The City School / Gulshan Campus B Page 1 The City School Gulshan Campus B RESOURCE PACK SUMMER BREAK Class 1 This Pack belongs to:_______________________________. Class: 1 Sec: __________. I am a_________________. I am ___________ years old. I celebrate my birthday on ___________________. My favourite subject is ____________. I love to eat _______________. I like ____________ colour. My hobby is _________________. The animal which I like the most is__________. I like to play ____________. When I grow up I want to be a _____________________

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The City School / Gulshan Campus B Page 1

The City School Gulshan Campus B


Class 1

This Pack belongs to:_______________________________.

Class: 1 Sec: __________.

● I am a_________________.

● I am ___________ years old.

● I celebrate my birthday on ___________________.

● My favourite subject is ____________.

● I love to eat _______________.

● I like ____________ colour.

● My hobby is _________________.

● The animal which I like the most is__________.

● I like to play ____________.

● When I grow up I want to be a _____________________

The City School / Gulshan Campus B Page 2

Dear Children,

Tge blhssful summer vacathon hs gere. It‟s thme to rehnforce tge hmportance of a routhne;

learning responsibility and building on skills learned during the academic year. Strike a

balance between work, play and grow in the process. During these tranquil/relaxing

times, to keep you entertained and productive we have designed interesting and

innovative summer homework. To enhance your learning, we have planned enjoyable

activities to keep your skills sharp and concepts clear. Use your energy and give a vent

to your creativity. It will surely enhance your learning process.

Relax, enjoy, have loads of fun and come back refreshed.



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Topic: Reinforcement of „Proper and common nouns‟.

Proper nouns (e.g. James, France, Egypt, China and Karachi) always begin with capital letters. And a common noun doesn‟t requhre any caphtal letter.

A capital letter is used at the beginning of a sentence, and ends at a full stop.

Instruction: Rewrite the following sentences using appropriate punctuation marks and capital letters wherever necessary. a. kyber pass is a famous monument in pakistan


b. my uncle is an artist _____________________________________________________________________________________ c. quaid-e-azam is the Founder of pakistan _____________________________________________________________________________________ d. my best friend is going to america _____________________________________________________________________________________ e. chenab is the river in pakistan _____________________________________________________________________________________ f. I have Glasses which are in green Colour _____________________________________________________________________________________

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Topic: Reinforcement of „Punctuathon‟.


a. Circle the letters that should be capital letters and add full stop where required.


the swing broke

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b. Punctuate the following lines using capital letters and full stop.

kipper gelped tge vhllafers to mend tgehr gouses He put back tge roofs “Good old

khpper” sahd everyone. tge Ghant tgrew Tghs bhf Stone at us,” sahd people.” we don‟t

want it here Can you put outside the village?







The City School / Gulshan Campus B Page 6


Topic: Reinforcement of „Alpgabethcal Order‟ and „Compound words‟.


a. Arrange the following countries from the map in alphabetical order.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

7. 8. 9.

b. Write a compound word for each pair of the pictures.

Mexico, Egypt, Vietnam, India, China, Australia, Pakistan, Djibouti, Nepal

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Topic: Reinforcement of „Verbs „(past and present tense).

My Last Summer Holiday

Instructions: (a) Complete the text with the past tense of the verbs in brackets. I __________ (spend) my last summer holiday in a summer camp. The camp ___________ (is) in the mountains and it was fantastic. Every morning I _______________ (wake) up and ___________________ (enjoy) fresh air. After we _____________ (make) our beds, we ________ (do) some morning exercises. Then we ________(eat) breakfast. Every day we _______ (do) different activities. We _________(go)on hiking and _______________(paly) different sports. But most of all I ___________ (love) swimming. While in the camp, I also ____________(meet) many other students. Most of them ____________ (are) of my age. After we _________________ (return) home we ___________________(start) writing to each other. All in all my summer holiday ____________(is) very exciting!


Q2:True or false

Adam spent his holidays at home.____________

The camp was in mountains. _____________

His friends made up his bed. _____________

Adam loved swimming.______________

Adam hated the camp.______________

Adam and his friends started writing to each other. __________________

Q3: Write about your last summer holiday. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

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Topic: Reinforcement of „Dhfrapg‟ /ee/.

Instruction: Read the following lines and answer the questions.

Feel the green grass

Children need to feel the green grass. The green grass grew from

the seeds. Now the green grass is deep. Children feel free when

they lay on the green grass. The deep green grass feels like summer. Its feel likes


Q1: What children need to feel? _____________________________________________________________________________________ Q2: How did the green grass grow?

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Q3: What does the green grass feel like?

_____________________________________________________________________________________ Q4: Write any one noun, verb and adjective from the given lines.







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Q5. Now wrhte any 6 “ee” words of your own and make sentences of any tgree of them.








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Topic: Reinforcement of „Thme connecthves‟ hn sentences.

(Time connectives are words that join sentences together to help us understand when something is happening or had happened.) Instruction: Use the given time connectives in correct order to write a recount

(A recount is the retelling or recounting of an event or an experience) about your vhsht to “A Dolpghn Sgow” Or a vhsht to any “Mall” . You can take gelp from tge vocabulary given.

Time connectives

After that , Early

morning , Then , Next ,

Finally , First










Vocabulary for the

“Dolpghn sgow”

excited , dolphin , great

, fresh , Maritime

museum , blue , seals ,

rings , dancing , water ,

toys , ball

Vocabulary for a visit

to a “Mall”

excited, shopping, fancy,

food court, sale,

variety, car, purchase,

brought, accelerator

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Worksheet# 7

Topic: Reinforcement of Creathve wrhthnf „ My Favourhte Book‟

Instruction: Answer the questions given in the boxes below. It is a (write the type of the book like story) : ___________________________________________________________.

Author: ___________________________________________________________.

Who gave it you ?




What is the title of

the book ? _____________________________



Write the name of

characters ? _____________________________





Which character you

like the most? _____________________________



What is the story





Lesson you learned.




Draw the book cover


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Worksheet#8 Topic: Introduction of „ Pronouns‟

Pronouns are words that are used to take the place of nouns in sentences. For example I, you, he, she, it, we, they, you, him, her, them, it, us Sarah has always loved fashion. Sarah announced that Sarah wants to go to fashion school.

Instead, you can use the pronouns she and her to refer to Sarah.

Sarah has always loved fashion. She announced that she wants to go to fashion school.

Instruction: Use appropriate pronouns in the sentences given below.

1. Sarah made dinner for the whole family.


2. Tyler played tag with Miguel and Ramon.


3. Mr. Cane Mrs. Cane and I went to the cinema.


4. The house needs a fresh coat of paint as the house looks dirty.


The City School / Gulshan Campus B Page 13

b. Circle the pronouns in the sentences below. Some sentences have more than one pronoun.”

1. She went to the store with Angela.

2. Six of us had to squeeze in the tiny car.

3. Every Thursday, Kenny goes to Wal-Mart with them.

4. At the store, the cashier gave her some change.

5. When the sun comes up, he leaves for work.

6. I enjoyed seeing them on the playground.

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Tophc: Introducthon of “Singulars and Plurals”.

A noun that names only one thing is a singular noun. Examples: book, dish. A noun that names more than one thing is a plural noun. Examples: books, dishes .Most singular nouns can be made plural by just adding an s to the end. Nouns ending in x, z, s, sh and cg form tge plural by addhnf an „es‟ to tge end. Singular: I have a colorful dish. Plural: I have lots of colorful dishes.

Instruction: Add an s or es at the end of each word to form the plural.

1. flower _________________ 11. truck _________________

2. tool _________________ 12. waltz _________________

3. box _________________ 13. crash _________________

4. tree _________________ 14. blanket _________________

5. flash _________________ 15. tax _________________

6. church _________________ 16. dog _________________

7. lunch _________________ 17. egg _________________

8. apple _________________ 18. car _________________

9. peach _________________ 19. beach _________________

10. wish _________________ 20. cloud _________________

Challenge: On the back of this paper, write a complete sentence that has a singular noun and a plural noun in it.

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Activities for Summer vacation:

Create a “slam book” contahnhnf questhons lhke (wgat hs your name, relathonsghp, afe, birthday, likes ,dislikes, favourite story , favourite movie and favourite colour, also paste a picture of yours) hand it over to anyone you like and ask them to record their answers in this book.

Rechte any poem from your Student‟s Antgolofy hn front of your family and ask your parents to record it. Keep it save to share with your friend when you join back to the school..

Wrhte a story hn your own words “about a fhrl wgo went to vhsht ger frandparents”. Why did she visit them? What did she do there? Add more information/illustrations to create a funny story.

Imafhne you went to tge Moon. (referrhnf to your reader “Red Planet”. Write what you did there. Who did you meet there? What new things you saw. Also use Illustrations to support your answer.

Find meanings of the following words from the dictionary and use them in your sentences.

warn Rough opposite sprouted twirl

brain Loop sour whizz poppodoms

proof Bobbles crystals chalk curtsied

maiden Glittering direction flesh lungs

The City School / Gulshan Campus B Page 16

Reading words:

Vocabulary whtg “pg” and “wg”

ph wh

photograph whale

phone wheel

xylophone when

trophy why

sphere whistle

dolphin wheelbarrow

elephant wheat

phone whisper

graph whole

amphibian white

alphabet whip

Dictation Words:

frozen drag bitter

truth liar fantasy

mountain climbed crazy

ambitious straw stripped

drip deprived asleep

flashback isolate allow

alone together freedom

independent believe captain

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Useful links:











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Tophc: Rehnforcement of „2D sgapes‟.

Instruction: Complete the table by writing names, sides and corners of 2D shapes.

Shape Name Sides Corners

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Tophc: Rehnforcement of „Thme‟ O‟clock.

Instruction: Read each statement to show the time by drawing hands on the clock and write the time in the box given below.

Q. Alh leaves for scgool at 6‟ O clock and takes two gours to reacg tge scgool. Sgow

the time by drawing the hands on the clock and write the time.

Q. Ruby plays vhdeo fame for an gour. If sge befhns at 5 O‟ clock, at wgat thme whll

she finish playing the game? Show the time by drawing the hands on the clock and

write the time.


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Topic: Rehnforcement of „Calendar‟ (thme and sequenchnf).

Instruction: Make a calendar of your birthday month by completing the chart also

mark your date of birth.



Name of Month:

Calendar 2020

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Topic: Introduction of „Ordhnal numbers ‟.

Instruction: Put beads in the string with help of the given instructions. Write ordinals numbers to show positions. Follow the sequence to put beads in the string and paste in the given box.

Numerals Ordinals

Red bead first, blue second, green third, orange fourth, yellow fifth, purple sixth, black seventh, white eighth, light blue ninth and pink tenth.

Paste the string here.

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Topic: Rehnforcement of „Hehfgt‟.

Instruction: 1-Measure your own, siblings and parents height. Record the data on the height chart (provided).

Family height chart

Name Height in cm Height in inch

2-Now arrange the names from the collected data (shortest to tallest)

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Tophc: Rehnforcement of „Grapg‟.

Instruction: Look at the graph and find out the most and the least popular dinner also write how many people were surveyed.

Spaghetti Soup Burger pizza Rice

a) ______________ people liked spaghetti.

b) ______________ more people liked pizza than rice.

c) Which is the most popular dinner______________________?

d) Which is the least popular dinner? _____________________

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Topic: Rehnforcement of „Dhrecthons and poshthons‟.

Instruction: Follow the given instructions to find out where the camper person should place his camp. Show his place by drawing the camp.



2 spaces down

3 spaces left

4 spaces down

5 spaces right

1 space up

1 space right

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Tophc: Rehnforcement of „Fracthons‟.

Instruction: Colour the shapes according to the given fractions.

Colour half of each shape.

Colour one third of each shape.

Colour the quarter of each shape.

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Tophc: Introducthon of „Fracthons‟.

Instruction: Circle the correct fraction.

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Activities for Summer vacation:

Attempt the following online quizzes from the given link

Number in words


Number sequence

Odd and even

Number line with numbers before, between or after

Number line up to ten 10


Make a robot, car or house using 3D shapes for example tissue roll, empty cart board, shoes box.

Make a lady bug using red and black colour papers and show doubles on their wings.

Make a map of your area and show directions to your home using vocabulary up, down, left and right.

Useful links:




https://www.youtube.com/user/JackHartmann (number in figures, count by 2,5 and 10)


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Worksheet # 1

Topic: Rehnforcement of „Our body‟

Instruction: Label the parts of the body by using the given word bank.

ankle toe cheek lip chin hair eye nose neck ear hand fingers leg shoulder

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Worksheet # 2

Topic: Rehnforcement of „Our body‟

Q. Circle the correct part of the body.

a) I play drum with my (hands/feet).

b) I play football with my (hands/feet).

c) I paint with my (knees/hand).

d) I play with my guitar with my (knees/fingers).

e) I turn hula hoop with my (neck/waist).

f) I blow candles with my (eyes/mouth).

Q. Write any 2 ways to keep your body clean?

A. ________________________________________________________________


Q. Can you draw the youngest and the eldest member of your family.

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Worksheet # 3

Topic: Reinforcement „Animal Families‟ Q1. Let‟s explore tge lhfe cycle of a butterfly! Learn about the Lifecycle of a butterfly by watching given videos. Video link s.



Draw the stages of life cycle of a butterfly.

Cocoon The caterpillar attaches itself upside down to a

twig and transforms into a chrysalis to protect it

while it turns into a butterfly.

Eggs A butterfly lays her eggs on a plant, so that the caterpillars will have something to eat when they hatch.

Caterpillar The job of a caterpillar is to eat, eat, eat! Caterpillars can grow up to two inches long

in just a few weeks.

Butterfly When the butterfly hatches from its chrysalis, it becomes time to mate and find a place to lay eggs.





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Refer to the video on the above mentioned link, create your own project of life cycle of

a butterfly by using junk materials.

What you need:

empty boxes


chart paper/ computer paper

old fabric



Note: Once you complete the project make a short video of your project work and

share it with the teacher.

Q2. Match the animals with their young ones.

Animals Babies

Dog kitten

Cat puppy

Horse lamb

Sheep foal

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Worksheet # 4

Topic: Reinforcement „Senses‟

Q1: Create your own unique sensory board.

You will need: Cardboard Materials with various shapes and textures Glue

How to create your sensory board?

1.Get the piece of cardboard that will serve as a base for the board.

2. Glue the materials you prepared in designated areas. Suggestions given below.

3. Once the materials have been glued on the board, the sensory board is done!

Decorate it as you please, you can use some heart shaped stickers.

Suggested resources: feathers, noodles, dry instant mashed potatoes, birdseed, rice, cereal, oatmeal, shredded paper, foam packing, peanuts, colored paper ,clips ,cotton balls, buttons

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Instruction: After completing the sensory board complete the given chart.

Name of the material Properties( texture e.g. rough or


Q2. Fill in the blanks.

1. You see with your _____________.

2. You __________________ with your tongue.

3. You _____________________ with your hands.

4. You hear with your __________________.

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Worksheet # 5

Topic: Rehnforcement‟ Plants and animals‟

Instruction: List living and non-living things from your surroundings.

Experiment: Get started on planting for the season; by using empty egg crate/used

paper cups to sow seeds. Watch a video and complete your observation sheet.

Video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=edgSRYX2FLo

Living things Non-living things

Write your observation about the Experiment.










Task is to plant only fruit seeds such as lemon, apple or whatever is available. Bring the sprouted plant to school after vacation.

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Worksheet # 6

Topic: Rehnforcement „Plants and Animals‟

Instruction: Complete the given animal report on carnivores, herbivores and omnivores.

Watch the given video and make a poster by pasting pictures of different animals

from newspaper/magazine.

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oCFU3tLdjRY

I am an _________________________

I live in ___________________________

I eat ______________________________

I am _____________________________________________

I am a _________________________

I live in ___________________________

I eat ______________________________

I am _____________________________________________

I am a _________________________

I live in ___________________________

I eat ______________________________

I am _____________________________________________

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Objects which can be pushed Objects which can be pulled

Objects move with slight push

Objects move with slight pull.























Topic: Push and Pull

Instruction: Recognize and explore the impact of different forces (push and pull) on

objects. Write the names of the objects after applying the force.

Extended Work: Gather small objects. Try to move objects one of them by blowing

through a straw on a smooth table and record your observation.

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Worksheet # 8

Topic: Sounds

Objective: Explore and investigate types of sounds. (quiet, loud, happy and annoying) Video link: https://youtu.be/3-xKZKxXuu0 Activity:

Moment of silence: Students will keep silent for a minute or two to observe different sounds in the room environment.

Q1. What did you hear? A.________________________________________

Simon says: Students will perform actions and observe sounds i.e. clap, stamp, whistle, tap on legs, jump on toes etc.

Q2. Are all the sounds same? How?


Extended Work: Children will make a booklet by drawing the pictures of objects which

produce pleasant /unpleasant sound.

Craft Work: Watch a video and make a guitar or drum by using recycled material.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tmMsWh85IA https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TBg48IK88TI

Note: Parents can help by providing them with recycled / cutting material.

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Worksheet # 9

Topic: Sounds and nature


a) Identify and sort out the sounds that you can hear from the surrounding and write them in appropriate categories (soft, loud, happy and annoying).

Name of the object

loud soft happy annoying

b). Match the sounds produced by the body parts.









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Worksheet # 10 Objective: Explore and investigate the affects of distance and volume /pitch on sounds. Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AGjxfx8sy6s

Pitch meaning: highness or lowness of sound. Craft work: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCdUQ5NIYfo Watch a video and make a micro phone and observe how sounds travel.

How does the distance between two cups affects the pitch / volume of the sound? a) Less distance?


b) More distance?

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Worksheet # 11 Topic: Colours Objective: Mix colours and describe how secondary and tertiary colours are created through mixing primary colours. Video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zemi1pTDaa0

Tertiary Colours : By Mixing a primary colour and a secondary colour we will get a tertiary colour.

Task: Create different crafts using Primary, Secondary & Tertiary colours

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Worksheet # 12 Objective: Explore absorbent and nonabsorbent objects. Instruction: Put the given objects in a bucket of water and record your observation.by putting a tick in the relevant column. Absorbent and Non-absorbent

Name of the object Absorbent Non-absorbent




Rubber band


Piece of fabric

Tissue paper


Tennis ball


The City School / Gulshan Campus B Page 42

Social Studies

Worksheet # 1

Topic: Rehnforcement of “My Homeland”

Q1: Collect the flags of the following neighbouring countries of Pakistan from a

newspaper or magazine and paste them in the provided box. (If you can also draw if

you want to).

China Iran Afghanistan

Q2: Match the name of the country with its language.

Pakistan Pashto India Persian Afghanistan Urdu Iran Hindi

Task: Whtg your parent‟s asshstance, make a booklet on Pakhstan‟s nehfgbours

and include information such as their capital, food & national sports.

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Worksheet # 2

Topic: Reinforcement of “Good Habhts”

Video link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqVO4ROAZ6Y

Instruction: Watch the video and make a booklet to record your good habits & draw

the pictures

a) Match the pictures with correct sentences.

Brush your teeth twice a day

Wash your hands

Exercise every day

Shower daily

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Worksheet # 3

Tophc: Rehnforcement of “Nehfgbourhnf Countrhes of Pakhstan”

Instruction: Cut the map of Pakistan and paste it on the chart paper/colour paper

and write the names of 4 provinces.

Q. In your room identify & explore different objects through their location by using

compass (i.e. items lying in East, North, West & South of the room)

North _______________

South _______________

East _________________

West __________________


Punjab Baluchistan Khyber Pakhtunkhwa

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Worksheet # 4

Topic: Reinforcement of “Religions”

Instruction: Solve the given worksheet after watching the following video.

Video link :ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mWJ-tlZdtK4

a) Write the name of 5 pillars of Islam.

b) Match the prayers with their timings.

Prayers Timings Fajr Midday Zuhr before sunrise Asr Before sunset Maghrib nighttime Isha afternoon


Make a chart of daily prayers start from today, Put in the column when pray at the right

time or in case you missed the prayer.

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Worksheet # 5

Topic: Introduction to “Our world”

Instructions: Watch the given video and learn about 7 continents. (Asia, Europe, Antartica, Africa, South

America, North America, Austria).

Video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYYakyS_HOg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYYakyS_HOg Q). Create a unique paper plate globe!

You will need:

Cardstock or Construction Paper, Colored Pencils, Crayons, Glue, Craft Sticks, Paint, Hand

Punch, Scissors, Yarn


Paint two paper plates a solid blue colour and allow to dry. 2.Glue plates back to back 1.

to assemble the globe. 3.Draw or glue continents in place on both sides of the globe. Label the continents. 4.Punch a hole at the top of the globe. Cut yarn and string through the hole. 5.Hang the finished globe by the string to decorate your ceiling or walls. Q) Fill in the blanks .

1. ___________________ is the largest continent of the world.

2. ___________________ is the smallest continent of the world.

3. ___________________ is larger than Australia but smaller than Antarctica.

4. __________________ is larger than all continents except Asia.

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Worksheet # 6

Topic: Introduction to “Oceans “(New topic)

Instruction: Watch the provided video, Conduct an experiment and answer the

following questions.

Video link: ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7mmxsFheKSg

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RqWV7ozfFNQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G5b52jZLlRA

Experiment: Observe how differently an egg floats in different types of waters

(salty/fresh water) and explain why we cannot drink water directly from the sea.

1. What is an ocean?


2. How many oceans are there in the world?


3. Is ocean water salty?


4. What is a sea?


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Worksheet # 7

Topic: Introducthon to “Land Forms”

Video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BsqKTJtK_vw Key words: mountain, plain lake, valley etc a) Collect the pictures of the following from the newspaper and paste it in the below

mentioned boxes. (you may also draw if you wish to.)

Mountains lake

Plain valley

b) Mark whether the following statements are true or false?

1. Mountains are higher than plains. _____________.

2. Water surrounded by land is called a lake. ______________.

3. Valleys are not surrounded by mountains. _______________.

4. The landform is at the bottom of mountains plain ____________.

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Worksheet #8 Topic: Introduction to Pollution

Pollution: Pollution is when something is added to the environment that is harmful or

poisonous to living things. Pollution is of four types; Air, Noise, Water, and Soil or

Land pollution.

Video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OqHp03RRTDs

a) Find three different types of pollution and draw circles around them.

b) The images given below show the ways by which pollution can be controlled. Write a short description.

m l a n d

o p q n f

w a t e r

x i y d s

j r k l p








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meena ki kahani in Urdu on youtube

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