Vol. 1, Issue 6 The Chaplain’s Corner Greetings to all of our alum- ni, current students, faculty & staff of VWU and friends of Marlin Ministries! Have you ever read and then reread this Bible verse? “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom” ( Luke 12:32). These simple, yet profound words of Jesus lift me when I let them soak in! In just 17 words, we see the heart of God towards us, and we have a choice, do we trust Jesus about the character of the Father? Or do we al- low our circumstances to shape what we think of God’s character? We are tempted to ‘think wrongly’ about God in so many ways, and if we buy into a false view, it will lead us down wrong roads. You are loved, God desires fellow- ship with you and to give you the kingdom. “The Kingdom of God” is the rule and reign of God within us! E. Stanley Jones says that the Kingdom of God is God’s total answer to humanity’s total need! Draw near. Draw near to know the love of God in Christ for you and draw near because there is a higher calling on your life. The world is starving for people of the Kingdom, women and men walking in the Spirit with the rivers of living water flowing forth to bless others. G.K. Chesterton, the bril- liant British author wrote: “The Christian ideal has not been tried and found wanting. It has been found difficult; and left un- tried.” Let’s not be among those, but rather let’s live out the grace & truth that Jesus demonstrated and taught! Graduation has just past and Marlin Ministries has sent out a few dozen graduates to be world changers for Christ! At our Senior Chapel, we honored them and gave them some treats, including a packet of seeds (mostly watermelons), representing the seeds of truth, love and service that they have planted here. We launched into the semester with two new leaders in our Boyd Fellows program, Jason Brugman and Justin Rob- ins. Emily Testroet, who served in this role for a year and a half, was doing her student teaching this semester. Of course Jason and Justin were already active leaders within Marlin Ministries, but they took on this new, more demand- ing role of working closely with me to serve Christ and the campus! They have brought a ton of energy, gifts, organi- zation and even people into the ministry! After successful ‘Soul Groups’ in the Fall semester with our Lead Team, we began 6 ‘Soul Groups’ this spring. We have an article that shares the story within this newsletter. Our spring break mission trip to Puerto Rico was a fantastic experience for all 13 of us. There is an article in this news- letter that details the trip. For me it was especially good as my oldest son, Josiah was able to go and serve with us. I hope you enjoy the Marlin Ministries Newsletter! A very special thanks to Ashley Kline ’19 who has been the brains and muscle behind the MM Newsletter for 3 years. She came in as a graduate to help pull this one together! “May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all” (2 Corinthians 13:14). Greg West Photo by: Regan Kirwin

The Chaplain’s Corner · The Chaplain’s Corner Greetings to all of our alum-ni, current students, faculty ... E. Stanley Jones says that the Kingdom of God is God’s total answer

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Page 1: The Chaplain’s Corner · The Chaplain’s Corner Greetings to all of our alum-ni, current students, faculty ... E. Stanley Jones says that the Kingdom of God is God’s total answer

Vol. 1, Issue 6

The Chaplain’s Corner

Greetings to all of our alum-

ni, current students, faculty

& staff of VWU and friends

of Marlin Ministries!

Have you ever read and then

reread this Bible

verse? “Do not be afraid,

little flock, for your Father

has been pleased to give you

the kingdom” ( Luke

12:32). These simple, yet

profound words of Jesus lift

me when I let them soak

in! In just 17 words, we see

the heart of God towards us, and we have a choice, do we

trust Jesus about the character of the Father? Or do we al-

low our circumstances to shape what we think of God’s

character? We are tempted to ‘think wrongly’ about God in

so many ways, and if we buy into a false view, it will lead

us down wrong roads. You are loved, God desires fellow-

ship with you and to give you the kingdom. “The Kingdom

of God” is the rule and reign of God within us! E. Stanley

Jones says that the Kingdom of God is God’s total answer

to humanity’s total need! Draw near. Draw near to know

the love of God in Christ for you and draw near because

there is a higher calling on your life. The world is starving

for people of the Kingdom, women and men walking in the

Spirit with the rivers of living water flowing forth to bless

others. G.K. Chesterton, the bril-

liant British author wrote: “The

Christian ideal has not been tried

and found wanting. It has been

found difficult; and left un-

tried.” Let’s not be among those,

but rather let’s live out the grace &

truth that Jesus demonstrated and


Graduation has just past and Marlin

Ministries has sent out a few dozen

graduates to be world changers for

Christ! At our Senior Chapel, we

honored them and gave them some

treats, including a packet of seeds (mostly watermelons),

representing the seeds of truth, love and service that they

have planted here.

We launched into the semester with two new leaders in our

Boyd Fellows program, Jason Brugman and Justin Rob-

ins. Emily Testroet, who served in this role for a year and a

half, was doing her student teaching this semester. Of

course Jason and Justin were already active leaders within

Marlin Ministries, but they took on this new, more demand-

ing role of working closely with me to serve Christ and the

campus! They have brought a ton of energy, gifts, organi-

zation and even people into the ministry!

After successful ‘Soul Groups’ in the Fall semester with

our Lead Team, we began 6 ‘Soul Groups’ this spring. We

have an article that shares the story within this newsletter.

Our spring break mission trip to Puerto Rico was a fantastic

experience for all 13 of us. There is an article in this news-

letter that details the trip. For me it was especially good as

my oldest son, Josiah was able to go and serve with us.

I hope you enjoy the Marlin Ministries Newsletter! A very

special thanks to Ashley Kline ’19 who has been the brains

and muscle behind the MM Newsletter for 3 years. She

came in as a graduate to help pull this one together!

“May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of

God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you

all” (2 Corinthians 13:14).

Greg West

Photo by: Regan Kirwin

Page 2: The Chaplain’s Corner · The Chaplain’s Corner Greetings to all of our alum-ni, current students, faculty ... E. Stanley Jones says that the Kingdom of God is God’s total answer


[email protected]

In the fall semester 2018, ‘soul

groups’ were launched within our

Marlin Ministry Lead Team. We had

three groups of three students each.

The agenda for these gatherings was

to answer the question, “How is it

with your soul?” These weren’t Bible

studies; however, the Bible was cer-

tainly used! “What’s going on at the

intersection of God and your life?”

It’s a chance to celebrate together and

a chance to get honest about our strug-

gles. The atmosphere is always grace

and truth with the welcome to God‘s

Holy Spirit to guide and provide

whatever is needed!

These groups are of course modeled

after the Class Meetings that the early

Methodists required. We Methodists

have a stunning theology of how God

reaches out to each of us with His

love and correction; and we have an

incredibly high view of how God can

transform us in this life, more and

more towards Christ-likeness! Preve-

nient Grace and Christian Perfection!

The positive experiences that our

student leaders had in these ‘soul

groups’ led us to the decision to

launch more groups for more students

in the spring of 2019. Jason Brugman

and Justin Robins, who were instru-

mental in making this a success, serve

as interns with Chaplain Greg West.

They helped launch six ‘soul groups’

with a total of 24 students participat-

ing. The training for group leaders

included instruction on how to create

an atmosphere of grace and truth, nav-

igate when students are in crisis, step

in when someone dominates the

group, ensure confidentiality is held,

and pray for the group.

It is very clear that deep relation-

ships are formed in these groups and

that following Christ in community

has tremendous benefits! It is a signif-

icant commitment though, and not

everyone was ready to follow through

with this, yet others joined mid-

semester. One of the groups never

really got off the ground. However,

another group was so successful that

two groups formed out of it. Disciple-

ship is a journey, and a costly one at

that; but Jesus commanded it, and he

knows what’s best for us!

Justin Robins, a founder of the soul

group initiative and group leader said,

“I have found, being a primary leader

in one of these groups, that they help

people be more genuine and vulnera-

ble with other people and with God.

So often in this world we think of

‘confession’ as a scary word that we

should be afraid of, when in reality it

is just another spiritual discipline that

we can use to reorient ourselves to

God. I've seen confessions of broken-

ness as a beautiful, transformative

experience in my soul group. Accept-

ing that we are broken and sharing

where we fall short is a main purpose

of these groups.”

There are numerous other groups

that gather on a weekly basis at Vir-

ginia Wesleyan University. Our pray-

er team grew from 5 students to more

than 15 by the end of this spring se-


In all of our groups we make room

for those who do not yet believe in

Christ. Young people especially need

places to ask the difficult and chal-

lenging questions of life, of the Bible

and of God! We praise God that we

have seen many receive Jesus as Sav-

ior and Lord here on campus! Ashley

Kline is one of those students. She

trusted in Christ for salvation during

her freshman year and was very active

with Marlin Ministries throughout her

time at VWU. She graduated this

May and is off to Asbury Theological

Seminary this fall, pursuing an M.A.

in Biblical Studies!

We want to make Jesus known,

loved and obeyed so we seek to

spread scriptural holiness across our

campus and land! Remember, Jesus

didn’t start a mega church, he started

a mini church. A small group of the

12 disciples and the women who are

always with him. For the first 100

years of our Methodist movement,

small groups (class meetings) were

required of all! Small groups are the

method of Jesus and the method of the


How is it with your soul? Lake Gaston


[email protected]

A poem documenting one stu-

dent’s experience on the Wild

Team’s annual retreat to Lake


It was a weekend where we disconnected to


We bonded over stories, adventure, and the


By ourselves or with one another we had time to


Sang songs while Justin and Gavin played their


It’s a weekend filled with laughter and tears.

Tried new things, with new people, in a new


Memories that I will cherish for many years.

To be free to worry with only Jesus to embrace.

I still wonder what was going through some

people’s head,

When they jumped in the freezing cold lake


The nights where I wanted to stay up and not go

to bed.

And some advice for next time is to bring a fly


Regardless, friendships were made that are for-

ever unbreakable,

And our faith forever more unshakable.

Page 3: The Chaplain’s Corner · The Chaplain’s Corner Greetings to all of our alum-ni, current students, faculty ... E. Stanley Jones says that the Kingdom of God is God’s total answer

A team of 13 students, faculty, staff, and alumni from Vir-

ginia Wesleyan traveled to Puerto Rico during Spring Break

2019 on a mission to help with hurricane recovery efforts.

The mission, organized by Marlin Ministries, was the sev-

enth mission trip to Latin America led by VWU’s Chaplain

Greg West. West partnered with the United Methodist Com-

mittee on Relief (UMCOR), the humanitarian relief and de-

velopment arm of the Church, to plan the undertaking.

The student missionaries, Adwoa Ankomah-Asiedu, Jason

Brugman, Jacklyn Cheely, Sydney Collins, Destiny Kinka,

Justin Lee, Faith Macwana, Tori Steele and Victoria Zuppa

were enrolled in a one-credit Humanities course (HUM

201) that provided them with actual opportunities to travel

and assist in the rebuilding of homes for families displaced

by the devastation of Hurricane Maria in 2017.

Alumnus Jim Hickling '95, a building contractor, Associ-

ate Professor of Biology Deirdre Gonsalves-Jackson and

Chaplain West’s son, Josiah, were also a part of the VWU

mission team.

While in Puerto Rico the team stayed at one of five camps

supported by the Methodist Church of Puerto Rico in Areci-

bo, a town on the northern coast of the island. The Church

continually hosts volunteers willing to give of their time and

energy to improve communities left almost unrecognizable

nearly a year and a half ago.

“It’s amazing that the Church is taking on this initiative,”

said West. “Because of this, groups from all around the

country have been pitching in to help with relief efforts. As

we were arriving, we met a team from New York who had

just completed a project and as we were departing, a team

from Minnesota was just arriving to assist in rebuilding

homes and helping families.”

Sydney Collins ’22 said that prior to this trip, she had no

experience with mission work and limited construction

skills, so she did not have lofty expectations. She wasn’t

sure what she had to offer; however, she was determined to

“let go and let God show her and teach her.” She said what

she loved about being in Puerto Rico on this mission was

that people were willing to give so much with no expecta-

tion of getting something in return.

“I had a moment in Puerto Rico that hit me hard,” said

Collins. “God took the opportunity to show me that you

don't have to have it all in order to give your all.”

And give their all they did. From power washing floors

and building doors to painting walls and constructing roofs,

the Virginia Wesleyan team divided into two groups to help

two families repair and rebuild their hurricane-ravaged

homes. They got to know the families and their neighbors

which made the mission even more personal and memora-


"I'm always impressed that though those we are helping

have a lot less materially than we do, generally, they are

more joyful and extremely grateful,” said West. "Our next

mission trip will be during Spring Break 2020; however, if

those in our community have a heart for serving others, they

don't have to wait until then. Little mission teams can hap-

pen all over the place; just look for opportunities to help


GIVING THEIR ALL: Associate Professor of Biology Deirdre

Gonsalves-Jackson (right) works alongside students to re-

build a home damaged by Hurricane Maria nearly a year and

a half ago.

MARLIN MISSIONARIES: A Marlin Ministries team traveled to

Aricebo, Puerto Rico during Spring Break 2019 on a mission

to assist with hurricane recovery efforts.

Spring Break Mission Trip: Puerto Rico! BY LAYNEE TIMLIN

[email protected]

Page 4: The Chaplain’s Corner · The Chaplain’s Corner Greetings to all of our alum-ni, current students, faculty ... E. Stanley Jones says that the Kingdom of God is God’s total answer

Studying Abroad in Jordan


[email protected]

Calling 21 is a program

through the Virginia Con-

ference of the United Meth-

odist Church that provides

those called to ministry with

internships at local church-

es. Justin Robins from Vir-

ginia Wesleyan University

will be participating in Call-

ing 21 this summer.

Robins has been assigned

to serve at Cave Springs

United Methodist Church in

Roanoke, VA. Robins, an

aspiring seminarian, says

that through Calling 21 he

hopes to get a glimpse into

the daily life of a pastor in

the United Methodist

Church. During his intern-

ship, he aspires to gain ex-

perience preaching and par-

ticipating in church meet-


My name is James Harrod,

and I just finished my first

year at Virginia Wesleyan.

This past year Marlin Minis-

tries has helped me grow

closer to Christ.

Initially I very nervous to

do anything religious. I had

not been raised in a church

setting and was scared of

being judged.

Instead of being judged for

my lack of knowledge, in

Marlin Ministries I was sup-

ported and given the

knowledge I needed to go

deeper in my faith.

I went from being nervous

to being involved in a group

of some sort every day of the

week. The friendships I

formed allowed me to cele-

brate the good times and deal

with the bad times during the

journey that was my first

year of college.

In Marlin Ministries, I

found a family that is uncon-

ditionally supportive and

helps me learn what being a

Christian actually means.

Hello from James


[email protected]

Studying abroad in Jordan al-

lowed me the opportunity to grow

as a person and develop further

confidence in my career choice. I

decided a long time ago to pursue

Social Entrepreneurship. During my

time in Jordan, I explored issues of

city planning, social, and communi-

ty development, trickle down ef-

fects of international decisions such

as economic disarray, along with

difficulties in the cultivation of na-

tional identity and peace. This

helped me develop a broader frame-

work for my desired work in Social

Entrepreneurship. One of the oppor-

tunities my internship experience

afforded me was attending the con-

ference on Economic Freedom in

the Arab world. During this conference, I listened to recom-

mendations of efforts to encourage economic growth in the

Arab world. One of the speakers was a woman from Algeria

who spoke on Social Innovation in her country. She spoke

about economic growth and social development through

building relationships between civil

society and small business. This is the

work I have told myself I wanted to

do for a long time. It was encouraging

to see someone doing this work, espe-

cially at a time in which I felt unsure

as to whether my career goals were to

idealistic. This inspired me to obtain

her contact information and investi-

gate graduate programs specifically

for my career in Social Entrepreneur-


The most important takeaways from

my experiences were:

Look at issues holistically. We

must look at the larger picture of the

causes of our issues and their effects

to truly see change in the world

Inner Peace. From the individual

to the nation to the sovereign state,

peace is necessary at all levels if we

wish to create a peaceful society.

People aren’t all that scary.

We fight more battles in our mind than in reality.

These experiences have made me more confident, excited

and open about life and my academic future.


[email protected]

Page 5: The Chaplain’s Corner · The Chaplain’s Corner Greetings to all of our alum-ni, current students, faculty ... E. Stanley Jones says that the Kingdom of God is God’s total answer

Post college seems to be the start of

a new life. When people picture life

after college, they imagine starting

graduate school or already having a

career set up after graduation. How-

ever, not all graduates face this reali-

ty. I am a graduate from Virginia

Wesleyan University, class of 2018.

The journey after graduating at first

seemed fun and exciting.

There seemed to be

endless opportuni-

ties and also

some uncer-

tainties. I

was a Biol-

ogy major

with a



in pre-



My first


was to

relax and

go on a

vacation as

a reward for

all of the hard

work during

my undergrad.

Afterwards, I

planned my steps to go to

medical school. I knew I wanted to

prepare myself for a gap year. It

seemed to be the right avenue to con-

sider. I decided to try searching for a

part-time job, that way I would have

enough time to study for the Medical

College Admissions Test (MCAT). It

seemed like a very well thought out

plan, except for the obstacles that

came rolling along. The jobs I would

apply for, I would either have too

much of a skill set or too little. I had

3 jobs respond after applying to 20+

jobs. I did not accept their offers,

because the jobs required more than I

could give. I never have been the type

of person to accept a job when I can

only put in half the effort. Since the

search did not go nearly as well as I

would have hoped, I decided to try

online jobs. Those did not work out

so well either at the time. Eventually,

I decided to start tutoring children in

my neighborhood to earn money. It

was fun, but not the best pay.

Therefore, I had to do the very thing

I promised myself I would not

do, which was to seek help

from my family. It was

hard. Although all of

these obstacles

seemed to get in

the way, my faith

in God strength-

ened me through

it all. I had to

realize that I

needed to be


I am still pursu-

ing a career in

medicine, hope-

fully as a pedia-

trician. I have

taken the MCAT,

and I am finishing

up my application for

the Eastern Virginia

Medical School Master’s

Program. It has been a long

journey, and I am hoping that I

will start school in the fall. I would

not say my path after graduation was


However, I believe there were some

things that I could not necessarily

prepare for. Life does not always go

as you plan and it is important to fo-

cus on your mental and physical

health instead of solely on the steps it

takes to reach your goals. I realized I

needed to do lots of networking and

communicating with others in my

field. That alone has been a wonder-

ful experience and has only strength-

ened my focus and my vision.


[email protected]

First year post-VWU

Forrest Teague '16

was our guest speak-

er for 'Soar on the

Beach' our last gath-

ering of the spring

semester. God had

bigger plans than we

could have forseen

as a group of 5

young men joined

our time of wor-

ship. One was cele-

brating his 21st

birthday and it's fair

to say they had been

drinking a fair

amount of beer to

celebrate. However,

the Lord pulled them

in and they partici-

pated in the conver-

sation around For-

rest's teaching. They

sang with us and two

of them shared about

their own broken-

ness. We laid our

hands on the young

man celebrating his

birthday and had a

powerful time of

prayer. It was sup-

posed to be a wor-

ship gathering and it

turned into a power-

ful time of outreach

and worship!

Forrest and Emi-

lee Teague '18 are

moving to northern

Virginia. Forrest

has been serving as a

Campus Minister at

Christopher Newport

University. He will

begin serving as the


ate Pastor at St. Ste-

phens United Meth-

odist Church in

Burke. Emilee will

continue work as a

para-legal in north-

ern Virginia.

Forrest Teague ‘16 BY GREG WEST

[email protected]

Oh baby George and Emily Scott welcome

Nathaniel Isaiah Scott, born

March 3, 2019.

Page 6: The Chaplain’s Corner · The Chaplain’s Corner Greetings to all of our alum-ni, current students, faculty ... E. Stanley Jones says that the Kingdom of God is God’s total answer

Emily Testroet

B.A. in Comprehensive Liberal Studies, Curricular Emphasis

Emily is considering taking a position at Saint Patrick Catholic School.

“Don’t strive for perfection or performance, just whole-hearted obedience.” - Emily Testroet

Hannah Weber

B.A. Religious Studies with a minor in Psychology

This summer Hannah will move home to Richmond and care for a girl with Down Syndrome. She’ll then begin applying for other positions where she can serve adults and/or children with special needs.

“All I have seen teaches me to trust the creator for all I have not seen.” - C.S. Lewis

Ashley Anne Kline

B.A. in Religious Studies and Psychology

Ashley will begin graduate studies at Asbury Theological Seminary, located in Wilmore,

KY, this fall in pursuit of a Master of Arts in Biblical Studies.

“I thank my God every time I remember you.” - Philippians 1:3

Jonathan Joyner

B.A. in Psychology with a double minor in Business and History

Jonathan will take a break from school to work and see the world. He is considering going to graduate school in a year or two.

“No matter where or how far you go, know that family is always with you.” - Jonathan Joyner

Sending off our seniors Join us as we congratulate the class of 2019 and pray for their success post-graduation.

Featured are a few of our spectacular seniors who have served Marlin Ministries at VWU.