THE ESSENTIALS: CLOTHES · External hard drive: You should have an extra place to store your pictures and back up your computer in case your computer gets stolen or ruined. It would

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Packing up your life and moving to another country for a year can be a daunting and even

scary experience. However, it can also be a very exciting and fun adventure.

You are about to embark on an adventure at Newbold College of Higher Education. Most of

this adventure involves figuring out some things on your own and experiencing mishaps,

but we decided to give you some packing guidelines and some helpful hints that we hope

will make the start of your adventure more enjoyable and a little less stressful.

Think of it as a set of guidelines or suggestions, not rules. Enjoy and don't be afraid to try

new things, have crazy adventures, and learn as much as you can!


Returned ACA students who know what you will be going through


Church clothes: There is a church on campus.

You can dress how you wish, but you should be


Athletic clothes: There are sports activities, a

gymnasium, and a workout room on campus.

Swim suit: For your trip to Cornwall, which is a

trip to the beach, you should take swimming

clothes, but it will be really cold.

Christmas banquet: Bring one formal outfit for

the Christmas banquet.

Dress code: There is no dress code.


Trip to Bath

Winter clothes: It will be cold during

the winter, also rainy and windy. Rain

boots, umbrellas, and any rainy-weather

clothes would be good to bring.


Fall clothes: Fall clothes are also good

to bring. It does not really get warm

enough for summer clothes.

January February March April May June

41 41 45 48 55 56

July August September October November December

56 58 59 52 45 41

Average Temperatures in Binfield, United Kingdom (˚F)

Chelsea is prepared for the cold winter in the UK

Bible: It is always good to carry a Bible with you no matter where you


International Student Identity card: Getting this card gives you a lot

of discounts while you travel.

Journal: You’ll want this to keep track of your memories. You can also

keep a photo journal of your experiences or start a blog online.

Bring a computer and or a Wi-Fi device with a webcam: Skype is one of the most

convenient ways to communicate with friends and family in the U.S. The Wi-Fi has gotten a

makeover during the 2012-2013 school year and should have a better connection next year

than in previous years.

External hard drive: You should have an extra place to store your pictures and back up

your computer in case your computer gets stolen or ruined. It would be a good idea to back

up your files online.

Camera: The United Kingdom is full of beauty, and you will want to capture it to show your

family and friends back home.

Cell phones: You have the opportunity to purchase prepaid cell phones that can be used

during your stay in Europe. If you do your research, you can find the best service providers

to fit your budget and the kind of coverage you are looking for.

Voltage converter: The electric current in Europe is 220 volts. You must use a converter

with all of your electronic devices.

Walking shoes: You will do a lot of walking

during your year in Europe. You can walk to

town if one day you feel like it as well. There

are also a lot of trips, and you will be walking

most of the time.

Flip-flops: You may want these for the

showers on campus or in hostels. Keep in

mind that men have community showers in

the dorms whereas the women have their own

bathroom in their room.


Cafeteria and guest house at Newbold

First aid kit: It is more expensive to buy Tylenol and similar items. Bring your

prescriptions, and it is recommended that you bring a full 4-5 month supply, since

some things can be difficult to find. Bring these items from home.

Hygienic products: There are stores in Binfield where you can buy soap, shampoo,

toothpaste, etc. However, they cost more there than in the United States. You should

bring these essentials from home.

Movies: Bring movies that you like so that you can have something fun to watch on

your free time. It is always good to have a backup plan in case something happens

and you are stuck in your room.

Devotional book in English: This keeps your spirituality accessible and separate

from the frustrations of another language.

Pictures from home: Put them on your dorm room wall! Your roommates and

friends will love to see what your family looks like and the pictures will help with


Makeup and feminine hygiene products: There are stores in Binfield where

you can buy makeup and feminine care products. However, they are more

expensive than the ones in the Unites States. You should bring these

essential products from home. For ethnic-specific products, there are

stores in Binfield that sell hair products for all hair types. But like the other

products, these are way more expensive.

Theft: Although it does not happen to everyone or every day, there is some theft that goes on. It is

important for you to lock your room every time you go out and also make sure that you do not leave your

laundry unattended.

Laundry: There is a laundry room located on each floor of the women’s dorm. You are expected to bring

your own laundry detergent, but you do not have to pay for use of the machines. There are dryers and

clotheslines where you can dry your clothes. The men’s dorm is also equipped with washers and dryers.

Emergency clothes: Pack a couple days worth of clothes in your carry-on bag in case your luggage gets


Cooking: There is a kitchen at the bottom of the men’s and women’s dorms where you can cook your own

food. You will need to get the key to go into the kitchen. It is kept at the front desk. Keep in mind that, as

an ACA student, you are required to be on the meal plan and will eat most of your meals in the cafeteria.

Packages: You will be able to pick up packages at the front desk of the dorms where you will be staying.

Check your courses: Make sure you compare your courses with those of your home college and make

sure that they will count for something when you get back.

Bring a credit card/debit card: This is a

must-have. If you bring a debit card, bring a

credit card as well, just in case.

Exchanging money: Have some U.S. cash

on hand when you arrive at the airport as

you will be able to exchange it for Euros or

Swiss Francs at one of the Money Exchange

booths located in the airport. There are

also several ATMs in Binfield or in the

surrounding areas.

Exchange rate:


nvert/?Amount=1&From=EUR&To=USDSigns that help you find your way

Passports: Keep your passport with you at all times while traveling. Do not leave it

unattended. It should be kept in a safe place while traveling and during your stay at

the dorms in Newbold.

Other important documents: Make sure you have all your papers when you arrive

and when you leave the United Kingdom (visa, birth certificate, etc.). During the year

make sure all documents are stored in an inconspicuous, locked area. Make and keep

copies of all important documents.

Bring snacks: Nutritious, compact snacks

will be useful when traveling.

Backpack: The best way to carry your stuff

with you when you travel is in a backpack as

it stays close to your body and is as mobile

as you are. Bring one large enough to fit all

your stuff, but also small enough to qualify

as carry-on luggage on all flights in Europe.

Hand sanitizer/toilet paper: Restrooms

may lack these essential items. Make sure to

bring them on trips.

Clothes and shoes for hiking: The school is

located in a fantastic location for hiking, and

you will want to take advantage of that. Also,

on good days it can be a good idea to walk to

town to enjoy nature.

Trip to Kerry

Packing: Don’t bring a lot of clothes.

Bring just enough so that you will be

comfortable. Remember that your

roommates may not have very much. You

will also need room in your suitcase for

all of your awesome souvenirs!

Valuables: Don't bring a lot of nice,

expensive things. Nice clothing may be

ruined in the laundry or lost. You also do

not want to be perceived as flaunting

your fancy clothes and electronics.

Chelsea packed her stuff and took a trip for the weekend

Bus tickets: You will be able to purchase

bus tickets to go into town in the bus. Or

you can buy a student pass that gives you

ten rides and is much cheaper.

1 Pillow (can request 2)




Locked closet for valuables

1 fan is provided during summer months

Salisbury Hall

Be nice. When needing to talk to advisers, teachers, or even peers at the school, it

is more likely that they will help if you are nice first. Outside of school try not to

argue with vendors; just smile, disconnect eye contact, and keep walking if not

interested in their merchandise.

Be frugal. Everyone's financial situation is different, but the more money you can

hang on to, the more confident you will be when traveling. Always try to find good

deals and live cheap. Occasionally it is fun to splurge on a nice dinner, show, or

clothing item.

Talk to people. One of the best ways to learn about the local culture is by chatting

with people on transportation, or in markets. They will have plenty of questions to

ask you, too.