The Daily Part8

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  • 8/14/2019 The Daily Part8


    Something Better

    P a r

    Volume 22, Number 10 October 2007

  • 8/14/2019 The Daily Part8


    A nd I saw another angely in the midst of heaven,having the everlasting gospel topreach unto them that dwell onthe earth, and to every nation, andkindred, and tongue, and people.Revelation 14:6.

    The three angels messagesstart with this verse. And in verse9 we are told that the third angelfollowed them. That is how weknow that there were three. Butwhy does John say he saw anoth -er when it was the rst of three?Why not say, I saw an angel?Seems strange, doesnt it?

    Not when you think about thefact that this was not the rst an -gel that he had seen ying in themidst of heaven. And I beheld,and heard an angel ying through

    the midst of heaven, saying with aloud voice, Woe, woe, woe, to theinhabiters of the earth by reasonof the other voices of the trumpetof the three angels, which are yetto sound! Revelation 8:13.

    This was the rst angel he hadseen ying in the midst of heaven,and for that one he did say anangel. A er he had seen that one,he sees the one later in vision andsays that it was another angel.Makes perfect sense, doesnt it?For a long time, I didnt know whythe Bible said that it was anotherangel instead of an angel, but Ididnt dwell upon it. I knew therewas a perfectly good explanationfor it, even if I didnt get it.

    There are many things like thatin the scriptures. Some things wedont understand now; some thingswe will soon nd out; some thingswe thought we knew and found

    out we were wrong; some thingswe found out more about anddeepened our understanding. Andsome things we simply will notunderstand this side of heaven.

    Right now, Paul says, we seethrough the glass darkly. For nowwe see through a glass, darkly; butthen face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as alsoI am known. 1 Corinthians 13:12.

    But we seem to let the devil just tear us up about things. Whywe get so caught up in who is do -ing what, and who was wearingwhat or eating what, is amazing.The devil has walked right inand stolen a march on us whilewe focus on so many things thatare not relevant.

    Burdens have been borne, proj -

    ects have been entered into, andtime has been given to ma ers thatGod never intended any of you tostudy upon, or to undertake. Now,for Christs sake, change the orderof things. Satan has stolen amarch on us. Special Testimonies

    for Ministers and Workers, (pamphlet)No. 10, p. 24.

    There are many things that weneed to study. Daniel and Rev -elation are two of them. There isneed of a much closer study of theWord of God; especially shouldDaniel and the Revelation havea ention as never before. . . . Thelight that Daniel received fromGod was given especially for theselast days. TM 112-3.

    Why is it that we need tostudy these books so much? Ifthe books of Daniel and the Rev -elation were studied with earnestprayer, we should have a be er

    knowledge of the perils of the lastdays, and would be be er pre -pared for the work before us--weshould be prepared to unite withChrist and to work in his lines.RH, February 9, 1897.

    We would have be er knowl -edge, be be er prepared, be

    prepared to unite with Christ, beprepared to work in His lines.Do we need more reasons thatthis? Are we studying? Are we pre -paring? Ask yourself this, and askthose who live with you: Can yourecite the three angels messages?Can you? Can they? If not, we arenot studying like we should.

    The great, essential questionswhich God would have presentedto the people are found in Danieland the Revelation. There is found

    solid, eternal truth for this time.Everyone needs the light and in -formation it contains. 1MR 61.

    Sister White was shown thatwhat we need is the light and infor -mation that comes from the booksof Daniel and the Revelation.

    There is need of a much closerstudy of the Word of God. Es -pecially should Daniel and theRevelation have a ention asnever before in the history ofour work. 16MR 333.

    Lets study together, and let thelight shine into our souls and pre -

    pare us for the nal hour!

    Joe Olson serves as theexecutive director andchairman of the boardof Hope International.He also travels as aninternational speaker.


    Joe Olson

    Another Angel?

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    O M - It is the mission of Hope Internationaland the editors of Our Firm Foundation to clearly presentChrist and His truth. The days remaining for this worldare few, and we must work quickly. We must boldlyproclaim the historic truths of Adventism that placeus on so rm a foundation in the midst of this troubledworld. Editors

    Executive Director: Joe Olson

    [email protected]: Heidi [email protected] Manager : Kaye [email protected] For Health Center : Heather Olson, [email protected] & Design : Paul & Mihaela

    Our Firm Foundation is published monthly by:

    Hope InternationalP.O. Box 220Knoxville, IL 61448 USA

    Phone: (309) 343-1844 MondayThursday: 8:00 am 5:00pm , Central Time

    Friday: 8:00am 12:00 pm , Central TimeFax: (309) 343-3721Email: o [email protected] gWeb: www.hopeint.or g

    A H IHope International is a lay ministry founded, supported,and operated by Seventh-day Adventists to assist GodsChurch in the proclamation of the Everlasting Gospel inevery way that is consistent with the principles of Godas revealed in Inspiration.

    I WWe are accepting article-length manuscripts (1850 to 2250words) for possible publication in Our Firm Foundation .We prefer that submissions be submi ed in Word .docformat as a computer le. Include a digital pictureand a short bio. Please address all correspondence [email protected] .

    S I : See page 30S S T : See page 30Content credited in this pu blication is the property of its respective owner(s), and is licensed or usedwith permission. Other items are the property of Hope International.

    Cover Photos: Paul Williams (Lake Koocanusa in Montana) (Eureka Christian Youth Choir)Background Photo - Page 3: Paul Williams (Fall Leaves)

    Childrens Story

    Product Catalog

    Historical Footnotes

    News Watch

    Health Gem

    Letters to the Editor

    Teological Waymarks page 16

    Editorial page 02

    E l l e n G . W h i t The crowns o those who slight divine orbearanceand make void Gods law will go to others who, underorbidding circumstances, consecrate themselves toGod.

    Te Limit of Gods Mercy

    N o r m a n P e eSacred music links us to heaven and prepares us tosing heavens songs.

    Something Better Part 2

    H e i d i H e i kCounsel to work in cities neglected; Daniells reproved,repentant, trusted by Ellen White.

    Understanding Aright the Daily,Scripturally and Historically Part 9

    page 24

    page 29

    page 28

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    Table of Contents Volume 22, Number 10 October 2007

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    Sacred music links us to heav

    and prepares us to sing heaven

    Norman Peek

    Last month we read of musics powerful a ect on religious and civil life.

    M usic forms a part of Gods worship in the courts above. We should endeavor in our songs of praiseto approach as nearly as possible to the harmony of the heavenly choirs. I have o en been pained tohear untrained voices, pitched to the highest key, literally shrieking the sacred words of some hymn

    Part 2

    Something Better

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    of praise. How inappropriate thosesharp, rasping voices for the solemn,

    joyous worship of God. I long to stopmy ears, or ee from the place, and Irejoice when the painful exercise isended. Evangelism , 507-8; The Voicein Speech and Song (VSS), 416.

    Music O en Satans Snare

    When turned to good account,music is a blessing; but it is o enmade one of Satans most a ractiveagencies to ensnare souls. Whenabused, it leads the unconsecratedto pride, vanity, and folly. When al -lowed to take the place ofdevotion and prayer, it isa terrible curse. VSS 421.

    Young persons assem - ble to sing, and, althoughprofessed Christians, fre -quently dishonor God andtheir faith by their frivolousconversation and their choiceof music . Sacred music is notcongenial to their taste. I wasdirected to the plain teachingsof Gods Word, which have been passed by unnoticed. Inthe judgment all these wordsof inspiration will condemn

    those who have not heededthem. 1T 505-6, VSS 421.Singing is just as much the

    worship of God in a religiousmeeting as speaking, and anyoddity or peculiarity cultivateda racts the a ention of the peo -ple and destroys the serious, sol -emn impression which should be the result of sacred music.Anything strange and eccentricin singing detracts from theseriousness and sacredness ofreligious service. VSS 422.

    Bodily exercise pro tethli le. Everything that is con -nected in any way with reli -gious worship should be dig -ni ed, solemn, and impressive.God is not pleased when min -isters professing to be Christsrepresentatives so misrepresentChrist as to throw the body intoacting a itudes, making undig -

    ni ed and coarse gestures, unre -ned, coarse gesticulations. All thisamuses, and will excite the curios -ity of those who wish to see strange,odd, and exciting things, but thesethings will not elevate the minds

    and hearts of those who witnessthem.

    The very same may be saidof singing. You assume

    undigni ed a itudes.VSS 423.

    Might this apply tothe stretching and

    shrinking of thetiming on a song,and the addingof words that donot t in the me -ter? How aboutholding theending a verylong time todemonstratea superior

    breath-controlability? Is this

    singing to the glory of God or to theglory of the performer?

    Singing of or to a Holy God

    There is something peculiarly

    sacred in the human voice. Its har -mony and its subdued and heaven-inspired pathos exceeds every mu -sical instrument. Vocal music is oneof Gods gi s to men, an instrumentthat cannot be surpassed or equaledwhen Gods love abounds in thesoul. Singing with the spirit and theunderstanding also is a great addi -tion to devotional services in thehouse of God. VSS 425.

    I have been shown the order, theperfect order, of heaven, and have been enraptured as I listened to theperfect music there. A er comingout of vision, the singing here hassounded very harsh and discordant.I have seen companies of angels,who stood in a hollow square, ev -

    ery one having a harp of gold. At theend of the harp was an instrumentto turn to set the harp or change thetunes. Their ngers did not sweepover the strings carelessly, but theytouched di erent strings to producedi erent sounds. There is one angelwho always leads, who rst touchesthe harp and strikes the note, thenall join in the rich, perfect music ofheaven. It cannot be described. Itis melody, heavenly, divine, whilefrom every countenance beams theimage of Jesus, shining with gloryunspeakable. 1T 146.

    Does this say something abouthow a guitar should be played?

    They [many professedChristians] know not the languageof heaven and are not educatingtheir minds so as to be prepared tosing the songs of heaven or to de-light in the spiritual exercises whichwill there engage the a ention of

    Music is o en made one o Sa ans mos atrac ive agencies o ensnare souls.

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    all. 2T 265, VSS 430.Singing, as a part of reli -

    gious service, is as much anact of worship as is prayer.The heart must feel thespirit of the song, to give itright expression. Patriarchs

    and Prophets , 594, VSS 432.God is high and holy;and to the humble, believ -ing soul, His house on earth,the place where His peoplemeet for worship, is as thegate of heaven. The song ofpraise, the words spoken by Christs ministers, areGods appointed agenciesto prepare a people for thechurch above, for that lo i -er worship. Youth Instructor ,Oct. 8, 1896; VSS 432.

    Heaven Joins in Our Sacred Songs

    Let us all bear in mindthat in every assembly ofthe saints below are angelsof God, listening to the tes -timonies, songs, and prayers.Let us remember that ourpraises are supplemented by

    the choirs of the angelic host above.6T 367, VSS 432.

    The science of salvation is to be the burden of every sermon,the theme of every song. Let it bepoured forth in every supplication.Evangelism , 502; VSS 433.

    Cultivate Voice and Heart

    The evil of formal worship can -not be too strongly depicted, butno words can properly set forththe deep blessedness of genuine

    worship. When human beings singwith the spirit and the understand -ing, heavenly musicians take up thestrain and join in the song of thanks -giving. He who has bestowed uponus all the gi s that enable us to beworkers together with God, expectsHis servants to cultivate their voicesso that they can speak and sing in

    a way that all can understand. It isnot loud singing that is needed, butclear intonation, correct pronun -ciation, and distinct u erance. Letall take time to cultivate the voiceso that Gods praise can be sungin clear, so tones, not with harsh -ness and shrillness that o end theear. The ability to sing is the giof God; let it be used to His glory.9T 143-4, VSS 433.

    Many are singing beautifulsongs in the meet ings, songs of whatthey will do, and what they mean

    to do; but some do not dothese things; they do notsing with the spirit and theunderstanding also. So inthe reading of the Wordof God, some are not ben -e ted, because they do not

    take it into their very life;they do not practice it.Ev 508, VSS 433.

    Those who make sing -ing a part of divine wor -ship should select hymnswith music appropriate tothe occasion, not funeralnotes, but cheerful, yet sol -emn, melodies. The voicecan and should be modu -lated, so ened, and sub -dued. Ev 508, VSS 434.

    The super uities whichhave been brought into theworship in ___ must be

    strenuously avoided. . . . Music isacceptable to God only when theheart is sancti ed and made soand holy by its facilities. But manywho delight in music know nothingof making melody in their hearts tothe Lord. Their heart is gone a ertheir idols. Ev 512, VSS 437.

    The True Strengthof the Church

    Rubbish in the Church--Whenprofessing Christians reach the highstandard which it is their privilegeto reach, the simplicity of Christwill be maintained in all their wor -ship. Forms and ceremonies andmusical accomplishments are notthe strength of the church. Yet thesethings have taken the place that Godshould have, even as they did in theworship of the Jews. VSS 437.

    The Lord has revealed to methat when the heart is cleansed andsancti ed, and the members of thechurch are partakers of the divinenature, a power will go forth fromthe church, who believe the truth,that will cause melody in the heart.Men and women will not then de -pend upon their instrumental mu -sic but on the power and grace of

    Le your hearers unders and ha you hold mee ings, no o charm heir senses wi h music and o her hings, bu o preach he

    ru h.

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    God, which will give fullness ofjoy. There is a work to be done inclearing away the rubbish whichhas been brought into the church.. . . This message is not only for thechurch at ___ , but for every otherchurch that has followed her ex -

    ample. Ev 512, VSS 437.Light and Frivolous Rhymes

    Replacing Substantive Hymns

    Many of the popular religioussongs of today are wri en by peo -ple who have no experience withthe Lord. They are wri en for thepurpose of selling CDs and forpopularity. Would you want to hirea plumber or carpenter who hadno experience? Why do we choosesongs wri en by people who knowli le about music or the carefulcra ing of words?

    Has anyone noticed how fewhymns are quoted these days? Oneminister has said that almost theentire body of Christian truth withwhich his people were acquainted,was contained in the hymn book.The hymns they sang had fastened

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    themselves in their minds. But thereis a recent and large class of hymnswhich are scarcely ever quoted; in -deed, they are hardly remembered,for there is li le or nothing in themto remember or quote. Flighty

    jingles, vain repetitions, ra ling

    choruses, and jumbled fugues may

    tickle the ear and please the crowd, but when one se les down to readthem in cold, plain English, theinterest felt in them vanishes, andthey appear stale and stupid, atand unpro table.

    To quote a hymn, a man mustremember it; and if a man is toremember a hymn, there must besomething in it to remember. Verymany of the pieces sung today arenot remembered, and for that let us be thankful! Persons can sing them

    as long as they can followthe jingle of the tune; but

    as for thoughts and ideas,there are very few to beretained.

    Hymns as Sermons

    And is it not true thatministers are forge inghow to read hymns? Thereare men whose readingof a hymn is as good asa sermon, and far be erthan some sermons. Theearnest, heartfelt pathoswhich marks the readingof a hymn where divinetruth mingles with solidthought and pure devo -tion, has o en broughttears to the eyes of thosethat heard; but it was be -cause there were tears inthe hymn, and in the heartof the one that wrote it.

    If we can get rid of the light andfrivolous rhymes which very few re -member, and which nobody thinksof quoting, and get hold of thosedeep, solid, devout, and devotionalhymns, which the church of Godhave loved to sing for generations,

    we shall nd that such hymns will

    strike down in the hearts of men,and write within them truth whichis more precious than gold.

    Appropriate Tunes

    And if these hymns can be setto decent tunes,--tuneswhich breathe the pathos ofChristian emotion and thereverence due the Almighty,tunes which are tly joinedto hymns of praise and wor -ship hymns which angelsmight gladly sing, and to

    which the Savior Himselfmight bend to listen,--the serviceof song may then come to be whatit should be, the worship of Godrather than the amusement of men.

    There is nothing more shock -ing to a devout ear and a culturedtaste than to hear a sacred hymn,like There is a fountain lled with blood set to the music of some jig -ging tune which reminds one of thethumbing of a banjo or the move -ments of a plantation dance. Suchsinging is not worship; it is profa -nation; and the thoughtless soulsthat delight in it need to sit silent inthe presence of the Lord, and prayfor grace whereby they may serveGod acceptably with reverenceand godly fear. The Christian,Review and Herald , August 14, 1927.

    Sacred HymnsChange Hearts

    To quo e a hymn, a man mus remember i ; and i a man is o remember a hymn, here

    mus be some hing in i o remember.

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    One who heard [A. T.] Jonesspeak to the congregation in Ba leCreek later recalled: At the close ofone sermon he quoted the lovelyhymn, Theres a Wideness in GodsMercy all through to the end. Itwas the most wonderful elocution -

    ary e ort I have ever heard. The au -dience (1500) was so deeply movedthat for two hours they stood upand made confessions and recon -

    secrations. It was not a mass move -ment but an individual movement.God spoke through Jones might -ily in those days. E. K. VandeVere,Windows (1975), p. 209.

    I have baptized hun -dreds of Pentecostals as theyle Pentecostalism and joined the Seventh-dayAdventist Church. The de -ciding factor in this changewas not the day of rest northe Adventist view on thestate of the dead. Rather, it

    was these words of Jesus:Use not vain repetitions.(Ma 6:7) Repetition is the secret ofhypnotism. The Ministry ,August 1991, p. 2.

    Do not divestthe truth of itsdignity and im -pressiveness bypreliminaries thatare more a er theorder of the worldthan a er theorder of heaven.Let your hearersunderstand thatyou hold meet -ings, not to charmtheir senses withmusic and otherthings, but topreach the truthin all its solemnity,that it may come

    to them as a warning, arousingthem from their deathlike sleep ofself-indulgence. 9T 142.

    ContemporaryChristian Music

    CCM [contemporary Christianmusic] is o en held in contempt . .. because so much of its derivative,second- or third-rate music [is] a

    pale imitation of last years popu -lar hits. The American Organist ,

    June 2006, p. 79.I am concerned with the

    Contemporary Christian commer -cials. . . .These mindless massesare singing along with the lyricseither li ed out of context fromthe Bible or containing such juve -nile combinations of God-relatedwords that any third grader payinga ention in Sunday school could jot down as an inspired poem. . .. These . . . wannabe bands repeat

    trite musings like God is so goodor Hes an awesome God, whileplucking the most basic chordprogressions. . . . Thats not praise

    music; thats lazy and unimagina -tive. Daily Nebraskan, January 12,2001, p. 8 (University of Nebraskastudent newspaper).

    CCM texts are o en me cen -tered. . . . Nor are such texts sur -prising in the me centered mod -

    ern world. But a surfeit of suchtexts is ill-suited to a traditionalconcept of Christian worship thatstresses the incorporation of in -dividuals into the whole Body ofChrist. The American Organist ,

    June 2006, pp. 79-81.When we speak about music

    and the liturgy, we talk about themusic we need. That is not quitethe same as the music we want, themusic we enjoy. . . . Popular musicis the music of our time, and so isCCM. Theres no doubt that manypeople enjoy it. But is it bene cial?Is it the music we need? Ibid.

    What does our choice ofmusic say about our worship?Are we pleasing ourselves, orpleasing God?

    Tennessean Norman Peeks varied in-terests have led to a wide variety of occupations. Recently, Norman haswri en accounting programs for sev -

    eral non-pro ts and currently servesas an accounting consultant to a self-supporting ministry.

    Tha s no praise music; ha s lazy and unimagina ive.

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    B ecause sentence against anevil work is not executedspeedily, therefore the

    heart of the sons of men is fully setin them to do evil.

    The means which the Lord hasemployed in the gracious provisionof his mercy, to so en and subdue

    the objects of his love, have, throughthe workings of Satan, encouragedthe depraved and hardened heartsin perversity, resistance, and trans -gression. Even as far back as thedays of David, this led him to ex -claim, It is time for thee, Lord, towork: for they have made void thylaw.

    Gods ForbearanceSlighted

    Because of the goodness andlong-su ering of God, many have been led to consider and appreciatehis mercy and loving-kindness, andthis has led them to repentance. Onthe other hand, many have becomemore careless, and have abusedhis mercy. To their own loss andshame, they have followed the willof Satan, irrespective of the retri - bution that will surely come upon

    them for their disobedience andtransgression. They will yet learnthat God is jealous of his honor andhis glory. He will not have his lawstri ed with. Men cannot with im -punity treat them with indi erenceand de ance.

    Only Willing ServiceAccepted

    If God had decided, in his coun -cils in heaven, to visit the transgres -sors of his law with instant death,there would have resulted a muchgreater restriction of the inclinationto do those things that are o ensiveto God. The very men who seem to be dead to entreaties and warningssent in mercy by God, those whowill not be deterred from their evilcourse of action, would be prudentto save their lives, even if they hadno love for God. But the Lords ar -rangement, made in council withhis only bego en Son, was to leavemen free moral agents to a certainlength of probation. His eye woulddiscern all their works, but hewould compel no mans service. Ifthe love displayed in his long-suf -fering and patience could not bring

    them to repentance and perfect sur -render to the laws of his kingdom,then they must be le to choosewhom they would serve. Their lifemust testify of their choice. If menlove transgression, and choose todisregard his laws, a er su cienttest and trial their case is forever

    decided. God cannot have such asmembers of his family in heaven.Their punishment will be in accor -dance with the character of theirde ance and rebellion against God.

    A vast reformation would bewrought in the world if the veil ofthe future could be li ed, and allcould see that very soon there is to be a change in the a itude of God,in his dealings with the perversityof man; that there are limits to di -vine mercy and forbearance. Thereare those who, by their impenitenceunder the beams of light that haveshone upon them, are very near theline where the forbearance of God isexhausted. In mind and heart theyare saying, The Lord delayeth hiscoming, and they are eating anddrinking with the drunken. ButGod declares of such that suddendestruction cometh upon them,

    and they shall not escape.

    The Limit of

    Gods Mercy Ellen G. White

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    T h e c r o w n s o f t h o s e w h o s l i g h t d i v i n e f o r b e a r a n c ea n d m a k e v o i d G o d s l a w w i l l g o t o o t h e r s w h o ,

    u n d e r f o r b i d d i n g c i r c u m s t a n c e s ,c o n s e c r a t e t h e m s e l v e s t o G o d .

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    Limit Almost Reached

    The present time, when greatlight is shining forth from the Wordof God, making dark mysteries plainas day, is the day of mercy, of hope,of assurance, of joy, for all who will be bene ted thereby, for all whowill open their minds and hearts

    to the bright beams of the Sun ofRighteousness. But there are thosewho will not come to the light, whodespise the truth because it exposeserror and transgression and sin; andas a result, boldness in transgressionis becoming all-pervading.

    The time is very near when menwill reach the prescribed limits.They have now almost exceeded the bounds of the long-su ering of God,the limits of his grace, the limits of

    his mercy. The record of their worksin the books of heaven is, Thou artweighed in the balances, and artfound wanting.

    11th Hour Workers

    More FaithfulThe Lord will interfere to vindi -

    cate his own honor, to repress theswellings of unrighteousness and

    bold transgression. He will not bele without witness. The one-hourlaborers will be brought in at theeleventh hour, and will consecratetheir ability and their entrustedmeans to advance the Lords work.While many have reduced the Word,the truth, the holy law of Jehovah, toa dead le er, and by their exampletestify that this law is a hard, rig -orous burden; while they say, Wewill lay o this yoke, we will befree, we will no longer remain incovenant relation with God, we willdo as we please, there will be menwho have had very meager oppor -tunities, who have walked in waysof error because they knew no bet -ter way, to whom beams of light

    will come. As the word of Christcame to Zacchaeus, I must abide atthy house, so the word will cometo them; and those supposed to be

    hardened sinners will be found tohave hearts as tender as a childs, because Christ has deigned to no -tice them. These will receive the re -ward for their faithfulness becausethey are true to principle, and shun

    not their duty to declare the wholecounsel of God. When those whohave had abundance of light throwo the restraint which the Word ofGod imposes, and make void hislaw, others will come in to ll theirplace and take their crown.

    Replacements Will Come

    In all parts of the world thereare diligent students of the Word ofprophecy, who are obtaining light,and still greater light, from theirstudy of the Scriptures. This is trueof all nations, of all tribes, and ofall peoples. Many will come fromthe grossest error, and will take theplace of those who have had oppor -tunities and privileges, and have notprized them. These have worked outtheir own salvation with fear andtrembling, lest they should becomede cient in doing the ways and will

    of God; while those who have hadgreat light have, through the per -versity of their own natural heart,turned away from Christ becausedispleased with his requirements.Even many supposed to be heathenwill take the side of Christ, whilethose who become o ended, as didthe disciples in the synagogue atCapernaum, will go away, and walkno more with him.

    Evidence of Himself

    From time to time the Lord hasmade known the manner of hisworking. He is mindful of what is

    passing upon the earth; and whena crisis has come, he has revealedhimself, and has interposed to hin -der the working out of Satans plans.With nations, with families, and withindividuals, he has o en permi edma ers to come to a crisis, that hisinterference might be marked. Thenhe has made known the fact thatthere is a God in Israel who will sus -tain and vindicate his people.

    In Noahs day, men had disre -garded the law of God until almostall remembrance of the Creator hadpassed away from the earth. Theirwickedness reached so great aheight, violence, crime, and everykind of sin became so intensely ac -tive, that the Lord brought a oodof water upon the earth. Yet mercywas mingled with judgment. Noahand his family were saved, but thewicked inhabitants of the worldwere swept away. In the destruc -

    Men canno wi h impuni y rea Gods laws wi h indi erence and defance.

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    tion of Sodom and Gomorrah, also,when re came down from heavenand destroyed those wicked cities,we see that the Lord will interferefor his people.

    Two Classes of Men at End

    In these last days wicked menand professed Christians will har -monize in their hatred of the law ofGod. Then the crisis will come; thenwe shall see the class speci ed inMal. 3:13-15: Your words have beenstout against me, saith the Lord. Yetye say, What have we spoken somuch against thee? Ye have said, Itis vain to serve God: and what pro tis it that we have kept his ordinance,and that we have walked mourn -fully before the Lord of hosts? Andnow we call the proud happy; yea,they that work wickedness are setup; yea, they that tempt God areeven delivered. Here is a companyof disa ected professed Christians,whose chief business is to murmur,and complain, and accuse God byaccusing the children of God. Theysee nothing defective in themselves, but very much that is displeasing inothers.

    But while they are murmuring,

    and complaining, and falsely accus -ing, and doing Satans work mostzealously, another class is broughtto our notice: Then they that fearedthe Lord spake o en one to another:and the Lord harkened, and heardit, and a book of remembrance waswri en before him for them thatfeared the Lord, and that thoughtupon his name. And they shall bemine, saith the Lord of hosts, in thatday when I make up my jewels; andI will spare them, as a man sparethhis own son that serveth him. Thenshall ye return, and discern be -tween the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God andhim that serveth him not.

    Apostasy to Become Law

    In this time of prevailing iniquity,the Protestant churches that have re - jected a Thus saith the Lord, will

    reach a strange pass. They will beconverted to the world. In their sep -aration from God, they will seek tomake falsehood and apostasy fromGod the law of the nation. They willwork upon the rulers of the land to

    make laws to restore the lost ascen -dency of the man of sin, who sits inthe temple of God, showing himselfthat he is God. The Roman Catholicprinciples will be taken under theprotection of the state. The protestof Bible truth will no longer be tol -erated by those who have not madethe law of God their rule of life.

    Despised Law More Precious

    And what e ect will these at -tempts of men to make void the lawof God have upon the righteous?

    Will they be intimidated by the al -most universal scorn that is put uponthe law of God? Will the true be -lievers in the Thus saith the Lord, become wavering and ashamed because the whole world seems todespise his righteous law? Will they be carried away by the prevalenceof evil?--No; to those who have con -secrated themselves to God to servehim, the law of God becomes moreprecious when the contrast is shown between the obedient and the trans -gressor. In proportion as the a ri - butes of Satan are developed in thedespisers and transgressors of the

    law of God, to the faithful adherentthe holy precepts will become moredear and valuable. It is the ones whohave been faithful stewards of thegrace of God, whose love for Godscommandments grows with the

    contempt which all around wouldput upon them.

    The Elect Avenged

    When the de ance of Gods lawis almost universal, when his peo -ple are pressed in a iction by theirfellow men, God will interpose.Then will the voice be heard fromthe graves of martyrs, represented by the souls that John saw slain forthe Word of God, and for the testi -mony of Jesus Christ, which theyheld,--then the prayer will ascendfrom every true child of God: Itis time for thee, Lord, to work: forthey have made void thy law. The

    fervent prayers of his people will beanswered; for God loves to have hispeople seek him with all the heart,and depend upon him as their de -liverer. He will be sought unto todo these things for his people, andhe will arise as their protector andavenger. Shall not God avenge hisown elect, which cry day and nightunto him?

    Review and Herald , December 21,1897.

    Ellen G. White, 1827-1915, received the spiri-tual gi of prophecy,and the fruits of her lifeand work accord withthe biblical tests of atrue messenger of God.

    To this day, her counsels are an incal-culable blessing to Gods people aroundthe world.

    The law o God becomes more precious when he con ras is shown be ween he obedien

    and he ransgressor.

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    Heidi Heiks

    L ooking back on our studies,we have been able to pen -etrate the scriptures andhistorical sources to a fuller

    and deeper extent heretofore pos -sible. Everyone is now equipped toexplain the prophetic implicationsof the relevant events of AD 508and 538 which began the 1260- and1290-year time prophecies of Dan -iel 8. The pivotal issues of churchand state, as well as the Law ofGod, have been clearly de ned inour study. Correctly interpreted,the daily can now be understoodin its full sanctuary signi cance.And by itself, the transgression of

    desolation, rightly comprehended,can be seen in its unique role in oursanctuary message; a misinterpre -tation of transgression of desola -tion has been shown to have re -moved the investigative judgmentfrom Daniel 8.

    When believers must standalone to answer for their faith,what reproach to the cause of truthand what disillusionment and evengrief to its holders, if they wouldlearn too late they have had noBiblical foundation for their beliefs,and that perhaps they had beenmisrepresenting the truth all along.Hence, the sole purpose of this se -

    Par t 9

    Understanding Athe Daily,

    Scripturally & Hi

    12 Our Firm Foundation

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    ries has been to bring to the forethe truth on the daily.

    The correct scriptural and his -torical understanding of the dailyhas vindicated the very nucleusof our sanctuary message and hasforti ed the reader with the neces -

    sary documentation to rightfullyanswer every man that asketh youa reason of the hope that is in youwith meekness and fear. 1 Peter3:15.

    As we near the close of this se -ries, we will expand upon some sig -ni cant points already discussedin this series, and deal with somemisconceptions that have not beenaddressed in the previous articles.We want to be thorough and com -plete in our study, so we can onceand for all lay this issue to rest.

    Out-o -Context Quotes Lead toCharges o Demonic In uence On Ministry View o Daily

    In this issue our a ention willcenter on an error of understand -ing that would silence any discus -sion of the daily and discourageany consideration that the dailyissue can and was to be resolved. A

    few passages from an undatedwork have been erroneously citedto prove a false premise. The pas -sages come from Manuscript Releas-es (MR), Volume 20, pages 17-22,which is also called Manuscript Re-lease No. 1425. It is obvious from thetitle and context that the manu -script was wri en during the Gen -eral Conference presidency of A. G.Daniells. This manuscript was atone time mistakenly given a laterdate than Manuscript Release No.1470 , which may confuse research -ers. In truth, though, ManuscriptRelease No. 1425has neither day normonth nor year dating it. This mis -take in dating has been corrected,and Tim Poirier of the Ellen G.White Estate of the General Confer -ence of Seventh-day Adventists cancon rm these facts.

    The false premise is that to ac -cept the daily as the work of the

    priest in the rst apartment is to beworked by the angels that were ex -pelled from heaven, as Daniellsand Presco admi edly were at thetime of her writing, and to incorpo -rate sentiments of a spiritualisticnature, which would bring in un -

    belief and skepticism. For thosereasons, it is claimed, Ellen Whitecompletely condemned the minis -try view of the daily.

    The unlikely premise Mrs.Whites manuscript is said to sup -port, as per the excerpt quotedabove, is handily disproved forall to see by the following study.Before exposing the error, how -ever, we will also quote a speci clonger passage from the samemanuscript that is additionallyused to support claims against thetrue interpretation of the daily.Ellen White wrote:

    I was shown that Brother Dan -iells and Brother Presco wereweaving into their experience sen -timents of a spiritualistic appear -ance and drawing our people to beautiful sentiments that woulddeceive, if possible, the very elect.I have to trace with my pen [thefact] that these brethren would see

    defects in their delusive ideas that

    would place the truth in an uncer -tainty; and [yet] they [would] standout as [if they had] great spiritualdiscernment. Now I am to tell them[that] when I was shown this mat -ter, when Elder Daniells was li ingup his voice like a trumpet in advo -

    cating his ideas of the Daily, thea er results were presented. Ourpeople were becoming confused. Isaw the result, and then there weregiven me cautions that if ElderDaniells without respect to the out -come should thus be impressed andlet himself believe he was underthe inspiration of God, skepticismwould be sown among our rankseverywhere, and we should bewhere Satan would carry his mes -sages. Set unbelief and skepticismwould be sown in human minds,and strange crops of evil wouldtake the place of truth. 20 MR 17,18, 21-22, bracketing in original.

    Admi edly, taken out of its con -text, this passage and the manu -scripts earlier reference to demonicin uence look quite straightfor -ward and rather incriminating.Before commenting, though, wewant to encourage all to read theentire manuscript for themselves.

    Remember, brothers and sisters,

    P h o t o s :


    a u l W i l l i a m s

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    ) ; i S t o c k

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    assume nothing and require proofof all things.

    Let us now read these quotes ina fuller context, in order to derivethe true and intended meaning ofthe passage. We will begin at the beginning of the manuscript and

    will quote enough to give contentin honest context. All emphasishas been supplied; bracketingis in the original.

    Call to Stop Public Contentions about the Daily and Start

    Saving City Souls

    At this stage of our experi -ence we are not to have our mindsdrawn away from the special lightgiven [us] to consider at the im -portant gathering of our confer -ence. And there was Brother Dan -iells, whose mind the enemy wasworking; and your mind and ElderPresco s mind were being worked by the angels that were expelledfrom heaven. Satans work was todivert your minds that jots and tit -tles should be brought in which theLord did not inspire you to bringin. They were not essential. But thismeant much to the cause of truth.

    And the ideas of your minds, if

    you could be drawn away to jots orti les, is a work of Satans devising.To correct li le things in the bookswri en, you suppose would be do -ing a great work. But I am charged,Silence is eloquence.

    I am to say, Stop your pickingaws. If this purpose of the devilcould only be carried out, then [it]appears to you [that] your workwould be considered as most won -derful in conception. It was theenemys plan to get all the sup -posed objectionable features whereall classes of minds did not agree.

    And what then? The very work thatpleases the devil would come topass. There would be a represen -tation given to the outsiders notof our faith just what would suit

    them, that would develop traits ofcharacter which would cause greatconfusion and occupy the goldenmoments which should be usedzealously to bring the great mes -sage before the people. The presen -tations upon any subject we haveworked upon could not all harmo -nize, and the results would be toconfuse the minds of believers and

    unbelievers. This is the very thing

    that Satan had planned that shouldtake place--anything that could bemagni ed as a disagreement.

    Read Ezekiel, chapter 28. Now,here is a grand work, where strangespirits can gure. But the Lord hasa work to [be] done to save perish -ing souls. . . . 20 MR 17.

    And I was shown from the rstthat the Lord had given neither El -ders Daniells nor Presco the bur -den of this work. Should Satanswiles be brought in, should this

    Daily be such a great ma er asto be brought in to confuse minds

    and hinder the advancement of thework at this important period oftime? It should not, whatever may be. This subject should not be in -troduced. . . . There would be con -fusion brought into our ranks. Youhave no call to hunt up the di er -

    ence of opinion that is not a testingquestion; but your silence is elo -quence. . . . Now the work withoutdelay is to be taken up and not a[di erence] of opinion expressed.

    . . . I was instructed to say toyou that your picking aws in thewritings of men that have been ledof God is not inspired of God. . . .

    . . . Now, everything like pick -ing aws in the publications of menwho are not alive is not the workGod has given any of you to do. . .. For if these men . . . had followedthe directions given in working thecities. . . . 20 MR 18.

    . . . But let us now investigatethe ma er. We must now reconsid -er whether it is the Lords judgment,in the face of the work that has beenneglected, of showing your zeal tocarry the work even another year. . .. (to Elder Daniells) 20 MR 19.

    . . . The Lord will have to seein you a showing of a di erent ex -

    perience, for if ever men neededto be reconverted at this present[time], it [is] Elder Daniells andElder Presco .

    . . . The crisis has come, for Godwill be dishonored.

    How does the Lord look uponthe unworked cities? 20 MR 20.

    Dailys Interpretation Not Addressed At All

    Brothers and sisters, we againencourage you to read Ellen Whitesentire manuscript for yourselves.Regarding the daily, is it not plainat this point in the manuscript thatDaniells and Presco were beingseverely reproved for debating thelesser issue of the daily at the ex -pense of a far more important worktheyd earlier been counseled toundertake? We nd no discussionof the actual interpretation of the

    "How does the Lord look upon

    the unworked cities?"

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    daily thus far. Only indirect refer -ences were made to the daily, andnone had to do with interpretation.

    And is it not evident they alsowere taking upon themselves thecritiquing the writings of earlierstalwarts of the Advent faith, thus

    bringing needless confusion among believers and exposing the dearcause to public scorn? Ellen Whitegave forceful directives to Broth -ers Daniells and Presco to leavethe books of the Advent faith alone.(Elder Presco in particular want -ed to correct what he perceived to be historical inaccuracies in someof Mrs. Whites published works.)Their actions were met with strongreproof because rather than obey -ing the call to work the cities, theywere weakening and confusing theyoung church by discrediting thework of faithful men who, althoughmistaken in some of their positions,nevertheless poured heart and souland means into the early years ofthe new prophetic understand -ings. Furthermore, EllenWhite disapproved of themethods they were using.

    Where was your respectfor the men of age? What

    authority could you exer -cise without taking all theresponsible men to weighthe ma er? 20 MR 19.No wonder Ellen Whitecalled into question Dan -iells role as conferencepresident. At one pointshe wrote:

    Having found neithersupport nor disapprovalof Daniells view of the

    daily so far in the manu -script, let us continue tosee if such a reference cantruly be found.

    Spiritualistic In uence o J. H. Kellogg

    . . . What would yougain if mistakes are brought before the menwho have departed from

    the faith and given heed to seduc -ing spirits, men who were not longago with us in the faith? Will youstand on the devils side? Give youra ention to the unworked elds.A world-wide work is before us. Iwas given representations of John

    Kellogg. A very a ractive person -age was representing the ideas ofthe specious arguments that hewas presenting, sentiments di er -ent from the genuine Bible truth.And those who are hungering andthirsting a er something new wereadvancing ideas [so specious] thatElder Presco was in great danger.Elder Daniells was in great danger[of] becoming wrapped in a delu -sion that if these sentiments could be spoken everywhere it would beas a new world.

    Yes, it would, but while theirminds were thus absorbed I wasshown that Brother Daniells andBrother Presco were weaving intotheir experience sentiments of aspiritualistic appearance and draw -

    ing our people to beautiful senti -ments that would deceive, if pos -sible, the very elect. I have to tracewith my pen [the fact] that these brethren would see defects in theirdelusive ideas that would place thetruth in an uncertainty; and [yet]

    they [would] stand out as [if theyhad] great spiritual discernment.Now I am to tell them [that] when Iwas shown this ma er, when ElderDaniells was li ing up his voicelike a trumpet in advocating hisideas of the Daily, the a er resultswere presented. Our people were becoming confused. I saw the result,and then there were given me cau -tions that if Elder Daniells withoutrespect to the outcome should thus be impressed and let himself be -lieve he was under the inspirationof God, skepticism would be sownamong our ranks everywhere, andwe should be where Satan wouldcarry his messages. Set unbeliefand skepticism would be sown inhuman minds, and strange crops of

    evil would take the placeof truth. 20 MR 21-22, bracketing in original.

    Con usion Aplenty;

    Focus to be Put on Cities Let us remember that

    at the turn of the twen -tieth century, this rstdecade under the confer -ence presidential reign ofElder Daniells was one ofutmost chaos, to say theleast. Among the causesof the confusion, embar -rassment and distresswere the wide circulationof D. M. Canrights bookSeventh Day AdventismRenounced , the res of theBa le Creek Sanitariumand the Review and Her -ald Publishing House, theapostasy of prominentBrothers A. T. Jones andE. J. Waggoner, and thepublic disputes about thewritings of Ellen White, P

    h o t o s :


    h o t o s . c o m ;

    i S t o c k

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    ( b o r d e r


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    both within and without the church.The church also had to confront thedamage caused by the apostasy ofA. F. Ballenger, the diminishmentor denial of the sanctuary mes -sage so lately understood, and thespiritualistic sentiments expressed

    in pantheism and espoused by thein uential J. H. Kellogg.Hence the counsel was given to

    do the work of the Lord, meaningto work the cities for the saving ofsouls, and to bring nothing to thefront, including the topic of the

    daily, that would foster strife anddivision among the early believers,and elicit scorn and derision fromthe enemies of the faith. And as cannow be seen by all, the sentimentsof a spiritualistic appearance thatEllen White noted in that manu -script do not refer to the daily atall. In fact, they plainly relate to thespiritualistic in uences expressedin pantheism and espoused by J. H.Kellogg that Daniells and Prescowere weaving about themselvesand others.

    Over and over again, the re -proval in Ellen Whites le ers cen -tered on Daniells neglect of heed -ing the counsel to work the cities

    for the saving of souls. Instead, hewas trying to use his position asGeneral Conference president tose le doctrinal controversy over the

    daily. This ba le of interpretations

    had engendered a very forbiddingspirit on both sides of the issue,thus bringing in additional confu -sion and dismay. Thus we see thatDaniells need to be reconvertedstemmed largely from his neglect toheed Gods counsel to work the cit -

    ies, not his advocacy of the minis -try of Christ view of the daily.

    A. White on Daniells Crisis

    In con rmation of that fact, wenow include, in part, a six-page ar -ticle that Arthur L. White wrote onDecember 4, 1953an article appro -priately called Concerning Elder A. G.Daniells. In this document ArthurWhite demonstrated the true natureof events that took place:

    That there was a crisis in 1910involving Elder A. G. Daniells, nonecan deny. He spoke of it publicly,and we quote his words as takenfrom one of a series of talks he gaveon the Spirit of prophecy to a groupof workers in Australia in 1928:

    Daniells Own Account

    Sister White gave me coun -sel and reproof concerning many

    ma ers. She sent messages to meregarding the work in the cities inthe Eastern States. I seemed unableto understand them fully. Conse -quently I did not do all that these

    messages indicated should be done.Finally I received a message inwhich she said, When the presi -dent of the General Conference isconverted, he will know what todo with the messages God has senthim. I did not then have as much

    light on the ma er of conversionas I now have. I thought I had beenconverted y years before, and soI had; but I have since learned thatwe need to be reconverted now andthen. We need a fresh, up-to-dateexperience in repentance and con -version frequently, so that we shall be able to receive fresh light andgrace and understanding for theproblems that are continually aris -ing. That message, telling me that Ineeded to be converted, cut me se -verely at the time, but I did not rejectit. I began to pray for the conversionI needed to give me the understand -ing I seemed to lack.

    The pressure regarding workfor the great cities became so greatthat I nally arranged the work ofthe General Conference with my as -sociates, and went with my wife toNew York City, to stay just as longas it was my duty. When I had beenthere a few weeks, a new vision

    came to me regarding the needs ofour great cities. I wrote my impres -sions to Sister White; I thanked herfor her reproof and instruction. Itold her that I was quite ready toresign my o ce and devote myselfto the millions in these great cities,and asked for further counsel. Shewrote back a good motherly le er,expressing great gratitude for thelight that had come to me, and tell -ing me that it was not for me to re -sign, but to use all the in uence ofmy position to forward that workand to draw others into those greatcities. --Australasian Union Confer -ence Record, August 13, 1928.

    Discussions on Daily a Distraction

    Elder Daniells made no refer -ence in this statement to the ques -tion of the health message or the

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    daily of Daniel 8. Going back tothe General Conference of 1909, wend that Ellen White was much con -cerned for the spiritual experienceof the leading workers. She waseager that they should lead out inthe important lines of work which

    should have rst a ention, and shepresented a number of cautions andappeals which were directed to thepresident of the General Conferenceand his close associates.

    For half a decade prior to 1910there was some agitation in the de -nomination concerning the daily ofDaniel 8. Both those who stood bythe views presented by Elder UriahSmith in Thoughts on Daniel andthe Revelation and those who sawlight in an interpretation whichdi ered, were very earnest in theirdeclarations. The ma er was onewhich could have been se led byopen minded study, or relegated toa subordinate place, but it a ractedsuch a ention that it diverted mindsfrom the important work of pro -claiming the message of warning toa perishing world. (Pg. 1.)

    During this time Ellen Whitewas pleading for the large cities ofAmerica, as it seemed to be the op -

    portune time to make great advanc -es in that particular line. But withthe president of the General Con -ference, Elder Daniells, and some of

    his associates carrying the burdenof the world work, and now withthe added burden of the discussionson the daily of Daniel 8, the ad -vance steps called for in city work inAmerica were not taken. In no un -certain terms Elder Daniells and hisassociates were reproved for this ne -glect and for giving undue a entionto ma ers of minor importance. El -der Daniells response to the reproof

    and instruction was wholehearted, a response translat -ed into action which was fullyaccepted of the Lord.

    While the details of thestory which we shall presentshow the marked in uence of

    the Spirit of prophecy in themovement, and also the great -ness of a man who altered hiscourse to walk in the light,there would be no occasion tomake the ma er public wereit not for the distribution ofthe reports which have beensent out to our workers whichdisparages Elder Daniells.

    The reason there had beensome agitation . . . concern -ing the daily of Daniel 8 for

    half a decade prior to 1910is revealed in the followingportion of Arthur Whitesarticle regarding the denomi -national crisis engendered byGeneral Conference PresidentA. G. Daniells failure to heedthe counsel to work the cities:

    What Actually Took PlaceOn May 24, 1910, Mrs. E. G.

    White called Elder W. C. White toher room and asked what was being

    done in regard to the teaching of thenew and old views of the daily. Sheasked why those who were leadingout in these discussions did not get

    together and study the ma er unit -edly, and she expressed regret thatsuch a meeting had not been held.On that same day she dispatcheda le er to Elder S. N. Haskell, anddirected that copies should be sentto Elders Loughborough, Irwin, andDaniells. In this she made an appealfor the brethren who were then onthe Paci c Coast, including thosenamed above and also Elder Salis -

    bury to come together in examina -tion of the points of faith regardingwhich there are di erent views.The meeting failed to materialize.(Pg. 2.)

    Ministry View Not Spiritualistic

    This last paragraph was includedin our February issue of Our FirmFoundation. Mrs. Whites concernsabout the intradenominationalconfusion and controversy arisingfrom the publication of di erentviews of the daily resulted in herwri en appeal that the gentlemen

    come together to resolve thema er. Because of the spiritualisticin uence a ributed to Daniells andthe misleading quotation of EllenWhite from Manuscript Releases 1425,as exposed and recti ed earlier inthis art icle, we think it best to includethe original of that manuscript to theelders. Mrs. Whites own words willprove beyond doubt that to advocatethat Ellen White likened ElderDaniells ministry interpretation P

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    When the president of the General

    Conference is converted, he will know what

    to do with the message God has sent him.

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    of the daily to spiritualisticsentiments, and to charge Daniellswith having been so unconverted asto bring in unbelief and skepticismvia spiritualism, is to shortchange believers and negatively a ectunderstanding in two respects.

    First of all, the following le erwill show that if those charges weretrue, then Ellen White promotedand demanded

    the study of spiritualisticsentiments that bear the fruit ofunbelief and skepticism. There isno escape from this conclusion,as we shall see.

    Meet ogether to Examine Di erences in Views

    MR No. 1470 - Doctrines to BeInvestigated; Unity to Be Sought(Wri en May 24, 1910, from Sanitar -ium, California, to Elder and Mrs. S.N. Haskell.)

    I have been waiting for the timewhen there should be an investiga -tion of the doctrines that BrotherDaniells and others have been advo -cating. When is this to be?

    If Elder Daniells thinks thatsome of the interpretations of Scrip -ture that have been held in the pastare not correct, our brethren shouldlisten to his reasons, and give can -did consideration to his views. Allshould examine closely their ownstanding, and by a thorough knowl -edge of the principles of our faith, be prepared to vindicate the truth.

    We must not be inconsistent

    in this ma er. God requires cleanhearts, pure minds, and an intel -ligent belief in the truth. Faith isthe substance of things hoped for,the evidence of things not seen. Atpresent there is not that unity thatshould exist among our brethren,

    and the Lord says, Come together.This should be done as soon as pos -sible, for we have no time to lose.

    Is not the present afavorable time for youand others of our min -istering brethren in thisconference to meet withElder Daniells for a thor -ough examination of thepoints of faith regard -ing which there aredi erent views?

    [Isaiah 11:1-16; 12:1-6,quoted.]

    I am directedto write theseScriptures for

    the consideration of thosewho shall assemble for thepurpose of blending to -gether under the guidanceof the Holy Spirit. Bindup the testimony, seal thelaw among My disciples.

    A special work now restsupon us of solemnly in -vestigating these ma ers,and in the name of theLord to unify. --Le er 50,1910; 20MR 223.

    The fact that Ellen White put the burden of proof on Elders Haskell,Loughborough and others to con -sider Elder Daniells ministry posi -tion on the daily lends itself to noother conclusion but that the accu -sations against Daniells are totallyuntenable and are a misrepresenta -tion of Ellen Whites writings. Fur -thermore, Ellen White, in encour -aging the comparative study of allinterpretations of the daily to de -termine its correct meaning, cannot be said to have wi ingly or unwit -tingly supported in any way any so-called spiritualistic positions held by Daniells. To so believe would be to challenge and undermine the

    credibility of Gods prophet.

    No Contradiction in Ellen Whites Writings

    Secondly, there has been furthermisuse of Ellen Whites writings by

    those who state that she condemnedthe ministry of Christ view held by Elder Daniells. We trust it isnot their intention, but they havenow made her into a liar and afalse prophet. How can the prophetcondemn Elder Daniels when hehimself but advocated the very ex -pressed understandings of EllenWhite published in 1890:

    As Christs ministration was toconsist of two great divisions, eachoccupying a period of time andhaving a distinctive place in theheavenly sanctuary, so the typical

    ministration consisted of two

    divisions,the daily and the yearly service,and to each a department of thetabernacle was devoted. As Christat His ascension appeared in thepresence of God to plead His bloodin behalf of penitent believers, sothe priest in the daily ministration sprinkled the blood of the sacri cein the holy place in the sinners behalf. Patriarchs and Prophets, 357,emphasis supplied.

    Also, some twenty-two years before her wri en directive to set -tle the ma er of the daily, shedalso wri en:

    The ministration of the earthlysanctuary consisted of two divisions;the priests ministered daily in the

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    holy place, while once a year thehigh priest performed a specialwork of atonement in the most holy,for the cleansing of the sanctuary.Day by day the repentant sinner brought his o ering to the door ofthe tabernacle [ rst apartment] and,

    placing his hand upon the victimshead, confessed his sins, thus ingure transferring them fromhimself to the innocent sacri ce. .. . Such was the work that went on,day by day , throughout the year. Thesins of Israel were thus transferredto the sanctuary, and a specialwork became necessary for theirremoval. Great Controversy (1888),442; (1911) 418, emphasis supplied.

    Thus this segment ofthe daily series closes withcharges of spiritualism againstDaniells explained, and othermisrepresentations from Manuscript1425 presented in honest context.

    Penitent Daniells Heeded Counsel

    Readers may be wondering whatultimately happened to Elder Dan -iells regarding his General Confer -ence presidency and whether his

    relationship with Ellen White wasever restored. While it is true thatEllen White would not see or talkto Elder Daniells at or around thetime of his ignoring of her counsel,the ice was nally broken a er El -der Daniells penitently heeded thecounsel. We gladly relay that ElderDaniells wrote once more in thecontext of this topic, this time fromNew York City while engaged in hisevangelistic e ort for the salvationof souls with the Advent message.Brother Arthur L. Whites reportwill ll in this part of exciting his -tory, and certainly will reveal theloving and forgiving God we serve.

    On July 1 st Elder Daniells pre -sented to the General ConferenceCommi ee the communications hehad received from Sister White, andit was decided that the city workshould have rst a ention. A com -mi ee of seventeen was appointed

    to oversee this work. Elder Daniellswas released from campmeetingappointments and a trip to Austra -lia, and his administrative respon -sibilities were delegated to two orthree of the o cers in Washington,allowing him to go to New York

    City to personally conduct an evan -gelistic e ort.In the days that followed he

    pondered the full signi canceof the suggestion made by Sisterwhite that, if he failed to walk inthe way God would have him go, itwould be well if he laid aside hisresponsibilities as president of theGeneral Conference. On August 5he wrote to Elder W. C. White, withthe understanding that his com -munication would be placed beforeSister White, pointing out that hewas not certain just what course ofaction he should follow, but, underthe counsel and advice of his breth -ren, he had reached the conclusionthat he should go forward in lead -ing out in the work in the cities, andshould not make an immediate de -cision as to the future of his admin -istrative work. He then declared:

    Daniells to W. C. White

    Now Brother White, I am doing

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    the very best I know how to followthe instruction in the Testimoniesand to be true to this cause. Thatis all I can say. . . . There is a worldof work to be done in other landswhich is very inviting to me, andall I ask is that I may be allowed

    to quietly arrange the changes thatwill be necessary when it is timefor me to go.

    This le er was read by SisterWhite on August 11, and on thesame day Elder White wrote toElder Daniells as follows:

    W. C. Whites Reply

    This morning Mother read yourle er of August 5, wri en by your -self early in the morning. It took hera long time to read it because shestopped every two or three para -graphs to make comments. How Iwished I were a stenographer andcould write it down and give itto you just as she talked. Mothertold me that she thought you weretaking just the right course, andthat she believed the Lord wouldgreatly bless you in giving your -self personally to the evangelisticwork. She said that in the night in

    her dreams she was talking to youand telling you that it was not best

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    for you now to resign your place asPresident of the General Conference, but that you were to use all your tactand experience and all the in uencethat your position gives you in help -ing, strengthening, and building upthe evangelistic work, and that you

    were to encourage your brother min -isters who have been devoting theirtime to business a airs, to followyour example in pu ing the busi -ness responsibility upon others andentering personally into labor andinto a study of the work to be done by our preachers for the masses.

    When Mother was done tellingme about this, she requested me towrite to you. I told her I would doso, but I hoped that she would writethe ma er for herself, for while youwould receive my words and give

    credit to my statements, there wereothers who would greatly prefer to

    Pg. 3.have her own statement of the

    ma er over her signature. Aboutnoon Mother brought over a two-page le er that she has wri en which

    will be copied and go forward to youtomorrow, I think.W. C. White toA. G. Daniells, August 11, 1910.

    Reference was made in the com -munication quoted above to a le erwri en by Sister White, in whichshe indicates a full acceptance of thechange in the experience of ElderA. G. Daniells, and her con dencein him as president of the GeneralConference. Her communication inits entirety follows:

    Redeem the Lost ime

    Sanitarium, Calif.Aug. 11, 1910Elder A. G. Daniells:

    Dear Brother, --

    I have received your le ersregarding the council held inNew York, and the e orts that are being made in behalf of the mul -titudes in the large cities. I havealso read your le ers of August 4and 5 to W. C. White. I intendedto answer your le ers immedi -ately, but I have been carrying soheavy a burden that I thought Imust wait till I could write youclearly.

    The position you have takenis in the order of the Lord, andnow I would encourage you withthe words, Go forward as youhave begun, using your positionof in uence as President of theGeneral Conference for the ad -vancement of the work we arecalled upon to do. In this way you

    can disappoint the enemy. You willneed all the in uence that the Lordgives you as a wise leader to encour -age your associates in responsibilityto take hold of the city work, andcarry it forward in a sensible way.

    I am glad for this le er you have

    sent me, telling us of what you aredoing. The light that I have from theLord is that this same experiencewill be needed by others. You willnow be able, not only to take up thework yourself, but also to exerciseyour in uence as president of theGeneral Conference to lead out inthe very work that the Lord has ap -pointed to be done.

    You cannot be spared now fromthe work that has been so long leundone. The Lord has given youan opportunity to redeem the time,and cover the neglect of the past. Ican now take hold with you in fullcon dence for the doing of the workthat rests upon us. The Lord in Hismercy will pardon the failure of thepast. He will be your helper. He willgive you sustaining grace, and wewill draw with you and give youall the help we can to use your po -sition of in uence as president ofthe Conference, and to work wisely

    in the education of others to laborin the cities.Your in uence will be under the

    Lords wise care, and although youmay meet hard and trying experi -ences in this great e ort, if you exer -cise the wisdom and the sancti ca -tion of Christ, you will have powerand grace from above, and the Lordsapproval. He will impart unto youwisdom and power, and will also bring to you the joy of success.

    Pg. 4.I am so thankful that you have

    wri en us how you have givenyourself to this work. Angels of Godwill be with you, and you can useall the in uence that your o ce aspresident of the Conference has giv -en you, to encourage others to takeup the same work. I will not write aword to discourage you or to weak -en your hands, but will say, Go for -ward in the name of the Lord. His

    The Lord has given you an opportunity

    to redeem the time....

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    name is a power against the enemy.I have had several days of illness.

    It seems as though Satan would takemy life. I am weak, but not discour -aged. Several nights it has seemedthat I could not live till morning, but I am now venturing to write this,

    lest the enemy shall discourage you.In conclusion I will say, Redeemthe lost time of the past nine years by going ahead now with the workin our cities, and the Lord will blessand sustain you. E. G. White, Let-ter 68, 1910.

    It is therefore clear, that, whilefor a time in 1910 Elder Daniells wasnot standing in the full light whenthe messages of reproof and re - buke were sent to him, he heededthe counsel. This placed him in anentirely di erent light in the eyesof the Lord.

    Confdence in Daniells

    Mrs. Whites Con dence in Elder Daniells and Other Leaders

    M r s .W h i t e s

    c o n f i -dence inE l d e rDaniellswas main -t a i n e dthrough therest of her life.In 1912, when shewas drawing up herwill and was making pro -vision for a Board of Trustees whoshould carry the responsibility ofthe custody of her writings a er herdeath, she named ve men, andamong these was Elder A. G. Dan -iells. In no more forceful way couldshe indicate her con dence in a manthan by naming him to this impor -tant work.

    In 1913 the General ConferenceSession was again held in Wash -ington, D. C. It was not possible forSister White to be present, so she

    addressed two communications to be read to the delegates. In the rstof these she made reference to the1909 session, and expressed her ap -prehension over the course of eventsif there had not been a change in thea itude of certain men. She then ac -

    knowledged her recognition of thechange which took place, and ex -pressed con -f idence

    in her brethren whowere carrying the burdens of re -sponsibility. We give here a portionof this communication which wasread to the delegates in session, forit expresses Ellen Whites a itude tothe leadership of the movement atthat late date:

    Ellen White to the Leadership

    During the General Conferenceof 1909, a work should have been

    done in the hearts of those in at -tendance that was not done. Hoursshould have been given up to heart-searching, that would have led to the breaking up of the fallow groundof the hearts of those who were atthe meeting. This would have given

    them insight to understand the workso essential to be done by them inrepentance and confession.

    But, though opportuni -ties were given for

    confession of sin,for heart-felt re -

    pentance, andfor a decidedreformation,t h o r o u g hwork wasnot done.Some feltthe in u -

    ence of theHoly Spirit,

    and responded; but all did not

    yield to this in u -ence. The minds of

    some were running in for - bidden channels. Had there been

    on the part of all in the assemblya humbling of heart, there would

    have been manifested a wonder -ful blessing.Pg. 5.

    For a number of months a erthe close of that meeting, I bore aheavy burden, and urged upon thea ention of the brethren in respon -sibility those things which the Lordwas instructing me to set beforethem plainly. Finally some of thosein positions of trust in connection with the general work , a er much prayer and careful study of the vari -ous messages given, ventured to un -dertake by faith the work called for,

    --a work they could not fully under -stand ; and as they went forward in the fear of God , they received rich blessing.

    It has brought great rejoicing tomy heart to see the marvelous trans -formations that have been wroughtin the lives of some who thus choseto advance by faith in the way of the P

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    Lord, rather than to follow a way

    of their own choosing. Had those brethren in responsibility contin -ued to view ma ers in a false light,they would have created a condi -tion of things that would badly have marred the work ; but whenthey heeded the instruction thatwas sent , and sought the Lord , God brought them into the full light, andenabled them to render acceptable service and to bring about spiritual reformations.

    When the Lord sets His hand toprepare the way before His minis -ters, it is their duty to follow whereHe directs. He will never forsake orleave in uncertainty those who fol -low His leadings with full purposeof heart. I rejoice, my brethren,that I have con dence in you in allthings. --E. G. White in The GeneralConference Bulletin, May 19, 1913,p. 34. [Emphasis Arthur Whites.]

    Arthur L. White

    Ellen G. White PublicationsGeneral ConferenceDecember 4, 1953Pg. 6.

    Light on the Daily

    With the facts clearly presented before all, none need be troubled bythe inappropriate use of ManuscriptRelease No. 1425 again. It is of a truth

    Heidi Heiks has supplied for Adventist readership, both scholarly and lay, the historicaland legislative documentation from primary sources that describes what really happenedin AD 508 and 538. Finally, the dates for the commencement of the 1290- and 1260-year prophecies are fully established. Submi ed beforehand for critical review beforethe most prestigious scholarly institutions within Adventism the world over, it is nowpresented with the endorsements of William H. Shea, Ph.D., associate of the BiblicalResearch Institute of the General Conference, professor at Andrews University; HerbertEdgar Douglass, Th.D., professor at Paci c Union College, president of Atlantic UnionCollege; and others. To obtain your copy of this documentation in hardback, callor visit our bookstore and request the 508 538 1798 1843 Source Book (Preliminary).BEHH-5085 $19.99

    that Ellen White received no light on

    the daily from the vision of 1850related in Early Writings , pg. 74-5.But it would be false to say that El -len White never since that time re -ceived light and understanding asto what the daily is. This fact has been demonstrated and forcefullyillustrated. In the most candid andstraightforward manner, she leavesno one in doubt as to her positionand understanding in this ma er.She wrote of Christs daily and year -ly service in the heavenly sanctuary.But never does she say the dailyis paganism.

    Next month a misconception about theministry view leading to apostasy will becorrected, and the development of UriahSmiths bookThoughts on Daniel andthe Revelation will be explained to dis- pel any ideas of inerrancy.

    Heidi Heiks, editor

    of Our Firm Foun-dation magazine,has been a collegeeducator, an author,and a radio speak -er for The People of the Book radio pro -

    gram. He continues to write and iscurrently a teacher and speaker forHope International throughout theUnited States.

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    Childrens Story

    Daddys D addy is a truck farmer.Thats a person who sellsfruits and vegetablesthat he grows. Thats

    how Daddy provides for his family.Twice each week during growingseason, Daddy delivers freshproduce to many stores. In winterhe delivers things from storage likepotatoes, apples, carrots, squashesand cabbages.

    The best part for me is thetruck stand. Thats a building bya road where farmers like Daddysell their produce to people going by. I was allowed to help as soonas I could count money and givecorrect change to customers. While

    Daddy works in the elds or makesdeliveries, Mommy, Sissy and Iwork at the stand until the weathergets too cold.

    Around dinnertime, Daddy istired and Mommy has to go makedinner, so hes glad to take over thestand. Sissy helps Mommy, and Iusually stay with Daddy.

    One day a neighbor came bywith an empty basket. I know him, because he has kids older andyounger than I. A er some friendlyconversation, the man handed the basket to Daddy and said, Fill itup, please, and put it on my bill.Daddy piled it full of fruits andvegetables for him. Thanks somuch, said the man. Then he tookthe basket home to his family.

    A er dinner, I heard Daddy inthe kitchen. He was telling Mommythat the neighbor had come by andthat hed lled his basket. Mommy

    asked, Did he pay yet?Not yet, said Daddy. I think

    hed like to, but I dont think hecan.

    Well, its not right that he takefrom our family in order to takecare of his own. Everyone else paysfor what they want. Mommystone told me she wasnt happyabout what happened. I think hestaking advantage of your kindness.It seems the man had done this before.

    I waited to hear what Daddywould say, but he didnt sayanything. Why not? I wondered.

    Wasnt Mommy right? I decidedto ask Daddy the next day, when we

    were together at the truck stand.Daddy, I asked when nocustomers were around, I heardyou and Mommy talking about theneighbor. Why do you keep llinghis basket if he never pays his bill?Dont we need that money for ourfamily?

    Daddy smiled at me. Goodquestion. May I answer you byasking some questions?

    Okay, I agreed.When you sin, you really want

    Jesus to forgive you, right?Right, I agreed.And are you unhappy until

    you ask and receive wonderfulforgiveness?

    Daddy knew I was. He hadhelped me through some troubles before. Yes, I answered.

    Does Jesus charge you forHis forgiveness? was his nextquestion.

    What a silly question! Ofcourse not! I exclaimed.

    Right, Daddy agreed. Jesusdoesnt charge you because Heknows you could never pay forsomething so precious. So He gives you forgiveness as a gi whenyou sincerely ask for it. Isnt that awonderful thing?

    It sure is, I said.Well, then, said Daddy, if that

    neighbor asks for something heneeds and cant a ord right now,who are we to say No to him? Jesus never says No to us whenwe ask Him for something we need

    and cant ever a ord.That part made pre y goodsense to me, but I had one moreconcern. Doesnt our family needthe money he should be paying?Isnt that what Mommy said?

    Daddy smiled at me. I knowyour mother wants to make sureyou children are well taken care of, but has anyone in our house evergone hungry? he asked. I shookmy head.

    Do you have enough clothes?This t ime I nodded my head.

    Is our house warm inside whenits cold outside? I nodded again.

    Then shouldnt we be like Jesus toward this neighbor and hisfamily?

    I looked into my fathers kind,loving eyes and smiled back. Ithink we should.

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    L ast month we ended with thereport by the prestigious Brit-ish medical journal Lancet of a

    scary death toll resulting from just onedrug produced by the pharmaceutical

    giant Merck. You probably guessedwhat drug we were referring to thatkilled thousands of people: one of Mer-cks other big miracle drugs, Vioxx.

    Now, as Merck is trying to bounce back from its losses withVioxx, it is promoting Gardasil asthe savior of our young daughters.Forget for a moment all of the in -formation that has now surfacedregarding the deception about thesafety of Vioxx, a drug that Merckwell knew was dangerous, yet hadit approved anyway. What has hap -pened so far with Gardasil? Hereare some facts that you may be un -aware of.

    Judicial Watch, the public in -

    terest group that investigates andprosecutes government corrup -tion, today released documentsobtained from the U.S. Food andDrug Administration (FDA) un -der the provisions of the Freedomof Information Act, detailing 1,637reports of adverse reactions tothe vaccination for human papil -lomavirus (HPV), Gardasil. Threedeaths were related to the vaccine.One physicians assistant reportedthat a female patient died of a blood clot three hours a er ge ingthe Gardasil vaccine. Two otherreports, on girls twelve and nine -teen, cited deaths relating to heartproblems and/or blood clo ing.

    As of May 11, 2007, the 1,637 ad -verse vaccination reactions reportedto the FDA via the Vaccine AdverseEvent Reporting System (VAERS)included 371 serious reactions. Ofthe forty-two women who received

    the vaccine while pregnant, eigh -teen experienced side e ects rang -ing from spontaneous abortion tofetal abnormities. (h p://judicial

    According to the VAERS, out of1,637 reports, 1,498 were non-seri -ous, 136 were serious but not fatal,and 3 were fatal.

    Three fatalities? Now, threedeaths doesnt sound too bad,right? But what if it was your li legirl or granddaughter? And whatif she died as a result of a vaccina -tion for a disease that (1) she wouldonly get if she were sexually active;(2) has less than 1.5% chance of get -ting even if she were sexually ac -tive; and (3) has only a 10% chanceof dying from if she did get it! (So basically a 1-in-1000 chance.)

    And what about the other ef -fects? What constitutes serious and

    non-serious? Youll note from thelisting above that there were 1,498non-serious reactions to Gardasil.What would you consider to be a

    non-serious reaction? Here is alist of just some of what the VAERSconsidered non-serious: Speechdisorders, visual disturbances,vomiting, dyskinesia (di culty orabnormality in performing volun -tary muscular movements), lossof consciousness, Guillian-BarreSyndrome (a form of peripheralpolyneuritis characterized by painand weakness and sometimes pa -ralysis of the limbs), spontaneousabortion, renal failure, and more! Idont know about you, but if it weremy child, I would consider some ofthose pre y serious!

    So what is the answer? We dowant to have our children protect -ed, but is there a be er way? Wouldnot abstinence be a be er and safer

    alternative? We know that we can -not protect our children by simplypreaching values. But in additionto the Word of God and moral -ity, God has given us ample provi -

    sion to ward o many of todaysdiseases, including cancer.A healthy body will ward o

    much more disease than any vac -cine or drug could ever do. AsMercks ad states, You can dosomething mothers before younever had the chance to do. Wehave more light today, thanks tothe Spirit of Prophecy, and easieraccess to it, thanks to the internet,than ever before. There are so manynatural, pain-free, side e ect-free,nutritional, bene cial foods andproducts on the market today, thatwe literally have no excuse.

    By the use of poisonous drugs,many bring upon themselves life -long illness, and many lives are lostthat might be saved by the use ofnatural methods of healing. The poi -sons contained in many so-calledremedies create habits and appe -tites that mean ruin to both soul and body. Ministry of Healing, 126, 127.

    To improve your health, thehealth of your children and thehealth of your family, we highlysuggest following Gods counsel ofusing natural means to retain or re -gain your health.

    For more information on vac -cines, order The Vaccination Crisis today. To improve your immunesystem and combat disease, tryour Mighty Immune Plus, C-Blast,or Mega-Multivitamin! Call 1-800-468-7884 today!

    Heather Olson, RN

    C a n G a r d

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    Part 2

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    Get this invaluable resoubook or your health!Vaccination Crisis cona wealth o data on potential dangers and e ecto vaccines. This is a mread!Paperback, 304 pages $3.

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    Al-Qaidas US Plans

    Al-Qaida is stepping up itse orts to sneak terror operativesinto the United States and hasacquired most of the capabilities it

    needs to strike here, according toa new U.S. intelligence assessment,The Associated Press has learned.

    Among the key ndings ofthe classi ed estimate, which isstill in dra form:

    Al-Qaida is probably stillpursuing chemical, biological ornuclear weapons and would usethem if its operatives developedsu cient capability.

    The terror group has been ableto restore three of the four key toolsit would need to launch an a ackon U.S. soil.

    The group will bolster its e ortsto position operatives inside U.S. borders.

    National Intelligence Estimatesare the most authoritativewri en judgments that re ect theconsensus long-term thinkingof senior intelligence analysts.Katherine Shrader, Asso. Press,Yahoo News, July 12, 2007.

    The White House convenedan emergency multi-agencymeeting July 12 to assess growingintelligence suggesting an al-Qaeda a ack on U.S. soil isplanned for this summer. World,

    July 21, 2007, p. 4.End-time perspective: Now

    is the time to cleanse ourselvesfrom all lthiness of the esh andspirit, perfecting holiness in thefear of God. It is dangerous todelay this work. Satan is even nowseeking by disasters upon sea andland to seal the fate of as many aspossible. What is the defense of thepeople of God at this time?--It is aliving connection with heaven. Ifwe would dwell in safety from thenoisome pestilence, if we would bepreserved from dangers seen andunseen, we must hide in God; wemust secure the protecting careof Jesus and holy angels. In these

    Protestant Churches Not True Churches, Says Pope

    Pope Benedict XVI reassertedthe primacy of the Roman CatholicChurch, approving the re-re -lease of a document stating thatProtestant and other Christian de -nominations are not true churches

    but merely ecclesiastical communi -ties and therefore did not have themeans of salvation. It said theylack apostolic succession andtherefore their priestly ordinationsare not valid. Orthodox churches

    are considered indeed churches because they have apostolic succes -sion and enjoy many elements ofsancti cation and truth, but theirfailure to recognize the primacy ofthe pope is a defect, or a woundthat harm