T h e MAGAZINE September 2012 Volume 2 Issue 9

The Eden Magazine

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Eden magazine is a free online magazine, which focuses on Animal Welfare and Environment Protection. Discover the path to peaceful living among other living beings. We are all made of vibration and light in the universe to manifest our energy around all livingness.

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September 2012 Volume 2 Issue 9

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Front Cover by Maryam Morrison

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Eden Magazine is an independent monthly online magazine. Our aim is to create a better environment where we live among other living being in peace and harmony. We support artists that their work match our criteria. If you would like to submit your artwork, article or/and your

Photography For our future issues please contact Maryam Morrison at;[email protected] or www.theedenmagazine.com

EditorMaryam Morrison

spreading compassion to all sentient beings and Living in healing and peaceful world

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Mother Moon Arts

4Katerina Kostaki

6My Mini MiricaleBy: Michele Rabbitt Billman



CombinCism Art

A Bump in my...By; Debra J. White

16The contexual...By Ellen Heller


Music & Sound Healing

By Daniel Koblaika


Earth you homeBy Elliot Eli



The best way to Detox your body

By Sue Graumann


Creating empowering love..

By; Heather Auria Gaines


Zanziber SuniB


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Mother Moon Arts swirls within the Fantasy Realm and the space in between the real and illusionary. Crafty, artistic Dreamstress; Sewing/crafting by day, fighting divas by night.

Mother Moon Arts

[email protected] http://mothermoonarts.blogspot.com

“Sugey is a native of El Salvador and showed interest in art as young as 8 years old. She grew up in several places in the San Fernan-do valley and during High School her family moved to the West Los Angeles while she began her real art education. She attended Otis School of Art and Design’s summer program on Scholarship after high school. The passions for art, community and teaching art were fueled when attending Santa Monica College where she attained an AA degree in Art. Sugey has shown art in Venice, downtown Los Angeles and San Francisco. She also has taken part in musical endeavors with the experimental Orchestra, Killsonic’s Women’s Choir in the past few years. She has taught Art in different schools and non-profits from Santa Monica to Compton. Current-ly, Sugey makes and sells fashion accessories in LA and, creates and shows art while working for community non-profits.”

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Mother Moon Arts

There is a certain indescribable beauty in contradictions. With the every drive and necessity to categorize, the spectrum of multiplicity’s becomes faded. When two forces, ideologies, races, any opposite entities collide two possible effects take place, the clash, the explosion.

It’s destructive and harmful, which is what we, as we tend to do. The other, which is the blending and coexistence and meshing at an attempt to maintain balance.

In a physical manifestation this causes a swirl, spiral shape, the yin-yang, the tornado, whirlwind. This visual effect is the glorious dance of the opposite force attempting to regain balance, the coexistence on the same plane.

The spiral is used an axis of most of my work. It’s the mesh of the many--it’s chaos and peace, inward and outward, expression and introversion, dominant and submissive, Latina and American, the contemporary and traditional fighting it out on the same contextual plane. It serves as the symbol another possible society where women of color can play multiple roles and be successful.

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When Love met Happiness....

Sketch by Katerina Kostaki 1986

By Katerina Kostaki

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The story presented on my article is more or less familiar to all of us. A few of its ele-ments come up shyly in our lives, although the majority of humans only understand of a small part of its significance.

Perhaps, some reject it entirely, or just take a peek, covering its unambiguous existence with the veil of hypocrisy.

Only a few people prompt to hark care-fully events and accept its secret course, which sweep generations over the centu-ries, in all directions on this planet.

This story owes a name, and this is: “The Pursuit of Happiness “.

Is this familiar to you? The story has gone a long distance to reach man’s hands and has joined battles of glory in order to be kept pure and in-variant, hence, to reside in human souls.

Happiness can not be immortal. Man is determined to strive and worry in order to feel the delicious taste of Happiness over his heart’s strings.

Essentially, has anyone ever wondered whether a secret regarding the search for Happiness exists?

“Happiness is the absence of the striv-ing for Happiness.”Chuang-Tzu (350 B.C.)

Wise words…. What is the difference of this wise quote to reaching its reality? How many modern people are in a happy position, in the year

2012? Unfortunately, we do not possess any impartial “Happiness” measurements, nor hold valid, secret (and incited too…) polls for Happiness is clearly a personal issue.

Each one specifies his own story, his own Happiness according to his own criteria.

When someone embarks on his research, if he ever makes it, (there is, in addition, a contingency that he/she will never em-bark on it…), then he sails on a journey, a course that incubates various events.

It’s like opening a precious gift that hides myriads of secrets. Nobody acknowledg-es its content unless he attempts to in-spect it.

Happiness is not always dominated by heavenly chances, blue and green sea-shores of euphoria and pink clouds of se-renity. Happiness does not dwell in luxuri-ous mansions and expensive cars neither in glamorous appearances.

Many times Unhappiness and loneliness lurk behind the ledges of luxury and sur-face brightness.

There are so many examples around us, in newspapers, magazines, television and radio of people who are plunged in uncer-tainty, grief and insecurity.

I wonder why this is.It’s strange that people themselves cre-ated this substructure concerning a total lack of Happiness and continue desper-ately to preserve it at all costs.

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Stowed in large cities, named Megalop-olis, imprisoned in small apartments, in spaces without latitude, away from Divine Nature and pruned from Inner Light, it seems as though they have decided to bind themselves with tights of powerless living conditions, filled with depressed and pernicious effects.

In addition, the thousands of thoughts that are cultivated in the human mind by ma-jority are negative. And they create the so called “ thought forms.”

These cities are controlled by the contin-uous spreading of negative emotions that have affiliated the form of an epidemic.

Of course, this does not mean that people who live in mansions have captured the meaning of Happiness and that they go around in joy.

It’s very simple….Happiness is created within us. It flourish-es in emotions, the very important human emotions.

Happiness is cultivated in our Soul, when each person builds bridges with his in-ner light. Happiness does not coincide with material goods; she does not retain its value in superficial, vacuous existence and opulence.

Vanity is her worst enemy. She looks with despising glances over Happiness’s lim-pid beauty, because she is jealous of her unblemished existence.

The phrase “Pursuit of Happiness” alone constitutes an illusion, an utopia.

The Pursuit of Happiness turns out to be an expensive sport that it might just be in-effective.

Look around at human faces and you will see only a few people who are happy, content, with a smile over their lips …..

Count the smiles which are met in your way and moreover those who are real.

What is missing from our lives so that we can be happy and content?

First of all, let Happiness approach you…Do not go after her. As long as you go after her she flees away. Keep pace with life’s rhythm, let yourself float with the river of life and watch events through another perspective. Seek for Happiness in differ-ent, subtle, every day matters, in creativ-ity and offerings.

Have we forgotten something among all these quotations? Happiness arrives when it’s called upon by a unique, imper-ishable virtue that no law is able to abol-ish.

This value is named “Love” and if we need to underline her, then we should name her “Unconditional Love”.

When Love meets Happiness the stron-gest amalgam is created, confuting every negative action or attack.

“Love is the fundamental stone of the Universe. Universal Energy, the per-fect vacuum, is the emanation of Cos-mic Love that constitutes the essence of the Divine”.

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Love is Soul’s mantle. Love arms and em-braces us with her protective cloaks of healing Intelligence.

This is the greatest Power in the Universe and the cause hidden behind every action of creativity every negativity.

Love and Happiness are two meanings that cannot be separated. Happiness can not exist without Love.

Above all, both of them are within us.

Loving ourselves means that we love the entire world. We see people with eyes full of love.

When more and more people cultivate the inner lovely sentiments of Love, they spread this healing energy of Love every-where.

Healing veils of Love spread worldwide and vanish such negative sentiments like wrath, bitterness, hate, revenge, fear and desperation.

Hold the sceptre of Love in your hands and go on fearless…..

Copyright Katerina Kostaki Spirtual and visionary author, poetess and mentorOwner of Academy of Inner Light –NetworkAuthor of Cosmic Light (Spiritual-metaphysical poetry book)

Katerina Kostaki is a visionary artist, spiritual author, poetess, freelance article writer ,mentor and video creator. She was born in 1966 in Athens , Greece. She was awarded as Mentor for participating to the European Union Program entitled “Implement” (May-October 2006) in contribution with two International Universities: Institut Technik Undbildung and Deis-Cork Institute of Technology. She attended lessons on Counselling on 2007.

She took a distant learning course on “ALCHEMY OF TRANSFORMATION ” by Classic Insight Org. (former Online Hu-manities Org.) on 2010. Her work related to spirituality, spiritual coaching/ counsel-ling, mythology, esoteric research, self esteem, relationships, self improvement, historical reviews, Nature protection, New Age, mystery and metaphysics has appeared in several publications (trade –union, local and cultural) both in print and online. She writes and translates her books/articles /poems/newsletters from Greek to English language herself.

e-mail: [email protected]

www.academyofinnerlight.net http://www.facebook.com/authorkaterinakostakiTwitter:@katerinakostaki

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In the winter of 2005 my mom had a mild stroke that left her weak on one side of herbody. After much soul searching, my family sold our house and moved into her home to help take care of her. By spring she was still unable to walk around our uneven lawn with her walker. She was frustrated that she was missing the beautiful blooms of the new season. Feeling overwhelmed and depressed by mom’s lack of mobility, I dutifully took my camera outside to take photos of the flower garden to help ease

her mind of missing the growing season. At least it gave me a chance to get out of the house and into warm sunshine to help cheer up my mood. As I was studying the flowers in the garden I said a small quick prayer to myself.

I desperately wanted to know if the Universe knows my sorrow of taking care of my elderly mother. It’s was an incredibly lonely and frustrating job at times, especially when she ignored the

MiracleMy Mini

After feeling slightly depressed while photographing mundane things around my yard, an extraordinary thing happened to me that made me believe in miracles again.

By Michele Rabbitt Billman

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doctor’s orders. I guess I wanted to know if I made the right decision of putting off my career plans of becoming a fine art photographer in order to take care of her.

I started taking photos of the best blooms in our flower garden when my intuition kept encouraging me to take photos of the ugly misshapened ones. I didn’t have the will to fight with anyone or anything at this point, I surrendered control of my feelings. I just went with the flow and let my mind drift away. I took the time to enjoy the fresh air on my skin and allowed the sun to shine light into my soul. I made a slide show for my mom so she could see the blooms unfolding before her eyes. Her eyes shone brightly as each photo revealed the blossoms gleaming in the sunshine. My mom was impressed with the progress of our perennial flower gar-den. She said, “those flower photos were just as pretty as the ones they sell in the stores.” I reviewed the slide show again to really see the final results, I was so caught up in the moment of taking the photos that I never took time to really see

them in up close and personal. I had to admit they looked pretty decent for being flower photos.

My mom wanted me to use those flow-er photos to decorate our walls to help brighten up the house and brighten up her mood. I already had black and white pho-tos of old barns and old structures ready to hang up from an old art show. Now, those old photos will have to wait under my bed for awhile longer. I was never a big fan of colored photos let alone boring flower photos. During my college years, I discovered how beautiful black and white photography was while taking a photogra-phy class to enhance my graphic design major. I never looked back and never con-sidered having color photos hung in myhouse. I guess I was being a photo snob and was resistant to change since I hadrearranged everything else in my life to help out my mom. This was the only thing I had control over in my life and now I had to change my style of photography to accommodate my mom’s taste in deco-rating.

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To ensure my mom’s safety I usually only left the house while my mom took herafternoon nap. With such a small win-dow of opportunity to take photos I sur-rendered my dreams of being a visual artist since my mom needed me more.

On a day I had no errands to run while my mom took her nap, I decided to take time to pick out some flower photos to out-put when the next time I go to the store.

My mom was anxious to see her flowers emblazoned all over the walls. I had to admit I was feeling sorry for myself about being solely responsible for my mom. As I was choosing the perfect flowers for printing, I noticed the imperfect flowers with half opened blooms and missing leaves kept beckoning me for a second look. I chuckled to my myself that those ugly flowers reflected the same way I felt at that moment, half developed and pieces missing. To get myself in a better frame of mind in doing my mom’s flower project, I decided to meditate to clear my mind of any negative thoughts. I real-ized I had almost forgotten how to relax and let down my guard, it felt good to let go and allow the energy of the Universe to surround my body. My skin tingled in anticipation of receiving a warm cosmic hug, I could feel the blood rushing through my hands and feet, my heart beat slowed down. I opened my eyes after a few minutes of just Being, my stress of being a caretaker started to melt away.

I looked again at the lopsided flowers in a whole new light. My eyes starting seeing the parts of the flowers as unique and interesting instead of misshapened

and ugly. It occurred to me that I could take the interesting bits of the flower and digitally chop off the rest of the photo. I mirrored the revised image to create a balanced composition which made a whole new flower! I prayed for balance in my life, I decided to create that real-ity through my art, hoping this would open a door to a new world of possibilities for me. Creating perfect new worlds out of imperfect flowers gave my spirit a boost that I was craving. With my energy flowing and clearing my mind, I wasn’t letting my bias feelings about flowers get in the way of the creative process. I felt like a kid again, having no expectations of the outcome and giving myself permission to make mistakes.

Often times my hand felt like it had a mind of it’s own, I could think about other things while my hand explored the different photo software buttons that I never used. My mouse clicked on an obscure special effect button by accident an angel showed up right in the middle of my finished image. It took my breath away having an angel staring back at me!

Thinking my eyes were playing tricks on me, I popped off my computer chair to look at the whole image from a distance. I could still see the angel staring right at me, plus four more angels flying and praying! My heart soared knowing the Universe heard my frustrations and con-cerns.

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Those imperfect flowers sent me the perfect message that I wasn’t alone in my endeavors of my life. I felt like I received a mini miracle that day. It came at a time I really needed to know if anyone in heaven was listening to me. These an-gels were giving me a sign that all would be well with my mom and my art would be progressing in a whole new Light.

I called this new piece of artwork “Garden Angels”, it was still just black and white but it was the beginning of my “Magickal Garden” series.

By surrendering my control during the cre-ative process it makes the whole experi-ence enjoyable and stress-free. I still look forward to these art sessions as a positive way to deal with the everyday grind of be-ing a caretaker. Now I know I am on the right path of taking care of my mom and creating art. The balance I first created in my artwork has now come full circle in my own reality. Taking care of my mom has become less stressful since I learned how to take time out and some fun through my art. Balancing time for me and time for others in my busy family has become an art form in itself.

Having angels show up expectantly in my artwork never gets old. I have had other “mini miracles” since that first piece of art-work, all in living bright bold colors. Each time I review my “Magickal Garden” se-ries it reminds me that angels are always present around us, we have to take the time to look for them or they will remain invisible until we are ready to seek them.

Michele is a Reiki Master Teacher, writer of children short stories, intuitive artist and photographer.

Reiki healing energy has enriched her personal and professional life. Michele allows her Reiki energy to be an inspirational tool for all her creative activities.

By entrusting the Reiki energy during the creative process she has produced stunning images with her trusty digital camera.

Trees and flowers are Michele’s main focus of her digital manipulated artwork. June of 2011, she debuted her “Magical Flower Garden” series in Chi-cago at the historic Fine Arts Building located on Michigan Avenue. Those same images of her flowers will be published soon in a coffee table book featuring unique flower art.

Michele is currently working on a new series showcasing her beloved trees, it’s called “Enchanted Trees”. To see her unique fine art of nature, go to her website:

she can be reached by email: [email protected]

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Combineism ArtA new style and creation

ByMoheb Yonas & L. Darvas

Moheb Yonas is an Egyptian Visual Artist, Designer and a textile printingEngineer.

He innovated and created a New kind of Art School, it exists for the first timein the history of Art, when two great International Artists from differentcountries first Eng. Designer Artist Moheb Yonas from (Egypt) and second the famous Miami Modern Master Artist L. Darvas from (U.S.A) Co-operated to generate and produce one unique New Art category “COMBINEISM ART” which is equal to the (Fine Applied Arts).

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Combineism ArtA new style and creation

ByMoheb Yonas & L. Darvas

E-mail; [email protected]://www.facebook.com/moheb.yonas

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Maxine an

d d


ct m


In the spring of 1991, only a few offers trickled in for my scrappy dog Maxine. Physician’s Mutual Insurance Company of Omaha offered her a Hospital Plus Protection Plan. It didn’t say if it applied to animal hospitals. The Award Claim Center from Redlands, CA mailed an ur-gent notice confirming that my dog would receive a cash prize. It said, you are CONFIRMED. That sounded impressive. The Craftmatic Adjustable Bed Company of Trevose, PA said Maxine was eligible for their free catalogue simply by call-

ing their toll-free number. That might be hard considering she had ten toes. ICS, International Correspondence Schools, sent information about training for a bet-ter job, one that paid more money. Great, now she could pay for her own dog bones and vet bills. The Ford Motor Company offered Maxine a guide to Car and Truck buying. She’d have a hard time reaching the brakes. The US Olympic Committee cordially invited her to make Olympic his-tory. As what, a canine archery contes-tant?

By Debra J. White www.debrajwhite.com

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A sweepstakes notified Maxine that she won a contest. Wow, lucky Maxine. To receive her award, she had to send $12.75. I asked if they’d take $12.75 in dog bones. No one responded.

Ok, I had enough. I wrote back to each and every company, explaining that Maxine D. (did D stand for dog?) White was my dog, including a copy of her photo. I told the Ford Motor company that if and when her driving ability improved, she might contact them. I asked the Craftmatic Adjustable Bed Company if they made canine beds. I was sure Maxine would love one. Could she use her paw to adjust it?

A few months after Maxine’s mail started I moved to Boulder and her junk mail went west too. Dozens of new offers flooded my mail box. Some days Max-ine had more mail than I did. Lot of com-panies vied for Maxine as a customer. The Encyclopedia Britannica wanted to sell her a complete set. Nothing but the best for my dog. After all, I rescued her from the gritty streets of the South Bronx. Magazine subscriptions came from Time Life, Women’s Day, Prevention and Hooked on Crochet. I explained to the editor of Hooked on Crochet that it’d be hard for Maxine to crochet with so four legs. The offer from I Love Cats tick-led me. Maxine however, liked cats but not enough to read about the assorted brands of no clump litter on the mar-ket. The American Running and Fitness Association wanted to send a free gift. That made sense since we jogged every day. Maybe they could send her a canine heart monitor? I worried sometimes that

I overworked her.

But the clincher came when dunning notices threatened to sue Maxine for a past due subscription to Runner’s World. The Security Control Service from Newport, DE was retained to collect Maxine’s unpaid balance. I called and spoke to a collection agent. Maxine D. White ordered a subscription to Runner’s World over the phone and didn’t pay for it. I cracked up. Maxine White couldn’t have ordered a subscription on the phone. He insisted she had. Go ahead and sue me. I refused to pay for a magazine I didn’t receive and that Maxine couldn’t possibly read.

The dunning notices became more threatening. In the spring of 1992 I called a television reporter I met at a shelter discussion several months earlier at the University of Colorado. She cracked up when I told her about Maxine’s dilemma. The Denver station offered to represent Maxine in court if the collection agency sued her for the balance. A camera crew arrived at my Boulder apartment and filmed a segment about Maxine’s mail. Guess what? The junk mail mysteriously stopped.

All these years later, I have no idea how Maxine’s name ended up on a telemar-keter’s list. Too bad Maxine didn’t get her day in court. I wonder how my dog would’ve been sworn in? Holding her paw on the Bible? Maxine left this world in 2001. I’ve adopted lots of dogs since then from the shelter where I volunteer. None ever received mail. Maxine was special in more ways than one.

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We all walk along, throughout our lives, and live our days hoping that ‘all goes well.’ We stress about life experiences that do not seem pleasant, and focus on how bad things are, or the possibility of them get-ting worse, and then, we manipulate all we can to do our best to ‘solve’ the problem. It doesn’t matter if you consider yourself a ‘bad guy or a good guy’ (no gender differ-ences intended here!).... we all do this.

Remember, “bad people” do not know they are bad....they are asleep, and also wish to have things going ‘good’ for them. The difference between the ‘good and the

bad people’ is that the good want things also going well for others, as well as them-selves. The ‘sleeping souls,’ are only in-terested in their own life experience. In other words, a microcosm of separation (asleep), rather than Unity (enlightened). We come into the world innocent, and the environment is either hostile, loving, or somewhere in between. Seemingly, it all appears to depend on how we ‘act.’ If we behave ‘well,’ ‘compliant,’ ‘obedient,’ etc., usually, but not always, we are not repri-manded, or at the worst, abused. But what about those times that we ‘do nothing wrong,’ and are punished, some-times severely. The child who is beat-en because his or her alcoholic or drug addicted parent had a bad day, and trans-fers all onto that child. Or the child or spouse who innocently does something that they really don’t realize would upset their parent or spouse, and is cruelly repri-manded, either emotionally, physically, or both.



By Ellen Heller

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We walk along throughout our lives, trying our best to stay away from loss, pain and humiliation, and yet time and time again, we often have it come right into our reality. We usually get frightened, feel anger, or sadly just adjust to it, wait-ing for it to return, as part of our ‘normal life.’ However, the Truth is this.....there is only Love. Anything other than that is an illusion. The fear that creeps in, the error of peoples’ ways, the abuse, etc., are all just ‘points of reference,’ to help us create the OPPOSITE in this ‘reality.’ It is what is known as “The Contextual Field.”

The more advanced a society is/a Soul is, the more the point of reference or ‘con-textual field,’ will be further away in our life experiences. In other words, it is there somewhere, but not in our reality, called our LIFE. How do we do this? How do we keep that point of reference out of our way, so to speak?

It’s all about perception of everything, every life experience, and everyone. It’s all about then, how you are FEELING. And, finally it’s all about what your thoughts appear as, based on your feelings, and finally, what you decide to BE about it all (and possibly what you ‘do’).

That is why all great Masters and Mes-sengers of the world are always telling us to ‘Be Love.’ This will keep the ‘point of reference’ far away from us. Another term

noted and heard of many times, is “being in the world, but not of it.” How do we do this? How do we let hard challenges just not touch us? One way is by reminding ourselves until it becomes ‘second nature,’ (actually IT IS our ‘na-ture’) to be Love; to know our freedom as Reflections of God/Spirits having a hu-man experience/dream. Once again.....it’s all about Gratitude, and if you cannot do this for someone, whatever you wish for, cause another to have it, and it will also be yours. Why? Because we are All One. What you do for another, you do for you. As long as the intention is pure, which means that you really wish another to prosper, you will also be given that gift you are giving.

And yes, there are children whom are abused. You may ask what could they have done to deserve this? This is not about right or wrong, or judging in any way, but about understanding. Expand-ing ones’ perception to remember that, as The Christ demonstrated, every little Soul, comes into this world to Be some-thing, in order to evolve and help others to evolve. In other words, Love enhances. And it may just be that a child or an in-nocent person whom has done nothing wrong but suffers, has decided before birth to Be a victim to someone, in order for that ‘perpetrator’ to grow, to wake up, to evolve. Therefore, that child may be a Master, whom has come, just to ‘save’ that Soul; to allow that person the experi-ence of being the perpetrator, so that they will realize what they will never wish to be again.

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Ellen Heller received a B.A. in Education in 1978; four major fields of study: English, Art, Social Studies, and Psychology. Received her M.S. in Clinical Psychology in 1997. Has treated patients in a locked psych ward, held a two office private practice, and currently is starting a private practice in Arizona.

Taught Psychology classes at a University in the Chicago area, and has just completed a children’s book. She is currently writing another book for young adults and the general public. Her company was honored in Entrepreneur Magazine, March, 2003, for her business, Mother Earth Coffee Company, Inc., for cause related Marketing. 10% net profit was pledged to a different charity each month to give back to our community/Planet. She currently resides in Arizona, and is in the process of placing Mother Earth Coffee Company locations in the state of Arizona. She presently writes a successful blog called “Spirit-Minded; from the Inside---Out.” You can find her blog website located at: www.spirit-minded.comYou can also contact her through her email: [email protected]

For as stated in many books....no Soul can do anything to another Soul without their per-mission. Of course, this is on a metaphysical level, and many do not remember the ‘agree-ment’ before birth, but each Soul is on it’s own journey, and this is truly between them and God/One Mind/Love, involving their own Spir-itual evolution. As stated , and asked, ‘Why didn’t Jesus heal the whole world, as he could have?’ Why? Because they didn’t ask. Jesus, as a Master, knew that every Soul has it’s own ‘agenda’ so to speak, and understood to not intrude, but rather allowed that Soul to develop and grow according to it’s own choices (free will). The contextual field exists, as simply a point of reference, so that we may have the expe-rience of choosing, in relation to something else. For one cannot experience hot, unless knowing cold; up unless knowing down, and Love unless knowing fear. There is only Love. The rest is an illusion in which to create yourself in your Grandest and Greatest Vision and Version you have ever had about yourself. Therefore, it’s important never to dwell on what is NOT happening, on what you do not have, nor any negative thought, for you bring about to yourself, what you focus on. (Energy Flows Where Attention Goes!) Instead, focus on the Truth of whom you Really Are; a Spirit having a human experi-ence; a Magnificent Sacred Design of the Universe/One Mind/The Great I AM, and allow the reference point of error to be only existing as a tool to create the opposite of it. Blessings!

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Kind Guidance for Creating and Accepting Spiritual Health

Q A&Spirit-Minded

(Advice Column)

Ask Ellen Heller

Question: Dear Spirit-Minded: My health problems come and go. I am in a situ-ation in which I often feel ‘trapped’ in my life by people whom I feel love and obligation at the same time. What can I do to return to my wellness and state of balance among the turmoil I feel each day? Signed, Need Help

Answer: Dear Need Help: Thoughts and feelings become life experiences. Per-ception is the beginning of our thoughts and feelings either becoming negative or positive life situations, including our health issues, whether bad health or good health. We are the ones who must be honest with our awareness and our perception of ‘Our World,’ meaning our personal perceptions. What have you been told while growing up about you? About health? What is your personal view/perception of ill health? Of good health? Looking at your situation in

which you feel trapped, is ill health also a perception of feeling trapped in your perception? Does good health mean freedom? If so, you may be manifest-ing ill health because your ‘life situation of health problems’ must in your own thoughts, match your life situation of feeling trapped. The answer/solution to this is to realize that all is an opportu-nity to BE something in relation to this. You may think you do not wish to be ill, but could very well be creating this ill-ness to match your perception of your life experience. In truth, you are never ‘trapped;’ everything is temporary, and deciding to BE LOVE in relation to what-ever or whomever you feel ‘trapped’ about, will release you, bringing back the experience of good health. Remem-ber, people and situations need Love, ESPECIALLY when they do not deserve it! Blessings!

[email protected]“All questions can be sent to:

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Music &

Sound Healing

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Music and sound healing is not a new con-cept. Cultures throughout the world have used music to empower, energize, heal and soothe the body, mind and spirit since time immemorial. It is no accident that Apollo, the Greek god who is credited as being the father of medicine, is also the fa-ther of music and the inventor of the lyre. Music and healing are part of each other, and current research is pointing to that more and more. Recent studies have shown that music can slow down and help balance brain waves, reduce tension and stress by affecting endorphin levels, reduce physical tension by changing the vibrational frequency of cells, and even evoke feelings of love and inner peace.

Of course, if music can slow down your body’s rhythms and effect soothing, peace and healing, it can also have the opposite effect. A well-chosen set of music can help energize you and prepare you to work hard and be creative. Studies have also shown that athletes working out and prac-ticing to music use more energy, stretch themselves further and burn more calories than those who work without music.

There’s a great deal of information avail-able now about music and healing. Sound healing, music therapy, and the power of sound to effect changes in the mind, body and spirit are becoming more and more accepted. It’s sometimes difficult to tell how much is true and how much is mar-keting hype. I became interested in the healing power of music as a by-product of trying to pro-duce the most beautiful music possible.

Years back, Leonard Bernstein invited me to perform as concertmaster in the world premiere his production of Mass. While there, he invited me along to speak with management and producers in the record-ing industry.

I learned from them, to my surprise, that the violin, the instrument that I consider the most beautiful and evocative of any, was not considered by the recording in-dustry to be a marketable sound - that people would not buy recordings that fea-tured the violin.

That piece of news amazed me. To me, the violin is the most beautiful, evocative and versatile instrument ever created. In the hands of a skilled musician, the vio-lin can gloat, laugh, exult or cry. It can express nearly any emotion that humans can feel in their hearts and souls. I chal-lenged myself then to produce works of music that presented the violin as I know it - the evocative and expressive voice of the soul. That was the beginning of my own music label and catalog, Li-Sem Enterprises. As it grew, I began to hear from those who work in the fields of healing, both the traditional hospitals and doctors’ offices, and those working in CAM (complemen-tary and alternative medicine), telling me that they were using my music in their practices, to enhance meditation, focus awareness and evoke emotions.

Perhaps the most potent, powerful story that I heard was that of a teenage boy diagnosed with schizophrenia who did not speak at all, but who, while listening to

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my CD Fragrance of a Dream, looked up and said, “This music is so beautiful it breaks your heart.” Those stories and touches from others led me to begin exploring the world of healing with sound and music, and what I find both amazes me and confirms my own belief that music is one of the most potent healing tools the world has ever possessed. I am still very much a student, a pilgrim on a quest to learn allthat I can about the ways that different tones, vibrations and sounds can affect the body and attune with the emotions and the spiritual.

It is a wonderful journey, and one that I intend to share with as many people as I can. As a beginning of that sharing, here are some things that I have learned, and that I believe about how music helps to heal and regenerate the body. 1. Your body will heal itself if you give it the right tools. I believe that some music can help your body to heal by helping it to realign its balance. At the same time, it is far too early in the research for anyone to tell you which musical selections will heal a specific medical condition. I would be irresponsible if I recommended that mu-sic replace other more traditional forms of healing and therapy. Music is a comple-mentary way to give your body the tools that it needs to help itself heal.

2. One of the most important and effective things that you can do for your body is to help it relax into a meditative state. There is a great deal of research to support that a state of meditative calm inspires your

body and your mind to renew itself. 3. Sound is one of the best tools for inspir-ing the meditative state in which your body is receptive to healing and renewal - but it is important to choose your music care-fully. Some music - classical music in par-ticular - seems to go there instinctively, but most music was not designed to relax you. We are barely beginning to understand the ways that music affects us and effects healing in us. The research is exciting and ongoing, and I spend a great deal of time working with different bodies of healers in various fields to aid this research in all the ways that I can.

I incorporate what I have learned into the production of the titles and arrangements chosen for every new Li-Sem Catalog release in the hopes that this wonderful gift that I was given, the gift of making mu-sic, can become a gift to others - one that helps heal and refresh and renew, and in the process becomes part of a positive change in the world.

Daniel Kobialka

World-renowned violinist Daniel Kobialka embraces both the classic and the avant-garde in his search to create sounds that enliven and heal. Dr. Bernie Siegel states, “I found years ago that music creates a healing environment… I find Kobialka’s to be the best available.” Visit Kobialka’s website for more articles and healing music.

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Holding Space- Holding... Anchoring Divine Light into the Earth, NowAs we Sense the Swirling Energies Around us at this timeBreathe and Anchor-There are many who will ‘’Be the Harbor’’ for Others...lapping upon the shore..Opening the Arms ‘’To Hold, To Love’’ ...There is a ‘’Safe Harbor’’ Now being devel-oped for Many..I believe this is First found within Self...find the Safe Harbor within...Be...Ground..I am Seeing Arms...Holding Others that come upon the Shore-The Lighthouse is Lite- Others are Seeing in the Dark Night-They Hear the Horn-The Water Rushes upon the Heart for there is an OpeningThere is a Cry... let out for the Anguish that is within ALL--- it is Witnessed and Released.The Sage Smoke is burned as well...and the Drum Beat heard in the distance...The Four Leggeds are releasing and the Oceans Beings as well...ALL....A Waterfall appears in the backgroundAll that needs Cleansing is Purified-The Divine Song is Heard ...There is a Knowing that there is a Safe HarborThe Heart is Pumping LoudlyThe Eyes are closedThe Mouth is relaxedThe Spirit is Held in Divine GraceAllow the Safe Harbor of your Spirit to Touch You, Embrace You, Sing to you the Chords of the Spheres-

Safe HarborBy Gail Cullen

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Creating Empowering and Loving RelationshipsPart Three

6. Most importantly it starts with YOU and it is up to YOU to Create Positive Change!

• It all goes back to how you see yourself and how you treat yourself.

• Be aware of what you want for yourself and what you want from each relation-ship.

• Take Accountability. You must realize that you are responsible for what hap-pens to you and how you live and re-spond to life. It is all in how you see the world and respond to the world that will shape your world.

• It is all about learning to trust, from trusting yourself to trusting the universe. Listen to your gut to keep you safe and happy. And trust that the universe can and will provide to you a life of happi-ness.

• Learn to let go of the past. The only moment you have to change your life and take charge is this very moment. See if you can forgive yourself and others and

take the past as a Gift to; LEARN WHAT YOU DO WANT!

• Simply stated, choose believe in you. Surround yourself with uplifting music, reading, art and experiences that support you in your highest!

• Happiness is a choice and it comes from within you. It can only be created by your intention and initiative to feel it.

• Be aware that you have the “Power of Choice”. You can choose who to spend your time with, how to spend it and how to live your life. You can choose love, peace and a life that feels safe, nurturing and compassionate.

• Express clearly to yourself and others what your needs are.

• Realize that others have needs to and they may not be able to meet all of your needs.

• Some of these needs will have to be met by others or even yourself.

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Creating Empowering and Loving RelationshipsBy: Heather Auria Gaines

Part Three

•It’s a two way street and it is essential to see your half in co-creating. Be mindful of what you are creating with others!

• Be willing to negotiate and compromise and look for the win-win situations.

• Try to see things from the other’s point of view. This doesn’t mean that you must agree, but rather that both of you can understand and respect everyone has differences, points of view, and separate needs.

When it comes down to it, it can only happen if you desire and want it enough. We all have choices in our lives and sometimes we forget that we can live it differently. We have images blasted to us all the time from society, media and people we meet. In the past I was in an unhealthy relationship. I had to choose to wake up and see it for what it was and choose to let go of it. It was a process but it helped me become aware of how I was with all of my relationships. It took time to forgive, let go and move forward. I found when I fully surrendered is when I opened up fully to loves grace. I then

saw really how much love I did have all around me, from my friends to my family, and even to strangers. The work is well worth it. I now have all happy and healthy relationships that are constantly bloom-ing. For the first time I am able to fully receive with all of my heart and not be afraid to close up or worried I am going to get hurt. And when I meet situations with the similar patterns of the past challeng-es of unhealthy energies I just reaffirm myself in my new life. I thank the experi-ence in my heart, expressing how I have move forward and am able to be strong in myself and be at peace and walk away from the situation with compassion in my heart.

These 6 steps that I explained in three parts, will help you create and maintain healthy boundaries. Building boundaries is like any muscle or practice—the more you work with it, the better it serves you!


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Monthly Message from Source


By Elliott Eli Jackson

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WE speak to you now of your home, your planet, your earth. This wonderful domain has been provided for you by US and by you. Love her/him as she/he loves you. Care for him/her as she/he lovingly cares for you. Prune her/him, plant and till the soil, grow your food without fear. However, it is important for you to adjust with her/him as she/he makes changes to deal with the coming tides of the future. Consider revamp-ing the placements of your cities on the water’s edge. If you build them, build them high enough to withstand the wind and the water waves that are coming; fore, yes, coming they are. You can do it, all of you can make the proper chang-es necessary to live and enjoy your earth as she/he withstands the physi-cal effects that are occurring due to the alignment of the stars in your heavens as you call them. WE believe in you. Plan for colder winters, fore, come they will. Prepare for hot, hot summers, they are already upon your door. If you listen to her/him (Mother/Father earth), all will

be well. The question is, will you listen to the whistling of the wind? Know that you really do not have anything to fear. LISTEN!

Remember, WE love you.

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The following poem is an excerpt from The Sapiential Discourses Universal Wisdomby Elliott Eli Jackson – Light Technology Publishing, 2012. Get Your Copy Today! Also available on NOOK and Kindle.






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Elliott Eli Jackson is an inspirational speaker, Reiki Master, and author of The Sapien-tial Discourses which is to be released this year. He has also authored the best-selling nonfiction book From God to You: Absolute Truth, and Cacophony, a collection of poetry about life, love, and spirit. Elliott channels All there is, was, and ever shall be. Elliott and his wife Diane tour America presenting workshops in which Source speaks through Elliott to the audience, answering questions as well as giving spiritual guidance. www.elliottelijackson.com

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Zanzibar Suni32 THEDENMAGAZINE.COM • September 2012


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The Zanzibar suni a subspecies of the suni, an antelope species found on the island of Zanzibar in Africa. It is a very small antelope and is also sometimes called the dwarf antelope. Adults only reach between 13 and 15 inches high at the shoulder and weigh only 10 to 12 lbs. They are reddish brown in color with a darker back, sides and legs. The belly and chin are white, and there are black rings that appear around the eyes and the hooves. They also have white spots on their coats which provide camouflage against predators. Males have horns that grow between three and five inches long. Females do not have horns.

Suni prefer thick, dry underbrush for their habitat either in montane forests above 9000 feet or in riparian reed scrub. They are very shy and secretive and are active only in the evenings or at night. Much of the day is spent sleeping in sheltered and shaded areas, and they are known to freeze in order to blend in with their surroundings when attempting to avoid detection by predators. Diet consists of leaves, fungi, fruits, and flowers. Although suni prefer to live near a water source, they can survive long periods of time without water. Males are territorial and mark their space with dung piles and secretions from their preorbital glands. They usually allow one mate and other females to share their territory. Females give birth to one calf after a gestation period of six months.

This species is threatened mainly by habitat destruction and excessive hunting by humans. To preserve the species, conservationists are working to manage its remaining habitat, and the suni hunting season is limited to only six months per year.

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Natural detoxification is the safest way to clean your bowels,. The task may not sound important, but it is crucial to undergo detoxification to be healthy. Do you know that the root of all disease is cause by constipation? Up to 50% of Americans have Polyps in their colon. A Polyp is just another name for a tumor.Most Polyps eventually mutate into malignant cancer tumors!

The Best Ways ToDetox Your Body

By Sue Graumann

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You do not have to starve to death to detox your body. Make sure that any cleansing body detox program you be-gin is one you can follow. One that is too difficult will not be successful.

Detoxing on a regular basis will help you have more energy, burn more fat, and lose weight.

If you are constipated and have been for awhile then, there are many herbs and natural cleansing products that work very well to clean the colon, many have lost 20 or more pounds from a single cleanse.

The Skin’s Role In Detoxification

Your skin plays a big role in your nat-ural body detox progress, and your basic health. Its first purpose, of course, is to keep toxins and infections from getting into your body, but you’ll find that the skin, also has the responsibility for the elimination of toxins. Saunas are great ways to eliminate toxins through the skin. If you do not have one I would highly recommend you get one. Portable saunas are an alternative to the higher priced walk in fir saunas. They work remarkably well to eliminate excess fluid, toxins and fat from the body.

Chemical Free Personal Care and Cleaning Products

It is important to use natural chemical free skin care products. This is some-thing many mortals do not even think about as they go about their daily rou-tines. Cleaners, disinfectants, deter-

gent and all products used on a day to day basis should be natural as well. There is no reason to use chemical filled products, as there are natural products, for example have you tried to clean with hydrogen peroxide? Why Not? It is safe and very effective. I use hydro-gen peroxide for cleaning everything. I also use it as detergent mixed with a green product called Miracle 2 soap. This solution works extremely well. It is also very cost effective.

Exercise Is Important To Detox

It is important to make exercise part of your daily routine when you in the middle of a colon detox cleansing session. You don’t have to be out running marathons but you want to keep your body moving do simple things like walk around the neighborhood, go dancing or bike rid-ing the important thing is to keep your body moving which will help your body cleanse it self naturally.

Water Importance

Water is the main superstar among the liquids. Eight to ten glasses of purified water is recommended daily. A lemon juice drink is likewise beneficial and should be taken an hour before break-fast. Other equally nutritious beverages include herbal tea, vegetable juice, and diluted fruit juice.Ensure your water consumption is suf-ficient or else, you may become con-stipated. Avoid bread, fat, pastries, caffeine, sugar, sweeteners, fried and refined foods like the plague.

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Symptoms Of Toxicity

If you aren’t sure whether you need a detox, some symptoms of toxicity in-clude, headaches, fatigue, skin problems, frequent colds, aching joints, cravings, digestive problems, allergies, and sensi-tivity to smells or chemicals. There was a time when detoxing your body wasn’t necessary, but our modern way of life brings with it, an overload of toxins. A detox diet will give you more energy, better digestion, and more resistance to sickness.


We have a natural body detox system that removes whatever harmful chemicals that are present in the body. Usually, our bod-ies do a excellent job of removing them.

The obstacle is that poor diet and un-healthy environmental conditions will jeopardize that process and cause poor health. Lack of sleep, worry, and taking unwarranted amounts of medication con-tribute to the build up of toxins in the body along with chemicals in refined foods and the environment. Fruits and vegeta-bles help to detox and cleanse the body of these substances.

No matter which detox cleanse you use, the principle is the same. Even if you use natural body detox cleansing such as the lemonade diet, cabbage soup diet or other similar detox cleansing, the principle is that the acids break up the residue that

clings to the intestinal walls and eliminates this waste build-up, which is what causes you to lose weight. many may have upto 20 pounds stored in the intestines because the network is quite lengthy. Natural body detox methods are the cheapest and safest way of cleaning your body thoroughly.

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