J mhe C&havloUe democrat, hayioffe, ""' " " """ ' "" N. C. Supreme Court Decisions. North Carolina News Items. Prom the N. Y. Commercial Chronicle. A New VwU If the opinion before quoted, that the week jy number of bales actually consumed this year is not larger in average than J8t year South Carolina wrhes th. Z?' L. Jjf ARsriAL. -- J. 15. JfiJJ, Esq., of Ral- - The Justices .of the Supreme Court fcav,3 filed the fpflojving opinions: Str:te vs. Capps, frofn Mecklenburg. Af- ter verdict ol guilty on an indictment for The Increase in the Cotton Supply. What has Become of It? TfiMf persons, if any, in the trade y nor xloubt that the export of cotton out of is correct, then during the last four mouths esgn, nas oeen appointed Marshal for the Eastern JJistrictot .North Carolina. European spinners have added to their own stock (or invisible cotton on hand) 195,-78- 9 bales, and since October probably 300,- - the America 11 croo ol 1.S73 '7.1 will mnnnnt. tr 1 he Local Ministers' Conferpnce two hours' 8 conversation wit (5 Speaking of the next dec " K on M he was sure of e" 3 Lean nomination. fiew?UUrIC could not injure him, as hf8 P'f aii, were unable to read. He belit berlam would be run 3d if he developed ezidlTK and the Democrtt. hS s Jsf?Ui 000 bales or more. Does not this explain lor 184 meets at High Point on Thursday, 10 2,925,000 bales. It seems to be fairly July loth, at 10 o'clock a. in. R. L. Aber- - assured, also, that Europe (England and nethy, president, will preach the uuenimr the Continent) will have from other coun- - what has become of ti e increase in this The Democrat. Tbe iniquitous Civil Rights Bill. ' Jfyt flea J t httP SleejH-th- i Its probable pas-pty- p dwi'iff tte ,,et Session of Congress. It is quite the thing, just noyj-- , for the JUdical cauiJitiatOft fur (Jong re ami their friends to firgue that the Civil I'ilits bill having been tabled in the IJouse just before adjournment, is a dead issue. Tliis, howev-,erTJ- a all false. The bill is at live and full ,0 venoin and "alico as it ever was. jl is proper that the people should know, First -- r What is the present condition of .the Civil Right bill. Sjepond What are its prospects at the year's cotton supply? larceny, defendant moved in arrest of judg- ment on the ground that the indictment charged that the articles stolen was the property of "Grier and another," whereas the proof showed that it was the property of "Grier and Alexander," a copartnership firm. Held: That while, at common law, this would have been a variance, vet the sermon on Thursday night. triVs an import of at least 2,775,000 bales When, in 1870-'7- 1, the low price of cot ton induced spinners in England to buy during the year ending Sept. 30, 1874 iSS? Chief Justice Pearson who has been making the total imoort s.rnoonn haU. 250,000 bales or more in excess of their Win rro !. T ... rMDa .1 confined to his room at the National Hotel Paring the previous twelve months the consumption, and those on the Continent be defeated. "ucan PanreJjJ ior a week, recovered sunicientlv to under- - imports to all Eurone were 2 fiin onn half to take quite as much more, the fact that objection is not in words and spirit by one Statute, Baltic's Revisal, chapter 33, sec- tion G5. Judgment below, overruling mo- tion in ai rest, affirmed. spinners stock had been increased by 500,- - take the trip to his home, departing by ihu of American and 2,634,000 bales of other Western train Friday vYemiur-Raleia- h Urts toget her 5.244.000 bales. In oounds- - To remove Garlic flavor , OCttCt. I ljet Hie WeHrlit. it ...iltnn imi.APfnl tf.ol culturist savs that w.i ,nenca AL year was 2,005,S26,000, or 382A pounds per cellent absorbnnt 't X??"1 u anl e i- - . in mi f TT 'Mefla: didate for Sunerintendp.. . nfPnMI, , oe maimy oi game State vs. Ilaus, from Lincoln. An at- tempt to try the title to land by an indict- ment under the statute entitled "an act to prevent wilful trespasses upon lands," &c, r 1 uk- - 111 " Tne lic.-lVlc- r hn U l. J.. . uses I pie, - 1 . .n. . . 11 .. wilier, aim snoum raise ine 11 v n I'iiiuii . - - v. I.VM.; liinuu a MIUH 1U Mliail aUUll'IICl' oiw.u Kl.. . oo 1 . t ? I J rimS a peice three or Cv lH and two inches thick into p-- S" atlhe Court. TT,..iro it. f4olnh 1... lu.e'. P"""", wnicn would be a perversion of its tis and an 19th lilt, He declared in favor of a White ,,ounds. ,. i .1,.. .,' :.. ' ... - - .. abuse of the State's 000 to 600.000 bales beyond the quantity usually carried, though clearly stated by Ott-Trumpl- er and in the Chronicle, was not generally credited until after mid-Summ- er in 1872, when the presence of that ex- tra stock was made manifest in "the ab- stention of spinners from market for many weeks," and a great and unexpected de- cline in prices. In the same way, but in less degree, similar influences have opera- ted this year to induce spinners to lay in cotton excessively. The extent of the ex- cess cannot be ascertained until October, unless the actual consumption can sooner be determined. It should be remembered that prerogative which .in' 'rtv ( , -- - -- - v ... iiiv viuj o iuii'u in iu I.' , . .. . . I Wheat Wan not be tolerated bv the Court -- Ti.rl.r. i,..M .a iL. n:. iz 'x '. n ". Europe or xoo,074, 000 pounds, equal to should mcnt b or the convenience of the - .u-uvn- , ,c vim Hi-uisi- Jin, 111 n ten- - .517.000 bales F elow reversed. .1,...,. .i... .1... . 1 . 1 10,000 ?WnM wheat WA ...... v.-- n uiiu; ine common Pcnool gys- - reader We mav Htut,. next; session of Congress ? Turning to the Congressional Record, we find an answer to the first. question. On Saturday night, June 20, in the Hpje of Ilepresentalives, the Civil Right ) freiiig reachel in the regular order of bujuuesf, Mr Uutler of Massachusetts, mov-,e- d the bill he referred to the commit- tee on the Judiciary. Mr Poland, Republi- can, moved that the rules be suspended and l;(ie bill passed. On Mr lCidridgoV motion to adjourn, the yeu and nay were ordered, ;fnd the motion to adjourn was lost bv a vv,oteoi 1Q5 nays to 7G yeas, the nays being 11 Republicans. Thin the 'quest Ton upon the motion to suspend the lesxtnd pass the bill, upon which the yeas the supply for the two State vs. Gallon, from Sampson. Indict- - tem ot 1,118 otaie. His remarks met the en- - years as follows will be paid. " ""u iae West cash June 8, 1874. "-J- . BUCK dorsement of every conservative present. ment for burning out-house- s. Elisha An- - Year. dess, the owner of the premises, had died, and his widow, Susan, remained in occupa- - Other kinds. Total bales. Av'gr I w'g-'- t I Total weight. 387 2,205,900.000 1874 1873 2,925,000 2,670,000 2,775,000 a,34,000 5,700.000 5,244,000 uou 01 me lano ami nouses, arm was umi" 3S2 2,005,820,000 the low prices of 1870-'- 71 were followed by a short crop and high prices in 187l-'7- 2. iToiasooro Messenger. Fikst Congressional District. Dr. Ransom, republican, is an independent can- didate for Congress. C. L. Cobb is the republican candidate. The conservative candidate is Maj. Yeates. It is thought that Yeates could 'beat either of them single Incr. j 315,000 141,000 456,000 j 4,V 200,074,000 the ont-hous- c at the time of the burning. Xot being in the wrongful possession, she The American portion of the was properly charged in the bill ns the imports in owner of the building which was burned. 18J- - 3 proved the ooorest. dirtiir and Execution of John Alien Ketchey. This notorious character was executed at lllflk!l tl Ow t ...... ...... J...... .1 ? .1 pnu nay nan ueen ordered, 'i fie question 4was taken, and there were yeas 139, navs .91, not voting 59. So, two-thir- d not vot- - nanueu. ineir loiUle-teamin- g will not make the race more complicated or more Salisbury on Friday, the 26th ult. Ketchey was under sentence of death for the raoe'of Provisions-rt- he IIsjust a nw fa Examine else for LjnSl and t? stock fK SutUmer be htd out to prompJcSmm ,nductmf will Junel-184- - wblapk; Good News We have now in thTcourse of erection tb, Largest and Finest Store doubtful. There is a ieeling that Mai Yeates will be elected, and that is half the ..wo nf iK'p c-- ei piowuceu ill IhlS country. Its waste in use was claimed to be tive per cent, more than the average. The crop now going forward is, in respect of expending value, better than in the average of recent years. The difference iscertainFy five per cent., and as American cotton con- stitutes about three-fifth- s the supply (in pounds), that difference from last year's battle in a political campaign. lialeigh oevttnei. a young girl of Rowan county, iliss Milly Bescherar. lie professed to feel some in- terest in his eternal welfare and upon the representation of his spiritual adviser, Gov. Caldwell postponed the execution a week. He refused to talk of religion, we learn, after he had carried his point, until twelve Judgment below affirmed. State vs. Thomas. Defendant was found guilty on an indict ment for stealing "two five dollar United States Treasury notes." Motion was made in a. -- rest of judgment on the ground that such stealing is no offence, not being made such by our statute. Bat- tle's Revival, chapter 32, section 10. Held : That th e words of the statute are suHicieutly comprehensive to embrace this case. Judg- ment below affirmed. Clement, administrator, v. Foster et al, from Davie: At a sale of lands under an jing in the alhrmative, the rules were not .suspended. VVe now quote from the official report of ,the proceedings published on page 43 of 10 .Congressional ' Record, of Sunday. June -- Slst: The question recurred on the motion of Mr Butler, of Massachusetts, to refer the bill tc the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr Butler of Massachusetts I withdraw that motion. Let the bill remain on the Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. The new Board of Directors of the A. & N. C. Hail- - in the State of North Carnli nit nrt.ts.1. . road met in Newbern last week and elected pleted in time for th Pii tJ.w,ji ctt- - Col. L. W. Humphrey President. No desirous of opening an entire new s toik ,W 1 will, after the changes were made in the old employees supply is equal lo about three per cent, on the whole importation to Europe. The value of that difference in waste alone amounts lo (30,577,000 pounds, or 171,000 bales, ami raises the expending excess in this year's importation to GS8.000 bales nf except the election of John A. Richardson o clock lhursday night, when he com- menced to realize the hopelessness of Ins sit- uation. His screams and pleadings to his Maker could then be heard all over the town. A wise act of the N. C. Legislature requires that all executions shall be nrivate - 1 tn. . FIRST DAY OF JULY, age, removed. 1 he pri order to make asset ts, two persons, Lanier vate Stockholder Directors are: ER Stan the average weight of 387 pounds assum ly, CR Thomas, W B Duncan and J no L Begin to sell our largo stock of Dry Gos, doth, ing, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, &c, Ac.. kt ing that 5.700.000 i!l p uli-il- l N, ;m.w. Morehead. I he Directors on the part of - ...... kj i iia j,vr i ivu, According to M. Ott-Trnm- nl er's ami n 'i I Oniy a s lect few were admitted into the enclosure around ihe gallows. On the scaffold the prisoner made a lengthy state- ment in regard to the crime for which he the State are: L W Mumphrev, M E Manly, L J Moore, R W King, C II Harper, J F c...x. tt rta.i.1 a t t t-- . i letter, the stock of cotton visible (in ports) in Em-op- t Oct. 1, 1S73. was 1.220.000 bains j'u, o aj vjmuie auu ioun v ivnoues. jtaoie. Mr Eldridge I renew the motion. wish to inquire, Mr Speaker, jin what position the call of committees stands. The Speaker The lat committee called ,waa thu Commit tee on the Mississippi jLeyees. AJrHoar The Judiciary Committee is the seventeenth on the fist, and will proba- bly not be called at all during next session. Therefore to send the Civil Rights bill to ,that committee buries it. Mr. Eldridge It is buried anv wav U Adding for Spain, Russia. &c. (not includ Greatly Reduced Prices for Cash. T7e invite all who wish to Wholesale or Itelail, to examine olr 3 will be to their advantage to do so. ' a ELIAS, COHEN & R0ESSLER. June 29, 1874. was aoout to be executed, and to the last protested his innocence, saying that it was and Jordan, each purchased a tract of land. These tracts had licwi enclosed by one fence. After the sale, Lanier built a cross-fenc- e within fifteen feet of the dividing line be- tween him ami Jordan, and tore down the fifteen feet of fencing, on his own land at each end of the cross-fenc- e and between the cross-fenc- e and Jordan, making a road for himself exposing Jordan's part of the field. Held: 1. That the administrator and heirs at law could not properly be made parties to the disputes of the purchasers. 2. If during his operations in respect to the ffdW In his speech made at Elizabeth- - ed in his tables.) 55. onn b-.- l town, Bladen county, on the 26th ult., the owing to the preiudices of John Loni wMoie siock was 1,275,000 balesi37.050 - - - , - . lion. Leorge Uavis tlius characterized a uuu pouruis. ihe assume 'd import, fi Too!- - lhe ltsli'n,"y he girl pounds, nild ;,,,,11e ?a!ch.erai;' tl,ath WaS convicted class of citizens too often met within all 000 bales2,205,900.000 communities: "The citizen who refuses to make the whole visible sutnl for the enr- - uoaies oi uarn ouriiing and I L rent year 6,975,000 bales2.692.950.000 aid in preventing the government from fall- ing into bad hands is unworthy of citizen- - ctiit rl. t , . . . K I. i .t aaiuuieo: to several wrongs committed by him on several individuals of Rowan county. pounds, in addition to the slocks held bv l Here are grave doubts as to whether xw on iuiim- - tu uiitH wno maKes ine ienee Laniur crossed the line, Jordan's remedy is by a civil action for injury to spinners in England and on the Continent Oct. 1, 1873. ' silly declaration 'that he takes no interest Ketchy was guilty of the crime for which he was hung, but many persons thought The consumption of cotton in all Europe, except Spain, Russia, fcc, for 1872 '7:3 he ought to be hung on general principles, in politics a good citizen, is to suppose a parallel to a 'good judge who feels no con- cern in justice,' or a 'good christian, who takes no interest in religion.'" PEACE INSTITUTE, Ralkigii, N. C. A Boarding and Day School FOR YOUNG LADIES. The Full Session commences on WEDTI)Y 23d SEPTEMBER, and con tinues without htt mission to the middle of June following. For catalogue and circulars containing full nar. ticulars, &c, address Rev. R. BURWELL & SON, June 29, 1874. 3m Raleigh, N. C. hs ne was a scourge lo the community. line year ending Sept. 30th) was staled by M. Ott-Trumpl- er lo be 5,219,000 pouuds xxi-n-ii- v anion urn was not conuned to Mate limits. He aspired to a national reu- - jhas been buried half a dozen times beyond .the power of resurrection; and vou are all .glad of it. '"" 'Mr Cessna 31 r Speaker, whrit position vwill the bill occupy at the next session as .to .'priority on the speaker's table, if it re-maii- iK where it is ? The Speaker It might be reached by a .motion to go to business on the Speaker's ,table, made at any lime, after the mornin" jhours. " Mr Cessna Is it not among the very tirsl jbills on the Speaker's table? Tho Speaker It will, of course, be .niong th first on the table at the 'next session. The question recurs on the m,,- - iuu,-i- u Dales per week. Adding for the farmer ? An honest wrote to Dr. uiaiion. inieving was ins tort and lie was countries not comprised in his tables 2 630 real estate, which corresponds with the old action of tresspass qnore elansum fregit. And if Lanier confined himself to his own side of the dividing line, slill if he broke the fence which had before been the corner means of protecting tho crops, wilhout giving reasonable notice, he could be sued for consequential damages. Mitchell, administrator, vx. Sawyer ct al, from Craven : Plaintiff had a judgment against the defendant. Plaintiff agreed that if defendant would him pay a part he 1 i .... . . . , ... 1 V, Ellis, President of the Peot .ie s Agricul- - Dales per week, we have the weekl y average equally at home, whether as pick-pock- et in New York or playing the lole of the wealthy Ur. Y illiams in Caldwell, N. C. ii.i.w w .ut-uu.iiiie- wssoc.auon : Li ear Sir: Please put me down on your list of cattle for a bull." Piedmont JWss. Maj. J. Jenkins is an independent entire 104,000 bales39,780,000 pounds. Ac-cordin- to the leading statistical authori- ties in Liverpool, the weekly average of actual consumption for the calendar "year was, in England, 61,010 bales of 3SS 9-1- Dividend Notice. The First National Bank ok Charlotte ) ' Charlotte, N. C, 27th June, 1874. A dividend of five dollars Dcr ShnrB will hi noM v a... uiv; kj.jiic oenaie irom Cleave land and Gaston. ttion of the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr Eldridge) that the rules be suspended and a 1 1111 e pounds, and on tho Continent 41,700 bales cf 372 pounds average total 103,310 bales39,5 16,000 pounds per week. The Chronicle, in an article of Feb. 21st, 1874 The Ralcijrh Creseont. woum receive 11 in sat isiactlou ol the whole. Held: That this promise of plaintiff was a nudum fact and not binding in law. Whitford vs. Foy, from Craven : All ex- ceptions to report of referee in this case speaks of to Stockholders or order on and after the fimt day f Jlv. M. 1. PEG RAM, June 29, 1874. 2w Cnshier " t . ... . on .Jordan Chambers as a white man. Jordan jiiieoiii oe reierred to the Committee the J udiciary. The motion was not agreed to. Tl... C! 1 Tl 1 . irom ail the authorities and the working of is a negro and was the slave of P. B. Cham- bers of Iredell. J ordan has been nominated by the negroes to represent old Iredell in Dividend Notice. the spindles, computed the consumption in ill l-- ... .v.. 1 ... r -- 1 i . Mercuaxts axd Farmers' National Bam.) j lit: opt-MKe- r ine uili remains Speaker's table. 'Thus, it will be Feen, the Civil on the Rights the Legislature. As a slave Jordan was decided Charlotte, N. C, June 27th, 1874. f A dividend of fire dollars Der Share will heDaid success- - botn plaintiff and defendants, were over- ruled by the Court. Several of the excep- tions failed to refer to the facts on which they were based with sufficient distinct- ness to be intelligible, without a thorough examination by this Court of the whole of the rcfcrce'fc work, which would be -- a real "big nigger." but as a to Stockholders or order on and sifter tl firt !t freedman and politician he is an failure. Piedmont Press. rious of July. J. R. HOLLAND. .... ...... ,xl lltv uie calendar year; to be 5,:J84,710 lbsl0:)t550 bales per week. All the figures approximate closely. Tak- ing the largest, say 104,000 bales per week, and the average weights (including extra waste) 3S2 pounds per bale, the aggegale consumption for the year ending Sepum!-be- r 30th, 1873, is found to be 2,068,560,000 pounds. .June 29, 18.4. 2w Cashier. 5 A new Post Office has been tnb. CONSERVATIVE NOMINEES FOR Mecklenburg County. For the Senate, HOHERT P. WARING. For Rej)resentatives, J. SOLOMON RK1D, J. L. JETTON. For Sheriff, MARSHAL E. ALEXANDER. For IVeasnrer, Cait. S. E. BELK. For Superior Court Clerk, E. A. OSBORNE. !r Register, WM. MAXWELL. For Surveyor, J. E. MOORE. For Coroner. fini remains on the hpeaker's table, iind according to the Speaker himself, "it will of .course be among the first on the table next session1 and, also in the Speaker's own words,. "it might be reached," at the next session of Congress, "by a motion to go to jjusiness on the Speaker's table, mado at any time after the morning hour." lished at Boggan's Cut, (Ans.ni countv) on tli lino .)' I liu ",.1 ..,,):.. v.-a- .. i McKethnn, trustee, vs. Ray et al, trustees, ! from Cumberland : Section 315, C. C. P. j 1 r Rail- - Dividend Notice. Farmers' Savings Bank, 1 Charlotte, N. C, June 22, 1874. f At a meetiner of the Board of Dimem of thin way. Mr Jas. Boggan Post Master. does not oonter upon certain parties who differ as to their rights, the privilege of propounding, to the Couit, on a case agreed . . in oiner .words, the C v Rl.rl.t, hi having passed the Senate, now remains on the Siil r's 10KI.1 in it r Some of the best cotton statisticians in Lurope have lecently expressed the opin- ion that the consumption during the cur- rent year will not exceed that oflast year, and that the increase in the deliveries this year has gone to augment the stocks held by spinners. The general decline in busi . I . " ,,, 1 iju IXOIIS'.' Better Times. Let us hope that it is not merely hope that is being put forth respecting the finan- cial outlook. The Cincinnati Gazette has this to say: Good croos will start. th Biink, held at their Banking House, Juue22d, 1874, it was resolved that a Dividend of five per cent, on the Capital Stock, out of the net e arnings for the five months ending June 30th, 1874, be declarrd, payable to Stockholders on and after July l?t, 1874. Resolved, That the sum of Three Thousand do- llars be placed to the credit of the Surplus Fund of the Bank. T. L. VAIL, S. P. Smith, Pres't. Cashier. This Bank commenced business in Fe- bruary, 1874. Juue 29, 1874. unci rogatories relating thereto. Tho pur- pose of that section is simply to dispense with the formalities of a summons, com- plaint and answer upon an agreed state of facts to submit the case to the Court for de- cision, and therefore the Judge shall hear and determine the case and "render judg- ment therein, as if an action were depend machinery of commerce, and, m.mey being plenty, the products of the harvest will promptly be moved, and those who do not ness activity all over Lurope serves lo con- firm this opinion. If such shall prove to be the fact and it certainly may well be io as to number of bales weekly, seeing that the saving in wasle and the lii.l winch it can be taken at any time next ses- sion and parsed by a majority vote. The Washington correspondent of the pjnomnati Commercial, telegraphing, to .that iournal on Saturday night last, con- cerning the vote on theCivil Rights bill, stated: ''As it stand, however, it is rejec- ted without prejudice, and lies on the .Speakers table, whence it may be taken at the next session, and passed by a bare ma- jority." As to the second question, what are the prospects of the Civil Rights bill at the Jiext session of Cingrs Vi he people can judge for themselves. 11,.,-- aro the facts-O- n Monday, May .2-)t- the day on which i run) ior a nveiy autumn trade will make a great mistake. Whatever the country may have done in the way of over- - .Humg ince mo last ot October, it has For County Commissioners, TIIOS. L. VAIL, TilOS. GLUYAS R. L. DkARMOND, W. E. ARDREY IL jVI. DIXON. June 8, 1874. t e. weight of bales this year are equal to 4 per cent or moreit follows that there will be a very coiiM'derable increase of the stock on hand September 30. That is, the supply, as above given, for the year, being U,97o,-00- 0 bales2,t92,950,000 pounds, and the consumption 104,000 bales of 387 pounds, and better quality, per week, or 5,40y,000 bales2,092,B96,000 pounds. Stock on ing. It follows, therefore, that all persons having an interest in the controversy must be made parties. Case remanded hi order that the heirs at laws and residuary de- visees of deceased may be made parties. Ponton and wifa vs Soott from Guilford. In 18130 Ponton had his homestead in land laulotVand his personal property exemp- tion allotted in accordance with the act of the Legislature of 22d August, 1868. In April, 1873, Scott was about to have an ueen taking account of stock for ei-li- t months, and settling up. Goods are conse- quently in light supply everywhere. Man- ufacturers have been on short time, and Consumers have used up their supjdies. At the same time speculators have been idle. W ith the incoming of the new harvest this reason of inactivity must end, and then we Postponement of Sale of RAILROAD PROPERTY. In the Circuit Court of the United Statu for the Western Uistrict of Xorth. Ca- rolina. Henry Clews and Hiram Sibley and others, PUin-tiff- s, Against The Western North Carolina Railroad Company, (E. D.Tod K. Caldwell, Rufus Y. McAden, The First National Bank of Charlotte, John Ruthe- rford, Hiram Kelhy, Thomas G. Greenlee, Jm Greenlee, Mary Carson, A. II . Erwin, N. II. D-)- ilson, Assignee, R. 31. Walker and other, Pratt's Astral Oil will not Explode snail experience lAlu'11"11 ivweu on ronton s propertv sav- - a resumption of active To prevent fraud, demand Astral Oil. Sold bv tiie Manufacturer, Chas. Pratt & Co., or by their authorized Agents, SMITH & IIAMMOND, June 22, 1874. Charlotte, N. C. SCHOOL NOTICE. lug to 1 miton that the homestea'd had business. The prospects are that thn II J vl me nrst vote on the Civil Rights bill was taken in the House, there was 00 majority on a full vote, lacking only V, of the two-thjrd- s vote necessary to have ukeiiit from IheSpeokcr's table, when a majority vote would have passed it. On ihe v.",te on Saturday night, June 20t h, on the paa-'t-o- f the Civil Rights bill, there was 4s ,,. han.l October 1, 1874, will be 1,567,000 bales600,054,000 pounds, in addition to such stocks as spinuers mav have held Oc- tober 1, 1874. The deliveries to spinners during 1872-- 3, corresponded more nearly with he cou-sumpii- on than for several vinrs h,...o 41 gone up as against old debts. R,.th Ponton and fc'cott really believing th statement, Ponton made a mortgage "f his uouiesieaa and all ins exemoted uronert v Those deliveries averaged weeklv for th s fn Sf.t .i., i ....... i... ... 1 J commercial year will be one of the most prosperous ever experienced in this country. The Macon (Ga.) Telegraph says: We hear from many sources that if 'the cotton 8,1 rZ,V'V vt' Southwestern Georgia at all fulfill tlu-i- r present promise, there will be fl.uh times next Fall. One reason given, a;id a very sound one. too. i tbit Vole. - v ' " i'uiiii.-- i io secure ine oavment jo,,iy ,n iayor oj the bill, on l sin:i and 69 Representatives not voting. year in England, 61,250; and on the Cou- - The undersized will open a School of IIM, Grade for Bo a ami Girls, in the Basement of the Masonic nail, near Alexandriana, on the A., T & lerms C). Iuulroad, moderate. on the Second Monday in July, 1874 For particulars, address i tut n cianns. rsuhsequenlly onton i ooiu oases all tho votes in favor of The sale of the Western North Carolina Rai- lroad E. D.j heretofore ordered by the Court, nd advertised to take place at the Court nue door in the City of Salisbury, N. C, on the 18th day of June, 1874, has been postponed by a subsequent order of the Court, until the 17ih day of August, A. D., 1874, at rhich time it will take place at the said Court House door in Salisbury, and upon the terms and conditions heretofore published. t? a. x TTIIKR. brought fetut against defendant demanding vue -- suiaot vil ames" wm-,- . t... i lie pub j judgment that tne mortca'e be derl-nw- i A. J. liAUKl&IIN. I'rWtnal ncans, anti every Democrat voted nrr'in.wf 11 11 i Mini Volil mm1 .K..w. 1 t. I f axS.SfJy '- -ni i - - -- ii iim uric i; . ii r i ori n.i .. ii .. i June 15, 1874. 4w . ... . . iineni, 4u,au; together, 1 02,000, or 2,000 bales less than the consumption, the defi- ciency being made good from the stocks held by spinners October 1, 1872. One of the best Liverpool authorities, in a circular da led May 7, slates the compar- ative movement of cotton since January 1 Charlotte, N. C. Segars. best a la Jmeof imported and domestic Serars on c the market, at "l ;ooujinaTioris." l he j cisjoinevi irom se nir' the nroi.crtv undr ii. V , e" ilulc ' run in JWUl inference which every intelligent Held :- -th;,t Ponton e n i d o he ('?fht they will owe very m,.! will draw f,ni these lief demanded. Judg.nl n i bl l" ,wh"nrlhe arc gathered. They facts is that the Civil Rights bill is the ' Ut-udo- , J., deliyei iu-'p- ini e mark?. ".Tt ha?hveu ?rccJ to economize by the refu- - leading and policy the Republican part, was a 'mu't ual mistake of 1 th paViie, ,, T'i m'le -- V ic,fra to lithe credit people elect will have t few Hepublicsui Co., producing which or no debts fmh?J. Righu biH, an activegent. ' Itwt a n d Lt'1 pay when Fall com?. It is astonishing, McADEN'S DRUG STORE. Chewing Tobacco. ??est cllltS?tyte")Pg Tobacc, fresh and io, .is iohows: iii England "ihe deliv- eries to home consumers have reached 1,124,575 bales (6,092 per week), against 1,059.654 bales (62,332 per week) lastCyear, weighing 451,707,000 pounds, against 418- - heavy, 3Iorpanton, EUWIN. Asheville, . I. THOMAS KUFFLV. Ilillsboro.h.t'. TII03IA8 B. KEOGlh June 22, 1874. 8w Greensboro, - C. Announcement. 1 announce myself an independent candidate for the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county. Ela- tion on the tirst Thursday in August next. W. II. II. H0UST05. May 18, 1874. $5pd jicidjvsj DHUG STORE. V , ''S W,U ,ncst be j 0 amount of diligent, or cruiion , C ' , r w we" a""g how a Hl VK f Vrt of the phuntiff couM have ' ' "" herelnf"" "ec-OpgrCE- F. As H:iriiPi Vr....Ll.. . 'I-..-- . : .,' , . . av nl,'Cil : i essarv to e v isfiMifP th.. 1,.,..,. t: i , . aod.uuu poinms; me average weight btin" lull .1.. .. 1 nr.- - . . O niV&kUi. . ' r.V ..r.r"l jour-iio- , as is alleged bv defendant, r. u.,u . " ! luu"" otu a . " .WU U V . I i . L I I'kll... 1... . - . 1 1 . ... " . I L I I I .1 ik I w i 1 1 r1 1 ' i iiui iirri to, aim o ho pounds respectively Tl. ..1 1 . . J saVS ft"'" ; v.4ii iaii iitm I act. common to easy to economise under the messm-- nf . nusmess men, lawyers and Simmons' Hepatic Compound, DebnTtrr fly f0r. Uvct Disease. Dyspepsia and just received at McADEN'S DRUG STORE. Patent Morli judges. This a oe i.m.i on, .oil. into ine Uontineut during the first seventeen weeks of the year ' .1 mounts to 1 OOO Q07 i ?re is no more sij?nal error il,o ii,.. necessity. This is certain v cheerful news I ..1..1 .1... 1 . 1. . f . ! makes a clear cum'for relief." me least cneerin asncct ot i n f lKe Of tl.., .. - Z . I . . .... tn r..wv,iv 9v ine uiiiniiencement ot the V I . rsm A. A I j is mat next year it will be twice as casv i economize as it has been this. Gn. bhermau says that . M T " wl Jen he hifU" fe' k" Patent Medicines on met --ur .Lincoln at Fortress M liloe. nr.. I ; , will be sold cheap for cash, at lied him whether . ' - www I le s.'ioiilil .- l. T..i i Announcement. FtXow Citizens of the 9th Judicial DUtrirt: Yielding to tho solicitation of my friends I an- nounce mvself a eanfUrlat. f.tr Iptinn to the offl" McADEN'S DRUG STORE lv.ii i I'll t a s i i j ear was zz.w bales, and a week ago, 412,047 bales; so that the deliveries were 840,229 bales, or 49,425 bales per week. Last year the deliveries were 728,933 bales, this amount was for eighteen weeks last vearj or 40.4 96 hl Max. Tus- - Uxvis .,r let him ' &H00TS run, the discreet Illinois-,,- , I A opposition that thedef,:,L of this bill tends anything. t.ro'M S:rFv'rtU'r new s confirms the vic- - el Spain o S MWh w oen' thilt c vole- - j Conchr. has lrt I.N r, , death of Concha . . i I lh repned with the ' J -- 9- One ( Htory of a relornu tl t..,,,r t;,llu,"a- - year ago ieorge F. Licbi-- s Extract of Be-f- . Valentin J, i m on oclnir oheie a drink, s.-ii- T ' l . U.V vongtes smau J. II. ti.e bct artielP s Jlpat election in August J. L. CARSON. knwn for invalids and those recov- - Kmhcrrnin xilZ U kZm , can't take it because I hav kI,,,,..,! , i. . ! b;OKS to Y,Mt ''is house. Long denounced From this it appears lhat? durincr tho firlt erinsr from iV,. ; J?t perhapH you could fix it so I nifhter' could drink it unbeknownsf f.. mvcJf" lu'r, claiming umlue mtimacv v s eharao. rith hl Jne McADEN's DRU0 STORE. 22, 1874. . ' KSjosp returned Friday and leaminrr ii.. il... ..o c or.""' " I"M!ll bl ow to A Comet it. is i .: j facts from his daughter, shot Long from hiis second storv wind four mouths of 1874, ihe weekly deliveries of cotton in all Europe have averaged 115-51- 7 bale per week ; that being oft he bet- ter quality and heavier bales this 12,689 bales per week more than during the' same four months last year, and 11517 bales per week more than the average num- ber in the weekly consumption of "li.rhir on . , - vr W Maj. W. J. Montgomery, pi Cabarrus, is the Conservative nominee for Solicitor for the 9th Judicial District. Announcement. I announce myself an Independent Farmer' can- didate for Congress, from the Sixth Congre8sin District, knowing no party and acknowledging no . . . .... bit-jus- t below the North Star n Offer o VU., ies an(fSi2"Ceia.ent8 to 03811 bu-ve- ra In Grocer' many years on. ofilu. fr... M. " I ... in j t rent. ) nm.i. a snv rrlass it. U hpain, and especially in ihe poliev . of L lion and ieoressim. ' ' " . : r I I l ot ; L.J?. , A four buck shot m his skull, one in the neck and two in the body, won nds fntal. Sloss has been jailed. T-- t I - 'jr "e"netiv seen. Astronomer. Foreign i andK688' Wholesale and Retail Fruit and Nuts. 1 n t hVr in August. i ipioss oin exactly right. I and more wasting bales in all of last year. amuation wim any party. June 29. 18,4. C. S. HOLTON & CO, Opposite Market, E. C. DAVIDSOX. June 1, 1874. pd

The Charlotte Democrat. (Charlotte, N.C.) 1874-07-06 [p ]. · J mhe C&havloUe democrat, hayioffe, N. C. Supreme Court Decisions. North Carolina News Items. Prom the N. Y. Commercial

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Page 1: The Charlotte Democrat. (Charlotte, N.C.) 1874-07-06 [p ]. · J mhe C&havloUe democrat, hayioffe, N. C. Supreme Court Decisions. North Carolina News Items. Prom the N. Y. Commercial


mhe C&havloUe democrat, hayioffe,""' " " """ ' ""

N. C. Supreme Court Decisions. North Carolina News Items. Prom the N. Y. Commercial Chronicle. A New VwUIf the opinion before quoted, that the weekjy number of bales actually consumed thisyear is not larger in average than J8t year

South Carolina wrhes th. Z?'L. Jjf ARsriAL. --J. 15. JfiJJ, Esq., of Ral- -

The Justices .of the Supreme Court fcav,3

filed the fpflojving opinions:Str:te vs. Capps, frofn Mecklenburg. Af-

ter verdict ol guilty on an indictment for

The Increase in the Cotton Supply.What has Become of It?

TfiMf persons, if any, in the trade ynor xloubt that the export of cotton out of

is correct, then during the last four mouthsesgn, nas oeen appointed Marshal for theEastern JJistrictot .North Carolina. European spinners have added to their own

stock (or invisible cotton on hand) 195,-78- 9

bales, and since October probably 300,- -the America 11 croo ol 1.S73 '7.1 will mnnnnt.tr 1 he Local Ministers' Conferpnce

two hours' 8conversation wit (5Speaking of the next dec " Kon Mhe was sure of e" 3Lean nomination. fiew?UUrICcould not injure him, as hf8 P'f aii,were unable to read. He belitberlam would be run3d if he developed ezidlTKand the Democrtt. hS sJsf?Ui

000 bales or more. Does not this explainlor 184 meets at High Point on Thursday, 10 2,925,000 bales. It seems to be fairlyJuly loth, at 10 o'clock a. in. R. L. Aber- - assured, also, that Europe (England andnethy, president, will preach the uuenimr the Continent) will have from other coun- -

what has become of ti e increase in this

The Democrat.Tbe iniquitous Civil Rights Bill.

' Jfyt fleaJt httP SleejH-th- i Its probable pas-pty- p

dwi'iff tte ,,et Session of Congress.

It is quite the thing, just noyj--, for the

JUdical cauiJitiatOft fur (Jong re ami theirfriends to firgue that the Civil I'ilits billhaving been tabled in the IJouse just beforeadjournment, is a dead issue. Tliis, howev-,erTJ- a

all false. The bill is at live and full,0 venoin and "alico as it ever was.

jl is proper that the people should know,First --rWhat is the present condition of

.the Civil Right bill.Sjepond What are its prospects at the

year's cotton supply?

larceny, defendant moved in arrest of judg-ment on the ground that the indictmentcharged that the articles stolen was theproperty of "Grier and another," whereasthe proof showed that it was the propertyof "Grier and Alexander," a copartnershipfirm. Held: That while, at common law,this would have been a variance, vet the

sermon on Thursday night. triVs an import of at least 2,775,000 bales When, in 1870-'7- 1, the low price of cotton induced spinners in England to buyduring the year ending Sept. 30, 1874

iSS? Chief Justice Pearson who has been making the total imoort s.rnoonn haU. 250,000 bales or more in excess of their Win rro !. T ... rMDa .1confined to his room at the National Hotel Paring the previous twelve months the consumption, and those on the Continent be defeated. "ucan PanreJjJior a week, recovered sunicientlv to under- - imports to all Eurone were 2 fiin onn half to take quite as much more, the fact thatobjection is not in words and spirit by one

Statute, Baltic's Revisal, chapter 33, sec-tion G5. Judgment below, overruling mo-tion in ai rest, affirmed.

spinners stock had been increased by 500,--take the trip to his home, departing by ihu of American and 2,634,000 bales of otherWestern train Friday vYemiur-Raleia- h Urts toget her 5.244.000 bales. In oounds- -To remove Garlic flavor ,

OCttCt. I ljet Hie WeHrlit. it ...iltnn imi.APfnl tf.ol culturist savs that w.i ,nenca ALyear was 2,005,S26,000, or 382A pounds per cellent absorbnnt 't X??"1 u anle i- - .

in mi f TT 'Mefla:didate for Sunerintendp.. . nfPnMI, , oe maimy oi gameState vs. Ilaus, from Lincoln. An at-

tempt to try the title to land by an indict-ment under the statute entitled "an act toprevent wilful trespasses upon lands," &c,

r 1 uk- - 111" Tne lic.-lVlc-r hn U l. J.. . uses I pie,- 1 . .n. . . 11 .. wilier, aim snoum raise ine 1 1 v n I'iiiuii . - - v.I.VM.; liinuu a MIUH 1U Mliail aUUll'IICl' oiw.u Kl.. . oo 1 . t ? I J rimS a peice three or Cv lHand two inches thick into p-- S"atlhe Court. TT,..iro it. f4olnh 1... lu.e'. P"""", wnicn

would be a perversion of its tis and an 19th lilt, He declared in favor of a White ,,ounds. ,. i .1,.. .,' :.. ' ...- -. .abuse of the State's

000 to 600.000 bales beyond the quantityusually carried, though clearly stated byOtt-Trumpl- er and in the Chronicle, wasnot generally credited until after mid-Summ- er

in 1872, when the presence of that ex-tra stock was made manifest in "the ab-stention of spinners from market for manyweeks," and a great and unexpected de-cline in prices. In the same way, but inless degree, similar influences have opera-ted this year to induce spinners to lay incotton excessively. The extent of the ex-cess cannot be ascertained until October,unless the actual consumption can sooner bedetermined. It should be remembered that

prerogative which .in' 'rtv ( , - - - - - - v ... iiiv viuj o iuii'u in iuI.' , . .. . . I

Wheat Wannot be tolerated bv the Court --Ti.rl.r. i,..M .a iL. n:. iz 'x '. n ". Europe or xoo,074, 000 pounds, equal toshouldmcnt b or the convenience of the

- .u-uvn- , ,c vim Hi-uisi- Jin, 111 n ten- - .517.000 bales Felow reversed. .1,...,. .i... .1... . 1 . 1 10,000 ?WnM wheat WA...... v.-- n uiiu; ine common Pcnool gys- - reader We mav Htut,.

next; session of Congress ?Turning to the Congressional Record, we

find an answer to the first. question.On Saturday night, June 20, in the

Hpje of Ilepresentalives, the Civil Right) freiiig reachel in the regular order of

bujuuesf, Mr Uutler of Massachusetts, mov-,e- d

the bill he referred to the commit-tee on the Judiciary. Mr Poland, Republi-can, moved that the rules be suspended andl;(ie bill passed. On Mr lCidridgoV motionto adjourn, the yeu and nay were ordered,;fnd the motion to adjourn was lost bv avv,oteoi 1Q5 nays to 7G yeas, the nays being

11 Republicans. Thin the 'quest Tonupon the motion to suspend the

lesxtnd pass the bill, upon which the yeas

the supply for the twoState vs. Gallon, from Sampson. Indict- - tem ot 1,118 otaie. His remarks met the en- - years as follows will be paid. " ""u iae West cashJune 8, 1874. "-J- . BUCKdorsement of every conservative present.ment for burning out-house- s. Elisha An- -

Year.dess, the owner of the premises, had died,and his widow, Susan, remained in occupa- -



Av'gr I

w'g-'- t ITotal

weight.387 2,205,900.0001874




uou 01 me lano ami nouses, arm was umi" 3S2 2,005,820,000 the low prices of 1870-'- 71 were followed bya short crop and high prices in 187l-'7- 2.

iToiasooro Messenger.

Fikst Congressional District. Dr.Ransom, republican, is an independent can-didate for Congress. C. L. Cobb is therepublican candidate. The conservativecandidate is Maj. Yeates. It is thoughtthat Yeates could 'beat either of them single

Incr. j 315,000 141,000 456,000 j 4,V 200,074,000the ont-hous- c at the time of the burning.Xot being in the wrongful possession, she

The American portion of thewas properly charged in the bill ns the imports inowner of the building which was burned. 18J-- 3 proved the ooorest. dirtiir and

Execution of John Alien Ketchey.This notorious character was executed atlllflk!l tl Ow t ...... ...... J...... .1 ? .1

pnu nay nan ueen ordered, 'i fie question4was taken, and there were yeas 139, navs.91, not voting 59. So, two-thir- d not vot- -

nanueu. ineir loiUle-teamin- g will notmake the race more complicated or more

Salisbury on Friday, the 26th ult. Ketcheywas under sentence of death for the raoe'of

Provisions-rt- heIIsjust a nw fa

Examineelse for LjnSl and t?

stock fK SutUmerbe htd out to prompJcSmm ,nductmf will

Junel-184- - wblapk;Good News

We have now in thTcourse of erection tb,

Largest and Finest Store

doubtful. There is a ieeling that MaiYeates will be elected, and that is half the

..wo nf iK'p c--ei piowuceu ill IhlScountry. Its waste in use was claimed to betive per cent, more than the average. Thecrop now going forward is, in respect ofexpending value, better than in the averageof recent years. The difference iscertainFyfive per cent., and as American cotton con-stitutes about three-fifth- s the supply (inpounds), that difference from last year's

battle in a political campaign. lialeighoevttnei.

a young girl of Rowan county, iliss MillyBescherar. lie professed to feel some in-

terest in his eternal welfare and upon therepresentation of his spiritual adviser, Gov.Caldwell postponed the execution a week.He refused to talk of religion, we learn,after he had carried his point, until twelve

Judgment below affirmed.

State vs. Thomas. Defendant was foundguilty on an indict ment for stealing "twofive dollar United States Treasury notes."Motion was made in a.-- rest of judgment onthe ground that such stealing is no offence,not being made such by our statute. Bat-tle's Revival, chapter 32, section 10. Held :

That th e words of the statute are suHicieutlycomprehensive to embrace this case. Judg-ment below affirmed.

Clement, administrator, v. Foster et al,from Davie: At a sale of lands under an

jing in the alhrmative, the rules were not.suspended.

VVe now quote from the official report of,the proceedings published on page 43 of

10 .Congressional' Record, of Sunday. June

--Slst:The question recurred on the motion of

Mr Butler, of Massachusetts, to refer thebill tc the Committee on the Judiciary.

Mr Butler of Massachusetts I withdrawthat motion. Let the bill remain on the

Atlantic & N. C. Railroad. The newBoard of Directors of the A. & N. C. Hail- -

in the State of North Carnli nit nrt.ts.1. .road met in Newbern last week and elected pleted in time for th Pii tJ.w,ji ctt- -

Col. L. W. Humphrey President. No desirous of opening an entire new s toik ,W 1

will, after thechanges were made in the old employees

supply is equal lo about three per cent, onthe whole importation to Europe. Thevalue of that difference in waste aloneamounts lo (30,577,000 pounds, or 171,000bales, ami raises the expending excess inthis year's importation to GS8.000 bales nf

except the election of John A. Richardson

o clock lhursday night, when he com-menced to realize the hopelessness of Ins sit-uation. His screams and pleadings to hisMaker could then be heard all over thetown. A wise act of the N. C. Legislaturerequires that all executions shall be nrivate

- 1 tn. . FIRST DAY OF JULY,age, removed. 1 he priorder to make asset ts, two persons, Lanier vate Stockholder Directors are: E R Stanthe average weight of 387 pounds assumly, CR Thomas, W B Duncan and J no L

Begin to sell our largo stock of Dry Gos, doth,ing, Notions, Hats, Boots and Shoes, &c, Ac.. kt

ing that 5.700.000 i!l p uli-il- l N, ;m.w.Morehead. I he Directors on the part of - ...... kj i iia j,vr i ivu,According to M. Ott-Trnm- nl er's ami n 'i I

Oniy a s lect few were admitted into theenclosure around ihe gallows. On thescaffold the prisoner made a lengthy state-ment in regard to the crime for which he

the State are: L W Mumphrev, M E Manly,L J Moore, R W King, C II Harper, J Fc...x. t t rta.i.1 a t t t--

. iletter, the stock of cotton visible (in ports)in Em-op- t Oct. 1, 1S73. was 1.220.000 bainsj'u, o aj vjmuie auu ioun v ivnoues.

jtaoie.Mr Eldridge I renew the motion.

wish to inquire, Mr Speaker,jin what position the call of committeesstands.

The Speaker The lat committee called,waa thu Commit tee on the MississippijLeyees.

AJrHoar The Judiciary Committee isthe seventeenth on the fist, and will proba-bly not be called at all during next session.Therefore to send the Civil Rights bill to,that committee buries it.

Mr. Eldridge It is buried anv wav U

Adding for Spain, Russia. &c. (not includ

Greatly Reduced Prices for Cash.T7e invite all who wish to

Wholesale or Itelail, to examine olr 3will be to their advantage to do so. ' a

ELIAS, COHEN & R0ESSLER.June 29, 1874.

was aoout to be executed, and to the lastprotested his innocence, saying that it was

and Jordan, each purchased a tract of land.These tracts had licwi enclosed by one fence.After the sale, Lanier built a cross-fenc- e

within fifteen feet of the dividing line be-tween him ami Jordan, and tore down thefifteen feet of fencing, on his own land ateach end of the cross-fenc- e and betweenthe cross-fenc- e and Jordan, making a roadfor himself exposing Jordan's part of thefield. Held: 1. That the administrator andheirs at law could not properly be madeparties to the disputes of the purchasers.2. If during his operations in respect to the

ffdW In his speech made at Elizabeth- - ed in his tables.) 55. onn b-.- l

town, Bladen county, on the 26th ult., the owing to the preiudices of John LoniwMoie siock was 1,275,000 balesi37.050 - - - , -.lion. Leorge Uavis tlius characterized a uuu pouruis. ihe assume'd import, fi Too!- - lhe ltsli'n,"y he girl

pounds, nild ;,,,,11e ?a!ch.erai;' tl,ath WaS convictedclass of citizens too often met within all 000 bales2,205,900.000communities: "The citizen who refuses to make the whole visible sutnl for the enr- - uoaies oi uarn ouriiing andI L

rent year 6,975,000 bales2.692.950.000aid in preventing the government from fall-ing into bad hands is unworthy of citizen- -ctiit rl. t , . . . K I. i .t

aaiuuieo: to several wrongs committed byhim on several individuals of Rowan county.pounds, in addition to the slocks held bv

l Here are grave doubts as to whetherx w on iuiim- - tu uiitH wno maKes ineienee Laniur crossed the line, Jordan'sremedy is by a civil action for injury to

spinners in England and on the ContinentOct. 1, 1873. 'silly declaration 'that he takes no interest Ketchy was guilty of the crime for which

he was hung, but many persons thoughtThe consumption of cotton in all Europe,except Spain, Russia, fcc, for 1872 '7:3 he ought to be hung on general principles,

in politics a good citizen, is to suppose aparallel to a 'good judge who feels no con-cern in justice,' or a 'good christian, whotakes no interest in religion.'"


A Boarding and Day SchoolFOR YOUNG LADIES.

The Full Session commences on WEDTI)Y23d SEPTEMBER, and con tinues without httmission to the middle of June following.

For catalogue and circulars containing full nar.ticulars, &c, addressRev. R. BURWELL & SON,

June 29, 1874. 3m Raleigh, N. C.

hs ne was a scourge lo the community.line year ending Sept. 30th) was staled byM. Ott-Trumpl- er lo be 5,219,000 pouuds xxi-n-ii- v anion urn was not conuned to

Mate limits. He aspired to a national reu- -

jhas been buried half a dozen times beyond.the power of resurrection; and vou are all.glad of it.'"" 'Mr Cessna 31 r Speaker, whrit positionvwill the bill occupy at the next session as.to .'priority on the speaker's table, if it re-maii- iK

where it is ?The Speaker It might be reached by a

.motion to go to business on the Speaker's,table, made at any lime, after the mornin"jhours. "

Mr Cessna Is it not among the very tirsljbills on the Speaker's table?

Tho Speaker It will, of course, be.niong th first on the table at the 'nextsession. The question recurs on the m,,- -

iuu,-i- u Dales per week. Adding for thefarmer? An honest wrote to Dr. uiaiion. inieving was ins tort and lie wascountries not comprised in his tables 2 630

real estate, which corresponds with the oldaction of tresspass qnore elansum fregit.And if Lanier confined himself to his ownside of the dividing line, slill if he brokethe fence which had before been the cornermeans of protecting tho crops, wilhoutgiving reasonable notice, he could be suedfor consequential damages.

Mitchell, administrator, vx. Sawyer ct al,from Craven : Plaintiff had a judgmentagainst the defendant. Plaintiff agreedthat if defendant would himpay a part he

1 i .... . . . , ...

1 V,Ellis, President of the Peot .ie s Agricul- - Dales per week, we have the weekl y average equally at home, whether as pick-pock- et inNew York or playing the lole of thewealthy Ur. Y illiams in Caldwell, N. C.

ii.i.w w .ut-uu.iiiie- wssoc.auon : Li earSir: Please put me down on your list ofcattle for a bull." Piedmont JWss.

Maj. J. Jenkins is an independent

entire 104,000 bales39,780,000 pounds.Ac-cordin- to the leading statistical authori-ties in Liverpool, the weekly average ofactual consumption for the calendar "yearwas, in England, 61,010 bales of 3SS 9-1-

Dividend Notice.The First National Bank ok Charlotte )

'Charlotte, N. C, 27th June, 1874.

A dividend of five dollars Dcr ShnrB will hi noM

v a... uiv; kj.jiic oenaie irom Cleaveland and Gaston.ttion of the gentleman from Wisconsin (Mr

Eldridge) that the rules be suspended anda 1 1111 e

pounds, and on tho Continent 41,700 balescf 372 pounds average total 103,310bales39,5 16,000 pounds per week. TheChronicle, in an article of Feb. 21st, 1874

The Ralcijrh Creseont.

woum receive 11 in sat isiactlou ol the whole.Held: That this promise of plaintiff was anudum fact and not binding in law.

Whitford vs. Foy, from Craven : All ex-ceptions to report of referee in this case

speaks ofto Stockholders or order on and after the fimt dayf Jlv. M. 1. PEG RAM,June 29, 1874. 2w Cnshier

"t . ... .on .Jordan Chambers as a white man. Jordanjiiieoiii oe reierred to the Committee

the J udiciary.The motion was not agreed to.Tl... C! 1 Tl 1 .

irom ail the authorities and the working ofis a negro and was the slave of P. B. Cham-bers of Iredell. Jordan has been nominatedby the negroes to represent old Iredell in

Dividend Notice.the spindles, computed the consumption inill l-- ... .v.. 1 ... r -- 1 i .Mercuaxts axd Farmers' National Bam.)

j lit: opt-MKe-r ine uili remains

Speaker's table.'Thus, it will be Feen, the Civil

on the

Rightsthe Legislature. As a slave Jordan wasdecided Charlotte, N. C, June 27th, 1874. f

A dividend of fire dollars Der Share will heDaidsuccess- -

botn plaintiff and defendants, were over-ruled by the Court. Several of the excep-tions failed to refer to the facts on whichthey were based with sufficient distinct-ness to be intelligible, without a thoroughexamination by this Court of the whole ofthe rcfcrce'fc work, which would be

-- a real "big nigger." butas a to Stockholders or order on and sifter tl firt !tfreedman and politician he is an

failure. Piedmont Press.rious of July. J. R. HOLLAND.

.... ...... ,xl lltv uie calendar year; tobe 5,:J84,710 lbsl0:)t550 bales per week.All the figures approximate closely. Tak-ing the largest, say 104,000 bales per week,and the average weights (including extrawaste) 3S2 pounds per bale, the aggegaleconsumption for the year ending Sepum!-be- r

30th, 1873, is found to be 2,068,560,000pounds.

.June 29, 18.4. 2w Cashier.5 A new Post Office has been tnb.


Mecklenburg County.For the Senate,


For Rej)resentatives,J. SOLOMON RK1D,J. L. JETTON.


For IVeasnrer,Cait. S. E. BELK.

For Superior Court Clerk,E. A. OSBORNE.

!r Register,WM. MAXWELL.

For Surveyor,J. E. MOORE.

For Coroner.

fini remains on the hpeaker's table, iindaccording to the Speaker himself, "it will of.course be among the first on the table nextsession1 and, also in the Speaker's ownwords,. "it might be reached," at the nextsession of Congress, "by a motion to go tojjusiness on the Speaker's table, mado atany time after the morning hour."

lished at Boggan's Cut, (Ans.ni countv)on tli lino .)' I liu ",.1 ..,,):.. v.-a- .. iMcKethnn, trustee, vs. Ray et al, trustees, !

from Cumberland : Section 315, C. C. P. j

1 r

Rail- -Dividend Notice.

Farmers' Savings Bank, 1

Charlotte, N. C, June 22, 1874. fAt a meetiner of the Board of Dimem of thin

way. Mr Jas. Boggan Post Master.does not oonter upon certain parties whodiffer as to their rights, the privilege ofpropounding, to the Couit, on a case agreed

. .in oiner .words, the C v Rl.rl.t, hihaving passed the Senate, now remains onthe Siil r's 10KI.1 in it r

Some of the best cotton statisticians inLurope have lecently expressed the opin-ion that the consumption during the cur-rent year will not exceed that oflast year,and that the increase in the deliveries thisyear has gone to augment the stocks heldby spinners. The general decline in busi

. I . " ,,, 1 iju IXOIIS'.'

Better Times.Let us hope that it is not merely hope

that is being put forth respecting the finan-cial outlook. The Cincinnati Gazette hasthis to say: Good croos will start. th

Biink, held at their Banking House, Juue22d, 1874,

it was resolved that a Dividend of five per cent, onthe Capital Stock, out of the net e arnings for thefive months ending June 30th, 1874, be declarrd,payable to Stockholders on and after July l?t, 1874.

Resolved, That the sum of Three Thousand do-llars be placed to the credit of the Surplus Fund ofthe Bank. T. L. VAIL,

S. P. Smith, Pres't. Cashier.

This Bank commenced business in Fe-bruary, 1874.

Juue 29, 1874.

unci rogatories relating thereto. Tho pur-pose of that section is simply to dispensewith the formalities of a summons, com-plaint and answer upon an agreed state offacts to submit the case to the Court for de-cision, and therefore the Judge shall hearand determine the case and "render judg-ment therein, as if an action were depend

machinery of commerce, and, m.mey beingplenty, the products of the harvest willpromptly be moved, and those who do not

ness activity all over Lurope serves lo con-firm this opinion. If such shall prove tobe the fact and it certainly may well beio as to number of bales weekly, seeingthat the saving in wasle and the lii.l

winch it can be taken at any time next ses-sion and parsed by a majority vote.

The Washington correspondent of thepjnomnati Commercial, telegraphing, to.that iournal on Saturday night last, con-cerning the vote on theCivil Rights bill,stated: ''As it stand, however, it is rejec-ted without prejudice, and lies on the.Speakers table, whence it may be taken atthe next session, and passed by a bare ma-jority."

As to the second question, what are theprospects of the Civil Rights bill at theJiext session of Cingrs Vi he people canjudge for themselves. 11,.,-- aro the facts-O- n

Monday, May .2-)t- the day on which

i run) ior a nveiy autumn trade willmake a great mistake. Whatever thecountry may have done in the way of over--

.Humg ince mo last ot October, it hasFor County Commissioners,


IL jVI. DIXON.June 8, 1874. t e.

weight of bales this year are equal to 4 percent or moreit follows that there will bea very coiiM'derable increase of the stock onhand September 30. That is, the supply,as above given, for the year, being U,97o,-00- 0

bales2,t92,950,000 pounds, and theconsumption 104,000 bales of 387 pounds,and better quality, per week, or 5,40y,000bales2,092,B96,000 pounds. Stock on

ing. It follows, therefore, that all personshaving an interest in the controversy mustbe made parties. Case remanded hi orderthat the heirs at laws and residuary de-visees of deceased may be made parties.

Ponton and wifa vs Soott from Guilford.In 18130 Ponton had his homestead in landlaulotVand his personal property exemp-tion allotted in accordance with the act ofthe Legislature of 22d August, 1868. InApril, 1873, Scott was about to have an

ueen taking account of stock for ei-li- t

months, and settling up. Goods are conse-quently in light supply everywhere. Man-ufacturers have been on short time, andConsumers have used up their supjdies. Atthe same time speculators have been idle.W ith the incoming of the new harvest thisreason of inactivity must end, and then we

Postponement of Sale ofRAILROAD PROPERTY.In the Circuit Court of the United Statu

for the Western Uistrict of Xorth. Ca-rolina.

Henry Clews and Hiram Sibley and others, PUin-tiff- s,

AgainstThe Western North Carolina Railroad Company,

(E. D.Tod K. Caldwell, Rufus Y. McAden, TheFirst National Bank of Charlotte, John Ruthe-rford, Hiram Kelhy, Thomas G. Greenlee, JmGreenlee, Mary Carson, A. II . Erwin, N. II. D-)-

ilson, Assignee, R. 31. Walker and other,

Pratt's Astral Oil will not Explode

snail experiencelAlu'11"11 ivweu on ronton s propertv sav- - a resumption of active

To prevent fraud, demand Astral Oil. Sold bvtiie Manufacturer, Chas. Pratt & Co., or by theirauthorized Agents,SMITH & IIAMMOND,June 22, 1874. Charlotte, N. C.


lug to 1 miton that the homestea'd had business. The prospects are that thn II J vl

me nrst vote on the Civil Rights bill wastaken in the House, there was 00 majorityon a full vote, lacking only V, of the two-thjrd- s

vote necessary to have ukeiiit fromIheSpeokcr's table, when a majority votewould have passed it. On ihe v.",te onSaturday night, June 20t h, on the paa-'t-o- f

the Civil Rights bill, there was 4s ,,.

han.l October 1, 1874, will be 1,567,000bales600,054,000 pounds, in addition tosuch stocks as spinuers mav have held Oc-tober 1, 1874.

The deliveries to spinners during 1872-- 3,corresponded more nearly with he cou-sumpii- on

than for several vinrs h,...o

41 gone up as against old debts. R,.thPonton and fc'cott really believing thstatement, Ponton made a mortgage "f hisuouiesieaa and all ins exemoted uronert v Those deliveries averaged weeklv for thsfn Sf.t .i., i ....... i... ... 1 J

commercial year will be one of the mostprosperous ever experienced in this country.The Macon (Ga.) Telegraph says: We

hear from many sources that if 'the cotton8,1 rZ,V'V vt' Southwestern Georgiaat all fulfill tlu-i- r present promise, therewill be fl.uh times next Fall. One reasongiven, a;id a very sound one. too. i tbit

Vole. - v ' " i'uiiii.-- i io secure ine oavmentjo,,iy ,n iayor oj the bill, on l sin:iand 69 Representatives not voting. year in England, 61,250; and on the Cou- -

The undersized will open a School of IIM,Grade for Bo a ami Girls, in the Basement of theMasonic nail, near Alexandriana, on the A., T &

lermsC). Iuulroad,

moderate.on the Second Monday in July, 1874

For particulars, address

i tut n cianns. rsuhsequenlly ontoni ooiu oases all tho votes in favor of

The sale of the Western North Carolina Rai-lroad E. D.j heretofore ordered by the Court, ndadvertised to take place at the Court nue doorin the City of Salisbury, N. C, on the 18th day ofJune, 1874, has been postponed by a subsequentorder of the Court, until the 17ih day of August,A. D., 1874, at rhich time it will take place at thesaid Court House door in Salisbury, and upon theterms and conditions heretofore published.

t? a. x TTIIKR.

brought fetut against defendant demandingvue -- suiaot vil ames" wm-,- . t... ilie pub j judgment that tne mortca'e be derl-nw- i

A. J. liAUKl&IIN. I'rWtnalncans, anti every Democrat voted nrr'in.wf 11 11 i Mini Volil mm1 .K..w. 1 t. If axS.SfJy'- -ni i - - - - ii iim uric i; . ii r i ori n.i .. i i .. i June 15, 1874. 4w.... . .

iineni, 4u,au; together, 1 02,000, or 2,000bales less than the consumption, the defi-ciency being made good from the stocksheld by spinners October 1, 1872.

One of the best Liverpool authorities, ina circular da led May 7, slates the compar-ative movement of cotton since January 1

Charlotte, N. C.


a la Jmeof imported and domestic Serarson c themarket, at

"l ;ooujinaTioris." l he j cisjoinevi irom se nir' the nroi.crtv undr ii. V , e" ilulc ' run inJWUl inference which every intelligent Held :- -th;,t Ponton e n i d o he ('?fht they will owe verym,.! will draw f,ni these lief demanded. Judg.nl n i bl l" ,wh"nrlhe arc gathered. Theyfacts is that the Civil Rights bill is the '

Ut-udo- , J., deliyei iu-'p- ini e mark?. ".Tt ha?hveu ?rccJ to economize by the refu- -leadingand

policy the Republican part, was a 'mu't ual mistake of 1 th paViie, ,, T'i m'le --V ic,fra tolithe creditpeople elect will havet fewHepublicsui Co., producing which or no debtsfmh?J. Righu biH, an activegent. ' Itwt a ndLt'1 pay when Fall com?. It is astonishing,


Chewing Tobacco.??est cllltS?tyte")Pg Tobacc, fresh and

io, .is iohows: iii England "ihe deliv-eries to home consumers have reached1,124,575 bales (6,092 per week), against1,059.654 bales (62,332 per week) lastCyear,weighing 451,707,000 pounds, against 418- -



Asheville, . I.THOMAS KUFFLV.

Ilillsboro.h.t'.TII03IA8 B. KEOGlh

June 22, 1874. 8w Greensboro, - C.

Announcement.1 announce myself an independent candidate for

the office of Sheriff of Mecklenburg county. Ela-tion on the tirst Thursday in August next.

W. II. II. H0UST05.May 18, 1874. $5pd

jicidjvsj DHUG STORE.V ,''S W,U ,ncst be j 0 amount of diligent, or cruiion , C ' ,

r w we" a""g howa Hl VK f Vrt of the phuntiff couM have ' ' "" herelnf"" "ec-OpgrCE- F.

As H:iriiPi Vr....Ll.. . 'I-..-- . : .,' , . . av nl,'Cil : i essarv to e v isfiMifP th.. 1,.,..,. t: i , . aod.uuu poinms; me average weight btin"lull .1.. .. 1 nr.- - . . OniV&kUi. . ' r.V ..r.r"l jour-iio- , as is alleged bv defendant, r. u.,u . " ! luu"" otua. " .WU U V . I i . L I I'kll... 1... . - . 1 1 . ... " . I L I I I .1 i k I w i 1 1 r1 1 ' i iiui iirri to, aim o ho pounds respectivelyTl. ..1 1 . . JsaVS ft"'" ; v.4ii iaii iitm I act. common to easy to economise under the messm-- nf. nusmess men, lawyers and

Simmons' Hepatic Compound,DebnTtrr fly f0r. Uvct Disease. Dyspepsia andjust received at


Patent Morli

judges. Thisa oe i.m.i on, .oil. into ine Uontineut duringthe first seventeen weeks of the year'.1 mounts to 1 OOO Q07 i

?re is no more sij?nal error il,o ii,.. necessity. This is certain v cheerful news I

..1..1 .1... 1 . 1. . f . !makes a clear cum'for relief." me least cneerin asncct ot i n flKe Of tl.., .. -Z . I . . ....

tn r..wv,iv 9v ine uiiiniiencement ot theV I . rsm A. A Ij is mat next year it will be twice as casvi economize as it has been this.Gn. bhermau says that.M T " wl Jen he hifU" fe' k" Patent Medicines onmet --ur .Lincoln at Fortress M liloe. nr.. I ; , will be sold cheap for cash, atlied him whether . ' - www

I le s.'ioiilil .- l. T..i i

Announcement.FtXow Citizens of the 9th Judicial DUtrirt:

Yielding to tho solicitation of my friends I an-

nounce mvself a eanfUrlat. f.tr Iptinn to the offl"

McADEN'S DRUG STORElv.ii i I'll t a s ii

j ear was zz.w bales, and a week ago,412,047 bales; so that the deliveries were840,229 bales, or 49,425 bales per week.Last year the deliveries were 728,933bales, this amount was for eighteen weekslast vearj or 40.4 96 hl

Max. Tus- -Uxvis .,r let him ' &H00TSrun, the discreet Illinois-,,- , I A

opposition that thedef,:,L of this bill tendsanything.

t.ro'MS:rFv'rtU'r new s confirms the vic- -el Spain oS MWh w oen' thilt c vole- -

j Conchr. has lrt I.N r, ,

death of Concha . . i I lh

repned with the ' J -- 9- One (Htory of a relornu tl t..,,,r t;,llu,"a- - year ago ieorge F.Licbi-- s Extract of Be-f- . Valentin J,i m on oclnir oheie a drink, s.-ii- T

' l . U.V vongtes smau J. II. ti.e bct artielP s Jlpat election in August J. L. CARSON.knwn for invalids and those recov- - Kmhcrrnin xilZ U kZm, can't take it because I hav kI,,,,..,! , i. .! b;OKS to Y,Mt ''is house. Long denounced From this it appears lhat? durincr tho firlt erinsr from iV,.

; J?t perhapH you could fix it so I nifhter'could drink it unbeknownsf f.. mvcJf" lu'r, claiming umlue mtimacv v

s eharao.rith hl Jne McADEN's DRU0 STORE.22, 1874.

. ' KSjosp returned Friday and leaminrr ii..il... ..o c or.""' " I"M!ll bl ow to A Comet it. is i .: j facts from his daughter, shot Long from

hiis second storv wind

four mouths of 1874, ihe weekly deliveriesof cotton in all Europe have averaged 115-51- 7

bale per week ; that being oft he bet-ter quality and heavier bales this12,689 bales per week more than during the'same four months last year, and 11517bales per week more than the average num-ber in the weekly consumption of "li.rhir


. , - vr

W Maj. W. J. Montgomery, piCabarrus, is the Conservative nominee for Solicitorfor the 9th Judicial District.

Announcement.I announce myself an Independent Farmer' can-

didate for Congress, from the Sixth Congre8sinDistrict, knowing no party and acknowledging no

. . . .... bit-jus- t below the North Star nOffer o VU.,ies an(fSi2"Ceia.ent8 to 03811 bu-ve-

raIn Grocer'many years on. ofilu. fr... M. " I ...in j t rent. ) nm.i. a snv rrlass it. Uhpain, and especially in ihe poliev


of Llion and ieoressim. ' ' " . : r I I l ot ; L.J?. , A

four buck shot m his skull, one in the neckand two in the body, won nds fntal. Slosshas been jailed.

T-- t I -

'jr "e"netiv seen. Astronomer. Foreigni andK688' Wholesale and RetailFruit and Nuts.

1 n t hVr in August. i ipioss oin exactly right. I and more wasting bales in all of last year. amuation wim any party.June 29. 18,4.C. S. HOLTON & CO,

Opposite Market, E. C. DAVIDSOX.June 1, 1874. pd