The Dysart Family will be leading the worship service at our church on October 19. The Dysart Family offers Southern Gospel fans unique, close family harmonies, with a diverse and powerful selection of music. LeWain and Lorena Dysart, with their five children, began performing in 2006 and began releasing CDs in 2007. The Dysart Family, based in Macon, Missouri, is signed with Crossroads Records, one of gospel music’s largest record labels, and tour nationwide. They were nominated for Horizon Group of the year in 2012, and in 2014 were voted one of the top ten nominees for New Mixed Group in the Singing News Fan Awards. The Dysart Family has shared the stage with Legacy Five Quartet, The Talley Trio, The Lesters, and Tribute Quartet. The Dysart’s approach to their music ministry incorporates a serious focus on personal relation- ships with Jesus, their love for each other in the home, and just plain hard work on their music. What they end up with are blessed times of worship in concert, complimented by a tight family blend that is distinctive to The Dysarts. Original songs from the daughter, Kendra, and Dad, LeWain, some fun times, and laughter at Dad’s silly stories of life in the home, all add up to a con- cert that no one wants to see come to an end. It is the highlight of the concert when the three younger boys join the family to sing a few songs in each concert. Debra Talley, of The Talley Trio, says “I know they are going to bless you when you come to one of their concerts, so don’t miss one.” Rainbow Promise September News We had an excing first month of preschool! We are all geng into a roune and things are going well! The office staff has even menoned that they have heard less crying this year than usual. The Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department came last week and demonstrated proper hand washing techniques. We met Mr. Glierbug and he showed us how dirty our hands really are. We learned that we have to wash our hands really well to get rid of the germs. Next month on October 22 nd will be our Mexican Food night at Wednesday Night Alive. We will serve from 5-7 pm. We will be having soſt and hard shell American tacos for those that want a milder flavor. We also will have lots of genuine authenc Mexican dishes. So plan to come and eat and bring your friends! Our Bible stories this month were about Joseph and his family. We are learning how to get along with oth- ers and tell the truth! Next month, we will be studying about Daniel and his friends. Please keep our preschool in your prayers!

The Dysart Family - umcimperial.orgumcimperial.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/October-newsletter1.pdfThe Dysart Family, based in Macon, Missouri, is signed ... Debra Talley, of The

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The Dysart Family will be leading the worship service

at our church on October 19.

The Dysart Family offers Southern Gospel fans unique, close family harmonies, with a diverse and powerful selection of music. LeWain and Lorena Dysart, with their five children, began performing in 2006 and began releasing CDs in 2007. The Dysart Family, based in Macon, Missouri, is signed with Crossroads Records, one of gospel music’s largest record labels, and tour nationwide. They were nominated for Horizon Group of the year in 2012, and in 2014 were voted one of the top ten nominees for New Mixed Group in the Singing News Fan Awards. The Dysart Family has shared the stage with Legacy Five Quartet, The Talley Trio, The Lesters, and Tribute Quartet.

The Dysart’s approach to their music ministry incorporates a serious focus on personal relation-ships with Jesus, their love for each other in the home, and just plain hard work on their music. What they end up with are blessed times of worship in concert, complimented by a tight family blend that is distinctive to The Dysarts. Original songs from the daughter, Kendra, and Dad, LeWain, some fun times, and laughter at Dad’s silly stories of life in the home, all add up to a con-cert that no one wants to see come to an end. It is the highlight of the concert when the three younger boys join the family to sing a few songs in each concert.

Debra Talley, of The Talley Trio, says “I know they are going to bless you when you come to one of their concerts, so don’t miss one.”

Rainbow Promise September News

We had an exciting first month of preschool! We are all getting into a routine and things are going well! The office staff has even mentioned that they have heard less crying this year than usual. The Southwest Nebraska Public Health Department came last week and demonstrated proper hand washing techniques. We met Mr. Glitterbug and he showed us how dirty our hands really are. We learned that we have to wash our hands really well to get rid of the germs.

Next month on October 22nd will be our Mexican Food night at Wednesday Night Alive. We will serve from 5-7 pm. We will be having soft and hard shell American tacos for those that want a milder flavor. We also will have lots of genuine authentic Mexican dishes. So plan to come and eat and bring your friends!

Our Bible stories this month were about Joseph and his family. We are learning how to get along with oth-ers and tell the truth! Next month, we will be studying about Daniel and his friends.

Please keep our preschool in your prayers!

First United Methodist Church Imperial, Nebraska

October 2014

Valera Heydenberk and Andrea Palacios, pastors Alice Lindekugel, Melody Newman, Amy Prior, Rachell Richman, CLMs Debra Tidwell, Administrative Assistant

420 Holland Street 308-882-5127

Thoughts from Amy Prior CLM

Can you make the Shift? Shift from what? Serving us to Service?

O was recently asked to do a workshop on Chapter 4 of the “Shift” by Phil Maynard. I am the Com-

munity Care CLM of the Mutual Ministry Team. My responsibilities are to focus on the church’s community

outreach. While Mutual Ministry is something you may not be familiar with (just a matter of time) we work

as a team with an ordained equipping pastor. I am a local CLM that lives, works and raises children in the

community and I see and recognize the need for the Shift.

Define serve us. What does the church do for us; Bible studies, worship, fellowship, and the list goes

on. Now define Service? We help support various missions, our local food pantry, Christmas donations and-

we give a lot of money to others. We support many things. Now here is the tough question. Do you actually

know the people you support? My guess is no.

UMC Imperial does a Xmas Gift program with 10 other churches. When I asked the group at the wor-

ship if they actually “knew” anyone on the Xmas list they said no. (They aren’t supposed to know names). I

generally asked if they could maybe heard of someone that may be on that list and then asked if they knew

them? Really knew them, how was their health kids have shoes without ideas. What they liked, what they

didn’t. The answer was no.

We as Christians need to step up and “Make Christ Known”! How you ask? Answer is simple. Are

you just a Christian on Sunday morning? Probably not. What do you do outside the church to be a Christian?

Relationships are not just formed in the church. They are formed in grocery stores, restaurants, Kwik Stop

and ballfields. How much faith do you have outside the church building? We live in a non-connectional soci-

ety where people are not taught to communicate verbally and where it is very easy to criticize someone

worldwide within seconds. Written words hurt. So let’s talk first impressions. It takes just 90 seconds to

form a first impression. 90 seconds! Do you think just impressions are just formed inside or outside the

church? This topic was a hot one and lead to how do we greet one another. Should we have assigned greet-

ers? My answer is NO! We are all greeters and it starts in the parking lot. Why as Christians are we just on

the inside of the building greeting? Why just in the building? Is this something we can turn on and off? I

can’t, can you?

Folks, now is not the time to be Christian just on Sunday mornings. Now is the time to BE Christians

100% of the time.

Is it easy? Not always, but it does take living in the moment and recognizing the opportunity. You

don’t have to quote scriptures everywhere you go but start with really looking at someone and genuinely

saying hello. Take the time to care and have that God will not take you to where HIS GRACE will not protect


We are all God’s Greeters. Best Vitamin for a Christian is B1.

United Methodist Women

The United Methodist Women will be having their regular meet-ing on Tuesday, October 7, at 12:30 & 1:30 pm. Please plan to attend.

Deborah Circle will meet Wednesday, October 8 at 1:00 pm, at Joan Osler’s. Cohost is Marla Smith. They will be visit-ing the shut –ins.

Miriam Circle will meet on

Wednesday, October 15, at

7:00 pm. Members will be

meeting at the church and Celia

Spady is the server. Elna John-

son will do the Devotions and

the program will be crafts.

From Pastor Valera

Beginning October 5, 2014

Pastor Valera is offering an adult Sunday Morning Bible Study (Bible 101—Know God, Love God, Serve God) following the Sunday Morning Worship Service. Many of you have expressed interest in a Bi-ble Study designed for people who want to build a foundation for un-derstanding the Bible. That is what this study is about. This study will be helpful for parents to know and understand how to meaningfully di-alogue with your children about knowing God, loving God, and serving God. This study will help you have a Biblical foundation upon which to build additional Bible studies. You will also learn a methodology for studying the Bible effectively. If you wish you knew more about the Bi-ble, this study is for you.

This study is not an exercise in what you already know, it is an op-portunity for coming face to face with what you don’t know, but really want to know. The climate for study will intimidate no one; rather, you will acquire information and insight for growing in your Christian faith in an atmosphere that is comfortable, inviting, and affirming.

The class will be held in the multipurpose room. Hot drinks and refreshments will be available. We begin the first Sunday in October (5th) and will conclude November 23, the Sunday before Thanksgiving.


October 5-Elsie October 19-Gering

October 12-Madrid October 26-Melbeta

Our Christian

Sympathies to:

The Dennis

Spady Family


LOOKING AHEAD to December & January

Parents, Children, and Holy Spirit

Pastor Valera will teach a class for parents of young children on knowing the person of the Holy Spirit. There is a companion children’s book she has written to help children develop an understanding of the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit. The Book is illustrated by Jerry Heydenberk. This class will be offered December 7-21 and continue January 12-26.

Notes for the Church from Lay Leader Rod Beemer

As your Lay Leader, I have been thinking about what Pastor Valera has asked us all to do. We need to step up and be a presence in our church fami-ly.

We need to commit to our church and our church family to help us be a viable family of Christ.

I paraphrase from the July 6th Upper Room: Each individual part of the human body has a specific function to perform in the body of Christ, and every part is needed and special. Paul writes that God’s desire is “that there...be no dissension within the body of “ so that the members may have the same care for one another 1 Corinthians 12:25. We are called to support one another and celebrate each person’s role in the church. We need to be in church to have this support. To help us thru those hard times, rejoice in our blessings, or keep us accountable. Only you, my brothers and sisters, will do that for your faith community.

In Prayer

Dear God, thank you for giving each of us a special part to play. Help us to serve you faithfully each day. Amen.

To Our Church Family,

Thank you so much for the prayers and support for Dennis and our family during his illness and after his passing. We really appreciated the food, flowers, visits, phone calls and generous memorials.

The Memorial Service for Dennis was an inspirational tribute to him. A special “Thank You” to Pastors Valera and Jerry, Rev. Bob Call, and everyone who had a part in the service. The music was beautiful, and we were so glad to have the screens up and in use. The memorials will be given to the Scleroderma Foundation, First United Methodist Church, Champion Community Center and “Give Ye Them To Eat”.

Thank you to the Congregational Care Team for the gift sack with the large print book “Jesus Calling,” and other items.

The United Methodist Women and helpers served a delicious dinner to our family and friends. This ministry is so very much appreciated by families at their time of loss. Thank You and God Bless.

In Love and Appreciation:

Celia Spady

Cindy and Dennis Dahlkoetter

Mark and Michelle Spady

Blaine and Robin Spady

Kermit Karns and Families

October 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

15-7:00 pm

Senior Singles

will eat at

Mission Alive

and play

games in mul-



2 3

4 All Day




4-6 PM Team

Tailgate Par-

ty in Parking





10:30 am

Manor Ser-



12:30, 1:30

pm UMW


1 pm Debo-

rah Circle

meets at Joan





Pray for

the Nation

12 Children’s



2-4:00 pm

At the

bowling al-



10:30 am

Manor Ser-



1:30 pm



9:00 am


7:00 pm Mir-

iam Circle

meets at




18 Pumpkin


19 Pumpkin


9:30 am




with Pot-

luck Dinner


10:30 am

Manor Ser-



6-9:00 pm

Boy Scouts


9:00 am



24 No School




tion Sunday

2710:30 am

Manor Serv-


6:00 pm Con-

gregational care

7:00 pm All


8:00 pm Ad



1:30 pm



1:30 Prayer


30 31

Happy Hal-


Regular Ac-


8:00 am Fellowship

9:30 am Worship

10:30 am Sunday


10:30 am Adult

Bible Study

3:00 pm Ebenezer

Hispanic worship

7:30 pm AA & Al-


7:00 am Early


10:30 am Man-

or Service

6:30 am Men’s

Bible Study

3:30 pm Ki-


5-7 pm Mission

Alive Supper

6:00 pm Choir

Rehearsal and



7:00 pm Bell

Rehearsal and


7:30 pm AA &


11:15 am Team

Barb Bible Study





ence, Sun-

day, No-

vember 2,

at 7:00 pm



Mexican Food Supper

Wednesday, October 22nd

5 p.m. to 7 p.m. (suggested donation $5 or freewill donation)


Your choice:

American Tacos (Hard or soft shells)

for those who prefer milder food

or Genuine Mexican Food pre-

pared by our Hispanic Families!!

Many different dishes! Lots of

Yummy, Yummy Mexican Food—

tamales, burritos, etc.