28.10.22 The Climate Baseline Review Capacity Development Package Standard presentation

The Climate Baseline Review

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The Climate Baseline Review. Capacity Development Package Standard presentation. Overview. Objectives Steps Climate Issues Mapping exercise Summary. Objective. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Climate Baseline Review

Capacity Development PackageStandard presentation

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Climate Issues

Mapping exercise


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To support understanding of function, structure and set up of a Baseline Review process and guide the adequate support to local and regional governments in carrying out a Climate Baseline Review

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Cyclical Integrated Management

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IMS: the ideal cycle

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Steps of the integrated management process: where are we now?

Steps * Notes

0. Organizational set-up

1. Baseline review

2. Target setting

3. Political commitment

4. Implementation and monitoring

5. Evaluation and reporting

* LEGEND = complete = in progress = not started

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Planning the Baseline Review:Steps to perform a Baseline Review

Planning the Baseline Review Structure according to Aalborg Commitments ? Structure according to Municipal Services ? SWOT – Analysis Involve the right people - appropriately

Map the local situation Mapping the policy framework (egal requirements, Political priorities & commitments,

Emerging issues and trends) Mapping the organisational set-up (Responsibilities and organisational set-up, Existing

instruments and systems, Stakeholder landscape ) Maping the local climate change impacts (Energy generation & consumption patterns,

Greenhouse gas emissions, Significant climate aspects of municipal operations, Climate change impacts, Vulnerabilities, risks and opportunities)

Evaluate the local situation Present the findings

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Planning the Baseline Review: The first important step

To analyse in which condition the environment /sustainability in the municipality is at present

Regularly repeating part of every EMS/ SUM = continuous and dynamic process Getting started although some information will still be missing

It is no obstacle if the data can not be completed within the first run. Based on the information and data available the first sustainability programme (management plan) can be drawn up

Necessary to define measures that refer to the creation of reference data and indicators that are not available at this point

Important to renew the “assessment of the local situation” on a current basis and to add new information regularly

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Planning the Baseline Review: Definition of the scope

The ‘Whole functional urban area’: all relevant impacts on sustainable development of the

municipality are to be considered impacts within the municipality’s responsibility

(involving the private economy and citizens) as well as the impact of activities of all actors

(municipality and stakeholders) on neighbouring municipalities and cities

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Planning the Baseline Review: Definition of contents

According to Aalborg Commitments:10 fields of action and 50 key activities for municipal sustainable development

According to typical” organisational structure of a municipality = municipality services and responsabilities

Direct and indirect aspects of sustainability (Environment, Society, Economy)

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Planning the Baseline Review: Climate Change and Aalborg Commitments

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Planning the Baseline Review: Climate Change and Municipal Services





Soil & Land-use


Waste Procurement

Economy &Tourism


Climate Change Mitigation & Adaptation

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Mapping the Local Situation:Policy Framework

The Baseline Review serves to determine how the requirements set in current legislation are implemented. Every municipality department /service should elaborate an index of relevant legislation that the community is obliged to fulfil or to take into account.

The Baseline Review should describe the current structure implemented to make sure that relevant legislation is accessible for all staff and that is updated at regular intervals.

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Mapping the Local Situation:Existing Instruments)









Environmental & Social Impact Sustainability Assessment

Sectoral sustainabilityp

erformance targets

EMAS, ISO 14000, ISO

9000 ecoBUDGET

Sustainability management

Environmental & social

monitoring & Measurement

Environmental & social reporting

Triple Bottom Line GRI

Strategic Assessment

ISO 14001 family of

management standards


Cleaner technology

Inspection, analysis and


Environmental & social


Risk Assessment SA 8000 Social

accountability IPPC & W M

Environmental & social auditing

State of the environment & society reports

Environmental social &

economic planning

AA 1000 Accountability

Pollution prevention

Improvement Management

Public participation

Disaster planning Corporate

social responsibility

Disaster management


Sustainabiity Indicators

Life Cycle Assessment

Triple Bottom Line GRI

Conflict management

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Mapping the Local Situation:Who is at stake?

Health & Safety Emergency & Risk Management Environment/ Sustainability Management Waste management Water resources management Soil protection and biodiversity

conservation, green spaces Flood and coastal zone management Energy supply and consumption Children & Family Services Aged Services Governance Civic Services/Governance Executives Quality Management Systems Community Engagement Community, social life and neighbourhood


Cultural Development Communications/Public Relations Urban Planning/Development Regional Planning /Development Corporate Planning Engineering Services Building and construction/Certification Properties/Property Development Human Resources Asset Management Finance and insurance Procurement Project Management Regional/local economy Tourism and leisure activities Transport

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Mapping Local Climate Change ImpactsClimate Baseline Review


• Baseline Energy Inventory• Baseline Emission Inventory • Significant Climate Aspects• Climate Change Impacts• Vulnerability Assessment

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The 'Climate Baseline Review'

Review issues from the perspective of climate mitigation and adaptation

For relevant issues or priorities perform sectorial inventories as part of the Aalborg Commitment Baseline Review eg. Baseline Energy Inventory eg. Climate Vulnerability Inventory eg. Carbon Inventory

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1. Baseline review

Recommended application Application to [case study] City profile

indicatori di inquadramento generale sulle principali driving forces

mappatura degli stakeholder

Organisational profile verifica rispetto degli obblighi di legge analisi delle priorità e degli obiettivi

strategici esistenti strumenti e sistemi di gestione esistenti

Baseline Emission Inventory scelta della metodologia acquisizione dati elaborazione

Vulnerability assessement impatti locali dei cambiamenti climatici vulnerabilità dei diversi settori strategie di mitigazioni in atto valutazione dei rischi per i diversi settori

Comunication internal external

[…] […]

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The 'Climate Baseline Review:GHG Inventory

itemised report on GHG emissions from all sources based on national & international standards with a

local government focus used to help prioritise activities<

- review the big emitters first used for measuring results of actions has two components:

(a) government operations emissions inventory (b) community emissions analysis

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The 'Climate Baseline Review: GHG Inventory: Emissions Profile / Example

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Inventory results - example city





Annual Quantity



CO2Electricity 37,470,000 kWh 0.000150 5,621Gas 17,288,770 kWh 0.000188 3,250Petrol 1,337,570 kWh 0.000228 305Diesel 1,281,910 kWh 0.000260 333


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The 'Climate Baseline Review: GHG Inventory- prioritise Actions

Electricity Use by Location 12 Months Feb 2005 - Jan 2006

TOU metering (Blue)

$0 $50,000 $100,000 $150,000 $200,000 $250,000 $300,000 $350,000

Green Island

Moana Pool


WPCP Tahuna

Civic Centre

Art Gallery

Rona St

Brinsdon Rd

Puddle Alley

Carlyle Road

Outram Water Bores

Southern Reservior

Deka Building

Pump supply Waipori


Upper Gardens

Dunedin Centre

Salt Water pool

Otago Settlers

Mosgiel Pool

Tahuana (HV)

Port ChalmersPool

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The 'Climate Baseline Review: GHG Inventory: Tools

ICLEI – Local Governments: International Local Government Greenhouse Gas Protocol (www.iclei.org/ghgprotocol)

Climate Alliance: The Eco2Region (www.climatealliance.org)

Covenant of Mayors: Baseline Emission Inventory as part of the so-called Sustainable Energy Action Plan (www.eumayors.eu)

Further tools on www.carbon.org


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The 'Climate Baseline Review: Energy Inventory: SEAP

Key results of Baseline Emissions Inventory(source: Draft SEAP guidance for Covenant Signatories)

A. Final energy consumption and corresponding CO2-emissions


- Municipal buildings and facilities

- Private and public buildings and facilities for services

- Residential buildings

- Municipal public lighting

- Industries

- Road transportation (municipal fleet, public, private & commercial transport)

(recommended to add: waste and water sectors)

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The 'Climate Baseline Review: Energy Inventory: SEAP

Key results of the Baseline Emissions Inventory(source: Draft SEAP guidance for Covenant Signatories)

B. Local electricity production and corresponding CO2 emissions Local electricity generation Wind Photovoltaic (PV) Combined heat and power (CHP) (also called co-generation)

C. Local heating/cooling generation and corresponding CO2 emissions Local heating /cooling generation Waste incineration plant District heating plant, CHP Solar thermal energy, geothermal energy,..

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The 'Climate Baseline Review: Significant climate aspects

Sector Direct aspects Indirect aspects

Buildings Energy consumption and efficiency of buildings owned by the municipality

Local building regulations requiring a high energy efficiency standard; local incentives for retrofitting

Transport Municipal vehicle fleet

Employee commute,

Public transport attractivity

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Vulnerability Assessment:Climate Change Impacts

A prerequisite to for any vulnerability assessment is a local and regional prediction of climate change impacts and weather extremes:

How will the temperature change? What will be main seasonal changes? What kind of weather extremes are to be expected?

Note: Possible impacts of climate change, like sea level rise, intense precipitation, drainage and flash flooding, river floods, drought, heat waves or urban heat islands as well as wind and storm damage, can affect all sectors.

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Vulnerability Assessment:Local Climate Change Impacts

Source: UNEP, Climate in Peril

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Vulnerability Assessment:Local Climate Change Impacts

Source: UNEP, Climate in Peril

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Vulnerability AssessmentSteps

Local governments are responsible for the wellbeing of citizens living in the city or region. To this end, climate adaptation is an obligation to local governments.

• Characterisation of hazards and modifications associated with climate change at city or regional level

• Identification of the most vulnerable segments(people, locations, sectors) of the city or region

• Identification of opportunities arising for different segments (people, locations, sectors) of the city or region

• Assessment of the ability of the city or region to adapt to the anticipated potential impacts.

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Vulnerability Assessment:Impacts

Atmosphere / cryosphere / sea

Ecosystem conditions and supporting services

Impact on Ecosystem services

Provisioning (Food, Freshwater, Wood/ fiber , Fuel)

Regulating(Climate, Flood, Diseases, Water purification)


Economic impacts

Infrastructures and physical capital(Damages, Losses)

Production and Consumption(Processes, consumer behaviour, Growth potential,

Variability/disruptions activity)Employment



Water scarcity droughts

Species phenology

Water quality

Forest fires

Soil degradation

Species distribution

Permafrost/ice melting

Social Impacts

Health (Mortality, Morbidity, Labour productivity)Distributive impacts (Social groups, Regions)

Resource conflictsMigrations

Social fabricGovernance

Greenhouse gases concentration

Temperature (means & extremes)

Precipitation(means & extremes)

Sea level rise

Ground level ozone



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Atmosphere / cryosphere / sea

Ecosystem conditions and supporting services

Impact on Ecosystem services

Provisioning (Food, Freshwater, Wood/ fiber , Fuel)

Regulating(Climate, Flood, Diseases, Water purification)


Economic impacts

Infrastructures and physical capital(Damages, Losses)

Production and Consumption(Processes, consumer behaviour, Growth potential,

Variability/disruptions activity)Employment



Water scarcity droughts

Species phenology

Water quality

Forest fires

Soil degradation

Species distribution

Permafrost/ice melting

Social Impacts

Health (Mortality, Morbidity, Labour productivity)Distributive impacts (Social groups, Regions)

Resource conflictsMigrations

Social fabricGovernance

Greenhouse gases concentration

Temperature (means & extremes)

Precipitation(means & extremes)

Sea level rise

Ground level ozone



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Figure : Chain of Potential Impacts from Climate Change. Source: DG Environment, based on EEA, 2008 and IPCC, 2007

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Vulnerability Assessment:Risk Assessment

The assessment should address priority risks first: high risks that you face already; risks that will increase most rapidly due to climate

change, especially if they cross some critical threshold;  risks where it will take some time to plan and implement

your adaptation response; contingency planning; where there is a complementary non-climate driver for

taking action, such as health and safety or mitigation or achieving a better work/life balance.

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Vulnerability Assessment: Tools

No standards, but some tools available, eg.: Local Climate Impact Profile:

www.ukcip.org.uk/index.php ICLEI Oceania Toolkit and Australian

Department for Climate change: Local Government Climate Change Adaptation Toolkit: www.iclei.org/oceania

UKCIP Adaptation Wizard: www.ukcip.org.uk/wizard

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Baseline Review: SWOT-Analysis

The SWOT-Analysis as a method for the implementation of the Baseline Review

Collection of information and (key)data: As a basis for a solid and comprehensible evaluation in context of

the SWOT-Analysis, the municipality should draw up a chart of the current reference data and indicators on the environment/sustainability

Participants of the Baseline Review: For comprehending the “assessment of the local situation” the municipality needs all information and estimation of all relevant stakeholders

Evaluation of the current situation and priority setting regarding continual improvement

Examples and Internet-Adresses and sources

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Baseline Review: Internal Audit


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Baseline Review: Presentation of results

The Climate Baseline Review of [Insert council name] Table of Contents Introduction I. Review of Framework conditions of [Insert council name]

Legal requirements Emerging issues, trends and forthcoming policies Existing climat echange initiatives by [Insert

council name] Climate relevant responsibilities and organisational set-up Existing relevant management instruments and procedures The stakeholder landscape incl. all relevant actors

II. Energy Status Report of [Insert council name] Energy production and consumption patterns Expenses of energy consumption

III. Baseline Emission inventory of [Insert council name] Greenhouse gas emissions [Insert council name]’s Assumptions

IV. Adaptation Assessment of [Insert council name]: vulnerabilities, risks and opportunities The Regional Context Impacts of Climate Change List of Impacts The Costs of Climate Change [Insert council name]’s Assumptions

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Baseline ReviewDo‘s & Don‘ts

Do's Work thoroughly and

accurate Work consistent and

reproducible Set clear time-frame and

scope Involve relevant

persons/groups Work on priorities to be


Don'ts Don't exaggerate Be not to loose or rigid Appropriately involve Don't work on project


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Baseline Review Examples

City of Lahti, Finland Navarra Sustainability Network of Local Entities, Spain City of Ludwigsburg, Germany City of Ancona, Italy Province of Siena, City of Riga, Lewes District, City of Leeds

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Baseline Review: Status of Sustainability in Lahti 2009

Aalborg commitments Baseline Review compilation process

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Baseline Review: The phases of Aalborg Commitments in Lahti

The City Council of Lahti signed the Aalborg Commitments in October 2007

- The Executive Environmental Board of Lahti Region authorised Lahti Region Environmental Service to coordinate the Aalborg commitments work in May 2008

- An Aalborg Commitments working group was formed-> Has officials as representatives from every city sector

- The AC working group started the Baseline Review (BR) compilation on June 2008

- The BR report: Status of sustainability in Lahti 2009 – Aalborg Commitments Baseline Review (Finnish version) was published on UN World Environment Day 5.6.2009

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Baseline Review: Aalborg Commitments Baseline Review

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Baseline Review: Aims

1. To have an open and honest dialogue about the status of sustainability in Lahti

-> “in the spirit of AC” 2. To get city officials more involved in

enhancing sustainability within the city organization

3. To lead us toward the next stage: Target setting and actions to improve the situation

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Baseline Review: Self-assessment Process

Consisted of:- A self-assessment review of the sustainability status of Lahti

by the AC working group- The results of a survey that was send out to city sector

representatives (altogether 97) in autumn 2008- Relevant indicators of the SD situation in the city that were

selected to form a comparison basis / “reality check” - Development challenges were also drafted on the basis of the

survey and AC working group assessments

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Baseline Review: Results

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Baseline Review: Progress in implementing AC?

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Baseline Review: Responsibility assumed by the city?

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Baseline Review

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Baseline Review

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Baseline Review: Challenges

The vastness of AC was sometimes overwhelming There are dozens of different strategies, work-

programmes and guidelines that guide the city organization’s work

There was not that many indicators to choose from

• Does the indicator really depict the phenomenon?

• Is it used on a regular basis?

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LA21 Projects Implementation from 2000 to 2008

Network of Local Entities through Sustainability of Navarre SPAINLA21-NLETSN 2008

Annual evaluations of Aalborgplus10 Commitments

Baseline Review: Red Navarra

Source: http://www.aalborgplus10.dk/default.aspx?m=2&i=375

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Baseline Review: Red Navarra

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Baseline Review: Red NavarraLA21 projects implementation

How Aalborgplus10 Commitments are related to LA21 projects carried out in 2008?

5% 2%








1. Governance

2. Urban local management towardssustainability3. Natural common goods

4. Responsible consumption and lifestylechoices5. Planning and design

6. Better mobility, less trafic

7. Local action for health

8. Vibrant and sustainable local economy

9. Social equity and justice

10. Local to global

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Baseline Review: Ludwigsburg, Germany

Monitoring report of implementation of targets of City Development Plan and compliance with respective guidelines

11 target areas and cross-sectoral concerns

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Baseline Review: Ludwigsburg, Germany

Economy & jobs

Gardens and Parks

A living city centreEducation andsocial care




y s




Housing/new ways of living together

Cultural life


Lively town districts and


Living together ofdifferent generations

and ethnic groups

Source: Albert Geiger, City of Ludwigsburg

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Analysis of existing steering instruments for the 5 steps of the management cycle

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Ancona 2012 is...

- Targets and Priorities -

Source: Marco Cardinaletti, City of Ancona

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5.1 Daily numer of trips per citizen by mode of transport: 4,98ACI n°5 : LOCAL MOBILITY SYSTEM

• Use of car have decrase by 14%

• Use of Public Transports have decrease by 1%

• Use of “two wheels” have increase by 3%

• Very high increase (14%) of going by walk

Mobility System in the City of Ancona is gradually changing:


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From LA21: 1/3 year private trips + 100% year public trips. 4 sm/pc ZTL and 2 sm/pc of pedestrian areas shifting 2/3 of the freights transport to railway


From Urban Mobility Plan – Rel. PP 2005/2007:

Lowering the number of vehicles accessing to the city

Widening the pedestrian area Increasing the TPU users

Urban Mobility Plan and General Plan of Urban Transport

Increasing number of bus lane

Incentivation measures for public and private employees

Promotion initiatives (stopping cars)

Regulations of limited parking

Rationalization of transport service network throughout the use of pubblic vehicles in the exchange parking zones

New schoolbus with methane gas (metano)

Target 2012 Main Actions

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Sources of information and examples

Website of Aalborg Process - Baseline Reviews of Aalborg Commitment Signatories: http://www.aalborgplus10.dk/default.aspx?m=2&i=375

Website on Integrated Management Systems (by project MUE-25) - free guidance and checklists for download: http://www.localmanagement.eu/index.php/mue25:downloads

Website for Local Sustainability - Aalborg Commitments Implementation Guide, free for download in 7 languages: http://www.localsustainability.eu/index.php?id=4260

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The Indicators used for the State of Environment Report of Bologna

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Long term targets have

been defined according to

measures that have been

adopted through Sectoral

Plans, political resolutions or


Short term targets have

been defined according to

expected results of

undertaken measures

Definition of Targets in Bologna

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The Environmental Budget Balance of Bologna

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Thank you for your attention!

And all the best for your

Baseline Review compilation!

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Further Information / Queries ?

Union of the Baltic Cities - Commission of Environment,Pekka Salminen, [email protected]+358 44 9075999

Esther Kreutz,[email protected]+358 44 9075980

ICLEI - Local Governments for SustainabilityHolger [email protected]+49 761 368920

Resources at www.localmanagement.eu