/ / ' The COLLEGE EYE MARYLAND STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT BOWIE Volume 13, No. 1 Januar y, 1946 1 15 Cent~ O ut sta ndi ng Ar tist to Appear STATE AND NATIONAL WI NNERS Pres ident Henry R eceive D oc torate I\) O oi 1-. ,lo tm1oon "M,1~1c l1ath charms Lo soothe 1 h, ~.1, .,ge breast." Charle~ :\l cCahe, master ot music In violin, al)l)eared In a r,·cltnl h••re on 1''rlda} evening. Jnnuur, 11. at ll o'clock. Mr. :\(('(:'ab,•, a Philadelphlan, Jin ., upp.arE><l In recitals In many 1·111 .. s. From his excellent per- formar1<:,·s coml' lhe:,e com m enta: "E~c• llent technique and arlistry ." "ltatured ,iolinlsl." " He plays •\'Ith E·,L1<e and assurance.'' .\ccom1,an1 Ing Mr. McCabe on th•' piano was )llss Ursula Curd, llus. Ii., also or Philadelphia. She possc .. se::1 a fluent t echniqu e and a. C> llne sen~e oC rhylhm. Miss Curd Top, Lett : !1lso bait a broad musi cal ba.ck- Olivia Tucker, ground. Jos1•phlne Hcrruld, noted 1>ian- l~t. will appear In recital February 8. at b o'l'lock In Bannekar Hall. She i:< ,1 native or Alabama and now n•ttldes In C'hlcui;o. Her play- Ing 1l111ote11 good dramatic st) l e. Th, Cl('a r warn and b rllllant tones blend ror the exce1>tfonal Interpre- tation or her composlllons. winner of sec- oml t> rl ro In Mary land T B E/-,al cont e..'-t and of th I.rd place awn rd In t h c n ational COT! t e:t. C> C> TO JI, r l g b t: T helma Tbom- 11s, \\inner or flr,. t pr1re 111 Maryland con- t est. ( 'c1 1t e1 ·: Mildred W I t- Ucc l I O I' ,-eco nt.l pl ace In Stat e l'On t e--t. C> 4-H CLUB TO PUBLISH NA TIONAl PAPER l•"rom a casual conser\'atlon at 1111, rertnt ,Juckson's :MIii Conf e r- Chicago Univer s ity Educator Conducts Child Study Conf ere nee Meet Our New Staff Members 6) 1-'lo r c n <'C 'Sutter T he C'ollege B> e welcom es the seven new staff members at t3owlc. From Norfolk, Vlrs-tnta. c ·omes )fl!', ,Jnon ita E. Wens, pr incipal ot t111 fl e monstrntlon School. and lnstrm·to.- of grades .f, 5. and 6. )llss Wells r ece ived her B. S. de- gtee rroru Hampton l nstitute and M. A. (rom Northwest<'rn Univer- sity \Vhen asked her lmprei;ston or "St ute" sbe satd, "I t Mnk that this Is a very he lpful lnsUtuUon to tht- State and to its graduates. It Is helping greatly to brlng up the stan(lards or teachers ln tl le State o r M,1r} land. 'State' offers won- derful opportunities for st u dents who .. nte r ." Miss \ Veils likes to mel't lnteresung people. work wllh a ll personalities, to read, and to listen to s1>ecltlc types of music Prior to com ing he re she t.aogl1t In the 1>ubllc school .system or r-'<>rfolk, Vl rg ln la- .\{1•. U\\i gJ1C n. Fl.!eJ\Cr, 11h)'tll' ,1 education director and health In- structor , c omes to us fro m X l" nla, Ohio, Mr. li'lsber, former Instruct- or nt Alabama A nntl M, rf'Cf'l\'ed his B. S.. ot \Vllberf orce und his :\f. A. al Ohio State . His hobby Is the same 118 his wor k-tbleUcs. :\tr. Fisher 's imprCtlJ!lons of Bowle? The>· are so numerous until what 's yours Is his. cnre betwet!n Dr. B. L. Kirkpat - By Maud Houston rick, execullve secretary oC th e ., tr. en,-,-.~ i'om ig or Philadel- Hurul Youth As.~oclallon, and Mr. lk Daniel . .\ . Prescott, head of S tate Gi rls Wi11 phln, Instructor oC s ociology, eco- St.11\ford came the request thut our I he 4. •oJlaboraUon <.:ente r or Chil d nomlri. and ru~onnel c\lrcctor, re- 4-H t'lub publish one ii;sue or the Growth n.nd Development at the Md E c l l cc-tved his A. B. at ,vC$t Vtrglnl o "Hurni Youth N,•w1<." This p aper, e ss ay Oil es ~litlt• 11nd M. n t t he University l"nlverslt• · or Ch icngo directed the d .. t he r1.·11ult or Joint eltor ll!. Is in- of PPnns} lv anlo... He hua one 1..- t••n1h .' tl to stimulate and facilitate flr>'C or u series or chllc l study c on- R) Do,i., J ohnson <lltlonul grad u nt,. >'Indy at the coo11eralion among all orgunlza- ft>r,, nces at Bowle October 11-1 1. Three fenlot· co-eds, The lma i~olumbia t'nlverslt y. 13r rore com - lions anti agencie1< that ar t> con- Or. Presco tt Is the author or Thomas, O livia Tucke r. and Mil- ing ll<'rr .\fr _ Young did sol'lal l Ith I P O I lg strength "orl c \"il h t he: r»n<>rtment. of Pub- cernl•c w m r v 1 - .. .,,_otlon an., the Educn t lve Pro- d I ' .,... .,,... u " dred \Vll son won o.11 the awar s n ii hi ,.nlng, and stabi lizing communlt) ·, lie .\ ssist tmc~ rn Ph ndt>IP a. natl on1t l, und world a.traJrs. It cells," published 1 11 193 8 by th e t he annual ·ruberculo.,\s Essay Prior to thllf work, 1 H? was I\ t each- drnws on th e expe ri ences, vi e w- American Council on Education, Contest s pon sored jolnU)· by tbe er antl l'Cl!!':ll"Ch fellow in nntbrop- 1 ,o int i. and <'onvlcUons ot such ,vashl ngton. D. C .. and of "Hel p- Baltimore Afro-Ame rican and th e ol ogy ou n Roi;enwutd l•'ellow::ih\p oung p( •ople l1f; compose the r ural Ing T eache rs Understand Their tJ In lh t• depnrtm<>nl or l!O('lal sci- youth or the U.S.A.. and should Mnryln nd Tuberculosis Assocla on. <>nces, F'islt: University. He hai, Children." Ollvtu b;ougbt add iti onal h onons also l 't·en n co 1 , 0 ,..., tor ··t tl>I' F~rm propose a helpful guide to loca,I 30 ' - _, groups r egard less or the pnrUcu- Approx imately persons ln- la r ugenclcs that they represent. e luding supervisors, prlnclpa.ls a nd Sln<'P the c onferen ce, Dr. Kirk- patrick has visited "State" and dls- <'Usiwd plans for th e ll!s ue with the .f - 1-J f'lubbers. teachers, were in attenda n ce. , to herself, to Bowle, and Lo Mary - land by standing third In the na- tional contest, tho highest award ever won hy a Maryland stude nt. At a i;peclal ru;sembly on Octo- The basic Id ea p resented was that th e s tudy of the chil d Is a prerequi s ite to the building of a fu nctional c urriculum. All be- b~ 27, Mr. Furman L. Temp leton u nd Vocutlon:i t SChool, Pom.-.ro~ , Penns~ 1v.111ia :i nd Is a member ot Th p PhfladelJ1hlu. Anthropologl ('ol i:;orlety. Mr . Young worked on a folklor.- project iu the ~ltit.-l~slppl Oe lt:t &(IC)nso rwl by the J i'oJklore Division or th r r Jhrnry or C'ougrel's and the sorla l science 1Je,parlm.-nt or f•'il,k l rulvcrsity. I re ma)be H) Tlwlma '111omA~ Wh••n the L'nlveriaitr c,f f'• •m".Yl- vanll\ ro11frr red the d1·g1e<>, O o<".- tor of J. ;ducullon, 011 l'rn,tdent Wllllam 1-;. Henry tit tht. Com- mencement on Jun,. ~, hl~f<,r)' w:is ma,11; In that 1111 l~cam, the very flri;t 11tudent to l10 ~ra1l11ated D " 11 · E .. .., - l. ,uua.1.r1 J, .J.2..t7., , w,1 h that d eg1> C&-0111 th\, , •·''"H seat or lt>arnlng. Dr. H f'n ry ~eli 1·t1<1J 101 hi , d1 scrtaUon, "°Ed11r11tlon l'or 'rh t-f'~ro in Rua I .Mary lono ." Thi' st111l> ls <lcslgnell. tl,r,,\J~h analysis or perttn•·nt @ocla), l'<'O- noinlc, un,t (·ducatlona l tondi t ions ot the rural Nc>gro: l Tu dl!'l'OH•r ~lgnlth,11\ (011- ditlon!I ,mrl ma jo r prob!Ot./j of 1 ht> rural ~ egro i,011ul..1non flt \tcu·yland. :!. To draw lnipllcallons from t h,•,;f' <'Ondition1< and p ru • to bP U~I ,I .,s hnH 'b tot proposr,l 111·oi;ram or •'<! tlon at ~I ,te Tt 1ai'l1l'1~ t It er. wbl <'h b to he dt>:,l1tn1-,t to 1Je\'elop tf'aeheu who Ntn J11·l11 to m"•·t th (' ue, •< 18 or tr,, r11nt1 X1~10 in Mar)'IAlld To h cl11 n,,•t•t the 11an1moun1 nt'"'' or raising the ~oclol anrt l'co- nomi<' ~tinus or ou r gr o up, 11 pro1<rnrn • m br(1Cing !l('VCn a1 t'ali or Pffll)hasls L'! propO!'l!'d: ( I) H<alOI F'or lhls proj ect we need. and Jf'<•I we w111 rec<:'lve, full coopera- tion of th<' cntlr(! c ollege. btwlor Is caused. and t he causes or the Afr o p r e.sent ed a c heck <oi- ot beh avio r are multiple; there fore $!?5.00 to Thelma, rlrst state prize; the teacher must know lbe facto rs $1 2.50 each to Ol1vin and :Mildred behind each of these causes IC a who tied for !econd pll1ce In th e c urri c ulum that ls reall.zoble ts to state event ; an additional $1 6.0 0 be built. Th en , every c hild can ancl a bronze me dal to Olivia, na- achicve 11omethlng, can lea rn, for tlonl llWards: ancl a ce1·UflC'ate to ed11cn1lo11, rnnltatlon. p erso nal hy- gien,•. un,I rllHt·Hlon: (2) Mnnogc - mPnl or inC'omc> saving, kl'ancy nn,I hou1<1 n~: ( R) ,\g-rlculturi-, homr '' Xonomlo-. prod11Nlon. ron- s<'r\'utlon "11,I pr1•/:1•rvttllon or too,J; (il F amll> 1f'lw 1011s . fll'Y"On;...lllv, <tUOtecl as sa, m,r. "I find I hat thll ond Mda l oial:1<lj us tn1t, nC (f,) stullcntlo and fa cu lty hert> nrl' very \\ 'ill•· tiff' or lf'limu tlmt>; (Ii) Pur- <'Oooerati\e :.inti I run !'njoylng my l'O~f'lul "Ol'i,il 01 ,i;an t 7 .at,ons (7 ) work here very much." nurlng T'tlllv.ntlon of public- f t>rvl<-f~ i,.g l{' lft. T, P IC'Tl.'. RF ..S JNAtTO llRi\'f'F.O n~ 1,,wi ll e Evnns hli- lPibur-e tlmf' he likes t<> fll'h, t he curriculum will be based on -,.,ro. "far u w. , .. , .. , ln.atructor, who hunt aml piny hnsepa ll m " , ..... , ,. ., "' l' ,\ 'I "' \I \t,() , t-: Hl-:J' l'RN~ Jlohlln g studentR · altPnllon Is no his needs. sr 1011sorPII the ••n trants. .\lL •<. I•'. Lo ul...- , pew•m 11n of problem nt t he weekly movie now Associated wi th Dr. Prescott "Tbe Nt>gro Tube rcul oslt< Prob- Rince we have a serial pi c ture each wt're llflss Merc bson aJso of the lem - Pos1. Pruen t an(l Future" ~ntu r dny nigh t along with car- llnlver slty or Chlcago, Miss Adl er, was the subject or Olivia's .. ntry . t oons and a m ain renture. !<Upervl 11or or eleme ntary schools In Th<!lma chose " How 'rh <' Home, "Hin Tin Tin, the Wolf Dog," :lfarylancl. and Mr. Pau l H u tting- Sc 1100I and rommunlty Can Po.r tl- thP ,,, . ..,sent serial, c onsists or ton. newly nppolnted supe r visor or clpatte In Tht> t'ont rol Of Tuber- I we Ive epuiodes, seve n having be en Negro schools in llfaryland. c c"" oEis,'' while Mildred wr ote en sllo wn to Ja.te. 1t Is a sl ory about I 'Uhe- second con fer ence will be ·,()td Ver~ us New Attitudes ln My h bo~ . n dog, and a man . he 1'U here In J an u ary. v-ommunlt~ Toward Tuberculosis." ' I\• J.urntwrton, N. C .• Is n &Nlduate or Onrlter ~co>tlu Jr . t"ollc.r;e, ron- 1 l' Or,1. ~- <'., with a dlplom 1 , a '' ""' h,,:s Jtu•t ,·oin,• 111111 S ~i:t. g~duutr or i:;hnf,- ( 'nlv<'rsit >', na 1 r>h ' l '.nt" :\lalo111 hus u·tu, nfftl Ral Plgh, 'f. C. with a B. S. df'S:lf'<> lrMn ., lo ne :<It,., h• th, r,~o H~ 011<1 from Aflanta Un h er.,ct, with It>' no\\ ~•ut11>n,·<1 ·' 1 <'.u up Patrldc an ll. ,\ . d<•grrf' Rt:fort• com ing / 1 ""ry, \'a. tu us to ln,;truel 111 honrn making ' HP plan~ ro ll1: h,u·k 111 Sh- I h)• th, 1 :-.;t'I\ Yt:H to r l' t llJDf' f:, . ., ~·r.Al•~P. P1i,:,1> ThreP ,-111rllt"'· _ .. t

The COLLEGE EYE - Bowie State University · The COLLEGE EYE MARYLAND STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT BOWIE Volume 13, No. 1 January, 1946 115 Cent~ Outstanding Artist to Appear STATE AND

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Page 1: The COLLEGE EYE - Bowie State University · The COLLEGE EYE MARYLAND STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT BOWIE Volume 13, No. 1 January, 1946 115 Cent~ Outstanding Artist to Appear STATE AND

/ / '


Volume 13, No. 1 January, 1946 115 Cent~


Artist to Appear

STATE AND NATIONAL WINNERS President Henry Receive Doctorate

I\) Ooi 1-. ,lo tm1oon

"M,1~1c l1ath charms Lo soothe 1 h, ~.1, .,ge breast."

Charle~ :\lcCahe, master ot music In violin, al)l)eared In a r,·cltnl h••re on 1''rlda} evening. Jnnuur, 11. at ll o'clock.

Mr. :\(('(:'ab,•, a Philadelphlan, Jin., upp.arE><l In recitals In many 1·111 .. s. From his excellent per­formar1<:,·s coml' lhe:,e commenta: "E~c• llent technique and arlistry." "ltatured ,iolinlsl." " He plays •\'Ith E·,L1<e and assurance.''

.\ccom1,an1 Ing Mr. McCabe on th•' piano was )llss Ursula Curd, llus. Ii., also or Philadelphia. She possc .. se::1 a fluent technique and a.


llne sen~e oC rhylhm. Miss Curd Top, Lett : !1lso bait a broad musical ba.ck- Olivia Tucker, ground.

Jos1•phlne Hcrruld, noted 1>ian­l~t. will appear In recital February 8. a t b o'l'lock In Bannekar Hall. She i:< ,1 native or Alabama and now n•ttldes In C'hlcui;o. Her play­Ing 1l1•11ote11 good dramatic st) le. Th, Cl('a r warn and brllllant tones blend ror the exce1>tfonal Interpre­tation or her composlllons.

winner o f sec­oml t>rlro In Maryland T B E/-,al conte..'-t

and of th I.rd

place awnrd In

t h c national




TO JI, r l g b t: T helma Tbom-11s, \\inner o r flr,. t pr1re 111 Maryland con­test. ( 'c11te 1·:

Mildred W I t-Uccl

I O I' ,-eco nt.l place In State l'On t e--t .



l•"rom a casual conser\'atlon at 1111, rert•nt ,Juckson's :MIii Confer-

Chicago University Educator Conducts Child Study Conf ere nee

Meet Our New

Staff Members 6) 1-'lo r cn <'C 'Sutter

T he C'ollege B> e welcomes the seven new staff members at t3owlc.

From Norfolk, Vlrs-tnta. c·omes )fl!', ,Jn on ita E. W en s, p r incipal ot t111 flemonstrntlon School. and lnstrm·to.- of grades .f, 5. and 6. )llss Wells r eceived her B. S. de­gtee rroru Hampton l nstitute and M. A. (rom Northwest<'rn Univer­sity \Vhen asked her lmprei;ston or "Stute" sbe satd, " I t Mnk that this Is a very h e lpful lnsUtuUon to tht- State and to its graduates. It Is helping greatly to brlng up the stan(lards or teachers ln tlle State o r M,1r} land. 'State' offers won­derful opportunities fo r students who .. nter ." Miss \Veils likes to mel't lnteresung people. wor k wllh a ll personalities, to read, and to listen to s1>ecltlc types of music Prior to com ing h ere she t.aogl1t In the 1>ubllc school .system or r-'<>rfolk, Vl rg lnla-

.\{1•. U\\i gJ1C n . Fl.!eJ\Cr, 11h)'tll' ,1 education director and health In­structor , comes to us from X l"nla, Ohio, Mr. li'lsber, former Instruct­or nt Alabama A nntl M, rf'Cf'l\'ed his B. S.. ot \Vllberforce und his :\f. A . al Ohio State. His hobby Is the same 118 his wor k-tbleUcs. :\tr. Fisher's imprCtlJ!lons of Bowle? The>· are so numerous until wha t 's yours Is his. cnre betwet!n Dr. B . L. Kirkpat- By Ma ud Ho uston

rick, execullve secretary oC the ., tr. en,-,-.~ i'omig or Philadel-Hurul Youth As.~oclallon, and Mr. lk Daniel . .\ . Prescott, head of State Girls Wi11 phln, Instructor oC s ociology, eco-St.11\ford came the request thut our I he 4. •oJlaboraUon <.:enter or Child nomlri. and ru~onnel c\lrcctor, re-

4-H t'lub publish one ii;sue or the Growth n.nd Development a t the Md E c l l cc-tved his A. B. at ,vC$t Vtrglnlo "Hurni Youth N,•w1<." This paper, e ssay Oil es ~litlt• 11nd M. "· n t t he University

l "nlverslt•· or Ch icngo directed the d .. t he r1.·11ult or Joint eltorll!. Is in- ~ of PPnns} lvanlo... H e hua one 1..-t••n1h.'tl to stimulate and facilitate flr>'C or u series or chllcl study con- R) Do,i., J ohnson <lltlonul gradunt,. >'Indy at the

coo11eralion among all orgunlza- ft>r,,nces a t Bowle October 11-1 1. Three fenlot· co-eds, The lma i~olumbia t'nlverslty. 13r rore com -lions anti agencie1< that a r t> con- Or. Prescott Is the author or Thomas, Olivia Tucker. and Mil- ing ll<'rr .\fr_ Young did sol'lal

l Ith I P O I lg strength "orlc \"il h t he: r»n<>rtment. of Pub-cernl•c w m r v 1 • - .. .,,_otlon an., the Educnt lve Pro- d I ' .,... .,,... u " dred \Vllson won o.11 the awar s n ii hi ,.nlng, and stabilizing communlt)·, lie .\ ssisttmc~ rn Ph ndt>IP a.

natlon1t l, und world a.traJrs. I t cells," published 111 1938 by the t he annual ·ruberculo.,\s Essay Prior to thllf work, 1H? was I\ teach­drnws on the experiences, view- American Council on Education, Contest sponsored jolnU)· by tbe er antl l'Cl!!':ll"Ch fellow in nntbrop-1,oint i. and <'onvlcUons ot such ,vashlngton. D. C .. and of "Help- Baltimore Afro-American and the ology ou n Roi;enwutd l•'ellow::ih\p ~ oung p(•ople l1f; compose the r ural Ing Teachers Understand Their tJ In lh t• depnrtm<>nl or l!O('lal sci-youth or the U.S.A.. and should Mnrylnnd Tuberculosis Assocla on. <>nces, F'islt: University. He hai,

Children." Ollvtu b;ougbt additional h onons also l't·en n co1, 0 ,...,tor ··t tl>I' F~rm propose a helpful guide to loca,I 30

' - _, ~ ~ groups r egar dless or the pnrUcu- Approximately persons ln-la r ugenclcs that they represent . e luding supervisors, prlnclpa.ls a nd

Sln<'P the confere nce, Dr. Kirk­patrick has visited "State" and dls­<'Usiwd plans for the ll!sue with the .f - 1-J f'lubbers.

teachers, we re in attendan ce. ,

t o herself, to Bowle, and Lo Mary­

land by standing third In the na­

tional contest, tho highest award

ever won hy a Maryland student.

At a i;peclal ru;sembly on Octo-

The basic Idea presented was that the s tudy of the child Is a prerequisite to the building of a fun ctional curriculum. All be- b~ 27, Mr. Furman L . Temp leton

u nd Vocutlon:i t SChool, Pom.-.ro~ , Penns~ 1v.111ia :ind Is a member ot Thp PhfladelJ1hlu. Anthropologl('ol i:;orlety. Mr. Young worked on a folklor.- project iu the ~ltit.-l~slppl Oe lt:t &(IC)nsorwl by the Ji'oJklore Division or th r r Jhrnry or C'ougrel's and the sorlal science 1Je,parlm.-nt or f•'il,k l rulvcrsit y. I re ma)• be

H) T l wlma '111omA~

Wh••n the L'nlveriaitr c,f f'• •m".Yl­vanll\ ro11frrred the d1·g1e<>, O o<".­tor of J.;ducullon, 011 l'rn,tdent Wllllam 1-;. Henry tit tht. Com­mencement on Jun,. ~ ~, hl~f<,r)' w:is ma,11; In that 1111 l~cam, the very flri;t 11tudent to l10 ~ra1l11ated

D " ~·11 · E .. .., -l . \¥ ,uua.1.r1 J , .J.2..t7., ,

w,1 h that degn·1> C&-0111 th\, , •·''"H seat or lt>arnlng.

Dr. H f'n ry ~eli 1·t1<1J 101 hi, d1 scrtaUon, "°Ed11r11tlon l'or 'rh t-f'~ro in Rua I .Marylono ."

Thi' st111l> ls <lcslgnell. tl,r,,\J~h analysis or perttn•·nt @ocla), l'<'O­

noinlc, un,t (·ducatlonal tondit ions o t the rural Nc>gro:

l Tu dl!'l'OH•r ~lgnlth,11\ (011-ditlon!I ,mrl major prob!Ot./j of 1 ht> rural ~ egro i,011ul..1non flt


:!. To draw lnipllcallons from t h,•,;f' <'Ondition1< and p ru • to bP U~I ,I .,s hnH'b tot proposr,l 111·oi;ram or •'<! tlon at ~I ,te Tt1ai'l1l'1~ t It er. wbl<'h b to he dt>:,l1tn1-,t to 1Je\'elop tf'aeheu who Ntn

J11·l11 t o m"•·t th(' ue,•<18 or tr,, r11nt1 X1~10 in Mar)'IAlld

To h cl 11 n,,•t•t the 11an1moun1 nt'"'' or raising the ~oclol anrt l'co­nomi<' ~tinus or our group, 11 pro• 1<rnrn • m br(1Cing !l('VCn a1 t'ali or Pffll)hasls L'! propO!'l!'d: ( I) H <alOI

F'or lhls project we need. and Jf'<•I we w111 rec<:'lve, full coopera­tion of th<' cntlr(! college.

b twlor Is caused. and t he causes or the Afr o pr e.sented a chec k <oi­ot be havior a re multiple; therefore $!?5.00 to Thelma, rlrst state prize; the teacher must know lbe factors $1 2.50 each to Ol1vin and :Mildred behind each of these causes IC a who tied for !econd pll1ce In the curriculum that ls reall.zoble ts t o state event; an additional $16.00 be built. Then, every child can ancl a bronze m edal to Olivia, na­achicve 11omethlng, can lear n, fo r tlonl llWards: ancl a ce1·UflC'ate to

ed11cn1lo11, rnnltatlon. personal hy­gien,•. un,I rllHt·Hlon: (2) Mnnogc­mPnl or inC'omc> saving, kl'ancy nn,I hou1<1n~: ( R) ,\g-rlculturi-, homr ''Xonomlo-. prod11Nlon. ron­s<'r\'utlon "11,I pr1•/:1•rvttllon or too,J; (il Famll> 1f'lw 1011s. fll'Y"On;...lllv,

<tUOtecl as sa, m,r. " I find I hat thll ond Mdal oial:1<ljus tn1t,nC (f,)

stullcntlo and faculty hert> nrl' very \\'ill•· tiff' or lf'limu tlmt>; (Ii) Pur­<'Oooerati\e :.inti I run !'njoylng my l'O~f'lul "Ol'i,il 01,i;ant7.at,ons (7) work here very much." nurlng T'tlllv.ntlon of public- f t>rvl<-f~

i,.gl{'lft. T, P IC'Tl.'.RF..S J NAtTO llRi\'f'F.O

n~ 1,,wi lle Evnns hli- lPibur-e tlmf' he likes t<> fll'h,

t he curriculum will be based on -,.,ro. "faru w. , .. , .. , ln.atructor, who hunt aml piny hnsepall m ~ " , ....., ,. ., "' l', \ ' I"' \I \ t ,() , t-: Hl-:J' l'RN~

Jlohllng student R· altPnllon Is no his needs. s r1011sorPII the ••ntrants. .\lL•<. I•'. Loul...- , pew•m11n of problem nt t he weekly movie now Associated wi th Dr. Prescott "Tbe Nt>gro Tuberculoslt< Prob-Rince we have a serial pic ture each wt're llflss Merc bson aJso of the le m - Pos1. Pruent an(l Future" ~ntur dny night along with car- llnlverslty or Chlcago, Miss Adl er, was the subject or Olivia's .. ntry. t oons a nd a main renture. !<Upervl 11or or e lem entary schools In Th<!lma chose " How 'r h <' Home,

"Hin Tin Tin, the Wolf Dog," :lfarylancl. and Mr. Paul H u tting- Sc1100I and rommunlty Can Po.r tl­thP ,,, . ..,sent serial, consists or ton. newly nppolnted supervisor o r clpatte I n Tht> t'ont rol Of Tuber­I we Ive epuiodes, seven having been Negro schools in llfaryland. cc""oEis,'' while Mildred w r ote en sllown to Ja.te. 1t Is a s lory about I 'Uhe- second confe rence will be ·,()td Ve r~us New Attitudes ln My h bo~ . n dog, and a man. he1'U here In J anuary. v-ommunlt~ Toward Tuberculosis."


I\• J.urntwrton, N. C .• Is n &Nlduate or Onrlter ~co>tlu Jr. t"ollc.r;e, ron- 1 l'Or,1. ~- <'., with a dlplom 1, a ' ' ""' h,,:s Jtu•t ,·oin,• 111111 S ~i:t. g~duutr or i:;hnf,- ( 'nlv<'rsit >', na 1 r>h ' l '.nt" :\lalo111 hus u·tu, nfftl

RalPlgh, 'f. C. with a B. S. df'S:lf'<> lrMn ., lone :<It,., h• th, • r,~o H~ 011<1 from Aflanta Unh er.,ct, with It>' no\\ ~•ut11>n,·<1 ·'1 <'.u up Patrldc an ll. ,\ . d<•grrf' Rt:fort• com ing / 1""ry, \'a. t u us to ln,;truel 111 honrn making ' HP plan~ ro ll1: h,u·k 111 Sh-

I h)• th,1 :-.;t'I\ Yt:H to r l't llJDf' f:, . ., ~·r.Al•~P. P1i,:,1> ThreP ,-111rllt"'· _



Page 2: The COLLEGE EYE - Bowie State University · The COLLEGE EYE MARYLAND STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT BOWIE Volume 13, No. 1 January, 1946 115 Cent~ Outstanding Artist to Appear STATE AND

Page Two

THE COLLEGE EYE rublN1t•1l b i t h" Stutlen L~ ot

'l' HI~ MAJt \ , ,ANU S1'A'l '1'~ TEA(m 1.;ns t'OM ,RGF; OF Hf>\\ 11 :. M \.RYJ..\ N Jl



Ourlng th<> pui-t rew weeks lh<' !'ltudcnt Mrnlors hnvt• been fl lscu•sing the ,, 11111ll les or a colll'(;'C cttlzPn and observlnr th<' 1,t udent bod> 10 s,·e 1£ II ml'l'l!I t hPst• rNJulr,.m1•ntt< :\!any oC you are probably ,, ondrrini;­jul!l ,, )1;11 thei;e q1111llllt;. ar1>.

T o ht• n collt>St•' rltiz,m 0111 mu~l udopt goorl rulc>i; of stucl~lrw 11nd lhN•t• hublltt sho11 t1l bt• portruH•rl in llnll) <"111>8 work

You mu:11 carr~ and prn,·tlc< th, Idea~ of ns1wct ,tnu ,Ii c-"""'·

January, 1946


Th,· Qu.-~tlon . :-huuld th nlled

'l'u ,·n•nle 11nd ,IHt•luJ• 111".heoul .. 11tr1l. lo)·nll> und at"hOOl pntrlol­l,1111. IQ ro~ln Jt,nllerl!hlp. lnlllllllv,·, 1·oop1•rutlon, nnrl huslne,u, 1 u1111,11,lhillt ~; to inform ~1ut11•nts. i,arc>nl.!!. 1mlron11 nnd friendH ,,r "1 11 tht> l'l,ool xt.tn11,, ror on,J wbal It a.ccompllehes: un11 tu cr,mt•• lnrrcol"e<I lnt .. rP!!l III itll llw at"th·itks or lhl' scl100I, cd1u'l1t111nnl. athh•llc. .,nd 11orial.

R.-mrml11•r th<· olht·1 1wr .. on \\ht'n )1111 nn Hll'm11llng to pructlc·t· on ~t11lc·.,. i:::han.• th, ~t·rt'l uf thl' ~our ln~1rum1·11t. or "hen ~ou nn• t"ontt>m 1,t:•lln~ kr( ping your llghL on .\Wml<" Uomb \\Ith 111 t,c· r :-=1,110011'?


TirnUrA THOMAS Ml\i'<AlH ~O t-:fllT<>H ..• , , ..•... , ..... •• ...• J)OIUS JOIINRPN LTTF:It UtY t,;t)l'rOH •••••••• ••••......•.... ..••. 01'~NEVA S Ml'rH Alt'!' LIHTOI •. .••• • • . • • • • • . • . • . . . . . . . . . • . AONF.S PURNELL 1-'EA'T'IIHI-: Bl>rrCllt • • .. ............... RYl,Vf A WHTOHT SP01tTS 1•:l>ITl"ll' , • , , • ..••• , •.. . .•....•...... . AL VETA SMITH ltl ,M<Hl t·:nt'T'fllt V81{Nl•:'rl'A "\VA'J'FlRS

Hl ',I, l·:S.', :-.'l'i\Ff,'

Hl.iSI Nt•:ss \\.\N,\GI•m ........................... t•:V.\ STUC'Kf~Y c·r HCCII,.\ TWX !It\~ \GF.R • • • • • • • • . • • • • • . • . . . l,l'('TLT.E I-:VANS AlJVf~HTISfNC. p.f \ "lAnF.P. EXCHA:>;C.1-, E()fT<llt SF:! !Rl•!T.\ HY .. . .

1 · \( l I ll'\ ' \ll\ l ._01(

l' l t1 ~ ... 11n vr

•• ..•..... , •. ....•. hl,t-:A:>:OR HALL •• , ...•.... , ...... I,{l,LJA1' OH 1-:1vr

• \ fl\.._, llAR Y W . LA\\ ntt.. W ll,1,I A~l E. TIF.:!'lltY

'•,l. 13 January, 1946 No. 1

JUCATlON MARCHES ON n, -r111:1.,1 , rruo,, , ...,

aflPr hour~. H1•1111f•(·t the r11l1 ·i; that June hl'c•n put before 3011 t•vcn though ) ou rlon'I ,,i:r••, with thPlr undc>rl) Ing princlpt1•s.

)'01,11 ,llnlni;- roolll ma11n1:r~ should t"ar"' that culturut 1out"b, not 10 the- t•itl<•nt ol FIIIT1ws.~. hut lht·rl'< Fhould h• • a bit of ~aco nn,1 dlgnlt> In ,,11 )Our at"llOIIR.

Ar,• )OIi " 1·nllt•l(•' dllz,·n on campu~? Ir )OU huv, dc,·elo1H·1t ttw hubll11 ,11111 C'harat·h rh,1lci; 11! n <·ollegl' C'ltlzf'n, il should ht• portru)rd in all 01 ~our al"llon, wh1:th1:r on C'Umpua or ore campus.

Thh; IM tl 11Jere Noss-section or the man) qualities or a cottel\'t!' c i tizen. bul t hui, rar. how do you etllnd'i Ari' you a reol collegr cltlzc>n, or 1111:rc>h 11n attendant?

"Take a Lesson fro1n the Chinese--­Be Quiet and Still," Say

Captain Peter S. Ridley n, <,1·111•\I, :-.mllh I

raplaln l'l'lt•r K TUtlle,. a rnr­

m1>r h •nch•·• 01 l''l c hC>lo1n and • d11t·atio11 ;11 th1!'! tn11tilul1011. \'l•lt·

,.,1 1111,1 ,i,ok,• to 1111 on :-e1>11 mh,·r !!ii, 1111, r 1111pro,lmiitt-l) thn•(• ~<'at.,

I :,i,~""<"• r,qltaln Hldlt•y ,•ntC'1 crl tht• 11,•rv­

lc,·11 ,I II I ,il'III( llllnl with lh<" A1111•1 h!nn l!,,I <'roi<-fo~~- .

Th,• .\ nsw,-1,.:

)Ir. t h , . ..._ Youn:.t, lnslntt"lor ot ~orlolo1:>. y,.!-

do not 11.'l' I I tn I the t 'nlteil s1111t•11 11hould k1•<·1> t lw J\lomlc bomh n ,..,<'rt"l. lwt"1111se th••> <"nn't \('I') long. Alom. l':-.isL 111 <·~t't; t"ountr), and It hi onl) a matter or I lnw ht•fori: m ore 11clen1 lsta will find till' ~ccret an> Will .•

Th<• Atomic bomh ha6 grown out ot s<·lrntlflc r.-1,rurch. and 1.1deocn !'houhl bf' frte. Tht> l'nlled States shoultl mttke thl~ known to Husi,la. lo l)rOVI' Or hrl'llk (i()WII ony l'US­f)tclous rr<-ling uni.I dlstr11s1 11ml ma> ""'""lf)p on ltuHia.'ir part. All mllltnr) H ·crcts rll.'\'(')oped tlurlng lhf' wnr should ht• mude known to thr Alli!'!<.

Th< Atomic homt, has brought atioul the- reellna: or one world \\ Ith unit) or no \\Orhl 1l all. It m11>· 111tunlototf' the hum n 111cc, to l11ing ord1·r lnlo ln11•rnatlunul a1T11lrt1. "hlc h . \\lthont 1hc prc~sut, of r, ,r It ,nay nut do so . .

T he hl'!lt ,It'"" l ,i~.iinst the aioml<' homb ,,, h-i1l'11lng- \\Orlol unil), ln1 .. rdC'pf"n1h•n c1• an•I ~jg. n lflt·unc, of what tht· bomb mNcns 10 mankind ll1 1I th• 1 r••:it amount or ,l,"fil r11,·t1011 ll might lit!.

l'J1r, II • lus rnm,• ''\''''" ~IUl·,ulon '"""' 111,,rch 1·1 ~11hll1·b nn ti w, ~:1111111 to t,;nglund with H,,000 lfl 1111'1'1 ~urr,• , sfulh the• prohlrnr!I of , 11oulllt·1l I""'' wa, world. AJ11f'rlc11n 'l'rt•o1H1 on lhl' (l 111•l"n

'il!Olot:a:~·u•! ~ I .\lt,-. I·'. lll'lc1111 ,lnt'l,--cm, H•uch1:r 111 llu ll,•mon•tnuion !';chool 'io ,lt•llnlt• ,~

11,· w<11 ,1111 1nurh to atrl'lll lht• ndur..,tlon or .~rn1•r1ca unil 01 th" )lar~. 1··1111. Hlrllq r•·ncht'rl Stot"k· ,,rt,1 . A-. 1 t1urall1111 11urrh• Ii, thl'rC ill tt tt·ndl•nc, 10 transform schools from

,111,r,•s CIC ro rmlllli,•,t •·,Jucatton lntu 11111>!1,· •·rvlce ln11t1tutlo11:5, B)

lun1l afll·r appro"lm.1tel) t.H·n cla)" or ,-nilln~. An on rnt~hl ·11110 rhlt• took him lo th<· H<·d r-ros., ht•11nc1onr t!'r11 In London r.•·rvkc• illlfl 111111001<, t rn1•;1.11 I hilt S<'hools lll\lkl ,JL,;rontlnuc• tlw id<"ll of .\rt"orcllng to ('o.pt. Hldlt•), und

trmlllng ull M lhf! N1utallon lo lhl' four wulls Qt the· <"hll!;,robma. but h1- i<hnuhl know. lht• war lmtl no 1.tl1;w , t , .. hrtinch ottt ,·t in llw t"ummunltlt·,. •111d l:1\1' ~ulrlant"t In 1>1Y1•rt on bru~.t'I 11pro111s In Eng­,, .. 1.llh, ri;trl'. lion , 1,111,,111 lnf1\l'lll, .11111 moral,., To fosl•·r this Idea ,·arl- lun,J.

Capt. Peter S. Ridley

Thr Atomic bomh is somt·\\ h:11 lh,• l · nll<'d Slol(•i,' own tll&eover). and fo1· once 11omethln~ should hf' k,•pl ,dthin Its hordl'r:<, She :<houltln't trui,1 un~ notion with 11nythln~ a.s u,•t rtmemal ~ the a 1omk bomb.

nu:; ,,iz,•nt~ ~uch t111 1 tw cro,·1•1 nuwnt. C't'rl ,1111 hurertue anil comrnl1111lons, Tlw <"Ofltoin, 1 huru;h cngo!(,•<I 111 •111,t 1,1h \Ir nr,mn11.11l11n urP 1111t1wnt"ln1t lht ~t"hools \\Ith their 11ro. toxlng work. hut! u rhun<"t- tu tr,11 -I I fW1·nJc,· \\' lllln11\_'-: y , , . i;nuus. m ut, rials nnrl ,,tan,,. <•I. '"s 1l11g th,· i omh or 'inpolt·on, 1,lar,-. tr lhl' "hilt· man ke,·1,:< ht•·

\ I t I l =r tll lh t I I th <' I 1 o al t t J t th '' t'tuh,·rlrol of , otrc llami•. t h" lllllin"· ni,ct 1111,IAr111·1n1n.. th'• Cl'r:ut•e. soon.-r or latt•r. ''""r'-• • om 111 II ' "' "''fr • ., •• "' " l' , llt,, I n !<)~ •'111 ii lo cl' e r - <'oll,t•u m , Nlt"r . anti \lont•• l'urlo. ,.. • .. " , , I I II I I I I I I l h I h I ;\'Pv ro. hod, l'll'h' will nnd out th<" 111·<:ret. 111101• W 1,1 to' S(' 101) :! I• 11<' I ltlt IO\\' I IC\ 1·.1c l. T II:! is lht· n- Ile pu1111, •.t lhl' ('lllllf•UII or the T>uko I l 11 I I I It .1'h1, q\lhlatlon, "Tuke 1 111111 Ir we• ~ho\\ th1,t Wl' ,.r,• Qn I i.• , • ., , .,., 1 1 11,r III t If ,-urr cu 11111 ro O\\ 1 hl 1,r11r;,,,.~sh1 111;11, and uuchPH, or \V tndi:or. u f'f!IOn

I flum lht· t'hln1 , ; bP <iul, •t ·ind rrh•tHII) ll'lm!I :uuJ C'l m tru.•t 01h-t,;n•r, lhl111; tih ou •I 1,., In .1t·t·ordnncv with r urr<>nt hup. I ·omnwnt ins: u111•1 th(• st"honh1 or <-1111!"-\\ui; llH t"lrnll • r·r 01111011, th•·> 11·111 ftot• I that lhe) 11 n,1 ><110111 ,1 '" tl1 , t "hlrh can ht• 01 immcdlalfl 111,.-.. Then• 1-;11,.l.md. <'n"t. niilh" t'm"l1.c11i:t1•n • 1 ng,• 1 ,ipt. ' ' ' '' IU,lh) I• rt \\ llh 11!!. < ,Ill I r11i;t Ill', i••Jt u 1t•n,1 , 11r, 1n ,,om ,rlu,ob t n .,ltow 11upll!I '" rto whaH•, c-r I hl' ,t,h u 1\lni;-e or 011 r public l'l·hool

, lt !J<II••. 11lan 1hdr lo '!-0111; r,,r th,, dn> ,,nil llkl'wu,e thP ~ear. 'l'htu, OY<'r thnt ol 1-,ng tan,l In Am,•rlcn i}Choloi;~ "ill lot'ro111,• 1,, & 11hltoso11hkal :iml mo11• pll~,;ioloA'l<" I pubtl t' !lrhvol ""'JIil!' ' t'h001 lor nil; T h

Si,clolui;n 1,•11d, 111 lot ('.Ontf Ol'l:il \\OlrK. The Htlltl} llf i;o t 1111111 I I, • In 1-:ni:lnlltl il m~ans !!Chonl for ll1" I eac ers--~011!< nr lords un,I mor ul 1 U,·r 11 ' ii ii, 11ch ., 1J;u1.,:rrou,1

.\111,1111111 Cornl- h, :-.o.

rom•• n,hn1111.,,l11,tlo11. 1'h, " llwtu ()(l<'ts of ll(r• lose out to lhl' · · <t ·•·• "" ·: I 111,• 1'001t·r folk 110 to "11111 1 w, •pon, und in Urn• 10 comr our kno11n (I!- <•lt•ment I I\ school. 11,a", 1 Makers of M en ?. I •11 1


11~,.,1 lri•·-nd .. \\-·lit llll<' il on U!I,

0111 unusuol hit , f ne""

rn~n,1,111 11\ ,, .

. \l lh1!1 i11><lll11tw11, 1 ll'uct!. I t' 1 ... ,n~ 111 1111!• lo rP\:t111p 111, runlt-ullnn "" ,<l tu moo•! th, q ,st d1fl ng111 ,,r lht.> \\Od,I lull,\~ \\'Ill It sr r" 11• ''""''' , l \\'ill IH' 11110'111, It to 1111<, ,-lfec-1 '!

'11u !,o ... , ur,• rn1nlng hati< ,11111 w1/1f'r l',;111·ril'l1c-r II au(J I gr, lll'I· I 11uwh·•IF:',.. an,! ~Jlr•ri 1•1,,lion ni 1h11 ""·1011, p1•011lr•i, incl plncca or ttw .-011<1 ·r1w~ ur,• hl'ltc-r pr .. ,,,.,.,1 •v 111••1·l 111,, -ituallon!I thun wl'; th<') ,.,.v,• 1\c1111lr,•tl lhnr ,vhlrll w,• h:i,,•n'I. Tu further th1 Ir gro'lll,-th and ~.,,. t ltr111 1t thanc-e fro furth, 1 1 .. J\·a11<"•·111•·11I , the G I UIII or rtlr;;ht!I Jia..-. ,,.,,,11 111,rnt•tl 1'hl11 mt·an • a nallun wll h 11\1111) mor1 c-l1lzens able to "'rw ., ,1t•n111c·rar, ht '111 ull ~ • . rn,J 11•1111) u t•J>• f·t"lnte ils hrnl'flt b.

1··11ll lthll") rc-tal•tl wn~ thar of a I n, O lh In l '11c-l..cr t.-·atrh,• llill" . . c-:o :-=cirrr,. Felix Ehou,>, Go, 1•rnor G1•n1:r11I or Pr, 1wh l·:,,11,tturlul \f. ".\r,1 \\ 1' mokH or mE>n ,uHI ril l 1'111 111,·n or lt1Ua) are so unJm,t rka. who wus l1111lr11mentat In ,:1•ns. or nrl• we tnwrest•'d prlmorl- you lturlll>· know II hlch 0111, to lt•1111ln1: tht' Alth•s to \'lctor). rt I} In tllnrles?" wa~ lht' thought· 1,11 ,.t , l-!o It pa,~ lo pin> sarc> . wn;. F,•llx hbou,• "ho built thP 1110 1110,1 l111po1tunt rnJtl, which wrre <"hnlli ngln,: <1111:sllon usked b, n, . us,>cl for transportnllon h) lh<' Elli!! Knox profc~or of edu<'atlon. Alllt>ts. The roall,- w<'r*' 1700 :ufd llowortl l'nlvt'rslt.1 11l the f-'lrth Rl-2000 mllos c-f eton1• sul'fnN•. Tk c>nnlut Hrglonal Conrc>r<>nce on I·~te ­"rlu, t• t,1nqw111tv, • nmrt·lt rur t•hH·ril lon ,~ tnni;-. It 1~ hnr,t and 11

c,111• you mnk" )OUr ,lo t"ISton c,n no" li: rrchlt•II lhl' output or Afrlcu. c lear- mc,ntan St"hool Probleml! held at

Pd pcstll t'ncc• nrNll', t<>vami,ed lht' :llloc>r T<>achers C-ollege in Wnsh­eyst<'m or c-ommunkallon lncreas- ington on Saturday, October 27.

ed mcdl<"nl aid, lillt<ed mont•) to

Things You

Should Know AH· )Oto 111 accor<t wilh th<• 1• lrend .. In rtlurotlon, r,r are )OU a , .. puh;lun 10 tll' 11rrowth?

f)<'nlOl"mC) Ii; run l>> th•· inu&.~ti ur 11coptc-, and Pducullon 18 Its lilUll.1. 11 f'dueatlon 1, marching rcsoluh•I> on, wha1 fa your poslllon?

\\tJfiCO \U:, S E W ('O\fF.M I gain much by having ) ou Join us. n, Dor~ J o h nt'On ' I \V,, wc>lt"omc you: Maud Hous-

Th.- PrN1s Club 1, ho.PP> to re- Lon. Prlscllla Smith, Corine Gregg, ("IV•· lnlo mt>m~rablp 1~ new cu • , Am >· Tull. :\10r) Richardson, Lo.-

N11.n} or }OU hJlvt had !'O rue Brown, Anna Ford, Ruby In high schol Jo11rn11.l- Plnkne). l•'rnnt"es Roberts. Evelyn

whllt• a rew have not.. We Prll<'he ll. Neille 'oarrtson, R egina U11,1 >·ou wilt be benefited by Fr<-de rlck. Ma rlon Banklna. E• e-111h and rat W(', In turn, WIii n Roberts and Frances :\Joa ney.

het1, In lhf' war errorl and built the l n discussing whn t lNtchrrs need, Dr. Knox nnm<-11: mone>· tor ll -largl.'111 nlrdrome lh<' Allies used. brarlt's. lightening o f too-hen,')· Captain Rldle) rt•Cerred thc> a u - lt'achlng loads, relier from so m uch

dien('(' lo th<' "Sur vey ~ographlc." clerical peonage. nnd dlscontlnu­where we might reod more nbout ance of writing dt>talled lesson Ft-llx Eboue, who made such n. plans. H e e mi,hnalzed the noed worthwhile contribution to t he war or teaching present-day hnppt'n­cfl'ort. Other lnrtnnces or Negro lngs Instead o r a ncien t history and Pt\lrlotlam wer<' nt110 cited. the dealrublllty of an expe rimental

To close his epeet"h, Capt. Rid- type of cur riculum. le)· related the story or H a m non Bowlelte11 w ho alt.ended the con­and Modrcat rrom the Book or re rence were Mr. and Mrs. Wlae­Esther, which ahowe clearly lhe man, l\lr. Newsome, and >'our ~­counrc of event.a that wlll take I l)orto r.

Ry S) IVla W righ t

l. Who Is the prt'l!ent State Su­pervisor of Negro schools In Mar>. land ?

2. Who was his predecessor and how long d id he serve ?

3. \Vhen a nd undt'r whose gov­ernorship did thlJI Institution be· come M11t;·lo.nd St.ate T eachers College?

·a:>1111 'Ht,. .<.J.JVH .IOU.I.MOO '8£6 t ' l .1aqw o1d ag ·a : uolltu111nR .Jlllf11t\\ ·r ·.111 ·z :aolltu111n u '""d '.1 J.v ·c

Page 3: The COLLEGE EYE - Bowie State University · The COLLEGE EYE MARYLAND STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT BOWIE Volume 13, No. 1 January, 1946 115 Cent~ Outstanding Artist to Appear STATE AND

J anuary, 1946 THE COLLEGE EY E Page Three

STAFF L~ontlnuetl from P age One

trht- had served as Instructor at Barber Scotia ,Tr. College and dl-1·ector of governm ent nursery schools In R a leig h , N. C. l'>Uss Spearman l11u1 round th e a t m os­pb,•re at this ln!!Lltutlon t o b ... vtH') coni;:,•nlal and she 4;-nJoys h~r work . 'l'o lwr the p h)slcal 1>et u p Is m od­t'rn und <'Onvenlent. During b er :ipar, tlm1• ~he l'njo)a i:ewing, plnnn musk. an<.I tennis.

l\tf,,. { 'amlllu P1:r1·~, nur~~·. is a grutluate or S1. Paul lnslltutc• and thl' ~nllonal rte,! Cross oC Ga. Be­fon, coming to Bowl1: 1>hP was u n urse a t l"nlv.•rslty I lo11pltal, Ba.1-tl mo,e. Mb,b Perry cnjo)s work­Jui; here nnd llkei1 music, alhleUcs and ml'e ti rlg lntcrt>stlng p<-ople.


Mr. S. II0\\~1rtl New~ m c Is a !!'ru.dunt•· or Shaw l 'nlverslt>·. B. A.

dcgre1-: o,narlo ('ollege ul Edu- Freshman Hail cation 8 . oaed .. anri Wlttenberry Sophomore

Highlights t~oHege, ~ - A. degree. He has 1\lso

d one adtl lllonal b(Ud)' at the Uni- From 15 Count·,es verslly o( Toro11to. Columbia Unt-ver~lly and thf' l'niversity or J<an-i!ll!I. Mr. Newsocne has hall wide 0) Dor is ,Jobn."On Ry 1~, cl)'n R oberts

and var ft-d cxperlenc(•s, ha,1ng Prince George·s n.nd W icom ico, taught 0.1 Paul Quinn r'ollege,, clnlm ing six each, tie for llrst place Waco. Texas; J ackson C'ollegl', among the 15 countles rep resented .locksori. Mlsi,lsslP1>I: prlllclpal at omong lhe 4 :! Croehmen, while Har­H. 'I'. Washington H igh Scboot, ford und St. llfar y'e wlll1 flve eacb 'l'11mpo.. Jl'lorltla and Mldclh1ton. He stand o.t u elo11e ~<-cood.

The freshman class of lasl year undertake~ a new re~ponsiblllty­t hat of being the worth) sopllo­morPs or this year.

Only t wo of our classmates did not Joto us this year: I nez Lee, w!lo hos malrtculated at Morgan St-0.tc I ·ut1f'ge ,,nd Fay<· Dorsey. who 1s In king n btu,ln•·~s roursc at Berean c'ollt:~· 111 f'l1llodelpht:i.

lms hail rurth<-r ,,.i.p(:tlcnt·t• at Souwrset i:ent four. Queen Anne, U,•thume-C'oukman l'ollege, J>ay- \\'or<'est11r an,l Anne Arundel claim 1 una Ur-ach. l•'lo1·lda. at St.ate t h1·e,· 1:11ch. and Mont1:,-omery, li'red ­'l'eacht>rs l 'otlt•gt>, J,;ltzabeth Clt)•, nit'k. llarford, Dorcllcstt-r, caro­N c'. : .\ll>un} Stut1. r'olleg .. , Al- llnr-, ( 'hudes and C'arrotl havo one l11111~, <1a • nn,I hu;. hnd al,-o one euda.

The ,..ovhomurc• dui-s brgnn lt.8 conlrlhutlons 10 tlu ~hool by we\­<'Omlng thP lri>shmen. } ,·nr or f:;11ropc•a11 t ra,·el. l\J r. Xew-

1-onw rv, Ii> tb11t thll'I institution uf­fo rris a ~plcnrlld 01111ort11nlt) 10 the Youn&; vc·o11tP oc this Stull' who hnve n 11,,~l re lu reodc•r ,•1Tectlve ~, rvl<'t- In 111., )OUlh In t>h:mentar) :,.rhools or llw s1,1t<' In his apare tlmt> ht.> llkcll 10 rencl, hunt. tlsh, HIii t ravel.

lfl ,. Jo'mmlc lf. ,fn('k •<•O. 1lemon­,1rat1c,n l l'arer u nu.live, ol J.aurln­tm rir. North Cnrollnu, Is a g1:i.duatc or a,,nnt-U College with an A. n. tll•gree. Miss J aC'kson reels t hat , ver yon(' at Bowie ts ver) nice and that this Is a vrogresstve lnstl t u-1 Ion. Reading and l!ewlng tnkc up her spar~ thnt:. ,

Alumni News

l,onkl11i:- 111 1111• rostc, 11 ( 0111 '46 10-adulll•··· \\, 111111 t hul a II vr I hem , •..:u•pt two, 141'<· ~ll<'Ce~,1f11lt) t1•11<'h­ln~ In th• follu\\111~ <'otonlit·": trr-n1: llurda~. 1,JU•·cn Anne's: Aletha , • .. nwn> . 1"lorf'11rc· nu vJ1o, Moot­..:,,m,·i·): tJcor..:in. F"onln.lnt", ~om· , r•d.

Ho~:i I 10, ,. ... 1. I lt·ll•11 GIimore, ,\u,IN') King, l·'rerlcrl!'k; Vh·11t lnia 11,awkin,, Gloria l.an<'uster, \\'Int­l r,•11 1.anl·n11ter. lJ •·strr ,\lu rshall. 1-:~«·athw Proctor. \'eamt Ua \\"alls. l 'rlnt'e <,, uri;:e's: Aruw Holwrts, 1·arroll.

~frs. Hortl'n~c IA>t- lla,•kcll, U11l-11mor;,; Ro~ull<' \Vllllam,-. Wlcom­ti-o; Allc4:' Holt, Anne Arundel: .,i..,r,;arN Brand on. Cal ve rt.

Milton Mack Is ~ludylng at Nt:w York l'nh·ersl ly.

We ha\'E.> been \'l~lted by tormer nowlettes: '1'15 Wal ter Hnr\'ey, Sgt. :.l ack Simpson. October 5; P vt. Ler oy Contee: P vl. Shelby Barnes, t•ctober H : ('pt. n a vtd Lee P itts, October 2 1.

l 'OIDtER ·•r,;y1.;" ,,:n 1't'OH HACK v,r,, 8f•On:1or ... ,1 till at<.•1•mbty Jll' O•

'l'n·hnlt'ul SPrg, .1111 William s. i;;,·um cPnt<•red on I h,• l1lstory oC Gra~ . '12, rormN editor or the lllu, lnslltutlon. "I•:),•·.'· has rt>turnt-d nflt•r t,1 u )·cars On October 11, w, '"flOnsored u e,·nk1 In f;uro11e, ht" Ing 1-.1•r\'1:1l tu dan\'tng- 1·onte5t Th t1 t>r•zes were f:111 .. -t1111d. Scollancl. Frun<'e. Dt'I- won hy 1.-:rnin,lltoc Watts and Crc;;­

ol"} Prout. Thelma Ju<'kson and :\tnn Rlchn.rdsun.

Tn all uf th!! clut, ll.Cll\'ltles and

i;lu111. l.ux,•mbouri- un,I Germu.ny. 'l' 1Si;t. G1·a, 1mrtlc1pnt1:,l in thret• lmtt Iv l'timpiitg-ni;: Nurmnn-y, Nur ­tl,nn F'ran<'11 nnd the Rhineland. ~r,otts In th'' scJ1ool, the :10pho-

J11• was uwarded the 13ronv..e Star mOI<'~ urt• represented. for mt-rttorlous servlre In oonnec- Ull<li•r llle guldunce und leader -

Phip or Ml.81> l,outse Spearman It Is lion with mllitar) o1>emllons Crom ccrwln t hal the l!OPhomore class n ctohl't' l !IH to AJ)rll 1945. will ll<'<'Omr>llsh grNH achtc,·e-

Sgt. Oru) , ·1sllc<l man> noted ments. places surh os Lonilon, Gtn~gow. .\la1wht'ilt1•r, Paris, lhl' Hlvl,•ru,, l.u"tt·mbour~ <'it~ lirus~<>ll, Rnd ,\ tle11ol> mo,•lni;- \lr1Lmutlzatlun l•'run krort. 111, I> tlw hus11u1ul ot 01 " The Chrlstmn!I Stor~" at 4 n.m.

I :\1 r,i, .\lllrln 11 Hilli.:t>l) Gt'll). ~n1lor. ltl c-l·mbr-r !! I. ~tarted th,• holiday~.

I --

Classmates Meet In Penns,·lvania ., Station Enroule to Statr

8,Ri:l. W:tlll·r 1,· llorvf>y and ~~- 'l urk n. Slm))son, rornu-r slu­,1,•nt1- at ·•Stnl<•" twforr- Induction 11, the arm, un1•xJ>N·tr,II) met In l't•ntts) hanlu Stnllon, Gallimor<'. hnth 111 lh1•lr \YII) In \ lstl ••S1afr."

:-;,:=:i.:t. 11:irv,•), whu \\U!' a n-wm­ht•r rof th,• Hi'i I Or1ln11ne._. Ammun,­lion l"nlt. vron,tl) wear~ a "Good <'omluct )lt'tl1d" und a bur shuw­lni; 1mrtlcli,allon In two major t.mt­tlt.'S In th,· f:u1opcan jheatr1• of 1,ur.

SISi:t . Harv") wus In the Eur op­c:i n t ht•at••r onl)' a li t tle over a yu1r. hut whit•• there, he vll!ite<J l·~ngtonu. \ Vales, i-•run('I!, Belglu m ond German~ . H l' sold, " W hen I wrui walking through l'nrls nnd otht•r Frt•nch t own11 and V1lluges nl)' thoughts wundert>d back to thi, history cl~et! In Miss Brown's room when we studied Napoleun.' '

I Sgt. Mack 1::l. Simpson, a m em-

I "Mack" and "Sass''

Don' l l ou think A. M. (Junior} I ber o< l h!' 332nd Flg hter Group, was pr oud t o h ear t rom h e r boy hos been In t he Armed Forces for the St. P eter's Cathedral In Italy t rt end ? But wa.sn't she surprised 18 months. H e hns t raveled In a nd t he l..ea.nlng Towe r of Pisa. w hen she opened the lette r to ftnd rta ly a nd seC!llons of North Africa. Slmpsun Is decorated with the that the salutation read, " Dearest l>uring Sgt. Simpson's travels, he Good Conduct Medal nod wears Cr..1.ndmot her.'' hns seen som e Interesting 11lghts: the battle participation stars.

Mr. Paul Buffington Succeeds Mr. J. Walter Buffington as Supervisor of Colored Schools


0~ ('orln nc G1·cgg

ltf Ah-el.A Sm.Illa

Mr. J:>a ut Humngt on, newly

selected sup en •lsor o( colored

S<:hOOII!, l'n len< hll! nc,v position

wilh a rl<'h background or ex:pe r­

lf'n<'t-. P rio r to tilting t his po:51tlon,

hl' had i;ervetl us p r inci pal o[ Junior clats officers elected for Bowle Bh•mcntnry Scl\oOI, attend­

the t-<'hOI ~l'u r 1\145-194 tl u.r.:: f>reslilcnt, Sylvlu \Vrlgbl.; Sec re­

tur ). Bernice G11UIE; T reasurer . . \.u r ella Mack : Clui;:s Re porter , C.'orlnne Cr<>gg; Sol'ial Commlltec Repre~ntn Uve, Hazel J ohn~on.

Al the bl'glnnlng or the term we hud one ) oung man In ou r clllSS whom we t'lecterl presltlent. B<'­cnuse he has been called to the ller vlce or Uncle Su m , It becam e necessary for us t o make several changes lo t he officers. •

anc•· utrlcer of Ta lbot County, a n d

rcglstru.r nl Stat e Tench1,r~ Col­lege, Salisbury .

H is prcde~essor. Mr. J. \Valte r

U utrlngloo, served as s upe rvh1or

In the colored school for t.wE'nty-

l!Cven years. Dur ing ltls admlnts-

t ratlon. t he ele men tar>· ,ichools

,; , ew In e rrtcle ncy. H igh l!cl\ooi's

w e re establish ed throughout the State while Mr. Hurrington W ill! the

To take care of certain needs, sui,er vl~or. Ria lntorest In our "Mother Nn.ture" hus au pplled us l'Ollegt: WM aho,vn by his efforts t n with deposits or clay. Severa l types se<-klng l'm ploymeot Cor a ll Ila

:~\~oru~:d:,:t~~a~ :1r~~n~t~:r !t~~:

1~ gn u tuates. H e will long be re-

molding cla) prorluct.s to bl! Quite memberecl for his lnslgbt In tlle fk l rl of edura llon, for h is remark­

tntcrcsllng. One amusi ng nspetl nble me mory of na mes, event.a, or II 1s llrnt 81> often, you nren' t and <llllt'S, ancl h is ~ecmtng lncx­sur<- what you're making unlll }OU I huust lt;le su plv or cnel"!D. haV\' ulnio~t ('umplN!'d It. H ave I> · ) ou se11n the class at work or the 11ro<lucts mntle? If you huve nol. IIH·n why not <lrop hl r oom nu m­ht>r !! during your leisure tlrue?

<Int or our former ciussmat••i;, J'vt 1 ... roy Conlee, r cccntly pntd i. t11r1>rl;,e vhll to State. J<ln~ An-1l1·1·son nleu ,·islte,J \II' wh ale! awnlt­ln~ hls tnducllun call. At pres­


Assembly News n~ PMrnc-<.... ) to1m cr

( t11r nr~ t .-.. ~ulur l~rlrl:i~ Js.•••m­hly 01 th,. ,i111dt>n l hml) on Septem­tu·r ll reuturl'tl t he lntrocluctlon or

t•nt. h11. too. Is In lhl' TJnlletl States th, mPml.,..r:1 nr t ile 111.c.1a..tu n.,.>l Arm) . W1· regret the) are unable Iv be with us this year .

'rh<' class wishes Marl E. Held a t<U<'ceestui Yf"ttr a t l\lorgnn State ~ullegc and also sut'cess to E lmira Sm ith wh,, Is attendln~ <'ortez J>e1ns 8111,tnc,s Arbool In Bnltt-mort:.

Untler t he i;upor,1slon ot !\Tr. Newsome t\nd under t he> guidance or 011 r Inst r udori:, we ehall expect irr<•ut arcompllshment.s this year.


w1•l<'ornl~ L>r. l-h.·nnt . .• ,,. •

'l'hP h lf tory of our instllul101 In t hi' ro rrn of a oulr. 1,rogram wa. J)rf,sented hy th<' :;011ho111on, clot<,. on St•ptemher :?8.

The f[oshman-15 ponsored pro !:'r am on c)ctober 5, collU .. l•'reshman Ylewpolnts," hod I lu•m,., ··11 ow \ Vt' ns l.'re.ahmen c Uecomt· V.'orllu s;1 udl'11ts or !\I. 1'. ("." l•'our o{ thf' c•h11llengt, lo pies dl~ruF:ied w,•n 1 'onpL·ratlor 1•,ll'ml. ,~arr• or S!'lloot P ro perly and • 'ourl ''S). Th•·~.- a nrl mun) ulh••r t fllllt·s Wl;-l"t• f"nJo) ert hy the flll' Ult >

I a~ Wl:'11 :tl' t ht! studt nt bod>. Tho 1 resh man chorus a oa mllle <1uintet

n,, M11 r h111 Ran khlo;; 1Pnit,·r••,1 J)IN•!!lng musicul num-P,'t,-,luu:m <'111 ... :, Offlc<·r-Spon- hPrs.

sur. l\lri,. Law; T're!!l<lcnt, Henzllo Our astemhl> vro"r:im on Nov-1-'0:\.Wl'II; Vlc•f'-T"restdent, La Rue • mt ... , 2. l·nn~lste,l 111011111 ot r,•­Rrown; Sc·cT"<>ta1y, Thelmu. J ack- uurts i:-h-r-n b) llu· m,•mhtr~ or 0 11• son: T rcai;urer, \,eona P enllteton. 4 Tl t'luh whv hnd ntlerdc<I tlu

S1•ptembt:r 4 mnrk,·tl u new oc- Ru1-nl I.Hi < ·unfrrenN• In \Vl'11I <'Ur1•11nt'" 111 111" Ille or PArh or us.. \ "lrglnl11 Our ~u,,st ~prnker Willi

llo,n•ver. Wt.> .l-oon bet'ame 111'- 1 h,• 11,-1.,,·,•d " t>n.,Jd~ J inks.'' (Mr. •1nu111tt>d wltll the 1uculty, studc>nts, ,ll·nl<lne) fontll'r tllrc,t·tor of 4 H :rn,l rules 11111 fell In thr lin<' of ('1111, \\Orlc ha l'>lttl') land. <Int>, otonr.: with oth~r,,. Miss 1. $r,f"arman, c,ur hom , _

T here art• fort)-tbre,. students tn m,iking inst r uc tor, had charge o r !'ur <' lus.. \\'c arv fort 11nnt1> to 0111• chapr-1 prn~ram ou the Frid&.)" huvp o,·e )Oung m,:n. I arternuon of NoH1mbc·r lli, d l~­

The c,·eshmC'11 wish 10 thank llle ru~lng tht> totllr, " llow Tn Kno\\ h1cul t) and uppt.1r clnssmen for C\'- Y,,u r 1tcsoonslblli tle1<." er}thln~ they have done to rna.kP 11,- more comfortable here.

' l'W O <.:0:-(FERl•;~ {.)F..S ltE Rt,; 1X ,11\.N{IARY

The Maryland counly Sup,:rln­t<-ndents w ill hold a m e1>t1ng here 1>11 J anuary t7, at which lime nr. Heu1·y \\ Ill addres.s t he group on "Problernto of Negro Bdueatlon In Maryland." I ncluded tn the o.g enda for t he day Is a.n lnspeellon ot our entire pla nt.

On J anuary 24 a nd 26, the sec­ond ln the series or Child Study Conferences will be conducted by Dr. Presscolt or Ch icago Unive r ­sity n nd Miss Alde r, Stat e super visor or <'lementary school!!.

On Frldu) urternoon, November llO, ~11!'8 <'. n. Robln~on, our mustc Inst r uctor. ta lked on · ·Muslc In C'ull u rul Llfl• ...

S l l~l!!RVISORS SPF- U t .,1, \ 'E.t:iPE RS

Th.. following s upervisors bavl' ~poken tll our Sunduy ,·espt,rs: Mr. J . P . Lo ne ot Calvert Co., M r. Ra lph • .ratt>rl!, St. Mar y' s : Mrs. Viola I omegye or Oor chester eo.; J\fra L ula Ward, Ca roline; a n d Mr . E dward U. Taylor, Montgom ­e ry, Miss Edith Jolly, princi pal ot the SL. Clair High School t.o Cam ­bridge, was t he speake r Su ndo.y, Ducember 9,

Page 4: The COLLEGE EYE - Bowie State University · The COLLEGE EYE MARYLAND STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE AT BOWIE Volume 13, No. 1 January, 1946 115 Cent~ Outstanding Artist to Appear STATE AND

-Page Four THE COL L EG E E Y E January, 1946


8)· Co1Tl.ue Gregg

An• you lnter11sted In becoming acquainted with v1trious clubs on the i-1tmp11s? Here are the club orrtc..rs ond th<1 sponsors:

GLT.;Fl o u ; B-Si,oneor, Miss C. B. Rohlniwn: President, HIii: Vic<.: President, Frances ~toane>: Set-ret.ary, Essie Molock: Custodlan1<, neon Jones. Hazel J a 111 e s; Accompanist, Blanche Rot,lnson.

4 H t'l ,nl--Sponsor, 1\lr. Stan­ford; Prf'i1ldent, Thelma Thomas; Vice Pre:il<lent. Amanda Cornll!h: &lcretarr. Neille Garrison; 'l'rea­surer, Ello. Awkward; Soc In I Chairman, Ollvin Tucker.

V. ) l . t:. A.--Sponsor, Mr. Wise­man; Presld1>nl, George Harper; ~ecrt'tary, William Grae,:; Asslst­onr Secr1:tary, Richard Dawson; Tr••Murer, Renzilo Fo;,cwell; Chap­lnln .• Royal Thomas.

Y. \ \T. C. /\.--Sponsor, MI s s


l 11 tJ10 u .~unl 01·der: Nellie Gttrri,;on , E lla Awln.n,r<1, Thomu,,, 11nfl Eva Stuckey.


4-H Club Sends Delegates

B y Neme Garrlson

Seniors Begin Practice

By L. Deloris Gt~ent


lly Ah eta Smltb

All out ro,· volley baJJ! ! Every u\-f.'nh1,:r al 5:46 p,m. mere's n game In t he tournament among tl'ams of lhu vnrlous classes.

The "Juniors" and "Wildcats"

can judge which Is the betler team.

Th<· "Honeydrlv1wrs" havi: great prom!Be now. They lost lhl· flrl!t. two games. tiut won over the "Juniors" and th~ "Wll!lcats." 'rhey ma> comt' up an!! win in the

were the starters. I he " Juniors" end. winning. Since. they have been the The ·'Blues" aren't so bad eltht'r. victors twice. but luck chnnged They lmve been victorious twice l'or them when they were defeated and huve lost twice. Tlwy do ha,•e by the "Honeydrlppers." Do they a llfty-flfty chance. have a chance to become victors? \Vhat about the "Cuhs"? They Maybe the Lide will change. have lost three ancl won one. Ev-

The "\Vild cats" !lldn't get upset eryone ls rooting for 1 he "Cubs." about losing the game to the They cnn do better. " J uniors", for they 1>epped up and The "Freshmen Staff'' nncl "Up­won two olher games. Now they perclaEl'mrn" have a tough fight .have two c:nmes lo their credit as every wrck. :-lo far lhe "Fresh­winners but 1ht>>' also have two men Statr" Is holding up, having snmes as losers. won three out or the four games

Jt's har d to decide between the played. 13ur maybe the "tlpper­"Bombcrs" and the "Tigers". Both cla.ssmen" wlll get togethel' and learns have been victorious In all win a 1,econd game. four or lhell' games. But maybe These are the rat·t.~. \\1ho do

Prout: President. Leatrice Miles; Vice Prestclent, Sylvia Wright: ~crNar)·, Olivia Moore; Assistant Secretary, Alveta Smith: Treasur­e,. Vernetta \Vaters.

We were very fortunate to have four delegates to attend the Youth section, American Country Life Association, held at Jackson's Mill, West Vlrgtnla, October 24 through 27. Those attending were Thelma. 1.'homns, Eva Stuckey, Ella Awk­ward o.nd Neille Garrison.

The Benlors have begun their after the "Tiger-Bomber" game we you thin k's going to win? l)ractlce teaching ror the year ,

STUDE!'l'T llENTORS-Sponsor, l\lr. Young; President, Alveta Smith; Vice President, Thelma Thomas; Secretary, carrle Stans­bury; Assistant Secrelar)•, Aurelia )lack. We were proud to ba.ve "Daddy

Jinks" with us on the assembly program given here by the dele­gates.

\\'e hope everyone profited by

having left Monday mornlng, Nov­ember 12 to go to Bowle, Oak­grove, Lincoln, Fletchertown, Col­lington, and to our own Demon­stration School.

From all Indications lbey seem lo have a tln1> start beginning with the dt\y the cr1Uc teachers visited them here at State. Much success to the seniors.

WOMEN'S SENATF.,--Sponsor, )tl~s V. Spearman; President, Lll­llun Ghenr; Vice President, Leat-1 Ice ~Tiles; ~crew.ry, Eesle M ol­n,.lc: Tre3surer, Bernlre Gattis.

RA.~ I jf~ i .::::s,i"i5ns<-r, Miss Spearman; President, Lllllon

the lnfom1atlon given by the dele- VOLl,;NTJ\RY WORK gates.

bent; Vice Prestdent. Delores tlill; Secretary, Elhelwynn Jobn-1on: Assistant ~cr<>tary. Evelyn •riti-h,•tt; Treasurer, Leoner Polk.

O n .. \ ~l AT I C--Sponsor, Min vn; Preeldcnt, Rlchar(I Daw­

' ice Prei,l<lcnt, Emma.line ts: S<'<'retary, noris Johnson:

1IFlant R1>crNary, Sara Broo.ka;

Henrty thanks are extended to th1;1 faculty and student body for Onanclng this Inspiring and edu­catlonal trip.

Demonstration News

Oy P,-1-;clll.'\ Smith

By Luc.Ule Evans

Dur ing the past two months the seniors have shown a floe spirit of cooperation t hrough their volun­tary work In the school personnel on-tee. Perhaps many oC the stu­dents have passe(I the ofilce and seen the seniors busy as bees many hours or the day.

·••asurer, ElaioP :Spr~: Stage Junuger, Geneva Smith: P11bllclty iana~er, Olh In Tucker; Propi:rty tanag.,r, Romaine Ennis. The 1)UJ)IJS or the

It is to the seniors t hat we give a big hand for their ,•oluntary work 111 helpin~ to get the records of the freshmen entering this school term lo order.

primary H all or the students toke the

' ft ESJOffiN SHINE 01' tALl-~ST NIGHT

gra!les In Miss Matthew's room

itramatlzed the coming ot the Pil­

grims. In connection wllh the n~ E l Nuior Rall

It "Why We Hove Thanks­The curtain rose at eight Friday, un · )ctobPr 5, In Banneker Hall , re- giving." \'t'llllng the talents oC members or The primary grades all!O bad n thls yeor'ir Freshman Cln.ss. Coach- Halloween J)Urty as did the grades ed by student mentors Alverta from S to 6 In Miss Jackson's Smith, Thelma Tbomat., Aurelia room. Mack, Syh1o. Wright, Corrine The u pper grades from t to 6 Gre,;g, C'nrrle Stonsbu1-y, Snmu,.lln under the supervlt!lon ot Miss Fruler and George Ha rper, the Wells. have elected cla ss officers. grou,, displa>·ed much versatility This tact gives us to know that we ln tht'lr singing, reading, <lrnmaUz- have nothing to tear: for we know Ing. pla> Ing mu:;k'al Instruments they are planning and plotting to and reciting original poetry. give us a surprise.

Compliments of


Bowie, Md.


Groceries - M eatR Gas - Oil and Feed

Gambrill's, Md.

Buy You1· .. . Refreshments and School Supplies at





samr nttltude as the senlora, there will not be any problems of getting work done. Voluntary work shows that there Is read>· cooperation among the students, wor king for a gool-the <'ommon good or the Institution.

HOLD FIRST FORllfAl, By Regina Frederick

The social commltte(' sponsored l1s first formal dance of the year In the rampus gymnasium, Frid ay evening, November 16. Music was furnished by C"aeman Eldrlge's ,or­chestra or Baltimore.

Bu,y What You Like and

Like What You Buy at

NOAH JOFFE'S Bowie 2241

(h;ee~ings and Best Wishes for a

Prosperous Year


Bowie Bulls Basketball Beat Baltimore Teams Lose

Ry Al"eta S mith

The Bowle Bulls and Baltimore's Both Bowle teams gallantly

131g Five put up a tough bacSket- mel Storrt· O<'cember 14. al Hor­

ball baltle In the colll'-ge gym, Fri- pers Jl'erry, \V. Va., thr bo) :i losing

dar, Jnnuary 4. All through the to th@ Stort'r lads b~ a 35-H score.

gam e ever yone was excited for the The Slort'r glrls t1t'feated 13owie "Bulls," and the "Blg l~ive'' were by 25 points, th<· sror<" helng as.to. Uelng tR-16 at the end or the half. And os the Inst seronds ticked ofr Although 130,\le los1, they played ror the last quarter to end, Bowle with u llgh1lng ~nlrl1. \\'Ill Storer was winning by one. point, the win again Jannury !n, at Stotf''? score being 26-25.

library Is Moved Bowie Bulls Ry E , ctyn Prlt-Ohctt Beat Meade

Our Alumni and friends, I'm sure, will be Interested In the <'honges ma(le In the Bnnneker building.

!';Ince the State and tho General .J-~ducallon Boar,1 have mu!lc ap­propriations nmountlng to $10,000 for books. our former library has become too small to accommodate the additions. Hence, the reading i·oom is In what wa.s once our au­ditorium and the science room haa become the stack room. The new science room Is the form er Indus­trial arts and Engllsh room and the old library is being used for the classes In English and Indus­trial arts.


uumber and Building Materials

Patuxent, Md.


Gas - Oil - Greasing

Bowie, Md.

By Ah·eta Smith

Fort Meade Comeli- are still th" tough-fighting team that nearly defeated thr Bowle Bulls again.

Last year the B11111:1 eonquered 1he Comets 24-28. This )'ear there was o. vlcton· for 1 he Bulls b>' the narrow margin of two points. The score, 33-31.

"XF:\\' WORTO'iRS A'l' S'l'A'l"E

n, Eva ~, . Stuckey

Thfs y,•or we are glttcl to ho.ve more help on our campus.

ln the lnundr)• wUh Mesdames Taylor and Scott are 'Misses Louise Toney and Thelma Wilson. both f rom Bowle. Also rrom Bowie Is :\frs. H enr) who Is our dormitory Janltresio. Onr chief Janitor, fire­moo and jack-or-au trades Is Calthful Mr. Jones.

We still have with us Mr. Brown, our night watt•hman; Mr. Taylor, chl'f. noel Mies E. C. Brown 1-econd cook.

Delicious! H ealthf ul! BOWIE HOMEMADE


Bowie, Md.