The Essentials of Jumuah

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  • 8/3/2019 The Essentials of Jumuah



    The Essentials O Jumua

    It is narrated by Ab Huraira that the Blessed Prophet said:When a person bathes on Jumua, washes his head, applies the best of hisperfumes, wears the best of his clothes, then arrives for Jumua withoutcutting between two people and listens to the imam carefully, all of his sinsfrom one Jumua to the next plus three days more are forgiven.72

    The Virtue o Perorming Jumua with aTurban [Imma]

    Wearing a turban is the Sunna of the Blessed Prophet , but one whowears it on Jumua gains a greater reward, since the alt in which a turbanis worn is many times greater than the alt in which it is not. Also, thereis special virtue in tying a turban for Jumua alt because the BlessedProphet donned a turban every Jumua.

    It is narrated by Ab Dard that the Blessed Prophet said:

    Verily, Allah and His angels send His mercy [rama] on Jumua uponthose who are wearing a turban.73

    Specifc Clothes or the Day o Jumu a

    Some aadth indicate that it is virtuous to keep separate clothesfor Jumua.

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    It is narrated by Muammud ibn Yay that the Blessed Prophet said:

    72al-Sunan al-Kubr, 3 243 | Ibn Khuzaima,Jimu Abwb al-dhn73Musnad al-Shmiyyn, 9 432 | Musnad al-Firdaus, 1 38

  • 8/3/2019 The Essentials of Jumuah



    The Essentials O Jumua

    Send alt and salm upon me abundantly on the day and night of Jumua.83

    This same narration is found in BaihaqsShuab al-mn with the addition:

    I will be a witness for and will intercede on behalf of one who does this onthe Day of Judgment.84

    Which alat and Salam to Read

    There are many variations of the alt and salm in aadth, but the greatest

    of them is the alt and salm that is read in alt, though there is no harmif one prefers one reading over another.

    The Virtue o Recitation o Srat al-Kah on Jumua

    Ab Sad al-al-Khudr said:

    A beam of light [nr] will shine between the house of Allah and theperson who recites Srat al-Kahf on the night of Jumua.85

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    It is narrated by Ab Sad al-Khudri that the Blessed Prophet said:

    The one who recites Srat al-Kahf on Jumua will have a light shine fromone Jumua to the next.86

    83Musnad al-Shfi, idh Kna Yaum al-Jumua84Shuab al-mn,Akthir alayya al-al85Muannaf Abd al-Razzq, 3 378 | Sunan al-Drim,f Fal Surat al-Kahf86al-Sunan al-Kubr, 3 249 | al-Mustadrak, Tafsr Surat al-Kahf

  • 8/3/2019 The Essentials of Jumuah



    Sunnas Of Jumua

    It is narrated by Al that the Blessed Prophet said:

    Whosoever recites Srat al-Kahf on Jumua will be protected against everyevil for eight days and against the Anti-Christ [Dajjl] if he appears.87

    The Virtue o Recitation o Srat al-Dukhn on

    the Night o Jumua

    It is narrated by Ab Huraira that the Blessed Prophet said:Whoever recites Srat al-Dukhn on the night of Jumua will wake up inthe state of being forgiven for all his sins.88

    The Importance o Arriving Early or Jumua and

    Sitting Close to the Imam

    Many aadth emphasize the importance of arriving early for Jumua.Anyone who reads through the history of Islam will realize that wakingup and arriving early in the masjid for Jumua was a way of life forMuslims from the rst period [al-qarn al-awwal] after the time ofthe Blessed Prophet . They would arrive in the late morning hours[u] or even earlier and sit and recite Quran or perform the dhikr[remembrance] of Allah .

    What is the importance of arriving early for Jumua? This will beunderstood in the next few aadth, especially the adth of Abd Allhibn Masd in which the Blessed Prophet informed his communitythat those who arrive early for Jumua will be near the mercy of Allah on the Day of Judgment. As for the imam, it is Sunna for him to arriveat the time of the sermon.

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    87al-Mustadrak, Tafsr Srat al-Kahf| Shuab al-mn, man Qara Srat al-Kahf88Shuab al-mn, man Qara Srat al-Dukhn