,,Food is our common ground, a universal experience.James Beard This booklet is a part of an activity of the Comenius project

The Cookery Book

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The cookery book is aa common product of the partners' work.

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Page 1: The Cookery Book

,,Food is our common ground, a universal experience.” James Beard

This booklet is a part of an activity of the Comenius project

Page 2: The Cookery Book


Rosół – chicken broth


Chicken or parts of a chicken (wings, legs: 1–2 kilograms)

Vegetables: 2 carrots, 1 parsley, little leek, little celery, a bunch of parsley stems



“Vegeta” spice

Chicken bouillon cube


Wash and cut the meat into small portions. Put it in a pot ans pour 3-4 litres of water.

Put in the vegetables (cut into small chunks) and one chicken bouillon cube. Bring to boil,

skim any foam and simmer until the meat is soft. Season the soup with salt, pepper and


Serve with pasta (strings), and dress with parsley stems.

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Page 4: The Cookery Book

Kotlet schabowy - pork chop


Pork chop - 1kg



Eggs – 2



Olive oil or cooking oil


Slice the meat for two-three centimetres thick pieces. Smash them with mallet, season

with salt and pepper.

Cover the meat with flour, dip in scrambled eggs and then cover with breadcrumps. Fry on

hot oil turning over when fried on one side.

Serve with potatoes, rice or vegetable salad.

Instead of pork one can use chicken or turkey fillet.

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Page 6: The Cookery Book

Sałatka jarzynowa - vegetable salad


4 carrots

4 parsleys

4 popatoes

1 little, boiled celery

4 – 5 boiled eggs

2 – 3 apples

2 – 3 pickled cucumbers

Tinned peas (30 dkg)





Boiled and peeled vegetables, peeled apples, pickled cucumbers and eggs cut into little

dices. Mix it all in a bowl, add peas and mayonnaise. Season with pepper, salt.

Serve with pork-bucher’s products (ham, sausage) and bread.

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Page 8: The Cookery Book



1 kg aubergines (large or/and elongated variety) 160 ml vegetable oil (about 1 teacup) 1 large onion, finely sliced 450 gr. minced beef 1 glass white wine (not retsina, but aretsinoto) 350 gr. fresh tornatoes, 1400 gr. tomatoes, drained of some of

their juice and chopped teaspoon ground cinnamon teaspoon ground allspice salt and black pepper 1 teaspoon oregano 25 gr. grated parmesan, kefalotiri cheese some chopped parsley

for the béchamel sauce

80 gr butter 80 gr. Flour 600 ml warm milk salt and white pepper 30 gr. grated Parmesan or Gruyere cheese 2 egg yolks Topping 60 gr. grated Parmesan,Gruyere or kefalotiri cheese 4 tablespoons toasted breadcrumbs

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Page 9: The Cookery Book

METHOD Moussaka should be baked in the oven. Use a roasting container, eitber square or oblong, approximately 25x25 cm or 39x28 cm. It is recommended that you spread the work involved over two days for your convinience; one can easily cook the meat the day before, witbout the Moussaka suffering at all. Do not do the same with the aubergines; they should be fried on the day. Aubergines Top and tail the aubergines, without peeling them. Rinse them, cut them lengthways in 75-mm thick slices and immerse them in salted water, for 30 minutes. Take them out, squeeze gently, rinse, then squeeze them again. Drain them in a colander and pat dry. Fry them in hot vegetable oil until they become pale golden on both sides; you can either deep-fry them, which is easier but they absorb a lot of oil, or shallow-fry them. In either case, drain them on absorbent paper on a flat platter before serving, so that most of their oil will dribble away. Meat Sautee the sliced onion in 2 tablespoons vegetable oil, until it looks glistening. Add the meat and sautee together, stirring, until all the lumps are broken down and the meat starts to change color. Pour in the wine, add tomatoes, sliced finely, the spices, salt and pepper and the oregano. Cover and cook for 20 minutes, stirring from time to time in case it sticks. Then mix in the grated cheese and parsley.

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Bechamel Sauce Melt the butter and, away from the heat, gradually add the flour and stir to amalgamate. Return to the heat and gradually add the milk and seasoning, stirring continuously. Simmer for 9-10 minutes, stirring, until it has thickened considerably. Withdraw the pan from the heat, let it stand briefly, then add the cheese and the egg yolks. Stir to amalgamate them. Do not let the sauce boil after this. It should by now be a thick bechamel, to enable it to sit on top of the meat mixture and form a kind of crust.

To assemble, cover the base of the roasting dish with half of the fried aubergines, then spread half of the meat mixture evenly on

top of them and covers neatly with the remaining aubergines.

Spread the remaining meat and sauce evenly over the top and cover neatly with the bechamel sauce. Sprinkle the grated cheese all over the top, and the breadcrumbs. Moussaka from Macedonia may contain a layer of thinly sliced roun potatoes which have been fried first. Bake in a pre-heated oven, gas no.4/ 350 grades F/ 180 grades C, for 1 hour, untit a golden crust is formed all over the top. Let it stand for 5 minutes before serving, in order to be able to cut it more easily. To serve, cut into square or oblong-shaped pieces, about 8 cm thick.

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Page 11: The Cookery Book

Fasolada-bean soup

Ingredients 500 gr. beans

2-3 carrots cut in thick slices

1 onion chopped

4 celery stalks

1/ 2 red pepper

200 gr. Tomato grated

1 teaspoon tomato paste

1 cup of tea olive oil

Juice of half a lemon

1 teaspoon bukovo

And optional salt, pepper

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Page 12: The Cookery Book

INSTRUCTIONS 1. Put the beans in the evening in the water with a teaspoonful of soda 2. In the morning we start cooking. Allow the beans to a boil and throw the first water. 3. Replace after the beans in a saucepan and add boiling water to cook faster. Just soft and add the remaining ingredients, added to the end of the grated tomato, the tomato paste and the juice of lemon.

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Page 13: The Cookery Book

Melomakarona-Small honey cake (We usually make it at Christmas time) Ingredients 2 cups water olive oil 1 cup water margarine (room temperature) 1 cup orange juice zest of one orange 1 cup of wine Brandy 1 glass of wine sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 vanilla 1 cup water 1 pound semolina flour All purpose ½ teaspoon cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon For the syrup

3 cups sugar water

1 ½ cup water

3 tablespoons honey ½


1 cinnamon

Instructions 1. Stir together the margarine, oil and sugar until white in the mixer. 2. Put then orange juice, zest, brandy and stir. 3. Then put the baking soda, baking powder, vanilla, stir and then start and add the flour and get both. 4. Butter the pan and forms melomakarona. 5. Put them in the oven to 250 degrees in the air. 6. When melomakarona will bake take them out and leave in pan. 7. Immediately begin to make the syrup.

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8. Throw all ingredients in a saucepan except the lemon juice, boil them. As the melomakarona are warm and the syrup is hot, put the syrup into the pan on melomakarona and left them to drink the syrup. Then turn melomakarona from the up-down. You can put nuts above the melomakarona.

Try to cook all these and… Good luck!!!

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Page 16: The Cookery Book


1/2 Mince meat

5 onions(cut into small pieces)

1 small spoon black pepper

Red pepper

100 gr walnut

250 gr butter



½ Mince meat 1 Spoon butter

250 gr boiled and pounded wheat 1 spoon tomato paste

Salt 1.5 glass water

1 onion (grated)

Tomato paste


First, prepare the inner part of the içli köfte. Cook the mince meat, chopped onions

with some salt and butter together for about 2 mins. Then add peppers and walnut

into this mixture. Let it cook itself for some time.after it is done, let it to cool.

Secondly, let’s prepare its cover. Mix all the ingredients, necassary for its cover ( mince

meat, wheat, salt, onion, tomato paste.) knead it with your hands. When this finishes,

divide this mixture into small parts, (as big as a hand). Then, into this small mixture, add

the first mixture, and roll them together.

Thirdly, put some water in a saucepan, add butter and tomatopaste, salt in this.

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Let it boil. After it has boiled, put our small içli köftes(pieces) into this saucepan. After 5

mins, it is ready. Good appetite!



500 Gr grapevine leaf

2 glasses of rice

4 spoons of olive oil

1 onion

1 tomato

Some parsley

Some mint

Red and black pepper


1 spoon tomato paste

1 spoon sumak or one lemon

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Page 18: The Cookery Book


First, Wash the rice and put it into boiled water. Let it there until 30 mints. Then fitler it.

Put it in a pot and add oil,chopped onion, chopped tomato, chopped parsley and

mint, and red pepper, black pepper and salt. Mix them together.

Second, boil the leaves in a saucepan. After this, put each leaf widely on a smooth

tray. Add the rice mixture in them one by one. Roll and shape them. Do this until all

the leaves finish. Put these rolled leaves into a pan, add some water and sumac ot

one lemon into it. let it cook until 20 mins.

After 20 mins, it is ready. Good appetite!


4 glasses of flour

2 eggs

125 gr butter

250 gr minced meat

1 parsley

1 onion

400 gr yoghurt

Garlic and red pepper

Black pepper

Tomato paste

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Page 19: The Cookery Book

Preparing the minced meat:

Add chopped onion, chopped parsley, salt, red and black pepper into the minced

meat and mix them together until the minced meat gets its stiffness.

Preparing its sauce:

Melt the butter and add the red pepper , tomato paste and some water in it. Boil

them together for 2 mins.

How to cook:

Add the eggs and salt into the flour. Add some water into the mixture. Mix them

together until the mixture gets its sstiffness like dough. Then using the roller press, have

the dough get the shape of a sheet. It will be flat and smooth. Cut this smooth dough

into small pieces. Put some minced meat into these pieces. Then cover the each

piece. When you have finished with all the pieces, put them into a pot and boil them

for about 10 minsAfter 10 min, filter the pieces and add the sauce in it.

Mantı is ready. Good appetite!

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Page 20: The Cookery Book


Aubergine salad with mayonnaise

Ingredients: 1 kg of aubergines

1 onion, finely sliced

3 spoons of mayonnaise


2 tomatoes for decorating

Grill the aubergines. After they have cooked and cooled a little, peel them and put them on a leaning

surface in order for the juice to drain off as they cool.

Then you put them on a wooden cutting board and chop them finely with a wooden knife (you can even

use a wooden spatula). Mix the chopped aubergines with the mayonnaise.

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Then add salt and the onion.

For decoration you can use tomatoes or red peppers.

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Serve it with fresh baked bread.

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Bean stew with sausages

Ingredients: 500g of beans

1 large onion

1 pepper

Smoked sausages

4-5 spoons of tomato sauce

1 carrot

Vegetable oil



Salt and pepper (you can also add Summer savory and Tarragon)

After washing the beans, put them in water on a medium flame. After it comes to a boil, change the

water (be careful to use hot water, cold water hardens the beans). When the beans are half boiled, add

the chopped carrot. When the beans and carrot are almost ready, chop the onion and put them in a heated

pan with a little vegetable oil. After it is slightly cooked, add the finely chopped pepper and let them

cook for about five minutes, while stirring. Add the tomato sauce and stir; when it becomes a thick

sauce add the spices.

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Page 24: The Cookery Book

Pour the sauce into the pot with the beans and stir. Let the stew boil for another 15-20 minutes.

Meanwhile, chop the sausages and fry them in a pan, then add them to the stew.

When it is ready, add the finely chopped parsley and dill.

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Page 25: The Cookery Book

Mamaliga with cheese and sour cream

Ingredients: 1, 5 liters of water

Corn flour

2 eggs

2 spoons of vegetable oil

250g of cheese

250g sour cream


Put the water in a pot on a medium flame; add the salt and the oil. When it begins to boil slowly add the

corn flour, stirring until it thickens. Let it cook another 5 to 10 minutes.

Mix the cheese with the sour cream and the eggs.

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Page 26: The Cookery Book

On a plate put the mamaliga (you can give it any form), and put the mixture of cheese, eggs and sour

cream next to it.

Cabbage rolls (Sarmale)

Ingredients: 1, 5 kg sauerkraut

1 kg pork meat – minced (you can replace it with any kind of meat)

50 – 100g of rice

100g chopped onion

100 ml tomato sauce

Boiled water

Vegetable oil

Bay leaves (1 or 2)


Salt and pepper

2 spoons of sour cream

Cook the onion in a pot with 2 spoons of vegetable oil for about 2 minutes. Mix the minced meat with

the onion and the rice (after it has been washed and drained). Also add a dash of salt and pepper.

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Page 27: The Cookery Book

Take a leaf of sauerkraut, put a teaspoon of minced meat and roll it. Make sure you secure the edges so

the meat doesn’t come out. Do the same with the other leaves.

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Page 28: The Cookery Book

Finely slice the extra leaves (the ones that are too small to roll).

For cooking the rolls you need a 4 – 5 l pot. Put half of the sliced sauerkraut on the bottom of the pot,

next put the cabbage rolls and on top the rest of the sliced sauerkraut. Put the bay leaves and about 20

grains of pepper and finely chopped dill.

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Page 29: The Cookery Book

Next put the tomato sauce and the boiled water (enough to cover them). Put a lid on top and let them

cook on a medium fire until they come to a boil, then turn it to small. Let them cook for about 1 hour

and a half.

The cabbage rolls are served with mamaliga and sour cream.

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Page 30: The Cookery Book


Shopska salad

(shopska salata)

As soon as the winter months have faded and we start to enjoy the warmer months

of summer, one can’t help thinking of this fabulous Bulgarian salad.


4 spring onions;

4 medium size tomatoes;

half a cucumber;

2 green peppers;

100g of bulgarian ‘cirene’ white cheese (or feta);

chopped fresh parsley;

olive oil;


optional: olives


Grill the peppers until the skin starts to

darken and crisp. Let them cool, covered, for

a few minutes. Then remove the skins and

the pips. Cut them into small cubes, along

with the onions, tomatoes and cucumbers.

Place the prepared ingredients into a large

salad bowl.

Page 31: The Cookery Book

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Flavor the salad with chopped parsley, olive oil and mix well. Cover in grated white

cheese and enjoy!

If it takes your fancy, add a few black olives.

Panagurishte poached eggs

(yaica po panagyurski)

This dish is named after Panagurishte (pronounced pan-a-gyor-ish-te) town.


8 eggs;

4 soup spoons of butter;

600 g of natural yoghurt (Bulgarian if possible!);

5 or 6 cloves of garlic;

5 soup spoons of vinegar;

2 teaspoons of paprika;

One third of a teaspoon of chili powder;

Freshly chopped dill;



Crush the garlic and mix it with the yoghurt and half

a coffee cup of salt.

Boil a full pan of water (with salt and the vinegar). Break the eggs one by one into a

bowl, and then poach them in the simmering water.

After three minutes of cooking, remove the eggs. In a serving plate, place the yoghurt

and then the eggs on top.

Heat the butter; add paprika and the chili powder. Mix together for a few seconds and

remove from the heat. Drizzle over the poached eggs.

Sprinkle with freshly chopped dill and serve with fresh crusty bread for a delicious and

quick meal.

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Page 32: The Cookery Book


All skillful housewives are convinced - bake it to be loved




1 tea cup - yogurt,

1 pack. -yeast,

6soup spoons- оlive,

1 soup spoon- vinegar,

250-300gr. – white cheese /feta/,

1 tea cup – warm water or milk

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Page 33: The Cookery Book


Knead dough from the ingredients. Keep it in a warm place to rice for the 1st time.

Knead it once again and divide it in 6-7 or 8-9 parts formed as balls. Roll out sheets in a

middle size; grease them with margarine, spread in a large baking dish and sprinkle with

the cheese. Roll the sheets and cut the rolls on several parts. Put the cutted parts in the

baking dish each with the wide side upwards. Keep it in a warm place to rice for the 2nd

time. Grease it with a beaten up egg and bake it in hot oven 40-45 minutes on medium


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