The Epistle November 2016 Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church Rev. Father Simon Thomas, Pastor Rev. Father Nicholas Vieron, Pastor Emeritus 573 N. Highland St. / Memphis, TN 38122 (901) 327-8177 / fax (901) 327-4440 Email: [email protected]/ http://www.goann.net The Power of Faith I confess, I am a fan of the Chicago Cubs. Yes, I know they haven’t won a World Series (as of this writing) since 1908. I also know they hadn’t even been to the World Series since 1945. Even though I wasn’t yet born, I know about their epic collapse in 1969. Ironically, I became a fan after their stunning defeat to the San Diego Padres in the 1984 National League Championship Series. I watched as Will Clark hit a Grand Slam off Hall of Famer Greg Maddux in the 1989 NLCS. I sat dejected and in disbelief when in 2003 the Florida Marlins defeated the Cubs in seven games (the “Bartman Game” was Game 6). I watched their other playoff losses: Atlanta in 1998, Arizona in 2007, Los Angeles Dodgers in 2008, and finally getting swept last year by the New York Mets in the NLCS after an amazing run. And those were the GOOD years! In my lifetime they have lost more than they won, having 28 losing seasons in 42 years, only making the playoffs 8 of those years. The Cubs were so renowned for their futility we have created lists of things that didn’t exist the last time the Cubs won the World Series: radio, television, the telephone, George Burns, sliced bread, the internet, and insulin. We have added eleven amendments to the Constitution, Major League Baseball has added 14 new teams, and five states have been added to the Union. We have had 19 presidents, gone to space and landed on the moon, seen Haley’s Comet pass twice, and the NFL, NHL, and NBA were created after the Cubs last won the World Series. I have faced endless ridicule for being a Cubs fan every Cubs fan has. Why do we endure? Why do we remain fans? The answer is simple: We have faith in the team, in that in time it will happen, in that the law of averages will work out, etc. but that ultimately our team will prevail. We have faith that through patience (long-suffering), heartache, loss, defeat, ridicule, and criticism we will eventually have a positive outcome. You know, there is a sermon in there somewhere … Yes, faith in Christ is a powerful instrument. Through faith we can endure pain and suffering. Through faith we can endure heartache and loss. Through faith we can endure defeat, ridicule and criticism. Through faith in Christ, we can endure all things. In fact, we willingly endure sure that one day, we will prevail in His Kingdom. For Cubs fans, one day is here. Go Cubs go! With Love in Christ, Father Simon

The Epistle - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church · 2016. 11. 2. · daughters of penelope president phani mitchell office personnel erin bobbitt de padilla church office hours monday

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Page 1: The Epistle - Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church · 2016. 11. 2. · daughters of penelope president phani mitchell office personnel erin bobbitt de padilla church office hours monday

The Epistle

November 2016 Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church

Rev. Father Simon Thomas, Pastor

Rev. Father Nicholas Vieron, Pastor Emeritus

573 N. Highland St. / Memphis, TN 38122

(901) 327-8177 / fax (901) 327-4440

Email: [email protected]/ http://www.goann.net

The Power of Faith

I confess, I am a fan of the Chicago Cubs. Yes, I know they haven’t won a World Series (as of this writing)

since 1908. I also know they hadn’t even been to the World Series since 1945. Even though I wasn’t yet born, I

know about their epic collapse in 1969. Ironically, I became a fan after their stunning defeat to the San Diego

Padres in the 1984 National League Championship Series. I watched as Will Clark hit a Grand Slam off Hall of

Famer Greg Maddux in the 1989 NLCS. I sat dejected and in disbelief when in 2003 the Florida Marlins

defeated the Cubs in seven games (the “Bartman Game” was Game 6). I watched their other playoff losses:

Atlanta in 1998, Arizona in 2007, Los Angeles Dodgers in 2008, and finally getting swept last year by the New

York Mets in the NLCS after an amazing run.

And those were the GOOD years! In my lifetime they have lost more than they won, having 28 losing seasons

in 42 years, only making the playoffs 8 of those years. The Cubs were so renowned for their futility we have

created lists of things that didn’t exist the last time the Cubs won the World Series: radio, television, the

telephone, George Burns, sliced bread, the internet, and insulin. We have added eleven amendments to the

Constitution, Major League Baseball has added 14 new teams, and five states have been added to the Union.

We have had 19 presidents, gone to space and landed on the moon, seen Haley’s Comet pass twice, and the

NFL, NHL, and NBA were created after the Cubs last won the World Series.

I have faced endless ridicule for being a Cubs fan – every Cubs fan has. Why do we endure? Why do we remain

fans? The answer is simple: We have faith – in the team, in that in time it will happen, in that the law of

averages will work out, etc. – but that ultimately our team will prevail. We have faith that through patience

(long-suffering), heartache, loss, defeat, ridicule, and criticism we will eventually have a positive outcome.

You know, there is a sermon in there somewhere … Yes, faith in Christ is a powerful instrument. Through faith

we can endure pain and suffering. Through faith we can endure heartache and loss. Through faith we can endure

defeat, ridicule and criticism. Through faith in Christ, we can endure all things. In fact, we willingly endure –

sure that one day, we will prevail in His Kingdom.

For Cubs fans, one day is here. Go Cubs go!

With Love in Christ,

Father Simon

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Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church

Rev. Father Simon Thomas, Parish Priest

Rev. Father Nicholas Vieron, Retired


MARIA MOORE – Vice President


ED MORRISON - Treasurer

PETE RUBY – Co-Treasurer


































FRIDAY 8:30 A.M. – 12 NOON


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President’s Message

November 2016

As the season starts to gear up with exciting things happening like Halloween, and Thanksgiving (yes it is

coming soon) the church actually takes a little different approach to things. On November 15 we begin the

Nativity fast in preparation for the birth of our Lord on December 25th

. While the rest of society is consuming

the leftovers from a large Thanksgiving feast, we are called to resume the fast which is broken for us to

celebrate and eat our turkey. Sure, I enjoy turkey and dressing and pumpkin pie and the obligatory seconds and

the day of unending football on television. I also like the fact that I can direct my attention away from “Black

Friday” and the sales and other distractions and turn it to the real reason for the season.

As we begin to wind down the calendar year in the church, we will prepare for the annual Christmas program

which will showcase our children telling the story of the Nativity. We will pass an operating budget for 2017.

We will prayerfully consider our stewardship donation for 2017. We will begin to look at festival

workshops(Yikes). We will look toward a New Year and wonder what it will bring. In everything, we take

comfort in knowing that the Church will always be a constant in our lives, something to always count on for

direction and strength.

Allow me to thank Andrew and Tina Douglas who have chaired our St. John Chrysostom Oratorical Festival for

the past several years. They are taking a break from chairing this wonderful ministry due to the fact that their

children are now participating. They are looking for someone to take over for them. I can personally say that

when Stephanie and I did this many years ago, it was a truly rewarding experience. I hope that you will

consider stepping up and volunteering. I know that you will not be disappointed when you hear all the

wonderful things that our young theologians bring forth in their speeches.

Finally, there are 6 members of the parish council that are completing their two year terms. Nominations were

taken at the October 30 general assembly. However, we are still accepting nominations. I hope that you will

consider joining the council. I won’t lie and tell you that it is only one meeting per month, but it is not that

much time either. All of us are busy; in fact, the busy people seem to be the ones that step up. If the future of

your church is important to you, then you should run for a position. It is an important role and one that is

rewarding and can be fun too.

I will leave you with best wishes for a safe, peaceful and prayerful fall season.

In His Service

Ted Poplos

Community Christmas Card

If you’d like to participate in the Community Christmas Card, your names and donation of $25.00 are now

being collected by Sophie Theodore in Cotros Hall on Sundays. Cash or Check is acceptable. Please make

check to Elpis. If you are unable to attend church, you can mail your check to Sophie Theodore at 3554

Kenwood Ave. Memphis, TN 38122. Proceeds benefit parishioners in need.

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Annunciation Prayer List

“Pray for one another, that you may be healed” (James 5:16). Prayer is an important resource for those who

are in need. Please contact Father Simon or the Church Office to add/remove someone from the list.

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew

Archbishop Demetrios of America

Metropolitan Nicholas of Detroit

Father Simon & Presvytera Stephanie and children

Father Nicholas & Presvytera Bess and children

Parishioners of Annunciation Greek Orthodox


Metropolitan Paul (Yazge) of Aleppo

Archbishop Youhanna Ibrahim (Syriac) of Aleppo

Pat, Ronnie, Jeffrey, Toni, Robin, Ed, Sophia

Volunteers for November

Acolytes: Lee Couloubaritsis

Austin Detty

Jackson Detty

Nick Douglas

John Eramo

Max Graves

Jonathan Holland

Vasili Johnson

Jonathan Mehrotra

Jack Shipman

Abiel Tesfazion

Demetri Thomas

David Wassef

Ushers 6 Team 4: Endy Carter, Vasili Semos & Harry


13 Team 1: Maria Moore, Bill Joyner, Pete Ruby

20 Team 2: Naji Nassif, Diane Kavelaras, Peter


27 Team 3: Romulus Stoian, Ed Morrison, Ted


Coffee Fellowship Hosts:

6 Stewardship Luncheon

13 DOP Soup Sunday

20 Community Thanksgiving Luncheon

27 Tingle & Wells Families in memory of Sophia

and Mike Nedelkavic


6 Sarkis & Jenny Kish

13 Angela Buchanan & Friend

20 Pete & Jan Futris

27 Anastasia Terranova &

Athena Jameson

Prosphoro Bakers:

6 Enosis Touliatos

13 Enosis Touliatos

20 Enosis Touliatos

27 Enosis Touliatos

Epistle Readers:

6 Mitch Obradovic

13 Scott McKee

20 Richard Tobias

27 Loretta Taras

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Saints Cosmas & Damian, the Unmercenary Physicians

November 1st

The Holy Wonderworkers and Unmercenary Physicians Cosmas and

Damian were natives of Asia Minor. Their pagan father died while they

were still quite small children, but their mother, St Theodota, raised

them in Christian piety. Through her own example, and by reading holy

books to them, she preserved her children in purity of life according to

the command of the Lord, and Cosmas and Damian grew up into

righteous and virtuous men.

Trained and skilled as physicians, they received from the Holy Spirit

the gift of healing people’s illnesses of body and soul by the power of

prayer. They even treated animals. With fervent love for both God and

neighbor, they never took payment for their services. They strictly

observed the command of our Lord Jesus Christ, “Freely have you

received, freely give” (Matthew 10:8). The fame of Sts Cosmas and

Damian spread throughout all the surrounding region, and people called

them unmercenary physicians.

Once, the saints were summoned to a grievously ill woman named Palladia, whom all the doctors had refused to treat

because of her seemingly hopeless condition. Through faith and through the fervent prayer of the holy brothers, the

Lord healed the deadly disease and Palladia got up from her bed perfectly healthy and giving praise to God. In

gratitude for being healed and wishing to give them a small gift, Palladia went quietly to Damian. She presented him

with three eggs and said, “Take this small gift in the Name of the Holy Life-Creating Trinity, the Father, Son, and

Holy Spirit.” Hearing the Name of the Holy Trinity, the unmercenary one did not dare to refuse.

When St Cosmas learned what had happened, he became very sad, for he thought that his brother had broken their

strict vow. On his deathbed he gave instructions that his brother should not be buried beside him. St Damian also

died shortly afterward, and everyone wondered where St Damian’s grave should be. But through the will of God a

miracle occurred. A camel, which the saints had treated for its wildness, spoke with a human voice saying that they

should have no doubts about whether to place Damian beside Cosmas, because Damian did not accept the eggs from

the woman as payment, but out of respect for the Name of God. The venerable relics of the holy brothers were buried

together at Thereman (Mesopotamia).

Many miracles were worked after the death of the holy unmercenaries. There lived at Thereman, near the church of

Cosmas and Damian, a certain man by the name of Malchus. One day he went on a journey, leaving his wife all

alone for what would be a long time. He prayerfully entrusted her to the heavenly protection of the holy brothers.

But the Enemy of the race of mankind took on the appearance of one of Malchus’ friends, and planned to kill the

woman. A certain time went by, and this man went to her at home and said that Malchus had sent him to bring her to

him. The woman believed him and went along. He led her to a solitary place intending to kill her. The woman,

seeing that disaster threatened her, called upon God with deep faith.

Two fiercesome men then appeared, and the devil let go of the woman and fled, falling off a cliff. The two men led

the woman home. At her own home, bowing to them deeply she asked, “My rescuers, to whom I shall be grateful to

the end of my days, what are your names?”

They replied, “We are the servants of Christ, Cosmas and Damian,” and became invisible. The woman with

trembling and with joy told everyone about what had happened to her. Glorifying God, she went up to the icon of the

holy brothers and tearfully offered prayers of thanksgiving for her deliverance. And from that time the holy brothers

were venerated as protectors of the holiness and inviolability of Christian marriage, and as givers of harmony to

conjugal life.

Saints Cosmas and Damian are the Patron Saints of the Philoptochos Society.

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Liturgical Calendar for November

Tuesday, November 1

Feast of Saints Cosmas & Damian

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 9:00am

Sunday November 6th

Seventh Sunday of Luke

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

Monday, November 7th

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 6:00 pm

Wednesday, November 9

Feast of Saint Nektarios

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 9:00 am

Sunday, November 13

Eighth Sunday of Luke

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8: 45 am

Sunday, November 20

Ninth Sunday of Luke

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

Monday, November 21

Entrance of the Theotokos

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 9:00 am

Friday, November 25

Feast of Saint Katherine the Great Martyr

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 9:00 am

Sunday, November 27

13th Sunday of Luke

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

Wednesday, November 30

Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 9:00 am


The following parishioners have requested visitation.

Please contact them directly to schedule visitations.

For address &/or contact information please check

your parish directory or contact the office.

Alec Collis

Pat Bacopulos Cooper - contact Marianthe Pilcher for

visiting arrangements

Edna Nichopoulos

Zoe Nickas

Presvytera Bess Vieron

Visitation Committee Volunteers for 2016-2017

November: Connie Cotros, Loretta Taras & Tasia


December: Anastasia Terranova & Athena Jameson

January: Nancy Tashie, Jan Futris & Tina Liollio

February: Vicki Hoover & family

March: Linda Nichols & family

April: Cary Chiungos & Mary Katherine Taras

May: Demie Bitinis, Tricia Grantham & Emily Love

June: Despina Karas/Angela Tobias

July: Diane Kavelaras& Friend

August: Stephanie Poplos & friend

September: Susanna Peters, Maria Apalodimas &

Cathe Skefos

October: Sophie Theodore & Kristine Wagner

Please contact Kristine Wagner if you would like to

volunteer to be on the visitation committee.

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Parish Ministries

Philoptochos, Elpis Chapter #7041

See the November Flier for details of our Month

of Giving.

St. Gerasimos & Demetrios Luncheon

ELPIS Bookstore

Don’t forget our Holiday Sale and Open House at

the Elpis Bookstore on Sunday November 13th

! See

the flier for more details!

Volunteer this fall! We are looking for a few volunteers to help in the

bookstore. We are open every Sunday from 11:45-

12:30. Proceeds from our bookstore fund our annual

scholarship fund. Stop by the store to volunteer or

use our online sign-up form.

Hosting Coffee Fellowship after Liturgy

The Parish Council invites members to volunteer to

host a Coffee Fellowship Hour in Cotros Hall during

this Ecclesiastical Year. The intent is to offer

refreshments of your choice that will encourage social

interaction among the membership, and opportunities

to meet and greet visitors and new members. The

coffee, sugar/sweetener, napkins, plates, cups and

utensils are provided by the Church. Please bring

creamer and juice. This is a great opportunity to

celebrate a birthday, anniversary, or to honor a loved

one. Photos/memorabilia are encouraged for a table

display. Families or groups of individuals can co-host

as well. Please sign up on the Coffee Hour Board in

Cotros Hall or call the Church Office to reserve your

date. Diane Kavelaras will be your coordinator for

Sunday and can be reached at 901-383-3343. Coffee

will always be available when there is no host. Thank

you for your consideration and hopeful participation.

Young at Heart

NOVEMBER 17th 11:30 am Thanksgiving Luncheon and BINGO with Prizes!

We have SO much to be thankful for- most of all-

we have each other! Please join us for a wonderful

lunch followed by Bingo with prizes.

All those in our community who are 50 years of age

and older are invited to join us! We have a great

time together. If you are working and have time to

break for lunch, we'd love for you to stop by! Hope

to see you there!

*Organization co-ordinators:

Kathy Zambelis: 901-359-1055,Anna Paris:

901-359-1918, Sophie Theodore: 901-268-0885

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Young Adult Ministries We are reviving the Young Adult Ministry here at Annunciation. The program has been re-branded and

reformatted as REAL (Representing Emerging Adult Leaders) . REAL is the Archdiocese’s new young adult

ministries program, the successor to YAL. It focuses on young adults ages 18-35. REAL offers programs and

resources based on education, fellowship, service and worship, challenging young adults to not simply be

passive participants in the Faith but to truly live Orthodoxy each and every day.

Join in the conversation! Check out the podcast, Pop Culture Coffee Hour on Ancient Faith Ministries Radio!

OCF’s Real Break is a one-of-a-kind alternative spring break program for Orthodox high school graduates

between 18-25 years old. The Real Break program provides young adults with the opportunity to understand the

true meaning of seeing Christ in the other – traveling to all parts of the world deepening their faith, serving

those in need, and cultivating relationships with like-minded peers. See the Flier and follow the link for more

details: http://www.ocf.net/real-break-2017/

On Facebook: GOA Young Adults

On Twitter: GOA_YoungAdults

On Instagram: GOA_YoungAdults

On Blogger: The Ladder

On Pinterest: GOA YoungAdults

On Tumblr: GOA Young Adults


If you are interested in being a part of REAL, please contact Alexis Moore at 901-828-3982 or at

[email protected].

Youth Ministries

Sunday School

The Sunday School Program is for children from Pre-

K (age 4 by September 1) through 12th


We meet every Sunday immediately following Holy

Communion except during the Summer and

certain Holidays.

Sunday School News

The Sunday School will be

designing a banner for Penelope

House along with the Daughters

of Penelope on Sunday,

November 13 during the

Luncheon for Penelope House.

The theme is “Our World Without

Abuse & Violence” – “ Hands & Words Are Not For


Note from Father Simon:

It is important that the children and their teachers

receive Holy Communion first, so they may have as

much time as possible to learn about our precious

Faith. Parents, since we are now saying the Prayers

Before Holy Communion together, please wait until

these prayers have been completed before taking your

children to the Narthex to line them up for Holy

Communion. Once our youth have received, the

ushers will dismiss the faithful row by row. Thank

you for your assistance!

HOPE/JOY (Junior Orthodox Youth)

We welcome all JOY Members (Junior Orthodox

Youth). All children up to 5th grade and older

siblings welcome too! In October we made a trip to

the Jones Orchard to pick apples and to Cedar Hill

Farms for pumpkin picking! Any questions contact

Presvytera Stephanie Thomas 209-640-1301 or

[email protected].







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GOYA (Greek Orthodox Youth of America)

The GOYA Ministry at Annunciation is for youth in

grades 6 through 12. We seek to provide

programming for the entire group and to provide

opportunities for our older youth to serve as role

models for younger participants. But, owing to the

developmental needs of different age groups in the

Ministry, certain activities and meetings will be sub-

divided into middle school and high school groups.

We meet the first and third Sundays of each month

at noon in the GOYA Room. Please forward any comments, suggestions for

activities, and preferred methods of communication

(or to be removed from the GOYA mailing list) to

Mitch Obradovic ([email protected]).

GOYA Advisors:

Mitch Obradovic

Demetri Papastefan

Ted Poplos

Luane Semos

November/December GOYA News

Greetings GOYA Youth and Families:

1. GOYA Tailgating Party - U of Memphis

Tigers vs. USF - 11/12/2016

Back by popular demand! We are going to

support our local University of Memphis

Tigers football team as they take on the Bulls

from the University of South Florida on

Saturday 11/12/2016. We will tailgate before

the game. Since the game time has not been

announced yet, we have not set the start time

for tailgating. More information will follow on

those arrangements.

We need to get an accurate count of how many

people plan to attend so we can purchase

tickets. Parents, siblings, and other family

members (and friends of GOYA!) are welcome

to join us. Tickets are $15. Food and fun to be

provided by GOYA!!! Please contact Mitch

Obradovic with questions or to RSVP. 2. GOYA - Nashville Fellowship - Memphis

Grizzlies vs. Oklahoma City - 12/29/2016

This is our year to host our friends from

Nashville for a Christmas break activity. In

addition to attending the Grizzlies game, we

will also plan other activities depending on

travel schedules and interest (movie, dinner,


This game is expected to be a sell-out, so we

need to buy tickets soon. So, we need to know

who is interested in participating in this

always-fun event. Tickets to the game are

expected to be $25. Contact Mitch Obradovic

ASAP for questions.


GOYA Activities 2016 – 2017

Activity Date

Tailgating – U of M vs. University

of South Florida

November 12

More Than a Meal – Grace St.


November 20

Christmas Caroling December 18

More Than a Meal – Grace St.


December 18

Hosing Nashville GOYA – Grizzlies

vs. OKC

December 29

Ballroom Dancing January TBD

More Than a Meal – Grace St.


January 15

GOYA Super Bowl Party – Super

Bowl of Caring

February 5

More Than a Meal – Grace St.


February 19

Trivia Night March TBD

More Than a Meal – Grace St.


March 19

Lenten Lock-In April 14 - 15

Pascha – Lamb Roast April 15 - 16

More Than a Meal – Grace St.

Luke’s – Pascha

April 16

Year-End GOYA Pool Party May TBD

More Than a Meal – Grace St.


May 21

Other Volunteer/Service Opportunities:

1. Assist with serving and cleanup at luncheons

2. Greek Festival Workshops

3. Greek Festival Ice Cream and Frappe Booth

4. Food Pantry Drive

5. Starry Nights

6. Friends of the Metropolis

7. Project Haiti

8. Ionian Village Recovery Fundraiser

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The Athenian Dance Troupe's mission is to provide dancers with artistic education and immersion in the rich

tradition of Hellenic performing arts and dance. A key goal for The Athenian Dance Troupe is to instill in its

dancers an enthusiasm for and desire to share the art of Hellenic dance within the Memphis community.

We accept dancers into the program starting in 2nd grade. For older children and teenagers interested in joining,

no prior dance experience is required. All are welcome!

If you have any questions, would like more info, or would like to enroll your child(ren), please contact Father

Simon at the Church Office, or the Horvaths.

Andrew Horvath [email protected]

Leah Apalodimas Horvath [email protected]


Sunday March 19 – Greek Independence Day Luncheon 12:00 Noon

Memphis Greek Festival

Friday, May 12, 6:00 pm

Saturday, May 13, 12:00 Noon & 6:00 pm

Practice Schedule


Saturday November 19 – 10:00 am – 10:45 am

Saturday March 4 – 11:30 am – 12:00 Noon

Saturday March 18 – 10:00 am – 10:45 am

Saturday April 22 – 10:00 am – 10:45 am

Saturday April 29 – 10:00 am – 10:45 am

Saturday May 6 – 10:00 am – 10:45 am

Thursday, May 11 – 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm


Saturday November 19 – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Sunday December 11 – 12:00 Noon – 2:00 pm

Sunday January 22 – 12:00 Noon – 2:30 pm

Saturday March 4 – 12:00 Noon – 2:00 pm

Saturday March 18 – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Saturday April 8 – 12:00 Noon – 2:00 pm

Saturday April 22 – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Saturday April 29 – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Saturday May 6 – 11:00 am – 1:00 pm

Thursday May 11 – 5:00 pm – 7:30 pm

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Community Organizations

Men’s Group/AHEPA November 2016

Well, sometimes things just don’t go as planned. Last month, we told you to be on the lookout for a service

project at the end of October. Well, as you can tell that time has passed. We were not able to coordinate the

activity. I can see the disappointment in your eyes as you read this. There will be an opportunity to serve this

month. On November 20th

the ladies of Elpis serve a meal to less fortunate folks at Grace St. Luke’s in mid-

town at 4pm. We hope that you will consider joining with the Elpis and the Goya to help serve a wonderful

Thanksgiving meal prepared by the Touliatos family. It starts at about 3:30 and is finished by 5.

We hope that you will mark your calendars for December 4th

when we will once again host a pancake breakfast

with the proceeds going to the St. Nicholas Shrine in New York. We are one of the few Ahepa chapters that

have donated. Through your generosity, we have been able to donate over $1,000 to this project.

We hope to schedule an activity soon so be looking for one in the weekly Epistles and in your email.

Daughters of Penelope

November 2016

The Daughters of Penelope was founded in 1929 in San Francisco, California. It was the realization of

Alexandra Apostolides Sonenfeld’s dream to create a women’s organization comparable to her husband’s

membership in AHEPA. The AHEPA Family shares our objectives: To promote Hellenism, Education,

Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family & Individual Excellence.

A special message to all of our Parishioners.....Thank you so very much to those who attended the lecture

(10/16) with Dr. Brad Cook, Professor at Ole Miss. It was interesting to see all the various Ancient writings....I

think my favorite was the "sold" sign that was posted on a property stating who it was sold to and how much he

paid for it. We thank you for your support and we will be sending $500 (rounding the donations up from our

treasury) to Old Miss for the Dr. Robinson Re-installation project at the Museum. Do try to make a trip to the

Museum to see all these wonderful ancient Greek items that are literally in our "backyard". I am proud to

announce part of the monies that we have sent these past couple of years is earmarked for a climate controlled

display case. It will have a notation that it was donated by us. The balance of the donated monies is being used

for the restoration and conservation of the items. If you were unable to attend/stay for the luncheon and would

still like to make a donation, please see Anastasia, Phani or Vicki Hoover on Sunday, and we will be happy to

add it to our donation and send it on to the museum. Thanks to Phani for the delicious beans (gigantes plaki)

and Enosis for her wonderful rizogalo we so enjoyed. – Anastasia Terranova

We are looking forward to our Soup Sunday on November 13, benefiting Penelope House. There is no charge

for this luncheon, though we will ask for donations. The monies received will be sent to Penelope House. For

those of you who are not aware of Penelope House, it is a Battered Women’s Shelter located in Mobile, AL and

was founded in 1979, by our Sister organization in Mobile.

Just a reminder – please mark your calendar. The Daughters will be sponsoring our Annual Holiday Bake Sale

on Sunday, December 18. We will have home-made goodies as well as our kourambiethes and kouloulrakia

available for your Holiday gift giving. This is a fund-raiser for our Scholarship.

In Theta Pi, Penelope Bichi

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N O V E M B E R S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1011 12 13 14 15 16 1718 19 20 21 22 23 2425 26 27 28 29 30 31

Each of us are blessed in many ways. We have so much to be thankful for. Elpis Philoptochos has designated November 2016 as a Month of Giving. We’ve created several different ways for you to participate. Everyone is welcome to join us. Select one or two (or all!) of the events below to find your path to make a difference. And, as a final gesture of thanksgiving, purchase a “I am thankful card” for display in our fellowship hall during this blessed season.

Kroger gift Card ColleCtionDid you know that people stop by our church office during the week asking for money or help? As a church, we certainly don’t want to turn these people away.

Bring $5 Kroger gift cards to the Thanksgiving Luncheon on Sunday, November 20th. We’ll use these gift cards in the church office for whenever people in need from our neighborhood ask for help.

food BanK ColleCtionWe will be collecting non-perishable food items for the Highland Heights Food Pantry. We have sponsored a food collection each spring and fall annually. Our donation is very much appreciated and we can help those in need who live in our neighborhood.

Bring your food donation to the Fellowship Hall any Sunday in November and drop it off in the marked boxes.

More than a MealImmediately after our delicious, annual Thanksgiving Luncheon on Sunday, November 20th, we will be preparing and delivering a special Thanksgiving dinner to the guests at More than a Meal (served at Grace St. Luke’s Church). Plan to help prepare the meal on Friday and/or Saturday (11/18-11/19) as well as serve on Sunday. Look for hours and specific information in the next few weeks.

Blessing BagsWe will be creating 100 blessing bags for the homeless to be passed out on Sunday, November 20th. We will be collecting:

white cotton sockschap stick

crackers/granola barsbottled water

Bring your donation to the Fellowship Hall any Sunday in November and drop it off in the marked boxes.

giving thanKs Wall displayWe are creating a “Wall of Thanks” in our Fellowship Hall during the months of November and December. Stop by the table to purchase and complete your “I am thankful for...” card. Cards may be purchased for $5 each. Proceeds will benefit various Philoptochos charities. This is a wonderful way to pay tribute to the special people in your life.

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Women of St. John Fall RetreatNovember 11 & 12, 2016

St. John Orthodox Church

Dr. Nicole RoccasAuthor & Freelance Editor

“Time Eternal”

Dr. Nicole M. Roccas is a Wisconsin native who grew up in the evangelical church. On the feast of the Annunciation in 2012, she was received into the Orthodox Church at Christ the Savior Holy

Spirit Orthodox Church in Cincinnati.

She holds a PhD in European History from the University of Cincinnati, where her studies focused on Church History, Reformation

Germany, and the history of calendars. She is best known for her Ancient Faith blog and podcast,

“Time Eternal,” which explores the interrelation-ships between theology, time and the life of faith

in the Orthodox Church.

Dr. Roccas currently lives in Toronto, Ontario, where she is a freelance editor and writing consultant. She also works as an administrative assistant for

the Religious Education Department in the Greek Orthodox Metropolis of Toronto and Canada.

In addition to thinking about time, she enjoys knitting, hiking and traveling.

RETREAT SCHEDULEFriday, November 115:00 p.m. Check-in begins6:00 p.m. Vespers6:45 p.m. Dinner7:30 p.m. First speaker session8:30 p.m. Compline

Saturday, November 128:00 a.m. Akathist8:30 a.m. Breakfast9:15 a.m. Second speaker session10:15 a.m. Coff ee Break10:30 a.m. Th ird speaker session11:30 Break11:45 Fourth speaker session12:45 p.m. Lunch1:30 p.m. Conclusion2:15 p.m. Adjourn

SUMMARY OF TOPICS1: Finding the Church Year (Friday evening) – To kick off these talks, Dr. Roccas will explore what time is in the life of the Church and how it relates to the daily experience of faith. She will also share about her experience studying the history of calendars and converting to Orthodoxy. 2: Understanding the Church Year (Saturday 1) – Where did the Orthodox liturgical calendar come from? Why is it so complicated? Th is talk explores the origins of our Church year and the purpose it serves in helping us “work out [our] salvation” over the course of our lives (Philippians 2:12). 3: Calendars and Culture (Saturday 2) – Whether Orthodox or not, we live our lives stretched between multiple “calendars.” In the everyday life of contem-porary culture, time and holidays oft en have diff erent meanings than in the Church. Th is talk invites us to follow in the footsteps of the Church and “redeem time” (Ephesians 5:16) in our lives and in our culture.4: Living the Church Year (Saturday 3) – In this talk, we’ll discuss practical strategies and questions regarding how we live out the Church Year in our homes and in the Church.

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Women of St. John Fall Retreat Registration FormNovember 11 & 12, 2016

NAME: Parish:

Email: Phone:

REGISTRATION: The $40 retreat cost includes the registration fee; dinner on Friday night; and breakfast, lunch and snacks on Saturday. You may choose to skip these meals. Note: The registration fee covers non-meal costs and will remain $20 for whatever portion of the retreat you choose to attend.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Sunday, November 6Registration Fee* $20 $20 Payment attached Dinner Friday Night $10 I will mail payment Breakfast Saturday Morning $ 0 I will pay at door Lunch Saturday $10

Total Due

*Scholarship funds are available; please do not let finances keep you from attending. Contact Fr. Philip or Trish Ratliff to make arrangements.

ACCOMMODATIONS: Out-of-town participants are encouraged to contact friends at St. John to arrange for housing for the retreat. If you do not personally know any parishioners, please call or email Trish Ratliff by November 8 and we will make arrangements for you in one of our parishioners’ homes. This will be done on a first-come, first-served basis.

Comments (please include dietary restrictions):

Please make checks payable to St. John Orthodox Church, with “AWSJ Retreat” noted on the memo line. Registration forms and payment may be sent to:

St. John Orthodox ChurchTrish Ratliff, Retreat Registrar1663 Tutwiler Ave.Memphis, TN 38107

You may contact Sue Brownlow ([email protected]) or Anne Dugan ([email protected]), Retreat Coordinators, or Trish Ratliff ([email protected]), Church Secretary/Retreat Registrar, or call 901.274.4119 with any questions.

For Office Use Only*******************************************************************************************

Paid: Date Cash Check /Ck # FA

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Elpis Bookstore

The Elpis Bookstore is open every Sunday after Liturgy and by


All proceeds from bookstore sales fund the Elpis Scholarship Fund -

supporting the youth of our church for over

25 years.

HolidayTote BagPick up this cute, holiday bag for your holiday needs. Perfect as a gift bag for your someone special! $5.00St. NicholasShrine T-ShirtsThese short-sleeved shirts are a wonderful tribute tothe St. Nicholas Shrine in New York City. Allproceeds will be donated to the shrine.Available in white and black and in most sizes. $15.00Family Picture FramesPerfect as a holiday gift. Available in horizontal or vertical sizes. Verbiage available: Yiayia, I love you/ Papoo, I love you/ Yiayia and Papoo, I love you/ Nouna and Nouno/ Our Family



A perfect gift for your loved one. If we do not have the icon you are looking for, we are happy to order it for you in time for a Christmas delivery.

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November 13th

We ask for donations. All providing’s from the luncheon will go to thePenelope House for abused women and children.

November 6th, to prepare for Soup Sunday, benefit for Penelope House,SUNDAY SCHOOL CHILDREN can make traditional symbol Hand Prints,

and we will place on Community Board with the names of Families who havemade donations.

Please arrange with Sunday school teachers – Julia, Ann Paris.

Soup Sunday Benefit For Penelope House Is Preparedby The Daughters Of Penelope Sisterhood

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Thanksgiving Luncheon and BINGO with prizes

Thursday, November 17th

11:30 in Cotros Hall

All those in their 50’s, 60’s, 70’s, 80’s & 90 ‘s

are invited to join us!



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Back By PoPular DemanD!

Greek Dressing & Rice PuddingThe Touliatos Family is once again offering

pans of Greek Dressing (“stuffing”) and rice pudding for sale during the Thanksgiving season! The dressing is a family tradition

passed down from Voula Touliatos, which features meat, nuts and spices. The rice

pudding is Enosis’ famous receipe!

Order now to have a family size pan of dressing or rice pudding ready to pick up at the Thanksgiving luncheon on November 20th

Both pan sizes - 13”x10”Dressing Price - $35 per panRice Pudding price - $20 per pan

To order, please call, Enosis Touliatos at 385-2457

Last day to place an order is Sunday, November 13

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Elpis Philoptochos

Thanksgiving LuncheonSunday, November 20th

Cotros HallJoin us for our annual luncheon lovingly prepared by the Touliatos Family. Celebrate all that you have to be

thankful for with your church family.Adults - $15.00 Children - $8.00

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Stewardship Report

Our Archdiocesan Regulations and Parish By-Laws define Stewards as those who participate regularly in the

life of the Parish, as well as contributing towards the financial well-being of the Parish by offering stewardship

and/or filling out a Stewardship Card. Below is a list of all Stewards of the Annunciation. Those denoted with

an (*) have submitted their Stewardship Card to the Stewardship Committee. If you have not submitted a

Stewardship Card, please contact the Stewardship Committee or the Church Office.

2016 List of Stewards

*Allphin, Robert

Anaston, Zoe

*Apalodimas, Chris & Connie

*Apalodimas, Maria

Arcamuzi, Michael & Family

*Argol, Nick & Anne

Avgeris, John & Diane

*Bagatelas, Todd & Cyndi &


*Barlow, Steven & Anastasia &


Berretta, Bryan & Melissa &


*Bitinis, Demetra

*Bookas, John & Deborah

Boosalis, Inga

*Boosalis, Janet

Branch, William

*Branum, Shawn

*Buchanan, Angela

*Bullard, Tim

Buring, Jacob & Michele & Family

Caranyiannis, Dean & Vickie &


*Carter, Endy

Castellucci, Brianna & Conan &


*Chagaris, Mary

Chelsoi, Catalin & Anca

Chiungos, Cary

Collis, Alec

Cooper, Pat Bacapoulos

*Cotros, Charles & Connie

Couloubaritsis, George & Laura &


*Couloubaritsis, Jerry & Julia &


Daniels, Elaine

Deitz, George & Wagner, Kristine

& Family

*Demas, Helen

* Demopoulos, Chris

*Demos, Chris & Shawn

Denton, Anna

*Detty, Greg & Cyndi & Family

*Douglas, Andrew & Tina &


Douklias, Vasilios & Georgia

Drumea, Ioana

*Erskine, Bruce & Helen

Farrell, Linda & Family

Farris, Phillip & Kellye & Family

*Fox, Nick & Marty Fox

*Futris, Katherine

*Futris Jr., Pete & Jan

*Futris, Steve & Zoe

*Gallagher, Evangelia

*George, Christina

*Georgopoulos, Lois

*Gikas, Bill & Niki

*Gikas, Joanne

Gogonelis, Alex

*Govatos, George

Grantham, Ronald & Patricia

*Graves, Alan & Renee & Family

Guidi, Sophia

Guigley, Kevin & Pannay &


*Habte, Daniel & Tsadik,

Yorusalem & Family

Hawkins, Charles & Elizabeth &


*Herbert, Sandy

*Hetos, Maria

Hong, Tony & Ramona & Family

*Hooker, Nathan & Stephanie &


*Hoover, Ken & Vicki & Family

*Horvath, Andrew & Leah

Hristopoulou, Koula

Huston, Dorothy

*Jameson, Athena

*Jennings, Al & Tina & Family

Johnson, John

Johnson, William & Stephanie &


Joyner, Bill & Denise

Karas, Jim & Despina

Karris, Georgia

*Kavelaras, Diane

*Kay, John & Nancy

Kay, Maureen

*Kennedy, James

Khalaf, Nader

Kish, Sarkis & Jenny

Kolaitis, Regina

*Kollias, Marcy

Kolopanas, Bessie

Koplin, Jonathan & Pauline &


*Lefes, Kalliope

Limberakis, George

*Liollio, Tina

Looney, Charles & Camille Maria

Louza, Samya

*Love, Tom & Emily

*Maasho, Aklilu & Amdetsion,

Nigisti & Family

Maragos, Pete & Amelia & Family

Matika, Yolanta

Mavraganis, Gus & Helen

Mazas, Diana

*McKee, Scott & Weilin Xi and


McCoy, Ronald & Helen

*Melonas, Emily

Melonas, Peter & Kathryn

*Meng, James & Susan & Family

Mims, Alan & Lydia

Montgomery, Toni

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*Moore, Alexis

*Moore, Maria & Michael

*Moore, Tommy & Kyndall

*Morrison, Robert & Kathryn

*Mosby, Michael & Valerie &


Nassif, Naji & Rebecca & Family

Nichols, Nick & Linda

Nickas, Zoe

Nix, Michael & Linda

*Obradovic, Mitch & Linda &


Ogbasion, Abraham

Ogbasion, Asmelash & Asmeret

Otto, Greg & Elaine & Family

*Papastefan, Demetri

Pappas, Alexandra & Family

Pappas, Maria

*Paris, Anna

*Paris, Dorothy

*Paris, Evangeline

Patrikios, Dennis & Odette

Paulus, Basil

*Peters, Manual & Mary Beth

Peters, Manuel & Susanna

*Peters, Spero

Phillips, Stanley

Pilcher, Derek & Marianthe

Plekon, Paul & Cate

*Poplos, Ted & Stephanie &


Poulos, John & Maria

Preza, Chrysanthe &

Valdimarsson, Einir & Family

Ramage, Elizabeth

*Reed, Scott

*Ruby, Pete

*Samonides, Albis

*Sanders, Andrew & Betsy &


Sandouk, Sandy

Sarantidis, Foti & Terri

*Schmitt, Eric & Anne & Family

Schnepf, Theresa

*Semos, Vasili, Luane & Family

*Shipman, Daniel & Family

*Sinis, Harry & Magda & Family

Sinis, Tom & Susan

*Skefos, Harry & Catherine

*Skefos, Katherine

Skoutakis, Vasilios & Eleni

*Smith, Jimmy & Georgia

Sobczak, David

Sousoulas, James & Sophia

*Stamson, Jerry Joseph & Tiffany

& Family

*Stamson, Pandora

Staurksy Jr., Andrew & Sissa,


Steckler, Steve & Joy

Stergios, Martha

Stoian, Romulus & Camelia

*Taras, Dimitri & Mary Katherine

Taras, James

*Taras, Kosta & Loretta

*Tashie, David & Christine &


Tashie, George & Cecile

*Tashie, James & Nancy

Tashie, John

Tashie, Judd & Debbie & Family

*Terranova, Anastasia

*Tesfazion, Amanuel & Brur &


*Theodore, Lee & Yiota

*Thomas, Fr. Simon & Pres.

Stephanie & Family

Tingle, Gregg & Lorrie

*Tobias, Andrew

*Tobias, Richard & Angela

Topolewski, Kimberly

Touliatos, Sarah

Trif, Maria

Vasilopoulos, Debbie

*Vergos, Alex

*Vergos, Annie

*Vergos, Charles John

Vergos, Tasia

Vergos, Theodore

Vieron, Lee

Vieron, Fr. Nicholas & Pres. Bess

Vieron, Paul

*Wassef, Magdi & Amira &


*Wasserman, Maria D.

*Whitten, Vasiliki

*Wilson, Matthew & Michelle &


*Zachary, Nina

*Zaharapoulos, Nick & Georgia

Zdancewicz, William & Julie &


*Zambelis, Kathy & Family

Thank you for your contribution for the year 2016! Your stewardship supports the ministries of the

Annunciation. If we have mistakenly left your name off the list, please contact the Church Office!

As of October 30, 2016: Stewards – 193

Stewardship Cards – 98

Amount Pledged – $200,580.00

Amount Received (YTD) – $245,211.01

Amount Received October - $17,988.00

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1 Feast of Saints

Cosmas & Damian


Liturgy 9:00 am

OCF at Ole Miss -

6:00 pm

2 3 4 5

6 Seventh Sunday of Luke


Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

Nursery Available 9:30 am

Sunday School 11:00 am

GOYA Meeting 12:00 Noon

Stewardship Luncheon 12:00 Noon



Liturgy 6:00


8 Feast of the


OCF at Ole Miss –

6:00 pm

Bible Study 6:30 pm

9 Feast of Saint



Liturgy 9:00 am


Girl Scouts

4:15 pm


Father Simon


Women of St.

John Annual

Fall Retreat at

St. John 5:00



Father Simon Away

Women of St. John Fall


DOP Cook and Set up for

Soup Sunday 8:00 am

GOYA Tailgating U of M vs

UCF 10:00 am – 7:00 pm

13 Feast of Saint John Chrysostom

Eighth Sunday of Luke

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

Nursery Available 9:30 am

Sunday School 11:00 am

Elpis Bookstore Open House – 11:30 am

Soup Sunday Hosted by the Daughters of

Penelope 12:00 Noon

Father Simon Away


Father Simon


15 Nativity Fast


OCF at Ole Miss –

6:00 pm


17 Young at

Heart 11:30




Cooking and Set up for

Thanksgiving Luncheon 9:00


Athenian Dance Troupe


Juniors – 10:00 am

Seniors – 11:00 am

20 Ninth Sunday of Luke

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

Nursery Available 9:30 am

Sunday School 11:00 am

GOYA 12:00 Noon

Community Thanksgiving Luncheon 12:00 Noon

More Than a Meal – Serving Team 3:00 pm

21 Entrrance

of the



Liturgy 9:00


Parish Council

Meeting 6:15



Bible Study

6:30 pm


Parish Closes at

12:00 Noon



ng Day




Feast of Saint

Katherine the



e Liturgy 9:00


Parish Closed


27 Thirteenth Sunday of Luke

Orthros/Divine Liturgy 8:45 am

Nursery Available 9:30 am


Coffee Hour hosted by the Tingle & Wells Family

in Memory of Sophia & Mike Nedelkavic



OCF at Ole Miss –

6:00 pm

30 Feast of Saint

Andrew the



Liturgy 9:00 am