The Cevennes Naturetrek Tour Report 17 - 24 May 2006 Naturetrek Cheriton Mill Cheriton Alresford Hampshire SO24 0NG England T: +44 (0)1962 733051 F: +44 (0)1962 736426 E: [email protected] W: www.naturetrek.co.uk Images and report compiled by Jenny and John Wilsher Orchis ustulata Dactylorhiza sambucina Orchis ustulata Castelbouc Narcissus poeticus

The Cevennes - tour report May 06€¦ · The Cevennes Naturetrek Tour Report 17 - 24 May 2006 Naturetrek Cheriton Mill Cheriton Alresford Hampshire SO24 0NG England T:+44 …

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Page 1: The Cevennes - tour report May 06€¦ · The Cevennes Naturetrek Tour Report 17 - 24 May 2006 Naturetrek Cheriton Mill Cheriton Alresford Hampshire SO24 0NG England T:+44 …

The CevennesNaturetrek Tour Report 17 - 24 May 2006

Naturetrek Cheriton Mill Cheriton Alresford Hampshire SO24 0NG England

T: +44 (0)1962 733051 F: +44 (0)1962 736426

E: [email protected] W: www.naturetrek.co.uk

Images and report compiled by Jenny and John Wilsher

Orchis ustulata

Dactylorhiza sambucina

Orchis ustulata


Narcissus poeticus

Page 2: The Cevennes - tour report May 06€¦ · The Cevennes Naturetrek Tour Report 17 - 24 May 2006 Naturetrek Cheriton Mill Cheriton Alresford Hampshire SO24 0NG England T:+44 …

Tour Report The Cevennes

© Naturetrek July 06 1

Tour leaders: Jenny and John Willsher

Tour participants: John HickmanHeather LawAnn SansomJulian DarleyHelga SandsBruce and Diana PaulterRuth Stock.

Day1 Wednesday 17 May

Our flight made good time to Montpellier, where it was warm and sunny. As we had a little spare time beforeheading north to our hotel near Florac, we thought we would team up with the Naturetrek group that werespending 5 days in the Camargue, but co-ordinating the convoy proved complicated so we eventually went ourseparate ways, taking a mini tour of the Petit Camargue.

(We headed south on the D62 towards Aigues-Mortes. Greater Flamingos were seen in numbers on the Etangde Mauguio. We took the D58 to Montcalm, taking a short detour onto the D46, where a short stop found usPurple and Grey Heron, Mallard, Shelduck, Little Egret, Black Kite, and Marsh Harrier. We return to the D58,turn onto the D779 through Montcalm, driving between the Etang du Charnier and Etang de Grey.

We find our way back onto the main road to Nimes and then on the N106 north via Ales to Florac. Theroadsides were colourful with Red Valerian, Spanish Broom, Cistus sps, Red Antirrhinum, Cow Parsley, thehandsome thistles Silybum marianum and Galactites tormentosum, and Meadow Clary in places. The road from Alesto Florac winds through lush forest clad hillsides, and occasional fields of Poets Narcissi, along the river valley ofLe Gardon d’Ales, which we leave as we cross the Col de Jalcreste, to follow la Mimente on its way to Florac.There it joins with the Tarn and Tarnon rivers, which flow into the Gorge du Tarn.

We reach our hotel in Cocures at 6.30 which is good timing. We can unpack at leisure and have a pre-tour chatbefore dinner.

Dinner is a typical French meal and is delicious. We start with vegetable terrine with salad garnish, tender lambon a bed of vegetables, a sample from the impressive cheese board, a hazelnut desert and coffee or tea withchocolates and tiny almond macaroons to finish. Good local wines are available.

Day 2 Thursday 18 May

We wake to the song of Back Redstarts on the village roofs, and Swifts screaming around the houses. Some ofthe group take a pre-breakfast walk to a view point opposite the hotel where we find much Star-of-Bethelehem(Ornithologalum umbellatum), Alpine Plantain (Plantago alpinus), Long-headed Clover (Trifolium incarnatum sspmolinenii), Lamb’s Succory (Arnoseris minima) and Bulbous Buttercup (Ranunculus bulbosus), Manna Ash (Fraxinusornus) and Montpellier Maple (Acer monspessulanum). Crag Martins are nesting in the village a Serin is singing fromthe top of a conifer and we get a distant glimpse of our first Dipper on the fast flowing river below.

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After breakfast we drive slowly to Florac, checking out the bank of Early Purple Orchids (Orchis macula) on theway. Wayside plants include Spindleberry (Euonymus europaeus), Stinking Hellebore (Helleborus foetidus) and manybuttercup and vetch species.

We make a quick sortie to the supermarket to purchase our picnic provisions before we head south along thevalley of Le Tarnon. A brief roadside stop to look at the flowers finds us Military Orchids (Orchis militaris),Pyramidal Orchid in bud (Anacamptis pyramidalis) and a Golden Drop (Onosma fastigiata).We climb away from LeTarnon valley, to the hamlet of St-Laurent-de-Treves, where dinosaur footprints can be seen on a rocky knoll.This is a stunning viewpoint where we can get our bearings on where we are, looking West across the CausseMejean, South to Mont Aigoual and East across the mountain ridges of the Corniche des Cevennes. Flowersinclude Dwarf Pansy, Star of Bethlehem, False Vetch, Hoary Rockrose, Thyme, Wall Rue, Rusty Back Fern andMaidenhair Spleenwort. There is a White Wagtail in the car park, Black Redstart on the roof nearby andYellowhammer and Woodlark are singing below us.

Then onto Col de Rey, where we follow part of the Grande Randonne (GR43) for a short distance, searching forflowers, butterflies and birds. We find both colour forms of Elder-flowered Orchid, then Lady, Military andMonkey Orchids. Also Twayblade and a Monkey x Lady Orchid (Orchis angusticruris) Other flowers includePasque Flower (Pulsatilla rubra), Teucrium rouyanum, False Vetch (Astragalus monspessulanus), Mountain KidneyVetch (Anthyllis montana), Tassil and Grape Hyacinth (Muscari comosum, M. neglectum). Birds include Red-backedShrike, Cirl Bunting. Butterflies include Clouded Yellow and Green Hairstreak, and other insects found wereFirebugs and Soldier Beetles.

We move on to Col de Fraisses where there is a stunning field of Poets Narcissi. We walk into a nearby woodbut it is very quiet on the bird front. We hear Chiffchaff and Firecrest, and find Mountain Thrift (Armeriamaritime ssp alpina), Hepatica (H.nobilis), Cowslips and Cyprus Spurge. And a few spikes of Burnt-tip Orchid(Orchis ustulata) in the field. We retrace our steps scanning the trees when we hear a Golden Oriole but he eludesus. Finally we stop at the Café Hospitalat for refreshments. On returning to Florac we look at the CevennesNational Park Information Centre and purchase maps and postcards. We finish a good day with drinks in thegarden while we mull over the days sightings, then another superb meal.

Day 3 Friday 19 May

Our early morning walk takes us east of the village where we can look down onto the river. Plants on the rockyroadsides include Forked Spleenwort (Asplenium septentrionale), Nottingham Catchfly (Silene nutans), Sweet WilliamCatchfly (S. armeria), Thyme Bromrape (Orabanche alba) and Centaurea pectinata. A Nightingale and Bonelli’sWarblers are singing and a heron is beside the fast flowing river below.

After the supermarket shop for picnic provisions, we travel north of Florac on N106, turning right onto theD907 along the scenic Tarn valley. An opportunistic stop to look at the view had us exploring the roadsides andwe found St Bernard’s Lily (Anthericum liliago) , Bastard Balm (Melittis melissophyllum), Yellow Woundwort (Stachysrecta), Thyme sps, Blue Lettuce (Lactuca perennis) and Wild Jasmine. A group of Small Spider Orchid (Ophrysareanola) on the rocky bank were past their best. Nightingales sing in the riverside shrubs, with Chiffchaff andBonelli’s Warblers. Overhead Griffin Vulture, Common Buzzard and Short-toed Eagle are seen. Our next stop is

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The Cevennes Tour Report

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the intriguing village of Castelbouc, on the south bank of the river, with the remains of its castle on a rocky peakand some of its houses carved into the rock. Water springs are caused by water seeping down from the CausseMejean. We park in the shade and take a leisurely walk through the almost deserted village, cross a small bridgeand explore the rocky valley side. We find White Helleborine (Cephalanthera damasonium) on the side of the trackand then a small group of Violet Limodore (Limodorum abortivum) with Military Orchid and Man Orchid (Acerasanthropophorum).Then a walk along the riverside where we find Columbine (Aqilegia vulgaris), Great Meadow Rue(Thalictrum aquilegifolium), Western Cranesbill (Geranium endresii) and Bastard Balm (Melittis melissophyllum ). There isa family of Long-tailed Tits all around us at one point. We also have good views of a pair of Grey Wagtailsbeside the river and there are Blackcaps, Firecrest and Bonelli’s Warblers singing in the woodland. Back at ourvehicle we have our picnic under the trees beside the river accompanied by a singing Serin just above us

The forest fires of 2003 still give the landscape a bleak look but the ground beneath the burnt trees is beingcarpeted with new growth and it is amongst this carpet of plants such as Cyprus Spurge, Yellow Flax, MountainKidney Vetch and various rockroses that we find Burnt-tip Orchids, and then a few spikes of the endemicAymonin’s Orchid (Ophrys aymoninii). Also Military and Green-winged Orchid (Orchis morio).

Our next stop is on more open turf where we find Pyrenean Pheasant’s Eye and add to our orchid list withOphrys aranifera alongside fresher spikes of Small Spider, Lady and Military and many groups of Aymonin’sOrchid.

We continue our traverse across the Causse with good views of Red Backed Shrike, Tawny Pipit, OrtolanBunting, Yellowhammer and Linnet, hearing Quail and Red-legged Partridge.

We head south at the airport, where we see two Red-billed Chough probing the short turf. We drive through thelittle hamlet of Nivoliers, stopping just beyond to get a view of the Przewalski’s horses and some more GriffenVultures. The airport area is studded with Grape Hyacinths and there is much Pheasant Eye (Adonis annua).

Our return is enhanced by a graceful Montague’s Harrier hunting over the arable fields on this more fertile partof the Causse Mejean. The dramatic descent, gives us stunning views along the craggy dolomitic edges of theCausse and across Florac and Cocures.

Day 4 Saturday 20 May

Today we drive east from Cocures to Le-Pont-de-Montvert. Our first stop is to look at Spiked Rampion(Phyteuma spicatum) but we also find Bird’s-nest Orchid (Neottia nidus-avis) under the trees. There is much of thehandsome umbellifer Molopospermum peloponesiacum, which we shorten to ‘Molly’.

Le Pont-de-Montvert is famous for its bridge over the Tarn, flanked by a toll tower, which was important to thelocal economy in controlling and charging for access. We have to cross the bridge today as the best boulangerieis on the other side! We succumb to the tempting pan olive and patisserie on offer, despite madames attempts topersuade us to buy the local specialty which is a solid looking cake made with local sweet chestnuts. This nut wasonce crucial to the regions diet, eaten raw, roasted or smoked to preserve them. The chestnut tree has beenknown as the ‘bread tree’ since the 16th century. The nuts were also important for fattening the pigs, young

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branches used for making baskets and the mature wood for building. Now the economically abandoned nutsfeed the local Wild Boar.

At a wet flush on the roadside we find Heath Spotted and Common Spotted Orchid (Dactylorhiza maculata and D.fuchsii) and Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris). Many Orange Tips and a Small Copper. A Short-toed Eagle swoopsquite low over us, showing its pale underside.

The next stop, overlooking a damp meadow, with rocky crags nearby, gives us brief views of NorthernWheatear, Red-backed Shrike, Tree Pipit and Whitethroat. The meadow is full of Mountain Pansy and WildDaffodil.

Then the drive up onto Mont Lozere through pine forest. It is cool and cloudy so we have a brisk walk beforefinding a sheltered spot for our picnic. There are stillpatches of snow around and one White Crocus is foundnear the snow. Also Spring Pasque Flower (Pulsatilla vernalis). There are Ravens overhead and after lunch wehave good views of Firecrest and Crested Tit. Further along the road we see Whinchats and a brief glimpse of aRing Ouzel before it whizzes off out of sight.

We retrace our steps, before returning to Le Pont-de-Montvert for refreshments and photos.

The roadsides are colourful with Broom, Rock Soapwort, Star of Bethlehem, and Vipers Bugloss, and we findone spike of Greater Butterfly Orchid in flower, just before we reach Cocures.

Day 5 Sunday 21 May

We follow Le Tarnon south, through Vebron, then head east to Col de Perjuret. Our first stop is for orchids. Ona grassy bank at the base of the rocky southern edge of the Causse Mejean, we find Woodcock Orchid (Ophrysscolopax), Man, Military, Monkey, Lady and Bug Orchid (Orchis coriophora ssp coriophora) and a hybrid between Ladyand Monkey. Above on the scree are many spikes of White Asphodel (A. albus). Then just over our headsseveral Griffen Vultures come low over the Col and glide following the escarpment down the valley past adistant Short-toed Eagle perched on a promontory.

Our next orchid stop has been destroyed by grazing cows, so we move on, turning south to Mont Aigoual.

Next stop was a recommended walk along a grassy ridge which gave us 360 degree views of the Massif del’Aigoual. There are fields of Wild Daffodil on one side and patches of Wild Tulip on the path. Also CommonDog Violets, Hairy Thyme, Alpine Lady’s Mantle and heather.

We park in a small wood south of the observatory of Mont Aigoual, and walk the dramatic Sentier desBotanistes, which gives stunning views south to the southern Causses. We find more Wild Tulips but they arenot quite out. We find a sheltered spot for our picnic which is enlivened by Short-toed Eagles and a migratinggroup of Honey Buzzards above us. Some of the group then walked up to the observatory where we have coffee.

As we head back we stop to photograph stunning stands of mixed colour Elderflowered Orchids in peakcondition.

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We take a different route home, taking a minor road along the edge of the Causse Mejean, marvelling at thedolomitic rock formations of the Chaos de Nimes –le-Vieux. In the fields along the edge of the road are manyBurnt-tip Orchids. Birds included Rock Thrush perched on a tree, Corn Bunting, singing Tawny Pipit and manyRed-backed Shrike.

Day 6 Monday 22 May

We are heading for the Belvedere des Vautours today, in the Gorge de la Jonte, so we head east again toMeyrueis and continue towards Le Rozier.

The Belvedere is an interpretive centre and viewing point for the many Vultures that nest in the gorge mostlyGriffen but now also Black, the result of a successful re-introduction programme. We attended a very interestingpresentation with live and recorded video from cameras close to nests. From the viewing platform we were ableto see the nest of a Black Vulture on a tree and many Griffons on their ledges. Overhead were many AlpineSwifts.

From the Belvedere, we continue east to le Rozier, and then head south and turn west onto the Causse Noir. It isstill a cloudy day and we get a little rain, but it does not stop us having our picnic in the open. We choose a placeamongst the trees and discover some new orchids, including Fly Orchid (Ophrys insectifera), Lesser Butterfly(Plantanthera bifolia), masses of Sword-leaved Helleborine (Cephalanthera longifolia), a hybrid Military x Man, Orchispicta and some more easily photographable spikes of Bird’s-nest Orchid.

Day 7 Tuesday 23 May

Our last full day in the Cevennes, and it is a lovely sunny day. We return to the Causse Mejean, taking the roadup from Florac. We stop for coffee in Nivoliers, then walk through the village. We hear and are able to get viewsof a Quail and a pair of Wrynecks.

We have a walk before lunch finding a mass of Small Spider and Aymonin’s Orchid, plus a hybrid between thetwo. Other plants include Crested Lousewort (Pedicularis comosa), Chalk Milkwort (Polygala calcarea), and the tinyumbellifer, Trinia glauca. Large numbers of Griffon Vultures and one Black Vulture are feeding on a carcassattended by several Black Kites and we hear a Stone Curlew calling.

On the gorge walls on our descent into St Enimie we see Common Snapdragon (Antirhinum majus), CreepingSnapdragon (Asarina procumbens), Wall flower (Erysimum cheirii), Snow-in-Summer (Cerastium tomentosum) and againmasses of Rock Soapwort.

Our last stop before returning to the hotel is to look at a bank where there are many pale grey-green spikes ofLizard Orchid (Himantoglossum hircinum), but none were showing there dramatic flowers.

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Day 8 Wednesday 24 May

We have to leave Cocures after breakfast and it is another clear sunny day. We see Black Kite, Buzzard andShort-toed Eagle and a profusion of roadside plants including sheets of poppies in the fields.

We have a quick tour of the Petit Camargue adding some wetland species to our list including Purple Heron,Whiskered and Common Terns. Reed and Great Reed Warblers are heard and there are many hundreds ofGreater Flamingos.

Road side plants in the Camargue include Pale Bugloss (Echium italicum) and Urospermum (U. dalechampii).

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Species lists

PlantsPteridophyta Ferns Location

Pteridium aquilinum BrackenAdiantum capillus verneris Maidenhair Fern CastelboucPolypodium vulgare Common Polypody “Asplenum adiantum-nigrum Black SpleenwortA. ceterach Rusty-back Fern CommonA. ruta-muraria Wall RueA. septentrionale Forked SpleenwortA. trichomanes Maidenhair SpleenwortAthyrium filix-femina Lady FernCystopteris fragilis Brittle Bladder Fern

ConifersPinus sylvestris Scots PineP. uncinata Mountain PineP. pinea Stone PineP. nigra Black PineJuniperus phoenicea Phoenician Juniper Causse MejeanJ. oxycedrus Prickly Juniper “Taxus baccata Yew

SalicaceaPopulus alba White PoplarSorbus aria Whitebeam

BetulaceaeBetula pendula Common BirchAlnus glutinosa Alder

CorylaceaeCorylus avellana Hazel

FagaceaeFagus sylvatica Beech Mont AigoualCastanea sativa Sweet ChestnutQuercus petraea Sessile OakQ. rubber Common OakQ. ilex Holm/Evergreen OakQ. coccifera Holly/Kermes Oak

MoraceaeFicus carica Fig

UlmaceaeUlmus minor ElmU. glabra Whych Elm

UrticeaeUrtica dioica NettleParietaria diffusa Pellitory-of-the-wall

AristolochiaceaeAristolochia clematitis Birthwort CastleboucA. rotunda

PolygalaceaePolygonum bistorta BistortRumex scuatatus French Sorrel/Rubble DockR. acetosa Sorrel

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Pteridophyta Ferns Location

R. acetosella Sheep’s Sorrel

Caryophyllaceae Pink FamilyCerastium tormentosum Snow in SummerSpergula avensis Corn SpurreyS. rubra Red/Sand SpurreyStellaria holostea Greater StitchwortS. nemorum Wood StitchwortLychnis viscaria Sticky CatchflySilene nutans Nottingham Catchfly CommonS. armeria Sweet William Catchfly CocuresS. alba White CampionS. dioica Red CampionS. vulgaris Bladder CampionSaponaria ocymoides Rock SoapwortDianthus deltoides Maiden PinkScleranthus perennis Perennial Knawel

Ranunculaceae Buttercup FamilyHelleborus foetidus Stinking HelleoreCaltha palustris Marsh MarigoldClematis vitalba Old Man’s BeardAnenome nemorosa Wood AnenomeHepatica nobilis HepaticaPulsatilla rubra A Pasque Flower Col du ReyP. vernalis Spring Pasque Flower Mont LozereAdonis flammea Pyrenean Pheasant’s Eye Causse MejeanRanunculus acris Meadow ButtercupR. bulbosa Bulbous ButtercupR. ficaria Lesser CelandineR. auricomus Goldilocks ButtercupAquilegia vulgaris Columbine

Papaveraceae Poppy FamilyP. rhoeas Corn PoppyP. argemone Prickly PoppyGlaucium flavum Yellow Horned Poppy RoadsidesChelidonium majus Greater Celandine Roadsides near Nimes

Cruciferae Cress FamilyCardamine pratensis Lady’s SmockSisymbrium officionale Hedge MustardDescurainia sophia Flixweed Gorge du TarnArabis hirsute Hairy CressA. turrita Tower CressBarberea vulgaris Wintercress Gorge du TarnIberis saxatalis CandytuftI. stricta Annual Candytuft Roadsides

Resedaceae Mignonette familyReseda lutea Wild MignonetteR. phyteuma Corn Mignonette

Crassulaceae Stonecrop FamilySedum album White StonecropUmbilicus rupestris Wall Pennywort

Saxifragaceae Saxifrage FamilySaxifraga granulata Meadow SaxifrageS. cebennensis Cevennes Saxifrage CastelboucS. stellaris Starry Saxifrage

Rosaceae Rose Family

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Pteridophyta Ferns Location

Filipendula ulmaria Meadowsweet n.i.f.Rubus fruticosus BrambleRubus ceasius Dewberry CastelboucRosa pimpinellifolia Burnet Rose Causse MejeanR.canina Dog RoseSanguisorba officionalis Great BurnetS. minor Salad BurnetPotentilla rupestris Rock CinquefoilP. sterilis Barren StrawberryP. hirta Airport carparkFrageria vesca Wild StrawberryCrataegus monogyna HawthornSorbus aucuparia Mountain AshS. aria WhitebeamPrunu spinosa BlackthornP.avium Wild CherryAlchemilla alpina Alpine lady’s Mantle NifA. mollis Lady’s Mantle

Leguminosea Pea familyRobinia Pseudacacia Robinia Common on roadsidesLaburnum anagyroides LaburnumCytisus scoparius BroomGenista hspanica Spanish GorseSpartium junceum Spanish BroomAstragalus monspessulanus False Vetch CaussesOxytropis jacquinii Mountain Milk VetchO. campestris Yellow Milk VetchTetragonolobus maritimus Dragon’s TeethVicia cracca Tufted VetchVicia onobrychoides False SainfoinV. sepium Bush VetchV. tetraspermum Smooth TareLathyrus pannonicus Felted vetch Causse MejeanL. montanus Bitter VetchL. setifolious Brown VetchTrifolium rubens Red TrefoilT. pratense Red CloverT. incarnatum Crimson CloverT. montanum Mountain CloverT. repens White CloverT. campestre Hop TrefoilLotus corniculatus Bird’s Foot TrefoilHippocrepis comosa Horse-shoe VetchOnobrychis viciifolia Common SainfoinMelilotis officionalis Common MelilotMedicago lupulina Black MedickAnthyllis vulneraria Kidney VetchA.montana Mountain Kidney Vetch Common in burnt woodlandCoronilla emerus Scorpion VetchScorpiurius muricatus Airport carpark

Geraniaceae Geranium FamilyGeranium pratense Meadow CranesbillG. robertianum Herb RobertG. pyrenaicum Mountain CranesbillG. lucidum Shining CranesbillG. molle Dove’s-foot CranesbillG. sanguineum Bloody CranesbillG. endresssii Western Cranesbill CastelboucG. sylvaticum Wood Cranesbill CastelboucErodium cicutarium Common Storksbill

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Pteridophyta Ferns Location

Linaceae Flax FamilyLinum capanulatum Yellow FlaxL. suffruticosum ssp salsoides Pyrenean Flax

Euphorbiaceae Spurge FamilyEuphorbia cyparissias Cyprus SpurgeMercurialis perennis Dog’s Mercury

PolygalaceaePolygala calcarea Chalk Milkwort

Aceraceae Maple FamilyAcer pseudoplatanus SycamoreA. campestre Field MapleA. monspessulanum Montpellier Maple

CelastraceaeEuonymus vulgaris Spindle Tree

Buxaceae Box FamilyBuxus sempervirens Box Causse Mejean

Tiliaceae Lime FamilyTilia platyphyllos Large-leaved Lime

Malvaceae Mallow FamilyMalva sylvestris Common MallowM. parviflora Small mallow Airport carpark

Thymelaceae Daphne FamilyDaphne cneorum Garland Flower Causse Mejean

Hypericaceae St John’swort FamilyHypericum perforatum Perforate St John’swort

Violaceae Violet FamilyViola riviniana Common Dog violet Masses on Mont AiguoalV. lutea Mountain PansyV. palustris Bog VioletV. kitaibeliana Dwarf pansyV. arvensis Field Pansy

Cistaceae Cistus FamilyHelianthemum appeninum White RockroseH. canum Hoary RockroseH. nummularium Common RockroseH. nummularium ssp nanum Dwarf Rockrose

Onograceae Willowherb FamilyEpilobium hirsutum Great Hairy Willowherb NifE. angustifolium Rosebay Willowherb Nif

Umbelliferae Carrot FamilyAthamantha cretensis Athamantha Gorge du TarnAnthriscus sylvestris Cow ParsleyConopodium majus PignutTrinia glauca HonewortHeraleum sphondylium HogweedScandix pectin-veneris Shepherd’s NeedleMolopospermum pelopennesiacum Molopospermum

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Pteridophyta Ferns Location

Ericaceae Heather FamilyErica cinerea Bell Heather NifCalluna vulgaris LingVaccinium myrtillus Bilberry Mont Lozere

Primulaceae Primrose FamilyPrimula vulgaris PrimroseP. veris Cowslip

Plumbaginaceae Thrift FamilyArmeria maritime ssp alpina Mountain Thrift Cocures

OleaceaeFraxinus excelsior AshF. ornus Manna ashLigustrum vulgare Privet

AscepliadaceaeVincetoxicum hirundinaria Swallow-wort

Rubiaceae Bedstraw familyRubia peregrina Wild MadderCruciata laevipes CrosswortGallium saxatile Heath BedstrawG. mollugo Hedge Bedstraw

Convolvulaceae Bindweed familyConvulvulus arvensis Field Bindweed RoadsidesC. cantabrica Pink Convulvulus “

Boraginaceae Borage FamilyEchuium vulgare Vipers BuglossOnosma fastigiatum Golden DropMyosotis arvensis Field Forget-me-notM. alpestris Alpine Wood Forget-me-notCynoglossum officionale Houndstongue

VerbenaceaeVerbena officionalis Vervain

Labiatae Mint FamilyAjuga reptans Common BugleA. pyramidalis Pyramidal BugleTeucrium scorodonia Wood SageT. rouyanumMelittis melssophyllum Bastard BalmSalvia pratensis Meadow ClaryLamiastrum galeobdolon Yellow ArchangelOreganum vulgare Oregano NifStachys recta Yellow WoundwortLavandula steochas French lavenderMentha aquatica Water MintThymus vulgaris Wild ThymeT. praecox Hairy ThymeT. serpyllum Creeping Thyme

Scrophulariaceae Figwort familyAntirrhinum majus Large SnapdragonCymbalaria muralis Ivy-leaved ToadflaxAnarrhinum bellidifolium Daisy-leaved ToadflaxScrophularia canina Alpine/French FigwortRhinanthus minor Yellow RattleVeronica persica Common Speedwell

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The Cevennes Tour Report

12 © Naturetrek July 06

Pteridophyta Ferns Location

V. austriaca Tall SpeedwellV. cymbalaria Cymbalaria-leaved SpeedwellV. beccabunga Brooklime NifPedicularis comosa Crested Lousewort Causse MejeanRhinanthus minor Yellow Rattle

Globulariaceae Globularia FamilyGlobularia vulgaris Common GlobulariaG. cordifolia Matted Globularia

Plantaginaceae Plantain FamilyPlantago lanceolata Ribwort plantainP. major Great PlantainP. alpina Alpine Plantain CocuresP. maritima Sea Plantain Petit Cammargue

Caprifoliaceae Honeysuckle FamilySambucus nigra ElderLonicera periclymenum Honeysuckle

Valerianaceae Valerian familyValeriana globulariifolia Globularia-leaved ValerianV. tripteris Three-leaved ValerianCentranthus rubra Red Valerian Many colours on roadsideValerianella locusta Corn Salad

Dipsacaceae Scabious FamilyDipsacus fullonus Teasel NifKnautia arvensia Field Scabious

Campanulaceae Bellflower FamilyCampanula trachelium Nettle-leaved Bellflower Nr CocuresC. rapunculoides Creeping BellflowerC. speciosa Spiked Bellflower Almost in flower!C. rotundifolia Harebell CastelboucJasione montana Mountain Sheep’sbit

Compositae Daisy FamilyBellis perennis DaisyErigeron uniflorus One-flowered FleabaneAntennaria dioica Cat’s Foot Mont AigoualAnthemis creticus Mountain Dog-daisyLeucanthemum vulgare Ox-eye Daisy RoadsidesL. monspeliensis Montpellier MargueriteLeucanthemopsis alpina Alpine Moon Daisy Mont AigoualAchillea millefolium YarrowLapsana communis NipplewortCarlina acanthifolia Acanthus-leaved Carline Thistle Seed heads onlyCichorium intybus Chicory Airport carparkTragopogon porrifolius SalsifyT. pratensis GoatsbeardT. hybridumScorzonera humilis Blue Viper’s GrassLactuca perennis Blue LettuceHypochoeris maculata Spotted Cat’s EarUrospermum dalechampei Petit CammarguePallenis spinosa Airport carparkHieracium pilosella Mouse-ear Hawkweed

Liliaceae Lily FamilyAphyllanthes monspelliensis Blue Aphyllanthes Gorge du TarnAsphodelus albus White AsphodelAnthericum liliago St Bernard’s Lily

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The Cevennes Tour Report

© Naturetrek July 06 13

Pteridophyta Ferns Location

Allium sphaerocephalon Round-headed LeekA.ursinum Wild GarlicLilium martagon Martagon Lily NifTulipa sylvestris ssp australis Wild Tulip Mont AigoualOrnithogalum umbellatum Star of BethlehemMuscari neglectum Grape Hyacinth?M.botryoidesM. comosum Tassle HyacinthPolygonatum multiflorum Solomon’s Seal

AmaryllidaceaeNarcissus poeticus Poet’s/ Pheasant’s Eye NarcissusN. pseudonarcissus Wild Daffodil Mont Lozere/ Mont Aigoual

Iridaceae Iris FamilyCrocus albiflorus White Crocus Mont LozereIris pseudacorus Yellow Flag

Graminae Grass FamilyArundo donax Petit CamargueBriza media Quaking GrassDactylis glomerata CocksfootPoa bulbosa Bulbous Meadow GrassEriophorum angustifolium Cotton GrassCarex spicata Spiked SedgeC.caryophyllea Spring Sedge

Orchidaceae Orchid FamilyCephalanthera damasonium White Helleborine CastelboucC. rubra Red Helleborine “C. longifolia Sword-leaved HelleborineLimodorum abortivum Violet Limodore CastelboucNeottia nidus-avis Bird’s Nest Orchid Causse NoirListera ovata Twayblade “Plantanthera chlorantha Greater Butterfly Orchid “P. bifolia Lesser Butterfly Orchid “Gymnadenia cocnopsea Fragrant OrchidAceras anthropophorum Man Orchid “Dactylorhiza sambucina Elder-flowered Orchid Best at Mont AigoualD. maculata Heath Spotted Orchid Nr Mont LozereD. fuschii Common Spotted OrchidHimantoglossum hircinum Lizard Orchid NifAnacamptis pyramidalis Pyramidal OrchidOrchis coriophora Bug Orchid E. of Col de PerjuretOrchis mascula Early Purple Orchid WidespreadO. morio Green-winged Orchid CommonO. militaris Military Orchid CommonO. simia Monkey Orchid Causse NoirO. purpurea Lady Orchid Seen regularlyO. ustulata Burnt-tip orchidO. militaris x O. purpurea Col du ReyO. purpurea x O. simia (O. angusticruris) “O. militaris x O. simia Causse NoirO. mascuala x O. morio Col de PerjuretOphrys aymoninii Aymonin’s Ophrys Endemic – many seen

O. insectifera Fly Orchid Causse NoirO apifera Bee Ophrys Gorge du TarnO. scolopax Woodcock Ophrys E. of Col de PerjuretO. araneola Small Spider Ophrys Causse MejeanO. incubacea Causse MejeanO passionis Passiontide Ophrys Causse Noir

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The Cevennes Tour Report

14 © Naturetrek July 06

BirdsCattle Egret Petit CamargueLittle Egret Petit CamargueGrey Heron Petit CamarguePurple Heron Petit CamargueGreater Flamingo Petit CamargueShelduck Petit CamargueMallard Petit CamargueGadwall Petit CamargueRed-crested Pochard Petit CamargueGriffon Vulture The CaussesBlack Vulture The CaussesShort-toed Eagle The CaussesBlack KiteMarsh Harrier Petit CamargueCommon Buzzard seen regularlyHoney Buzzard migrating groupSparrowhawk 1 seenCommon Kestrel seen on 3 daysRed-legged PartridgeQuail heard & seenMoorhen Petit CamargueBlack-winged Stilt Petit CamargueBlack-headed Gull Petit CamargueYellow-legged Gull Petit CamargueCommon Tern Petit CamargueWhiskered Tern Petit CamargueWood PigeonTurtle Dove 1 seenCollared Dove seen dailyCuckoo seen or heard most daysNightjar 2 heardEuropean Swift seen dailyHoopoe 2 heardGreen Woodpecker 1 seen, heard most daysGreat Spotted Woodpecker 1 seenWryneck 2 seenSkylark seen regularlyWood Lark The CaussesCrag Martin seen regularlyBarn Swallow seen regularlyHouse Martin seen regularlyTawny Pipit The CaussesCirl Bunting 1 seenTree Pipit 1 seenWhite Wagtail seen regularlyGrey Wagtail seen most daysWrenDunnockRobinNightingale heard daily seen one morningBlack Redstart seen dailyWhinchat 1 seenStonechat seen regularlyRock Thrush 2 seenSong Thrush 1 heardMistle Thrush seen and heardBlackbirdBlackcap seen & heardCommon Whitethroat 2 seenCetti’s Warbler CamargueChiffchaff heardFirecrest seen & heardGreat TitBlue TitCrested Tit 2 seenLong-tailed TitCoal Tit 1 seenNuthatch 1 seenRed-backed Shrike seen regularlyMagpieJayJackdawChoughCarrion Crow

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The Cevennes Tour Report

© Naturetrek July 06 15

Raven seen regularlyStarlingHouse SparrowChaffinchLinnetGoldfinchSerin heard regularlyBullfinch 1 pair seenYellowhammerCorn Bunting 2 seen

ButterfliesSwallowtail 1 seenSmall WhiteGreen-veined WhiteOrange Tip seen regularlyClouded Yellow seen on 3 daysWood White seen on 3 daysGreen HairstreakSmall CopperLittle BlueAdonis BlueBrown ArgusCommon BlueCamberwell BeautyPainted Lady seen regularlyPearl-bordered FritillaryGlanville FritillarySpotted FritillarySmall Heath seen 3 daysWall Brown seen regularlyGrizzled Skipper


Cream Spot Tiger

Hummingbird Hawk Moth