The Silent Victims: The Developmental Impact on Children From Exposure to Domestic Violence Diane Zosky, Ph.D., ACSW, LCSW Illinois State University

The Developmental Impact on Children and Exposure to

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The Silent Victims: The Developmental Impact on

Children From Exposure to Domestic Violence

Diane Zosky, Ph.D., ACSW, LCSW Illinois State University

2 Levels of Developmental Impact

Neuro-physiological development *

Social/emotional development

* Bruce Perry’s work on trauma and the neurobiology of brain development

Developmental (Attachment) Needs of Children

What Do Kids Need? Affirmed as loved, valued individual

Security, stability, consistency

Why do they need this?

Formation of internalized representations of self

Formation of internalized representations of other

The Self= Identity with internalized confidence and competence

The Other= capacity for trust=capacity for vulnerability=capacity for intimacy=capacity for successful relationships

Neuro-physiological development

* Bruce Perry’s work on trauma and the neurobiology of brain development

Overview of Brain Development

As infants, born with only primitive brain function from ANS

Followed by rapid brain development from less to more complex

Brain development is sequential and dependent on periods of “sensitivity”

Major working unit of brain is neurons, neurons form into networks, then into systems which mediate various functions

“How” The brain developments

Undeveloped brain comprised of undifferentiated neural systems (translation: It’s a blob)

Dependent on neurochemical and neurtrophic factors (cues, chemicals) to develop

cues are dependent on input from the

senses from child’s total experiences Lack of or disruption in cues contribute

to disrupted brain development

The Miracle of Our Brain

Brain system is designed to sense, perceive, process, store, and act on information received from the External and Internal environments

Survival of the Species

As evolved animals, we still are instinctual

Humans, due to instinct, are pre-adapted for :


3 important concepts of neuro-physiological development

Development is sequential Development is characterized by

“sensitivity” or peak periods of receptivity for optimal development

Use-dependent nature of development

1st Principle of Brain Development

Sequential Development

Levels of Brain Development

Brain develops from most primitive areas to more complex

From autonomic functions to purposeful thought

From brainstem, to midbrain, to limbic, to cortical

Brainstem Functions: most primitive functions

Regulates autonomic functions for life sustaining activity

Body temperature Heart rate Blood pressure respiration


Midbrain continues from the brainstem

Arousal Sleep Appetite Motor regulation


Limbic system: much that makes us human

Emotional reactivity Sexual behavior Attachment affiliation

Limbic system

Cortex: “Our Computer”

Higher level thought Concrete thinking Abstract thinking


Sequential development

Brainstem, midbrain, limbic system more primitive areas develop first

Higher functioning of cortical areas develop later

As the higher functions of brain develop, they modulate, mediate, or control lower more primitive, reactive functions of the brain

Higher level cortical functioning mediates impulsivity of lower areas

A 2 year old will tantrum and act out impulses from more primitive brain

A 12 year old will FEEL like throwing a tantrum but will over-ride this impulse with higher level cortical reasoning.

Impulse-mediating capacity

Ratio between excitatory activity of lower brain and modulating activity of higher brain

Increase activity or reactivity of brainstem, or decrease in moderating capacity of higher brain =

Increase impulsivity, aggression, violence

“So What” of all this

Since brain development is sequential, Higher level development will be

impaired if lower level development is impaired.

Earliest experiences have disproportionate importance in developing mature brain

2nd principle of brain development: Sensitivity

Critical periods for specific development Brain is sensitive to “organizing

experiences” because it is “primed” for the neurochemical signals triggered by the sensory input from the “organizing experiences”

Child has experience Leads to input information through the

senses Leads to triggers for neurochemical

activity Leads to neuronal development, “brain


3rd Principle of Brain Development

Use-dependent neuronal development Exposure to repeated experiences are

used to create “shortcuts” for increased efficiency of brain response

Adaptive Nature of Brain

In order to survive: brain designed to change in response to

signals change permits storage of information

so it can respond to environmental demand = SURVIVAL

Use-Dependent Neuronal Change

All experiences are filtered by the senses

Sensory signals stimulates processes in brain that alters brain chemistry and structure

“State” vs “Trait”

The more “use” of a response, the more it becomes an indelible template for automatic response

What would be a “state” response memory in adults becomes a “trait” for children since it becomes incorporated into brain structuralization

2 ANS Paths for Child response to Threat

The Hyper-arousal Continuum – Defensive or Fight/Flight Response

The Dissociative Continuum – Freeze or Surrender Response

The Chemical Chain-Reaction to Trauma

Threat is perceived through one of the senses

Immediately registers as emotional reaction in the brain in the amygdala in the limbic system

The amygdala signals an alarm to the hypothalamus – Release of corticotropin-releasing hormone


Hypothalamus triggers 2 systems: – Activates the Autonomic Nervous System

(SNS first) to prepare for quick action (if unsuccessful, activates PNS for freeze response)

Activation of the SNS activates the adrenal glands

Adrenal glands activate release of epinephrine and norepinephrin

CRH activates the pituitary gland to release ACTH

ACTH activates adrenal gland to release cortisol

Cortisol instrumental in halting the alarm signal once the great is over

HPA Axis

Hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis

Perception of threat in amygdala

Amygdala signals alarm


Sympathetic Nervous Corticotropin-releasing system (SNS) Factor (CRF) pituitary gland adrenocortico-tropic hormone (ACTH) Adrenal glands Epinephrine/norepinephrine Mobilization for fight or flight Cortisol (hydrocortizone)

inhibits alarm reaction

Hyper-arousal Response

Threat perceived, SNS activated Instinctual fight or flight response Release of stress hormones from the

endocrine system, neurotransmitters (brain chemicals) in the brain system

System flooded with cortisol, norepinephrin

Increase in heart rate Increase in BP Increase respirations Increase in pupil dilation Decrease in digestion, release of stored sugar Increase in muscle tone Increase in perspiration

Increase in hyper-vigilance Increase in “tunnel focus” or tune out

non-critical information

Dissociative Continuum

First response is vocalization, cry As threat escalates, freeze response Advance to dissociation, or disengage

from external world to internal world


Still regulated from the PNS and primitive areas of the brain

Stimulate activity from dopaminergic systems and endogenous opioids

Decrease in heart rate Decrease in BP Insensitivity to pain

The “So What” of these 2 threat response paths

“The Resilience Myth” Children are NOT resilient, they are

ADAPTIVE!!!! However, in adapting to threatening

environment for survival, they adopt maladaptive methods for engaging the rest of their experiences

Intergenerational Transmission

“God don’t make junk” If we don’t invest in our children, the

problem doesn’t go away, it just gets bigger and continues for the next generation

Intergenerational Transmission

What We Know About Batterers 82% of men convicted of DV were

either abused as children or witnessed their parents domestic violence

Low self-esteem Inability to regulate affect, self-soothe Intense abandonment anxiety Boundary diffusion

High correlation with personality disorders of borderline, narcissistic, antisocial

Ambivalence over dependency needs Rigid gender roles Need for control Defenses of minimization and denial