mar. 12—William Duff. n«ar New P -rt.stock and faming Implements.

Mar. 12—Personal Property of Bam tel Easlburn.deceased, Mil! Creek Hd. at 10 o'clock a. m.

Ctrh.with bankable note, with approved In- doroer. 5 per cent off for cash on all credit' sums.

remainto to submitted lo them as «foréesid. tinder the same condition* aa such eie« Or

ki o.. GEORGE M BLACKBURN.! Pt'dham snd Ron. Aur.

3 1 Rlh» P. Hick». Clerk.

i PUBLIC BALEI M ’ Public Sale of personal property. The f rubsrriber intending to quit farming will I 1 :-e|| th«' fiolloving perron«) property with­

out reserve on me farm of Mr* Cirri* A.I.ynam. two miles north of Brandywine Mar. 14-John Taylof, Mill Creek hundred,

[ Spring» on the Kennett trolley line on Mar. 13—Edgar Vernon, sale of personal ï MONDAY. MARCH 11. a.1 12 o clock sharp. property, near Oak Hill School

« head of hors.-» and colt*, gord workand driving h«>r* v*. 9 h.ad of good mil. h House, Christian« hundred,j rows. 1 Holstein stock hull. farming Implements and hoc«**

A full line of fanning implantent», alii hold goodsnearly new. Carriages wagons, ham* s.l v»r. 14— David Unfiet. Christiana hund-efi.

_|Sb«gh and bolls Household goods, daii-y “ I fixtures and other articles too numerous

Anr . . i to mention Hay and millet by the ton.DLAUTIFUL FACE Conditions—All sums of »20 and over a1 Mar. lî-Herman I.ange «dlo'ntn» BhelipotSend stamp for Particular» and Testl 1 fredlt of six months will be given bv th«l Park. Stovx and implements

montais of the remedy that c>«r« the I IW-’hasef xivlng tonkabie note with an Mar 13-Jam“» rwrpenter. Christiana lun- Complexton. Removes Skin Imperfections approved endorser All sums under W to dred. stock and Implement*.Makes New Blood and Improves the *>• o««h. S per cent off tor tosh M,r. i»_Talley and Burker, Brandys««*I (SSlth If V4TI1 (ak* LnAt\l/Kr W. MÄ1 I> AMKE. _ -tv. took, Auc. M*r»ha"ton, Del. Springs. «-.* of »toe*.

J. Taylor Pelraon, Clerk. m2-4-6-S Mar. 20-Furniture. «19 Lombard at. af1 o'clock p. m

Mar. 21—Furniture. BOS West 11th st, at 1« ..'clock a. m.

Mar. 21—Orlanda O. Sutton, on road lead*

a V

R. T. Felix Oouraud'a Oriental ■ Cream or Magical Boautifier.

a m2-4:o

several voting districts of Ihe stale, lip m______ similar notice, by the same election off -i <"ct- ’'P°n thp bUnkf 88*d 8'«‘-B“h’“Li'üüntoïïS 1 oer*. including clerks and voters' aaei«..1,“«" 88 «foressid. shall to mad* S

hùon,sad»t | ants, and subjoct in all ix>SD©da to the out* «ten'*1 c©rttfl©d, placed In ©nv©l p *. "aK not on Ä P»i» bors©. In fact h© w irfS jfSdUtt l«J ! same law», so far aa tho same are appl - bald and disposed of in the same manner 8f*°^ BUL*“” “JytoT^'llra Tw *"i

Zâ\SS!X* ' cable, as were employed, used and en- -8re corresponding certificates a, general ^

SS 5T tU ^ RenP,a' ^UOn ln ^rj dc^tad r J tob — - property? The di.irie. court ^STVtr ! I» case from any cua* there sha« be' lot boxes shall be placed in the custody cf '”*£*J*ttn* »8nkruP‘^ *r'

gyygj» [ vaesnous among such ©lection off cer» in th© Judges of ©lection, not being th« In-1 tn* (a patost). any 'elcrtlon district outride of Ihe pltyj «pector In each election district, one toiffl «M thîS I Of Wilmington, such vacancies shall b>' f avli. and each of raid Judges rhall pro-

- - ., { TM°«7£l to ftl,pd hy the B°v*n*or. and case such ».«-' Ouce and deliver said certificates to saidrtfSîïelî.yilîàiîbTifIn«»'« ,n4_Frary canrles among such cleotlon nff eer' shall Superior Court sitting aa a board of c«n-Qood. Imlw» lo lbs Unli.u bisiM, CiaeC. uod Euroes. ej[tst ln >ny district within the v«ss as afor<»a'd. at the countv Oourt W. S. Todd Win» Paintings, Lac* andiEHO.T.MW’KWS, Pro»» 87 Brat «lows Streit 8«w Toit city of Wilmington. *ueh vacanc es shall House at 12 o'clock noon on «the first

to filled by the Department of Elections Thursday following the said special elec-|

Ramevi« Tan, Plrrplet. Frecki«. Moth P.ichw,SÎ5d

■ sÊ3

% »V.’&

ir ollIN 2^^

stock and Implements, at 1» o'clock-LUCKIEST MAN IN JERSEY


Piano at Fair.

j ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., March 2.—W1I- ! 11am S. Todd, an insurance man of this BEAUTYSKINfor the City of Wilmington by the ap-|tlon.

pointaient of the governor or eald Depart-1 ment of Elections respectively, of sut-' able and duly qualified persons to serve!as such election officer» in the yaeaneics Second Baptist Church lo-morrow. The no then existing as aforesaid. Such va-1 ordinance of the Lord’s Supper will to

or MS» Is pUi» «rspps*. i cancles «hull 'be so filled at least tWOlllv observed after the morning sermon, the a«« Todd went to a firemen’s fair in thatj*T ..pr.»., *c**at4. for . days before the snKl date fixed for »n 1 subject of which will be "lawrnlng In city ond took chances on varkms articles.|î’i.xaUrViat*-n V--'—» holding of sa’d election ns aforesaid. The ,h'’ School of Adversity.” He came home before the drawing, but

jeleetton officers so appointed to fill vs.; Tho Sunday School will me t ut 2 o’clock.j M<) h<j wrs tnfo,m<ld by ma„ that, fancies, aa well as election offlce-s con- Harry Stauacbach leads the Intermediate , , ,tinned Iri office a. atoresnld, shall lake C K. Society, which, stud lea "How to to J*' h“a *°"T^ braulht“ wordl tor the government has not torn giv.suoh oath» unfi-pertorm such other qunl-i honest with yourself and God,'a most parh- Tuesdai s niait brought *o i . a ,dtylng arts tn fill such office» and hUflll Important theme. Baptism Mil Introducej ot his winning a prtie plec-e of lace work| trial trip tocaus.- the tea tnnhe Delaware

the duties thereof, «s are provided by! the evening service at 7.45 to be followed’ 'Slued at IIW«.'snd a letagram Wednesday rlv,.r „ eo thlrlc tbal tho craft could not law tn that behalf. 1 by the usual song service, which Is much night notified him that a 8»' piano tod j pr(ipCTly ,eitcaj xh, boat will have

Section 4. The sheriff of each county, enjoyed by all. The pastor will »peak in been added to N« list of winnings, fodlshall, after tha twenty-third and before the evening upon "Two Facta About ( ordered tha trophic# *h pped to hi* hometha twenty-aaveath day ot October, taj Christ." j h»r*-

ÜAEN ANS WOMEîï.toneliclal results are guaranteed or moneyITw Dix U for unnstnrsl

di.cksriM.isflammstloni, irritation, or ulcer.tlon. of mucosd m.mbrsa:*. Psinl.u. sud sot sitrin-

|gl Baptism at Second Church.Good things are promlaed tor visitors to ,uckleat m,n tha State. Dm ing a bu»i-|

nera trip to Phoenlxville, Pu., a few da* s

city, is putting forth claims as one of the; refunded. CIVIL ENGINEERS.i. « *Cf ... M »irtclut.*» rc.■«»»>••ElTktf»*8»C«Mietl Co. »«nt or —i.onou,.

* ------- Bald by Draggl.lt,


surveyor, lOOrtk Market St.. Wtb phon*x s2ï-eod !

fng froh« State Rosd to Bear Station, slock a ad Implements.opposite Court House0)88188471,4

, r.s.1. Trial Run for Pamlico.

Altltough practically completed the

revenue cutter Pamlico building at the

I yards of. She Piracy and Jones Company f WARNER’S FREIGHT LINE.MsrUt ÄM© VflkMftaik

P«' ».$*> f««t .fWJiwt 5tr—t.PW*«dpAM Throu«»

CHICHESTER’SPILLS/■mCK I.sdle.1 *.k j«r llrunl.l f , M

box««. MElr-1 wltft Flu« ElhÖOS.r **.:>» ?mäv*Vf.-s1C H BRAND PILW.f r 16l V 0 yp«8« r*f«rd«d m »wt, Ai»m Re-

AT iitblE Itld k; l)rir(f]*(8 87FfT»hPr««.^—r aasc &—gr**»•



{ a tast run just aa toon oa conditions «u1 ih% rlvar iri Uvortbi». I


AtLb r '