The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide

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  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    Power Leveling Guide - 09/23/2012

    by ElministerX



    elcome! t"is guide w#l$s t"roug" di%%erent met"ods o% &uic$ly

    m#'ing t"e di%%erent s$ill levels to 100 #nd m#$ing in%inite v#lueitems(

    )"e m#in met"od! *lc"emy Power Leveling! m#'es out +mit"ing!

    *lc"emy! +,eec"! e#vy *rmor! Lig"t *rmor! .loc$! *lter#tion!onur#tion!

    estruction! Illusion! #nd estor#tion s$ills! #nd m#$es 20!000!000


    items in under #n "our wit" t"e rig"t ingredients( Included is # newg#me

    w#l$t"roug" to %ind t"e items necess#ry to do t"is met"od in under 3"ours(

    )"ere #re #lso sections on m#'ing out t"e ot"er s$ill levels!

    &uic$ money m#$ing &uests! #nd in%o on t"e di%%erent #lw#ys #ctivebonuses

    #nd ,owers(

    4ersion 5ote


    )"e %ollowing met"ods "#ve been c"ec$ed %or +$yrim versions6

    Ps3 be%ore u,d#te 1(7

    Ps3 #%ter u,d#te 1(7

    *s %#r #s I $now #ll t"ese met"ods s"ould wor$ on #ll systems( Ple#selet

    me $now i% #nyt"ing in t"is guide didn8t wor$ on your ,#rticul#r system(

    - )*.LE :; :5)E5)+ -

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    +ection 1 - Gener#l - *lw#ys #ctive .onuses #nd Powers - - se#rc"(sec>##,(

    +ection 7 -

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    1 tot#l ,er$ o,tions #v#il#ble! so re#d w"#t t"ey do

    in t"e +$ills menu #nd ,l#n out w"ic" ones you w#nt to get(

    E#rly "irlwind +,rint


    )"e word w#ll #t t"e end o% 4ols$ygge D%#r o% +olitude c#n be

    re#c"ed wit"out goingt"roug" t"e dungeon( +im,ly climb t"e mount#in toit8s

    ,e#$ #nd "e#d to t"e w#ll( )#$e t"ene#rby tre#sure #nd %ig"t t"e r#gonPriest

    %or it8s m#s$ i% you li$e(

    Get # com,#nion


    om,#nions w#tc" your b#c$ #nd c#n c#rry your e'tr# items( )"eywill

    e&ui, we#,ons #nd#rmor t"#t you give t"em #nd c#n "el, ,rovidedistr#ctions #nd

    entert#inment( * e#sy to getcom,#nion is your #ssigned "ousec#rl #%ter

    com,leting t"e e#rly m#in &uest 8r#gon ising8

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    Get m#rried


    Getting m#rried e#rns you 100 / d#y! get8s you # new "ouse! #nd

    slee,ing toget"er boosts s$illle#rning by 1>F( )o get m#rried! see

    @#r#m#l ini%ten #t eit"er t"e .ee #nd .#rb or t"e)em,le o% @#r# #nd buy #n #mulet%or

    200( e#r it #nd t#l$ to #ny #v#il#ble wi%e/"usb#nd Dt"ere #re m#ny(

    *gree to m#rry #nd tr#vel to t"e i%ten tem,le %or t"e wedding(

    +ection 2 - *lc"emy Power Leveling (sec2#,l(

    )"is met"od will &uic$ly #nd e#sily level +mit"ing! *lc"emy!+,eec"!

    e#vy *rmor! Lig"t *rmor! #nd .loc$ to 100! #nd give you 20!000!000v#lue

    items #nd very ,ower%ul e&ui,ment( Bou c#n #lso use it to "el, level

    *lter#tion! onur#tion! estruction! Illusion! #nd estor#tion to 100()o use

    t"is met"od we need to m#$e enc"#nted e&ui,ment t"#t boosts ,otioncre#tion

    #bilities( e #lso need ingredients %or ot"er ,otions! some initi#llevels in

    Enc"#nting #nd *lc"emy! #nd some ,er$s(

    .#sic @et"od E',l#n#tion


    :ur go#l is to m#$e su,er-,ower%ul +mit"ing #nd Enc"#ntmenten"#ncing

    ,otions( )o do t"is we need to boost our *lc"emy levels by enc"#nting

    e&ui,ment wit" t"e ;orti%y *lc"emy bonus! #s well #s investing # %ew,er$

    ,oints in *lc"emy( )"ere #re v#rious combin#tions o% e&ui,ment! ,er$s!#nd

    initi#l Enc"#nting/*lc"emy levels t"#t m#$e t"is met"od wor$( +omedi%%erent

    combin#tions #re listed in t"e %ollowing t#ble( *ny e'tr# levels/,er$son to,

    o% t"ese reduce time #nd ingredients needed(

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    *lc"emy Enc"#nting *lc"emy *lc"emist .ene%#ctor Enc"#nter Insig"t%ulPotions

    E&ui, Level Level Per$ Per$ Per$ Per$ to m#$e



    100F 100 30 0 5o 3 Bes 3A

    7=F >0 20 2 5o 3 Bes 23

    >7F >0 31 2 Bes 2 Bes 13

    =2F =0 32 2 Bes 2 5o 20

    32F 20 =0 3 Bes 0 5o 19

    >1F =0 =0 3 5o 3 5o 1>

    2>F 20 >1 3 Bes 0 5o 2A


    Items #nd levels necess#ry %or met"od


    o ;orti%y *lc"emy enc"#ntment

    o ;orti%y e#lt" enc"#ntment

    o Ingredients %or 30 ;orti%y estor#tion ,otions Dreci,e below

    o Ingredients %or > ;orti%y +mit"ing ,otions Dreci,e below

    o Ingredients %or 3 ;orti%y Enc"#nting ,otions Dreci,e below

    o *ny unenc"#nted "elmet - or - # Penitus :cul#tus elmet #nd #nyunenc"#nted


    o *ny unenc"#nted ring

    o *ny unenc"#nted nec$l#ce

    o *ny unenc"#nted br#ces/g#untlets

    o *ny two we#,ons/#rmor #nd t"e necess#ry m#teri#ls to u,gr#de t"em

    o *n #ddition#l unenc"#nted s"ield! #mulet! or ring

    o = %illed soul gems D> i% you "#ve Penitus :cul#tus "elmet #ndcirclet! more

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    ,ower%ul t"e better

    o *ny #ddition#l soul gem wit" #ny soul in it

    o Level u, Enc"#nting to level 30

    o Level u, *lc"emy to level 30

    o #ve unused ,er$ ,oints D%or Enc"#nter/*lc"emist lvl 1!2!3! Insig"t%ul

    Enc"#nter! .en%#ctor

    "ere to %ind t"ese items


    o ;orti%y *lc"emy enc"#ntment

    )"e ing o% Pure @i'tures "#s t"e %orti%ying #lc"emy enc"#ntment( )"isring

    c#n be recovered by %inis"ing t"e miscell#neous &uest ecover ing o%Pure

    @i'turesJ t"#t is given by ;rid# w"o wor$s in t"e #lc"emy s"o, )"e@ort#r #nd

    Pestle in #wnst#r( )"e &uest m#r$er will le#d you to t"e ring! w"ic"is %ound

    #t t"e end o% ;ors#$en #ve( 5ote t"#t you "#ve to return t"e ring to"er! #nd

    t"en ste#l it b#c$ %rom "er #%terw#rd in order to be #ble to disenc"#ntit(

    o ;orti%y e#lt" enc"#ntment

    )"e item Enc"#nted ing c#n be %ound during t"e second m#ge8s college&uest

    JCnder +##rt"#lJ( Bou get t"is &uest #%ter oining t"e college ininter"old

    #nd going t"roug" t"e introductory &uest J;irst Lessons( )"reeEnc"#nted rings

    c#n be %ound on t"e ground w"en you get t"e obective J+e#rc" %orm#gic#l


    o ;orti%y estor#tion ,otion6 *bece#n Long%in! yrodilic +,#det#il! +#ltPile

    Bou c#n buy t"ese ingredients %rom #lc"emists! but t"e best w#y to %indt"e two

    %is" ingredients is by going %is"ing( e#d to i%ten #nd st#rt byste#ling

    everyt"ing %rom t"e %is" b#rrels on t"e bo#ts #nd doc$s to t"e west o%t"e

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    "old( 5ow um, in t"e w#ter #nd loo$ in t"e l#$e( Csu#lly t"e %is" #rein

    grou,s o% t"ree under bridges or in s"#llow w#ters Dignore t"e s#lmon(*lso

    o%ten t"ere will be dr#gon%lies #bove #ny %is"(

    :nce you8ve se#rc"ed t"e l#$e! continue loo$ing in t"e rivers w"ile

    tr#veling westw#rd tow#rds Iv#rste#d( *lso be on t"e loo$out %or #nydeer wit"

    sm#ll #ntlers #long t"e river b#n$s( In one tri, I ty,ic#lly %ind =0%is"(

    o ;orti%y +mit"ing ,otion6 .listerwort! Glowing @us"room! +#bre #t)oot"!

    +,rigg#n +#,

    )"ese c#n be %ound or boug"t %rom most #lc"emists( Glowing @us"rooms#re %ound

    on m#ny c#ve w#lls! try +"immermist #ve D5E o% "iterun or Lost Ec"o#ve

    D%#r o% +olitude(

    o ;orti%y Enc"#nting ,otion6 .lue .utter%ly ing! #gr#ven l#w!+nowberries!

    +,rigg#n +#,

    )"ese c#n be %ound or boug"t %rom most #lc"emists in t"e di%%erent"olds(

    +nowberries #re very common in snowy #re#s in #nd #round "olds( @#ny#re in

    t"e courty#rd o% t"e ollege o% inter"old(

    o *ny two we#,ons/#rmor #nd t"e necess#ry m#teri#ls to u,gr#de t"em

    o Cnenc"#nted "elmet! ring! nec$l#ce! br#ces/g#untlets!s"ield/#mulet/ring

    *ny bl#c$smit" or tr#ding ,ost sells t"ese( Bou c#n #lso m#$e t"emc"e#,ly

    wit"out #ny +mit"ing ,er$s #t # bl#c$smit" %orge using le#t"er #ndsilver/gold(

    o )"e Penitus :cul#tus elmet

    )"e soldier inside t"e Penitus :cul#tus :ut,ost in r#gon .ridge D+ o%

    +olitude we#rs one(

    o *ny unenc"#nted circlet

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    )"ese c#n be %ound r#ndomly in c"ests t"roug"out +$yrim( Kewelers suc"#s

    @#desi #nd ;r#li# Gr#y-@#ne mig"t sell t"ese(

    o = %illed soul gems D> i% you "#ve Penitus :cul#tus "elmet #ndcirclet! t"e

    more ,ower%ul t"e better

    o *ny #ddition#l soul gem wit" #ny soul in it DLesser or Petty is %ine

    )"e m#ges #t t"e ollege o% inter"old sell t"ese( ;our gr#nd soul gems

    Dgr#nd will run you >>00(

    o Level u, Enc"#nting to level 30

    o t"e Pic$,oc$et Power Leveling met"od D+ection 3 on t"e enc"#nter

    +ergius)urri#nus! w"o c#n be %ound on t"e second %loor o% t"e #ll o%ounten#nce #t

    t"e ollege o% inter"old most nig"ts 3 #(m(

    *lso m#ss ,roducing enc"#nted items wor$s! but t#$es muc" longer(

    Level u, *lc"emy to level 30

    o t"e Pic$,oc$et Power Leveling met"od D+ection 3 on t"e #lc"emist*rc#di#

    in t"e #lc"emy s"o, *rc#di#8s c#uldron! w"ic" is in "iterun "e#dingE#st %rom

    t"e entr#nce( *lso m#$ing m#ny ,otions will #lso wor$! but t#$es muc"longer(

    o #ve unused ,er$ ,oints D%or t"e ,er$s Enc"#nter/*lc"emist lvl 1!2!3!

    Insig"t%ul! .en%#ctor

    "#t ,er$s you #lre#dy "#ve #nd w"ic" you need to t#$e will determine"ow m#ny

    o% t"ese you need(

    )"e @et"od


    0( +#ve your g#me be%ore st#rting(

    1( Go to #n *rc#ne Enc"#nter! le#rn t"e ;orti%y *lc"emy enc"#ntment by

    disenc"#nting w"#tever item you "#ve wit" t"#t enc"#ntment( Enc"#nt

    t"e %our Dor > w( Penitus e&ui,ment wit" 8;orti%y *lc"emy8(

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    2( Le#ve t"e enc"#nter #nd e&ui, t"e new #rmor( ro, #ll ot"er #rmor#nd #ll


    3( @#$e one ;orti%y estor#tion ,otion #nd one ;orti%y Enc"#ntment,otion #t

    t"e *lc"emy L#b(

    =( Le#ve #lc"emy st#tion #nd dro, t"e ;orti%y Enc"#ntment ,otion(

    >( rin$ t"e ;orti%y estor#tion ,otion #nd t"en immedi#tely une&ui,#nd t"en

    ree&ui, #ll t"e enc"#nted #rmor ,ieces( DBou need to ree&ui, toreset F

    7( e,e#t ste,s 3->( )"e ;orti%y *lc"emy bonuses on t"e #rmor s"ouldbe

    "ig"er e#c" time( )"e c"#nge is sm#ll %irst! but will growe',onenti#lly

    wit" e#c" re,etition(

    7(1 Every so o%ten #%ter ste, 3 cle#r t"e ingredients selected #nd t"en


    #ny 2 ingredients %or # ;orti%y Enc"#ntment ,otion to c"ec$ "ow,ower%ul it

    would be i% m#de( *long t"e w#y I m#de # %ew 100F #nd # %ew 1>00F

    ;orti%y Enc"#ntment ,otions to cre#te ,ower%ul e&ui,ment l#ter on(ow

    ,ower%ul you w#nt your Enc"#ntment ,otions is u, to you(

    ?( *%ter 10-20 re,etitions your ;orti%y estor#tion ,otions will be

    12!>37!3A2F #nd will be wort" 10!000!000 gold( Bour *lc"emy s$illwill go

    to 100( @#$e one more ;orti%y estor#tion ,otion! t"ree ;orti%y+mit"ing

    ,otions! #nd one ;orti%y Enc"#ntment ,otion( 5ow8s # gre#t time tom#$e #

    new s#ve(

    A( Go b#c$ to t"e *rc#ne Enc"#nter! drin$ t"e su,er ;orti%y Enc"#ntment

    ,otion! #nd enc"#nt t"e s"ield/#mulet/ring wit" ;orti%y e#lt"( Its"ould

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    give you over 3000 "e#lt" w"en worn(

    9( Go to #ny bl#c$smit" D#t t"e entr#nce to "iterun! %or e'#m,le()urn two

    le#t"er into le#t"er stri,s( @#$e two le#t"er br#cers #t t"ebl#c$smit"

    %orge( Go to t"e wor$benc"! drin$ # 12!>37!3A2F ;orti%y +mit"ing,otion!

    t"en &uic$ly u,gr#de t"e two le#t"er br#cers( )"ey will "#ve # "uge

    de%ense! be wort" millions! #nd your +mit"ing s$ill level will riseto 100(

    10( Go to #ny s"o,! buy #ll t"e t"ings you w#nt %rom t"em! t"en sellone o%

    t"e br#cers( )"is will boost your +,eec" s$ill level to 100(

    10(1( Get v#rious ,ieces o% e#vy #nd Lig"t *rmor #nd # s"ield( e#rt"e

    item wit" t"e #bsurd ;orti%y e#lt" .onus( Bou8re now invincible(Go to

    #ny Gi#nt c#m, li$e t"e one o% "iterun! #nd ,ut on #ll lig"t#rmor( Get

    t"e #ttention o% #ny ne#rby @#mmot"s #nd Gi#nts! #nd let t"emcontinu#lly

    #tt#c$ you( Bour li%e won8t go down! but your Lig"t *rmor s$illwill level

    u,( Le#ve t"e g#me running #nd in 30 minutes your s$ill s"ould be#t 100(

    5ow do t"e s#me w"ile we#ring "e#vy #rmor(

    10(2( 5ow e&ui, # s"ield( ;ind # w#y to "old down t"e bloc$ button( Iused #

    rubber b#nd wr#,,ed #round t"e L2 button #nd t"e le%t oystic$ on myPs3

    controller( Bour c"#r#cter will now continu#lly bloc$ t"e gi#nt#tt#c$s(

    *g#in your "e#lt" won8t decre#se! but your .loc$ s$ill will levelu,(

    Le#ve t"e g#me running #nd return in 30 minutes %or your s$ill tore#c" 100

    11( Bou c#n #lso use t"e ,ower%ul ;orti%y Enc"#nting ,otions to m#$eultr#

    ,ower%ul enc"#nted e&ui,ment wit" t"e di%%erent enc"#ntments t"#tyou %ind

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    in t"e world - #rrying c#,#c o% 10!000! we#,ons wit" 2>0 ;ire#m#ge! etc(

    11(1( Bou c#n use t"ese ,otions to reduce s,ell costs to Mero w"ic""el,s

    r#ise t"e v#rious m#gic s$ill levels to 100( Bou8ll need # newunenc"#nted

    elm/*rmor/*mulet/ing! # su,er ;orti%y Enc"#nting ,otion %or e#c"sc"ool

    you w#nt to level! #nd t"e ;orti%y *lt/e/o/Il/e enc"#ntment(*rmor

    wit" t"ese enc"#ntment c#n be boug"t %rom t"e #,,ro,ri#te m#ge int"e

    ollege o% inter"old( @#$e # su,er ;orti%y Enc"#nting ,otion e&u#lto t"e

    number o% sc"ools you w#nt to m#ster( Go to #n *rc#ne Enc"#nter!le#rn t"e

    enc"#ntment t"roug" disenc"#nting! use # ;orti%y Enc"#nting ,otion!#nd

    t"en &uic$ly enc"#nt #ny e&ui,ment wit" t"e new enc"#ntment( I%you8re

    &uic$ you c#n m#$e 3 di%%erent m#gic #rmor ,ieces ,er ,otion( )"isitem

    will reduce t"e cost o% #ny s,ell in t"#t sc"ool to Mero(

    11(2 5ow t"#t your s,ells #re %ree! "ere #re s,ells #nd met"ods to&uic$ly

    level m#gic sc"ools6

    *lter#tion6 ontinu#lly c#st etect Li%e w"ile ne#rby # l#rge grou, o%,eo,le

    onur#tion6 #st +oul )r#, re,e#tedly on #ny enemy! t"e "ig"er levelo% enemy

    t"e better

    estruction6 #st "ig" d#m#ging s,ells re,e#tedly on #ny essenti#l 5PDc#nnot

    be $illed(

    Illusion6 #st our#ge re,e#tedly on #ny "orse or 5P t"#t doesn8t movevery


    estor#tion6 ontinu#lly c#st #ny "e#ling s,ell w"ile receiving d#m#ge6t"e

    wind b#rrier #t ig" rot"g#r! rot#ting bl#detr#,s!

    %ire tr#,s! w"ile c#sting e&uilibrium! etc((

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    )i,s %or doing t"e tric$ more &uic$ly

    Pr#ctice t"e timing #nd n#vig#ting t"e menus t"roug" # %ew tri#l

    runs( ro, #ny ge#r! ,otions! #nd ingredients you won8t be using in t"ismet"od


    +ection 3 - Pic$,oc$et ,ower leveling met"od (sec3,,l(

    Csing t"is met"od you c#n level u, #ny s$ill %rom 1> to >0 in 20

    minutes( )o $ee, it going you need to be leveling u, #t le#st onceevery >

    times you tr#in! so t"is met"od wor$s best on newer c"#r#cters( )"ismet"od

    #lso wor$s wit" mid level c"#r#cters %or "ig"er leveled s$ills! #nd#lw#ys

    wor$s %or #t le#st > s$ill levels(

    1( Get t"e Lig"t ;ingers lvl 1 Per$ %or low leveled s$ills! lvl 2/3 %or"ig"er

    ones( Bou #lso need 700(

    2( ;ind #n E',ert or @#ster level tr#iner %or # s$ill you w#nt tolevel(

    ere #re some e#sy to %ind tr#iners( 5ote6 Bou must oin ollege o%

    inter"old %or m#gic tr#iners(

    *lter#tion6 )ol%dir! #ll o% *tt#inment #t ollege o%inter"old(

    onur#tion6 ;#lion! # m#ge %ound in "is "ouse or #round@ort"#l(

    estruction6 ;#r#ld# in #ll o% ounten#nce #t ollege o%inter"old(

    Illusion6 revis in #ll o% ounten#nce #t ollege o%inter"old(

    estor#tion6 olette in #ll o% ounten#nce #t ollege o%


  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    Enc"#nting6 +ergius in #ll o% ounten#nce #t ollege o%inter"old(

    *rc"ery6 *el#! in/#round Korrv#s$r in "iterun(

    @ust com,lete JGlory o% t"e e#dJ %irst(

    .loc$6 5#d# +tone#rm! in/#round Korrv#s$r(@ust com,lete JGlory o% t"e e#dJ %irst(

    e#vy *rmor6 ;#r$#s! Korrv#s$r in "iterun(

    @ust com,lete JProving onorJ(

    :ne-"#nded6 *t"is! in/#round Korrv#s$r in "iterun(

    @ust com,lete JGlory o% t"e e#dJ %irst(

    )wo-#nded6 )orborn +"#tter-+"ield! # w#rrior ind"elm!gener#lly

    %ound ne#r bl#c$smit"(

    +mit"ing6 .#limund! t"e bl#c$smit" in i%ten(

    *lc"emy6 *rc#di#! #t *rc#di#8s #uldron in "iterun(

    Lig"t *rmor6 Grel$#! t"e m#r$et,l#ce in i%ten(

    Loc$,ic$ing6 4e'! #gged ;l#gon in i%ten( @ust be # member o%t"e

    )"ieves Guild(

    Pic$,oc$et6 +ild# t"e Cnseen! begg#r outside o% #ndle"e#rt"#ll in


    +ne#$6 G#rvey! %ound #t t"e entr#nce to )"e #rrens! # series o%

    tunnels underne#t" @#r$#rt"(

    +,eec"6 Gir#ud Gem#ne! # b#rd #t )"e .#rds ollege in +olitude(

    3( )#l$ #nd tr#in wit" t"e ,erson once

    =( +#ve( +te#l your money %rom t"e tr#iner! ,re%er#bly w"en t"ey #re#slee,

    #nd/or you8re "idden(

    >( I% unsuccess%ul! relo#d( I% t"e%t is success%ul! re,e#t ste,s 3 #nd=(

    7( Bou c#n tr#in u, to > times ,er level( )"is resets e#c" time youlevel u,!

    so try to time w"en you level u,( Ide#lly you w#nt to level u, ustbe%ore

    you ,#ss t"e e',erience re&uired %or t"e ne't level(

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    I% you8re "#ving trouble ste#ling #nd relo#ding o%ten! get #ddition#l,er$s

    %rom t"e Pic$,oc$et tree( I ty,ic#lly use Lig"t ;ingers lvl 2 to level# s$ill

    u, to level >0! #nd I get t"e ,er$s 5ig"t )"ie% #nd ut,urse #nd ste#l


    t"e ,erson is #slee,( Bou c#n use t"is met"od to level #ny s$ill u, to

    level 90 by using # @#ster level tr#iner(

    I% you ever m#' out on tr#ining #nd "#ven8t re#c"ed t"e ne't level! try

    ste#ling %rom ,eo,le #round you to level u, ,ic$,oc$eting #nd get e',(to level


    +ection = - Level 1 to =0 in under 2(> "ours (sec=l1=(

    ;ollow #dv#r t"roug" elgen so t"#t in iverwood you get betterstu%%

    %rom *lvor l#ter( *%ter e'iting t"e c#ve! "e#d 5 to t"e Gu#rdi#n+tones #nd

    select t"e )"ie% stone( 5ow "e#d E tow#rds Embers"#rd @ine( "ileyou8re in

    t"e c#ve gr#b #ll t"e torc"es #nd ignore or $ill t"e b#ndits #nd t#$et"eir

    items( "en you run out o% room! # good rule o% t"umb is to #lw#ys dro,

    #nyt"ing generic t"#t8s not wort" 10 times it8s weig"t(

    e#d to iverwood! #nd t#l$ to *lvor/Gerdur ( )#$e #ll o% t"eirstu%%

    t"#t doesn8t s"ow u, #s ste#ling! #nd t"en t#$e t"e v#lu#bles %rom t"eir"ome

    Dne#r .l#c$smit"/+E ,#rt o% town( +ell o%% your e'tr# stu%% #t t"eiverwood

    tr#der! but $ee, #ny torc"es! e&ui,,ed we#,ons/#rmor! #ny ingredientsyou "#ve!

    loc$,ic$s! # bow/#rrows! #nd t"e novice "ood #nd robes %or now(

    e#d nort" to "iterun +t#bles( ire t"e c#rri#ge to t#$e youto

    #wnst#r( Go t"e @ort#r #nd Pestle #lc"emy s"o, to t"e 5E #nd get t"e

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    miscell#neous &uest Jecover ing o% Pure @i'turesJ %rom ;rid#( .uy #nyo% t"e

    %ollowing %rom "er6

    *bece#n Long%in! .listerwort! .lue .utter%ly ings! .utter%lying!

    yrodilic +,#det#il!r#gon8s )ongue! Glowing @us"rooms! #gr#venl#ws!

    +#ber #t )eet"! +#lt Pile! +m#ll *ntlers! +m#ll Pe#rls!+,rigg#n +#,!

    )undr# otton(

    ;#st tr#vel b#c$ to t"e +t#bles #nd t"en t#$e # c#rri#ge tointer"old(

    +#ve( e#d to t"e ne#rby ollege( )#l$ to ;#r#ld# #bout entering t"e

    college( +"e8ll #s$ you to c#st # r#ndom s,ell t"#t s"e8ll sell %or 30gold i%

    you don8t "#ve it( I% it8s one you c#n8t c#st try we#ring t"e 5oviceood!

    ot"erwise relo#d #nd try #g#in( :nce ,#st "e#d u, to t"e college #nd%inis"

    t"e &uest J;irst LessonsJ(

    *%ter you8re given t"e second college &uest JCnder +##rt"#lJ!gr#b #ll

    t"e snowberries growing in t"e courty#rd outside #nd "e#d to t"e ne#rby#ll o%

    ounten#nce( ;ind t"e enc"#nter +ergius )urri#nus! w"o slee,s in "isroom on

    t"e second %loor most nig"ts 3 #(m( o t"e ,ic$,oc$et ,ower levelingmet"od

    D+ection 3 to level your Enc"#nting to level >1( )ry to end u, wit" #,er$

    level u, s#ved %or l#ter(

    o t"e 8&uest8 4#le"$ +#in8s loc$er D+ection 7( *%ter gettingt"e

    tre#sure "e#d sout" #nd t#l$ to )ol%dir outside +##rt"#l( o t"e&uest

    JCnder +##rt"#lJ until you get t"e obective 8se#rc" %or m#gic#l#rti%#cts8(

    ;ind #ny o% t"e ne#rby Enc"#nted ings on t"e ground w"ile #voiding t"e

    +##rt"#l *mulet inset in one o% t"e w#lls( Le#ve(

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    e#d + to t"e ;ors#$en #ve( un t"roug" t"e c#ve! t#$ingtre#sure #s

    you go( ;ollow t"e &uest m#r$er to t"e ;ors#$en ry,t! #nd %rom t"ererun

    t"roug" to t"e end( )#$e t"e tre#sure %rom t"e m#r$ed c"est! t"en t#$e


    b#c$ e'it to t"e side o% t"e c"est w"ic" le#ds b#c$ out to t"e c#ve(e#d out

    to +$yrim(

    eturn t"e ring to ;rid# in #wnst#r #nd buy #ny new ingredientss"e

    "#s %rom t"e #bove list( +#ve( #it inside t"e @ort#r #nd Pestle until3 #(m(

    e#d u,st#irs #nd ste#l t"e ing o% Pure @i'tures %rom ;rid# w"ile s"e


    )ime to go %is"ing( e #re loo$ing %or 20 tot#l o% *bece#nLong%in

    #nd/or yrodilic +,#det#il! #nd 20 +#lt Piles( ire # c#rri#ge toi%ten(

    +t#rt by ste#ling %rom t"e %is" b#rrels on t"e bo#ts #nd doc$s to t"ewest o%

    i%ten( I %ound ? %is" #nd 20 +#lt Piles( 5ow um, in t"e w#ter #nd

    loo$ %or

    t"ose two %is" in t"e l#$e( Csu#lly t"ey #re in grou,s o% 3 underbridges or

    in s"#llow w#ters! #nd o%ten t"ere will be dr#gon%lies %litting #bout#bove t"e


    :nce you8ve se#rc"ed t"e l#$e! see$ more in t"e rivers w"ile"e#ding

    westw#rd tow#rds Iv#rste#d( It8s e#siest to %ind %is" by loo$ing in t"e

    dist#nce w"ile underw#ter! so se#rc" %or #ny dee, w#ter ,oc$ets( Bouc#n #lso

    loo$ str#ig"t down into t"e w#ter to see t"em i% t"ey #re ne#r( *lso beon t"e

    loo$out %or #ny deer wit" sm#ll #ntlers! #n ingredient t"#t c#n besubstituted

    %or %is" in our ,otions( In one tri, I %ound =7 ;is"N( +#ve(

    ;#st tr#vel to i%ten +t#bles! t"en "e#d 55 to +"or8s +tone(

    )#l$ to

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    ;iln#r #bout t"e mine to get t"e @iscell#neous 00( +o

    use #ny b#rter ,otions you m#de to sell o%% #nyt"ing e'tr# #t t"ev#rious

    ne#rby stores #nd tr#ders(


    o Potion o% #ggling/.#rter %rom *rc#di#

    o ing o% Pure mi'tures

    o :ne Enc"#nted ing D%rom +##rt"#l

    o *ny ingredients %rom t"e ingredient list # %ew ,#ges b#c$

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    o ;our Le#t"er %or two le#t"er br#cers! or #ny two we#,ons/#rmor #ndt"e

    m#teri#ls to u,gr#de t"em

    o )"e Penitus :cul#tus elmet #nd #ny unenc"#nted irclet! or #nyunenc"#nted


    o *n unenc"#nted6 ing! 5ec$l#ce! .r#ces/G#untlets

    o *ny one #ddition unenc"#nted +"ield! *mulet! ing or *rmor

    o *ny soul gem wit" #ny soul in it DLesser or Petty is %ine

    I% you don8t "#ve t"ese items! m#$e some wit" le#t"er/silver #t t"ene#rby

    bl#c$smit" or buy t"em(

    5ow %#st tr#vel to t"e college o% inter"old( )#l$ to t"edi%%erent

    m#ges #round t"e college #nd use t"e #ggling Potion to buy = Gr#nd +oulGems

    Dwit" Gr#nd soul( *lso i% you "#ve t"e irclet/Penitus buy #s "ig" #%illed

    %i%t" gem #s you c#n( e#d to t"e 2nd level o% t"e #ll o% ounten#nce(o

    t"e *lc"emy Power Leveling met"od D+ection 2(

    +ection > - *lw#ys #ctive .onuses #nd Powers (sec>##,(

    +t#nding +tones


    Bou c#n only "#ve t"e ,owers o% one stone #t # time( I ,erson#lly ustuse

    @#ge/)"ie%/#rrior t"roug" most o% t"e g#me! #s you8re #lw#ys levelingsome

    s$ill or #not"er( :nce you8re done leveling! %eel %ree to try out t"ebonuses

    o% t"e ot"er stones(

    )"e @#ge/)"ie%/#rrior - Kust 5 o% t"e g#me8s st#rting loc#tion

    Le#rn #ll @#ge/)"ie%/#rrior s$ills 20F %#ster(

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    )"e *,,rentice - 5 o% @ort"#l

    Bou recover m#gic %#ster! but #re more susce,tible to m#gicd#m#ge(

    )"e *tron#c" - %#r + o% ind"elm Bou #bsorb s,ell d#m#ge #nd "#ve more m#gic! but recover moreslowly(

    )"e L#dy - 5ort" o% ;#l$re#t"

    egener#te e#lt" #nd +t#min# more &uic$ly(

    )"e Lord - + o% #wnst#r

    Bou #re more resist#nt to bot" m#gic #nd ,"ysic#l d#m#ge(

    )"e Lover - 5E o% @#r$#rt"

    Le#rn #ll s$ills 1>F %#ster(

    )"e itu#l - E o% "iterun

    :nce # d#y you c#n re#nim#te ne#rby cor,ses to %ig"t %or you(

    )"e +er,ent - %#r E o% inter"old

    :nce # d#y you c#n use # r#nged ,#r#lyMing ,oison on o,,onents(

    )"e +"#dow - + o% i%ten

    :nce # d#y you c#n become invisible %or #n e'tended ,eriod(

    )"e +teed - 5 o% r#gon .ridge

    Bou c#n c#rry more #nd do not su%%er t"e #rmor movement ,en#lty(

    )"e )ower - o% inter"old

    :nce # d#y you c#n o,en #ny loc$(

    +"rine Powers


    +"rines give sm#ll bonuses w"ic" l#st %or ? in-g#me "ours! w"ic"is

    #bout 2> minutes re#l time(

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    o +"rine o% *$#tos"6 @#gic$# regener#tes 10F %#ster %or ? "ours(

    o +"rine o% *r$#y6 Incre#ses your "e#lt" by 2> ,oints %or ? "ours(

    o +"rine o% ibell#6 10 +,eec"cr#%t %or ? "ours(

    o +"rine o% Kuli#nos6 Incre#ses your @#gic$# by 2> ,oints %or ? "ours(

    o +"rine o% yn#ret"6 Incre#ses your +t#min# by 2> ,oints %or ? "ours(

    o +"rine o% @#r#6 e#ling s,ells restore 10F more %or ? "ours(

    o +"rine o% +tend#rr6 .loc$ 10F more d#m#ge wit" your s"ield %or ?"ours(

    o +"rine o% )#los6 )ime between s"outs is reduced 10F %or ? "ours(

    o +"rine o% Oenit"#r6 Prices #re 10F better %or ? "ours(

    Powers e#rned %rom &uests


    *gent o% @#r#

    .onus6 1>F resist#nce to m#gic

    )ime/i%%iculty6 E#rly g#me - E#sy

    ow to get6 com,lete J)"e .oo$ o% LoveJ - )em,le o% @#r# ini%ten

    +#ilor8s e,ose6

    .onus6 e#ling s,ells cure 10F more

    )ime/i%%iculty6 E#rly G#me - E#sy

    ow to get6 %ind #bd8s rem#ins #t t"e end o% t"e dungeonunder

    ;rost%low Lig"t"ouse! t"en ,l#ce t"e rem#ins int"e

    %l#ming br#Mier on to, o% t"e Lig"t"ouse

    *gent o% ibell#

    .onus6 #m#ge to o,,osite se'

    )ime/i%%iculty6 E#rly g#me - @edium

    ow to get6 com,lete J)"e e#rt o% ibell#J - )em,le o%

    ibell# in @#r$#rt"

    ;orce it"out E%%ort6

    .onus6 Bou st#gger 2>F less #nd %oes st#gger 2>F more(

    )ime/i%%iculty6 @id g#me - E#sy

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    ow to get6 c"oose ;C+ #%ter J)"e )"ro#t o% t"e orldJ -rot"g#r

    Etern#l +,irit6 .onus6 Bou g#in # 2>F bonus "e#lt" regener#tion r#te#%ter

    using Et"ere#l s"out

    )ime/i%%iculty6 @idg#me - E#sy

    ow to get6 c"oose ;EI@ #%ter J)"e )"ro#t o% t"e orldJ -rot"g#r

    )"e ;ire it"in6 .onus6 ;ire .re#t" s"out de#ls 2>F more d#m#ge

    )ime/i%%iculty6 @idg#me - E#sy

    ow to get6 c"oose B:L #%ter J)"e )"ro#t o% t"e orldJ -rot"g#r

    *ncient nowledge

    .onus6 2>F #rmor bonus wit" w#rven #rmor!

    .l#c$smit"ing incre#ses 2>F %#ster(

    )ime/i%%iculty6 @id g#me - @edium

    ow to get6 com,lete JCn%#t"om#ble e,t"sJ - &uest given by

    ;rom-ee,est-;#t"oms in i%ten ;is"ery #re#outside

    o% i%ten wit" level #bove 13(

    +inderion8s +erendi,ity

    .onus6 2>F c"#nce o% cre#ting # du,lic#te ,otion in#lc"emy

    )ime/i%%iculty6 @id g#me - #rd

    ow to get6 com,lete J* eturn to your ootsJ - .l#c$re#c"

    Prowler8s Pro%it6

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    .onus6 ;ind more gems in c"ests

    )ime/i%%iculty6 L#te g#me - E'treme

    ow to get6 com,lete J5o +tone CnturnedJ - bring 2=Nunusu#l

    gems to 4e'

    +ection 7 - '3( eturn to ;iln#r %or t"e rew#rd(

    4#le"$ +#in8s loc$er - 1>00


    e#d to t"e ollege o% inter"old #nd get #dmitted #s # new m#ge

    Dre&uirements #re 30 gold #nd #bility to c#st novice s,ell! m#y neednovice

    "ood( :nce you %inis" t"e tour #nd 8;irst Lessons8 by )ol%dir! "e#ddown into

    )"e @idden Dentr#nce is in t"e 5 corner o% t"e courty#rd! or on t"e%irst

    %loor o% t"e #ll o% ounten#nce( :nce inside "e#d tow#rds t"e %irsto,en

    #re#! dro, down! turn rig"t! go t"roug" t"e #rc"w#y! dro, down #g#in!turn

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    rig"t! #nd go t"roug" t"e door to %ind t"e entr#nce to )"e @idden #r$(

    e#d down! turn le%t! um, down to t"e c"est to t"e le%t o% t"ebridge!

    t"en um, on t"e c"est! on to t"e w#ll ledge! #nd b#c$ u,( 5ow gostr#ig"t u,

    t"e tunnel! t"en t#$e t"e st#irs to t"e rig"t( e#d t"e *lc"emy boo$ #tt"e

    bottom! turn rig"t( ill t"e s$eletons #nd o,en t"e door to #nunderground

    circul#r room wit" # bl#c$ cl#w in t"e middle( )"ere will be # ourn#l#nd #

    $ey on # ne#rby t#ble( )#$e t"e $ey #nd b#c$tr#c$ u,st#irs( :nceoutside go

    to t"e *rc#n#eum Du,st#irs %rom t"e #ll o% Elements( +#ve( +ne#$ tot"e

    c"est on t"e le%t side o% t"e room o,en t"e c"est wit" your $ey w"ile"idden(

    )#$e t"e rings #nd "e#d b#c$ down to t"e bl#c$ cl#w in t"e@idden

    #r$( ee, trying di%%erent rings on e#c" %inger until you "#ve t"erig"t

    combin#tion( * dremor# will #,,e#r( *gree to rele#se 4#le"$ +#in( ewill

    give you # tre#sure m#,( e#d out t"roug" t"e e'it in %ront o% you()"e

    tre#sure is loc#ted on # br#in-s"#,ed isl#nd wit" # st#tue o% )#los!str#ig"t

    west o% t"e college #nd nort" o% +##rt"#l( )"e tre#sure is #t t"e

    sout"-western b#se o% t"e isl#nd #nd #,,e#rs w"en you "#ve t"e m#, inyour


    )r#nsmute iron into Gold - ? into 2>


    )"e #lter#tion s,ell J)r#nsmuteJ c#n be %ound #t #lted +tre#m#m,

    mine D5 o% "iterun( .e sure to bring # ,ic$#'e to mine #ll o% t"eiron ore

    veins w"ile you8re t"ere( )"e tome is on # t#ble by t"e le#ders bed int"e


    5ow move in %ront t"e ne#rby bed( #st tr#nsmute! t"en clic$ ont"e

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    bed #nd slee, %or 1 "our to rec"#rge your m#gic( e,e#t to &uic$lyc"#nge #ll

    your iron ore(

    e#d on over to "iterun! #nd go to t"e smelter t"#t8s on yourrig"t

    #s you enter( )urn t"e gold ore into gold ingots( *mble over to t"e%orge

    #nd m#$e some gold rings( )"ese sell %or 2> e#c"(

    @ost bl#c$smit"s #nd gener#l stores will "#ve some iron ore %ors#le(

    Bou c#n loo, t"roug" #ll t"e towns buying iron ore #nd continu#llytr#nsmute

    #nd t"en %orge( *lso iron mines #re everyw"ere(

    +ection ? - @#' leveling wit" t"e :g"m# In%inium (sec?m#'(

    )"e best time to do t"is &uest is #longside t"e m#in &uestJElder

    nowledgeJ( )"e :g"m# In%inium is t"e rew#rd you receive #%tercom,leting t"e

    &uest Jiscerning t"e )r#nsmund#neJ( )o get t"is &uest t#l$ to +e,timusin

    +ignus8s :ut,ost! # c#ve on #n isl#nd 5 o% t"e ollege o% inter"old(

    :nce you #c&uire t"e :g"m# In%inium! do not re#d itN I% given #

    c"oice! c"oose o 5ot e#d( Le#ve t"e c#ve #nd "e#d to #ny "ome you ownwit"

    # boo$ s"el% t"#t gives you t"e o,tion to store boo$s on it( .reeMe"omein

    "iterun is one suc" "ouse( I% you don8t "#ve it #lre#dy! buy t"e#lc"emy

    st#tion u,gr#de %rom Proventus *venicci in r#gon8s e#c"(

    1( e#d to your "ome #nd s#ve

    2( lic$ on t"e boo$ s"el%

    3( Go to t"e boo$ section o% your inventory

    =( e#d :g"m# In%inium

    >( "oose # ,#t"

    7( +tore it in your boo$ s"el%

  • 7/24/2019 The Elder Scrolls v - Skyrim Power Leveling Guide


    ?( lose your inventory

    A( Go to t"e boo$ on t"e s"el% #nd re#d it - on8t c"oose # ,#t"! ust,ress

    do not re#d

    9( )"en t#$e t"e boo$

    e,e#t ste,s 2-9

    E#c" time you do ste, > you will level u, e#c" s$ill levels %or t"e#rrior!

    @#ge! or )"ie% %ive times(

    +ection A - losing em#r$s #nd )"#n$s (secAclo(

    I "o,e you %ound t"is guide "el,s you ,ower u, your c"#r#cterwit"out

    s,ending 300 "ours li$e I did( I de%initely enoyed wor$ing on itN+ince I

    ,ut so m#ny "ours into it! ,le#se don8t use #ny ,ortion o% t"is document

    elsew"ere on t"e interwebs wit"out %irst getting my ,ermission( Ple#se%eel

    %ree to send #ny &uestions! ide#s! or u,d#tes you8d li$e to see( )"#n$s%or


    I used t"e %ollowing guides #nd websites %or item loc#tions! s"rine,owers!

    etc( )"#n$s to you %or #ll your "#rd wor$N


    +$yrim *lc"emy E',loit ;*< cre#ted by Keremy Lus$ D#$# t"es#brestorm

    +$yrim *lc"emy Guide ;*< cre#ted by ustin ood D#$# *"lyis

    "#r#cter .uild Guide ;*< cre#ted by Meusodinr#

    Enc"#nting Guide ;*< cre#ted by +#nt#P#ws