THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXVI. ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL ESTATE. igo8. SUPPLEMENT. A COPY OF THE Annual Record of Assessed Valuation of Real i. In The City of New York, 1908. estate Borough of Brooklyn SECTION 8, BLOCKS 2128 TO 2471, 8592 AND 8593 IAAI Published In Compliance with the Provisions of Chapter 454 of the Laws of 1S03

THE CITY RECORD.cityrecord.engineering.nyu.edu/data/1908/cityrecord_real... · 2018. 8. 27. · THE CITY RECORD. VOL. XXXVI. ASSESSED VALUATION OF REAL ESTATE. igo8. SUPPLEMENT. A

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    Annual Record of

    Assessed Valuation of Real i.

    In The City of New York, 1908.


    Borough of Brooklyn

    SECTION 8, BLOCKS 2128 TO 2471, 8592 AND 8593


    Published In Compliance with the Provisions of Chapter 454 of the Laws of 1S03

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    Section 8. Volume i, Block No. 2128. i South Eighth Street.

    Between East River and Kent Avenue ; between Broadway and South Eighth Street. ' Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Kent Avenue. Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property.- Lot Estate. with Im-

    Size of Lot. Stories

    High. Street

    No. or Mao

    No. Unim- proved.

    provements Thereon.

    ' Value 'value of Ward, of Real

    Owner or Occupant.. ,-Description of Property.-~ Lot Estate, Real Estate with Im- Geo. C. Jeffers.......... 4. L. bredden.........

    So x 58 24.6 x 80

    4 4

    n9, 121 117

    23 26

    $12,.110 4,000

    $22,.110 10,500

    Stories Street or Map Unim- provements Henry Reimer .......... 25.6 xrol.3 4 Its 27 3,200 13,500 Size of Lot. High, No. No. proved. Thereon ( i & F. Satticr......... 25 0101 .3 3 i 1 28 3,1110 5,600 (•has. Sattler .......... .ì xtot .3 3 III 29 3,100 6,000

    New York Ferry Co..... t x 6 to Trreg. t 4,220,00. Y 5 5. g- 3 $= 75,0011 Sarah & Gottfried Olt... z5 xtot.2 3 log 30 3,100 6,000

    First National Bank.... 152.1 x258.6 Irreg. .. .. 8 30,000 45,000 Margaret E. omris..... z5 I 3 zEx. 107 31

    32 3,100 7,000

    2000 loscph Robinson ......:. Minnie E. Pascal.......

    z5 25

    oio i

    xiut I% 1115 103 33

    3,1110 3,100 3,900

    11. It. Starr............ llcnrietta ..

    :5 25

    xiui .1' gys/ xi o11.I1

    z% tot 99

    34 35

    3,100 3,100

    4,go0 5,600

    Section 8, Volume I Block NO. 2I2 . 9 t

    McLaughlin Iohl Ileiser

    d .........

    hobt, Lennar ......... z3 23

    X1ogy-o xtou.,n

    3 2V, 2/

    97 95

    36 37

    2î9o0 9

    4,500 4,4 0

    Chas. Schiel ............ 23 x 77.8 2% 93 38 z,600 41600 Between Kent and Wythe Avenues; between Broadway and South Eighth Street. Pat'k Curley ........... 23 x 77.8 t, 3 91 39 4,000 , 000

    Kent Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. r Description of Property_- Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    M. Fleischman ....... 92 X100 Irreg. 4 .. t $30,000 $50,000 G. 1. 'fatten............ 23.3%x 98 Irreg 2 411 5 7,50u 10,0011 f.iebman Sons Brewing

    Company ........... 22.4 x 6o.6 Irreg. 4 .. 6 8.5on 16, , ,


    John H. Benson......... 29.9 x Irreg. 4 1 t àz,,.,,,,,, s;.,.n Otto Huber ............. 22,65 Irreg. 4 16 9 12,0011 20,000 S. Liebman Sons....... 66.65x Irreg. 5 t8, 22 10 32,000 67,000 Peters & Bryant........ 44 xloo Irreg. 3 24,26 13 17.500 40.000 Charles Longes ........ 22 xtoo Irreg. 3 28 t5 8.5ao to,000 Louis Lechiel............ 22 x 65 3 30 16 5,500 7,500 gasper Stumpt........... 22 xroo 3 32 17 7,000 Io,000 Tas. L. Truslow......... 22 xtoo 34 t8 7,000 7,80(1 L. Rundt ............... 22 xroo 2 36 19 7,000 8,zoo Ezra B. Tuttle......... Ioo xzoo Irreg. 2 38,48 20 42.000 57,0011

    bolm 1). Froelich...... 23 xtoo Irrcg. 4 50 2- S-5oo 14,500 Dime Savings Bank..... 27 x 811 3 .. 26 12,0011 25,1100

    Wythe Avenue.

    G. A. Meyers........... 25 xtoo 3 456 28 $3,000 $6,5oo

    South Eighth Street.

    ,,I. A. Hayes & M. A. Ray 22 x 76 3 tii 29 $4,000 $8,500

    IVm. Morgan............ 22 x 76 i 59 311 31

    3,0011 6,000 6,000

    Nm. B. Anderson....... 22 x 76 .i 57 3,000

    'has- \Veihman.......... 22 x 76 4 55 32 3,000 5,70"

    R. E. Jarnar............ 20 xtoo 4 45 43

    37 38

    3,000 6.750

    7.001 8,5ou

    Tonics ............... 45 xloo 3 2,2011 3,000 Nassau Railroad Company 2o.8 x 70 1 .. 40

    Bernard Peters ........ 22.4 x 69. tok .. .. 41 21 4011 2,4110

    Section 8, Volume i, Block No. 2130.

    3eiween Wythe Avenue and Berry Street; between Broadway and South Eighth Street

    Wythe Avenue,

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. r-Description of Property.-, Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements Size of Lot. High. No. Na. proved. Thereon.

    foten Hoeft ............ 96.6 x 94 4 427, 419 1 $12,000 $45,00„

    hitlord & Le Count.. , . 25 x 94 2 4 17 5 2,5O ) 5,000


    Patrick J. Kennedy...... 23.7 x 79.6 3 54 6 7 $11,000

    6,50o $18,000 ío.500 F. C. Fedden............

    Gertrude Snook......... so x 79.6 27 x 79.6

    3 3

    56 58, 6o 8 9,00u t3,00n

    Clara Lowenstein........ 23•S X 79.6 3 62,64 9 7.50(1 Io,50'

    Ilenry ' f- h -.mas .. ... 46.6 03 ii Irreg. .r 66.70 Io 12 20.000 So,,

    33.1)1), °°1 Manufacturers' Bank.... 24.8 xior 3 72 74, 76 13 15,0 ,0

    5• 30,011,

    James L. Truslow....... James L. Truslow.......

    46.2 0xoi 94 X121

    4 5 78,84 t5 41,000 86,uo:,

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2132.

    Between Bedford and Driggs Avenues; between Broadway and South Eighth Street

    Bedford Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property. Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Edward Smith ......... 41.4 xioo brig. 4 • • I $t5,000 $40,000 lVm. S. Liptrott........ 20 x So 4 41 1 3 4,500 10,500

    David H. Brown........ 40 x 8o 4 399,397 6 9,000 26,000

    Smith, Gray & Co...... Iot.6 x 86 Irreg. 6 .. 6 60,00. Ij5,000


    Chas. Luger ......... .. 2)) 0toi.6 Irreg. 4 148 rI $7,000 $16,000 .... Ileury boller _•5 xtot.6 Irreg. - I 5 12 8,750 12,000

    limry Sanderson ...... 25 x101.6 Irreg. 4 152 13 8,750 19,000 Henry Sanderson ...... 25 0kí1.6 Irreg. 4 154 14 8,750 20,000

    Joseph fleiser ......... 18.6 xrot.6 Irreg. 3 156 15 8,750 22,000

    Francis W. .\damson... 96.4 x 99.6 Irreg. i t 58, t66 16 32,000 37,000 \\-m. S. Liptrott ........ 26 x 75.5 Irreg. .i 174 20 19,000 34,000 Harry Smith .......... 22.100 48.4 Trreg. 3 176 21 5,500 8,000

    Katherine Plaff ........ 18.4 x 37 Irreg. 3 178 22 4,000 9,000

    Driggs Avenue.

    ',Vor. S. Liptrott ........ 25 X 96. Louisa Stoll ............ 76.4 x 96

    4 852 25 $5,000 $9,000 4 85-1, 858 26 15,000 38,000

    Sout!t Eighth Street.

    (Ienry C. Wright........ NVm. E. .Howell......... Toseph Heiser ...........

    F \Vines........... Henry Sandman ........

    75.8 20.4 22.7 25.2 22.2

    xiOI.4 xlot.4 x101.4 xtot.4 xIOI.4

    5BK 38K 4 2 2

    1 43, 149 141 139

    37 135

    30 33 34 35 36

    $10,000 2,500 2,800 3,1 5 0 2,750

    $6o,000 4,000 9,500 6,000 4,700

    Henrietta Ficken ....... 30.1 xlot.4 3 , - 37 3,750 15,000

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2133.

    Between Driggs Avenue and Roebling Street; between Broadway and South Eighth Street.


    Value Value of Ward, of Real R~1 Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.- Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    \lichael Loughran ........ 21.1'/x79.7 Irreg. 5 184 1 $18,000 $40,000 Tulin Kaminskes .......... z1.t%x55.9 1rreg. 5 186 3 6,000 io,000 John kaliimSl)Cy .......... 21.2 x44.3 Irreg. 5 188 4 5,400 10,000 l-;lizi Ira in ............... 2 01)2 5 i90 5 5,î6o lo,5uo F. 1L \\illiame............ _t x56.5 irreg. 5 192 6 5,550 9,500 'iVilliam I.. Gay............ 20.9!4x50.9 Irreg. 1 94 7 5,250 8,00n I). H. \lc-\Ipnn ............ 20.9'X47.1 Irreg. 3 196 8 5,000 7,500

    F. L. Kneeland........... 2o.9;i034.5 Trreg. 3 198 9 4,350 6,500 foten C. Eadic ............. 20.9;,x40.9 Irreg. 3 eon Io 4,800 6,Soo john C. Eadìc ............. 20.9',x78.1 Irreg. 3 . 202 It 9,Soo 13,500 \Villiam (reell ............ 20.9'/,x72.5 Irreg. 3.t 204 12 g,too 12,500 (i. N. Gage ................ 2..9;4x66.9 Irreg. 3 206 t3 9,000 10,500 1. L. frulow .............. _11.9%x61.6 Irreg. 4 208 14 8,500 14,500 L. May .,. M. N. Swaney... ')1.9!:x55.5 Irreg. 4 210 15 8,200 11,300 Estate of I. A. Lewis...... 211.9/>x4Q.9 ]-reg. _ _ ztz t6 7,5110 9,11011 \nna C. Palmer............ 18.8 x44.1 Irrcg. 2 214 17 7.500 9,500 ltarg2rei E. Jackson ...... îS.8 x39 Irreg. 2 216 t8 7,500 9,000 ('. A. L))ckroft ............. i 8.8 x33.10 Irreg. 2 -,I8 19 7,200 8,500 havid Russell ............ 46.9 x28.9 2 220 20 15,000 19,000

    South Eigbth Street.

    Everett E. Wheeler.... 8o x 94 Irreg 4 21 $1 5,000 $45,001

    Loftus W. O'Berry.... ao.roox Irreg. eps 8t 25 '.Soo 3,000 Annie Qreenway ..... 18.ioux Irreg. 2 79 .2 (1 2.000

    3,500 ~S

    Mary Jane Haney..... 22 xtoo 3 77 -7 2,200 5,000

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2131.

    Between Berry Street and Bedford Avenue; between Broadway and South Eighth Street.


    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property;- Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provement

    Size of Lot. .sigh. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    lames L. Tirislon....... 123 s 92-t True(;. 2 .. i $37,500 $42,500

    1Vm. Kinschut 25 xtoi 3 104 7 7,500 9,500

    Ursula St. Totin F oth... 25 ztOI.g 2 io6 8 7.500 t0,500

    ['rsttla St. John & nth... 25 xioi .3 2 I10 9 7.500 10,500 Phoenix Fire Ins. Co... 25 xtot.3 3 114

    to 7.500 I 2,50)1

    & Pendleton .... .Avery 50 x1)1r .3 3 1 t8, 122 1 1 t5,00o 21,0ora

    \Vins Ackcrly .......... 25 xtoi .4 2 124 13 7,500 10,500

    Continental Ins. Co..... 25 Xiol.5 4 126 14 7,500 12.500

    8,000 \Vor. Sullivan ......... 24.3 x101.5 2

    4îi 128

    130, 136 15 t6

    7,500 37,500 97,500 Nassau Tn,st Co ....... 75.9 xlot.3

    Bedford Avenue.

    Chas. F. Mattlage....... 21.3 x 75 4 412 21

    Est. of C. W. Malloy.... 2a X 50 3 414 22

    $5,000 $17,500

    4,000 8,uu.,

    South Eighth Street.

    S. J. Higgins.... .... 20 X 43 - '75 31 $2,700 $3,5.11 Furman L. Eneeland.... 20 x 55 - 173 ,3 2 3,400 4,400 D. H. McAlpin......... 20 x 48 2 171 33 2,900 3,900 \Villiam C. Gay.......... 2a x 50 2 169 31 2,900 3,900 William C. Gay.......... 20 x 50 - 167 35 2,900 3,900 L. Steiker ............... 20 X 50 - 165 36 2,900 3,700 L. Steiker ............... 20 x 5o -. 163 37 2,900 3.7oo Martha A. Sherry........ 17.4 X 50 _ 161 38 2,400 2,900 Patrick Curley........... 23.8 x 50 4 159 39 4,2110 to,000

    Section 8, Volume t, Block No. 2134.

    Between East River and Kent Avenue; between South Eighth and South Ninth Streets.

    Kent Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Eåzate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.-m Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- proverven.

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    B'yn. & 'N. Y. Ferry Co. 54.9 x 8o Irreg. r .. i $15,000 $19,000 (tty C. Hotchkiss...... 75.5 x159.4 Irreg. 1,4 • . 3 35,000 45,000 New York Ferry Co.... Ií3.6 x277.5 Irreg. 4 ,. 7 200,000 a6o,000


  • Section 8, Volume i, Block No. 2136.

    Between Wythe Avenue and Berry Street; between South Eighth and South Ninth Streets.

    Wythe Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property.-., Lot Estate, with Im• Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Henry Meyer........... 72 X 82 4 .•. t $9,000 $30,000

    Mahala R. Griffen...... 22.8 x 82 3 443 4 2,000 4,500 Matilda Walsh.......... 22.8 x104 3 441 5 2,300 4,Sc0 Annie Kearney.......... 22.8 x104 3 439 6 2,300 5,oca

    Annie Kearney.......... 19.6 x 64.2 3 437 7 7,700 4,700 'rk,2%vn ............. b_- xl„3.4 Irreg. 4 435,431 ` 7,000 49,000

    Unknown ................. 20.4 x 65.3 4 429 t t 2,500 9,511)

    South Eighth Street. -

    Cyrus Flint ........... 22 x 90 r 76 13 $2,I00 $2,400

    Mary A. Miller.......... 22 x go _ _

    78 8o

    14 t 5

    2,100 1,900

    3,600 3,50 Diedrich Schneds....... 20.4 x 90

    1 82 26 2,300 3,600 Floyd E. S. Nevins...... Floyd E. S. Nevins......

    22 X 90 22 X 90 3B 84 17 2,100 5,800

    Floyd E. S. Nevins...... 21.6 xioo 3B 86 88

    t8 t9

    2,150 1,800

    7,000 3,8(0 William Floyd.......... 22.6 x 75 3

    9.500 z6,ocu John Kente ............. 5oxtoo Irreg. 4 90, 92 20

    Berry Street.

    William C. Gay......... 46.8 x 94 3 408, 410 24 $5.800 $10,00)

    South Ninth Street.

    Lucy E. Wheeler........ ig.6 x 93.4 3 85 26 $3,300 $8,000 H. E. Binford.......... 20.6 x 93.4 3 83

    Si 27 z8

    2,550 2,500

    5,500 6,oec C. M. Weimer..........

    Robert B. Schofild....... 20 x 93.4 20 x 93.4

    3 Lx 7 Ex

    79 29 2,500 z,65o

    5,501 7,000 Joseph Applegate........ 21 x 93.4 3 77 30

    A. M. corica .......... 25.5 ete, .8 3 75 31 3.600 9,50, ll. and S. \Vidman ..... 25 xt 5o Irrtg. 3 73 32 4,200 9,500

    Cyrus Flint ............. 25 x 93.4 • . . 7' 33 3,000 3,0cr Corns Flint ........... 25 11140 Irr'g. 3 69 34 4.500 9,2rc Thomas R. Berkley..... 22 x 94.8 3 67 35 2,700 7,00

    Section 8, Volume i, Block No. 2137.

    Between Berry Street and Bedford Avenue; between South Eighth and South Nintl Streets.

    Berry Street.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estati

    Owner or Occupant. cDescription of Property. Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Istap Unim- provemen

    Size of Lot. high. No. No. proved. Thereon.


    Section 8, Volume I, Block N'o. 2135.

    Between Kent and Wythe Avenues; between South Eighth and South Ninth Streets.

    Kent Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real L tate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.- Lot Estate, with lm- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Lucius N. Palmer..... :t.3 xio2.6 Irreg. 3 439 r $9,000 $to,oep

    Lucius N. Palmer..... \Vm. Vogel .... ...

    23.7 x1t2.5 Irreg. 3 437

    47.2 X112.5 Irreg. 6 433,435 2 6,200 3 28,o0fl

    7,000 90,000

    Eveland E. Meserole.. !'red. Ring ,..........

    44 x115._ Irreg. 7 431 82.5'/:xtt5 Irreg. 4 423, 427

    5 12,000 7 22,000

    40,002 40,0110

    \Vm. Dick ........... 25.5 x So Irreg. 3 4= t tt S,000 t 000 7,


    Bedford Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, o_f Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property.-., Lot Estate. with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    E. J. Hutchings......... 19.3 x gi.6 3 420 20 $5,000 $14,000 E. J. Hutchings.......,, 18.4 x 91.6 ,; 422 zt 3,600 7,000 Jane E. Elliott.......... 18.02-3x gt .6 3 424 22 3,600 S,000 Joseph Fermandez....... 18.0 t-3x gt.6 3 4z6 23 3,600 6,roo John Loughran.......... t8 x gi.6 3 428 24 3,600 6,ioo Fred'k Kolire .......... 27.tt%x gi.6 3 430 25 3,600 6,ioo John D. Gardiner........ 18.1 x gi.6 3 432 26 3,600 6,100 H. G. Law .............. r8 x gi.6 3 434 27 3,600 6,too H. G. Law ............. 18.3 2-3x 91.6 3 436 28 3,600 6,ioo Rebecca R. Bosefeld..... 29.2 x 73 4 438,440 29 4,600 '6,000 William E. Hesten...... 22.4 x 73 4 442 31 4,000 12,000 A. L, Feddet.......... 24.6 x 73 4 444 32 6,000 17,500

    South Eighth Street.

    W. W. Williams......... 23.6 x132 3 44 14 $4,000 $7,000

    Est. J. C. Beigharr ...... 24 x132 ,3 46 15 4,000 7,01.0

    Henry J. Marsh.......,, 24 x'36 3 48

    5. 54 - t6 17

    4,000 12,001)

    7,0u0 13„00

    Annie O. Marsh......... 72.34x136 56 4 20 3,600 1o,00 J. H. Applegate......... 24 xIoo

    x200 24 3 58 21 3,600 7,60)1 T. H. Applegate......... Henry Lohman.......... 5o xroo 3 6o, 62 22 9,000 15,0110

    Wythe Avenue.

    Peter & Mary Knaurt.., 22 xroo 3 474 _- $2,000 $5,000

    _Tas. and Ellen ray...... __ xtuo 3 476 26 2,200 5,010 Sarah S. (lark......... ~zo x 6o 3 478 27 1,500 4,5111

    South Ninth Street.

    Tames 1). l..catyy......... 25 x 76 Irreg. 3 117 33 $4,500 $9,000 Leonard T. Busby....... 71 xroo 4 109, llt, 225 34 20,700 48,000 Mary .1. •McCurdy....... 22.IOxto9 3 1o5 37 3,500 7,800 John J. Murray.......... 20.iOxto9 t 103 38 3,200 7,300 Louis \Vetzvn .......... 20.10X109 r ror 39 3,200 7,300 Louis \1'etzen ...... 2o.toxtoq 3 99 40 3,200 7,500 Elizabeth Lyon ......... 2o.toxto9 3 97 41 3,200 8,000 "Cborr2s E. Wallace...... zo.toxtu9 3 95 42 3,200 9,000 Sarah W. Barckley...... 24 x109 3 93 43 3,700 9,500 Amelia Heilman ........ 24 X109 3 92 44 3,700 7,600

    S. A. Nickerson......... 22.2%xto9 3 89 45 3,400 7,600 Jane C. McCaffrey...... 25.9%x 67.1% .. 87 46 3,000 9,500

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2138.

    South Ninth Street

    Mary F. Korten......... 20 x 76 3 57 28 $3,000 $6,5oo

    Ida Schiller ............. 20 x 76 3 55 29 2,2 5 0 5.300 1\-ni. P. Hurley......... 20 x 75 3 53 30 2,250 5,100

    Wm. Vogel .............40 x 96 .. 40, 51 31 5,000 it,coo

    Between Bedford and Driggs Avenues; between South Eighth and South Ninth Streets.

    Bedford Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Es.ate

    owner or Occupant. ,Description of Property.-, Lot lstate, with om- Stories Street or Map Unim- provement-

    Size of Lot. iagìt. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    J. S. Underhill.......... 20 x 65 4 427 T $5,500 $15,000 J. S. Underhill.......... zo x 65 4 425 2 3,200 10,500

    Underhill.......... 20 x 65 4 423 3 3,200 10,500 .1

    S. . S. Underhill.......... 20 x 65 4 421 4 3,200 10,500

    J. S. Underhill.......... 20 x 65 3 419 5 3,200 7,700 J. S. Underhill.......... 20 x 65 3 417 6 $,aoo 7.700 Charles Wilson .......... 29.6 x139 Irreg 4 417, 413 7 7i,000 25,01) Charles Wilson.......... 90.6 x 76.6 3 409, 407 8 18,000 40,000

    Elizabeth II9fiv,It ...... 4í.10.`..x 24 2 .. t $2,500 $4,500 Daniel Gorman.......... 20 X 69 3 409 3 2,200 4,500 James G. Norton........ 20 x 69 3 407 4 2,000 4,500 Eliza Thompson........ 20 x 69 3 405 5 2,000 4,500 R. F. (arp,nter........ 20 x 69 3 403 6 2,000 4,500 Charles E. Olmstead.... 20 X 69 3 401 7 2,000 4,500 Alfred John ............. 20 x 69 3 399 8 2.700 12,00)

    South Eighth Street.

    Anrey Furman.......... 24 X120 3BK loe 9 $3,200 $6,oco Jonathan H. Van Walkein 44 X120 2 104, io6 to 5,900 8,500 Henry Myers and Henry

    Waller ............... 22 X120 2 ro8 12 2,950 5,000 John W. (',yylor......... 22 x120 3 rio 13 2.950 7,000 "li -abete Down ........ 22 xr2o 3 112 14 2,950 6,400 Philip Matlock.......... 22 X120 3 114 15 2,950 6,000 Tames D. Leary......... 22 X120 3 - tt6 t6 2,950 7,000 Andrew Hatrison....... 23 X120 2 tt9 17 3,100 5,000

    H. E. Halloran......... 30.6 X120 3 120 t8 4,000 6,500

    South Eighth Street.

    Cornelius Jenson ...... 2t,z x 93.6 3 142 12 $2,650 $5,100 Henry Hazleton......... 20.8 x 93.6 3 144 13 2,500 5,000 Domba Decney.......... zo.8 x 93.6 3 146 14 2,500 5,000 William F. Pope......... 22.8 X120 3 148 t 5 3,100 6,ioo kugust Behr............ 23.4 X120 3 150 t6 3,1 50 7,500 Chontas Bomar.......... 23 X120 3 152 17 , 3,300 6,000 îhomas Bomar.......... 23 x120 3 154 tS 3.100 6,000 Jane C. Robley.......... 23 x120 3 156 19 3,100 6,000 J. B. Snook .............. 23 X120 3 158 20 3,100 7,000 Thomas H. McMillan..... 23 X120 3 16o 21 3,100 6,000 k nlelia Simon........... 23 X120 3 162 22 2,900 5,900 Pbillis Russell........... 23 X120 3 164 23 2,900 5,900 rhomas Sargent ....... 46 x133.9 Irreg. 3 .. 24 15,000 35,000

    Driggs Avenue.

    William Dick............ 36 x 72 4 878 29 $4,500 $23,000

    South Ninth Street.

    William Dick............ 72 x 70.3 4 163, 165 31 $10,000 $55,000 George H. Beach......... 24 x1o6.3 2 159 34 3,700 4,900

    9,000 Charles E. Murtagh...... 'William Dick............

    25 6o

    X120 x120

    3BK 4

    157 153, 1 49

    35 36

    4,000 9,600 42,000

    Conrad G. Moller ....... 23 xt20 4 147 39 3,650 15,000 Annie Moller............ 23 xtzo 4 145 40 3,650 15,000 vsa Voller............ 73 1(120 4 139, 137 41 11,500 44,000 James A. Moller, Jr..... 27 X,20 • - 135 44 4,300 11,500

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2139.

    Between Driggs Avenue and Roebling Street; between South Eighth and South Ninth Streets.

    Driggs Avenue.

    Value value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property'- Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved, Thereon.

    IIerman Colell ........ 50 xio6.5 Irreg• 4 877, 875 1 $6,000 $23,000 James Rodwell ........ 31.6 xt07.6 3 871 3 5,200 11,000

    South Eighth Street.

    Ernest A. Bohlen........ 22 X 82 Irreg. 3 172 5 $4,100 $9,600 Lewis Sammis .......... ai x 83,10 Irreg. .. 174 6 3,200 6,000 Sarah J. \fesick ......... zt,5 x 85.7 Irreg. .. 176 7 3,250 5,400 Julia R. Smith.......... 21,5 x 87.4 Irreg. 178 8 3,250 5,000 G. 1). Gilbert........... 21,3 x 89.1 1rreg. z% 180 9 3,250 5,600 IIcgimau Cornell ....... 21,7 xt22.4 Irreg. 2 182 to 3,400 6,400 Thomas Sargent ........ 21.7 x124 Izreg. 2 184 II 3.450 6,700 Mary and Eliza Blumshoe-

    sett .. ... .. 24.9 x125.I0 Irreg. 2 186 12 4,000 7,600 Jane E. Weissching...... 25 xt27.to Irreg. z 188 13 4,100 7,700 Charles J McGuinness... 25 xt29.t0 Irreg. 3 190 14 4,200 7,700 Priscilla A. Halley...... 25 21131.10 Irreg. 3 192 15 4,300 6,ioo August Heitrecker ...... 25 X102.5 Irreg. 3 194 t6 4,000 6,300 I. L. Trnslow .......... 25 zt04.5 Irreg. 3 196 17 4,100 6,ioo Estate of C. Noble....... 20 xio6.6 1rrvg. 3 198 t8 3,250 6,300 Estate of C. Noble....... 20 x1n8.2 Irreg. 3 200 tg 3,300 6,300 Estate of C. Noble....... 20 xto9.to Irreg. 3 202 20 3,350 6,400 Estate of C. Noble....... 20 xl t 1.6 Irreg. 3 204 21 3,400 6.5o0 Estate of C. Noble....... zo xi 14.9 Irreg. 3 206 22 4,500 8,00o

    Roebling Street.

    Herman Vogel........... 15.9 x 75.4 3 320 25 $2,000 $4,800 H. M. Waterman......... 15.9 x 7$ .4 3 322 26 2,000 4,300 Ann McAleer........... 13.9 x Irreg. 2 324 27 1,900 3,400


  • South Ninth Street.

    I iit.iu ii ii ..............ling. .. .. 25 $:o, sui

    South 'Tenth Street.

    .'nknoo'n .............. tz3.[-yx Irreg. 5) 05 ~S.000

    Section 8, Volume i, Block No. 2144.

    hct%vecn Kent and Wythe Avenues; between South Ninth and South Tenth Streets

    Kent Avenue.

    Value Value of

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property. Ward, Lut

    of Real Estate,

    Real Estate with In[-

    Size of Lot. Stories High.

    Street No.

    or Map No.

    Unim- proved.

    pr.,,emcnts Thereon.

    hat. IL M. (ileiner... 25.1[ x109.[;ì b -og. _ 455 r $6,500 $9,500 amurl Moekcr .. 24.luyxtt3.8'/- Irreg. - 453 - 4,500 5,000 lmcrican Sugar Refining . um;,any .......... 509 x[ 18.4 Irreg- a 451, 449 3 9,500 [4,000 '. ,51, Reli ......... `

    .u. \I, alley ....... z a X102. Irre*

    5.4,E 4 6• =~ •147 5. 4,500 5,u(ii) 25.45( X 84.6 Irrcg. ';1 445 6 4,000 4,500 'c,,'- c Cell ......... ai.; ; x Sy Irreg. .. 4-1.3 4.50o 4,5"0 ;50- ......... .5.5 0 95) lrrcg. .. 441 8 6,500 6 ou


    South Ninth Street.

    Value Value ,gil Ward, of Real Real Es;nte

    Owner or Occupant r- Dcseription of Property.- Lot Estate, with itn- Stories Street or 241ap Unim- proventcuts

    Size of Lot. lligis. No. No. proved. 'fhcrron.

    Diedrich Allers.......... 18.g x 8o 3 203 28 $3,800 $7,3110 Sarah Crowell........... 18.9 x 8o • ,3 201 29 2,950 5,800 Martha C. Hefdekarop.... 18.9 x 80 3 199 30 2,950 5,800 Margaret A. Foulkes..... 18.9 x 8o 3 197 3r- 2,950 5,800

    Julius Mgiuliteiiii ......... 25 x13[.6 Irreg. 4 195 32 5,200 20,0 uo l u,iur, .A !:iiIiitira ......... 05 xtau 4 193 33 4,000 19,n1J0 \rmida W. Smith...... 25 x[n4. [ Irreg. .. i9[ 34 4,1 50 5,7"O \niv Fartran 25 x[06. i Irrcg. .. 189 35 4,150 5,=00 1{leard J. Scully....... 05 X108.2 Irr,g. .. 187 36 4,050

    Gir. E. L. E. (_'„n. Ch.. 70 Xi [o.z Irreg. .. . . 37 13,500 Fzemhc. (;er. I,. I.. E. Con. Ch.

    Parsonage 22 x116 Irrrg. 3 177 40 3.800 6,000

    rolin E. Brennan ....... i.6 X,011 3 175 41 _,S(0 5,5"0 \Villiam H. Taylor...... [5.6 xtoo 3 173 42 2,500 5,5.00

    ]fermar Colell ........ 25 x 95.3 Irrcg. 3 171 43 3,950

    To li n McQuade ........ 25 x 72.4 Irreg. 3 169 44 3,300 9,0 ii

    Sarah E. Walters....... 25 x 76.6 Irreg. 3 167 45 4,500 12,11-,0


    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2143.

    f'Otwecu East River and Kcuo Avcisuc; between South Ninth and South Tenth Strcct_.

    Kent Avenue.

    • Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. r-Description of Property.- Lot Estate, with hai - Stories Street or Map Unim- pruvements

    Size of Lot. high. No, No. proved. 'rhcreun.

    :Am. Sugar Ref. Co.... 203.2x366.2; Irreg. lu .. i 5177,-,,u _-- ,o (Brooklyn Dis. Co.)

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2140.

    Between Roebling and Havemeyer Streets; between South Eighth and South Ninth Streets.

    Roebling Street.

    Value Value of '.. yard, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. r-Description of Property.- Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provement_

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    F. 1},bvoisc 3 [.6 xt5o.I3 Irreg. 2 .......... .. r $7,000 $x0,5,0

    Louis Z, chiel ..........20 x[25.7 irreg. 3 309 3 4,000 6,300

    South Eighth Street.

    I )jrn1oiOli Allers ......... 2t.R x 99.8 Irrvg. 3 zo8 S $[o,ono $18,500

    Itimrirl :AIlcrs 251 x[ ou.7 Irreg. 3 210 6 7,0110 14,-~00

    \ttgustus E. t.rttvrettce.. 20.tuxro[.8 Irreg. 3 212 7 7,350 Emily L. Buck ........ 20.10X102.9 Irreg. 3 214 8 7,350 9• ẁ.;n

    Chas. Noble ........... 4[.8 x103. to Irreg. 4 216, 218 9 54,500 33,1,11 Ecrnarrl Poters ........ 48 X131 Irreg. 2 236, 238 [r r8,5oo

    Louis Z!chiel ......... [aia,. Noble ...........

    70.10X133 Irreg. 5 240, 244 521.5 x[o8.7t,4Irreg. [ 246, 250

    13 17

    30,000 75,000

    9oo m 8.' 0.,

    Havemeyer Street.

    Maria F. hem.......... 20 x 61.6 Irreg. 3 244 24 $2,500 $-4,5'so

    South Ninth Street.

    Fred. Ulrich .......... 12 X 80.5 Irreg. 3 231 25 $5,000 $7,200

    Unknmvn .............. 19 X 80.5 Irreg. 3 .. 27 3,000 5,800

    August Voegc ......... it X102.6 Irreg. 3 227 28 3,500 6,300

    Sarah Rieimrdr,t t9 x104 Irreg• 3 225 29 3,600 6,40o

    Ida R. Frazer.......... t9 xlo[ .6 Irreg. 3 223 30 3,500 6,30„

    \Vm. N. Baker........ 21) x[03.2 Irre g. 3 221 219

    31 32 3,800

    3,700 S,x:11

    Edward J. lhileharty• . • -o Irreg. xeo4.6 Irreg. z[o5.10

    3 3 217 33 4,600 9,[00 Bernard Calla.•Fer ..... 24.4 3í'z 215 34 4,400 8.700 Tnkin 9cfunte ........

    Richard l;. \lalone..... 27 44

    x 76.[1!:1 Irreg. x 79.1 ií Irreg. 3 213, 21 [ 35 7,000 15+~!o

    Helena Bauman ........ 25 x 62,81= Irreg. 3 209 37 4,200

    John McCann ......... 25 x 84.9 Irreg. 3 207 38 4,400 7,000

    F. Debevoise .......... 25 x 88. io Irreg. 3 205 39 6,000 i0,5'1i

    South Ninth Street.

    l\"ut. Vogel ............ John Regan. .............

    22.4 X 75 4 z5 xtoo 3

    28 lo t[

    $a,5oo $7,uou

    John O'Brien............ 25 xaoo 3 30 3 2 12

    3,000 3,000

    5,500 3,100

    'licdcman lieu. ....... 25 x[oo • 13 3,000 3,000 "ork \cw 1and Brooklyn

    Sneket Company....... 5o x2oo Irreg. .. .. 14 b),000 i9,11oo lut. IL MtClinchy...... 25 X[00 .. .. 16 3,000 3,50n ~0>pl.. nni❑ b,lait ..... -5 x[ , r*, .. .. 17 3,000 e 3 •"u lulfa A. Jacobs.......... 25 x100 2/ 44 t8 4,000 6,500

    Wythe Avenue.

    Oil] J. M unccy......... s8 x 50 Irreg. 3 498 ao $1,800 $4,300

    South Tenth Street.

    :.Loar Itge .............. 25 x 72 4 43 z1 $.3,000 $7AOo ? '. M„rgau............ 5 x 75 Irreg• =5'1 41 2,400 4,400 ,1'm. Johan .............. 25 X100 .. .. z8 3,000 4,5uu

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2141.

    Between Havemeyer Street and Marcy Avenue; between Broadway and South Ninth Street.


    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2145.

    !I,OtsVgiei \Vythe Avenue and Berry Street ; between South Ninth arid South Tenth Streets.

    Wythe Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Proper'.-i Lot Estate, with his- . stories Street or Map Unim- pruvements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. 'I hereon.

    Fred Bowers............ 112.6 x1[6.8 Irreg. 3 z68,276 r $55,000 $100.050

    Edgar Davidson......... 23.4 x 66.1 Irrcg. 4 278 8 9,500 14,000

    Edgar Davidson....... 23.4 x 62.9 Irreg. 4 280 9 9,=00 13,500

    D. H. & ll. E. T. llugan. 23.4 X 59.5 irreg. 4 282 lo II 9,000 8,800

    13,500 13,1500 1). H. & H. E. J. Dugan. 23.4 X 56.2 Irreg. 4 284

    Alfred Uiieliani.......... z5 x 5z. [o Irreg. 3 286 12 r-3 8,800 6,400

    12„055 9.5"u

    Alfred Bueham.......... [9 X 49.3 Irreg. 3 290 14 6,000 9,.os.n Alfred Rucham.......... [9 X 46.7 Irreg. 3 292 5,700 8,.500 Alfred Bueham.........+ t9 x 43. [t Irreg. 3 294 296

    [5 i6 5,400 8,000 :\ifred Bucham..........

    Alfred Buetiain.......... 19 X 4[.2 '9 X 38.6

    Irreg. Irreg+

    3 3 z98 [7 5,000 7,505

    :\lfred R0cham.......... 20 X 33 Irreg. 3 300 [8 7,200 io,11oa

    South Ninth Street.

    Williard F. Smith........ 56.8 x 65.1 Irreg. .. 19 $[z,5oo $12,500

    ]!emit[ R. S ,,ith ....... 75 X 75.4 Irreg. 4 255. 259 23 12,500 39,5)00

    D. 1I. & E. T. Dugan... 22.1 IX 78.6 Irreg. 3 253 26 4,000 7,500

    F. A. Grayglou ......... 22.1IX 8[.8 Irreg. 3 251 27 4,200 7,700 \Tro. 5 llair. .......... 22 x 94.6 3 249 28 4,000 7.5


    E. R. Wilcox............ 22 X 87.6 3 247 29 4,200 7,700

    Robt. J. Hacker........ 20 x 9o•3 3 3

    245 243

    30 3!

    3.800 4,000

    7,5)00 7,200

    lohn S. Sin))'........... zo X 9n Irreg. 3,900 7.500 Ferdinand Rowers....... 22 x 74.6 3

    241 32

    Ferdinand Bowers....... 22 x 74.6 3 239 33 3,900 7.500

    Ferdinand Bowers....... 22 x 74+6 3 237 34 3,900 7,500

    Ferdinand Bowers....... 30.3 X 74.6 Irreg. 3 235 35 4,500 910.0

    Valte Value of \lard, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.-, Lot Estate, Ovitli lm- Stones Street ur Map Ur tis. pruvements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No, proved. Thereon.

    ''.1'm. Ilarderebrook.......38 x 26 3 467, 469 t $2,300 $4.500 I-- ila. d.nbi- ' k ...... 38.6 x zii 40,. 403 .i 1.41,u

    J. E. Davidson......... 38.7 x 26 3 461 5 1,200 3,700

    South Ninth Street

    t„hn C. Hamilton ....... z6 x 85 3 54 8 $3,600 $8,0no C. & J. Doenicker....... z6 xtoo 4 .5 6 9 3,250 13.500 ". & J Doenicker....... 26 xtoo 4 58 10 3,250 13,5)o John O'Brien........... z6 xioo 3B 6o It 3.250 15,5.0 lavny Alexander........ 25 X100 313 52 [z 3,100 6,500 • ~ "ambre A. Itrundage.... 25 xcOO 31l 6 4 [, 4 .î.1n0 5.;00 fnitn M, Stearns......... 5o X120 î 66,70 t4 6,500 17.000 1o0epli Applegate....... 25 X120 -4 72 [d 3,250 15,1100 Bradley & \Vynkoof, ']'rus- 'eco ................. 19.3 x 83.3 3 74 17 2,250 5.000

    tohu Alberty............ 19.3 X 83.3 3 76 18 2,250 5.000 \ugust \V. Newman..... 19.3 X 83.3 3 78 tg 2,250 5.00o iv, L'u!luvinkcl ......... 19.3 x 83.3 3 80 20 3,001) d r S00

    r ---- -- - -

    Berry Street.

    Emma and Louise Little- field.. ......... 19.3 x 77 3 432 21 $2,100 $5.300

    1\"m. C. Melody......... 19.3 x 77 3 .134 22 2,t0( 5,600

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2142

    South Tenth Street.

    Between Marcy and Junction Avenues; between Broadway and South Ninth Street.


    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.-, Lot Estate, with t[n- Stories Street or Map Unim- provernents

    Size of Lot. Iligh. No. Nu. proved. Thereon.

    Theodore Tow ........72.4 xeno Irreg. 3 .. r $36.000 $47,000

    Edwin Sutton.......... 25 x 43.9 Irreg. 3 6 8,5oo 11,000

    Est. of Betsy Hamblin.. 9r.tnx 36.7 Irreg. 3 • • 7 16,000 21,000


    Max Aherns.. .. 19.3 x 78.3 3 73 23 $2,800 $6,ioo bel M. Bax............ 19.3 X 78.3 3 7[ 24 2,150 5,000 titan Garcia ............. 19.3 x 78+3 3 69 25 2,150 5,000 Sarah J. Glenn.......... 79.3 x 78.3 3 67 z6 2,150 5,000 Lunes H. Kemp ...... 18.7'/x 80 s 65A 27 2,100 6,too \. C. I1Un,1riORson .... 18.iiJ x 80 3 65 z8 z,[oo 6.100 Carrie H. Foster........ t8.g x 8o 3 63 29 2,100 6r[0o 'S'n. Grundy............ 18.9 x 80 3 61 30 2,100 6,too Henry Meyer........... as xtoo 3 59 31 .9,100 3,000 arne Wendell.......... 25 xtoo 3 57 32 3,100 7,500

    lnseph Cohen et al...... 20 X100 3 55 33 2,500 5+500 Rlcanrar Firth........... 20 X!00 3 53 34 2,500 5,500 111hn H. Proctor......... 20 X100 3 51 35 2,500 5,500 john H. Proctor......... IB xtoo 3 49 36 2,250 5,000

  • Mary -k, Miller........ 45 x129.3 Irreg. 3 Slarcus Michel ........ 23.9 x129.3 Irreg. 3 \deline Roberts ..... , . 23 x128. z ~4.~ lrreg.

    Irreg. 3 3 !tertha Candidus ......

    et. TI. Dibble .......... 23 x127.5% 29 xr26.5?Hlrreg. 3

    ,.ydia If. Bell.......... 20 xt 25.9 Y lrreg. 3 Lydia H. Bell........... 20 x525.93~=

    23 X125.184 3 3 ,race F. Harper.........

    .finord W. Barnes...... 23 X124.43'1 3 _ rederick 7t1. Ruger, . , , 23 s í 23.7H 3 Florence E. Young..... 2z x 8o 3 \ndrew Wood.......... zo.6 x 8o 3 Annie Brune............ 2I x 8o 3 Caroline Woodworth..... ao.6 x 80 3 Tames D. \Vade........ 29.2 x 83.9 Irreg. 3

    222 3 $I5,nno $27,000 224 9 5,000 9,000 223í fo 4,850 9,000 228 It 4,850 9.000 232 12 6,000 o,$oo 234 14 4.200 8,200 236 15 4,200 7,700 238 16 4.850 10.500 240 17 4,850 8,500 242 f8 4,850 8.500

    244 19 3.750 7,500 246 20 3,500 6,8ou 248 21 3,600 6.800 250 22 3,500 6,800 252 23 3.500 7_800


    Value Value of \ \'ard, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupaat. _Description of Property.- Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provenlents

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Henry Burnett.......... 25 x 72 3 437 1 $3,600 $6,ton Wm. C Gay ........ 25 x 72 - 435 2 2,700 5,200

    1X.000 Nathaniel Washburn..... H. M. Oldnor...........

    so X 72 22 x 96 3

    2 433.431 429

    3 5

    2,700 3.500 7,500

    South Ninth Street,

    Louise M. Creamer...... 79.3 x 78 3 tit 0 4, Louise M. Creamer...... 19.3 x 78 .. 84 7 2,500 5,500 Estate H. M. Oldnor..... 19.3 It 78 .. 86 8 2.500 5.500 John J. Murray.......... 19.2 X 78 .. 88 9 2,500 5,500 F. Murray........ ... 19.2 x 78 3 90 l0 2,500 5,500 Vit. Peter t'au's Church 5o xtoo .. ., II 7,500 Exempt. R. C. Church of the

    Epi7h;in. ............. 25 zl0o 9, t.; 3.; 50 7.3'" Peter Hage........... . a5 xtoo 3 98 14 3,750 7,800

    \1i So,. - I niversal Cl,. ,^'5 xi„o Irreg. .. t5 16,750 Exempt. Wm. H. Baker......... a5 xloo 3 io6 18 3,750 7,500

    Bedford Avenue

    Henry Meyer............ a5 x 96 4 446 19 $8.300 $21,001,

    Vincent Barth........... 2S x 96 4 448 20 6,250 15,000 Louise M. Creamer...... a5 x 96 4 450 21 6,250 t6,000 Louise M. Creamer...... 25 x 96 4 452 22 6,250 16,000

    A1', gant ...... 25.7 x 56 S 454 23 6,400 8,900 1Veir.c rc \ \1ygant....., :4.5 x 96 3 456 24 6,ioo 8,900 \V..i,,, T - 5 \\'o cant..... , .. x 96 3 458 25 6,250 9,300

    Fred W. Pfaender....... 25 X 96 4 460 26 8,300 19,000

    South Tenth Street,

    South Ninth Street.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real J'.eal instate

    Owner or Occupant. ,Description of Property.-, Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. `o. No. proved. Thereon.

    \Vm. Dick .............. So xroo 3 156, 16o 9 $10,000 $23,000 1Vm. Dick .............. So xloo 3 164 1t 8,00o z8,000 t~ ]l, setter ............ 25 0147 Irreg. 3 1nó ' 13 4,300 8,800 C. U,,scher ........... 25 x147.8 Irrrg. ,68 i.t 4,300 4,900 ,;cn, \\'Tenero .......... o.6 0148.7 Irrcg. 3 170 15 4,400 10,500 Geo. Wieners .......... 24.6 x148,11 Irreg. 4 172 16 4,200 16,000

    ..oristian freedman ... 29.6 x,49.4 lrreg. 3 '74 17 5,000 13,500 \Vn•.,. It. Si M. E. Franck 2o.6 0140. I I rreg. 3 170 t 9 3,600 t r,000 t'hristi:ut Freedman .... 5o x,46. f Irreg. 4 180 20 8,600 32,000 Sarah :\. Smith.......... 25 ztoo 3 184 22 4,000 9,000 C. I1. \Vilson........... 25 xroo -yz 186 23 4,000 5,500 James R. Howe......... 25 Xi 00 _1' _ I" 24 4,000 7,000 ttetty Bernstein.......... 25 xtoo 3 190 25 5,500 13,000

    Roebling Street.

    Sarah L. Hough......... 4t xtoOIrreg. z 344, 346 -7 $6,000 $10,0.0 e:aroline Ni. Young...... 27.6 xloo Irreg. 4 .. --n 4,000 12,000 Caroline M. Young...... 25 xtoo 4 .. 3" 3,750 11,000

    Division Avenue.

    Henry Gurtelman ........ zo x 50 3 1St 31 $2,1oo $5,400 John W. Thompson...... zo x 50 ,t 1 71) 1) í ,55o -1,goo Samuel H. Wprkind..... 20 X 50 3 177 33 1,550 4,500 naroline Schwartz........ 20 X 50 3 1 75 34 1,550 4,200 Caroline Schwartz........ 20 X 50 3 173 35 1,550 4,200 Maria \V. Dick......... 21.6 X10o Trreg. 3 171 36 2,600 6,too \\-m. TT. .\ndersou .... 21.5 x 99.7 Irreg. 3 169 37 z,600

    2. -0 5,600 6.8un V]cx. Frazer ..........

    Paroline Young ....... 21.5 x 99.2 21.5 X 98.35_Trrcg.

    Irreg. 3 3

    tol 165

    3s 39 z,600 6,000

    \\'nt. KohImci$er ....... 21.5 x 97.2v1rrcTc. 3 ,6,3 40 2,600 8,500 Eliz. C. Both.......... 21.5 X 96.8!' 1rreg. 3 1(1 11 2,600 7.500 Chas. lians .... ...... 21.5 X 97.3$ 1rrcg. 3 '5u 42 2,600 7.400 Emma Knt'lmeir ....... 25 X 97. lo Irreg. 2 15,7 43 3,000 8,500

    Samuel \Vnlff ......... 25 X 99 Irreg. 3 1?.5 44 3,000 15,000

    Maria A, Gunther...... 25 XIOo.2 Irreg. 3 153 45 3,000 15,000

    Section 8, Volume i, Block No. 2146.

    Bctwecu Berry Street and Bedford Avenue; between South Ninth and South 'Tenth Streets.

    Berry Street.

    P. M. Leproh.......... 25 xtoo 3 97 27 $2.750 $,800 Eliphalet S. Newins...... 5o xtoo 4 93,95 28 5,500 20,000

    Henry Burnett.......... 25 xtoo 3 87 32 2,750 8,200 le fry liur11ctt ......... 22 .110 .. 33 2,400 2,400

    Ilci:r: lI;:rnecL ......... c8 x,00 4 83 34 3,100 12,0r0

    Henry Burnett ......... 24 ztoo 2 8i 35 2,650 4,70'

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2149

    Between Roebling and Havemeycr Streets ; between Division Avenue and South Ninth Street.

    Roebling Street.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.-~ Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Fannie Constable........ 22.8 x 80.7 Irreg. 4 453 1 $4.400 $9,0U,, agi•,,; L Il r.c ...... 22.5 \ 72 Irer. 4 45 1 2 3.9n1 S,uu

    Fannie Constable........ 16.9 X 37.2 Irreg. ,. .. 3 I,52~1 an,ue 1. }I.-I ,nor... 33 x 9r; Irreg. 3 445 4 (1,500 13,51''

    Samuel J. McCutter...... 22 x 96 .. .. 6 5,5 00 Amphion Academy....... 75 x171 Irreg. 4 .. 7 27,goo 125,0o, - M. A. Radford.......... 25 x 96 4 435 ]0 6,250 55,001' Geo. Bell ............... a5 x 96 3'? 433 2 t 6,250 52,500 Geo. Bell ............... 25 a 96 3'2 431 I- n,_;o 12.5011

    Geo. Bell ............... a5 x 96 3 429 13 5.30 15,04-.

    South Ninth Street.

    Joseph Applegate........ 25 xI0o 3 128 14 $3,750 3,750

    $5,501' 6,0o,, C. N. Richardson........

    ratair 1). L. Aprthrun.. as _5

    xtoo xtuu

    3 3

    130 132

    15 Ib 3,750 5,70l

    Andrew C. Boitcn ....... 25 zI79.3 irreg. 3 134 t7 4,200 7,zc,o

    Cora Mayer ............. z1 x162.6 Irreg. 3 136 18 3,450 8,5.0 Mary C. BLS!, tr ........ 29 x[52.6 Irreg. 3 138 19 4,900 11,00,1 i :dword E. Blehm...... 25 X145 Ineg. z I' 142 21 4,000 7,00„ :lurv Sand*nan ....... 25 x145 Irreg. 2 144 22 3,900 6,5o,,

    Elii th Marshall......... 24 xtoo z 146 23 3,600 6,200

    \Vm. Dick .............. 24 x100 2 148 24 3,600 6,000

    \Vm. Dick .............. 24 x 75 2 15o _- 3,200 5,70,1 LVm. Dick... ........... 24 X,00 Irreg. a a 5,_,0

    Driggs Avenue.

    SVm. S. Liptrott........ 25 x 96 3 904 28 $3.501 75'' Rosalie Eicke............ 23.4 X 96 Irreg. 2'. 908 29 3,100 „ì 1,o lary Lor' r 21 stn" Irrcg. 910 30 3,250 5,3n,I

    Geo. R. Aldridge........ 21 X 75 2 - 912 31 2,500 5,500

    Division Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property. -, Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- In'uvements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved, Thereon.

    i', K. Krey ............ 40.9 0159.2 Irrog. o .. t $10,000 $15,000 1. E. Farley........... 20 x100 Irreg. z 335 3 2,700 3,900 .;. E. Farlev........... 20 0100 = 333 4 3,000 4,200 E. AceLr01gh!fn ......... 20 075 3 331 5 2,60o 6,500

    South Ninth Street.

    F. McLoughlin ........ 16.8 x 8o 3 192 6 $3,600 $8,roo E. McT.oughlin ........ 16.8 x So 3 192.5. 7 2,700 6,300' -Ola Shepard ........... 16.8 X 8o 3 194 8 2,700 6,300

    i. \icLoughlin ........ 25 x 8o 3 196 9 4,000 8,300 /_oseph Cox ............ 25 xtoo 3 198 ro 4,500 8,500

    rane. s P Murray _ ... 25 x136.1 Irrrg. 3 _00 11 5,000 9,301 Sarah H. Macauley.,,... 25 x135.6 3 202

    204 12 t3

    5,000 5,000

    8,200 8,20. Stans 1V. Brissel........

    Frederick Ellinors ...... 24.3%x135 19.8'/sx 97.3

    3 3 208 14 3,50o 8,Soo

    «0k110.11 ............... t7 x 97.3,2 4 210 15 3,050 7,100 Edward Smith ......... 17 x 8t 4 212 t6 2,750 6,Soo

    Edward Smith ......... '7 x 8s 4 214 17 2,750 6,800 Edward Smith .......... 34.3 X 84.9 Irreg- 3 216 t8 4,500 9,500

    Havemeyer Street.

    Edward Smith............ 53 3 x 43.9 Irreg. c 360, 262% 30 $5.700 $10,500

    t'atrick Claffy .......... 25.1Ix 8o 2 .. z3 4,000 7,000

    Division Avenue.

    'ath. K. Krey.......... 20.3 X 70 zio 205 25 $3,000 $6,5oo Annie Isale ............ 20.2 X 70 2 203 26 2,200 4,500

    '.t drgarct Tones ........ 20.2 x 70 _ 201 -7 2,200 4.500 Sarah L. Little.......... 20.2 X 70 _ I99 28 2. 200 4,500 ,osef,hine F. Paul....... 20.2 x 70 _ 197 29 2,200 4,500 .i. T. Stalimer.......... 20.3 X 70 - 195 30 2,200 4,500 ',.lin AIeGeeald ......... 20.3 X 70 I1reg. - 193 :1i -,q,.ln 4,800

    Henry Krey .......... 20 X 50 3 191 32 1,700 4,700

    , ti2abcth Palmer ...... 20 x 50 Irreg. - 3 189 33 2,000 t.000 Hannah ímrton ........ 20 X 50 3 187 34 1 ,700 5,100 Theodore Stewart ....... 20 X 5o 3 185 35 1,700 5,100

    Caroline F. herdeman... 20 x 61.9 Irreg. 3 183 36 3,000 15,000

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2147.

    Between Bedford and Driggs Avenue; between Division Avenue and South Ninth Street.

    Bedford Avenue.

    Josephine F. Paul....... 2t x 6o 3 145 32 $=.900 $9.01 Elmira Smith............ 20 it 6o 3 143 33 2,100 5,811" Elmira " it .......... tg.8%x 6o 3 141 34 2,050 5,8n

    Saml Wolff ............. 39.35'+x 8! Irreg. .t 139, 1 37 35 4,400 23,0111 Sarah C. Townrow...... 21.8 x107.2 3 135 37

    38 3,000 430)0

    5,701, 8,.5oo Mary A. Burnett........

    Mary B. Prichard....... 29.8 xeno 2s xto3

    Irreg. 4 3

    1 33, 129 127 40 3,000 5,800

    F. _Annie ( ^-tt9ble ..... 20.11 X03. to . 3 123 43 3,000 5,500

    Henry A. Barclay........ 7I.53jxIo4.6 ; 12I 44 3,100 S,hOo

    Sackett \V lT;trclara...., 21 xro6. to ; I19 45 3,000 5,500

    Tame, L. B,,eeLxg........ 21.2 0106.4 t I 1 46 3,000 5,500

    Fannie Constable........ 2r.2%x 72.6 Irreg. 3 115 47 2,2110 4.700

    Jamos I. Barclay...... 21.2 x 67.6 Irreg. 3 tt3 48 3,100 4,700

    Henry A Rarc'ay...... _1.5 x 63.It 3 III 49 1,900 4,700

    Sackett W Par, 'a':...., 20.Ir x 63.9 3 tog 50 7,900 4,700

    Henry A. Barclay....... 27.10 x 63.9 3 107, 105 51 3,300 12,500

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2148.

    Between Drìggs Avenue and Roebling Street; between Division Avenue and South Ninth Street.

    Driggs Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property,-, Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Josephine Paul.......... 6o x 75 4 .. I $7,500 $32,000

    Maria Pendleton......... 20 x 75 z'/ 911 4 2,250 4.300

    Daniel L. Jones.......... i.6 x 75 909 - 2.4110 4,40 ' Edw. Humphrey......... 23.6 xtoo 3 907 6 2,900 4,500 Wm. Dick .............. 23.6 xtoO 3 903 7 2,900 9,000

    Value Value of t \'ard, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property.-, I.ot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Anna Muller........ .. 20 x 8o 3 263 '

    1 $2,900 $6,000 ~1'm. Hughes........... 20 :too 3 e61 2 3,2011 6,000

    2 stables,

    South Ninth Street,

    Section 8, Volume i, Block No, 215o

    Between flavemeyer Street and Marcy Avenue; between Division Avenue and South Ninth Street.

    Havemeyer Street.



    Marcy Avenue.

    Value Value ot Ward, of Real Real Fatate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.-., Lot Fatale, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Henry Ehlers........... 20.11x 88 Irreg, 2 196 24 $2,700 $6,000 Edwin T. Drake........ 21.24x82.5%Irreg. 2 198 25 2,900 6,ioo Claus Wreden........... Garrett Bell

    r8.tyxtoo 2 200 26 2,700 6,000 .............

    John Harper............ Wm.

    17.9 xroo r7.l t 3Sx10o

    2 2

    202 204

    27 28

    2,700 2,700

    6,000 6,000

    H, Meyers.....,... W. W. Addickes....,..

    18.!3 xtoo .2 206 '4

    29 2,700 6.000

    W. Bauman ............. x8.0Xztoo

    22.6 XTOO 3 710 ,5 31

    .;uo 4.500

    (i,nuo 11,002

    Division Avenue,

    Mary A. Cassidy........ 20 xrto.5 3 231 33 $3,000 $6,000 Marra O'Reilly ........ 20 x109.10 Irreg. 2 229 34 3,000 5.500 Thos. J. Gilman......... 20 x109.3 2 227 35 3,000 5,500

    Division Avenue.


    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2153.

    Between Keap Street and Junction Avenue; between Broadway and Division Avenue.


    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property., Let Iatate. with Im- Stories Street or '.tap Unico- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Margaret Miller ...... r2.8Vz x 88.8 Irreg. .1 358 1 $14,501, 922.0„n Marie L. Matthews.... 26.41x t t9. t 1.)1I rrrcg. .t 360, 362 2 t n.hu0 r7o00 Marie T.. Matthews.... 26.4 x1n,6~ 4 364, 366 3 [0.500 17,0110 Wm. Dick ............... r9 x103'1% 4 368 4 7.501, 12,00,1 Harriet L. Cook......... 33.9%x 97 4 370, 372 5 1r,5oo J7,5ou Claus Dangelman ....... 26.5 x 86.2 4 374, 376 7 8,700 21,000 Claus Pang c!man ..... 26.5 x 68.9 Irreg• 3 378 8 7,700 11,000 B. V. D. Livingston.... B. V. D. Livingston....

    26.5 x 68.9 4

    26.5 x 6o.3 4 380 384

    g To

    6,gon 6,000

    16.50o 13,000

    Anna Til. 111r,llU,-.hauer.. 44J/ x 5r. 10 4 386, 388 ri 7,800 20,000 Tennie V. I{. Baker.... l7.7%z 37 2 390 13 3,200 5,400 F. E. Macclincl y...... 17.7%.íx 32 2 392 14 2„00 4,500 Jahcz W. Smith....... i.t x 26.4 5 4 4 394 r5 4~5 nn t 3 000,

    P. B, O'Kegan......... 20 xto9.. 2 225 36 $3,000 $5,500 Mary C. Thompson...... 20 x[08.1 2 223 37 3,000 5,500 Richard Taylor.......... 53.6 x107.6 3 221, erg 38 8,000 20,000 Laura P. Shipley....... 21.6 xio6.ro 3 217 40 3.250 7,300 Helena A. & Emma

    Kraemer ............. 20 X 87 3 215 41 2,500 6,000 Senecca Herkimer....... 20 x 67.4 .5 .L5 42 =.2 " 5.700 Fred'k Kraemer......... 20 it 67.4 3 211 43 2,200 5,700 Edward A. Evans....... 20 x 67.4 3 209 44 2,200 5,700 Mary Price .............. 20 x 67.4 3 207 45 3,000 6,800

    Section 8, Volume i, Block No. 2151.

    Between Marcy Avenue and Rodney Street; between Division Avenue and South Ninth Street.

    Marcy Avenue.

    Section 8, Volume I, Block Na. 2154.

    Between East River and Kent Avenue; between South Tenth and South Eleven !h Streets.

    Kent Avenue.

    Value Value of

    1Vard, of Real Real Estate Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.-, Lot Estate, with Im-

    Stories Street or Map Unim- provements Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Mfollenhauer Sugar Ref. CO . .................. 203.254x364 Irreg. 3 „ r $170.000 $240,01111

    South Eleventh Street.

    Street not assessable.... x Irreg. „ .. 20 1,000 5,500 Bulkhead foot of street,. ., „ 25 4,000 4,000

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -De cription of Property.-, Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon,

    Walsh ......... íg.6 x 86.9 Irreg. 4 195 1 $3,7no $21,000 Henry M. Huhuken.... 27 x 84.1i %Irreg. 4 193 2 3,600 r6,000 Brooklyn Bu. of Charities 22.[ox 98.3 2r7; lor 3 7,000 Exempt Silas W. Brainard....... 22.6 x 98.3 2 189 4 3,250 6,800 E. M. Magee....... 22.6 x 97.9 2 187 5 3,2 50 6,800 Sr. M. C. A.. E. D. Br. 121.6 x103.9 Irreg. 3 185 6 33,000 Exempt

    South Ninth Street.

    Lucretia A. b;llswirth... 35.6 >n c;. r irreg. 6 .. 14 $8,800 $45,000 , orli... -........ .; o Irre. 6 .. it 8,S110 45,000

    - Goell ................ 27 2113.1 6 ., 17 6,400 35,000 H. P. Gert ............. 74-itxrt3.1 Irreg. 4 274, 276 18 18,5oo 40,000 Francis Ruland ......... 37.1 xtt5 Irreg. 3 280, 282 21 6,000 12,000

    Division Avenue.

    Henry C. Gerst ........ 25 xrot.5 Irreg. 3 273 25 $4,000 $9,500 Henry C. Gerst........ z0 xtot,6 Irreg. 2$1 271 26 2,500 6,000 John O'Rourke ......... 20 X 8o 3 269 27 2,250 4,800 Estate of Robt. Bonsell... 20 x 8o 4 267 :x 2..5i 7,011, Jane E. Long.......... 29 xto7 Irreg. 2 265 29 2,600 5,6o0 Valentine Olt ......... 20 x107.5 Irreg. 3 263 30 2,600 5,800 Joseph P. Hamblin..... 30 x107. ro Irreg. 4 261 31 3,900 18,000 Arthur Hamblin ....... 20 x[08.2 Irreg. 3 259 32 2,600 5,600 Arthur Hamblin ... . 21 xio8.6 Irrcg. 3 257 33 2 ,750 5,800

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2152.

    Between Rodney and Keap Streets ; between Broadway and Division Avenue

    Rodney Street.

    Section 8, Volume i, Block No, 2155.

    Between Kent and WVythe Avenues; between South Tenth and South Eleventh Streets.

    Kent Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property.-, Lot Estate, with lrn- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    -'.Iannting Merritt ...... í0r-7%x186.3 Irreg. 3 4 65, 471 1 $33,001( $75,00 ,1'm. F. Garrison....... 29.4Nxz25 brog. 4 :163 5 5,300 9,000 A'm. F, Garrison....... 76.2'/.x123.2 Irreg. 3 461, 457 7 16,750 30,000

    South Tenth Street.

    "vild & Garrison.. -, . -.. 25 x100 ;- I3 3. i .." Nm. R. Lynch...,..,., 25 x100 31 14 3,100 4.600

    Stable Joseph Applegate ......o xroo 2 36 15 6.2oo 9,200

    Wyche Avenue.

    Diedrich Klomberg ..... 19.6 X 50 3 506 17 $1,700 $6,000 Flary M. Moore......... í8.t x 5o ,3 Sob iS 1,200 2,700 .dary M. Moore......... í8.t x 5o 3 Slo tig 1,200 2,700 'hri5 Maigraff ......... í8.t x 5o 3 512 20

    21 1,200 2,700

    Margaret F. Cochcu..... -Kate W. Desmond.......

    18 t8

    x 50 x 5o

    3 3

    514 516 22

    1.200 1,200

    2,70,1 2,700

    tletsey Frank .......... 18 X 50 3 Sig 23 1.200 2,700 Annie Liebold .......... i8 x 5o 3 520 24 1,21(0 2,700 [Richard Alfred ......... t8 x 50 3 522 25 1,200 2,700 Katherine Liebold ...... 18 x 50 3 524 z6 1,200 2,917 Charles C. Siernes ...... 18.3 X 50 3 526 27 r,600 5,500

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property.-, Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Thomas Fineter.......... 22.1íx 91.5 Irreg. 2 282 r $3,000 $5,500

    South Ninth Street.

    Elizabeth Meuller ..... 19.4 x 86 Irreg. 4 284 z $9,000 A. F. Marshall......... 20 X 88 Irreg. 29' 286 - 4,700 Louis Demond......... 20.6 x 86.2 Irreg. 3 288 6 5,000 Hosea B. Perkins....... 41.7 xto6.z Irreg. 294 290, 292 7 9,500

    $22,000 7,0i) 3900



    Section 8, Volume i, Block No. 2156.

    Between 1Vythe Avenue and Berry Street; between South Tenth and South Eleventh Streets.

    Wvthe Avenue.

    Value Value of \yard, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. _Description of Property.-, Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unito• provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Alex Henken ..... , .... 20.3 V, x 85 4 485) 1 $2,400 $6,6n Alex Henken .. ....... 19.1 r J4X 85 4 487 _ 1,800 Cordelia L. Henken..... 20.044 x 85 485 3 1,800 Alex Henken ........,. rg.toyx 85 4 483 4 t,800 Otto Van Campen........ 19.10%4 x 85 4 481 5 1,800 Anna L. Henken ........ 25.11 xtlo.4 -3 479 6 2,200 5,600

    Mills P. Baker.......... 15.11X104.2 Irreg. 4 338, 340 9 $17,500 $37,500 John Quinn .......... 27 x 79 3 342 I 9,000 13,000 John Harper .......... o x 69.8 Irreg. 4 346, 348 12 13,500 32,001) Adam Mann ............. tg.6 x 69.8 3 350 14 6,000 9,5oo John M. Young........ 19.6 x 6g.8 Irreg. 3 352 15 5,500 8,500 C. B. Jackson.......... íg.6 x 6g.8 Irreg. 3 354 r6 5,000 8,000 Catherine Murphy....... x9.6 x 46 Irreg. 3 356 17 6,Soo 11,000

    Division Avenue.

    Joe Scharfenberg........ a5 x 99.6 3 301 20 $4,250 $1 1,500 Patrick Mulcan.......... 25 2100.1 4 299 zt 3,250 6.800 Eugene H. Van Canceren r6.S xtoo.8 3 297 22 2,200 4,600 Pauline Van Canteren.... 16.8 xtor.r 3 295 23 2,200 4,600 Sophia A. Knowles..... t6.8 xtot.rt 3 293 24 2,200 4,600 William Mnriarity .. .. 25 x102.6 Irreg. 3 291 25 3,250 8,300 Anna O. Skinnerman... 50 1102.7 Irreg. 5 289 26 6,5on 50.007 Clara B. Dnxey........ 25 x102.5 Irreg. 2 285 28 3,250 4,000 C. T. Carpenter........ 25 2102.3 Irreg. 2 283 29 3,250 5,800 E. C. Macclinchy........ 5o xtoi.rt Irreg. .. ,. 30 6,550 50.000 Mary Brown............ a5 x 8a 3 277 33 3,000 11,000 Franz Herschaft ...... 21.5 2102.4 Irreg. 3 275 34 4.000 11,500

    South Tenth Street.

    Alex Ilenken .......... 21.10 x 78 3 46 7 $3,100 ,-,(Soo Alex Henker.. ...... 22.1 X ;8 3 .18 ,. 2.700 - nn Otto Van Campen....... 2t.í0 x 78 3 50 v 2,coo Cordelia Henken ....... 21.99411 78 3 52 t „ 2.500 Chauncey Patterson ..... 22.í%x 78 3 54 . I 2,500 5.7oo Henry Bennett ......... 22.4 ton Irreg. 3 56 i2 2,75') ;..w, C. F. Meyer............ 22 7(100 1 =' .7.7' l Chas. II. Meyer........ 25 X100 3 60 14 3,100 7,10o Jesse C. Hobley........ 25 xtoo 3 62 r; 3,100 7,80o Ferdinand Sulzberger ... 25 2100 3 64 1ií 3,100 7,800 Charlotte S. Weeks...... 25 x 57 _ 66 t7 2,000 ;,_on Fanny ferle ............ 17 x 57 3 68 i8 1,500 3,501) Johanna De la Motte.... 17 x 57 3 70 19 1,500 3,800 Jacob Amend

    . 1 7.5 x 57 3 7 2 20 2,15)

    Berry Street.

    Augustus Wenzel ....,.. 23.4 x 76,5 3 .. :i ̀...i-1( c.;,, Sanm'I Lewis ........... 19.8 x 76.5 - ,.i.,, John McLoughlin ...... 93 X222 .8 .. . , _, ., ,

  • Stli'T1 IT:Nr. THE CITY

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2157.

    Between Berry Street and Bedford Avenue: between Division Avenue and South Tenth Street.

    Berry Street.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property., Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- pwvements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    James G. Dempsey..... 3t-3 x 49 Irreg. 3 455 1 $2,500 $5,000 3,500 Charles C. Barnes...... Charles C. Barnes.......

    t5 x 72 Irreg. 3 453 2 1,250 15 x 72 451 3 1.35'0 3,500

    William C. Barber...... George W. Phelps.......

    15.5 x 72 449 4 1,35o 2r x 48 3 447 5 í,65o

    3.500 4,200

    South Tenth Street

    C. E. Anderson......... 23 X 79 3 74 6 $2,700 $6,000 Tohanna Koch.......... 25 x 79 3 76 7 2,700 5,700 Ì-Iannah Merrill......... 24 xtoo 3 78 8 3,2 50 8,000 T. S. Bearus ........... 24 x14!.3 Trrcg. 3 8o 9 1,600 q,600

    rI•wx'co :1. Seaman...... 25 x131.9 Irret. 3', 82 to 3,7u0 8.500

    H. Kornahreus.......... 25 x12I.10 Irreg. 3 84 11 3,600 8,300 Cath. A. Brown.......... 25 11-11XI g 86 12 3,500 Soot'

    Inroerne K. Thuman. . .. 25 X102 Irret. 3 88 13 3,400 6,000 Charles Do,cher ........ 25 x 91.5 Irreg. 3 go 14 3,200

    2,800 7,900 5,800 Charles A. Scl''ofield.....

    Martin E. Hoagland..... 25 23

    x 81.2 X 70.7 Irreg.

    3 3

    92 04

    15 t6 2,500 5.500

    Mary E. Hill........... 22 x 80.83Qlrreg. 3 96 t7 2,500 5,000

    Louis Desmond ........ 22 x 71.6 Trreg. 3 98 18 2,600 5,100

    Adam W. Spies ........ 22 x 64.6 Irreg. 3 ton 19 2.500 5,000


    Section 8, Volume t, Block No. 2160

    Between \1'ythe Av enur and 1 orry Street ; bct\ccu1 Division Avenue and South Eleventh Street.

    Division Avenue.

    Value Value of

    Owner or Occupant. Ward, of Real Real Estate

    p ,-Description of Property., Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    I 000 Amend .. ...... 4o X 42.7 Irreg. 7r 1 $2,500 $it,000 l;dward Grotecloss ..... 18.6 x 42.7 o 6g 3 i,600 4,100 \. R. Lee .............. i8.6 x 42.7 2 67 4 1,700 4,200 I tarrict Shook ......... t 8.6 x 64.7%Irreg. 2 6 5 1,800 4,800 Robt. H. Oliver........ t8.6 x 71.ii$ Irreg. 2 63A 6 1,900 4,400 91. A. Burr ............. 18.6 x 6o 2 63 7 1,700 4,200 (has. J. Fox............ i8.6 x 6o 2 6r 8 1,700 4,200 l;liza Godfrey........... 18.6 x 6o 2 59 9 1,700 4,200 ('has. 1I. Tonjes........ i8.6 x 6o 2 57 10 1.700 4,200 I'rank Schmidt.......... 18.6 x 60 _ 55A it 1,700 4,200 l homas W. Rogers...... 18.6 x 6o 2 .. 12 1,700 4.2o0 S. A. Desmond......... 20 x 66.9 3 53 13 r,800 4,500 John R. Thompson...... 20 X 66.9 3 51 14 x,800 4,7^0 S. Provost & R. M. Del- mand ................ 20 x 66.9 3 49 15 r,800 4,500

    \Vm. B. Skidmore....... 20 x 66.9 3 47 t6 t,8oa 4,500 Davis Dreyer........... 21.6 x 66.9 3 45 17 2,400 9,500

    Wythe Avenue.

    .'ohn 1íc L2n91ilin .... 44.6 x1o1.7%Irrcg. 6 .195 r8 $8511n $55000 ;lredvrick Voigt ...... 23.to',•zx 65.8 4 493 20 900 3,900 I'rederick Voigt ...... 18 x 65.8 4 491 2t 1,901) 7,500

    Bedford Avenue.

    J. C. Jeffers............ 20.3 x 57 3 462 20 $4.700 $10,000

    A. M. Spies............ 22.2 X 57 3 464 2! 3,850 6,900

    Solomon Schwartz...... 22.2 X 57 3 466 22 3,850 6,900

    South Eleventh Street.

    f'rederick Voigt ...... 27 x 8.9 Irreg. Sheds .. 22 $800 $2.000

    Division Avenue.

    Peter Meyer............ zo x 54.6 Irreg. I i ,,1 101

    24 $4.300 3.400

    $15,noo 6,000 Amelia DIc\fahon.......

    Louisa Littlefield........ 22 x 75.3 22 X 75.3

    Irreg. Irreg.

    3 9Q

    25 26 3.400 6,000

    John M. Quackenbos.... 22 X 75.3 3 97 2 7 28

    3,400 4,000

    6,000 9,500 \lichael Levy ........

    Charlotte Guild.........

    24.3 x101.6

    21 xtoo.5 Irreg. Itreg.

    3 3

    95 93 29 3.700 8,800

    Charles H. Dennison.... 19.7I4x100 Irreg. 3 of 30 3,400 8,600 Tas. F. Bendernagel..... 19.7/X10O Irreg. 3 89'/ 31 3,400 8.600 7.uhr Wenner ........ 19.7x 99.5!.ílrreg. 3 89 3 2 3,400 8,600 Tilles S. Emerson....... 19.734X 99. 144 Trreg. 3 87 33 3,400 8,600 R. A. Robertson........ 25 x 99. t Irreg. 3 85 34 4,300 9,800 William E. Price........ 25.ó4x 99 Irreg. 4 83 35 4.300 12.000 F. A. Burr ............ 24.tt5X 98.11 irreg. ~I 3h .;.tol, 7.300 Edward A. Ackerly...... 2; X O$. ro Irreg. ,-0 1- 4...0' 7.300 Tolin J Kellet,er........ 25 x .33. ii Irreg. 3 77 38 4.300 7,800 Michael Fitzgerald...... z5 X 90 Irreg. 3 75 39 4.100 7,600 George C. Ackerly...... 25 X 93.1 Irreg. 4 73 40 5.500 13,500

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2161.

    „etween Wallabout Channel and Kent Avenue; between Division Avenue and Cross Street.

    Kent Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property., Lot Estate, with 1m Stories Street or Map Unint- proventents

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    :lrooklyn City Railroad Company .......... 343-t'/4x332.8 Irreg. .. .. 1 $320,000 $4,00u,00-

    .`;assau Was Co......... 484.!! x332.8 Irreg. .. 34 7

    20 0,000 00,000 \"assau Gas Co .......... .................... .. .. too 1,000 1000

    Section 8, Volume i, Block No. 2158.

    Between East River and Kent Avenue; between Division Avenue and South Eleventh Street.

    Kent Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,Dcseriptidn of Property.-, Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    bfullenhauer Sugar Ref. Co . ............... ag.t/x358 Irreg. 8 .. t $135,000 $500,000

    Mullenhauer Sugar Ref. Cc. .... .... Irregular. . . .. t2 1,000 1,000

    M[t]Ienhsver Sugar Ref. Co . .................. Irregular. .. • . 25 3,000 5,500

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2159.

    Between Kent and Wythe Avenues; between Division Avenue and South Eleventh Street.

    Kent Avenue.

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2162.

    ietween Wallabout Channel and Washington Avenue; between Wallabout Channel and Cross Street.

    Washington Avenue

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.0 Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provenents

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Cross & Austin...... • . 124.3% x525.2 Irreg. 2 .. t $185,000 $275,000 Press & Austin.. • ..... 330.4% x262.6'/4 Irreg. .. .. to 80,000 t05,000

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2163.

    Between Kent and Wythe Avenues; between Division Avenue and Rush Street.

    Kent Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. cDescription of Property. Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Charles Lautz........... 12o xtt2 Irreg. 4 .. t $26,000 $45,001, Freese X- \Vack'un0scn.. _7.6 xi:', .c Irre-,. 3 .. 7 3,500 3.500 Bel; & File Foundry Co. ij7.4xt43.oIrreg. 3 .. 8 28,000 28,000

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property.-m Lot Estate, with Im- Stories Street or Map Unim- pruvements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    . \manda Spadone........ 8t.tt rc 53.1í% Irreg. 4 515, 521 1 $9,000 $25,000 Abigail M. James....... coo xtoo 3 507, 51 3 5 t8,000 25,000 Jas. A. 3radley......... 75 x100 3 505 to 13,500 38,500 Just Moller ............. 8o x120,6 Irreg. r „ . . 13 20,500 25,000

    South Eleventh Street.

    Henry T. h< rewer........ 2t x 76 Irreg. 3 32 16 $2,31,11 $5.0o0 David N. Hausen....... 21 x 76 Irreg. 4 35 17 2,025 5,8nn Est. of Tames Barclay.. 20 x 67.4 Irreg. 4 36 18 1,925 5 3 • 0 IIan!ch Whitman ...... 21 x 58.7 Irre;. .t 38 19 2,550 6.500

    \Vythe Avenue.

    -.:t2 l3-r2r............ i' s (. Irre; .4 _. ,o $5,20;, ,. Mendlow............ 19.6 X 66 3 534 zl 1,500 5,200 Samuel Gluck........... rg.6 x 66 3 536 22 1,500 5,200

    Division Avenue.

    Division Avenue.

    \Vm. A. Roberts........

    ' Herman Ringe ......... 20.1 x142.6 87.5 x 78.8

    Irreg. Irreg.

    5 4

    ., 40

    19 20

    $2,700 9,000

    $12,500 30,000

    Wythe Avenue.

    limeline Pyre........... 25 x107.5 Irreg. 3 548 24 $3,200 $6,000 li. & J. Von Doklen...... 25 x117.7 Irreg. .i 550

    552 2 5 26 2,300

    3,400 6,000 Jno. Von Doklen........

    ]. F. Gibson............ ao.rr/ax 90 ao.r%X 90

    4 4 554 27 2,300 6,000

    Lliz. Schafer............ so X go 4 556 28 2,300 6,000 Eliz. Schafer............ so X 90 4 558 29 2,300 6,000 Henry E. Valent'-re...... 20.1 X 90 4 56o 30 2,300 6,000 Amanda Spadone........ 24.8 x 90 4 562 3! 3,100 14.500

    Rush Street Dallman Bros.....•..... 24 x 59 4 43 23 $2,700 $8,700 Caroline Ortiss.......... 2t X 59 4 41 24 1,900 5.400 Herman Hammel........ at x i 39 25 1.900 5,400 M. Hamit ............... 3o x125 5 25 32 $5,000 $15.000 F. Grafing .............. 24 xtoo .i ,47 z , , _, l ,.,-„ Wm. A. Roderts........ 3o x125 5 21 34 5,000 15,000 Joseph Mallon.......... 20 xrmm _ 35 27 2,200 2,700 Wm. C. Howard........ 56.3 x125 Irreg. 5 t9, I7 36 7.500 28,000 Joseph :hallon.......... zu vivo _ 33, 3t 28 z,zoo 3,2110 I Amanda Spadone........ 69.6%x 61.7% Irreg. 4 .. 38 5,000 x7,000


  • ~Vythe Avenue.

    33 5 -7 ' $3,nuu $,000 3 584 z _.-nn 5,700 3 586 29 2.2'(,( 5,700 3 -588 ,10 2.200 6,000 3 590 3( 2.4(1(1 5,900 3 592 32 2.loo 5.900 .3 594 33 2,200 3,700 3 ;7 2,500 Richard A. Roberts...... 20 xtoo 3 20 t8 2,500 William Sauer........... 20 x100 3 22 ,g 2,500 Charles Richter.......... 20 xtoo 3 24 20 2,500 May Sackleban.......... zu x "5,1 3 26 21 2,250 C. P. McLaughlin....... 22 X 64.4 3 28 22 2,200 Max Ahrens ............. 22 x 64.4 3 30 23 2,200 Henry C. Torbil......... 26 x 64-4 3 32 24 3,500

    Wythe Avenue.

    John Fisher........ 20.3 X 70 3 570 25 $2,100 Ferdinand Grebe.....-... 21.5 X 90 Irreg. 3 572 26 2,600 Jacob Gartner........... ar.6 x go 3 574 27 2,600 William L. De Bost...... 21.9 X 90 3 576 28 2,600 L. Winneke .............. 26.9 X 90 4 578 29 3,100 George Estrap........... 24 X 90 4 58o 30 4,000

    Morton Street.

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2166.

    Between Wythe and Bedford Avenues ; between Rush and Morton Streets.

    Wythe Avenue.

    $5,000 , 6,000 5,000 - 5,300 I Chao. Rausclt .......... zu is -0 5,000 j ri. l.)enning ..... ...... 20 X 70 4,800 I l liz. B. llarton ........ 20 x 70 5'000 Sophia Voigt .......... zo x 70 5.000 Cath. Sebrcachel ....... 20 x 90 9,500 Margaret Fennell ...... 20 X g,, '-- tacob Fennell .......... 20 X 70

    folne E. Alirens .. ..... 20 X 70 Henry Johanny ........ zo x 70 1ohn Moller ............ 20 x 70

    facob Fennell........... 20 x 8o 3 79 3: $I„-O( $4,200 Jacob Fennell........... a5 xtoo 1 77 35 225,1 2,705 Leonard Tilton.......... 5o xtoo 3 73.,-5 39 4.500 14,500 Brooklyn Factory & Pow- er Co ................. 12P x100 Dreg. i 6i. .19 46 11,500 63,000

    'lose Maxwell......... . 22 x 84 Irreg. u 47 sa 1 .7511 2, 7


    Clynier Street. War,1, ri R al1 1.st afc _

    Value Ward of Real

    - Value uf

    Real Estate

    , • , ..r ( I. i:, ,r,r ti'.n .. t P ',,peni.

    Stotje Street Size of Lot. High. No.

    I.nt lìc;a:^, „r \lap i'nini-

    N. proved.

    with 1,.r ,r„c,a iii nt-


    Owner or Occupant. r-Description of P.c,pertv.-, Lot ' Estate, with Im- St 'ries Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot, I`tigh. No. No. proved. Thereon

    Geo. L. Brush.......... 2r.ieiixteo 3 133 39 $3.t 0o 7 Ool Aug. Scbwerdtfeger...... 2t.tor4/axtoo 3 t3, 40 3•1 oo 7.300 Amanda M. Swanton..,,, 2T.to'axtoo 3 ' 29 1' 3,101


    Francis L. Mead......... 21.toyxtoo 3 '-7 42 3,t0o 7,001)

    Maria M. Anderson...... 2t.zoy2xtoo 3 t 2 c 43 1. 10n 7,400

    Eliza K. Porter......... 21.i0'y2xIoo t r_.3 44 3.100 7,400 \tr.r_:u.t \I then n:r.. 21.1„ : \. ,, : t =r 45 3,100 -.400

    ]farens B. Freare 21.10X100 .; 119 46 3,100 7,400 .......

    Charlotte F. Braisted-,-, 25 xtoo 1)7 47 3,500 2,800 8,500 6,800

    \Vm. E. Price........... 30 x100 tty 48 Richard Taylor.......... 20 x100 t 113 t'r 49 50 2.goo 6,800 Geo W. Swain.......... 20 xioo 3 51 2,800 6'800 Rebecca L. Green........ so xtoo .t tog 2.800 6.Soo Mary Jessup .. 20 xto0

    20 xtoo 107 Ins

    52 53 2,800 6,800 \Vm. F. & Cath, F .Foley

    103 54 z.800 6,800 Daniel Gorman.......... 20 xtoo + 2.800 t,800 Isaac Heilbrun.......... 20 xtoo .: 99

    55 56 2,800 6,80o Michael O'Donnell...... 20 ILTOG 1 2,800 Louisa A. Crane......... 20 xtoo ,t 97

    91 -95 57 58 7.550

    6,8001 311 • 0o0 Anna A. Mollenhauer.... 72 x 6o -t

    8'300 ] Wm. Bostelman.........i8 x 6o t 85 (" 2,71 '

    Section 8. Volume i. Block No. 216.

    Between Bedford and Division A\runes: between 1)i ion Avenue and Clymer Street.

    fetanna Rocbel ........ 2t.3 X120 3 48 13 $2,100 $4,600 C. Ncfirang .............. 20 X120 3 50 14 2,000 4,500 C. Nehrang .............. 19 X120 3 52 15 1,90(1 4.400 Madelina 14. Holler...... 19.1ox 80 3 54 t6 1,750 4,200 Badelina IC Holler...... 19.9 x 8o 3 56 1 7 1,75,) 4,200 l'homas Hogan........... 20 x120 3 58 18 2,0011 5,000 Andrew Meltratte ........ .19.5 x 8o 3 60 19 1,750 4,000 \V. and Aug. Ludwig.... _2.3 x 8o 3 62 20 t,Soo 4,400 Maria Boesch............ 18.l Ix 8o 3 64 zt t,600 3,900 Minch & Ueuthist........ 19.1 IX 8o 3 66 22 1,75(1 4,000 Margaretha Fritz ....,. rg.2 x Su x (.5 _; i,,, ;,, ,1,90, L. and M. Schuldkren..,.. t9.ttx So . 3 71' 24 1,7511 4,000 Valentine Kober......,.. 19 X 71 3 72 25 1,45c' 3,700 rhomas Hogan.......... [9 X 71 3 74 26 1,450 3,700 Simon Smith............ t9 x 71 3 76 2 7 1,450 3,700 \Villiatn Ludwig......... t9 X 7r 3 78 28 1,450 3,700 Charles IIotlenroth...... 24 x120 Irreg. _ 8o 29 5,300 10,000

    Wythe Avenue.

    Roman Catholic Clergymen of Maryland........... 20.43ís 6o 3 602 30 $2,600 $9,000

    llemy Lachmand........ 19.7/,x 6o 3 604 31 2,000 6,030 Tol:n AI. Frank........... 20 x 6o 3 6o6 32 2,000 (,.Soo Eleanor Frederick........ 20 X 6o 3 6o8 33 2,000 5,600 \Ibert Haas ............. 20 x 6o 3 610 34 2,000 5,600 I. A. \finham........... 20 x 6o 3 612 35 2,000 6,000 ílenry Douglass......... 20 x Go 3 6,4 36 2,,,,10 5.;,,,,

    Bedford Avenue Taylor Street.

    Value Value of \ \'ard, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.-, Lot Lstate„ with 1111- Stories Street or Map Unim- provements

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Jaeeph l\ eichert. .. 20 x 90 4e) I $S.nou $ i 3,0110 Eleanor 1. Barrett....... z1) x go 487 _ 3,800 8,3uo Annie Hogan............ 20 x 90 i 465 3 .3,So' 8,800 Phoebe Van AVart....... 20 x go 3 48 a 3.800 8,80o (prist Chur.h-Parsonage z1) x 90 481 - 3,800 8,800 Christ Church.......... 75 x175 Irrcc. .3 4,7.470 ì, 22.0 III Hxempt D. J. I)rnsrn,,re ......... 33 x Irreg. 473 9 7.1)_,., 14.01)0 ArnL'rose Snow.......... 23 x 93.3 3's .171 In 4.901) 12,5.0 C. C. Sludges ........... 23 x 93.3 t' 1 469 i 1 4,900 12,000 lobo G. (;click........... 23 11127. iO 3'+ .16; I2 5.00o 13,1100 lidward A. Seeley....... 23 x127. 10 3 465 I ; 5,600 13,000 I). J. Din-more ......... 23 X127,10 i .113 ,-. 5,600 12,50.

    Trancis E. Barrow...... 23 X127. IO ., • It" I I •$°" '6.000

    Division AvTn7;r.

    A. V. G Polyemus.... 75 x1.18 Irreg. 3 .. I'.,".„ 53o,000 Whitney ............ _f. zl xtz,; Irreg. t nu .•3 -.851 5.300

    Eliza Mathias.......... 21X120x Irret. 3 '12 --t 2,7511 5.200 Í'-nlma L. ('hase........ 21 xl17.5Irreg. ,t t t t 2; 2,1'50 5,100

    Estate G. C. Furman.. 22.5 xt 14. t t Irrc3r. i I t8 _.. 2.650 5,200

    7statr G. C. Furman. 21.2bíxl10.4 Irret. tzo 27 2,600 5,200

    John Williams ........ 2t.2?_x 10.3 brek. .; 122 28 2,550 5,200 ;smil Kall,hardt ........ 17.6 x96.4 Irreg. 3 124 'v 2.51.11 4,700

    Joshua Hillary ........ 17.6 x 88.8 Irr eg. 3 I2(1 31) 2,4511 2 .400

    4,601) 4,800 -glary Kelter .......... 20 x 80.9 Irreg. 3 128 3'

    1\'m. S. Liptrott ...... 20 x 71.I1 Irreg. 3 '3', (2 235 4.9 ,' )ugust Waldise........ 25 x 63. Irreg. 3 1 3 2 33 2.31" II .00,

    lVm. F. Bishop, Trustee 116 x 51,10 Irreg. - 1 .34•' Il 11 1."' =9•°0°

    John \Va''sh .......... 12.6 X 51.10 Irreg. .. :•.t -r: , 5 .''I $ I,o0o 1's. Washburn .. 17.6 x 5 7 .5! trreg. 3 i.`I 4c 1 .4P1 1.6(10

    4,000 4,600 -In. i1 (;illutt ...........

    \V. H. B„ker.......... Iq.6 x 6í.-4 ji 12.6 X 74.1

    Irreg. 1, reg.

    , -

    I79 177

    42 43 1,3)0 2.5011

    ohn R... ..... .nsom Iz.6 x 79.9 Irreg. - 175 44 (,3011 2,500 f. S. Mallenheuer .... 25 x 85.3 Irreg. _ t;3 45 2.6)0 6.o0o .\. C. \\'as]2ington ...... 25 x 96.4 hug. 4 17 , 46 2.95(1 I2,0o0 Douglass & Peterken .... 5o x:17.6 Irreg. 3'z 169,167 47 6,6oj 25,000 A. & G, Polliernes........ 50 xt2I .5 3 I65. 163 39 6,550 22,000 John A. Peterken ........ 25 xloo ' 161 5 3,650 9,000 J oh n A. I'eterken.. , ..... 20 x 6o 3' z 1 59 12 '.85" 5.300 ]]enry C. Shallenbeck.... 20 11[00 3 '57 53 _.1 ' , 6.u1,00,, .AIhert \Vesley ......... 20 x100 '75 54 -, 5„, 3.201.

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2170.

    Between Washington and Iíent Avenees; between Junction and "1 a3lor Street.

    Washington .venue.

    Value Value of 1\'ard, of1teal Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,--De i oe 11.11 (II Pì,perty.-, Lot Lstate. with Itu- .Stories Street or Map Uttiur provements

    Size of Lot. High. \o. Nu. proved. Thereon.

    Richard Taylor ........272.1 ixio6.6 Irreg. 3 - 1 $40,000 $50,001.

    Taylor Street.

    Richard I:r5 6,r........... .y,1 x40.2 Irren. - ;74 'n $3,500 $4,5ou Richard i n' i ur ........... 50.6 573 Irreg. - 172 2- 9.000 8,00,

    Section S. Voltair i, Blcek No. 2171.

    Between Kent and \Vythe Avenues ; between Clymer and Taylor Streets.

    li. Leinke ............... 20 x 60 3 7 1 37 $2,600 $7.800 ('eter Boranger ........ 20 x 6o .; 69 >,8 r,91u 4,400 Trancis Barslatman 20 x 6o 3 67 39 1,900 4,400 Abigail Farrelly .......... 20 x 8o 3 65 41) I,6no 4,100 tolin Logan .............. z1) x 8o 3 63 41 I.600 4,600 flora R. Titus .......... 20 x10 .I 3 6i 4z 1,80,, 4,800 L. C. Clark ............. 20 X100 3 59 4.; t,800 4,800 Catherine Siebreeht...... 20 xtoo 3 57 44 1,80o 4,800 Katie M. Costigan ....... 20 x So 3 S5 -15 i,6no 4,1110 hi. O'Brien ............. 20 X 8o ,; 53 46 1,600 4,100 :sorge L. A. Telartin..... 20 x So a ír 47 r,6nn 4.100 ,'ictor Faroge ........... tq.iox Sn 3 49 48 7,600 4,100 facob Gibney............ 20 X 8o 3 47 49 t,600 4,100 Richard Sheppard........ 20.5 x 80 3 45 5„ r,ó0,, 4,100 Sarah \d ams .......... 19.1 1 x Sn 3 43 5 t 1,6w, 4.100 °rank T.adiner ......... 20 x 8o 3 .It 52 1.6o1) 4.100 rharles A. Murphy....... z1) x 8o 3 .19 53 í,6o, 4,100 rt,.mas Wallace ........ 2(1 x So 3 ,37 54 i,600 4,100 Boyle .................. 20 x 8o 3 35 55 1,600 4,100 William P. Titus, Trustee. 20 x So 3 33 56 ,,600 4,100 \laria Geiger............ 39.7 X 40 .. .. n' ., ,

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2172.

    Between Wythc and Bedford Avenues; between Clymer and Taylor Streets

    Wvthe Avenue.

    Value Value of \Varl, of Real Real Estate

    owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.-, Lot, Plot Estate, with lm- Stories Street ur Map Union pravements

    Size of Lot. High. No. \o. proved. Thereon.

    rast Bigidermann ...... 20 x 55 ' 573 _-_T s 1 - .71. „ :'. C. Kober............ 20 X 75 3 571 2 2,250 5,000

    E. Straub............ z1) x 75 3 5,19 ( =.251 ,Velel I)irfek .......... 20 X 75 ,; 567 4 2,250 5.300 dama Cayle ............. 20 x 75 3 565 5 2,250 5,700 Allen Farrell............ 20 X 75 3 56.1 6 3,000 10,000

    Clymer Street

    •Ielen Napring.......... 20 '1100 2V 96 7 $2,800 $6,800 'I. S. Foster............ 20 X100 3 98 8 2,800 6,Soo -I. S. Foster............ 20 X100 3 100 9 2,800 6,800 I. S. Foster............ HS. Foster............

    20 20

    xroo xloo

    3 1112 IO It

    2,800 ¢800

    ;1. S. F',zter............ 20 2100 3 3

    104 1o6 12

    =,800 2,800

    ,Soo 6,800

    ycllie Headden......... 20 xtoo ,; (n8 '' 2.ii. , Rich,ird Taylor ........ 45 X 75.10 lyreg. ,3 Ilo, 112 14 5,800 14,500 ,\'ashington W. Seeley.,. 20.6 xtoo .3 ''4 [s 9; 7.2011 \nnie Smith Glynn..... 20 x100 ,3 . i ' I 0 1( ,;n )Lary J. Husted ......... 20 xtoo 3 Its 20 z,8on 7,000 ,\ 'm. I). Case.......... 20 3(100 3 120 21 2,800 7,000 .toot. P. Corey......... 20 x[0.> 3 122 22 2,800 7,000

    hoebe A. Davis........ 20 51.21 3 124 23 2,800 7,000 Cleanor Sternes......... 20 XI0o 't 126 24 2,800 7,000 W. \V. Seeley........... 20 5103 3 129 25 2,800 7,000 Chas. F. Lureott........ íg.6 x1oo 3 130 26 2,750 6,800 Vary A. Allen........,, 20 xt0O 3 132 27 2,800 7,200 1;eorge Peck............ 20 xioO 3 134 28 .1,800 7,200

    Bedford Avenue.

    yven. B. Hurd........... 20 x100 3 502 30 $5,300 $12,000 Francis F. Murray....... 20 x[oo 3 504 31 4,000 9,000 Sarah E. Doug lass...... 20 x100 3 5o6 32 4,000 9,500 tcannette M. Beach.....

    Margaret G. Roby....... 20 z1)

    xtoo xtoo

    3 3

    5o8 510

    33 34

    4,000 4,000

    9,500 9,500

    Lennie O. H. Baker..... 20 x 90 ; 12 3Ç 3,7011 8,7oo tVm. L. Leis........... 20 x 90 3 5 14 35 3,700 8,70o lobo Knox .............. 20 x 90 3 5 1cí 37 3,700 8,700 Emma 11. Carrens ...... 20 x 90 3 518 38 3,700 8,700 B. V. B. Lexington..... 20 x 90 3 1,2.' 39 4.9, o 15,11u1

    Taylor Street.

    Kent Avenue.

    Ward, Owner or Occupant. -Description of I'roperty.-', Lot

    Sti i ro Street or Map Size of Lut. high h. N o. No.

    \\ iliiam Broion ....... 75 x113.9 Irreg. ; .. I Patrick Lavelle ........ 62 x 93 Irreg. -4 5?r , 5',9 4 Daniel McCleary ...... 2o.6 x 61.24 Irreg. 3 563 - ( a,i,,r S-t ,it ........... 21(1 s (;:.4 1treg. 3 561 8 Adolph Asberg ........ 21.3 x 63.5 Irreg. 3 559 9

    Clymer Street.

    Tenpìe E. Reilly......... 2o.tlaico ; F. W. Ludwig ........ rg.i xIno Philip Schafer .......... 252.2 xlco 3

    C. 'f. & F. :1. Clarry.. 2!.rn'.xtou 3 121 40 $3,200 $8,000 -_ John A. t'eterkin.....,..2I.zoVXI00 3 I 1 41 3,200 8,000 Value Value of I '1' Austin ............... 23.6 xtoo 3 117 42 3,450 8,5oo

    of !teat Real Estate i Estate Jas, M. Brookfield. 23.6 xroo .; 11; 43 3,450 8,5oo E=?ate, with Irv- Rafael Yahrtlanger....... 34.3 5100 3 It: ,44 5,000 12,000

    ..1 e,provements Delia :\. Dunne ........ 24.6 x100 3 1o9 46 3,600 8,500 nim- proved. Thereon. tra L. ilamberger....... 21.9 xtoo 3 107 47 3,200 7,500 Emily Godwin.......... 21.9 X100 3 103 48 3,200 6,800 (\'m. E. 13eardsly........ 21 xcoo 3 ror 49 3,100 7,300 $1 l,000 $30,000 Edmund D. Morris..... 21 X100 3 99 50 3,100 7,300

    7,000 19,000 Jennie burmand........ 20 x100 Irreg. 3 97 51 3,300 7,000 1,900 5,000 ! kVm. Van Campen....... 20 x100 3 95 52 2,950 6,700 2,000 5,000 Each Simon ............. 20 XIOO 3 93 53 2,950 6,700 2,800 7,500 NI- A. Schrader......... 20 xt00 3 91 54 2,850 6,700 Emil Kuhneman ......... 20 xtoo 3 89 55 2,950 6,700 Emily L. Price......... 20 x100 3 87 56 2,950 6,700 Robert Tilly............ 20 X100 3 85 57 2,950 6,700 Rev. Alex. Miller......... 20 XIOO 3 8;.I ;8 2.950 6.200

    John L. Roe.......... 20 XIOO 3 81 59 2,950 6,200 - Samuel Ramsey......... 20 xloo 3 79 6o z,95o 6,200 Annie T Forrest t x 80 ; - 6, 42 1 o $1.900 $.5.400 ' .. .... .. q : - .5uu 5,5 tt. 44 i i r,on 4,400 -(nnie Hale ............. 19 x 80 3 75 62 2,500 5,500 4 5 I: t.Rno 4,300

    Philo A. Davis.......... 17 X 8o 3 73 63 3.1101) 9.300



    Section 8, Volume i, Block No. 2173.

    Between &dford and Lee Avenues; between Clymer and Taylor Streets.

    Bedford Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property, Lot Estate, with Im Stories Street or Map Unim- provcments

    Size f Lot. High, No. No. proved. Thereon.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    OwncnH'OGCupaut. ,-J1escrjJ,tjm of Propert}.-- I E"" ale, with Im- :a i.•, :;1,-ct ,n- VInu Unim- provemeuts

    Size of Lot. Iliph. No, N. provod. Thereon.

    Maria Tegge .......... 15 xroo 3 53-\ 4 1 $1.350 $3,3on Sarah Griffin .......... 15 Xroo 3 C; 42 1, o 35 3,300 VV. II. Lisk t 5 xioo ~; '_'r ., 44 1,350 3,300 Ellen Halloran.......... ]g x100 3 49:\ -14 1,350 3 , 300 Alonzo C. Arnold........ t5 xcou 3 49 45 1.350 3.300 Marie E. Gormley...... 15 Xioo 3 47-A 46 1,350 3,300 T,1kin I-T. \-ScCoy........ 15 x100 3 47 47 1.350 3 300 IhGitla `: BJ1atJ,hg0h........ 15 xroo .1 4A 5 .t. 1 .350 3,300

    Eliza A. Craig........... 44 X100 3 ;ug , 5i).0 $;,,.ouo :\ug. M. O'Neill....... r5 xioo 3 43 49 1 ,355 3,300 Marvin Cross............ 56 xtoo 3 499 3 11,200 25,000 Ezra B. Tuttle.......... 15o xroo 43, 33 5) 13.00 18,500 Reformed Dutch Church.. zoo x16o 491, 497 0 3-.1)00 P.xcntpt.

    Clymer Street.

    loseph Moods........... 20 xtoo .. i; $2,400 $2,100 E. Schumacher.......... 20 xtoo 3 l32 16 2, 5 i 7,500 Engine Company No. ttt, 25 xtoo 2 17 3, •0 Exempt. Nathaniel Washburn..... 12.6 xtoo 3 168 18 I,sou 3,200 Gro. Fetler ......... 12,6 xioo 3 170 ,9 1,500 3,300 John Rawson .......... ta.6 xtoO 3 172 20 1,500 3,600 117artin M. Payne ....... 12.6 X100 ,; 174 21 1 ,5oo ,3.600 Isabella Cooper.......... 18.9 xtoo z 176 22 2,250 4,500 Jane Greene ............. 31.3 xtoo z 178 23 3,750 7,500 i 1-heo. Halstead.......... 20 xto0 3 182 25 2,400 5,000 30110 Och ... .......... 20 XiOO 3

    .; 184 186

    26 27

    2,400 2,400

    5.001) 5,200 Bertha Knauth ..........

    C. Martin ............... 20 xroo so . xtoo 3 188 28 2,4011 5,0.'

    Ann & Mary E. Flynn.. 20 xtO0 3 '55 25 2,405 5.00•) rdward Bercham........ 25 xtoO o ,92 3" ,t.o',, =.nr,o Court House - City of

    's'ew York............ 100 xtoo 3 3' i6,000 Exe r - t.

    Lee Avenue.

    August Wailden ..,..... 20 XtOO 3 In 37 $3.000 $tr,;nn

    Herman Peters ......... 20 XiOO ,; ,- 35 3,000 7 .gto

    Taylor Street.

    E. & E. Caxton.. ..... 20 x 6o 3 ls.l .39 511 1 Mary J. & Ellen Carey.. 20 x 6o 8, . " _ . , •1.-,'1)

    losephine Weiss......... Horn

    20 X 6o 20 x 6o

    - -

    179 177

    4' 42

    20, 2.'O.) H. J. .............

    Sarah E. Cole........... 20 x 6o o 175 13 zao" 4.7 n,,

    Thos. Baumann ....... 25 X100 .3 1 73 44 3,700 8.0110 it. t)° ,)i )i c- A. t0na0kii) ...... 25.2 x tuo 3 17 1 45 3,700 fnhn j. Lussics ........ 20.8 XiOO 3 169 46 3,00.

    Emma Reimer........... 2l.tOxtOo 3 167 47 3.000 7,2 0 0

    Herman Winter......... 21.[oxtoo .; 16s 48 3,000 7,200

    '_naus F. Doscher........ 21.[oxtoo ,; 163 19 3.00o 7,000 tacob S. Ven Wyck..... 21.ioxtoo 3 r 6, 5" 3,050 7.200 losephine Kerwin........ 21.turtoo t 1 Y) ;'

    -_ 2,45(1 3•"""

    6,7oo Ralph H. Tiebout....... 16.8 xioo xioo 16.8

    ,t 3

    157:1 157 5 3 2,45)' 6.700 Unknown ................

    16.8 xioo '55 54 2,450 6,700 Unknown ................ Laura Taylor.........-.. 23 xtoo

    3 3 153 55 ,3.401) 7.900

    '•barlotte Burr.......... 21 xtoo .t 1 5 1 56 ,;,too 3,100

    7.400 8,31)0

    L. P. Nostrand .......... 2r xtoo 4 1 49 57 \farv E. Fox............ 20 xtoo ,; 147 58 3.000


    !onathan James.......... 20 X]O0 3 145 5 9 3,000 7.000

    lane C. Clark............ 20 xt0O 3 143 6o 3.100 7,0n0

    Section 8, Volume i, Block No. 2176.

    Between Wythe and Bedford Avenues ; between Taylor and Wilson Streets

    Wythc Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. r-Description of Property. Lot Estate, with Sin- Stories Street or Map Unint- provet1)ents

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    .\11c at)) Rlul:,...... ... 47.6 x 30 3 „ 1 $3,200 $7,500 G. and F. 1-Tays..... , .. , 32.6 x 3o t 597 3 1,900 5,900 Walter H. Littlefield..,. 20 x 70 ; 593 5 2,2011 6,zon Mary S. Good........... 20 X 8O ; -9i b Mary S. Good........... 20 x 8o 3 .00)1 7 2,4

    00 -,400 5,40 0 5,400

    Tavl ,r Street

    Mills P. Baker.......... 20 x 6o 76 8 $2,800 $6,300 Joseph C. Jenks........ os x 6o o 78 o 2,10(1 4,600 T C. McKenzie......... 20 x 6o 8o in 2,100 4 600

    ro I. S. 110rr5ou........ ao x 61) 2 Sz ]t 2,100 ., 6on I;5acs Ramare........... 20 xton _ 84 1 2 z,800 5,6o,, f;. (l. Bartholomew...... 20 xloo _ 8ii 13 _,800 5.400 f. IT. Redmond......... 20 xtoo i lis 14 _,Sno 6,3o,1 !. Mary E. Wright........ 20 xton 3 9. is 2,800 6,Soo '-hr. Ralph .............. 20 xluo .; 5) ;6 2,8110 6,Soo t'has. Cole ............. o) X100 .3 94 17 2,800 6,_no Daniel M. Nichols....... 20 xtOO t 96 18 2,8o,, 6.800 '.\'illigttt Il. Smith....... 20 X1O0 .; ,? 19 2,800 6,Soo Ealm Hayes............ 16.6 x100 - o5.\ 21) 2,30(1 Soon Alice A. Baxter......... 19 x100 .3 ]un 21 2,65o 8,000 - fulia Lawrence.......... 19 xi(10 I r1). 22 2,650 8,000 \ndrew Storms.......... 20.6 Xi)))) 104 2.; 2,850 8,500 ' ••A'aIIie Buchanan........ z5 xl roS z4 3,500 10,000 Washington W. Seely... 25 xtoo 3 tn8 _- 3.500 7.700 .ohn Boklin g. ........... 2 5 s) oo .3 tto 26 3300 9,500 H. L. Willett........... 20 X100 3 1T2 z7 2.800 7,300 Kate H. Btmgay........ 20 xioo 3 114 28 2,800 7,300 Tantes Reilly............ 20 x150 3 1tó _9 2,800 7,800 H. I. Eagan............ 20 xioo 3 118 •„ 2,800 7.300 - fohn H. Dingman.,,..,. 20 x100 a 1>0 .3r 2.800 7,.300

    Bedford Avenue.

    it. and D. T.ivingston.... 20 x go 3[, _,I 32 S,noo $13,00u 11. \. 1). L1vingtr,n.... 20 X 90 .5 2 5 33 3,800 1_ 10,500 \lary IJ. ITalten ......... 20 it 90 .. 524 .34 3.800 10,500 R. J. Goodwin.......... 20 x qo ;-6 ,5 3,800 10,500 Warren A. James........ 20 x 90 1' 3G 3,800 10,500 Parsonage ............. 20 xtuo .. 5,p) 37 4.,000 6,300 St. John's M. E. Church. 8o x170 Irreg. . . 5.14. 9.36 38 28,50) Exempt.

    Section 8, Volume I, Block No. 2174

    Between Wallabout Canal and Kent Avenue; between Taylor and Wilson Streets

    Kent Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. ,-Description of Property.-, Lot Estate, with lm- Stories Street or Map Unim- proveinents

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. Thereon.

    rhos. F. Wilson..... , 90 x100 Irreg. .. , , 1 $50,000 $57,000

    Krancis Tbill ........ ilo,t$-x143 Irreg. 4 .. 5 r6,000 25,00'

    Taylor Street.


    Wilson Street,

    ITenrietta Knapp........ 20 xioo 3 105 46 $_,Sou $6,500 Rose S. Brenner........ 20 xtoo log 47 2,800 6,Soo A. D. Bloodgood........ 20 Xtoo 101 Ori 2.8)0 6,500 james Froøarten......... 20 01)10 3 99 49 2,800 6,500 Lydia A. Bush.......... 20 XlOO S 97 50 2,800 6.500 T. Manning ............. 20 x100 3 95 51 2.800 6,50o Francis A. McArdle..... 20 xcoo 93 52 2.80)) 6,Soo Jeanette E: Jones....... 20 XiOO 3 91 53 2,800 G7j0o Rose Sametz............ 20 x100 3 8o 54 z,800 6.30o Cynthia F. Forsythe..... 20 xroo 3 87 2,800 6,30,1 L. A. Kinschter......... 20 xtrao 3 8; - ,u 2,8 0 0 6,300 Annie M. Auet.......... 20 xtoo 1 8,3 57 2,800 6,300 Telinie A. Shanks....... 20 xroo .3 Si 58 2.800 6.300 F. S. Benson........... 20 x100 3 79 59 _.500 6,300 11. E. Gunnison......... 20 xtno 3 77 60 2.800 (i,3s0 Edw. J. Meyer.......... z0 xtoo 2 75 6r -,,So,, 11,300 William F. Koerner..... 20 xioo 3 7,3 62 2,800 6,3o0 Francis Thill........... 20 X So 3 71 63 2,500 6,l un C;. and F. Hayes....... 20 o Co 3 69 64 2.51)0 6,8,'0

    & Burrough ...... 126.9 x Irreg. .. .. 14 $24.00n $29.00

    Section 8, Volume i, Block No. 2t75.

    Between Kent and Wythe Avenues; between Taylor and Wilson Streets

    Kent Avenue.

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property.m Lot Estate, with Sin- Stories Street or Map Unim- proventents

    Size of Lot. High. No. No. proved. 'Thereon.

    i. M. Buckhaber ...... 25.1%x 74 Irreg. 3 595 1 $3,S0O $7,000 F. Tegge .............. 75 X104.11 I rreg. 3 593, 589 2 10.000 17,00) Elizabeth Brown....... so x 98.11 Trreg. Sheds .. 5 6,250 6,z5n Bred G. Feldhaus ...... So.c%x101.7 Irreg. 3 58 T 7 5, 1 "1001'

    Taylor Street.

    Ephraim Johnson ...... to6 xroo ,; 4-t 'n $9,;oo $9.5o0 IL T. Burroughs........ 5o xioo t .. 15 4,5uu 4.,-0o

    fohn C. Wolf........... 15.4 xroo 3 54 1s I.,3>" 3.


    Lee ttveuue. Block No. 2169

    Value Value of Ward, of Real Real Estate

    Owner or Occupant. -Description of Property._ Lot Estate, with im- Stories Street or Map Unim- proveznents

    Size of Lot. Hig