The Changing face of Japanese Jiu Jitsu Techniques

The Changing face of Japanese Jiu Jitsu Techniques

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The Changing face of Japanese Jiu Jitsu


What Is Jiu Jitsu?

Unlike many other martial arts that rely on strikes and punches, Jiu Jitsu revolves around a system of grappling. It employs throws and holds in addition to a specific set of blows that are designed to subdue an opponent. According to many historians, it grew up among members of the samurai warrior caste in the 1600s. Nevertheless, the history of jujitsu arts is actually much older than this. While it saw a decline in the 19th century, modern technology has helped to resurrect it today.

Jiu Jitsu Online

While many legitimate online martial arts courses are focused on internal Chinese arts like T'ai Chi Ch'uan or Pakua, that doesn't mean that there isn't room for jiu-jitsu as well. Sensei who establish high quality sites are sure to attract students who are unable to travel to receive quality instruction.

Jiu Jitsu Online

Distance education students should have reasonable expectations. However, this sort of instruction is ideal for those suffering from serious medical disabilities. No one should start an exercise regimen without consulting a doctor, but there is mounting evidence that many of the purported medical benefits of practicing traditional martial arts are real.

Jiu Jitsu Online

Of course, there are plenty of jujitsu videos on social media sites. Even though the art started to perish in the 1800s, anyone can see what it looks like today. Video hosting pages are able to provide laymen with an opportunity to view some of the best martial artists alive in action. Black Belt magazine articles from the 1960s illustrate how little video there used to be in the world of martial arts. People used to have to pay a large amount of money to get grainy film copies of greats like Ueshiba Morihei in action. People post demonstration videos on a daily basis today.

Jiu Jitsu is Related to Other Arts

Brazilian jujitsu is probably the most obvious derivative of traditional jujitsu techniques. Nevertheless, judo actually grew out of an attempt by Kano Jigoro to standardize different jujitsu styles. Serious practitioners of many different martial arts have long wanted to create a codified set of rules for their styles. However, this is one of only few examples where a fully codified system actually took off.

Jiu Jitsu is Related to Other Arts

While Karate might be considered one of the most popular styles today, judo was actually the first oriental system to attract a great deal of foreign attention. Judo has become an Olympic event that still packs spectators in the seats. Judo has also inspired some people to study more about the original jujitsu arts.

Jiu Jitsu is Related to Other Arts

Some forms of police defense are related to jujitsu. In fact, it has sometimes been taught to peace officers in its purest form. A little bit of traditional martial arts training can go a long way, though some systems have modified the traditional codes quite a bit. This means that one school of police jujitsu may not be recognizable to students of a different school. While many feuds have arisen between those that studied different techniques, everyone should express a profound respect for all types of marital arts.