The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday

The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday. Today we are: - review the words; - do grammar exercises; - practice in writing; - read the text

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Page 1: The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday. Today we are: - review the words; - do grammar exercises; - practice in writing; - read the text

The Edinburgh ExperienceMay, 6Wednesday

Page 2: The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday. Today we are: - review the words; - do grammar exercises; - practice in writing; - read the text

Today we are: - review the words;- do grammar exercises;- practice in writing;- read the text.

Page 3: The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday. Today we are: - review the words; - do grammar exercises; - practice in writing; - read the text

Phonetic drill

[æ] –fabulous, accurate, bagpipes, band, transparent[ai]- childhood, lifetime, piper, provide, tricycle, remind[a:]- architecture, castle, chant[i]- except, experience, kilt, military, musician, object

Page 4: The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday. Today we are: - review the words; - do grammar exercises; - practice in writing; - read the text

Translate into EnglishЖдать с нетерпением летних каникулПраздновать День ПобедыНаправляться домой после утомительного путешествия Выполнить мамины поручения перед обедомПотрясающая поездка за границуБросать цветы зрителямЖарит шашлык на пикникеЗаниматься садоводством в теплую, солнечную погодуСпать в палатке Кататься на водных лыжахИзучать местные танцыИсследовать пещеруПосещать замокОставаться на ферме

Page 5: The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday. Today we are: - review the words; - do grammar exercises; - practice in writing; - read the text

Join the sentences using because and so.

We go camping. We are going to sleep in a tent.

I have some errands in the morning. I am going to come a bit later.

He looks forward to his summer holidays. He is going to fly to Italy.

I go to the beach very often. I like jet skiing.

Ann wants to live in this country. She studies local customs.

Page 6: The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday. Today we are: - review the words; - do grammar exercises; - practice in writing; - read the text

Open the brackets using the first conditionalIf he … (practice) every day, he … (become) a champion.

She … (help) us if we … (ask).

If they … (have) enough money, they … (open) a restaurant next year.

I … (not talk) to you anymore if you … (insult) me.

If Bob … (not keep) his word, Anna … (be angry) with him.

If you (drive) so fast, you………(crash).

If I ( have) more time, I………(help) you.

If I (have) a yacht, I………often………(go) sailing.

I (travel) a lot if I …………(have) a lot of money.

If she (to know) English, she (to try) to enter the university.

Page 7: The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday. Today we are: - review the words; - do grammar exercises; - practice in writing; - read the text

Grammar exerciseshttp://www.english-grammar-lessons.com/goingtoorwill/exercise5.swf



WB ex. 1,2 p. 62

Page 8: The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday. Today we are: - review the words; - do grammar exercises; - practice in writing; - read the text

A Few Facts About ScotlandThe capital of Scotland is Edinburgh.The money used is called the pound sterling.The population of Scotland is 4,996,000.The language spoken is English.

Scotland is part of the United Kingdom.

Page 9: The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday. Today we are: - review the words; - do grammar exercises; - practice in writing; - read the text

Complete the sentences. Edinburgh Castle is the place to go if _____________. You can admire _______________________________________________.The one o’clock gun is fired_____________________. The Military tattoo experience is the largest ______________________.The noisiest museum in the world is _______________________.It is a treasure house ____________________________________________.Get ready to see exciting sea life at ____________________.If you want to get a terrific view of Edinburgh fly _________________.

you like castles. spectacular views of the city as well as the Crown Jewels

every day except Sunday

outdoor event in Scotland

the Museum of Childhood

full of objects, telling of childhood, past and present

in the Deep sea world

in a hot air balloon

Page 10: The Edinburgh Experience May, 6 Wednesday. Today we are: - review the words; - do grammar exercises; - practice in writing; - read the text

Translate the word combinations into EnglishОтправиться в интересный тур Восхищаться зрелищным видомНаслаждаться прекрасным музыкальным шоуТочная проверка часовИграть на волынкахТанцевать под народную музыкуСокровищницаРаспевать таблицу умноженияПрозрачный туннельДостаточно близко, чтобы притронутьсяЛетать на воздушном шаре