J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1969, 32, 462-469 The effects of hypoxia on the excitability of the isolated peripheral nerves of alloxan-diabetic rats K. N. SENEVIRATNE AND 0. A. PEIRIS From the Departments of Physiology and Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ceylon, Colombo Steiness (1959) observed that diabetic subjects whose lower limbs were rendered ischaemic with a pneu- matic cuff around the thigh were able to perceive a vibratory stimulus applied to the toes for longer periods than non-diabetics. In some diabetic subjects the threshold remained almost unchanged during a 30 minute period of experimental ischaemia. Steiness (1961a, b) showed that it was not possible to increase the time of perception of the stimulus in normal subjects by inducing hyperglycaemia in them, that the abnormal condition in diabetics was reversible, and that it bore some relationship to the state of control of the diabetes. This resistance of the peripheral nerves of diabetic subjects to ischaemia has been confirmed by Castaigne, Cathala, Dry, and Mastropaolo (1966). Gregersen (1968) studied the effects of limb ischaemia on vibration perception threshold, tactile sensation, pain, heat-induced pain sensation, and motor nerve conduction velocity in healthy and diabetic subjects. His results show that vibration perception, motor nerve conduction velocity, and tactile sensation are relativelyunaffected by ischaemia in the diabetic subjects, in contrast to that observed in the normal subjects. The sensations of heat and heat-induced pain, however, remained unchanged during the ischaemia in the diabetics as well as in the control group. Seneviratne and Peiris (1968b) have shown that the evoked sensory nerve action potential of the median nerve of diabetic subjects is resistant to ischaemia produced by vascu- lar occlusion of the upper limb by pneumatic cuff compression. These evoked potentials, in contrast to those of normal subjects, showed a relative con- stancy of their amplitudes, durations, and latencies during a 30 minute period of complete vascular occlusion. These changes could be demonstrated in all the diabetic subjects studied irrespective of whether or not they had evidence of a neuropathy. None of their diabetic subjects experienced ischaemic or post-ischaemic paraesthesiae, which were a very constant feature of the early ischaemic and post- ischaemic phases in the control group. It was postulated that these differences in the behaviour of the nerves of diabetic subjects may have been due to the fact that the metabolites released from the tissues of the diabetic during vascular occlusion were essentially different from those produced by the tissues of normal subjects under similar conditions. Alternatively, there may have been no essential difference between the metabolites produced by the normal and diabetic subjects, the relative resistance of the diabetic nerve being due to its ability to maintain its activity under ischaemic conditions. The experi- ments described in this paper were designed to study the effects of hypoxia on the excitability of isolated peripheral nerve. METHODS Experimental diabetes was produced in 6-month-old male rats weighing between 100 to 150 g by a modification of the method described by Klebanoff and Greenbaum (1954). A single dose of alloxan monohydrate (BDH) of 150 mg/kg body weight in freshly prepared 0-125 M citrate-phosphate buffer at pH 4 was injected intra- peritoneally at a concentration of 10 mg/ml. and the rats maintained in separate metabolism cages with free access to food and water. With this dose level 18 of the 50 rats injected died within a few days, 10 became diabetic but regained normal blood glucose levels within two weeks, while 22 rats remained permanently diabetic. The criteria used to establish diabetes in these animals were a blood glucose level of over 200 mg/100 ml. and a glycosuria of 1 % or more. These animals were maintained for at least four weeks in this condition before being used for study. The duration of the diabetic state in the animals studied varied from four to 20 weeks. Litter mates of these rats, and the alloxanized non-diabetic rats, were maintained under the same conditions and served as controls in all the experiments described below. ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS The rats were anaesthetized with intraperitoneal sodium pentobarbitone (Nembutal) 50 mg/kg body weight and the sciatic nerves were dissected out rapidly from the level of the sciatic notch to the gastrocnemius tendon. The nerves were cleaned of fat, connective tissue, and blood vessels, but 462 Protected by copyright. on 30 May 2018 by guest. http://jnnp.bmj.com/ J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry: first published as 10.1136/jnnp.32.5.462 on 1 October 1969. Downloaded from

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Page 1: The effects of excitability nerves ratsjnnp.bmj.com/content/jnnp/32/5/462.full.pdf · effects of limb ischaemia on vibration perception threshold, tactile sensation, pain, heat-induced

J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat., 1969, 32, 462-469

The effects of hypoxia on the excitability of theisolated peripheral nerves of alloxan-diabetic rats


From the Departments ofPhysiology and Medicine, Faculty of Medicine,University of Ceylon, Colombo

Steiness (1959) observed that diabetic subjects whoselower limbs were rendered ischaemic with a pneu-matic cuff around the thigh were able to perceive avibratory stimulus applied to the toes for longerperiods than non-diabetics. In some diabetic subjectsthe threshold remained almost unchanged during a30 minute period of experimental ischaemia.Steiness (1961a, b) showed that it was not possible toincrease the time of perception of the stimulus innormal subjects by inducing hyperglycaemia in them,that the abnormal condition in diabetics wasreversible, and that it bore some relationship to thestate of control of the diabetes. This resistance of theperipheral nerves of diabetic subjects to ischaemiahas been confirmed by Castaigne, Cathala, Dry, andMastropaolo (1966). Gregersen (1968) studied theeffects of limb ischaemia on vibration perceptionthreshold, tactile sensation, pain, heat-induced painsensation, and motor nerve conduction velocity inhealthy and diabetic subjects. His results show thatvibration perception, motor nerve conductionvelocity, and tactile sensation are relativelyunaffectedby ischaemia in the diabetic subjects, in contrast tothat observed in the normal subjects. The sensationsof heat and heat-induced pain, however, remainedunchanged during the ischaemia in the diabetics aswell as in the control group. Seneviratne and Peiris(1968b) have shown that the evoked sensory nerveaction potential of the median nerve of diabeticsubjects is resistant to ischaemia produced by vascu-lar occlusion of the upper limb by pneumatic cuffcompression. These evoked potentials, in contrast tothose of normal subjects, showed a relative con-stancy of their amplitudes, durations, and latenciesduring a 30 minute period of complete vascularocclusion. These changes could be demonstrated inall the diabetic subjects studied irrespective ofwhether or not they had evidence of a neuropathy.None of their diabetic subjects experienced ischaemicor post-ischaemic paraesthesiae, which were a veryconstant feature of the early ischaemic and post-ischaemic phases in the control group.

It was postulated that these differences in thebehaviour of the nerves of diabetic subjects may havebeen due to the fact that the metabolites released fromthe tissues of the diabetic during vascular occlusionwere essentially different from those produced by thetissues of normal subjects under similar conditions.Alternatively, there may have been no essentialdifference between the metabolites produced by thenormal and diabetic subjects, the relative resistance ofthe diabetic nerve being due to its ability to maintainits activity under ischaemic conditions. The experi-ments described in this paper were designed to studythe effects of hypoxia on the excitability of isolatedperipheral nerve.


Experimental diabetes was produced in 6-month-old malerats weighing between 100 to 150 g by a modification ofthe method described by Klebanoff and Greenbaum(1954). A single dose of alloxan monohydrate (BDH) of150 mg/kg body weight in freshly prepared 0-125 Mcitrate-phosphate buffer at pH 4 was injected intra-peritoneally at a concentration of 10 mg/ml. and the ratsmaintained in separate metabolism cages with free accessto food and water. With this dose level 18 of the 50 ratsinjected died within a few days, 10 became diabetic butregained normal blood glucose levels within two weeks,while 22 rats remained permanently diabetic. The criteriaused to establish diabetes in these animals were a bloodglucose level of over 200 mg/100 ml. and a glycosuria of1 % or more. These animals were maintained for at leastfour weeks in this condition before being used for study.The duration of the diabetic state in the animals studiedvaried from four to 20 weeks. Litter mates of these rats,and the alloxanized non-diabetic rats, were maintainedunder the same conditions and served as controls in allthe experiments described below.

ELECTROPHYSIOLOGICAL EXPERIMENTS The rats wereanaesthetized with intraperitoneal sodium pentobarbitone(Nembutal) 50 mg/kg body weight and the sciatic nerveswere dissected out rapidly from the level of the sciaticnotch to the gastrocnemius tendon. The nerves werecleaned of fat, connective tissue, and blood vessels, but


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The effects of hypoxia on the excitability of the isolated peripheral nerves of alloxan-diabetic rats 463

the nerve sheath was left intact. The nerve was thenimmersed in modified mammalian Tyrode's solution buff-ered topH 7-3 (Maruhashi and Wright, 1967), maintainedat 37°C in a water bath and exposed to a gas mixturecontaining 95% 02 + 5% CO2 for 15 minutes to mini-mize any 'injury activity' (Adrian, 1930). After this periodthe nerve was mounted in a small moist nerve chamberprovided with a gas inlet tube and outlet tube containinga valve which maintained a one-way flow. The nerve waslaid across platinum stimulating, earth and recordingelectrodes, so that the proximal end of the nerve layacross the stimulating electrodes and the distal cut end ofthe nerve lay on the distal recording electrode. Thechamber was then made gas-tight by replacing its lid andsealing it with Vaseline. The gas mixtures used in theseexperiments (95% 02 + 5% CO2 and 8% 02 + 5% CO2in nitrogen) were admitted into the chamber after passagethrough a flowmeter to ensure a constant rate of flow of250 ml./min. The gas mixture was led into the nervechamber after bubbling through a wash bottle containingthe modified Tyrode's solution. The wash bottle and thenerve chamber were placed in a water bath maintained at370 ± 1°C.The nerve was stimulated using square-wave stimuli of

0-01 msec duration and variable voltage from a Grass S4stimulator and RF coupled isolating transformer. Theevoked responses were amplified by a Grass P51 1R RCcoupled pre-amplifier with half-amplitude frequencies of7 c/s and 2 Kc/s. The amplified responses were monitoredthrough a loud-speaker and displayed on one beam of aTektronix 502 oscilloscope, the sweep of which wastriggered by the stimulator output with negligible delay.The lower beam of the oscilloscope monitored the stimulusthrough a high impedance probe. Single sweeps of theoscilloscope were photographed on 35 mm film.

In all the experiments described below a nerve was usedfor one experiment only and the other sciatic nerve waskept for histology.

Experiment I The nerve was exposed to a 95 % 02 +5% CO2 mixture and the response to a supra-maximalstimulus recorded. The stimulus strength was thenreduced until the evoked response was approximately50% of its maximum value. This stimulus strength wasthen maintained constant and the response to it recordedat two minute intervals for 30 minutes.

Experiment II The nerve was exposed to the 95%02 + 5% CO2 gas mixture and the stimulus strengthrequired to produce a response nearly 50% of maximumwas determined. The nerve was then exposed to the 8 %02 + 5% CO2 in N2 mixture and the responses to thisstimulus recorded at two minute intervals.

Experiment III Experiment II was repeated using thenerves of the diabetic animals.On every occasion experiments II and III were done

alternately to ensure that comparable experimentalconditions were maintained between the diabetic and thecontrol nerves.

Histology The nerve was attached to a piece of card atits original length, fixed in 10% formol-saline and stainedwith 1 % osmium tetroxide. Single fibres were isolated bythe method described by Thomas and Young (1949).


EXPERIMENT I Results obtained from 10 controlnerves showed that the evoked response to a sub-maximal stimulus of constant size did not vary inamplitude by more than 10% of its original value.

EXPERIMENT II Fifteen nerves from rats of thecontrol group were studied in this series. The resultsindicate that all the nerves were inactivated by thehypoxia, the response size reducing to less than 10%of its resting value at times varying from 16 to 25minutes (mean 21-2 minutes). In all the nervesstudied this inactivation was preceded by a phase ofhyperexcitability, the response to the stimulus ofconstant strength increasing to a maximum value of8% to 60% (mean 36 8%) above its original size.This maximum size was reached at times varyingfrom two to nine minutes (mean 5 2 minutes SD ±1 7). The evoked responses obtained in one suchexperiment are reproduced in Fig. 1, while theresults obtained from six such experiments arerepresented graphically in Figure 2.

EXPERIMENT III Fifteen experiments were done withnerves from diabetic animals. The responses obtainedin one such experiment are reproduced in Fig. 1,while the results from six experiments are representedin Figure 2. In these experiments therewas incompleteinactivation of the nerves by hypoxia. Even after30 minutes' exposure to the 8 % 0, mixture, theresponse amplitudes retained from 16% to 78%(mean 48 %) of their original size. As in the controlexperiments, all the diabetic nerves showed an earlyphase of hyperexcitability. The maximum increase inresponse size during this phase varied from 12% to54% (mean 23 9%) and occurred between the fifthand fourteenth minute (mean 9 1 minutes SD ± 2 7).The times at which the responses of the control anddiabetic nerves reached their maximum size duringthe hyperexcitable phase are indicated in Fig. 3and Table I.

HISTOLOGICAL CHANGES Evidence of segmentaldemyelination could be found in some of the fibres ofthe sciatic nerves of all the diabetic rats. The earliestrecognizable change was a retraction of the myelinfrom the nodal region, leading to a conspicuouswidening of the nodal gap, associated sometimeswith a bulbous swelling of the paranodal region ofthe fibre. At a later stage the myelin in the internodalregion showed evidence of fragmentation, breakingup into ovoids of irregular shape and size and intoprogressively smaller particles which gave the fibre acoarsely granular appearance. In the internodalregions these myelin particles could often be recog-

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K. N. Seneviratne and 0. A. Peiris


JufJ0,AJu J\ rJ\~~~~~N0 5 10 15 20 30

FIG. 1. Effects ofhypoxia on the compound action potential evoked by a sub-maximal stimulus. Upper row: nerve fromcontrol rat. Lower row: nerve from diabetic animal. Figures indicate time in minutes. Upper right corner: calibrationtrace, square-wave form I kHz, 0 5 mV amplitude.




10 20 30 0 l0 20 30

Time ( min)

FIG. 2. Results obtained from six control subjects (filledcircles) and six diabetic subjects (open circles) showingeffect of ischaemia on the human median sensory nervepotential. (Redrawn from data of Seneviratne and Peiris,1968a, b).


1 70


810a &.VI810

C5 40-

.w 30-


a 0I0.





* 0


0 o 0 o0



0 0 0 00



a i 4 i 8Time. (In)

l0 12 14

FIG. 3. Time to reach maximum increase of responseamplitude. Nerves from control rats (filled circles),diabetic rats (open circles).


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The effects ofhypoxia on the excitability of the isolated peripheral nerves ofalloxan-diabetic rats 465



Control nerves (IS) Diabetic nerves (15)(min) (min)

Range 2-9 5-14Mean 5 2 9-1SD ± 1-7 ± 27

Student's I testSignificance (P) < 0.001

nized forming granular aggregates condensed aroundthe funnel-shaped Schmidt-Lantermann clefts. Reduc-tion in the size of the myelin granules was associatedwith a loss of staining density, and short lengths ofendoneurial tube devoid of myelin debris couldoccasionally be recognized (Fig. 5). In multi-fibrepreparations several of these stages could be demon-strated in the fibres of a single sciatic nerve, but thesmaller diameter myelinated fibres always seemedmore adversely affected than those of larger diameter.Although the blood glucose levels of these diabeticanimals varied from 300 to 700 mg/100 ml. and theduration of the diabetic state varied from 30 to 150days, there was no obvious relationship between theseverity or duration of the diabetes and the extent ofthese histological changes.


Several workers have investigated the structural andfunctional changes that occur in the peripheralnerves of alloxan-diabetic rats. Segmental demyelin-ation has been observed in these nerves by Preston(1967), Lovelace (1967) and by Hildebrand, Joffroy,Graff, and Coers (1968), these changes being essenti-ally similar to those observed in human diabetes byThomas and Lascelles (1966). The histological resultsreported in this study confirm these observations.All nerves studied had some evidence of demyelina-tion, the early changes being more evident than thelate. Only an occasional fibre showed demyelinationover a whole intemodal segment, or evidence ofremyelination as indicated by the presence of short-ened intemodal lengths. These changes were, how-ever, moremarked than those observedby Hildebrandet al. (1968), though not as evident as those describedby Preston (1967). Lovelace (1967) was of opinionthat the severe early histological changes reported byPreston (1967) could have been due to a toxic effectof the alloxan, not related to the diabetes. Ourresults are therefore consistent with the fact that allthe animals in this series had blood glucose levelsvarying from 300 to 700 mg/100 ml., and that thenerves were studied at least four weeks after theinjection of alloxan.

There is as yet little information relating to theelectrophysiological changes in the peripheral nervesoccurring in experimental diabetes. Eliasson (1964)and Lovelace (1967) have reported a decrease in thein vitro conduction velocity of the nerve impulse,while Preston (1967) observed a similar decrease inthe in vivo conduction velocity. Hildebrand et al.(1968) have reported a significant decrease in themean afferent nerve conduction velocity andprovided evidence of an abnormally increasedtemporal dispersion in individual motor nervefibres.

Seneviratne and Peiris (1968a) have shown thatchanges in the size of the response evoked by aconstant sub-maximal stimulus of suitable size canbe used as a measure of the excitability of the nerve.This technique has been employed in this series tostudy the effects of hypoxia on the excitability ofcontrol and diabetic nerves.The results obtained in this study confirm the

observations of Heinbecker (1929) and Lehmann(1937), that normal peripheral nerves in vitro show atransient phase of hyperexcitability before they areinactivated by anoxia. Our results also provide clearevidence that there are significant differences be-tween the behaviour of control and diabetic nervesduring exposure to a hypoxic gas mixture. Thesedifferences relate to the extent of inactivation by thehypoxia, and to the time relationships of the earlyphase of hyperexcitability. These results show thatthe evoked potentials from the isolated peripheralnerves of alloxan-diabetic rats are more resistant toinactivation by hypoxia than are the potentialsevoked from the nerves of healthy rats. Thisbehaviour closely resembles the resistance of theevoked human sensory nerve action potentials ofdiabetic subjects during ischaemia produced by cuffcompression, as shown in Figure 4. This supports theview that any tissue metabolites, produced bymechanical pressure of the cuff or by vascularocclusion, could not have been responsible for theresistance of the diabetic nerve to ischaemia.

Poole (1956a, b) observed that subjects withsensory nerve disease did not experience ischaemic orpost-ischaemic paraesthesiae, which were a veryconstant feature of healthy subjects during and aftervascular occlusion. These findings were confirmed bySeneviratne and Peiris (1968b) who showed that evendiabetic subjects without clinical evidence of neuro-pathy behaved in the same manner. It has also beenshown (Seneviratne and Peiris, 1968a) that the timesofonset and durationof ischaemic and post-ischaemicparaesthesiae related well with the observed changesof nerve excitability. The absence of paraesthesiae inthe diabetic subject was associated with relativelysmall rates of change of excitability during the early

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K. N. Seneviratne and 0. A. Peiris

120 10


I 0 20 3010 20 3



C 60f 60(i

*l40- 0



10 20 30 0o 20 30

Time (mi)

FIG. 4. Change of response size during hypoxia in six

experiments on nerves from control rats (filled circles) andnerves from diabetic rats (open circles).

ischaemic and post-ischaemic phases, in contrastwith the more marked changes of excitability thatoccurred in the healthy subjects, all of whom ex-perienced paraesthesiae. Figure 3 and Table I showthat the rate of increase of excitability of the isolatedperipheral nerve of the healthy rat is significantlygreater than that of the diabetic animal. Thesechanges in the hypoxic isolated peripheral nerve aretherefore very similar to the comparable changesoccurring in the human median nerve duringvascular occlusion.

It seems likely that a rapid increase in the excit-ability of the nerve fibres leads to the spontaneousgeneration of a large number of impulses. Such avolley of impulses when conducted centrally wouldpresumably be capable of exciting the centralsynapses which are necessary for the production ofparaesthesiae. On this basis, it is suggested that theabsence of ischaemic paraesthesiae in diabetic sub-jects is due to the failure of excitation of these centralsynapses. This failure could be due to a temporaldispersion of the spontaneously generated potentialsresulting from the slow increase of excitability of thenerve.These findings confirm the views of Merrington

and Nathan (1949), Weddel and Sinclair (1947), andNathan (1958) who were of opinion that ischaemicparaesthesiae were due to the spontaneous genera-tion of impulses in the low threshold group of nerve

fibres, whereas Reid (1931) and Bazett and McGlone(1929) believed that the impulses were due to anexcitation of the peripheral sense organs.

There is evidence that intracellular potassium isreleased from nerve fibres during anoxia and thatpotassium is reabsorbed in the post-anoxic recoveryperiod (Fenn and Gerschman, 1950; Shanes, 1950).Brown and MacIntosh (1939) have shown that directapplication of K- to the fibre surface causes arepeated discharge of impulses from the nerve fibreseven in the absence of an applied stimulus. Paintal(1964) reported that anoxia causes spontaneousfiring in muscle spindle afferents due to the stimula-tion of their sensory endings by the K which leaksout of the intrafusal muscle fibres and accumulateswithin the spindle capsules. Shanes (1950) andHuxley and Stampfli (1951) have demonstrated thata rise of the K- concentration at the nerve fibresurface reduces its resting membrane potential. Thisdepolarization towards the critical membrane voltageproduces, in effect, a lowering of the thresholdvoltage required for stimulation. These changeswould explain the hyperexcitability of the nervefibres seen during the early ischaemic and hypoxicphases in our experiments (Figs. 2 and 4). Maruhashiand Wright (1967) have shown that prolongedexposure to anoxia leads to a failure of membraneenergy synthesis and consequent loss of its Cabinding property. This produces a rapid decrease ofmembrane resistance and an increase of membranepermeability which permits an efflux of intracellularK%. Continued increase of surface K concentrationleads to depolarization of the membrane to such anextent as to cause failure of action potential genera-tion and conduction block.Lehmann (1937) and Wright (1947) indicate that

conduction block during anoxia occurs within 20 to30 minutes in mammalian peripheral nerves, a figurein agreement with our findings for nerves fromhealthy rats. The results we have obtained from thenerves of the diabetic rats are, however, significantlydifferent, these nerves retaining their ability togenerate a propagated action potential even at the30th minute.

This resistance of the diabetic nerve to inactivationby anoxia could conceivably be due to its ability tomaintain its energy synthesis under anoxic condi-tions by utilizing non-oxidative metabolic pathways.De Sibrik and O'Doherty (1967) observe that a

peripheral nerve seems to have available both thedirect oxidative and the glycolytic cycles, and thatunder varying conditions it could select the pathwayfrom which energy is most economically derived.Shanes (1948, 1950, 1951) has shown that with invitro experiments glucose effectively reduces theprogressive depolarization of nerve fibres produced


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I 1*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

X_ __ r.!IUIIIEIIE.82 v :.mcinpuwUl

:. o @ M ... : -rb4e*.%.*


FIG. 5. Upper four rows: early changes of segmental demyelination in fibres from sciatic nerves ofdiabetic rats. Lower row: single fibre from alloxanized non-diabetic animal. Scale-50 /L.

by anoxia, while Larrabee and Bronk (1952) haveshown that anoxia accelerates the process of glycoly-sis and the rate of glucose uptake by rabbit ganglia.Field and Adams (1964) observed that nerves fromalloxan-diabetic animals extract more glucose fromthe medium than do the nerves of control rats, andGabbay, Merola, and Field (1966) have shown thatdiabetic nerves have significantly greater concentra-tion of glucose, sorbitol, and fructose than do the6

nerves of control rats. These views are consistentwith the experimental observations of Steiness(1961b) and Gregersen (1968) that the abnormalresistance of the diabetic nerves to ischaemia isreversible, and that it bore some relationship to thestate of control of the diabetes with insulin.

Shanes (1951) has shown that the completenessand rapidity with which washing alone restoredfunctional activity in anoxic fibres, provided evidence


_ ...gmm~

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K. N. Seneviratne and 0. A. Peiris

that surface K concentrations suffice to account forthe functional changes observed. Thus, the resistanceof diabetic nerves to anoxia could also be due tofactors which prevent the accumulation of K- at thenerve fibre surface in quantities sufficient to producea depolarization block.The studies of Feng and Gerard (1930); Feng and

Liu (1949); Rashbass and Rushton (1949); Crescitelli(1951); Dainty and Krnjevic (1955); and Wright andOoyama (1962) provide clear evidence for the exist-ence of connective tissue diffusion barriers in thenerve, these barriers restricting the free diffusion ofions between the intraneural and extracellular fluidcompartments. There is, however, some differenceof opinion as to the precise site of such a barrier.Although Causey and Palmer (1963) were of opinionthat the epineurium constituted the diffusion barrier,it is now evident that the barrier is not formed by theepineurium but by the perineurium (Huxley andStampfli, 1951; Krnjevic, 1954; Thomas, 1963;Gamble, 1964). The Schwann cells of myelinatedfibres are ensheathed by a basement membrane whichis continuous across the nodes of Ranvier from one

internode to another and consists of a not very

sharply demarcated seam of light and dark layersseparated from the plasma membrane of theSchwann cell by a gap of about 250 A. Haftek andThomas (1968) view the neurilemmal sheath as a

continuous elastic tube made up of the Schwann cellbasement membrane reinforced by the inner endo-neurial collagen sheath of Plenk and Laidlaw. Thistube is believed to remain intact during nerve

degeneration, serving to contain the axonal andmyelin debris and to define the channels within whichthe Schwann cells proliferate before regeneration.Bischoff (1968) observes that a structural abnormal-ity in the basement membrane is a very prominentchange seen in electron-micrographs of peripheralnerves of human diabetics, occurring constantly even

in the nerves of juvenile diabetics. It is conceivable,therefore, that this change in the diffusion barrier indiabetic nerves could increase its permeability to K%.Such a change would prevent the surface concentra-tion of K- from reaching the level necessary toproduce a depolarization block, thus accounting forthe resistance to ischaemia and hypoxia that we haveobserved.


Structural and functional changes in the peripheralnerves of the alloxan-diabetic rat have been studied.Early changes of segmental demyelination were a

constant feature in all the nerves.It has also been shown that the evoked potential

from the isolated peripheral nerves of these animals

was more resistant to hypoxia than were the responsesfrom healthy control animals. These results havebeen used to assess the role of K- in determining theoverall excitability changes of normal and diabeticnerves under anoxic conditions.The nature and genesis of ischaemic paraesthesiae

have been discussed and an attempt made to explainthe absence of such paraesthesiae in human diabetics. *

We wish to thank Messrs. K. S. A. B. Fernaido and S.Vairavanathan for their invaluable technical assistance.One of us (K. N. S.) is in receipt of a grant from theMinistry of Scientific Research of the Government ofCeylon.


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