THE CITY RECORD. OFFICIAL JOURNAL. Voi. XXIII. NEW YORK, TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1895. NUMBER 6,737. BO4RD OF ALDERMEN. STATED MEETING. MONDAY, July I, 1895, II o'clock A. M. The Board met in room No. i6, City Hall. PRESENT: Hon. John Jeroloman, President. Aldermen John P. Windolph, Vice-President, Nicholas T. Brown, William E. Burke, Thomas M. Campbell, William Clancy, Thomas Dwyer, Christian Goetz, Elias Goodman, Frank J. Goodwin. Joseph T. Hackett, Benjamin E. Hall, Jeremiah Kennefick, Francis J. Lantry, Frederick L. Marshall, Robert Muh, John J. Murphy, Andrew A. Noonan, John T. Oakley, John J. O'Brien, William M. K. Olcott, Charles A. Parker, Rufus R. Randall, Andrew Robinson, Joseph Schilling, Henry L. School, William Tait, Frederick A. Ware, Charles Wines, Collin H. 1Voodward, Jacob C. Wund. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Brown moved that when this Board adjourns it do adjourn to meet on Tuesday, July 2, 1895, at it o'clock A. M. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which was decided in the affirmative. COMMUNICATIONS FROM DEPARTMENTS AND CORPORATION OFFICERS. The President laid before the Board the following communication from. the Health Depart- ment HEALTH DEPARTMENT, NEW YORK, June 26, 1895. WILLIAM H. TEN EYCK, Esq., Clerk, Board of Aldermen, New York City: SIR—At a meeting of the Bard of Health of the Health Department held June 24 it was Resolved, That a copy of the report of Chief Sanitary Inspector Lucas, on the dangerous condition of vacant lot Nos. 507-5II West Fifty-lust street, be forwarded to the Honorable the Board of Aldermen, with the request that, for sanitary reasons, the Department of Public Works he authorized and directed to have said lots fenced. A true copy. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, NEW YORK, June 20, r895. CHARLES F. ROBERTS, M. D.. Sanitary Superintendent : SIR—On January 16, 1895, on complaint of a citizen, an inspection was made of the vacant lots Nos. 507-511 West Fifty-first street, and the same were found in a dangerous condition, and an order (No. 1079) was issued January 18, 1895, and was served on the alleged owner, Henry Vokeing, No. 48 East Sixtieth street, directing him to fence said lots, which lie has failed to do. All the remedies existing in this Department for the enforcement of said order have been exhausted, and I therefore respectfully recommend that the Board of Aldermen be requested to authorize the Department of Public Works to have said lots fenced. (Signed) ALFRED LUCAS, Chief Sanitary Inspector. A true copy. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary. (G. 0 .347•) In connection herewith, Alderman Muh offered the following: Resolved, That the vacant lots Nos. 507-511 West Fifty-first street be fenced in with a tight board fence, where not already clone, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Which was laid over. The President laid before the Board the following communication from the health Depar tment HEALTH DEPARTMENT, NEW YORK, June 26, 1895. WILLIAM H. TEN EYCK, Esq., Clerk, Board of Aldermen, New York City. SIR—At a meeting of the Board of Health of the Elealth Department held June 24 it was Resolved, That a copy of the report of Chief Sanitary Inspector Lucas on the dangerous con- dition of vacant lots south side of One Hundred and Thirty-third street, three hundred feet west of Lenox avenue, and extending one hundred feet west, he forwarded to the Honorable the Board of Aldermen, with the request that for sanitary reasons the Department of Public Works be authorized and directed to have said lots fenced. A true copy. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, NEW YORK, June 2I, t895. CHARLES F. ROBERTS, M. D., Sanitary Superintendent: SIR--On June 7, 1895, on complaint of citizen, an inspection was made of the vacant lots south side of One Hundred and Thirty-third street, three hundred feet west of Lenox avenue, and extending loo feet west, and the same were found in a filthy condition. No order was issued, as the alleged owner, Cornelia Wray, lives in New Jersey, and post-office address could not be ascer- tained for service. I therefore respectfully recommend that the Board of Aldermen be requested to authorize the Department of Public Works to have said lots fenced. Respectfully, (Signed) ALFRED LUCAS, Chief Sanitary Inspector. A true copy. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary. (G. 0.348.) In connection therewith Alderman Goodman offered the following : Resolved, That the vacant lots on the south side of One Hundred and Thirty-third street, three hundred feet west of Lenox avenue, and extending one hundred feet west, be fenced in with a tight board fence, where not already done, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted. Which was laid over. RESIGNATIONS. The President laid before the Board the following communication from Edward E. McCall NEW YORK, July 1, 1895. The Honorable Board of Aldermen of the City of A'e¢o York: GENTLEMEN—I herewith tender my resignation as Commissioner of Deeds for the City and County of New York, the same to take effect immediately. Very respectfully yours, EDWARD E. McCALL. Which was accepted and the vacancy referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. The President laid before the Board the following communication from William A. Hoy JUNE 28, 1895• To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York GENTLEMEN-1 hereby resign the office of Commissioner of Deeds of the City and County of New York. Respectfully yours, WILLIAM A. HOY. Which was accepted and the vacancy referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS RESUMED. By Alderman Wund— Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Church of the Reconciliation to place and keep two transparencies, one on the southwest corner of Thirty-first street and Second avenue, and the other on the southeast corner of Thirty-first street and Third avenue, the work to done at their own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permis- sion to continue only for two weeks from the date of approval by his Honor the Mayor. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. By Alderman Goetz— Resolvcd, That Charles Simon, of No. 17o Forsyth street, be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. By Alderman Kennefick— Resolved, That Frank D. Allen, of No. 32 Nassau street, be and he is hereby reappointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. By Alderman Lantry— Resolved, That William Dilger, of No. 143 East Fifty-eighth street, be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds-in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. By Alderman Muh— Resolved, That James McKinney, of One Hundred and Seventieth street and Third avenue, be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. By the same— Resolved, That Joseph Sobel, of No. 114 First avenue, be and he is hereby appointed a Com- missioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. By the same— Resolved. That Theo. A. Meyer, of No. 525 West Fifty-ninth street, he and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. By Alderman Murphy— Resolved, That Francis E. V. Dunn, of No. 351 East Fifteenth stre--t, be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. By Alderman Woodward— Resolved, That Emil Friend, of No. 24.42 Eighth avenue, be and he hereby is appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. REPORTS. The Committee on Salaries and Offices respectfully REPORT for adoption the following resolutions : Resolved, That the following-named persons be and they are hereby respectively reappointed Commissioners of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York, to date from the expiration of their present terms of office, viz. : Edward A. Acker. James E. McLarney. Maurice B. Blumenthal. Lawrence E. McArdle. David B. Cahn. Andrew H. Mangold. Jacob Cole. Michael J. McLoughlin. Thomas P. Dinnean. Edward P. Mowton. Charles H. Drew. William Douglas Moore. Gustave S. Drachman. Robert R. Perkins. Philip Franklin. Samuel Maoheimer. Robert C. Fritz. William P. Rinckhoff. Thos. Garrett Fennell, Albert L. Phillips. John J. Fitzsimons. Julius Silverman. George W. Gibbons. Paul R. E. Steier. Meyer Goodman. E. R. Thompson. H. J. Hanson. Benjamin Spier. John Hahnenfeld. George F. Wellman. Benjamin Hoffman. Jonas B. Weil. Robert Hill. John F. Sheridan. William H. Klinker. Emil A. Seelig Arthur E. Kaulfuss. Joseph C. Israel. Nathaniel Levy. Joseph F. Schieffelin. John Looram. Resolved, That the following-named persons be and they are hereby respectively appointed Commissioners of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York, in the places, respectively, of those whose names appear opposite, and whose terms of office have expired, viz. : William H. Stewart, in place of ..............................Lotus B. Adams. Louis Davis, ........... .................. C. H. Babcock. John O. Stryker, .. .................. ........... B. H. Chases. Charles P. Blaney, ... .......................... James A. Donegan. F. E. F. Randolph, ...............................Thomas J. Evers. Conrad,Laun, ..............................Cornelius Farley. William H. Daly, ................................Horace G. Grannis. Jacob C. Mitchell, ................................Edward M. Goodhart. Arthur J. Gormley, ..............................George D. Hannigan. Isaac Rice, .......... ... ........ ......Frank B. Haviland. Vincenzo Garofalo, ................................H. A. B. Kelly. Eugene Hauser, .................. ..... Isaiah Keyser. James K. Laird, .............................. William D. Leonard. Benjamin Raphael, ........ ..................... Alexander J. McAvmche. Miss Inez L. Hedges, ..............................William S. McNamara. Leon A. Malkiel, .. .............................. James S. McGovern. Stephen M. Anderson, .. ...................... ..... John T. Mooney. Edward J. Gsvegan, ................................Henry Manheimer. John J. Donovan, .............................. Peter W. Millady. James B. Mitchell, . .............................. James B. Mitchell. Miss Elizabeth Mount, ..............................Thomas O'Brien. Jonas B. Weil, " .............................. Edward C. O'Brien. Alexander Goldfogle, ..............................Adam F. Pentz. John Newman, .. ..............................William Ruppel. Herman Mayer, ................................James A. Ryan. James J. Morris, .. ....... ....................John Reilly. David Gord-)n, .............................. I)orsey N. II. Schenck. W. 1'. Gilover, ................................Eugene Shepard. Abraham L. Gutman, .... George E. Sherwood. .......................... James McGuire, ..... ......................I - lenry Sobel. Edward A. Murray, ................. ............ William H. Van Cott. Resolved, That the following-named persons be and they are hereby r:spectively appointed Commissioners of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York, in the place respectively, of those whose names appear opposite. who were recently appointed, but failed to qualify, viz, William F. Byrne, in place of ............................ ...William F. Byrne. David Fry, .. ...................... .... ....David Frey. J oseph F. Kenny, .. ............................Joseph F.Kenuy. Roderic O'Connor, ..... .......................... Roderic O'Connor. William Dilger, .. ................................ William A. Crolius. James McKinney, .. ................................ Henry L. Callahan. Joseph Sobel, ..................................1.V. Humphreys. Louis Mand, '` ................................Louis Mand. Theodore A. Meyer, ..................................William E. Irving. Morris Israel, ..................................Morris Israel. Francis E. V. Dunn, ..................................Marcus Jacobs. Charles Simon, .. ........... .................... Julius Levy. RUFUS R. RANDALL, JOSEPH T. HACKETT, FRANK J. GOODWIN, THOMAS M. CAMPBELL, THOMAS DWYER, Committee on Salaries and Offices. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote: Affirmative—The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Brown, Burke, Campbell, Clancy, Dwyer, Goetz, Goodman, Goodwin, Hackett, Hall, Kennefick, Lantry, Marshall, Muh, Murphy, Noonan, Oakley, O'Brien, Olcott, Parker, Randall, Robinson, Schilling, School, Tait, Wines, Woodward, and Wund-3o. Alderman Lantry moved that the Board take a recess until 12 o'clock M. The President put the question whether the Board would ag,ee with said motion. Which was decided in the affirmative. And a recess was ordered until 12 o'clock M. AFTER RECESS. PRESENT : Hon. John Jeroloman, President. Aldermen Nicholas T. Brown,William E. Burke,Thomas M. Campbell,William Clancy, Thomas Dwyer, Christian Goetz, Elias Goodman, Frank J. Goodwin, Joseph 1'. Hackett, Benjamin E. Hall, Jeremiah Kennefick, Francis J. Lantry, Robert Muh, John J. Murphy, Andrew A. Noonan, John T. Oakley, J ohn J. O'Brien, William M. K. Olcott, Charles A. Parker, Joseph Schilling, Henry L. School, William Tait, Frederick A. Ware, Charles Wines, Collin H. Woodward, Jacob C. Wund. COMMUNICATIONS FROM DEPARTMENTS AND CORPORATION OFFICERS RESUMED. The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Department-of Taxes and Assessments: CITY OF NEW YORK, DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, July I, 1895, To the Honorable the Board of Alderm n, City of New York: GENTLEMEN—We herewith transmit, as required by section 828 of the New York City Con. solidation Act of 18212, the Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estate in the City and County of New York for the year 1895 ; also a statement showing the assessed valuations of real and per- sonal estate in the City and County of New York, subject to taxation f r the year 1895, as con- pared with the same for the year 1894. Respectfully, E. P. BARKER, THEODORE SUTRO, JAMES L. WELLS, Commissioners of Taxes and Assessments.

THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1895/1895-07-02.pdfthe city record. official journal. voi. xxiii. new york, tuesday, july 2, 1895. number 6,737. bo4rd of aldermen

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Page 1: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1895/1895-07-02.pdfthe city record. official journal. voi. xxiii. new york, tuesday, july 2, 1895. number 6,737. bo4rd of aldermen




MONDAY, July I, 1895, II o'clock A. M. The Board met in room No. i6, City Hall.

PRESENT: Hon. John Jeroloman, President.

Aldermen John P. Windolph, Vice-President, Nicholas T. Brown, William E. Burke, Thomas M. Campbell, William Clancy, Thomas Dwyer, Christian Goetz, Elias Goodman, Frank J. Goodwin. Joseph T. Hackett, Benjamin E. Hall, Jeremiah Kennefick, Francis J. Lantry, Frederick L. Marshall, Robert Muh, John J. Murphy, Andrew A. Noonan, John T. Oakley, John J. O'Brien, William M. K. Olcott, Charles A. Parker, Rufus R. Randall, Andrew Robinson, Joseph Schilling, Henry L. School, William Tait, Frederick A. Ware, Charles Wines, Collin H. 1Voodward, Jacob C. Wund.

The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

MOTIONS AND RESOLUTIONS. Alderman Brown moved that when this Board adjourns it do adjourn to meet on Tuesday,

July 2, 1895, at it o'clock A. M. The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which

was decided in the affirmative.

COMMUNICATIONS FROM DEPARTMENTS AND CORPORATION OFFICERS. The President laid before the Board the following communication from. the Health Depart-

ment HEALTH DEPARTMENT, NEW YORK, June 26, 1895.

WILLIAM H. TEN EYCK, Esq., Clerk, Board of Aldermen, New York City: SIR—At a meeting of the Bard of Health of the Health Department held June 24 it was Resolved, That a copy of the report of Chief Sanitary Inspector Lucas, on the dangerous

condition of vacant lot Nos. 507-5II West Fifty-lust street, be forwarded to the Honorable the Board of Aldermen, with the request that, for sanitary reasons, the Department of Public Works he authorized and directed to have said lots fenced.

A true copy. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, NEW YORK, June 20, r895.

CHARLES F. ROBERTS, M. D.. Sanitary Superintendent : SIR—On January 16, 1895, on complaint of a citizen, an inspection was made of the vacant

lots Nos. 507-511 West Fifty-first street, and the same were found in a dangerous condition, and an order (No. 1079) was issued January 18, 1895, and was served on the alleged owner, Henry Vokeing, No. 48 East Sixtieth street, directing him to fence said lots, which lie has failed to do. All the remedies existing in this Department for the enforcement of said order have been exhausted, and I therefore respectfully recommend that the Board of Aldermen be requested to authorize the Department of Public Works to have said lots fenced.

(Signed) ALFRED LUCAS, Chief Sanitary Inspector. A true copy. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary.

(G. 0.347•) In connection herewith, Alderman Muh offered the following: Resolved, That the vacant lots Nos. 507-511 West Fifty-first street be fenced in with a tight

board fence, where not already clone, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Which was laid over. The President laid before the Board the following communication from the health Depar tment

HEALTH DEPARTMENT, NEW YORK, June 26, 1895. WILLIAM H. TEN EYCK, Esq., Clerk, Board of Aldermen, New York City.

SIR—At a meeting of the Board of Health of the Elealth Department held June 24 it was Resolved, That a copy of the report of Chief Sanitary Inspector Lucas on the dangerous con-

dition of vacant lots south side of One Hundred and Thirty-third street, three hundred feet west of Lenox avenue, and extending one hundred feet west, he forwarded to the Honorable the Board of Aldermen, with the request that for sanitary reasons the Department of Public Works be authorized and directed to have said lots fenced.

A true copy. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary. HEALTH DEPARTMENT, NEW YORK, June 2I, t895.

CHARLES F. ROBERTS, M. D., Sanitary Superintendent: SIR--On June 7, 1895, on complaint of citizen, an inspection was made of the vacant lots

south side of One Hundred and Thirty-third street, three hundred feet west of Lenox avenue, and extending loo feet west, and the same were found in a filthy condition. No order was issued, as the alleged owner, Cornelia Wray, lives in New Jersey, and post-office address could not be ascer-tained for service. I therefore respectfully recommend that the Board of Aldermen be requested to authorize the Department of Public Works to have said lots fenced. Respectfully,

(Signed) ALFRED LUCAS, Chief Sanitary Inspector. A true copy. EMMONS CLARK, Secretary.

(G. 0.348.) In connection therewith Alderman Goodman offered the following : Resolved, That the vacant lots on the south side of One Hundred and Thirty-third street,

three hundred feet west of Lenox avenue, and extending one hundred feet west, be fenced in with a tight board fence, where not already done, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Which was laid over. RESIGNATIONS.

The President laid before the Board the following communication from Edward E. McCall NEW YORK, July 1, 1895.

The Honorable Board of Aldermen of the City of A'e¢o York: GENTLEMEN—I herewith tender my resignation as Commissioner of Deeds for the City and

County of New York, the same to take effect immediately. Very respectfully yours, EDWARD E. McCALL.

Which was accepted and the vacancy referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. The President laid before the Board the following communication from William A. Hoy

JUNE 28, 1895• To the Honorable the Board of Aldermen of the City of New York

GENTLEMEN-1 hereby resign the office of Commissioner of Deeds of the City and County of New York. Respectfully yours,

WILLIAM A. HOY. Which was accepted and the vacancy referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices.


Resolved, That permission be and the same is hereby given to the Church of the Reconciliation to place and keep two transparencies, one on the southwest corner of Thirty-first street and Second avenue, and the other on the southeast corner of Thirty-first street and Third avenue, the work to done at their own expense, under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works ; such permis- sion to continue only for two weeks from the date of approval by his Honor the Mayor.

The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative. By Alderman Goetz—

Resolvcd, That Charles Simon, of No. 17o Forsyth street, be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York.

Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. By Alderman Kennefick—

Resolved, That Frank D. Allen, of No. 32 Nassau street, be and he is hereby reappointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York.

Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. By Alderman Lantry—

Resolved, That William Dilger, of No. 143 East Fifty-eighth street, be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds-in and for the City and County of New York.

Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices. By Alderman Muh—

Resolved, That James McKinney, of One Hundred and Seventieth street and Third avenue, be and he is hereby appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York.

Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices.

By the same— Resolved, That Joseph Sobel, of No. 114 First avenue, be and he is hereby appointed a Com-

missioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices.

By the same— Resolved. That Theo. A. Meyer, of No. 525 West Fifty-ninth street, he and he is hereby

appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices.

By Alderman Murphy— Resolved, That Francis E. V. Dunn, of No. 351 East Fifteenth stre--t, be and he is hereby

appointed a Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices.

By Alderman Woodward— Resolved, That Emil Friend, of No. 24.42 Eighth avenue, be and he hereby is appointed a

Commissioner of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York. Which was referred to the Committee on Salaries and Offices.

REPORTS. The Committee on Salaries and Offices respectfully

REPORT for adoption the following resolutions :

Resolved, That the following-named persons be and they are hereby respectively reappointed Commissioners of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York, to date from the expiration of their present terms of office, viz. : Edward A. Acker. James E. McLarney. Maurice B. Blumenthal. Lawrence E. McArdle. David B. Cahn. Andrew H. Mangold. Jacob Cole. Michael J. McLoughlin. Thomas P. Dinnean. Edward P. Mowton. Charles H. Drew. William Douglas Moore. Gustave S. Drachman. Robert R. Perkins. Philip Franklin. Samuel Maoheimer. Robert C. Fritz. William P. Rinckhoff. Thos. Garrett Fennell, Albert L. Phillips. John J. Fitzsimons. Julius Silverman. George W. Gibbons. Paul R. E. Steier. Meyer Goodman. E. R. Thompson. H. J. Hanson. Benjamin Spier. John Hahnenfeld. George F. Wellman. Benjamin Hoffman. Jonas B. Weil. Robert Hill. John F. Sheridan. William H. Klinker. Emil A. Seelig Arthur E. Kaulfuss. Joseph C. Israel. Nathaniel Levy. Joseph F. Schieffelin. John Looram.

Resolved, That the following-named persons be and they are hereby respectively appointed Commissioners of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York, in the places, respectively, of those whose names appear opposite, and whose terms of office have expired, viz. : William H. Stewart, in place of ..............................Lotus B. Adams. Louis Davis, ........... .................. C. H. Babcock. John O. Stryker, .. .................. ........... B. H. Chases. Charles P. Blaney, ... .......................... James A. Donegan. F. E. F. Randolph, ...............................Thomas J. Evers. Conrad,Laun, ..............................Cornelius Farley. William H. Daly, ................................Horace G. Grannis. Jacob C. Mitchell, ................................Edward M. Goodhart. Arthur J. Gormley, ..............................George D. Hannigan. Isaac Rice, .......... ... ........ ......Frank B. Haviland. Vincenzo Garofalo, ................................H. A. B. Kelly. Eugene Hauser, .................. ..... Isaiah Keyser. James K. Laird, .............................. William D. Leonard. Benjamin Raphael, ........ ..................... Alexander J. McAvmche. Miss Inez L. Hedges, ..............................William S. McNamara. Leon A. Malkiel, .. .............................. James S. McGovern. Stephen M. Anderson, .. ...................... ..... John T. Mooney. Edward J. Gsvegan, ................................Henry Manheimer. John J. Donovan, .............................. Peter W. Millady. James B. Mitchell, . .............................. James B. Mitchell. Miss Elizabeth Mount, ..............................Thomas O'Brien. Jonas B. Weil, " .............................. Edward C. O'Brien. Alexander Goldfogle, ..............................Adam F. Pentz. John Newman, .. ..............................William Ruppel. Herman Mayer, ................................James A. Ryan. James J. Morris, .. ....... ....................John Reilly. David Gord-)n, .............................. I)orsey N. II. Schenck. W. 1'. Gilover, ................................Eugene Shepard. Abraham L. Gutman, .... George E. Sherwood. .......................... James McGuire, ..... ......................I-lenry Sobel. Edward A. Murray, ................. ............ William H. Van Cott.

Resolved, That the following-named persons be and they are hereby r:spectively appointed Commissioners of Deeds in and for the City and County of New York, in the place respectively, of those whose names appear opposite. who were recently appointed, but failed to qualify, viz, William F. Byrne, in place of ............................ ...William F. Byrne. David Fry, .. ...................... .... ....David Frey.

Joseph F. Kenny, .. ............................Joseph F.Kenuy. Roderic O'Connor, ..... .......................... Roderic O'Connor. William Dilger, .. ................................ William A. Crolius. James McKinney, .. ................................ Henry L. Callahan. Joseph Sobel, ..................................1.V. Humphreys. Louis Mand, '` ................................Louis Mand. Theodore A. Meyer, ..................................William E. Irving. Morris Israel, ..................................Morris Israel. Francis E. V. Dunn, ..................................Marcus Jacobs. Charles Simon, .. ........... .................... Julius Levy.


The President put the question whether the Board would agree with said resolution. Which was decided in the affirmative by the following vote:

Affirmative—The President, the Vice-President, Aldermen Brown, Burke, Campbell, Clancy, Dwyer, Goetz, Goodman, Goodwin, Hackett, Hall, Kennefick, Lantry, Marshall, Muh, Murphy, Noonan, Oakley, O'Brien, Olcott, Parker, Randall, Robinson, Schilling, School, Tait, Wines, Woodward, and Wund-3o.

Alderman Lantry moved that the Board take a recess until 12 o'clock M. The President put the question whether the Board would ag,ee with said motion. Which

was decided in the affirmative. And a recess was ordered until 12 o'clock M.


Hon. John Jeroloman, President. Aldermen Nicholas T. Brown,William E. Burke,Thomas M. Campbell,William Clancy, Thomas

Dwyer, Christian Goetz, Elias Goodman, Frank J. Goodwin, Joseph 1'. Hackett, Benjamin E. Hall, Jeremiah Kennefick, Francis J. Lantry, Robert Muh, John J. Murphy, Andrew A. Noonan, John T. Oakley, John J. O'Brien, William M. K. Olcott, Charles A. Parker, Joseph Schilling, Henry L. School, William Tait, Frederick A. Ware, Charles Wines, Collin H. Woodward, Jacob C. Wund.


The President laid before the Board the following communication from the Department-of Taxes and Assessments:

CITY OF NEW YORK, DEPARTMENT OF TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS, July I, 1895, To the Honorable the Board of Alderm n, City of New York:

GENTLEMEN—We herewith transmit, as required by section 828 of the New York City Con. solidation Act of 18212, the Assessment Rolls of Real and Personal Estate in the City and County of New York for the year 1895 ; also a statement showing the assessed valuations of real and per-sonal estate in the City and County of New York, subject to taxation f r the year 1895, as con- pared with the same for the year 1894. Respectfully,

E. P. BARKER, THEODORE SUTRO, JAMES L. WELLS, Commissioners of Taxes and Assessments.

Page 2: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1895/1895-07-02.pdfthe city record. official journal. voi. xxiii. new york, tuesday, july 2, 1895. number 6,737. bo4rd of aldermen


Relative Assessed Valuation of the Real and Personal Estate in the City and County of New I Franghiade, J. G. (;a]livan, G. J. Gorman, E. J. Graaf, Jr., G. D. Hamlet,, Lessner Harrison, S. York for 1894 and 1895. I Dana Hubbard, William Jacohsohn, 1. L. Johnson, Thomas A. King, Leonard Lander, D. F. Line-

M' tii F TS1• h 11 \f F 4̀ 1 1' ki •lvov Thoma han, Alhett E. I.tttle, Otto Nlater, Iss aty L . itc e , . . o oney, J. c . s ASSESSED VALUATION, Pedie, Joseph A. Shears, Clinton Stevenson, William H. Stewart, Harman A. Vedder, A. Camp-

INCREASE. • I DEcREAse. bell White, J.C. Bryan.

Real Estate, Real Estate. Real Estate, By the Commissioner of Street Improvements—July t, as Chainmen : John J. Meagher,

$96,c84,489 $2.212,900 Herbert J. Knoeppel, William F. Corrigan, John J. Clare, Edward J. O'Connor, August F riedrich.

45,789,x:0 440„00 • • • • • • • Bythe Fire Dc artment— Tune 21,as Ununiformed Firemen : John T. Murphy, Edward F.

45,789,9 ~ 440,250 I ........ ~ J

16.184,610 97,400 ........ Tracy, Samuel Hague.

51,365, 720 370,800 • • • • • • • • Yours respectfully, LEE PHILLIPS, Secretary and Executive Officer.

26,713,200 764,500 ........

23 974.oro ' ¢Sg Soo ........ 43,084,188 36.588,530 23,070,200 22,605,370 15,270,900 27,470,2£6 70,036,440 43,905,850 173,106,840 41 947,442 23,937,713

295,304, 150 145,964,341

282,3o1,62o }' 99,457.8


Real Estate. First............ 993,871,585 Second ......... 39,270,820 Third........... 45,349,650 Fourth.......... x6,087,310 Fifth ........... 50,989,920 Sixth ............27.048.700 Seventh......... 23,684,550 Eighth ......... 42,191,568 Ninth........... 36,384,990 Tenth .......... 22,900,700 Eleventh ....... 22,504,070 Thirteenth......' 15,025.050 Fourteenth .....' 27,423,996 fifteenth ....... 68,929,740 Seventeenth . 43,511.550 Twenty-second .. 168,285,332Twenty-third ... 40,076,247 Twenty-fourth... 22,510,211 Section 3 .......29i,347,450 Twelfth.......... 266,811.316 Nineteenth... ... 247, 648,070 Section 5. .. .......... Section 6 ........ ..........

Total Real Estate.... $1,613,057,735 41.646,008,655 $32,970,920 I ••..••••

Personal Estate. Personal Personal Personal Estate. Estate. Estate.

Resident .......5 268,108,047 9250,620,354 -•... .$17,487,693 Non-resident... 33,947.475 37.955'233 94,007.758 j ......•• Shareholders of.

Banks........ 83,218,750 82,343,420 •....... 5,875.360

Total Personal Estate.... 390.274,302 370.919,007 I 4,007,758 $23,363,053 I .'tfayor's Office—No. 6 City Hall, 9 A. M. to 5 P. M. -_-- — .— — _-- ---- Saturdays, 9 A. 51.10 12 M.

Total Real and Personal Total for Total Mayor's Marshal's Office—No. x City Hall, 9 A. M. to Estate for 1894 ......92,503,332,037 1895. .92,016.947,662 Total Inc. 536.978,678 I De,. 623,363,053 4 P. in.

commissioners af Accounts—Stewart Building, 9 A. %I. Total Assessed Valuation for 1895 .......$2,016,947,662 Total Increase in Assessed Valuation for to Q P. it.

2895 ................................ 53,978,678 Aqueduct Commissioners—Stewart Building, 5th

Total Assessed Valuation fir 1894 ....... 2,003,332,037 ! Total Decrease in Assessed Valuation for floor, 9 r. St. to 4 P. M. x895 • • ......... • • • • .......... • . • • • • • 22,363,o53 _ Board 0/ Armory Commissioners—Sewart

- -- Building,

19 A. st. to 4 r'. M. ; Saturdays, 9 A. M. to 1204.

Inciease in 1895 ............. $13,615,625 Net Increase in 0895........ $r3,6rp,6z Clerk of Common Council—No. 8 CityHall, A. M. to

Section 3=Sixteenth, Eighteenth. Twentieth and Twenty-first Wards, Fourteenth to Fortieth street• river to 4 P. M. Department of Public Works—No. 31 Chambers

river. Section 5= Nineteenth Ward, Fortieth to Seventy-ninth street, Sixth avenue to East river, street, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Department of .Street Iutpn ventents, Twenty-third Section 6=Parts of Twelfth and Nineteenth }yards, Seventy-ninth street to Harlem river. Sixth avenue to East

and Twenty-fourth Wards—No. 2622 Third avenue, river. 9 0.51. to 4 P. M.; Saturdays, 12 At.

E. P. BARKER, THEODORE SUTRO, JAMES L. WELLS, Commissioners of Taxes and Department of Buildings — No. z2o Fourth avenue,

Assessments. _ 9 A. 51. to 4 P.M.

Comftroller's Office—No 15 Stewart Building, 9 A. At. NEW 1 ORK, July I, IS95- to 4 P. M. Which was referred to the Committee on Finance. i .4udirirg Bureau—Nos. 19, 21 and 23 Stewart Build.

Whereuponthe President, having announced that the tax books, forty-seven in number, were ing, o A. Ic. to 4 P. M.

now in the possession of the Board, made the following order: o Bureaufor the Collection ofAssessmeetsandArrears f Taxes and Assessn,euts and of Water Rents—Nos.

The tax and asses:;ment rolls having been finally submitted to the Board of Aldermen on the 0, 33, 35. 37 and ,o Stewart Builoing, 9 A. 51.104 P. M• first Monday in July, being July t, 1895, the undersigned, in the name of the Board, and as one No money received after 2 P.51.

of its acts, and by virtue of law, authorizes and requests the Commissioners of Taxes and Assess- .eau for

c q nand t1B o:.th a dCollection

wa Building. to menu, by themselves and such clerical assistance as may be at their disposal, but without expense 4 P.M. No money received after 2 P.M. to the City and County, to cause to be properly estimated and computed the taxes to be imposed Bureau/or the Collection of Taxes—Stewart Build. under and by virtue of said rolls, and to cause the said estimation and computation to be properly tog, 9 A. M. to 4 P. 5+. No money received after 2 P. ti.

set down and extended in the said tax or assessment rolls or books, to cause the item of said taxes ' City Chamterlaiu--Nos. z5 and 27 Stewart Budding.

lobe carefully added, and set down the amount of the same in said rolls or hooks, and to perform such other duties connected with the said tax or assessment rolls or books as the undersigned is, by

\VI. New York City Consolidation Act of 1882, as

9 A. t'a

o ymas l ter—stewarr ttutlding, q A. 111.104 P. 1t.

I Counsel to the Cor/,oratian—Staats-Zeitung Building, 9 A. M. 10 5 P. M. ; Saturdays, g A. M. tO 1201. sections 83 t and 832 of title I of chapter of the

amended by chapter422, Laws of 1 S 2, authorizedor required to have done. p 9 to Public Administrator—No. q9 Beckman street, g 0.111. 4 P. nt.

JOHN JEROLOJIAN, President of Board of Aldermen. C:rp ration Attorney—No. 49 Beekman street, 9 A. M.


Attorney for Collection o/ Arrears of Fer: oua!

Alderman Brown moved that the Board do now adjourn. Taxes—Stewart Building, 9 A. 51. 10 4 P. 1,t. Bureau of O,benings—Stoats-Zeitung Building. .Street

The President ut the question whether the Board would agree with said motion. Which P Q+ Pol.'e Department—Central Office, No.300 Mulberry was decided in the affirmative by the following vote street, 9 0.51. to 4 I'. SI.

Affirmative—Aldermen Brown, Burke, Campbell, Clancy, Dwyer, Goetz, Goodwin, Hackett, Board of Education—No. 146 Grand street.

Kennefick, Lantry, Muh, Murphy, Noonan, Oakley, O'Brien, Parker, Schilling, Tait, Wines, and Department of Charities and Correction—Central Office, No.66 Third avenue, 9 A. M. to 4 P.M.

Wund-2o, Fire Department—Headquarters, Nos. 157 to 159 East Negative —The President, Aldermen Goodman, Hall, Olcott, School, Ware, and Woodward Sixty-seventh street, 90.111.104 P. M. ; Saturdays, 12 at

—' Central Office open at all hours.

And the President declared that the Board stood adjourned until Tuesday, July 2, 1895, at Heath meut—New Criminal Court Building, Centre street,

eet, 9 q A. M, to 4 P. M.

ii o'clock A. M. Department 0/Public Parks—Arsenal, Central Park, WILLIAM H. TEN EYCK, Clerk. Sixty-fourth street and Fifth avenue, 10 A. Ni. to 4 P. in.;

_ - Saturdays, 12 M. Department o/Docks—Battery, Pier A, North river, ---. -_- _ -----


Department of Taxes and Assessments—Stewart

J une z 1895.To the Supervisor of the City Record : 9, P Building, 9 A.,,. to 4 P. %I- ; Saturdays, xz Ni.

Board of El ctrical Control—No. 1262 Broadway. SIR-1n compliance with section 51 of chapter 410 of the Laws of 1882, the office of Commis. Department of Street Cleaning—Criminal Court

sioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards makes the following Building, 9 A. M. to 4 P. 5'.

report of its transactions for the week ending June 27, 1895: Civil Service Board—Criminal Court Building, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Permits Issued—For sewer connections, 14 for sewer repairs, 6 ; for Croton connections, I P e 4 + Board of Estimate and Apportionment—Stewart for Croton repairs, io ; for placing building material, to-; for gutter bridge, 9 ; for miscellaneous Building. purposes, 19 ; total, 82. Board of Assessors—Office, 27 Chambers street, 9

Public Moneys Received—For sewer connections, $140 ; for restoring pavements, $78 ; for a M. to 4 P. in. Board of Excise—C riminal Court Building, 9 A, M. to

gutter bridge, $9 ; total, $227- 4 P. M. Plans and Specifications Approved—Constructing sewer in Cromwell avenue, from Jerome S/.,r.'+r s O&ce—Nos. 6 and 7 New County Court-

.avenue to Inwood avenue ; constructing sewer in Underclifl avenue, from ward line to Washington house. 9 e.++. to 4 P. Si. Register's (ice—East side City Hall Park, 9 A. M. to

Bridge ; constructing sewer in Westchester avenue, from Rogers place to Barretto street. 4 P. n''

Laborinb Force En. to ed Burin the lVeek—Foremen 6 ; Assistant Foremen,Engineers of ~i y 9 Commissioner of 3itrars—Room 227, Stewart Build-

Steam Rollers. 3 ; Skilled Laborers, 5 ; Sewer Laborers, 13 ; Laborers, 523 ; Carts, 7 ; Teams, ing, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Lo ; Carpenter, i ; Pavers, 3 ; Pruners, 2 ; Machinist, i ; Cleaners, 4 ; total, 637• County Clerk's Ofce—Nos. 7 and 8 New County Court-house, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Total amount of requisitions drawn upon the Comptroller during the week, f 53+596.93 District Attorney's Office — New Criminal Court Respectfully, LOUIS F. HAFFEN, Commissioner. Building, 9 A. M. to 4 P.M.

The City Record Oce—No. 2 City Hall, 9 A. Si. to S P. M.. except Saturdays, 9 A. M. to I2 M.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR'S STATEMENT. Coroners' Office—New Criminal Court Building, 8

Statement and Return of Moneys Received by WILLIAM M. Hogs, Public Administrator A. M. to 5 P. M. ;Sundays and holidays, 8 A.M. tO x2.70 P.M. Edward F. Reynolds, Clerk.

in the City of New York, for the month of Tune, 1895, rendered to the Comptroller Surrogate's Court— New County Court-house. xa3o

in pursuance of the provisions of Sections 56 and 216 of New York City Consolidation A. M. tO 4 P.M. Supreme Court—Second floor, New County Court.

Act of 1882. house, 9.-o A. M. to 4 P.M. General Term, Room No. 9. 'Term, ---'~ ---


Special Part I., Room No. to. Special Term, Part II., Room No. 28. Chambers, Room No. it. Cir- Suit, Part L, Room No. x2. circuit. Part II., Room No.

June 3 j Timothy Kerrigan ..... ........................................ ........ $44 05 944 05 14• Circuit, Part III., Room No. 23. Circuit, Part IV.,

6 83 6 83 •• 5 Clara E. McCraw ............................................... ........ I

40 88 40 88

Room No.'o i5. Court.—Third floor, New CountyCourt-

house, rx A. 51. to 4 P. M. General Term, Room No. N35 .. 6 Robert W. Parkinson ................................................24 17 24 r7

•' 6 John O. Brown ................................................ Sperta1 Term, Room No. 33. Equity Term, Room N~o. a6. Chambers, Room No. 33. Part I., Room No. 34• 6 Annie Bosshard ...................................................... 11 95 tx 95


129 03 129 03 hart II., Room No. 35. Part III., Room No. 36. Nat- 20 Louise Ku liar ......................................................1 72 57 - x72 57

r8 Jane Nolan......................................................, ........ 27 94 27 94

uralization Bureau, Room No.1. Clerk's Office, Room 3 19 David S. Herring ............................................. No. 31, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Court of Common Pleas.—Third floor, New County • • • • • • • • • • • • • • - Totals... ...••..• ......•• I $457 42 I $457 42 Court-house, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Assignment Bureau,

~— -- -- -- -- Room No. 23, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Clerks Office, Room



a addjoo urnment. Special Term, Room No. 2z,

II 2 gA. 4P. n General Term, Room No. 22,

Naw YORK, July 1, 1895. II A. M. to adjournment. Chambers, Room No. 22,

Supervisor of the City Record ; In accordance with Civil Service Regulations, I hereby report 10.30 A. Si. to adjournment. Part I., Room No. 26, it A. M. to adjournment. Part HI., Room No. 24, rt A. m.

the following appointments : to adjournment. Equity Term, Room No. 25, a A. M.

By the Public Works Department—June 27, as Keeper on the Aqueduct : W. M. Holbrook. to adjournment. Naturalization Bureau, Room No. 23,9 A. M. to 4 P.M.

June 27, as Inspectors of Sewers: Alfred A. St. Amand, John Kenny, Jr., John H. Doyle. June 2I, Court of General Sessions—New Criminal Court

as Axeman : Albert P. Smyth. June 25, as Leveler: L. L. C. Bartlett. Building, opens M Centre street. Court at x t o'clock A. . ; adjourns q P. M. Clerk's Office, 100.51. till q P. M.

By the Finance Department—June 12, as Examiner: Michael F. Gannon. City Court—City Hall. General Term, Room No. 20. By the Health Department—July t, as Inspector of Offensive Trades: Gustav R. Tuska. rrial Term, Part I., Room No. 2o; Part II., Room

JulyI as Clerk in Bactenological Division : Francis J. Moran. July t, as Medical Inspectors on

G. L. Nicholas, Donald M. Baistow, E. Franklin Smith, S. Wesly Smith, Fred'k te ummerr Corps:

No. 21 ; Part III.. Room No. r5 ; Part IV., Room No. 21. Special Term Chambers

lerk's i1ll be 1eld in Room No.o

Room City

W. James, F. L. Taylor, Charles H. Peck, Edward W. Perkins, George T. Hunter, Sumner A. Hail, 9 A. M. to 4 P. M.

Mason, Simon G. Frank, Alfred S. Taylor, R. J. M. Lewis, Leo Ettinger, Sidonia Weiss, Selian Oyer and Termixer Court—New Criminal Court Court Neubof, Elliott S. Cones, Addison Raynor, Nelson L. Deming, Henry C. Hazen, S. H. Abkarfan, Building, Centre street. opens at to$ o'clock A. Si.

Fielder, V4'alter B. Brouner, T. B. M. Cross, Miss F. G. Deane,W. A. Dunckel, Frank S. M.G. urt

e Criminal Court Build.

tug, 10.30 e . exceptingial


592,600 203,540 172,400 101,300 145,850 46,300

.,106,700 391.300

4.821,508 1,871,+95 1,418,102 3,956,7c0


OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. bistro ct Cp,il Courts.—First t)istrict—Sauth west corner of Centre and Chambers streets. Clerk's office open from 9 I.M. to 4 P. M. Second District—Corner of Grand and Centre streets. Clerk's Office open from 9 A. Si. to 4 P. Ni. Third District—Southwest corner Sixth avenue and West Tenth street. Court open daily (Sundays and legal h ,lidays excepted, from 9 A. M. to 4 P, in. Fourth District—No. 30 First street. Court opens 9 A. Si. daily. Fifth District—No. 154 Clinton stre,t. Sixth District—Northwest corner Twenty. third street and Second avenue. Court opens q A. at. daily. Seventh District—No. r5r East Fifty-seventh street. Court opens o o'clock (except Sundays and legal holidays). Eighth District—Northwest corner of Twenty-third street and Eighth avenue. Court opens 9 A. Si. Trial days: Wednesdays, Fridays and Satur-days. Return days : Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur-days. Ninth District—No. 170 East One Hundred and Twenty-first street. Court opens every morning at o'clock (except Sundays and legal holidays;. Tenth District—Corner of Hord avenue and One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street. g A. 51. to 4 r. 51, Elsventh District—No. 919 Eighth avenue. Court open daily (Sundays and legal holidays excepted; from 9 A. M. to 4 P. St.

Police Courts - Office of Secretary, Fifth District Police Court, One Hundred and Twenty-fifth street, neor Fourth avenue. First District—Tombs, Centre street. Second District—Jefferson Market. Third District—No. 69 Essex street. Fourth District—Fifty-seventh street, near Lexington a,enue. Fifth District —(inc Hundred and 'Twenty-first street, southeastern corner of Sylvan place. Sixth District—One Hundred and Fifty-eighth street and Third avenue.

FIRE DEPARTMENT. Now Yot , July 2, 2895.

SEALED PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING each of the following-mentioned fire apparatus

will be received by the Board of Commissioners of the Fire Department, at the office of said Department, Nos. 157 and 159 East Sixty-seventh street, in the City of New York, until to o'clock A. M. Wednesday, July 17, 1895, at which time and place they will be publicly opened by the head of said Department and read : TWO THIRD SIZE AMOSKEAG STEAM FIRE-


STEAM FIRE-ENGINES. Separate bids must be made for each kind of appara-

tus. For the Amoskeag Steam Fire-engines above men-

tioned the amount of security required is $4,500 and the time for delivery go days. For the La France Steam Fire-engines above men-

tioned the amount of security required is $4,000, and the time for delivery yo days.

No estimate will be received or considered after the hour named.

For information as to the amount and kind of work to be done, bidders are referred to the specifications, which form part of these proposals.

The form of the agreement, with specifications, show-ing the manner of payment for the work, may be seen, and forms of proposals may be obtained at the office of the Department.

Bidders will write out the amount of their estimate in addition to inserting the same to figures.

The damages to be paid by the contractor for each day that the contract may be vnfttlfilled after the time specified for the completion thereof shall have expired. are fixed and liquidated at twenty f 20) dollars.

The award of the contracts will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any person making an estimate for the work shall present the same in a sealed envelope to said Board, at said office, on or before the day and hour above named, which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or names of the person or persons presenting the same, the date of itspresentation, and a statement of the work to which it relates.

The Fire Department reserves the right to decline any and all bids or estimates, if deemed to be for the public interest. No bid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Corporation upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporation.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same; the names of all persons interested with him or them therein; and if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact; that it is made without any connection with any other person making an esti-mate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud • and that no member of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureatt, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested, it is requisite that the verifica-tion be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate shall he accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders of the City of New York, with their res/sectine places ojbusiness or residence, to the effect that tf the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance and that if he shall omit or re-fuse to execute the same,they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corpora-tion may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent let-ting ; the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accom- panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or

APPROVED PAPERS. Resolved. That the vacant lots at Nos. 711 to 715 East One Hundred and Thirty-eighth street,

and at Nos. 710 to 714 East One Hundred and Thirty-ninth street, be fenced in with a tight board fence, where not already done, under the direction of the Commissioner of Street Improvements, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, June 18, 1895. Approved by the Mayor, June 28, 1895. Resolved, That the vacant lots at the southeast corner of Morris avenue and One Hundred and

Fifty-third street be fenced in with a picket fence for a distance of fifty feet on Morris avenue and one hundred and seventy feet on One Hundred and Fifty-third street, where not already done, under the direction of the Commissioner of Street Improvements, Twenty-third and Twenty- fourth Wards ; and that the accompanying ordinance therefor be adopted.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, June 18, 1895. Approved by the Mayor, June 28, 1895• Resolved, That water-mains he laid in South avenue, between Palisade and Riverdale avenues,

under the direction of the Commissioner of Public Works, as provided by section 356 of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882.

Adopted by the Board of Aldermen, June 25, 1895. Approved by the Mayor, June 28, 1895-

Page 3: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1895/1895-07-02.pdfthe city record. official journal. voi. xxiii. new york, tuesday, july 2, 1895. number 6,737. bo4rd of aldermen



otherwise ; and that he has offered himself asa surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York before the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract.

No estionate zai71 he considered unless accompanied by either a certified check ufon one of the banks of

the City of Nev, York, drawn to Ike order of the Comftroller. to the amount of five (5) tier cent urn of the amount of the security rrquired. Such check or money must not be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the suc-cessful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded, If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall exe-cute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Should the person or persons to whom the contra- t may be awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or proposal, or if he or they accept, but do not execute, the contract and give the proper security, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it and as in default to the Cor-poration, and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law.




NEW YORK, July I, 1895.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN BY THE Commissioners of 'Taxes and Assessments that

the assessment rolls of real and personal estate in said city, for the year 1895, have been finally completed, and have been delivered to the Board of Aldermen of said city, and that such assessment rolls will remain open to public inspection, in the office of the Clerk of said Board of Aldermen, for a period of fifteen days from the date of this notice.

EDWARD P. BARKER, THEODORE SUTRO, JAMES L. WELLS, Commissioners of Taxes and Assessments.


ter 567 of the Laws of 1894, entitled " A n Act to amend chapter 5;7 of the Laws of 1893, entitled 'An Act providing for ascertaining and paying the amount of damages to lands and buildings suffered by reason of changes of grade of streets or avenues, made pur- suant to chapter seven hundred and twenty-one of the Laws of eighteen hundred and eighty-seven, providing for the depression of railroad tracks in the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, in the City of New York, or otherwise,' " notice is hereby given, that public meetings of the Commis-sioners appointed under said act, will be held at Room No. s8 Schermerhorn Building, No. 96 Broadway, in the City of New York, on Monday, Wednesday and Friday of each week, at z o'clock P.:,1., until further notice.

Dated New 1'oRK, September to, 1894. DANIEL LORI), JAMES M. VARNUM, DANIEL. P. HAYS.

Commissioners, LAsIoNT McLOUGHLIN, Clerk.


NO'IICF IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE Board of Street Opening and Improvement of

the City of New York, deeming it for the public interest so to do, propose to alter or change the grade of West Fifty-fourth street, between Tenth avenue and the bulkhead-line of the Hudson river, in the 'I'wenty-second Ward of said city, more particularly described as follows :

Beginning at a point in the centre line of Fifty-fourth street, distant 350 feet easterly from the easterly line of Eleventh avenue, elevation 27 feet 8 inches above city base ; thence westorly. distance 350 feet, to the easterly line of Eleventh avenue, elevation 24 feet 6 inches; thence westerly, too feet, to the westerly lire, elevation 24 feet 6 inches ; thence wester-ly, distance Boo feet, to the easterly line of Twelfth ave- nue, elevation 6 feet ; thence too feet to the westerly line, elevation 6 feet ; thence westerly, distance 150 feet, to the bulkhead-line, Hudson river elevation 5 feet.

All elevations above city base or datum line. V. B- IIVINGSTON, Secretary.

Dated NEw YORK, June 22, 1895.


I UILDING, No. a8o BI.OADWAY, NEw YORK, June 15, 1895.


BI DS OR PROPO~ ALS FOR DOING THE WORK and furnishing the materials called for in the ap-

proved forms of contract now on file in the office of the Aqueduct Commissioners, for building the Jerome Park Reservoir, near Kingsbridge, in the'l sveuty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, will be received at this office until Wednesday m M.,y to, x895, at 3 o'clock P. ., and they will be publicly opened by the Aqueduct Commis-sioners as soon thereafter as possible, and the award of the contract for doing said work and furnishing said materials will be made by said Commissioners as soon thereafter as practicable.

Blank forms of said approved contract, and the speci-fications thereof, and bids or proposals and proper envelopes for their inclosure, form of bonds, and all other information can be obtained at the above office of the Aqueduct Commissioners on application to the Secretary.

By order of the Aqueduct Commissioners. JAMES C. DUANE, President.

EDWARD L. ALLEN, Secretary.


IN ACCORDANCE WITH AN ORDINANCE OF the Common Council, "In relation to the burial of

strangers or unknown persons who ma • die in any of the public institutions of the City of New

may the Com-

missioners of Public Charities and Correction report as follows :

At Morgue, Bellevue Hospital, from One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street and North river—Unknown man; aged about 30 years; 5 feet 6 inches high ; brown hair. Had on blue and black striped pants, red and white striped outing shirt, gray cotton undershirt and drawers, black cotton socks, laced shoes. Bunch of tz keys found on his person.

Unknown man, from Third street and East river; aged about 40 years ; 5 feet to inches high ; body in an advanced state of decomposition, about five months in water. Had on black and blue striped pants, green woolen shirt, gray woolen undershirt and drawers, gray woolen socks, laced shoes.

Unknown man, from No. rho Mott street, aged about

35 years ; 5 feet -, inches high ; brown eyes and hair, brown moustache. Had on brown sack coat and vest, hue overalls, brown striped outing shirt, white Canton flannel drawers, white cotton s' cks, gaiters, brown felt hat, belt around waist.

By order, G. F. BRITTON, Secretary.


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY (lIVEN THAT one t) Horse, the property of this Department,

will lie sold at Public Auction on Friday, July r2, 1895, at r o'clock A. MI., by Van'1'assell & Kearney, Auc-tioneers, at their stables, Nos. t3o and t32 East Thirteenth street,

By order of the 1)oard, WM. DELAMATER, Deputy Clerk.

New YORK, June 22, 1895.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT two (2) Horses, the property of this Department,

will be sold at Public Auction on Tuesday, July 9, 1895, at to o'clock A. Si,, by Van Tassell & Kearney, Auc-tioneers, at their stables, Nos, 03o and i32 East'Lhir-teenth street.

By order of the Board. WML DELAMATER, Deputy Clerk,


OWNERS WANTED BY THE PROPER1't Clerk of the Police Department of the City o'

New York, No. 300 Mulberry street, Room No. 9, for the following property, now in his custody, without claim. ants; Boats, rope, iron, lead, male and female clothing, boots, shoes, wine, blankets, diamonds, canned goods, liquors, etc., also small amount money taken from prisoners and found by patrolmen of this Department.

JOHN F. HARRIOT, Property Clerk.

CORPORATION NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE ! owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the following assessments have been cow pleted and are lodged in the office of the Board of As sessors for examination by all persons interested, viz.:

List 4874, No r. Alteration and improvement to sewer in Third street, between East river and Avenue A.

List 48ra, No. z. PavingS..uth street, from Wh'tc-hall to Corlears street, with granite blocks and layingcross-walks (so far as the tame is within the limits of grantsof land tinder water).

The limits embraced by such assessments include all the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of land situated on—

Not, Both sides of Third street, from the Bowery to a point distant about 1:82 feet east of Goerck street ; also both sides of Lewis street, from Second street to Fourth street ; both sides of Man-hattan street, from Second to Third street ; both sides of Avenue 1) and Avenue C, from Second to Fourth street ; both sides of Avenue B, from Second to 'third street; both sides of Avenue A, First avenue and Second avenue, from Second to Thild street and east side of the Bowery, from Second to Third street.

ho. z. Northerly side of South street, from Whitehall to Corlears street, and both sides of Montgomery street, from Front ;o South street, and to the extent of half the block at the intersecting streets.

All persons whose interests are affected by the above named assessments, and who are opposed to the same or either of them, are requested to present their objec-tions, in writing, to the Chairman of the Beard of As-sessors, at their office, No. a7 Chambers street, within thirty days from the date cf this notice.

The above-described lists will be transmitted, as pro. vided by law, to the Board of Revision and Correction of Assessments, for confirmation on the 1st day of August, 1895.


NEW YORK, July 1, x895.

PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all

houses and lots, improved or unimproved lands affected thereby, that the following assessments have been com- pleted and are lodged in the office of the Board of As- sessors for examination by all persons interested, viz. :

List 4827, No. I Extension of sewer outlet at foot of Broad street, under Pier 5, East river.

List 4830, No. z. Alteration and improvement to sewer in Sixty-second street, between East river and Eastern Boulevard, and new sewer in Eastern Boulevard, be-tween Sixty-first and Sixty-second streets, connecting with existing sewers at Sixty first street and Eastern Boulevard.

The limits embraced by such assessments include all the several houses and lots of ground, vacant lots, pieces and parcels of land situated on—

No. t. Both sides of State street, from Whitehall street to Morris street; both sides of Whitehall street, from East river to Broadway ; east side of Broadway, from Bowling Green to Pine street ; both sides of Whitney street, north of Bridge street; both sides of New street, from Beaver to Wall street ; both sides of Moore street, from South to Pearl street ; both sides of Markelfield street, south of Beaver street ; both sides of Broad street, from South to Wall Street; both sides of Nassau street, from Wall to Cedar street ; both sides of Coenties Slip and Cocnties Alley, from South to Stpr.e street; both sides of William street, from Beaver

,to Wall street ; west side of William street, from Wall to Pine street ; west side of South street, from White-hall street to Coenties Slip; both sides of Front street, from Whitehall street to Cuylers Alley; both sides of Water street, from Whitehall street to Cuylers Alley; both sides of Pearl :trees, from State street to a point zoo feet north of Coenties Slip; both sides of Bridge street, from State to Broad street ; both sides of Stone street, from Whitehall street to Old Slip ; both sides of South William street, from Broad street to Beaver street ; both sides of Beaver street, from Broadway to Hanover street; both sides of Ex-change place, from Broadway to Hanover street; both sides of Wall street, from Broadway to William street; south side of Pine str-et, from Broadway to William street; north side of Pine street, from Broadway to 140 feet east of Nassau street, and south side of Cedar street, distant about r5o feet west of Nassau street.

No, a. East side of Avenue A. from Fifty-eighth to Sixty-third street, and from Sixty-fourth to Seventy-first street; west side of Avenue A, from Fifty-eighth to Seventy-first street; east side of First avenue, from Fifty-eighth to Seventieth street ; west side of First avenue, from Fifty-eighth to Sixty-ninth street; east side of Second avenue, from Sixtieth to Sixty-ninth street ; west side of Second avenue. from Sixty-first to Sixty-eighth street; east side of Third avenue, from Sixty-fourth to Sixty-eighth street ; both sides of Fifty-eighth street, extending about 300 feet West of First avenue: both sides of fifty-ninth, Sixtieth, Sixty-first and Sixty-second streets, from Second avenue to East river ; both sides of Sixty-third strict and Sixty-fourth street, from Third avenue to Avenue A ; both sides of Sixty-fifth, Sixty-sixth and Sixty-seventh streets, from Third avenue to East river ; south side of Sixty-eighth street, from Second to Third avenue ; both sides of Sixty-eighth street, from Second avenue to East river ; south side of Sixty-ninth street, from First to Second avenue ; both sides of Sixty ninth street, from First avenue to Fast river, and both sides of Seventieth sere^-t, from First avenue to Avenue A.

All persons whose interests are affected by the above-named assessments, and who are opposed to the same, or either of them, are requested to present their objec-tions, in writing, to the Chairman of the Board of Assess-ors, at their office, No. 27 Chambers street, within thirty days from the date of this notice.

The above-descrtbed lists will be trsmi antted, as pro- vided by law, to the Board of Revision and Correction

of Assessments fur con firmation on tilt! a7tb day of July, 1895.

CHARI.1•;S R. WENI)'l', Chairman, l'A'I'RICK M. HAVER'I'V. EDWARD (AH11.1., HENRY A. GLIU Ill .l' ION, 1loard of :1f~ ssors.

NEu YORK, June s ',r'95.


New VieK, June z5, 1895. To -I ('O\TRACTORS.

"E.- I Elf BIDS OR ESTIMATES FOR EACH OF the, following -mentioned works, with the title of

the work :cud the name of the bidder indorsed thereon, also the number of the work, as in the advertisement, will be received by the Commi,sioner of Street Improve-rnents of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards, at his office, No. 2622 - Third avenue, corner of One Hun-dred and Forty-first street, until It o'clock A. Si.. on Wednesday, July to, 1895, at which place and hour they will be publicly opened : No. r. FOR REGULATING,GRAUIN(;, SF7"I'ING


No. z. FOR Rr.GUI.A'I'ING AN It PAVING, WITH GRANITE-L'LOCK PAVFMENI', THE CARRIAGEWAY OF AND LAYING CRt) SWALKS IN WEBSTER AVE. N UF, from the New Yerk and Harlem Railroad fridge, at One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street, to One Hundred and Eighty-fourth street.


No. 4. FOR CONSTRUCTING SEWERS AND AP-PUR'I'F.NANCES IN THIi, D AVENUE, from One Hundred and Seventy-first street to Wendover avenue.

No.S. FOR CONSL'RUCIING SEWER AND AP-PUR1'ENANCLS IN VANDERBILT' AVENUE, 1VL:S1', between East One Hun-dred and Seventy-fifth street and Tremont avenue.

No.6. OR CONS'I'RUCCING SEWER AND 1P-PUR1'ENANCES IN I'l.Ly1P'I'ON AVE-NUE, from the existing sewer in Iloscobel avenue to Orchard street.

Each estimate must contain the name and place of resi- dence of the person making the same, the names of all persons interested with him therein, and it no other per-son be so interested it shall distinctly state that fact. That it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same work, and is in all respects lair and without collusion or fraud. That no member of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested in the estimate or in the work to which it relates or in the profits thereof.

Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party making the same, that the several matters therein stated are true, and must be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, to the effect that if the contract is awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, upon its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance; and that if he shall refuse or neglect to execute the same, they will pay to the Cor-poration any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled upon its completion, and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to whom the contract shall be awarded at any subsequent letting; the amount to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested.

The consent last above mentioned must be acconl-panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of the contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety,

'.. or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as Surety in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond reouired by law,

No estimate will be considered unless accont-panied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Depart-ment who has charge of the estimate-box, and no esti-mate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

The Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards reserves the right to reject all bids received for any particular work if he deems it for the best interests of the city.

Blank forms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes in which to inclose the same, the specifications and agreements, and any further information desired, can be obtained at this office.

LOUIS F. HAFFEN, Commissioner of Street Im-provements, 1wenty.third and 'Twenty-fourth Wards.



nishing Five Hundred Tons of White Ash Coal, egg size, for the Willard Parker and Reception Hos-pitals, under the charge of the Board of Health, will be received at the office of the Health Department, in the City of New York, until tn.3o o'clock A. us. ofJuly z, 1895. The person or persons making any bid or estimate shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope, indorsed " Bid or Estimate for Furnishing Coal for Willard Parker and Reception Hospitals," and with his or their name or names, and the date of its presentation, to the head of said Department, at the said office, on or before the day and hour above named, at which time and place the bids or estimates received will be publicly opened by the President of said Board and read,

The Board of Health reserves the right to reject all bids or estimates, as provided in section 64, chapter 410, Laws of r88z, ii deemed to be for the public interest, Nobid or estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor-poration upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- poration.

The award of the contract will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

The Coal to be of good quality, and the quantity that will be required will he about Five Hundred (500) Tons of White Ash Coal, to be well screened and in good order, each ton to be 2,240 pounds, in accordance with the specification attached to and which forms a part of the contract aforesaid,

Delivery to be made at the Willard Parker and Recep-

Lion Hn.pitds, near the foot of Fast Sixteenth Street, at the time required by the hoard of Health ; any changes in the time or place of delivery, however, may lie made in writing by the Board of Health.

The above quantity is estimated and approximated only and bidders are notified that the Hoard of Health reserves the right to increase or diminish said quantities by an amount not exceeding fifteen per cent, of the estimated t{uantities, and the contractor will be paid therefor only at the rate or price named in the contract, and that in case the above-named quantity shall not be required by the Department, no allowance will be made for anreal V or supposed damage or loss of profit.

I he person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to give security for the per-forn)ance of the contract by his or their bond, with two sufficient sureties, each in the penal sum of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED (1.200) DO1.l,ARS.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and piace of residence of each of the persons slaking the same ; the names of all persons interested with hint or them therein; and if no other person be so inter- ested, it shall distinctly state that fact; also that it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair, and without collusion or fraud; and that no member of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it rehues, or any portion of the profits thereof. The bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the- party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters therein stated are in all respects true.

Where more than one person is interested, it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Bidders will be required to furnish testimonials that they are engaged in the coal business in the City of New York, and have the plant necessary to carry out promptly and regularly the contract, if it be awarded, to the entire satisfaction of the Board of Health, and must furnish an undertaking for the faithful perform-ance of all the provisions thereof in the manner pro-vided by law, executed by two householders or free-holders of the City of New York, each justifying in the penal sum of ONE THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED (r,soo) DOLLARS, and agreeing that if he shall omit or refuse to execute the said contract they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled on its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person or per-sons to whom the contract shall be awarded at any sub-sequent letting; the amount in each case to be calcu-lated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a house-holder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the com-pletion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise ; and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law. 'the adequacy and suffi-ciency of the security offered is to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York,

Should the person or persons to whom the contract Is awarded neglect or refuse to accept the contract within five days after written notice that the same has been awarded to his or their bid or estimate, or if he or they accept, but do not execute, the contract and give the proper .security, he or they shall be considered as having abandoned it, and as in default to the Corpo-ration ; and the contract will be readvertised and relet as provided by law

No bid or estimate will be received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the National or State banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and foutrd to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. It the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal; but if lie shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Bidders are cautioned to examine the form of eon. tract and the specifications for particulars before mak-ing their estimates. Bidders will ,trite out the amount of their estimate in addition to inserting the same in figures.

Payment for the Coal will be made by requisition on the Comptroller, and as more specifically and particu. larly is set forth in the contract form.

Bidders are informed that no deviation from the con-tract and specifications will be allowed, unless under the Written instruction of the Board of Health.

The form of the agreement, including specifications, showing the manner of pays:ent, will be furnished at the office of the Department, Criminal Court Building, Centre, White, bHm and Franklin streets.


Dated NEW YORK, June zo, 1895.


SEALED PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the Board of School Trustees for the Twelfth

Ward, at the Hall of the Board of Education, No. 146 (;rand street, until 3 o'clock P. nt., on Friday, July 5, 1895, for making Alterations and Fitting-up " Madison Hall," No. 58 East One Hundred and Y'wenty-fifill street and No. 1941 Madison avenue, for school pur- poses.

ROBERT E. STEEL, Chairman, ANTONIO RA-SINES, Secretary, Board of School Trustees, Twelfth Ward,

Dated NEW YORK, June zz, 1895. Sealed proposals will also be received at the same

place by the School Trustees of the Twenty-fourth Ward, until 4 o'clock P. pt,, on Friday, July 5, 1895, for making Repairs. Alterations, etc., at Grammar Schools Nos. t'4 and 65 and Primary School No. r8.

ELMER A. ALLEN, Chairman, THEODORE E. '1'HOMSON, Secretary, Board of School Trustees Twenty-fourth Ward.

Dated New YORK, June ar, 1895. Sealed proposals will also be received at the same

place by the School Trustees of the Seventh Ward, until to o'clock A. ML, on Tuesday, July 2, 1895, for supplying Furniture for Grammar Schools Nos, 2, tz and Primary School No, 36.

JAMES B. MULRY, Chairman, BERNARD GOR. DON, Secretary, Board of School Trustees, Seventh Ward.

Dated NEW YORK. June Iq, x895. Sealed proposals will also be received at the same

place by the School Trustees of the Twentieth Ward, until 3 o'clock P. nt., on Tuesday, July a, 1895, fur mak-ing Sanitary Improvements at Grammar School No. 33.

CHAS. F. BAUERDORF, Chairman, PATRICK COLLINS, Secretary, Board of School Trustees, Twen-tieth Ward.

Dated NEW YoRK, June 19, 1895. Sealed proposals will also be received at the same

place by the School Trustees of the Seventeenth Ward, until 4 o'clock F. M., on Tuesday. July 2, 1895, for making Repairs, Alterations, etc., at Grammar School No. r3 ; also for Heating and Ventilating Apparatus for Primary School No- a6.


Page 4: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1895/1895-07-02.pdfthe city record. official journal. voi. xxiii. new york, tuesday, july 2, 1895. number 6,737. bo4rd of aldermen

CtINIITI11N5. Section 146 of the New York City Consolidation Art

of 1882 provides that " the Comptroller, with the approval of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, shall determine what, if any, part of said proposals shall lie accepted, and upon the payment into the City '1'reasury of the amounts due by the persons whose bids :Are accepted, respectively, certificates therefor shall be issued to them as authorized by law"; and pro-vided also. •• that no proposals for bonds or stocks shall be accepted for less than the par value of the same."

Those persons whose bids arc accepted will be re-quired to deposit with the City Chamberlain the amount of stock awarded to them at its par value, together with the premium thereon, within three days alter notice of such acceptance.

The proposals should be inclosed in a sealed envelope, indorsed " Proposals for Bonds of the Corporation of the City of New York," and each proposal should also be inclosed in a second envelope, addressed to the Comptroller of the City of New York.




T N PURSUANCE OF' SECTION 916 OF THE " New York City Consolidation Act of 1882," as

amended, the Comptroller of the City of New York hereby gives public notice of the confirmation by the Supreme Court of the assessment for opening and acquiring title to the fol lotving avenue in the

'TWELF'TH WARD. AUDUBON AVENUE, between One Hundred and

Sixty-fifth street and One Hundred and Seventy-fifth street ; confirmed December 31, 1894 ; entered June 6, 1895. Area of assessment : Beginning at a point on the westerly side of Kingsbridge road, distant about t6o feet north of its junction with Amsterdam avenue; running thence northerly on a straight line parallel with Amsterdam avenue, and distant therefrom westerly too feet, to a point ab ,ut 3:5 feet north of One Hun-dred and Seventy-fifth street ; thence westerly on a straight line parallel with One Hundred and Seventy- fifth street, to a point mo feet east of Eleventh avenue ; thence southerly 'in a line parallel wit h Eleventh avenue and Boulevard, to a point abut rz6 feet south of One Hundred and Sixty-fifth street ; thence easterly on a straight line to a point about 150 feet east of Boulevard; thence southerly on a straight line to a point about noo feet north of One Hundred and Sixty-second street: thence easterly on a straight line parallel with One Hundred and Sixty second Street, about 275 feet ; thence in a northerly direction on a straight line 86 feet to the westerly side of Kingsbridge road, opposite the place or point of beginning.

iilc ahos'e-entitled assessment was entered on the date hereinabove given in the Record of Titles of As-sessments Confirmed kept in the "Bureau for the Col-lection of Assessments and Arrears of "faxes and Assessments and of Water Rents." Unless the amount assessed for benefit on any person or property shall be paid within sixty days after the date of said entry of the assessment, interest will be collected thereon as provided in section 917 of said "New York City Consolidation Act of 1882."

Section 9,7 of tire said act provides that, "if any such assessment shall remain unpaid for the period of sixty days after the date of entry thereof in the said Record of Titles of Assessments it shall be the duty of the officer authorized to collect and receive the amount of such assessment, to charge, collect and receive interest thereon at the rate of seven per centum per annum, to be calculated from the date of such entry to the date of payment."

The above assessment is pa} able to the Collector of Assessments and Clerk of Arrears at the "Bureau for I the Collection of Assessments and Arrears of Taxes and Assessments and of Water Rents," Room 31, Stewart Building, between the hours of 9 A. Si. and 2 P. Ni., and all payments made thereon on or before August 5, 2895, will be exempt from interest as above provided, and after that date will be charged interest at the rate of seven per cent, per annum from the above date of entry of the assessment in the Record of 'fides of Assess. ments in said Eureau to the date of payment.

ASHBEL P. FITCH, Comptroller.



THE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC PARKS WII.I. sell at public auction at the Eighty-fifth Street

Stables in Central Park, on Tuesday. July z, 1895, one impounded horse and two impounded dogs.

'I ho purchase-utoncy will be required to be paid in cash at the time of sale, and the purchases removed from the park immediately thereafter.

By order of the Department of Public Parks, CHARI.F.S DE F. BURNS, Secretary.

NEw YORK, June zI, t895. TO CON'li'IACTORS.

SEALED BIDS OR ESFI'BASES FOR THE following-mentioned works, with the title of the

work and the name of the bidder indorsed thereon, will be received by the Department of Public Parks, at its offices, Arsenal, Central Park, until 9.30 o'clock A. St. on Wednesday, July ;, 1895 :



The Engineer's estimate of the work to be done and by which the bids will be tested, is as follows

No. I, AROvE MENTIONED. Bidders are required to state in their proposals, ONE

PRICE OR SUM for which they will execute the ENTIRE WORK.

The time allowed for the completion of the whole work will be SIXTY-FIVE CONSECUTIVE WORK-ING DAYO. 'The damages to be paid by the con- tractor for each day that the contract, or any part thereof, may be unfulfilled after the time fixed for the completion thereof has expired, are fixed at FIFLY DOLLARS per day.

The amount of security required is FORTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS.

No. z, ABOVE MENTIONED. 2,400 cubic yard., of earth excavation. 900 cubic yards of rock excavation. mo lineal feet of new curb-stone furnished and set. 775 lineal feet of old curb-stone taken up and reset. 980 square feet of new flagging furnished and laid,

2,480 square feet of old flagging taken up and relaid. I receiving-basin to be built, complete. 2 receiving-basins to be built, except cap and

gutter stones and iron covers and guards. 5o lineal feet twelve-inch vitrified stoneware pipe

in culverts, to furnish and lay. Bidders are required to state, in writing, and also in

figures, a price for each of the items mentioned in the Engineer's estimate,

The time allowed to complete the whole work will be FORTY CONSECUTIVE WORKING DAYS, and the damages to be paid by the contractor for each day that the contract, or any part thereof may be unfulfilled after the time fixed for the completion thereof has ex-pired, are fixed at TEN DOLLARS per day.

Bidders are particularly cautioned that a provision in

the contract authorizes the sum of 'FWENT'Y-FIVE CENTS per lineal foot of the work done to be retained out of the contract moneys as security for keeping the whole work, when completed, in good order for a period of six months from the date of its acceptance fly the Commissioners of the I )epartment of Public Parks, not including in the computation of the said period the months of December, January, February and March.

The amount of security required is TWO '['IIOU-SAND DOLLARS.

The estimates received will be publicly opened by the head of the said Department at the place and hour last above mentioned and read.

Each bid or estimate shall contain and state the name and place of residence of each of the persons making the same ; the names of all persons interested with him or them therein; and if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact ; that it is matte without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same purpose, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud; and that no member of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly inter-ested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it re-lates, or in any portion of the profits thereof. T'hc bid or estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party or parties making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more than one person is interested, it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed by all the parties interested.

Each bid or estimate shall be accompanied by the con -sent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, with their respective places of business or residence, to the cffct that if the contract be awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become hound as his sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if he shall omit or re-fuse to execute the same, they will pay to the Corpora-tion any difference between the sum to which he 'could be entitled on its completion, and that which the Cor-poration may be obliged to pay to the person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to he cal-culated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested 'the consent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of this contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety or otherwise ; and that he has offered himself as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the hond required by sertion 27 of chapter 8 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of New York, if the contract shall be awarded to the person or persons for'„hom lie consents to become surety. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered to be approved by the Comptroller of the City of New York.

No hid or estimate will be received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National hanks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centurn of the amount of the security required for the faithful per-formance of the contract, Such check or money must NOT be inclosed in the scaled envelope con-taining the estimate, but must he handed to the olbcer or clerk of the Department who has charge ot the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within ten jays after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to - him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

N. P,,-The price insist he written in the estimate and also stated in figures, and all estimates will lie con-sidered as informal which do not contain bids for all items for which bids are herein called, or which contain bids for items for which bids are not herewith called for. Permission will not be given for the withdraw;d of any bid or estimate. No bid will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears momhe Corporation upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corporation.

The Department of Public Parks reserves the right to reject any or all the bids received in response to this advertisement if it should deem it for the interest of the City so to do, and to readvertise until satisfactory bids or proposals shall be received. But the contract when awarded in each case will be awarded to the lowest bidder.

Blank forms for proposals and forms of contracts which the successful bidders will be required to execute, can be had at the office of the l lepartment, Arsenal, Sixty-fourth street and Fifth avenue, Central Park.

DAVID H. KING, Js., GEO. G. HAVEN, JAMES A. ROOSEVELT, A. D. JUILLIARD, Cummission-ers of Public Parks.




BIDS OR ESTIMATES, INCLOSED IN A sealed envelope, :rifh the title of the work and the

name of t/ee bidder ittdarscd thereon, also the inuueber r j Use work as in the adverti•ce,ue,lf, will be received at this office until ,z o'clock M., on Monday, July 8, 1895, at which place and hour they will be publicly opened by the head of the Department Nor. FOR ALTERATION AND IMPROVEMENT

TO SEWER IN SEVENTY-SIXTH STREET, between Park and Madison ave-nues.

No. u, FOR SEWERS IN ONE HUNDRED AND FOURTEENTH STREET, between Amster- dam avenue and Morningside avenue, West.

No. 3. FOR SEWER IN PLEASANT AVENUE, between One Hundred and Fourteenth and One Hundred and Fifteenth streets, connect-ing with sewer in One Hundred and Fifteenth street east of Pleasant avenue.

Each estimate must contain the name and place of residence of the person making the same, the names of all persons interested with him therein, and if no other person be so interested, it shall distinctly state that fact. That it is made without any connection with any other person making an estimate for the same work, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. That no member of the Common Council, head of a'department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested in the estimate, or in the work to which it relates or in the profits thereof.

Each estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party making the same, that the several m attets therein stated are true, and must be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, to the effect that if the con-tract is awarded to the person making the estimate, they will, upon its being so awarded, become bound as his sureties for its faithful performance ; and that if he shall refuse or neglect to execute the same, they will pay to the Corporation any difference between the sum to which he would be entitled upon its completion and that which the Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to whom the contract shall be awarded at any subsequent letting ; the amount to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work by which the bids are tested.

The consent last above mentioned must be accom-panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of


HIRAM MERRITT, Chairman, HENRY H. first days of May and November in each year, and the HAIGHT, Secretary, Board of School Trustees, Seven- said bonds are teenth Ward. EXEMPT FROM TAXATION

Dated New YORK, June 19, 1895. I by the City and County of New York, but not from State No proposal will be considered from persons whose I taxation. pursuant to the provisions of section 130 of the

character and antecedent dealings with the Board of New York City Consolidation Act of ,882, and under an Education render their responsibility doubtful, ordinance of the Common Council of said city, approved

The party submitting a proposal must include in his I by the Mayor, October z, ts8o, and a resslution of the proposal the names of all sub-contractors, and no change I Commissioners of the Sinking Fund adopted February will be permitted to be made in the sub-contractors it, 1895. named without the consent of the School Trustees and $529,889.59 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE Superintendent of School Buildings, I CITY OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AS" SCHOOL

it is required as a condition precedent to the reception HOUSE BONUS"

or consideration of any proposals, that a certified check -the principal payable in gold coin of the United

uuon, or a certificate of deposit of, one of the State or I States of America of the present standard of weight

National banks or'1'rust Companies of the City of New and fineness at the Comptroller's office of said city,

York, drawn to the order of the President of this on the first day of November, in the year 1914, with

Board, shall accompany the proposal to an amount of interest at the rate of three per centum per annum,

not less than three per cent, of such proposal, when payable semi-annually, in such gold coin, on the first

said proposal is for or exceeds ten thousand dollars, days of May and November in each year. i These bonds are issued in pursuance of the provisions and to an amount not less than five per cent, of such

proposal when said proposal is for an amount under ten I of sections 132 and r34 of the New York City Consolida-

thousand dollars ; that on demand, within one day after the awarding of the contract by the proper Board

Lion Act of 1862, and chapter 459 of the Laws of 1894, for the purchase of new school sites, for if-e erection of

of 'Trustees, the President of the Board will new school buildings, and for other school purposes, and

return all the deposits of checks and certificates as authorized by resolutions of the Board of Estimate

of deposit made, to the persons making the same, and Apportionment and the Board of Education, and are

except that made by the person or persons whose I EXEMPT FROM 'TAXATION bid has been so accepted ; and that if the person by the City and County of New York, but not from or persons whose bid has been so accepted shall State taxation, pursuant to the provisions of section t37 refuse or neglect, within five days after due notice has ' of the New Pork City Consolidate n Act of ,882, and been given that the contract is ready for execution, to under an ordinance of the Common Council of said city, execute the same, the amount of the deposit or of the i approved by the Mayor, October z, ,88o, and resolu- check or certificate of deposit made by him or them shall tions of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, be forfeited to and retained by this Board, not as a adopted March 13, 2895, and June ,s, 1895. penalty, but as liquidated damages for such neglect or I f,39z,5co CONSOLIDATE,[) STOCK OF THE CITY refusal, and shall be paid into the City Treasury to the I OF NEW YORK, KNOWN As " ADLI- credit of the Sinking Fund of the City of New York; I -ZION-XL WATER STOCK " but it the said person or persons whose bid has been so -the principal payable in gold coin of the United

I accepted shall execute the contract within the time States of America of the present standard of weight aforesaid, the amount of his or their deposit of check and fineness at the Comptroller's office of said city, or certificate of deposit shall be returned to him or on the first day of November, in the year :914, with them. I interest at the ra:e of three per centuni per annum,

Plans and specifications may be seen, and blank payable semi-annually- in such gold coin, on the first proposals obtained, at the office of the Superintendent days of May and November in each year. of School Buildings, No. 146 Grand street, third floor. These bonds are issued for the sanitary protection of

The Trustees reserve the right to reject any or all the water supply, pursuant to chapter 189 of the Laws of the proposals submitted. of 1893 and sections 132 and 134 of the New York City

The party submitting a proposal, and the parties Consolidation Act of t88z, and as authorized by the proposing to become sureties, must each write his name Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and are and place of residence on said proposal. EXEMPT FROM TAXATION

Two responsible and approved sureties, residents of ' by the City and County of New York, but not from this city, are required in all cases. State taxation, pursuant to the provisions of section 137

of the New York City Consolidation Art of t88z, and under an ordinance of the Common Council of said city,

FINANCE DEPARTMENT. approved by the Mayor, October 2, r88o, and resolu- tions of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund,


EXEMPT FROM TAXATION. PARTMEN'I' BONDS" EXECUTORS, ADMINISTRATORS, I;UARDIA`.S, -the principal payable in gold coin of the United States

AND O1 HFR3 HOLDING 'TRUST' FUNDS , of America of the present standard of weight and fine- ARE AUTHORIZED BY LAW TO INVEST ness at the Comptrollers office of said city, on the first IN THESE BONDS, day of November, in the year 1913, with interest at the

INTEREST TttREE Pee CENT. PER A;\~rat. rate of three per ccntum per annum, payable semi-anntmlly, in such gold coin, on the first days of May and November in each year.

SEALEI) PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIVED 'These bonds arc issued to provide for the acquisition building to by the Comptrollerof the City of New York, at his of police sites, pursuant chapter 350 of the

office, No. 280 Broadway, in the City of New fork, Laws of t8y2 and sections 132 and 134 of the New York until Wednesday, the 3d day of July, 1895, at z o'clock City Consolidation Act of ,e8z, and as authorized by the P. M., when they will be publicly opened in the presence Board of Estimate and Apportionment, and are of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, or such of ! EXEMPT FROM TAXATION them as shall attend, as provided by law, for the whole by the City and County of New York, but not from State or a part of the following registered bonds and stocks of taxation, pursuant to the provisions of section 137 of the the City of New York, to wit: New York City Consolidation Act of z88z. and tinder an $922,000 •` CONSOLIDA FED STOCK OF THE ordinance of the Common Council of said city, approved

C1 IN OF NEW YORK " by the 'Mayor, October 2, 1880, and a resolution of the -the principal payable in gold coin of the United States Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted June in, of America of the present standard of weight and fine- 1893. ness, at the Comptroller's office of said city, on the first $ ,872 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF' THE CITY day of November, in the year too, with interest at the OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AS " SANI'I'AR]" rate of three per centum per annum, payable semi. IMPROVEMENT SCHOOf. HOUSE BONDS" annually, in such gold coin, on the first day of May -the principal payable in gold coin of the United and November in each year. States of America of the present standard of weight

The said stock is issued in pur trance of the provisions and fineness at the Comptroller's office of said city, of sections 132 and 134 of the New York City Consoli- on the first day of November, in the year 1914, with dation Act of 1852, and has been authorized by the interest at the rate of three per centum per annum, Board of Estimate and Apportionment for the following- payable semi-annually, in such gold coin, on the first described purposes ; days of May and November in each year. For construction of Harlem River Drive- 'These bonds are issued to provide for improving the way, pursuant to chapter non of the Laws of ' sanitary condition of the buildings of the common 1893 and chapter 8 of the Laws of 1894..... $500,000 oo schools, pursuant to chapter 4 ,2 of the Laws of 1893, For acquiring title to land for approaches to and sections 132 and 134 of the New York City Con- New Macomb's Dam Bridge, pursuant to solidation Act of 1882, and as authorized by the Board chapter zo7 of the Laws of i89o, as amended of Estimate and Apportionment, and are by chapter 13 of the Laws of 1891 .......... 13,0c0 00 EXEMPT FROM TAXATION For the construction of a building for the by the City and County of New York, but not from Seventh District Police Court and Prison I State taxation, pursuant to the provisions of section 237 and the District Court for the Eleventh Ju- I of the New ] ork City Consolidation Act of tb8z, and dicial Distnei, pursuant to chapter43 of the under an ordinance of the Common Council of said city, Laws of x892 ......... ... ... -...... rg9,coo 0o approved by the Nlaycr, O, tober z, r=8o, and resolu- For construction of New Third Avenue Bridge, to the Laws pursuant chapter 413 of

of the Commission rs of the Sinking Fund, I adopted October8 1•ecembor ox, x8 3, i 9+, y4, and June

of r8gz .................. ........ 200,.-0 Co This stock is

tz,'8 95.

EXEMPT FROM TAXATION $50,000 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF' THE CITY OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AS" FIRE County New York, but from by the City and of not

State taxation, pursuant to the provisions of section 137 of the New York City Consolidation Act of i88z, and

, HYDRAN r STOCK" I -the principal payable in gold coin of the United States

under an ordinance of the Common Council of said city. II of America of the present standard of weight and fine- approved by the Mayor, October z, r88o, and resolu- ness at the Conipt oiler's office of said city, on the first tions of the Commi-sioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted day of November, in the year 7925, with interest at the

February 6, i8p5, and June t2, x895. rate of three per centum per annum, payable semi-

$35 annually, in such gold coin, on the first days of Mayand November in each year.

OF NEW YORK " 'This stock is issued to provide for placing fire- -the principal payable in gold coin of the United States hydrants and laying water-mains in connection there- of America of the present standard of weight and fineness with, pursuant to chapter 510 of the Laws of 1894, and at the Comptroller's office of said city, on the first day sections 132 and 234 of the New York City Consolidation of November, in the year 1914, with interest at the rate Act of 1882. and as authorized by the Board of Estimate of three per centum per annum, payable semi-annually, and Apportionment, and is in such gold coin, on the first days of May and Novem-

EXEMPT FROMTAXATION ber in each year. The said stock is issued in pursuance of the provisions ' by the City and County of New I ork, but not from

of sections 1:32 and 134 of the New York City Consolida- State taxation, pursuant to the provisions of section 137

tion Act of 1882, and has been authorized by the Board I oof h

e Actof 28a, ork Ci an ordinance the Commonion of Estimate and Apportionment for the following de- of said city, I y,

scribed purposes : approved by the Mayor, October z, z88o, and a resolu- tion of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted For construction of Corlears Hook Park, I

pursuant to chapter 511 of the Laws of June rz, tag5. 00 1894•,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,, ,,,,• ...... , $58,0 00 $270,500 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY

For completion of construction of Riverside OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AS "ARMORY Park and Drive, pursuant to chapter 74 of I BONDS" the Laws of 1894..... .. ..... .... rgo,000 00

for Street Clean- -the principal payable in gold coin of the United States

I America fine- For purchase of plant the ing Department, pursuant to chapter 368 of

of of the present standard of weight and ness at the Comptroller's office of said city, on the first

the Laws of 1894 ................. ...... 50,000 0o I day of November, in the year 1914, with interest at the For erecting a public building in Crotona I rate of three per centttm per annum, payable semi- Park, pursuant to chapter 248 of the Laws I annually, in such gold coin, on the first day of May and of t8g4 ................................... $o,000 on I November in each year.

This stock is This stock is issued pursuant to chapter 299 of the EXEMPT FROM TAXATION I Laws of 1883 and the laws amendatory thereof and

by the City and County of New York, but not from i supplementary thereto and sections 132 and 134 of the

State taxation, pursuant to the provisions of section 137 I New York City Consolidation Act of 2882, and as author-

of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882, and I ized by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund. $38,000

under an ordinance of the Common Council of said city, I thereof is issued to provide for the expense of erecting approved by the Mayor, October z, ,8$o, and resolu- an armory for Troop "A " and $232,500 thereof to pro-

tions of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted vide for the expense of erecting at, armory for the Ninth

February 6, 1895, March 13, 1895, April Ii, 1295, and Regiment. This stock is


$16o,000 CONSOLIDATED STOCK OF THE CITY I by the City and County of New York, but not from

OF NEW YORK, KNOWN AS "DOCK BONDS State taxation, pursuant to the provisions of section 137

OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK" of the New York City Consolidation Act of 1882, and

-authorized by sections 132, 134 and 043 of the New under an ordinance of the Common Council of said city, approved by the Mayor, October z, 188o, and resolutions

York City Consolidation Act of x882, and a resolution Sink Fund, of the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund, adopted of the Commissioners of the ng adopted

February it, 1895. December r, 1892 ; March x, 1894, and October zz, 1894.

The principal shall be payable in gold coin of the AUTHORITY FOR TRUST INVESTMENTS. United States of America of the present standard of I Attention is called to the provisions of an act passed weight and fineness at the Comptroller's office of said I by the Legislature March 14, 1889, authorizing execu- city, on the first day of November, in the year 1925, I tors, administrators, guardians and trustees, and others with interest at the rate of three per centum per holding trust funds to invest such funds in the stocks or annum, payable semi-annually, in such gold coin, on the bonds of the City of New York.

Page 5: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1895/1895-07-02.pdfthe city record. official journal. voi. xxiii. new york, tuesday, july 2, 1895. number 6,737. bo4rd of aldermen


the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of the contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety, or otherwise, and that he has offered himself as surety in good faith, with the intention to execute the bond required by law.

No estimate will he considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centum of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Stich check or money must NOT be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the De-partment who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall re-fuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be for-feited to and retained by the City of New York, as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal; but if he shall execute the contract within the time afore- said the amount of the deposit will be returned to him.


Blank forms of bid or estimate, the proper envelopes in which to inclose the same, the specifications and agreements, and any further information desired, can be obtained at Room No. q, No. 9 t Chambers street.

WILLIAM BROOKFIELD, Commissioner of Public Works.



L S'I'INIA'iES FOR REPAIRING THE PIER AT li the foot of West Fifty-first street, North river, will be received by the Board of Commissioners at the head of the Department of Docks, at the office of said Department, on Pier " A," toot of Battery place, North river, in the City of New York, until Iz o'clock nr. of

TUESDAY. JULY 9, ,8o5, at which time and place the estimates will be publicly opened by the head of said Department. The award of the contract, if awarded, will be made as soon as practicable after the opening of the bids.

Any person making an estimate for the work shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope to said Board, at said office, on or before the day and hour above named, which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or names of the person or persons presenting the same, the date of its presentation, and a statement of the work to which it relates.

The bidder to whom the award is made shall give security for the faithful performance of the contract, in the manner prescribed and required by ordinance, in the sum of One Thousand Eight Hundred Dollars.

The Engineer's estimate of the nature, quantities and extent of the work is as follows : t. Labor of removing about 29,116 square feet of

Sheathing, certain broken or decayed Backing. logs, Decking, Horizontal and Vertical Fenders, and replacing the same with new material, as follows

To be Furnished by the Department of Docks. Feet, B. At., measured in the work.

2. Yellow Pine Timber, raft x ta't, about....... 900 .. ., 8"x 8n, •• ....... 902 ,. ..

411 x ioIl " ....... r 5,000

Total, about ...................... 16,802

NOTE.--All of the yellow pine timber in item 2 is to be furnished by the Department of Docks to the contractor free of charge, in the water or on a pier or bulkhead at one or more points on the North river water-front south of West Seventy-fifth street, as here-inafter specified, and the contractor is to raft it, care for it and transport it to the site of the pier at Ibis own expense and risk.

3, fn X 2611 ]bt' X 2211, 71rrX22n %Ilx 1611 and %1' x rz1t Wrought-iron Spike-printed Dock-spikes and sod. Nails, about................. :,905 pounds.

NOTE.-All of the above dock-spikes and nails are to be furnished by the Department of Docks to the con-tractor free of charge, in the West Fifty-seventh Street Yard of the Department, as hereinafter specified, and the contractor is to load it, care for it and transport it to the site of the pier at his own expense and risk.

To be Furnished by the Contractor. Feet, B. M., measured in

the work. 4. Yellow Pine Timber, 811 x rill, about....... too

.: a tiff x 4tl " ....... 1,200

Total, about...................... t,3~

Feet, B. M., measured in the work.

5. Spruce Timber, 411 x toff, about........... 117,624 6. White Oak 'limber, 8't x t2tt......... .. 360 NorE.-1'he above quantities of timber in items 2,

,and 6 are exclusive of waste. 7. qtr x loft and ?"

x 711 square Wrought-iron Spike-pointed Dock-

spikes, about .................... 3,322 pounds.

8. tgll and ya't Wrought-iron Screw-

bolts and Nuts. about........ . 240 g. Wrought-iron Washers for r3tt

Screw-bolts, about ........ ..... r8 zo, Cast-iron Washers for rt/ell Screw.

bolts, about ..................... 50

if. Cast-iron Cleats, about ............. 330 12. Labor of Framing and Carpentry, including all

moving of Timber, jointing, Planking, Bolting, Spiking, Painting, Oiling or'1'arring, and furnish-ing the materials for Painting. Oiling or Tarring, and labor of every description.

t3. Labor of removing from the premises all the old material taken from the Pier.

N. B.-As the above-mentioned quantities, though stated with as much accuracy as is possible, in ad- vance, are approximate only, bidders are required to submit their estimates upon the following express conditions, which shall apply to and become a part of every estimate received:

rat. Bidders must satisfy themselves, by personal examination of the location of the proposed work, and by such other means as they may prefer, as to the accuracy of the foregoing Engineer's estimate, and shall nut at any time after the submission of an estimate dis-pute or complain of the above statement of quantities, nor assert that there was any misunderstanding in regard to the nature or amount of the work to be done.

ad. Bidders will be required to complete the entire work to the satisfaction of the Department of Docks and in substantial accordance with the specifications of the contract. No extra compensation, beyond the amount payable for the work before mentioned, which shall be actually performed at the price therefor, to be specified by the lowest bidder, shall be due or payable for the entire work.

The work to be done under the contract is to be com-menced within five days after the date of execution of the contract, and all the work to be done under this contract is to be fully completed on or before the roth

day of September, 1895, and the damages to be paid by the contractor for each day that the contract may be unfulfilled after the time fixed for the fulfillment thereof has expired, are, by a clause in the contract, fixed and liquidated at Fifty Dollars per day.

Bidders will state in their estimates a price for the whole of the work to be done, in conformity with the approved form of contract and the specifications therein set forth, by which price the bids will be tested. This price is to cover all expenses of every kind involved to or incidental to the fulfillment of the contract, including any claim that may arise through delay from any cause in the performing of the work thereunder.

Bidders will distinctly write out, both in words and in figures, the amount of their estimates for doing this work.

The person or persons to whom the contract maybe awarded will be required to attend at this office with the sureties offered by him or them, and execute the con-tract within five days from the date of the service of a notice to that effect; and in case of failure or neglect so to do, he or they will be considered as having abandoned it, and as in default to the Corporation, and the contract will be readvertised and relet, and so on until it be accepted and executed.

Bidders are required to state in their estimates their names and places of residence; the names of all persons interested with them therein; and if no other person be so interested, the estimate shall distinctly state the fact; also that the estimate is made without any con- nection with any other person making an estimate for the same work, and that it is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud ; and also, that no member of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof; which estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party making the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. Where more titan one person is interested, it is requisite that the verification be made and subscribed to by all theca rties interested.

Each estimate shall be accompanied by the consent, in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, with their respective places of business or residence, to the effect that if the con-tract be awarded to the person or persons making the estimate, they will, upon its being so awarded, become bound as his or their sureties for its faithful performance; and that if said person or persons shall omit or refuse to execute the contract, they will pay to the Corporation of the City of New York ary difference between the sum to which said person or persons would be entitled upon its completion and that which said Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to whom the contract may be awarded i at any subsequent letting ; the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work to be done, by which the bids are tested. The consent above mentioned shall be accom-panied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of the contract, over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liab.,llties as bail, surety and otherwise; and that lie has offered him- self as a surety in good faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law. 'The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered will be subject to approval by the Comptroller of the City of New York after the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract.

No estimate will he received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or N ational banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of live fercenium of the amount of the security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must not be inclosed in the scaled envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal; but it he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Bidders arc informed that no deviation from the specifications will be allowed, unless under the written instructions of the Engineer-in-Chief.

No estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor-poration, upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Corpora-tion.


mates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose by the Department, a copy of which, together with the form of agreement, including specifications, and show. ing the manner of payment for the work, can be obtained upon application therefor at the office of the Department.

EDWARD C. O'BRIEN, EDWIN EINSTEIN, JOHN MONKS, Commissioners of the Department of Docks.

Dated NEw YORK, June 6, 2895.



ESTIMATES FOR FURNISHING AND DELIV-ering about too Tons of Anthracite Coal will be

received by the Board of Commissioners at the head of the Department of Docks, at the office of said De. partment, on Pier "A," foot of Battery place, North river, in the City of New York. until r2 o'clock at. of

TUESDAY, JULY 2, 1895, at which time and place the estimates will be publicly opened by the head of said Department. The award of the contract, if awarded, will be made as soon as prac-ticable after the opening of the bids.

Any person making an estimate for the work shall furnish the same in a sealed envelope to said Board, at said office, on or before the day and hour above named, which envelope shall be indorsed with the name or names of the person or persons presenting the same, the date of its presentation, and a statement of the work to which it relates.

The bidder to whom the award is made shall give security for the faithful performance of the contract, to the mannerrescribed and re quired by ordinance, to the sum of One Thousand Dollars.

The Engineer's estimate of the quantity of coal to be furnished and delivered is about boo tons.

It is expected that about ~5co tons will be required to be delivered at the West bifty-seventh Street Yard of the Department of Docks, and that about too tons will be required to be delivered at the East Twenty-fourth Street Yard.

Where the City of New York owns the wharf, pier or bulkhead at which materials under this contract are to be delivered, no charge will be made to the contractor for wharfatle upon vessels conveying said materials.

N. B.-Bidders are required to submit their estimates upon the following express conditions, which shall apply to and become a part of every estimate received:

(r) Bidders must satisfy themselves by personal examination of the location of the proposed delivery of Materials, and by such other means as they may prefer, as to the accuracy of the foregoing Engineer's

estimate, and shall not, at any time after the submission of an estimate, dispute or complain of the above state- ment of quantities, nor assert that there was any misunderstanding in regard to the nature or amount of the work to be done. (z) Bidders will be required to complete the entire

work to the satisfaction of the Department of Docks and in substantial accordance with the specifications of the contract. No extra compensation, beyond the amount payable for the work before mentioned, which shall be actually performed, at the price therefor, per ton, to he specified by the lowest bidder, shall be due or payable for the entire work.

A ton of coal tinder these specifications shall be 2,240 pounds avoirdupois.

The work to be done under the contract is to be com-menced within ten days from the date of the receipt of an order from the Engineer to begin the delivery of coal, and the delivery will be continued in lots of about 200 tons, at such times and places and in such manner as may be directed by the Engineer, and the delivery of said coal will be fully completed on or before the rot day of November, 1895 ; and the damages to be paid by the contractor for each day that the contract may be unfulfilled after the time fixed for the fulfillment thereof has expired are, by a clause in the contract, fixed and liquidated at Fifty Dollars per day.

Bidders will state in their estimates a price, per ton, for furnishing and delivering coal, in conformity with the approved form of agreement and the specifications therein set forth, by which price the bids will he tested. This price is to cover all expenses of every kind in- volved in or incidental to the fulfillment of the contract, including any claim that may arise through delay, front any cause, in the performing of the work thereunder.

Bidders will distinctly write out, both in words and in figures, the amount of their estimates for doing this work.

The person or persons to whom the contract may be awarded will be required to attend at this office with the sureties offered by him or them, and execute the con-tract within five days from the date of the service of a notice to that effect ; and in case of failure or neglect so to do, he or they will be considered as having abandoned it, and as in default to the Corporation ; and the con- tract will be readvertised and relet, and so on until it he accepted and executed.

Bidders are required to state in their estimates their names and places of residence ; the names of all persons interested with them therein ; and if no other person be so interested, the estimate shall distinctly state the fact ; also, that the estimate is made without any connection with any other person making an e.ti-mate for the same work, and that it is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud ; and also that no member'. of the Common Council, head of a department, chief of a bureau, deputy thereof, or clerk therein, or other officer of the Corporation, is directly or indirectly interested therein, or in the supplies or work to which it relates, or in any portion of the profits thereof; which estimate must be verified by the oath, in writing, of the party mak-ing the estimate, that the several matters stated therein are in all respects true. IV/sere more than one person is interesled, it is requisitetkat the verification be made and subscribed to by all the parties ,nterested.

Each estimate shall he.tccompanied by the consent,in writing, of two householders or freeholders in the City of New York, roilla their respective places of business or residence, to the effect that if the contract be awarded to the person or persons making the estimate, they will, on its being so awarded, become hound as his or their sureties for its faithful performauce; and that if said person or persons shall omit or refuse to execute the contrast, they will pay to the Cot poration of the City of New York any difference between the stun to which said person or persons would he entitled upon its com-pletion and that which said Corporation may be obliged to pay to the person to whom the contract may be awarded at any subsequent letting; the amount in each case to be calculated upon the estimated amount of the work to be done by which the bids are tested. 1'hecon-sent above mentioned shall be accompanied by the oath or affirmation, in writing, of each of the persons signing the same, that he is a householder or freeholder in the City of New York, and is worth the amount of the security required for the completion of the contract over and above all his debts of every nature, and over and above his liabilities as bail, surety and otherwise.' and that he has offered himself as a surety ingood faith and with the intention to execute the bond required by law. The adequacy and sufficiency of the security offered will be subject to approval by the Comptroller of the City of New York after the award is made and prior to the signing of the contract.

No estimate will be received or considered unless accompanied by either a certified check upon one of the State or National banks of the City of New York, drawn to the order of the Comptroller, or money to the amount of five per centunt of the amount of security required for the faithful performance of the contract. Such check or money must not be inclosed in the sealed envelope containing the estimate, but must be handed to the officer or clerk of the Department who has charge of the estimate-box, and no estimate can be deposited in said box until such check or money has been examined by said officer or clerk and found to be correct. All such deposits, except that of the successful bidder, will be returned to the persons making the same within three days after the contract is awarded. If the successful bidder shall refuse or neglect, within five days after notice that the contract has been awarded to him, to execute the same, the amount of the deposit made by him shall be forfeited to and retained by the City of New York as liquidated damages for such neglect or refusal ; but if he shall execute the contract within the time aforesaid, the amount of his deposit will be returned to him.

Bidders are informed that no deviation from the speci. fications will be allowed, unless under the written in-structions of the Engineer-in-Chief.

No estimate will be accepted from, or contract awarded to, any person who is in arrears to the Cor- poration, upon debt or contract, or who is a defaulter, as surety or otherwise, upon any obligation to the Cor- poration.


Bidders are requested, in making their bids or esti-mates, to use the blank prepared for that purpose by the Department, a copy of which, together with the form of the agreement, including specifications, and showing the manner of payment for the work, can be obtained upon application therefor at the office of the Department.

EDWARD C. O'BRIEN, JAMES J. PHELAN, EDWIN EINSTEIN, Commissioners of the Depart. ment of Docks.

Dated NEw Yoatt, June 24, 1895.


PERSONS HAVING BULKHEADS TO FILL, IN the vicinity of New York Bay, can procure material

for that purpose-ashes, street sweepings, etc., such as is collected by the Department of Street Cleaning-free of charge, by applying to the Commissioner of Street Cleaning, in the Criminal Court Building.

GEORGE E. WARING, JR. Commissioner of Street Cleaning.

SUPREME COURT. In the matter of the application of the Board of Street

Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquir-ing title (wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired), to CAMMANN STREET (although not yet named by proper authority), from Harlem River terrace to Fordham road, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, as the saute has been hereto-fore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road.


WE, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above.

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter- ested in thin proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit :

First-That we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objec-tions to writing, duly verified, to us, at our office, No. z Tryon Row, Room t (fourth floor, in said city, on or before the first day of August, 1895, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so obiecting within the ten week-days next after the said first day of August, 189g, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on each of said ten days at z o'clock p..

Second-That the abstract ofour said estimate and assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates and other docu-ments used by is in making our report, have been de-posited in the Bureau of Street Openings, in the Law Department of the City of New York, at his office, No. a Tryon Row, in the said city, there to remain until the ad day of August, r895.

Third-That the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which, taken together, are bounded and described as follows, viz.: Beginning at the corner formed by the intersection of the easterly line of Harlem River terrace and the south-erly line of Fordham road ; thence easterly along the southerly line of F'ordham road to the westerly line of Sedgwick avenue ; thence southerly along the westerly line of Sedgwick avenue to the northerly line of an un- named street ; thence westerly along said last. mentioned line to the easterly line of another unnamed street; thence westerly by the pro. longation of said line to the centre line of Cedar avenue ; thence southerly along the centre line of Cedar avenue to a point distant about 625 feet from the southerly line of Cammann street ; thence in a westerly direction to a point on the easterly line of Harlem River terrace distnrt about 53/ feet from the southerly line of Cammann street ; and thence northerly along the easterly line of Harlem River ter-race to the point or place of beginning, excepting from said area all streets, avenues and roads, or portions thereof heretofore legally opened or laid out as such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as afore- said.

Fourth-That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term thereof, to he held at the Chambers there-of, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the 3d day of September, 1895, at the opening of the court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated New YORK, July i t 1895. GEORGE E. MOTT, Chairman, JULIUS WEIL,

Commissioners, JOHN P. DuNN, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder-men and Commonalty of the City of New York, rela-tive to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to EAST ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-NINTH STREET !formerly Welch street:, from Webster avenue to Fordham road, and to FOROHAM ROAD, from East One Hundred and Eighty.ninth street 'formerly Welch street,, to Jerome avenue 'although not yet named by proper author. ttv;, in the 'Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road,

PURSUANT T'O "THE STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that an application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held at Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on Thursday, the rtth day ofJttly, 1895, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of Esti- mate and Assessment in the above-entitled matter. The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title by The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the build- ings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening of certain streets or avenues, known as East One Hundred and Eighty-ninth street (formerly Welch street, from Webster avenue to Ford-ham road, and Fordham road, from East One Hundred and Eighty-ninth street (formerly Welch street, to Jerome avenue, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, being the following-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.

I AN']' ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY-NINTH STREET, from Webster avenue to Fordham road, is bounded and described as follows :

Beginning at a point in the western line of Webster avenue distant 1211.4a feet northerly from the intersec- tion of the western line of Webster avenue with the northern line of East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth street.

ist. Thence northeasterly along the western line of Webster avenue 80.29 feet.

ad. Thence westerly deflecting 94 degrees 46 minutes 4t seconds to the left for 4r5.s5 feet. 3d. Thence westerly deflecting r5 degrees 6 minutes

5o seconds to the left for 197.40 feet. 4th. ']'hence westerly deflecting r degree 22 minutes

36 seconds to the right for boor feet. 5th. "Thence westerly deflecting r degree a2 minutes

36 seconds to the left for 564.44 feet. 6th. Thence westerly deflecting it degrees 36 minutes

24 seconds to the right for 183.35 feet. 7th. Thence westerly deflecting o degrees 38 minutes

56 seconds to the right for 336.93 feet. 8th. Thence southwesterly deflecting 43 degrees 45

minutes o seconds to the left for 1,5.67 feet, 9th. Thence easterly deflecting 136 degrees 14 minutes

30 seconds to the left for 43t.t5 feet. roth. Thence easterly deflecting o degrees 47 minutes

12 seconds to the left for 183.29 feet, r ith. Thence easterly deflecting rr degrees 28 minutes

8 seconds to the left for 570 96 feet. rzth. Thence easterly deflecting r degree zz minutes

36 seconds to the right for 6o.02 feet. 13th. Thence easterly deflecting t degree za minutes

36 seconds to the left for 18b.78 feet. 14th. Thence easterly for 398.69 feet to the point of

beginning. East One Hundred and Eighty-„!nth street (formerly

Welch street), from Webster avenue to Fordham road, is designated as a street of the first class and is eighty feet wide.

FORDHAM ROAD, from East One Hundred and Eighty .ninth street to Jerome avenue, is bounded and described as follows

Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Jerome avenue, distant a37.ro feet northerly from the inter- section of the eastern line of Jerome avenue with the northern line of East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth street.

ist. Thence northerly along the eastern line of Jerome avenue, for foot feet. ad. Thence easterly deflecting 89 degrees 15 minutes

So seconds to the right for 571.28 feet. 3d. Thence southwesterly deflecting 136 degrees 24

minutes ;o seconds to the right for t 15.67 feet. 4th. Thence westerly for 488.77 feet to the point of

begtnning. Fordham road, from East One Hundred and Eighty-

ninth street to Jerome avenue, is designated as a street of the first class, and is So feet wide.

East One Hundred and Eighty-ninth street, from Webster avenu: to Fordham road, and Fordham road, from East One Hundred ai,d Eighty-ninth street to Jerome avenue, are shown on a map or plan, entitled ' Map or Plan of Fordham road, from Jerome avenue to East One Hundred and Eighty-ninth street formerly Welch Street); East One Hundred and Eighty-ninth street (formerly Welch street), from Fordham road to

Page 6: THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1895/1895-07-02.pdfthe city record. official journal. voi. xxiii. new york, tuesday, july 2, 1895. number 6,737. bo4rd of aldermen


Webster avenue ; East One Hundred and F.ighty-seventh street, from Vanderbilt avenue. West, to 'Third avenue," etc., filed in the office of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the Twenty-third and Twenty-lourth \yardsone 8, 1895; in the Register's office June it, 1895, and in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York June fit, 1895.

Dated Nttw Yoss, June 27, 1895. FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation,

No. z Tryon Row, New York City.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Common• alty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title wherever the same has tot been heretofore acquired,,

to PROSPECT AVENUE ;although not yet named by proper authority, from Westchester avenue to Boston road, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road by the Department of Public Parks.

SAT E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter-ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lot; and im-proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to wit :

First—That we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objec- tions, it writing, duly verified, to us, at our office, No. z Tryon Row, Room t fourth floor), in said city, on or before the 09th day of July, 1895, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parities so objecting with- in the ten week-days next after the said oQth day of July, 1895, and for that purpose will be in attend- ance at our said office on each of said ten days at z o'clock r. Si.

Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates and other deco ments used by us in making our report, have been de-posited in the Bureau of Street Openings, in the Law Department of the City of New York, at his office, No. z Tryon Row, in the said city, there to remain until the zgth day ofJuly, 1895.

Third—That ti.e limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which taken together are bounded and described as follows, viz.: On the north by Crotona Park; on the east by the middle line of the blocks between \Vendover avenue and Avenue St. John, from Crotona Park to Boaon road, and thence by the middle of the blocks between Stebbins avenue and Wilkins place, and Stebbins ave-nue and Intetvale avenue, and Stebbins avenue and Hall place, and Stebbins avenue and Rogers place, to the westerly side of Dawson street, and thence by the westerly side of Dawson street; on the south by the northerly side of Lawson street ; on the west by the middle of the blocks between Union avenue and 'Tinton avenue, from the northerly side of Doss-son street to the northerly side of East ,d9th street, and thence by the easterly side of Clinton avenue, from the northerly side of East x6gth street to Crotona Park. Excepting from said area all streets, avenues and roads or portions thereof heretofore legally opened or laid out as such area is shown on our benefit map deposited as aforesaid.

Fourth—'That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the zyth day of August, 1895, at the opening of the court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

IJated NEw Yovic, Jtine a6. 1895. JOHN E. WARD, Chairman, JOS. C. WOLFF,

H.-GH DONOHUE, Commissioners. JOHN P. DeNN, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York for and on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to that portion of ONE HUNDRED AND SIXTY-SECOND STREET' although not yet named by proper authority), extending from its present termi-nus ea-;terly to the westerly line of Edgec imbe road, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road by said Board.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BILL of cots, charge- and expenses incurred by reason

of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, will be presented for taxation to one of the Ju,tices of the Supreme Court, at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the Toth day ofJuly, 1895, at io.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon ; anti that the said bill of costs, charges and expen=es has been deposited in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York, there to remain for and during the space of ten days.

Dated NEw YoRtc, June z6, 1895. EDWARD C. STONE, CHARLES PUIZEL, H.

ALFRED FREE11AN, Commissioners. ions P. DUvx, Clerk. ,

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City t, f New York, for and on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to ONE HUNDRED AND ELEVENTH STREET, from Amsterdam avenue to Riverside avenue, in the Twelfth Ward of the City of New York.

'<7I7 E, THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS V V of Estimate and Assessment in the above-

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter-ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants of all houses and lots and im-proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern to wit

First—That we have completed our supplemental and amended estimate and asses-ment, and that all per-sons interested in this proceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do pre- sent their said objections in writing, duly verified, to us, at our office, No. z Tryon Row, Room , ;fourth floor„ in said city, on or before the igth day of July, 1895, and that we, the said Commissioners, will hear parties so objecting within the ten week-days next after the said tgth day of July, 1695, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on each of said ten days, at 3.30 o'clock P. M.

Second—That the abstract of our said supplemental and amended estimate and assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also alt the affidavits, estimates and other documents used by us in making our report, have been deposited with the Commissioner of Public Works of the City of New York, at his office, No. 31 Chambers street, in the said city, there to remain until the tgth day of July, 1895.

Third—I hat the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which taken together are bounded and described as follows, viz.: Northerly by the Centre line of the blocks between One Hundred and Eleventh street and One Hundred and Twelfth street, from the easterly line of Riverside ave-nue to the westerly line of Amsterdam avenue; easterly by the westerly line of Amsterdam avenue; southerly by the centre line of the blocks between One Hundred and 'Tenth street and One Hundred and Eleventh street, from the westerly line of Amsterdam avenue to the easterly line of Riverside avenue, and westerly by the easterly line of Riverside avenue, excepting from said area all the streets, avenues and roads, or portions thereO , heretofore legally opened, as such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited as aforesaid.

Fourth--Phat our supplemental and amended report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Tenn thereof, to lie held at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house. in the City of New York, on the fist day of Augu.t, 1895, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated New YORK, June 24, C1.AFFORD W. HARTRID(,E, Chairman, PETER

Mc1N'1'YRE, APPLETON L. CLARK, Commissioners. JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been here-tofore acquired, to EAST ONE HUNDRED AND NINETY-FIFTH STREET, formerly Tappen street (although not yet named by proper authority), from Webster avenue to Marion avenue, in the 1'wenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road.

PURSUANT TO THE STATUTES IN SUCH cases made and provided, notice is hereby given

that an application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held at Chambers thereof, in the Cou ity Court-hous_, in the City of New York, on Tuesday, the 9th day of July, 1895, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard i hereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of Esti-mate and Assessment in the above.entitled matter. The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title, by The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, for the use of the public, to all the lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, required for the opening of a certain street or avenue, known as East One Hundred and

:.~ Ninety-fifth street, formerly Tappen street, from Web-ster avenue to Marion avenue, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, being the following-described lots, pieces or parcels of land, viz.

PARCEL "A." Beginning at a point in the eastern line of Decatur

''. avenue, distant 761.49 feet northeasterly from the inter- section of the eastern line of Decatur avenue with the northern line of Brookline street. fist. Thence northeasterly along the eastern line of

Decatur avenue for 50.0 feet. zd. Thence southeasterly deflecting 90 degrees to the

right for zoO.t3 feet to the western line of Webster avenue.

3d. ']hence southeasterly along the western line of tVebster avenue for so.o feet.

4th 'Thence northwesterly for zoa.o4 feet to the point of beginning.

t'A RCEL "n. , Beginning at a point in the western line of Decatur

avenue, distant 763.13 feet northeasterly from the inter-section of the western line of Decatur avenue with the northern line of Brookline street.

1st. Thence nortber'y along the western line of De-catur avenue for 50.0 feet.

ad. Thence westerly curving to the left on the arc of a circle whose centre lies in the western line of Decatur avenue and whose radius is 175.0 feet for 110.09 feet to point of reverse curve.

3d. Thence westerly on the arc of a circle whose radius is t25.65 feet for 74.99 feet.

4th. Thence westerly on a line tangent to the preced-ing course for 142.74 feet.

5th 'I'hen-e southwesterly deflecting 77 degrees z8 minutes i second to the left for 27 83 feet. 6th. Thence southwesterly deflecting in degrees 31

minutes 5q seconds to the left for 22.83 feet. 7th. ']'hence easterly deflecting go degrees to the left

t48.58 feet. 8th. Thence easterly curving to the left on the arc of

a circle tangent to the preceding course whose radius is x75.65 feet for 204.83 feet to a point of reverse curve.

9th. ']'hence easterly on the arc of a circle whose radius is 125.0 feet for 78.64 feet to the point of begin-ning.

East One Hundred and Ninety-fifth street, from Webster avenue to Marion avenue, is designated as a street of the first cla's, and is fifty feet wile, and is shown on a map, entitled " Map or Plan showing loca- tion, width, course, windings, classifications and grades of streets, avenues and roads within the area bounded on the south by East One Hundred and Eighty-fourth street ; on the west by Marion avenue, L'ainbtidge ave-nue and Marion avenue; or, the north by Suburban street, and on the east by the New York and Harlem Railroad, in the 'Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, etc., and filed in the office of the Commissioner of Street Improvements of the T'wentythird and Twenty fourth Wards on or about April 9, i894; in the office of the Register of the City and County of New York on or about April to, 1894, and in the office of the Secretary of State of the State of New York on or about April it, 1894.

Dated New' 1'ORtc, June 24, 2895. FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation,

No. z Tryon Row, New York City.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, Wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to CROMWELI. AVENUE ,although not yet named by proper auth,rity,, .from Jerome avenue to Inwood avenue, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or rord by the Department of Public Parks,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE BILL of costs, charges and expenses incurred by reason

of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the fist day of July, t895, at 20.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon; and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the office of the County Clerk, there to remain for and during the space of ten days.

Dated New Yose, June x8, 1895. RIGNAL D. WWDWARD. JESSE S. NELSON,

JOSEPH A. CARBERRY, Commissioners. JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Educa-tion, by the Counsel to the Corporation of the City of New 1 ork, relative to acquiring title, by The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to certain lands on the northerly side of FAST ONE HUNDRED AND SEVENTY THIRD STREET, between Third avenue and Croton Park, in the Twenty-fourth Ward of said city, duly selected and approved by said Board as a site for school purposes, under and in pursuance of the provisions of chapter rqt of the Laws of x888, as amended by chapter 35 of the Laws of t8go.

PURSUANT TO THE PROVISIONS OF CHAP. ter 291 of the Laws of x888, as amended by

chapter 35 of the Laws of iBgo, notice is hereby given that an application will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held at Chambers thereof, at the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the Toth day of July, ,895, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate in the above-entitle I matter.

The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title, by The Mayor, Alder-men and Commonalty of the City of New York, to certain lands and premises with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, on the northerly s:de of East One Hundred and Seventy-third street, between Third avenue and Crotona Park in the Twenty-fourth Ward of said city, in

fee simple absolute, the same to be converted, appropriated and used to and for the purposes specified in said chapter 191 of the Laws of .888, as amended by saio chapter 3c of the Laws of ,Bgo, said property having been duly selected and approved by the Board of Education as a site for school purposes, under and in pursuance of the provisions of said chap er r91 of the Laws of x888, as amended by said chapter 35 of the Laws of 189o, being the following described plot, piece or parcel of Lind, namely :

All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Twenty-fourth Ward of the City of New York, and bounded and described as follows:

point Beginning at a on the northerly side of East One Hundred and Seventy-third street, distant 1x9.37 feet easterly from the corner formed by the intersection of the northerly side of East One Hundred and Seventy- third street with the easterly side of Third avenue ; and running thence easterly along said northerly side of t)ne Hundred and Seventy-third street 79.a6 feet to the westerly side of Fulton avenue (proposed) ; thence northerly along said westerly side of Fulton avenue [proposed) 048.85 feet; thence westerly at right angles, or nearly so, to said Fulton avenue (proposedi 59.77 feet to the easterly side of the present site of Grammar School No. 63; thence southerly and along said easterly side of the present site of Grammar School No. 63, 31.30 feet, and thence again southerly and still along said easterly side of the present site of Grammar School No.63, zt8.7o feet, to the northerly side of East One Hundred and Seventy-third street at the point or place of beginning.

Dated NEW YORK, J une 14. 1895. FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation,

No. z Tryon Row, New York City.


In the matter of the petition of Thomas F. Gilroy, Commissioner of Public Works of the City of New York, unoer and in pursuance of chapter 490 of the Laws of 1883, and the Laws amendatory thereof, on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, for the appointment of Com-missioners of Appraisal under said acts.


PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT the first separate report of \Villiam A. Hunt, Angelo

L. Myers and David Verplanck, who were appointed Commissioners of Appraisal in the above-entitled matter by an order of this Court, made at a Special 'Term thereof, held at the Court-house in White Plains, Westchester County, December 30, 1893, bears date May ao, 1895, and was filed in the Westchester County Clerk's Office, May at, x895, and that the parcels cov-ered by said report are Parcels Nos. 9, pY4, 9%,,n , [3v-, to, z8 and two acres unnumbered near Zero Shaft, and that the claims of Charles Ammann, William 1'. Purdy, Francis Larkin. Martin Cannon, Maggie Crosby, Joseph Paronessa, Angelo Casalo, Salvatore Pettinato and Isaac L•nsee are included in said report.

Notice is further given that a- application will be made to confirm the said report, at a Special Term of the said Court, to be held at the County Court-house, in the City of Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, on the 13th day of July, t8g;, at the opening of the court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard.

Dated Ma- 31, 1895. FRANCIS M. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation,

No. z Tryon Row, New York City.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquir-ing title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to that portion of ONE HUNDRED AND SIX1'IEIH STREET (although not yet named by proper authorityi, extending from its present ter- minus easterly to the westerly line of Edgecombe road, in the'1'welfth \yard of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and desig-nated as a first class street or road by said Board.

1NTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE13ILL iV of costs, charges and expenses incurred by reason of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of the Su-preme Court, at the Chamber; thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the Toth day of July, 1895, at 10.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon ; and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the office of the County Clerk, there to remain for and during the space of ten days.

Dated New Yoee, June z5, 1895. WILLIAM J. C. BERRY, JAMES R. TORRANCE,

ISAAC FROMME, Commissioners. JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk,

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Imp rovemeut of the City of New York, for and on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Com-monalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore acquired, to SHERMAN AVENUE ,although not yet named by proper authority,, from East One Hundred and Sixty-first street to East One Hundred and Sixty-fourth street, in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York. as the same has been here-tofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road by the Department of Public Parks,

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAI' THE BILL of costs, charges and expenses incurred by reason

of the proceedings in the above-entitled matter, will be presented for taxation to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the r.th day of July, 11595, at 70.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard there-on ; and that the said bill of costs, charges and expenses has been deposited in the office of the County Clerk, there to remain for and during the space of ten days.


JAMES F. REILLY, Commissioners, JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of The Mayor, Alder-men and Commonalty of the City of New York, act-ing by and through the Department of Docks, relative to acquiring title to the wharf property, rights, terms, easements, emoluments and privileges of and to the lands under water and the lands under water fleets-nary to be taken for the improvement of the water-front of the City of New York on the North river, be- tween Forty-second and Forty-third streets, and between Twelfth and Thirteenth avenues, pursuant to the plan heretofore adopted by the said Depart. ment of Docks and approved by the Commissioners of the Sinking Fund.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT WE, THE undersigned, were appointed by an order of the

Supreme Court, bearing date the 31st day of December, 1894, Commissioners of Estimate and Assessment for the purpose of making a just and equitable estimate and assessment of the loss and damage to the respective owners, lessees, parties and persons respectively entitled unto or interested in the lands, wharf property, lands under water, wharfage rights, tenements and heredita- ments required for the purpose by and in consequence of the acquisition of the same by The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, and more particularly set forth in thetition of The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, filed in the office of the Clerk of the City and County of New York, and of performing the trusts and duties required of us by chapter 15, title t, and chapter r6, title 5, of the act, entitled, " An act to consolidate into one act and to declare the special and local laws affecting public interests in the City of New York," passed July t, 188a, and the acts or parts of acts in addition thereto or amendatory thereof. All parties and persons interested in the lands and

wharf property taken or to be taken for the said im-

provement of the water-front of the City of New York, or affected thereby, and having any claim or demand on- account thereof, are hereby required to present the same, duly verified, to its, the undersigned Commis-sioners of Estimate and Assessment, at our office, No.

253 Broadway, in the City of New fork, Rooms 312 and 313, with such affidavits or other proofs as the said owners or claimants may desire, within twenty days after the date of this notice and on and before the 5th daAnd July,

aid Commissioners, will be in attend- ance at our said office on the loth day of July, r895, at ro.30 o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to hear the said parties and persons in relation thereto. And at such time and place, and at such farther or other time and place as we may appoint, we will hear such owners in relation thereto and examine the proofs of such claimant or claimants, or such additional proofs and allegations as may then be offered by such owner, or on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York,

Dated NNw YORK, June it, 1895. A. B. BOARDMA , C. C. BALDWIN, H. W.

GRAY, Commissioners. JOHN A.HENNEBERRY, Clerk.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Educa-tion, by the Counsel to the Corporation of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, by the Mayor, Aldermen and Commonalty of the City of New York, to certain lands on the southerly side of ONE HUN-DRED AND FORTY-FIRST STREET, between Brook and St. Ann's avenues, in the Twenty-third Ward of said city, duly selected and approved by said Board as a site for school purposes, under and in pursuance of the provisions of chapter xgx of the Laws of ,889, as amended by chapter 35 of the Laws of 1890.

PURSUAN'f TO THE PROVIS!ONS OF chapter 191 of the Laws of 1888, as amended by

chapter 3; of the Laws of 1890, notice is hereby given that an apflication will be made to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term of said Court, to be held at Chambers thereof, at the County Court-house, in the City of New York, on the roth day of July, t8g;, at the opening of the Court on that day, or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard thereon, for the appointment of Commissioners of Estimate in the above-entitled matter.

The nature and extent of the improvement hereby intended is the acquisition of title, by-the Mayor, Alder-men and Commonalty of the City of New York, to certain lands and premises, with the buildings thereon and the appurtenances thereto belonging, on tite south-erly side of One Hundred and Forty-first street, between Brook and Si, Ann's avenues, in the Twenty-third Ward of said city, in fee simple absolute, the same to he converted, appropriated and used to and for the pur- poses specified in said chapter tqt of the Laws of 1838, as amended by said chapter 35 of the Laws of rYgo, said property having been duly selected and approved by the Board of Education as a site for school purposes, tinder and in pursuance of the provisions of said chapter i91 of the Laws of 1888, as amended by said chapter 35 of the Laws of 189o, being the following described plot, piece or parcel of land, namely :

All that certain plot, piece or parcel of land situate, lying and b-ing in the Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York, and hounded and described as follows :

Beginning at a point on the southerly side of One Hundred an Forty-first street as the same is now monumented and being opened by Commissioners, which point is distant one hundred feet easterly from the intersection of the said southerly side of One Hun-dred and Forty-first street With the easterly side of Brook avenue; and running thence southerly and at right angles to said One Hundred and Forty-first street 195 feet ; thence easterly and parallel with the said southerly side of One Hundred and Forty-first street 205 feet; thence northerly and at right angle, to said southerly side of One Hundred and Forty-first street ma 5 feet to the southerly side of One Hundred and Forty-first street ; and thence westerly along the said southerly side of One Hundred and Forty-first street 225 feet to the point er place of beginning.

Dated New YORK, June 14, 1895. FRANCIS NI. SCOTT, Counsel to the Corporation,

No. 2 Tryon Row, New York City.

In the matter of the application of the Board of Street Opening and Improvement of the City of New York, for and on behalf of The Mayor, Aldermen and Com-atonalty of the City of New York, relative to acquiring title, wherever the same has not been heretofore ac-quired, to EAST ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY. FIFTH STREET (although not yet named by proper authority), from'1'hird avenue to Willis avenue, in the 'Twenty-third Ward of the City of New York, as the same has been heretofore laid out and designated as a first-class street or road by the Department of Public Parks.

VV> , THE UNDERSIGNED COMMISSIONERS of Estimate and Assessment in the above-

entitled matter, hereby give notice to all persons inter-ested in this proceeding, and to the owner or owners, occupant or occupants, of all houses and lots and im- proved and unimproved lands affected thereby, and to all others whom it may concern, to suit :

Ftr,t—That we have completed our estimate and assessment, and that all persons interested in this pro- ceeding, or in any of the lands affected thereby, and having objections thereto, do present their said objections in writing, duly verified, to us, at our office, No. z Tryon Rose, Room rfourth floor), in said city, on or before the nod day of July, 1895, and that we, the said Commis- sioners, will hear parties so objecting withii the ten week-days next after the said 22d day ofJuly, 1895, and for that purpose will be in attendance at our said office on each of said ten days at in o'clock at.

Second—That the abstract of our said estimate and assessment, together with our damage and benefit maps, and also all the affidavits, estimates and other docu-ments used by us in making our report, have been deposited in the Bureau of Street Openings in the Law Department of the City of New York, at its offices, No. z Tryon Row, in the said city, there to remain until the wad day ot July, t895•

Third—'That the limits of our assessment for benefit include all those lots, pieces or parcels of land, situate, lying and being in the City of New York, which taken together are bounded and described as follows, viz. : northerly by the centre line of the blocks between East One Hundred and'I'hirty-fifth and East One Hundred and'I'hirty-sixth streets, from the easterly line of Third avenue to the westerly line of Willis avenue; easterly by the westerly line of Willis avenue; southerly by the centre line of the blocks between East One Hundred and Thirty -fourth street and East One Hundred and Thirty-fifth street, from the westerly line of Willis avenue to the easterly line of Third avenue, and westerly by the easterly line of Third avenue; excepting from said area, all the streets, avenues and roads, or portions thereof, heretofore legally opened or laid out as such area is shown upon our benefit map deposited aforesaid.

Fourth—That our report herein will be presented to the Supreme Court of the State of New York, at a Special Term thereof, to be held at the Chambers thereof, in the County Court.house, in the City of New York, on the [5th day of August, [895, at the opening of the Court on that day, and that then and there, or as soon there-after as counsel can be heard thereon, a motion will be made that the said report be confirmed.

Dated, New Yuax, Tune no, t895. CHARLES PUTZEL, Cairman, GEORGE A.


JOHN P. DUNN, Clerk.


THE CITY RECORD IS PUBLISHED DAILY Sundays and legal holidays excepted, at No. a

City Hall, New York City. Annual subscription, $9.3o. JOHN A. SLEICHIR,
