Contact Information Narcot Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks, SL9 8TP www.chalfonts.org The Chalfonts Community Russell Denial Principal Issue 18 - 16th July 2018 Chronicle “Success is an Attitude...” Tel: 01753 882032 Fax: 01753 890716 Email: [email protected] Twitter: @CCChalfonts It is also the time of year where we must give some thought and best wishes to our students that have just finished their examination season. Obviously, results and outcomes are essential in a school’s journey and a prerequisite to a school being judged by external bodies. Our Year 11 have just finished their GCSEs, they have had a fabulous leaver’s assembly (the baby pictures were a favourite part for me) and a wonderful Prom night. Thursday 23rd of August is the date we will be there to meet our Year 11, as they collect their results. The 24th August will be the enrolment day for Post 16 study; again, we will see many of our students there. It is also the time our Year 13, ‘move on’ to the next stage in their lives as they finally leave us after seven wonderful years. Some off to university, some off to travel, some to work and some move into professional training. Exciting times ahead and all of us wish them the very best of luck in all that they do. We do hope they come back to join us for our presentation evening in December. Last week was a very busy week as we hosted five other secondary schools for a joint training day with over 600 staff. We also had Transition Day for our new students in September. Apparently, also, I have heard rumours, there was a football match which involved a penalty shootout success? Think I may have missed it! The Year 10 students do keep telling me ‘It’s coming home Sir!’. I wish I had their confidence. (cont...) Another year draws to a close at The Chalfonts Community College and as always it has been a year with huge successes and lots to celebrate. As I write this article, we will have just had the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award expedition return from Poland, a Year 10 trip return from Auschwitz,Krakow as well as the departing Word Challenge trip to Croatia. I can’t wait for the updates from all of these trips and hopefully you have seen the progress on our twitter feed https://twitter.com/CCChalfonts. It was this time last year in Zambia that our students dug a 200 metre water trench to enable fresh running water into a local school for the first time, ever! Exciting times for many of our students. It is also something that I passionately believe in; experiences and life changing opportunities beyond the classroom. This is what a CCC student is all about. Success is indeed an attitude. We have more students working on the Duke of Edinburgh scheme than any other school in Buckinghamshire.

The Chalfonts Community Chronicle us... · 2018-07-16 · The Chalfonts Community Russell Denial ... School will resume normal business on Wednesday 5th September for all students

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Page 1: The Chalfonts Community Chronicle us... · 2018-07-16 · The Chalfonts Community Russell Denial ... School will resume normal business on Wednesday 5th September for all students

Contact InformationNarcot Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Bucks, SL9 8TP


The Chalfonts Community

Russell Denial Principal

Issue 18 - 16th July 2018Chronicle “Success is an Attitude...”

Tel: 01753 882032Fax: 01753 890716

Email: [email protected]: @CCChalfonts

It is also the time of year where we must give some thought and best wishes to our students that have just finished their examination season. Obviously, results and outcomes are essential in a school’s journey and a prerequisite to a school being judged by external bodies. Our Year 11 have just finished their GCSEs, they have had a fabulous leaver’s assembly (the baby pictures were a favourite part for me) and a wonderful Prom night. Thursday 23rd of August is the date we will be there to meet our Year 11, as they collect their results. The 24th August will be the enrolment day for Post 16 study; again, we will see many of our students there.

It is also the time our Year 13, ‘move on’ to the next stage in their lives as they finally leave us after seven wonderful years. Some off to university, some off to travel, some to work and some move into professional training.

Exciting times ahead and all of us wish them the very best of luck in all that they do. We do hope they come back to join us for our presentation evening in December.

Last week was a very busy week as we hosted five other secondary schools for a joint training day with over 600 staff. We also had Transition Day for our new students in September. Apparently, also, I have heardrumours, there was a football match which involved a penalty shootout success? Think I may have missed it! The Year 10 students do keep telling me ‘It’s coming home Sir!’. I wish I had their confidence. (cont...)

Another year draws to a close at The Chalfonts Community College and as always it has been a year with huge successes and lots to celebrate. As I write this article, we will have just had the Duke of Edinburgh Gold Award expedition return from Poland, a Year 10 trip return from Auschwitz,Krakow as well as the departing Word Challenge trip to Croatia. I can’t wait for the updates from all of these trips and hopefully you have seen the progress on our twitter feed https://twitter.com/CCChalfonts.

It was this time last year in Zambia that our students dug a 200 metre water trench toenable fresh running water into a local school for the first time, ever! Exciting times for many of our students. It is also something that I passionately believe in; experiences and life changing opportunities beyond the classroom.

This is what a CCC student is all about. Success is indeed an attitude. We have more students working on the Duke of Edinburgh scheme than any other school in Buckinghamshire.

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It was always going to be a challenging target and

runs from Harding, Puni and Leybourne, plus more

extras than a Ricky Gervais series ensured a semi

respectable total of 99 all out. Ultimately though,

camaraderie and the spirit of cricket were the


Thank you to the staff who came to watch, and to

the Ansell clan for the cream tea.

Martyn Way, Head of Sixth Form

Staff versus Sixth Formers Cricket Match

If the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton, ‘resilience’ was built at the battle of the

Coleshill cauldron.

With humidity levels reminiscent of scenes from the film 12 Angry Men, 12 angry men took to the field

at Coleshill. In an era of fake news, WAY engineered a fake toss so that the 6th Form could bat first and

ensure that we weren’t home in time to watch Eggheads.

Sixth Formers were given the opportunity to ‘retire’ if a player scored a lot of runs to allow more players

to get a bat; a ruling that didn’t need to be afforded to us, although there are a few of us who many think

should be retired! As you would expect in the era of twitter there was plenty of ‘chirp’ on both sides but

the sledging was always carried out in the right spirit which I think says a lot for our students. The 6th

form amassed 157 in 20 overs with runs from Tom McLeod and Llewelyn Woodman. Leybourne, our

mystery spinner - it’s a mystery how he got so many wickets – was the pick of the bowlers with 3


cont...We have now finalised the ‘new’ school day and our planning from a school’s point of view is complete.

Like many of you, we are just waiting to hear the final bus times, but as a school, having all students starting

the school day together, with a tutor time, and leaving together will be fantastic. We will communicate all

logistical issues and plans over the summer so that we can ensure the safest arrival and departure for all.

Monday 3rd September will be a staff training day. Our new Year 7 and 12 will be joining us on Tuesday 4th

September. School will resume normal business on Wednesday 5th September for all students. I wish you all

a fantastic break and for those on holiday – enjoy! I look forward to our continued work together in the next

academic year.

My final note and a quote that has struck a chord with me that I thought I would share with you:

‘Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass. It’s about learning to dance in the rain’

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Rivertime Accessible Regatta,

13th June 2018

On Wednesday, 13th June 2018, I attended the

Rivertime Accessible Regatta. I went Canadian

Canoeing on the Thames, which was great fun even

though I got stuck and needed to be rescued.

I went on some form of speed boat and did a boat

race. During my spare time I played with the Marlow

Ukulele Group.

I really enjoyed myself as I had never done this before

and I really hope to go along next year!

Lukas Ross, 8G4.

Spencer Powell attended the Hollingsworth

Taekwondo tournament recently, initially as a

judge.He then changed into his dobok

(uniform) to compete and landed another

Gold medal.

This adds to the other 6 Golds and 2 Silvers

he has won since the competitions started in

November. Quite an impressive tally, but this

is all due to hard work and dedication.

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A Level Art & Photography Exhibition 2018On Thursday, 21st June 2018, parents, students, staff and friends came to celebrate the work produced by

our extremely talented Fine Art and Photography A-Level students at their annual Art Exhibition.

Hannah Potter received the prestigious Christopher Chevasse

Prize of £100 from The Arts Society Chiltern (CDFAS) by their

representative Meg Blunsdon. CDFAS have supported The

Chalfonts Art Department for some years and is a wonderful

organisation whom we are very grateful to have supporting us.

The members of the Art team are extremely proud of the hard

work and skill that our students have demonstrated in

producing exciting and ambitious work.

We wish our students all the very best as they go onto

university and embark on the next stage of their education.

The Art Team

The exhibition consisted of large scale oil paintings, sculpture and photographic prints amongst other

disciplines made by Fine Art and Photography students in response to trips to Berlin and London and their

coursework and exam themes.

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The students particularly enjoyed walking in Stanley Spencer's footsteps and did lots of sketching and

photography while they were out and about. The talk about his work in the gallery was really stimulating

and gave the students lots of ideas on how to create their own work.

The trip was sponsored by The Art Society Chilterns, who have worked very closely with the Art

Department for a number of years now. We are privileged to have their support and encouragement for

the success of our students.

Kristi Blick, Leader for Art & Photography

Year 12 Art and Photography students were joined by the Art and Digital

Art Year 10 Curriculum Leaders on a journey through the eyes of world

renowned artist Stanley Spencer. Students spent the day at The Stanley

Spencer Gallery in Cookham for a gallery lecture, guided tour around

Cookham and then recreated some of Spencer's famous artworks.

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Career Related Opportunities:

Please can I remind you to look at the school’s website for career related opportunities/announcements.

At this time of year particularly, local employers contact the school to advertise vacancies and

apprenticeship opportunities. https://www.chalfonts.org/ceiag-news

Year 10 Work Experience - 9th to 13th July 2018

As I write this piece for The Chronicle I am finalising arrangements with employers and students for their

work experience placements.

Our students have found some very exciting opportunities and I am sure they are going to benefit

enormously from their experiences in the ‘World of Work’. To give you an idea of the range of work place-

ments; today I have spoken to Microsoft, Xerox, Silversons, Pure Football Opportunities, Nathan’s Farm,

Creative Media Skills, a variety of local primary schools, The Deep Water Stage at Pinewood and the list

goes on and on.

Our students are very fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in work experience and there is a

lot of paperwork which has to be completed to ensure their safety. Thank you to parents/guardians and

indeed employers for your patience and understanding in providing the necessary forms, certificates etc.

Please can parents/guardians encourage our Year 10 students to complete their work experience journals

daily so they can record all the skills they are acquiring and developing. Upon their return to school on

16th July, students will spend time with their tutors debriefing. This will be an opportunity to share

experiences and learn about different work choices.

Andrea Gilbey

Leader for Work Experience

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Seven of our Sixth Formers, Michael Day, Jamie Woods, Freya Start, Lucy Magor, Elly Mackenzie, Jeyne

Joubert and Lucy Brooker, signed up for a development opportunity to deliver a ‘World of Work’

programme to the Year 6 students of St Joseph’s Catholic School in Chalfont St Peter. This took place over

two mornings and involved the students in presenting and facilitating several activities with the children.

Research shows that children do better in school if they have work aspirations and, to have aspirations,

they need to know which jobs exist and what it is like to do them. The more people children meet and talk

to about work, the more they learn about and succeed in work. The ‘World of Work’ programme

encourages children to consider lots of different roles and allows them to meet a few professionals and ask

them questions about their day to day work. The activities include: a Careers Trump Card game, Pictionary

and some self-reflection about employability skills.

Our students were such great ambassadors; responding to questions, initiating discussions and

encouraging the Year 6 students to participate in the activities. They were leading classes of 25 children

on their own, keeping them both engaged and interested. This experience will have given the Sixth

Formers some amazing evidence to add to their personal statements, CVs and Linkedin profiles!

Here are some of the comments from the students about having the Sixth Formers delivering the sessions:

• The Sixth Formers did a fantastic job of teaching and delivering the sessions to us

• The Sixth Formers made the workshop really fun and exciting

• The Sixth Formers were very engaging and helpful

• I felt smart because they told me so much

• It was really fun and inspiring

• It was fun to do activities with them

• Really, really nice; I hope I see you in CCC one day

• It felt good that people from CCC came and taught us

• They are helpful and kind

• We were delighted to see from the feedback that 100% of the students said they would recommend

the programme to their colleagues.

We hope to run the programme again next year, with our new Year 12s!

Christine Sanders, Leader for Employability

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Leavers Assembly and BallOn Friday 18th May we said goodbye to our Year 13 students with an afternoon assembly, followed by a

Leavers’ Ball at The Pinewood Hotel.

The assembly showcased the highlights of their time at The College and awards voted for by teachers and

their peers were presented. The Ball was a ‘black tie’ event with some glamorous outfits on the red

carpet. A big thank you to the Leavers Ball committee for helping to organise the event and a special

thank you to Karen Ilsley who helped so much to make the evening a success.

We wish Year 13s well with their future endeavours and look forward to some great results in August.

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Sixth Form NewsMartyn Way

Leader for sixth form

Alumni News

Congratulations to Tilly Stewart for achieving a 1st class degree in Mathematics

and to Sally Garner for gaining a 1st class degree in Physiotherapy specialising in

sports injuries.

Year 11 Enrolment for Sixth Form

We will shortly be sending out information to Year 11 parents

regarding Sixth Form Enrolment which takes place on Friday

24th August; the day after GCSE results.

Please note that you only need to attend on Enrolment Day

if you have not achieved the grades to take up your place on

the courses offered. If you have achieved the entry

requirements we will see you on 4th September for Year 12

Induction Day.

During this week, others will be embarking on

various Personal Development activities such as

working on extended projects, developing

portfolios of photography and artwork,

volunteering at various hospitals and schools,

visiting local law courts, attending university

experience courses and supporting specific

departments or activities in school.

Work Experience/Personal Development week

From 16th-20th July, Year 12 students will be taking part in a week of Work Experience/Personal

Development. Students have organised their own work placements to give them some knowledge and

understanding of different industry sectors and to help them to decide on their future education and

career pathways. Experience and skills gained can be included on Personal Statements for university and

CVs for apprenticeship and job applications.

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Congratulations to the U15 cricket team who, after beating Princes Risborough School in the final, are now

the 2018 Senior Trophy County Champions!

Having beaten both Cressex and Amersham schools, on Monday 2nd July the team headed off to RGS High

Wycombe for the annual "finals day". After winning the toss, Risborough elected to bat first but quickly

found themselves under pressure. Some superb opening bowling from Matthew Holdship and Taran Sagoo

saw their first three batsmen off as the opposition was reduced to 27-3. Bowling changes followed, but the

wickets kept falling as Mitchell Cumber, Max Giggins and Toby Collins all struck to leave Risborough flailing

on 56-9. A strong final wicket partnership saw Risborough finish on a creditable 90 all out in the 19th, of 20


Chasing 91 to win, our openers also found the going tough against two pacey opening bowlers. The two

batting innings were pretty similar in runs and wickets as we quickly found ourselves at 37-3 and under

some pressure to get the win. Fortunately, Dan McEvoy and Harry D'Amaro-Field steadied the ship a

little, as did Alex Deacon after McEvoy's wicket fell. As we moved on to 61-5 there was still work to be

done when Simar Singh stepped up to the wicket. An unbroken 30 run partnership between Simar and

Harry, which included some terrific shots, meant we eventually won by 5 wickets with 3 overs to spare.

Well done to the team on a terrific performance and season! The team pictured are David Peterschinigg,

Simar Singh, Daniel McEvoy, Matthew Holdship, Taran Sagoo, Harry D'Amaro-Field, Sam Fenner, Alex

Deacon, Max Giggins, Mitchell Cumber, Will Mincham and, not forgetting, Jess Holdship and Luke Bishop

who both couldn’t make the final day!


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Rocket Cars Final Race to the Finish

Fifty-seven school teams from all around England took part in the national STEM competition at RAF

Wittering, Lincolnshire on Thursday 28th June. Cars which the students had constructed were raced to

find the fastest time across a set distance. CCC was placed 7th overall with their car crossing the speed

gate at 56mph, an amazing result! The students who took part were: Mimi Rogers, Mason Rogers, Keira

Tighe and Alex Hamilton-Cox. They really enjoyed themselves and we would like to thank them for

participating in this wonderful competition.

Alex Hinge, Teacher of Engineering

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Congratulations to Aleksandar Pavlov (Year 8) who entered

the ‘Young Writers’ Poetry Competition’ and did brilliantly.

His inspirational poem, ‘The Unearthly Chasm’ has now been

published in the Young Writers’ Anthology, ‘The Poetry


The Unearthly Chasm - By Aleksander Pavlov

There are many things down this inky black abyss, much more to see than the naked eye can perceive.

There are more colours in this profound gorge than anywhere in the multiverse, that we do not even dare

to ponder in our small fleshy brains. In fact, this unobservable phenomenon puts us to shame and mocks

our existence. For that, we are irresponsible and homuncular creatures.

This object in space-time has existed forever, much longer than even our own cosmos. It has witnessed

our very creation, it does not age; time simply bends around this hole in the fabric of space.

This perplexing flaw in the space-time continuum contains information, valuable information that could

change the future of worlds.

Cryptid civilisations unknown to humans yet, know of it; fear it's power to change everything ever known

to them. This unsolvable puzzle alters our universal rules, it's the most minuscule of things; smaller than

a quark but also the greatest, most prodigious object to exist!

What is it, for we shall never know.

It will continue to baffle our greatest minds and the ones who know of its existence.

This is what we must call... and Unearthly Chasm.

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Reading Scholars Programme

On Wednesday 4th July, a small group of Year 10 students visited Reading University for the fourth part

of the ‘Reading Scholars Programme.’ The purpose of this programme is to help raise aspirations of the

students and introduce them to higher education and what it could mean for them. There are 7 schools

on this programme and there were 5 schools present on this day.

The students started the day with a short team building exercise where they had to gather as many items

from a list as they could.

For the next period, they were split into groups and worked on debating skills with an organisation called

‘Debate Mate’ who offer communication training to professionals at all stages of their career. They have

worked with apprentices and trainees up to Board level executives and CEOs across legal, finance,

media, sport, hospitality and retail sectors. The students spent some time creating arguments about

various subjects, using the PEEL acronym – Point, Explain, Evidence and Link and then practised the skill.

The final part of this programme will be at the end of September/early October when we will be

attending a revision workshop at the University, which should be really useful for the GCSEs later in the


Christine Sanders,

Leader for Employability

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The A level History group recently travelled into London to visit the London Docklands Museum at Canary

Wharf. For well over one hundred years London docks was the First Port of Empire. The area was known as

the warehouse to the world. Imports and exports came through the London docks bringing in exotic goods

from all parts of the British Empire. This included tea from India, silk from the Far East, lamb from New

Zealand, cotton from America, sugar from the West Indies and coffee from Africa and South America. The

museum gives a glimpse into what life was like at that time and the impact of the docks on London and the

people who lived in the area.

Sixth Form visit Museum of Empire at

Canary Wharf in London

As part of our day out in London, the students walked

under the Thames from the Isle of Dogs to

Greenwich through the Victorian pedestrian tunnel

beneath the Thames. We arrived in Greenwich to see the

Cutty Sark a tea clipper from Empire that would travel to

China and India to bring back tea.

A great day out that truly brought history to life.

Mr Leybourne, History Department

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Screen Acting Workshop

The Chalfonts Community College Drama department invited students from across the college to

participate in an ‘Introduction to Screen Acting Workshop’ run by Middleweek Newton Academy of Film &

Theatre. They are one of London’s leading acting agencies for young, raw talent.

Students learned:

• how to perform for the camera

• about the different skills required, acting for a camera, in contrast to theatre acting

• some of the technical terminology

• how to learn a scene

• about breaking a scene down into shots

• about filming close-ups

• about acting as an extra in the background

It was a fantastic three hours for our Years 8,9,10 & 12 students and we are looking forward to them

returning next year for more! MN Academy runs workshops for 11 to 18 year olds on Saturdays at Windsor

Girls School from 2pm to 5pm. On the 15th September, there will be a free Open Day. If you are interested

in finding out more please see Mrs Adams.

Catherine Adams, Acting Leader for Drama

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Year 10 Humbled by Jewish Experiences in Auschwitz

On Friday 6th July, 49 students from Year 10 waited patiently at Heathrow Terminal 5 to get on a plane to

travel, for what was to be both an emotional and educational journey as well as one full of fun, laughter

and comradery.

For some of our students, to be on a plane was very exciting as they had never been abroad. As a surprise

Ms Tahmazian arranged for those students to visit the cockpit and meet the pilot which made the trip extra


Upon our arrival, the students had some free time to look

around the medieval town of Krakow. This included Wawel

Castle and the town square where the clock tower has a

trumpeter playing each hour instead of the more traditional

peal of bells. After a night of fun and relaxation, we readied

ourselves for the most surreal experience of Auschwitz the

next day.

Our Guides led the groups from barrack to barrack to look at simple displays of devastating intensity. We

were told to reflect on the fact that every pair of glasses, every suitcase and hairbrush once had an owner.

One of the most horrifying displays was a room with a glass cabinet of human hair banked in grey clouds

that stretched the expanse of half the room. A lot of students were rendered speechless when they

realised the scale of this evil against people just like them. This intensified as we stopped in front of one

small glass display which contained children’s tiny shoes. The harrowing nature of the holocaust gained

another layer as we realised that the atrocities against the Jewish race spared no one, not even children.

We were then escorted by bus to the second part

of the camp known as Auschwitz II (Birkenau)

which showed the massive scale of the tragedy

with hundreds of barracks, including the seven

destroyed gas chambers. The Jewish people who

were evacuated into this nightmarish place lived

16 to a wooden shelf, smaller than a table in width

until they died of ill treatment or in a gas cham-

ber, with no human dignity. The daunting silence

followed us throughout the visit, with no birds in

the air as if nature itself was silent in respect of

the 1.2 million people who died in the horrific gas

chambers and inhumane living conditions on these

soils over 60 years ago.

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After such an emotive morning, we celebrated

together with tears and screams of joy as England

beat Sweden and qualified for the world cup quarter

finals. ‘It’s coming home’ was heard not only by hotel

staff but probably by all of Krakow and possibly the

players on the pitch in Russia. However, our national

pride could not take away from the sadness we felt

from the horrors we had seen that morning. We felt

our spirits lifted and looked forward to the future

whilst remembering the horrors of the past.

The talk allowed students and staff to reflect

upon how privileged they are to live in a

country and College community which places

enormous importance upon values such as

tolerance and forgiveness. Monica herself was

also noticeably moved by the appreciation

shown by the students. She ended with a phrase

which reflects on the evil we had seen by the

Nazis against men, women and children ‘Never

Again, Never Again must this evil happen’.

Paul Snoddy, Leader for RE

On Sunday, we visited the Jewish quarter in Krakow and went to Galicia museum. This museum houses

hundreds of pictures commemorating the memory and the heritage of the Jewish race since the Second

World War. One of the highlights of the trip was a talk from a World War 2 Jewish survivor, Monica Gold-

vasser. Monica, whose parents bravely gave her up when she was just 18 months old in order to survive

Nazi persecution, spoke about her survival.

That evening we dined in a lovely Italian

restaurant in the square and Mr Snoddy took the

group to visit Krakow Park to enjoy the fantastic

summer weather. On our evening walk, we saw

the angry ‘Krakow Dragon’, a statue which actually

breathes fire when he’s annoyed, as James and

Daniel learnt when they climbed on his tail!

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Chalfonts Community College association is the Parents’ Association that has supported the education of

our students in spectacular ways over the years.

Last year they provided the outdoor seating area, that has proved really popular in this good weather. It is

also environmentally friendly as the benches were made from 100% recycled plastic.

This year they are already providing the shields for the new awards of: ‘Outstanding Effort’, ‘Outstanding

progress’ and ‘Best contribution to College Life’ that will be presented at the final assembly.

They have provided the new minibus that is heavily used for co-curricular activities; ranging from sports

competitions to D of E and 6th Form leadership conferences to Docklands visits.

They do this through the sale of second hand uniform, the annual events such as the Christmas fair, raffles

and social events such as ‘A night at the Races’ and the quiz night. All of this need volunteers and we have

a number of key people standing down this year after many years of service. Without new volunteers this

great work may not be able to continue.

Can you spare some time to help organise these events or volunteer on the evening to man the bar? If you

can give any time or get a group of you to help together then please let Catherine Smith

([email protected]) know or pass your name to me at school ([email protected]).

Please help to Save our CCCA

The World of PhysicsThe National Particle Physics Masterclass is a popular series of one day events for sixth form students and

their teachers which is run by particle physics researchers at various institutes all over the country. They

have proven to be stimulating and informative for thousands of students and hundreds of schools. These

classes provide excellent support for the material on Particle Physics which is in many 16+ curricula. The

Masterclasses at RAL provide the chance to hear talks by leading Particle Physicists from RAL and CERN,

tour one of the accelerators. It also uses data from the Large Hadron Collider to find a Higgs Boson.

Programmes, photos and some lectures from previous years can be found on the RAL Masterclass website.

We all had an excellent time. Max Hussein came first in the

competition to find the Higgs Boson.

Mr Steve Jacobs, Subject Lead Physics

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Teaching School Alliance - Joint Inset Day

The morning was spent in conference and then all staff went into their subject areas to discuss matters

relating to the current curriculum changes and overall changes in education. This enabled staff from vary-

ing schools, with varying needs to exchange opinions and share good practice within their specific areas of


A huge thanks goes out to all our colleagues from both Chalfonts and our family of schools who facilitated

discussions relating to curriculum foci as diverse as ‘Mastery at Key Stage 3 and Problem- solving’ to ‘The

LSA world post-MITA’. Their careful thought, preparation and confident delivery so close to the end of a

busy school year is indicative of the calibre of staff we have in our Alliance schools. The day was hugely


Wishing everyone a great summer!

Paula Procopi. Assistant Principal

On Monday 2nd July we were proud to

have hosted the 5th joint inset day at our

school. The day involved five partner

secondary schools that gathered together

in conference.

We were also delighted to welcome

Adam Wright from Chimp Paradox and

Andy Buck of Leadership Matters, as

keynote speakers. They were both

inspirational and hugely enjoyed by the


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DofE Gold Expedition – Poland/Slovakia 2018

On Saturday 30th June three teams from The

Chalfont Community College travelled to southern

Poland to embark on their Gold Duke of Edinburgh

Award expedition in The Tatra Mountain range

which forms a natural border between Slovakia &

Poland. We were based in Zakopane and then

travelled over the border to begin the hike on

Monday 2nd July.

After a substantial hike of more than 22km, climbing over 1000m, the

team arrived at their campsite for the night. The days got harder and

the weather got warmer but the teams pushed on. The remaining

nights were spent in mountain huts, a relief from the camping, but

the compromise was more height climb each day!

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Once in the mountain hut, the teams enjoyed a hot meal on their stoves and listened to The England

game. On a very early start to Day 4, the teams walked toward the highest point which allowed some of

the best views in Slovakia. This was followed by the long descent toward the finish line which the 3 teams

managed on time. They were desperate for a shower by the end of this!

The students wanted to spend the R&R day with

a visit to Auschwitz, a very moving and emotional

experience for all. Following that it was onto

Krakow to enjoy a celebration meal before fly-

ing home the next day. Next stop… the Palace to

receive their Awards!!

Well done from all the staff!

During their expedition, the teams walked over 70km and climbed

more than 3800m; this is higher than the climb from Base Camp of

Everest to the summit! To complete the expedition is an amazing

achievement. Throughout the challenge our students showed grit

and determination and even managed to run to the end point!

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The French Trip to BoulogneOn the day we went to France we were all really excited as we jumped on the coach and then onto the

ferry. When we got onto the ferry we had a look at where everything was and our meeting points and

then got to explore. In France, the first place we went to was the market where there were loads of shops

and stalls. By then we were all hungry and went to the beach to have lunch where we took loads of

pictures and drew in the sand. After that we got on the coach and went to the bakery to see how

traditional bread is made and we were given croissants at the end. Then we went to a massive shopping

centre and bought our dinner. Finally we got back on the ferry and the coach and got home at around

11:00pm. I even won a baguette during Mr Quéré’s quiz on the way back. I enjoyed France.

Simran Pawar

On the 22nd of June 2018 I went on the French trip to Boulogne which is on the north coast of France. We

made our way on the bus at 4am in the morning with 49 other kids and 5 teachers; it took over 2 hours to

get to Dover to catch the ferry over to Calais. When we arrived in Calais it took 30 minutes to get to

Boulogne and the first thing we did was go to a local village and we spent some money on the stalls and

some of the shops. After that we had a walk round the village then we went to the local town and sat

down on the steps of a local church for a rest. We then headed off to the beach and had a little dip in the

ocean (just our feet). Then we dried ourselves off and headed to a bakery. When we arrived, we went in

groups inside and a baker told us the ingredients we need to make bread. Afterwards we went to a

shopping centre and my friends and I had dinner. Then we went back to the bus and got the ferry back to

Dover then back to school. What a day!

George Sil

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On Friday 22nd June, 50 Year 7 students went on a trip to France. We drove down to Dover to get on to

a ferry to take us to France. On the ferry we were allowed to walk around. When we arrived in France we

drove to Boulogne where we had to complete an activity booklet. This included things we had to find or do,

such as taking a picture of a French post box or ask for something in French. We then went to the beach

where we had our lunch. Then we went to the bakery and watched Bruno “le boulanger” make bread. The

traditional oven he uses is over 150 years old. Luckily we got to try some of the bread and pains au

chocolat. We then went to have dinner in Cité Europe which is a huge shopping centre. Finally, we got back

on the ferry and headed home. It was such a great day. We walked so much; I must have done

25 kilometres. As we were tired some of us fell asleep on the coach.

Katie Hardy

On Friday 22nd June, we Year 7s started our exciting journey to France. We arrived at school at 4am and

started our bus journey to Boulogne at 4:30 am. Whilst on the bus we played games and listened to music.

We estimated that the drive would take at least 2 to 3 hours. We made our way onto the ferry and picked

a meeting point. Then we walked around the ferry and explored the shops. After an hour we could see the

French coast. Once in France, our first stop was the old town where we completed our booklets. The first

challenge was to buy something French and try it. Some bought pastries and others bought and ate snails.

After this, we made our way to the beach to eat our lunch and then play and have some fun in the sand.

At the bakery, Bruno the baker taught us how to make bread. We bought some real French bread to bring

back to our families. Yummm! On the way back we had to answer lots of questions during the quiz and

people won lots of prizes. This was our best experience in Year 7 so far!

Ellie and Bailey 7K3

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Youth Sport Games Boccia Finals – Stoke Mandeville Stadium

On July 5th, 11 students and 4 staff attended the county Boccia finals, which was part of the wider finals

event at Stoke Mandeville Stadium. They were joined by more than 50 finalists from other schools who

had also qualified in their respective sports.

After a rousing opening ceremony which featured Rochelle Clark, England Ladies Rugby World Cup winner

and the FA’s official freestyle footballer, students headed to their venues.

Thanks to Year 10 leaders Bryony Woolcott and Daisy Welch, the Chalfonts’ teams were well organised,

which led to top performances from Oliver Tomson-Smith and Owen Henley, allowing Chalfonts to finish

third in the first competition.

Following this, Chalfonts moved onto the second round which saw Ryan Butler and Louise Whitelaw shine

and allowed Chalfonts to finish second.

Huge thanks must go to Sally Beck, Lyn Mayling and Rachel Gregg for helping run the trip, Ta-Fari Mason

as official photographer, along with all students who attended and did the college proud.

Duncan Fawcett,

Teacher of PE

If anyone would like find out more about his story or to donate to James’ Just

Giving fund to help him to achieve his dream second operation, please go to

https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/jamesbertrand. Just a side note,

James had a very successful second year At St Mary’s University in Twickenham

studying Business & Management and was only a few points off achieving a first

for his work so far!

Well done to these amazing ex-Chalfonts students. if anyone has any other

Alumni news they would like to share, please contact [email protected]

Alumni News

A quick update on James Bertrand (2016 6th form leaver) who popped in to see us this week. He has

raised more than £50,000 so far to fund the life-changing operations to both his legs. This has meant that

James has been able to have one leg operated on and he says that his quality of life has already improved

immeasurably. The operation was only available in Australia but James is hoping that the surgeon will be

able to travel to the UK for his second operation.

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Planner Design Competition

This is the second year of running a competition to design the front cover for our student planner.

Once again the standard was very high and the final judging was carried out by Mr Denial, Miss Lang and

me. The winner of each category will see their design as the cover for all planners for the Key Stage next

academic year.

Key Stage 3: Key Stage 4

1st Izzi Hunt (7k1) 1st Ella Lovelock (8g5)

2nd Mariella Donaldson (7g4) 2nd Jessica Baird (9k3)

3rd Lily-May Cumber (8g5) 3rd Georgia Voisey (9k1)

Well done to all these and everyone who entered the competition.

Those who weren’t in the list above that want to collect their design can do so before the end of term from

my office (by Reception)

Mr Scoble, Vice Principal

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We would welcome donations of PE kit that students have grown out of or no longer need. This

includes old trainers and football boots too.

The PE department need as much spare kit as possible. It’s extremely useful for when students

forget to bring theirs in. We can then give them spares to participate.

Please deliver to reception

The Chalfonts Community College is working in partnership with School Lettings Solutions to

utilise our facilities during evenings, weekends and school holidays, creating a community

network with clubs and groups within the area.

SLS have a dedicated School Leisure and Sports Manager who is responsible for taking bookings

of the facilities, ensuring that the main focus for school staff is pupil attainment and day-to-day


Facilities include an astro turf pitch, gymnasium, grass pitches & much more. To hire a facility or

for more information about what SLS can offer, please visit their dedicated lettings

website http://chalfonts.schoolbookings.co.uk/ or contact the School Leisure and Sports

Manager on 0151 515 6556

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Monday 16th July Y10 Geography Field Trip to Epping ForestTuesday 17th July Y10 ‘Celebration’ Evening 6:00pm - 8:00pmWednesday 18th July Y7-10/12 Awards Afternoon - 4pm - 5pmThursday 19th July Y10 Geography Field Trip to London

Friday 20th JulyY9 EOY Exam Reports issuedEnd of HT 6 (Y7-9 12:30; Y10-13 13:20)

Monday 23rd July Summer Camp for Incoming Year 7 - till Friday 27th JulyThursday 16th August A-Level Results - 8amThursday 23rd August GCSE Results - 9amFriday 24th August A-Level Enrolment 10:30am - 1:30pmMonday 3rd September Staff Training Day (CPD)Tuesday 4th September Start of Term: Y7 and Y12Wednesday 5th September Start of Term: Y8-11 and 13Tuesday 6th September School Photographs

ALL Students

ALL lockers MUST be emptied

And ALL medication collected

from the medical room


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InformationHelp us to help you!

Do your online shopping through The College website and The College will benefit in commission.No registration or sign-up required.

Add this page to your favourites and start shopping today:


Download the college News App

Look for ‘School News’ in your app store and keep

up to date with the latest news and events at the


We are now using the app to push through PE

cancellations, job/apprenticeship opportunities as

well as all our other everyday news.

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Lost PropertyThere is still a lot of ‘lost property’ being generated – please encourage students to look after theirbelongings – especially items of PE kit.

All named lost property is returned to its owner via e-mails to the students’ tutor, so please name anything that is likely to get ’lost’. Un-named lost property is put on the table in the corridor outside the medical room for anyone to claim and is recycled after a couple of weeks as there isn’t any storage space for the quantities of items received.

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Gayle Romney Medical Administrator/First Aider/Lost


01753 [email protected]

Use of the Medical RoomReminder for students that the medical room is open at break and lunch-time for students to ‘Drop-In’.It is only open during and between lessons for accidents and medical emergencies.

Medical ConditionsIf your son or daughter are diagnosed with any medicalconditions, or are prescribed any medication that they may need during the day, please contact Miss Romney so that the information can be recorded.

Medical Time-Out cardsStudents diagnosed with a medical condition, which may necessitate them leaving a lesson, are issued with a Medical Time-Out card so that they can leave the lesson, without having to explain the rea-son to the teacher and with as little disruption as possible to the rest of the class.

Most students issued with these use them very responsibly but last term a small minority abused their use of them.

If your child is issued with an M T-O card, please will you remind them that they need to use it sensibly as they are issued for their benefit. i.e. they don’t need to explain to each teacher why they need to leave the room.

News from the Medical Roomand Lost Property

Students using crutches following an operation or injuryPlease advise Miss Romney if your son or daughter has an operation, or sustains an injury, and needs to use crutches on their return to school, as we need to ensure that they are given anysupport needed to keep them safe. This includes a risk assessment being carried out.

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Principal; Russell DenialNarcot Lane, Chalfont St Peter, Gerrards

Cross, Buckinghamshire, SL9 8TP01753 882032

[email protected]