The Chimes Spring 2018 A seasonal publication of

The Chimes - Razor Planet...Thats exactly what I believed as a young hristian, the day I gave Josh McDowells book, Evidence That Demands A Verdict, to my agnostic philosophy professor

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Page 1: The Chimes - Razor Planet...Thats exactly what I believed as a young hristian, the day I gave Josh McDowells book, Evidence That Demands A Verdict, to my agnostic philosophy professor

The Chimes

Spring 2018 A seasonal publication of

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Page 3: The Chimes - Razor Planet...Thats exactly what I believed as a young hristian, the day I gave Josh McDowells book, Evidence That Demands A Verdict, to my agnostic philosophy professor

2018 STAFF

Jerome Marroquin, Pastor Greg Coppock, Admin Pastor Banning Cantarini, Youth Pastor

Ryan Hunt, Beth Ann Murray, Shayli Benner,

Missions Director Children’s & Preschool Director Worship Leader

John Redford, Alex Gonzales, Art Blodgett,

Church Organist Fuente de Vida Pastor Worship Director

Facility Maintenance, Custodian

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CONTENTS Experiencing God in the Risen Christ Pg 3

4 Letter Words You Can’t Say in Church Pg 6

Los Amigos: Then and Now Pg 10

Awana Pg 11

To Those Who Sit in the Northern Section Pg 11

Preschool Teachers: Ariel & Rylee Pg 12

Children’s Ministries: Work as Worship Pg 13

SonRise Christian Family Fall Film Festival Pg 15

Finding Hope in a Dark Place Pg 16

God’s Four Legged Gift Pg 18

More Than Squirrels Pg 20

Raising Rylan Pg 22

Strong and Weak Pg 23

Men’s Ministry Contest Winner Pg 26

A Coffee Shop Study Pg 27

Moment for Missions & Missionaries Pg 28

Steffan & Julie Pyle Update Pg 34

Miqlat, Malawi, 2018 Pg 35

Anniversaries & Birthdays Pg 36

Life Groups Pg 37

Outreach Opportunities Pg 38


SonRise Christian Fellowship 463 S. Stagecoach Lane

Fallbrook, CA 92028

Church Office Hours

T – TH 9am – 4pm / F 9am – 12pm

Phone 760-728-5804

Preschool 760-728-1032

Email [email protected]

Website www.sonrisefallbrook.com

Instagram @sonrisefallbrook

The Mission Statement of SonRise Christian Fellowship

Bringing people into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, gathering them together as a

worshipping community, growing them up as His life-long disciples, and sending them out as

ministers of the Gospel for the sake of the world.

SonRise Service Times

Sunday mornings

Traditional Service 8:30 am Contemporary Service 10:30 am Fuente de Vida 10:30 am Shine Youth Service 10:30 am

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“Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him…” (Luke 24:31)

“Some people ask, Can a person actually have a real, personal, and practical relationship with God? They seem to think God is far off and unconcerned about their day-to-day living. That is not the God we see in the Scriptures.” (Henry Blackaby, Experiencing God)

On Easter Sunday, April 1, 2018 we will complete our all-church study of Experiencing God. For many of us, this series has been revolutionary in its impact on our lives. It has stretched our faith, broadened our horizons, and inspired us to watch to see where the Father is working and boldly join him! But on April 1, this sermon series will be over … And then what? Back to “business as usual”? … Back to the status quo? . . . God forbid!

As Henry Blackaby writes in the very first chapter of his book: “The goal is not to finish this course, but to have a life-transforming encounter with God. You want to experience a Person – Jesus Christ. Time, meditation, and personal application are necessary to allow the Holy Spirit to make Christ real in your life.” In 1 Corinthians, one of Christianity’s earliest documents, Paul writes: “For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Cephas (i.e., Simon Peter), and then to the Twelve. After that he appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers and sisters at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep. Then he appeared to James, then to all the apostles, and last of all he appeared to me also …” (1 Cor. 15:3-9).

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These are “Easter Facts” that the church readily acknowledges and believes and recites Sunday after Sunday through our hymns, creeds and sermons. But the question arises: What does the resurrection of Jesus really have to do with you and me and our everyday world? Is it simply the most powerful evidence we have for somehow proving Christ’s divinity? Is it God’s Ultimate Rational Argument for convincing unbelievers to become Christians? That’s exactly what I believed as a young Christian, the day I gave Josh McDowell’s book, Evidence That Demands A Verdict, to my agnostic philosophy professor back at a Jr. College in Dallas, Texas. I knew nothing about this man’s history, his personal story, his hopes or his fears (nor did I really care), but I was convinced that the sheer transference of knowledge and indisputable logic could somehow open his unbelieving eyes. I remember he stared at the book with a vague, disinterested look, put it on his desk … and I never heard a further word about it after that! As sincere as I was, could it be that I had somehow missed the whole point of Easter? Folks, here’s what I’ve slowly learned after all these many years: Easter is not primarily a “fact” to be believed (as true and historical as it most certainly is!) … it’s a LIFE TO BE LIVED! The Apostle Paul, and all the other original disciples, were not transformed by simply believing in a creed, but by entering into a relationship with the Risen Christ himself! It was while the disciples from the Emmaus road were actually interacting and eating with the mysterious Stranger around their dinner table that their eyes were suddenly opened, and they recognized their beloved Savior. It was an act of intimate, personal communion – not of abstract theological debate – that filled their hearts with the joyful reality of Christ’s resurrection presence among them: “They asked each other, ‘Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?’” (Luke 24:32)

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While he “talked” with us … while he “walked” with us on the road, Luke says. The Risen Christ is profoundly personal … a living, breathing Savior … and he’s loose out there among us … and within us! He walks the sidewalks and the highways of our every day, twenty-first century world, and you never know when you might catch a soul-stirring glimpse of him.

The burning question is: When he encounters us … when we experience his presence … will we follow him? Will we entrust ourselves to his love? Resurrection is not just some future event that happens after we die, or at the end of history. No! Because of Christ, it is also a present reality! And the church is now called to be a witness to this new beginning brought to the world through Jesus Christ. The church literally embodies this Good News by being a new creation, and by calling others to join in this new life as well. So now, every time you reach out to your lonely, elderly neighbor with a loving touch or a home-cooked meal – RESURRECTION happens! Every time you make the effort to reach out and befriend those who are “different” from you – RESURRECTION happens! Every time you personally support one of our missionaries, or bake cookies for Kairos prison ministry, or participate in Los Amigos or Awana, or lend a helping hand to a stranded stranger on the highway … RESURRECTION happens! … When we participate in the Wonder of Easter, our imaginations blossom like a spring flower, our eyes are opened, and we begin to see New Beginnings instead of Dead Ends everywhere we look. And suddenly all that was once ordinary and mundane begins to glow with the extraordinary potential of God’s amazing and unlimited GRACE! Folks, I deeply believe our church is presently experiencing this Resurrection Wonder in a marvelous, unprecedented manner – even in these challenging, uncertain days. God is at work among us, and we are learning to trust him, and to see our church, our world, and one another in a brand new, redemptive light. This year as we celebrate Resurrection Sunday together, may we be reminded that Easter is much more than just a fact of history, or a single day on the Christian calendar. It is a living, present, awesome reality … and the very hope of all the world! Hallelujah! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! May we truly come to know him and love him, as we experience his heart-changing goodness and grace!

Pastor Jerome

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A preview of the book I am going to write

….someday. Ryan Hunt

There are words we use all the time in church

like Love, Hope, and Life but there are others

we don’t really like to talk about much.

Words like WAIT. I hate to wait. I’d fly on wings as eagles like it says in Isaiah, but you

only get to mount up on wings like eagles IF you WAIT on the LORD first. Words like

IRON as in Proverbs 27:17. We like to quote that verse “As iron sharpens iron, so one

man sharpens another”, but we don’t really want to talk about the fact that sometimes

iron sharpening iron creates sparks. One of the most dangerous four letter words we do

use at church might be OKAY. Not really great or excellent, but “if it ain’t broke”.

Besides, we’ve always done it that way so maybe let’s just leave it alone. To do

something new and different would require RISK – another four letter word that requires


One of the biggest four letter words we don’t say in church – OBEY.

OBEY is a four letter word that we seem to avoid most of the time at church. Maybe we

just want people to hear the gospel and not get scared off by words like discipline or

WORK – another four letter word nobody seems to like. God is a pursuing lover who

continues to chase after us with LOVE -Oh, we like that word! Obey? Not so much.

How do we respond to the love of God? How do we love Him back?

John 14:21 says Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves

me. We demonstrate love when we OBEY. As my dad says, God’s love language is

mercy and grace. Our love language is obedience – or it should be!

So why don’t we obey? Maybe it’s because we’re Americans, or adults, or executives or … whatever other

reason we can come up with to say “Nobody tells me what to do”. We don’t want to give

up our freedom – our power – our ability to make decisions. We want to be the BOSS.

Out loud we say “Jesus is LORD”, but sometimes He responds with “So why do you call

me ‘Lord’, when you won’t obey me?” Luke 6:46

Maybe we don’t obey because we’re afraid of what might happen if we did – if we let go

and recognized that someone else is in control anyway and our own feelings of control

are really just an illusion. Some of us fear that lack of control so much we don’t even

like to be passengers in a car and let someone else drive –let alone fly where we can’t

see the pilot and make sure he’s doing his job …or let someone else direct our lives!

When it comes right down to it, it’s a lack of trust isn’t it? Maybe we don’t obey because

we don’t trust God. Not really. If we really, truly trusted God, we would be happy to let

Him do the driving and we would be happy to TRUST AND OBEY.

Maybe we don’t obey God because we’re lazy. We’re spiritually apathetic.

You Can’t

Say In


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Maybe we don’t obey because we don’t love God.

I know that sounds harsh, but it’s not me saying it – it’s Jesus!

John 14:15 clearly says “If you love me, you will obey what I command.”

God wants a relationship with us. He pursues us and He keeps pursuing us. If you’ve

been a Christ follower for a decade or ten decades – God is still pursuing you. He wants

a deeper, more intimate relationship with us. And we experience that as we OBEY.

Francis Chan gives an example of asking his

daughter to clean her room. I’ve asked my daughter

to clean her room too. If she came back a week later

and said “Dad, I memorized what you said to me

and I can repeat it back verbatim. ‘Go clean your

room’” ….not going to go over to well. If she says

“Hey Dad, I can say ‘Go clean your room’ in Greek

and in Hebrew” or “My friends came over last week

and we talked about what it would look like if I

cleaned my room and we’re really excited about it”.

No, I expect her to OBEY and ACTUALLY CLEAN HER ROOM!

So why should we obey? Well, if we love Jesus we will obey. If we love Jesus (and I do!) then we more than

anything want to hear Him say someday “Well done my good and faithful servant”.

I want him to be delighted with me. 1 Samuel 15:22 “Does the Lord delight in burnt

offerings and sacrifices as much as in obeying the Lord? To obey is better than sacrifice”

Obedience is love demonstrated.

Jesus was obedient –even to death – even death on a cross. He sacrificed to

DEMONSTRATE His love for us. We can demonstrate our love for Him by obeying Him.

Need another reason we should obey? It’s for your own good!

Deuteronomy 10:12-13 “And now, O Israel, what does the Lord your God ask of you but

to fear the Lord Your God, to walk in all His ways (which I read as OBEY), to love Him,

to serve the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul, to observe the

Lord’s commands and decrees (OBEY) that I am giving you today for your own good”

Blackaby has great example of obeying someone for our own good.

Suppose you had to cross a field of land mines

and a person who knew exactly where each one

was buried offered to take you through it. Would

you say to him, “I don’t want you to tell me what

to do. I have free will! I don’t want you to

impose your ways on me.”? I don’t know about

you, but I would stay as close to that person as I

could. I certainly would not wander off. His

directions would preserve my life. He would say

“Don’t go that way, because that way will kill you. Go this way and you will live.”

God’s commands are not restricting you, they are freeing you and allowing you to live!

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What if we did obey? God’s commands are often counter intuitive – contrary to the wisdom of the world.

They often don’t appear to make sense and to obey looks risky, but what happens when

people of God obey? Look what happened to Noah when he obeyed in Genesis 6.

An Ark? Really? It’s not even raining. But Noah obeyed and his family experienced God

as Savior, Protector and Provider because of it.

Moses life and the life of all his people – an entire nation - was at stake in Exodus.

Pharaoh and his army are coming after Israel. The mountains are on one side and the

Red Sea on the other and the Israelites are trapped. Not a lot of them are really

encouraging Moses or standing with him – as a matter of fact they’re being whiny and

sarcastic. “Were there not enough graves in Egypt you had to bring us out to the desert

to die?” In the midst of all that pressure and life threatening danger Moses was facing,

God says “Why are you crying out to me? Tell the Israelites to move on. Raise your

staff and stretch out your hand over the sea to divide the water so that the Israelites

can go through the sea on dry land.” Uh, tell the Israelites to move on? Wouldn’t You

like to tell them Yourself? Wave my walking stick and the waters will part. Uh, okay.

Moses obeyed and the nation of Israel walked across the Red Sea on dry land! What a

miracle they all got to experience because of Moses obedience!

Abraham is one of my favorite examples of obedience – even when it doesn’t make

sense. In Genesis 12 God promised to make Abram a great nation, but He told him to

leave his country and go someplace that hadn’t yet been revealed to him. And Abram

just packs up and goes. Period. He just obeyed. Three chapters later in Genesis 15 –

He’s going Uh Lord. Still no kids. “What can you give me since I remain childless?” God

says his offspring are going to be as numerous as the stars – which he can’t even count.

In Genesis 17 God reminds him again of the promise that he will be the father of nations

and even changes his name to Abraham. God changes his wife’s name as well and says

Sarah will be the mother of nations ---and they both start laughing. Abraham is almost

100 years old and Sarah is 90. We’re going to have kids?! Later in Genesis 22 God

tests Abraham and has him take his only son Isaac, who he loves and who is the

embodiment of the promise God made that Abraham will be the father of nations …and

God sends Abraham up the mountain to sacrifice his son.

I love the fact that Isaac was obedient too. His Dad was over

100 years old and Isaac was old enough and strong enough to

carry wood up the hill ---I think he could’ve taken the old man!

Or at least outrun him! Instead he climbs up on the altar and

allows Dad to tie him up. He must have seen the knife and

realized where he was, but he obeyed anyway.

Don’t miss the other symbols in this story either. The Bible says it was on the third day

that this sacrifice happened. There was the only son carrying wood up the mountain

ready to become the sacrifice himself. Sound familiar? See the entire Bible points to

Jesus and the ultimate sacrifice that He made for us. The whole book is His love letter

to us. The story of Him pursuing us for that love relationship!

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Is there any reason to believe that we would not experience God in a new or deeper way

if we obeyed too? Any reason to think that He is not still at work all around us – that He

suddenly quit working miracles for His people? I don’t think so!

What should I do? Now, if you’ve followed along with us on the Experiencing God study, you know that’s

not the right question. The question is “Where is God at work?” As He reveals Himself

to us through the Bible, prayer, circumstances and the church, that very revelation is

our invitation to join Him. Obedience demands that we respond – immediately.

Delayed obedience is disobedience.

That doesn’t mean that we move into some new activity or ministry right away.

Sometimes obeying means waiting. We live in a military community so we know that

when you join the military, that’s your YES. Your immediate response – but you don’t

go immediately into battle. You go to boot camp first. When we see God at work, we

need to respond immediately with YES, but we may still need some preparation and/or

training before embarking on that new adventure. Real freedom comes from following

God and allowing Him to make the decisions about where AND WHEN to go.

So how should we respond? How should we obey?

Well, I’ve got a few more four letter words for you.

First of all PRAY.

Ask God to reveal Himself and where He is at work.

Then LOOK.

Be attentive to the different ways God responds.


Sometimes we don’t like to talk about that four letter

word at church because some people just hear us asking

for money. That is certainly part of it, but there is so

much more. Don’t get me wrong, I do want you to give

financially – you’ll be blessed – but I am also talking

about giving of yourself. Your time, your energy, your

skills and talents as well as your resources.

In 1 Chronicles 29:14 David says “Who am I and who are my people that we should be

able to give this generously? Everything comes from You and we have given You only

what comes from Your hand.” My prayer is that this Experiencing God study will be a

spiritual marker and someday we will look back and say “Who is SonRise that we should

be able to give so generously and extravagantly?” And “Who is SonRise that we’re able

to be so involved in what God is doing around us?”

Pray, Look and Give. Four letter words we CAN say at church. Four letter words that

lead us to OBEY. To express our love back to God.

Obedience is LOVE demonstrated!

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Los Amigos

Then and Now: This young girl in the first picture with me is Daniela Gonzalez. In 2008, she

was a 3rd grade student in Los Amigos and I was her tutor. I actually met Daniela when she

was around 2 years old while I was tutoring her older sister, Maria. I have had a long

relationship with this girl and her entire sweet family. She has another older sister, Erica,

whom I tutored as well.

From time to time, I will run into one of the girls in town, especially if I go into McDonalds,

where they all work!

One Tuesday afternoon in November, I was chatting with the other Los Amigos tutors while

the kids were enjoying their (probably delicious!) snack, when a car pulled up and two young

women got out and walked toward me. To my surprise, it was Daniela and Maria!

After a couple long hugs, and introductions to the other tutors, Daniela turned to me and

asked, “Can I be a Los Amigos tutor?” ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Turns out, I had a couple of

brothers waiting to join the program; I just needed a tutor for them. God does provide,

sometimes in unexpected ways!

So, here in the second picture is Daniela with her two students, Nestor and David Salas.

Me and 8 year old Daniela in 2008 Daniela with David and Nestor

Los Amigos meets each Tuesday from 2:30 – 4:15. We would love to have you join us! We

currently have 17 students and they love spending time with us. So much that David recently

asked if we could have Los Amigos every day!


Charlene Mann

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We have been so blessed and grateful to have Harmony Zampino as the AWANA Commander over the last year. As she focuses on work and school, we will certainly miss her, but want to take this opportunity to thank her for the impact for Jesus she has made on the approximately 75 kids and 20 leaders currently involved with AWANA. Please take the opportunity to give her a big hug and blessing when you see her at church on Sunday mornings!

To All Those Who Sit in the Northern Section

(and a few others nearby) by Jerry Maurer

At certain times of the year the sun shines so

brightly through our stained glass window

that it becomes difficult to follow what is

happening at the front of our sanctuary.

When the curtain is deployed it lets in light

but not so much that it distracts.

If you sit near the middle of the sanctuary it

does not appear that the curtain is adversely

affected by the wind. However if you sit on

an extreme side near the front (especially by

the organ) one can see if the boom is just

gently swaying or is being forced beyond

probable limits.

The wind is what dictates curtain deployment not a switch master who likes to

make people squint. No matter where you sit let’s enjoy the window and the

stories it tells.

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My name is Ariel McFarland and this is my first year teaching in the yellow door here at

Sonrise Preschool. Before this I was an aid for both the red door and yellow door classrooms.

During this time as an aid I studied multiple areas of child education and I traveled to Africa to

help teach at a Preschool for two months. This age group is a very

crucial time for these children. Preschool is where children develop

both a social and educational foundation for their life. I feel honored to

take on this responsibility and help these kids learn and grow. I have

strived to create an environment that is structured and beneficial to

the learning mind while at the same time giving each child the

opportunity to explore their creativity. Above all this, I want to help

each child as they begin their spiritual journey. I read bible stories with

my students everyday so they can begin to understand the love God has for each and every

one of them. I’m so thankful that I had the opportunity to share a bit of me with all of you.

Thank you for reading!


As my first year working at SonRise Christian Preschool is underway, I would like to take this

opportunity to introduce myself to the church family members I don’t already know. My name

is Rylee Grace Phillips. I am the content Office Admin Manager at SonRise Christian Preschool.

I previously studied at Calvary Chapel Bible College and Mira Costa College.

Passionate about my faith, I knew I wanted to work in a positive and

Jesus loving environment. A year ago, the position as a teacher’s aide in

Ms. Amber’s classroom at the Preschool was open. I knew I had to take

it. Later on, I was promoted to the office admin Manager position. I

know that God has had this career planned for me, in this time of life,

because SonRise Christian Preschool has been more than perfect to me.

There are endless blessings I am so grateful for that come from the

career. Including the knowledge that I have gained, the friendships I have made with my

colleagues, being able to watch our preschoolers grow in their faith and knowledge, as well as

the love and support I give and receive from our preschool families.

I cannot express the amount of gratitude I have for the church for continuously supporting the


Rylee Phillips

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Children’s Ministries - “Work As Worship”

I absolutely love our “Experiencing God Series”. Each unit we study I feel like my

relationship with God is getting closer and closer. This bible study has caused me to wonder

how I can represent Jesus more in my work? Where is my faith in my work and in my daily


Whether you are a stay at home parent, a professional that goes to work every day or

retired. Whatever you do to make life good, you must be in an authentic relationship with

God. We are responsible to do our best. Our work can be a reflection of our faith in God. Our

responsibility is to use the gifts God gives us to honor Him. When we become believers, God

gives us a higher calling. Not only has He given us a slice of His creation but also we are in

charge of Christ’s design. When we live for Jesus Christ under these authorities and are

obedient to Him, He will show Himself to us at home and at work. Our motivation should be

to glorify Him as we represent Jesus in the work place.

We spend one-third of our day at work,

surrounded by our team. So we need to be

intentional in our actions and words. Always be

reflective on what kind of reputation you are showing.

If our character is shaped within the context of

work, I asked myself if I bring energy and passion to

the work place? Do I add value to my teammates lives

by showing Jesus through me? When I’m at work, do I go above and beyond what is expected

of me? Do I go the second mile? When I receive criticism, do I accept it as totally true and

make adjustments?

How do I match my beliefs with my work? I don’t, I honor God by loving my neighbor

and loving Jesus. Be a doer of His word.

The best compliment I ever received was when a mother told me I shared some advice

with her and it really impacted her life.

So ask yourself this coming Monday, what would it mean in my life if I embraced these

values and behaviors?

When I go to work each day, I pray that God will help me to do my very best. The closer

in relationship I am with God the better able I am to be my best at work.

So in your work…in your routine…make beautiful things, Make beautiful relationships

and let Jesus make you beautiful.

Love, Beth Ann

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What’s happening in Children’s Ministries…

Preschool 2018-2019 Registration has begun. Please tell a neighbor or friend

about our awesome school. We have a summer school program scheduled June

4th-June 8th. Call for more information- 760-728-1032.

VBS has a date. June18th through the 22nd.

The theme is Shipwrecked, Rescued by Jesus.

So please put it on your calendar because we

need all our fabulous volunteers. We have

the best and most attended VBS in the

Fallbrook area because of our quality

volunteers. Let Beth Ann know you’re ready

to help, and your name will be put on our

awesome Volunteers VBS list.

Sunday school’s thematic curriculum has been really life changing. Our kid’s and

leaders are learning how to focus each Bible Story to Christ’s Connection. And

they are getting it!!!

Kid’s Nite Out is always a success. We eat dinner together, play tag, watch a movie

together, eat lots of ice cream and play one mean game of Volley Ball before we

HAVE to go home. The next one is coming soon, so please keep an eye out for the

date and movie title. Suggested ages- Kid’s from 2nd grade to 6th grade.

Your children are so worth it!

Love, Beth Ann

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So you missed the 2017 Film Festival

and now you are sorry. Well, there is not

much we can do about that.

The 2018 festival however will be Saturday, September 22,

4:08 PM (4:08: not a typo) and you don’t want to miss that

one too do you? Are you the type of person who needs to be

reminded to “mark your calendar”? I didn’t think so. There will

be several categories but no acceptance speeches. Yay.

Instead, the winning movie short (under six minutes) in each

category will be shown in its entirety. The awards night will

include live musical performances by some of Fallbrook’s best.

No one knows if this Missions fundraiser will be as fun and

entertaining as last years but our talented artists love a

challenge especially when the bar is set so high.

These movies are not candid videos of my two-year-old grandson dancing or of

him eating a chocolate cake on his first birthday. Although possibly adorable these

are not what the organizers are looking for. Instead these films are scripted,

directed and acted out in 2018.

Might you have a movie in you? If yes, contact Jerry Maurer at 760.828.8892

or [email protected] for more information about the Sonrise Christian

Fellowship Fallbrook Family Film Festival.

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Finding Hope in a Dark Place Gayle Kott Spring is the season of hope. New life seems to abound – the soft green grass, the

wildflowers blooming, and the birds building nests for their new little ones. Easter, of

course, is the epitome of hope – that God loves us enough to not want to be separated

from us by our own sin. His work on the cross takes every sin and curse, but His

resurrection gives us life. It allows us the indwelling presence of Holy Spirit. Like I said,

Easter is the epitome of hope.

I have to admit, hope is something that I have struggled with, tried to understand. There

is always the hope of heaven, and I do get that. But I know God doesn’t just want me to

survive until I die, then I can be happy, because I’ll be with Him. Although that is true,

when I see Him face to face, my joy will be complete. He wants me, all of us, to find

hope here on earth. Yes, it is a fallen world, and we are, in general, broken people. So,

when the world starts to get me down, I have to look for that hope to keep me rooted

and grounded.

I planted my tulips late this season. I bought the bulbs

last fall, when they should have been planted, but

couldn’t decide where I wanted them, so decided to

wait a few days to plant them. Life intervened, with all

of its challenges, so they sat on a bench on my porch for

a few months instead of a few days. As I was cleaning

said bench recently, I came across them, and felt badly

they had gone unplanted. I contemplated throwing

them away, but then as I looked at them I saw shoots poking out of them, in spite of the

lack of nourishment or water. They were still alive, and trying to grow.

Immediately I found a spot and planted them. I don’t know if they will bloom this year,

or ever, for that matter. All I know is I had to give them a chance.

It occurred to me that hope is like that. Sometimes our circumstances feel like that

cardboard box, dark, and lacking nourishment. But still, there is that reaching for the

light, for life, that cannot be denied. If I had left the bulbs in the box, eventually they

would have died. But since I have planted and watered them, I can now see the little

shoots beginning to break through the soil. Hope, too, needs to be nurtured.

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A dear young man once expressed to me his despair over this dark and hurting world. I

gave him advice that I had heard sometime previously, that is still valid for me as well. In

every dark situation, look for the people who are there to help, because no matter what

is happening, there are always those who are the Lord’s hands and feet. Then I told him

to be one of those people. And I have hope that he will be, because he’s really a good

guy, and he knows Jesus.

One definition of hope many of us have probably heard is: “Holding On, Praying

Expectantly”. It was the “expectantly” that caught my attention. When I pray, do I truly

‘expect’ God to answer? I have spent a reasonable amount of time in prayer and

intercession, and sometimes my prayers are answered in the way I hope, and

sometimes not. So, I begin to wonder if I prayed long enough, or fervently enough,

because how can (the loss of a loved one, a broken relationship that was not restored,

an addiction that continues to destroy, or fill in the blank) be used for anyone’s good? I

question the strength of my faith, because Jesus told us we had authority over sickness

and demons and so on, if only we believe. Then I come to realize that all I see is the

tangle of weeds right in front of me, which is how I view difficult circumstances,

whether it is me facing them or someone I care for. Sometimes it feels like the parable

of the sower on steroids, especially when the cares of the world are choking the life out

of us, when all we really want is to abide in Him and bear fruit. I see the weeds; God

sees the beautiful garden He’s created and is continuing to create. And so, we hold on

to hope, because Someone far greater and wiser than we are is in control, and is

constantly working on our behalf. And we keep praying.

Take heart dear ones, no matter what You are facing.

What is impossible to us is reality to the God who parted

the Red Sea, who allowed the blind to see, and who

causes tulips to grow in unlikely circumstances. Spend

some time enjoying creation with your Creator. Tell those

close to you that you love them. And know in your heart

that God loves them, and you, far more than you can imagine.

Lifting each of you gently into the throne room of grace, praying for His peace that

surpasses understanding, wisdom, healing, joy, and hope –

Hebrews 6:19, 20a “This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope both sure and

steadfast and one which enters within the veil, where Jesus has entered as a forerunner

for us…”

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God’s four-legged gift By Sabine Becker

Sunday, April 16, 2017 was a memorable and transformative day for me. My friends Judy and Bill Saunders asked me to join them at SonRise Christian Fellowship celebrating the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Easter Service was beautifully and eloquently delivered by Pastor Jerome. I was thrilled when I received an invitation by Pastor Greg for the following Sunday to share my story of survival from Thalidomide and a massive stroke. Since then I have been attending every Sunday Worship Service, and as many of you know, I always bring a “special guest”. My adorable, delightfully lovable Service Dog, Balter. Balter was part of the Canine Companions for Independence prison puppy raising program. He was raised at the Miramar Brig for 18 months by several hand selected inmates, who socialized him and taught him basic skills and commands. The prison puppy program does not only benefit the future service dogs, but it also gives purpose and direction to the inmate program participants. After an additional 6-8 months in advanced training at the Canine Companions for Independence campus in Oceanside, Balter earned his blue Service Dog vest. Service dogs such as Balter, and future service dogs such as Rylan, have a very special purpose in life. They are growing up to provide independence to a person with a disability. Balter was tailor trained in more than 40 commands to meet my very unique needs. His main job consists of carrying things in his basket and retrieving dropped items from the floor, for example pens, clothing, lip balm, my purse etc. He is so highly skilled, he can masterfully pick up a credit card from various flooring services. Additionally, he assists me with getting dressed, opening and closing doors and dragging a laundry basket filled with grocery bags from the garage to the kitchen. Since our graduation from Canine Companions for Independence I have enjoyed bonding with my smart, sweet natured and charming Balter boy. God’s gift of Balter has enriched my life in so many ways. Being teamed up with Balter is such a blessing, yet there are various challenges as well. Owning a service dog is a huge responsibility and I invest time in ongoing training, grooming and making sure he is safe and protected.

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Another responsibility is lovingly educating people about an appropriate response to a service dog. The desire may be tempting to pet and touch Balter, or any service dog. After all, they are gorgeous, well-groomed, healthy dogs with magnificently polished manners. People want to greet them in recognition of the special and important work they are doing. Many people are aware they are not supposed to pet a service dog however, very few understand the reasoning behind this rule. Service dog Balter was trained to provide me with a high degree of independence. Guide dogs have been taught to lead blind and visually impaired people around obstacles. Diabetic and seizure alert dogs are born with the remarkable ability to alert their person of oncoming seizures or dangerously low or high blood sugar levels. Their primary job is to keep their person safe and prevent injury, or even death. Regardless of the service dog’s specific task, one fact is undeniable: it is crucial for a service dog to stay focused on their partner to give the appropriate assistance. No matter how well Balter is trained, he is still reactionary animal, and by petting or talking to him in an excited tone of voice, he becomes distracted. Balter will shift his attention to the person petting him, instead on staying focused on me, who needs his help. It is extremely difficult for me to bring his attention back to the task at hand. Furthermore, it teaches my canine companion to anticipate, expect or, even worse, solicit attention from people while he is on duty. This could severely compromise Balter’s exceptionally high level of training. Once at home and off duty, Balter enjoys being regular pet who gets plenty of playtime, toys, exercise, attention cuddling and love. Balty and I are sincerely grateful to the Son Rise Christian Fellowship congregation, for embracing us so warmly and making us feel welcome in our church.

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More Than Squirrels

Gayle Kott


You’ve put this puppy in my life

And she’s a good girl

Although somedays…

But one of the things I love about her

Is how excited she is

About everything

I wish I was more like that

Instead of groping for a cup of coffee

So I can function

Every morning when she wakes up:

“It’s morning! My favorite thing!”

“A stick! My favorite thing!”

“A walk! My favorite thing!”

“A tennis ball! My favorite thing!”

But her real favorite thing

Is chasing squirrels

So one day

When we were on our walk

She came across a squirrel’s nest

And since she wasn’t on a leash

I thought she would abandon me

For the squirrel

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But after I walked on a bit

She came bounding after me

It is her job to protect me,

After all

And I realized

She loves me more than squirrels

It made me think

Of my relationship with You

How many times have I been distracted

But You call me

And You love me

How many times have I gotten completely

Off the path

But You love me

And You know what, Lord

I love You

More than all the ‘squirrels’

In my life

Even when I don’t act like it at first

But thank You

So much

For loving me more

1 John 4:18, 19 “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, because

fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love. We love,

because He first loved us.”

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RAISING RYLAN Bill and Judy Saunders

To our dear church family we want to say “thank you” for the tremendous part you have played in helping us raise our Canine Companions for Independence puppy Rylan. In the year and a half we have been caring for Rylan, you have welcomed him to Bible Studies, Summer Family Nights, special events, worship services, and into your hearts. You have sweetly asked if it was ok to pet him and waited patiently for the reply. You have asked questions which have enabled us to share the mission and goals of CCI, and you have even let him indulge himself in sharing in a few puppy kisses with you! In just three short months, it will be time for us to return Rylan to Canine Companions

where he will begin a six month course of professional training to enable him to become a qualified Assistance/Service Dog. There are various opportunities for Rylan to be used to enhance the lives of those to whom he may be assigned. Rylan could be a Service Dog to help and support an adult with a disability. He might be tapped to become a Skilled Companion which means he would be assigned to work with a child

who might have a physical and/or educational need. There is also an opportunity for him to be a Facility Dog who might be assigned to a Special Education classroom, a physical therapy facility, or even a courtroom, Ry could also be among those pups who are extra vigilant and constantly aware of sounds in their environment which would make him eligible to be a Hearing Assistance Dog. We would be thrilled if Rylan could mature into a wonderful Service Dog like Sabine’s “Balter.” However, we also are aware that CCI only graduates about 40% of all puppies raised, so if Rylan is not suitable for an assignment with Canine Companions, he will be a loving and loyal pet that will bring joy and laughter wherever he goes. We know and trust God has a perfect plan for this little guy’s life, and from the depths of our hearts we thank you again for being part of his journey. WOOF!

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Strong and Weak Brad Fox

Andy Crouch, executive editor of Christianity Today, has written an important book called Strong and Weak. The purpose of his book is laid out in its first paragraph: What are we meant to be? – a question of hope. And why are we so far from what we’re meant to be? – a question of regret. The tension between these two questions he calls a “paradox of flourishing.” Crouch claims that we’re “not here just to survive; not just to exist, but to explore and expand.” In short, to flourish.

He then explores the meaning of flourishing. He points to Jesus statement in John 10:10, “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” He adds another verse from Paul’s pen as the apostle advises Timothy to lead his congregation toward “the life that really is life.” So Crouch proposes that if there is a life that is real then there must be a life that is false. He says Paul implies that the people “most at risk for missing the ‘life that really is life’ are the rich.” Clear warning for us moderns who are vastly wealthier than anything Paul or Timothy could imagine.

Andy proceeds to explain what flourishing is not:

It’s not physical healthiness It’s not growth without purpose It’s not affluence It’s not gentrification (cultural “hipness”)

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He justifies his thoughts by using Jesus, the purest definition of “flourished”, as his proof. Jesus had none of these attributes. Crouch warns us that if we define flourishing hastily, or from a perspective of power or affluence, we are in danger of missing it completely.

The Thorn

The Apostle Paul had an impediment to a flourishing life. In 2 Corinthians 8-10 we read “in order to keep me from becoming conceited, I was given a thorn in my flesh, a messenger of Satan, to torment me. Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. Paul has unquestioned authority in the church. But what set him apart, what made him truly exceptional was his admission of his own vulnerability.

Parenting: A behavior chart

Andy helpfully extends these scriptures to modern day Christian personal development by introducing us to a 2 x 2 behavior chart. To do so, he shares a simple behavioral model that describes parenting styles.

Briefly, in terms that most adults and even children recognize, he describes a matrix of parenting styles which is divided by the ranging characteristics of warmth and firmness. We can all identify with the authoritarian type of parent who bosses their child around seemingly unfairly in the aisles of a store or other public place (firm and the expense of warmth). Less evident, although not unrecognizable, is the parent who is unavailable to their child through the absent behaviors of busy-ness or selfishness (neither firm nor warm). We can also identify the indulgent parent who gives their child anything they whine about, and excuses any and all behaviors of their child (warmth without firmness). Kind parents are a beacon of hope, but kindness without firmness is a distortion of godly parenting. Any one of these parenting styles, by itself, is destructive. Crouch contends that only when firmness and warmth are balanced do we see a constructive, even redemptive, type of parenting. Importantly, firmness and warmth aren’t opposite ends of one range, but rather overlapping, interdependent ranges of separate parenting attributes.


And so it is with authority and vulnerability. They aren’t opposite ends of one range, but rather overlapping, interdependent ranges of the flourishing attribute. He develops a model of flourishing by describing and contrasting the different sectors of his Authority and Vulnerability chart. It is reproduced below:

In very clear and simple language, Andy takes us through the 4 quadrants of Authority and Vulnerability. He defines Authority as the ability to take meaningful action. Action that improves and enriches one’s life and the life of his/her surrounding community. An authoritative life is one that seeks to fulfil God’s plan for His kingdom. Vulnerability, it’s interactive counterpart, is the exposure to meaningful risk. A vulnerable person would be one who has no power and possibly no hope of escaping painful circumstances. A vulnerable life is one that may have a goal of fulfilling God’s plan but little hope of doing so.

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Quadrant IV (upper left) is a type of living in which one has surpassing authority without any inherent vulnerability. Andy gives the example of a dictator leading a totalitarian state; all powerful without any significant vulnerability. Enjoying the good life at the expense of others.

An adult living rent-free in their parent’s basement playing video games all week long is an example of Quadrant III. No vulnerability, but also no authority to speak of. No meaningful risk and no meaningful action. Withdrawn. The exact opposite of flourishing.

Quadrants I and II can lead to flourishing, but only if they are both experienced by an individual. In the closing chapters of this book, Andy puts forth the exceptional case of Jesus’ life. He writes “Of every human being who has ever lived, Jesus lived most completely in the fullness of authority and vulnerability. His authority was evident to everyone - at every turn of the gospel narratives we see Jesus exercising unparalleled capacity for meaningful action as well as restoring authority to the marginal and poor. But almost no one fully grasped Jesus’ vulnerability. Those around him comprehended almost nothing of His true purpose and destination. The gospel writers report that even when Jesus began to try to explain to his disciples the fate he knew awaited Him in Jerusalem, they resisted and did not understand. ...only Jesus understood what was truly going to be lost.”

Andy goes on to describe the significance of the Transfiguration in light of Jesus vulnerability. He says that “what is revealed on the mountain ...is not authority alone, but authority with vulnerability, power with self-denial, divinity with humanity - unconquerable life and imminent death.” Meeting with other leaders who had struggled with authority and vulnerability (Elijah and Moses) Jesus’ transfiguration demonstrates the absolute necessity of human companionship to the substance of personal flourishing.

Perhaps Andy’s most profound statement is that “We are called to risk hidden vulnerability, finding a way to bear authority without becoming an idol or tyrant (exploiting). But we are also called to very visible suffering, ...to journey to the quadrant of suffering.” But to journey with others!

He finishes the book by asking how we can break the stranglehold that idolatrous, self-seeking authority holds over our lives. How can we use vulnerability to temper our God-given gift of spiritual authority?

He proposes a (somewhat) rhetorical question: “What could truly break the power of that rebellion (authority over vulnerability)? If someone were to dramatically empty himself of authority, voluntarily give up the capacity for meaningful action, be handed over to the the most exploitative forces in our cosmos, and go to the land of the dead, the realm of those who have lost all capacity for action - and if that same person were to return, rescued, fully alive, indeed with far more authority than we had ever seen or imagined - such a complete sacrifice, and victory, might conclusively unmask the lie that is at the heart of all exploitation.”

How would this play out in everyday life? “Even very ordinary people who witnessed such an emptying, reversal and vindication might find themselves with authority no one could imagine they could ever have possessed, with a boldness to risk that was unprecedented even in their own histories… they might conduct themselves with utter authority and serenity. They might become the agents of a gradual but inexorable overthrow of the idols and their lies, even when those idols did their best to do their worst, consigning these representatives of true flourishing to torture and death.

Such people might begin to turn the world upside down.

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Congratulations Linda Blazo

By Jerry Maurer

When asked to write an article on Men’s Ministries for the Winter 2017

Chimes I thought it might be fun to make a contest out of it. Readers who wished

to participate were asked to find the total number of times the letters M, E, and N

appeared in that order within the article’s entirety. Originally there were 46

instances but the only intentionally misspelled word “Wedmensday” got

spellcheck changed to “Wednesday.” Furthermore “cement wall” was changed to

“brick wall.” So the correct answer became 44.

For those who were certain the final answer was

43, the single occurrence you may have missed

could have been within the phrase, “Don’t blame

Nero.” If you would like to know the winning prize

you will just have to ask Linda. Is it ironic that a

woman was the best counter?

For more information on Men’s Ministries see Tom & Jerry (wink) or call the

church office at 760.728.5804.


7:00 am Men’s Group Fellowship with Tom DuMont & Jim Fowler- Fallbrook Coffee Co.

7:00 pm Men's Group - Jerry Maurer's Home (760.828.8892)


7:00 am Men’s Group with Pastor Greg Coppock – Fallbrook Coffee Co.

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A coffee shop study

Tim O’Leary

“Be still. Know that I am God.” Psalm 46:10

Another deadline of the Chimes arrived as our congregation, and its many life

groups, were about halfway through a 12-week study that was initiated by Pastor

Jerome Marroquin. The study, titled “Experiencing God,” has been a voyage of discovery.

As in other small groups at the church, our weekly

Saturday morning gathering at the church’s coffee

shop has been such a sojourn. We have recently

been attracting about seven participants, usually led by Pastor Greg Coppock. Among us, throughout

these sessions, the Holy Spirit is present.

Our congregation opened the coffee shop at the corner of Mission and Fallbrook in

April 2014. SonRise owns the business and its equipment. It leases the property.

Fallbrook Coffee Company marked its formal grand opening at a gathering that attracted hundreds of participants. Our goal is to run the coffee shop as a model

of Christ’s love, care and comfort. Customers experience the love of Christ and

our church when we serve them.

The recent study has taught me and others how to listen for God, how to seek his

word and his ways. It has taught me to wait, to obey and to seek His kingdom above all else. We occasionally stopped to muse on how God has moved in each

of our lives. Those encounters have been powerful and undeniable.

“It happens all the time,” Pastor Greg noted at a recent meeting. “And this has

been a great study to stop and realize that God is in everything. In everything

around you, God is doing something.” We all responded with a hearty “amen” to that observation. And in doing so, we also gave thanks to our Lord for His gifts,

most of all the salvation that comes through Christ Jesus.

Ryan Hunt, our church’s Missions Director, told of moments of late in which he

had been touched and moved. “God is doing something in these moments to

show me the need to obey,” he said. Several of us murmured in agreement.

“There is always something to be learned and absorbed, and that’s where I am

right now,” said Michael Lauzun as he expressed his words of praise and hope.

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A lot has changed in Missions over the last number of months – even over the last number of weeks! We have a new model, a new strategy, a new vision, a new direction from the Lord. We are praying He will continue to lead and continue to show Himself to us as we strive to join Him in His

work. I trust that you will join us in prayer.

As we launch AIM, we have already made some great strides, but still have a long way to go. I pray that you will hear directly from God and as His Holy Spirit moves you, that you will step out in faith and obedience to adopt the ministry or missionary that He has called you to get involved with. Pray for them, communicate with them and, yes, support them financially. God will richly bless you as you obey Him – as long as you let Him define the blessing!

As I’ve said before – lots of times - Missions is a way of life, but it starts with just one step. Just GO. Across the street, to San Diego or out of the United States, but GO. Maybe it starts with using your summer vacation for a higher purpose. Maybe joining our trip to Ethiopia this July!

For details about the Ethiopia trip, general information on Missions, to find out about other upcoming opportunities or just to discuss where God is calling you to GO …… please email or call me. I’m always happy to share with others how God is at work in your life, in His church and in His world!

[email protected] 408-234-1343.

Vision for Missions

To see Sonrise Christian Fellowship become a GOING church in addition to a SENDING

church, facilitating discipleship, identifying and building up leaders, and supporting

partnerships with indigenous teams working to fulfill the Great Commission.

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AIM - Adopt Individual Ministries/Missionaries

“Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation”

(Mark 16:15)

Our prayer is that every member of our congregation would become

personally involved as a partner in Missions …starting with YOU!

As a prayer partner, soul supporter or financial contributor,

God is calling each of us to a deeper relationship with Him

and since His heart is for the world – so is ours.

Whether our call is to the global mission field or our own community, we

will be attentive to where He is at work, join Him and

celebrate the miracles He is waiting to do through each of us as

His witnesses in all Judea, Samaria and to the ends of the earth!

Join us for this exciting adventure!

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Barbosa de Oliveira

A Presbyterian pastor from Brazil who spent over 27 years

in Africa and has now relocated to Southern Florida with

One Challenge, Barbosa works with local Spanish and

Portuguese pastors in Leadership Training and

Development towards healthy church planting.

Jay & Sarah Gerhart

After 15 years in South Africa, the Gerharts

moved to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe in 2014 where

they work with One Challenge to impact the

lives and ministries of college students.

Dan & Kristen Gillespie

Based now in Southern California, the Gillespies

continue their work and leadership with the Miqlat

organization in Malawi, our partners with

Adopt A Child and the orphanages there.

Jeff & Sherry Graf

Sherry and Jeff are currently serving in the National Collegiate Office for Navigators in Colorado Springs, CO. where Jeff is Director of Operations for the Collegiate Ministries, leads the staff training team, and gives leadership, direction and support to 700 staff members on 160 campuses all over the US.

Luma & Remi Haddad

Luma works with youth in San Diego Communities

through Young Life raising Christian Leaders in

schools and neighborhoods of the inner city.

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Ron & Erin Hesse

Serving with Wycliffe in partnership with Yayasan

Betania Indonesia, Ron and Erin dub and share the

Jesus film and continue to work on translating the

Timothies, Thesslonians, Titus and part of Romans

and Psalms into Tehit in Papua Barat, Indoniesia.

Karry & Charlyn Kelley

As Director of Global Mission Practice Karry provides

coaching, mentoring and facilitation to World Team

ministries globally. After 15 years planting churches in

Spain, they currently support indigenous partners in a

number of regions in the Americas and globally.

Jay & Ann Muller

For over 30 years, the Mullers have worked

with Frontiers dedicated to meeting the

physical and spiritual needs of unreached

people globally. Jay teaches missions

courses at Fuller each spring, and oversees

and coaches teams throughout the world.

Bob & Becky Otten

After serving for 16 years in Kazakhstan with

CRU (formerly Campus Crusade), the Ottens

are launching a new leadership development

program with CRU in a new region that

includes the Persian, Armenian,

Central Asian and Turkic world.

Joe & Allison Priola

After growing up here at SonRise Christian,

Joe and his wife Allison now work with CRU

(formerly Campus Crusade) ministering to

young adults in San Diego.

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Steffan & Julie Pyle

The Pyle family is currently in New York as

their children attend school, but continue their

ministry with Ethnos 360 (Formerly MAF)

flying and repairing airplanes in Indonesia.

Steve & Debby Robinson

Steve and Debbie Robinson are missionaries with

Mission Aviation Fellowship. Steve is a pilot, a

flight instructor, and an airplane and helicopter

mechanic in Nampa, Idaho where he trains

pilot/mechanic/missionaries who fly to areas all

over the world difficult to reach other than by air.

Janet Rowlands

Based in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Janet works with the

International Director’s Team at Pioneers ministering to

104 countries and 297 people groups in 227 languages

sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Ruth Singson

Ruth began Widows Welfare Association after her own

unexpected widowhood and now, in partnership with local

churches, distributes food and clothing to the poorest

widows, visits the sick, distributes Bibles and provides

education for orphans and illiterate widows in India.

Glenn & Mary Tosaya

Reaching, teaching students and professionals

to be future Christian leaders, the Tosayas

work with CRU (formerly Campus Crusade) to

train national and indigeneous workers

throughout Southeastern Asia.

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Ethiopia Summer Trip

Join us July 22nd as we head to the capital city of Addis

Ababa and surrounding communities to share the love of

Jesus with children, visit the orphanages and the feeding

center where we will personally serve a meal to children.

City of Refuge – San Diego

Overnight trips to the City of Refuge in downtown San Diego. Friday night is spent

engaging the people on the streets and handing out care packages. Saturday morning

we assist in handing out food at the warehouse until 2pm, then the team returns home.


Feeding America

You can help distribute food through the mobile food pantry here in our parking lot twice

each month.

1st & 3rd Tuesdays each month

Bread of Life Rescue Mission

Please join us as we serve a hot, delicious dinner to those in need.

3rd Monday every month

Brother Benno’s Soup Kitchen

Consider joining us as we drive to Oceanside and serve a hot breakfast to those in need.

4th Friday of every month

Kairos Prison Ministry

Reaching out to those in prison through writing letters and twice a

year delivering home-baked cookies to inmates during

Kairos Inside Weekend.

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Miqlat, Malawi, 2018

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APRIL 10 Phil & Cande Johnson 10 Karl & Joanne Stephens 20 Greg & Teresa Johnson

MAY 03 Burt & Sheila Risser 15 Ronald & Mary Ann James 15 Robert & Caron Lieber 28 Van & Laurey Hill

JUNE 11 Bob & Charlene Mann 12 Laurel & Gary Freeman 15 Rod & Windy Smith 16 Greg & Kelly Ullery 20 Rex & Connie Gordon 29 Joe Bill & Sherry Carter 29 Jerry & Adele Maurer 30 Jim & Melinda Madden


03 Jerome Marroquin 04 Suzie Penman 04 Peter Smelser 05 Joan English 06 Joseph Sharp 06 Chris Walls 10 Tanner Dugas 11 Jim Sciarra 13 Stanley Meyers 14 Cailin Bartlett 14 Andrew Ice 15 Joe Nixon 15 Larry Sheldrup 16 Mary Lou Ziegler 19 Connie Gordon 20 Portia Tirado 22 Elaine Heck 23 Sam Britton 26 Jim Madden 27 Lori Cooper-Rondeau 27 Rich Overturf 29 Betty Westerveld

MAY 01 Robert Lieber 02 Cindy McAvoy 04 Jules Smelser 05 Owen Johnson 05 Pam Suchoski 06 Bonnie McIver 08 Audrey Aston 12 Juliana Tipton 16 Paul Ostergaard 20 John Redford 22 Colby Duty 23 Shawn Nelson 24 Sharon Callahan 24 Dwain Leach 26 Cheryl Caescibetta 26 Sylvia Eckhardt 27 Wilbur Wagner 28 Joe Bill Carter 29 Elizabeth Nair 30 Margaret Daniel

JUNE 01 Frank Lore 03 Beth Fluck 03 Sonja Smit 06 Nancy Sawdon 09 Anya Aston 10 Aria Johnson 10 Jessica Madden 10 Josiah Marroquin 13 June Leach 14 Laurey Hill 15 Deborah Berger 17 Barbara Wise 19 Sue Aston 19 Kelsi Fluck 20 Joe Calescibetta 20 Alicia Elliott 23 Alan Simpson 27 Lindsey Ice

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Hope you enjoyed our new series for 2018! There’s more to come!


10:00 am Adult Sermon-based Bible Study Fireside Room

6:30 pm Adult Sermon-based Bible Study Madden Home

MONDAYS 1:00 pm Grief Share Fireside Room 7:00 pm Adult Sermon-based Bible Study Saunders Home

7:00 pm Family Sermon-based Bible Study Hunt Home

TUESDAYS 7:00 pm Young Adults (The Grind) Fallbrook Coffee Company

WEDNESDAYS 7:00 am Men’s Bible Study Chapel

9:00 am Pastor Jerome’s Bible Study Fireside Room

1:30 pm Adult Sermon-based Bible Study Tiffany Home 7:00 pm Men’s Adult Sermon-based Bible Study Maurer Home

THURSDAYS 9:15 am Women of the Word Chapel

1:30 pm Adult Sermon-based Bible Study Glasgow’s 7:00 pm Women’s Sermon-based Bible Study Fireside Room

SATURDAYS 7:00 am Men’s Sermon-based Bible Study Fallbrook Coffee Company

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Feeding America You can help distribute food through the

mobile food pantry here in our parking lot twice each month, or if you or

someone you know is in need of food, please come receive a bag of groceries.

1st & 3rd Tuesdays each month 9:00 am, Parking Lot

Bread of Life Rescue Misson

Please join us as we serve a hot, delicious dinner to those in need.

3rd Monday every month 4:45 pm, Kitchen

Brother Benno’s Soup Kitchen

Consider joining us as we drive to Oceanside and serve a hot breakfast to

those in need.

4th Friday of every month

6:00 am Oceanside

Kairos Prison Ministry A ministry

reaching out to those in prison

through writing

letters and twice a year delivering home-baked

cookies to inmates during the Kairos Inside Weekend.

Fallbrook Food Pantry Every March, SonRise sponsors the

Fallbrook Food Pantry. Please bring in canned and boxed food and place in the

collection bins in the lobby.

Fallbrook Coffee Company

The coffee house is a warm, welcoming place to gather for fellowship and is also

used for Bible studies and meetings by local groups. We

are excited to see how the Lord is

using us to serve the community

through this venue. 622 S. Mission Road.

Hours: M-F 6am-5pm Sat & Sun 7am-2pm

City of Refuge – San Diego Overnight trips to the City of Refuge in

downtown San Diego. Friday night is spent engaging the people on the streets

and handing out care packages. Saturday morning we assist in handing

out food at the warehouse until 2pm, then the team returns home.

Military Food Drop Box Food drop box available in the lobby to

those who would like to donate food items to our military.

To get involved, call the office at 760-728-5804 or visit


Follow us on Instagram @sonrisefallbrook