The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo

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  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo






  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    And God said, Letthere be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the

    and days in years, Ge

    Daylight is a basic human

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo



    I declare that this thesis is my original work, and to the best of my know

    higher learning for the purpose of awarding a degree or any other acad

    of the examination requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelo

    Author: ----------------------------Date: ---------------------------

    Nyakundi Makana Chrispine.

    Tutor: ------------------------------Date: --------------------------

    Arch. Yusuf Hazara Ibrahim.

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    DEDICATIOI dedicate this thesis to the late Steve Ondeyo Nyakundi a brother me

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo



    I express my gratitude to the University of Nairobi for having given me

    behind buildings, the culmination of which is this research.

    The long journey at the University of Nairobi could have been tougher, b

    The first dignitary on this list is God, the greatest architect of all time, forSecondly, the staff, led by my tutor, Arch. Yusuf Hazara Ebrahim, a

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo



    Front Page-----------------------------------------------------------------------------





    Table of Contents----- --------------------------------------------------------------

    List of Figures-------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    1.5.:Significance of the Study-------------------------------------------------

    1.6.:Scope of the Study-------------------------------------------------------

    1.7.:Methodology of the Study-----------------------------------------------

    1.8.:Case Study Selection Criteria------------------------------------------

    2.0.:CHAPTER TWO: Literature Review-----------------------------------

    2.1.: Definition of Day lighting Design for Indoor Sports Arenas-----

    2.2.:Why Daylight Indoor Sports Arenas?---------------------------------

    2.3.: Key Areas of Day lighting Design for Indoor Sports Arenas----


  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    2.3.3(v)Table Tennis--------------------------------------------


    2.3.3(vii)The Martial Arts---------------------------------------


    3.0.: CHAPTER THREE: Research Design------------------------------

    3.1.: Research Purpose-------------------------------------------------

    3.2.: Research Strategy-------------------------------------------------

    3.3.: Time Horizon--------------------------------------------------------

    3.4.: Population------------------------------------------------------------

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    4.0.:CHAPTER FOUR: Fieldwork--------------------------------------------------

    4.1.:The Nyayo National Stadium Indoor Arena-------------------------

    4.1.1.:Historical Background------------------------------------------------

    4.1.2.:Geographical Context------------------------------------------------

    4.1.3.:The Distribution of Daylight at 9.00 a.m.------------------------

    4.1.3 (a) 9.00 a.m. Luminance Data------------------------------

    4.1.3 (b) Analysis of the 9.00 a.m. Luminance Data---------

    4.1.4.:The Distribution of Daylight at 12.00 p.m. ----------------------

    4.1.4(a) 12.00 p.m. Luminance Data-----------------------------

    4.1.4(b) Analysis of the 12.00 p.m. Luminance Data---------

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    4.1.7.:Implication of the Distribution of Daylight in the Nyayo Na

    Indoor Arena--------------------------------------------------------

    4.1.7(a) Environmental Implications------------------------------------

    4.1.7(b) Cost Implications------------------------------------

    4.2.: The Moi International Sports Complex lndoor Arena-------

    4.2.1.:Historical Background-------------------------------------------

    4.2.2.:Geographical Context------------------------------------------

    4.2.3.:The Distribution of Daylight at 9.00 a.m.--------------------

    4.2.3(a)9.00 a.m. Luminance Data---------------------------

    4 2 3(b)Analysis of the 9 00 a m Luminance Data------

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    4.2.6(a)The Day lighting Design of the Moi International

    Sports Centre Indoor Arena-----------------------------------

    4.2.6(a) (i) Glazing--------------------------------------

    4.2.6(a) (ii) Surface Finishes--------------------------

    4.2.7.Implications of the Distribution of Daylight in the Moi

    International Sports Centre Warm Up Hall------------------

    4.2.7(a)Environmental Implications----------------------------

    4.2.7(b)Cost Implications----------------------------------------

    4.3.:The Moi International Sports Centre Warm Up Hall------------

    4 3 1 Hi t i l B k d

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    4.3.5(a) 3.00 p.m. Luminance Data------------------------------------

    4.3.5(b) Analysis of the 3.00 p.m. Luminance Data----------------

    4.3.6.:Factors Affecting the Distribution of Daylight in the Moi

    International Sports Centre Warm Up Hall-------------------

    4.3.6(a) The Day lighting Design of the Moi International

    Sports Centre Warm Up Hall --------------------------------

    4.3.6(a)(i) Glazing----------------------------------------------------------

    4 3 6(a)(ii)Surface Finishes----------------------------------------------

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    4.4.3.:The Distribution of Daylight in the Bolivarian Dome-----

    4.4.4.:Factors Influencing the Distribution of Daylight in the B

    4.4.4(a)The Day lighting Design of the Bolivarian Dome-------

    4.4.4(a)(i) Glazing--------------------------------------

    4.4.4(a)(ii)Surface Finishes---------------------------

    4.4.5.:Implications of the Distribution of Daylight in the Boliva

    4.4.5(a) Cost Implications--------------------------------------

    4.4.5(b)Environmental Implications--------------------------

    4 5 :The Universityof Cambridge Indoor Sports Arena----

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    4.5.4(a) (i)Glazing---------------------------------------------------------

    4.5.4(b)(ii)Surface Finishes---------------------------------------------

    4.5.5.:Implication of the Distribution of Daylight------------------

    4.5.5(a)Cost Implication-----------------------------------------

    4.5.5(b)Environmental Implications--------------------------

    4.6.:A Comparative Analysis of the Five Case Studies---

    5.0.:CHAPTER FIVE: Summary and Recommendations of th

    5.1.:Chapter One: Introduction---------------------------------------

    5.2.:Chapter Two: Literature Review-------------------------------

    5 3 :Chapter Three: Research Design

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    List of Figures

    Figure 1.A depiction of the verse And God said, Let there be lights in the expanse of theand days in years, page18Figure 2.The Universal Master plan with the Sun at the centre of all the other bodies, supplyFigure 3.:An interior view taken off the Pantheon depicting the drama staged by daylight, pag

    Figure 4.:An interior view taken off the David L. Lawrence convention centre at Pittsburg.Unof time through the continuous presence of daylight, page 19.Figure 5.:Interior view of the Moi International Sports Centre indoor arena. Showing the inad

    Figure 6.:Interior of the Moi International Sports Centre indoor arena depicting the highly uresult of poor day lighting design, page 20.Figure 7.:Interior view of the Nyayo Internationhigh contrast effects that will disturb your eyes, page 20.Figure 8.:Interior view of the Nyayois artificial lighting) that has been applied therein as a result of poor day lighting design, page

    Figure 9.:Artistic impression of the University of Cambridge Sports Centre demonstrating onenergy use simultaneously, page 25.

    Figure 10.Artistic impression of the University of Cambridge Sports Arena demonstrating one

    Figure 11.:An architectural crime! This is a live application of side windows at the Moi Indistributed daylight into this arena, page 26.Figure 12.:Interior view of the sports hall at tclerestories Such designs should be criminalised as they give rise to disability glare page

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 37 World map showing the global positioning of the Nyayo National StadiumFigure 38.:Map of Kenya showing the national positioning of the Nyayo National StaFigure39.:Map of Nairobi showing the provincial positioning of the Nyayo National SFigure 40.: Neighbourhood map of the Nyayo National Stadium, page 42.Figure 41.: Neighbourhood map of the Nyayo National Stadium, page 42.Figure 41.: Photograph of the interior of the Indoor Arena at the Nyayo National St

    lights switched off, page 43.Figure42.: Section through X-X of the Indoor Arena a.m,with all artificial lights switched off, page 43.

    Figure43.:The First Floor Plan of the Indoor Arena at the Nyayo National Stadium

    switched off, page 43.Figure44.:This is the Ground Floor Plan of the Indoor Arena a

    with all the artificial lights switched off, page 43.Figure 45.: Photograph of the i

    p.m,showing the distribution of daylight, with all artificial lights switched off. Page 44

    Figure 46.: Section through X-X of the Indoor Arena at the Nyayo National Stadswitched off, page 44.Figure 47.:The First Floor Plan of the Indoor Arena at the Nyayo National Stadium spage 44.

    Figure 48.: The Ground Floor Plan of the Indoor Arena at the Nyayo National Stait h d ff 44Fi 49 Ph t h f th i t i f th I d A t t

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 57.: World map showing the global positioning of the Moi International SporFigure 58.: Map of Kenya showing the national positioning of the Moi International Figure 59.: Map of Nairobi showing the provincial positioning of the Moi internationaFigure 60.: Neighbourhood map showing the immediate positioning of the Moi InterFigure 61.: Neighbourhood map showing the immediate positioning of the Moi Intern

    Figure 62.: This is the interior view of the Indoor Arena at the Moi International Splights switched off, page 49.Figure 63.:Cross-Section through x-x(see figure 64) of

    of daylight at 9.00 a.m., with all the artificial lights switched off, page 49.

    Figure 64.: The First Floor Plan of the Indoor Arena at the Moi International Sports

    switched off, page 49.Figure 65.: The interior view of the Indoor Arena at the Moi In

    the artificial lights switched off, page 50.

    Figure 66.:Cross-Section through x-x(see fig 67) of the Indoor Arena at the Moi Inte

    the artificial lights switched off, page 50

    Figure 67.: The First Floor Plan of the Indoor Arena at the Moi International Spor

    lights switched off, page 50.Figure 68.: The interior view of the Indoor Arena at thewith all the artificial lights switched off page 51

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 78.: Neighbourhood map showing the immediate positioning of the Moi Intern

    Figure 79: Neighbourhood map showing the immediate positioning of the Moi Interna

    Figure 80: Interior view of the Warm up Hall at the Moi International Sports Centre, spage 55.

    Figure 81: Section through the Warm up Hall at the Moi International Sports Centre soff, page 55.

    Figure 82.: Ground Floor Plan of the Warm Up Hall at the Moi International Sports switched off, page 55.

    Figure 83.: First Floor Plan of the Warm Up Hall at the Moi International Sports Cswitched off, page 55.

    Figure 84: Interior view of the warm up hall at the Moi International Sports Centre, shand page 56.

    Figure 85.: Section through the Warm Up Hall at the Moi International Sports Ceswitched off, page 56.

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 93: Interior view of the Warm up Hall at the Moi International Sports Centre, shFigure 94: The interior view of the Indoor Arena at the Nyayo Sports Complex, Nairobtaken in order toraise the luminance levels therein,page59.Figure 95: The diesel guzzling generator installed at the Warm up Hall at the Moi InterFigure 96: World map showing the global positioning of the Bolivarian Dome,page 59.Figure 97: Map showing the national positioning of the Bolivarian Dome,page 59.

    Figure 98: Map showing the immediate context of the Bolivarian Dome,page 59.Figure 99.Map showing the immediate neighbourhood of the Bolivarian Dome,page 59Figure 100.Weather data showing the number of sun hours experienced at the site oFigure 100.: Interior view of the Bolivarian Dome depicting adequate and evenly distribFigure 101.: This is the First Floor Plan of the Bolivarian Dome , showing the deep dimFigure 102:3-D view of the Bolivarian Dome showing the different glazing techniques aFigure 103: Interior view of the Bolivarian Dome showing the different surface finishesFigure 104.:World map showing the global positioning of the University of Cambridge Figure 105: Map showing the national positioning of the University of Cambridge IndooFigure 107: Map showing the immediate neighbourhood of the University of CambridgFigure 106.Map showing the immediate neighbourhood of the University of CambridgeFig 109:The first floor plan of the University of Cambridge Indoor Sports 6Figure 108:An interior view of the University of Cambridge Sports Centre showing th

    roof,page 63Figure 110:3 D view of the University of Cambridge Sports Hall showing the different g

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    Sports have in the recent past joined the long list of income generating

    their traditional function of nurturing healthy bodies and in effect healthy

    can be classified as either indoor or outdoor, the fundamental difference

    elements of the weather, the former take place in controlled environmetowards the control of sunlight in indoor sports buildings, leaving out th

    studies. An insight into various day lighting techniques that are in applic

    whether they provide the sportsmen and sportswomen who use the

    therefore going to take the case study method of research whereby

    against each other and lessons picked for transfer in either direction of

    shame that is our Moi International Sports Centre Indoor Arena, its

    Stadium. Compared to other practices, these indoor sports arenas are

    and sportswomen.

    The Government of Kenya has stepped up efforts to promote spot ti f t l t t t di i t R

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo



    Figure 1.A depiction of the verseAnd God said, Let therebe lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the dayfrom the night, and let them serve as signs to mark

    d d i (S G i 1 14 N


    1.1.1.: The Defini

    It is thenatural

    says the Oxford

    Dictionary, defines

    1.1.2.: A Brief His

    And God said, L

    from the night, an

    Genesis 1:14. Thi

    The light that ma

    counterpart has si

    Christians and Mti f th S

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    However, it is imp

    day lighting, it ha

    amazingly, the ad

    artificial counterpa

    exist other less ta

    human spirit, far a

    same article, relat

    However, sadly, w

    recreation throug

    committed himself


    1.1.3.:The Salient

    Figure 3.:An interior view taken off the Pantheon depictinghe drama staged by daylight. (Source: Daylight as theBasis for Design, Part 1,1999).

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 5.:Interior view of the MoiInternational Sports Centre indoorarena,showing the inadequate levelsof daylight as well as high contrasteffects that will disturb your eyes.(Source: Author, 2014).

    Figure 6.:Interior of the Moi InternatioSports Centre indoor arena depicting highly unsustainable intervention (thaartificial lighting) that has been appherein as a result of poor day lightdesign.(Source:Author,2014).

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    1.3.:Objectives of the Study

    It is the intention of this thesis to

    i)Study and document the day lighting guidelines for indoor sports ar

    Sports Architecture.

    ii) Study and document the existing indoor sports arenas in the capital

    lighting design and thereafter, day lighting performance.

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    1.4.:Research Questions

    It is the intention of this research project to provide answers to the fol

    i) What are the day lighting guidelines for indoor sports arenas that h

    ii) What is the day lighting design and in effect, the day lighting perfocity of Kenya, Nairobi?

    iii) What is the day lighting design and in effect, the day lighting per

    arenas situated elsewhere, more especially in the tropics?

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    1.5.:Significance of the Study

    Dr. Debby Mitchelle,Ed. D, Associate Professor of Physical Educatio

    Orlando, U.S.A, in her research paper, Does Physical Activity Inf

    revelation that links physical activity with the mental well-being of an i

    Also, writing in The Archives of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine

    strong link between academic excellence and physical exercise. C

    rules. This means that they are more disciplined and are therefore ab

    The Government of Kenya, in its Vision 2030, also identified sports as

    The findings of the study will go a long way in guiding the players in t

    as well as in future renovations and maintenance of the existing o

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    1.6.:Scope of the Study.

    As the author is being looked in the face by exceedingly limited time, m

    the indoor sports arenas that can be found within the capital city o

    lighting performance only.

    1.7.:Methodology of Study.

    Literature Review:

    Relevant information about the day lighting design of indoor sp

    as to give us a sense of orientation as to what are the key adesign of indoor sports arenas

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    2.0 CHAPTER


    2.1.: Definition of D


    controlled admission

    Therefore, in its ap

    application of variou

    them in delivering th

    sports arenas, as ex

    Figure 9.:Artistic impression of the University of

    Cambridge Sports Centre demonstrating one way ofkilling two birds using one stone i e daylighting of the
  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 11.:An architectural crime! This is a live application of side windows at

    the Moi International Sports Complex indoor arena. They hardly admit

    adequate and evenly distributed daylight into this arena.(Source: Author).

    The graph that you see above

    illustrates how Side Windows for an

    indoor sports arena can have a veryprofound effect on the variation in

    the daylight factor therein. This is a

    very big step taken by the architects

    in their wrong direction towards

    sports architecture.

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    This rooflight application here could

    easily become an example of a

    successful day lighting design forindoor sports had the architect

    engaged the concept a little bit

    more. But as for now, it remains

    lower in the ranks of the best day lit

    indoor sports halls.(Author, 2014)

    Figure 13.:Flat roof lights like this one at the Tollcross Leisure Park, at

    Glasgow, possess the potential to deliver adequate amounts of daylight into

    deep-plan arenas. However, the use of transparent glass can easily lead to

    glare.(Source: Source: Understanding Daylight of Sports Halls, GAIA

    Architects 2004 .

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    This rooflight application here could

    easily become an example of a

    successful day lighting design forindoor sports had the architect

    engaged the concept a little bit more.

    But as for now, it remains lower in the

    ranks of the best day lit indoor sports


    Figure 15.:Another architectural crime as found at the Nyayo International

    Sports Centre indoor arena, Nairobi, Kenya. A classic case of visual clutter. The

    architect could do much better by having more roof lights and no side windows

    at all.(Source.Author,2014).

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    2.3.2.:Surface Fi

    GAIA Architects f

    to be carefully colevels of the use

    should be of su


    The same sentim

    Sports and Recre

    should be of un

    sufficient contras

    well as for dange

    Figure 17.:The surfaces finishes applied to thismultipurpose hall at the Cambridge University serve as anexample of the bare minimums expected of surfacefinishes in other such facilities elsewhere. Notice the matt,light brown, beech wood floor finish contrasting the light

    blue walls and the light coloured ceiling planeb (S b id t d 2012)

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Colour Reflectance


    Blue75 %




    Green80 %

    Figure 19.:The interior view of Qingdao Guoxin Gymnasium at Qingdao, Chinademonstrating the correct surface finishes for a badminton court.(Source,2010).

    Colour Reflectance

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Colour Reflectance

    Figure 21.:Interior view of the South Wales Basketball Club demonstrating therecommended type of surface finishes for an indoor basketball court.(Source,2010).

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    For an excellently day lit hall for volleyball, GAIA Architects

    recommend the following guidelines:-

    Uniform, glare free light is vital and a designer is only

    better off aiming at high levels of illumination(ranging

    between 300-750 lux). Uniformity is of profound

    importance as it will prevent fluctuations in brightness

    from one part of the hall to another.

    The volleyball should be at the back of the mind of

    the designer. Since it needs to be visible at a certain


    Wall finishes should be matt and without

    unnecessary decor

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    2.3.3(v)Table Tennis

    For an excellently day lit hall for table tennis, GAIA Architects

    recommend the following guidelines:-

    Uniform, glare free light is vital and a designer is only

    better off aiming at high levels of illumination(ranging

    between 300-750 lux). Uniformity is of profound

    importance as it will prevent fluctuations in brightness

    from one part of the hall to another.

    The tennis ball should be at the back of the mind of

    the designer,since it needs to be visible at a certain


    Wall finishes should be matt and without unnecessarydecor

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  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo




    It is the intention of this research to describe the daylighting performa

    Kenya,Nairobi. An accurate profile of the quantity as well as an indica

    compared against internationally established standards for the same ty

    the users of such spaces experience visual comfort or otherwise.


    Local case studies of all the public indoor sports arenas will be selected

    quantity and thereafter analysis will be undertaken during the course

    daylight On the international scale case studies of indoor sports arena

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    3.4.: POPULATION

    On the local context of the study, the authors list of building earma

    International Sports Complex, Kasarani,Nairobi, the indoor sports arenaat the Bomas of Kenya. This population is deemed to be relevant for th

    competitions culminate here.

    On the international context of the study,two case studies from tropical r


    Within this population, the luminance levels within the indoor sports are

    be taken off at various locations inside the said indoor sports arenas an

    handy here.


  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    3.7.2 Secondary DataFloor plans,Sections, Elevations, 3 dimensional impressions, and the histhe spotlight shall come in handy if and when available.

    Whereas the primary data will be collected on site, the secondary datdesign,construction and management of the facilities. The research wilOn the international scale, where time and money will be a limiting factocome in handy.

    3.7.3 Primary Data Collection MethodsThese will entail:-i) Physical measurements of the quantity of light.ii) Physical measurements of dimensions of the spaces under studyii) Photography of the spaces to give an indication of the quality of

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 40.: Street view of the Nyayo Naindoor arena.(Source:

    Figure 37.: World map showing the global positioning of the Nyayo NationalStadium Indoor Arena.(Source:,2014).

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 41.: This is a photograph of the interior of the Indoor

    Arena at the Nyayo National Stadium taken at 9.00

    a.m,showing the distribution of daylight, with all artificial

    lights switched off. (Source:Author,2014).

    Figure 43.:This is the First Floor Plan of the Indoor Arena at the

    Nyayo National Stadium, showing the distribution of daylight a

    9.00a.m, with all the artificial lights switched

    off. Source:Author 2014 .

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 47.:This is the First Floor Plan of the Indoor Arenaat the Nyayo National Stadium showing the distribution ofdaylight at 12.00 p.m., with all the artificial lightsoff..(Source:Author,2014).

    Figure 45.: This is a photograph of the interior of the Indoor

    Arena at the Nyayo National Stadium, showing the

    distribution of daylight at 12.00 p.m., with all artificial lights

    switched off. (Source:Author,2014).

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 49.: This is a photograph of the interior of the Indoor

    Arena at the Nyayo National Stadium showing the

    distribution of daylight at 3.00 p.m., with all artificial lights

    switched off. (Source:Author,2014).

    Figure 51.:This is the First Floor Plan of the Indoor Arena the Nyayo National Stadium, showing the distribution daylight at 3.00 p.m., with all the artificial lighoff.(Source:Author,2014).

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Transparent glass(7%)

    Figure 53.:3-D view of the Nyayo National Stadium indoor arena showing the diffglazing techniques employed by the architect. (Source: Author,2014).

    Transparent glass flat ro

    Translucent polycarbona


    Transparent glass full heside window

    Transparent glass cleres

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    3. The first fcement sc

    4. 50 per cevinyl matt

    specular rabsorbed

    5. 25 per censunrays in

    6. 25 per ceadmitted d

    4.1.7.:ImplicaIndoor A

    4.1.7 (a) Envi

    With the poor

    Figure 55.:The interior view of the Indoor Arena at theNyayo National Stadium, showing the shamefulintervention i.e. artificial lighting in broad daylight, theresultant effect of poor quality and low quantities of

    daylight in the arena (Source:Author 2014)

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 57.: World map showing the global positioning of the Moi International SportsCentre Indoor Arena.(Source:,2014).

    Figure 60.: The exterior view of the Sports Centre indoor arena.(Source: www

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 62.: This is the interior view of the Indoor Arena at

    the Moi International Sports Centre showing the

    distribution of daylight at 9.00 a.m. with all the artificial

    lights switched off. (Source: Author,2014)

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 65.: This is the interior view of the Indoor Arena at

    the Moi International Sports Centre showing the

    distribution of daylight 12.00 p.m. with all the artificial

    lights switched off. (Source: Author,2014)

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  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 71.:3-D view of the Indoor Arena at the Moi International Sports CentreNairobi, showing the different glazing techniques applied.(Source: Author,2014).

    Transparent glass full

    height side windows

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    4. 25% of the wdaylight incident

    5. 80 % of the cpropagation pan

    6. 20 % of the cwhich absorbed

    4.2.7.: Implicati4.2.7(a)EnvironmWith the poor q

    S t C t i

    Figure 73.:The interior view of the Indoor Arena at the MoiInternational Sports Centre, Nairobi, during daytime,

    h i h t th th b li t b h f l

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 75.: World map showing the global positioning of the Moi International SportsCentre Warm Up Hall.(Source:,2014).

    Figure 77.: Neighbourhood map showpositioning of the Moi International SpUp Hall.(Source:

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 86.: Ground Floor Plan of the Warm International Sports Centre showing the distrib12.00 p.m. with all the artificial lights swAuthor,2014).

    Figure 84.: Interior view of the warm up hall at the Moi International SportsCentre, showing the distribution of daylight at 12.00 p.m. with all artificiallights switched off.(Source: Author, 2014).

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 90.: Ground Floor Plan of the Warm UInternational Sports Centre showing the distrib3.00 p.m. with all the artificial lights swAuthor,2014).

    Figure 88.: Interior view of the warm up hall at the Moi InternationalSports Centre, showing the distribution of daylight at 3.00 p.m.(Source:Author, 2014).

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Figure 92.:3-D view of the Warm Up Hall at the Moi International Sports CentreNairobi, showing the different glazing techniques applied. (Source: Author,2014).

    Clerestory windows. Thes

    were highly prohibited in i

    foregoing literature on dalighting design for indoo

    sports arenas. The r esultan

    effect of their application i

    this hall is evident in figur

    93 below.

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    4.3.7.: Implicat

    4.3.7(a)EnvironWith the poor qSports Centre heavily rely on power outages

    case(see figure warming the gdepletion of limi

    4.3.7 (b) Cost ImTo run such a ba costly affair. from the nationaLikewise, the di


    Figure 94.:The interior view of the Warm Up Hall at the MoiInternational Sports Centre during daytime, showing whatthe author believes to be a shameful intervention taken inorder to raise the luminance levels therein, (Source:Author,2014)

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    Figure 96: World map showing the global positioning of the BolivarianDome.(Source:,2014).

    Figure 98: Map showing the immediate contextBolivarian Dome.(Source:,2

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    Figure 100.: Interior view of the Bolivarian Dome depictingadequate and evenly distributed daylight.(GoogleImages,2013).

    4.4.3.: The DisOn this one, analysis of theto go on.Like words. And sowith the sun ho

    Architects andIndoor Sports endowed withlocal cases whcan be witnesfact that it spashortest axis.Iregion and theemulated by ato provide indthereby promo

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    4.4.4.:Factors Influencing t4.4.4(a).: The Day lighting D4.4.4(a)(i)GlazingThe indoor arena has bemembrane roof. The highlyadmits luminance levelsrecommended values for the4.4.4(a)(ii)Surface FinishesThree distinct surfaces of difthis warm up hall(see figure

    1.The court is madpolyvinylchloride of 75%

    blue colour diffuses thmatiness avoids specul2.The ground floor walcoloured acoustic panelon the surfaces.3.The matt maroon, gabsorb the incoming reflections4.The egg-white coloureand diffuse 99.5 % of the5.The egg-white colouincoming daylight.

    4.4.5.:The Daylighting PeDomeThe Day lighting Performaexcellent as it is in line wit

    Figure 102:3-D view of the Bolivarian Dome showing the different glazing techniquesapplied (Source:,2014).

    Cream White 87%

    Translucent 0.5%

    Yellow 75%

    Grey 28%

    Maroon 45%

    Egg White light diffusingtranslucent polycarbonatemembrane overhead theindoor sports arena is aningenious application thatcreates anaturally,adequately andevenly daylit indoor sportsarena.

    The absence of side windowsensures that incidences ofdisability glare like we saw insome foregoing cases areeliminated thereby ensuringVisual comfort as well as fair


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    daylon tleve4.5.5Threhall(1.Thvaluits m2.Threflesurfa

    Figure 110:3-D view of the University of Cambridge Sports Hall showingthe different glazing techniques applied.(Source: University of Cambridge

    Egg White 85%

    North-lights installed along the

    entire span of the roof admit

    daylight into the indoor sports

    arena while omitting direct sun


    These windows only serve the

    purpose of daylighting and

    ventilating the auxiliary rooms

    and no from them daylight

    penetraters the arena hence

    avoiding incidences of glare.


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    1. TheDistribution of


    -An even distribution ofdaylight within the arena.

    -An uneven distribution ofdaylight within the arena.

    -An uneven distrdaylight within the a

    2. Effect of theDistribution ofDaylight.

    -Low contrast between lightand dark tones.

    -High contrast between lightand dark tones

    -High contrast betand dark tones

    3. FactorsAffecting theDistribution ofDaylight.3.1 Day l ighting

    Design-High level continuous spansof windows of varying heightsonly broken by 300mm thickcolumns at 6m intervals.

    -High level, non- continuousspans of windows.

    -High level, non- cospans of windows.


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    2.2.Ground Floor Wall- Dark

    brown cement screed with amatt finish.

    3. First Floor Wall-Egg whitepaint with a matt finish.

    4. RoofForty per cent(40%) made oftranslucent roofing sheets.Sixty per cent(60%) made ofdark brown roofing sheets.


    2. First Floor Wall- Brown hard

    wood with a matt finish.

    3. Roof-Seventy five(75%)made ofhighly reflective soundpropagating panels.Twenty five(25%) of the rooffinished with a dark blue paintwith a matt finish.


    2. Ground Floor Wallwhite paint with a m

    3.First Floor Wall-Stupaint with a matt fin

    4.RoofHundred per cent(1made up of dark grsheets with a matt f


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    .Implications ofthe Distribution ofDaylight.




    To run such a busy facility withartificial lights on for most part ofits life can prove to be a costlyaffair. This is because it not onlyentails the non-stop sucking of

    electricity from the national grid,but also the maintenance ofspecialised electricalaccessories.Likewise, the diesel generatorsurvives on diesel which hasnowadays become quiteexpensive.

    Mechanisms used to deliverartificial light into the indoorarena contribute towards globalwarming.


    The specialised light bulbs areexpensive to maintain. Inaddition, they consume asignificant

    amount of electricity therebyraising the operation costs of thefacility.

    Also, diesel guzzled by thegenerator is getting more andmore expensive by the day.

    The mechanisms to deliverartificial light into the indoorarena contribute towards globalwarming.


    Specialized light fittiinstalled in this hewarm-up hall expensive and the b

    thereof increase thecost of running the fAlso, as mentionearlier cases, fuel thegenerator is becoand more expensive

    Mechanisms to delivlight into the indoor acontribute towards glwarming.

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    5.1.:Chapter 1:Introduction1.1This painted us the background informationagainst which to see th1.1.1From the Oxford dictionary, we learnt that daylight is the naturaGenesis, chapter one, verse fourteen, gave us the 1.1.2history of daylisky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mhis article titled Day and Light; Natural Light and Architecture, pointedone that dates back to the stone age period when man lived in caves wsunlight into the interior spaces. He further on illustrated to us the 1.1.3

    changes, its ability to render forms with a very natural outlook, as well aauthor to believe that Sports Architects who deal with daylight in Indoorof both the players and their spectators(see photos 1.2.1 and 1.2.3) shocharges of crimes against humanity.1.2It is against this belief that the problem was stated as, all the Olym

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    suitable day lighting design guidelines for application in future reno

    Nairobi, and elsewhere.1.4Research questions that would guide the author along the path to

    What are the day lighting design guidelines for Indoor Sports Arenas

    lighting design and in effect, the day lighting performance of the Indoo

    lighting design and in effect, the day lighting performance of other Ind

    day lighting designs and performances of the Indoor Sports Arenas i

    such arenas? What are the day lighting design guidelines that can

    private sector affiliates like Safaricom Ltd) that will guide in renovatio

    and elsewhere?

    1.5The significance of the answers to the above questions could not bProfessor of Physical Education, Sports and Fitness at the Universitylinking mental fitness to physical fitness. In addition to that, they will enincluded) for the youth yields in decent working environments. 1.6The and money that were available to the author. Therefore, only the Da

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    5.2.:Chapter 2.0.:Literature ReviewIn this second chapter of this paper, various literature touching on the

    2.1Http:// defined Day lightin

    and diffuse skylight) into a building. Daylighting Design for Indoor S

    natural light(Direct Sunlight and Diffuse Skylight) into the said arenas

    2.2Further down the same webpage, we learnt that by providing a dir

    illumination, day lighting design will aid in creating a visually

    occupants(sportsmen, sportswomen and their spectators), while at

    energy costs, what led the author to view Day lighting Design for Indo

    2.3Gaia Architects, in their article Understanding Day lighting of Spoconsideration whenever one is undertaking a Day lighting Design fowindows, clerestory windows, and roof lights, a combination of roof
  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    roof surfaces to that of opaque surfaces as well as the placement o

    as either Flat Rooflights or North-South facing Rooflights.

    2.3.1(c)(i)Flat Rooflights, GAIA Architects said, are those rooflights

    Architects Data illustrated to us that with this kind of rooflights, the

    transluscent surfaces occur as strips across the opaque roof plane.

    they were spaced at close ranges all over the roof, the disadvantage

    2.3.1(c)(ii).North-South Facing Rooflights were described as roof win

    specifically located within the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, the

    always almost overhead throught the yearly seasonal variations . A

    sunlight, characteristics which led the author to rank them highly on

    2.3.1.(d)Combined Roof Lights and Side Windows,were described as Neuferts Architects Data illustrated to us that with this kind of arrintersecting and fluctuating curves of the Daylight Factor thereof thenot the best way to daylight an Indoor Sports Arena.

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    To that effect, GAIA Architects recommended that all walls below

    finishes so as to contrast with balls and shuttlecocks while avoiding

    metre mark should be of lighter colours so as to aid in light distri

    sufficient contrast to walls. Light coloured beech timber(and other

    purpose(see photo 2.9). And how about ceilings?These, they said,s

    with sources of illumination in order to reduce glare. To this effect, t

    therein painted white to match the soffit(see photo 2.9). Photo Club,Nairobi,illustrated to us how not to specify surface finishes for a

    2.3.3 A Sport Specific Surface Finishes Selection Criteria was o

    uniform,glare free light. Uniformity is of profound importance as

    another.Furthermore, the shuttle cock should be at the back of the m

    finishes should be matt and without unnecessary decor. The ceilin

    patterns. Sports Architects should always aim at high levels of

    recommended for this purpose.

    2 3 3(ii)

  • 7/24/2019 The Daylighting Performance of Indoor Sports Arenas in Nairo


    Sports Architects should always aim at high levels of illumination

    for this purpose.2.3.3(v)Table Tennis requires uniform,glare free ligh

    brightness from one part of the hall to another.Furthermore , the

    needs to be visible at a certain height. Wall finishes should be

    brighter than other surfaces and devoid of strong patterns. Sports

    between 300-750 lux), and roof lights are recommended for this p

    2.3.3(vi)Squash requires uniform,glare free light. Uniformity is of pro

    part of the hall to another.Furthermore , the squashball should be

    certain height. Wall finishes should be matt and without unneces

    and devoid of strong patterns. Sports Architects should always a

    roof lights are recommended for this purpose.

    2.3.3(vii)Martial Arts Squash requires uniform,glare free light. Un

    brightness from one part of the hall to another.Furthermore , sw

    back of the mind of the designer as they need to be visible at a ce

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    5.3.:Chapter 3.0.:Research Design

    3.1Having undertaking the foregoing review of Day lighting Desig

    take the shape of describing the daylighting performance of all t

    city of Kenya,Nairobi. An accurate profile of the quantity as wel

    light and compared against internationally established standard

    drawn as to whether the users of such spaces experience visual

    3.2 The Research Strategy then became obvious. Given the

    quantity(respectively) of daylight in Indoor Sports Arenas,local c

    from within the capital city of Kenya, Nairobi.These would beco

    empirically with matters to do with Daylighting Design for Indoo

    Lux meter, a Sketch Pad, a Pencil and a Tape Measure and me

    hall under the microscope! However, we would either be halluc

    three Capitals elsewhere for the foregoing intentions. A photo a

    speaks more than a thousand words.And so they would about t

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    . The elements to be watched out for in the foregoing

    levels.Whereas illuminance levels could be measured in a digit

    so as to paint an almost accurate picture of of the quality of day

    3.7 Data Sources that the author banked his hopes on were clas3.7.1 Primary data sources Included photographs, pencil sketc

    would capture the spirit of the spaces under the microscope would by-pass stingy custodians of as built drawings of the Indo

    the layout as well as the sectional profiles of the spaces under

    daylight levels at selected points within the Indoor Sports Are

    distribution of daylight.

    3.7.2Secondary data referred to included the Bible,and more essupernatural origins of daylight dating back to the time of plans,Sections, Elevations, 3 dimensional impressions, and thethat have traditionally been found in hardcopy books and recen

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    5.4.:Chapter 4.0.:FIELDWORK/CASE STUDIESFrom the humble beginnings of the research, this chapter was enaddition to three other international ones. The local cases, as sIndoor Sports Arenas at the Moi International Sports ComplexComplex, Nairobi,as well as the Indoor Arena at the Bomas of Kwith the bomb-like gadget(lux meter), with the exception of thmanagement of this facility but all in vain.However, it was the

    Arenas in Nairobi would still give a general indication of their DayThe international case studies(what other scholars call book studincluded the Bolivarian Dome at Berquimisto, Venezuela, the YaSports Hall, all which the author was priviliged to lay hands on so4.1.:Local Case 1:The Nyayo Sports Complex Indoor Arena4.1.3At exactly 9.a.m,using the lux meter, and with all the artificivarious locations within the Indoor Sports Arena at the Nyalevels(>500 lux) occured near the windows at the first floor levelux for the kind of space. However, away from the windows, redinstalled on the roof of this arena ensured that the fluctuations wThe lowest luminance level recorded was 435 lux, 65 lux shor

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    These luminance levels lied within the recommended bare minithe windows, reductions from 500 lux downwards were witnesswere witnessed at the centre of the arena. This was a whoopingspan of the arena( a radius of 40 metres) and the use of side wrooflights) not only failed to deliver sufficiennt amounts of dayligof light which resulted in what was earlier on referred to as disablevels along the eastern facing facade exceeded those along the

    was attributed to the fact that the sun rises in the east and hencmorning hours. These empirical observations were reinforced blighting Performance of this arena at that time.4.2.4The same procedure was repeated at 12.00 p.m. It was obsdropped by 40 lux while those along the other facades increasedthe suns overhead position which withdrew the extra amounts oother facades was attributed to the increase in the Daylight Faarena, which was at a distance of 40 metres from the side windoattributed to the reduced amount of daylight along the eastern fa

    4.2.5 Again the same procedure was repeated at 3 p m It was o

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    . . a As wasseen in photo 4.2.5,thesurface finish on the floor was a dasurface. While the glossiness of the surface resulted in specular reflectionsthe daylight. The ground floor wall extended up to two meters high and wreflectance) with a matt finish. Whereas the matt surfaces minimised speculdaylight.The first floor wall was made up of cement screed finished with a dark blue p

    surface minimised specular reflections, it absorbed (100-x)% of the total amo75 per cent of the ceiling was made of highly glossy sound propagating pafinished with a dark grey paint(of x% surface reflectance). As such, the soundaylight falling on it was reflected) while the dark grey portion of the ceiling seat were made up of matt, Bermuda blue coloured plastics(of x% surfaupon them while diffusing the rest. Another 50 % of all the spectator seats wreflectance) which absorbed 100-x % of all the daylight incident upon them w4.2.7Lastly, the Implication of the Distribution of Daylight in theIndoor Arena was discussed.4.2.7(a)Environmental Implications resulted from the compromise on the qualitartificial lighting necessary. And what with the regular power outages ex

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    It was further observed that Luminance levels along the eastern facing facafigures 4.3.3, 4.3.4 and 4.3.5). This was attributed to the fact that the sun risany other during the morning hours. These empirical observations were reinDay lighting Performance of this arena at that time.4.3.4The same procedure was repeated at 12.00 p.m. It was observed that l40 lux while those along the other facades increased by 10 lux(see figuresoverhead position which withdrew the extra amounts of daylight along the eattributed to the increase in the Daylight Factor due to the suns overhead pometres from the side windows, there was 10 lux decrease in luminance lealong the eastern facing facade that was earlier on experiencing the rising suwas observed that illiminance levels along the eastern facade dropped bylux.The 40 lux rise was attributed to the suns western position which increaattributed to the reduced Daylight Factor due to the sunsdrop in altitude as

    After all was said and done, a general note was in order. It was noted that thvarious locations inside this Indoor Sports Arena and at various times of thhave been denied that basic human right that is adequate and uniformly dist

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    6.1.:Recommendations for possible renovations of the Nyayo National Stadium Indoor Arena

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    Page 83



    nsluscent roof


    along the

    entire span of

    the roof








    Clerestory andside windowsalong thefacades of thisindoor arena.

    Alternatetransparentandtranslucentroof lightsalong theentire span ofthe roofto be retainedas they are agoodapplication butall windows tobe sealed offas they are nota goodapplication.



    Incidences of

    disability glare

    Dark coloured

    surface finishes

    absorb most of

    the incoming


    L ight diffusing


    membrane to

    conceal the

    ugly looking

    roof structure

    and intercept

    direct rays of

    the sun.

    Light coloured

    matt surfaces

    to reflect a


    amount of





    Figure 112: Existing exterior view of the Nyayo NationalStadium Indoor Arena(Source:Author.2014)

    Figure 113: Recommended exterior view of the NyayoNational Stadium Indoor Arena(Source:Author,2014).

    Figure 114: Existing interior view of the Nyayo NationalStadium Indoor Arena(Source:Author.2014).

    Figure 115:Recommended interior view of the Nyayo NationalStadium Indoor Arena(Source:Author.2014).



    6.2.:Recommendations for renovations of the Moi International Sports Centre Indoor Arena .

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    Page 84








    2.All sidewindows to besealed off.

    Translucentpolycarbonateroofmembrane toreplace theopaqueroofing sheets

    These side

    windows lead

    to incidences of

    glare and


    therefore be

    sealed off.

    The dark and

    glossy court

    should be

    replaced with a

    matt light

    brown wood.

    L ight diffusing


    membrane to

    intercept direct

    rays of the sun.

    Light coloured

    matt surfaces

    to reflect a


    amount of








    Figure 118: Existing exterior view of the Moi InternationalSports Centre Indoor Arena(Source:Author.2014)

    Figure 119: Recommended exterior view of the MoiInternational Sports Centre Indoor


    Figure 120: Existing interior view of the Moi International SportsCentre Indoor Arena(Source:Author.2014).

    Figure 121:Recommended interior view of the Moi InternationalSports Centre Indoor Arena(Source:Author.2014).



    1.This roofhas potentialto admitdaylight andshould

    therefore bereplacedwith atranslucentmembrane.

    All the sidewindowssealed off.

    6.2.:Recommendations for renovations of the Moi International Sports Centre Warm- Up Hall.

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    Page 85








    All sidewindows to besealed off.

    Introduce rooflights alongthe entire spanof the roof.

    L ight diffusing


    membrane to

    intercept and

    diffuse direct

    rays of the sun.

    New brighter

    coloured matt

    surfaces to

    reflect a


    amount of







    Figure 126: Existing exterior view of the Moi InternationalSports Centre Warm Up Hall(Source:Author.2014)

    Figure 127: Recommended exterior view of the MoiInternational Sports Centre Warm UpHall(Source:Author,2014).

    Figure 128: Existing interior view of the Moi International SportsCentre Warm Up Hall(Source:Author.2014).

    Figure 129:Recommended interior view of the Moi InternationalSports Centre Warm Up Hall(Source:Author.2014).



    All the sidewindowssealed off.

    The roof haspotential toadmit daylightinto this hall

    The roof haspotential toadmit daylightinto this hall

    All the interiorsurfaces to berepainted withmatt andbrightercolours

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