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The EU and Jordan

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Country press pack

The EU and Jordan Progress in Relations – ENP Progress Report 2009 The EU values Jordan as a very important partner in both the ENP and the Union for the Mediterranean and is committed to further developing a close, constructive and mutually beneficial partnership. As the expiry of the current ENP Action Plan approaches, the next Action Plan is being developed to deepen and broaden EU-Jordan relations through intensified political dialogue. The EU has acknowledged the efforts of Jordan to move forward with ambitious political and economic reforms. The “enhanced status” will be based on the core values the EU and Jordan share, i.e. democratic principles including the rule of law, the respect for human rights and the organisation of fair and transparent elections. In 2009, progress was made in implementing reforms in a number of areas of the Action Plan, notably the area of governance and transparency, with the new office of Ombudsman and the adoption of a code of conduct streamlining the relationship between the Government and the media. Some progress was also made in the areas of human rights and fundamental freedoms, such as women’s protection against domestic violence and equal treatment, the rights of the child and the fight against human trafficking. Moreover, some progress was made in the fields of transport, renewable energy, and science and technology. Following elections, a new Government was appointed in December, tasked with an ambitious reform programme notably touching on economic recovery and development of key sectors such as energy and transport, good governance, transparency and efficiency of the public service, decentralisation and citizens' participation. EU trade with Jordan decreased in 2009, by 15% compared to 2008, to €2.8 billion. The EU is Jordan’s second trading partner, after Saudi Arabia. 2009 Jordan country progress report http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/pdf/progress2010/sec10_525_en.pdf Jordan National Indicative Programme (NIP) The total bilateral European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument (ENPI) budget allocation for Jordan for 2011-2013 has been proposed at €223 million, according to the National Indicative Programme (NIP). This is an average of €74.33 million a year, which represents an increase of 12.2 % over the period 2007-2010. The four strategic objectives of the Country Strategy Paper (CSP) 2007-2013 remain the structure on which to build the new programming. These are:

• Supporting political and security reform in the areas of democracy, human rights, good governance, justice and the fight against extremism;

• Trade and investment development; • Sustainability of the development process; Institution building, financial stability and support to

regulatory approximation. ENPI Info Centre Jordan NIP wrap up

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Find out more… ENPI Info Centre webpage – Jordan http://www.enpi-info.eu/countrymed.php?country=4 EU Delegation – Jordan http://ec.europa.eu/delegations/deljor/ EuropeAid – ENPI http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/where/neighbourhood/overview/index_en.htm Documents 2009 Jordan country progress report http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/pdf/progress2010/sec10_525_en.pdf EC fact sheet 2009 http://europa.eu/rapid/pressReleasesAction.do?reference=MEMO/10/178&format=HTML&aged=0&language=EN&guiLanguage=en National Indicative Programme 2011-2013 http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/pdf/country/2011_enpi_nip_jordan_en.pdf Mid-term review of the ENPI programming documents – Jordan http://ec.europa.eu/delegations/deljor/content/FINAL_Jordan_concept_note.pdf DG External Relations – Key documents http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/jordan/docs/index_en.htm Country Strategy Paper & National Indicative Programme 2010 http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/pdf/country/enpi_csp_nip_jordan_en.pdf Action Plan http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/pdf/action_plans/jordan_enp_ap_final_en.pdf Country report http://ec.europa.eu/world/enp/pdf/country/jordan_enp_country_report_2004_en.pdf Websites EuropeAid – Jordan country page http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/where/neighbourhood/country-cooperation/jordan/jordan_en.htm DG External Relations – Jordan http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/jordan/index_en.htm DG Trade – EU and Jordan http://ec.europa.eu/trade/creating-opportunities/bilateral-relations/countries/jordan/index_en.htm DG Trade – Jordan statistics http://trade.ec.europa.eu/doclib/docs/2006/september/tradoc_113404.pdf MEDSTAT II – Jordan statistical profile http://www.enpi-info.eu/file_static/JO-Profil_Stat_EN.pdf

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Photos: EU/ENPI Info Centre © Material ENPI Info Centre – Jordan news http://www.enpi-info.eu/list_type_med.php?keyword=Jordan&id_type=1&newstype=1 Eurojar Feature - Sun and wind are helping Jordan go Green (2010) http://www.enpi-info.eu/mainmed.php?lang_id=450&searchtype=simple&id=252&id_type=6 EuropeAid fiche - EU supports Aqaba tourism – 60% hotel occupancy achieved http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/case-studies/documents/pdf/jordan_regional-integration_en.pdf ENPI Info Centre feature - New experiences for Jordan Youth (2008) http://www.enpi-info.eu/files/features/71130014.pdf ENPI Info Centre features http://www.enpi-info.eu/list_type_med.php?id_type=6&country=4 Photos ENPI Info Centre – Photo gallery http://www.enpi-info.eu/list_galleries_med.php?country=4 EU-Jordan Association Council - Photo library http://www.enpi-info.eu/list_images_med.php?id=265&iden=265 Association Council Meetings - Jordan - Photo library http://www.enpi-info.eu/list_images_med.php?id=15&iden=15 EuropeAid Photo library http://ec.europa.eu/europeaid/multimedia/photos/library/index.cfm

May 2010