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Submitted to the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education,

Makassar Muhammadiyah University in Partial Fulfillment of

the Requirement for the Bachelor Degree of Education in English Department





















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Judul Skripsi : The Effectiveness of Mobile Learning Based HTML5

to Enhance Vocabulary Achievement of Seventh

Grade Students of Junior High School in

SMP Unismuh Makassar

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Saya yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini:


Nim : 105351133716

Jurusan : Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris

Judul Skripsi : The Effectiveness of Mobile Learning Based HTML5 to

Enhance Vocabulary Achievement of Seventh Grade

Students of Junior High School in SMP Unismuh Makassar

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I dedicated this thesis to my beloved Mother and Father for every love that given

to me. I have experienced writing and doing research work to understand

phenomenon and elaborate them. Nonetheless, I will never be able to elaborate

their love to me because, like our universe, it is limitless.

“Apabila kamu sudah memutuskan menekuni suatu bidang, jadilah orang yang

konsisten. Itu adalah kunci keberhasilan sebenarnya”

-BJ Habibie (Presiden ke-3 Republik Indonesia)

"The only way to win is to learn faster than anyone else."

-Eric Ries (Praktisi Lean Startup)

“Try not to be a man of success, but a man of value”

-Albert Einstein

“You can forgive yourself when you are not perfect”

-Jean Kummerow



Muhammad Agung, 2021. The Effectiveness of Mobile Learning Based HTML5 to

Enhance Vocabulary Achievement of Seventh Grade Students of Junior High

School in SMP Unismuh Makassar. Under the thesis of English Education

Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Makassar

Muhammadiyah University. Supervised by Andi Tenri Ampa and Junaid.

This study is to more clearly identify the problems of students’ vocabulary

achievement in distance education and how mobile learning interactive application

as a learning source and learning tool to address these challenges. This study aims

to examine the concept and the effectiveness of the developed mobile learning

interactive application based HTML5 named Lima Sahabat for learning vocabulary

among seventh grade students of junior high school. A Pre-experimental research

design was used (one group Pre-Test and Post-Test design). The population in this

study were all the seventh-grade students (64 students) and the sample was the class

VII B (31 students) which was chosen by using purposive sampling. The finding of

the data analysis showed that the mean score of the Post-Test (88.84) was higher

than the Pre-Test (55.83) with the improvement percentage was 59.13% and the

success rate of the students’ score in difference of the Pre-Test and the Post-Test

showed that the p–value = 0.00 was less than the α = 0.05 which means that there

was a significant improvement of the students’ vocabulary achievement.

Keywords: distance education, EFL, interactive application, m-learning,

vocabulary, multimedia



Muhammad Agung, 2021. Efektivitas Mobile Learning Berbasis HTML5 untuk

Meningkatkan Prestasi Belajar Kosakata Siswa Kelas VII SMP di SMP Unismuh

Makassar. Bagian dari skripsi prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Fakultas Keguruan

dan Ilmu Pendidikan, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar. Dibimbing oleh Andi

Tenri Ampa dan Junaid.

Penelitian ini mengidentifikasi masalah pencapaian kosakata siswa dalam

pendidikan jarak jauh dan bagaimana aplikasi interaktif sebagai sumber belajar dan

sebagai perangkat yang memfasilitasi pembelajaran untuk mengatasi tantangan

tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji keefektifan aplikasi interaktif

berbasis HTML5 yang dikembangkan bernama Lima Sahabat untuk pembelajaran

kosakata (khususnya kata benda) pada siswa kelas tujuh SMP. Desain penelitian

Pra-Eksperimental digunakan (satu kelompok desain Pre-Test dan Post-Test).

Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas VII (64 siswa) dan

sampelnya adalah kelas VII B (31 siswa) yang dipilih secara purposive sampling.

Hasil analisis data menunjukkan bahwa nilai rata-rata Post-Test (88,84) lebih

tinggi, daripada nilai rata-rata Pre-Test (55,83) dengan persentase peningkatan

sebesar 59,13% dan tingkat keberhasilan siswa dalam perbedaan nilai Pre-Test dan

Post-Test menunjukkan bahwa p - value = 0,00 kurang dari α = 0,05 yang berarti

bahwa ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam peningkatan hasil belajar siswa.

Kata Kunci: aplikasi interaktif, EFL, kosakata, m-learning, multimedia, PJJ



In the name of Allah Swt, Most Gracious, Most Merciful

Al-hamdulillaahirobbil-‘aalamiin, the researcher expressed thank you very

much for the gratitude Allah SWT for blessing and mercy during the process until

the finished writing this Thesis. Shalawat and salam are addressed to the final

chosen religious messenger, the Prophet Muhammad SAW, who has bring us from

the darkness to the brightness. In writing this Thesis, the writer found many

difficulties and realized that the thesis has a lot of mistakes and weakness. In order

to become perfect, the writer needs correction and suggestion. The writer would

like to say thank you for the people who gave spirit, advice, suggestion, and helping

to write this thesis as follows:

1. My beloved parents, my mother Sitti Masyita and my father Mahyuddin A.,

S.Pd., M.Pd. for the loved, sacrifice, affection, motivation, and greatest prayer

for my bright future.

2. Prof. Dr. H. Ambo Asse, M.Ag. as the rector of the Universitas Muhammadiyah


3. Erwin Akib, M.Pd., Ph.D. The dean of Faculty of Teacher Training and

Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

4. Dr. Ummi Khaerati Syam, S.Pd., M.Pd. and Ismail Sangkala, S.Pd., M.Pd. as

the head and the vice of English Education Department of Faculty of Teacher

Training and Education, Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar.

5. High appreciation and great thankfulness to my consultants of my thesis, Prof.

Dr. Hj. Andi Tenri Ampa, M.Hum. (Consultant I) and Junaid, S.Pd., M.Pd.

(Consultant II) who have given their valuable time, knowlodge, and guidance

to finish this thesis.

6. All of the lecturers of the FKIP Unismuh Makassar especially to the lecturers

of English Education Department for their guidance during researcher study at

this university and also my special thankfulness for my lecturer Awaliah Azis,

S.Pd., M.Pd. who has given me an inspiration of her thesis hence I used it as


guidance (especially about its methodology) to be adapted in my thesis.

7. Headmaster of SMP Unismuh Makassar, Prof. Dr. H. Irwan Akib, M.Pd. and

the English teacher, Sunarto, S.Pd., and also for the class B of seventh grade

students who participated on my research.

8. Unforgotable thanks to all my classmates in J Class that given me support and

love starting from the first semester until finished this thesis.

9. Unforgotable thanks to all my friends in LKIM-PENA (Lembaga Kreativitas

Ilmiah Mahasiswa Penelitian dan Penalaran), Universitas Muhammadiyah

Makassar for all the great experiences especially in research works activity that

give me a big support and inspiring me to finish my final project of thesis for

bachelor of English Education.

10. Finally, for all people that could not be mentioned one by one, may Allah Swt

always bless us now and forever.

Hopefully, the thesis with the tittle “The Effectiveness of Mobile Learning

Based HTML5 to Enhance Vocabulary Achievement of Seventh Grade Students of

Junior High School in SMP Unismuh Makassar” serves an information about how

the implementation of mobile learning interactive application in distance education

for further research, the researcher hopes that in reading this thesis other educators

would embrace this learning concept while doing their service to make learning

English as a foreign language in vocabulary learning for seventh grade students of

junor high school more innovative and solutive to adress challenges and problems

whom students faced during Learning from Home. The last one, gratefulness for

attention then available suggestion from the reader is most necessary for the next


Makassar, 06 July 2021

The researcher,




COVER .................................................................................................................... i

LEMBAR PENGESAHAN .................................................................................... ii

APPROVAL SHEET ............................................................................................. iii

COUNSELLING SHEET I .................................................................................... iv

COUNSELLING SHEET II .................................................................................... v

SURAT PERNYATAAN ORISINALITAS .......................................................... vi

SURAT PERJANJIAN ......................................................................................... vii

MOTTO AND DEDICATION ............................................................................ viii

ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... ix

ACKNOWLEDGMENT ........................................................................................ xi

TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................ xv

LIST OF FIGURE AND CHART ....................................................................... xvi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ............................................................................. 1

A. Background ................................................................................................. 1

B. Research Questions ..................................................................................... 7

C. Objectives of the Research .......................................................................... 7

D. Significance of the Research ....................................................................... 8

E. Scope of the Research ................................................................................. 8

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................. 9

A. Previous Related Research Finding ............................................................. 9

B. The Concept of Mobile Learning and Design Consideration.................... 12

C. Learning Contents and Proper Vocabulary ............................................... 18

D. Mobile Learning Implementation in Teaching .......................................... 22

E. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................. 23

F. Hypothesis ................................................................................................. 24

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD ................................................................ 25

A. Research Design ........................................................................................ 25

B. Research Variables and Indicator .............................................................. 28

C. Population and Sample .............................................................................. 29

D. Research Instrument .................................................................................. 29

E. Data Collection .......................................................................................... 30

F. Data Analysis ............................................................................................ 31

CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION ................................................. 35

A. Findings ..................................................................................................... 35


B. Discussion ................................................................................................. 40

BIBLIOGHRAPY ................................................................................................. 46




Table 1.1 How to Use Noun in Samples of Sentence ...................................... 22

Table 3.1 Design of Pre-Experimental Research ............................................. 25

Table 3.2 Scoring of Vocabulary ..................................................................... 32

Table 3.3 Measurement Scale .......................................................................... 32

Table 3.4 Hypothesis Testing ........................................................................... 34

Table 4.1 The Improvement of the Students’ Vocabulary Achievement......... 36

Table 4.2 The Rate Percentage of Pre-Test and Post-Test Score ..................... 36

Table 4.3 Test of Normality ............................................................................. 39

Table 4.4 The Success Rate of the Students’ Score ......................................... 40



Figure 2.1 Media Learning Patterns ............................................................ 23

Chart 4.1 The Mean Score of the Pre-Test and the Post-Test ..................... 38




A. Background

Since Covid-19 pandemic, most of the educational aspect in the world

has to suddenly switch on full digitally including in Indonesia. The Minister of

Education in Indonesia has implemented a policy named Belajar dari Rumah

(BDR) or Learning from Home to Education agencies to implement distance

learning as the most effective national measures for preventing infection during

the pandemic hence all traditional teaching or face-to-face learning within the

classroom became temporarily switched to online learning in the scope of

primary school to higher education. Unfortunately, students' problems in

learning caused by distance learning had so increased in its implementation that

needs to offer a solution as Fajri et al. (2021) stated about the problems such as

making students understand by using online learning material is considered

difficult, internet facilities, capabilities of each students are different, and online

learning is only effective for assignments. The phenomena challenged

academics to provide to the student the effective learning concept in research to

address the difficulties hence the objectives of education will be still achieved

in many levels of education that experience almost the same obstacles and


Mobile learning becomes a solution in many recent study to address

problems faced by students in distance learning. For example, Putra and


Wardani (2021) conducted a preliminary survey to identify problems that occur

during distance learning and found that the majority of parents complained

about issues related to students who were less enthusiastic about learning and

less motivated to learn independently. The researchers point that students’

learning motivation is an important thing to make students study well and

complete their learning progress. As a solution, the researchers developed

mobile learning app to gain students’ motivation and to achieve the

effectiveness of distance learning. While the concept of mobile learning used to

gain the effectiveness in distance learning, this study more specifically identify

problems in learning English vocabulary which addressed by mobile learning

as conducted by Wijaya et al. (2019) who observed English as a foreign

language learning process at the seventh-grade students of junior high school

and examine mobile learning based Android as a learning media. The

researchers found that the problems in learning vocabulary caused by the lack

of understanding, learning aid, and pronunciation. The researchers highlight the

use of mobile learning based Android as a solution that was effective

significantly on the students' vocabulary learning, the researchers also proposed

that there were weaknesses during the treatment that the class was noisy and the

time required in applying mobile learning in the teaching and learning process

was lengthy, but could be solved by applying mobile learning outside the class


The success in implementing distance learning by using mobile learning

can be achieved with the element of multimedia in presenting the lesson, this


kind of method more effective according to Sharifi et al. (2015) who explain

that the use of traditional methods like ‘Chalk or marker and Board’ and an

unaware of the effect of educational software when teaching vocabularies by

Iranian teacher lead the researcher to examine the effect of vocabulary learning

through multimedia software named ‘Rosetta Stone’ compared to Teacher-led

Method (TLM). They use the words lists which were selected from the students’

books of elementary Iranian EFL learner. They conclude that the experimental

group using the multimedia software performed better and proved to have a

significant impact, than the control groups using the TLM hence multimedia

makes excellent teaching tool, especially in teaching vocabularies. Their finding

proved that the multimedia elements in learning contributes to success rate of

students learning. The implementing of multimedia elements in success rate of

learning supported by students’ perception according to Friatin and

Widiyaningsih (2018) who state that the use of digital multimedia showed

students’ vocabulary were developed, they also felt enjoy, motivated, and

interested in learning.

Based on a preliminary survey in a seventh grade students of junior high

school conducted by researchers to identify their problems that occur during

distance learning especially in learning English as a foreign language, we found

that there are two classes which one of the class had a low-achieving students

and poor learning outcome compared to another class. In delivering the

learning, the teacher used a textbook as a main source titled ‘When English

Rings a Bell’ that facilitated by school based on the curriculum standard also


known as 2013 curriculum in Indonesia. During distance learning, the teacher

adapted teaching method that used to do in face-to-face learning, the teacher

explained the material of the textbook by using white board then to be adapted

in online learning: the teacher had to capture the materials from the textbook

then uploaded it in the form of photograph to the WhatsApp group with the

teachers’ explanation, teacher instructed the students to learn the material

because the facilities in classroom such as board could not be used and the

limitation of the textbooks only for one class, but there are two classes hence

only the teacher had the learning source. Especially the vocabulary material,

students were asked to memorize, record videos about their memorizing,

students wrote about vocabulary lists in their textbook that they had learned as

an assignments, and doing discussions in WhatsApp group about their learning

progress. However, missing was the learning should meaningful and this kind

of teaching method, conventional, may cause to the poor learning outcome, This

is in line with a research study by Priyanda et al. (2021) stated that the lack of

willingness and ability of teacher to provide learning tools which use

technology makes students tend to not interested in learning, not engaged to the

learning activity, and become bored. Teacher should migrate from conventional

method to innovative approaches to support learning in the moment of online

learning as stated by Clark and Mayer in Mayer (2018) conventional media

(such as books and face‐to‐face lectures) to computer‐based media (such as

narrated animations, instructional video, etc) and also exemplified that with

meaningful learning, learners engage in cognitive processes aimed at making


sense of the material.

To address problems in this study was inspired on findings of recent

studies on the subject of the using of mobile learning that are ideal in distance

learning to help students’ vocabulary learning as a foreign language, Wu (2015)

developed and examined Word Learning-CET6 as new way to retain English

vocabulary by EFL students, the researcher found that the use of mobile

learning based Android could significantly improve vocabulary acquisition, the

researcher highlight three reasons for the significant result i.e. convenience,

accessibility, and technological functions, the researcher presents three key

features of the words as proper materials based on the curriculum content in the

application, i.e. spelling, pronunciation, and definition. While learning

vocabulary presented key features of spelling, pronunciation, and definition in

texts presentation, it is really important to include multimedia functionality as

Makoe & Shandu (2018) who conducted design-based research to develop

VocUp in interventions for teaching and learning within the contextual

principles of Open Distance Learning which emphasize student-centeredness,

flexibility, and accessibility to address problems in distance learning for

strategies in enhancing students’ English vocabulary. The researchers present

the multimedia functionality of voice, text, and graphic-audio visual as concept

of mobile learning to cater for innovative ways in teaching and learning with

four main activities; part of speech and the definition, example how to use word

in real life, exercises to test students grasp of the vocabulary, and the word lists

to be reviewed. The researchers also highlight the importance of technological,


as well pedagogical, aspects of implementing mobile-app. However, both recent

studies had strong and weakness if compared. Wu developed and examined the

effectiveness of mobile learning based Android with the materials presentation

only consisting of words. In the other hand, Makoe and Shandu using features

in the device which incorporate basic multimedia materials; voice, text, and

graphic-audio visual in presenting their materials, but missing were

experimental research should be conducted to compare the differences in

learning results and to verify the effectiveness of the result based on empirical

study. They collected data through interview about participants’ experiences of

downloading and using VocUp with particular references to the technical

aspects, experimental research was not performed to find out success rate of

students as Wu did. Both studies determine the importance context of learner

and language learning environment before deciding on the role technology of

mobile learning before developed their application for the students.

Based on problems of preliminary survey in this study and how

multimedia functionality in mobile learning interactive application lead to

success rate of students’ learning outcome based on recent studies. The aims of

this pre-experimental research have been to find out the effectiveness of mobile

learning interactive application in vocabulary achievement of seventh grade

students of junior high school in SMP Unismuh Makassar in academic year

2020/2021 during Learning from Home policy in the time of Coronavirus.


B. Research Questions

The researcher have sought answers to the following questions.

1. How is the improvement of students’ vocabulary achievement through the

use of mobile learning interactive application at the seventh grade of Junior

High School in SMP Unismuh Makassar?

2. Is there a significance of the improvement of students’ vocabulary

achievement through the use of mobile learning interactive application at

the seventh grade of junior high school in SMP Unismuh Makassar?

C. Objectives of the Research

The objectives of this experimental study has been to find out the

effectiveness of using of the developed mobile learning interactive application

based HTML5 named Lima Sahabat in students’ vocabulary achievement, the

objectives of this research were formulated as follows.

1. To analyze how the improvement of students’ vocabulary achievement

through the use of mobile learning interactive application at the seventh

grade of junior high school in SMP Unismuh Makassar.

2. To analyze statistically of the significant improvement of students’

vocabulary achievement through the use of mobile learning interactive

application at the seventh grade of junior high school in SMP Unismuh

Makassar in academic year 2021.


D. Significance of the Research

The researcher hopes this research was useful practically and

theoretically as follows.

1. Theoretically, the benefit of this research is a reference for other researchers

in their article and expected will be useful for further research with another

related research.

2. Practically, the benefits of this research are firstly, the learning concept of

this research can be adopted by teacher as a consideration in designing

learning concept aims to enhance students’ vocabulary achievement in

teaching-learning process especially in distance education need for the

seventh grade students of junior high school; secondly, the intellectual

property rights of this research was a mobile learning based HTML5, the

developed application named Lima Sahabat can be useful for future

teaching and learning process and as an innovation in digital-based English

vocabulary learning. Thirdly, the finding of this research was helped the

students to improve their vocabulary achievement.

E. Scope of the Research

The scope of this research was limited to examine the effectiveness of

the concept of mobile learning interactive application for learning vocabulary

of the seventh grade students of junior high school in SMP Unismuh Makassar

academic year 2020/2021.




A. Previous Related Research Finding

Related to this research, the researcher chooses some literatures about

previous researches which are relevant to the research. Some of those are

mentioned as follow.

1. Wijaya et al. (2019) conducted a research by using pre-experimental

research, they found that the use of mobile learning based Android as a

learning source was significantly effective on the students' vocabulary

learning, the researchers also proposed that there were weaknesses during

the treatment that the class was noisy and the time required in applying

mobile learning in the teaching and learning process was lengthy, but could

be solved by applying mobile learning outside the class room, while this

research focusing on plural and singular noun in theme-based things in the

classroom, things about public building, things in the house, and the things

around the yard. Moreover, this research used mobile learning interactive

application based HTML5 as learning source in distance learning.

2. Sharifi et al. (2015) examined the effect of vocabulary learning through

multimedia software named ‘Rosetta Stone’ compared to Teacher-led

Method (TLM). They conclude that the experimental group using the

multimedia software performed better and proved to have a significant

impact, than the control groups using the TLM hence multimedia makes


excellent teaching tool, especially in teaching vocabularies. While this

research focusing on plural and singular noun in theme-based things in the

classroom, things about public building, things in the house, and the things

around the yard. Moreover, this research used mobile learning interactive

application based HTML5 as learning source.

3. Friatin and Widiyaningsih (2018) conducted a research by using mixed

method that focusing on enhancing the vocabulary of fourth grade

elementary students and students’ perception about the use of Kizphonic

online program as learning source, the result of the first instrument,

Kizphonic as digital multimedia has a big chance on the implementation to

support teachers and students in learning process, especially to enhance their

vocabulary and the second instrument revealed that the majority of the

students viewed that the use of Kizphonic was effective. While this research

focusing on plural and singular noun in theme-based things in the

classroom, things about public building, things in the house, and the things

around the yard. Moreover, this research used mobile learning interactive

application based HTML5 as learning source.

4. Wu (2015) developed and examined Word Learning-CET6 as new way to

retain English vocabulary by EFL students, the researcher found that the use

of mobile learning based Android could significantly improve vocabulary

acquisition. While this research focusing on plural and singular noun in

theme-based things in the classroom, things about public building, things in

the house, and the things around the yard. Moreover, this research used


mobile learning interactive application based HTML5 as learning source.

5. Makoe and Shandu (2018) conducted design-based research to develop

VocUp in interventions for teaching and learning within the contextual

principles of Open Distance Learning which emphasize student-

centeredness, flexibility, and accessibility to address problems in distance

learning for strategies in enhancing students’ English vocabulary. The

researchers present the multimedia functionality as concept of mobile

learning to cater for innovative ways in teaching and learning. While this

research focusing on plural and singular noun in theme-based things in the

classroom, things about public building, things in the house, and the things

around the yard. Moreover, this research used mobile learning interactive

application based HTML5 as learning source.

6. Li and Tong (2019) examined the effects of e-flashcards and paper

flashcards and also learning attitudes among students learning. They found

that students used E-flashcards statistically outperformed on immediate

post-tests of Chinese word reading and listening and demonstrated more

positive learning attitudes, than those who used paper flashcards. While this

research using e-flashcard that incorporating in mobile learning interactive

application that focusing on plural and singular noun in theme-based things

in the classroom, things about public building, things in the house, and the

things around the yard. Moreover, this research used mobile learning

interactive application based HTML5 as learning source.

7. Kusumawati et al. (2017) conclude a significance effect of digital flashcard


towards students’ English vocabulary mastery by using Post-Test only

control group of quasi experimental research. While this research using

multimedia functionality in e-flashcard that incorporating in mobile

learning interactive application that focusing on plural and singular noun in

theme-based things in the classroom, things about public building, things in

the house, and the things around the yard. Moreover, this research used

mobile learning interactive application based HTML5 as learning source in

pre-experimental research.

B. The Concept of Mobile Learning and Design Consideration

Alavi et al. (2018) elaborated about m-learning is regarded as the next

step of e-learning and distance learning which enhances learning anytime in any

point and previous studies indicated that mobile devices can assist children in

learning English as a foreign language, the results showed that m-learning can

integrate the real-world and digital world resources to improve the learning

achievement and reduce the cognitive load. Furthermore the characteristic of m-

learning can be accessed by devices computer, laptop, mobile phone, smart

phone, and tablet; acessibility anywhere; connectivity with mobile networks;

learning by networked-personal and private, situated learning, and informal;

teacher-learner communication are synchronous and immediate

communication; learner-learner are flexible, anytime, and anywhere;

communication by immediate communication and rich due to one-to-one



The concept of mobile learning is widely used in many research in

distance education strategy. By its definition, Grant (2019) mention about the

definitions of mobile learning or m-learning in many categories (for example:

mobile learning as a subset of distance education and e-learning), m-learning as

an umbrella term of using mobile computing devices (such as smartphones, cell

phones, tablet computers, e-readers, and wearable devices) as a tool for teaching

and learning. Many studies show that how m-learning interactive application

presented to assist students and provide accessible learning source in distance

education as study conducted by Abiky (2021) who revealed that WhatsApp

was effective as an online instruction tool that can be installed on multiple

platforms, smartphones or desktops. This is in line with Çetinkaya & Sütçü

(2018) who examined Facebook and WhatsApp as a way on success in English

vocabulary instruction and analysed the learners' opinions about the

implementation process. The researchers found that WhatsApp is more

effective in teaching vocabulary than Facebook. The researchers point

importance factors to cater solution of problems from students’ negative

perception during the learning. For example, silencing WhatsApp group as a

solution to unnecessary messages that can disturbed students during instruction.

While WhatsApp is effective in providing instruction to assist students for

mobile learning, monitoring tool is also needed for learning process. For

example, Chik and Benson (2020) reported students’ existing digital practices

during distance learning in the time of Corona virus. They point the role of how

teacher using video conferencing tool to present the material that streamed by


the students. Concerning for learning source on mobile learning, the mobile

learning interactive application can be developed in HTML5 format (web

access) for building universal packet of learning hence can be run on any

devices to be accessed online (access to internet) via browser by students with

their various mobile computing devices or even technological devices

(computer or laptop). Using HTML5 enables: Web browser access with

automatic enhancements and no app store download or update needed; adaptive

performance on most connections; Automatic adjustment of presentation

depending on device screen size (Wald et al., 2014).

Many literatures show that how characteristics and features of mobile

learning interactive application support and lead to successful of learning as

recent study by Klimova and Polakova (2020) who use questionnaire conducted

with 28 students to know their perceptions of the use of a mobile application in

EFL vocabulary teaching and learning. The researchers highlight that

accessibility from anywhere and at any time, corrective feedback, and offering

students another opportunity to prepare for the final credit test that they

perceived as the main factor why the mobile app is facilitative for some learning

actions. Another study which focus on delivering vocabulary learning that

supported by the features of mobile learning by Yurdagül and Öz (2018) who

investigated students’ attitudes towards mobile learning in order to gain deep

insight about their point of view that can be used as suggestions in designing

and developing such language learning mobile applications in the context of

foreign language learning. They found that vocabulary practice is the most


needed issue by language learners that should involve practice such as

meanings, collocations, pronunciation, and how to use in sample sentences.

They also highlight that students can engage in language quiz shows that

involve different quiz types as multiple-choice, fill-in-the blanks, matching,

drag-and-drop items, and translation questions. Beside the characteristics and

the features of mobile learning support students’ learning, the design (how

learning presented) aspect plays an important role as stated by Hao et al. (2019)

who investigated how low-achieving seventh grade students of junior high

school used APP to learn English vocabulary to know their perception regarding

the design and the attitudes towards the learning experience. They found that

the aspects of learning motivations and interests may cause of how the APP was

designed. For example, include background music which do not disrupt the

word pronunciation, pronunciation function with phonetic symbol to help

students remember the words, sound effect (e.g. when question answered

correctly, clapping sound to reward completion, and key or button sound), and

animated button. This claim supported by another study conducted by

Hashemifardnia et al. (2018) who argue that to take the students' attention to

focus and learn the vocabulary words in learning English vocabulary, it is

important to notice that clear, colourful, and eyes-catching pictures.

As a part of developed application which can be followed as a way of

mobile learning, the theory of cognitive load is widely used as an basis of

consideration in instructional design learning and the theory affect the learning

outcome of learners as stated by Wang et al. (2018) who examined the


effectiveness of mobile learning named Plant-E and cognitive load of students

who experience different kinds of interaction in learning process, they proposed

that learners’ performance and mental effort in learning by using mobile

learning had impacted by interaction complexity. They also mention that

cognitive load as an investigation dimension caused the various learning

outcome in using mobile learning. For example, using mobile learning lead

better performance in experimental group, experimental group was lower than

control group, or there is no significant difference between two groups in both.

The theory of cognitive load is not only identified factor in mobile learning that

caused the various learning outcome of learners, but also can be identified as a

consideration in designing an online course as stated by Caskurlu et al. (2020)

who use case study methodology to investigate instructional designers’

perceptions of online course quality with the use of cognitive load strategies.

They found that the utilization of these strategies contribute to online course

quality. Their finding explain that the instructional designers’ use of cognitive

load strategies mainly focused on reducing extraneous cognitive load.

Concerning instructional, their finding is in line with Sweller (2020) who

mentioned that the implementing the cognitive load theory-based procedure

caused the better test performance results than the conventional procedure as a

central to cognitive load theory based on human cognitive architecture that the

complex information requires a reduction in working memory load. The theory

indicating the need of appropriate instructional procedures in technology-

assisted learning to solve problem in learning. The theory of cognitive load as


concern in technology-assisted learning and designing digital learning

instruction has implication with the context of multimedia learning with the

scope of Multimedia Learning Principles by Mayer (2020) who suggested

consideration in multimedia learning. For example, feedback, navigation

buttons (to control the pace and order of the presentation by clicking on “next,”

“previous,” and “go to start” buttons) were placed at the bottom of the screen,

and slide or segment shows.

Mayers’ Multimedia Learning Principles also identified problems and

how to address them with classifying of three kinds of cognitive load in a

cognitive theory of multimedia learning. Concerning to optimize germane load,

Clark and Mayer (2016) recommend multimedia presentation in e-learning,

rather than words alone, consisting of words (printed or spoken text) and

graphics (static illustrations or dynamic graphics) to optimize germane load that

is aimed at making sense of the essential material and that can be attributed to

the learner’s level of motivation. Concerning to reduce extraneous load, Mayer

(2017) lists principle to reduce extraneous processing and its effectiveness in

experimental comparison that the principles yielded positive results of learning

outcome performance. Some of them are coherence principle, signaling

principle, and spatial contiguity principle. Concerning coherence principle,

learners learn better when extraneous material is excluded or in another word

that presented an information that relevant to learning topic. Concerning

signaling principle, learners learn better when essential material is highlighted,

in another word, the importance of using clue to highlight importance idea.


Concerning spatial contiguity principle, People learn better when on-screen

contiguity words are placed next to the corresponding part of the graphic, in

another word, keep related text and graphic close together. Concerning about

how to manage intrinsic load, Mayer (2018) defining principles to manage

intrinsic load, the researcher summarize the importance of segmenting principle

and pre-training principle to address overloaded in learners’ cognitive system

because of complexity of learning material. Concerning segmenting principle,

the researcher argue to break lesson into bite-size segments or meaningful

segments with continue key to move on to the next segment. Concerning pre-

training principle, the researcher giving an example that providing names and

definitions of key components before the lesson or in another context that

creating a guide that make sure students know how to use the learning tool

before learning activity.

C. Learning Contents and Proper Vocabulary

1. Definition of Vocabulary

Richard and Renandya (2002) states that Vocabulary is a core

component of language and provides much of the basis for how well learners

speak, listen, read, and write. As agreed with the experts above, Alizadeh (2016)

states that vocabulary is described as a set of properties, or features, each word

is the combination of its meaning, register, association, collocation,

grammatical behavior, written form (spelling), spoken form (pronunciation) and

frequency. Based on the definitions, vocabulary becomes central in language


learning because it can help students to master language skills.

Web and Nation (2017) argues that all stages of education need

vocabulary to be acquired because it is one of the important aspects of learning

a language. It indicates about the importance of vocabulary for learners, each

aspect of language learning cannot be separated from the role of vocabulary and

all skills of English Language Learning such as speaking, listening, writing, and

reading needs words or vocabulary therefore by mastering vocabulary, students

will be easily achieving the educational objectives of language.

2. Singular and Plural Noun

A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. A singular noun refers to

one only. A plural noun refers to two or more. Schmitt (2002) explains that

definition of singular noun is when a noun means one only, it is called singular

(example: boy, girl, book, church, box), and when a noun means more then one

it is called to be plural (example: boys, girls, books, churches).

3. Strategy and Proper Vocabulary

In strategy for learning vocabulary, this study refer to Nation (2020) who

recommended well-proven technique that he claim effective and efficient in

supporting vocabulary learning. For example: controlling the level of

vocabulary in the course to match the students’ current level and needs, using

theme-based learning for vocabulary, build repetition into a course by coming

back to the same material, and vocabulary learning using flash card concept. He

also explain the teacher’s role involved in planning, organizing, training, and

monitoring. Repetition in vocabulary learning as a foreign language is


important, according to Pimsleur' theory of memory (1967) suggest to make

sure the words will not disappear from memory, the teacher should asked

students recall the item very frequently right after it is presented. This is in line

with Kelley and Whatson (2013) who argue that spaced repetition is effective

in creating long-term memories. Concerning vocabulary learning using flash

card concept, many literatures show that the use of flashcard give beneficial to

both teacher and students in pedagogical implications or teaching and learning

process as Li and Tong (2019) examined the effects of E-flashcards and paper

flashcards and also learning attitudes among students learning. They found that

students used E-flashcards statistically outperformed on immediate post-tests of

Chinese word reading and listening and demonstrated more positive learning

attitudes, than those who used paper flashcards. They explain that the

incorporating multimedia resources with comprehensive visual, verbal, and

audio inputs in their e-flashcard caused the finding. Indeed, this concept for

learning Chinese vocabulary, but the elements of multimedia may suitable for

English learning and affect the success rate of students’ learning that coincides

with the study of Kusumawati et al. (2017) who also conclude a significance

effect of digital flashcard towards students’ English vocabulary mastery.

Concerning the theme-based learning and the level of vocabulary match

to the students, this study make sure that the learning materials proper to the

students’ current level and to be in line with the curriculum standard of seventh

grade students of junior high school in Indonesia, the learning material needs to

meet the requirements of curriculum named Kurikulum 2013 (2013 curriculum)


hence this study used learning English vocabulary materials refer to the

textbook titled When English Rings a Bell (2017 revised edition) that is in

seventh grade that published by Minister Education of Indonesia based on the

curriculum standard, students start to learn English vocabulary in junior high

school level, in another word, that learning English vocabulary is a new thing

for them based on curriculum. The learning in the book, chapter IV, presents

vocabulary material with the main theme named ‘This is My World’ which

topic-related vocabulary frequently find in day today life or already largely

familiar to them, the scope of the vocabulary materials are in classification of

plural and singular noun. Vocabulary materials about singular and plural noun

are in four sections i.e. vocabulary that students usually find in the classroom

(things in the classroom), vocabulary about public building that common they

find, vocabulary that students usually find in the house (things in the house),

and vocabulary that students usually find around the yard (things around the

yard). The book also presents knowledge of how to use plural in singular noun

in sample of sentences with the context of giving and answer questions and also

the context of describing and mentioning various noun about their number and

their location. The learning objectives refer to the core competencies and basic

competencies of Regulation of the Minister Education of Indonesia Number 68

of 2013 concerning the Basic Framework and Curriculum Structure of Junior

High Schools of the 2013 curriculum. For example, the sample of sentence can

be seen in table 1. Therefore, this study adapt the learning materials mentioned

to mobile learning.


Table 2. 1 How to Use Noun in Samples of Sentence

(Adopted from the Book under the Title When English Rings a Bell, 2017)

List of



Sample of Sentences

Giving and



Describing and Mentioning Various


About Their Number and Their Location

1. Book

2. Sharpeners

3. Window

4. Picture

Question: I have

two books. What

about you?

Question: How

many sharpeners

do you have?

Answer: I have

three sharpeners

Concerning Number:

I have three books and Michelle has two

books. I have two sharpeners and

Michelle has four sharpeners. We have

five books and we have six sharpeners.

Concerning Location:

There is a window. Next to the window,

there is one picture

D. Mobile Learning Implementation in Teaching

This media learning pattern emphasizes the role of the media as the main

source of information in learning activities. In this learning pattern the teacher

is emphasized more to facilitate students in obtaining the right information. In

this pattern it is clear that the invisible component is the teacher. Why is that?

This pattern gives more flexibility to the media to directly interact with students,

while the teacher will play a more role as a facilitator and evaluator of learning.


This pattern is generally directly related to online learning (Adapted from

Indonesian Source and Translated to English Written by Rusman, 2010).

1. Introducing about online learning and its instructions

2. Explain about the media and how to use it

3. Practices using the media

Figure 2.1 Media Learning Patterns

(Adapted from Indonesian Source Written by Rusman, 2010)

E. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework underlying this research in the following diagram.




Students’ Achievement of Vocabulary Specializing on Noun


Implementing Mobile Learning Interactive Applications


F. Hypothesis

There are two hypothesis in this research named H0 (Null Hypothesis)

and H1 (Alternative Hypothesis).

1. H0 (Null Hypothesis) means that there are no significant differences

between the Pre-Test and Post-Test of the students’ score before and after

the Treatment.

2. H1 (Alternative Hypothesis) means that there are a significant differences

between the Pre-Test and Post-Test of the students’ score before and after

the Treatment.




This chapter consists of research design, variable and indicator, population

and sample, research instrument, data collection, and data analysis.

A. Research Design

This pre-experimental (one group Pre-Test and Post-Test) research

design has been performed at a seventh grade students of junior high school in

SMP Unismuh Makassar in academic year 2020/2021 (Talasalapang street

Number 40 D, Gn. Sari, Kec. Rappocini, Makassar city, South Sulawesi, 90222)

during Learning form Home policy by Education Minister of Indonesia in the

time of Coronavirus and the term time between 3 October and 26 December

2020 (thirteen weeks). The learning as a main source used in this study was the

developed mobile learning interactive application in HTML5 format (HTML5-

based application) named Lima Sahabat. Lima Sahabat was designed to enhance

the vocabulary (noun) achievement in learning English as a foreign language of

the seventh grade students of junior high school. The design of the experiment

presented as follows.

Table 3.1 Design of Pre-Experimental Research (Arikunto, 2010)

Pre-test Treatment Post-test

O1 X O2



1. O1 is the Pre-Test

The pre-test was the test which would be given to the students before

they treated to know students’ vocabulary achievement. The researcher made

WhatsApp group at the first meeting, after that the researcher gave a pre-test by

shared the Google Form link in the WhatsApp group in measuring students’

vocabulary achievements. The researcher asked the students to answer the fill-

in-the blanks questions and they submitted the form.

2. X is the Treatment

For the treatment, students were asked to use the developed mobile

learning interactive application based HTML5 named Lima Sahabat as a

main source in learning and they were told not to use any learning source

other than the standard course learning given to them during the eleven

meetings of treatment (11-week period). Each meetings for 2x60 minutes

according to teaching and learning activity that the researcher had managed

in lesson plan, students were asked to use Lima Sahabat for 60 minutes.

Students had the opportunity to repeat the learning material presented by

Lima Sahabat without any time or place restrictions outside the time of the

meetings or individually at their own pace to support spaced repetition beside

the researcher asked students recall the learning item in WhatsApp group

discussion after the use of Lima Sahabat. The procedures of treatment were

focus on learning vocabulary that separated in each theme-based on groups

as follows.


a) The First to the third meeting focused to introduce Lima Sahabat and in

the group theme-based on ‘things in the classroom’ in ‘Learning’ and

‘Quiz’ Section. In detail, researcher demonstrated how to access and

operate Lima Sahabat step by step and explaining about vocabulary

learning in two sections with the main topic about plural and singular

noun (Pre-Training). The first to the second meeting focus on ‘Learning’

section. For the first meeting, focus to learn as much as ten vocabularies.

The Second meeting, focus to learn as much as eleven vocabularies. The

third meeting, moving to ‘Quiz’ section.

b) The Fourth to the fifth meeting focused on the learning source by using

Lima Sahabat in the group theme-based on ‘things about public building’

in ‘Learning’ and ‘Quiz’ section. The Fourth meeting focus to learn as

much as six vocabularies on ‘Learning’ section and the fifth meeting

moving to ‘Quiz’ section.

c) The sixth to the eighth meeting focused on the learning source by using

Lima Sahabat in the group theme-based on ‘things in the house’ in

‘Learning’ and ‘Quiz’ section. The sixth to the seventh meeting focus on

‘Learning’ section. For the six meeting, focus to learn as much as eight

vocabularies. The seventh meeting, focus to learn as much as nine

vocabularies. The eight meeting, moving to ‘Quiz’ section.

d) The ninth to the eleventh meeting focused on the learning source by using

Lima Sahabat in the group theme-based on ‘things around the yard’ in

‘Learning’ and ‘Quiz’ section. The ninth and the tenth meeting focus on


‘Learning’ section which focus to learn as much as nine vocabularies

each meetings. The eleventh meeting, moving to ‘Quiz’ section.

3. O2 is the Post-Test

The post-test was the test after treatment of the students, the

researcher gave a test as given in the pre-test (same difficulties and

randomly using item questions from pre-test to post-test). The post-test was

given to the students. The researcher shared the Google Form link in the

WhatsApp group and asked the students to fill it based on their

understanding of the materials topic and upload the screenshot of their

progress in dashboard menu of mobile learning based HTML5 named Lima

Sahabat in the WhatsApp Group. The result of the post-test was calculated

in order to know whether the students’ vocabulary achievements were

improved or not by using Lima Sahabat that compared with the result of pre-


B. Research Variables and Indicator

Variables in this study were the use of the developed mobile learning

interactive application based HTML5 named Lima Sahabat as independent

variable and students’ vocabulary achievement as the dependent variable. The

indicator of this study were vocabularies classified as noun in theme group of

things in the classroom, things about public building, things in the house

(specifically living room and garage), and things around the yard.


C. Population and Sample

The population of this study was 64 students at a seventh grade of junior

high school in SMP Unismuh Makassar in academic year 2020/2021. There

were two classes of that population named VII A and VII B respectively 33 and

31 students. Purposive sampling was used in this study as a technique in

choosing sample among the population. The sample of this study was class VII

B that consisted of 31 students. As consideration of choosing class VII B,

according to the English teacher that the students had the lowest achievement

of English learning as a foreign language during distance learning, compared to

class VII A, in learning vocabulary. In the teaching and learning process, the

students had various gadgets or different facilities i.e. personal computer,

smartphone-based android, smartphone-based iOS, and even a computer loan,

their devices were installed communication tools that support them during

distance learning i.e. Facebook as one of the common social networks and

instant messaging application WhatsApp. Considering that students facilitated

a free internet connection by the school through the policy of Minister

Education during distance learning hence no was a technical problem in

implementing the mobile learning. Moreover, this study as theme raised had

never been conducted before in the class VII B as a sample.

D. Research Instrument

The researcher used an achievement test in measurement of the students’

vocabulary achievement in Pre-Test and Post-Test by used Google Form, Pre-


Test and Post-Test consisting of 68 questions according to the seventh grade of

junior high school level curriculum material that presented in developed mobile

learning interactive application based HTML5 named Lima Sahabat. The

questions between the Pre-Test and Post-Test were the same, but the questions

in the Pre-Test were randomly presented in the Post-Test. In total, there are as

many 62 questions of singular noun i.e. 21 questions in the theme of ‘things in

the classroom’, 6 questions of ‘things about public building’, 17 questions about

‘things in the house (specifically about things in the living room and garage)’,

and 18 questions about ‘things around the yard’. Beside the questions about

singular noun, in total there are as many 6 questions about plural noun i.e.

questions about ‘things in the classroom’, ‘things about public building’, ‘things

in the house’, and ‘the things around the yard’ that each themes have two

questions about how to use noun in the context of sentence structure, the

sentences about describing and mentioning various noun about their number

and their location.

E. Data Collection

The data of the Pre-Test and the Post-Test were collected by using an

achievement test through Google Form that consisting of (four) fill-in-the

blanks questions. The achievement test consisted of 68 questions related to the

materials presented in Lima Sahabat that were determined by the seventh grade

of junior high school students’ level curriculum. All the questions were the same

in both the Pre-Test and Post-Test which performed before the and after the


treatment within an interval of approximately 90 days (Pre-Test to Post-Test),

respectively, to find out the students’ vocabulary achievement. It was expected

that students’ vocabulary achievement would higher after the treatment. In this

study, there were thirteen meetings (one meeting per week) every Saturday at

times between 08:00 am and 10:00 am. It consisted of 1 meeting for Pre-Test,

11 meetings for treatment, and the last meeting for the Post-Test. Each meeting

lasted 120 minutes of class time, the researcher using the concept of mobile

learning in controlling and giving instruction in the WhatsApp group and

Google Meet (video conferencing tool) in monitoring the Pre-Test and Post-

Test, the main source of this study is developed mobile learning interactive

application based HTML5 named Lima Sahabat. Care was taken to ensure that

the test condition (the environment and the duration of the test) were identical

in both tests. In examining the students in Pre-Test and Post-Test, students were

given an instruction in WhatsApp group to open Google Meet, they had to

activate their camera as proof that they would did independently their test and

students also asked to open the link of Google Form then they were asked to

answer the questions while the researcher were streaming or monitoring them

during video conferencing session, time lasted 40 minutes to do their test.

F. Data Analysis

This section analyzed the score of each student and the mean score of

the students based on the test result. The data from the test were analyzed

quantitatively. It employed statistical calculation to the hypothesis.


1. Scoring the students’ correct answer of pre-test and post-test by using the

following formula as follows.

Table 3.2 Scoring of Vocabulary

No. Aspect Score

1. Answering Correctly 1

2. Wrong Answer 0

3. The Number of tests 68

Students’ Score = 𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑆𝑡𝑢𝑑𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑠′ 𝐶𝑜𝑟𝑟𝑒𝑐𝑡 𝐴𝑛𝑤𝑒𝑟

𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑁𝑢𝑚𝑏𝑒𝑟 𝑜𝑓 𝑇𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑠 X 100

(Adapted from Shofa, 2013)

2. Classifying score into seven levels that were adapted from the Depdikbud

standard of evaluation (1986) as follows.

Table 3.3 Measurement Scale

No Score Classification

1 96-100 Excellent

2 86-95 Very Good

3 76-85 Good

4 66-75 Fairly Good

5 56-65 Fair

6 46-55 Poor

7 0-45 Very Poor


3. Calculating the collecting data from the students in answer the test, the

researcher used formula to get mean score:

�̅� =𝛴𝑥



�̅� = mean score

∑ 𝑥 = the total score

𝑁 = the total number of sample

(Gay, 2006)

4. Calculating the percentage of students’ improvement based on the pre-test

and post-test:

P (%) = 𝑥2−𝑥1

𝑥1 x 100


P : the percentage of the students’ increase score

x1 : the total score of pre-test

x2 : the total score of post-test

(Gay, 1987)

5. Calculating the rate percentage of the students’ score by using IBM SPSS

Statistic 25


6. The criteria for the hypothesis testing is as follows.

Table 3.4 Hypothesis Testing

Comparison Hypothesis

H0 H1

p – value < 0.05 Rejected Accepted

p – value > 0.05 Accepted Rejected

The table above means (1) If the p – value is smaller than 0.05 then

the null hypothesis is rejected, while the alternative hypothesis is accepted,

and (2) If the p – value is greater than 0.05 then the null hypothesis is

accepted, while the alternative hypothesis is rejected.




This chapter presents the result of the research and its discussion. The

result were written based with the problem statement as stated in the introduction

section and the discussion presents about interpretation of the result.

A. Findings

The result that the researcher reported in this chapter based on the data

analysis collected by using pre-test and post-test (before and after the treatment)

about students’ vocabulary achievement in detail as follows.

1. The Improvement of the Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

A Pre-Test was conducted to find out the data of the students’

achievement in vocabulary before the treatment was given. The result of the test

showed that the students’ achievement about vocabulary before the treatment.

The highest score was 66.17 and the lowest score was 44.11. The mean (X) was


The Post-Test was also conducted to find out the data of the students’

achievement in vocabulary after the treatment was given. The highest score was

100 and the lowest score was 76.47. The mean (X) was 88.84 hence the

improvement percentage can be seen in the following table.


Table 4.1 The Improvement of the Students’ Vocabulary Achievement

Mean Score

Improvement (%)

Pre-Test Post-Test

55.83 88.84 59.13%

The table showed that there was an improvement as many as 59.13% in

students’ achievement of plural and singular noun about things in the classroom,

things about public building, things in the house (things in the living room and

garage), and things around the yard. The rate percentage of the students’ Pre-

Test and Post-Test scores were presented in the following table.

Table 4.2 The Rate Percentage of the Pre-Test and the Post-Test Score

No Classification

Pre-Test Post-Test

F % F %

1 Excellent (90-100) 0 0% 2 6.5%

2 Very Good (80-89) 0 0% 20 64.5%

3 Good (70-79) 0 0% 9 29%

4 Fairly Good (60-69) 1 3.2% 0 0%

5. Fair (≥59) 10 32.3% 0 0%

6 Poor 19 61.3% 0 0%

7 Very Poor 1 3.2% 0 0%

Total 31 100% 31 100%


The table 4.2 showed that in the Pre-Test, which was done before treatment,

which 1 students (3.2%) belonged to ‘fairly good’ category, 10 students (32.3%)

who belonged to ‘fair’ category, 19 students (61.3%) who belonged to ‘poor’

category, and 1 students (3.2%) belonged to ‘very poor’ category.

While in the Post-Test that done after the treatment, from 31 students, there

was 2 student (6.5%) who belonged to ‘excellent’ category, 20 students (64.5%)

belonged to ‘very good’ category, and 9 students (29%) which belonged to ‘good’

category. Based on the result, it can be concluded that the rate percentage in the

Post-Test was higher than the rate percentage of Pre-Test.

There was an improvement of mean score of Pre-Test and Post-Test. Before

the treatment, the researcher conducted Pre-Test, the mean score was 55.83. After

the treatment, the mean score was 88.84. It means that the improvement happened

after the implementation of Lima Sahabat in teaching vocabulary. As the

conclusion, it was relatively fair to state that the implementation of Lima Sahabat

as learning tool in teaching vocabulary at the class VII B of a junior high school

students could improve students’ vocabulary achievement based on the chart of Pre-

Test and Post-Test improvement percentage as follows.


Chart 4.1 The Mean Score of the Pre-Test and the Post-Test

2. The Success Rate of the Students’ Score of Pre-Test and Post-Test

Before determining whether the data would analyze using parametric

statistic or non-parametric statistic, normality test conducted. Normality test

aim to test whether the dependent variable data had a normal distribution or not.

To test for normality, researcher analyzed the difference score of Pre-Test and

Post-Test then the difference scores were used to determine the normality on

the basis of the decision: if the p – value > α = 0.05, then the data fulfills the

assumption of normality or normally distributed.

Based on the result of the normality test, the p – value of Shapiro-Wilk

is bigger (0.830) than the level of significant (0.05) indicates that the data meets














Pre-test Post-test

Pre-test Post-test


the assumption of normality. Thus, the dependent variable has a normal

distribution. The results presented as follows.

Table 4.3 Test of Normality of the Data

Mean SD p*

Difference of

Pre-Test and


33.01 8.24 0.830 p > 0.05

*p – value of Shapiro-Wilk is not significant at the 0.05 level.

The data of Pre-Test and Post-Test was distribute normally hence this

study conducted a parametric statistic analyze using Paired-Samples t-test that

was performed to find out whether or not there was any statistically significant

difference between success rates of students’ score in Pre-Test and Post-Test.

Based on Paired Samples t-test, it was found that the p – value = 0.00 is less

than the α = 0.05 then H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted means that there

was a significant difference between the average value before treatment (Pre-

Test) and the average value after treatment (Post-Test) hence it can be

concluded that there is a statistically significant difference. The following is a

table of test results using the Paired Samples t-test.


Table 4.4 The Success Rate of the Students’ Score

N = 31 Mean SD t p*




33.01 8.24 22.29 0.000 p < 0.05

*p – value of Sig. (2-tailed) is significant at the 0.05 level.

As the conclusion, the difference in data from Pre-Test and Post-Test is

normally distributed hence could be analyze with parametric statistic then to

be tested with Paired Samples t-test by using SPSS and the result relatively fair

to state that the implementation of Lima Sahabat as a learning tool in teaching

vocabulary in the class VII B of a junior high school students could

significantly improve students’ vocabulary achievement.

B. Discussion

In supporting recent reviewed literatures, this study provides additional

support to Talan's (2020) conclusion “mobile learning had a positive and

broadly significant effect on learning performance”, it also endorses the

argument proposed by Kukulska-Hulme et al. (2017) that “mobile phones and

other portable devices should enable new ways of learning that embrace

learning beyond the classroom that, increasingly, formal learning takes place in

informal settings”. Reason why to the success rate of students’ score of learning

outcome may be attributed to the three reasons that supported by recent studies.

First, how the use of learning source of the developed mobile learning


interactive application based HTML5 named Lima Sahabat was presented in

this study about features and characteristic (Klimova and Polakova, 2020)

(Yurdagül and Öz, 2018), design presentation aspect (Hao et al., 2019)

(Hashemifardnia et al., 2018), and also the instructional design (Clark and

Mayer, 2016) (Mayer, 2017) (Mayer, 2018). Second, how the strategy in

presenting the vocabulary learning through mobile learning as a part of the

researcher’s role as teachers in this study who planning, organizing, training,

and monitoring, the learning designed for 2013 curriculum hence proper to the

students’ current level and needs, including spaced repetition in learning

activity (reviewing at students’ own pace and recall the vocabulary learning

while the meeting) was the important part that students had done, the use of

theme-based learning for vocabulary (Nation, 2020) hence the teaching and

learning process organizing well with clear focus in each meetings of treatment,

and also the use of flashcard concept in presenting vocabulary learning (Li and

Tong, 2019) (Kusumawati et al., 2017). Third, the concept of mobile learning

in training (pre-training and creating learning environment which lead the

discussion as learning topic) and monitoring (giving instruction in learning

activity about how to use the learning source and controlling the students

learning activity) (Abiky, 2021) (Çetinkaya and Sütçü, 2018) (Chik and Benson,


Compared to the recent studies about developed mobile learning

interactive application to support vocabulary learning (Putra and Wardani,

2021) (Wijaya et al., 2019) (Sharifi et al., 2015) (Friatin and Widiyaningsih,


2018) (Wu, 2015) (Makoe and Shandu, 2018) (Wang et al., 2018) (Li and Tong,

2019) (Kusumawati et al., 2017). The developed mobile learning interactive

application based HTML5 named Lima Sahabat was special which had its own

design presentation and focus in presenting learning needs. It was designed for

2013 curriculum education that consist of 62 vocabularies (noun) for learning

vocabulary of the seventh grade students of junior high school level with the

functionality of multimedia that can be accessed by various mobile computing

devices through internet browser in HTML5 format (web access).




A. Conclusion

At the conclusion of this study, the researcher designed, implemented,

and evaluated an interactive application based HTML5 named Lima Sahabat

as a learning source with learning presentation established from curriculum

standard of seventh grade students of junior high school in Indonesia (2013

curriculum) and also the use of WhatsApp and Google Meet (video

conferencing tool) as a learning tool to control and monitor students’ learning

which can be followed as a way of mobile learning. The developed of Lima

Sahabat is to facilitate and enhance vocabulary achievement of students for

learning English as a foreign language during Learning from Home policy in

distance education.

The finding shows that the use of Lima Sahabat can enhance vocabulary

achievements of students. Based on our findings, the improvement percentage

was 59.13% of Pre-Test (mean score: 55.83) and Post-Test (mean score: 88.84)

hence there was an improvement after the implementation the concept of

mobile learning interactive application, as a result, the success rate of the

students’ score between Pre-Test and Post-Test found that the p–value = 0.00

is less than the α = 0.05 then H0 was rejected and H1 was accepted which means

that there was a significant improvement of students’ vocabulary achievement

at the seventh grade of junior high school in SMP Unismuh Makassar.


B. Suggestion

Despite the learning source in this study can be operated by students

itself, the teachers have an important role in this case because the learning

vocabulary by using mobile learning interactive application must not be

separated from pedagogical element for the better result, than without assisted

by the teacher hence the researcher adapts the concept of mobile learning about

its instructional to be taught for students and assessing the students’ in learning

vocabulary depends on how the teacher deliver their lesson with using the

mobile learning to the students in interesting way. So that, procedure in

distance education with the use of learning source and learning tools can be

combined with method, technique, or strategy. The success on teaching and

learning is not depend on lesson plan or textbook only, but more important is

how the teacher presents the learning with the use of learning source and

learning tools to support distance learning. So that, here some suggestions for

the English teachers, students, and the next researchers, as follows.

1. For the Teacher

a. Teachers, who teaching English as a foreign language specializing on

learning vocabulary for seventh grade students of junior high school in

distance education, are suggested to use the learning concept in this

study because the use of mobile learning interactive application is

effective based on the result of this study and supported by recent

studies, or the teacher can adapt the concept of learning in this study

based on learning need and condition of their own school current


learning materials or curriculum. In addition, learning materials in this

study were analyzed based on material of curriculum standard

(curriculum 2013) hence it is proper for the students’ level.

b. This study as a best practice that provides an example of learning

activity in distance education about how the concept of learning

vocabulary in theme-based separately presented in each meeting, how

the use of the concept of interactive multimedia principle in presenting

the materials, and how the use of learning source and learning tools in

learning that help students and the teacher for the effective and

measurable result of the learning activity that can be used in any level

of students (not only for seventh grade students of junior high school).

2. The Students

a. The students are hoped not only about memorizing, but to be understand

in using their vocabulary in dialogue context.

b. Students should actively asking, answering, and discussing with teacher

and other students if there are problems such as how vocabulary to be

pronounced, how its form in sentences, and its context in dialog that not

explained in the learning source or hard to understand.

3. The Researcher

This concept of learning and the finding in this study will be useful

for further research which concerns on best practice in distance education

specializing in learning vocabulary for seventh grade students of junior high

school to cater problems in the term of providing innovative learning source.



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Online Lesson Plan/Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP) Daring


A. First Meeting

(RPP Daring Kelas VII, Pembelajaran 1, Chapter IV “This is My World”)


B. Second Meeting

(RPP Daring Kelas VII, Pembelajaran 2, Chapter IV “This is My World”)


C. Third Meeting

(RPP Daring Kelas VII, Pembelajaran 3, Chapter IV “This is My World”)


D. Fourth Meeting

(RPP Daring Kelas VII, Pembelajaran 4, Chapter IV “This is My World”)


E. Fifth Meeting

(RPP Daring Kelas VII, Pembelajaran 5, Chapter IV “This is My World”)


F. Sixth Meeting

(RPP Daring Kelas VII, Pembelajaran 6, Chapter IV “This is My World”)


G. Seventh Meeting

(RPP Daring Kelas VII, Pembelajaran 7, Chapter IV “This is My World”)


H. Eighth Meeting

(RPP Daring Kelas VII, Pembelajaran 8, Chapter IV “This is My World”)


I. Ninth Meeting

(RPP Daring Kelas VII, Pembelajaran 9, Chapter IV “This is My World”)


J. Tenth Meeting

(RPP Daring Kelas VII, Pembelajaran 10, Chapter IV “This is My World”)


K. Eleventh Meeting

(RPP Daring Kelas VII, Pembelajaran 11, Chapter IV “This is My World”)



Pemetaan Standar Kompetensi (SK) dan Kompetensi Dasar (KD) SMP Kelas VII


Kompetensi Kompetensi Dasar (KD)

Indikator Pencapaian

Kompetensi (KI)

3.5 Memahami fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur

kebahasaan pada teks untuk

menyatakan dan menanyakan

nama dan jumlah binatang,

benda, dan bangunan publik

yang dekat dengan kehidupan

siswa sehari-hari.

3.5.1 Mengidentifikasi unsur

kebahasaan kosa kata nama-

nama dan jumlah binatang,

benda, dan bangunan publik

yang dekat dengan kehidupan

siswa sehari-hari.

3.5.2 Menyebutkan struktur

lisan dan tulis terkait

penggunaan kata kata benda

dari kata binatang, buah

ataupun bagunan publik yang

dekat dengan kehidupan siswa










Pre-Test Worksheet: https://bit.ly/pretestvocabularyachievement

Post-Test Worksheet: https://bit.ly/posttestvocabularyachievement

















No Day, Date Time Allocated Activity

1 Saturday, 03 October 2020 2x60 Minutes Pre-test

2 Saturday, 10 October 2020 2x60 Minutes Treatment

3 Saturday, 17 October 2020 2x60 Minutes Treatment

4 Saturday, 24 October 2020 2x60 Minutes Treatment

5 Saturday, 31 October 2020 2x60 Minutes Treatment

6 Saturday, 07 November 2020 2x60 Minutes Treatment

7 Saturday, 14 November 2020 2x60 Minutes Treatment

8 Saturday, 21 November 2020 2x60 Minutes Treatment

9 Saturday, 28 November 2020 2x60 Minutes Treatment

10 Saturday, 05 December 2020 2x60 Minutes Treatment

11 Saturday, 12 December 2020 2x60 Minutes Treatment

12 Saturday, 19 December 2020 2x60 Minutes Treatment

13 Saturday, 26 December 2020 2x60 Minutes Post-test




No Code Number of Correct Answers

1 S-01 44

2 S-02 44

3 S-03 38

4 S-04 45

5 S-05 38

6 S-06 34

7 S-07 38

8 S-08 38

9 S-09 38

10 S-10 38

11 S-11 30

12 S-12 41

13 S-13 34

14 S-14 30

15 S-15 41

16 S-16 34

17 S-17 34

18 S-18 34

19 S-19 41


20 S-20 34

21 S-21 38

22 S-22 38

23 S-23 38

24 S-24 41

25 S-25 41

26 S-26 34

27 S-27 34

28 S-28 41

29 S-29 38

30 S-30 41

31 S-31 34

Total 1166

Mean 37.61




No Code Number of Correct Answers

1 S-01 57

2 S-02 60

3 S-03 64

4 S-04 60

5 S-05 60

6 S-06 64

7 S-07 57

8 S-08 57

9 S-09 57

10 S-10 62

11 S-11 62

12 S-12 62

13 S-13 62

14 S-14 62

15 S-15 57

16 S-16 64

17 S-17 62

18 S-18 52

19 S-19 68


20 S-20 68

21 S-21 64

22 S-22 64

23 S-23 57

24 S-24 60

25 S-25 52

26 S-26 60

27 S-27 60

28 S-28 60

29 S-29 60

30 S-30 62

31 S-31 57

Total 1873

Mean 60.41




No Code

Number of



Final Score

1 S-01 44 64.7

2 S-02 44 64.7

3 S-03 38 55.88

4 S-04 45 66.17

5 S-05 38 55.88

6 S-06 34 50

7 S-07 38 55.88

8 S-08 38 55.88

9 S-09 38 55.88

10 S-10 38 55.88

11 S-11 30 60.29

12 S-12 41 60.29

13 S-13 34 50

14 S-14 30 44.11

15 S-15 41 60.29

16 S-16 34 50

17 S-17 34 50

18 S-18 34 50


19 S-19 41 60.29

20 S-20 34 50

21 S-21 38 55.88

22 S-22 38 55.88

23 S-23 38 55.88

24 S-24 41 60.29

25 S-25 41 60.29

26 S-26 34 50

27 S-27 34 50

28 S-28 41 60.29

29 S-29 38 55.88

30 S-30 41 60.29

31 S-31 34 50

Total 1166 1730.8

Mean 37.61 55.83




No Code

Number of



Final Score

1 S-01 57 83.82

2 S-02 60 88.23

3 S-03 64 94.11

4 S-04 60 88.23

5 S-05 60 88.23

6 S-06 64 94.11

7 S-07 57 83.82

8 S-08 57 83.82

9 S-09 57 83.82

10 S-10 62 91.17

11 S-11 62 91.17

12 S-12 62 91.17

13 S-13 62 91.17

14 S-14 62 91.17

15 S-15 57 83.82

16 S-16 64 94.11

17 S-17 62 91.17

18 S-18 52 76.47


19 S-19 68 100

20 S-20 68 100

21 S-21 64 94.11

22 S-22 64 94.11

23 S-23 57 83.82

24 S-24 60 88.23

25 S-25 52 76.47

26 S-26 60 88.23

27 S-27 60 88.23

28 S-28 60 88.23

29 S-29 60 88.23

30 S-30 62 91.17

31 S-31 57 83.82

Total 1873 2754.26

Mean 60.41 88.84



Test of Data Normality by Using IBM SPSS Statistic 25

Tests of Normality

Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk

Statistic df Sig. Statistic df Sig.

selisih .124 31 .200* .981 31 .830

*. This is a lower bound of the true significance.

a. Lilliefors Significance Correction



Rate Percentage of Students’ Score

A. The Rate Percentage of Pre-Test Score

Calculating the frequency and the rate percentage of the students’ final score by

using IBM SPSS Statistic 25:


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 44.11 1 3.2 3.2 3.2

50.00 9 29.0 29.0 32.3

55.88 10 32.3 32.3 64.5

60.29 8 25.8 25.8 90.3

64.70 2 6.5 6.5 96.8

66.17 1 3.2 3.2 100.0

Total 31 100.0 100.0

Classifying the frequency and the rate percentage of the students’ final score:

No Classification Pre-test

F %

1 Excellent (96-100) 0 0%

2 Very Good (86-95) 0 0%

3 Good (76-85) 0 0%

4 Fairly Good (66-75) 1 3.2%

5 Fair (56-65) 10 32.3%

6 Poor (46-55) 19 61.3%

7 Very Poor (0-45) 1 3.2%

Total 31 100%


B. The Rate Percentage of Post-test Score

Calculating the frequency and the rate percentage of the students’ final score by

using IBM SPSS Statistic 25:


Frequency Percent Valid Percent



Valid 76.47 2 6.5 6.5 6.5

83.82 7 22.6 22.6 29.0

88.23 8 25.8 25.8 54.8

91.17 7 22.6 22.6 77.4

94.11 5 16.1 16.1 93.5

100.00 2 6.5 6.5 100.0

Total 31 100.0 100.0

Classifying the frequency and the rate percentage of the students’ final score:

No Classification Post-test

F %

1 Excellent (96-100) 2 6.5%

2 Very Good (86-95) 20 64.5%

3 Good (76-85) 9 29%

4 Fairly Good (66-75) 0 0%

5 Fair (56-65) 0 0%

6 Poor (46-55) 0 0%

7 Very Poor (0-45) 0 0%

Total 31 100%



Mean Score and Improvement Percentage

A. Mean Score

1. Mean Score of Pre-test

�̅� =𝛴𝑥1


�̅� =1730.8


�̅� = 55.83

2. Mean Score of Post-test

�̅� =𝛴𝑥2


�̅� =2754.26


�̅� = 88.84

B. Improvement Percentage

P (%) = 𝑥2−𝑥1

𝑥1 X 100

P (%) = 2754.26−1730.8

1730.8 X 100

P (%) = 1023.46

1730.8 X 100

P (%) = 0.59 x 100

P (%) = 59.13%



Learning Source Named Lima Sahabat



Learning Materials of Learning Source Named Lima Sahabat


Bola Peta Bumi Globe /ɡləʊb/

Dinding Wall /wɔːl/

Gambar Picture /ˈpɪktʃər/

Jam Clock /klɑːk/

Jendela Window /ˈwɪndəʊ/

Kursi Chair /tʃer/

Lantai Floor /flɔːr/

Lemari Cupboard /ˈkʌbərd/

Meja Tulis Desk /desk/

Meja Table /ˈteɪbl/

Papan Tulis Board /bɔːrd/

Pintu Door /dɔːr/


Buku Book /bʊk/

Botol Bottle /ˈbɑːtl/

Penghapus Eraser /ɪˈreɪsər/

Lem Glue /ɡluː/

Kotak Makan Siang Lunch Box /ˈlʌntʃ bɑːks/

Pensil Pencil /ˈpensl/

Penggaris Ruler /ˈruːlər/

Gunting Scissors /ˈsɪzərz/

Pengkorok Sharpener /ˈʃɑːrpnər/

Beni: I have two books. What about you? how many sharpeners do you have?

Kamu: I have three sharpeners

I have three … and Michelle has two … I have two … and Michelle has four … I

have one … and Michelle has two … We have three … We have six …


Bank Bank /bæŋk/

Hospital Rumah Sakit /ˈhɑːspɪtl/

Library Perpustakaan /ˈlaɪbreri/

Police Station Kantor Polisi /pəˈliːs steɪʃn/

Post Office Kantor Pos /ˈpəʊst ɑːfɪs/

School Sekolah /skuːl/

Kamu : Do you see this building on the left?


Kakek: Yes. What is this building?

kamu: This is a bank.

Son : I see. This building on the left is a bank.

Kakek: What about that building next to the bank?

Kamu : That is a library.

Kakek: I see. That building next to the bank is a library.

Kamu: Right. The bank and the library are next to each other.

Kakek: Do you know that building on the right, across from the bank and the


Kamu: That building is a post office.

Kakek: I know. That building on the right is a post office.

Kamu: Remember. The post office is across from the bank and the library.

kakek: What about that building in front of us?

kamu : That is a hospital.

kakek: Oh yeah. That building is a hospital?

kamu: Right. That building in front of us is a hospital.

kakek: what about that building next to the post office?

kamu : That is a school.

kakek : I see. So, the school is next to the post office.

kamu : Yes, it is to the right of the post office.

kakek: What about that building across from the school, on the corner?

kamu : That building is a police station.

kakek : I see. So, the police station is across from the school.

kamu : Right. It is on the corner, across from the hospital, too.

The bank is on the left, next to the library, across from the post office.

The library is next to the bank, across from the post office.


The post office is next to the school, across from the hospital and library

The school is next to the post office, across from the police station

Drag and Drop

(1) The hospital is in front of us, (2) across from the police station (3) and across

from the post office too.

(1) The police station (2) is on the corner, (3) across from the hospital (4) and

across from the school too.




Tas Bag /bæɡ/

Rak Buku Bookcase /ˈbʊkkeɪs/

Karpet Carpet /ˈkɑːrpɪt/

Tirai Curtain /ˈkɜːrtn/

Telepon Genggam Handphone /ˈhændfəʊn/

Lampu Lamp /læmp/

Sofa Sofa /ˈsəʊfə/

Telepon Telephone /ˈtelɪfəʊn/

Televisi Television /ˈtelɪvɪʒn/


Lemari Kaca Cabinet /ˈkæbɪnət/

Mobil Car /kɑːr/

Permadani Rug /rʌɡ/

Plafon Ceiling /ˈsiːlɪŋ/

Pompa Pump /pʌmp/

Rak Shelf /ʃelf/

Sepeda Motor Motorcycle /ˈməʊtərsaɪkl/

Sepeda Bicycle /ˈbaɪsɪkl/

There is a big window.

Next to the window, there is one big picture.

There are a pair of red curtains on the window.

There is a big picture next to the window, to the right of it.

There are two small pictures to the left of the window.

There is a big sofa

There is a carpet in front of the sofa.

Next to the sofa, to the left, is a table.

There are a big television, a table lamp, and a telephone on the table

Near the table there is a green plant in a pot

There is a bookcase

There are many books in the bookcase

There is a bag in the top shelf

Next to the bag, to the left, is a handphone


There is a shelf.

Next to the shelf, there is a cabinet, to the left of it.

There is a ceiling and a lamp on it

There is a car in front of the shelf.

There is a rug next to the car, to the left of it.

There is a bicycle

There is a motorcycle in front of the bicycle.

Next to the bicycle, to the left, is a pump.


Bee Lebah /biː/

Bench Bangku /bentʃ/

Birdcage Sangkar /ˈbɜːrdkeɪdʒ/

Butterfly Kupu-Kupu /ˈbʌtərflaɪ/

Cocoon Kepompong /kəˈkuːn/

Cricket Jangkrik /ˈkrɪkɪt/

Flower Bunga /ˈflaʊər/

Fly Lalat /flaɪ/

Hoe Cangkul /həʊ/

Ladybug Kumbang Kecil /ˈleɪdibʌɡ/

Pot Pot /pɑːt/

Snail Siput /sneɪl/

Spade Sekop /speɪd/

Spider Laba-Laba /ˈspaɪdər/

Tree Pohon /triː/

Watering Can Penyiram /ˈwɔːtərɪŋ kæn/

Wheelbarrow Gerobak Tangan /ˈwiːlbærəʊ/

Worm Cacing /wɜːrm/

There is a tree

There is a birdcage on the tree

Next to the tree, there is a bench, to the left of it

There is a spade in front of the tree.

There is a watering can next to the spade, to the left of it.

Next to the watering can, to the left, is a hoe.

There is a wheelbarrow next to the spade, to the right of it

Next to the hoe, to the left, is a pot

There is a green plant in a pot



Surat Pengantar Penelitian



Kartu Kontrol Penelitian



Surat Keterangan Telah Meneliti



Documentation of Distance Learning



Edd-Turinitin Certificate (Plagiarism Checked) of Research Proposal

Edd-Turinitin Certificate of Thesis



Letter of Acceptance for Article Journal Publication



Muhammad Agung - He was born on 10 April

1998 in Ujung Pandang. He is the first child in

his family, he has three brothers and one sister,

he is the son of Mahyuddin A, S.Pd. M.Pd. (his

father) and Sitti Masyita (his mother). He started

his study in the kindergarten level at TK Putra

Makassar. Then, he continued his study to the

elementary school level at the SD Kakatua

Makassar from the first grade to the fourth grade

and SDN 26 Pakkola from the fourth grade until

graduated in 2010. After that, he continued his study to the junior high school

level at SMPN 3 Majene and graduated in 2013. Then, he continued his study in

Multimedia Department to the senior high school level at SMKN 6 Majene and

graduated in 2016. In 2016, he continued his study to the bachelor of English

Education Department, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education at Makassar

Muhammadiyah University and graduated in 2021. As his final project of the

bachelor degree, he conducted research work for his thesis which concerns and

interests in describing, designing, implementing, examining, and evaluating how

mobile learning and interactive applications as learning tools and learning source

can support students’ success rate in learning English as a foreign language

(learning vocabulary specializing on noun) in online classroom teaching/learning

setting in distance education, also, simultaneously he designing and creating

eLearning named Lima Sahabat that he examined and as a part of his thesis

entitled The Effectiveness of Mobile Learning Based HTML5 to Enhance

Vocabulary Achievement of Seventh Grade Students of Junior High School in

SMP Unismuh Makassar.