THE DAILY ROAR Volume 2, Issue 7 In this Issue: Student Life pg. #2 & #3 Sports pg. #4 Trending pg. #5 Current Events pg. #6 & #7 Misc pg. #8 Within the next couple of weeks the junior class will be running for next year’s Executive Council. There is a series of things that each student has to do and perform in order to run for Exec. It will really put their strengths and creative ide- as to the test as they pre- pare for one of the most amazing experiences they will have. They will learn how to work with others, serve, and truly come to love the school and every- one in it. The Exec Coun- cil wants to make this a great experience for the newcomers and wants to be able to help them as much as they can. President Morgan Penrod said, “My advice is to be yourself. Put your- self out there, meet new people, and work super hard.” The secretary Nata- lia Lance said, “Just go for it. I was super shy and I was so afraid to try out, but I just did it. And it has been the best experience!” The Exec council is so excited for the upcoming class and all that they are yet to experience. The So- cial VP, Summer Stratton said, “I am so excited to see what next year's exec will bring to the school. This definitely has been the hardest thing I have ever done, but the most rewarding. I can’t imagine what my life would be like without it, and it has made me such a better person. I love serving the school and all the stu- dents.” So even if the stu- dents are scared or don’t think they are good enough, go out and do it! They’ll never know what will happen or come of it. No matter what the stu- dents will grow from the experience and be proud of themselves for trying something they never thought they would be- fore. The Exec Council wants to encourage every- one to try out and get in- volved. And to wish eve- ryone that will be running good luck! They know you will all do great. Most Stressful Week of Your Life By Summer Stratton (It’s sideways so you’ll pay aenon)


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THE DAILY ROAR Volume 2, Issue 7

In this Issue:

Student Life pg. #2 & #3

Sports pg. #4

Trending pg. #5

Current Events pg. #6 & #7

Misc pg. #8

Within the next

couple of weeks the junior

class will be running for

next year’s Executive

Council. There is a series

of things that each student

has to do and perform in

order to run for Exec. It

will really put their

strengths and creative ide-

as to the test as they pre-

pare for one of the most

amazing experiences they

will have. They will learn

how to work with others,

serve, and truly come to

love the school and every-

one in it. The Exec Coun-

cil wants to make this a

great experience for the

newcomers and wants to

be able to help them as

much as they can.

President Morgan

Penrod said, “My advice

is to be yourself. Put your-

self out there, meet new

people, and work super

hard.” The secretary Nata-

lia Lance said, “Just go

for it. I was super shy and

I was so afraid to try out,

but I just did it. And it has

been the best experience!”

The Exec council is so

excited for the upcoming

class and all that they are

yet to experience. The So-

cial VP, Summer Stratton

said, “I am so excited to

see what next year's exec

will bring to the school.

This definitely has been

the hardest thing I have

ever done, but the most

rewarding. I can’t imagine

what my life would be

like without it, and it has

made me such a better

person. I love serving the

school and all the stu-


So even if the stu-

dents are scared or don’t

think they are good

enough, go out and do it!

They’ll never know what

will happen or come of it.

No matter what the stu-

dents will grow from the

experience and be proud

of themselves for trying

something they never

thought they would be-

fore. The Exec Council

wants to encourage every-

one to try out and get in-

volved. And to wish eve-

ryone that will be running

good luck! They know

you will all do great.

Most Stressful Week of Your Life

By Summer Stratton


s si



s so










Student Life Upcoming Cheer Tryouts

By Annie Rahde

Cheer tryouts are coming up right around the corner! To start off, they begin March 28th at 3:30

in the main gym. Cheer involves a lot of dedication and commitment. For those who don’t know, cheer-

leading is a yearlong sport. Cheerleading involves cheering for volleyball, football, girls basketball and

boys basketball. School spirit is a must in the cheerleading world! A lot of time is spent on cheerleading

and they do so much to support our team’s/school. Requirements for cheer tryouts include learning a

dance and performing it, learning a cheer and performing it, and making up your own cheer. Tumbling

isn’t required but it helps to make it on the team! “I think girls should do cheer so they can support the

school and teams. I also think it’s really fun and you get really close with the girls!” says senior cheer-

leader Lexxus Dennett. More details about cheerleading tryouts will be posted around the halls and be

available in the front office when the time gets closer!

Broadway Magic

By Tyler Mitchell

Right before spring break, Hurricane High School put on the fundraiser, Broadway Magic. For

those of you who don't know, Broadway Magic is a show that the community puts on to raise money for

Grad Night. There were lots of high school acts that showed the ways of Broadway, and we were so

lucky to see a little bit of each of the live action plays. Noah Humphrey from the Senior group said, “I

loved participating in the dance and it showed what hard work it takes to work, like you are on Broad-

way.” Between the classes, each class had their own individual dance.

Which class had the best dance? Sophomores did a blast from the past. They all dressed up look-

ing like they were from the 70's. They definitely got a gold star for their dress choice. Juniors did a rock

and roll themed dance. They had the best dance out of the highschoolers dances and had a lot of fun pop

to their dance. They ended the dance with Ethan Roberts doing the splits in the air, which really spread

cheers across the audience. The seniors had a great dance too, being dressed in the roaring 20’s age, and

they were very energetic and looked like they were having a good time. All in all, every class rocked

the house and ended Broadway Magic with a bang.



Student Life

1-There's a bat swatter in the library. The librarians and custodians generally try to safely remove them

first, but the bat swatter is a last resort to get bats out of the library.

2-There's a "secret" staircase for staff use only in the library. It's not much of a secret, and kids use it

every once in a while to go downstairs, but you have to have a key to go up the stairs.

3-Several teachers have candy drawers. The list includes Mr. Prince, Mrs. Eves, the librarians... but

don't expect any of them to offer it to you; it's their stash, after all.

4-Have you ever noticed the biggest E at our school? Has anyone else noticed that the windows near

the main entrance look like a giant E? (The windows for Mr. Jones’ room, the computer lab, and room


5-At least one Sophomore has a locker on the 2nd floor. You know how Seniors have lockers on the

1st floor, Juniors have them on the 2nd floor, and the poor Sophies have them on the 3rd floor? Well, one

of said Sophies has a locker on the 2nd floor because Rebbie was feeling nice.

6-The room being used as a Preschool used to be the Exec. room. The room currently holding a bunch

of 4 and 5 year olds was once where the Exec. Council met and stored items (such as food and that dum-

my they punched during last year's auditions).

7-Cullimore and Mr. Hill have been teaching here the longest. The earliest yearbook we found them in

was 1986. They taught Mrs. Eves and Coach C!

8-Jody's wife is a substitute Seminary teacher. I don't know if she is

this year since she's been studying, but she's subbed for one of my Semi-

nary teachers before.

9-We’re literally right on top of the old football field. Before the

school was remodeled, the football field was in the same place the first

through third floors are today. We also used to have a pool at the high

school, but now the swim team has to go to one of the public pools.

10-If you ever want to thank the man who hired Jody Rich as our

principal, his name is Rob Goulding. Past-Principal Rob Goulding

hired Jody and is the reason he's here today.

10 Things You (Probably) Don't Know About HHS

By Autumn Nuzman, Jeseka Amodt, & Hannah Walker

(The Bat Swatter)




The H-Town Football Grind

Peyton Robbings

We are considered the

blue-collar school of Region 9. Is

that an issue? I think

not. Hurricane’s culture is ex-

tremely strong. We are a hard-

working, ground and pound type

of people. The football team is

always on a grind, we get up ear-

ly to condition on the field, and

stay up late watching film and

learning plays. We eat, sleep,

and breathe football. If there is a

home game, the whole town

shuts down to support our team.

This town is unified as one, and

that's what makes hurricane the

best town in Utah.

Hurricane’s football team

is already grinding. Tyler Moore,

Hurricane’s wing, has been go-

ing to the gym 5 days a week for

3 months straight, and he doesn't

plan on stopping. Tyler’s grind

has been paying off. He played

varsity as a Junior, and will more

than likely start as a Senior. Then

there is Jaron Cordova, Hurri-

cane’s Running Back. This kid

never stops. His morning starts at

5AM He gets up and works out

with his personal trainer. He

comes to school and

works out with coach Miller on

B days. After school, he works

out on the field with Jarom Hea-

ley. Then after his workout with

Jarom, he goes home and works

out on his own for an hour to an

hour and a half. Jaron Cordova's

work ethic is the best in Region

9. No one is working harder than

him. Once he has his mind set on

something, he won't stop until he

achieves it.

Hannemann Keaunui is

also an uprising star. He is cur-

rently a freshman, but has al-

ready dressed varsity, and was

our punt returner until he got in-

jured. Monday, Wednesday, and

Friday he grinds at 6am before

school with his mom, and then

on tuesday and thursday, he does

footwork and agility. He also

drinks 3 protein shakes a day.

Our football team this year has a

lot of promise based off of how

everyone is grinding.

With a record of 2-6, the

juniors are trying to turn it

around with hard work and dedi-

cation. They are showing a lot of

promise with all of this time they

are putting in to better them-

selves. It wouldn't surprise me if

Hurricane is one of the best

teams in region 9 for football

next year just based off of the

juniors work ethic. The HHS Football Team



Trending New National Monument

By Ericka Zitting

One of President Obama’s last Executive Orders was to add 2 new national monuments to the

United States list: one in Nevada and one right here in Utah. This new monument park is The Bears Ears

National monument. It is 1.35 million acres in the four corners region. Many Republicans are very upset

about this last order because it adds more federal rule and control of the land. When I asked a conserva-

tive, they said, “I do not appreciate this last order because I do not believe I need to people trying to in-

vade my land and turn it into a tourist mess, also less government the better.”

But when I asked someone with more liberal views, they said, “I think it is great! It brings more

attention to the area for more to enjoy plus it brings money to Utah.” Whether you are for or against the

new monument, is it here to stay. Many I asked did not even know where is was, so for such a beautiful

area, maybe a little more recognition is what it needs.

Bears Ears National Monument



Current Events It’s Finally Spring Break

By Hannah Walker

Spring break is just around the corner! It starts March 10th and goes until March 20th. Some of us

may plan on just staying inside, watching netflix, and eating all day. But you can only do that for so long

before you go stir crazy!

Make sure to go outside and get your natural vitamin D-3 from the sun. Some fun spring break ideas are:

~Go to Zion! Grab a buddy or two and hike away. It’s fun to go into the wilderness and explore.

~Go on a spontaneous adventure with your friends or even by yourself! Just make sure someone knows

where you are. It can be fun to get away and get some fresh air.

~Spend some time with your family. Go to the grocery store with your mom or go to the hardware store

with your dad. Spend some quality time with your siblings.

~Learn something new! It doesn’t have to be hard, just do something you wouldn’t have thought of doing.

There are hundreds of other ideas out there, but those are some pretty basic ones. Have fun this spring


Zion National Park has some breathtaking views.



Current Events Are You Thirsty?

By Hunter Schiffman

“Moisture is the essence of wetness, and wetness is the essence of beauty.” (Derek Zoolander).

Here at HHS, we do live in the desert, and what do you need to survive in the desert? Water. We took

the liberty of personally ranking most of the water fountains here in HHS, and the results were rather


Make sure to go to the For the Love of Music dance to support our music department!



Editors & Staff

Emily Mildenhall

Summer Stratton

Natalia Lance

Autumn Nuzman

Jeseka Amodt

Tyler Mitchell

Tatiana Keil

Hannah Walker

Landon Thomas

Peyton Robbings

McKayla Larsen

Becca Snodgress

Mallorie Baxter

Parker Jensen

Gavin Atkinson

Cameron Anderson

Hunter Schiffman

Ericka Zitting

Annie Rahde

John Lebaron

Mahonri Turley

Interesting Facts

By Becca Snodgress

Have you ever read an article and thought to yourself, “Wow, I need to

read something more interesting?” Well, this is the article for you. Here are

some random facts that will educate your brain and make you feel a little

smarter for the day.

1- Unless food is mixed with saliva you can’t taste it.

2- Putting sugar on a cut or wound reduces pain and speeds up the healing pro-


3- Water in the Dead Sea is so salty that it’s easier to float than sink.

4- Sponges hold more cold water than hot.

5- A duck can’t walk without bobbing its head.

6- Human thighbones are stronger than concrete.

7- Sharks are immune to all diseases.

8- Not all your taste buds are on your tongue (10% are on the insides of your


9- Mosquitoes prefer children to adults and blondes to brunettes.

10- It takes 17 muscles to smile and 43 to frown.

11- Your fingernails grow faster in cold weather.

12- If you try to say all the alphabet without moving your lips or tongue, every

letter will sound the same.

Motivational Quotes

By Gavin Atkinson

“The greatness of a man is not is how much wealth he acquires, but in his in-

tegrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.”

- Bob Marley

“Don’t limit your challenges; challenge your limits.”

- Anonymous

“Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.”

- Coco Chanel

“Don’t let how you feel forget what you deserve.”

- Kush and Wizdom

“Let your faith be bigger than your fears.”

- Anonymous

“You determine what’s important to you by what you dedicate your time to.”

- Ben Affleck