Worship Guide for July 30, 2017 The Christian Faith Proclaimed Through the Catechetical Hymns

The Christian Faith Proclaimed Through the Catechetical Hymns

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Page 1: The Christian Faith Proclaimed Through the Catechetical Hymns

Worship Guide for July 30, 2017

The Christian Faith Proclaimed Through the Catechetical Hymns

Page 2: The Christian Faith Proclaimed Through the Catechetical Hymns

M artin Luther's Small Catechism, 1529, was written to answer the need for a

basic exposition of the Christian faith for lay people. Historically, a

catechism was a short course in Christianity based on explanations of the Apostles'

Creed, the Ten Commandments and the Lord's Prayer, to prepare converts for

Baptism. Luther has added sections on Baptism, Confession and the Sacrament of

the Altar, along with forms for Morning and Evening Prayer and grace at meals.

"Luther's Small Catechism is often seen as the beginning of catechesis in the modern


For over nearly five centuries, the Small Catechism has served as the basic

instruction book for the church bearing the name of the great Reformer. Its staying

power goes beyond love for tradition. The Catechism directs us to clear passages

from God’s Word. It distinguishes carefully between the two chief teachings of the

Bible: the Law and the Gospel. It also points to the only source for spiritual life, the

Means of Grace: the Word and Sacraments. It had enormous influence on all

subsequent catechisms, both Protestant and Catholic.

Martin Luther understood the importance of music; and it’s unique way it helped

people memorize things. Luther especially valued music when it served the purpose

of setting forth the truths of the faith in simple and memorable fashion. So Luther set

forth profound theological truths in simple language. These truths he wedded to

melodies that made the words all the more memorable.

Because a number of his hymns so closely matched the subject matter of the six parts

of the catechisms, they became known as the “catechism hymns.” Unfortunately,

Luther’s catechism hymns are not as well-known today.

This Sunday’s hymn festival emphasizes Martin Luther’s Catechism Chorales. But

also some modern-day hymns which are contemporary examples of how music can

teach us



How is your summer reading coming along in “Being Lutheran”? In your mail slot you will a brief survey of possible dates for our book club to meet to begin discussing the book. Please return it promptly to the office mail slot by the office. We want to involve as many readers as possible. Thanks.

Several questions to consider while you read the book? Favorite chapter and why? Overall view of the book? Three things you will remember after reading this book that you will apply to

your life? How did this book help you appreciate your Lutheran faith? Call Extended: St John’s Gladwin and Good Shepherd, Beaverton have extended a divine call to Pastor Jonathan Kehl to serve as their new pastor. Please keep the members of our circuit congregations, Pastor Kehl and the members of his congregation, Crown of Life in New Orleans, LA in your prayers as he considers his service in the Lord’s kingdom.

Wedding Anniversary: The family of Jim and Kathy Johnson invite you to celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary on August 12 from 1pm-4pm in the fellowship hall. Please join them in celebrating this special occasion.

The Divine Call

Page 3: The Christian Faith Proclaimed Through the Catechetical Hymns

Call to Worship

Pastor: We stand on the threshold of a new year! Let us worship God who blesses

us all through the year.

Cong: Let us bow before the Lord our Maker!

P: So we begin in the name of the Father and of the Son ( ) and of the Holy


Hymn: O God of Gods, O Light of Light CW 85

Confession of Sins

P: Let us join in confessing our sins by contemplating God’s will for us in the Ten


C: For all the times the things of this world have been more important

to us than you,

P: Forgive us, O God, our Savior.

C: For all the times we have used your name for reasons other than to

pray, praise and give thanks to you,

P: Forgive us, O Christ, our Savior.

C: For all the times we have not honored your word, your house, or the

gathering together of your people to worship you,

P: Forgive us, O Lord, our Savior.

C: For all the times we have not honored, served and obeyed our

parents or others in authority,

P: Forgive us, O God, our Savior.

C: For all the times we have been unkind, hateful or harmful to

ourselves or others in word or deed,

P: Forgive us, O Christ, our Savior.

C: For all the times we have not kept our mind and body clean in

thought, word or deed,

P:Forgive us, O Lord, our Savior

C: For all the times we have been greedy or covetous, rather than be

content with what you have given us,

P: Forgive us, O God, our Savior.

C: For all the times we have sinned against you and have grieved your

JOIN US this evening for our potluck and Lutherland presentation! The potluck dinner will begin at 5:30pm. Professor Bill Tackmier from Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary in Mequon, Wisconsin will presenting “Lutherland” following the potluck. Feel free to invite a friend ! We thank the following churches for accepting and considering our invitation to join us this evening: From our Mid-Michigan Circuit - Good Shepherd Beaverton, MI St. John Gladwin, MI Redeemer Big Rapids, MI Faith Harrison, MI St. John Clare, MI St. Paul Manistee, MI Faith Mt. Pleasant, MI St. Paul Remus, MI Zion Broomfield, MI Churches outside our circuit: Hope St. Charles, MI Bethany Saginaw, MI St. Paul’s Saginaw, MI Salem, Owosso, MI Christ Oakley, MI Good Shepherd Midland, MI St. John Hemlock, MI Zion, Chesaning, MI SPECIAL THANKS to the members of the congregation who brought their friends, co-workers or neighbors to the Community Open House this past Wednesday. It was a great way to show them not just our church home but show them the Lutheran faith.

We also take this time to thank ALL the volunteers who have helped bring this special VBS program to fruition. Many hours of planning and working were done to help spread the news of the gospel and a history celebration of the Reformation. Keep an eye open as you read your “Forward in Christ” magazine in the coming months. Good Shepherd’s Reformation celebration is scheduled to be highlighted. Our project was also seen around the world on WELS NEWS Facebook page.

WELS SYNOD CONVENTION will be held July 31 - August 3, the theme “Our Great Heritage”. It will held in Watertown, Wisconsin. Please keep the Lord’s work among his people in your prayers.

Call to Worship

P: In the name of the Father, and of the Son ( ),

and of the Holy Spirit.

C: Amen. (spoken)

P: Brothers and sisters in Christ, in this

Reformation service God again delivers to us love

and forgiveness, power to be his people, and

resolve to share His precious gospel of

forgiveness with all people.

C: We are not ashamed of the gospel.

P: …you were dead in your transgressions and

sins, 2in which you used to live when you followed

the ways of this world and of the ruler of the

kingdom of the air…. 4But because of his great

love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, 5made us

alive with Christ even when we were dead in

transgressions – it is by grace you have been

saved. (Eph 2: 1,2,4,5)

C: The gospel is the power of God for my


P: Listen to the words of peace: God’s love for us

is truly revealed in that while we were still

sinners, Christ died for us. Your sins are

forgiven, in the name of the Father and of the Son

( ) and of the Holy Spirit.

Introduction to Today’s Service


(CW 203)

z Lord, keep us steadfast in your Word;

Curb those who by deceit or sword

Would wrest the kingdom from your Son

And bring to naught all he has done.

Page 4: The Christian Faith Proclaimed Through the Catechetical Hymns

Meditation on the Ten Commandments


Holy Lord and gracious God, we know that your laws

are true, and that you desire only that your people be

one as you are one with us. Help us to love and trust

you, and to turn to you in times of thanksgiving or need.

Instill in us respect for your power, and control our

wills, that all our actions might be in harmony with

your will. We pray in the name of Jesus Christ, who with

you and the Holy Spirit have all honor and glory.

C: Amen.

Hymn The Ten Commandments Are the Law

CW 285 v. 11-12

Meditation on the Creed

P: A creed is a statement of what we believe, teach and


Cong.: “It is with your heart that you believe and

are justified, and it is with your mouth that you

confess and are saved.” (Rom. 10:10)

The First Article—Creation


Hymn We All Believe in One True God

CW 270 v.1

The Second Article – Redemption


Hymn: “Salvation Unto Us Has Come”

CW 390, v. 1,2,5


Worship 103

Warwick Living: Jean Ries Friends of Congregation

Rosewood AFC: Lloyd /Marlene Kinney Karen Marr, Peggy Partlo, Clyde Partlo-Arbor Grove: Forestine Oster Schnepps: Olive Heimburger

Ashley Care Center: Delores Dietz Pathways: Lynn Pyle Hearts Content AFC: Nancy Ehlears Hospital; Marlene Kinney At Home: Tom Chovanec, Bill Shrum, Sharon Biehl, Lowell Bebow

Organist: Eich Elders: Schultz Ushers: Longanbach/Mackie/T.Robinson/Poppy Greeters: Johnson Family Acolyte: Munderloh Altar Care: Johnson/Wright

Organist: Thomas Elders: Munderloh, Bienz Ushers: Roth/Ross/Moritz Richter/M.Munderloh Greeters: Kinnunene Family Acolyte: Haller Altar Care: Beeson/McDaid




Weekly Offering Needed: $4349.00

Received Last Week $3340.00

Gifts Needed Yearly: To Date Received:

$226,125.00 $138,548.41

LACE Loan Balance $471,761.94

CMO Annual Goal: To Date Received:

$18,000.00 $6285.00

WELCOME to our visitors who have joined us this morning! If you have not yet done so please take a moment and sign our guest register located in the narthex before you leave. We thank the Lord that you have come to Good Shepherd to hear God’s word.

Page 5: The Christian Faith Proclaimed Through the Catechetical Hymns

P: Your kingdom come …

C: Rule people’s hearts with your word. But start with our own, so that

prejudices, resentments and hesitations can fall away so that we become

willing missionaries to those around us.

P: Your will be done on earth as in heaven …

C: Work your will in us so that we may love you with all our heart, by

always having you as the center of our lives; with all our soul, by always

longing for you; with all of our mind, by determining to seek your glory in

everything; and with all our strength by lovingly serving you alone.

P: Give us today our daily bread …

C: May we trust your promises to supply us with everything we need. May

we learn the differences between what we want and what we need. Give us

contentment. Use us to help those who are in need around us.

P: Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us …

C: Lord, teach us to forgive perfectly, as you perfectly forgive us. In love

for you may we fervently pray for our enemies, returning no one evil for

evil. May our love for everyone be a visible proof of your forgiveness to us.

P: Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil …

C: We live in a world full of evil. May we never willingly, thoughtlessly or

carelessly put ourselves in danger of Satan’s treachery. Keep all evil away

from us or turn it for our good.

P: For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours now and forever. Amen

C: You assure us that you have the power and the desire to grant our

prayers. So we pray this prayer in confidence. Change our lives with your

answers. Amen.


Closing Hymn Our Father, Who From Heaven Above CW 410 v.9

The Third Article – Sanctification


Hymn We Now Implore God the Holy Ghost

CW 190 v. 1,2,4

Confession of Faith (based on the Formula

of Concord III)

Concerning the righteousness of faith

before God we believe, teach, and confess

unanimously that sinful man is justified

before God, that is, declared free from all

his sins, and from the sentence of deserved

condemnation, without any merit or worth

or works of our own. Rather, it is out of

pure grace, because of the sole merit,

complete obedience, bitter suffering, death,

and resurrection of our Lord Christ alone,

whose obedience is reckoned to us for

righteousness. This righteousness is

offered us by the Holy Ghost through the

Gospel and in the Sacraments, and is

applied, appropriated, and received

through faith, so that believers have

reconciliation with God, forgiveness of

sins, the grace of God, sonship, and become

heirs of eternal life. This faith is a gift of


Meditation on Baptism


Holy and gracious God, you celebrate the

ordinary be using common water for your

purpose, setting it apart through your

Word, and making it extraordinary. We

thank you for rescuing us, setting us apart

The Formula of Concord is a Lutheran confessional document written in 1577 to ease tensions between Lutherans. After Martin Luther and Philipp Melanchthon died, Lutherans were divided into several opposing parties. The most vocal were those more closely tied to Luther’s theology, and those who preferred Melanchthon’s moderate approach. Thus, the document was written to provide an interpretation of the Augsburg Confession that would satisfy the parties involved in the dispute. The Formula of Concord was included in the Book of Concord, published in 1579, along with the traditional creeds of the church (Apostles’ Creed, Nicene Creed and Athanasian Creed), the Augsburg Confession and its Apology, Luther’s two catechisms, the Treatise on the Power and Primacy of the Pope, and the Smalcald Articles.

Luther’s Hymn (CW 88) is a metrical format of the explanations to the small catechism on baptism.

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through Baptism, and sending us forth to proclaim your extraordinary

promise of eternal life. We pray in the name of Jesus, by whose cross we

are marked. Amen.

Meditation on Confession and Absolution

Hymn From Depths of Woe CW 305 v. 1-2


Meditation on the Lord’s Supper

Hymn Jesus Christ, Our Blessed Savior CW 313 v. 1,2,6

Meditation on the Lord’s Prayer

P: Our Father in heaven …

C: Our Creator, Redeemer, Savior and Comforter. You made us your

children by adopting us with the blood of Jesus. You invite us to come to

you confidently in prayer. And you remind us that we carry your image to

those around us.

P: Hallowed be your name …

C: May we grow to know you better and better and so appreciate the extent

of your blessings, the scope of your promises, the fullness of your majesty,

and the truthfulness of your word.