T h e MAGAZINE May 2012 Volume 2 Issue 5

the eden magazine

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Eden magazine is a free online magazine, which focuses on Animal Welfare and Environment Protection. Discover the path to peaceful living among other living beings. We are all made of vibration and light in the universe to manifest our energy around all livingness.

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May 2012 Volume 2 Issue 5

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Front Cover Anahid Bermudez


Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your

Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at;[email protected] or www.theedenmagazine.com

EditorMaryam Morrison

spreading compassion to all sentient beings and Living in healing and peaceful world

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Elliot EliJackson






My painful lesson


The benefit of laugher




Tapping into the

Fullness of who we





Beluga Whale


Healing Past, Hurts

& Events


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Anahid Bermúdez was born in Barcelona (Spain)

and currently resides in the same city.Having also a wide geographycal mobility all over the world for photoshoots.

From an early age, she showed inter-est in photography and art, this inter-est has accompanied her throughout her life in different ways. She is found of nature and many of her works are inspired by fantasy and historical recreation and considers photography an art expression method for creating a fantasy world where anything is possible. She has had the pleasure of working with renowned Spanish artists dedicated to photography which has much appreciation for taking the time and work.

In 2009 she began her career as a model participating in many kinds of projects, being published in many issues of nationally and internationally journals. Actually, she is a experienced model and loves her work.

She currently combines her modeling career with her work and this year is working on several book projects that will be shown in 2013.

She is available for all kinds of works related to photography and Ilusation.

You can contact her through anahidbermudez.fotoplatino.com webpage (in Spanish)

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Elliott Eli Jackson

Elliott Eli Jackson is an inspirational speaker, Reiki Master, and author of The Sapiential Discourses which is to be released this year. He has also authored the best-selling nonfiction book From God to You: Absolute Truth, and Cacophony, a collection of poetry about life, love, and spirit. Elliott channels All there is, was, and ever shall be. Elliott and his wife Diane tour America presenting workshops in which Source speaks through Elliott to the audience, answering questions as well as giving spiritual guidance.

The workshops focus on obtaining and maintaining success in today’s world. For more information visit www.quantummatrixcenter.com

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A Message From GodEarth is truly a garden of Eden. Therefore, it is quite appropriate to give you a mes-sage of hope, light, and love in this online magazine. The Internet is, of course, one of the tools given to mankind for informa-tion and knowledge. Many will say that there are things and subjects of a dark nature on the World Wide Web and this is true. However, in the general scope of things, overall good sound information for learning and remembering who you are, a creator, is in the forefront.

All things are, yes, connected within your known and unknown universes. This state-ment is singularly one of the most impor-tant truths that you will ever come to know. Many today are realizing that humans are connected to and with the rocks, trees, rivers, streams, oceans, all sea dwelling creatures, and all other forms of animals on planet earth. When one comes to un-derstand this, life, as you understand it to be, becomes much easier. This occurs on a deep spiritual level. The spirit that dwells within you already knows this, it is the mental and emotional portions of your being that must be convinced of the real-ity of such. Early man knew that the sea-sons and the weather could be predicted by animals. Animals also led men to water when none was visible to the naked eye. Early man understood that, by studying the grasses and shade trees, he could tell time. Additionally, by viewing the growth of moss on rocks and hillsides, man could tell if the ground nearby would be appropriate

for planting. Yes, nature has always aided man and womankind in finding its way. Nature always understood its connection to mankind and the entire universe.

WE bring this up to you fore it is time for a mass concerted effort by humans to take better care of mother/father earth, and un-derstand the connection between nature and man. If you do so, many of the sad situations on earth will subside. Situa-tions like the pollution of waterways, land erosional effects, and the endangerment of many species will dissipate. By using the sun more, great strides in energy will come about. As the new era of enlighten-ment beckons man, more information will and is coming forth about how sound and vibration are paramount to healing. More information on the nature of angels and your other helpers is being shed. People, such as the publisher of this magazine, are taking the lead in providing much needed spiritual guidance for the masses. And it is all good.

The time is here for all of you to remember more about your sacred self. The time is here for more to achieve their goals. The time is here for you to reach a new level of vibration, and a new level of success and happiness. Are you ready for positive change? Are you ready to have loving re-lationships? Are you ready to find out how your past lives connect to this one? Are you ready to reach others with healing light and love? Are you READY?

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How many of us remember the song by Carly Simon, “Anticipation?” ....all about not being sure what is going to happen; hoping, praying, fretting, and overanxious about a possible outcome, hope or dream. Sound familiar? Haven’t we all, or presently, been in anticipation over something, whether we wish for it or do not? Impatience is something that is part of fear...False Evidence Appearing Real...we anticipate that we will be happy or sad, and cannot understand why we are even thinking about it..but thinking we do...over and over and over again, usu-ally until we work ourselves into an ‘outcome’ that has not yet manifested in our reality...at least, not yet!

By Ellen Heller


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Usually, when something then ‘shows up’ that we do not want, we actually wonder how it got there! However, if we examine our thoughts and FEELINGS prior to that outcome, we will realize that we indeed, did create it and bring it to us, whether our perception of it is a good or bad experi-ence; your thoughts will bring to you what you are thinking or feeling...consciously or unconsciously! Anticipation is healthy if it’s a “I wonder what is going to happen” attitude; quite another if the feelings are, “why isn’t it happening faster? When will it be here? or I don’t want it to come or happen,” etc... On Earth, as we are here in this realm, Time appears to be real, but in Truth, there is only one grand moment, with different vibrational frequencies constant-ly in motion, and we are all vibrating to different frequencies that place us in different realms, experiencing our own ‘private’ realities. Therefore, it does not matter how much we ponder or fret or worry or anticipate about a possible outcome; in Truth, you and I and all of Life are making it up as we go along....so to worry or get going on a re-occur-ring thought that brings one around and around, just is a simple waste of ‘time’ and energy. Our thoughts will produce one of countless possible outcomes, as Quantum Physics has stated time and time again. And the wonderful thing about this is that this is always an opportunity; basically because it is always, in all ways, our choice! Whenever you catch yourself (and that

is a very good thing to become... the “Observer” of your experience) anticipat-ing about an outcome that has not yet occurred, it may serve you to instead, picture/image the outcome of your desire; yes, literally, STOP thinking about how to get there, or what you can DO, and simply picture in your mind your already having it, and FEEL happy. Do this until you can feel elated, happy, joyful...then just release it to the Universe and do everything in the Moment of Now. How? By ‘listening’ to that quiet voice inside (some call it ‘intuition’ or God), and do what you can in the Moment of Now to reach your goal/dream; most importantly, feeling GOOD while doing so. Then do all you can to ‘let it go.’ This does not mean forgetting about it; it means to stop worry-ing about it. It works every time, never stops working, and is fun, once you practice imaging/visualization because it is the purest way to create, effortlessly bringing forth the Life experience you wish to have. And that is why the Master, Jesus said, “What I can do, so can you...” he said this because he knew the creative power of our thoughts, and the power of visu-alization. When he was asked to heal...he simply pictured that person as the per-fection they Really Are, and the illusion of ill health vanished immediately, restoring that Being back to perfection.

And, as stated, ‘As Above, so Below’...what is possible through Love, is possible for All.


from “The Inside---Out;” my blog website at: www.spirit-minded.com

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Kind Guidance for Creating and Accepting Spiritual Health

Spirit-Minded (Advice Column)

Q A&Ask Ellen Heller

We will do our best to answer as many questions as we can. If you wish for a question, answered personally, please request this and attach your email address. We will do the best we can to provide an answer, based on our volume of correspondence.


[email protected]“All questions can be sent to:

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Question: Dear Spirit-Minded: I had been diagnosed with Leukemia for the past 12 years. I have a good family life (wife, kids, etc.) and feel so lucky to be alive, as I almost died twice this past year due to medication problems. I keep wondering why I have gotten these chances as so many people die from this disease in a much shorter time span. I keep thinking I am here for a reason, in that some ‘special’ situ-ation is going to show up, but it never does. I just don’t know why I survived or what to think of this. From Feeling Guilty.

Answer: Your question contains part of your answer you are seeking. The fact that you feel ‘lucky’ to be alive states that you are in complete grati-tude for this chance to be with your loved ones, experiencing life. Most likely even mediocrity appeals to you and probably you enjoy just the simple things in life; a walk, watching a movie, etc. It doesn’t mean you do not aspire to wishing for more or better, and it doesn’t mean that you don’t have your trials and bad days. But it appears that for the most part, you are very thankful to be alive, and it is only pressure from our upbringing in this world that you may feel guilty for not ‘doing more,’ or having some big ‘life mission’ to fulfill. The fact that you are here is enough. So much of our societal messages give us the feeling that if we don’t utilize ev-ery moment, keeping busy and pro-ductive, and/or constantly improving ourselves, that somehow we have just been ‘wasting time.’ Nothing could be

further from the truth. We have come to live and experience life, and Love asks for nothing but to Be. If I could sum it up with one thought, it would be that Love only asks for us to ‘just breathe.’ To do this is important enough. Bless-ings!

Question: Dear Spirit-Minded: I want to be rich and famous! Is this all ego? So many times I feel that there just has to be more to life then this ho-hum ex-istence...am I wrong to desire a bigger life? And how do I get there? From Confused.

Answer: As we have been given the gift to create, we are not limited by anything but ourselves. It is not some-thing to be ashamed of in wanting more. The question one may ask is “what is my intention?” Why do you wish to become rich and famous? Ev-erything is a matter of what we wish to Be in relation to a situation, person, or outcome. And the easiest and fastest way to become anything you wish is to cause another to have their highest goals/dreams fulfilled; for in doing so, you give to yourself, for we are All One. As a great Master once said, ‘...what you do to my brethren, you do to me.’ Therefore, look to see what you Love; focus only on Love and most impor-tantly, remember to include everyone in your desire to be rich....a wonderful prayer is a prayer of gratitude, thank-ing for yourself, as well as everyone else to be taken care of.


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People say “No pain, no gain”. This state-ment has always made me chuckle tomyself, until recently I had to face a pain-ful physical challenge that shook me to my core. My blinding pain made it hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Hurt, hopelessness and helplessness was all part of this journey. This is my story on how the Light reached out and pulled me victoriously to the other side of the tunnel.

At 4:15 AM I woke up with pain in my left hip. I figured I just slept on it wrong or my Pilates class was catching up to me from the day before. Even though I hurt and felt like a walking zombie, I hobbled off to my cycling class. I was hoping the exercise would melt away my pain. I started exercis-ing at 5 AM to get my energy flowing early so it would sustain my stamina throughout the whole day. The exercise classes were helping me deal with everyday stress, but I still felt drained of energy, almost like I was

suffocating in my own body. Introducing amulti-vitamin into my daily routine helped me for a short time but even that didn’tmake a difference after awhile. All I could think about was taking a nap, but being a busy wife, mom and the caretaker of my mom, naps were a rare luxury. I kept think-ing to myself all the way to the gym, I don’t have time to be hurt, I’ll just have to suck it up and “walk off” the pain.

This pain was in the same place as an old jogging injury from a few years ago,but deep down I knew something was different. I usually do Reiki healings onmyself to help me feel better, but my regular energy felt off and my healingenergy wasn’t flowing hardly at all. I knew needed some assistance from an outside source. I decided to go to my family doctor who just started doing acupuncture treatments.

My PAINFUL LessonBy; “Michele Rabbitt [email protected]

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I was sorely disappointed when my family doctor recommended muscle relaxers and steroid pills. My doctor said it would takemultiple acupuncture treatments to make a difference. Since I was in so much pain, he wanted me to try the traditional prescrip-tion medicines to treat my hip problem. My brain went numb at the thought of using these pills. In the last fifteen years, I’ve been either highly allergic to prescription drugs, or they have been totally ineffective and a waste of my hard earn money. I was so desperate for relief from my intense nerve pain, I filled the prescriptions know-ing that they may not even work on me.

When I got home from the doctor’s office and the pharmacy, I was exhausted from hobbling around on one good leg. I decid-ed to relax and meditate to help prepare myself before taking my anti-inflammatory medicine. I was praying that this time the drugs would work wonders on my worn out body. Later when I woke up, my nose and chest had started to congest, I must have caught my family’s cold. Plus, I discovered that I started my period, twelve days ear-ly. I thought what else could go wrong! I heated up a mug of water in themicrowave so I could make some tea, hoping it would cheer me up. When I grabbed the mug out of the microwave the hot water sloshed over the rim and burnt my ring finger on my right hand. I couldn’t believe my luck, at that moment I felt spiri-tually broken and abandoned. Mentally I couldn’t take anymore problems with my physical being. With all the stress of the day, my twelve hour aspirin quit working eight hours too soon. My muscle relaxer medicine, of course, didn’t help my pain at all.

I kept my thoughts about how painful my pinched nerve was to myself, even to my immediate family. I didn’t want to alarm them and bring more stress into our home environment. I decided to put off taking my anti-inflammatory medicine for another day so I could start fresh in the morning. Really, I was trying to fight off the feeling of being a failure at healing my body energetically. I sat quietly at the kitchen table staring at my prescribed steroid pills. I said a small prayer about finding a natu-ral remedy to manage my pain.

My 13 year old son looked at me while I was sitting at the kitchen table staring off into space. He walked around the house like he was on a mission, gathering items from around the house. Jacob put a piece of white paper on the table, then placed several clear quartz crystals on the paper and pointed all the crystals at me. Before he quietly walked away, he energetically united all the crystals as a group to con-nect with me to help take my pain away. I asked Jacob how he knew about how to create a crystal grid, he said he didn’t. He was just following his instincts of what to do to help me deal with my discomfort.

I thought the whole idea was so sweet, his heart was in the right place. I would just gowith the flow, I needed all the help I could get. After he walked away I felt a tremen-dous wave of energy surge all over my body. My hip pain dissolved very quickly, the hard kitchen chair was no longer hurt-ing my pinched nerve! My cramps and my large blister on my hand were no longer bothering me either, at last relief from all my pain.

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Later that night with my heart filled with hope, I put the crystal grid by my bed and slept through the night for the first time in days.

When I woke up the next morning my hip was starting to spasm. I knew the crystal grid was only a temporary solution. Out of respect for my family doctor and des-peration for feeling better, I started tak-ing my anti-inflammatory medicine. The prescription was only for a week and from previous experience, I knew this pinched nerve would take longer than that to heal. I brought out my crystal grid from the bed-room and laid it back on the kitchen table. I had to be able to function away from this crystal grid, my family counted on me to be there for them throughout the day. I allowed the crystals to connect with me again, butthis time, I was going to use them to help give me insight on my situation. Physically, my body was blocked and out of balanced; mentally, I was sinking fast into a helpless funk; spiritually, I felt hopeless and alone in my unbearable pain. I came to the conclu-sion I felt jealous of my son for coming up with a short term solution for my pain. Who was telling him what to do? He must have had spiritual help and believed that the information that was given to him wouldmake a difference in my painful situation. Why haven’t I had any inspiration for along term solution? Where is my spiritual help?

Images of me before my injury flashed in my head. On a whim I wrote down the spice Turmeric on my shopping list but I didn’t buy any after I got to the store since it wasn’t a “necessity”. I heard it was good

for aches and pains but I was too cheap to buy it at that time. Looking back, my healing guides were giving me the idea to buy Turmeric. They knew ahead of time I would need this spice, but I was too stub-born to listen. In my minds eye I could see them around me but felt no real connec-tion from them. I realized they backed off a bit after I didn’t buy their suggested spice. No wonder I felt all alone, energetically blocked and had no information on why my body was breaking down! I was so used to doing everything on my own in the physical world that my inflated ego was blocking me from listening to the spiritual world. I was a little offended that they let me suffer for over a week by myself with intense pain. I asked, “why didn’t you tell me about how to get rid of my ter-rible pain?” My healing guides replied, “because you didn’t ask”. Could buying something so simple be the answer to my prayers? While my medicine was keeping my hip pain in check I went to the store and bought the spice Turmeric.

My rational side was telling me to wait and use up the steroid pills so they don’t con-flict with the Turmeric spice. In reality, I was fearful that my insight about the spice was wrong and my fragile spirit couldn’t handle it.

My rational side was telling me to wait and use up the steroid pills so they don’t conflict with the Turmeric spice. In reality, I was fearful that my insight about the spice was wrong and my fragile spirit couldn’t handle it. I googled some information about the spice Turmeric after I bought it, and learned that it was a natural anti-inflammatory. I was cautiously optimistic,

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I was praying that this would help me since I didn’t have a back-up plan. When my last steroid pill wore off, my hip pain came back with a vengeance.

I consulted with my healing guides on how to use the turmeric spice to help me feel better. They walked me through a hot tea recipe that included the spices Turmeric, Ginger and Cinnamon. I was thankful that this tea recipe was very simple to make and tasted great. The extra spices my guides suggested for me to use also helped with all my problem areas! My spirits were lifted to new heights, I felt loved again from the inside out. Each sip of tea I drank felt like awarm hug from my healing guides. I drank the whole pot of tea in one sitting, I felt my energy slowly returning. I made an-other pot of tea to share with my family for later on that evening. My family could see I was feeling much better, better than I have in weeks. They asked me what my secret was since they were feeling under the weather from their lingering head and chest cold. My family and I drank the sec-ond pot of tea, they were amazed on how much better they felt soon after drinking the first cup of my healing tea. That night was the firsttime in a week we all slept soundly through the night.

My healing guides instructed me to drink this tea throughout the day even whenI didn’t feel any pain. Keeping the inflam-mation from building up was important for my long term healing. Less swelling around my hip would lead to a quicker recovery. I went back to my cycling class four days later and told them my story of why I hadn’t been back. They all wanted

my tea recipe and I was honored to share it with them. My healing tea recipe was given freely to me so I wanted to freely give it to anyone who would be interested in trying it. I no longer have any pain but I still drink the tea everyday to keep my energy and spirits up.

The hot tea is like drinking a ray of sun-shine. I was grateful that my healing guides never left my side while I endured this longdark ordeal of dealing with my blinding pain. I will always be thankful that when Iasked for their help they were right there waiting for me. My healing guides wereready and wiling to pull me through so I could see their light and wisdom in theirsimple solution to my complicated prob-lem. The pain was definitely worth the gain of knowledge of crystal grids and healing spices. Not listening to my healing guides was a painful lesson I will never forget.

Hot Tea

Brewed with a 12 cup coffeemaker12 Cups Water1/4 tsp ground Turmeric1/8 tsp ground Ginger1/16 tsp ground Cinnamon3-4 individual tea bags or ½ family size tea bag -Just enough tea to lightly coverthe bottom of the coffee filterPut 12 Cups of water in the coffeemaker. Put in coffee filter. Cut open the teabags and combine all loose tea in coffee filter, add ground spices and mix in withthe tea so dry ingredients are all blended together. Turn on coffeemaker, allowall the water to run through the tea mixture.

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The benefits of laughter


By Debra J. White (www.debrajwhite.com)

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Laughter is a tranquilizer without side effects says the late American hu-morist Arnold Glascow. Medical stud-ies suggest laughter lowers the blood pressure, elevates mood, boosts the immune system and decreases pain. It is free medicine without side effects.

Laughter has grown into a multi-national movement with over 6,000 laughter clubs across the world unite people in such nations as Canada, France, Iran and Barbados. World-wide laughter confer-ences are devoted to the spread the joy of laughter. Police forces in Thai-land motivate themselves with laughter. Clubs in Mexican and South American prisons focus inmates to deal with long separations from family and friends. Hospitals and nursing homes incorpo-rate laughter for patients with serious diseases and/or injuries. A Midwestern pastor laughs into her Lutheran congre-gation.

Laughter heals for different reasons such as death of a loved one, marital discord, or unemployment. In January 2010 my own world collapsed. Disabled from a 1994 auto accident, Social Se-curity keeps me afloat. Foreclosure on the home I shared edged closer and I panicked because I had two old dogs. Leaving them wasn’t an option. I fret-ted about finding affordable pet-friendly housing.

Then I found the monthly laughter club at the Southwest Institute for Healing Arts (SWIHA) in Tempe AZ. For an hour people of all backgrounds laughed for

no reason. I released so much fear, frustration and anger that as soon as I got home I fell asleep. Since then, I’ve rarely missed a month.

Denise Tift, a regular at laughter club, says she was hooked the first time. “It was quite healing in multiple ways. I feel an amazing connection with oth-ers in the group.” Tift says she found a place to be herself.


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How did organized laughter begin? In 1995 the medicinal benefits of laughter interested Dr. Madan Kataria, an Indian physician. He asked strangers on a Mum-bai street to laugh with him. That ultimate-ly led to the creation of Laughter Yoga In-ternational (www.laughteryoga.com) that brings together laugher clubs from around the world.

People all over the globe regularly howl and scream in laughter clubs. There are no jokes, no gimmicks, just laughter for no reason. A laughter leader guides the group through exercises such as men-tal flossing, applying imaginary laughter cream and laughing as if you just won the lottery.

Afterwards, nearly everyone leaves with an upbeat attitude. Long-lasting bonds are formed. The only requirement to at-tend is an open mind. To find a laughter club near you visit www.laughteryoga.com. Laughter heals the mind, body, and soul. It unites people. We all laugh in the same language.



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Eden Magazine Pledge to

donate 10% of proceeds to Various

OrganizationsTogether we can make a Difference

Find us in facebook: http://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10150642099915197&id=703825196#!/TheEdenmagazine

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www.contrebombarde.com/concerthall/music/6664 www.divine-art.com/CD/28516info.htm www.mvdaily.com/articles/2003/01/barnard1.htm www.vimeo.com/keithbarnard/colourharmonieswww.vimeo.com/keithbarnard/liveinlondon


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Keith Barnard was born in London in 1950 and studied composition with Dr Arnold Cooke who was himself a pupil of Paul Hindemith.

Becoming esoterically minded, he embraced healing - and healing through colour and sound.

He composes music with colours in the title, and expresses the great white cosmic light - in works of varying length .

He has played his piano music in the Uk , USA, Thailand, Russia, Germany, Greece, Romania, Vienna, and has recorded many works for piano and synthesiser He has composed piano, vocal , choral, chamber and orchestral music.

He has a CD of his music out now - including three of his piano works , performed by the distin-guished American pianist, Jeffrey Grossman . For the American Organist and Composer Carson Cooman, he has composed several Organ works - including The Universal Harmony Of Light, The Purest Silence Of The Divine and others.

Keith is also a poet, Currently he lives in London, UK

Keith Barnard

An English Composer and Poet who has written a chamber opera, four orchestral symphonies, concerti for cello, piano, and organ, and numerous chamber works.


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Powerful and fast-flying

Falcon Birds


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Falcon General name given for Falconidae, a heterogeneous family of long-winged birds of prey closely re-lated to the Hawk.

They were virtually eradicated from eastern North America by pesticide poisoning in the middle 20th century. After significant recovery efforts, Peregrine Falcon has made an incredible rebound and is now a regular sight in many large cities and coastal habitats

True falcons, are distinguished by their notched beaks. In flight, there wing beats our rapid and powerful. They survey prey from hundreds of feet at speeds of up to 175 mi an hour.

The cosmopolitan peregrine falcon (unromantically called duck call in the United States) the gyrfalcon of the Arctic tundra have been used in falconry.

The commonest and smallest American falcon is the sparrow hawk (related to the European kestrel). Others are the pigeon hawk (related to the European merlin). Falcons, like cliff edges or in the abandoned nests of hawks and crows .

The falcon birds one real adversary and enemy is mankind. For many years the falcons were considered to be as vermin for they were thought to be a heavy toll on the livestock. However, now pesticides have been the main reason for devastating and jeopardizing several species. The first fossil record of the falcon family is from the Miocene Epoch of Argentina, which was present nearly 15 million years ago. Today, there are eleven known fossil species.


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Transformations via Appreciation:

Appreciation Allows Celebration of The Moment

Blocks Unhealthy Emotions that is a dis-connection from source, so Appreciation will then Rocket us to plug back in and Stay connected to our heart and our internal joy, source, connection etc.

We become stress resistant and attract more joyful loving vibrations as the Law Attraction States

We strengthen connection to all relation-ships via; our self, family, community and earth

We grow in our Self Worth, Inner Confi-dence, Inner Peace, Inner Trust; thus we in vibration with WHO WE REALLY ARE!

What happens when we Appreciate? (Via Notes from Esther Hicks)

Defining Appreciation-To see the nature of and increase the value of;

• The vibration of true love is; when you see innocence of child, when you see beauty in nature, when you are laughing, smiling, and playing, when you look into someone’s eyes with love, when you hold hands and/or hug• It is the Alignment of WHO YOU REALLY ARE!• It is the Absence of all that feels bad• And presence of all that feels good• You can focus yourself more and more downstream to come back to your source• Love and Appreciation are the same!


By: Heather Auria Gaines

Part TwoInspiration to bringing you back home to your heart


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The Difference between Appreciation and Gratitude:

Gratitude - Looking at struggle you have overcome. Again, focusing on anything that is not in alignment with source and happiness only attracts that. So you may bring up those feelings that are not posi tive and attract that. Every tell a story of victory of something that you overcome when it still brings up sadness? What-ever you bring into the awareness of this moment will be where your atten-tion is and what you vibrate at. If you can say it with no upsetting feeling then great. But also notice people’s reactions. Is there a mix of upsetting responses mixed in? “O no, you went through such terrible etc. etc.” So really it is best to leave the story be-hind and get to the meat and potatoes on what you learned!

I personally realized this as someone dear to me said that I was getting upset in saying how grateful I was for getting through some challenges. At the time I said no, but now I can reflect and am aware that I kept going deeper and deeper into, and noticed my body get-ting tight and even he said he saw it in my body language. The body always tells the truth. Thus I see that my rock-et of desire kept going deeper in the story and the universe was attracting more of it.

Also if you are trying to fight something or win something, you are putting the belief that there is something to fight or something to win. If you focus on what you have to overcome your attention is placed there instead of focusing on the proactive and creative energy. Mo-tivation is trying to make yourself to go somewhere. Do you have to force yourself down a stream? No! Natu-rally one can move beyond motiva-tion when they have trust and instead naturally flow with the law of attraction/manifestation and simply choose love and positive feelings and energies of peace.

Appreciation Alignment of WHO YOU REALLY ARE!

Inspiration is being called to who you are. Thus you naturally flow with the natural vibration of love. Thus you travel right towards your destination in each moment which feel within; happy, peaceful and full of love and apprecia-tion. It is all in how you see the world. Life is about attitude. What kind of atti-tude do you have towards life, general-ly this attitude can also been reflecting back at how you see yourself. When we learn to let go of the filters and false beliefs, worries, doubt etc then we can tap into trusting, having connection to our inner joy and inner being.


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Appreciation is: Tuned in tapped in and turned on..

It is the Vibrational alignment with who I have become! It is being in synch of the whole of who I am!

It is seeing whatever I am looking at with the eyes of source of god! When you are in that state of appreciation and you walk down the street, With all kinds of things others would criticize or worry about...You would not have ac-cess of them . Why?This is because your vibration of ap-preciation you are emanating from is choosing to focus on aligning to the vibration of love. Your vibration is pick-ing out other things of different vibra-tional nature…

Appreciation is love, and love is a state of Godliness. This is the same no mat-ter how you look at it.

This vibration of appreciation and love are the same and this is the essence of our source and our true nature.


Who you were when the moment you were born and who you will be the mo-ment you die. Your quest in every mo-ment

This is where mindfulness comes into play, by learning to be present you can move towards a more lighter and high-er vibration.

Keep slowly move through feelings and be present and compassionate. As you settle then you will feel calmer and slowly you will shift your vibration.

Once you get into the vibration of hope, you can build from there and rocket your fuel of desire. Fill your journal/notebooks with appreciation. Make lists of things you love, positive aspects. Once you get into the vibra-tion of hope. Look for only your favorite thing and use it as a way to feel good, give it your attention.

Even it is one thing give it your undivid-ed attention. Use it as an excuse to be who you are. As you use those things that shine bright and make you feel good to be an excuse to get your at-tention. You’ll turn to who you are and the whole world will transform through your eyes. It is not your job to trans-form others. It is your job to transform only you.


To inspire Gratitude, Compassion, Connection and Joy in the Heart

of all beings including OUR EARTH.

To contact Heather; [email protected]

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Beluga Whalewhite whale in Arctic


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http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/whales/species/Beluga.shtml ~ http://www.mnh.si.edu/arctic/html/beluga_whale.html

Beluga means white in Russian. Beluga Whale or some call them white whale are not actually born white. They are gray at birth and as they get older the color get lighter and lighter, when a Beluga reaches age six they are completely white.

Beluga are very social mammals. A group of beluga can be loud! They have been nick-named “sea canaries”. They use sounds for many reasons, one is to help them to find their prey. They send out a sound which bounces off things in the water and allows them to hear how far away something is. This is called “echolocation”. It has also been reported by native people that beluga whales help each other give birth! They use many subtle forms of communication including a wide variety of facial expressions. Unlike some other whales, beluga have good vision. What they don’t have is a dorsal fin, earning them the name “delphinapterus” or dolphin-without-a-wing.

Beluga whale is small in size, their body is stout and has a small, blunt head with a small beak. They grow to be about 15 feet (4.6m) long an average, and they weighing up t about 3,300 pounds (1500kg).

Beluga whales live in frigid Arctic and sub-Arctic waters, as well as in the Cook Inlet and the St. Lawrence River. The Beluga whales life expectancy is 25 to 30 years. Beluga’s playful nature is one of their most enduring qualities about them. Just as other animals Beluga whales main threat is environmental pollution and what we do in our lives has a direct correlation to the survival of the belugas.


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Art work by; Maryam Morrison32 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • May 2012

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By Owen Fox

To contact with Owen visit:

An integral part of embracing emotions is healing from old hurts and events from the past. we can’t change the past but we can see how we think and feel about the past right now in this moment.

We can only ever deal with this moment. we can only ever become aware in this moment. awareness of this moment and what is happening in us in key.

We may notice we feel sad or angry, that resentment or blame or bitterness is there. we may notice in our minds, old tapes and images are going thru our heads, thoughts of an event either from earlier today or 10 years ago are running thru our mind. We can heal from these events by simply doing what is being talked about here. Shining the light of our awareness on our feelings and thoughts and visuals/movies in our head without resistance, but accep-tance... so the hurt surfaces and we allow it to release thru feeling it surface and feeling it there and knowing its there without fighting it or distracting ourselves from it.

It’s a holy moment so to speak. the human condition is always trying to fight an emotional discomfort, or try hide from it, this never works. It is only thru com-plete acceptance and embracing of it that it will be allowed to disappear.

Remain alert and present so you don’t get sucked into and lost in repetitive thoughts, judgments, resistance, remain as the silent knowing of anything in your head especially, and the things around you in this present moment also.

Be expansive, broad, alert, Aware. By “doing” this, you will allow each dropled of pain and hurt from any past moment, be it from 5 minutes ago or 50 years, to surface, be felt and evaporate from your being, leaving you little by little, ever more and more fresh and free and light.

It’s a beautiful journey, one you must be willing to make and choose to make yourself, and you can only ever take the step and make it happen, in this tiny holy instant, called now.



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http://www.cal.ir/ ~ http://cal.ir/main/fa/contact ~ http://cal.ir/main/en/contact

Vafa Shelter Needs your help, many beautiful animals waiting for a loving home.

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