WHO SHOULD HOST THE 2022 SUMMIT OF THE AMERICAS? Top 11 Reasons 'The Elevation Effect' of Denver is the Answer

The Elevation Effect' Top 11 Reasons

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Top 11 Reasons 'The Elevation Effect' of Denver is the Answer

Page 2: The Elevation Effect' Top 11 Reasons

Metro Denver invites leaders from the countries of North, South, and Central America and theCaribbean to experience the 2022 Summit of the Americas at elevation. The Summit takesplace once every three years and is the only meeting of all leaders from the countries of North,South, and Central America and the Caribbean. This will be the first time the United States hashosted the Summit since the inaugural meeting in Miami in 1994.

1. In Metro Denver, we’realways pursuing new heights Maybe it’s our 300 days of sunshine, our culture ofconquering mountain heights, or the fact that ournumber of startups per capita rivals our number of14,000-foot peaks. When you're inspired andrecharged, it's easier to be your best self. Here atElevation, we're big believers in this truth. That'swhy when we're not chasing our best selves onthe trail, we’re launching cool new companies,creating upskilling apprenticeships, and bringinghome a stellar number of advanced degrees. Somaybe that's why this place is a hotbed ofinnovation, advanced manufacturing, and growth-stage entrepreneurship, and we boast the secondmost educated population in the country. Comesee the Denver everyone has been raving about!

2. We’re the Biennial OG Fun fact: Denver is home to the only Biennial ofthe Americas formal hub nonprofit in the U.S.We’ve recognized the importance of sharing ideas,art, and culture and we strive to provide a platformfor people from the Western Hemisphere toexamine major issues impacting life in theAmericas. We 100% “get” this important work; no“bringing us up to speed” required!

3. Central Location Its location on the 105th meridian at the midpointbetween Tokyo and Frankfurt makes Denver astrategic choice for conducting internationalbusiness. And, our location in the middle of thecountry makes a flight to either coast, or north andsouth, into a commute rather than a painfuljourney. (Or, if you’re a satellite, that’s one bounce.)As the world’s third busiest airport, our list ofinternational destinations from DEN continues togrow with the addition of Roatan, Hondurasbecoming the 14th country with nonstop serviceto Denver.

4. Less Dog Eat Dog, moreDog on a Hike In Colorado, we work together. Competing CEOscan be seen having coffee together,brainstorming the next big thing for the industry ormentoring one another to success. Our public andnonprofit leaders convene regularly to ensure ourresidents and guests receive carefully curated andmeaningful programs and services. And becauseof our collaboration, Colorado is one of the mostcompetitive markets in the world.

Thanks to our cross-sector Organizing Committee and industry strengths that align beautifullywith Summit themes, Metro Denver is leading the pack to host this event in 2022. We arepoised to welcome the more than 10,000 visitors including Heads of State (with POTUS),foreign ministers, and other public and private leaders from the Americas for both the Summitof the Americas and associated forums. These guests to Metro Denver will experience what we proudly call The Elevation Effect:

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5. Take the A Train . . . or a Pedicab Whether you arrive by plane, train, bus, orautomobile, it’s easier than ever to get aroundMetro Denver. DEN is widely recognized as one ofthe best and easiest-to-navigate airports in thecountry, followed up with multiple options forground transportation once you land. Choosefrom award-winning transit from RegionalTransportation District (RTD); taxis; rideshares;commercial shuttles; rental cars; charter buses;and the University of Colorado A Line rail thattransports passengers directly to Denver UnionStation in the heart of downtown. Once you’rethere, take advantage of Denver’s many publictransportation options, including the RTD bus andlight rail system and the free MallRide onDenver’s pedestrian 16th Street Mall, to getwherever you need to go. You’ll also find plenty ofprivate operators offering all sorts oftransportation options, from buses and coachesto pedicabs plus an extensive network of walkingand bicycle trails. Horse-drawn carriages andSegways co-exist nicely here, too. We’ve got allmobility options covered.

6. We Speak the Language

If orange happens to be your favorite color on asports jersey (as it is for all of us), the NationalFootball League just announced that theDenver Broncos have been awarded anInternational Home Market Area (IHMA) in Mexico.

8. Tantalize Those Tastebuds

In Denver, nearly 80% of our population is fully-vaccinated, one of the highest rates amongcomparably-sized cities.

10. Many Colors andCultures Since its Wild West beginnings, Metro Denver hasattracted a variety of cultures and created a richtapestry. We celebrate our diverse culturalheritage all year long: from the annual DenverMarch PowWow to the nation's largest Cinco deMayo celebration, Denver is a city of multiplecolors and cultures. The Colorado Gay Rodeo andDenver PrideFest are celebrations ofinclusiveness and acceptance; the historically richAfrican American Five Points neighborhood ishome to the Black American West Museum andthe Five Points Jazz Festival; the Museo de lasAmericas in the Art District on Santa Feshowcases the work of the world's topcontemporary artists from Latin America.

With numerous food and beverage awards to itsname (including a few from the uber-prestigiousJames Beard Foundation), Denver has quicklybecome a dining destination for foodies. You’llfind plenty of fine dining options at nationallyranked and recognized eateries, along withinternational cuisine from around the globe andlocal favorites like green chile at restaurants anddiners across the Mile High City. Check out thenewly launched, women-owned, Guatemalan-inspired, bilingual Convivio Café or La DiablaPozole y Mezcal restaurant, a top-rated Mexicanrestaurant. Denver is a haven for beer lovers, withmore breweries than any other U.S. city and thesecond-highest number of breweries per capita;our Raices Brewing Company is the de facto hubof Latin American culture, food, and beer in theheart of town.

9. We’re Vaxxed

Colorado now has 11 Hispanic-Serving Institutions(HSI), with the University of Colorado Denver andits Anschutz Medical Campus being the firstresearch university to attain that U.S. Departmentof Education designation. BTW, Denver Countyresidents are 32% Hispanic and its immediateneighbor to the northeast, Adams County, has similar demographics.

7. Gridiron & Geography

11. Oh, and we have All ThatOther Stuff too Metro Denver’s venues regularly handle largeevents with catering, audio-visual, VIP perimetersecurity, on-site maintenance, management,medical, cell phone coverage for large groups,and high-speed internet access. We haveincredible hotel options and a fixed-base operatorfor private aircraft as well as parking for dozens of them.

So there you have it,eleven (because really,

ten is so everybody-elsecliché) reasons whyMetro Denver is the

obvious and elevatedchoice as the host forthe 2022 Summit of

the Americas.