Invitation to apply for Member to Fellow Upgrade Effective from 1 st January 2017 Member to Fellow application Version 2014-4 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales INVITATION

The Emergency Planning Society FELLOW ... - the-eps.org  · Web viewIntroduction. The Emergency Planning Society is committed to encouraging the professional development of the individual

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Invitation to apply forMember to Fellow Upgrade

Effective from 1st January 2017

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2014-4 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales


Member to Fellow form

Version Date Issued by Reason for change001 Jan 2011 JET Initial Issue002 Jan 2014 JC General Revision003 July 2014 NL/JC Update formatting

and amend addresses

004 October 2014 GD Adopt changes 005 Nov 2016 MR Revised for new

process of applying

ContentsThe Emergency Planning Society FELLOW APPLICATION.......................................................................3

SPONSOR 1......................................................................................................................................11

SPONSOR 2......................................................................................................................................12

Branch Executive.............................................................................................................................13

Appendix A EPS CORE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIES..................................................................14

Appendix B CRITERIA & POINTS SCORING (FOR USE BY ASSESSOR)...............................................20

Appendix C Example CV..................................................................................................................22

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

The Emergency Planning Society FELLOW APPLICATION

IntroductionThe Emergency Planning Society is committed to encouraging the professional development of the individual member. This form should be completed fully to reflect the applicant’s level of competency against the EPS Core Competence Framework. In line with other professional bodies the Society considers that educational qualifications alone are insufficient and these should be augmented by a period of experience and professional development. Similarly any lack of formal qualifications should not be a barrier to advancement, but there should be evidence of additional experience and development.By attaining a higher level of membership any member can demonstrate, to relevant stakeholders, their general competence and level of knowledge. These stakeholders are considered to be peer groups within the Society, employers – both current and future, and central and local government.

UPGRADE TO FELLOW Application Process by InvitationFellow Status & Expectations They would have sufficient points in the current framework (Application Form) Has sufficient Mandatory Point’s in CPD Provide updated CV is supported by Branch Executive and proposed by at least local 2 EPS

Members or Fellows. Agree to be a Mentor while current for Students, Associates and Members. Validated by assessors. Must be prepared to take an active role in the enhancement of the profession – through

mentoring participation at branch and or national level. Be an ambassador for the EPS and its ethos

To recognised an individual’s contribution over a number of years to the profession and EPS and have due regard to the accolade of Fellowship of the Emergency Planning Society the award will be conferred at Annual Awards Presentation following (AGM or Conference) or other suitable National Event.

Application Process At least two Members/Fellows should nominate an individual who would fulfil the exceptional criteria of being upgraded to a Fellow by firstly formally nominating the individual to the Branch Executive or in the case of no Branch the supporting Branch Executive. Additionally, Branch Chairs on the National Operational Committee and Members of the Board can be nominated and follow similar process as at Branch Level but through the National Operational Committee. The nominated Individual will formally invited to apply using this form and include a CV showing at least 10 years working in the profession. The two nominating individuals will provide a Supporting Brief Statement stating their knowledge of the work claimed in the CV is accurate, achieves at least 9 out of 12 of the Core Professional Competencies and that the individual would fulfil the expectations of the society as being a Fellow Member. This will then be submitted via the Branch Executive for authenticity and formally Support the Application. Thereafter forwarding via EPS HQ for consideration and assessment by the Assessments Team of the M&D Committee and in turn by the Board.

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

To upgrade from Member to Fellow you need to take the following steps following your official invitation to apply:CV Read the Core Competencies reproduced in Competency 1 – 12 (Professional Aspects).

IMPORTANTEnsure your CV contains evidence of nine of the twelve competenicies and they cover a minimum of ten years employment in your current or previous roles.

STEP 1 Ensure your CPD record is up-to -date (A check will be made before your application is passed to the Assessment Team);

STEP 2 Complete the rest of the application form either cut and paste or attach an up to date and detailed CV that provides information provided is a true and accurate record of your work and achievements:

STEP 3 Pass your completed application to your Branch Executive who will complete their Sections and act as your Sponsors

STEP 4 The Two Sponsors and Branch Executive should complete their individual parts that should provide validation, as far as is reasonable expected, and a detailed supporting statement , while confirming that the details in the CV are a true refection on the Applicants Professional competencies. Any supporting statement should include how the applicant have supported either the EPS generally or the local branch specifically.

STEP 5 E-mail an electronic copy of your completed application form and forward it onto Head Office on [email protected]

STEP 6 Head Office will register the application and acknowledge receipt.Assessment Process The application will then be forwarded to the Membership & Development Committee for assessment. You should be notified of a provisional decision within 28 days by the Head Office. All Fellow upgrades, following assessment, are subject to approval by the Board. Following approval all successful applicants will receive formal confirmation. Successful applicants are then entitled to use the post-nominal FEPS. You will then be sent:

A new Membership Certificate; A new Membership Card.

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

EXPLANATORY NOTESAmount of time in Profession (Minimum 10 years)To attain the level of Fellow you must have a minimum of ten (10) years working in the profession. If you are not fully employed within the field of resilience1 then please state percentage of time pertaining to this discipline. You must also have been a full Member of the Emergency Planning Society for at least 3 years.

Experience/Knowledge pertaining to The Emergency Planning Society Core Competences Framework (Minimum 9 out of 12)The Society has introduced the Core Competences Framework to enhance the standing of resilience professionals; drive the profession forward; become an integral part of practitioner education, training and development; and to facilitate professional development. You should be able to demonstrate your competency in a minimum of 9 of the competency areas. The minimum points required are 1500.

Please refer to ’The Emergency Planning Society Core Competences Framework’ which can be found on the EPS website or see Appendix A.

Other Relevant Skill Areas or AchievementsThis relates to any awards, significant achievements or other transferable skills that are not covered by the earlier sections. Examples include: an honour, award or prize; post of adviser or peer reviewer, position as school governor, magistrate or staff/union representative.

Emergency Planning Society ContributionThe Society supports and encourages its members’ involvement within the various Professional Working Groups (PWGs), Branches and its Directorship. It recognises individual members’ contribution towards such groups and activities and considers it as part of the professional development of individuals. Your membership of any of the above should be recorded in this section.

EventsThe Society organises an annual conference, webinars and other events, in addition to supporting local Branch activities. It also works in partnership with a number of other organisations such as the EPS Endorsed Training Providers in the delivery of training and awareness-raising within the profession and considers the participation of its members in such events to be part of professional development. Your attendance at these types of events should be recorded in this section.

Professional/Vocation QualificationsProfessional and vocational qualifications should be included within this section. Please provide details of the University and/or professional establishment where these qualifications were obtained, awarding body, and if appropriate, classification and date obtained. Include subjects covered, as appropriate.

1 The term Resilience refers to Emergency Planning, Business Continuity, Emergency Management, Risk Management, Security, Civil Protection, Civil Contingencies

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form



(if upgrading from associate)


(If not a upgrading indicate your preferred or local Branch)



I confirm that the information provided in this application is a true and an accurate record of my work and achievements.

Signed: Date:






Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

CV Cut & Paste Here or Attach with Application Form.

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

RESEARCH – in the field of resilience



PUBLICATIONS – in the field of resilience

TITLE ISBN/ EVIDENCE (include link to item or article) DATE OF PUBLICATION


Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form







Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form











Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form



Supporting Statement

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form



Supporting Statement

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form



Supporting Statement

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

Appendix A EPS CORE PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCIESCompetency 1 Theories And Concepts In Emergency ManagementTo meet the competence, you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

Familiarity with the different terminology that can be used to describe the same event;

Understanding of the difference between hazard and risk; Understanding the concept of vulnerability; Familiarity with ‘new risks’; Contribute to risk assessment; Understanding that emergencies are social events; Understanding the use of scale in emergencies;

Understanding that emergencies can be learning events; Contribute to the day to day work of Emergency Management; Familiarity with the methodology of preparing for emergencies; Familiarity with responding organisations in an emergency; Familiarity with the way an emergency may be managed; Teaching or undertaking academic research in this area of competency.

Competency 2 Anticipate And Assess The Risk Of EmergenciesTo meet the competence, you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

Contribution to local Community Risk Register; Familiarity with relevant guidance; Briefings given and reports prepared; Risk assessments carried out; Familiarity with relevant case studies; Documents published; Data skills used to determine impacts on critical processes; Criticality assessments done on services provided to the public; Familiarity with relevant sections of published national and global risk

assessments; Familiarity with case histories of emergencies and possible scenarios; Familiarity with specialist publications on hazard and risk;

Presentations given on risk priorities;

Familiarity with case studies of impacts of emergencies; Presentations given on risk impacts, including use of community data; Familiarity with case studies of impacts of emergencies on vulnerable

people and groups; Familiarity with case studies showing the dynamic nature of

vulnerability in emergencies; Contribution to or familiarity with the Community Risk Register in

relation to vulnerable people and groups; Use of data to identify vulnerable groups; Reports or presentations given on risk impacts for vulnerable people

and groups; Teaching or undertaking academic research in this area of competency

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

Competency 3 Plan For EmergenciesTo meet the competence, you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

Membership of groups or meetings to address prevention or mitigation of particular hazards;

Prevention measures and mitigation plans initiated and implemented; Generic and specific emergency plans produced; Meetings with key staff held to design the plan are recorded; Emergency plans treat risks identified, including impacts on community,

especially vulnerable groups; Incident reports, exercise reports and tests show that the procedures in

the plan have the confidence of the staff;

Implementation reports show that plans are subject to revision in the light of lessons learned;

Records of exercises and training de-briefs, including evaluation sheets, show that the objectives of these events were achieved;

Records of organisation’s capacity and resources; Databases are managed; Dormant contracts maintained; Mutual aid agreements maintained; Teaching or undertaking academic research in this area of competency.

Competency 4 Plan For Business ContinuityTo meet the competence, you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

The organisation’s strategic policy documents refer to resilience; Job descriptions of staff with roles in emergency and business continuity

plans refer to resilience; Resilience documents on intranet; seminars and briefings given; 24 hour call out system across all areas; BCM plans created; BCM exercises and tests held; Other BCM awareness events held; Familiarity with legislation and guidance in relation to BCM promotion;

Familiarity with case examples of BCM promotion activities undertaken by Emergency Management partners;

Make use of Community Risk Register; BCM promotion and other support initiatives undertaken; Community events and seminars undertaken; Teaching or undertaking academic research in this area of competency.

Competency 5 Validate Emergency Or Business Continuity PlansTo meet the competence, you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

Exercise reports and tests show that the procedures in the plan have the confidence of staff;

Implementation reports following exercises show that plans are subject to revision in the light of lessons learned;

Records of exercise and training de-briefs, including evaluation sheets, show that the objectives of these events were achieved;

Teaching or undertaking academic research in this area of competency.

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

Competency 6 Communicate With The Community To Enhance ResilienceTo meet the competence, you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

Familiarity with the Community Risk Register and local or sector planning arrangements across a range of emergency scenarios;

Familiarity with legislation and guidance about information to the public about hazards and risks in case of emergency;

Briefings given to senior executives about public information for hazards and risks;

Written materials produced, including leaflets and press releases; Meetings attended with Emergency Management partners re public

information; Familiarity with guidance re-education for the public about emergencies

and resilience issues; Familiarity with case examples of general and specific education

programmes; Education programmes and materials delivered; Meetings attended where education issues were discussed; Familiarity with case studies of disruption during emergencies, e.g. loss

of phone and mobile communications, loss of electricity and TV;Emergency communications plans prepared;

Familiarity with case examples of media attendance and questioning at emergencies;

Familiarity with government and other guidance on emergency media planning;

Plans prepared to address media issues during emergencies; Facilities created for accommodating the media during emergencies; Meetings attended with representatives of the media in designing and

developing emergency media plans; Familiarity with case examples of warning methods adopted in UK and

Ireland; Familiarity with legal frameworks and guidance governing warning

procedures; Emergency plan, including multi-agency plans prepared; Warning systems created; Tests and exercises including multi-agency tests and exercises

undertaken and multi-agency meetings attended to discuss warning procedures;Teaching or undertaking academic research in this area of competency.

Competency 7 Manage Response To EmergenciesTo meet this competence you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

Effective management of emergency response to incidents; Knowledge of emergency plans and community risk assessments; Briefings and de-briefings conducted with agreed timescales Familiarity with structures and responsibilities of partner organisations; Communicating during incidents and timely decisions made;

Familiarity of all elements required for an effective response; Policy and decision logs completed, checked and retained; Awareness of the technical and specialist assistance available; Teaching or undertaking academic research in this area of competency.

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Member to Fellow form

Competency 8 Manage The Recovery From EmergenciesTo meet the competence, you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

Familiarity with the recovery plan and recovery process; Familiarity with the range of organisations involved in the recovery

process; Broad understanding of the roles and responsibilities of a range of

partner organisations both multi-agency and multi-level (sector), involved in the recovery process;

Familiarity with impact assessment techniques; Ability to work, liaise and negotiate with multi-agency partners during

the recovery process; Ability to work, liaise and negotiate with communities and individuals

during the recovery process; Experience in making funding applications;

Familiarity with relevant guidance; Familiarity with statutory frameworks governing the recovery from

emergencies; Familiarity with statutory frameworks governing multi-agency

responsibilities and relevant case law; Familiarity with project management processes; Broad understanding of the range of impacts that can affect

communities and individuals following an emergency; Teaching or undertaking academic research in this area of competency.

Competency 9 Act Effectively Across Your OrganisationTo meet the competence, you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

Familiarity with your organisation’s handbook or annual reports; Familiarity with the organisation’s structure and how its governance is

reflected in its emergency plans and business continuity plans; Familiarity with statute law and case law relevant to your organisation; Support from key colleagues and other stakeholders; Executive level meetings and groups attended; Chief executive or chief officer signs off plans; Emergency Management issues addressed in minutes of board

meetings; Paragraphs relating to resilience included in organisation’s strategic

plan; Briefing documents prepared for elected members and executive board

members; Seminars undertaken with elected members and executive board

Familiarity with the national capabilities programme; Successful initiatives with Emergency Management partners; Effective implementation and evaluation of projects, with

recommendations that identify good practice and areas for improvement;

Awareness of trends and developments inside and outside your organisation;

A clear, achievable and compelling vision which sets out where the organisation should be going;

Contribution to regional and local capability work; Familiarity with relevant emergency powers legislation; Familiarity with relevant guidance; Briefings given; Relevant meetings attended;

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

members; Familiarity with statutory frameworks governing Emergency

Management partners and relevant case law; Familiarity with non-statutory groups involved in emergency response; Familiarity with roles of partner agencies in multi-agency and multi-level

(sector) plans;

Provision of support to people in your area to achieve their work and development objectives;

Teaching or undertaking academic research in this area of competency.

Competency 10 Co-Operate With Other OrganisationsTo meet the competence, you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

Multi-agency emergency plans and protocols; Names and contact details for Emergency Management partners in hard

copy and/or electronic formats; Tests and procedures carried out to check contact details; Procedures carried out to maintain contact details; Personal network of contacts maintained to meet current and future

needs for information and resources; Contribution to minutes, reports and other activities of multi-agency

forums; Attendance at multi-agency forums; Presentations made to multi-agency forums; Projects delivered on behalf of multi-agency forums; Training events and exercises conducted; reports prepared after training

events; Exercises evaluated; exercise reports and implementation reports


Familiarity with government guidance on response to emergencies, the set-up of control centres and the lead co-ordination role;

Familiarity with case examples of different co-ordination arrangements used in response to different types of emergency scenario;

Tests or exercises taken part in to examine, rehearse and strengthen multi-agency co-ordination arrangements, including control centre set up and capacity;

Technical abilities; Familiarity with guidance on mutual aid agreements; Mutual aid agreements negotiated; Attend meetings to discuss mutual aid agreements; Familiarity with legislation and government guidance; Information shared with Emergency Management partners, including

requests made; Teaching or undertaking academic research in this area of competency.

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Member to Fellow form

Competency 11 Debrief After An Emergency, Exercise Or Other ActivityTo meet the competence, you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

Recognised skills in de-briefing; Organisational process for learning from emergencies, exercises or

other activities; Incident and exercise reports that clearly identify lessons to be learned

and areas for review;

Implementation reports that show lessons have been embedded and reviews completed;

Teaching or undertaking academic research in this area of competency.

Competency 12 Manage Computer Generated Data To Support Decision MakingTo meet the competence, you need to achieve the professional outcomes by demonstrating a selection from the list below:

Familiarity with the use of information systems in Emergency Management; familiarity with data manipulation and its outcomes;

Familiarity with information systems currently available; Familiarity with information management and its implication; Familiarity with legislation, policies, procedures and codes of practice;

Information shared; Ability to make more informed decisions; Teaching or undertaking academic research in the subject area.

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Member to Fellow form

Appendix B CRITERIA & POINTS SCORING (FOR USE BY ASSESSOR)You can use this as a checklist before submitting your application

A minimum of 1500 points are required to upgrade to Fellow.


EXPERIENCE / KNOWLEDGE PERTAINING TO RESILIENCE AREAS. There are 12 core competencies and you must be able to demonstrate your competency in 9 of these.

Competences: Theories And Concepts In Emergency Management Anticipate & Assess the Risk of Emergencies Plan For Emergencies Plan For Business Continuity Validate Emergency Or Business Continuity Plans Communicate With The Community To Enhance Resilience Manage Response To Emergencies Manage The Recovery From Emergencies Act Effectively Across Your Organisation Co-Operate With Other Organisations De-Brief After An Emergency, Exercise Or Other Activity Manage Computer Generated Data to Support Decision


Within each skill area up to 10 points for each specific item up to a maximum of 120


new areas of resilience leading on instigation

Academic research on events that have impacted on large scale emergencies i.e. severe weather lessons identified but never been learnt.

Maximum points awarded for Work based research would be 30 per area

Maximum 30 points awarded for each area of academic research would be


Magazines e.g. Resilience /BCI/ALARM etc.

Professional Journal

Book -Author

-Contributor/ Editor

Evidence needed: link to item/article

Date of publication & ISBN number

1 point

5 Points

20 points

10 points

Points will only be awarded once per publication, the highest score will be applied

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

ADDITIONAL INFORMATIONOther Relevant Skill Areas Or Achievements Maximum 30 points

EMERGENCY PLANNING SOCIETY CONTRIBUTION Branch Position Professional Working Group Professional Committee Staff/ Consultant to Society

5 points per year of service5 points per year of service10 points per year of service5 points per year of service

EVENTS Attendance at/on

courses/conferences/workshops/events/webinars – Organiser Speaker

1 point non assessed2 points assessed courses5 points5 pointsMaximum of 30 points

PROFESSIONAL /VOCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS PHD Masters Resilience Focus Masters Postgraduate Diploma Resilience Focus Postgraduate Diploma Postgraduate Certificate Resilience Focus Undergraduate Resilience Focus Undergraduate Professional Development Award (Scotland) Diploma/Certificate Professional/Vocational

200 points180 points170 points150 points140 points120 points110 points100 points100 points75 points60 pointsPoints awarded for highest achievement.

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

Appendix C Example CVThe Example attached is a sizable CV however, it is not the quantity of detail it is the level of details that is important to provide Evidence of the required Core Professional Competencies.

Example CV for Matt Roy CONTACT DETAIL Redacted

Profile Competent and versatile Consultant with extensive experience and a proven track record of success within the area of Business Continuity Management and Emergency Planning. Particular expertise includes security, emergency preparedness, risk, resilience, response & recovery, security planning, business impact analysis, business continuity planning as well as CBRN threat management and tactics. Now seeking a new and challenging opportunity to utilise unique skills and expert knowledge in this field.

Key Expertise Extensive involvement in (and contribution to) a range of Emergency Planning operations acting as a senior team member for Key Incident Management Teams. Full Business Continuity Management experience within commercial and public sectors. Previous experience includes:

o Senior Emergency Management Planner for Licence Nuclear Site with responsibility for Emergency Arrangements in Spent Fuel Management Category 1 Facility

o Completion of Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for HM Government Executive Agency

o Extensive experience of providing Business Continuity Planning consultancy services to NHS Trusts, Emergency Services, Local Authorities, third sector and Government Bodies

o Extensive experience of embedding Business Continuity Management in organisation in organisational restructuring

o Demonstrated ability to lead the conception, preparation, design & development of Business Continuity Management

o Led the design and delivery of training and exercises for executive and senior management teams

o Developing and introducing Business Continuity Policy for Sector o Development of corporate strategy for implementation of Business Continuity

Management Implementation of BCM and alignment to BS25999 o Emergency Planning Status Report and SWOT (Strength, weaknesses, opportunities

and threats) Analysts for NHS Greenwicho External Moderator/Verifier for a National Qualification Awarding Bodyo Reviewed and delivered Key Tasks around changes in NHS for NHS Greenwicho Design & delivery of exercise for initial phase of Major Incident for ‘On Call’ Directors

of NHS Greenwich Introduction of ‘On Call’ Directors Package. o Integrated Emergency Planning Advisor for commissioning and provider services in

NHS Greenwicho Pandemic Flu Team Manager with responsibility for implementing Vaccination Plans

and Winter & Pandemic Flu Plans for the London borough of Greenwich

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Member to Fellow form

o Review of BCPs and reported on gaps for NHS Greenwicho Business Impact Analysis for each individual Service Area for Central Bedfordshire

Council working with each respective Head of Serviceo Guidance and production of Business Continuity Plans within each Directorate at

Central Bedfordshire Council for each Associate Director to take ownership o Deputised for NHS Greenwich Director at Strategic Planning meetings with Acute

Trusts and SHA Introduction, production and testing of Business Continuity Plans for area of responsibility within British Red Cross

o Contributed to the National CBRN Manual o Part of the Home Office National DVRI (Disaster Victim Recovery & Identification) for

Contaminated Fatalities o Also part of the Home Office National DVRI Air Dispersion Modelling Working Groupo Member of NHS London 2012 Resilience Working Group ACPO(S) advisor on CBRN

and contaminated fatalitieso Responsible for the area management and development of BRCS corporate priorities

and objectives for Emergency Response and First Aid in line with UK Corporate Strategy

o Delivered training and exercises on Airport Incidents and Contingencies to Airport Management Teams and external agencies

o Security and Business Continuity Plans for Edinburgh International Airport Police Unit

o Chaired Threat & Risk Assessment Group at Edinburgh International Airport that lead to mitigating the identified threats and risks in a specific area.

o Lead in identification of Vulnerable Areas and Risks, production of Risk Registers and Mitigating Action Plans

o In theatre Operational Military Experience in Force Protection (Harrier Force) Survive to Operate role.

Key Accomplishments o Embedding and implementing Business Continuity Management into NHS North

West London to lieu of organisational changes in corporate structureo Invited to return to NHS Greenwich to review and deliver Key Tasks around

imminent changes in NHSo Completed BIAs and accomplished BCPs for Directorates in new Unitary Local

Authority and directing towards BS25999 standard while embedding BCM culture within a short timeframe

o Successfully delivered Airport Incidents and Contingencies training and led exercises for Police & Airport management teams and agencies

o Contributed to the National CBRN Training Manual which is now the core document for all UK Emergency Services.

Skills Summary Emergency / Contingency Planning – Skilled and experienced in identifying VP + Developing Patrol Matrices to mitigate against risks; reviewing and adapting as required Business Continuity Management –Experienced in BIAs and BCPs and development of BCM culture within organisations and directing towards achievement of BS 25999 standard

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Member to Fellow form

Project Management – Capable project manager with a consistent record of successfully leading a range of Emergency Planning projects, able to ensure efficient use of resources. Experienced in Prince 2 principles People Management – Experienced Manager and Team Leader, capable of building and motivating strong, successful teams. Training Programme Development – Extensive experience of developing effective training programmes for a variety of applications (including Emergency Services & Government) Problem Solving – Proven ability to identify strategic, tactical and operational issues and devise effective solutions to resolve potential or actual problems encountered IT - Competent user of Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, Word, as well as Force & National Police Systems

Emergency Planning & Business Continuity Experience Protective Security Manager & Senior Emergency Management Planner, Sellafield Ltd, Feb 2013 – present Commenced permanent position in role within Spent Fuel Management (SFM) allocated to the Category 1 Areas.

Responsibilities & achievements:o Security SPOC for Decommissioned Reactor and Spent Fuel Management Plant.

Lead for exercising and drills within areao Responsible for all emergency equipment, its maintenance, servicing, developing

and implementation an emergency equipment asset care programmeo Implementation and maintaining emergency preparedness policies, processes, tools

and procedureso Ensuring compliance with all legal, regulatory and statutory requirementso Development and implementation of resolutions to identified issues and concernso Peer support and learning in completion of tasks Participation as Umpire and

Evaluator during exercises o Member of Plans and Procedures working group o Development and supporting benchmarking for learning and continuous

improvement culture in preparedness.o Development of Directorate and Facilities Emergency Arrangements Manualso Maintenance of Directorate Exercise Schedules and adherence to statutory


Consultant, MBR Preparedness Solutions Ltd, Nov 2008 – May 2013 Formed own Emergency Planning consultancy, successfully completing the following contracts; Food, Environment and Research Agency (Fera), HM Government Executive Agency, Dec 2012 Completed the Concept of Operations (CONOPS) for Fera, an executive agency of HM Government and part of Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), defined the system to operate to achieve their defined strategic objectives. The CONOPS established high level framework within which more specific, operational-level plans, protocols and procedures could be developed and implemented. The CONOPS document produced was a clear, concise level of detail, emphasising the agreed principles giving coherence to all other arrangements.

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A high level description of how a defined system will operate to achieve defined strategic objectives. CONOPS will establish the higher-level framework within which more specific, operational-level plans, protocols and procedures will be developed and implemented.

Emergency Planning & Business Continuity Manager (Contract) NHS Surrey, June 2012 – Oct 2012 Overview of current status of Emergency Plans and Business Continuity within the organisation and ensuring that any requirements are implemented and flexible during transition; Responsibilities & achievements:

o Rewrite of Major Incident Plan presented to Board July 2012o Business Continuity Policy written and presented to Board o Corporate Business Continuity Plan developed with core Directorates to be

presented to Boardo Service Directorate Business Continuity Plans developed and Business Continuity

Management Programme embedded and aligned to BS 25999o General review and update of ALL Emergency Plans ensuring relevance and cohesion

with other key stakeholders o Member of Major Contract Tender Team as Evaluator for Business Continuity

Business Continuity Consultant (Contract) London Deanery, Apr 2012 – May 2012 Following the successful completion of the previous NHS NWL programme I was requested and assigned to complete Business Continuity Management within the London Deanery; Responsibilities & achievements:

o Advising on the Strategy on developing a Business Continuity cultureo Developing and introducing their Business Continuity Policy to support their

Strategy. o Completing BIAs through 1-2-1 meetings while supporting and guiding with the

completion of BCPs for each area. o Development of a Corporate Business Continuity Plan

Business Continuity Manager (Contract) NHS North West London, Nov 2011 – Mar 2012 Embedding and implementing Business Continuity Management into NHS North West London to lieu of organisational changes in structure; Responsibilities & achievements: o Member of the Brent & Harrow London 2012 Health Board working to providing

assurance of compliance to the Department of Health and NHS London Olympic Assurance Requirements

o Developing and introducing Business Continuity Policy for Sector Development of corporate strategy for implementation of Business Continuity Management

o Implementation of BCM and alignment to BS25999 o Completion of BIA’s/Risk Assessment for each service area on 1-2-1 basis and

providing support, guidance and training for Associate Directors/Head of Service for completion of Business Continuity Plans.

o Delivery of Corporate Business Continuity Plan and Corporate Critical Services following Corporate Risk Assessment process

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales

Member to Fellow form

Emergency Planning Project Consultant (Contract - Part time) NHS Greenwich, Jan 2011 – April2011 Due to changes in NHS key tasks completed included; Responsibilities & achievements:

o Splitting of Emergency Plans and Director on Call Executive Package (I was original author) into new structure

o Review, update and provide analyst of Assurance Process Audit of NHS Greenwich by NHS London Review of IT Filing System to complete work commenced in previous contract but terminated due to funding.

o Audit of Emergency Equipment Review, update and provide analyst in line with National Mass Casualty Assurance Process for NHS Greenwich

o Compiled an Emergency Planning Status Report and SWOT (Strength, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) Analysts for NHS Greenwich

Emergency Planning Project Manager (Contract), NHS Greenwich, Oct 2009 – April 2010 Management of the Pandemic Flu Lead Team with responsibility for directing the implementation of Vaccination, Winter, Escalation and Pandemic Plans, (using Prince 2 methodology). Responsibilities & achievements:

o Design & delivery of exercise for initial phase of Major Incident for ‘On Call’ Directors of NHS Greenwich

o Introduction of ‘On Call’ Directors Packageo Acting as an advisor for commissioning and provision of Integrated Emergency

Planning for NHS Greenwich o Planning and coordination of logistics, distribution and delivery to support partners

in London Borough of Greenwich (including 46 GP practices, one acute trust, London Borough of Greenwich and HMP Belmarsh)

o Design, development and delivery of awareness training for key professionals including Practice Nurses, District Nurses, Immunisation Teams and GPs

o Regularly deputise for Director at strategic planning meetings with Acute Trusts & SHA

o Active membership of the NHS London 2012 Resilience Working Group o Carried out full review and provided gap analysis of current BCPs for further

development. o Produced full Board level de-brief Report following Pandemic with Action Plan for

further development

Emergency Planning Officer (Contract), Central Bedfordshire Council, Jul – Sep 2009 Carried out Business Impact Analysis for the new unitary authority and supported those Directors with responsible for and to take ownership of departmental Business Continuity Plans. Lead Officer for excess deaths while assisting with pandemic planning. Responsibilities & achievements:

o Undertook business impact analysis and produced business continuity plans for each Directorate and Head of Service

o Instrumental in embedding BCM culture within organisation and directing towards BS 25999 standard

o Lead of excess death planning and advising on issues on capacity and capabilities

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o Conducted review and update of existing pre unitary plans i.e. NEPF

Senior Services Manager, British Red Cross (BRCS), Sep 2007 - Nov 2008 Held overall responsibility for the management and development of BRCS corporate priorities and objectives for Emergency Response and First Aid in line with UK Corporate Strategy. Tasked with ensuring the development, implementation and management of the operating plans and budgets. Responsibilities & achievements:

o Liaised with Emergency Services to develop and agree Emergency Response Plans o Ensured that the First Aid Service was delivered in accordance with national

standardso Line managed a team of Service Managers, Service Co-ordinators and Administration

Assistants o Managed and developed an effective team of service staff and volunteers o Led area strategic development programmes focusing on achieving a high standard

of ER training for both staff and ER volunteers, including responsibility for area ER budget Developed, promoted and delivered First Aid learning opportunities to the public, schools and youth organisations

o Introduction, production and testing of Business Continuity Plans for area of responsibility within British Red Cross

o Ensured occupational competence in all areas through effective training for a team of Services Staff and Volunteers Supported the Medical Plans at public events in Mid Scotland and Argyll Marketed the organisations services to event organisers throughout the area; generating significantly increased revenue

o Undertook a range of additional duties including; Senior Fleet Manager and Senior Manager for Public Events (Contracts and SLAs)

o Member of ER Standards, UK Airports and UK Legal Working Groups

Police Project Officer, Scottish Government CBRN Office Police Operational Response Programme (PORP), (using Prince 2 methodology) Jan 2007- Sep 2007 The PORP was a Multi Agency Pan UK project for the strategic, providing tactical and operational response to a CBRN Attack in union with the Home Office Planning Assumptions and Model Response. Undertook a range of operational duties and assisted in the development of policies and procedures. Also took an active involvement in training including delivery of Government Resilience lead seminars in Scotland and CFOAS seminars. Responsibilities & achievements:

o Incident Scene Management; which included securing the area, reconnaissance, decontamination and Hospital lockdown

o Liaised extensively with senior Home Office and Scottish Government officials, as well as ACPO (S), CFOA(S), Senior ASA and SAS representatives, DSTL, AWE and SO15 FMT Worked closely with HMI Fire Services to develop joint Training and Exercising in relation to CBRN incident procedures, Decontamination and Mass Contaminated Fatalities

o Involved with the Police input into the Home Office Air Dispersion Project o Advised the Project Board on devolved issues for Scotland and Northern Ireland o Contributed to the National Policy, Doctrine and Tactics for CBRN Incidents

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o Contribution to the National CBRN Manual which is now the core document for all UK Emergency Services CBRN Advisor to the ACPOS Major Investigation and Counter Terrorism Review Team prior to the Glasgow Airport Attack

o Delivered module at Government Resilience lead seminars in Scotland and CFOAS seminars

o Compiled user requirements for Home Office Scientific Development Branch, PORP Procurement and the Home Office

Other Employment:

External Moderator/Verifier, External Contractor, NCFE, Nov 2010 – June 2011 Appointed as an External Moderator/Verifier for the NCFE National Awarding Body for Qualifications available to Schools and Further Education Colleges Nationally in the Outdoor Industry, Spectator Safety and Uniform Services and Civil Contingencies.

Instructor, Police National CBRN Centre, May 2005 - Jan 2007 Seconded to the Home Office based at the PN CBRN Centre of Excellence, as a CBRN Instructor. Provided training to a multi-agency cadre to facilitate a coordinated strategic, tactical and operational Pan UK response to a CBRN Attack anywhere in the UK. Responsibilities & achievements:

o Designed training packages for specialists and scientists who could be involved post attack recovery and investigation operations

o Involved in various joint exercises and development with scientists from both DSTL and AWE and joint training with Fire, Ambulance and Military personnel (TRF)

o Designed various flexible packages for presentations to Senior Airport and Airline Management along with Fire and Police specialising in an airport response

o Assisted in setting up the intelligence gathering Four Country Partnership with USA, Canada, Australia and UK at the centre; utilised data along with further information received via existing channels within the UK

o Introduced new competency based training as part of the Training Design Team; held responsibility for planning and upgrading of the IT System Files in regard to the existing packages

o Undertook Quality Assurance assessments for ‘In Force’ Instructors including re-licensing during inspections

Flight Operations Assistant/Force Protection/Survive to Operate, 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron Royal Auxiliary Air Force Aug 2000 – July 2005 The role of FOA is within the Station Operations and Air Traffic Control environment and is essential to enable aircraft to fly safely and effectively and providing Flight Information Service. The VASTO TacComms & NBC elements are the Command & Control, Protection and Information gathering during attacks whether conventional weaponry or weapons of mass destruction are used.

o Military Experienced gain over 5 years while in RAuxAF. Served during 2003 in Middle East. Trained and experienced in operational theatre in Survive to Operate (STO), Force Protection, NBC Marshall, NBC Cell and VASTO TacComms.

Police Officer / Trainer, Lothian & Borders Police, 1977- 2005

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Part of a small team which designed, developed and delivered a specific training package including practical and table-top exercise for a large group of Reserve Police Officers; enabling them to work safely.

o Led the design and delivery of training and exercises for Police and Airport management teams as well as various external agencies

o Worked independently to introduce Joint Protocols that was in conjunction with DfT (Dept for Transport) directives

o Coordinated numerous joint Initiatives with other agencies including HM Custom and Excise, HM Immigration, DfT Transec Inspectors and CAA Personnel

o Updated and reviewed Emergency and Contingency Plans in conjunction with Senior Airport, Airline and Airport Fire Managers

o Implemented, developed and reviewed Counter Terrorist measures; held the Chair at the MATRA (Multi Agency Threat and Risk Assessment) portfolio for Cargo

o Member of MATRA core group for Edinburgh International Airport o Security and Business Continuity Plans for Edinburgh International Airport Police

Unit o Airport Counter Terrorist (CT) Planning including ‘Manpad’ Denial Strategy, Mortar

Base Plate Strategy and CT Patrol Matrix implementation following Identification of Vulnerable Points (VPs) & Vulnerable Areas(VAs).

o CT Search Trained and Post Bomb Scene Management Course.

Qualifications & Training o IOSH – Working Safely in the Nuclear Industry Oct 2014 o MIMMS, Major Incident Medical Management Support, ALSG/NEAT, July 2008 o City & Guilds - Certificate in Delivery of Learning Mar 2006 o Emergo Trained, Coventry University-Disaster Management, May 2006 o Certificate in Risk Management, Hampshire Police, 2005o PN-CBRN-C Level 1 Instructors Course Part 1 & 2 o HSE First Aid at Work Course TSI Portacount Instructors Course, o Train the Trainer EH20 Trainer

Specialist Training: CT Search Trained, Bomb Scene Management Course, Firearms Trained Professional Affiliations

o Member of Emergency Planning Society o Member of Chartered Management Institute o Member of the Security Institute o Associate Member of Institute of Directors o Associate Member of Institute for Learning

Additional Relevant Information Holder of a Personal Licence issued under the Personal Licence (Scotland) Regulations 2007. This was issued following necessary Training and in regard to my role firstly as a Committee member then Secretary of local Royal British Legion Scotland Branch at Roslin Midlothian.

o References available on request

Member to Fellow applicationVersion 2016-5 A company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales