TO J,'l1lg I . b '.,," ., ' .. r ... ,,'ll ior ;7 (;:tn(\tr :'1(' IIlIl )'3rd ,I \ .\1'11 dash, I .1,:r: '! . .I. I 1\'-; ;\1111 :1. S. ·tn' ..... \1;11\l1n \\,u :1'. I'. l' b\'cd : "hl,lIlr,1 R II hil,· Sl. ;011,1 101 : ,,: lllr HI;h ",' .i 11' Sl. ',,1 1\\'0 'll' Tllr;r ·,':nbcl" of lhl anI. Tighten Reins On Negro' , I NEW YORK (APl- Leaders lightened the reins on Negro ••••••• II job demonstrators Thursday, m _ the aftermath of Wednesday's neal' riut at a Brooklyn hospital construction sileo There were more than 40 arrests but L'O mass violence. BROOKLVN, N.Y. - Pickets scuffle with police during anti· discrimination 'dcmonstratlon at construction site of Downstate 1I1edical Center here. About 100 .Integratlonisls .. gathered here for thIrd demonslratlon In as· many !lays to object to loW Negro membership In building trade unions.-(UPI Photo). Heavy rain squalls swept the cily off and on during the day, quelling the ardor of some of the pickets. They ore demanding a quota of 25 'per cent Negro and· Puerto RIcan workmen on 011 building johs. A Negro scuffled with polici at Ihe site of a medical cenlrc I Thcre wcre, 29 arrcsts. n in Brookl;-n, aftci' an offiecr; Brooklyn, where pickets got "ut confiscated a cache of eggs' of hand Wednesday, punched apparently intcnded as mls, and kicked 110lice and raised n' siles. Police also climbed gid· cry of "police brutality." TWI ers of the unfinished hospital til I pickets and two police bring down Negro pickets who. suffercd minor injuries before scalcd them. I the' outbreak was brought undr: In n Manhattan demonstra·' control. . . . tion, a police lieutenant grah-I One of these arrested Thur .. _ bed a picket from in' front ot I' day was a i6·year·old ChiDe! a moving truck, and hoth demonstrator. . narrowly escaped injury ar Throughout the city In \\12 death. Pickets hal'c consistent·',' I last three wceks, there ha,'c sought to h a It constructi'JIl 'I' hcen nearly 300 arrests of raci) trucks. demonstrators. ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( (1n r I\,(l "e. Sell - It \\'111 (::1<' \\'\1 After Sale. lwa Nova Motors Ltd. THE DAILY NE C.\R LOT I 'f\ i. ,:1 \ .! ;. \ " \ '. t. , I ' :'-: " . :.1 \ ..• i '" '\ ; . I i,' ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, FRIDAY, AUGUST 2, 1963 Water !It. Elizabeth Ave. ·16 PAGES SEVEN CENTS ,':' , >tiO .' J ... ;----, .... - --,-------------- ._------------------ Chinese Denounce Test Ban Dr. WardNearsDeathiGDDdGDvernmenti Crisis Goes In CALGARY (CP) - Robert ::i::\\\\I\'iI, (';I1·r. ': .' •.•. 1 pf 1·; - " \ .:l ", .'" "I <"d Iii.' ;11 : :':1 1';, Ill!, WARn ocoed quicl;l), in the nfternoon i Rice·Davies, IB, botn Thomp!on, nat Ion a 1 Social C' ld S t following an opcmlion to put a I o[ whom lind 'I'ith him 3nd Credit party leader, !ays the 0 0 nage breathing tuhc in his throat. I hnd affairs with his minority gOI'ernment of Prime "It is likely thnt Dr. Ward's t friends. He was found gUIlty on Pcarson Is providing hCal·t stoll}lcd heating during the two Clllll1ts and not guilty O!l good government. B., FnASEn WIGHTON a(tcl'Ooon." he addcd i three morc. !. .. said Thursday LONDO:-l (Reutcrs)-The po· The apparattls cmployed \\',lS court officials oald i In an mtervlew that does not litical crisis lhat threatened try known as 11 nnrnett vcntilator. an it was unlikely that his ea::o.] expect a gcneral elechon for at I topple Prime Minister Macmil· iron lung type of marhine. I would come up, as planlle:l, I least h1'11 yeaI'!. lan irom power recently will he .I':-;OW "ER.IlIeT prcsid·1 Hc said the Liberal gore!'ll'1 put into tempor.Hry cold storage \\ ,lld h,lS not rcelll ered con· III): ,ludge Sir Arcluc mrnt should carryon and proh· here when Pal'itament closeg to· sciou,nt's:' since a was due to hem' Ideas in miti·, ahly lI'ill continue to be a fairly nay (or a thrce·month heal'Y drug \\'edne,· galion and pass sentence. I good one pro1'idinll it keeps ac· recess. day morning hefore he was (Iuc on eitlll'r, cepting suggestions from OPP,l' The bipartisan fel'er genc!'- to. attend thl' day of his COUIlI of lil'il,/! o[f the silion par lies. . aled h.v the Profllmo scandill trwl.' Anll so he lIocs not kno.v of could he SCI','II "Thcse are some of the as· i will have to wait until the 1311 he was convictcd. I ycars. I ppc\s that can come out of a to dissipate itself. By ADAM KELLETT·LONG PEKING (Reuters) - Com· munist Chllla's Ideological war with tlte Soviet Union grew fiercer Thursday as Iwo RlIs, sian reporters walked out of II mass rally here after hearing II denunciation of ' for agreeinll: to a parlla! nu· clear lest ban. " ! ')':111:::1' A hospitl11 spokesman said hp, nut II'hilc Ward la)' minol'ity government situation," The admission bl' former war ('I' (rom \I'.nl'utrr. t II',IS "gl'iel'Ously ill" "nil said o[ fOl' lifr, nlhCl' figures he said. minister John Pro'fumo that he :', i'''\' _!lI.I.' I.O:\llu:01_ 1)/ ,s11'l'hcn' \\"1"1 his of ' li\'cs lI'ere tan)<led with his II'crc I The Social Credit leader said I had heen involved amorously The slashing sHack on Russia was delivered by Kuo Mo·jo. chairman of Communist China's peace committee, who called the trealy a ".z rea t frand worked out by impcrialists :n lea;:ue with the modern rcn· sionists," ',: .. , ,,')(1 I was rcpllrtl'lI il a r" I y !Ill' Olght: "1 wuuldu't commcnt I still in thc public eye. t pay increases for MPs were I with London party girl Christine : \ " ,,]lC Thursll:IY night wilh a I un that." . " i Keeler Thu:sday night 1 ':badly neelled, but! would have I K.eelcr when he had earlier de· " . t' [01' him. !lis heart Reports \\ard s heart resel'va t Ion s on i lIked see a dally roll cali, mcd it, created a scandal Ihat , ! !".",:;",i hOI mal' have stopped hentin" 1110. StoPI1Cd tWIce but he' plane to Copenhagen Denmm·;:.! recol'dmg the members who are' caused a "l\lacmillan must go" " .... ':. i", lw;!i\ I\,i'il nlCntarily during the day." had l!ecn rel'I.\'ce\. . she due to I absent... . . agitati.on among his own Can· It was the first any Rus· "I dOll't kno\\' how long aos. Pollcc ded . hospltd shootlllg a [11m of hcr life Mr .. regardlD,g party members. . sian Communists had staged ""'.\ II 11111' olle can live under these con'U, room whel e the <III arced son o[ story. OpPoslhon Leader Dlefenbaker s Pohttclans here are cODl'lOced such a walkout. ,., ::. ::. 1!:,11 1'111 0\11' (iolls," said a spokesman of St all Anglican clergyman, who:;e Blondc Rice . Davies criticism of the pay increase that the day was savcd by Mac· The correspondents of the So· .. "I',' 11:111 tnc Slephen's Hospital where i name and. of his numer· drank and chatted into the early. that "he double·crossed his own millan's "unflappability." pmnm MINISTER viet Communist party newspa· .iO.vear.old ostcopat'; ous playgirl [1'Iends hal'e he· I mOl'lling hOUl'S at a SOI'ov Holcl party. All opposition parties But an increasing number o( illAc;mLLAN per Pral'da and the oElicial ,,':1 ncar dcath' "I come household \\'ords In the i reception aftel' the LondllO prc· knew the amount of the in· the 360·plus Conservative rank· I news agency Tass were the oni1 , Ill,,' I know,': '. last two II;ecks, ,rought for lik I o[ the film Cleopatra. creases and the Lib· and·file of Parliament nuclear tcst ?an treaty. Russians at a rally of 10,000 , The said Ward" 1.1.' ED \\I.TII 111M .. ] Eurher. a guest threatened tr erals behevccl they would Mt fear .the party WIll the next . The l.lkely course of lC'1 people in Peking's Great Hall d ". ""I. hilt J still unaware that he was co.1.1 \lard lias of out when they were be opposed. Mr. Pearson a I the oPPosItion Labor hon for to allow the PI",' the People. Premier Chou En· :" ".,;,1 'lie \\,J' "ay. victed Wednesday of two counts lo!f th.e carOings of Chr.lstme i SI!(l1cd to the samc tahle at dll)' I great of courage to brmg I pa:ty ,cannot come through fllmo dUot (0 settle. and lai and Foreign Chen .'.:;1: hr" inlo tll,' of liring on the earnings of pros. Keelel, 21, and a I' II ya I ncr. I them m. ,qmckly With a ncw and younger I a evaluallon Yi were present. r: I ;i.'\':'Cri Iii'" " cou.! tilutes. "is alll'e hut spontan. leader. , . hiS posItion agamst. the '1 :'-:" 1""1) ! ',re'lt CIlUS hl'rathing has not hCilull," .... _,. fi!acmlllan .may. pmately sub· I ground o[ party feeitng. CONTINm;S c.",,:,,: :I': clolhes,", He said Ward's condition wor. to VJeW. but tho:;e A. great deal of the Conser· Th.e _. _____ , close to hIm are sure he has l'atIve party's frustration lies In I carned Its campalgll agamst Elldorses Illcreases lI'llllill rrcd\'c furthcl ,:'::''';'i,q: '01:;'1'.1' ill' tiol1 frnm thc (tlmmons. The .'. .. · - ": Ibe 1'1;111 \\';15 In givc the pay bi!1 ;1:" [il1al rradin)! at that sitting b'lt .. '.' h:, Ii:. 111'1','1" no WM received """'. il h,1(1 frolll Ihc ('om mons and the '. '" .'1,.:" "''''11 .'la11' night sitting was cancelled. 1\,' , .'.\1':/ 1111 '. _ Qq',:. i , llIrtrm· , npC!hl' 11\lllft' fnr; . '! na\ " r, lI'ithl1!lt j i ::::·,'r,i .. :oI"mnitirs' I', I'rtl':). i R. 'I b(1('olnt:!' .. t·, I'll ' I I), ,', :"<;\'PIl 1"0\''''1 I : I . ! rx:'! lied l,cfOl'e I nle?t:-Iln \ !,.c:r"nl'f.1 hoosti'd ' , ; yrnr fr'lm 000 ' .. I ' :. c.,," n i.lloo from I .. I , t{en, 'xreclr,i thaI thc I ", he ci\ rn finnl .l I:" '['n' I il' I ., cI ( l'1 \\'hlll It , I\, 1;0,; - gll\'('t'n. it II' el' for 1,1(1' \\'llhll\lt IlThlll'_ti<l)' thGt , ,.1'per!rrl that til" 'Cl n' . ., II' 'II Wednesday' .. / rlprclntillo that ,t : ila,' Mill Ma: '. , ... 59 74 80 77 ..... 54 64 Tf!eighty Argltlnellt LOi\DON (Reutcrs)- Head- ers o[ a London daily ncws· paper arc having a running argumcnt about why Amer· icons hold their fork in their ri!(ht hand and not in their left ,IS Europeans do, A Londoner just back from the United Stntes hegan issue bl' asking renders via the newspapel' for their views on the American habit. He said American friends some of 'the reasons wcrc: To slow down the ratc of eating; it originally al· lowed the left hand to be free to gruh a frontier rifle: most. of the Mayflowcr's passenger,; wcre left handed (not ically correcO; and that ·Euro· peans once suhscl'ilied to the habit, which Amcricans carried on . Onc reader I'eplied that the Imifc was put down so strang· crs at the dinner table would not [ear sudden atlnck. An Eng lis h man writing from Pal'is argued that knives wcre mOl'C expensive tools LD pioneer days and that the family's only knife was passed down the table In order of seniority. The debate continues. .• " .. 8:35 p.m. Se1ntenced To Death I MGlIDAD (Reuters) -" A speciai Iraqi court Thursday sentenced four men 10 death for participation in an abortive plol to seize AI Rashid military riles .•. 51.29 a.m. •.•• 6.45 P.m. lide" .. Aug. 5 1.1l1. ! hl. 12:()[ a.m. 12:07 P.m. I camp .July 3. " The sentcnces followed a gov· I ernment announcement Ihat ,persons were executed Wednl!s· i day for their' parts ir the plot. i The announcement said threc I of the men who were' soldiers I would he shot nnd a civilian --__ I would be hanged. . I no intention of howing out its' apparent inabilitv to beat a Russian ,!!overnment policy and against the background of thp., series of rever,es I the partial nuclear tcst ban Profumo. . I suffered over the last 18 months. 1 the fourth sLlCCeSSI\'e day. MacmIllan 5 reccII'p.d I However, Britain's unemploy· 11 th l' [ th considerable boost in the eyes' ment problem has diminished I '. ore 110. pages 0 of all the parties with the since mid·winter and tile 'oa.: ChtnesTe h pr ty of the East· West parthil tinnal economy 'is I gdan't d e t Phcotnle s atl r. tweh re _____ . _________ .:... _____ ._ evo coos Ie reac IOn 0 t e lI'caty under a headline ,·this is no l'idol'Y fill' i the peaceful coexistence polic? . it is capitulation to United : SI ates imperialism." Rusk Extends Moscow Visit In asked WASHINGTON (AP) _ Stale I [01' 4:30 p.m . .\Iomia,' whether the Chinese did not re· Secretary Rusk will remain hI J cow time, will mark fim <1lize their \'iews "merge wit.!1 Russia for a fcw days after j "isit by an American the position of the most rabId Ihe tcst - ban treaty I: ary of state to the Soviet Can- and militant imperialist circles ing to t a I k with premier ital since 1947. The late Gen. which oppose any restrictions K. hrushchev about possible I George C. ;..rarshall went there on the n u c I ear armamenis t race,!1 East : West I a foreign ministers' meeting AIdes mdleated Rusk s mam I m the early day! of the co;d The Soviet press has not yet purpose is to lind Ollt what IWllr. talked of an open break with Khrushchev has in mind in his the Chinese, Western observers for a I I in MoscolV believed Premier hloc non·aggression pact, ex- i B am es Khrushchel' was reluctant to change of observers to guard 1 force the issue as far as this, surprise attack, BmI i but they felt any kind of recon· other Items. I Po ents 1 ciliation with China in the near The raised these ,s- r I iubre could be ruled Ollt. , slIes durmg the recent test .. ban negotiations, TORONTO (CPl-The drown.! but the L.S. represpntativ(l, I ing deaths of 3, Ontario chil- I Averel! had no! dren in June was blamed WeJ· ; P I" t 811lhorlty. to negotiate on them. I nesday on p B r e n tal neglect i ar lamen The Untted States has taken hy un com fort a blc ; I the position that it must con-I weather I I first its allies MCjlartin, w a t 2 r : At A GlanC'e i affechng them, alia Ru,.{ safet" of the Canadian I lJ. Premlcr Nikita Klu'ushchev (right foreground) smo};es peace pipe i of what the i Rcd Cro:'5, the children! g'lt r US. Agrleulture Secretary Orville L. Frr.el1lDn durlng visit by Freeman to the i .15 oftellng. . i were all bctween 7 and B :-,cm's, Aug. 1. ,a I 0 I '('1 t'fl d F eemAn', "Isit ended his 17.! ,Igm Ylllg the Importan,'e I and rcprp<en!('r! annut half the, II Kremlin July 30. :\lan III right s 11111 en Ie. ,Rusk attache! to seeinp. Khrush I d;ownines 'Lal;or Minister day tour or the Soviet Vlllon.-(urI _ _ I che\', U.S. officials lndirated "', annDunced the gOI ernment , I the secretary of state will I chi I (Iren were 'n I plans to impose trustccshin i G OV·t.' S Nt· . i to travel to the Blad, II five. n:al'ilime transporta· I erve S 0 ICe .,ea, I necessary, for the meet· I'llie II' IlC I !r. Ica '!S I tlOn unions. ing. Khrushchcv may he vaca· the parenls were tr]- I h·II.1 tioning there, next week, ing to hent the ann The Senate passed a not watching the i I' children I rcmuneration £Qr Unl ·on Trus' teeshl e p in Moscow enough," !llartin: n pri. . \ Saturday for the treaty signing, I With figures for ,july in.: \'ale member's bill designed _ complete. Ontario wate]'s hal'e II to parliamentary I claimed 191 lives. The final '0' handling of divorces. By ROBERT RICE lligation pictured as corru!)!, OTTAWA <CP) _ The fedel':.1 lawless and a tlll'ent to the eco· g 0 v ern men t served notice nomy of Canada. Thursday that it· will impose Under the plan proposed 10 trusteeship on five marine U/l· the government by Mr. Justice ions _ including the maverick T, G. Norris after a yelir·lon!: Seafarers' International Union investigation of Inbor strife and of Canada-to root out lawlm· s hip p 1n g disruptions on tbe ness and corruption in water· Great Lakes, the trustees woui;! front labor. be expected to fire sm Presi· ' Parliament was told that trus· dent Hal C. Banks and his chief teeship legislation wil' be rcady lieutenants. fOf the fal! session, scheduled to begin late in September. Under this emergency meas· ure three' trustces would take and run unions represent· ing some 21,000 sailors, engin· ect's and deck officers on ship" harges, ferries and lugs on Ihe Great Lakes and on both coasts. Their main task would be con· cerned with the Scafarers' Un· Ion in Montreal-a 1.'i,OOO·melll· ber union tbat a federal Ihves· ANNOUNCES PLAN Labor Minister MacEachen announced the governments plans in' the Commons Thurs· day. In an unusual statement. he declared the government's in· tentlon of imposing a ship-an unprecedented action that will IlUt thc govcl'IImcnt di· rectly in chat'ge of thc intern;,1 affairs 01 a group of unions Sporting Chance DETROIT (CP) - .John Abraham, 58, of Detroit, appearing in court on a charge of being drunk in a public place, was given a sporting chance. "I'll let you go free if you can tell me how many tim e s you have bcen hrought in on a similar charge," .Iudge Frank G. Sehemanske told him. 240 limes. your 110nor," Abraham answered pro m p tl y. The judge chccked his rccords and told Abraham; "You may go." Thallt tai ,-:,i1l exceed 200, \1:'.; ------ . I s31d. I THE PARSON Rep'lies I CANADA'S RICHEST PROPERTY MANILA (Reuters) - united i Nations Secretary - Gencl#Il U Thant sent a "secret and conli- dential" reply Thursday to In· donesia's Malayan and Philip' pines leaders on seli·determim:· tion for the British Borneo· ter· I ritories of North Borneo ann Sarnwak. The reply came a mid B ritisn concern that the Aug. 31 targ:'l, date for Ihe new Malaysian fed· eration may be delayed. Alfred McKenZie, U Thanl's liaison officer at the Malaynn· Filipino.Indonesian summit co'), , ference, said U Thanl's rep'y would he di5cllssed today 'by the I foreign ministcrs of the thrce countries. Over 10 per cent of Cannda's forests 15 owned by the By far the greater part of the timberlands IISed by forest :n- I dUstry is administered by the Provincial governments on be· half of the pcople of Canada, ---_ .. _- OWLS ARE SCREECIIERS . Screech owls do not. scree ell, They havc' a qUa\'ering' call. Owls are not blind in but prefer 10 hUI11 al dusk or: "People, like have no early dawn whpn their cnonl1 .C3fon to feci guilty if ous give them an ·advant . lioll't realize thcj"re l,rouble· agc in the dim light. _I some." I, I :' i1 . " I: .1 !i . , 'I"." '!' , i :1 I I' 'I .J , I I;' ", t : I I i .1 , , : I I , , Ii , : i : ' " , ',' . [ . [ i: , , , , I I I .: ;] : !' .. ;I 1 ': I' , .\ . 'I ! [I I ' ! ,I .• , ; ! "01 I I. ,I , I, Iii '.j i ' I,: : ' ! I , : I ' I " ]l" , \ " " , : , ! : ! , . · , , : · , , . , , 1 .! I I l I I I' J I , 'I i I I ! I I I I '. j I I I 1 I 1., r .: i I' , ,I , : I , " · . I . . , '. '. I , . , I . .. ,I" ,< ,I, , I !'

THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

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Page 1: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

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·,':nbcl" of lhl ~qll;J(lron anI.

Tighten Reins On Negro' ,

I NEW YORK (APl- Leaders

lightened the reins on Negro

~I ••••••• II job demonstrators Thursday, m _ the aftermath of Wednesday's

neal' riut at a Brooklyn hospital construction sileo There were more than 40 arrests but L'O

mass violence.

BROOKLVN, N.Y. - Pickets scuffle with police during anti· discrimination 'dcmonstratlon at construction site of Downstate 1I1edical Center here. About 100 .Integratlonisls .. gathered here for thIrd demonslratlon In as· many !lays to object to loW Negro membership In building trade unions.-(UPI Photo).

Heavy rain squalls swept the cily off and on during the day, quelling the ardor of some of the pickets. They ore demanding a quota of 25 'per cent Negro and· Puerto RIcan workmen on 011 building johs.

A Negro scuffled with polici

at Ihe site of a medical cenlrc I Thcre wcre, 29 arrcsts. n in Brookl;-n, aftci' an offiecr; Brooklyn, where pickets got "ut confiscated a cache of eggs' of hand Wednesday, punched apparently intcnded as mls, and kicked 110lice and raised n' siles. Police also climbed gid· cry of "police brutality." TWI ers of the unfinished hospital til I pickets and two police o£ficJ:~' bring down Negro pickets who. suffercd minor injuries before scalcd them. I the' outbreak was brought undr:

In n Manhattan demonstra·' control. . . . tion, a police lieutenant grah-I One of these arrested Thur .. _ bed a picket from in' front ot I' day was a i6·year·old ChiDe! a moving truck, and hoth m~n demonstrator. . narrowly escaped injury ar Throughout the city In \\12 death. Pickets hal'c consistent·',' I last three wceks, there ha,'c sought to h a It constructi'JIl 'I' hcen nearly 300 arrests of raci) trucks. demonstrators.

,\11 form. eI Insurance


.\,k ;1),11\1( ~he G(~odwi1l Warran~y (1n r I\,(l l;lr~ "e. Sell - It \\'111

(::1<' \\'\1 ~at1sfachon After Sale.

lwa Nova Motors Ltd. THE DAILY NE P~FD C.\R LOT

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Water !It. Elizabeth Ave.


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... ;----, .... - --,-------------- ._------------------Chinese Denounce Test Ban

Dr. WardNearsDeathiGDDdGDvernmenti Crisis Goes In CALGARY (CP) - Robert

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Ill!, WARn

ocoed quicl;l), in the nfternoon i (~hll1dy) Rice·Davies, IB, botn Thomp!on, nat Ion a 1 Social C' ld S t following an opcmlion to put a I o[ whom lind 'I'ith him 3nd Credit party leader, !ays the 0 0 nage breathing tuhc in his throat. I hnd affairs with his high.plac~d minority gOI'ernment of Prime

"It is likely thnt Dr. Ward's t friends. He was found gUIlty on ~!inister Pcarson Is providing hCal·t stoll}lcd heating during the two Clllll1ts and not guilty O!l good government. B., FnASEn WIGHTON a(tcl'Ooon." he addcd i three morc. !. ~Il' .. Tho~pson said Thursday LONDO:-l (Reutcrs)-The po·

The apparattls cmployed \\',lS ~leo1llll'hilc. court officials oald i In an mtervlew that h~ does not litical crisis lhat threatened try known as 11 nnrnett vcntilator. an it was unlikely that his ea::o.] expect a gcneral elechon for at I topple Prime Minister Macmil· iron lung type of marhine. I would come up, as planlle:l, I least h1'11 yeaI'!. lan irom power recently will he ()O~~~:-;"l' .I':-;OW "ER.IlIeT '~ext \\'l'dnrs~la)'. 11'~lcn prcsid·1 Hc said the Liberal gore!'ll'1 put into tempor.Hry cold storage

\\ ,lld h,lS not rcelll ered con· III): ,ludge Sir Arcluc ~!arshn:1 mrnt should carryon and proh· here when Pal'itament closeg to· sciou,nt's:' since s\\'allo\l'in~ a was due to hem' Ideas in miti·, ahly lI'ill continue to be a fairly nay (or a thrce·month ~ummer heal'Y drug lll'erdl)~e \\'edne,· galion and pass sentence. I good one pro1'idinll it keeps ac· recess. day morning hefore he was (Iuc ~1:lxil1lum ~l'ntence on eitlll'r, cepting suggestions from OPP,l' The bipartisan fel'er genc!'­to. attend thl' la~t day of his COUIlI of lil'il,/! o[f the eaJ'l1in~s, silion par lies. . aled h.v the Profllmo scandill trwl.' Anll so he lIocs not kno.v of pI'O~titllion could he SCI','II "Thcse are some of the as· i will have to wait until the 1311 he was convictcd. I ycars. I ppc\s that can come out of a to dissipate itself.


munist Chllla's Ideological war with tlte Soviet Union grew fiercer Thursday as Iwo RlIs, sian reporters walked out of II

mass rally here after hearing II ~cnlhillg denunciation of nu~sia ' for agreeinll: to a parlla! nu· clear lest ban.

" '!'~ ! ')':111:::1'

A hospitl11 spokesman said hp, nut II'hilc Ward la)' stru~gling' minol'ity government situation," The admission bl' former war ('I' (rom \I'.nl'utrr. t II',IS "gl'iel'Ously ill" "nil said o[ fOl' lifr, nlhCl' figures who3~' he said. minister John Pro'fumo that he

:', i'''\' _!lI.I.' I.O:\llu:01_ 1)/ ,s11'l'hcn' \\"1"1 his cl~ilnccs of ~urriving thl'Ou~h ' li\'cs lI'ere tan)<led with his II'crc I The Social Credit leader said I had heen involved amorously

The slashing sHack on Russia was delivered by Kuo Mo·jo. chairman of Communist China's peace committee, who called the trealy a ".z rea t frand worked out by impcrialists :n lea;:ue with the modern rcn· sionists,"

',: .. , ,,')(1 I was rcpllrtl'lI il a r" I y aii;'~ !Ill' Olght: "1 wuuldu't commcnt I still in thc public eye. t pay increases for MPs were I with London party girl Christine : \ " ,,]lC Thursll:IY night wilh a mu~hine I un that." . " i ~[iss Keeler Thu:sday night 1 ':badly neelled, but! would have I K.eelcr when he had earlier de·

" . t' ;"'~h ,lt~ brehthin~ [01' him. !lis heart Reports s~1(1 \\ard s heart can~lled resel'va t Ion s on ~ i lIked ~o see a dally roll cali, mcd it, created a scandal Ihat , ! !".",:;",i hOI mal' have stopped hentin" 1110. StoPI1Cd bcul!~l~ tWIce but he' plane to Copenhagen Denmm·;:.! recol'dmg the members who are' caused a "l\lacmillan must go"

" .... ':. i", lw;!i\ I\,i'il nlCntarily during the day." had l!ecn rel'I.\'ce\. . \\'her~ she w~s due to st~l't I absent... . . agitati.on among his own Can· It was the first tim~ any Rus· "I dOll't kno\\' how long aos. Pollcc ~um ded . ~he hospltd shootlllg a [11m of hcr life Mr .. ~hompson sal~ regardlD,g sel'\'a~I.Y~ party members. . sian Communists had staged

""'.\ II 11111' olle can live under these con'U, room whel e the <III arced son o[ story. OpPoslhon Leader Dlefenbaker s Pohttclans here are cODl'lOced such a walkout. ,., ::. ::. 1!:,11 1'111 0\11' (iolls," said a spokesman of St all Anglican clergyman, who:;e Blondc ~randy Rice . Davies criticism of the pay increase that the day was savcd by Mac· The correspondents of the So· .. ,~,!;. "I',' 11:111 tnc Slephen's Hospital where Ih~ i name and. thos~ of his numer· drank and chatted into the early. that "he double·crossed his own millan's "unflappability." pmnm MINISTER viet Communist party newspa·

.iO.vear.old playh~y ostcopat'; ous playgirl [1'Iends hal'e he· I mOl'lling hOUl'S at a SOI'ov Holcl party. All opposition parties But an increasing number o( illAc;mLLAN per Pral'da and the oElicial ,,':1 l;'"n~'. la~ ncar dcath' "I ju~t d~n;t come household \\'ords In the i reception aftel' the LondllO prc· knew the amount of the in· the 360·plus Conservative rank· I news agency Tass were the oni1

, Ill,,' I know,': '. last two II;ecks, ,rought for lik I mier~ o[ the film Cleopatra. creases b~forehand and the Lib· and·file member~ of Parliament nuclear tcst ?an treaty. Russians at a rally of 10,000 , The ~pokesman said Ward" GJ~LS 1.1.' ED \\I.TII 111M .. ] Eurher. a guest threatened tr erals behevccl they would Mt fear .the party WIll lo~~ the next . The mo~t l.lkely course of lC'1 people in Peking's Great Hall d ". ~:"J::. ""I. hilt J still unaware that he was co.1.1 \lard lias ~on\'lCt~d of 1.11'~ng, I~allt out when they were ~3 be opposed. Mr. Pearson ha~ a I elecho~ ~o the oPPosItion Labor hon for ~I!'IIS to allow the PI",' the People. Premier Chou En·

:" ".,;,1 'lie \\,J' "ay. victed Wednesday of two counts lo!f th.e carOings of Chr.lstme i SI!(l1cd to the samc tahle at dll)' I great .dc,~1 of courage to brmg I pa:ty If.l~ ,cannot come through fllmo ~l'lSIS dUot (0 settle. and lai and Foreign ~Iinister Chen .'.:;1: hr" h.1('~ inlo tll,' of liring on the earnings of pros. Keelel, 21, and ~! a I' II ya I ncr. I them m. ,qmckly With a ncw and younger I t~cn gI~e. a carc~ul evaluallon ~o Yi were present. r: I ;i.'\':'Cri Iii'" " cou.! tilutes. "is alll'e hut spontan. leader. , . hiS posItion agamst. the bac~· '1 :'-:" 1""1) ! ',re'lt CIlUS hl'rathing has not hCilull," .... _,. fi!acmlllan .may. pmately sub· I ground o[ party feeitng. CA~IPAJG~ CONTINm;S

c.",,:,,: :I': clolhes,", He said Ward's condition wor. ~crlbe to !hl~ VJeW. but tho:;e A. great deal of the Conser· Th.e C~lInesc pre~s rhurs~ay _. _____ , close to hIm are sure he has l'atIve party's frustration lies In I carned Its campalgll agamst

Elldorses Illcreases

lI'llllill rrcd\'c furthcl 1rgi~IH. ,:'::''';'i,q: '01:;'1'.1' ill' tiol1 frnm thc (tlmmons. The .'. ~:'lilh .. · - ": Ibe 1'1;111 \\';15 In givc the pay bi!1 ~ (;~~'t:"n, ;1:" ~('na\e [il1al rradin)! at that sitting b'lt .. '.' h:, Ii:. 111'1','1" no Icgi~lation WM received :.:·,~.;:1i:. """'. il h,1(1 frolll Ihc ('om mons and the

'. '" .'1,.:" "''''11 .'la11' night sitting was cancelled.

k;~r ,,~I'. ~"tliltlll' 1\,' , .'.\1':/ 1111 '. _ Qq',:. i

, llIrtrm· , npC!hl' ;1~111\\'anC(,3:

!n(((I~ 11\lllft' fnr; . '! n a \ " r, lI'ithl1!lt j

i ::::·,'r,i .. :oI"mnitirs'

~lln"\iin~ I', I'rtl':). i ~:,rl: R. 'I 1~ b(1('olnt:!'

.. t·, I'll ' I • I), ,', :"<;\'PIl 1"0\''''1 I

r~ ~ : ,~, I . ! rx:'! lied l,cfOl'e ,~ry ~liI:L:n('1' rt~6!


I~t nle?t:-Iln inill~mni. \ !,.c:r"nl'f.1 nr~ hoosti'd ' , ; yrnr fr'lm ,~\O 000 '

.. ~ I ' :. c.,," n ~1 i.lloo from I .. ~en:ltqr~, I

, t{en, 'xreclr,i thaI thc I ", ~"i>,1 he ci\ rn finnl .l I:" '['n' I il' I ., cI ( l'1 nlJ~.

\\'hlll It \\'a.~ , I\, 1;0,; ~In~. - ()nbr~!I', gll\'('t'n.

~trllld it II' el' for 1,1(1' \\'llhll\lt .~.

IlThlll'_ti<l)' thGt , ,.1'per!rrl that til" 'Cl n' . ., II' 'II Wednesday' .. / rlprclntillo that ,t :

NI~hl ila,' Mill Ma:

'. , ... 59 74 80 77

..... 54 64

Tf!eighty Argltlnellt

LOi\DON (Reutcrs)- Head­ers o[ a London daily ncws· paper arc having a running argumcnt about why Amer· icons hold their fork in their ri!(ht hand and not in their left ,IS Europeans do,

A Londoner just back from the United Stntes hegan th~ issue bl' asking renders via the newspapel' for their views on the American habit.

He said American friends su~gested some of 'the reasons wcrc: To slow down the ratc of eating; it originally al· lowed the left hand to be free to gruh a frontier rifle: most. of the Mayflowcr's passenger,; wcre left handed (not histo~· ically correcO; and that ·Euro· peans once suhscl'ilied to the habit, which Amcricans carried on .

Onc reader I'eplied that the Imifc was put down so strang· crs at the dinner table would not [ear sudden atlnck.

An Eng lis h man writing from Pal'is argued that knives wcre mOl'C expensive tools LD pioneer days and that the family's only knife was passed down the table In order of seniority.

The debate continues.

S~ies .• " .. 8:35 p.m.

Se1ntenced To Death

I MGlIDAD (Reuters) -" A speciai Iraqi court Thursday sentenced four men 10 death for participation in an abortive plol to seize AI Rashid military

riles .•. 51.29 a.m. ~Oon •.•• 6.45 P.m.

lide" .. Aug. 5 1.1l1. !

hl. 12:()[ a.m. 12:07 P.m.

I camp .July 3. "

The sentcnces followed a gov· I ernment announcement Ihat ~I ,persons were executed Wednl!s· i day for their' parts ir the plot. i The announcement said threc

I of the men who were' soldiers

I would he shot nnd a civilian --__ I would be hanged. •

. I

no intention of howing out its' apparent inabilitv to beat a Russian ,!!overnment policy and against the background of thp., series of byelecti~n rever,es I the partial nuclear tcst ban Int~ Profumo. cri~is.. . I suffered over the last 18 months. 1 the fourth sLlCCeSSI\'e day.

MacmIllan 5 prestlg~ reccII'p.d I However, Britain's unemploy· 11 th l' [ th ~ considerable boost in the eyes' ment problem has diminished I '. ore ~n 110. pages 0 ~ of all the parties with the si~n·1 since mid·winter and tile 'oa.: ChtnesTeh comm~I~15tD prty ~,. inl~ of the East· West parthil tinnal economy 'is imrro\'i~~ I gdan't d et Phcotnle s atl r. twehre

_____ . _________ .:... _____ ._ evo coos Ie reac IOn 0 t e ~!osco\V lI'caty under a hu~e headline ,·this is no l'idol'Y fill'

i the peaceful coexistence polic? . it is capitulation to United : SI ates imperialism."

Rusk Extends Moscow Visit In ~lo,col\·. Pra\'~a asked WASHINGTON (AP) _ Stale I ~el [01' 4:30 p.m . .\Iomia,' ~.I05' whether the Chinese did not re·

Secretary Rusk will remain hI J cow time, will mark t1;~ fim <1lize their \'iews "merge wit.!1 Russia for a fcw days after j "isit by an American Secr~t. the position of the most rabId Ihe tcst - ban treaty si~n· I: ary of state to the Soviet Can- and militant imperialist circles ing to t a I k with premier ital since 1947. The late Gen. which oppose any restrictions K. hrushchev about possible fu~ I George C. ;..rarshall went there on the n u c I ear armamenis t race,!1 ne~ East : West agr~ement.s. I ~or a foreign ministers' meeting AIdes mdleated Rusk s mam I m the early day! of the co;d The Soviet press has not yet

purpose is to lind Ollt what IWllr. talked of an open break with Khrushchev has in mind in his the Chinese, Western observers proposal~ for a ~ATO·Wal'sa\v I I in MoscolV believed Premier hloc non·aggression pact, ex- i B am es Khrushchel' was reluctant to change of observers to guard 1 force the issue as far as this, agains~ surprise attack, BmI i but they felt any kind of recon· other Items. I Po ents 1 ciliation with China in the near

The S~viets raised these ,s- r I iubre could be ruled Ollt. , slIes durmg the recent nucle~r test .. ban treat~' negotiations, TORONTO (CPl-The drown.! but the L.S. represpntativ(l, I ing deaths of 3, Ontario chil- I Averel! Harrima~, had no! dren in June was blamed WeJ· ; P I" t 811lhorlty. to negotiate on them. I nesday on p B r e n tal neglect i ar lamen The Untted States has taken eau~ed hy un com fort a blc ; I the position that it must con-I weather I

I sul~ first ~ith its allies ~n ma~.! M3lc~im MCjlartin, w a t 2 r : At A GlanC'e i !er~ affechng them, alia Ru,.{ safet" rlirec!~r of the Canadian I lJ.

~roSCOW. V,S.S.R.~oviet Premlcr Nikita Klu'ushchev (right foreground) smo};es peace pipe i I,:~ntsra ~Iear. ~~ew of what the i Rcd • Cro:'5, s~id the children! g'lt r US. Agrleulture Secretary Orville L. Frr.el1lDn durlng ~ visit by Freeman to the i KI;m.~nf .15 oftellng. . i were all bctween 7 and B :-,cm's, 'fm·R~D.\'i, Aug. 1. 1~6:1

,a I 0 • • I '('1 t'fl d F eemAn', "Isit ended his 17.! ,Igm Ylllg the Importan,'e I and rcprp<en!('r! annut half the, II Kremlin July 30. :\lan III right l~aCkgI'Oulld s 11111 en Ie. r· ,Rusk attache! to seeinp. Khrush I ~oul.h·s d;ownines 'Lal;or Minister :\t,"cEa~hcn

day tour or the Soviet Vlllon.-(urI Radiolel~Jlhnto). _ _ I che\', U.S. officials lndirated "', annDunced the gOI ernment , I the secretary of state will h~ I "Tw~ntl'-si:< chi I (Iren were 'n I plans to impose trustccshin

i G OV·t.' S Nt· . i !,il1in~f to travel to the Blad, II t~e dl~ Yte3r5.nnd,uI!~dpl,r .1l~SuPtcr- o~ five. n:al'ilime transporta· I erve S 0 ICe .,ea, I necessary, for the meet· I'llie ~u \'~or:/ II' IlC I !r. Ica '!S I tlOn unions.

ing. Khrushchcv may he vaca· the parenls were pr\lhJh!~' tr]- I h·II.1 tioning there, next week, th~y ing to hent the hc~! ann I\'er~, The Senate passed a ~aid. not watching the i I' children I increa~ing rcmuneration £Qr

Unl· on Trus' teeshle p FI:~sl's!H~~~iv~~47 in Moscow ~!~~~ly enough," ~Ir. !llartin: :.I::ca~:!!~:,~~:~·s~3SSCd n pri. . \ Saturday for the treaty signing, I With figures for ,july ~till in.: \'ale member's bill designed

_ complete. Ontario wate]'s hal'e II to ~tl'eamlille parliamentary

I claimed 191 lives. The final '0' handling of divorces.

By ROBERT RICE lligation pictured as corru!)!, OTTAWA <CP) _ The fedel':.1 lawless and a tlll'ent to the eco·

g 0 v ern men t served notice nomy of Canada. Thursday that it· will impose Under the plan proposed 10 trusteeship on five marine U/l· the government by Mr. Justice ions _ including the maverick T, G. Norris after a yelir·lon!: Seafarers' International Union investigation of Inbor strife and of Canada-to root out lawlm· s hip p 1 n g disruptions on tbe ness and corruption in water· Great Lakes, the trustees woui;! front labor. be expected to fire sm Presi· '

Parliament was told that trus· dent Hal C. Banks and his chief teeship legislation wil' be rcady lieutenants. fOf the fal! session, scheduled to begin late in September.

Under this emergency meas· ure three' trustces would take ove~ and run unions represent· ing some 21,000 sailors, engin· ect's and deck officers on ship" harges, ferries and lugs on Ihe Great Lakes and on both coasts.

Their main task would be con· cerned with the Scafarers' Un· Ion in Montreal-a 1.'i,OOO·melll· ber union tbat a federal Ihves·

ANNOUNCES PLAN Labor Minister MacEachen

announced the governments plans in' the Commons Thurs· day.

In an unusual statement. he declared the government's in· tentlon of imposing a trllst~e· ship-an unprecedented action that will IlUt thc govcl'IImcnt di· rectly in chat'ge of thc intern;,1 affairs 01 a group of unions •

Sporting Chance

DETROIT (CP) - .John Abraham, 58, of Detroit, appearing in court on a charge of being drunk in a public place, was given a sporting chance.

"I'll let you go free if you can tell me how many tim e s you have bcen hrought in on a similar charge," .Iudge Frank G. Sehemanske told him.

~'Sure, 240 limes. your 110nor," Abraham answered pro m p tl y. The judge chccked his rccords and told Abraham; "You may go."

Thallt tai ,-:,i1l l~keiy exceed 200, \1:'.; ------. I ~!artll1 s31d. I THE COU~TI{Y PARSON


PROPERTY MANILA (Reuters) - united i

Nations Secretary - Gencl#Il U Thant sent a "secret and conli­dential" reply Thursday to In· donesia's Malayan and Philip' pines leaders on seli·determim:· tion for the British Borneo· ter·

I ritories of North Borneo ann Sarnwak.

The reply came a mid B ritisn concern that the Aug. 31 targ:'l, date for Ihe new Malaysian fed· eration may be delayed.

Alfred McKenZie, U Thanl's liaison officer at the Malaynn· Filipino.Indonesian summit co'),

, ference, said U Thanl's rep'y would he di5cllssed today 'by the

I foreign ministcrs of the thrce countries.

Over 10 per cent of Cannda's forests 15 owned by the Pt1bli~'1 By far the greater part of the timberlands IISed by forest :n- I dUstry is administered by the Provincial governments on be· half of the pcople of Canada,

---_ .. _-OWLS ARE ~O1'

SCREECIIERS . Screech owls do not. scree ell,

They havc' a ~oft qUa\'ering' call. Owls are not blind in daylim~ but prefer 10 hUI11 al dusk or: "People, like werd~. have no early dawn whpn their cnonl1 .C3fon to feci guilty if til~Y ous ~ycs give them an ·advant . lioll't realize thcj"re l,rouble· agc in the dim light. _I some."

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Feasting With Panth ers: 4 Decll;caiing Small Log Cabin For the Shots Heard Around To Preserve Work of Writer i-"c'-\R~:w-.::o:\

DOON, ant. (CP)-As monu· Thousands in the city and the McArthur's work was lov~d I WI.TH SID~E" mcnts the unpretentious little log country came to look upon him in othel' countries, too, and Al'\ D!{E I

Th W ld L t f T t cabin is not mighty, but it stirs as a per~onal friend, attracted when he died the lr,ss of the '. NNEl1! ' .. ' e' or~ · O~. 0 . arge S the memory M the man.humble, by the philosophical, letter •. like Sage' of Ekfrid w~s lelt far At last, the PIct, ~ humorous and humanitarian. articles. Fro m his wrlhnl:s alleld. i been wuitin" for o.~! ,

It is called Peter McArthm' many got the' mistaken impres. Born March 10, 1866, ill the i at Paramouo"t Th'Etl'

.~ (Last of four Illsl1atclles) : By TO~I A. CULLEN 'WNDON- (NEAl - "'1'hc

~cl'cn shots that· wcrc heard around the world" is the way that one London nCIV~pilpcr lies· crlbes the shooting Iray outside the Mayfair uparhnenl of Chris· tine Kepler, 21·ycar·old party girl.

Those shots were fired by a jcalous IOl'er, Johnny Edge. combe, 30, a Jamaican with n criminal record as a drug ped· dler and a procurer. ;Ed~ccombe pumped fil'c bul·

lets into the door lock. 'I'hen he pointed his pistol upwards, and two bullets plowed into the brickwork around the window w}lere CIIl'istine's hend had been a moment earlier.

.IiI 10l'e that gal," Edgecombe sobbed to the police who arrest·

.; ed· him. "I was sick in the stom· ''aeh ol'er her .... .. , All this happened last Dc·

~e.crnber, but in the ensuing .:jrionths Christine's affairs with

other men have come to Ilght, touching oli Britain's biggest "panther feast," as it is called.

Amons those whose names hal'e been dragged into thc scandal as hal'ing indiscreetly "feasted with panthers" arc:

John Proillmo, 48, who resign· C!d as Secretary of State for War after admitting thal he had been Christine's 101'er.

Commander Eugene Ivanol', 37, Sol'ict naval attache, who shared Christine's fal'm·s.

Dl'. Stephcn Ward. 5U, osteo· path and p()rtrait artist o[ the Royal Family, Who shul'cci with Chri~tine the apartment where

.. !he shooting took place. Viscount Astor, 55, good

fl'irnd of D!', Ward and o{ Christine. Chl'lstinc says Ihnt Lord Astor paid thc rcnt of a flat which she octupied in 1901. And party girl Marilyn (Mandy) Rice·Davies told a court that .hc was Intimate with Astor.

House and it is dedicated to. sion he was quite a farmer, log house built by !Iis ~ath~r, I latest and" hr" ei~! wl'red Dr \Val'd for money to him in the hope that the per· FARM WAS MESC; he attended the Uml'cl;>lty of! 'Carr~' On' "hten· Douglas F'airbanl,s ,TI'. Iilm who married a top fa.shion . f h' A til' I t I f l' I""a [

producer tlnd friend o[ the model, has bccn host to mter· come hOme. A London admirer cel~t!On a.nd . warmth 0 IS C ua y IllS arm was a mess To~'o~ a 01' Ive mOil 115 Ill. ou', Cl'S' "Carry On . Hoyal Family. Fairbanks gave national celebrities at his fab· was found Who obligingly put wrlt~ng Will no~ be lost to a and he used to brag that hiS qmtt.mg bccau~e he ;.:<Jdldl: tithe f:lnnicst ,I Cllrlstlnc a screen test as a ulous Clivcdcn estate. up $1800 for the l'I!turn trip. p~lhhc and age .hat never knew most dependable c I' 0 P WilS aiiOl d .the .C?st, . He II"S !~cn all, and ;t'~ in o.

CI . 1'1' '00 fricnd Inm. weeds.' supportmg nunse'f by I\nhng I 'v.~~ favor to his friend, Dr. Ward. His mother is Virginia·bom ms I ~~ S .g dlB was ~ The cahin slands in Doon "Govenlmcnt scientists came jokes and cal·toon idcas .1'''', This urro,rio"l

Second only to 1'rofu1110'S Lady Nancy Astor, Iirst wOlllan bMa: d[ RdICCbfav;cs, I' 'l'k Pioneer Villilgc a (ell' miles out of their way to see mo snd Puck: Jud~c nnd other pCl'Iod· I to lbf higll 'e'~ rcsil:nation has been the shock Member of Parliament, and a ~ y. ace 00<.0 IV 10 I. e· from Kltchcncr. ~azcd with awe at the neglect)Li icals in tile United state:; at i James. J\Cn:,e~I'o, " occasioncd by Lord Astor's con· famous hostess in ·hel· day, Ills wise made. good 10. tho big, city. Petcr l'v~cArtll1lr lived in thiS I farm II' om which I had rais~d $2.50 a pag~. .. : nel;' Ce.:alor. !:p' .' nection with this scandal. uncle is Baron Astor of Hover, In just tlllce years Mand~ h.nd cab1l1-typlcal 01 hundreds thnt, such a crop of newspaper a,··, After lea\'l1I~ IIImcrs!ty he., Lap: E'll' c .. ·

In BrItnln the Astors are olVner ollhe 'rimes of London. man.ager to wangle from nch were home to Canadinns in the ticIes,' he once wrote. Ijoined the old"ToJ'olllo ~Iail 3$: Pcr~;"al ~~d .;."~~ considered to be pillars of re· The 196.3 hi·jlnks on L.ord admirers a Jaguar and "enough middle of the last ccntur" "Then they took out thm," reporter and t\\'1) \l'~rS I~t"l', 't, .' I.' . "'m~!

I d t t d fl . I d' k t k " , 0 • I a,)] (I. a r. r .~' spcctnbility. Viscount Astor, Astor's C II'e en es n. e ~ er Jewe ryan mm 0 eep me when he farmcd in Elilrld cyanide bottles and began to I at 24 wcnt to New yr,rk ~s a 1 of a :liCdi:.:; n~,


Vllstly from the parties given over the nex.t yc;a;." . TOlVn~hip ncar London, ant. collect rare specimens of bugs! frec.l;nce j,)ul'nalist. He '.'II ~~~! cfJver~ Ih;':' ~~:":;.~ there in the 1930s. MUsical Today, Dl. St~phen Ward Dunn!: the 15 yc:,rs before and pests, lor I had all of them. 1101' a number o[ roc",' ip:,Pl'1 5 I on bu'U' '", 5 f'l ,chairs served as nrt lcc·breaker faces charges of hvlng on the his death at 58 alter an opel" "T 0 uri n J! . automobilists I and Atlantic. :llonthly, 1;0nt':';'1 pi. . .. ,cl. ,I .. ~ SOle in those days. immoral earnings of boh Chris· ation in London in 1924 he stopped to make a call anJ' anll The Smart Set. .le" G: t :, '

h 1960 I I t vd t' d 'I d ., h h . '., , I ' mc'nll:~ 'ut In t e s n po yg 0 crol me an "an y, an() w cn e wrote a tWlCc,wcekly column l:t when they went away I could K:-lEW ~OT"BLES i '(;"nc- t. , of party girls and playboys stands trial, it is expected that the old Toronto Glohe. His sym. hear them laughing a~ lar ~tf '[' Living a Bolwnion life, he' C '/1 ,!( L.e gathered at the edge of the more famous people will be pathetic pieces on Ontario farm as the second culvert on the. became acquainted wilh Iio' ~ ~~~' ~:: .. ' '~i:nclh Cliveden swimming pool. 01 dragged in.. i life were widely read. . concession line." table writers of the day, in.:; ',lr!. \ , .e •• ~~'sr:"cr. these none was more gay than It all began WIth those "seven ing B lis s Carman, ('~:lrIC~ I n~~_,:;::: I:,~:, Eugene Ivanov. . shots heard around the' world" Steamsh"lp MovementC!' G. D. Roberts and MltCr.:~:I! 6 (;{.I1 'C~I'r~I~!

It was while swimming in the last December, but no one d Kennerley. 5 t e ph e n Lea~cc.( 1 0).

nude at Cliveden one hot night knows where it will end. ,[was lirst puhlished in 1'r1J~h I Thn c'i' .,. , In July 1961, that Christine End series. C.S,L.-CLAHRE TERRA I . magazine while !lieArlhur was, eIficie'lll "~r:;;: "Q

, Keeler met John Prolufl1?, Sec· MARILYN RICE·DAVIES: " NO~ A SERVICES Aug. 1; Ical'ing Charlottetown,! its eelitor. . , ! ta!~!Jr'!'e P'>J~" retary of State for War 10 Her Enough jewelry ami mink to ~ S Gulfport du . St John's P.EJ. Aug. 2; arriving St. The Engl;sh humor magr.?I.1~ I p~ci:,iI\' \,!! "1 Majesty's government. I keep me over the next year." \ U; '4 e. John's Aug. 5; leaving St. Punch published several 01 Me· F-aw: " nct"

Clutch in;: a tawel around her· I ,~gs N t T f John's Aug. 5. Arthur's lirticles while he ·.V1S [ thi;o~ b::' If 'th hand Christine .. ovapor S31 109 rom in Britain for two years. Bu~. o· J •

~~ten~~d h~~eother l~ ProfulIlo. Montreal Aug. 3. Due St. John's • Fergus le.aving Pictou, N.S., he \"3S having financial c'iffi·1

1 lOgs ~Imon~ rh~ !~:~l Christine and Profumo met r'fap1-tol Au¥. 8. . Aug. S, leavmg Charlottetown, culties and a book he wrote on From h 'le C

several times at the flat of her .. ) S.S .Hlghhnl!r sailing trom P.E.!, Aug. 9; arriving St. the publisher's promise to pay I fas' ana f' 'r' o~ t I :'I'cry good friend" Dr Stephen !llontreal Aug. 6. Due st. John's Aug. 12; leaving 51. his life insurance ~remiums pecOt f-om" :.t)u'f.1! '! . ' To Morrolll John's Aug 11 J h ' A g 12 h d I? . .' t d ' , ,ne ~7:J Ward, the society osteopatil, • n ,.... 0 ns u. . a on y .~ ~oPJes plIO e '.. On' repllt,ti'!n P I ave her money 5.S. Gulfport sallll1g flom • ., The publlshmg house lall~d .

r,~ u~o f even g If b t f I' 1I1ontreal Aug. 13. Due st. I Fergus leaving Pictou, N.S., i and Ihe hook ')'0 be Taken Wit;, S'r J . - no" or myse, u or "TilE PHANTOM OF TIlE John's Aug. 11l. : Aug. 15; leaving Cha~l~ttetown I Salt: All E;S:JY On Teaching par! cr~;:: ::a~[, Mum. ••• I' OPEnA" . S.5. Novaport sailing from P.E.!., Aug. 16; amv!ng St., One's Grandmother to Suck raged by hi; . "

t:ndoublcdly the chllhngust te," ~!ontreal Aug. 17. Due St. John's, Aug. 19; leaVing SI. i E~~s barely saw the light ,If Kenn tI II' II:' . AileI' Profumo b~'oke away 1'01' t~le ever told, thc nelV vcr· John's Aug. 22 John's, Aug. 19. i j' , ' e I .. ' ':'~'l

from hel' she .cuntlnued I.ler sion o[ the famous classic, "The S.S. Highlinc;' salling from • Fergus leaving Pictou, N.S., (ai!~AI.thur spent the ne~t fo['r i ~on~or ;.r.;fc [h: , ' merry way, sowlll.g dehstruclto~ PhnnloIn of lhe Opera". cxciti.lg. l\Iontreal Au;;. 22. Due St. Aug. 22; leal'ing Charlottetown, years in Ncw York writing arl.! a~;lg fml;I~" I lJo:e.r a5 she went. strewlllg I e wl'ec . ly photographed in color, opens John's Aug 2'/ P.E.!., Aug. 23; arriving St. I'crtising booklets lor a ?ub.: C .r, Ill'! age of men's carecrs. to· morrow at the C<lpilol Theatre S S GuUport sailing from John's· Aug. 26; leaving St. Jishing house' thcn returned to i annal: 'll "Rag

Sometimes when she receiv· to thrill audiences anew With l\Io~t;'eal' AI1~ 27. Due St. John's, Aug. 26. . his 10" cabi~ birthplace where scorcs as the ed goods she WOTU nothing but what has become the classic John's Sept l' • Fcrgus leaving Piclou N.S., he liv;d with his wile and fam. who takes to watn', light blue ,ieans. Once ~he /lave film thrillci' of all lime. ISS Novapo;t sailing from Aug. 29; leaving Charlott~lown, ily until he died. and to alc.ohol lih a party and had everyone sit When the grotcsqucly hidcous Mo~l~cal Au~. 31. Due St. P.E,!. Aug. 31; arriving St. Noll' his home has been set onc~ oublde the fully clothed in her bath drink· [ate of Lon Chancy in "The John' Sept 6 John's Sept. 3, leaving St. up here and restored. It con. hmlt. Lance ing champagne.. Phanto~l of. the. Opera" fir,t S.S~ Highiin~r !ailing from John's, ~ept. ~. tains his boo~s and articles, the I scre~m ,as. th~. :!~l

S~IC al~o got mIxed up In thrust lIs gl'lmaCIl1~, . gargoylcu Montreal Sept. 7. Due st. • Refrlgerahon. typewriter he used, family pic. cook Ilhose COOKI'I' various escapades. Oncc she 1 cl haflle.ntgC Iro~ the SC! een neh~l:' John's Sept. 12. tures and some of his manu· aChe to tender "borrowed" a boyfriend's car y 01 Y yem sago, cll1ema. IS, SSG If t sailing from FURNESS WITHY AND scripts. ac s. and drove to the south of tory .was macl~. In m~, ~mvp.r. l\Io~t~eal\~ ~~~t, 11.. Dlle" St. COIIIPANY LTD. "Carry France Another time she flew sal Icmnde G<lstOIl L~lou 5 lab· J d' S t 15 FAIRBANKS SUES pocket to Ne\~ York on impulse, then ulo~s lable of the sinister terror Os ~ s N ep. i T f Beechmore leaving Boston Aug )l:ONTREAL (CP) _ Actnr :.Ic(literra:e~

which gripped an opera house, '. ()vapor sal 109 rom 2nd for Saint John, N.B., Hali· and businessman Douglas Fair. with lovely sun,m:(~ this time with Claude Rains liS I\!ontreal Sept. 17. Due St. fax and st. John's. At Saint banks Jr. launched a $250,000 al scenes of Spain,: The r:lantom. ,Tohn's Sept. 22. John, N.B., Aug 3rd. Leaving damage 8 c t ion Wednesday North Africa as lhe

And now, twenty years later, in Halifax Aug. 9th for St. John's. against publisher. John Vader Wanderer" touches the most costly macabre moti!)n HARVEY & CO. LTD. Due St. John's· Aug. 12, and and the )Iontreal weekly tab. these countriel picture ever modi.', the powerful· • Fergus leaving Pictou, N.S., sailing for Liverpool same day. loid ~ndnight as a result of cn ney. Iy magnetic story. with the title vide n glittering sctting for the (R) Herring Rose leaving article titled My Weekend with "Carry On Cruis':!, that has nel'er lost its magic, more forcelul and decidedly rna. Liverpool Aug. 1st, Due St. Christine. The story, published dueed by Peter "The Phantom of the opera" has cabre happenings which take John's Aug. 7th. Leaving for in the July 29 issul' of Mid. reeted by Gerald returned, and with a new look - place above, below and on thc Halifax and Boston Aug. 8th. night, was described as being a screenplay by 1962 style, and In magnificent stage itself of the old opera hotts~ Due Halifax Aug. lOth nnd BOS'I "by Douglas Fairbanks. Jr., as based On a story b) color while retaining the basic bedeviled by its sbadowy evil. ton Aug. 14th. told to Donald Cole." ker. narrativo line, and original story.

The film's production is the work of two nimble minds, pro· ducer Anthony Hinds Bnd direc· tor Terence Fisher, who have teamed for some of the motion picture screen's most terrifying dramas.

In "The Phantom of the Opera" however, the~e Iilming artisans of the macabre have cxcellr.d themselves. They have carefully removed ali the melodramatic trappings of previously filmed versions and given it that dis· tinetive brand of rrallsm for which all of their pictures ha\'c been highly distingUished.

CHESTER DAWE LIMITE~ ----------------------------------------------------------------------


Handsome, Versatile "CEDAR-LINE" Awning Windows

. . MARILYN RICE·DAVIES. "Enough jewelry and mink to keep'me over the next year," ~. . .

Lige The Phantom, the we,l· known character star, Herbert Lorn, gives a new, original and frightening Interpretation of HU·

thor Leroux' classic study of a disordered mind bchlnd a sav· agely scarred and mutilated face. Oddly enough, according to reo ports, the actor had never seen either Chancy or Rains in the part-and In his own way docs the character as a human, pathetic, broken creature of tra.~. edy in the highest sense. ')'0

him, the man's horror was inci·

St. John's to:

Montreal $34.00 Halifax $22.00 Port aux Basques $13.00. Corner Brook $11.50 Grand Falls $ 7.30 'Gander $ 5.70

dental. Lovely and sensitive Heather

Sears, as the opera·singing hero· inc, produces a quality of per· formance one would expect 01 an actress who has 1V0n major act· ing awards for her work In "The Story of Esther Costello". and critical acclaim for her con· tributions In "Room at tile Top" and "Sons and Lovers". In "The Phantom of the Opera" she has an unusual dual role. She's the beauty who wants to be a prima donna, and whose adventurl:s make for the exciting events the film catalogues. And as the sin· ger, she portrays .Joan of Arc in an opera, , The film's hero is newcomer Edward de Couza whosc Latin good looks won him a small part of a gigolo with Vivien Leigh In "The Roman Spring of Mrs. Stone." Now he can claim· own. ership of something more than a handsome face as his impressive performance marks him as an actor with a rosy future,

An admirable portrait In well· bred villainy Is contributed by Michael Gough, as the pompou~, treacherous imprcssarlo. to whom the raising of a skirt is more Intriguing than the ralsi~g o{ a stage curtain. Thorley Wa:· ters, as the harassed opera houJe manager, is equally fine in his portralure, Others In the dlstin· guished cast include Ian Wilson, as the vicious and skulking dwarf and deaf·mute ally of The Phantom, and MI~s Malleson /15 the droll and phllosophlcal cab· driver,

A major asset of the film Is the original opera especially writ. . ten for it by composer Edwin AsUey, who also did the magnlfi. cent picture score. As a portion o[ the story plot, the opera, baSed on the trial and dl!ath of Joan of Arc, is lavishly stagrd and pel" formed by a huge cast to pro·

ADAPTABLE TO ALL MODERN WINDOW INSTALLATIONS CELWOOD "Cedar-Line" Windows consist of a series of basic single-sash and t\l'O'la~ unitn designed and styled for a limitless variety of applications, They add trim, smart $ pearance and functional utility in homes, motels, schools, churches, hospitals and pu .,' buillings.

• Weather resistant Western Red Cedar • Fully weatherstripped

• Choice of operating -hardware

• Can be used as awning, hopper or casements.

The fir 5t installation of Cedar-Line Windows in St. John; s may be seen 011 Lot ~d: Larkhall Street, Baird Sub-division. This house was built by Mr, George Grant&, a~ e1 public is invited' to drop in and inspect the windows and other fine features of tillS n home,

Displays of CEDAR-LINE units may also be seen at our Shaw Street store and at our Tor . sail .Road office (T.G.H.). "

ATTENTION! Chester Dawe Ltd, 1963 CATALOGUE of Building . ff' e II plies is now available. Copies may be had from our Shaw Street store or at our 0 Ie

Dawe's Overpass, T.C.H., or by writing.

For full informations see: CHEST'ER DAWE L1~. P,O. BOX 400 ST, JOI1~"l

oml ivol * rivate s Pas~

\VA (CP) _The Com d unanimously to

passe miler's bll rlvate me

a P if' t would tak' In e e. from Quebel divorces out of It

bill was rushed througl In 30 minutes, I

to, the Senate. Mandzluk (PC -

1oIIr~I.'" was the sponsor 0

swift action vlrwall. roccdural blockad

a P New Democrat! some , II d ~IPs, which p e ~ tban 1,100 divorces I

legislative mill over H two years.

Winkler (PC - Gre ) who moved pas5a~ 'bill In !'tIr. Man~z1uk

called 11 • "hl5tor

after n bill lUS given tblt

tbe commo ns palsl

zll Take llection

will be taken "conecUlp'e"arl today to bl

special fund to help ,the expenses of the [

pool. Lions Club of Mo

will conduct • canvas! tonight and Saturl and the club ho

lublitantial amount ' to reduce the b: the club hll IIn(

members wi11 wur Club identification c

IIsu8 official reee III donations.

11000~aent increased in Z. during the first

of thia year over : the Atlantic Prol'i: • rise in labor

llias revealed in newsletter from

Address ng PC's Leader D1efenbaker lsked to speak at

region conventlo~ Progressh'e (

Assoclatfon ~ E. Douglas Parsl of the Newro~

young PC's, said Th Is hopefUl IIIr. Die! wlU attend.

of .!lew aud used !II·I~u.h in SI. John's fo

~anuarY.June 1963 five Per cent higher

same period in 19

pots ~SDAyJS' FIRJ ~u'es reported

fires for Au)


P Avenue ·m. tw ' • • 0 car , . , slight dan

no Personal iniu Street

. d . ~it and~r~n . ~mage . , . no In1uries,

accidents .. two .. , no Jnluries,

• •

. - - . .

. I.' I,

Page 3: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

" ~~l'lt on the '.: !~~ri\lils ii! ',f~ . ,':~l the b1':1~;.It ~·t::~:Lln.

\\"f ly ~\1n·<I1rrn'~.'

~t~ of Spain. .\ frlca a~ the' ~,'r" lou~he, at ,"l!nIXies during


, , I



. , .

. ~ . ~9 L t \(1. " ,

; \' it () • I Ihe '~. llltt>{' an( ,: .' '. ell' ': "r~ of tIllS !1

H\lildin.~ Sup­our office at

ommons ro s ivorce

ases * * * * rivale Member's Bill Passed Unanimously

In'l _The rom· . ~td nnanlmously to·

'l":h3lf nlrll1hrr's bill 'I: pHd \lould take

'10rf t ! IrOIl1 (!uebec dl oul of lt~

billl\3! ru~hrrl through In 30 nllnllte~. It

t~ Ihe Scnalr. ~\andzluk (PC -~as the AI,01l50r Df

I~III Irllon l'lrlually I pro,rdnral blockade

'iCII IlCllIocrallc lemr . )IPI. IIhlen pllcd liP

, Ibln 1.lon dh'orcc~ In \1lillllil't mill ol'rr Ihe I'lltarl . . \l:ln~lrr (PC - Grey

~ho mOl'td 1'3sn!(e 'bill In Mr. ~lanf1liuk'J

[Ilird It I "h1510rJc

~rtrr Ihe hili 1\1' _h'rn third

thl ("oll1mon. paased

/l Take I

the (irst ~roup of 250 dlvor· ces thl~ len Ion. The divorce bills previously were p~8&ed by the Senale,

The Mandduk bill, to meet "The Dissolution and Annul· ment of Marrlagel Act," would empower the Senate to

Land Five Tuna The lotal Newfoundland

luna catch rose to 24. Thun· day with five more of tbe big Ush being caught In Conception Bay walen.

The Towne and Country led Ihe parade u ''''0 of the large blUe £Inl were Iinded aboard her.

IIrant a divorce by a Seuat. resolntlon,' after a Senate of· ricer has heard the case and recommended the divorce on the ,ronnd. of proven adul· tery. . .

Elihu party In the dlvoru would have the right to ap· ply ror cancellation of the reo solution before it takes ef· rect 30 days aner its adop. tlon hy the Senate, ,and the conteltld case would, thea lie embodied III a bill which would have to 1I0·through both honsel of Parliament.

One provision of the Man· dzlult bll1 would enable dl. vorce actions to be continued if the li£e' ol a Parliament II Interrupted.o that ca~el "ould not liave to 81.rt allaln through the parliamentary mlll-as hlppened In'the 10lt two yearl-when Parliament IK prorogued (or I ilew sts· slon III dissolved for a new flection. .

• i Lightn~ng Hits House

SIGNAL IlII.L PROJECT­Work is gradually progress· Ing on the development of Signal Hili Ilark for the bene· m of vlsltorR Bnd tourlsh, The Federal Government project Is designed to make the historic site more of an attraction, Thi~ show5 rarly sta)(es of work on curbs dlvidln!( the parking lot by Cabot Tower. It is unfortun' ate howp.vcr. that this work has to be done during. the hcl!(hi of the touri~t season, _(New~ staff photo).

lection Kevin O'Rellan Ind bll

brother Seamul caughl I luna each. The fish weIghed in at 503 and 50' pounds A delayed report 'trom SI. Wh I respectively. Anthony, on Newfoundhmd's Send a es

, The president of the Fish· northern tiP. reaching here eries Council of Canada Thursday says that no; one was




Says CBC-TV Here 'Is A Test Case'

, r

i !

will b, taken 1111 i , Pml today to build 11;1>ial fund to help de­

!xpenm Ilf the new !'lo\.

LiOn! Club of Mount .• m conduct I canl'as! in

lonight and Saturday . and the club hDpes

amount will 10 rednce the bank

li:ch the club hal under·

fishing abollrd the Shamrock injured when IIghtning,strur k a To Aquar"lum III lought a 522 pounder for home in that community. Vice·chairman Carl),le Alii· suiting In disar£i1iating IIrl. work" for establishing se· ! five days before his gOI'crn· i' one hour and 20 minute. be· The report said a :lightning son of the Board of Broadcast, vate stations from Ihe CRe cond stations in smaller' mar· ment came into ornce-be· fore landing It. Re IDIIde the bolt llruck I home owned and A special truck wili be sent' Gove:~ors says .getting a se.cond alld subsequent establish.' ket c:t:es. fore it makf. a final decision. slrlke off Bell 1Iland. occupied by George Ward and to Bellevue Beach today to pick televl~IO,? stallon estab,l/shed ment of CBC outlets in the In SI. John's, a second TV' Mr. Allison said the CBC sta·

John Fleming of St. John's his family. Three children who up a strange cargo, a spokesman ~ere IS really a test case ~hat sallie cities. : station to compete with CJON· tion would carry the same pro· i landed a 512 pounder aboard were playinll In the kitchen at for LeDrew's Express Agency IS tough on Newf~undla~d view· The reports would go to Sec· TV, now a CBC affiliale, has: grams that now appear on the Tina Marie. the time were thrown acrol. id Thursday 'ers but 1V0uid strike a pattern retary of State Piekersgiil, who been a li\'e issue for more than, CJON, whieh carries only five

Norman Robinson of Brl· the room. sa. for the rest of Canada." reports to Parliament on broad· a year. Last January the CBC, to sel'en hours a week less than

, In ~Iount Pearl wal in Jun. It a eo,t of

lUI lallded another of the They were not seriously ill. H, laid the truck is being casting matters, and presuma· applied for a TV transmis;ion r is al'ailable from the CBC net· heavy fish aboan! the :l.aren jured, the report said: sent to pick up three live wales, JIIr. Allison, In an intervil!lv bly contain recommendations to , licence. : work. Ann. Windows in the house .... ere one male and two females. here Thursday, said the next settle probiems arising from al·! ; But with the new station,

Dally Newl filel Ihow on broken and the kltchin caught which are at present In a salt step towards the new CBe sta· ternath'e network service for i In April, the BBG ga\'e its ap· CJO:-l, would carry new shows :!:nbm "'i11 wflr the AUS. 1, 1962, one tuna lias fire. Mr. Ward quent:hed the water pond. are to be shipped I lion here will probably come in I the disaffiliated stations and' pro\'al for thL ,reond station on' from CTV; the pril'ate telc-Clcb idenlifiralion capa landed In Conception Bay. 11 blaze before It COUld spread to to a salt water aquarium in the i September with the completion I the al'ailability and economic condition. that the CBC didn't vision network, and froml'ar·

r:! !""1 official receIpU "'II the fint for the Hllon. other rooms of the b~l1&e, United States. ' of talks between BBG chairman I IISC of microwa\'e facilities, . put it into operation until Scpo ious TV progr~m agencies in ~~~I~n~d~M~a~ti~on~I~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- AndRw Stewart, the CBC and: tembe~ 19~,andthatit~cept tile U.S .• Canada and Btitain.

mployment :.:: U the Canadian A8sol'iation of: Mr. Allison said Saskatooll no loeal 01' national s('lt'dI I'l' '[r. Allison is hel'e to sit in

R · · - Broadcasters. i was all ex,lInple of a situation advertising I'or I\\'(I \·eal',. (I)) Jil executive meeting of the

I S I ng e re The talks. witb ('HC Pre~l· i similar to SI . .John·s, or would How(·v;·r. Ihe ~~\'rJ'lllue))t c'A.ll. and to adul'c;S the <iPCIl' dent Alpho))se Ouimet and be when the ('Be allillies for a<;hl'lI that tht' conditions bl' ill~ ,C;;iOIl 0' the t\l'o·daY At· C.A.I!. Pre~hlent non Jamie. its OW)) statioll. "We haH to ·'darifi!'(i." ~II'. l'iI'kt'l'sgill lanti(' As,odation III Broadcast·


incr~ascd in New· during the fint few

Df this year over 1962 " Ihl Atlantic Prol'inces

I ri!t in labor in·

tI! rel'ealed in this newsletter from the

M~ress PC's

luder Illelrnbaker has .• ,I!d to !pe~k At the

[eglon cnnHnlion of Pro~re,sl\'e Con·

. \!Iodatinn here . E. Dou~las Parsons.

or the Sell'found· ,!un, PC-s, ~ald Thur5'

il hopeful ~Ir, DleleD' -iii Illend,

Atlantic Prol'incn Economic Council (APEC).

Newfoundland tonsumefl have exhibited morl optlm. Iftm than those In tbe Marl· times and coal production aDd fish landlnlls rose from 1962


Newfoundland Corporation Ltd.. announced the election of three ncw dlrectofl Thura· day.

They Ire Renry Bordell, president, B:azillan Traction, Light and power Co. Ltd.; Senator Mallrice Bourlet, Speaker of the Senate, and Sam Harris, New York la,,· yer.

lito Sales Rise Here of ,nell' and used cars In a report on the ear market . in St. John's for the across Canada, the Toronto

lInuary·June 1963 were Globe and Mall said that popu· "fil! per cent higher than lar models of Canadian·made -!.!;m! period in 1962. cars have been in short supply. - ___ ....; .. ;,;-;,;-,;,;;.-;,;-;;, causing dealers to lose sales in

News Spots

st. John's. I Howev~r" despi~e this ahort· ; age, a shghtly hIgher percent·

I, age of sales over last ycar was recorded.

The increase In sales, the reo 'port continued. of domestic 'makes was at Ihe expense of a ~Ii::ht dccline in imports

, Irolll o\'erseas. Volkswaj!en is holdinl: i1~ own with 45 per cenl of this section of the mar·

·USI).\ n'" , ' kci. file J lflES I Amon)! Canadian·made cm.

~ rep!)] tl'd . . . i the report concluded, Chel'l'olet fUI AU"ml:' Ie d with 30 per cent of sales,

I.. FOl'd had 20.4 per cent, and

• • • Chrysler had 20.2 per cent.


P·m .... ~~~~J~:r 'c~I~ : Donates Lamp n~ .. sli~ht damage ~ 1 00 Years Old

Ilrrsonal injllfies. I

Str('('t . . . 10 I . An antique k~rosene lamp 'd" 11\ and rlln more than 100 years old. was

alllaIJ • • • d i' .~e .•. no per- recently donate to the New· nilines, fonndland Museum.

d Mrs, Waller Dicks of W,lVer· aeei ellis for ley Street, Ottawa, pres~nleLl

tl\' in' .0". 110 per- the lamp to the museum dtpr Ilines. visiting here on htJ:lday. • • • . The lamp originally belong

~LiCE 11EAT . cd 10 Mrs. Dicks' grandfR:he •• '" Samuel Kirby, who came to

dru~lk~ a~reSled for be- Harbor Buffett, Newfoundland, 111 a bl' {rom England.

"111'0 pu Ie Curator A, M. Fraser Is most nJell arrested grat~ful to Mrs. Dicks tor he.

of stolen generOUs gift and for the in· '. I terest she. has shown In· the Newfoundland Museum •

le\'ell, hili outpul WII reduc· , ed In lOme other .Ieciora, especially In forest baled ae· I tlvltlel. . Although house building was

less intense than last year, other categoriea of the ,regional construction industrY. teem headed toward a promising lPurt of new activity. I.he newa· letter ,tated, :

Geographically the Job mar· ket .... as more vibrant in New· foundland than in the Marl. time.. For January.May. an

Ivel"age 01 103,000 Newfound· landers held jobs or 21.2 per rent more Ihan the 85,000 at work In the provine. last

~on. InVOlve the problems r~· try and set (:OWlI (he ground· Iws !'mphasilt'd this WilS ,lone cr, annnal n"'I'till~ ~lolHl:\y. I • ,. - _________ --.- -- .-,,--, - . ""---"'------ -I

!Boy, 17, Remanded Wit/lout Bail year,

Maritime employment on the A 17.ycar·old SI. John's boy; when he was arrested. He lIas arl'c~:crl on Huck· ,sen'n (Ia)'s in jail allli \l'aS PI'Il. other hand, IVa! down to 401,· . wa~ remanded for eight dal's 1 worth strcet SOIllC time a~1J hibitrd [rolll Liril'jno" Cor 5i~

, ~ '" . .. 000 this year from 412,000-a I without bail when he appeared,. . trying tu sell brandy. He' munth.; \\'hrn he was CUIlI iclcd drop o{ 2.7 per cent. in court here Thllrsday on a: A forclgn seaman was ;:I\'~n pleaded guilty 10 (he dlargc. on a ch~r~c of impaired dril'·

Newfoundland's labor Ioree charge of breaking and entry' a one ycar slispender! sentcnce A char~c of hcin~ drunk in in;:. ~welled by the increase in the with theft. i \l'hen h.e was .conl'lcted on a. a public plal'c lI'as di5Illj,scd. The m:lll I\'a< .rrc,(cd here number of jobholders, grew to I charge of haVing lllcgal pos·, • ¥ • !'cccntly by the ;\cll'foundland a January.~1ay average of 132.. Re 'I\'as not asked to plcld session of alcohol. i A motorisl was fined SIOO or· Cunstahulary.

Kelly, Shoe Cove, and deal· ~ ~~m~~~e~ertoce~t~'OOO - a f~ott~~ pc:e~f:e, ~{!~~~~~~~ i,,1 ~ake Provz·s-z·ons--- t" 0'· --N;--'-a' me' 'J' ~ ________________ -;--- Ing goods valued at $743.

I .

Escaped Seaman Will co~~:~~~;eDO!iVe~ar:?s 5~~~~~' Vo u ,4th SUp -rem e fudge' the premISes had been entered .11 ~ , ' J j , .,

Come to St. fohn's Under a Commons amend· county district court judges arc 000. ment to the Judges Act, pro· set and paid by the government Newfoundland still ha, the

through the rear door of a . garage.

lmmillration authorltle. here lay a" East German leamen found aboard a West German freighter at Grand Bank, NUd., Thursday will b. brought to st. John'l for an Interview.

The leaman, Rans Sedlacek, 26. crawled out of II potato locker .... hen the Teresa Horn reached port at Grand Bank from St. John'l. Re Is reporl· ed to have told the captain he ",III seek political asyillm in Canada. and II now In RCIIIP custody It Grand Bank,

The sailor la believed to b. Ihe .ame man who disappear. ed from an East Germall trawler (here July 29, al· though the Immigration de. partment said thnt had nol; been "definitely" establish· ed.

The trawler sailed Wednel' day after I fishing net was untangled from her propeller. The missing seaman was last scen with two crewmembers oC the Horn.

'l'he Horn is in Grand Bank to plci. liP a cargo of frozen fillet and will sail for U.S, portl 'ater this week.

The incident happened July 29.

••• A St. John'! man wa. reo

manded for sentencing when he appeared in court and was con· victed on a charge of breaking and entry with tbeft.

H, pleaded guilty to a charge of breaking and en· tering Harvey Steamship I.Imlted hera recently and stealing five eartonl of cigarettes.

Evldenc. showed he had some of the cigRrettel with him

vision has now been made for of Canada. smallest number of superior the appointment of a fourth The amelldment to the court judges of any province. judge to the bench of the New· Judges Act provides that the I The provincial measure to pro-foundland Supreme Court. salaries of provincial Chief vide for a fourth judge ",a!

In the same legislation the Justiees wlll be raised from passed some yean ago and wu fiaalrle! of all supreme court $18,500 to $25,000 a year. The recently proclaimed. and county court judges have salaries of the puisne or as· An ailpointment had to wait been substantially Increased. soclate judges of the SUo Ion the federal amendment that The salaries of provincial I preme Court have been In· . would alsD provide for. Ihis

superior court judges and creased from 516,9011 to $21,· I fourth judge for the provinc •. ~=--=~~~~~~===================


Was Aim fo,4 Many Years SPECI,AL .PURCH·ASE To Visit New!olJIldlalld; I

Sit. John', by the Sycllmore w \ July 15. She will likely . be !

leaving early next year for:

A young' Scotlilh d~nti51 whose family originated {rom Newfoundland, has coma her. lor a Itay' of a few months .

Doctor Anne MacFarlane Is visIting her IIreat aunt, Mrl. F. G. Wylie, and durin, her visit to St. John's, ahe Is filling a positlDn with the Government health clinic on Harvey roao ..

Doctor M~cFarlalle has al· ways wanted 10 come to New· foundland. This, she explained, has been an aim of hers for many years. Her mother was the former Jean Tail, daughter of the late Dr. A. G, Tait, a well.known St. Jolin's' doctor of many years ago.

Although ahe has not travelled the province exten' sively, Doctor MacFarlane feels that some of the Avalon Peninsula scenery II like Ihe north of Scotland. She Is enjoying her visit for she find. this place Interestlnll

Montreal. While in that city , .he wiil visit. another relative.

N ew{oundland is the only place In Canada where a dentist trained In the United Kingdom can practice with· out taking further exam In OR· tlons. Doctor l\lacFarlane is practising at the Government clinic where chlidren from orllhanaP,;c8, and welfare cases are haMlled.

She obtained her doctorate in 1061. While she is now one of the very few women dentists in Canada, she said that it is becoming mDre and mo.e ac· cepted in the United Kingdom, that women do dentistry.

Dr. Anne MacFar1ane . Doctor MacFarlane is a lover of the outdoo!'s. Her hobbies

since many stories of New· I include' skiing, tennis and golf. r

loundland were lold .her at Sometime next year she hope, , her hom'p' In SI'oUand. I' to return to hcr natil'e land- i Doctor MacFarlane arrived in Scotland. I


Pre-shrunk cotton

broadcloth. ~ sleeves. White blouse with flag designs. Nautical col· lar and wide tie. Fit 4-6 years. SPECIAL 77 c.


Big selection' nylons, piques and linens. All styles and colors. SplECIAL ............ 49c,

GIRLS STRAW' HATS Just right for Summer wear.

Pretty fashion for the young In

white summer straws with

perky rayon ribbon 'n' flower

trim. All shapes to choose from.

Fit 4-14.



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Page 4: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

l THE DAILY NEWS Newfound/and/s Only Morning Paper

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YF."RLI eVBSCRlPTIU~ linES Canada .. .... $12,00 per .nnum U.ltod IU.,dom Ind aU

'orol'D .ountrlo. $1.,00 per .nnum "nthorlnd II ... ond .1 ... mon by Ih. ro.t 0111 •• D.partntenl, OUa .... n~ tor paymonl of po.la .. ID ... h,

Th. [)AILY NEWS I, I mornln, I'ar" e.labUshed I. 1894 Ind puhllshed .t Ih. NC\\'M l1ulltthlR 3.'5·359 Om:kYtlJrth Rt., SI. Juhn'!. Ncwfounrtland, by n(!bln~o. and Company. Lif'lltcod,

~'E~'nEns or TilE CANAIl'''N PRES!

IU ne",. t1espatchel tn th\~ PAper en'dU. eel to It or to the As~orJl1ted Press Of

Thll CnnlldJIIO Pre!. 15 ellcluslul, r.ntltlrd to the U~e for r~IlUbllc.tlnn 0' neulcf8 nnll also tbe local newl publl,bo e~ therein

All Pre .. Se .. I ... an~ f,nlu,. artleJ .. In Ihl. pope, ate cnpyrlRhlod Ind Ihelr ,eproducllon II ~·ohlblled.

• Member Audit B.rtll

.r elre.lall ••


Behind Relief Figures , I I , I Things aren't always what

thcy secm and the high rate of able-bodied relief figures for June may require interpretation, Nc\'crthcless, lhere is not much comfort to be found in the knowledge that in that month more than fi\'e thousand families had to be given assistance, These figures do not include the aid gh'cn to the sick, to dependent mothcrs, and similar groups. The~- are related to families with breadwinners who were unable to proclIl'e gainful employment in a n:onlh when the economy is normally blossoming into full nco ti\'ity,

like this that emphasise the need of interpreted figures, But, it must be realized that no country can prosper WhC!l a high percen­tage of the population in any re­gion is without gainful employ­ment. And even if the families on able-bodied relief mny change from month to month, there is always a large number all through the year without work, The cost in prodllctivit~' and morale is high, !VIoreO\'er those who have jobs are required to support unemployed,

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The standards of relief pay­ments eombined wilh other forms of social security such as family allowances and old age assistance 01' pensions are high enough to­day to allow recipients in rural areas to maintain at least a tol­crable existence, But this d,3es not alter the fact that the slatis­ties reflect a high level of IInem­plo~'mel1t in a period when sea­sonal work is rising to a peale That is scrious, It is a social as \\'cll a~ nn economic problem, a national as well as a provim:ial concern.

It has been said that man~' on relief in eady summel' are peo­ple in short-time need while waiting all jobs, There arc faels

The only rational solution is to find useful work for the able­bodiecl unemployed, But here the great handicnp is the decentra­lization of the popUlation, How­ever, pockets of unemployment, some of it virtually chronic, exist in urban centres and may be sub­ject to aggravation by the inflow of people from small and lonel,\' ciutports, Our society seems no b2tler able to cope with this siluation than with the problem oE the dispersed jobless, Public responsibility does not terminate with the ability and willin!iness to pa~' an acceptable relief bene­fit. It is necessarily concerned with the morale of the unemploy­ed and the need of increased productivity, TheEe llre chal­lenges that neither the provinci­al nor the fedel'lll gO\'ernments can a [ford to ignore,

The Waters Of Passamaquoddy Nearl~' fifty yeHrs ha\'e gone

b~' since it was first seriollsly proposed that it would be eco­llomicfllly feasible to harness the tidal walers o[ the Bay of Fundy which rise to a maximum of 26 feet as they roll up into Passama­quoddy Bay that lies between I\Iaine and New Brunswick.

Time and agaill the project has been promoted flncl dismissed AS impracticable, In fact, as re­cently flS two years ago it was rejected flS uneconomic after a study by the International Joint Commission, But since then new technical advances in the cle­,'elopment and transmission of

" power have given the Passama­quoddy project a new look.

A new look by the U,S, De­partment, of the Interior has pro-

dw:ed an enthusiastic proposal for American de\'elopment of the power potential of the Fundy tides at a cosl of $1.000 million to be spent O\'el' a period of 15 years, Canadian co-operation would be required and would be bought at the price of exporting to New Brunswick a proportion of the power generated at cost price,

The extraordinary aspect of the scheme wOllld be t ha tit would be geared to cleliver a million kilowatt hours [or one hour a day at the period when the demand is heaviest, New Brunswick is naturally interest­ed, Ottawa has a sympathetic look in its eye, But political considerations in Congress could make heavy going for this re­markable and novel project,

:~ " Foreign Trade Improves

Canadian foreign trade figures for the first half of the year are -encouraging,

A deficit of $114 million for the corresponding period of 1962 has been h'ans(ormed into a fa­vourable balance of $B5 million, Exports are, up and imports are down,

This is a significant change, It is partly due to the cheaper dol­lar which serves both to encour­age exports and restric't imports, But it must also be due in part

.:' to more vigorous eff~rts by Can­adian exporters to improve their foreign sales, •

. Visible trade, however, is only :'., part . of the story, Canadian

spending abroad on tourist . travel, payment of interest on :: external loans, dividends and a

\'ariety of other things, is sub­stantial. Its compensation has to be found largely in the inflow of investment funds.

This inflow must he maintain­ed at a level that will produce an overall favourable balance in foreign transactions in order to maintain the dollar at its prescnt pegged rate. That is why it has been so important to Canada to procure the relaxation of the American lax on foreign invest­ments,

This weekend an effort will be made to bring about total re­moval of the restrictions on the outflow of American funds so far as they apply to Canada, Suc­cess should stimulate the stock markets and give a new im­petus to the Canadian economy,

, ' Parliament Struggles On In spite of the almost unani­

__ mous agreement which the House of Commons gave to the

': . measure to add substantially to :: the remuneration of its mem-

bers, 'the session has been gener­apy marked with a spirit of acrimony which may have been generated as much by the Ottawa heat as by. party tension and

liThe Bomb?" II No, the S.E.C.!"

---_._--- --.. - -- ._- ---------.---


In the fourth chapter of the Gospcl of ,John we cncounter thc cQnvcrs~tion Jesus hnd with the Samaritan wum~n at ,Jacoh's wcll,

lIc askcd her for a dl'ink, which in it,elf astonish cd her for the ,Jews and the Samaritans had no dcalings \\'Ith one anolher, If you know what the gift of God is and who I nm, snid ,Jcsus you would ask mc antt I would ;;iw you water so satisfying that upon driuking it )'011 would never thirst <l~ain, ".Jesus nnslI'crcd and said unlo her, whosocrer tlrin\;eth o[ this watcr shnll thirst again: hUl WhOSOCI'Cl' drinkc!lI of thc watCl' that I shal! ~i\'c him, shall nerer thir,sl: hut lhc waleI' I shall gil'e !tim will hc in him a well of \Vatcr

cl'crlasting life," springing up into (,John 4:14).

)\ote two Ihings ahout this \\'atl'l', Fil'st of all, it is a well of watcl' sprin~­ing up into crcrlastin:,: Ilk Thcrc is a qualit)' ahout thc life with Gocl into which Jesus lcads lIS that nothing C,ln I'qual or enn nppro:,jmalc, Furlhcr­more, Ihis spiriltwl rclrcslln'cnt is not MlIllcthin~ whirh comcs upon us froll! thc outsillc hut somcthing which :;pnllgs tlfl in our own llParts,

It is hard 101' the unhcliel'inl! to un· dcrstand nll this, hut those who hrliel'c in ,JCSIIS C1II'ist find Ih1l1 when they havc faith in him their Iil'Cs nrc rc· frcsher\. AileII' !'Olll'CC of pOWer lind rl'ncw~1 sJ1ring~ liP at the I'ery cenler of onc's hrorl,

This is Ihe 1Il)',\tCl'~' ~nd thc glory 01 thc laith that multitlHlcs of penple h"H in, through, anrl herausc of .le<I1s Christ.

GenlS of Thong h t (iOOnNESS

Goodn rs,~ 111'1' Cr la il, to reech'c i Is rcward, 101' goodness m,lkcs lifc a hle"5' in!!,-lIInry Baker Edd)"

We can do more good hy brin" ~ood than in any other way,

-Rowland lIi1l. • • •

Goorlness is the only invcstment that nc\'cr fails,-lIenry D. Thorcau,

• • • Thc lougcr 1 live the llIore keenl" I

fecI thnt whatcver lVas good cnollgh lor our fathel's is not goocl cnough lor us,

-Oscar Wildc, • • •

Thc greatest pleasurc 1 knolV is to do a good action by stcalth and to have it found out by aecidcnt,

-Charles Lamb,' • • •

r havc always hclicvcd that good is only bcauty put into practicc,

-,jcan ,Jacques ROllsseau, ----------~--

codflict, All this blew up Wednesday

into a teapot tempest over the working hours to be followed in order to try to bring about a summer adjournment by this weekend, In spite of this, how­ever, it may be taken [or granted that everyone wants to get away for a month or two from the ardours of parliamentary toil.

It may be expected, therefore, that if the work that must be done before adjournament can­not be completed by tomo'rrow, it will be terminated early next week. But for the government, confronted by a complex of so­cial, economic, financial and even constitutional problems, a lot of preparation for the resumed ses­sion will be needed, ,With more time to plan, it may have a smoother passage in the autumn,

TRADE m:,\US~1

London I"n'e Prc,s

There is ycl no real indkalion that tllc ncw and more affluent Europe has turned awa)' from the trend tow3nl ex­dusil'ene,s and prolrcliolml11, fortifillt by indil'idual I'rlo pOll el'5, whit'll serl'c,l to hlol'k a new "li~nmcnt wilh Br;t;lln las I .Januar)',

Thc se"n'h for \tl)('raliZl'c\ Irade ',nil l'onlinue, nnd must l'ontinnl', The "Kcn ned)- round" tal\;s, ,,'hedulerl for next Spring, will 11rol1ahl), go ahead ns schedulcc\. nllt the pl'lrl'C'S is Ilkdy to he ilIOl'e ~radual and diq'l'ifllinalin~ :hai1 was at first rnl'isioned. Hc:di:)' 111<1."

servc as a cala!)"t as well a~ a hl'.ll,c,

• • • WEATIIEH I'HOII,\llI.1:

\\,iml>or Sial' In this age of ,scicnl;fil' ('ertalnl,",

cI'en the weathcrman scem, l'arrit'c\ aWiI)' ill' a passion for cxartne.'s. ,,"eath, Cl' forcra"s now spldom me Ihe 11'<1111 "prohahililie,," Jnslear\. the lI'('alher­man has arlnplcd a mudt morc fll'!n "nd al timcs arrogant asoumplion that II'h<'t he predicts will ('ome lo pa>i',

l'ntil man can ('ontro! Ihe I'.'ealher, we'd prefer an honc,t ~clmi"ion fr,lm the II'c;Jtlll'rm:1I1 Ihat he is just forI" ca~;ting prohaltllil:e"

· , . TV ('.\)II'liS :-;r:Xl'?

Pl'lcrltor()u~h EX;JI11I11rr' Somp Canaci'an ("c\lu':.lol'< al'l' ,Iill

sceptical of trll'l'i,pd unil'cl',it)' ('0111<(",

ouggcsll'd hI' Ill'. ('\;lIlcie lIi"cll, prcsi, denl "f Ihc lillil'''r,il)' of TOl'onlo,

The idea \\'.1, nOl'el and imaginali':r, Rul it has cl"all'l1ilcks, The ,Iuclenl, would Inl" t1w slil1lul:ltinn of univel":, I), lif", the exc'hangc of "It'II'floints, ~nd sochll inlerrotll'sc wilh cducated pcopi~ of diffcrent hllckgr(Juud.s and culturcs,

• • • uow nOES M\ ATHEIST SWE,\Jl?

Kitchencr-Waterlon Rccord

Two people who 1'houlcl know, a humble pril'ate and a marshal of the l',S.S.R., sal' there is too much swearing in thc Soviet anu)',

The offil'ial Sol'ict attitud" to this age-old habit 01 those in martia! array must he curious, The SOI'iet l"nion is an atheistic ,'otmtr)' l'ndl'r the rules of thc ~odless, swrarinl-! would appear to he pointlc<s and a lI'aste of timp,

This makes it I'er)' dillie'lll! for Pri, vate Ivan, To get any satisfartion hy thc national standards he ,Ihoulcl he in, voking Lcnin or Khrushehcl',

But thnt kinrl 01 tiling might lead tn charges of impropcr indulgence in political activity, This lcaves him onll' the fairly ~pcn field of wha't the So viets term "vul:.:-ar jargon,"

Sincc evcn a modcl memher or Ill!' Soviet army has to h"vc somc outlct fDr his cmotions, the marshal has wisclv refuscd to agrce [0 n su~gQstion that 'a special army law bc introduccd banning had languagc,

His cxcusc is that one alrcady exists. The exchange of letters indicates it isn't being enfon'cd any more than in th" ranks of the Tommy or thc G,r. There is n limit to what is possiblc even in , ' nUssia,

Bible Quotation

The voice of the Lord came unto 111m, -Acls 7:31.

• • • Docs God speak to people today? Y ;.

primarily through His Word in S~\ '11 lurcs, hut also in the still small VOlce of His Spirit,

;,:OTES &. CGMf/lENT' )o;1'c'rl' 11011' anf! then, pCI'h:tps in a

spil'lt ~f no"t~t~ia, I find 111>',c:f dql!(,I­ing in print thc di'appcaran,'e of the old-fashioncd lea·homiC'. That is speCIal. I\' the eas(' when I hal'c I'isitors frl)n\ ;hl'oad to 11'\:0'" I \Van I to ,how Ihe mol'!' picture,qul' and hi,torical fllacrs in .-\I'alon, Snack bars abound, The)' arc so plentiful that often !II(' sndl of foo:l (~ooking in clcep fat a"ails the nos:ril, at a considcrahlc dist:lI1ce from it, ,Olll'ce. But nOlVh('r(' is io bc found thc 111":!s,,nt litlle homc where one lila;' !lh· I:tin tllP true country style aft~rnoon or high tea. The food Iras simple ellotl'!h. There lI'as home·macle hread, C1ften hot fl'olll the ol'en. anel nats of fresh butter 10 ~pl'ead on, il. The cakes weI',' also j,nnH'·nwci(', Anri oflrn th('1'r \\';1< to he had .iams and I're;('I'I'(,s of :\(,\1'

ftlllllcl\and herrie; and plcnt)' of Ihick, rich ,['aId l'l'l';tltl 10 go II'lth th~m, Thc pla~l's :It lI'!tid1 tl1l';c cJdieifJ!lS rrpaq~

'"pre nff('l'pd OlH'r \\'('I'e llumrrOllS. Rllt

lIlis is tile' qilit-k ,n:u'k l'r3, Ihl' a;.!\' of lll'llllhul'~~("I'~. hOI-tl!Jg!-- and (.'hip:-:. tho .1;~

in ·.vhieh t\tl' 1n,1( for Ihe ,in:nlc :!'ld

lei,urrl,· 1I',1)',S 'lf lil(' p:.st ha' hl'('11 1 m'­l'Uptcr\ h~' I\rw il1;d ial:-e :-tillHlanh of Ihe f'1I.io; men I of lil'II1~,

01 (',"1,',l', :i' J ha1'c 'odd lIcl'(' belol e on Ihi,' ,',lIl1r '·,ihlcr!. the kisurrly h(JI;l~'llladr t(-'<1 Wa"i enh;Hh'pd h~ thf~

('harm of lI1an)' of tl1l' people \\'ho scrl'· ('II it,- They wC'rr :\Ot irJ hu..;inc:-s in tilt" (lI'fiillBr)' ;;c'n<c. Ralhl'l' Ihr\' rCl'c:I cn pa\"il1~ ~(UP~t~ in tll(\il' hOIllC:~ and ireatr,r] Ihl'm a,' friencl, rather Ihan (,!I,tolllcr;;, r hal'e mentioned bcfore Ihe riiminllli,'l', applc-('hrcl'c:l ~Irs O'Toole of Call'crt II'ho'l' homl' it lI'as always a cJl'li~ht to ,i.sit for the foor!, thc c\tarat'ter of lhe place and thl' pleasure of Ihe ho,te,"'~

c'on"crsa!ion, There \\('I'C other rea­hO'IS{,' of \I hich nlllch Ihc same could he said, I suppo"e, hOlVc\'cr, that if .sul'h plaC'cs e~iste:l toda,", they \l'ould ha,'c lilll!' patronage, They belonged to rt \'ani~h('d age,

I 11<I1'e heard quotcd oflcn Ihrou~h

the )'car, the stalemcnt attribuled to Francis lJa('Oll Ihat thp fishcries of :\('I\'foulldland W('I'C worth morc th311 illl the minl's of Peru. Sollte ha'-0 <~;d

II II'<lS ('ont"ined in hi< hricl cssay 'On P!antation,," But that is not truc 1'lo\\',e has suggested Ihal this particu, lar r,,'a)' lI'as written as part 01 a pro, molional dfort in hehalf of 'the London & Brislol Company 01 which napoll was a Jt]l'lililer This, of ('Ollf'SC, was the l'Omp:l{l)' Ihal ~J1onsore:l the cstablish, nwnl of (;u)"s cohill)' at Cllpar's Core «('upids). nut Bacon lVas at the time illlcrc"trd also in the flroposals for the pl'llllin~ of \'ir~inia and it may ha\'e been in their support that his cssay \Vas II ril tcn, Bllt where, in his writings,

. I\'as tlte ('oillpari.,on made hctwecn tl'c mincs of Peru alld thc fisheries of :\['lI'foullclt:md:' Perhaps Ihcre is some, onc suifir'ienlll' ac~uaintccl with Ba­('on'.; worKs to he ahlc 10 pl'Ol'icle ~n


\lacon's ('s,a)' "On PIa nl at ion,," ,is shari altd sllrcint'\ as most 01 his ess~ys "rl'. \I i.s equall.\' full of commonsense, II is ohdous, indeed, thai he had a s"urHI IIn<1erst3nding of whal was re' Ijuired to e,tablish a pcrmanent sett!c· ment in a nell' and Sill aqe land whelher Ihilt land was \'irdnia 01' ~c\Vlouncl,

1;lI1c\. Jle lI'al'lH'r\ thot thl' setller .. mnst hp wrlJ.ellOsrn for Ihcir ch~ra('ter, in, dustr), ;IIHI rlil'cl'sity of skills, And if one I'cads tIle inslrudions issucd to Guy on his first coming to :--lewfotlndlalld, it is pO"ihlc 10 deIce! !l,1con', hand in mlln,' of its paragraphs, Bac'on, hy the wa)', is often misnamed II)' writcr, \\'ho should knoll' bettcr. Oftcn he is calied Lord Bacon which hc nCI-er was, From knighthood as Sir Francis Bacon hc WJ!;

jlrolllotcd to 'the peeragc as Barnn Verulam and with his final promotion, hc hecame Viscount St, Alhans,

There j,; a romantic notion that Guy'S colony \l'as dirlated by the dc,ire of England to cstahlish a political smc. raint)' ol'cr :'-iewfounclland, In fact,


hovr'cvcr, it w~s a ~1:cn'or'7 ' , Oanl!~'

merclal vcnture, founded on th ' that it would b2 cheapcr to ~ , . alHl 011 produced hy pennan'n It who.\(' producc would be ('arr~ t J;et in sack ships then hI' led h

migratory flshcr)" fts di~P~r' i

,'allscd by the conflicl h"tll' ,I, . cen t"

tiel's and those whl) ,til! I I' .. ! tl . 1 d '11 JC It,,, 1e IS an S,lOU c hl' a "l'n' '.'

'j ,lie-"tation anel hY. tlw inlnl'lfJr., 01 who had a VIrtual pirale f

('rtrl,' Harbour Gr:tce. "

By C,\IDI.\:\ CL .\I.\I1'i,~ Canadian Pre" Sl3[( II'rl' , ,I,

)\(ncion of the phl"" 'cI',r~:t" .:ird" b the :'!l.rc~t \\'ay III rC::~E ,

ill lli, Unilcd Nation, l~;-rid", I,~ :1

,1a~ s. The phrase mean; rlifir;'(II'

lu clllfcl'cnl peop\(', '

JII Ihe currenl con:',1 It

rl'icrs 10 \\'estern dl.l·"( , .., • ,.II'

Afro ,bian IISC one "'t "f TlI\(, '

colonialists and an',,'1Cl f'JI :h; . lhe world, '

As I'flrtu~a1'5 Fr,rc'lcn \I:n,' 'I l'"

bcrlo Franco No'~ueil'il Pill II b"I':' . 't.. '1' ' .. I ~el'llI'l y t..-ClInCl last '.'.(eo;;, n;, I

no:inn thal lIlteI'll3tlOr:,1 la \1'01'1, in one direction only

"When people >a, th,,) ,te !, ..

~end volunteers agaIn-t .\r:!rj': :": lawful inlcntiull and th,,), ar; ., ," unteers," he >aicl. "If we diU th"t would be IInla\rful, and ihe I tecrs would bc called mcr·:cnaril!'

HIGHEST ,\\.11 The kind of char~e infllril'r.

newly-indcpcndent t'ounlnc;, I\~,; sider it lheir highcsl and mc,~

duty to rid the 1I'0rld of all mcans possible,

But indepcndent oh;cncr! 50!,

Validity in thc chargc. They India's USC! of lorcc 111 dri;'lnl tugllese out of adjacent colomc! at almost thc same lillie Ihe werc plcadin~ III thc l'.' for scttlemcnt of disputes,

I n til(> Sccurity ClJllnlll African deleg~tcs hnrc lI'am:' thcy are prcpared to lI·e force! tUilal 1I'0n't get out of Angola . bique and her olher :\Iric,n

Yrt they rcacled II'llh hiller i

sUj:(gcstcd petitioners ;holllrt C;1r forc the council with ''c'tcao

Thc intcnse cmolion"ii.n, ".;!1 Ihe Africans approach the II;):, . iati.,m issue has somctimc~ led ol'crstate their ca,e III rhe cO')':i

date and thus play int,. the Portuguese.

KEEP~ (,OOL Nogucira, a srholar\), a~1.

nercd I'cleran of diplnmallc , ha, remainc(1 lul\)' relaxed, ehllt':!c nfter (,har;c witil coel ness. I

At one point. with hnlh anrl public gallerie< wcll Porlu;:!tle<e forcign mlll{,tcr himself nuring ~ 1011: Iran;\ali:: fl\'irlin~ his plastic e~rJlhone or. of his pcneil.

Ercn some of the 010;1 Portugal's accusers conrede Ihlt gllcira has ~tlt hi< (,1 S t wc\l,

But the Portugtlc<e make lilt'r tempt to disguise thru with the United "ation'-" mcnt that was blttntl)' ;laled by Salazar when he tolll Ihe scmhly last ye~r: .

"I do not vet knnll' ",llclhr, <" . , ~ .. be the fir.t rOlll1try In a~l1,"-

h ':r~'1 U;\. but we shall 'Ilrrlr ". !irst Meanll'hile ".p 'h~1l rlfu" our collnboration in ~rc:"·ih!r.1 not in our direct intrmt."

t , Yt ------pOEnl t

, oulPort merchant, I soud C the Church; I

PiUar 0 d a h'm any Sun ay n sce I

. bcst: tweeds and with its wings as

a; starch, 'I k t full of pene! 5

poe e " frs! .. , " I

'''outpor! Merchant Lone Eagles of God

G Fitzgerald), , TAHITI

•• :11111'"' oc a Cocoanut AUen Smith, the Am·

lakes Us on a tour of Tahiti, where code states that ", .•

oc the scheme Tahiti Tahitian, it i~ that no building shafl

fban two·thirds of a tree .. and amusingly, llr,

his views on as the hula.

'ts of Tahitian their equafly fam.

"IOSCI~") of lifc, The peo· Tahiti are ncver dull,

and he dcscrib,~s an array of idiosymcratic

thriving in this

IN BRAZIL has manr painters and ot talent-as has bcen the revolutionary dc.

:JncIJrp~lratel into the tOll'n of Brasilia,

Iy number of Studio Carless describe" state of Brazilian

which is dominated srOllps--orIC comprising

use the contempnr-01 painling mId

belonging to the

eightccn age or ol'er and any

company incorpllr, Iicenscd to do husine."

or any pro\'inc( shall be cntilled, on of the preseribcd fel' a prospcctor's liCChCC


i! Your opporfunih' the I~west possible p~i

pnced thcse shoes right away,

caSuals ' th are al'allab e latest summer (


ALL Sizes ~ut .ot • • every stylel

Col.ORED PUM In ' .

illtalob and I

and elnlry

Page 5: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

" .


, \ 1 II

, , '

. : ~lt' "~h"l('

""',I1'r< lr,llhpm 'I' Ihr l'o'.lr,dl

, nlll1


,,~ lIan,l.tI~n

rphnnr on lh/

, ,,.

.. ~'r '\r1l_ '.'" (' t',.1 Kr 0\, l'i:' cli',i llh,~,on"'

:l n n..;--:1

: ';\' ~t:t!('d h~' : i :hr :'\31l~r.al

,'" whether \1'/

\' t" ;lh:n'hiI1n .,.".,11' ho :\n,MI

.. r <h~ 11 ~-dil"

What's In A

. in the prescribed form." than when I went away; its CohJmnist's Mailbag

rllt;~:lI'l IIlNl'halll.' -FI'om The OClice Con.olida· slrcels a IIttlc shabhier, its Bv HAL 1l0YU: for the Dnger and frustration ,,':1,1 ,," f 1 l'hurdl' lion of the Canada Mlnill:: railway carriages and restaur· NEW' YOIlK (,\?\-Things raised hy frictions within the ; r:i1!~'\ ;:,r, sunda;' Rcg~llatio~s. available- nl ants a little dingier; Ihe ~di·1 n columnist might 1]cver know fnmlly. If youre mad al your

iCC '111 • . Gosling Llhrary. todal prctensions of its news·' if hc didn't open his mnil: mothcl' . in . law, yoU merely ,·,1: I SUSPIINSE I'ttl tl d tl I I k t tl h d' hi t:' ." , 'r Is allil • papers a I c cmp er, an lC Fnmily arguments ane all· 00 a Ie CI1 pm, IV sper

"fili.nl,IIl'" ,I\\':i~~; as! While Eric Ambler's norcis \'ainglol'iolls rhetoric of its tomobiJc driving don·t mix. her name, throw t.hc ball and , 1I1Ih II. ' ,fall into the catagory of the politicians a little more Ialtl· ... A California survey of -whammo! Down she goes.

I ' 'Ian'h, ,'I ,"61ISpCnSe novel", "the spy Oll " e.oo drivers lll'l'cskd slleedin~ symbolically, and v.ou feel : -, I full of penc.5, ) . I' 5 .. . . " I 1"('(" i story", they ae llCVC t lis not Henry Ilmrlie on thc other in Ihe wronl! lanes found beUer. ~:, ,t,1 ' .. \1 . 'hant" 'so much through violence alld I hand, thinks criticism of Eng· many of thclll wcrc uncon· What do industrial execll'

'111I1~1(I!; , rl~ ~'orl: sensation as through the aUth· , land by Englishmcn has 'bccome sciously eXlll'essinl! hostility tivcs and profcssiollul men . ' Itnr .f.3~ ~:~h~\ ' ,01'5' talent for crcating tension, ! an obsession', "The most In1' following matrimonial quar· carry in tho;;e important look·

I; fIl1-i\iIlTi ,Amblcr, it has bcen saitl, I portant facls about England." rels. ing attache cases, Well, in . r . l'llllll' crcntes intrigue that is 'urbane'. he says, "arc that it is as free ?n the othcr hand. ps.ycho,l. addition to busillt)ss papers,

, ~r a till, , killings thnt nrc 'sophisticated', and orderly and kindly a eoun. ogl~ts hnl'c founel. hO'·.·lmg IS bologna snnelwich~s and elill ~lItn ~nl1lh. Ihr Am·: In The Light of Da)" Ambipr trv as any in the world. I can a rcndy n1111 harmlc"s reI case plcklcs, a check of 10.000 at·

~ll~Orl!1 tarkrl". 11.< II In 8 II presents a hero who lives b~' sec no rcason why it should 110\ I anr-I l~n~;-~c5p--;;~~i1~ic--i~~--the tachc cases showed thnt 22 • 01 .11111. \l'lrrC I' '1 . d til' ." " . . . pel' cent of them contained

lo.l[ I Ihnl" I lIS WI s-Ina equa e as 1C~ I remaIn so . . . deaths of thousands of allied playing cards-to while away c\,dr lla r~ .. ' are-we meet him in· Athens CIIILDREN Id'

f Ih,· ,,,heme I • I.., so wrs. timc on commuter Irains. :.n,'r 0 "t' looking for a 'sucker' and \ "RaiSing chlldrcn is like mak· D1SCIl'L1NF. (luI' quotable notaille •. ·. "Tlle T 'ill r311111nn I IS, t 1'1' . t II t' f' b' 't 't' • ,

I" • 1 ~ I II S Ul1lu Lng 1I1 0 a s ua Ion 0 Ing ISCll! 5: I IS as casy to Referring to the alarming in· ideal voice for radio may be , :hll n~ hili I< n~ s;a I co~plcxit)' and dRn::~r from' raise a big hatch as one., while crcase in juvcnilc criminality. dclincd as havin;: no suh.

:~l~, 1\\0·11111 '0 a I whIch he c~t.rlcat~s Illmsel.f In )'OU h~~'c your hands III tltt'l Frank Richardson in his hook slancc, no sex, no owner. and · I ,p . I' . a most excIting, If Lnglol'lous, I dough. For Parents Onll' su"gests t1wt a mcssaae of import:once to

"1 nl1lll;l1l~ \, ~Ii, \. . ' E \\' II . n k r u I b " . I", . "',, la). : -. . owe In 00 0 n· neither thc modern cult of cvcry hOlischold."-HaITY V.

/,;:.-"r, hi' \ Irll, on, I,EAltNINCi TO LmE IE~I i IIsual Quotations "permissil'en~ss" on Ihe I Wade. ~. Ihr hula d U I IN ' ... '" ,

· , !." , I"" It secms to ay almost nothln~ I n 1.0 G A DOAT onc hand' 01' harsh punishment Landmark: This year is Ihc menl' ~f ra lilian t II .. \\' I n III Y I' t ,"Ith 'I ":. . " - , rOlllCS na ura ~ an~ morc. e , 11 I onr .oa , 1\ C on the othcr. WIll bnnJ! nhnllt Ifloth anniversary (If man's

· .:1rh;·tr::'111.~~I.' fam:, mllst he taught-·how to Im'l', : (Alec Grievc) Was writtcn to a solution. Hc calls for a com. first flight. On Nov. 21. 17fl3. ',:;),' I'. \",1 hr pro how 10 relnx, how to converso ! hclp those who want to cun· mon.sense method of disci[lline two Frenchmcn flcw in a bal· ,;,":: ,,:'t' nt'I."\' clull., Xow comes a book on How \(1 strllct a boat and yet have only based on firmness in Ihe par. loon for two hours and 10 , d he dNllhrs ~n l.ike i'coillc. AuthOr Robcrt A 'a small knowledge of carpen· enls side cOlllplicll with rC"at'd minutes over the rooftops of

I"a' 0~ HI,\I;l'l1\('raIIC lachon sa\'s in a refacc" ' l'I' f . I' I' r ~h' '11 Paris. They travelled six ' , 'ill lhi.~; I· th . '. 'I P, h' ... ' I.. or t Ie persona Ily 0 thc e I ( "I

' , 1 ou Ink )'~u. ron t ntc. bllt , . And hc reminds parents that re., miles and reached an altilude '\"r I~ 1\1l,\ZII. you gladly dlsllkc. You knol\' The author. an cxperlenced spect cannot be forced from I of more than 3,000 fpc! But " ~'our rcgular throllghts malw: boat builder. wcnt through the i others-even childrcn: it has: before the present rlecacle is

" :i; :',3:1" p:til1l!'r; ancl )'ou what you are, but look what! whole process of building a I to be carneci, ovcr Britain and France ex· .. :! :,h'nl'-J; has hrl'n ,YOU t~ink.. . Yo~ know its ! boat from R kit and has writtcn Written by a p(,dialrican. peet together to produce n 'r .~, ~\"":lIti,'na)' dr. more. Impol·tnnl to Itke than Iry ,his tcxt from the tape·record, 1 counsellor ani community work. fastcr·than·sound jjet that will "::::)1(: i~l~ Ih~ lown be ItkNI. hut yoU wait, .nrl, ing he made dUring thc wor!(.! rr. Ihis bool. is prcsrnteti simp. cross the Atlantic in 2'~ hours .

. :' I' Rr.1'I1:,1 wail ... " The book also dcals with toob '" II' in the forltL of it series of: Fislic facts: Bob Fitzsim· :,::1' r.:Il11hpr of ShIel In TI" bit I I I I . . I d' . mons tipped the scales at only , llS IS a 00 ( 0 1C PilOse, and t lelr llses. materta s, lln discussions.

"r I 1'3rlr,,, rlrsl'l'ibe,i who get embarrassed easily •• scvcral types of boats. MAnY )lcCARTIIY I 167 pounds whcn ilC IVan thc '" " ':"1" ,1f Br:mlian clam lip. recl loncly. :\ oral", UNDEItCOVER ,'1'he cllrrcnt issue of Books i world's heavyw~i:lht hoxing

,,:,:,",:, dominalccl t' I b k h I I ' championship in t80i. When


Certifies Uni~n to Act ~s a Bargaining Age~t

The N ewfollndland Labor Re· lations Board has certified the Electrical Workers' Union as bnrgaining agent for a unit of cmployees of Noels' Electrical Limited.

This was revcllled after the lloard hcld Its 1081h. meet· Ing July 16 lind 17. There arc seven employees affected by the order of certification •

The Bonn rejected an ap· plication for certification from Electrical Workcrs' Union aHecting City E1ectrl· cal Company. It was rejected on the grounds of no major. ity. Thc order or certification is·

lued 10 Retail Clerks Intcr· national Association. local 1607 (datcd 23 November 1951) af· fecting the Royal Stores Limit· cd, was revokcd by the Board at its llIeeting.

A representation vote was

ordered at the time, to be conducted In an application for revocation ot certification from 1II11rtln Royal Stores Limited, affecting Retail Clerks local 1601.

It was d,rected that the unit for voting will consist of all employees of the Btore, except the manager, accountant, huyer and the manager of retail and wholesale departmen ts.




HARRY HORNE'S CUSTARD POWDER .............................. 19c, Pkg.

KAM LUNCHEON MEAT ............... .45c. Tin

INSTANT COFFEE-2 oz. btl ............... 29c.

WAX PAPER-l00 ft. roll .................... 29c. Ica 00, says t e nullOI'. and I' The activities of thc men nnd and nookmcn conlains a leng!hy PI'l'lno Carnera '.""11 Ihe tl'tlc

:::,::"-,'11,, <,omprisin~ a (hallen' d I "" . bC. ,women engllgc as un< ercoI'C!' i interview with Mary :llcCarthv in 1933 he weighed 270 pounds. A

," :;r lhr <,onl('lI1llOr· ' EXCiLAND, TUEIII ENGL\l\Ill! agcnts Are known as "black i the Amcriean novelist, sho~t:, I IOI'c C,'1110II'c Di~est's WELCOl\'IE \VAGON WESTON'S ASSORTED SWEET

:;f \If p;11n!iIl,~ ami :.'\lal'ol ~1 'I . J • I ~~ 0

.. , \',,',111 "11" In Ihe . c ~.' uggel'lC F~ IS ony ojlurahons.' : story writer Rnd eritic. ! quickie description 'Jf babics . BISCUITS-3 pkgs. for ................ 99c. ',' .... - one uf a .gloUp o.f bl'lll!ant wrll· I In ArJ~entllres, In ilIa('k I ~laQ' ~lcCarlh)' is known fOl'! -"Such a nice way to start

n1'1'1'I \TIO\'s cr. c[)nlnbl.ltlll~ 1ll.I·al·lOus 1V1l),,! Arthur Wlddel' bl'lngs togctlll'r hcr wit anel satiJ'c: eel·tain ofi pcople." HOSTESS GRADE A REGULAR FOWL ............ 24c. Lb . .' '," ." 10 an cxamlllahon Illto the stat~ ! a number of cases dcaling lI'ith! hcr work has bccn rlc<criberl ' VvilJ Knock at your Door

,.,:'::~I.::I:~~'r rl~hl.r.rl,1 of Britain ~oda)' in thc JIll:;: spies and espionagc. They in· I' as "ctched with corrosil:e acid, I TREES GROW lII{iIIEST IN I with Gifts and Greetings 'f ,. I .111 .I,,) nllmber of I;nconnter. Not all, elude the storics of Velvalee but still .. (with) a sa\,· lIlAY . . I .

.' , ,"Ill''''' :111'01'1"11' of Ihclll of 01" , . . I D' I" ,. I . I' ! • • • ,., I . from Fnend y Busmess '. ,. I I' " c llsr. ,Ue a~ I IC ILRson, .llnt,1 ian. A cxnnd' l age honesl\' a Imstlln" sensl· I ~Iost of Cannda's pine and Jackman & Greene , ·r, ,,' ," '"'lIll'S' cVlllcal a ~I "" . I I b I . , ~ C" d S 'I G ,': "'" prOl'il1l;' I ":In '.' S. I. u~~.cn( gc 11'1.0. I': ,er S;-ot~and, Rurlolf I. Abel-I bilit.\' •. and at boltom a pitiless sprucc trccs makc over half lV1C an o,cla TOUpS . , " h SillS nl hcle In Ihese 1I0ICJ.,. , the SOI'ICt master spy who 'NUS hllllla111tv." their hcight·growth durin" the On the occasIOn of.

·.11 ,'" ,Iltll.l'd on hE'lch lim I return t E' . I d f U'I . .', . h • ,: ", , .' , . -, eo' n,:, cxc langc or ·2 PlOt FranCIS Thl' mICrVICI\' wlllch fn'st month of May. Evcn the sloll'er' T1 B' th f B b .. .11 I'r,."llh,d fe,' land fl'onl abrrlnrl til" ('OUIltl'I' G P' I "K' ){" . .. . h d d d le Ir 0 a a y,

• ,(I, '(" II -', " ., • ' , I ,ary owcrs, anr l1lg ong, I appcarerl In the Pans UCI'IeW growing ar woo s ad most 10 T , • GROCERS

'- rll I I, hlcl,re sccms a lIttle more rundowll: the gargantuRn Dutchman who' was conducled by Elizabelh thcir height during ;'\[ay and ~e" comer to the Cllv -----------~----.. ---- I betraycd his own eonlltrymt'll! Niebuhr. )une. PHONE 8-4664, 9-64761,


LcMal'chant Rd. Branch


m~®mi'I''''''>~ .; ';' ;',-.:

.- i. yOIl!' ~pl'nrillnit)' to obtain top qllalit~· footwcar ::! il"'rq Pll'-Ible price. Parker and 1I10nroe Limited

rncrd Ihr'e shoes to clear so get in on the bar. II,ht AII;Y.

All Sizes htt lilt ill en" ".,let

('AN\' AS ItOMI'EItS These shoc~ arc available in ~Iurdy cnnva~ Llppers, with • choice oI clther ~olld rubber or

foam rubber soles, Both Are avallablc in colors brown and hlu~ and are priced to clcar at '


In ilJUl1 lqd on and .pike heels in eOIofJI Ulac, pink,

canary Ind prlc~d at only

i ------ .. --,,-- -----------~,---- ... ~--------~----- ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.

... ",' ~1~" ~ ".

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"':':. ~r",~- .,:",,~'

"BETTER HOMES AT EVERY PRIC E LEVEL" BETTER HOMES LIMITED is equipped to give you, the home buyer, the most complete service available to enable you to acquire the home of your choice, in both location and design. We invite you to call us today at our Tc'psail Road office.

Down payments on new houses start as low as $',950 with a N.H.A. Mortgage by Central Mi,rtgaga and Housing Corpora. tion.

We are confident we can help you.

Phone No. 9-1175 MORRIS


MOUNT PEARL Construction commencing

soon on 10 houses

In this fine new sub·division. SPECIAL FEATURE in these homes:-Custom Designed Maple-Line Kitchen Cabinets with Tappan Electric or Gas Built·ins.

C.M.H.C. mortgages available.

Down payment-$2,OOO.

(No second mortgage)

Look at the advantages BETTER HOMES LIMITED can offer you - the prospective home·owner.

o You SELECT THE LOT of your choice from one of our own sub·divisions or from any approv· ed sub·division in metropolitan St. John's.

• WIDE CHOICE OF HOUSE PLANS. Over 500 different designs available.

• uQUALlTY.BUILT" HOMES by the foremost St. John's homo.builders-members of N.H.B.A.

• ADEQUATE FINANCING available at besl terms-including C.M.H.C. mortgages.

• SECONDARY FINANCING At attractive rates.

• Full knowledge of C.M.H.C. LENDING REGULATIONS.

• Existing houses accepted in TRADE.


• A competent staff carry out regular INSPEC· TIONS during construction.

A truly complete .... ,

Home Building and Planning Servi[;e

QUALlTY·BUILT HOMES are available for immediate occupancy in the various metropolitan sub·divisions. Adequate financ­ing available. We also have a wide choice of building lots on which we can arrange to construct the home of your choice with C.M.H.C, financing.

Watch for This Sign The Symbol of Better Homes


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Alicia Hart's Beauty Break

.~\nn Lan(iers:: , '

Your Problems .• : ..

.... : . .:-~-'-;:;;"-~..;:.::::.~~ .... ~.:::. ... .l2:;': .... ..x;ll!liJ !J%r AllO Landers: I read with intcrest your answer

to the lady who complained because her young man did not leave a tip when they ate out.

You said tipping is part o[ ollr Systcm-a bu;]t·in· custom--and that many people depend on tips for a living,

1'111 :1 ,alcslIlan. 1 truI'cl a great deal ,1Ile! I ~at out fh'c days a week. If R waitress looks my way a couple o[ ti~H$ during a meal. brings over tllC coffee jug for I

.erond CIlP, or sces lo it that my walcr glass is filled, 1 feel .~he deserves a tip and she gets it.

Hut what ahout that sloppy dame who ihrows a sandwich and a cup of coffee at you? The one who is so busy Y:1k~ing with another waitress ahout what a weed "he was out with last night? Or the one who is too busy to notice that your fork has egg or it'? Docs she deserve a !ip':

I drcw one of these floozics at lunch today, She Faid. "i'm going of[ duty so you can tip me now:" Frankly, I felt like tipping her over.

CANDLELIGHT. sparkling glass, silver aud a I cloth b~cak lip 11i~.and.miss c\inin~ I,lahih o[ illf'J~:' olltS. It s fun to Sit down to an al [resell meal • just the right tOllch of (oTmalill'.

_. --.---- .. ------~

'Bare ' Face Is Unfashionable ~,lay we hear from you again on this? -SA:-': BEll.

l\":\rtDlNO SA;\1.

Dear Salll: Tipping Is a buill·in custom, and many people do depend on tips (or a liviug, but a tip should say, "Thank yon for good service." It shoulrl not say, "Thank you for ignoring and Insulting me."

ncar Voice: Your I~tter I~ a wltat R man can rw~d when l1e rCj(bter inst(,ad of a woman.

Summer I~ the time to let nat urnl beauty shine through and Ihls model uses subdued makl·up. The nlodel (left) first

Imouths a liquid foundation in ller complexion shade on her 'ace and then applies a lillhter shade foundation on her eye· lids, For new eye interest, she IIses a foundation In a darker


Putting your bcst face for· ward on humid sum mel' days is quilc a trick, So, high fash· ion models 1I'0n'l mind if We borrow some of their deft make·up practices to create a fresh, nalural look to go wil!! our newly acquired suntans.

During th~se more casual m 0 nth s hoi lipstick shades and brightly coloI' e d ey~

make·up lake a back· seat to sollel' tones. The models are \Ising liquid foundations of different shades to gain a monochromatic effect.

B c for e the~' apply their foundation, they use a simple trick to set their make·up. This is easy for you to do. Just go to the refrigEl ator and get an ice cube. Wrap it in a tissue or cloth and press it over your face and throat. Pat



Winner of 10· Academy AWRrtlS!

BEST BEST IJII'K''''':. ""ttt Wi,. • '/'f'OIff' lt~btJH


BEST &iP1I4rlW; A~f4~, 0. • ..,. eh,/rl". BEST

M DIf'ft,If" (~)

BEST Soo/ ••

BEST S~o'ill~ 0/. /rI1J,/:.ll'fctv"

BEST """,UltI,.,





~fATlNEE I p.~I.



---------------------TO-MORROW ..








shade on the lower part of tbe eyelid. To heigbten th~ natural look (center) she uses a' darker beige fonntlation on her lips. Over this she wenrs a pink or coral lillstick. She "sets" her make·up by applying powder (righI), lea yes it on a minute or so be/ore brushin8 away exc e~s.

your skin dry and smooth on the foundation in your complex· ion shade.

Following the cover gil'ls example sclect a Iightcr shade for your eyelids ane! R dceper beige foundation fOI you .. lips, Smooth the foundation on your lips before you apply you r lipstick. h,cidentally, YOU will discol'cr that pink or coral lipstick applied ol'er this will help round out the nntu· ral look.

Anotber trick you may wish to try is highlighting YOllr

chcekbuncs with lh~ lighter loundation shade and filling in the hollows of your chccks with a dceper shodc, Yo 11

may not. come out looking like a Garbo or a Hcpburn. but you will play LIP your facial con· tours for a more dramatic ap· pearance,

As a fin:,l make'lIp tOllch, apply a generous amount 01 powder over your foundation. Let this set for a moment or two. then brush away the ex· cess powder with a cotton pad or complexion brush.

rS~d~'i:p~;;~'~~i"l i ~

I Column I I Flto~1 BEL), ISLAND bra ted his birthday ye,terday . I ~11'. and Mrs, George R. Ham· Greetings come from his family

mond, accompanied by their and many friends. son Junior, and Master Billy" • • • MacLean of Bell Island, are 16th BIRTHDAY at present spending a holiday Happy birthday to Bilh' Coul-It Karwood Cabins, tas, 14 Kent Place, on h'is 16th

• • • birthday. Greetings from Mom, CONGRATULATIONS Dad, brothers and sisters .

Congratulations are extended • .' • to Mr. A. J. Kelly who eele· LEFT ON HOLIDAY

Can He Count


It's important that a man be able to have complete confid· ence in his wife as a lifetime partner.

For instance, he needs to know that she can handle the job of homemaking. T h i ~ mCilns as much to him as his ability to provide for 1hz family mean~ to his wile.

He needs to know that hi~ wif r. CM entc11 ain .l!I'aciou5Iy, and can make the unexpected gucst feel welcome in tl1e:r home. It's a sad thing when 11

• husband is hesitant about brin~· ing his friends home. -

Barry Ebsary, son 0( 11r. and Mrs. C, A. Ebsary of Falkland Street, left by T.C.A. on Wednes­~ay, Jllly 31 to spend a holiday m ottawa, While there he will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. W. Butler and their son, Gary.

• • • ON VISIT

lIIrs. P. ,T. Nordstrom and her two children, Ricky and Randy, arrived in town on ,July Bth. from St. James, Minnesota, to spend a holiday with her parents. Mr. and :'lrs. R. ,r. Fallau and family, 1\"0. 3, King's

1 Road,

I -

A tip is a reward, nol an obli/:aUon. Every eu!· tomer bns the rl~hl to expect, tn return Cor his tip, pleasant and courtcous attention and reasonably good se,·l'Iee.

• • • • Dear Ann Landers: Why would a person go out of

his wal' to cause trouble and dbsension among memb~rl of a (a'mily? What makes an indil'idual delight in creat­ing unhappiness and fridion among relativcs?

Plcasc explain, if you can, why some people mu~t dominate others to the point whHe they rob them of self· respect and confidence and I'irtually drain the life out of them?

I have witnessed this strange hehavior Cor ol'er twenty years and I'm no closer to understanding it now than when I married into tllis family, Can you give me some insight?-UNSOLVED ~!YSTERY.

Drar Umolved Mystery: Cruel and domineering Ilcollie are themsel\'c~s very unhappy. Contentcd, fulfilled indivhluals are lI'ilIing to live and let JIve, They havc no desire to punish or dcstroy those nrollnd them.

The best protection agaInst ,,!cious, destruct"·" IlIIliyidualR, be they friends (?) or relativcs, Is to understand such behavior nnd then steel clcar or their punitive shenanigans. . '" . .

Drar Alln Lander5: Because I believe you are on the side of Truth, and not on the side of Women-a.1 some mcn daim-l am writing to express my views on middle· aged Lotharios, Will )IOU comment, please?

I Cirmly beliel'e that most married men don't want mistrc5s,~s or extracurricular affatrs. They want the woman they married, But wherl I. she?

As "things" become the almighty measure or succes! to a woman, love diminishes in importance. And it doesn't mattcr if the man earns 20 or 30 or 40 thousand dollars a year. There are always friends or relatives 11'110 mal.e more. His status as husband and lover shrinks as her appetite for clothes, cars, furs, trips, and jewelry increases,

How can n marriage prol'ide a fulfilling physical relalionship when a wife takes to bed with hcr who~e host. of unsatisfied yearnings? She isn't thinking about HI~I, she's thinking about nell' draperies and a third car.

And this is wh)' middle·aged men wander aWRV from hearth and home. The fire i~ out-and they go in ~earch oC w~rmth and comfort.-VOICE OF EXPERIENCE.

He needs to know thilt his wifc will back him up when the going is hard. The mM who is afraid to trouble his wile with his worries hasn" the right kind of wife.

He needs to be able to trust her Judgment when it comes to handling the children. . The woman whose children know she is nn "easy mark" is let· tin!! both her husband and her· children down,


He nerd~ tn he ahle 10 tru~1 her judgmenl in mnrcl' mat· tcr~. No man can fe~( ~ccuJ'" Ie his wlCe J!iI'ps in tn extrilt' agant hnpuls~5. Rnd count~ ~n ~r.llin!! him the ide" tllat It'h~t ~hr. !lid \\'a~ riorhl. IVh~n hnll, 1Ictuolly knoll' II lI'a~ foolish,

II. IIred~ t.o knoll' that ~11"·1t ~tand LIP fOi' him h~for~ othel' people anti !lire the world thr. hest pO!~lhlc picture oC him. How can a man be comfort. able wllh a wife who is IIkel\' to take a crack at hIm ! ~ public?

And, of cour~e. h- needs ~r} ~now that he can trust her wit~ confidences.

Sizes 14-20. Colors white, beige and royal blue.


Plain colors checks, etlso fancy patterns.

Sizes small, medium and large.

1.98, 3,29, 3,98.



Attrdctive assortment of fancy patterns.

Sizes 12-20.

• •• Planning R Il"eddln~"! Lr~\·e Ililihill" 10 1'; .. ,.. Ilel,)

L,\:\DERS' newest hoo~let, "The Bride', (illi"""

the nnSll'crs (from Hnnollncing the elJ~a;e:n~~;· ," pays for what"). To retci"e YOur copy, Wrile :,. Landers in care of this new.'papcr. rnc\Il;ir.,:. sclf·addre>sed cnrelope and 40 crnl; in cQin .

Ann Landers lI'iII be gl.d to hrJp ',1'1,' '.

proi lllns, Send them to her in care of ·Ca~'il·. Fea,llrcs, 231 SI. James St. \Vest. ~!olltrral. q'Jt ing a ,tamped. setC·addressed clll~clopc.

IIASTRO-GUIDE" For Friday, August 2

Pres'ent-For You and Yours ... This is nol a pro­pitious time for rel),ing on olhers as they tend to feel im' posed upon. You can overcome slight restrictive influences by Slicking to your plans. Forget your own troubles by helping a frion<! and your difficullies will suddenly seem unimportant. Go ~ut and have fun later in the

. Past •.. On Augu.'>! 2, 1927, FUTure". You'U·

President Calvin Coolidge sum· to buy nour Ihat ~ I d Ie _, d h' like salt. You "'ill net I mone repor rs 3nu rna C IS-

sift it or make a flour tory with his one·sentence Solate· pa.te to thicken foods.

men!: uI do not cb<lose to run" stir into anylhing (for Pmidcnt ill 1928), iog lumps.

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES IBom l.4orch 21 10 ""ril t91 You W'DI\'l Itt· br if ,ou 'Plot Vllllr coune hy )a!:li tude .mrl 1oun~~lu.1c.

TAURUS IApril 20 to M.y 201 It's "Wonderful 1n h.ave b,cre-ls on. 1(1Uf bTO"l" bll't don't brow5t' on your I.lmeb.

GEMtNI (I.4.Y 21 to JUNE 21 r TMot1 fill)" be' fine to u;~ JOur h~t but cX['IC'riencc is 'What rai~u )"our ",as(:5.

, CANCER p ... 21 10 J.lr 111 Stirk 10 hcts. If you streich the truth, you m.11 find it snipping back.

lEO p.1y 22 to Aug. 111 If you burn the: candlc at both (1Ic510U~ futd it bud 10 keep otbc:rs in the d2rk. VIRGO (.11"9. 22 10 Sept:Z21

through life expecting Q,*, I j'OirH_'~ th>,' •• hit :roo'll ttl.

CAPRICORN (Dec. II to Soc:nd 'W'h~t }"O~ b..t.'\"~ af!t! of lJ:fing .,..h:at !"C:J. cm AQUARIUS IJ ... II.I. FoI., B-e discttt:t. I..l)C(~ crr.::' ta1 inlo .. ti~bt 'P'Jt ur.d~r c-::~ PISCES (Feb. 20 I. ~I'" You feel ®OHM JlOO:t of ccnfidezKC i.lI


Sizes 8-10-12.



DRESSES Look pretty and gCly

in crisp, cool cottons.

Sizes 4, 6 and 6X.

s 1.98 and $2.98


PRICE 1.45. s3.D8, $4.98, $5.98 an~



iean Churc Canada


and Rector, C F. Slade, B.A., L Priest: ReI'. K.

a,m., Holy Communi . a.m., Holy Communi

a.m., ~!atins (sai?); 1] : Choral Eucharist; I

Baptism and ChUl \\,Olnellj 6,30 p.m., EI

':' •• ""n.'tion of Our Lo a,IIl" Holy Commun

Matins; 5,30 [

a.IIl" Holy Commun )Iatins; 5.30 I

jlatins; 7.30 I

Matins; 5.30

ReI'. H. Rhodes ( Rev. D. Genge, Organist, JIlrs. :

Parish Workers,

Day Servlce~

(l]ollday thru Friday a,m" ~latins (Ch,

a.m,: on Thursday); EI'ensong (Chapel).

Transliguralic 10,00 a.m., (Chapcl).

'Ulit'suav:. 10 a.m.,

7.00 a.m" (Chapel).

Crescent an Craigmlllar A yenlle

Sunday after Trini

a.m., Holy Comml a.m" Holy Eucl

Holy Baptisn 6,30 p.m., El'e

Transfiguratic 8.00 a.m.,


(St. Clare Avenue) Sunday after Trir

a.m" Holy Comm a.m., Sung Euc

P,m. Evensong anI

Tra'nsfiguratl 7.00 a.m.,

Sunday after Tril a ~m., 1I0ly Comll H ., ROly Euchar!! ~Iy Baptism and

Pra omen; 7.00 p.rn Yer and Sermm

• 1_ Rev. R W "SS",t '. Smith ant Minister

,B.A.. B.D., I '''ellV'''"dEducation,

Organi: Mr. ]

-·'a,·A. '" Sup Burton, .

Morning. ~ lle'l. K. W, l

8ernJon I 7.00"1IrIi1ll· ... An l! p P.IlI~ Evenin ,reacher' ~Re !Ie • 'I.

rntonsubjeci . ,SaIllUIl" "-~.;,:""


Page 7: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

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• Sign




· • I I I , I I , I I • I ,f I' I '1,·'~'lt,II:I,illlll:IH'rTl1!11 ),II"'II::':'lllr",,.,.

'S~day Services til I I 1 I 1 I , I I, 11,1"IIIIII,:,IU,ull'II,IIII: 11111.1111:111<'1:11 ,:'11:1'1'\

11111 '.-.:.:..:....----~ Pcnncy. B.A .• B.D.


I, ............

Best l~ovedHymns The day Thou ~avest, Lord, is ended;

The darkness falls at Thy behest; To Thee our morning hymns ascended,

Thy praise shall sanctify our rest. iean Church Of Canada

11.00 a.m .• 1Iiorning WOl'ship, Rev, A .. H. Smith, B.A., B.D., assistant ministcr Gowcr Strcet U.nited ;CllII:ch; 7.00 p.m., Eve· We thank Thee that Thy Church unsleepinr; mng '\\ orshlp. Rev. K. W. Pen· . While earth rolls onward into liNht ncy; Sacramcnt of Thc Lord's I .n , •

alta Rector, Can· ,I. r. Sla.ll', B.A., Llh.

f::1.'':-!: Hl.'r. ]\, L.

Supper. I Through all the world her watch Iskeepmg, I And rests not now by day or night.


Minister. Rc\,. L. A. D. Curtis. II As o'er each continent and island B.A., B.D., D.D., Organist and The dawn leads on another day, Choir Director. Dr. D. K. Peters, ! The voice of prayer is never silent,

11.00 a.m., Mornlltg Worship; . L.T.C.L. . . 1 Nor dies the strain of praise away.

. Infant Nursery (up to '2 years). ..,


For My thoughts are not your

thoughts, neither are your ways

Illy ways, saith the Lord.

Isaiah 55:8,



The Bible, ,Our: Guidebook .'

Read John 5:3l·39 .. I Blessed is he that rcadoth, and 1 they thnt heal' the words of .th]s : prophecy, an? keep th?se thm.~s

\ whi<'ll are wntten therem: f?r ~Ile

. time is at hand. !Revelation I: 3. )

During the past two years ia my nursing field, I had bee Il through many temptations anel hardships. It was so :::reat- I

I burden on me that I almost f, .... I got therc was a God. Sudde~\~" I a change came to my mind;:b1'

\ stead of studying my lessons ?nl rainy night, I took my Blbll

1 31111 opened it too the book 31

\ Revelation. After rcading that part of the Billie, I was frighfen­

I cd because I had forgotten GolI's i book ·which is mean to be every· I body's guidc.


I ' , I I'

. :

, " . , I

. I


i i I

i I I

i I.

.. I

i' \ ~ • lLlL 'J

. I 'I ~ ,

I I . i ! , , i 1

\ I

,:1. H,lly l:,'l1\mUn~on; I ~Ionda~', Aug. 5: 9.30 a.m., I The sun that bids us rest IS wakmJ:( ;::. H,';)' lnmmUnlOn; Church Vacation School in the lOur brethren 'neath the westel'll sky, I::' )1,t:I~; I,aict); 11.00 Church Lecture Hall .. Children I And hour by hour fresh lips are making '".-1 },1I"!l,II'I~t; 4.15 \\'I'sll'lng to attcnd th' S h II ' . h d h' h

! Acccpting the Lorn as mr Savioi' and r~ading the Bib l' P­as my guidebook, I have now become very hap p y. Many

, .

I:,'" •. '. IS C 00: Thy wondrous domgs. ear on Ig i changes have come ido my lile ! 1

: I I B:." Bap.l~1l1 :ll1d lIHlICh· should prcscnt thcmselves at 1 .

: \\s::cn: ti.311 l'·m., E\,en·1 this timc. !IIorning Worship will . . r.: Srr:ll(11l I bc conducted by the Supply \ So be lt, Lord! Thy throne shall never,

\' since then. I have overcome thl! many temptations that confront· . I

llinistcr, Mr. JameS Downcy" Like earth's proud empires, pass away; B.A". B,Ed, .'l'h~rc \~i1l be no I Thy Kingdom stands and grows for ever,

ELDER MICIIAEL n, MILLET 1\ cd me. The Bihle is the key ·0 . . all my doings. My advice is fa

Elder Gordon W. Enders and I Eider Enders, a graduate (>1 Just recently aSSigned to lI'o:k b r . J nd cad the


E~·c.nmg SerV1CC In. tillS Churc~. Till all Thy creatures own Thy sway, Amen. VISItors to Morlllng Worslup . . -' ------

Elder Michael B. Millet from thc Brigham Young University, is a with Elder Enders as 2 Traveli~il B~~lcvee ~n e~~~ a I'

Church of Jesus Christ of Latte:. formcr resident of Los Angeles, Elder. Ie. ~ery . . 1::., ~I"IIII', 5.30, EI'cn· will rcceive a cordial wclcome.

: ,: ,:.1 '11 "f Our Lon)) " '''. JI,';' (""1ll1ll1111iOll'1 GEORGE STREET i:'" )1011;1': ;;:1O p.IlI.: 11.00 a.I11., ~Iorning Worship, . : Sunday School; 7.00 p.m., Even· . ". .• • I in!! Worship. Supply minister ; .:::. JI,')' LtIIll~l1UlllUn; 1 for hoth ~Iornins and Evening .' )I:,un,: 5,lll P.II1,,! Worship wil! lle Rev. T. ,I. Pitt.

:.). Sl'. JAMES ,1'. \1,,:111', 10.1'0 a,Ill"I' ':'o::I1IlI1H1Il: 530 p.m., lIlinister, Rcv. P. J. Penney,

I B.A., B,D. 11.00 a,m., Morning Worship.

· )1;1\111'; I.ao p,m" I The Nursery Dcpartment o( the Sunday School \vill continue during the summcr months; 7.00

5,30 p.m., p.m., Evening Worship. I

ST, TlJ(DI.\S' , ST. PAUL'S Blackler A"enue

5;:.da) alter Trinity) J. D. Bournc, Minister. 11 a.m" Morning Worship; Mr. n.

Rrl. II, Rh.odes Coop· I B. Kellett; 7.00 p.m" Evening TIcI. n. (.engc, Rev, \ Worship. Or~"n:<l. :'Irs, Peter

· PJwh \l'orkers, :'lIss FORT AMHERST

Communion: 9.15 r'J:!;Y Conlll1union; 11 He:)' Communion: 4.00

H,:) B,pti;:u and Church· tl~ pm, 1-:; cniug Pray·

;;;.UCJ,t CJOX I,

11,00 a.m" Morning Worship. ;llr. Cyril Grceley,

Wf'tk Hay Sm'lccs

'):lnday th1'u Friday) am., ~Iatills I Chapel);

111; on Thumb),); 5.30 [lcn50ng (Chapel).

Tran'figuration of IO.CU a.m., Holy (Chapell. : 10 a.m" Holy

7.00 a.m., Holy (Chapel).


Slnday after Trinity)

.' I :n., liol)' Communion' . ' · .:n., lIoly Eucharist; I:, lioly Baptism and

6.30 p.IlI., EI'cnsong

Transfiguration o( 8.00 a.m., Holy


ISl Clare AI'eIl11C) Sunday after Trinity)

I.m., 1101)' Communion; I.r.l., Sung Eucharist;

Pm., EVcnsong and Scr.


ST, ANDREWS-The Kirk lIIlnistcr, Rev. Charles I. G.

Stobic, M,A., F.S.A., (Scot,); Organist and Choir Mastcr, Mr. Robert MacLcod.

11.00 a,m., Morning Servicc. The guest preacher will be the Rev. Joscph B. Dickerson of St. Louis, Missouri, who is exchang· ing pulpits with Rev. Char,les 1. G .. Stobie. You arc invited to worship with us.

ST. AIDAN'S Topsail Road

Catcehlst: Mr. Harcourt T. Johnston, B.A. 11 a.m., Church Service.

ST. DAVID'S Elizabeth Avenue East

11.00 a,m., Church Service. The Rcv. F. W. Sass, B,A., B,D" S,T.~I., Ph.D.. St. Andrew'S Presbyterian Church, Niagara· on.the.Lakc, Ontario.

Salvation Army

TEMPLE CORPS Springdale Street

Bishop S'heen Writes • .r

da)' Saints (Mormon), have be~n Cali£ornia and was assigned to In ordcr to determine how PRAYER: Almight God, cre· visiting in st. John's and vicinity I the position of Traveling Elder, familiar the public is with 'hc ator and ruler of all heavenly this past week. As part of th~lr January 1963 by Dr. Truman G. Mormon Church and to give all and earthly things may our regular tour of thc Maritime Pro. I Madscn, President of the New those interested a chance fO worship of Thee h~vc mol' 9 vinces, Elder Enders and Elder England Mission. learn marc, thc Eldel's have bee1 \'itality and our livcs cncouragll Millet have heen working witn I conducting street inten'iews an-l others to follow Thee. Lead


Eldcr maine A. Peterson and I" Elder Millet arrived in Nelv'l arc happy to report the inle,· everyhody to read th(' Bible' and Eldel' Perry J. Steidley who a:;) \ l~ngland from Salt Lake City, \'ie\Vs are a success ;lOd the peo· spread the good tidings. F" r residing in SI. John's. Utah in Septemller 1962 and was pie are very congenial. Christ's sake, Amen,

Mormon Elders Exhortation OUR NEED TO WORI,

Thc Apostle Paul was a work· cr. He was "instant in scasnn and out of season." He workfd with his own hands and made his own way, and he expec\·)d

good day's work [lir a good day's pay? Do we honestly earn the daily bread for which we paid?

In Memoriam Oh yct we trust that somehuw

good Will be the final goal of ill,

TIIOUGIIT FOR 'TIIE DAY The Bible is my chart in the

voyage of life, and Christ Ihe captain of my soul.

To pangs of nature, sins of WilLI Remembra nee DcCects of douht, and taints of

blood: 1 Although our ways t~rough lif[! lie far apart,

That nothing walks with aimlc3s The memory of you lives feet, Within my heart

, I! I I !, ,

i I'

DIALOGUE the same from others

When he wrote to thc Thes· salonians he taught them to f01· low his example concerning th~ importance of work. Said h~:

Arc we as productivc as we should be? !ore we growing ill our employment, advancing from step to step? or are we afflict~d with complacency and willing te stay on the same rug of the lad­der for the rest of our lives?

That no one 1; fn wilt be destoy~d, And often as I kneel tv Or cast as n;!lhish to the vo;c! God in prayer When God hath made the p i l.~ I think of you and whisper your

c!lmplete. I name there. The grcatcst untapped reser·

voir of encrgy in the unlvcrsc is the depths of our o\\,n souls. Though we . live with sel! for a lifetime, we seem to know other persons better: at an~ rate, we judge them more often than w~ do ourselves, and we nnalYle thcm bettcr than ourselves.

An imaginary scI! and II real scI! makc up the oerson. We strive to preserve the first. Dnd

Trinity ~utheran Church

Worshipping at Peppcrrell Chapcl Rev. William Kurschln· ski, B.A., Pastor,

(8th Sunday in Trinity) 10 a.m,,· 'Sunday Church

School, The service.

Church of The Nazarene

So, friend of mine, remember me to neglect the second We wear a mask whenever we go out 10 company. As a traitor to hIs country once said to his wife as they left the house for the enn· ing: "Now, let's put on o:t r party·(aces",. Life, to a great e'(' tent becomes liko a masquerade ball, in which we know that cveryone is wearing a mask, and yet there is a tacit agreemCllt that no one will tear off t ,I e mask of the other.

"For yourselves know ye ought to follow us; for we behaved not ourselves disorderly among you". "Neither did we eat any man's bread for nought but wrought with labor nnd travail night and day that we might not be chane· able to any of you. "Not b~· cause we have not power" but to make ourselvcs an cxamp'c unto you to follow us, For cv~n when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any

To work should mean to pro· gress, not to go backward. nor stay at one level, but to g row. whether it be in our vocations or in our avocations.

I falter where I firmly trod, before And falling with my weight of That sacred spot, the tabernac:e

cares door, Up 0 n:he world's great a!· That, one in Christ our hear~s

He who works mcrcly to eol! does not know thc joy and real value of labor. To him work is drudgery, something to cscapc from at the' earliest 0PPOI" tunity, and often is ~omething to which he givcs as Iittlc effort as he can but willingly accepts all he can get In return.

,. tar-stairs, may ever be . That slope thro' darkness up fo Linked by the chain 01

God. Prayer eternally.

It was only natural that theee would not work, neither should

I stretch lame hands of faith, and. grope,

And gather chaff anrl dust and calt

To what I feel is Lord of all, And faintly trust the larger hopp.. should come along a philosopher he eat. "For we hear that thcre But he who enjoys work, and

to justify the mask, and thot ore some \Vhich walk among yOll sees in it opporiunlty for all· was Sartre, who completcly dc· disorderly, working not at all, vancement, for accompJishmen!, Mv own dim life should teach me nlcd the rcol self or an inner but arc busyhodies. "Now thel'J'l for growth and development. IS • this, life. Man to him Is just as he that are such, we command and he who recognizes it as one cf That liIe shall live forevermrrr, appears on the oulslde. A streut exhort by 0111' Lord Jesus Christ the important things in life. Eise earth is darkness at t h c cleaner is a street cleaner. o\s that with quietness they work and core. he put it: "I cannot know my· cat their own bread." Work is noble. Work is neccs· And dust and ashes all that is. self except through the intcr· In modern rel'elation the Lord sary to our well being. Every-mediory of another person." commanded that there should be one who is physically or men· I hold it true whatc'cr hefall; This means that we lack all no idleness among liS, and added tally sound should work to the I feel it when I sorrow most, powers of Introspection; other that the idler shalt not cat the cxtent of his or hcr ability and 'Tis bettcr to have 100'cd Bnd lost, persons are to us only mirrors bread of the laborer. capacity, Than nevcr to have loved at all.


SOLACE . They are not gone-these lo\"~d

ones whom wc mourn, We mmt not think of them a,

far away. Unto a fuller life haVE they been

born. Laying aside the vesture of ·tll;5

clay.. Yct near U5 still thev watch, an1

love, and knoiv: Wc are the blind one~ \\'ho no

longer sec Belo\'cd forms that softly come

and go, Waitrng reunion in eternity.

reflecting back the image of Most of us in reading the .Work is actually a divine gilt Alfred Tennyson self. We are stimulated and wC s . t '11 h t'l Th B • d' crlp ures WI agrec. ear I y to man. It helps uS to become "TL B e eatatn es react. with them, and decide that this like our Father in Heaven. God ,.. n ear

Normal persons would do weH philosophv certainly does apoly himself 1V01'ks. He creates. He ~ ross~ n~ " Blessed are the poor in spirit; to analyzo themselves, and n~t to the other fellow. guides and directs. And he com· Sunset and evening star, for their's is the kingdom

. 87 Park Ave., Mt, Pearl coine to know themselvcs on.:,. But what ahout ourselves? mands that we become like him. And one clear call for me! of heaven. Rcv. W. C. Wilcox, Pastor through analysis of someone els~. How earnest are we 3hout wor![? Is it possible to achieve automl' And mav there be no moaning at Blessed are they tIIat mourn: for 10 a.m., Sunday School, for They forget that there Is such a I How' sincere are we in giving a tically? Can we ever reach thnt the bar they shall be comforted.

all ages; 11 •. m" Morning Wor. thing as looking inward, the tur~. - goal without learning to worl;· When I put out to sea. Blessed are the meek: for they ship Servlcei 7 p,m" Service of ing back upon oneself; this. IS I well and enjoy it. II shaH inherit the earth~ Evangelism. . called reflection. Often at night Unfortunately there are mnny But such II tiM as moving seems Blessed are they that do Iitlnger

This Church Is "Christ Cen. we see ourselves as we re~llY among us who nevcr learn how \ asleep and thirst aiter righteo!ls, tered, \Ve~leyan In TheolollY, are, and we shUdder. at .he to work. Our social structure in Too full for sound or foam, ness for they sball be fit·

iI lSi it Im~ge 01 the tru~ .,elf R n d manv respects prevents and When that which drew from out led. and Evange st c In p r 'hi qUickly reach, ev~n m the daylt, hindcr~ them from doing so, 1 the boundless deep Blessed are the merciful; for . All are Invited to wors p. for our mask. Piles of sleep!ng Labor conditions make it hard for Turns agaill home. they 5hall obtain mercy.

with us. tablets numb both the hurnmg young people to secure jobs now· Blessed are the pure in heart: __________ '"'T' repartee of the real self, lind the days. The tendencies to seek Twilight and evening bell for they shall see God.

t~rrlble bt1rden of the make.be· fot. fun and to place a premium And after thnt the dark! Blessed are the peacemakers: lor I' Christian Science heve.. . on thrills and pleasure seekiJg And may there he no sadn~ss of they shall be called th e , It IS mte:estln.g too. that most not only result in mischief but farewcJl children of God.

of our relatlOn~hlps With 0 the l' nlso destroy all interest in work When I embark. Blessed arc they that are per- ; people arc "contacts," and one ~n the part of those concern~d. secuted for' righteousnes •. '.

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Transfiguration of 7,00 n.m., Holy

!\Iaj or and Mrs. Arthur Pike 11 a.m" Holiness Meeting; 11.45 a.m., Directory Classcs; 2.30 p,m., Sunday School; 7 p,m., Salvation Meeting.

(Corncr Renlnle'~ IUlII Road and billiard ball "contacts" an~ther It i~ the duty of all jlarents to For thou"h from out Ollr bourne sake: for their's is. the Emp re Avenuc) .billiard ball. We become. llke t~~ch theil' children to work. In I of time and pl~ce. kingdom of heaven. .

Sunday: 11 a,m" Sunday Ser. or.anges in I bo~; we mmgle the home every child should have The flood may be~r me far, Blessed are ye, when men shali I ..

9.30 a.hI., Holy Com· 7,30 p,m., EI'ensong Brigadier and Mrs, B. F.

vice Subject of Lesson Ser. With others externally. but do net resulary assigned tasks. Each I hope to see my pilot face to revile you, and persecu:t. mo~:' "Love"; 11.00 a.m., Sun; commune wl~!1 others in a co~. one should learn to should;r fnce you. and shall say all man· d y School (01' pupils up to the mOll task. News of the .ho~" responr.ibillty. When else Will When I have crosscd the bar, ncr oi evil against you, '. -OF ASCENSION

~Iount Pearl

Hallett in charge.

Jehovah's Witnesses

Sunda, after Trinity) II.m., Holy Communion; ~i' Holy Eucharist; 2.30 WY Baptism and Chuch.

Pra ~men; 7,00 p.m., Eve· ----------)er and Scrmon. SOUTH UNIT, 49 Morris Ave.

Sunday: 3 p.m., Public Ad­'dress: "Arc The Nations Head·' cd For Armageddon?", Speaker: L. Snow; 4.00 p.m., Bible Dis· cussion.

Tuesday: B.30 p.m., Bible Study.

Rev. It. W. Bralne, Friday: 7.30 p.m., Bible Minister, Rev. Speaking and Reading _Class;

B,D., Director 8.30 p.m. Ministry Development a!s;e~i:,~~;.Uul~atio'n, Mr. A. ~C.:::la~ss::... ______ _

and -Mr. Douglas

H B Supply or· . urton.

First Baptist Church\

Morning Worship Rev. K. W. Penney: ...;---, "'------

Chr! Sermon subject: (104 Porlusa1 Cove load) 7\)) 'tlan An Evangel. Rev. F. C. Fenerty •• B.A, Pre:'hlll', Evening War· Se C er: Rev. A. R, Sunday SerVices: .. 9.411 a.m., Of Sl\lton SUbject. "The Sunday School; 11.00 a.m.,

ItnUe!". Morning Worship (Broadcast _ VOWR; 7.00 p,m., Hymn Sing

IVESLEY and Eveniilg Worship. II Wednesday: 8,00 p,m., Mid·

IV. V. A. Smithi week Service for BIble study Rev. K. W. and Prayer.

a f 20 on thc hour" keeps us burled ,In they learn? Alfred Tennyson falsely, for my sake. agwes ad d YO,ar

8s. S rvi e tlte trivialities of external stl· It is notable that dclinquenev I Hejoiee, and he exceedingly glad: ,

e nes ay, p,m. e c. I' I II'ng B ,'nto the belief D I L" 1 ft ' d . S t d . 3-430 P Free mu I, u 1 U . ratcs are far lower among farm I a n ~ n Itt e or grea IS your rewar m R ~Iur ';{. ,.m" that we are In contact with reo· girls and boys than among cit v g~r . hcaven: for so perse/:ut~d .

ca ng oom. li~Y. The Inner life Is never' REV. H. J. SSELGROVE dwellers. Why; Bccause t.h~ Si ns they the prophets lihich J'

given II moment to lee ourselvfs farm chores demand constant were before you. Matt. 5::

Gospel Hall

47 Smith Avenue North of Pennywell Road

Sunday, 10,30 a.m" Worship r.teeting; 2,30 p.m., Sunday School; 7 p.m. Gospel Meeting; Tuesday, 8 p,m., Bible StudYi Thursday. 8 p,m .. Pray Meeting,


as we really are. Pastor .and Mrs. Harold J. labor and youngsters need that, Be fcarful of little 5ins. Take 3·12 How the modern world nee lis Snelgrove will be ministering at kind 'of day.to·doy responsibility. alarm at even an evil thouf,ht. ------

a Socrates, who used to walle in- the Ellm Tabernacle on S()ndu~' As we celebrate Lahor Day, w~ wish or desire. These are the' That Counts to ~he market place 01 Athens and during the month of August might well give consideration to germs of sin-the floating ·sceds askmg people questions In orJ· In the absence of Rev. and Mrs. the Importance and dignity of which drop into the hcart. a~d, Th L" f er to mako them dls~over them' Graham Noble, who arc away 011 work, and not Allow present >lay finding in our natural corrupt!on . e I e selves. True, he was put· to their vacation. Rev. Snelgrove tendencies to throw it out of i'.3 a fat and favorable soil,-sprmg The me that counts must toil death for unmasking others, b\\t was born In Lower Island CovP., proper perspective in our minds. up into actual I.ronsgressions. ,md fight; he Icft the world the heritage of C;B., and his wife in' Atlantic And we might remember too These like the rattle of the Must hate the wrong and love "know thyself." City, N.J., and have pastoreJ what Paul suggested: that fail· snake' and the hiss of the ~er· the right;

To have the courage to. look churches here and in the U.S.A. ure to work 'Ieads some to dis· pcnt, reveal the prpsence and ;lfust stand (or truth, by day, by Into ourselves Is the beglnnmg of for thc past 38 ycars' orderly conduct and to become near neighborhood of danger. nisht--a dialogue that takes place bp. busybodies. The experience of ~II good m~n This is the life that counts. tween the mask .0Dd the face, the One Who will judge mc," proves that sin is most ensll? The me that counts must helpful . the shadow lelf ann the real sl!lf. This kind of conversation is not Proverbs And crushed in thc bud, :md thnt. IS be' Once t his dlaloguc has been intellectual; it is rather an· safer to flce from temptatlOll The car~s and needs of others achieved honestly. then t h c r e ecdotal, as the Bible is anecdotal. then 10 fight it.

Betbe.da Pentecostal Temple opens another dialogue-that (.f as the IlIiad and Odyssey arc Psalms Guthrie. (207 New Gower Street) the 50Ul. with God. We eonnot anecdotal.. For here we have no>! A false balance is abomination

to the Lord; but a just weight is his delight. .

"Truly hos it bee,l said, that all that is necessary for the

~ec: . Must 3eck the slaves of sin to '

free- . This is the life that counts .. '

W, G. 'Ball, Pastor; Mrs, W. G. Blill, Asst. Pastor. .

Sunday Services: 11.00 a.m., MornIng Worship (Sacrament Of The Lord's Supper); 3,00 p,m., Sunday School; 7.00 p.m., Evangelistic ServIce,

(Week Night Services). Wednesday: 8,00 p,m., Public Service. Thursday: 8.00 p.m., Prayer Service.

have communications with hea· a tale but the experience of a ven until we have communlca· personal truth, The soul is then lions with ourselves, The pl'ay~ no longer like the husband who erless people are the masked keeps from his wife things thai

I she should know as he aSKS: peop c. .

When we. wllar the mask, we "Should I tell my wife?" Once talk about the weather at cock· the soul truly discovers itself, tail 'parties In ordcrs that we will then there Is nothing to be hid· not have to be embarrassed by den either from the self or ~he 'revealing thc true seU. but in the wife or (rom God. It is a mark


'dlnlogue \Vith self, the subjcct is: o( sanity to "talk to youl'sclf" "How do I stand not In the face provided the subject Is the renl of fellow man, but in the face o( self.

. ,

There is a way which seemeth right unto a mnn, but the end thcreof are the ways of death,

He that despiscth his neighbor slnneth: but hc that hath mercy on the poor. happy h hc. .

He that is slow to wrath 15 of !trcat understanding: but he that is hasty of spirit exaleth folly. Proverbs 14·21.

triumph of evil is for good men There everlasting spring abide! to do nothing." And r,ever·withering flowers:

Sin has many tools, but a lie Death, like II narrow sea, divides is a handle which fitf. them all. This heavenly land (rom ours.


Conscience is the voic~ of the soul: the passions are the voice of the bbdy,


Prosperity doth' hest ,n."nv.'r.' vice: but adversity discO\'er virtue.


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I Bugs Help To ,Weed 'Weedsl I By ."HCII MacKENZIE I rope., 'dcotroyed most o[ Ihe pl.l.lt This indicates the prohlcm' I OTTAWA lerl-Bllgs arc h,~· 13111 a tiny flea hettie [roll pests wilhin four years. o[ biological e I] nIl' 0 I. c,'en i

tpog Show f.i

Completing Your Entry Farm: ~ ginning to help cOlltrol \Veclls' Europe is heing released :n, The Canadian work began in though the rewarrls can Il,,: ! on Canarlian farms. ! Canada this year afler extcn- 1!1.iO with a wccd callcd :;\. i great in considcring lhc reli.!: i

. 1£ you are the owner of a, As YOIl will see from the dog, name of Ihc owner, lI~nlC I It's an idca that has. lI'ork~d i sive .Iaboratol'¥ testing in whl~n John·s·wort on soulhern B1"iti<;h: to millions of hay fever suffer·; pure bred dog, you are no doubt: entry [arm, all entries must be o[ dog, C.K.C. Registration. elsewhere. ! Ihe in see! cut Ihistles to piec~s Columbia rangeland Culifor,b ! ers alone if oollen-producing' p~8nning to entel' the Concep- in the hands or the Show Number Oil check if lisled. Most Canadian wceds calUe I by dC"ouring its lea\'c.~. earlier had used insects .10 clear, plants such as ragweed eO'II.] tlon Bay Kennel Club 4th and Secretary not later than Aug. Bolli these columns must 1I0t. from Europe, leaving behind 1 The whole proccss of fighting, up a similar problem.. 1 bc cllrhed by insects.

ore tunities for rrlcn J'

35 if Ihey hele ~ experience. C It 5th Annual AIl·Breed Champ· 10, 1963. . be checked. Eithcr onc 01' the the natural cnemies Ihat help~d! weeds with insects is called I Two typcs of Calif o 1"11 ia bcetlC I Dr. Harris says public pr~J-.

io"nship Dog SholVs at Harbor A separate entry lUust be other is sufficient. Next comes keep them under control. biological control nnd the wo':k were imported and became e>-I udiee-fear that a specially-: Grace on 'Saturday, August 31, used for each dog. Each dog the name o[ the breeder ami One such example is the Sl' in Canada centres 01' the [ed- tablished, but only partial con- imported insect may harm CUI-I OI~.oUS~:-;G !iQl:EEtE. and Monday, September 1. 1963. may be entered in more than then the Sire and Dam. called Canada thistle. a much eral agriculture department s trol' lVas achieved-in an area tivatcd plants-is a major prob·, .TA 11.-\ I CP '-Th~ .

. The show this year will be one class. It is important The owner's name and ad- tougher customer to handle in research institute at Belleville. covered by snow in winter, Pfo-11lem, It is a difficult laboratDr.v I housmg squeeze In-,' be'nched, which means that Ihe that the entry form be com- dress must be given on the Canada than in its native Eli- Ont. Dr. Peter Harris directs tecting the beetles. lest to prove that the imported i d~ublmg up of f,~;:;': exhibitors will have more lels- plcted with all the necessary lower part of the form and a •. .. a program that has shown some Only partial success has been: insect will dine only' on the' s arply dUrin, Ih~ i~.'. lire time to watch all .Jf the information as requested there· space is also provided for cofnthamedh In the premlfum I ~Isht fal'orable results. achicved against prairie to uri- 1 plant pest. : A report 011 ti'e j;;;: .liow, without worrying about in. One entry form is suffi· I Agent's name and address in ? t ~ S OIY, a copy 0 w l~C Marked success has been flax although In62 tcsts with ": ~lallY such insects exist. rh'~: shlJ'~'ed the IJlIl11h" r' earing for his dog and leading cient to enter' n dog in both, case it may bc required. The lIS ~la~led ~vlth each ent~y fOlm. scored in olher countries. In i European moth are promising. i pntato beetle will cat only p 1-: fa~lIly hOIl'cholrl; ". him around all day. Ail t1:e ~ho:vs .. Simply mark the blocks I owner or agent must sign the ,F Ol, a I~eek~n~ of be~ry~tt, Australia, about 60,000,000 acres I In Ontario. the weed has lwo' laIn plants and billions stal've: lfi~.!)4~ from n~.12j . dogs will be benched during the: lII(ilcallng each date. The cntry entry. ~O\l cou no a e. er JaU of. land were infeste(] with the I heetles attacking it naturally. ; anlllwily. : ln~l_ ;~I.I!lfil CCl)ilj'f!" day and will be on lead only' fcc in this case of course is I to take the whole fanlily along pnckly pear cactus. The hIL~n [ A moth to control tans)' D'~" In the l'a~e of the fiell hecHe on5 in ('ith" -,."' wh!':: they are in the rin~. I S[i.OO, $3.00 for' each show: If, These dog Shll":5, o~. COII:·5e., t.o lI,arbor ~.raee for the. Dog I ~ost of chcmical and ~och:ln- i 1I"0rl 11':15 released .ill Cm;c I being let lOOse against (he ca:l-', In tile f~:I/o!l::lr"

, the dug is not r!'gislered with arc held undet' c~~a~h'ln 1\on-, ShOlIS. In~ltc ,.your Irlends Icnl .contl·ol •. coupled wIth the,Bre\on m. Ig61 ~nd III It::;~ ad" thistle. Il'sls sho\\"~d Ihilt :i, ,\"i1('till'I" til;' ;m~, J( you hal'e not reeeil'ed an thl' ('annllian Kennel Cluh, al nrl Club rlllt'~. [Ixllacts frolll.along and.)oll '1111 he proud ?[I·relat.II'ely low I·l.liue of t.he land.illlwcr mallllalld In IH62. li.IO 11101"1' than ~()!) of them \('o!lid C'1I1 slIl·,i, •. f1r~:·"L'~

entry forlll in Ihemail and aI'" 1i,1 in" fcc of S1.110 must be i these rules w~I1 he [ollnd on I the shOWing your dog WIlli reqUIred a specml solutIOn. I Cape Breton pxpcnmellt I",il rather stan'c than elll anylhi.l!, loose. seiellti'i' f;~' :t, desiriolls of \"eecil'in~ one or l1~id"' the rcverse SIde .o~ the entrY lI~ake. Make YOllr \Ilan~ nnw. I ATTACImll BY II~OTIi .' have to he repeated .becallse th~ i clse. ,lire that Ihe /~;L. ' more, plcOisc drop a line 10 the, ' . fOfm. Each exhIbitor agre,.; Get your entry form In the I Tests wel'e camed out willI I moths apparently dId not s',r·' Clearance frol11 boll' Canad~ has no "0 .. e.d In

I . I b'd h I I '1 d t d d . t f' fl' h d I I· . IllIl,rICia I .. aholV secretary. ~Ir. Rich!u'd In completlllg t Ie entry form, to a I e by t esc rll es, regu a, nm an ge your og rea y 51 IOsec s, II·e·o W IIC prove I" ,'e. i and the l:"llItea States is neede,1 atil'r~ tilat "'r' '"' ..

Moores, Box 153, Harbor Grace. list the breed and sel( of the tion!, conditions and provisions for the big event. useful. One of them, II moth. PUBLIC I ful' release of new insect II'cap-' lims of the i~l;~~;t


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Why settle for ordinary blackwaJl. - when you can lave sGfely !HI dressy Nylon Slim-Lin I WhitewGJI., at Canadian Tire.




690/600/13 640/650/13

750/14 .670/15


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16.10 10.88 17.25 1l·84 19.50 12.88 19.50 12.88



560; 600,1:3 640/650/13 750/14 800/14 850/14 670/15 6 .... 0/1'"' • I . " 710/15 760/15 800/15

MIr's List Price :)~ 'I ~ :."..) 26.80 :31.10 .34J.JO 37.95 31.10 24.H.5 3·1.90 37.9.5 39·30

~;n Tra~e

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lli.n I ~.:)~ jSA.3 I (iAq 1I.~~)

1- .,~ .' .. J)

IS.7G 19.5i

Tube Type.

Road Hazard Insured

and Guarantee.


590/600 x 13

670 x lS

750 x 14


PHONE 9-0141

29 Urn 040 Lack of

IScot.) 41 Dry"as' 42 Made o( 45 Closest 49 Desert., 51 ROiling 52 Charity 53 Behold! 54 Etrusca.

goddess 55 Ftower 56Sarazcn

mounds ~7Droop

DOl' 1 DweUin 2 Biblical :l\Vell-br "Bate 01 Ii Colima 6 Speake 7Compl!

(Ha\\'ai 8 Salad I

-'::-' __ 9 Groove

Page 9: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

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\I.tl1mrr I'rlce. \" 1 r,lIlr

\ reelrtl

1,lLJ'; 1 I 7'1 \(1 I j 17, ')) I" I 'j 1(1 19 1 I ~,) 17 '3S 1 ),7(; 19.87






TIl AV£'

'I': 9-0141

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<"c' .) - " - .1

",' " :( r-. / I, THE DAILY NEWS, ST, JOHN'S, NEWIOUNDLAND, AUGUST 2, 1963-9

Or Br Ca. son Ill', Il'h 11',- t'~NR Coni 4900 20~~ 19', 20 -', !!!uau,,~:»'J>~n:u~~.-:n .. »:a-.-· I101hn~nr 40J S2Gh !oW, ~6140 - 140 :-SOt Pat! ~OO -4,;" 47 4" t J ~ ~ •• " ......

a~:~~!·:r 1~ ~J~51' t, iL~: r.~l~· ~l~ '~Wo ~\~ K' ~~::: :: ~ Temperance SI IInc 1000 '13'. 13', 13'. Pcp.1 Cola 1500 53\, 52 S2 _I', a Husky 00 200 $Ii 6 6 -~. Pfizer 6300 49~ 40 4:} 48 1 ... - L-J Imp 011 11[15 $41 11 , 41"1. .u~~_:18 Phelps n liOO 6.!1:.J 62 1" 62' " - I. ~ , Imp Tob 17~ 513 1" 1:11;4. 13~4 + \8 PhUpl M(Jr ~600 i4 73'tJ 74 ~ llndt ~clck'PI ~7I;x'o $221> 6212\'. ;21\' • I'I'It I'Glate 3200 561, 55', 56 -I. I ~ Thoughts ~ n "t; eo:;) Sol '2" 4-~' ro am 3100 7:!ll 721 .. 7'.2 1:1- a.., I Int Util SOO S2J~' 231 ~ 23\~ - .... Pullman 900 ~jli !!jI'3 i1 27'" + ;, I tnter PL n $3:1 3, lIJI" 8J~t + 1:.1 RCA 10100 63~' 67~$ GJ - 1rJ Labatt 100 S163• '6:.1 40 16340 + 1.. Ralston 5100 3238 J1:1, 323-. + '-, S ~ Inur FLo 600 $13 11 11 lUepuh Stl ·.:\00 JGh 36h 361l- 1.1 ~

MRjtranl 3tOOO .;, 4. Snrcn :100 106 1M Mn PR n50 $2.11'. 223 40 :r.!~~ - ~~ Rev Tob HSOO In,, 37;, ~73. - ~ I lot

I ~Ialar'lc lOU lP 7" Secur ~·r.e 1110 730 30 ~I,ultlm, T 281 m 21 21 Rich Mer 71111) ,3', 51'. 5~', +2 Dr AlbIOn Roy KIng, who SInce hiS retnemcnt frum hiS I ~I.nnk" MS 2000 11 17 SIIulh U ' 7 + 10 M." F 1555 II~', 13'l 13', -" no~al Dul 14800 471, 47'" m. - ~, t B' 1ft' )la"I~II 1000 9' +1> Spoon,r 1: g' 11 11 Miron 6 pr 100 512 12 12 -" Scars n 530n H3', '8 8a', + '. wro e aSle norma IOn on I professolsillp he has been able Marchonl son 96 96 96 +1 Slan".11 1300 2!J1> 29', 29\, + I', Mol,nn A ISO 291':1 291~ 2~I>- "i Shell 011 35110 43'. 41'. 13'. + I. Alcohol the book,. WIth Ford's I to devote more time to travel

'l~i~~11 ~1;\I('on 30(10 1 7 7 TrJntl on .3300 1~~ 153 1",5 -5 "Innt Loco 235 $131/~ 13''1 131".1 -;. Sheraton aDo 8!1.» BI.. 6;.- 140 Wh t ab t Y D i k' ~ d II ~Iartln 12200 G4 62 63 Union 011 • I I Mont 1'"t WI S91 91 91 SInclaIr 3Boo 41', 45\, 45Y. - '. a ou our r n Inb, an in hiS travels he has always

1('K' ~Ialal'h 5<)11 8L, 8', BI~ U I h :~~ $ 3~' 10', ~r' MIlO" Cnrp m 14~ 49 4" - " Socony 4200 'n".l 681, 68', -'. which we are lecommendmg' studlCd thIS aspect of life the to .. I'i:t' ... yt ~latt)!ml l:lSO (jl~ 800 800 n!l(l Cl 33 • +11\ Norandll 200 S36W J.ti1a 361'4, - 1, .. South Pac: 4100 3th l4:!H 34~2 d d' btl) I • ' ~.,"!I" 1''''' ~,.,brun 22\10 9 81~ K"'- u., U Canso vi 21" 119 119 119 -I 0"111 Ie Inoo S12', 12', 121a +" Sperry R 4030D 11''.! l4" 15', .. " an Istrl U mg, was a ro-\ effects of alcohol on mdnlduals

.,.\ r"h"J.~- \~~ur!dal "clnIHe ,~o SIKR 4SI, 4SI'1 ~~ g~~1 P I~300'O m; m. li311' .1\, Pac I'.t. 500 $12'1 12', 121, +" f,td Brand 500 701, 70'. 701'< ~ 'I fessor of Philosophy who for ',nd socl'al "IOllPS Recent ",l!'1 " "" I' 500 :l • ';I + "'I Pa"c Hl'lI 2300 $19', 19', 19' 4 ',Id Cal 7'00 66''', 6611- i'~I<'" - 'I diu" .

tl'l'J J In rt'nl io 1111 ., C \rn ~ 2Q 29 + 1 Wsburnc l£H~ Hl R:t f\l ,.. "l ~~ I< nfl'TiJ: d c1. Q,,"I"~';'I 101, "I-I;'. '!e~lar 60110 ." fi 6 _I W nrcalla 1101' III Il4 1Il Pow Corp 92l $9h 91, 9\. Md lnd 13000 62 61',6IY many years ma e a Ose an I travels halc taken him to Rus-, 't' r" hi' ,11-]::" ~Ie'l at 5,11) 2l 21 21 WII'hlle 1110 203 20' 2113 PQ~!CeG.ll,r 305 S35 34', 35 SId N,T II07;Z! 106',1" £96',', 706" -_ :~, eXI'hahUSltive studdY °lf alchoholb,md SIa, I-rael, most of Europe'l

• \OU~ ~tenlor 1500 27 26" ,_,IL _ it, "an CRn ~" 51 ' 11 I .~ ,. :lOt) $7'4 7"4 7a

40 Stud Pack ·H/V ., 74

" _ 1 Ir, n nrt' ;I II 1 ;;rvv.. \I .. ,f" I , (1" Go. wI I 3'0 3'0 3'0 a co 0 Ism an w 10 as een t 1·1 Itt ' I n "I ,h"" , , llorrlll 1350 53 Sl SJ +l "~SKi I " 00"," Sun 011 100 5fl', 501, 50', • , , ICc, ,e cc ures ex ensne Y 0 I.', ,JI, 'Nti )I.ta I'ran 3.11)11 8 1', 8 Mnnt ~!\lI $6311 n 6~ -1 Ilue Phone 100 $14', 44', 441'. +1 S"lft 900 40\, 401': ~Ol': ldenhfted for many years WIth the Dead Sea SeroUs and on

"I,. Ullh I ,.1I,," (h I' I ~::~ ~l~~P !~~~ 51:', 1~" I; ~s Imp Ilk C I~W ~;,2" 7~, 7~ ,-. ~~~~~, Wnk l~~ m" 7~:: 7~~:::: ~:~n'~ SuI ~;~ ;~" 1!~: 1~1'.I ~ It the Intercollegiate AssociatIOn, lour tOPlC espeel.!Uy to college '11'1' l' ~lon.l. 1329K 75 10 75 _. no,al m ';;" ~4'~ ;4',:'; ~hl '1111 Inv p 50 $27 27 27 Ir,dron 4900 35"" 3' 3' -1'.0 an internatIOnal orgamzation students He was a featured

:,\" 1\ ~f,~" I Murra) ~l 1900 11.5 115 liS Tor.nom :t1l7 $61:1 1 (l111 6n~- '"l "Ie In wt 200 fi1~ 625 623 -~ Thiokot 2!}o() 203, 20\~ ~OV:l-l, .. d d d f I "" ' 20 Soma Cr 10000 16 15', 16 I~, IIII"T1II'! s Sllop Sn'. SOO 'R', fl', fl', +" T,rle\\t 2300 25', 26 26 -', evote to campus stu y 0 lecturer for }cars at the )Java '.',1",' f t f'o,~,',' ",'1 ''''1'1 1000 '\. ,", ,"~I Alumll'l 1210" ._.,,;, 16', -_6" _:, Slcanl 100 S7~f, 1', 7:\~ .,. .... Timl(en 2~OO I b f I


,'" ~ ,'_ " ,'".'. , SI ,,~;" 61".1 6~' + 1.\ a cohol pro lems It 15 Ittmg Scotia Summer School of AI· \: ~~! ~ ~(1 H s('\\ 1\lger 51100 10 till 10 C Drt"w 397i $10', to 101 .. + I", mpson. ~'j SI] :1,: ~1 - 1:..1 T"ent C 4BOO ~n:l,l 1R34 2:J"lJl 1.... h h I Id d d' t h I "'.",~ I 21 ," SI'''' Alh '51~\J 39 31 38 +J Inla .. 1 r.6) $6 I 6 southa~ 125 130 30 30 Un Corb ,d 0900 106 10",10,'\ +n, t at e S lOU C Ica e IS cohol StudIes where manv New·

• I' lil _', :I,'""",.. 100 360 ~6" 3'" I", Svn A \1100 $,2 52 S2 +" I ~Irrl c.cn l'I!05 ~~~" ~17) Utrl Alrc I!I)I1 14', 41 44', book: To all IIho maintain the II fOllndland teachels an'd stu· " ~J :'\CIJnex "ts 1800 1\1 HI nl -1 I P('mblna 10() $"1 71 .. 711 I (,X:1('O nn I" utd Corp 50t) f,''11 11'40 Il', ''4 c & )" "'~ ~"" hl"CIl gloll m 14" 153 Slmp'on. I., ;,' ~ ,,' t,' TorDnm "0 561',61', Un Fn.11 6700 25'/, 24'. 24',=" open mind on a tight subject, dents met him lie IVIlllecturc

R _,~ S l\('lore 2~tHl 8\ !\Va (jI, \' Ik 9\; ~3~IM ~'I -\L - ,'" I T Fill A :l,0 51;1. U7~ l'll.-III U~ G,P~ 120(] Rfi 8~ R6 + v r d d h' k A ,_', :I."lu",1 20110 16' J;', 15', _,~ W~'I~~' B l,g it'; , 19' i~' +,' 5liallin 4 pr 160 !l~ 45 45 liS Hllhb "00 45'. 44", 41 _ ,i or an open mm e approac IS dmmg the last wce In ugust

_I ~ !hlamo 2211() 10 IS', 16 +" ' - '\ Tr C Cor., 100 IIOlI III', IO~. - \, II,~ St,,1 14700 46', 4f,', 46', - '" certamly the only one which at two cour'es held at ~lc~laster I :I S.'nalllr 2~5011 22 19', ~o -2 Tolnl oal •• ' 1662,00{) 1r Can 1'1, !lOO S2~" 20', 11,.- '. Vonad Cp 1I00 1;',',', It~O" 1,31,\ + ,. WIll attract or satisfy thc m,l Unl\'Cr'lt,· at onn of IvhIC}! a ~('''nor 1000 10 10 10 _ I, I,r Mt P L 400 51;>1,!! ]111j 15'tt- I" I W>llken 500 a 11 ;-, ,] -c-+1 ~llk,1 MS 9m 30 28 30 +3 I\nlk GIl 1['0 !W, 55', 55', - :,. W Un T,I 6100 27'\ 17', 27', .. 1\ telhgent student of toda~'s delegatIOn of Ne'lfoundiand

,1 ';; ,5 ~\~~n Rim 1~.~ I~~~ I;:; I;,~; ~:' I Wehb I(np CI'~~A~~As" 85 85 ~~~\~~h F.I ;:~ ~~~: ~i;: ~::=:! college populatlon Further· I tea(hm 11'111 be pH'cnt Per· :~ _.' ~""r.1I 109,0 W, ~R ~" -6 Ajax 51110 15\, 15 II male If sueh a study dues not hap' In the (utule we Illll 111' 4:3 .:1 ~orl.utle ~oo 13 13 13 -1 Ahof 195(0 11) 1~ It; +1 Ta'nt &ales: :3 ~10.0no 1 1 I ,I; ~" :llnl" 32210 3S 36 ~1 -2 ,In Am Mol 300 205 205 201 liltract OUI Intel IgentSta we WI II IItC hlln to :\cI\foundlalld and

d I :O;oflllNaI 3M 315 315 315 -5 Mno 1530 ~ \ 5 -" have to revert to preachIng and 211 C 1,'011 a chance til meet and Att,\s Tel woo 21i0 255 26U -5 ., ~O'I'" 301l\J S 8 8 'IOSTllF.~L CJ.OSISG ~TOCKS l\onkfl,ld 30011 20 20 20 _I an o\er emotional approach ~ct to know Albion RO,I' KIfl!!

-1 ~ Bontu 1:2~(I :l5\~ j~l:I ~~''J 117 Ttte Cunat1lnn Prf.U Hi If. <7 <> )' S Col~'tr," 1050 t3 56 62 +, Allil pr 25 nom Tnr 111', nl;lu~eRl\I 1~~ 1', 7', I~,,,::.\ whIch WIll have htUe effect lin the meantime lIe imlte you , 1"" _" " 1:1 GlIhl<r1 27033 3D 27 2S +1 Ahlllb, 43', D 11rhIge In', 110111il, 4;00 15 11 15 on the mmnstream o[ socia! to meet hllll In Basic Informa·

\ "i~ -1 ~ Unnk loon 2fil~ 21it~ 26 1'J Asbl'~to. 2j'l l'rj\licr 18," I BrUllPj\U )000 17 Ii '7 h " n -5 :lorlh~nl. 2m 310 330 ,3; 1111l1l1e C Nat "', !lUd Dn' Min ~" cs pett 100 m 4Jl 415 _5 custom ami on t e iroWIng In. lion on Alcohol In lour hblarv ", , \ ~1I"I' \w :1\11 411 40 40 +I nank 'Ilint 62', Imp 011 1'. Canllrnlnn 10011 10 10 HI -2 cidence of alcoholIsm. Although "

J 111. til ~ ! n Illl('n 1000 ~Ii 46 46 [Hmll NS 7111;! Int ~Ick IjP~. l ~ A:11ERICAN CLO~ING STOCKI (TI t I ' 11'1 1P~ -1 10 I.('n"" !It'III0 12 1: 1'2 _ l~ HnqUf l'C 49 :\f.1S!Iii Fer 1163,~~ g~~u~~l1 13~~~ Hi21~ 16~ 1ti~'2 ~t~~.1 am.rIBe1.nT~,etoc~.IJDE'.la,tl.,.4DrP,_r'A"Ur. 1 we recogulzze that ~to kno\'~' IS lese 31' Ie es are compll· ,', 3",1 _I 10P,ml<ka 1231 m 6B5 68~ -Il U,lI ~2', l>urulldR , , a o. not necessarIly 'to do' Ive trllS! ed b,' thc Newfoundland Coun,

I t.! Or, iHm !!2(JO ::!t n Z,() :!~6 + S, Bruzl1 300 Pnlulnsh 11 Ce~sJ.lnd 1~~~ IRO lW lRfl f. 5 xd - Ex dhhlend. xr - Ex righ'l. .1 l Q" II'amour IOl5 n9 119 119 CleH'lond 41'. I'Clee 15 • I Chem.lnv 70 7f, 70 -% ",-Ex warrant" 1'\01 chan,. I. from action based on knowledge far I CII on Alcoho PlOblems tn , , 'I -I Pnrm.q 200II 14', H', 14', C CCincnl 31', nmal Dank 11' Chlh CliP 7011() 10 10 10 -1 pr .. lou. day', clo,e, more than that prompted by a ,\hom enqumes may be ad,

fit -2 I Patino :!j'\rl taO 63(\ 63S _~ C Stenm'ihlp SU Steel 2~~,1~ I ~lc'~~~~ne~ ~~~ $3~~: :l~~~ 3ii~ ~;: lId J' • ~ I'allnn rt. 25103 9 7 7 -1 I C Imp nk C 6[1, Tr Ca. Pl. " I If" I I SI.ck 8.1 .. mrb Low Clo .. Ch·,. passmg emotIOn, dle"ed )

._ 1<1 PalO 100 :1111 310 310 -20 I Cdn nrc" 1014 \\;!lkcr r~l~)a en 00 0 10 10 Rrazll 3700 2}) :rl', 2", • '. Pax Inl 2~01J0 21 20 ~o C Int P"r pr 47 CAXAlll,\)/ 'nrn,)ull ,~~~ $15', 15'. 15', R\ all 100 2,;', 251, 25'. H k K 11 f " I th

In -J 1 ra\milo~t 7000 1212 12 12 + to!t CPIt 301" AnI: ,\ ~tfJlyh :20~ n EXl'lorrr 40f!n ~; ~~ J:1 flunk HUl 5000 lR'~ HI', 18'8 + ~1 mar C cr 0 I a C, Wi an PRI;.;'T L"i CAXADA .

Brinco Appointment

Folllll\'Jng a meeting the Board of Directors ot Bllti<h New· fOllndlann COll1orattOn I.lm, Itcd annonnced that Han. Rob­ert If Wlllieis has becr, elect· ed l hall man and Clnef Execut­II e OffIcer oi the COll1panv in su~cc,slOn to ~lr, H, Gre\'llle Smlt h, C BE, II ho,o rehre, ment at hIS rcquest lIa< accept· ed )lr GtcIllle SmIth COR­tmues a' a du ector 01' thiS COlllpan\ 'Ir Wmtf'r< 1< President of Rio Algom ,\lin,'s LIt! and a du ecl-01 of a numher of other com panICS,

TIIREATE~ GUARD ~1~ I (~uc 11th ~oo 22!'l 225 ~15 -to Seagraml :;01.2 Con~ pap 3BI~ ~ h~l~igth ]0(1 1l271l.i 2711 n~l ~ 1,~ CS Prtc 2200 :17, y~\ :l3, -'" encyclopaedic mmd on matters \ ~ 11 I Qun~1on 125U lJI~ 1312 1:\~!z J I [) .. WlOO 163 140 1 j~ 5 C Jln rlln 32300 14:$, 1:\%' 14 --;. I f I hId h I

H _~ IOu('nlOnt ZI'lU SI0'. 1011 Ifll l"" I, umaJ:am Con )IS 100 2,,1;J 2412 24~ 0 a CO 0, sal t 13 \0 ume was I 'I I R"lInrl' moo ~1 47 ~o .. 2 E!'tqUlnl'"II,[;,~e 3IO~I)I100 ~~" ;~" !.~ -2 (~rreOo,\lne CP ~1:tOJOI) ~2', 42 42 I the bcst and most authenHc I THOROLD, Ont (CPI-Co,m, '11O:\TRE \L (CP' - TIIO con-

~ : Ila\ fork 2~lji 100 Bi 99 -+ IS ,- (. 14 141

141'1 + iK n,alm 1000 ~ 9 0 ~nx I.,k, mon i~ ~~ ;~ -2 nelP,1 ~"on '16' 91~ 91e WOlk by an apostle of abstIn·lcomlC sectIOn, 101 40 Canadl~n Ilcts, ctaIgrd \llth t1lleatenmg

.:: ~~ 'I~:~~~ 3~;~ IJi';, ~~" i~'~ +1 ~'~'I~~\~" i~~ 146 In 115 g:~i"'lrol f~~ I;., Ii;: Ii;' - \\ ence, And the lattcr desClibes : newspapcrs, cUlrcnlly pnnl~d the Itfc of a St Ymcent de Paul ,,~ ~ nllckllin 1715 17 11 17 1 G Alltnlrnn ~20(l m ,,5 ~75 lIollI .. ,cc '00 241~ 2"~ 211~ • '" Kmg, for although he a~k' III Dunkirk, ;\ y, \III! bc prll1l~d I pemtcnlwi v guard Aplli ~O, Glen L"k. '00 M ;50 l"~ r h Id h II t I 10 ,,, 10 Rmtan Cnn ~OOO 6 ~ 6 NL\I ~01lJ( CLOSIXG STOCKS 101 AlIn, 101 1211 120 12~ _! lmp Oil 1: 38'. '0", "', - -'1 nowledges moderatIOn as a 111 T oro fnllns Ip nexl )CDI \lele I!"en aCl tIOna .year

;: ~; ~:I;~r ~:!~ U l~ ~l" R,lh sl!:1 Th, 2~;~'o~~~~~, ;v'" .7 Insprlaln 3110 221) 2211 221) "! I ;j':,,~y Ai!' 1100 il',' r,;" ;~,. -II, I \a!td concept and devotes a Greater Buffalo Pless of But· sentences '\cdnesday Thc eon-, s," \111 71111~' 2' 2' !lorg ""nrr 42', :-1\' Cent 20 Il~; i\~~~~ 21i\\i\ I;~ Il;,.l;~ ';. ~Iol)b C '00 1,16' 71& 71~ whole chapter to Moderalton 3'I[alo, N;, announced Werlne·· \Irts CamIlle Lantlll and Plcrre

., ;'; ,10 ~~l':\III~h' 2~~~ I;" 1!" 1~" +1 ~n~~ndl:~ISO. 6Sl6" ~~~~;, ~:~flflc ~~" ,Iuhlloo ;;~~ ~~; ~;~ ~;~ -30'I~;i ~~th ;9:'2i211 ~;:; 2i'::,:l an Ethicall'rinciple, he seems d,!\ It \III! e<tahlt<h a cOI:lPan

\, Taffct wc)e ~harg~d after. n " 1"'_" Sherrin 1l512H 271 211 Gin I:lco 1", Sid OIl:olJ 711 1~~C,:l~k I'cl !lno 11; 110 115 ~J Zlnc ,;0031",31',31'.+ ,,'to de\otr more attcntlOn tollo he Imo'ln as Gledtcl (anar\J demollstlatlOn dUllng \\hICh I ~, _; 1~lll~ma ""0201 5;;_'~ 5;~ 550 Gnod".r 3~l, l'ld Aher,lt 44 Iadlllloro 2U<tO 1'9 135 13' IPPra~SloPncl'" .'OOon 1~" • "", -I" the dlfllClllltes IVlth modela. Color Pllnltng Ltd, to handlelguald T<'lc<pilote Segulll w~s I

Z!I' _I' .... \J11aq .1 .1 ",.1 2:'l (~l Nor Ry 511 .. \nnacllum ::1 Mclnt 10rl $~j:'l. 4';', 47:1, ' .1 II 7:t. 'I r 16 I h Id h' " f I 1\ _" Sil ~lIl1er 6000 33',., 32 32 -1 Inl T T 49 \\ .. In~.. 30 ~II'r yglP moo 21 20 ~o SCllm II Blno 1fi'. 16 '6', lion than \11th Its usefulness, the JOb e os.a:!e "t ,", e'pmnt : ~ _ I ~ Sisroe ~C:I'I la2 liR 182 +1 ____ 11 Ch h 0 2S 'I" 5 ~hcr \\m. 1000 B01.i~ 7~!4. 30 + % ,~ "& ,Starratt 8000 9 R" 81\ _ I> I ~I~crsa' 8fo~ .,: Technelr 9,00 16', 16 l6'. - '4 Indeed he closed the chapter I

II ISI.eIOl' 500 61> 61l 6".1 lll'tan~o lUnD I;~ I~~ I;~ -;-~ I TTrrn(~OnlI.U~.t .00 la'. 12 12'_ Wlth thesl' words' "The frustra-I ) 111 Stef'p n 2825 ""Il 43!! 43!i I Monp1e iO!'Jfl R' I'll. R' ~ "' 1000 35'" l5'l l~~. - '. -' • I 1 '" _ 1, I Slllr.,on lOOU 26 26 26 + 0,; 'II Plco,nt GOlOtI 104' 11~' ' In, ' :~' m.h Id 5 2GOO W, 13 13 - '. tlOns of human eXIstence bcmg I , 4,,1 ,15 I SuUh.n IIOO 148 H5 14! I Nfld 1.IGht 35 $100 109 109 -I Wr n .. , 1300', Ill! '1 .. 11& what they arc, and whiskcy be - 1- SlInhurst :'lOot) 11 11 11 +'~ 1\."" I I nl l. L 1 • 1\ -I Tock II 1"11 1-9 117 ". " ,\mu.1 000 " 9', 9\, + u., Total .olt. "0000 Ing IIhat I't IS, a moderate soc·

.. ..) , .. I! + 2 )JOST ACTl\'F. TORONTO 'STOCK'" N,\ A"b 3300 9 ~ 9 -1- 1 :oJ" , 2 ~1': -1 Tcm~ 1000 70, ,0 d), n,. Thr. CanadlDn rfC'.!I1 Opcm Expl 5000 l~ 14 1~ 41 I Iletv 5eem~ very remote II He , 11' -1 Territor) ~OJ.n"I"' 13, I:'" 13.- '" I Rlock Sol" 11I.hLo"Clo .. Ch'r. Pauda.h 20000 41, lIS 4',_', Br,·nco f II th h t th I 1'1, 1;1, 'Thorn!. 15 5, 5' ISllIJSTlUAl,S Pooe. Rlvr ,.,0 ~IO ,o5 305 -5 I 0 OWS IS C ap er WI one

\0', -', Tomblll 3000 65 65 65 +S I nc pow SIBO 121', 21'1 21'. ~ I, Que Cnbnlt 300 290 2!JO 290 -20 '" I enhtlcd Abstinence as a Wiser 1~" : l" I ig;~~~t 1m ~~,' ;~. 2433 +3" cte.1 Cn. 5205 $201, 20 20', +" SU Cilium 10 310 310 ~IO .1 I TORONTO (CPl-Brmco 143, W' \"h tl th

_, _ _ n Dam Tnr 4075 $17', \1', 17', +" SII. nil Ld. 700 100 10 10 +! b'd <440 k d ar., e ler we agree WI 1:'" II irrllln"~chib If,}'O 203 1;, 201 -9 Cdn Brew 3915 SIO', 10 10'. +', Stal" Ex 1200 205 '96 20\ .. 8 II. 8S e , Kmg or not we recogmze that

3;>00 lS ,4~, 15 MB lind rn J3~0 $231" "21, 2:17 SanJ:ilmo 100 $11 11 11 ;i _ I Dn l~~W;'I 11: ~\ ~: ~:, +1 • OIl.S·· - 511" suml 11700 1r. 65 70 + 5 Bowaters here IS a man who has thought ','_ _ I, [lin I'eo' +1 Yan Can 9000 h', 5', ~" +" S,II< Town 4000 28 2G !S .. 2 thrQu~h for many years tne

•• \ II ~6l 5;0 5.~~ 56') of to GlaCier ;000 9: q 9 Soh(>v 100 Sl·l1ll 14t..r. J4~2 - Ii.! .... 11 Un ~Iadle 2300 27 26 27 .. 1 AP Con. 5750 fil 61 61 S Dufaull Imoo IB H lB +2 0 P problems surrounding the use ,\II _ 5 I Ifn Fort 1125 11'. Ill, II', +" Crnl Del 3618 740 725 135 H Sparlan noo 4" 4~ 49 +2 L NDON (CPl-Bo\\'ater 3" , and abuse of alcohol m human 31 .', Upp Con ,00]40 110 110 -2 Triad ';11() m 153 155 _I Tach, 7~Do 8'; 8 ~,~ .. "I PCI' Corp, Ltd, closed at S4s I 71, _" IV llnlnr \000 6 6 6 mSEg T"l\sm.n 100 77 7i 77 -2 10' d 0 !h I d 6t k E SOCiety Such a man can no ; '1'«1 'II lit! 3193 315 330 345 ~20 C :%rthld 131'"'0' Ii 35 42 +! TIl> ExpI 1000 5', 5[; 5', _ " 12 n e .on on oe' x- longer have an open mind But

22n _S 1"llIr",' 1000 141 n8 n9 ~ I nodlorc 5"tl() 54 47 50 +2 Un Obal,kl 7400 52 5' 51 +1 change Thursday • r.~ -2 I Wllt"e\ 2:;00 131• 13 1:11~ + Jh I ~l'W Al,~r 5"'10(1 10 91 ... 10 11 To\\m: EJ 300 $lj~. 1,)7, 15-.- JAIl Ius deCISions and hiS re.asons ", f'l \\lndl.II '1500 49 4"- +1 -, !' Cusco 47500 181i 171'.1 18 +1 I Vnndcr !lout 900 125 m m I II k d d

211 20 -3 \\ r lIanc 11!1~ 7ft jR ,R Wlnllrall H5110 4~ 45 ~j + 1 Van.wuard 1500 8 7lh 8 I PIS. or lem rna ~e em an s on U5, I 13 Yk nrar 2700 lOS lor. 10fi -2 I I IVsburn. \u~ 1IJ !J!3 I ersona ,avlngs I they car:y the weight of facts " " Zulap. 8jl)l1 2, 22 2, +'~ I II esl lIel 1;1)11 2i 25', 2- ~ I d t \" I ' :",28',- " OilS ' OTTAWA (CPl _ Person'll an comic lon, "e olVe um 1\ 1:' _.', ~~~n~p~" 5W;;' 6\0 ~~ ;,~ 87,SOO, min •• SaVIngs on deposit 10 Canada's close study and I\C WIll be \lell

I!'\ 4i~ 10:': ~l~l~~~ :~~ .~~ .~: 2;; chal tered banks at ,June ,lO relTv31 rdefd I b 'I 9 -1" ,\m leduc 21100 - 5 - I 5 llmounted to $B 364000 000 Ie orerunner oC t lIS ook I

AOI o'~ -5 I Inch or 60n 13 13 13 !tom $8,320,000,000 a' m~nth' e~;' was entitled the I'~ychology, of " "" I~" ~~~ ~,D;: I~~ s;~ ~; i~ I'r... lier and $7,993,000,000 a yenr J)ruukcnncs5, a ~~py of IIhICh '" ", ~" _16 Ilral'" '''0 38 3a 3S All edn Cnm !tid ~"1; previous, the fmance depart· we round In Goslmg Memortal 15 1\ I', ", Cal ~'II [jo $]81, I", 18'\ 111 " LITh d I' I' '" "I Camertna ;21 215 2I~ 215 -!l \11 Cdn 01\ 619 7,22 ment reported TIllllsdav. 1.1Iar~ ycalS ago e revIse \ : .. :,,; ,5 I ~s (J~ci:I' Ii~~ 130 '30 130 -4 ~~,,;.';~~~~ GrOlvlh J~ ~~ ,;,~: By Th. Assocl.I,d Pm, The monthly chartered bnnk editIOn of the present Ilork I

'." ,:,', , 1", r. DeIhl n3 ~~~ ~l~ 410 -20 Canod. Growll, 501 ',IS N ... Inrk SI.ek E"h.nrp-Aur 1 I statement also showed that can (1960) Is a complete I e\lSlOn , ..... I'" "" -10 Cdn Do,. '1110 '30 .,. 3472~ -!O Cdn Gas .nd f.nF."RY 6 ,6 717 x~ - Ex dl,ldrnd, ., - E, rlgh'" . , of all former editIons i tl e I 1'\ "'.5", ,;'._', C Ex Goo '700' ,-, ,-, Canadl.n-ln".tm.nl 1033 '" E."."nnl, ~'I chan,. I. from I an~ ~hort loans 111 Canadi3n all! I I','" ~", 21', _ u" C t1omo,td 501 ~~ ~~ ~~ _I Cnn Tn..te,d 4 fit I;~; pre\ 10Ui do> '. close, funds totalled $281000 000 t text IS brought Into ltne '1Itlt I "0' ,\ ,., C II I '''R - 0 "21 _, Canaflllill 4' 3' 44 11 Sol I " "tl Itt h ". f I I !') ;. ;~ i; -3 I ('on: asle Cr ,on, .4 , ,3.> .. 5 Champion MutUal ; R; 6.6 ~to,k Sal,. IfI.b L,. Clo .. Ch'r' .Tune 30 compared Illth $306" le a e, Ie-em c, e m( ,". 0, I" on Ie We.t P 2011() I;~ ,;; 1~ +~ CommOlllle.llh Intor ,,~. ,I AI fInd "'Oll ~'. 91', ,1 - ',' I 000000 a month earlier anrl It an excellent SOUlce book and f(lll l' I 100 Cnmmonwc lth J t L 1 ;0 I\fldrc'ls :110 )l~. SOl" 10:1, -.. •

1«1 'I ' :; .:.\\ I R~~;ml~·I' 501 513', 13', 13'. + I'< Corporale iQ\ •• t~rs .lrr 102fl I: ~i ,\II,,'an. 5.0 10 tr. 10 StiR,OOO 000 a year prpIOlI~, the chapter,hlles show wh~ rll 2~ 1"11. ~7 II)<namlc l1AO 1~ 18 18 J)1\('rsLfld Inc Ae 214~ Allis (.;h tJ~no Ih1

J 1~1~ lb~ .. - Some of them nrc: Ol'l!:!ln and " U80 18 Ie 18 DI Ifl d J Amerada J:l!HlO 61l t l>lil,.;r; 63 ' 40 -+ ".!'. ... . I . ..

1,.1 ", I l4" +" f',,,~o 1100 20a 20\ 205 -I D1;fdrn~ Sh~~e~ HD UI Am Cun 37011 ", 14, 44', -', T S I F ChemIca IIi atlll e of Alcohol, '~, I;:" I;; Ii; .6 i ~rn'~~:' pr ~~ 301,! '~ 30~ +10 Domlnln f:E'Iully 13.~~ In~ Am qun 5;oll ;3'. 57', 5~" - "I 0 Upp Y a rims Why ilIen Dnnk, ClaSSIficatIOn I~" ~- 2.?fi Gr I'lains Drc,fu!l lnr )"" 02 ]R 50 AI11 "lut 1.!100 131

4 1776 1. 1

,- I" I ' __ ,olo! 13I} 3131",I!"_1 Dh'lnend Sh.,,, '33-, 3-,0 Am Smelt 15\0 EO 70 00 +1'~ REGI"~ (CPt-The Sasknt· 1of Alcohol and Othcr DIUgS, I .~\ l' lf1l~ _ \~ I Grldoll ,.. A s1d ~~ 1'" IF.3 17 1 10 '" '1' 6n Hom. A. ,14 ~Io'. 10'\ 10'\ Dominion EEqulty 1900 19~3 nI, ,"" .,_,' _'6': 2-, + '1 chClI'an Wheat Pool announce,ll Steps of Int.oxlcatlon, A DIS' I 11. Ii ~ [:;1'2 _ '2 I lIomr n SiJ1 IP 1" Dre)lu!II Int' I'" 0'" l~ 50 Am SUIRC non .. h " "1 :, 23 "', \l n Oil G 41g~ S14': H': Ill: _ '1 EEuropean Grol\lh ; oi 7 II Am Tol l2O\I~ UO', 119'.110', .. ',I Thursdav It IS l!Om~ mto the I case of t c Soul, etc, He runs I,"' ,', '" 61~ _5 Lnn~ point 30M 12 III': 11', _" ~f~tr~fld .~Jn~~~ : 7~ ~~; ~:;;'I;r If~gg it· ii:: i:" ; ~: I farm supply business, I the' whole gamut of knowledge I

-;~ ~"g~~,t l~g:] 3ig 3J~ 3~: -L Fonll. Collcctlf A "'~s 6 Bi Anenn. 3000 16', 46Y< 4G'. I The pool said 'It has bought I about the subject In a though· 1

Fond, Cnllcellf Il -16 5 AI Armco St1 lOon 5", 54', "1'. +), th 1 [S k I I f 1 tl H _ :Ie Oil. 120 145 H5 45 -3 Fnnds Collcclll C • Armsl~ c. 1f000 '5', 6l', S5X _ "I e asse S 0 as a c lelV~n u, l'a lCr prosaic way IS I , -3 I ~~~hr!1 473io $Vs ~lItl 33's +1 Group Inc ~i~ ;~~ llallco,k 1300 55 54\'. 51'. +', Seed CoopcratIve Lmutcd lnd II writing has not the ch,trm of

:",1 ~I:, ·"1;;" -13 [! ~:~~n Oil ms 40 40 40 _ U ?;::~;~r~I~::::~thG" ~~~ ~~: ~~;~ ~~~I 16\~~ ~~" i:~; i;~: +', \\111 handle large amounts of I Father Ford s but IllS treat, lin Petrol 1;~ ~: ~~ ~~ In\C,tors Inll 451 4 ~3 Harden 10011 62'. 62'. 62', - 1\ I rcglstered and ~el tlfled sce~ men! IS hlOader and fuller, j

By Ceean ---------------------For Sahlrday, AugU1i 3

Present- For You it nd Yours .•. Make the most of thiS day, which is the best of the current week. Your scnse o[ humor (which has been in hid. ing) will retum in full force. People are bnghl, alert ~nd WlllY under curr~nt configura­ti<lns. promising a gay social evening. AspeclS favor 3SSOC1a­ti<ln WIth literary or professiGllaI peeople.

, Past ••• We a1\ remember the Future ••• RelIgious retreats , day he landtd, but DOt .many will c:onlinue to incI'e.1Se in

roc31l that II Wa.i on Au~t 3, pOpularity for !Ired business and 1492. that Chmtopher <:olum- . hus "1l1ed from Palos, Spam, profess,onal mcn an.~'ous to for the new world, With a escape from worldly ." ornes. convoy of three tiny ,essei" Ihe Morc and !11()re men WIll enler "Nma," the 'Pmt.1," and the monaSlcncs for stays of se' eral 'Sanla Mana" weeks.

The Day Under Your Sign ARIES (S"," M"d, 21 I. April 191 \c. tnuge, callY, rt"OV1de-c1 yOIl v(' ,n'm the maltu pflor consideration,

TAURUS lAp'" 20 to M,y 101 De Drdul n har.almJ: r.'.on~\ lh't'~ not ~ours. It $ .a grHe rt~pontlbllltl

GEMINI (May 21 I. IUNE 21) Tale tr:e mtUllre of :I man by puttIng ,h .. tar- :.to'.l11 I the: heart. not the head

CANCER (June 22 t. July 21) ~~w" fro!'T1 :\f:1r relteves ~our milld on a -111'0 eel ..... bleh 113' bttn 'Worrying you.

LEO IJuly 22 I. Ao;, 21\ I ( sriI'Q-lhlnfl: from the pac' IS btJt~cring ] ou, brznl: It out ttl the o~n now.

VIRGO {Aug, 22 10 Sepl. 221 PlolY a fart lJ1 lICr: and ,.ou'lt hr much hiPPIe! than those pi2Ylng apart.

LIBRA {Sopl 2110 Oct. 221 l{ '\"00 {t:-1 hke d:..an.Plg ~ot:r (,1"I_f'~ j: ) lh~d If '1'01 know where."O"J re ["I../'I.t

SCORPIO (0:1, 23 I. Hnv. 211 Ha.'C' no f.\1Je rrule llbou: do:r:~ r:t!.'"l1:11 cI:.oru. You un. Ittll m:i.tnUm dl:;n tlo

SAGItTARIUS (Nov 22 to Doe 21) !Jon t 'e:t belr:b' worked 1.11'1 a")t!t a ,tomt1 t C tltu:thon Inttr{ere wllh ~1Ur JO'b

CAPRICORN (De •• 22 t. J.n 201 111t .. I~ Mt :z. vO~(,SS' e dar II::! be bl['lp) If }ou don't loce any S'''OWlJ.

AQUARIUS (Jon. 21 t. F.b I~I ~'3tller cp 100 e c'ld\, attend fn roJtu:c CF!')fes rath"r than !tatt 4r.)thU'lg' ne'll!'

PISCES (Feb 20 10 More" 201 inrrr are ,"TV few unbre:tl=tl:lIC' t.'l'd .. 'I';'hetl }"tN're 'W're~hng With yO"Jt CO%I!C ~c:~

~ 115J, Publ,~hers NeW$f;CIp", SmA I:~~C:


', ~ - 1'1 Place 2000 51 50 !!O +1 Inveslors ~!UIu'l 216 1365 Borg W.r 3000 43', 42". 42'. -', "rnins King IS an mteresttn" man :'1'0 I Mutunl Arcumulntln« :'181 4 17 nils Edison 700 421/11 421~ 421, _:140 b h

: M : (I "'1; 2in I ~~~~~o Gu 5~:' 1~~ 1~~ 1~ +2 ~tutul\1 Jncome ~ 3~ 5 'Il~ noelng 830(} 33:111 12', 3J',... + 14 Charles Gibbins, prc~Jde!lt pf --------':1\ 'l "_ I'" R.n~or 500 122 122 122 fl'" :0/ American of Canada 11 02 1201 n,UnSll. moo 117I,', II;" II~tl_- !', the wheat pool, saJd the po)1

One William Str.et 1387 I' 15 Ducy Erie r.o<) " " " • Prol'ldenl HI ~ 34 Dudd Co 210n I~" 13', Ill. -" is entellng the farm supply

~~ I'rn 40 Lnck o[ haIr

IScol l 4111'" as wine 42lIa~e of ash 4; rlos.,t 49 lJeseried infant ~I nOllmg 1001 ~2 Chmty r.l nrhoW (Latin) SHlmscan

~ndd,ss !; 1I0\ler 50 Samen's 10 POKer stake 29 Low sand hIll

mounds 11 Dnv}ng 31 ilody of land ~7 Droop command (pi) 33 Stream

IlOWN 17 Opposed to JR 1I.lIan cily 1 n~'lilng house former 40 Grammatical 2 n,bll,,1 name 19 Tracking form 3 \1' lib "pparatu5 41 WI!e Onp.I

, . red males 2311ecompcnse 42 DIstant 411.1. of motIon 24l1rolher. 43 Song for one ~ rnilma 25 Son 01 Jacob 44 6 Speaker 26 Armada 4R 7 Completed 27 Pertaining \0 47 (lfa~alll cerlaln Iropical

8 Salad plant plants -,:. __ UGroo\Cs 2Slimploys r--;;':';;';;';"~""

Putnam Gro\\th 869 9 'iO nurl Jnd ~~O() 361, 3l'~ 36;.. .. + I .. business III respon~c to "perSl!~ nad[s!lOn 458 5 OJ flurrllhs 16400 2fi~ 25:l~ 2G - "'R ne~ent ~ 65 (, 17 Columet 700 l2'. 12', 12'\ + '. tent demand" from its memo n .... rch In"stln« 1051 II 49 Camp Soup 120n 98 971, 98 - 1, bel'S who want sources of farm S .. ",lngs Jme<;1ment Ii 12 66!) Can Dry lOOn ~J 22'" 22.~' + I,I •

IOfi2 Exec Fllnd Cd. ~ 36 15' Cdn nrew 2700 9 9', 9', + " I supplies close at hand TV ElectronIc!! 7~.5 n:n cpn 330) 28:11 211 :23 -- 1,

Tlmed Ime~tment Ii 2~ 686 [case JI 4600 !llll 8'. 111" - I.,

United Aceumul.tll. GIO 661 rt" Tr 4100 43", 43\, 43'\ + " West Grov.th 4 ~5 .94 I Cel:mrse :\300 4~340 4B~ .. 4~)311 + ~. Deposits


MOSTKI;AI, CI.OSI:lG STOCKS 8,.. Tile C:ulIutlan l'ren

I Montrenl ShIck Luhance-Au,. 1 (omph tc tahulalloll of Thur"dny

I trnnsRctions (Quotations In rents un,

l ies! tnarkt'd I z-Odd lut. xd-Ex dhidemt. xr - Bx Ii.:bb, X\\-t.x

I warrants Net chan)(c Is from Ilrc\ IO~!i board lo~ cluslll':: sale)

~·P.t 8tork Sales Jllclt I.ow tlille th'le

, Abitibi 180 U3~ 43~:I 43~1- I, Ab\t pr 50 $25 25 25 Alum -Wi pr 4!t30 $3t1~ 391a JIJI" Aillomn 715 $54 51 51 Alumlol 1201 $26% 261~ 261, - Ii Alum 2pr 60 $46\'4 45t; .. 461 • + 1. 4 ,\Iumin 4Hp 5000 $J9h :l~'" 391f.l + ;40 Asbe! to!) 715 $26~~ :25 3" 25;' .. -J !~ An.: " 290p 125 $34 M 54 - ~~ Ar~ C pr 100 $81, 8", 81, + I> Asbestos 61'i S~61-'J 26 26 -' • Atlo. Sleel 25 3750 mil 3750 + 5 Bank ~1ont 1224 $6J~, 9"2~ .. 623 .. -1% Bank NS 311 5701.4.1 tOIl 1011'l + \ .. Uonq I'C 050 ~19 481. 19 + Bunq CN 105 $761'4 76~" 76140 + .. ~ fleJi I'holle IMII SS311 53~M 5:1' .. - I. flow 5Pl r;.o $~I}[" 50~" 5tIh n .. ,1\ 2763 300 300 300 + lD n~ 011 m $27'• 271, 2;', He Fllff'st 700 $t9 lfJl" 18'" - ;. Be Pow t 2818 $21'~ 2112 21 t" + DC Phone 100 $i4 111 541~ st'li .+--lk Brown 100 Sill;. 131/, 131-. - '-I Cal Pow 2(10 S2111-l 21 3 40 21:\4 + ~" Cnn Cem lGO $311': 371'.! 37', + I> CSI, 215 I!!O'I 50 50 - '. CA~: 100 110\, lO'l '0% Cdn Brew 6600 SI01" 10 1O~~ C nre U pr 40n U2\; ;2'" 521':, V. C eel mp 750 S37 31 37 +~. C Chem £00 $91-~ fP4 ~~. C Chern If 200 385 385 385 + 1l C Imp Bk C 330 162 om 611>- % elL 52~ StG1A, 16~~ 161/-1 - J /I CI pow pr 275 $47 47 41 + I'< cl'n 2235 13m 301,' 301': Cen 0.1 2;00 740 12~ 740 +15 Con MS 960 $2GI-1 2£1. 26t~ Con Tmd 100 $G~ 6'. 6;40

CoronoUon 225 $6 6 G Cr ZeU A 50 $2514 25l. 25~~ + ~~ Disl Seng 210 SSOIl 501> tOil; '4 Dome Pete 500 .Im 131': 13\, - " D I1rldtre 21S f1B~1 1 nw 18% + 'I. D GJUII 700 .1734 17;1 173~+ J,~ D Stor.. 7.10 115'1 lSI> Im-DolO Tnr 1460 .m. 17'4 11\, _ 'I Dom Texl 4Jl $20 20 2" DonohUe 600 $23 2l ~I Du I'onl 25 138 38 3A Dupu.1 A 300 SIQ% 10'. lOll F'alcnn 4r.O S~~ 561h 5nl~ - V~ FI.el~ood 2M 120 211 20 Fraser -17~ $29 28~, 28~. - \~ Fr pete pr 180 300 300 300 't10 Goody •• r 50 '461'< 46\4 46\4-~

Che~ Ohio 2100 62~" 6:l 62 - 1(1 l Chrslr xd !GaGOO aIll..-.. 55'h 51 - 3. 11

ClUe:,; S\ 6100 7P. 'jOl~ 71 1", t ~B Cleulr HOt) 3~ 31i3~ JO~4 -11" COCn Cola 190U 9Jt" 951 :.1 95"11 + ~II ens '9GO fin GP, 611, - ", Cnntl Sol v 3~~O[J ::!6 21'r.. 26 + 1~~ Cun EdlS :In{)O to", 8il:;'" 8tPII - '2 Cunt.llner 2:.IOn :!G~" :!:PII Z.J~I!. - I~ Clln Cnu 2t){)() 4'P" 4'il~ 4JIf~ f- 'k Con all 41UII i!Ps 59 (!lJ. I- t.. COlm StI .!OU 35 35 3~ - 1" ('orn IHllll 41011 ili\. 5~11~ rlj~1'I Crane Co roo S2 51 1" 'itt~ + ,~ Cr Zl'U ll11U tit e 4GI" 451".!. 3'~ Curllss \\r 171111 20 l!P~ J9:! .. - l,.11

J)('tre 2'0U bl~" till" Gl~. - 1" Ubt Sea, I~()O ~6~~ 4GI~ 4t:i1".! _ 111

nume:\1 ~100 :!91' .. ~fi311 2fJh +1111 Duugla/i: 3GUO 21~" :::!2h 22' I - I,

UO\\ Chrm 5500 5!1140 582 .... 19

OTT A WAr CP \ - GOl'cm· ment o[ C~nada depo'i!'; de· I cl'ensed S27,503 000 to $R4,Rfi6000 in thr week ended ,Jllly 31. the Bank of Canad~ reporterl Thllr~, dnv ill Its weeki.,. statement

Chat tercd hank deposils d~, creased $2.';,9.11,000 10, $70;;,474,-000 and notes In CII elllntion m· ercased $~,816,000 to $2,205,342,-000

du pont 3400 239 23~1,:! 23llVl + tl~ .. l~a!it Kod :,!r;oo 109 107l'i R 1m"" - '1" ! ,.. J. "" I U E.ton Mfg 15<111 311. 34'. 31',-" \,. "P1~IJJ\'.:!In ILIO.lar EEl Pnso S9{)0 19~1I ' 9 19 Fleslnr GIOO 32'. 32\> 32', + 'I NEW YORK (CPl-Canadinn Ford 24300 50'" 49~'\I 50 -~ .. Fnleh Tra HIO 28', n', 2111. _ '. dollar unchanged at 92 2~,64 tn Gen nyn 5600 25', 2~h 21'. -), terms of t;' S funds Week ago Gron Folce 7fiOO 7al~ 771" 71P ~ +~. no ,,'" 64 ' Gen F'dl 3900 82 1111, 6o! +.11 iU .. oJ,· , Gell ~ d, 3900 82 81'. 02 +'\ Pound sterling down 1,64 at Gen ~1Il1. 7200~; 4'_ ~5 t'.. GMC 2f~::!OO 71~' 703)1 71 1 • y2 BO 1·16 Cicn Tire noo 2~1., }:1 1 " IJ~1I f1f1 ______ _ Ga Pac Cp 2200 50;~ 50 501~ -+ ~" G1diden !jot) 411" 421", UI/I _ "" Goodrich !l300 48:1. 47A.,\ 48\4"'" ~, U.s. Dollar Good!1car U:J()() 3~)~1'I ~4;1I 35:\ .. + II" Grand Un IROO 17., Il', 17', I MONTRE!'IL (CPl - Tn e GI A l' 1100 44', 411> 4.4" -" Unitcd States dollar Ir terms nf m r.lor n~ 1700 51'" 'ill, .111" - 1, ' Gulf all IZOO 481, 47'. 47'. - '. CanadIan funds was lInchang~d Ilomslk 21011 .2" 51'1 52', +", at $1 OR 5·32 Pound stcl'lmg ,vas lind D M 500 SJ3, 51~. 5P~ + 140 Inlerlak. ,00 21', 24 w. unchanged at $302 15,16. Inl nu, 13100 4311< 130 435 + "" lnt 1I00r\' 6100 \HII 541,40 ~4$n 71 tnt Nllk 5!HlO 573 • 517t1l 57 - 1. tnt POlP 9UlO 29 2~1f.I :!8!'!, + III Inl 1el l,OO 4nl': 49 49 -', Johns l\[ lion 4tH" 41iY.t 46~" -f '. Kellogg :noo 751/ .. 7Wl 741fJ -IlK J\cnnl"cot 2GOO 12~ 711. 72611 + Ii I{on cUe 5aOl) 2G~~ ~6 2fi _. I~ Krc81%e 1200 22 1 • ~2~/II 22 3 • - ~, Krol"hler ::!OO lfil{. 16~" 1614 + ;" Lib MeN L 800 14\, 141': 14', - I. Litton ':\100 707" 69~40 70'" - 1.4 l.new·' 1100 1811 1~1. lAl.

OTTAWA (CPl-Payment of a $51,100 hcalth grant to help extcnd mental health servicps in Montreal \I as ann1lunce.1 Wednesday It will help finance appointment of full,hme ps·{­chiatrists and psychologists to the city health department.

Ma.I S Gnr 66M 2 !" 2 Marath all 3700 sst;. !iH. 55 +!.~ TORONTO (CP)-An 811tomn· M .. ,h F Id 600 m. 3!1, 351, - \~ • Marlin 8500 1m 18\4 101, _ % bIle insurance card vahd across ~IcK.. 2000 16', 16 16 "', Canada is expected to be P.'J' Merck l~OO fl5111 9H'" n~T. - 'h Mpl. If.n 1600 101'. lOJ', '04 -, I proved by the CanadIan Mot,lr Mlnn MM 6300 591, 5, 5BI, -', Vehicles admimstrators III Sep' Mlnn ant 1600 ~O!~ 20:'\' ?O\: -- I'M MohaSto 3GOO 0 8,. Bl. - I, t e In b e r, T13nsport MInister Mon,"nlo 31i'l0 52', ;!,;, 521, + I Auld of Ontario smd TuesdG)' Mont Ward 6GOO l1~~ ~7 ~7 - 1. L Nat A,lat 2000' 26;' ~G', "r. + "an prOVInces, except Albert:, Nat Cnsh 2100 66'1 66', G6'.·-", have agreed to the one· cal d Nnt Rlsi 3100 251, 25', 211. f H system. • Nnt Gyp. 2700 4ll> 4j~, 45 .,.

These three know a thing or two about Scotch

Left to right, they arc: Roland Cormack, our maltma!l; George Cowie, our stillman; and John Wylie, our brewer. The things they know about making Scotch couldn't be writ!en down, they're bred in. Andaddcdto duringa lifetime of experience. Roland's great-grandfather was a mailman,

and ~o was George's. The //lore JOlt knolC about Scotch, the //lore JOlt like Ballantille·s.

Not Insert cd by the Board of Liquor Control

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! 'Capitals Host

Corner Brool( " . Senior Provincial Baseball Opens , The Cornel' Brook Barons, defendin,~ All-New­

fOJludlnnd Senior Baseball chump ions will arrive in St; -John's today and on Saturday night they tuke on the St. John's Caps in the first game of their best of five semi·final series. The winner of this set ti'Rvels'to Grand Falls to meet the Beothueks for the

I MacCormack Tl'Ophv. Set to start at (3:00 p.m. 011 Saturday thc first

game will have NABA IJrcsident wHf Malonev of Grand Falls; Mayor Mews and the City Councillors, Frank Ryan, Past President of the NABA ~nd l\1rs, McCormack takin~ part in special eeremomes at the ·Ball Park.

Corner BrOok 11'011 the crown Pat HIlrle\' is the centreficlder and the MacCormack Trophy with Phil Leonard in lett and last,summer, winning ovcr Grand DOll Yetmun slated for right. Fans at Cornel' Brook. The Beo· Also rcady 101' action are thucks eliminated the Caps i'l pitchers Dm'c lIan, Ron DlIt!c·r the semi·llnals at Grand Falls, I and Ilill \.Vheeler alld ~at~h~I' , Doug SqIllI'CS, Reserve mfteld·

, ' . Duey Fitzgerald is con ching the el's arc .1ohn Abbott, DCI'm Con· : Caps this season and he named nolly, Tom collin;:woml anll

hie slarting lineup fOI' Saturduy Denny Tinklin with Phil Currie. last lilght. Dill Gillies ami Gm'c!on Breen as

'II t th the othcr outfielders. Aus Thompson \~'I go a C I Thc Caps ha,'c a meeting cal.

11111 for the Caps \\,l~h lun ~an:p. led for the Ban ronrl; clubhouse bell catchl.ng. Roblll ~hOlI '~I!I tonight at 8 o'clock and uni· work at first base ",llh DICK forms will be llistl'ibutcd at !h's . Cook at second and BIU ~Iart III t: "

· . t tl' I B '!sunde' the mee IO~ • .''' 111'( • arry" l' IS Jed Gambel'g. a top southpaw · Iho!,lJ;t~p. who won mOI'C than his sharc 01



Softball Angels dropped Twins 12-7 In

junior Kilbride softha!) action last ni;:ht. ,lim Smyth wa~ the winning pitcher while Noel Dinn took the loss, Dinn hat· ted three for five for the losers.

games fOI' 51. Bon's in the loc-;I Icasue hefore mo\'ing to the West Canst. will start for the Bal'ons on Saturdar with Gerry Basha catching.

Eugene Guy and Lcroy Pil.:e are the other pitchcrs tral'elling with Cornel' Brook while their squad boasts such stars arc Frc:! Basha. JlIickey Walsll. Ray and Don colbourne. Don Wells, Reg S\Jcl'l'an Hnd ,Jim Ronelle.

The second game of the semi· finals will he played at the Bnll Park on Sunday at 2:30 p.m. and othel' games. as many as arc necessm·y. will bc held on Mon·

Billy Lacey and Kel'in Hcnd· clay. 'l'ucsday and Wednesdr.y erson went two for Cour. nighls of next week.

Bell Island Plays Caps

Rained out on Wednesday night. the first game of the All· Newfoundland Junior Baseba!) series between St. John's and DeH Island will be played at the City BaH Park tonlghl. The two clubs arc meeting In a best of three games for the right to lIDst the Provincial flnnls.

Second game in the series will be played on Bell Island Saturday afternoon with the third mcetin~ between the two ~quads slated for St. John's next week if necessary.

The starting lineup for the Caps, under co·coaches Bill and Ian Campbell, will be Henry Crawford, pitching and Wayne Dradbury cutehing. Tony Jesso, Bob Walsh, Harry Ralph and Bill Barbour will make up the

infield, Slated to start in the outfielcl

will be Harry Power, Otto Byrne and Neil Flynn while the reserves will be pitchers Ralph Miller, Herb Jenkins and Bob Hudson, catcher Ron l\!urphy and outfielders Eric Lockyer, Kev Sullivan and Ernest Stacey.

Bell Island conch Gordon Skanes \ViII send Kev Galway after the first win with Max Reid os his catcher. Around the Infield Ecidy Metcalfe, Ray Bartlett, Bill Reid and Gerald Quigley will see action with Billy l{c1ly, Bob Lock and John Roberts working in the outfield.

Tonight's gamo wi\) get un· der way at six o'clOck a5 the lights arc not used In NAIl A' competition.

United In Race, Shutout Crusaders

United moved into the thick of the battle of the junlor soc· cer league last night in hand. ing Holy Cross their first loss of the season, a 2-0 decision .t the Br. Egan Memorial Field.

The win moved United into lole possession of third place with seven points and they traU second place St. Pat's by one and first place Holy Cross by two. Felldlans own five points, Guards four and St. Bon's one.

Ron "Hop" Rollings scored

Civil ,Service ',' Softball Set,

The first round honors of the Civil Service softball league go On the Uno Saturday morning at Pepperrcll when CNR tangle with Army at 10 o'clock. UIC wlll, umpire. '

the first and winning United goal in the first half whlle Eldon Butt blasted home the insurance mark In the sccond.

Bert Winsor with only one senson of junior High, School goaltending experience under his belt earned his .econd straight shutout with mnny ter. rlfie saves off the fiery' Crus. ader forwards.

With the score rending 1-0 for United late in Ihe first haif Holy Cross were awarded a pen. alty shot by re~cree Rex Smith. Fullback Roger Maunder got the not for the charity kick but sent the leather reeling over the bar.

With goalie Winsor and full· back Carl Cluett working wen performance of the season. They United came up with their best displayed plenty of speed and passing and held tho territorial play in both ,periods.

;:.The'second rOund will start 9Ilonday evening at 6:45. There ,~£Jr' be' two games nightly and ~tWo, umplre·ln-chlef have been j:..lkted to do all games. ,

Outside left Bob Eddy set up the first United marker, blasting a shot across the gonl where Ron Rollings was 9n the ~pot to Up it IJver the goal, line. '

Butt's marker came when he unleased one of hIs terrific drives to hit the lower right corner bel ore . goalie Healy could make a move.

!, .. Monday'. acUon will have IJ'.,e'.sury meeting ReMP and "Mental tangling with UIC. Urn. plte. wlll be from CNR and Ai'mY. The team assigned 10 ~plre the games must supply It least' two base umpires.

The semi·flnalists will be judged by the second round only with tho top four teams meeting. The semis ,,111 be best of three and finals best of five:

PRACTICE' ' ~ .... : ... :::~~. ........... '.ST. BON'S' · 'SI. Bon's junior and senior 'JOC~'Cr teams will drill tonight ,It Shamrock field at 7 o'clock. AU players are asked to make a iplClal elfort to attend.

Best performers for the Crusaders \)"ero fullback Roger MallIMer and forward Gerry Holden.

Referee Rex Smith. ,LINEUPS

Unlted-boal: Bert Winsor; fulls: Corl Cluett, Wince Worth. man; halves: Fred Churchill, Rupert Dawe, Lewis :r.lercer; forwards: Bob Eddy, Bob Howell, Ron Rollings, Elden Butt, AIC Johansson, •

Holy Cross-GlIAl: 'fom I1enly; rul1~: Rogcr Maunder, Cyril Kean; halves: Len. Carroll, Gerry Tobin, Bill Melee; for· wards: Mike Kinsella, Pat Hcarn, Jim Finlay, Gerry Hold· en, Jim Purcell.

No Word On .Pari·M Horses' Improve T' ._ ...... No final word on pari-mutual

betting at the St. John's Trotting Park on the Goulds Road has been received by the Park Offeials to date but only the eligibility papers for the horses arc needed for the pari-mutual setup to go into opera­tion.

"There'll be no races until we h " I d" d"D get t e go-a lea wor, anny

Murphy, Public Relations Officer for the Park told the DAILY NEWS last night and added," but this word is expected for sure next week."

Meanwhile Murphy requested last night that all horse owners who have received their eligibility papers contact General l\'lanagcr B. K. Fox at once.

Murphy also stressed the im­provcment that is hecominl!: evi­dent among the horses. "It has heen reported that Tom Melealfe's EJI ran the on'e·mile course in 2: 11 ,

in practice, "The PRO III fib t th' . 't ff" I an u IS Isn 0 ICla."

The number of horse also 011 the, increase and Harry 'Bishop, of Bay purchased a seven·year'old from Prince Edward Island Lady Hilda Clegg and this has recorded 2:14 for the P.E.I.

The record for the COurse Trotting Park is 2: 15.2.

Two other horses have showll plenty of speed in the few weeks with Max Anderson Hal and Orv Hey You expected to 111111:,",.,

of competition once the sume. Hey You has run Ihe ill 2:15 and 2:17 in P.E.I,

Within the next few davs a ment explaining the ' I

system to be installed at the ; ting Park will he released. '

IF eildians Get Hi Cr No races but plenty of action was the story at Ladv Lake just outsiue of I W II

Harbour Grace yesterdav afternoon. The Harbol~r Grace Rcp;atta was pos~- a op poned until the first fine day next week bUl the vanolls ('onccs:~LOn owners were Holy in operation despite the fact that no races were held.-(StaH Photo).

Marshall Breaks Out, .'.Euun~!" Gains After iosing their last outin~,

Third Decision

III d the Fclidian senior baseball St. Pat's E..J dg.. P F~ el' squad took no choncc~ last night ~, , ~ and they pounded Holy Cro,1s pitchings for 16 hits to take a

lIy nEItN UENNETl' St. Pat's continucd their

rampage of senior soccer last • night with their fourth straight " victory and moved into sole , possession of first place with .' a 2·1 win over Feildia115 at', Buckmaster's field.

Bernie 1!arshailwas the Irish trigger·man as he fired home ' both goals, his first pair of the season. Nels Holloway was the lone Fcildian marksmen, giving Feildians the "go ahead mark· er" in the first hnlf.

The hustling Green and Gold upped their total to eight points and lead Holy Cross by two. Feilelians and St. Bon's own third place with four points apiece, Guards are fifth with three and United have the eel· lar aU by themsl!lves with one point.

.............. :.

JOlIN nROWNE BERNIE IlIARSIIALL With the hot scoring boots of center Joe Browne kept silent by a grcat checking job with five minutes remaining in goal but was rebounded out to from Feildians center half Ron the opening half after Joe Marshall stand!ng ?n the .18 lIIartln, burly Ilernie 1I1arshaH Browne hauled a high. kicke.d yard line. Again IllS booming took a turn at the twine dent· ball to the floor and tJpped It shot caught the far right cor­ing game, Both' goals were long: to Marsha~1 whose shot caught ncr past screened PenneU. and wcll placed drives. the. far rIght corner to beat Referee-Gerry Smith.

Feildians had a strong wind goalie Buck Pennell. Linesmen-Crane, Pike. in their favor for the fir.t half Unable to find a scoring LINEUPS and were humming around St, punch even with the wind in ST. PAT'S - Goal: ,john Pat's goal but lacked goal· their favor for most of the sc· Browne; fulls: Dave Ryan, mouth finish. Their lone mark· cond half, the Irish finally hit Ron nossiter; halves: Pat iIIar· er came near the 20 minute pay dirt at 18 minutes after be· shall, 'l'om Angel, Fred White; mark with Nels Holloway beat· ing awarded a corner kick. The forwards: Steve Angel, Ed ing goalie John Browne with a shot wns placed in front of the Shapter, Joe Browne, Dick

15·2 victory ovcr Holy Cross at the City Ball Park.

Dave Hall went the distance for thc· defending champion Feild team to pick up his third straight victory of the season, Han was in good Corm as he gave up 3 pair of tallies on ~ix hits whlie ' walking none and fanning seven.

illike Power, the first of three Holy Cross pitchers took the de· feat with Robin Short and Gar· don Breen following power to the mound. Power was tagged (or six runs and seven hits. with Short giving up fite tallies on {our safeties and Breen moving Irom first base to finish up W;JS ,,'

charged with four runs and five hits. DON YETMAN

Power walked one, Short had two free passes and Breen wall(.

'cd three. Power struck out twa, I Short hael one strikeout and

eighth innings to get Holy Cros. E. Wool gar, Ib on the scorcsheet. B. Barter, ph

Breen fanned three. Power also hit a batter.

Don Yetman paced Feildians G. Neal, III at the plate with three hits ill D. Cook, 211 five appearances whilc Blll Mar· D. Hall, p tin went tbree for six. Hali and Totals

Feildians are in first place :n Tom Collingwood also had two the circuit with five wins against hits for the winners while Gar· one loss while Guards in second don Breen and Pat Hurley shar· place have won foul' of SIX cd fOllr of six Crusader safeties.

lIOLY moss: G. Breen, Ih, 2b, P ! I J. Rumsey, 3b ! R. Short, lb, p ! games. Holy Cross hove an even BOX SCORES

3·3 record with St. Bon's being FEILDIANS AB R Ii 2,4 and SI. Pat's ar~ 1·5; B. Martin, ss 6 2 3

E B. Maunder. O!

2 P. Hurley, cf Fcildians hit lor two runs ill B. Dowden, rf 4 2 1

the first frame and broke out fo!' R. Greening. ph 0 0 0 eight fifth inning markers after J. Bowen, rf 0 0 0 scoring [our ties in the third inn· D, Yetman, cf ij 2 3 ing. 'l'heir other run come lil D. Squires, c 6 1 1 the ninth. T. Collingwood, 3b 6 1 2

Single runs were scored hy R. Grimes. I[ 3 1 0 Gordon Breen in the sixth and J, Barnes. If 0 1 0

o B. Ronson, r o B. Ne\'ille. ~b, If j o P. Ryall, r[ I o M. Power. r 0 o T. Spratt, :r ! 1 Totals j;

o Umpires: Wil;o~, o Williams. D(,wnc)"

low shot to the right corner Maloney, Bernie 1IIarshal1. from a sharp angle. AC CE B

At least three other sure PR TI FEILDlANS - Goal: Buck arron goals were foiled by the great UNI'l'ED Penncll; funs: Russ Brake, goaltending of Browne, He United junor und senior soc· Gordon Breen; halves: Rhodic

Back, Jays


mode three spectacular diving cer teams will workout at the Mercer, Ron Martin, Ed Moyst; saves on shots from Stan Breen United Concgiate grounds Sat· forwards: Eldon Drodge, Nels I W . . and "Fox" Summers. I urday night at 7 o'clock. A full Holloway, Henry Summers, InnIng

Marshall notched his first turnout is requested. Stan Breen, Alex Yetman. '

iEastern Ulivision

CeeBees and St. Pat's Bambrick Wins 11 th Game

Open Division Finals HARBOUR GRACE-(Stafi) the Burin Peninsula champions on the CeeBee forward line.

-The Conception Bay CeeBces in the Provincial semi·finals Bren Curtis, St. Pat's coach. ond St. Pat's open the Eastern round August 27. will have John Browne in goal Division finals of AU·New· Both teams announced thelr with Dave Ryan and, Ron nos· foundland Senior Football play llneups last night and no major siteI' as the fun backs. On the at St. Francis Field here'\ to. changes were released, The half \ine Tom Angel will see night. They'll open a two CeeIlees have three player duty between Pat MarshaU and game, home ond home, total moves. Fred Whitc. goal sct at seven o'clock. Conception Ilay ~laYing c.oach, Up front Joe Browne is set

The CeeBees gained their George Faulkner will !Ise elth~r as ccnter with Dick Maloney berth in the Division fihals with Ron Hoy;ell ~l' Noel Hedges In ond Ed Shapter as the inside a 6-0 spread over the Claren· goal With Jim K,ennedy and men and Steve Angel and Bern ville AU·stars whlle St. Pat's Carl Penny workmg as fuU· MarshaU working as the out. outscored the Ben Island AU· backs. Harold Stanley, Jack sides stars 4-2. • Faulkner and Ern Cole make .

With the second game of the up the hall lInc. Gerry Smith the Eastern DI· DIvision finals scheduled for George will have Alex Faulk· vision referee·in·chief will make 51. John's the following 5ntur·' ncr, Jim Penny, Gerry Lahey the trip to call the plays in the day the winning club will host and Cyril Garland as his mates game.

A short·handed Jays team moved retired Bill Barron back into their lineup last night and the burley former shortstop now turned third baseman cracked a first Inning double that RBIed the winning run in a 3·2 Senior Softball victory for Jays over Flyers at the " Bannerman Park diamond.

Barron, who worked at short for Jays for six years, retired this season but vacationIng players plus an injury to reo gular third sacker Jack Quinlan forced Barron back into action. Last night he stepped' into a Lyola, Mackey's pitch' In the first Inning 'and slammed a line double that scored' Gerry Fleming from first base with what proved to be the margin

of victory. Jays got all three runs in the BILL BARRON

first frame with Reg Dillon, vancing on passed balls to score singling and Joe Quinlan walk· on fleming's hit. Then Barron ing with two out and both ad· got his double,

,TELY'S WHITEWASH' LILA,CS 13-0 Flyers battled close with sin·

gle tallies in the second and sixth innings. Safe on an error, Frank' Brocklehurst, came aU the way on Doug Vokey~s two base knock h. the second and Brocklehurst doubled in the sixth to tally on a sacrifice by Mackey.

VICTORIA PARK Telys whitewashed Lllacs 13·0

in the first game yesterday 95 Junior Stoyles picked up an ea3y win over loser Randy Spurr.e'l. Gerry Manning paced the wln· ners baiters In lashing out three doubles In three trlps. The only bright spot for the losers was Frank Barrington who went two for two at thc plate.

Rockets outslugged Cokcs )2·10 in Ahe second game with John Wells taking the win, 'l'he loss was cbarged to John Kavanagh. Top baltcr Cor the Rockets W:lS

John Wells while Basil Whalen went three for four lor the Cokes.

Dodgers blasted Kinsmen 13·a with Dave Rowe pitching and batting hls team to vlctorv. Kevin Hann was charged with the loss.

BANNERMAN PARK Mets dropped Braves 11-5 in

the only Babe Ruth game with Ed Manning picking up the win whlle Bill Hudson took the loss,

Dodgers edged Kiilowat!s 6,3 in the first little league game behind the strong pitching d Jack \Vhite. The loss W9S charged to Paul Bennett.

als was Dave Noseworthy. Sporters blasted Ayredales 13-1

in the final game as Gary Du(f plckcd up an easy win, The loss was charged to Gary Moore.

CHURCHILL PARK The first game at Churchill

Park had 'rigers blank Jets ·1·0 with Don Quinn picking lip the win. The loss was charged to Ed Martin. Pepsies dropp~l1 Seagulls 7-3 in the second gam~ behind the pitching of Len ~!c· Grath. Palll Lundrigan took the loss. 'Top batter was Harry Butt, having twp for two ..

land Orphanage All·Stars 17·2 with Eric' Best, Don Quinn and Bob Fitzgibbons connecting (or home rllns.

TODAY'S GAMES Victoria Par\<:

10.30-Lilacs· vs, Dodgers 2.15-Cokes ':3. Rockets 3,30-Kinsmen vs Telys.

Bannerman Park 10.00-Pee Wee League-WhJlc

~~xvs. Angels. n.30-Mets vs. Braves 2.00-Bannerman Park All·Star

practice. '

Flyers had Pat Green double in the seventh inning and reach third on a passed ball but he was tagged out to end the game on an attempted theft of home with wI· .... would have been the deadlocking run.

key suffered the charged wilh three hits and two free striking OUt three

Doug Yoke), of th: the top baUer in III he 8troked 2 sin~e ble in two plate. . SCORE!

)lOX II JAYS; R. Dillon, ~~ J. Collins, ,5 J. Bambrick, P J. Quinlan, r! J. Fleming, 1b B. Barron, 3b G. Chaytor, rf G, Owens, c E. Baile)" If

Totals: FLYERS; I P. Green, c I G. Martin, 2b I T. Lowry. cf S F. Bl'ocklehu1'lt, 11 I D. Voke)', Jb I L. Mackey, p I J. LillY, rf I J. Payne, 3b ! G. Pender, 55 1 B. Jackman, ph

Totals:, Y'S SATVRD" e

Two games ,I

for the Banner~~ mond on S~UCO~!~ with Jays an d at two o'clock an on Flyers at fout


Holy Cross soccer teams. portant practlee at the Br. Egan The dri11 is and all players . \

Cardinals walloped Chevys 18,j with Randy Royle picked up tile win. Top baiter for the Cardia·

Exhibition action saw the City All·Star dump Church of Eng· ,

Churchill Park 2.00-Jets vs. Braves 3,30-Kiwanians VS. Pepsles.

John Bambrick went the dis· tance to pick up his 1 ~th vic· tory of the season. He allowed two runs on five hits, includ· ing three doubles, and six wal~ while fanning five. Mac·

ttllan din: JAN pRESS

CA)l/A~ fifth innin~ "Itman 5 pitching duel settled, • mons and St curt Sl~ 3.2 victor)

r.rOWD'- Reds in the rub 'nc\JU'D". three. game ae

the hard • lucl Jay 1I'a-

moved the Car~ ' ... hurnl1l1 , econd.place tl \lito ,:anJsco, 41,2 game

LO' Angel~~~ only aftel game 1I'8Sheduled In t~ action IC

, d to put down ,car~S ba uprising ~efOi

!nJIlIlg 14 gain credit fl ~ou of the seaso Vlct~~t banded need,

Ron Taylor 81 in that inning.

. Is held a H Ie cardmB . th when t Into tre f~~nd the ran

" !ud~en '! Tommy HI Simmons. . I off with • slOg e a

Vada pinson popped 0 R blnson singled.

°relieved Simmons ! Freese on a sacrlf

then came on to , Charlie Nealon

to centre.

,itchin~ YORK (APl - ].~l

pitching not only 11 level in levenl

the quality will I

to improve in !hI! I

.. or five years. contends Eddie Lop~t.

IS one of the bral~ during his he~

New york Yankees in 1940's and early '50'.

only natural then for manager of 1

shoes Schedule

Minor Soccer

and R: to a 2-2 tie in th

Minor soccer lei Park yesterdas

handled the !

Mac Rideout seorln ,Athletics and Pat DI

for Rangers. second game !aW

Ramblers 2-1. Len Don Hodder notch,

tallies with Jim sooring the lone R;

HOdder's goal WI In two game!.

TODAY'S GAME! a.m,-Hobpu:

eeken .. ; Footba!

only week·end s( local front will t meeting Guards il

at Buckmaster's night at 8 0 'cl

. are tied 1 In third place w and • win for will mnke it a tI

~he Blue and WI Ilrst /lame Tuesd I 4 victorY 01

night the fir, ends when Ro'


Can I Schedul fonOwing Is •

In Tin Can i:u'er'man Park toda'

Voisey V!

Page 11: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

PI\O Ulan icial." horse 0\\," "crs and

Bn" 'II-year'old

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\lax Or\'


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3b 4 4 4 4 ~

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me uffercd Ihe I,d with three md two (ree

r: out Ihree vokey of the batler In tb.

a: rc,ked a single :l two appearance.!


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.1 mbrlck, P uiulan, c!

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iThiell10rable Quotes I In Sports Field

ttnan Homers . and rdinals Gain· Win '~PI~~ pRESS Altman's fiCth inning homer ning lind his second off right· i By BOil Gmm:\' . ant! can do," Ihe coach saId. ' .

r'\S'n'! . fifth inning against Jay broke a 1-1 tie. Sac· handcr Ron Piche In the scv· . \IIJ1l~ • pitching ducl rlfice flies off Jay in the third enlh. s/lIlt 'nunons and St., and reliever BUi Henry in the Actually the feat had heen curt 51 a 3.2 \'iclory eighth gal'e Ihe Cardinals theIr achieved five time~ beforc-

. RId! in the rub· other two lallies. twice by Jim Russell o( Bosllln three.game se. Simmons had blanked the and Brooklyn and once each by

.' • Reds after " tirst inning run. Augie Galan of Chicago, Red thl hard • luck Pete Rose led off wil[1 a single, Schoendlenst o( St. Louis anJ

JI1 \\,U took third on Harper's base bit Maury Wills of Los Angeles. · II mOl'ed the Car:!· and scored when Pinson hit In\o Wills did it last season.

ttiUJllr lecond.place tie a double play. In the American Lea g u r, ~,IO • nc'ilro 41, Hames The Cards scored what turned Johnny Lucadello of St. Louis

!ll Fran ~'e~: oul to be the deciding run In did it once and Mickey Mantle !pI .~ :, Ih, 001)' after- the eighth. Bili White walked of New York nine times. ,.11'0' ~,ched\lICd in Ihe and pinch hitter C h a 1'1 i c The game was no conlc~t lillon James singled him t~ third froon from the lime the Cubs blasled

· h!d to pili down III where he scored nn Tim M(· Lelllaster for six runs in th~ (3flil~ \\pri,in~ before \ Carl'er's sacrifice fly. first round, Beside~ Burton's JnnJn uld gaio credil for - first homer, the Ingredients in·

C~t~r\' of th' season. ~nLWAUKEE (API - Ellis \ eluded two walks, doubles hy \1 left handed needed I Burton became the fifth player Ken Hubbs and J~ck50n 9nd

froOl Ron Taylor an1 in National League hisloy 10 hit ~ingle9 by Billy Williams, Schat-

'1 :-:EW YOftK 1,\1' I-Some ,,! I Ihe mo~t memorahle quol~,

el'CI' uttcred have been pro­duced in the field" 01 sporls.

Here are ~ome of the bett~r ones thaI came to mind:

I\nute Hoeime, the old Xu· Ire Dame coach. \'las widely knuwn as probably the most \'igorous half·time pcp·taike; of his era, perhaps of aU· time.

He once look his Fighlin~ Irish [ootuall team inlo a ncw stadium thaI had becn con· structed in the mid· west, one be hadn't visiled before. AI1'1 the Irish had lheir troubles in the first half.

: "Just teU me what we can do :0 : kcep from tieing hurt by thi.s .

gU)' •• Iust tell me how to ke~o him (rom scoring."

So the' scout watched Kat· maicr in action, watched him run (or three touchdowns' and pass for two more. He wired back the shortest scouting reo port on record: "Cance!."

There are hundreds of bcau­tiful quotes that have come from boxing. Probably th<l best belongs to Joe Louis.

Bill Conn, preparing for a title fight with Louis, an­nounced his fight plan. .

"I'm going to stick and move, stick and move. He'll never catch me."

Louis was infol'med of the Conn plan and said:

"He can run but he can't

I . , · . · . ; I

: Ih, ~. .: . · I" '\ . I •. I '

· , .

I, . , : · . .


'. ! .. ' '" ~ ",

\ I ., " I

r I

,h~ ntt in Ihat inning. home runs batting right and leff' fer and Andre Rodger~. ~inall held R ~·I len:! handed In the same game 3S Nallonal League

car the ninth when Ihe Chicago Cubs bombed Milw8u, W L Pet. GIlL

At halftime. back in til!! dressing room. Rockne lee· lured his charges long and lOUd. raising Ihem to a (C\'er I pitch.

"And no\\'." he \\'Qund up and poinled dramatically at n door at the far end of Ihe r(l0111. "I wanl you to go out thnt door to \'ictory"

hidc." I '

. '

. ! i! I

~~enh' found the range kec Braves 10·2 Thursday night. Los Angeles fi4 42 .604 ~. SimmOn', T.lmm)' Har· I Steve Boros and Jim Schaffpr San Francisco 60 47 .561 41


. If with a ,ingie and also hit homers while Lar·y St. Louis 60 47 .561 4'. '\'a~! pinson popped out, Jackson scattered eight hits for Chicago 57 48 .543 6


R~blnson Singled. his 12th victory. Cincinnati 57 52 .523 R~2 reli/red Simmons and The switch·hltting Burlon, a Philadelphia 56 51 .523 R'~ Frme on n sacrifice Bra\'e! farm hand last year :It Milwaukee 54 54 .500 11

rharlil !'leal on II first home run oCf left handel' Houston 41 ~7 .~no 24

The leam ch:Jrgcn thrugh the door. ]l was Ihc wrong dOQI'. II led immcdiately inl'l an indoor swimming pool. "el'\' wet,

An h',. I e a ~ u e foolh111 then came on t~ ~et I' ~oro~to and Louisl'lIIe. hit his Pittsburgh 52 53 .495 11\~

to !·entre. Denny LeMR5ter in the first In· Ne,,' York 33 73 .311 31

At High est Level \ SKY:~;V L~\V (Lr:j:\lP;ieSa ~,ck \~BOO:' cin~ Rero ie nurke' shack io the' ~;~';~~:g::?2:;~~:;;~; telling • midget tag team hout at the Stadium last night. Referee Tiger Tasker tlW\'C5' ,cout out to look O\'CI the tail­

mean~ the batter now has only I in on the adion, Burke teamcclup with SOlin\, Buv Cassit\' to will over Low. back Ihe week hefure. \,()RIi lAP) - ~Iajor pilchin~ not oni~' is at

sas City Athletics, to retain his avid inlerest in pitching and pitchers. His_ views are qui Ie in· teresting.

one guess in ~our as. compared and Bill The Kid-(St'lff 1)11 t ) ", I GIVES snORT REPORT to one guess In two In Ihe old ' , 0 () • ____ . ________________ . ____ . ___ 1_ "Don' I tclJ me what he doc3 days." --- - ----.----

': l!rel in !cl'eral de· \'11 Ih~ qualily will con· ta imprO~t in Ihe next

Of !II" yem. · I,nllnd! Eddit j,opat. reo

" OM 01 the brainicst - durin~ his heyday

York Yankm in the !i4(Il Inri I~riy 'M·,. ~ onl~ natural Ihen for Lo­lumnUr manalZer of Kan·

flllowing b the schedule game! in the Horse·

lugue II Bannerman

Clarke and Brian llorrissel' \·s. John Hires and Pal Power. .. ~Iorrisscy and Pat

rieming \'s. ~like Gosse Ind Bill Thompson,

Cullen and Vie Tillard \·s. ~like GOlse Ind Bill Thompson,


"First of all, pitchers today are more intelligent and have more equipmenl than those of my t!loe," said Lopat, whose team engaged the Yankees Wednesday.

"Whereas most pitchers in my day had just two pitches­I'm talking ol pitches they could conlrol-nearly all today have three or four pitches.

"When I was pilching, a bat· ter, with two ballJ and no strike. count on him, he could always expect I fast ball.

And that'. II'hat he would nearly always get-a last ball right down the middle, Once in a while the pitcher would come In with • curve.

"Not today. The batter never gel! to lee the fast ball in that situation. It'. alway. a break­ing ball • , , • curve, a slider, a screwball, a knuckler. This



The trend. according to 1.0' . pat, began about four or fil'e ' years ago.

"That's when pitchers bc~an 10 Ret smart." said Lopat. "It was a ea~e of self preservation. MQst of the rules fal'orcd the hilters And the pilchers realir.· cd they had to do something to offset the hitter's tremendous I e.d"antage.

Unlike many other baseball . people, Lopat doe! not believe the enlarged strike zone has been an important factor in th~ pitcher's improvement.

"Oh, It's helped • little, I suppose," he said, "but nol a~ much as some might think.

"As a matter of fact the um­pires, It seems to me, are mak· , ing their own interpretation of • the rule. They seem to be gil" I Ing the pitchers the cdge on' inside and outside pitches as i well as high and low

"My players come hack to the bench alter being called oul on strikes, grumbling the last pitch was as much IS four inches in· ~ide. You don't pay much at· lention it just one or two fel· lolVs gripe but when • good many do it, Including some who rarely complain, then you be· gin to wonder."

and Rangeu By WILL GRIMSLEY . to I 2-2 tie in the first NEW YORK IAP)- "Maneu· Send Pros,

Or Stay At Home 01 ~linor sorcer aclion at verability and balance."

These art tba key factora, . Park )·e~terday. Two Manager Ralph Houk Baid Wed·

hlndled the 3coring l!ae R'd I b h nesday, in the New York Yan· - . I eout ~cor ng ot kees' near runaway in the

.\Ihl/lle! and Pat Dempsey American Leagul oaseball race lor Rangm. . I despite an unprecedented rash

, IICond ~ame saw Ccltlcs of crippling injurie •. Ramblers 2-1. Len Vardy 1 "No, I'm not particularly 11Ir­Don Hodder notched the 1 prised \\IIl'r. doing II' well as

tallle! WIth Jim Vavas- we are," the Yankee Ikipper Ihe lone Ramblers added blowing puifs of 8moke

in Soal was his from ~ smelly cigar tOlHlrd the

111'0 ~amcs. dressing room ceiling, "I have »1 TOM V'S GA~E5 said all along this Is the besl . 00 l.m.-HolspUfl 1'5. club I've had-In fact, the best,

I've seen, vs. Wan. "It' haa tremendous depth

and; more important than that, It has resourcefulness. Every man can play aeveral 1I0sitiona -and well. It's • InRnem'erable ball club." Weekend

Football Only wHk·end socrer on

!rol\1 wii\ have SI. meetmg Guard~ in senior

II Buckmaster's Field night at 8 o'clock.

. are lied with St. In third place with four ~d I win for Guard~

III make it a three way ~h! Blut and White won I r~ ~Im.e Tuesday night

o \'fetory over Holy

, nlRht Ihe 'ir~t senior tn~~d. "'hen Holy Cross

Since the elart 01 the lenson, the champion Yankees have been hit by no fewe: tban 30 sepal'nte casualtles to key per· sonnel, including their power M·and.M punch of Mickey Man­tle and Roger Maris, Yet they en t e rid Wednesday's game against Loa Angeles with • whopping lead of nine Isme" TOP BATS QUIET

"I'll admit that It lomebody had told me in the ,pring thnt I was going to lose both Mantlp. and Maris and that two of my besl pitchen lut year, Ralph Terry (to·10) lind Bill StafCord (3.7) were ,oing ~o b~ 13·17 In miq.July, I'd have bad a 101 of sleepless nights.

L.ETHBRIDGE, Alta. ICP) .­OrVille Martini,' playing.coaen of the Swiss national hockey team, says Canada "belter 5cnd a professional team to the world hockey tournaments or· stay at home."

Martini, 35, said that the clubs Canada sends to Internn· tional competition are not in 101 condition and are not strong enough overseas.

"People will not believe me when I tell them that Canada 11 not sending over her top ~ockey players," Martini sa:d In an interview. "In Europe it Is a matter of national pride to have your best players repre· sentlng you in internatioll31 competition. "

"To beat Canada I~ a vel'v big thing. Every time Canada loses she surfers a los5 I)f prestige that Canadians do 110t probably ever realize," he said.

Mal'linl, who has been pl~y­Ing lind coaching hockey in Europe ~ince 1949. is /I native or Calgary. He made the reo marks durinl( /I visit there.

Probable Pitchers

Can Golf Schedule

"But this is • real lolid team, with a great bench, You can lose one man, two men, three Probable pitchers for today's men-and stili not suffer too big major league baseball games, a letdown. W. have capable won·lost records in parenlhe· fellows to throw Into the gap," lea:

The Yankee manager aald the Amerlcln League

III foll . limes rVlng Is A schedule

n Tin Can Golf at Park today: Voisey vs. Bob

team had prepared for auch . Chicago, Peters 00·;) at L'IS eVfmtualltie~ In aprinll tralninlC. Angeles, Chance 00·\0). (N .

"You can't put yonI' flnller on Minnesota, Pascual (!l·61 at any particular player or IIny Kansas City, Pens lR·13), eNl. handful of players," he added. Cleveland, Grant t7·9) at Dc· "It's been strictly a case of hav· trolt, Bunning (7-I1l. (N). Ing leam depth." Baltimore, Roberts (9·9)' at


, ,.


.. .. / . \:" .. ,

~ ,.

." ",

.-,,:' .

./ ," ,"




: Canada's first step In con·, I sen'ation took place shortly sf· I

; tel' the British conquest. ~y II .'

I special enadment. the chOicest ,of pine and spruce trees weI'_ ' : rcserl'ed for use [or na\'al con· , : struction.


Canada'5 forest resources and the industries based upon them

. prodde more employment thal\ an)' other actil'ity except agri·

, fultllre.




i' j

i I

Houk's appraisal ofthl Yan- New York, Ford (16·4). (N). kees' remarkable p~rrormance Boston, MonbouqucUe 114-7) in the face of adversity was and Morehead, (6·81 at Wash· echoed by the players them· ington, Daniels (3·6) and Hiri· selves.. zlk (1-2). (Twl·N),

"It's the pitching that's hold· National LeafllJe TRY THEM COOL I

Canning vs: Billy

May VI. Jim

Ing UI up:' laid Mar.tle, still New York, Jackson (6·13) hobbling from a fracture of his and Cisco (6·1/) .t Milwaukee, left foot suffered June 8 In Bal· Spahn (13· 5) and Sadowsld tlmore. "II'. 90 per CEnt of any (I·W, (N), team." Philadelphia, Bennett (3·1)) at

"We're not a onl!-man or • SI. Louis, Sadecki (6·7); (N). two-man team and nev~r have Los Angeles. DrysdRle (I~·IO been." voiced Mari~, preparing al Hou.ton, Farrell 18·3), (N\. to return after a rectal opera· San Francisco. San for" tion. "Thl! Just ,~oes to ~how <to·11) at Chlcal(o, Ellsworth what halance· thi~ tt'Am ha~. (15·7). . Blanchard anrl Lnp~ art hitting . Pittsl1urlth. Cllrdwell. (7-11\ at belter than Mickey. and mt,', Clnci9nati, Maloney (16·3), (N .


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Page 12: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

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PRESIDENT OIL R,ANGE A famous favourite in Newfoundland

homes takes on new features' to

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This latest achievement of President appliance

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NOTE: The oil.only President. is available in conventional draft models for non· electrified areas, but electricity is required for the fan.equipped new three.way

$25150 TERMS AVAILABLE I version.




Attractive colo u r combinations in washable plastic fabrics. Easy handling smooth riding all­spring suspension. Positive parking brake with toe-action release.


$3500 "'. ······1.·.··.·.·.···,.','··· : .... ' ..... ' .. ,; ... :/

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Always a fine selection of baby needs at Great Eastern Oil.

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: G. E. Oil




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DIAL I 8·3001 - 8·3001' ~



ST. JOHN'S - WINDSOR - CORNER BROOK ., \ ' j • " • I , • • • .. •

•• ,> •• ' ",' .,.... ~" ~ ". ~,:~ .. ·.;.~1o':'~"'l0'~";1) ~ I' , ",' ~ " ~. ""'''' ';,. "',


By OSWALD JACOBY When it is obvious to you!

that your opponents hold the, cards, but you have some sort, of potential for a sa~rifiee bid i

against their game or slam! contract you have three cour· I ses of action. i

The first is to sit quietly I while' they bid along Illerrily: to their destination and then: try your sacrifice OJ' not as you I

,see fit. The second is to bid

I with thcm and see what hap·, pens while the third is to take:

I your ~acrifice ill advanee amt I make them guess whether tiley'


, slllluid double you Or bid ol'er i )'ou. !

1 West found him, elf ~o\lSid·: I erin/: ,otlle action alter North's i I diamond opening and South's

I lWO spade response. He de· cided on the third course. He

I leaped to six hearts and Jet ; his opponents guess what to I'

Ido, " . I I North reully should have. ·.doUbled since he lleld a mini· " mum opening, but Korth was a hnck passer and left it to his

; partner to make the deci3ion'l

'I Once North passed the buck I , to him South had a rather auto· , i matie ,ix spade bid been!!se his I : >padcs were l;olid and he was,

void of hearts. lie bid six

NORTH (D) 27

.J8 "A 8 3 +:\ K 10 9 7 ",J52'

WEST EAST ,,~ .763

I · y J( Q J 10 9 7 5 4 If 6 2 " +64 .85~ . + 9 6 '" A K 1083


"AK Q 10 9 54 [. v None

+ QJZ o?o Q 74

! North and South vulnerable North East Soulh West

'1+ Pass 2. 6, Pass Pass 6 • Pass Pass Pass

Opening Icad-", 9 , . spades and it was up to West to lead,

W est saw no future In open· ing his suit. Obviously South was ready {or a heart lead, so West opened the nine of clubs whereupon two club tricks and a ruff left South two down.

i To get your copy of "Fun at Bridge" just "end your name, address, and 50 cents to Os' wahl Jacoby neader Service, carc Daily ;\;ews, P,O, Box 489, Dept. A" nadlo City Station, New York 19, N.Y.

. ~~~~ldil~~~~~ I Ease South West North I

1." !

You, South, hold: I .2 • A Q J 7 (15 +4 ",A K 9 8 7 ! . What do yoU do'! I I A-lIit! olic or two hearts, Do !

not make a takeout double with /' a two·suit hand like this one.

TOllA Y'S QUESTION You bid one heart only since I

YOll feel certain there will be more bidding. West bid~ one spade, your partner two hearts, and East Iwo spades. What do you do now?

Answer TomOrroW


A lot of ilmily \'acation~ are ,over and lIIom is over_tired. ! • III ... I

. An Ohio. 1V0man found a 1

i flfty·dollar bill she had llldden j , eight years ago. Unfortunately I'

dres,er drawers don't pay in· terest. ! • • • I

Yawning should be great training for eating corn·on·the· cob .

." . .. Some folks are already sav'l

ing for next summer's vacation and some for the bilis of the !

one the), just returned from.

7-S eNlAe

Tho best formula for a suc­cessful vocation is to pock fewer ciQthcs and mOre money.





i '. WO~'i I!= 30THERING US! '-.








FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Ir---------, ,-------...;;.:.;-"

.' ASOtJ!" 50 BALLOONS' " i=QF:. tHE PAf'-TY? SUR.t:, . 1. CA,f.-1 Br<:,'lG THOSE',


GiOOD MOI2NIi'JG, ';;11<. I'D U/<'e A ..".,-"".,' WORD WI1HY~



8p.L!.OO1~5 DO tJ..AkFE NICe PARr( DECC/?AT/ONS!

cRs ~~'iIlR/ET1


marking completion o[ demar· catlon of the boundary dividing Canada's IV est ern provineJ5 from the Northwest Terrilories


I anti the Yukon will take place Aug. 15, 700 miles north of Win­nipeg, Representatives of fed· eral. provincial governme.1ts will meet at an aluminum non· ument placed on the corner common to Manitoba, Saskatch· ewan nnd the Northwest Terri· icrlcs.


0 0000" o 0 0 0 o· Cl OV o 0 0 0 0 0 ° 0 c

o 0


(ep) - Appoint· D Hall, 39, of Tor·

~~ecutive !Ccretary .0C Forestry Assocl~-

,.. .... -.. L loy d Van, whO retired, w~s I Monday, Mr. Hall IS

lsiltant professor on a of Toronto fac-

Mr. Van Camp, In forestry

.. I,'.lrIllY of Toronto, has the u5ociatlon since

OLD rive-In



"p ...... ,.., HAY'

in color an,

Driving Range

Cluh 1

Dining 6 p.m

Dance with Com Free admission f

DIAL 900

TO applying

home be SllI

satisfaction. C~

rn Pe! 9

extermina not

land's I

National Pest

OTIC'E The St. Joh

of extern City and

It has ascer! by a pest

that the COl

Expert I

work W' uly 15t

111 not give COntracturaI n

Tht Counc affected b1

the affe , 'the Counc

the cost of or occuf

on~h: .' by the (

Page 13: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

r I •

, '-t:=::t41

_.,~ mULl' NEWS, ST. JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, AUGUST 2, 1963-13 .

---- I

HORN . ROI. COFFEl·: : WOONSOCKET, 'H.1. IAP)-((1~T ,Brother Simon. 65, for 25 years . lP' - :\h~'\l1 2jU a teacher at the Roman Catho·

'. .1; countrIes .Bnd lie MOllnt St. Charles Academy il\501l1110n5 here, died Monday at Fitch·

. 10 ,l'I up n burg. Moss., where he had been . h' ['"nl:ol Ihe on n temporary summer assign·


HARBERING or nAIRDRESSINO Screen Teacblng, UnlBmpl~ymoDt ill­ouran., If ell.lbl.. Tran.porlano. ~lIow.nc. and olhe, b,n,III ••

Three ~~~f~~ ~te here· I Old Miii--- 'VELVET

Country Club Dance , , Saturday Night

llIarkctll1g of ment at Notre Dame High \,.:.:;1/: "f Mri[,\IItIl~·e. School. He. was born. Maurice ""'/Pte! ,,(lifer nCllls Lanouette In 51. MaurIce. Que. " .. (\. q'\nla 5"slems -;;========. ®



l MDneloD, H .B.

Prompt Delivery On

of application will be made to the Board of Liquor Can· trol for a license to Bell Beers, Wines and Liquors in a , Tavern on a proposed site be· I

Open 12 noon. Golf Driving Range open. Drive·ln Movie Grand Opening Thursday, At.gust 1, at dusk, featuring the Big Show.

! 11usic bv the ~Ioclcrnaires _ ::;;;;;;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;:;;;;=. tween New Harbour Road and 1

Spaniard's Bay Road. I '

Cover $2.00 Double . Call 9)026 • 8·75111

, ' , ~rl,:rrn pro~\lc, ,.

't,.~".In1rl inn,


.'FURNACE OIL , For comfort and relaxation dine at the


A. W. SELLARS, Proprietor. L..-______ , "FOOD AT ITS BEST"




jly 26, nug2,9. -_ .. _---_._----- --~-------------

Radio, Television, Washen. Rcfrlgcratora. Deep Freezers

Elcctrlc Ranges. Floor Polishe1'l.

Gramophone! Public Address SysteDll

Tape Recorden


DIAL 8-3001 to 8·S00S


Hamilton Hotel 123 • 125 Hamnton Ave. Caterin~ to Permanent and Transients. For reo

I servations please dial

8·5636 aUll13,lmth


We cater to 'weddings, Parties, Banqueh.


Dial 85815. Open until 1 R.m.

7 days a week.

NOTICE CARNIVAL Crystal Palace .Follr week~ aIter date hereof· SUPPLIES LTD. Night Club

npplicalion will be made to tha I NOVELTIES, GAMES, GOULDS ROAD Board of Liquor Control for a' TOYS OPEN 3 P.M. DA ILY permit 10 keep and sel[ been, i and all the trimming~ [or The Crystal Palace !lives the wines anrl liquors 'at The Br.ie I Carnivals, Parties. Garden best Catering Service to Verle Lodge to be .lituate at! Parties. Fairs, ctc. Plush Weddings. Private Parties, Baie Verte in the District of 1 and Stuffed Toys • Spec· I>inners and Dances. White Bay, Newfoundland. I' ialty. . For Information contact

Dater at St. John's this 23rd • 11 PATRICK STREET .. ______ ~ day of July 1963. I PHONE 8-4815 MRS. A. RYAN

SPECIALIZING IN R I '1 1 th at 90024 Jan2B,l1 M·a N I · . C. B. MERCER, Q.C., 1 J y10 m jlyl0,lmth

ove ties Solicitor for Bai" Verte Lodge 1'---------· ~::;:::;::::~:::::::::;:~:: Address:

for Cabot Building,


OLD MILL ~rive·ln Movie


C1.:\HK GABLE and SUSAN ll:\'t'WARD

in color and cemiscope

])rilill\! Hange opcned daily 12 noon

Clllh 12 noon

Dillin!! fi p.m. - 11:30 p.m.

Dallcr II it h Com mander~ Orchestra Frer ac1mission for drive·in patrons

DIAL 9002(J or 87581

Save your Energy Use ELECTRICITY

~­~I~r"t!m~ I Cbeap Reliable Elretrlclty I

In IIId Around St. lohn'.





Wm. SINNOTT Service Station Manager

PALMER'S LTD. Topsail Road



PHONE 9·5099 my17,lmth

... G.M.~t~.i




\! REGATTA St. John's, Newfoundland. \! GRAB BAGS '1 26 9 \! FISH PONDS J Y ,aug2, ,16. V GARDEN PARTIES V DANCES, etc.

Ryan Supply Co. 1~1 QDreD'. Road,!t Sahli'l, Nnd.

P.O. BOX 1191, DIAL Ioms.


DIAL 9·0011-2-3-4



"'The Courtesy Cabs,1I ELIZABETH AVE ••

rou may now drive to YoU! I



for your eye examination and glasse •• JUS'f DIAL

91091 -91098 jly9,mthly.tf ,


Manufactured In LaFa),ctte, Indiano; Tyler, Texas; and Horseheads, N.Y. On display everyday

11:00 a.m.- 6:00 p.m. night 7:00 p.m.-lO.30 p.m. l\!ovies on constTuction dc· signs. etc. shown 9:00' p.m. Location: Pleasantville Sub· dh·ision. west of Pepperrcl\,

For informdtion cali Ted Gillies Enterprises Ltd.

96026-9232, . jly31,lmth



Invest In a Wi1!iams Piano and develop your children'. music ! alent! : BOAT~· FOR SALE Give them I Plano for thp.lr ! r~-ff-tftHU1~~1 very own. Convenient Term. Arranged

, npphill).: fOl' eat'wi)?; control for 'I hnmr he SI1l'C you get a ~llarante. ~ati\la('(inll, ea 11

'~EiE~:J~lfi~E I WI elll er.ct ,our ArInU 8ull6inl fnt . • and SIV. yoy monay .t the Slmt tlma. I , factory·produced parts cut /obo$il.--.

Heating Boilers Domestic

Factory Schools


rn Pest Control Ltd. 9.5845

~here exterminating is a business and not a sideline.

"ewlOUIHlla\l{l's ONLY member of the ~ational Pest Control Association.


LIMITED Plano and Organ


Topsail Road PRONE 9U61-92162

(Also in Hr. Graee /i071l) lhur,tf,oct18

TI(E TO HOUSEHOLDERS tnltlThefSt. John's Municipal Council has been investigatin~ the ~e ~.o exterminating or control of earwigs infesting properties in

lty and desires to assist householders in dealing with. this

~ra\~t~l~S ascertained that a premises can be treated with insecticide tnd'th } a pest control contractor at a cost of approximately $20.00 Plrio/kthe contractor will guarantee adequate control results for a ~e!' xpert advice indicates tha ti in order to secure best results, perio~ray wor~ should be performed on each property during. the it \lills JulY.loth to Au)?;ust 8th. The Council wishes to advise that ntontr not glVe any financial assistance towards. the cost of control

aeturnl measures are not taken before August 8th.

~t Coullcil recommends to every owner or occupant of prop· treat~~ed by earwigs that a pest control contractor be engaged

. e affected property with insecticide.

~~e Council is prepared to assist owners or occupants in financ­cost of the treatment. It will PllY a sum-of $10.00 to every

on h' OCcupant who has the insecticide spray treatment carried lS'lrroperty by an approved pest control contractor. This

bWlthbe paid by the Council upon production of a certificate Y e Contractor and the Owner or Occupant.

W, D. SHARPE City Engineer.

, ellmlnat. waste of malar all. 0Uf .-I perl8llced crews reduCt construcllOll

time and "penM, Write or call rO(.. ,


J. 1.1t Informaliol\. I

~.R, lMP~ AUTHeIlIZ~ Ii

~ V DEAL!It'


LTD. 177 New Gower SL

PHONE 8·5795 .

uuuuuuuuuuuuuu WANT TO BE A



XXX XXX xxxx xxx x X XXXlI X X XXXXXX xxx x x x x X XXXX xx XXXXXX xxx xxx xxx x x x x x

xxxx x xxxx x x x x x x x xx X xxxx x xxxx x x x ~ ~xxx ~ ~ ~ x~



Prices on receipt details.




DIAL 8.5141-42 8·4033-34


Applications are invited from qualified persons (female) who are interested in employment as private and confidential secretary to Senior Executive of a well established organization in Western New· foundland.

i The sllccessful applicant will be employed in pleasant and at-tractive surroundin)?;s. The usual benefits of vacation and sickness and accident insurance arc provided.

. Applicants must have extensive experience in secretarial work, plus the ability to plan routine, and car1'Y out specified duties in any period during which the employcr may be absent from the office.

Salary will be commensurate with ability.

Apply in confidence, giving qualifications, employment record, and references to:

Personnel Manager,

P.O. Box 594,

Corner Brook, Newfoundland.


To do light housework and plain cooking. Must be 20 years old or over and able to provide references. Sal· ary $80.00 per month.




Wanted Reliable

Housekeeper For small family where other help is kept, Applicant must

I be over 25 years of age an(1 able to do plain cooking. Salary $100.00 per month. Private apartment provided. Character references requir· ed. Will await outport reo plies.




The Annual Commemoration Services

Will be held at the


on Sunday, August 18th, and at

MOUNT PLEASANT CEMETERY on Sunday, August 25th.


WANTED-by the Amalgamated Regional High School, Corner Brook, Newfoundland,

ACADEMIC TEACHERS for subject teaching in grades 9, 10 and 11. One physical instructress for girls and one physical Instructor for boys. Apply:

MR. W. C. ROBBINS, Principal. weds,frls,july





Reg T. Morgan Insurance ltd. jly25,26.20,31 - I . I .-. '" ,""

BUILDING LOTS FOR SALE . Fitzgibbon Street off Cornwall Avenue Several serviced building lots still re­main available' with frontages of Fifty (50) feet. One lot with frontage of Fifty~seven (57) feet. Price of these lots has been reduced to $5,000.00. Terms of payment can be arranged. Downpayment of $500 required. FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS APPLY TO:

Halley, Hickmao and Hunt 323 Duckworth Street, St. John's. Phone - 85179, 80124

jly31. augZ



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Page 14: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

. ~


, '"

\ " :: "


I \ I' . . ' '


· I · . '1


Acetylene and Electric Welding


Springdale St. Dial 8·203~

HEAP & PARTNERS ____ ---=....; __ (NFLD.) Ltd.

UNITED NAIL Wiring Materia", Wire and Cables, Motors, Startcn,

& FOUNDRY Lamps • .:lwltche!. 1,lgbtina CO., LTD. Fixtures. .tc


. BuildinO' Materials I Strel Scaffolding Ornamentat-M Iron Railings, Chain I.Ink Fene. . \, E LTD . lng, Re·lnforclng Steel, etc. James R Tucker Ltd.


Topsan Rd. IIlal 9-5099 We speclahze In Washlnll.

Simnnizlng, Greasing. Open daily 7.30 a.m.-12 p.m

Wm. Sinnott, Service Station ftlanager.

T.V. Service SERVICE

Tv Phone 8·6865 Day or nlgbt.


Attention 1

Contractors 'WAN For your Building Re.! , quirements, Paint and, T

. Building Hardware see I WO , . .


CHESTER Dr" 7 '1 '. I I For all )'our Jlldldlng 27 Springdale St.

Requirements. ALL SALES

Complete servicing - l,argl sto~ks of accessoriel al-.vay.

available. Open daily [rom 8 I.m.

to midnight.




I: " I I , I

, i !' f , I

, I , , I ,


· , · . · I

· 1


I' \

, ( I

I I · I

· i !

· ; I · I

, . , ! I

I '

: : i I · I . , ' · . . ' I . I

r . \.'


Barber Shop

THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP-We are now upera!­IIlg 10 chairs,' )'OU \'an be assured of prumpt, effici' ent, sanitary serl'ice N~ waillng problem, 24 New U,mer Strr~1 "pposlte Ade· laide Motors Ltd. n

General Contractors, EngIneers, Equipment Rentals.

TOPSAIL ROAD. PHONES: 9·2000. 9·2009.

Dry Clenners


For the Fastest most efficient DrY·Clean·

Electrical Fixtures and Supplies Well Drilling Phone 85171



A. G. BARNES LTD. Plate. Safety. Sheet Glasi.

Mirror and Ple:dglasl.

Pianos and Organs . A. L. COLLIS & SON


HARVEY/S IRVING SERVICE (Jim Harvey, Prop.) Lel\larchnnt Road

DIAL 8·6056



Hardware-Sporting Good •• Representing the world's fine" 1\

Planas and Organs. ST •. JOHN'S Hr.. GRACE I HARRIS & HISCOCK

Bakery -=----Dial 9·2161 Dial 5075 I LTD.

169 Water St. Phone 8·7352 ing and Shirt Service. .

_P_h_: 9_8_0_17_" 9_8_0_20 ___ ._Insur __ an_c._e __ iii~PjiRiOiPjiANiiE;,i !iG,A,Sij I . Car Radios

45 Blackmarsh Rd. Dial 9·3690


Best by "Taste Testll Baked by , ..



Dmg Stores

M. CONNORS Ltd. PrescriptioDl Pickup and


Waler Stred DIAL 8·2658 - 84m

I delivery servlee.

PHONE 8·2206

1-:-------· J. J. LACEY Elect. Services INSURANCE ltd.

City Electrical Co., Ltd.

Dependable Fire Insurane8, Prompt Claim Settlements.

DIAL 8·1035

I'KUrA"t"A~ and /-" ··.PROPANE. APPLIANCES '.'

Cll.E .. ~VE. ,RS .. h.··~~.oPA~ ...• ~ ... , .. ,',' }:,Ty-' ··x

."AtOJle ·'9.4106 .. ' " • . ~ >,.,,' :' -" , . .,' .

Service Station

CAR RADIO SALES We can in~tall a new radi" in any car frQm $55.00 up

Jack's Radio Shop

71 Lonll's HIU PHONE 8·7448


FRED SHEPPARD'S TRUCKING Bonaventure Ave., Ilt. Jobn'SI

Local al'd long distance. Vans, Stake, Dump, Pick·up and

Crane TrUCK~ for blre. Dial 8·2109. Rei. O·Ou ..... 1




Pick·up and Delivery Service Kenmount Road, Dial 93331

--"-- ---- ---


st. John's to Bonavista, Bona,ista to St. John's. St .. John's call 8·2352; Catalina call 5555, 5336. jne19.1mtb

EXPERT SHOE REPAIR ' CO~SEC'fJOS I\'E~I We Repair Shoes all ~!akes and. PI.Ml:STl.\

Sizes. No. I ex St. .Jnhn· Reasonahle Rate!. ' wIll. makE I'onncel,,:' WILLIAMS 'ccnha .Junclion ,nl

WIth .\LV. Pelite . SHOE SERVICE : West Run. PI,cent:; ..

Well Drilling 11. FLOWER HILL 'CO!\'!\'EnIOS. --------- jnc20,1yr ! .IU!\'CTIn'i .\~n .

--------- i .·OR SOFrn ro.\sT FOUND I No. I ex 51. ·!Dbi!

,2nd wil! make .. : Placentia .IlIndi~n

I gentia with ~ S. B;r

,Sollth Coasl Sel";j(!.

GLADY'S BEAUT\' SHOPPE (Electrical Contractors) BSELRAVC[KC~EIARSH ESSO GREAT EASTERN OIL cor. Bond and Prescott Sts. Electric Repairs, to CROSBIE & CO., Ltd. ~~ Phone 8,4Y51·H·7S9S. Speci' R Agents for Cor. Blackmarsh Rd. and COMPANY, Ltd. AT N alJzing ID cold wal·mg. hair an.ges, etc. UNDEIlWRITE1U! AT Albany Street. Pbone 94880. REPAIRS TO RADIOS. TV '- . ..-i o. 1 ex SI. JO::I

. d PHONE 8 3767 ¥DS A I AND ALL ELECTRICAL tlst 2nd will make .


Ityling. cutimg an tillting, • LLO • Tires, Tubes, ccessor es, S W SHORT manicuring, facials etc., 14 C S LOW RATES Lubrication, Washing. See Pete APPLINoICES • • at Lewisporte with operators, no \\'~ltInll. 86 asey treet DIAL 8.5031 for I job compl,!,t. DIAL 8.3001 to 8.3005 8 ADELAIDE ST. 8·2631 enl'ilIe for ports -=------::........-~---:---------------.--::........-...:....--=-------:....------- .-::........------------------ I St. John's. ,




WANTED IMMEDIATELY Experienced Stenographer Five day week, (Saturday holiday)

Group Life Insurance, Hospital Plan, Pension Plan.

Apply in writing only To

Baine, Johnston & Co., ltd.

FOR SALE-One Cow, just freshened. Apply Fran\[ Whitty. Torbay.

FOR HIRE- ~mall Tractor, also Trucks. Dial 92692-Brown's Store, Murpby'. Lane. m29,eod,lm

W ANTED-Comics. magazine, pocket novell. violins, gult. ars, good shates and boots. John D. Snow, 9 New Gow· er Street. jne19,1mth. '------------------I



Sweets Shop Ltd • 213 WATER STREET DIAL 8·3289


(O,\ST No 1 ex 51. John'l

2nd wiJI make

I Port aux Ba!ques Baccalieu for so:~ Service.

I CONNECTlO:O; AT I PORTE FOR I' LABRADOR ! TO XAlS : No. 1 ex SI. John', I August 2nd. will mIl!

1 __________________ ,llion at Le\\'iiporle __________________ I Nonia for norlhm

. . I . I " , .

j! I , R.C.A .•. p~


R.C. Anthony Insurance Ltd.

207 Water Street, St. John's, Nfld.

: SLENDER TABLETS: Aid you to retain a ~Iender figure; $2.00 a bottle of 100 tablets. Orders mailed c.o.rI. JOHN D. SNOW. 9 :-1ew Gower St., St. .Tohn·s.

[i Sen-icc to :\air.. CON:\,ECTIOX

I JUNCTIO" .\:-;11 . I FOR ImT ·

. , , • 'I: :,

",( . .1 i

It, ' , . ii " , . I ~ .

Imperial Oil Bldg. Elizabeth Avenue


. I .

,~; ,


\ . I , .

r= Experienced Accountant BY

.. , \ I •

1 " , III q ,;~, " \.:. t'r . ~~; \ I I ~,. .. ,

II. '. ,:: I (, '!,' ';", :,' i ~I ~I ~i. I 'I ,1, ! j :. ~. " ~:I, ':, I ' .... I,. ;:'"

· . ! .'1.,."

Hotel Gander Limited Salary commensurate with qualifications.

Reply in own handwriting to

'J' ,\. : \~,:; I :.:;

".' r : "]'. .... Johnson, C'hapman & Co. ':.:'~.',l',,\ ",.

I .. ~ • "!t

,. 'r : I. • .

• : i ::' P,O. Box 699, I . , .. ,

I;~' .' ;~\. jIY31.RUg1~ander, Newfoundland ;11' : " ~ t+~,....,. --------------------· il : ;. ;.I,~ k. .. ', j'., ,." ,. i·/

1 \; • (.

I ". IIIJ I'l l : :1' , . '.1' .' iii, ~F .il · 'i1 •. ! I : . .'. • ; t I', I, ;! I :.: ,I ", II'l' II . ' ,; Ii .

" 'i

., :11·':'· ~~ 'i ~ .'

;.'; .'

Grand Entertainment -

. St. John's MemorialStarium

AUGUST 5th, 8:45 P.M.

~ . Prizes Totalling 52,400

," .. ' , : ~ ~ ;

Final Game Worth 51,000. Proceeds in aid of .Cerebral Palsy

Association . ,

Admission.· .... $2~OO' auz2 1\'

, .. . ... ' .




Area measures 7 acres, containing 2 storey dwelling, 2 work houses, vegetable cellar and good well. All in good state of repair.

Interested parties may. contact




Sunday, August 4, 1963 A very cordial welcome exlended to all our supporters and friends. Proceeds for new school at Major's Path. .

Wheels of Fortune, Delicious Turkey Suppers, Pony Rides for the Kids,

Fish Pond.

Dance at Night with Deltones Orchestra,

Special Event: Three Mile Walking Road Race, 18 years of age and under.

I ,

Entries accepted Phone 917974.

Supervised by the officials of the A.A.U.

TRANSPORTATION Gladney's . Bus' leaves foot of Lime Street via Rawlins' Cross at 2::30 and 3:30 p.m .. returning after' supper. au/!I,2


EMERSON Du!llont Sales and Servici

Authorized Dull10NT SERVICE DEPOT For all TV Service. CaU


Cor. Freshwater Road and Ellzabetb Avenue

93279 jlylO,lmth


-",~~ ," " ,'.' ,,'....., ...' r


I PL.\CEXm I No.1 ex ~t. Johr.·! . will make connectiol entit .Tune!ion and.' with ~l.\'. Pdtc .

I Run Placentia Ba,.


. SEnneE TO , No. 1 ex st. Jo',n!

5th will make Port aux Basquel Ta\'ernor for

~ South (oa~t Scrlite

FRElGHT I Freight is acc1pled . I Railway Frt·ight

Houses, Apartments, 80 CABOT STRE!:T. PHONE 8.4187. : on South Coasl t' Et .:; . Port aux Bi"qlle~. bu C. ,

to guarJntl'~ .

Nfld R II Agents for trip o[ 5.S. Baccah!l • enta. stitute freighl mUll >~

A . Electric Fixtures, Toys, Novelties, Rnilwa\' Freight 5/. gencles I d G d p.m. Tu.csday, AuiU!t G assware an Dry 00 s.

39 NEW GOWER ST. jjly26,aug2.9,16 RESTIlICTEU' AT HOLDSWORTH, .! ShiPllrtS rllll!

.. --.. -----.. ------~ I Rrstrictrr! r~r,o£! 3rd Floor, Office 36. . oils elc. fnr pMI! Dial 8-7484 to Nain prr '1.\·

rlrew or ~lIh,titL(r List with liS now if you I I Dock Cn~~I"1 Shr:

. want to rent or let. YOUR SAVINGS EA'RN i Augusl 5th 9 •. ",.- I jlly31,tl Tuesday A\I;:us! 61h

" + 'j'. .' , , • t


" , f, '& '

a nlJw MERC 60 I 6 HI' MERC 110 • 90S HI' MERC 200 • 20 HI' MERC 350 • .liS HI' MERC 500 • 50 HI' MERC 650, os HI' MERC 850 • liS HI' MERC 1000 , 100 HP

Trade in your rill on •. 1963

MERCURY and. '=== now boat.

Only MEReU R,( glv •• you whisper·quiotJet·Prop exhaust.


Chester Dawe Bldg., P.O. Box 414, St. John's • Shnw Strcet,

. Phone 8·4152.


1 Restricled cargo~: oils. gasoline ele. Irt % on Debenture Bonds South Coast to po, ques for fOfIVardlo, - 0 for 1 year and Over. gentia and ~f.V. I SUbstitute acrcPlcdd ~

2 Freight Shrd Fn a.,

Bonds issued in Denominations of $100.00 and Upwards.

For further particulars contact


Incorporated 1936 . 258 DUCKWORTH STREET, ST. JOHN'S

PHONE 8·3108

. . 1

2nd, 9 a.m. to 5 p.nt Freight SOllth /r

ice to Goose B., P Strait or ~lIbstll1lle Dock Coaslal Shed ~ ~ July 24th, from 9 ,.

Enjoy the fame~,' service and the


eWspapl 'sERIE~

I 26 28 ,,'" ... ;)

29 22 17 20 19 23 18 27


Consolation Priz,

:' claim Bingo Ph 011 the c

Kin -




WANTED I Stenogl



To St. Pi viaMCA


For i~formati, 907975, 8446

NC l\l

.2.4 • 1\1 .C .1: .' • •••


Page 15: THE DAILY NE - Memorial University DAIcollections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsSt... · TWI ers of the ... ,\11 form. eI Insurance CUSTOMER PROTECTION POLICY .\,k ;1),11\1( ~he

NTE aitr

connection ll·t inn and " Petite '


GHT t is accepted Frri~ht Shed

: Ii Coast Iln>qlle.~. bllt

nh'~ D1orpo;e"1 <; S Baccalteu . . mmt bt

Freight Shed ny. AUgU!1

TRlCrED 1I,,",rr~ rle~O!

,·trd cRr~OC! Cor pnrt, pN' ~IY· ~lIh~tihic

'nn~tal Shed \lh P ~.n1.-~ Au~ust 6tb 0




l~ 20 Hl ~3 18 .,~ ~,


N 36 40 38 43, 31 33 32 34 41 45

G 53 50 58 5,1

o 62 72 61 74 66 71 63 69 64 73 67 68

70 Consolation Prizes for "Frame the Card."

claim Bingo Phone 8·7269 by 10 p.m.

on the day published. •

Kin - Help Kiddie-s

Watch Re'pairs



WANTED BY LAW OFFICE Stenographer-Typist

Apply in writing stnting experience,

qualifications and salary expected

to Box No. 627, Daily News. 1';g'l,6


T ~ St. Pierre - M;quelon Via MeA - DC.3 Aircraft

leaving St. John's today, August 2nd

Returning Sunday, August 4th

For information call Blanche O'Brie~ 90797,), 844612 or Radio Cabs 82384


----- -

W~!~r~y~Y4S!'droom with ,BETTER HOMES FOR SALE large store, full basement. . Hot water radiation. Double I' garage. Like new conditioD

NEW LISTING, It is possible to trade your present home on a brand new one. Any home we have for sale

COMMONWEALTH can be purchased with a lowdown payment. We make all financial arrangements. If you AVENUE are buying or selling, or need a loan on' your present home. call one of our courteous sales·

2 apartment \"Iungalo(v, 3 men for information. bedrooms in each apart· ___ . ______ ~------o:-'_---------------------

~oe~~strcu~~c~~~~~cd with CLARKE SUB.DIVISION CEDAR DRIVE, OFF We have a large selection of PORTUGAL COV.E RD.

HORWOOD ST. Bcautiful 3 bedroom bun· galow in all ideal residen· tial area. Fully landscaped. Storm windows and doors. FilII concrete basement. Excellent condition.

10 DARLING ST. Beautiful bungalow. 3 bed· room!t :and den, Heated gal'­age. Aluminum storm doors and windows throughout.


bungalows and split levels New 3 bedroom bungalow in this area, with, without, with garage. Furnace heat· or suitable for apartments. cd, freehold land. Landscap 'I

Some with wall to wall car· ed. Just $13,500. peting. Priced from $17,500 up. WINSOR HEIGHTS

2 bedroom home with I OLD TOPSAIL ROAD BLACKALL .PLACE large landscaped lot. Just 6 bedrooms, living and din·

Lovely 4 bedroom home, hop. $7,100. ing room, kitchen and bath· furnace heated.' Freehold Ncar UniVersity and s room. Ideal boardini bouse. land. ~:~~n~c;~~~a~= ~:~~~~~ ~~,~i ELIZABETH AVE. WEST Only $11.800.

size basement partly fram· 3 bedroom bungalow with GOWER ST. ed up for recreation room, furnace heat. An ideal family home, close NJ:W COVE ROAD


A large 4 bedroom bun· galow. Freehold land. Only $9,000.


Beautiful 3 bedroom bunga· low with panelled recrea· tion' room in basement. Landscaped. Furnace heat· cd.



ROSTELLAN PLACE Large split level home now under construction, Call U5

for particulars.

SUVLA ST. 3 bedroom bungalow. nadia· tion heat·. Freehold land. Full concrete basement. (REDUCED) , .

ELIZABETH AVE. neauli£ul 3 bedroom home in this ideal residential arca, close to University schools, shopping centers, etc. Also contains living and dining room, hathroom, bullt·in kitchen. Hot water radiation heat. Full concrete. base· ment containin;: 2 rooms·tilld second hathroom. Price only .2I.EOO with low down pay· ' ment.

EXMOUTH ST. New 3 bedroom bung;J.~Qw with a 2 bedroom basement:

I ' I

. i "I"" i :: ~,: t i :.i I· ~ ,

, , " j i' ,


, '

,I ; I , ,

, ' , . i

: !

I, , '

., '.


.' .'

Ultra·modern split level home. Baseboard radiation heat. Freehold land.

den, or family room. RENNIE'S MILL ROAD ! to the downtown section of A beautiful 3 bedroom home apartment. Just $2500 down. , with aUached gara;;c. Land· . ' scaped. i PARK AVE, MT. PEARL I

· : REDUCED. .! St. John's. In perfect con·

Large 5 bedroom family, dition. This home can be HORWOOD ST home. Radiation heat. Free· purchased furnished for

SEL VEDERE ST. 3 bedroom bungalow. Fur hold la~d. Large rear gar· only $12,500, or unfurnish· 2 storey, 2 bedroom home nace heated lind landscaped. den. DrIVeway. ed for only $10,500. close to schools, churches In a popular residential P':NATANGUISHENE

shopping centers, etc. area. a; TOPSAIL ROAD Kitchen, living room, bath· UNIVERSITY AVE Bungalows, 2 and 3 apart· 'II Beautiful split level home room and rear garden. Bar. • ment homes. with 3 bedrooms, den, large gain at only $7,500. 3 bedroom bungalow. Fur Jiving and dining room,

naee heated and landscaped NEW COVE ROAD built·in kiteben and a self· VICTORIA ST. $17,500. contained 2 bedroom apart·

1 Jh storey. ~ bedrooms. t AI . d 3 storey, 3 apartment home d men. umlDum storm an . dl' FLEMI NG ST Lan scaped. Worth I lot screen ,yindows through· wlt'h ra abon heat. Wired • more than asking prices. for 220. Good Income or 2 storey, 4 bedroom. In ex. out. good investment.' Recently cellent condition. New fur· DONEGAL peACE FITZGIBBON ST. renovated Inside. Call us for nace. Fuli basement. A heautiful split lel'ei home particulars. 3 bedroom bungalow, 5uit· with radiation heat. Land·

ROSSES ROAD able for apartment. scaped. PLEASANT ST. Now under construction, MT P,EARL

Ncar churches and schools new 4 bedroom bungalow • OFF FRESHWATER RD.

COMMERCIAi. I Beautiful new 3 bedroom,

PROPERTY i bungalow, suitable for apart· I ment. Frceholl land. Furnace

heat. Just $2000 down. Topsail Road Warbury Street Cookstown Road Off Topsail Road Cashin Avenue

. DORSET ST. , 3 bedroom bungalow with full concrete basement. Radi· ation heat and freehold I.and.

BOULEVARD I Just 1 year old. : < Beautiful 2 storey, 3 bed· PLEASANTVILLE ST. .: room home with living room' ' N" and dining room, bathroom: CLARKE SUB.DIVISIO and a kitchen and dinette in! basement. Driveway. Radia! tion heat. Freehold land I Just $13,500. '

Here is a ncxceptionally ~ine new 3 bedroom home. con· taining living and dining

2 t 3 b d I· . J t $18800 AND GLENDALE A beautiful 2 bedroom s orcy. crooms, IVlDg us ,. home. FurnaCe heated. OSBOURNE PLACE room, bathroom, dining room I

room. bathroom, and large huilt.in kitchen with ample storage and Clipboard space. Also 1h bathroom of{ mastcr bedroom. This home also contains a spacious 3 bed . room apartment. Call us for appointment to view.

and kitchen. Partly gl'proc AYRSHIRE PLACE A fine selection of bunga· Landscaped. . I lows and 2 apartmeo< bun· 29 QUIDI VIDI RD 3 bedroom hun~alow with, concrete foundation. Only New 3 bedroom buncalow. galows in this fast growing • garage. Full sIze concrete, $8,900. Furnace heat, full concrete suburban residential area 2 storey, 2 apartment. Bar· basement. Freehold lanel. 1

. BAIRD SUB.DIVIS!ON basement. Freehold land Call us for particulars. I gain price $3,900. Furnace heated. Landscaped .•

We have a large selection of bungalows and split levels in this area, with, without, or suitable for apartments. Priced from $17.500 up.







There Is still a few homes left In this popular, fast sell· ing sub· division. Call us for particulars.




St. John's T rotting Park

Any horse owners who have received

their eligibility papers please contact

the undersi,gned immediately.

B. K. FOX, General Manager.


Will be held on

SATURDAY, AUG. 3RD Usual Side Shows, Turkey Teas,

and dance at night. Orchestra in attendance. '




$1500 Scholarships

The Fisheries Research Board of Canada is offering .to Newfoundland male studcnts 3 scholar· ships of $1500 each in Fisheries Biology for the academic year 1063-64" These will be renewable, at a $1200 level, if the student's academic record .is satisfactory and money Is available. Successful candidates will pursue a course of University Studies providing II suitable background for a scieDtific position in FisherIes ReRearch. A Bchol· arshlp Iiolder whose university standing is satls· factory will be employed during U1e summer holi· days at regular Student Assistant rates.

Students of high academic standing, posses~· ing or taking a Grade XI matriculation suitable for University entrance, or stUdents who have already' completed some of their university work or thost who having completed a university degree course now wish to complete a B.Sc. degree wIth a major in biology will be considered.

Applicatlims are to be made In writing to the • Director, Fisheries Research, Board of Canada, Biological Station, St. John's, giving full name, ad· dress, marital status, age and the names and ad· dresses of 3 references (not relatives) at 1el9t ODe of 'which shOUld be a high school tetcher If the candidate Is: stili a hIgh school student or a pro­lessor ,If U1e candidate has attended university. Also supply all information relating to work or other experience physical and mental Intere8t1 and' special abilities with particular reference to abil· Ity to ·work at setl. Certified, academic records of Grade XI and of higher examinations completed and if 'poa,sible, B recent photograph should accom· pany applications. These will later be returned. aug2.10






94748 95670


SUNDAY, AUGUST 4 Games and other attractions.

DANCE ,,\ T NIGHT with the Beachcombers.

Delicious turkey ·teas will be served.

Busses leave Duggan St. at 2 p.m.,

returning after dance. lugl,~


Requires agent with established con­

nections with building supply houses,

builders, contractors, etc. To handle

established line Aluminum Storm Win­dows, Prime Windows, Doors, etc.

Experienced and established agents only, please, for this top quality line. Write full information to Box 628,

clo Daily News. aug2,56


(STRUCTURAL) , For employment with the Iron Ore Company of Cnn~da at Labrador City, Newfoundland. Duties Include checking all work against draw· ings, specl£lcaUons and contract documents. Take samples and perlorm tests on various types of construction such as plain and reinforced con· crete, structl~ral steel, masonry, frame, (light In· dustrial residential and mudieipal), pavement, wat'!!r and sewer installations etc. Applican ts should have at least two years experl· ence in the construction field, Attractive salary, liberal vacation policy, pension plan, group life, hospital and medical Insurance. For further particulars, interested persons should apply to:

Personnel Department,

Office No. 510, Iron Ore Company of Canada,

95 LeMarchant .Road,

St. John's, Nfld. aug3,5.6


Between 6 p.m. and

10 p.m.

Dial 95935.


NOW T d OPEN The ren


Conception Bay's most

Modern Beauty Salon Call ~liss Hilda Saunders, Tel. 6092,

Graduate Wilfred Academy, Boston, ~Iass.

TO RENT Heated Warehouse'

Space (Approximately 3300 square feet)

Knights of Columbus Building,

St. Clare Avenue

Immediate occupancy

For inspection and other particulars, see or phone Mr. Dunphy, caretaker,

95898, 90245 or 95696 Aug.2.16

, t, 1 ~ I J •

SIM~PS-O,NS~SEARS , '. ; ',' f·,· ,,' . '

Used Appliance Specia,ls

5 Only Used Refrigeratnrs YOUR CHOICE


1 Used Washer $3'5.00 NO .DOWN PAYMENT

Simpsons -: Se,ars 369 WATER STREET PHONE 84941

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,.,,1 :,11, ' iI-THE DAILY NEWS, ST. JOlIN'S, NEWtOUNDLAND. AUGUST 2, 1903 . ,.

I AT THE:T=====-:==~

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:i MILLEY'S : ' ~~. • : i~~


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SWIM SUITS, ~ .~ , 1 i ~ , ~


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Special $ .25 I ~ ~ ~.

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:.E I I i ,I Ladies'

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ji Tuning I: '

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VOWR SUNDA Y .. Aug. ,Uh.


8,30-Tbe Search 9.00-Sur.day Cboralc 9.15-Whcn A Child Asks 9.aO-The Protestant Hour

lO.aO-Hospital and olher reo i ports

lO.15-Wcathcr Forecast

! I A.M. CJON·TV > : i ; , 10.l5-Stol·y Time with Nancy , I Edwards FIIIDAY, Aug. 2nd.

, .' 10.30-Hymns Wc LUI'c ,'. II. :'1 I 11.00-Church Serl'ice from

First Baptist Church 4.25-Pastor's Stully 4.3D-Scilrlctt mn 5.00-Vacation Tillie 6.00-Carloon Carnival:

, \, 12.15-~luoical Moments :jl:1 : 12.30-VOWR Prcsents . i" 12.45-High Adl'l,'nture

FOllr Fcathcr t'alls 6.15-Cal'toon Carnival:

r 1.00-Close Down I ' 2.30,,-To Be Ann'Juncerl

Birthday Club. 6.20-Cartoon Carnival:

Direr Dan \,: : 6.00-~llIsic of tlw ~Iastcrs ,. , 6.30-Hospital and other rc' .~ ports 1'· 6,40-Dr. Ritchie ~'. Bcll 6,30-Thc World Of Sport

6AO-Ncws Cavalcadc 7.00-'fombstonc Tcrrilory 7.30-0ur Man lIIggins 8.0D-Back),ard Bonanza

I· 6.53-DailY ~Ieditation I ,: I 'i.OO-RcHgiou~ Service from

""" :, Wesley United Church !: ~I: 8.00-0rgan· Music ;. ,(', 8ol5-Eventide Echoes I 8.l5-Nntiona: Ncws

• 8.3D-Dr. Kihlare I I 8.45-The Question Box tiLl 1 , , i; :'

i i

• I

, , '

By Ceean i For Sunday, August 4 i

! '1 Present-For You and I Yours ..• Seldom do we find

. 1 ~ day as consistently.well. r aspected as tbis onel It will be

,I an active time for those who arc , . ~ in love, and aspects ruling ro­

mantic affairs also denote that many may become engaged now,

, This is an excellent time to en­tertain your friends and neigb­bors, or to·go visiting after churd!.

Past ••• Our 49th state, Alaska, Future ... Automobiles now watpurehased by the United have "everything but running Slates frmn Russia ·jn 1867-8 water" and the car of the fu· t 1'0 which the Soviet ture ~ay also have that. It. ra~ I n fountain may be attacbed to a

Union no doubt regrets lOday. bottle to furnish ice water (or " ' Tb e p ric e was a p'311 r Y hot coffee). The unit will operate ~:! $7,200,000. on a gadget from the moto~.

/ ! The Day Under Your Sign .' ,

-, ARIES CRoln Mmh 2t to April 191 LIBRA (Slpt. 23f. Oct. 221 An argUlDtnt, If It ,ttl out of hand, Spend lOme time in plaMinr for tlI~ ·coUld ti.?e luioul nrercun!oru, future'. l'UI :rGur idC'u on. paper. TAURUS (Aplil20 to M.y 201 SCORPIO (Oct. 23fo N ••• 211 A friend whO dilJ,Ppointl you in .n Spru~e up I. yo'll .. ill be the cen1u of

• nttrJaICY Isn't a fmnd after all. auention at I. 14.therinr. : GEMINI (M.y 21 to Jun. 21) SAGITTARIUS (No. 22 fo OIC 211 , , If you 'hue IOMcthlnr on your mind. '.' , : , diJc:'III1,1t. Don', brood Dr complain. The pressure on ~he moner 'ItUitlon : CANCER (Jun. 22 to July 211 ..... and ,OIl letl h~. ",lu'lon(-• , Tum m tli. cbum .nd 10U tin win CAPRICORN (OIC. 22 t. Jon. 201 j friends - of whlcb ,.ou already han Your Rood humor does much to brillhtt~ . ,~' i many. the atmosphere around the nei,boorhood. :' I LEO IJuly 22 to Au~., 21) AQUARIUS (J.n. 21 10 FIb. 191

There. mont~ 10 be had If you make the lIome lile II, more harmonloUi than Jor · effort. It 'WOn I look fM' you. rut feft' da),,, 10 relax and enJoY' h.

VIRGO (Aug. 21 t. S.pt. 22) :. ' Your .d.aD_.nt Mould he "'Id, thi. PISCES (Fob. 10 f. Milch 201 ,~' week proyldtd you don't uput the apple Take obstadcs in .tride and don't Itt • can. them upnt :rour Ulual aood. natur,. * ' C 1963, l'ubll.hen N .... poipcr,S'ndl .. t.

"l ~L-_---, ________ --:",--=-~

· ~. Pllln Now (or Summer Pleasure Afloat .; Boats,

. Outboard

9.:iD-lIancock 10,OO-Truc IO.30-Music Stand 1l.OO-Emllire.

. ,

12.00-Mol'ics At ~lidnight: Part 1

12.30-l'icws anll Weatllcr l2.35-Movies At iUidnight:

l'art 2 Pastor's Stully Sign ocr·

SATURDAY, Aug. 3rl!,

3.30-World Of Sport: Baseball Gamc of thc

Weck (Baltimore \'s

New York) 5.45-Cartoons 6.00-JlugS Jlunny G.30-Canada At War 7.00-TV Hour Of stan 8.00-Local News, Wcathcr B.15-National News,

Weathcr 8.30-Bel'crly HiJlbllIlc! n.oo-onc Step Bcyond n,30-Thc Untouchablcs

IO.30-Great 1Il0vics 12.30-Ncws and Weather l2.40-Slgn orr

SUNIIAY, Aug. 4th.

3.3D-Wodd Of sport: , (CFL Training Camp)

• 43D-Worhl Of Sporl: (Canadian Swimming Championship

S.30-Country Calcndar 6.00-20/20 6.27-CBC National Ncll'P 6,30-Va11allt Years '.OO-Alfred Hitchcock S.OO-Candid Camcra 8.30:"'lIazcl 9.00-Some Of Those Days 9,30-Ed Sullivan Show

10.30-Jlonanzza ll,30-Couchiching Can·

ferr,ncc 12.30-cnc National News l2.40-Local News, Weathcr 12.50-Sign orr


OTTAWA (CP) - New life jackcts with slightly greater li(lati.ng power have been ap­proved for production by , tbe federal transport department. 'fhe jackets havc improvcd di~· tribution 'of buoyancy material to keep the wcarer in the saf· cst possible position in the W3· tel'.


The oldest trees in the world 8re. the sequoias of California. Some of them date back to' the times of David and Goliath and are still in thriving condition.


lRRNT/Bll/nsf th ..... ' In tIIC"""" em'






DIAL 8-4328

I ~~ SIGN NEW VEGETABLE~ I I~ .T':U -~~ 001 1

LETTING GO I Philip Roth ........ $6,50 I

THE GLASSBLOWERS Daphne Du Maurier ................ 5.95


TJ~t~~;~~tTORiANl50 I I Jean Larteguy .... 4.25

I UPPER CANADA-The Formative Years,

11784-1841 ....... ....... 8.50 . SOUTH!· I

Sir Ernest I

Shackleton " ... " ..... 5.00:


New Potatoes New Turnips New Onions New Cabbage New Carrots

SPECIAL:-Limited supply of Old Potatoe~ (last for the season)

PHONES 8.5143, 8·5144 QUEEN STR!!] THE YANKEE I'

jjly30,augl,2 ~IARLBOROUGH,

'=S~t a~r~t~s ~B~I~it~~~---~to~~!:::' LO tl~V Ri~~~pson 7.50 I'~~;;;;:;;;;:::;;;;~::;;;;::;;;;~~~;;:~~~::;::::;=:::;::::d George F. G. i

· Build Peace Stanlev ".""".""" a.50. 'I' Tower - Cuba THE TEMPERING OF ! , EUGENE O'NEILL I

i By CIIRISTlNE MACGII.J, I Doris AlexandeL .. 7.5G ! KEY WEST, F~a. (APl- All i THE VOYAGE OF 1 Episcopal (Anglican) layman: , . J 'A II · who once had a furious face· I HIE NIN · to·{ace confrontation with Fidell Robert F. Marx.,. 6.25 Ca~tro has. launched a cam· I THE WAR &

)llst no mllcs from Cuba. CO, ~ ,\ -~lmgn to b~llld a tower of peacc I LO"IEL \l7ARDEN

, . .Toe Alicn, 49, dre.ams . of I Gerald ~a \VIe ...... B.oC , · seeing the I 75·foot spire nse I HOLIDAY IN : : on the grounds Of. ~oly Inno·· EUROPE cenls Episcopal MIssion. herc, Fr'tz Henle the southernmost church m the ,1 . . ' continental United States. Anne Fremantlc,

A sanctuary at the top of the Patrick Denni" ." 8.75, towel' would Im'e thrce "prayer ~IICnELANGLO desks"-one with a simpic cross Ludwig for Protcstants a second with G ld '1 'd 9 1\5 '

• 1'{'lv for 'Roman Catholics ,0 SC leI er ,....... .~J. , a CI lIC .,' I and n third with a Star of L d David for JCII'S. Dicks & Co., t .

Volunteers would offer pray· crs for peace 24 hours a day. As they prayed, they would gaze southward towards' Cuba from wide windows overiooking the Straits of Florida.

Allen said the idea Wa! born soon alter Castro came to power.

The Booksellers PHONE 8·5001


KING - Born at the Grace I "Communism i.< too ncar lor I Hospital, July 31st., to Samuel!

cnmfort and something must he and Cassandra King (nee! donc ahout it," he says. "A Hussey), a daughter . steady strcam 01 prayer across I the blue Atlantic can cause SPURRELL·- Born to ~Ir. ' Fid~i Castro and his~and of . and lIIrs. Danzicl Spurrcil of: nnll-God 'Red symlJallllzers to 63 Blackler Avenue (nee be pushed out." Evans) a baby boy, 6 lbs, 31/. !

CROSS AT TOP , 07.5, on July 29th., at the Grace i The tower would be topped: Hospital. A brother for Gordie, i

with a lighted cross, visible! David and Gracie. i

far at sea. A heroic·sized hcad I ~rARRTAGE i of Christ and the flags of ali I 1

Westcrn ~i~lT!isp~el'e n~tions I lI!r. and ~Irs. Frank Me· would .be. mlald m mosaic on Namara wish to announce the I

. ~UN FOR A\.\-



CAMERA TIM[II Take along your era and capture crowds and the in pictures.

AND DON'T TAKE CHANCES with precious films. After the Regatta have developed by the Exper~s

TOOTON'S LIMITED Distrubtor for K'ODAK in Newfoundland

the bUilding walis. I marriage of their youngest Allen. the Monroc County tax daughter. Anne Ma!ie to !tlr. i ---.-. - --" -.-- '-C-' .. ,

assessor and a lay readcr in I Robert Michael s.qUlrcs, so~ of I' T ., fh ' the Episcopal Church, esti· Mr. and Mrs. ~ ohn SqUires, I e mates the cost at $250,000. An Queen's 1I0ad, which took place Right Thing

Says C A

organization called the Guild of at St. Patrick's Church with · Prayer for Pence has chargo of Nuptial Mass by Rcv. !.ton· I'm c

the fund·raising drive. 1I1any signor R. McD. Murphy. Not W · d" orrle I contributions already have been pledged, Allen reported.

Allen was a county commis· sioner beforc becoming tax as­sessor. In that capacity, he i refused Castro the nse of a Key

'West public bcach for a .polit· ical rally in pre·revolution 'days when the Cuban leader was seeking support in tbe l'nited States.

Allcn, who turned Castro down because he was a con­trovetsial figure here, didn't get an exact translation of what the- bearded revolutionary said, "but he was reaily furious-he was jabbering away in Span· ish."

Campaign workers • hope to have the tower built within a ycar. Allen and his aides '''be. Iieve that future generations will rank the tower of peace with the Cbrist of tbe Andes in South America and the' Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor."

Hamilton Avenue Extension PlIONE 9·5300




MARCH - Thc funeral of tbe late Ralph G. March wili take place Suturday, August 3rd., at 2.30 p.m. froni Barrett's Funeral Home to Mount Plea· sant Cemetery . (tel. )

TORONTO (CP)-Lou .Jacobi, I Jacobi, who left Toronto at 39 away three. I,,:n' :.'1"! 50·year-old To~onto act~r W!10! for England whcre he was dis· i life. If it ~ne~, ,'o,'r! bas playcd I?alor roles m such covered by Garson Kanin, di· but it can be a )lomb,' Broadway hits a~ The Tenth rector of The Diary of Anne I Jacobi's immeuiate , Map an.d ,The D.larY. of A.nne Frank, is scheduled to play a I was hoI\' his pamtl ., Frank, Isn t worned ,hat right featUre role in A Girl to Re'l act to his jl\lo]reme::: nolV he's "between lobs." . member, a musical which wili' la Douce, the French!!l

Here Jar the openmg of hiS s~ar C~rol, Burne~t: ·.Howe~er, I edy whose subject " late.st f!lm, Irma la Douce, Ja· smce ~!lss Burnett IS expectmg not be cor.sidered cobl s81d: a haby, the show won't open I know mI' dod .

PENNEY-Passed away sud· "I'm In the' wonderful place untii Januar,Y.. 10 find a I~mal in It." denly on August 1st. Thomas finalJy where I don't have to A versa!lIe perlO!mer ;"ho -

, k Id h .. can telI Jokcs, recite mime W. Penney, 244 Pe~nywell wor. I cou e vor.kmg right sin" and I Ih .]" I b: BUY :-.'EII'SPAP[FJ Road, aged 68. LeaVIng to now. I could be lVorkmg tom or· S3':'S screePnaYG e VIO In. d' ac? I YORKTO\ 'a,k .. Btl't t· hi" ems. a pro uem" .. • ..

mourn Wife, three Sisters, Mrs. r?w. I! can wal un II t e company 'has sent 0 It . iceier; , Yorktoll Ewrr;!;1, ' John Hancock of St. John's right Ihmg comes along. lab t' 'bl t'· I '\'an'· 101·,''',t ' , "Th k t I'D ' ou a POSSI e s alTlnd TO e' 0 "n" 1111'5. Kenneth Boone of Saint . an s 0 rma ia alice Un I ill a television seri~s fa; I;im ner, ha~ bf~n " John N B Mra Harry Peck· which be plays !lloustache the But h' If" C"J'lnty ',' ". ' , .. ,. b t' I e s a ong way rom <Ian·' .• , ham of Arlington, Mass. Fun· I ar .ender) I m. not typed as a ing a contract . 0 I diary oE Tb':"s"n eral wilt take place 3.30 p.m .. Jcwlsh comedian ,. any longer, ...,. i Limited. \,1 p:::1 Saturday from Barrett's Fun., and ther~ ?,re all I,mds of offers I lonve got 10 b~ "ery care-' flOllt!cd. Fe eral Home. Interment at Mount coming m. ful about these thing,. lOll siqn I we~kl'; circ,::,,!irn Pleasant. I . .

INKPEN-Passed ' peacefully i away at the Grace Hospital on August 1st, Mary Elizabeth· (Kit), beloved wife of Gilbert F. Inkpcn, in her 44th year. Leaving to mourn husband, daughtcr Doris and son Peter, mllthcr, Mrs. Thomas Si'a~s, sistcr, Mrs. Ronald Young of Lunenburg, . Nova Scotia, and 3 brothers, Arthur, Robert and Tom at hom~. Remains resting at Barrett's Funeral Home Funeral today, Friday. at 2.30 p.m., to' Mount Pleolant Ceme·'



PERSONAL The many,iriends of· Mrs.

George Lane, l:ll Cabot Street, J are sorry ·to learn, that she is a patient at the Grace Hospital.




51. John's We carry a large stock of all




.' Motors Trailers, and Accessories

• ladies' Summer Dresses (plain) . $1 00 Cleaned, Refreshed and Pressed. •



(Not Inserted by Board of Liquor Contro\)'

·~kctd CANDIES

CharleS' R. ·Bell Limited TER ST. WEST. PHONE 8·2131

· ~ t

· ,"-

,Hughes-Ma'ynard Cleansers ltd. BLACKMARSH RD. PHONE 9·2186';:'7

Available exclusively from the following Drug Stores:



t the Good'" k abO,] Cars \rv e S,

Vse( SatisfactiOl You



Dr. Stcllllcn Ward Chelsea apartment

a criminal court against him. Th,

suflering from an f

Frida)' aCter hein~ tl 31st. Wal'll was rt

were arr of violatin~

forhidding II which interfere I

or traffic. had marcl

as they went. frol1 place in the ~cgro

, to a shopping thev started to \

the . downtown ~ goal was

the main 51 count)' courtroon

halt officers were rcpl used prod sticks of

on livestock in dis! of the demonstral

were rrleasl 01 their parents.

jailed, SC\'

had to be \11 Colisenm ahou e jail. The\'

the coliseum hI: fc WON'T now

started an anti·~ here last

Nll(hl [ Min ~

43 55 66 63 64 58 49


8:32 a III . '2:1i • ., .8.32

a.II1.,' 2:21