The Enjoined Ambuscade of Manifest Simulacra as Law

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  • 8/14/2019 The Enjoined Ambuscade of Manifest Simulacra as Law


    The Enjoined Ambuscade of ManifestSimulacra as Law


    Yes the title is a mouthful and it would be helpful to define for your self the terms in

    the title.






    Did it help? Oh well, then lets move to the long version:

    What I am talking about is the creation of rules that we ignorantly think we are

    bound to and how those rules can be enforced under real law. It is vital that one

    knows the difference between real law and fictions of law or rules having the name of

    statutory law, statures, colorable law, fictions of law or law that grows from

    the concept of Legal Positivism. What is legal is not what is lawful. Legality

    pertains to fiction and matters involving contracts. What is lawful, deals with matters

    enforced and judged by that which men call God or nature, depending on their

    spiritual proclivities. Gravity is completely in the hands of nature. Killing someone

    has consequences as it violates the rights of another. When one kills there are

    always uncomfortable consequences that occur and fall outside of any man-made

    enforcement, prosecutorial and judicial process. In fact, the entire law creation,

    enforcement and adjudication process is parasitic. These agencies feed off the

    power granted by divine right to the victim such that they are made whole. Why we

    believe we need these parasites is a question that goes far deeper then this

    treatment will explore. Remember that vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord thing

    the religious folks harp about? Well like it or not, that truth is firmly ensconced in oursystem of law.

    As an aside, the use of the word Lord in place of God or nature is dubious in

    the extreme. The reason is that one could falsely believe that God or nature has the

    will or desire to keep a man from killing or jumping from a cliff as it is implied by the

    word Lord. No, God will not stop us from killing or jumping from a cliff but one

    must understand that when one kills or jumps from a cliff that they will recognize

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    very soon that they immediately experience some uncomfortable consequences.

    We, in our ignorance, call those consequences bad luck but it is simply that actions

    have consequences and a cause has an effect. Man has long documented that

    certain actions have unwelcome effects. Common Law is at its core contains many of

    these action that yield to harsh consequences. This concept is what is understoodas: The Law cannot compel performance.

    In matter of law it is extremely important for a man or woman to understand the

    difference between real law and fictions of law. Lawful is real. Legal is fiction. God

    enforces Law. Man through the existence of a contract enforces Legality. We

    cannot be forced to accept laws created by man. Why? The reason is that all true

    contracts are voluntary. Since legality can only have force of law when a man or

    woman makes contract. We can in ignorance be fooled into thinking that we are

    subject to the laws of man because many do not understand that a contract must be

    voluntary. There is no forced compliance and this is indicated in every man-made

    law. This is the remedy to the law of man. See Contract: A Principle of the Power of

    Law for a more detailed treatment.

    I tend not to resort to expletives but in this case I will make an exception because

    sanitized verbiage really falls short. Legal and legality is simulacra or an image or

    fiction used in place of the real thing. So whenever one hears the word legal or

    legality one must substitute the word BULLSHIT! Take legal tender or the

    money we use. It becomes BullshitTender or a fictional or weak representation

    of money. Now would you sell your car for bullshit money? Do you lawfully own

    things if you paid with bullshit money? Think about that for a while.

    This bullshit surrounds us. We have a bullshit government, Bullshit laws, bullshit

    cops, bullshit lawyers, bullshit judges and bullshit courts. See Who Are These

    Enemies of the USA?for a more detailed treatment. The biggest mistakes we make

    is we presume that we are subject to the law and we presume those we hold in

    authority have the power to enact, enforce and adjudicate these laws. We seldom

    question the validity of this law and authority and they have taken great care in

    making sure the average man or woman never se the trick. If you noticed I did not

    say person. The reason is that person has a specific legal meaning that is

    outside of what we think a person is. Oh, you can to the dictionary and look up the

    word personbut until one understands that under legal or bullshit law one can define

    any term however they want. It is lawful provided they actually tell you that they are

    calling a square a circle. It is when we try to find the diameter of their circle

    when the simulacra is exposed for what it is.
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    For instance, is there anyone who actually believes the Federal Government is

    actually a servant of the people? They have simply redefined the term servant.

    People in researching law make a fatal mistake. The go to the glossary of the law

    book and look up the section of interest. They read: all persons are subjectetc.

    They presume that the law applies to them. Person is a simulacrum representingindividual people created under the un-ratified 14th Amendment ad referred to in the

    latest 13th Amendment.

    14th Amendment:

    Section 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject

    to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the

    State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which

    shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States;nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without

    due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal

    protection of the laws.

    Section 2. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States

    according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of

    persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to

    vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice

    President of the United States, Representatives in Congress, the Executive

    and Judicial officers of a State, or the members of the Legislature thereof,

    is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being twenty-one

    years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged,

    except for participation in rebellion, or other crime, the basis of

    representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the

    number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male

    citizens twenty-one years of age in such State

    Section 3. No one shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or

    elector of President and Vice President, or hold any office, civil or military,

    under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken

    an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or

    as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer

    of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have

    engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or

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    comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds

    of each House, remove such disability.

    Section 4. The validity of the public debt of the United States, authorized by

    law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for

    services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned.But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any debt

    or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United

    States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave; but all such

    debts, obligations and claims shall be held illegal and void.

    Section 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by appropriate

    legislation, the provisions of this article.

    Sounds impressive doesnt it? The important things a man or woman should

    understand is that this amendment was not ratified! We were not asked that it be

    law and that is why they put at the very beginning: All persons born or naturalized in

    the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United

    States and of the State wherein they reside. Person is does not apply to a man or

    woman! That is, until they willfully or in ignorance describe themselves as a person!

    See The Official State Office Known as Person for a more detailed treatment on

    what exactly they are talking about when they use the term person.

    The 13th Amendment

    Section 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment

    for crime where of the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist

    within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.

    Section 2. Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by

    appropriate legislation.

    Here is another un-ratified bullshit amendment and look at the last lines in both

    amendments: Congress shall have the power to enforce this article by appropriate

    legislation. Well guess what? If we did not give them the permission to be our

    god then they are not our god. That is, unless we give them that permission.

    Notice that the ban slavery and involuntary servitude. They did not ban

    voluntary servitude! That means is you choose to willingly be our slave then they

    are more then happy to accommodate you. It is crucial to understand what is going

    on here. One needs to understand the whole subject to the jurisdiction bullshit

    routine. This is what they mean:

    I am forming a club. To be a member of my club and to be able to

    wear the fancy hat, you can only join willingly. If you willingly join
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    you must abide by the club rules and that is you are to be my

    personal slave one day a week for the rest of your lives. If you break

    the rule then you will be my slave for two days a week and so on and

    so on. You can leave any time provided you tap your heels together

    three times and say: there is no place like home. and then youmust give back the fancy hat. Until you employ your remedy then

    you will be compelled or forced to be my slave and I have the power

    to enforce this rule as I see fit using any means at my disposal. If

    you want to be part of the club then you must know the club has


    What we are dealing with is the same thing. They set up a club, the club has rules

    and they will force you to obey the rules of the club. However in the example above

    the remedy is obvious in that you tap your heels together three times and say: there

    is no place like home. and then you must give back the fancy hat. In the case of

    Federal law they do not make the escape or remedy obvious. Obvious hell! They

    deliberately concealed it though legalistic (bullshit) jargon and couched it within

    other bullshit jurisdictional constructs. It does exist but finding it takes patience and

    the persistence to sort through their code. The Uniform Commercial Code UCC is

    deliberately encrypted. That is why it is called code. The Federal Government did

    not write it. It is the intellectual property of the Vatican and is leased by the Federal

    Government for use in their fictional State. The trick is to realize that being a

    person or a US Citizen is to willingly join their club.

    The second big mistake that a man or woman makes is to presume that the

    governing body has the authority and power to govern and in the case of the UNITED

    STATES OF AMERICA it has neither. Remember that is established law that:

    Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers

    from the consent of the governed

    This from the Declaration of Independence. The operative word here is consent. If a

    bunch of traitors in government want to create a club and most of the people

    ignorantly join then one must understand that I cannot be force to join and they do

    not have the power to force me. Am I Un-American? Hell no! I was born here and

    my forefathers fought for me to be here. Ill be damned if a bunch of idiot

    nincompoops push me off the land of my country! If they want to be slaves to

    international bankers then no problem but I choose not to join that club!

    If you read: Who Are These Enemies of the USA? then you understand that the

    UNITED STATES OF AMERICA is not lawful because it is a fictional corporation.
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    Now what is the difference between a mall cop and a police officer? They both

    have official looking uniforms. The both serve in an official capacity under a granting

    authority. Both are bullshit it is just the amount of concealment of their respective

    illegitimate authority. Nothing more

    When one looks in the glossary of the law book or code to find the law, then theywill mistakenly think the law applies to them. The astute will go to the beginning of

    the book and first check to see if the law actually applies to them. If we as a people

    would start doing this simple thing and carefully look at the terms then one will

    understand that this law or bullshit does not apply to men, women or people. If the

    law specifically does not list a particular thing then it is law that it does not apply to

    that thing. For instance when one goes to the UCC then they see all the things that

    the law applies to. The list a term called party. They then define party as person,

    corporation, LLC etc. When you look at the term person it is described as

    individual, corporation, LLC etc. Individual is not defined further. If one does not

    know any better they would assume from that it means man. This ambiguity is

    purposeful. Individual means an individual corporate entity of commerce or a man or

    woman who willingly places him or her self in the office of person and is therefore

    subject to the law. That is a man or woman who joined the club willingly. That is an

    individual! The courts have further upheld this precedent. The UCC does not apply

    to men, women or people.

    What does this mean? It means when you walk into a court the judge presumes

    that you are a person who has joined the club. The rule is that unless you clearly

    state that you are non-compliant in the way the code tells you to do so then you are

    presumed bound by your willing entry into a contract that gives the judge permission

    to do anything with you as he sees fit. Your remedy is found under UCC 1-207.

    Research it for yourself.

    When did you enter into this contract? Most dont even realize doing it. The most

    common way is by using Federal Reserve Notes or legal tender. They used to put

    on the note the words non-negotiable. Non-negotiable applies to contracts and

    when a man uses this contract to buy needful things then they unwittingly join the

    club and subject themselves to all the law the traitors in government can invent.

    Wait a minute!

    If it is a contract then I cannot be forced to be bound to its terms if I do not enter

    into it willingly. Thats correct! If you go to the store and plop down a silver dollar

    (or lawful money) the clerk will not take the money, or even know what it is in all

    likelihood. Since they do not provide a reasonable lawful alternative to the colorable

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    money that has so completely monopolized every aspect of our lives then arent we

    being forced to use it? The answer is


    That is the contract is not valid or enforceable as one cannot be forced against

    their will. Our problem in this country is we do not know any better and under thelaw if we are ignorant of the law then we are subject to it. Every judge knows this

    and every attorney has sworn not to educate you to the law. Remember:

    Ignorance of the law is no excuse!