VOL. 79. NO, 2 M. t CONFCRENCf APPOINTMENTS V M) 1 K < mferem in to acl lay ftiTiumn, in Grain ( 'hureh Wilmington. Tin- I:. Xl ; 111 t. i si .nil of the I 011-••'.) -••'.) '¦>' vvhi 1 ¦>¦ held iii (*t ;-lie!d. on tin- IT. ent rtainu nt plan, the invi- -i of Immanuel Church of Lhal i by a v ote of NT Coi;fiTci.ee i-y i rising vole anti ¦,;y one negative. refused admissioi "f hiynien to the ministerial confer- ¦' e. Lev. Howard T. Qttigg, of New is. ,-p-c.c urain - I the admission and reminded the conference that the lay- men themselves had voted down the resolution Conference adopter a resolution in- troduced by Rev I Vaughan S. Co 1 iin- providing that pastors will re main in their present charge- iver Master Sunday in order to complete the evangelical effort which is to cal- I minate m that day. Report of the hoard of trustees of ih nfe'enee was read hy Rev. W j C. Cochran. The etmferenee voted I that the apico tionments for tin vVit- j ndngton Missionary Society he the ! -ante as year. Re; "ft of ih.. iioard of stewards. I toad t v Ic 1 . U i> Hurst, showed ¦ tha* tie- ac-ragi- -alary of ministers in tin- eonfet t e lias increased from 1 IC l in 1 > 1 11 to SUNS in I'.rjn, and | that the amount received hy confer- ence claimants increase from #2ln i ! IPI p to s:'.n;i in 1 Announcements of pastorate- fori the coniine year are as follows: Wilmington District. Bethel Cirenil I. 11. Geoghe-gac Chari, vi. J. I). \V ilso i , Cherry Hil! c. 1 , New; m. Chesapeake Cite M. D, Nutle Chest! r lletln I .1, A Hudson Christiana To i.o supplied. •Claymont Howard Mel lade Cohen ,| R Amlerson, llelawi.ri 1 ily "d i* •• i Pm > i W. I. iv f telii. Mm 1 r W. 11 1 umming K1 k Neck To i.c supplied. Klkton (~ T A.Mm so: 11-ckos ¦¦ C \V. Ciarlie " Hopewell I . T, Joni ¦ Kirkwood (). S. Walton M .e ¦ . hanh, Willis Ml ! i name (i. I-, .lame Ml. PI : lilt II H. Kc Newark I¦,i k liocsoii. New i ,i i; nicking. Ncwpoi t .i Stanton 11. T. Quigg. North Mo-1 D. .1 fiivnr,. Perry ml. i W 1 lasting.-. Port Il ¦ j ¦ 1 Wo '-on Pear 'lied l.i.e I .1. Cochran. "Rising S ¦ i C. Harris. *St (loon i . and Summit •[. C. Me ( My. •St. .loir'- I ’a. (A. Cookt "Zion C¦: aft I. A. Ftueksoi W ihnington Ashury G. W Dawson. Brandywine U M. Greenl'n-kl. "Braek-Ex and Mis mere It. 11, Adams ( ookman W. C. Harris. Eastlake -M. C Sunlield. Edge Moor II D. Smith (supply i. ; Epworth Theodore P>. Beauchamp. Grace .1 W. K. Sumwalr. 11 I„ Minker, assistant Harrison Street \V. M. Hahhart. Hillcresl- W. W. McCann (supply! , Italian Mission To tie supplied. •Kingswood G. W. Bounds. Madeley I. M. Broadway. MeCnhe George C. Williams Mt. Salem Leonard White. "Richardson Park A. W. Goodhann i Scott T. .1. Sank Silverhrook M W .lone-. St. Paul’s— C. 1.. Huhhard. K. W. ('ooke. assistant. "Trinity K. H. Collins Cniori Harvey W Ewing Wcslev /,. W. Well.-. J. 11. Beauchamp, secretary of the Wilmington City Mission and Church Extension Society. McCabe Quarterly Conference. M H. Dashiell. secretary of tlv Conference C-laimant. Endowment Commission, St. Paul's (Quarterly C onference. Dover District. Armory and Ashury, Dover Alonzo Travers (supply). "Beckwith and Spedden O. .1. Hay- nard. Bethel -G, E. Wood, Blades and Epworth R Ward Mills (supply). B ridge vi lie—D, W Jacobs Cambridge W. E. Dunby. Camden W. < . Buck-on (supply). Church Creek and Vuylor’s Island E. M. Byrd (supply). "Grapo. Dover J W. Colona. "East New Market O. B. Rice, Ellendale T. S. Barrett (supply). "Elliott’s Island W. M Atkinson (supply). G. T Genmann (supply). Farmington—C. F. Spry. Ecderalshurtr M. C. MacSorley Melton— W. W. Marine. Frederica W. W, Sharp. "Charlestown and McKendree It E. Truett (supply) Georgetown -S. N. Pilchard. Georgetown Circuit K. 11. Marshall. Greenwood N. (' Benson. •Harrington—J T, Richardson. Epworth (1. T. Gchman ("supply) Dover, Del. Hooper’s Island C. H. Hudson (sup- ply I. "Houston .1 M. Kelso. ?Hurloek J T. Price. rpm wHif s ELKTON, MARYLAND, SATURDAY. APRIL 3 1920 mm DEATHS —no— Mrs. Blanche Craig Post. Mrs. Blanche Craig I'ost. wife Mr 11. K I’.ist, aired TO vial's, died at her Inline, el If Midvale avenue, (lei mantown, Pa.. March 20, after a lin- gei inir illness Her funeral service r• >cik place at, 2p. tn. fin Menday frem .Andrew Baird's undertakin - estab- lishment, with interment in Westmir. ¦ter eenietet y. Philadelphia Mrs. Pest was the daughter of Mis. I Annie and the late M D. Craig. fur in.my year- residents uf I‘erryvil'e and i- survived hy her hus'nand ami me daughter. Haris, also h neither, and two I.fathers and two sisters, and nn ny friends. Ideal. \. S. Kllioll. The death af Ideal. Mien S. Kiln ti ¦ eenrred la-; S Uirday night at ais me, Part r*s Bridge. He \va s years af age and survived by his wife and his sister, Mrs. John Wells Lancaster county. Kor many years he had ki pt store at the Hr icicle and at times railed sales. The funeral took place Wednesday with interment in Oxford e mietery. A delegation from Thompson Post, Oxford, met the body at the cemetery and took part in i 'ln burial rites L. K. Lee, nephew I of the deceased, sounded taps Willimina M. MeClear. . Wdiii'.r Mlnner MeCleary. widow ¦ ¦ the late Halien Hoggins MeCleary ' uied i-n Saturday. March 2!b 1 ..'.oral was held from the home of (; er daughter, Mrs. Margaret Me C [ea ry ("reswell, Cowentown Ser- vice ¦St John’s M. K. ( hureh, ¦¦ isville, Pa.. on Wednesday ai’ti t ! inten let : in Sharp's eenieter.v. John Bye. i John live, an acred resident of the j II ¦ '.'V ilill seetim,. „ceil suddenly ! ¦ '' t rouble o;- Ma n h Id. at the of hi; ( tar * Bye, An ho lives in Wilmington. ' a survive- him. j H . full": a Was held on March 22, ¦ i' l interment in Little Klk .a ni aery. Mr ~ James Karaganis. Mrs. Klpiniki Karaganis, wife of Jam. - Karaganis. died at 1 ' ioti II"-- pital on Friday evening of last week ft¦ r undergoing an operation for rc '¦ief from gallstones. aged IT year.-. ii . .nr 'in pa. year .-in a'd hei I'.; >1 <iu daughter. Mary, came from hei; former home on the Creek island f M.v .he to join h. 1 husband i" j KIM¦ a. Her ;,in<":! was held on Monday, with interment in Klktoii Catholic o Properly Burned The house, ham and a!! outbuildings . i - | Hill were totally destroyed by tire Tuesday morninir. The barn and out- builiiinir on the farm of Edgar 1-ox, a neighbor, were also destroyed, the I house damaged and a calf burned to | death. 1 rank Truitt, who occupied half of the double house on the Walton place 1 was burning brush preliminary to the I spi inu work, when the tire traveled aenes ti held of dry gras- and sot I lire tu one of the outbuildings. When this was discovered a call was sent to i \i .vark and Klkton for tire fighting apparatus Both towns ref pom|"d , with their usual alacrity but the Klk I ton Company havimr only chemical I apparatus could do little except help in the salvage and in the bucket bri- gade. The Aetna Company, of New- ark, had an unfortunate accident just after passing the railroad, which ditched their engine and compelled tneir return to Newark for repairs be- fore proceeding to the tire. I he high wind blowing at tb ¦ time made tb" work of volunteer lighters iir tieally useless. The stock and most of the farming inv'ements. however, were saved, One calf on the Ko\ property returned to thi‘ harn after having been taken to a ioaee of safety It was burned to death. The loss nn the buildings alone, ex- clusive ef contents is said to lie in the neighborhood of $15,000, partially cov- ered by insurance. The Walton residence was a large double house occupied by the familv of Charles Walton, Sr., and by Frank Truitt. The Kox residence was on fire several times, but was saved bv her- culean efforts on the part of friends and neighbors. The Walton family, it is understood, were in Baltimore when the fire oc- curred ooo Vaccination Report Hr, E. Blanche Sterling, of the Public Health Service of the United States (lovernment. in her bi-weekly report to the School Board, states that she has examined 200 children in Cecil county and that 07 of them were without successful vaccination. The 07 were distributed in the fol- lowing schools: Monroe li: Hickory Grove. 2; But- ler, 2; Washington, 8: Elk Mills c.; Johnson I; Leeds, 15; Cherry Hill, 22; Center. 8. As all students are reovi I red to pre- sent a certificate of successful vacci- nation before being admitted to school it is thought that physicians must have issued, in many eases, 'he certifi- cate the day the children were vacci- nated. without waiting foi about a week to see if a true vaccine existed, as required by law. LOCAL JOTTINGS 1 be Vv e ¦ Km! c 11 ;i 11 lair. o by Mrs L. N Sweet or Tin ia; cuing ~| ln-c r,.one ¦!'. Bow street. 'Her a dtd'ghlful time socially, th ¦ gum's were served refreshments, the tnide being tastefully a: ranged with i ..'i-ler decoi ation-. ' •' bap. ¦ Si;i .ay - iim I Wi. r the s e 1 ~ S,iin I a •; . ,j* .\ place. All scholar at 1 tea ~ , ire re-,' --i .-I to e pi "sent. St. Mark’s < hur h. near Ail in. v lermon and Holy Com House, Per ry vi lha Evening serv ice Mr N vV. Pre-iiii:, ~f Washing! "n, H, t .. has been in this vicinity '.luring I’d' week in ihe ii.iere.-; iif orgnni'/.ing ¦ t th* Ibmie Service Appeal < f ihe Salvation Arts y. Tiie Ka -1 -*r dance will be he’d :i. theE Ikton Vrn ny on .Monday, V fri I Music will be furnished b; the Novelty I - ive of Hotel duPont. Ad mission. $2.25. Refreshments will be served. Ihe Ericsson Steamo'iat Conqiany have eompiet* d arrar gemente for a ¦ ew steumhoat line running between ¦ Hri'i.-ii Proving Grounds. Hi t! "ton and Hal timore, and "ill oppose Hoe Tolehester Steamboat. Company for the 1 rade 'a the pin e named towns A musical comedy given las;, week ;i Havre* de Grace* by local talent for t lie playground fund cited sl’cis do. I All' n (ioldsbi.rough, a me.nher 111 he Caroline county bar. has an j ' "I,need bis candidacy on the Benin rat ie ticket for < ongres for the j First c ongressii a I dist ri. i. I Home eeononinv and agricultural ''as beei added ‘o the rural ''inn! cm in the M'hooU of Cecil in!y i la* Slat Boai d of I' hr ,cti"i. i!< v. 11, K. Heel, fur I I'l'e y ers j' .. "r ;.t Hi-iie Sun M L ('hui'el'.. ."..s been transfer' i d to the Phil cdel lib euifereiiee ,: * d "ill to a Lang i !'. a ¦ pa., church. Lards love lie. !: t -s.ied f. ¦ the man iai e "t M ss Mar\ !' Walls, of | Scullers' die .toKia: i. \\ Tal lit . 1 Smyrna, I tel. The ¦ remoi will c place \ pi" I c it: the Sudiers\ id. j Met! odis| Kpi-ecu al ( hureh. Sib er Con,panv. of Harfc.ro i '"Uti'' ha'. ¦¦ ; archasi'd the hue ¦ e-. . J; limcnl of the bi-ing Sun Pad.- 1; - . i ompany. a: i .'ill operal e it ii *¦n iu leti n v ith in- plant foi pa ,'kii g ' ¦ m n at C dora. 1 u ill ha\ ea full display of all kind - : 1. 1 La.-ter b Imvc'.- for sale at my store ; in Klkton tGilc*-' old stand). Conic nnd 1 mk them over or call Phone No I I, LYMAN A. SPENCE 27m-2t i Ihe |{ev. J. K. Hit-king, of the New ( astie AL K. Church preached t" a large congregation in the Klkton M. K i'hureh at the morning services on i Sunday, fishermen report herring, peivn I and pike to be plentiful in the local , eater.-. I hey are selling at 20 c t- a pound. ( hesapeake Louneil Son- and I 1 laughters of Liberty, celebrate cl its twenty seen,al anniversary a few nigh: - ago with a dinner Alemt one i hundred guests were present. < ounly i oinmi-sionei W U. Lain | tmu has sold a farm of u7 acres near Hisii g Sun to William Whiteman foi ' '.‘,00(1, and a tract of 75 acres near Farmington to John Green, for s(>soo. John Jamison has purchased M 2 acres on the Big Klk creek for SMOOO. Arthur Harris, of Betterton, broke a rib while lifting his .automobile out | of the mud. L R. Detjeu, a graduate of the Uni- vri iiy ol \\ iscoiisin and for several yeats conneeted with North Larolina State ( ollege, has been appointed professor of horticulture at Helaware < ollege. ti. L. Schuster, graduate of' l Him State Lniversity uf West Vir- ginia, has been appointed agronomist al U.c Delaware' ('ollege Experimental Station. He succeeds Prof. A. K. Grantham, who resigned several weeks ago. Prcd’essoi Hetjcn will take over some of the teaching work ef Prof L, A Met Tie. The Public Athletic League of Maryland ha- designated May 17 for . "hired and May IS for white school i dly day and athletic meets to be held in Klk tun. These meets usually at trie : se-v ral thousand people. Major William G. Purnell, for 25 years a deputy clerk in the Circuit Court I'. . Cecil county, who retired from active work in December last, ha iadd his home here to Rev. W. H. Moon and removed to a farm near A nnapedis. I will have a full display of all kinds of Faster Flowers for sale at my store in Klkton (Giles’ old stand). Come and look them over or call Phone No. 1-1. IAMAN A. SPKNCK 27m-Jt Edward Lawrence, formerly in the employ of the Pennsylvania Railroad Ci inpi.i,.' in Wilmington, has become teller at the Second National Bank of Klkton succeeding G, K Brown, ad vancect to cashier. The commencement exercises of the Cecil County High School will be held in Mechanics' Hall June 2. The mem- bers of the graduating class are: George Reynolds Ash Alton Andrew Borland, Blanche Marion Dean. Mar- tha Rogers Henderson, Jesse Millard Hess, Ruth Jane Lawrence, Gladys Margaret Miller, Gladys Mae Niekle, Man- Dunbar Burnell, Sara Elizabeth Simmon, •-John Mercer Terrell, Mar- ne rc Lyle Walton and Ellen Ratliff Ward. Alfred H. Davis has purchased the farm of the Misses Campbell neat I.akesville K S Taylor (supply). !.auri l l \V (I. 1 Vnnett. I.eipsie 1 1' Mi l ane (supply). I .ewe- 11 -w .ird I *avis, 1 1 ncol,. ( 11. Atkins. Little Creek J D. Km (supply). Magnolia and Barratt' Chapel G. R. Mll i s Milford 11. K. Stephenson M Ilford Ne md Willianisvil e t< b supplied. Mil!.- iioro 1! p. Moor.-. Mi l M X. Moore .’•lt Ph-asaal I. M. Wiad-or. Na--,‘i i'lank Brtsldn (supply). It, hohot’n V.. S. (Irant Reliance J. li Thornton i supply). Seaford !¦' I . Carpenter. Sea ford ( rc,..t Harry Taylor. V i, in,a Thomas Pardee. Williamsburg .1 P. Kdiev (supply). Wy -mi' ¦ .1. (~ Sparklin. /."•ir (''"edit To he supplied. 11. C Hudii. president of Wesley el e. Wi Quarter (y Conference, Dow- Maston District. Mhiysidc -To lie supplied. Bozina a .1. W Sutton. I bin seal h- (. W . Wi li la n Ci ciltoii T. II \a a I )yke. I 1 OKI rev ille M M Wheatley. I i hesteriown (). M .I-.nes. I 1 'ln wadd G. p. Smith. ( bur li 11 ill () 1!. Reed. 1 ( lav'mi J. C. Bolt -n ’f’oiteorii \. I! Mvre I *('order . .1 I! Whed!" ¦ ¦Ci umpi", -I. T Row.in - m I Dei;:.., V C. Hills, i i-'-i- .aw, i. nif . ! Maii in (I V, Stalina-, j . laa a 11. D W- s t . I h-nd a in ( . i' Sharpie s (supply), j jllil. -. ¦. -. T-. 1 1¦ ¦ s ll pplied. |IT t.t I ¦ .1 G. S t-mm, . Iv lull '! ohe supplied, ! Mary.! -1. M l Edwin G, d- . H idd'etown \'. P. Northrup. Millinutoi- ad D ihiny o H. Cop. | . uie> -a M. Ii Di - ickson Oxford. Md W I! I lor . -apply). ! Pop 1.,. Ml. .1 M. I.inda ¦ (sup ! i ply i Preston To he supplied. I,)iiei ; -town W IT Gath: e Ilidvi iv I lank W>. , Hock ha!l T )' Smoot. R 'Va! (lal. S !.. H-inhv i-upplv). St Mi,bad's C N .loi’-es Salen 1 n lit ii¦¦ i 1 ; Covingloi i nini!v > . Smyrna K. P. Nam ' , 'Smyrna ( ’rent' I ' .\ 1 ("¦ : I.sup- ple). S ih I'. : I Til;-i Smith. S'-! Ie ,! 1 ¦ 11,,' ' ' I: v, ¦.. Tilu-hnian'- ! ¦¦ ; •'..... T. w i -ci -I G !’. Jon Trapp To •.- -upplied Wye Mil \V. 11. ( (suptily) Salisbury District. Ani.ames.-i-x 11 II Wi s.h (supply) Ayre'.- Chapel. I.u Mont.. Va T. S Dixon (supply). Berlin J. J. iluntiny Bishopville A I . Ximnu rmai,. : Cape Charles, Va John W. Jones. ('hincoteague. Va. L B. Morgan. 1 aremont, V:i. W. A. Wright. \shury. Crisfield W I- Corkran. Immanuel, Crisliehl John J. Johnson. Dagshoro and St. Georges ( W. I 1 Strickland. , I teal’s Island J. P. Gutted. I Delmar M, N Faulkner, i Fairmont G. K. Sterling 'I- i aokford 11, -). 1- ord. Miuilland .1 W Wooten. Girdlelree I). Il Prettvman (sup- I ply). | (lumhoro -T. H. Jones, i llcluon W 11. Matthews j 11,, hind's Island S. T. Horseman I i supply I. : Mardela Springs To be supplied. Marion J K. I’arker (supply) ; .Mt. Vernon I, J Moore. ! V i tllimike To he supplied. Newark, Md. W. A. Hearn. (<c. an ( ily M. P. Thomas (In-.Mi View and Millville M. C. rla'lman. (tnaneock, Va. Daniel Wilson. Pa rsonshui'g- W. ( Poole. Phoebus Va. W (). Hurst Pittsvilh- W li, Bevelle. Poctunoke City M. W, McDowell. Poeemoke Circuit A. A Biehe!) (supply). Powellvilh- K. 11 Taylor. Princess Anne W. I-. Dawson Quantie>. .1. M. S. Van Blunk. Roxana J. T. Graham ((supply), st Peter's G. S, .illen. \shnry, Sali-hury J T. Herson. Gr.-.ei and Stengle, Sali-hury W. P. Taylot. Selhyvilh- W 11. Briggs. Sharptov. i 11. S. IHilany Smith' I-land—J. L. Derh'ksop (-up ply-) Snow HP! L. M. Poole. Somerset J. W. Prettyrnan. Sti ckton- \V 1.. Hess I angler. Va W. F. Godwin . Wesri.v i r To he supplied. White Haven ( ) I, Xlarlin. Whitevill. I. B. McCahe. Dr. Mitchell Resigns Following negotiations which oc- cupied several weeks. Dr. Samuel Chiles Mitchell has announced his in- tention of resigning his position as president of Delaware College to lake the chair of political science in Rich- mond College, Va. Feeling a call of duty towards the South from which he came to Delaware, was given by Dr. Mitchell as his reason for making the change. He also mentioned his preference for teaching rather than the administrative side "If college work. The ex act date on which Dr Mitchell will terminate his active re- lations with De'aware College has not been announced. D"t Hid this e.-'inty containing | Ji ! > ti! i £ J J,()<•!). L'lu'.'i Reynold- e dertained the fnier (Tel a h - p ! * 1 c tel He - . II fc-t -1 I- Dr R ¦ Hluek. resi .... ( unty Su- fi' of Stat Tax \ sessments. eloyd Powell he- go e to Kansas ' ¦ ; ' ! H> take a course in the Saioney A'd'-moi-ile and Tractor '"¦ i i -I lay and Ka-tc Mo- da\ i-o _ ,-eh""! holiday.- i t .Maryland. !he first, had of ih. season were otfi el in Ka uni is cvei ellii - 1 " ' 1 •* v. Mid-ai’i'l;; in I 1 i;to* l h- I I'd on V . .(jay. •' ‘hfld !*y ti u y-1., !•• n ' *'' ! < il ¦h, I ¦ 4!! * llii., M'tU.i .it >' \ Uilu* ;11 lc ;i ;h- si<ii" i—on of Mis- ¦¦ an ie Lew;.-, Saturday. !AlilH> at 2 p by th ¦ PU| -1, dr j 11 " ( " d I "OIU.V I ligh S-1 .ol c 'unit' M ;u :tnd lu*lp th*.* m hot-i. , Wes; Amwc-ll Sunday school will I'oopc 1 r "' 'I Sunday aftc rn > in. \pril K "I -10 - eloek There ai l iie a I'' ! 't vi-'e before reorgani/.iiig th- -"ioml. All Ihe friends are very ecu- '(tally invited lu be present. Plea- give us your 1, -Ip. ¦" ire wld h tartc cl in a ruum above j ' kitchen d¦' roved li ¦rc ddene Mr-. Ra -he 1 Mill’s fa near Led ; ' - dvi file, .-a the t ight uf March 20. | With aH il- ei nt save Do ! I and at In r Hirni-hi' - - on the |ir-t i The house .-as insured for i ¦'* 1 •'"KI and til" ("iiaiit. G. - rg. H Pal | , ( --I - "•> 1 ' ,rni j I will have a lull display of all kinds I ; tei Hi ¦¦ ei for , ¦ y store ! j 1,1 Flklon (tiib’-' old .-land i. Come I •. ml look them c-vi-I u, ,dl Pi’uin N- ' ; I 1 LYMAN \. SPENCE -JTiii-Jl 1 | •*n -'•" Brown. the weli-1 n -., n crip | b'C'i! -el 1 I bin ,-. pen 'il a d Ithc I a| T" ¦ "I Newark, had a lose mi l j , "ti the ('..11,-e,- avenue o. I),-nut road ¦ k it. iligiuc i . D "Hi the 2:Ms |. tr.-.j.; while a I - 1 iti 1 0-¦ ¦ i trail lettjpg off pas¦ i 1 '’"| •• ¦ Both trains pulled out. and ! *• stai: "(i (\.'.' tin* **< -:n tailiiu’,' ' t>* noli.-. an(/th*r nt*t)i¦.i.<l train f approaehii g. IL- fed! i„ path, and ! 'in', u 1 n k i!!t*(l. l.i l ia.i Ihe | ir wairhmai: lunri- 1 |,j. a id j Th. S.due iCllsVonnnhshm has in ! .- ••' it -1 .If t h"ad mill'd,:d crus, ing- m-ar Charles j ¦ 1 ' ! ¦ '' I" of th r t R ,1111 ' ' - by the C mmissiou are ! ' ,-tingent tpoi ii..-, igi the R„ ds pending ii the l.c . islatu . . I.inwepicl Simpler, formerly asso dw'hh his father-in law, Milton | o in the management : ; 1 .Dec i *(t'k 11 ¦ iti-i. Newark, d *.J - hiiine i in Wiln ins. ton on March 10 The Ker t ('minty a .-lit n g ! ...-.r-i i eeomme-ncis to the County Cummis- sionc-rs Ila sale* of the .-Mmshouse Larm. in view of the increasing cost '>l it> opeiatioji. The member of (he Patti, ie Lit vi’ary ( lull will hold their monthly meeting at the home or Mr and Mrs i Hun y I- erry, !!..w -treel, -•• Wednes- day evening April 7. Ground has been broken for the j residence of Samuel Ring, on the | West -ide of the Klktm -Chesapeake ( itv road, near Holly Hall. Rock Presbyterian ( hureh will open Sunday inclining at 10 o'clock, with tew iidicers, and you are asked to come out an (Hiring your children. Ihe Patrick Hoyle properly, near Hock Springs, in t'ln- Eighth iii-triet. Inis heen sold by Omar D. Brothers. It e-tee to I* rank \. Kauf for $14115. , ihe -al of li2;; ton- of sodium ni- D'ute stored -it Perryville. n i- stated, i'-'is bc-i i a ithori/.ed by Seeretarv Daniels fur use in making fertilizers Contractin' Mullen had a force of hands at work last week filling in the shoulders of ih. concrete road, built through Rising Sun lasi fall, cold weather stopping the work before completion. Special Officer Baldwin or Tint" | day evening found Wallet Kether, ; lured I I. bailing from New York. Ini tering in the railroad yard at Perry ville. Ihe boy was brought to Elk ton jail, and his narenls were notified. A meeting of the Cecil County Tea chers' Association will lie held in the Court 11 1 mse. Saturday. April It), at 10 n. m. All members and all those wishing to become members arc urg- ed to he present at that meeting. Arthur Simms, the negro who shot and killed Detective Lawrence Beers, of Klkton, three months ago and es- caped to Albuquerque. New Mexico, where he was captured by Baltimore A Ohio Railroad officers, was landed in Belair jail Tuesday evening and will Vie held for trial. The prisoner has little to say with reference to the crime. Another negro. William Tay- lor. who is also sought in connection with the crime, has not been appre- hended An all day praise service in honor of the ratification of the 18th Amend- ment will he held in the Perryville M. E. Church on Sunday, April 11. Full particulars in next week’s Whig. Miss Helen Carr aged 21 years, formerly bookkeeper in the local tex- tile mills of Klkton, died Tuesday at her home in Elk Mills. The Baltimore market was glutted with shad this week, the Chesapeake Bay pride selling at about 10 cents per pound, and thousands of (ish un- disnosod of The will of the late George S. Date, of Rising Sun. who died last week. WHOLE NO. 4.037 WEEK'S WEDDINGS i H) Rayloal \N llmmi ¦ ¦ ¦ many Mt. 1 . !* ' , ml ( i•oi'*:t‘ ! * (’ ray- <!*l’ •: 1> . i . t i n N'.-.n .ft h*ir ’i •ai S.n i ty 1 March 21, -I ' i h- *.> ii• i** i' .. rirv;' n.-nv was T 'i ?•(! 1.-. 11. \, . of Hris- \ H i'f Mrr ¦ f ir.any 'Vi 1 ni Th hri.i,* i Hi :.ttr:u tive ¦! t:,!• ntl -I mvhtcr .(’ J. rrv M WiUo. of Mt. City. Ter . a? d for (.! nt teach Tli ¦ i< h . of .\ M. .if T wl nlvi’li*. Ho served iT'ihfirh *!1 month’ for 1 Vvlt* Sam. iw. 'vo of ‘I - \v;;> in artive service <i he is "<\v no of the ¦ -of Port I>i nos. The v<>u 11 v eounle hf* Tuesday moniipjr ;|i< , yteaded trij* to Wash- ”¦ ’' m 1 1 < Haltiinnrc and New •. their v 'T-.N \m i! !, ;l t Port De- The <*>'• Pa wishes of all tin with them f'! - a lni*, prosperous an.l l.apnv jfV. i ¦fn'muni.-atcli t i^ht r—( son. M S 1 !•¦(..¦ f w .>d Twn . .t Mr. Man y I'ishe: . <>f Rising ' ¦ . '• •• ir* 1 >r i n lay evening, 1 ir i v ~ ;. ...... I 1111 - 1 ' 1 I I1I•.: a ' ¦' l!cy Mr II .11,They will live i " Ui-iee Sir , ;i. the tri'ixim is of the jßrov.i Fishe,- firm- In The Churches no ! IK lon Mel liodist I- p; eoo.il will he observed ; all ser- ¦" ¦ ¦ arrow. 1 1! the morning at I 111: 'o If.-,. .1, l>. <)¦¦< will |e eaeh. At - o clock t lit S' unlay school i\ ill hold I evo I se . ;i;i<l at 7:' 0 j). m liev Mr 1 OIK Will oeeuov tin* p. 1 1 pi ¦. Special ! ’ihi- ie will le i. ndi i | by th,. ehoir, | I ’h morn is. i- and . .miloy. All ivy- —o_ III,! on I ’rcsh.vl eri.; n Sunday wi! he duly ,-e ' i at '.I! ";ir sen i. Special 1 Faster miis le solo-. to- eel)u r with eongr--;. --itior.a singing. -: 1 i ¦ Woi hip with the adiiiinistra- ¦ •'•••" S’ ’-I' Ir I'dV Sui-oe. ;, t I 1 a. m. ; Shiai.a school and J.jl I- - at close ¦ I ¦<" ruing wo," -hip Von - People's ' ¦ imr nt d: Id a. m. Th. worship at Tp'lO will he mainly musical g ilu jubilant I •¦''¦ h r Message. I'.line and join us in hi- ti-i‘nt.. to th Ri-er. Cl.. -ist You wi 1 l.p most weleoinv. Trinity Episcopal. April I. Easier M a m , Sunday sr h". ¦i; II a, in.. Holy t eainiMjon; ¦ : :i1 fi. in.. I horn! Kvens.u •¦, April -. Hood Friday. E.-ensong at . S p. in \l’"il ¦, East -r Monday Parish i me. line a- noon in the Pari-h House April ’h Parish Cub m.-cts at 8 ; !’¦ ip- ooo Union Hospital Appeal j Ilu- Third District Auxiliary Com- -1 inittce * 1 f 1 nion Hospital appeals to th. charitable people of this commun- ity to become Annu:,, suliserihers to the "Donor’s Fund." The amount eaeh individual is ashed to yive is $1 a year, payable in April. It is desired to secure at least 200 donors, includiiur members enrolled. ibis amount, if secured, will, it is thought, fun i II supplies for the Hos- pital assumed by this committee, and avoid the necessity of holding hakes to secure funds. 1 In- hospiial is a necessity and an iiu alcniahle bless.. jf to the commun- ity in (rcncral. Please aid it by subsc ibine: to (he 'nii.i Suliseriptions may be made l.> Miss Manraret (iilfiin, ehairpian, or any member of the committee FI 1/AHETH I! TH \( KEKV. Sec rotary. ooo Uard Of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends for their assistance and sympathy to us in our recent sorrow and especial- ly lo my fellow employees in the Southern Transportation Shipyard. Mr. and Mrs Win. .1 Metz. has been filed for probate in the Or- phans’ Court. His entire estate is left to his widow durinp: her life and at her death to be divided among his three children, together with several bequests to close friends. Paul Cameron and John Scott met with a painful accident while driving the former's machine along K. Main street on Thursday. In some way control of the machine was lost and il skidded into a telephone pole, cut- ting severely the two occupants with broken glass. The meeting of the Woman’s Club of Klkton, on Tuesday. April C> , in charge of the music committee, will he especially enjoyable, with twv members of the Peabody Conserva- tory. Baltimore, assisting la the pro- gram. William Hall and lames Biddle, of th.- Klkton schools, had a hearing lie- fore Police Justice Hove S Scotten. on Thursday. They pleaded guilty for not attending the Klkton schools in accordance with the law and their parents were fined.

The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1920-04-03 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016348/1920-04... · VOL. 79. NO, 2 M. t CONFCRENCf APPOINTMENTS V M) 1 K < mferem in to acl lay

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Page 1: The Cecil Whig (Elkton, Md.) 1920-04-03 [p ]chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83016348/1920-04... · VOL. 79. NO, 2 M. t CONFCRENCf APPOINTMENTS V M) 1 K < mferem in to acl lay

VOL. 79. NO, 2


V M)

1 K < mferem in to acllay ftiTiumn, in Grain ( 'hureh

Wilmington.Tin- I:. Xl ; 111 t. i si .nil of the I 011-••'.)

-••'.) '¦>' vvhi 1 ¦>¦ held iii (*t ;-lie!d. ontin- IT. ,¦ ent rtainu nt plan, the invi-

-i of Immanuel Church of Lhali ’ by a v ote of NT

Coi;fiTci.ee i-y i rising vole anti¦,;y one negative. refused admissioi

"f hiynien to the ministerial confer-¦' e. Lev. Howard T. Qttigg, of Newis. ,-p-c.c urain -I the admission and

reminded the conference that the lay-men themselves had voted down theresolution

Conference adopter a resolution in-troduced by Rev I Vaughan S. Co 1iin- providing that pastors will remain in their present charge- iverMaster Sunday in order to completethe evangelical effort which is to cal- Iminate m that day.

Report of the hoard of trustees ofih nfe'enee was read hy Rev. W jC. Cochran. The etmferenee voted Ithat the apico tionments for tin vVit- jndngton Missionary Society he the !-ante as year.

Re; "ft of ih.. iioard of stewards. Itoad t v Ic 1 . U i> Hurst, showed ¦tha* tie- ac-ragi- -alary of ministersin tin- eonfet t e lias increased from 1

IC l in 1 > 1 1 1 to SUNS in I'.rjn, and |that the amount received hy confer-ence claimants increase from #2ln i !IPI p to s:'.n;i in 1

Announcements of pastorate- forithe coniine year are as follows:

Wilmington District.Bethel Cirenil I. 11. Geoghe-gac

Chari, -¦ vi. J. I). \V ilso i ,Cherry Hil! c. 1 , New; m.Chesapeake Cite M. D, NutleChest! r lletln I .1, A HudsonChristiana To i.o supplied.•Claymont Howard Mel ladeCohen ,| R Amlerson,llelawi.ri 1 ily "d i* •• i Pm > i W.

I. ivf telii.Mm 1 r W. 11 1 umming

K1 k Neck To i.c supplied.• Klkton (~ T A.Mm so:

11-ckos ¦¦ C \V. Ciarlie"Hopewell I . T, Joni ¦Kirkwood (). S. Walton

M .e ¦ . hanh,Willis

Ml ! i name (i. I-, .lameMl. PI : lilt II H. KcNewark I¦,i k liocsoii.New i ,i i; nicking.Ncwpoi t .i Stanton 11. T. Quigg.North Mo-1 D. .1 fiivnr,.

Perry ml. i W 1 lasting.-.Port Il¦ j ¦ 1 Wo ’ '-on Pear'lied l.i.e I .1. Cochran."Rising S ¦ i C. Harris.*St (loon i . and Summit •[. C. Me

( My.•St. .loir'- I ’a. (A. Cookt"Zion C¦: aft I. A. Ftueksoi

W ihnington

Ashury G. W Dawson.Brandywine U M. Greenl'n-kl."Braek-Ex and Mismere It. 11, Adams( ookman W. C. Harris.Eastlake -M. C Sunlield.Edge Moor II D. Smith (supply i. ;Epworth Theodore P>. Beauchamp.Grace .1 W. K. Sumwalr. 11 I„

Minker, assistantHarrison Street \V. M. Hahhart.Hillcresl- W. W. McCann (supply! ,Italian Mission To tie supplied.•Kingswood G. W. Bounds.Madeley I. M. Broadway.MeCnhe George C. WilliamsMt. Salem Leonard White."Richardson Park A. W. Goodhann iScott T. .1. SankSilverhrook M W .lone-.St. Paul’s— C. 1.. Huhhard. K. W.

('ooke. assistant."Trinity K. H. CollinsCniori Harvey W Ewing

Wcslev /,. W. Well.-.J. 11. Beauchamp, secretary of the

Wilmington City Mission and ChurchExtension Society. McCabe QuarterlyConference.

M H. Dashiell. secretary of tlvConference C-laimant. EndowmentCommission, St. Paul's (QuarterlyConference.

Dover District.Armory and Ashury, Dover AlonzoTravers (supply)."Beckwith and Spedden O. .1. Hay-

nard.Bethel -G, E. Wood,Blades and Epworth R Ward Mills

(supply).B ridge vilie—D, W JacobsCambridge W. E. Dunby.Camden W. < . Buck-on (supply).

Church Creek and Vuylor’s IslandE. M. Byrd (supply).

"Grapo. Dover J W. Colona."East New Market O. B. Rice,Ellendale T. S. Barrett (supply)."Elliott’s Island W. M Atkinson

(supply).G. T Genmann (supply).Farmington—C. F. Spry.Ecderalshurtr M. C. MacSorleyMelton— W. W. Marine.Frederica W. W, Sharp."Charlestown and McKendree It E.

Truett (supply)Georgetown -S. N. Pilchard.Georgetown Circuit K. 11. Marshall.Greenwood N. (' Benson.•Harrington—J T, Richardson.Epworth (1. T. Gchman ("supply)

Dover, Del.Hooper’s Island C. H. Hudson (sup-

ply I.

"Houston .1 M. Kelso.?Hurloek J T. Price.

rpm wHifs


mm DEATHS—no—

Mrs. Blanche Craig Post.Mrs. Blanche Craig I'ost. wife

Mr 11. K I’.ist, aired TO vial's, died ather Inline, el If Midvale avenue, (lei

mantown, Pa.. March 20, after a lin-gei inir illness Her funeral servicer• >cik place at, 2p. tn. fin Menday frem.Andrew Baird's undertakin - estab-lishment, with interment in Westmir.¦ter eenietet y. Philadelphia

Mrs. Pest was the daughter of Mis.I Annie and the late M D. Craig. fur

in.my year- residents uf I‘erryvil'eand i- survived hy her hus'nand ami

me daughter. Haris, also h ;¦ neither,and two I.fathers and two sisters, andnn ny friends.

Ideal. \. S. Kllioll.The death af Ideal. Mien S. Kiln ti

¦ eenrred la-; S Uirday night at aisme, Part r*s Bridge. He \va s

years af age and .¦ survived by hiswife and his sister, Mrs. John WellsLancaster county. Kor many yearshe had ki pt store at the Hr icicle andat times railed sales. The funeraltook place Wednesday with intermentin Oxford e mietery. A delegationfrom Thompson Post, Oxford, met thebody at the cemetery and took part in

i 'ln burial rites L. K. Lee, nephewI of the deceased, sounded taps

Willimina M. MeClear. .

Wdiii'.r Mlnner MeCleary. widow¦ ¦ the late Halien Hoggins MeCleary' uied i-n Saturday. March 2!b

1 ..'.oral was held from the home of(; er daughter, Mrs. Margaret Me

C [ea ry ("reswell, Cowentown Ser-vice ¦St John’s M. K. ( hureh, I¦ ¦¦

isville, Pa.. on Wednesday ai’ti t! inten let : in Sharp's eenieter.v.

John Bye.

i John live, an acred resident of thej II ¦ '.'V ilill seetim,. „ceil suddenly

! ¦ '' t rouble o;- Ma n h Id. at theof hi; ( tar

* Bye, Anho lives in Wilmington.

' a survive- him.j H . full":a Was held on March 22,

¦ • i' l interment in Little Klk .a ni aery.

Mr ~ James Karaganis.

Mrs. Klpiniki Karaganis, wife ofJam. - Karaganis. died at 1 ' ioti II"--pital on Friday evening of last week

ft¦ r undergoing an operation for rc'¦ief from gallstones. aged IT year.-.ii . .nr 'in pa. ’ year .-in a'd hei I'.;>1 <iu daughter. Mary, came fromhei; former home on the Creek islandf M.v .he to join h. 1 husband i"

jKIM¦ a.

Her ;,in<":! was held on Monday,with interment in Klktoii Catholic

o Properly BurnedThe house, ham and a!! outbuildings

. i -

| Hill were totally destroyed by tireTuesday morninir. The barn and out-builiiinir on the farm of Edgar 1-ox,a neighbor, were also destroyed, the

I house damaged and a calf burned to

| death.1 rank Truitt, who occupied half of

the double house on the Walton place1 was burning brush preliminary to theI spi inu work, when the tire traveledaenes ti held of dry gras- and sot

I lire tu one of the outbuildings. Whenthis was discovered a call was sent to

i \i .vark and Klkton for tire fightingapparatus Both towns ref pom|"d

, with their usual alacrity but the Klk

I ton Company havimr only chemicalI apparatus could do little except help

in the salvage and in the bucket bri-gade. The Aetna Company, of New-ark, had an unfortunate accident justafter passing the railroad, whichditched their engine and compelledtneir return to Newark for repairs be-fore proceeding to the tire.

I he high wind blowing at tb ¦ timemade tb" work of volunteer lightersiir tieally useless.

The stock and most of the farminginv'ements. however, were saved, Onecalf on the Ko\ property returned tothi‘ harn after having been taken toa ioaee of safety It was burned todeath.

The loss nn the buildings alone, ex-clusive ef contents is said to lie in theneighborhood of $15,000, partially cov-ered by insurance.

The Walton residence was a largedouble house occupied by the familvof Charles Walton, Sr., and by FrankTruitt. The Kox residence was on fireseveral times, but was saved bv her-culean efforts on the part of friendsand neighbors.

The Walton family, it is understood,were in Baltimore when the fire oc-curred


Vaccination ReportHr, E. Blanche Sterling, of the

Public Health Service of the UnitedStates (lovernment. in her bi-weeklyreport to the School Board, statesthat she has examined 200 children inCecil county and that 07 of themwere without successful vaccination.The 07 were distributed in the fol-lowing schools:

Monroe li: Hickory Grove. 2; But-ler, 2; Washington, 8: Elk Mills c.;Johnson I; Leeds, 15; Cherry Hill,22; Center. 8.

As all students are reovi I red to pre-sent a certificate of successful vacci-nation before being admitted to schoolit is thought that physicians musthave issued, in many eases, 'he certifi-cate the day the children were vacci-nated. without waiting foi about aweek to see if a true vaccine existed,as required by law.

LOCAL JOTTINGS1 be Vv e ¦ Km! c 11;i 11 lair.

• o by Mrs L. N Sweet or Tin ia;cuing ~| ln-c r,.one ¦!'. Bow street.

'Her a dtd'ghlful time socially, th ¦gum's were served refreshments, thetnide being tastefully a: ranged withi ..'i-ler decoi ation-.

' •' • bap. ¦ Si;i .ay - iim I Wi.r the s e 1 ~ S,iin Ia

•; . ,j* . \

place. All scholar at 1 tea ~, • ire

re-,' --i .-I to e pi "sent.

St. Mark’s < hur h. near Ail in.v lermon and Holy Com

House, Per ryvilha Evening serv ice

Mr N vV. Pre-iiii:, ~f Washing! "n,

H, t .. has been in this vicinity '.luringI’d' week in ihe ii.iere.-; iif orgnni'/.ing¦ t th* Ibmie Service Appeal < f iheSalvation Arts y.

Tiie Ka -1 -*r dance will be he’d :i.theE Ikton Vrn ny on .Monday, Vfri I

Music will be furnished b; theNovelty I- ive of Hotel duPont. Admission. $2.25. Refreshments will beserved.

Ihe Ericsson Steamo'iat Conqianyhave eompiet* d arrar gemente for a¦ ew steumhoat line running between

¦ Hri'i.-iiProving Grounds. Hi t! "ton and Haltimore, and "illoppose Hoe TolehesterSteamboat. Company for the 1rade

'a the pin e named townsA musical comedy given las;, week

;i Havre* de Grace* by local talent fort lie playground fund cited sl’cis do.

I All' n (ioldsbi.rough, a me.nher111 he Caroline county bar. has anj ' "I,need bis candidacy on the Benin

rat ie ticket for < ongres for thej First c ongressii ’ a I dist ri. i.

I Home eeononinv and agricultural''as beei added ‘o the rural ''inn!

cm in the M'hooU of Cecil in!yi la* Slat Boai d of I' hr ,cti"i.

i!< v. 11, K. Heel, fur I ’ I'l'e y • ersj' .. "r ;.t Hi-iie Sun M L ('hui'el'..

."..s been transfer' i d to the Phil cdellib euifereiiee ,: * d "ill to a Langi !'. a ¦ pa., church.

Lards love lie. !: t -s.ied f. ¦ theman iai e "t M ss Mar\ !' Walls, of

| Scullers' die .toKia: i. \\ Tal lit .1 Smyrna, I tel. The ¦ remoi will

c place \ pi"I c it: the Sudiers\ id.j Met! odis| Kpi-ecu al ( hureh.

Sib er Con,panv. of Harfc.roi '"Uti'' ha'. ¦¦ ; archasi'd the hue ¦ e-.

. J; limcnl of the bi-ing Sun Pad.-1; - . i ompany. a: i .'ill operal e it ii*¦n iu leti n v ith in- plant foi pa ,'kii g

' ¦ m n at C dora.1 u ill ha\ ea full display of all kind -

: 1. 1 La.-ter b Imvc'.- for sale at my store; in Klkton tGilc*-' old stand). Conic

nnd 1 mk them over or call Phone NoI I, LYMAN A. SPENCE 27m-2t

i Ihe |{ev. J. K. Hit-king, of the New( astie AL K. Church preached t" alarge congregation in the Klkton M.K i'hureh at the morning services on

i Sunday,fishermen report herring, peivn

I and pike to be plentiful in the local, eater.-. I hey are selling at 20 c t-

a pound.( hesapeake Louneil Son- and

I 1 laughters of Liberty, celebrate cl itstwenty seen,al anniversary a fewnigh: - ago with a dinner Alemt one

i hundred guests were present.< ounly i oinmi-sionei W U. Lain

| tmu has sold a farm of u7 acres nearHisii g Sun to William Whiteman foi' '.‘,00(1, and a tract of 75 acres nearFarmington to John Green, for s(>soo.

John Jamison has purchased M2acres on the Big Klk creek for SMOOO.Arthur Harris, of Betterton, broke

a rib while lifting his .automobile out| of the mud.

L R. Detjeu, a graduate of the Uni-vri iiy ol \\ iscoiisin and for severalyeats conneeted with North LarolinaState ( ollege, has been appointedprofessor of horticulture at Helaware

< ollege. ti. L. Schuster, graduate of'l Him State Lniversity uf West Vir-ginia, has been appointed agronomistal U.c Delaware' ('ollege ExperimentalStation. He succeeds Prof. A. K.Grantham, who resigned severalweeks ago. Prcd’essoi Hetjcn willtake over some of the teaching workef Prof L, A Met Tie.

The Public Athletic League ofMaryland ha- designated May 17 for. "hired and May IS for white schooli dly day and athletic meets to be heldin Klktun. These meets usually attrie : se-v ral thousand people.

Major William G. Purnell, for 25years a deputy clerk in the CircuitCourt I'. . Cecil county, who retiredfrom active work in December last,ha iadd his home here to Rev. W. H.Moon and removed to a farm nearAnnapedis.

I will have a full display of all kindsof Faster Flowers for sale at my storein Klkton (Giles’ old stand). Comeand look them over or call Phone No.1-1. IAMAN A. SPKNCK 27m-Jt

Edward Lawrence, formerly in theemploy of the Pennsylvania RailroadCi inpi.i,.' in Wilmington, has becometeller at the Second National Bank ofKlkton succeeding G, K Brown, advancect to cashier.

The commencement exercises of theCecil County High School will be heldin Mechanics' Hall June 2. The mem-bers of the graduating class are:George Reynolds Ash Alton AndrewBorland, Blanche Marion Dean. Mar-tha Rogers Henderson, Jesse MillardHess, Ruth Jane Lawrence, GladysMargaret Miller, Gladys Mae Niekle,Man- Dunbar Burnell, Sara ElizabethSimmon, •-John Mercer Terrell, Mar-ne rc • Lyle Walton and Ellen RatliffWard.

Alfred H. Davis has purchased thefarm of the Misses Campbell neat

I.akesville K S Taylor (supply).!.auri l l \V (I. 1 Vnnett.

I.eipsie 1 1' Mi l ane (supply).I .ewe- 11 -w .ird I *avis,

1 1ncol,. ( 11. Atkins.Little Creek J D. Km (supply).

Magnolia and Barratt' Chapel G. R.Mll i s

Milford 11. K. StephensonM Ilford Ne md Willianisvil e t< b

supplied.Mil!.- iioro 1! p. Moor.-.Mi l M X. Moore

.’•lt Ph-asaal I. M. Wiad-or.Na--,‘i i'lank Brtsldn (supply).It, hohot’n V.. S. (Irant

Reliance J. li Thornton i supply).Seaford !¦' I . Carpenter.Sea ford ( rc,..t Harry Taylor.

V i, in,a Thomas Pardee.Williamsburg .1 P. Kdiev (supply).

Wy -mi' ¦ .1. (~ Sparklin./."•ir (''"edit To he supplied.

11. C Hudii. president of Wesleyel e. Wi Quarter

(y Conference, Dow-

Maston District.Mhiysidc -To lie supplied.Bozina a .1. W Sutton.I bin seal h- (. W . Wi li la n

Ci ciltoii T. II \a a I )yke.

I 1 OKI rev ille M M Wheatley.I i hesteriown (). M .I-.nes.I 1 'ln wadd G. p. Smith.

( bur li 11 ill () 1!. Reed.1 ( lav'mi J. C. Bolt -n

’f’oiteorii \. I! MvreI *('order . .1 I! Whed!" ¦¦Ci umpi", -I. T Row.in - mI Dei;:.., V C. Hills,i i-'-i- .aw, i. nif .

! ’ Maii in (I V, Stalina-,

j . laa a 11. D W- s t .I h-nd a in ( . i' Sharpie s (supply), jjllil.-. ¦. -. T-. 1 1¦ ¦ s llpplied.|IT t.t I ¦ .1 G. S t-mm,

. Iv lull '! ohe supplied,! Mary.! -1. M l Edwin G, d-. H idd'etown \'. P. Northrup.

Millinutoi- ad D ihiny o H. Cop. |

. uie> -a M. I i Di - icksonOxford. Md W I! I lor • . -apply). !

Pop 1.,. Ml. .1 M. I.inda ¦ (sup !i ply i

Preston To he supplied.I,)iiei ; -town W IT Gath: e

Ilidvi iv I lank W>. • ,

Hock ha!l T )' Smoot.R 'Va! (lal. S !.. H-inhv i-upplv).St Mi,bad's C N .loi’-esSalen 1 n lit ii¦¦ i1 ; Covingloi

i nini!v >

. Smyrna K. P. Nam ', 'Smyrna ( ’rent' I ' .\ 1 ("¦ : I.sup-

ple).S ih I'. : I Til;-i Smith.S'-! Ie ’ ,! 1 ¦ 11,,' ' ' I: v, ¦..Tilu-hnian'- ! ¦¦ ; •'.....

T. w i -ci -I G !’. JonTrapp • To •.- -uppliedWye Mil \V. 11. ( (suptily)

Salisbury District.’ Ani.ames.-i-x 11 II Wi s.h (supply)Ayre'.- Chapel. I.u Mont.. Va T. S

Dixon (supply).Berlin J. J. iluntiny

Bishopville A I . Ximnu rmai,.

: Cape Charles, Va John W. Jones.('hincoteague. Va. L B. Morgan.

1 aremont, V:i. W. A. Wright.\shury. Crisfield W I- Corkran.Immanuel, Crisliehl John J. Johnson.Dagshoro and St. Georges ( W. I

1 Strickland., I teal’s Island J. P. Gutted.I Delmar M, N Faulkner,i Fairmont G. K. Sterling'I- i aokford 11, -). 1- ord.Miuilland .1 W Wooten.Girdlelree I). Il Prettvman (sup-

I ply).| (lumhoro -T. H. Jones,

i llcluon W 11. Matthewsj 11,, hind's Island S. T. Horseman I

i supply I.: Mardela Springs To be supplied.Marion J K. I’arker (supply)

; .Mt. Vernon I, J Moore.! V i tllimike To he supplied.

Newark, Md. W. A. Hearn.(<c. an ( ily M. P. Thomas(In-.Mi View and Millville M. C.rla'lman.

(tnaneock, Va. Daniel Wilson.Pa rsonshui'g- W. ( Poole.Phoebus Va. W (). HurstPittsvilh- W li, Bevelle.Poctunoke • City M. W, McDowell.Poeemoke Circuit A. A Biehe!)

(supply).Powellvilh- K. 11 Taylor.Princess Anne W. I-. DawsonQuantie>. .1. M. S. Van Blunk.

Roxana J. T. Graham ((supply),st Peter's G. S, .illen.\shnry, Sali-hury J T. Herson.

Gr.-.ei and Stengle, Sali-hury W. P.Taylot.

Selhyvilh- W 11. Briggs.Sharptov. i 11. S. IHilany

Smith' I-land—J. L. Derh'ksop (-upply-)

Snow HP! L. M. Poole.Somerset J. W. Prettyrnan.Sti ckton- \V 1.. HessI angler. Va W. F. Godwin .Wesri.v i r To he supplied.

White Haven ( ) I, Xlarlin.Whitevill. I. B. McCahe.

Dr. Mitchell ResignsFollowing negotiations which oc-

cupied several weeks. Dr. SamuelChiles Mitchell has announced his in-tention of resigning his position aspresident of Delaware College to lakethe chair of political science in Rich-mond College, Va. Feeling a call ofduty towards the South from whichhe came to Delaware, was given byDr. Mitchell as his reason for makingthe change. He also mentioned hispreference for teaching rather thanthe administrative side "If collegework. The ex act date on which DrMitchell will terminate his active re-lations with De'aware College has notbeen announced.

D"t Hid this e.-'inty containing |Ji ! > ti! i £ J J,()<•!).

L'lu'.'i Reynold- e dertained the‘ fnier ’ (Tel a h - p

• ! *

1 c tel He - . II fc-t -1 I- DrR ¦ Hluek. resi .... ( unty Su-fi' of Stat Tax \ sessments.

eloyd Powell he- go e to Kansas' ¦ • • ;' ! H> take a course in theSaioney A'd'-moi-ile and Tractor

'"¦ i i -I lay and Ka-tc Mo- da\i-o


,-eh""! holiday.- i t .Maryland.!he first, had of ih. season were

otfi el in Ka uni is cvei ellii -

1 " ' 1

•* v. ;¦ Mid-ai’i'l;; in I 1 i;to*l h- I I'd onV . .(jay.

•' ‘hfld !*y ti u y-1., !•• n'*'' ‘ ! < il ¦h, I ¦ 4!! * llii., M'tU.i

.it >'

\ Uilu* ;11 lc ;i ;h- si<ii"i—on of Mis- ¦¦ an ie Lew;.-, Saturday.

!AlilH> at 2 p by th ¦ PU| -1, drj 11 " ( " d I "OIU.V I ligh S-1 .ol c 'unit'M ;u :tnd lu*lp th*.* m hot-i.

, Wes; Amwc-ll Sunday school willI'oopc 1 r "' 'I Sunday aftc rn > in. \prilK "I -10 - eloek There ai l iie aI''! 't vi-'e before reorgani/.iiig th-

-"ioml. All Ihe friends are very ecu-'(tally invited lu be present. Plea-give us your 1, -Ip.

¦" ire wld h tartc cl in a ruum abovej ' kitchen d¦' roved li ¦rc ddene

Mr-. Ra -he 1 Mill’s fa near Led; ' - dvi file, .-a the t ight uf March 20.| With aH il- ei :¦ nt save Do !I and at In r Hirni-hi' - - on the ‘ |ir-t i

The house .-as insured for

i ¦'* 1 •'"KI and til" ("iiaiit. G. - rg. H Pal |, (

--I - "•> 1 ' ,rni jI will have a lull display of all kinds I

; tei Hi ¦¦ ei for , ¦ y store !j 1,1 Flklon (tiib’-' old .-land i. Come I•. ml look them c-vi-I u, ,dl Pi’uin N- '; I 1 LYMAN \. SPENCE -JTiii-Jl 1| •*n -'•" Brown. the weli-1 n -., n crip |

b'C'i! -el 1 I bin ,-. pen 'il a d IthcI a|T" ¦ "I Newark, had a lose mi l j, "ti the ('..11,-e,- avenue o. I),-nut road

¦ • k it. iligiuc i. D "Hi the 2:Ms |. tr.-.j.; while a I- 1 iti 10-¦ ¦ i trail lettjpg off pas¦ i1 '’"| •• ¦ Both trains pulled out. and !*• stai: "(i (\.'.' tin* • **< -:n tailiiu’,' 't>* noli.-. an(/th*r nt*t)i¦.i.<l train fapproaehii g. IL- fed! i„ path, and !

'in', u 1 n k i!!t*(l. l.i l ia.i Ihe |

ir • wairhmai: lunri- 1 |,j. a id j

Th. S.due iCllsVonnnhshm has in !.-

••' it -1 .If t

h"ad mill'd,:d crus, ing- m-ar Charles j¦ 1 ' ! ¦ ' ' I" of th r t R ,1111

' ' - by the C mmissiou are !' ,-tingent tpoi ii..-, igi the R„ ds

pending ii the l.c . islatu . .I.inwepicl Simpler, formerly asso

dw'hh his father-in law, Milton |• o in the management : ; 1 .Dec

i *(t'k 11 ¦ iti-i. Newark, d *.J - hiiine iin Wiln ins. ton on March 10

The Ker t ('minty a .-lit n g ! ...-.r-ii eeomme-ncis to the County Cummis-sionc-rs Ila sale* of the .-MmshouseLarm. in view of the increasing cost'>l it> opeiatioji.

The member of (he Patti, ie Litvi’ary ( lull will hold their monthlymeeting at the home or Mr and Mrs iHun y I- erry, !!..w -treel, -•• Wednes-day evening April 7.

Ground has been broken for the jresidence of Samuel Ring, on the |West -ide of the Klktm -Chesapeake( itv road, near Holly Hall.

Rock Presbyterian ( hureh will openSunday inclining at 10 o'clock, withtew iidicers, and you are asked tocome out an (Hiring your children.

Ihe Patrick Hoyle properly, nearHock Springs, in t'ln- Eighth iii-triet.Inis heen sold by Omar D. Brothers.It e-tee to I* rank \. Kauf for $14115.

, ihe -al of li2;; ton- of sodium ni-D'ute stored -it Perryville. n i- stated,i'-'is bc-i i a ithori/.ed by SeeretarvDaniels fur use in making fertilizers

Contractin' Mullen had a force ofhands at work last week filling in theshoulders of ih. concrete road, builtthrough Rising Sun lasi fall, coldweather stopping the work beforecompletion.

Special Officer Baldwin or Tint"| day evening found Wallet Kether,; lured I I. bailing from New York. Initering in the railroad yard at Perryville. Ihe boy was brought to Elkton jail, and his narenls were notified.

A meeting of the Cecil County Teachers' Association will lie held in theCourt 11 1mse. Saturday. April It), at 10n. m. All members and all thosewishing to become members arc urg-ed to he present at that meeting.

Arthur Simms, the negro who shotand killed Detective Lawrence Beers,of Klkton, three months ago and es-caped to Albuquerque. New Mexico,where he was captured by BaltimoreA Ohio Railroad officers, was landedin Belair jail Tuesday evening andwill Vie held for trial. The prisonerhas little to say with reference to thecrime. Another negro. William Tay-lor. who is also sought in connectionwith the crime, has not been appre-hended

An all day praise service in honorof the ratification of the 18th Amend-ment will he held in the Perryville M.E. Church on Sunday, April 11. Fullparticulars in next week’s Whig.

Miss Helen Carr aged 21 years,formerly bookkeeper in the local tex-tile mills of Klkton, died Tuesday ather home in Elk Mills.

The Baltimore market was glutted

with shad this week, the ChesapeakeBay pride selling at about 10 centsper pound, and thousands of (ish un-disnosod of

The will of the late George S. Date,of Rising Sun. who died last week.

WHOLE NO. 4.037


Rayloal \N llmmi

• ¦¦ ¦ ’ manyMt.

1 . !* ' , ml ( i•oi'*:t‘ ! * (’ray-<!*l’ •: 1> • . i . t i n N'.-.n .ft h*ir

’i •ai S.n i ty 1 March 21,-I ' i h-

*.> ii• i**i' ..rirv;' • n.-nv was

’ T 'i ?•(! 1.-. 11. \, . of Hris-\ H i'f Mrr ¦ f ir.any

'Vi 1 ni Th hri.i,* i Hi • :.ttr:u tive• ¦! t:,!• ntl -I mvhtcr .(’ J. rrv MWiUo. of Mt. City. Ter . a? d for


nt teachTli ¦ i< h . of .\ M.

.if T wl nlvi’li*. Ho servediT'ihfirh *!1 month’ for 1 Vvlt* Sam.iw. 'vo of ‘I - \v;;> in artive service

<i he is "<\v • no of the¦ • -of Port I>i nos.The v<>u 11 •v eounle hf* Tuesday

moniipjr ;|i< , yteaded trij* to Wash-”¦ ’' m 1 1 < Haltiinnrc and New

•. their’ ’ v 'T-.N \m i! !, ;l t Port De-

The <*>'• Pa wishes of alltin with them f'!- a lni*, prosperousan.l l.apnv jfV.

i • ¦fn'muni.-atcli

t i^ht r—( son.

M S 1 !•¦(..¦ f w .>dTwn . .t Mr. Man y I'ishe: . <>f Rising' ¦ . '• •• ir* 1 >r in lay evening,

• • 1 ir i v ~ ;. ......

I 1111 - 1 ’ ' 1 I I1I•.: a '¦' l!cy Mr II .11,They will livei " Ui-iee Sir , ;i. the tri'ixim is of thejßrov.i Fishe,- firm-

In The Churchesno

! IK lon Mel liodist I- p; eoo.ilwill he observed ; • all ser-

¦" • ¦ ¦ arrow. 1 1! the morning at

I 111: 'o If.-,. .1, l>. <)¦¦< will |e eaeh. At- o clock t lit S' unlay school i\ ill hold

I evo I se . ;i;i<l at 7:' 0 j). m liev Mr1 OIK Will oeeuov tin* p. 1 1 pi ¦. Special! ’ihi- ie will le i. ndi i | by th,. ehoir,| I ’h morn is. i- and . .miloy. All ivy-


III,!on I ’rcsh.vl eri.; n

Sunday wi! he duly,-e ' i at '.I! ";ir sen i. Special1 Faster miis le solo-. to-eel)u r with eongr--;. --itior.a singing.

-: 1 i ¦ Woi hip with the adiiiinistra-¦ •'•••" S’ ’-I' Ir I'dV Sui-oe. ;, t I 1 a. m.; Shiai.a school and J.jl I- - at close¦ I ¦<" ruing wo," -hip Von - People's

' ¦ imr nt d: Id a. m. Th. worshipat Tp'lO will he mainly musical

g ilu jubilantI •¦''¦ h r Message. I'.line and join us in• hi- ti-i‘nt.. to th • Ri-er. Cl.. -ist Youwi 1 l.p most weleoinv.

Trinity Episcopal.

April I. Easier M a m , Sundaysr h". ¦i; II a, in.. Holy t eainiMjon;¦ : :i1 fi. in.. I horn! Kvens.u •¦,

April-. Hood Friday. E.-ensong at

. S p. in

\l’"il ¦, East -r Monday Parishi me. line a- noon in the Pari-h House

April ’h Parish Cub m.-cts at 8; !’¦ ip-

oooUnion Hospital Appeal

j Ilu- Third District Auxiliary Com--1 inittce * 1f 1 nion Hospital appeals to

th. charitable people of this commun-ity to become Annu:,, suliserihers tothe "Donor’s Fund." The amounteaeh individual is ashed to yive is $1a year, payable in April.

It is desired to secure at least 200donors, includiiur members enrolled.

ibis amount, if secured, will, it isthought, fun i II supplies for the Hos-pital assumed by this committee, andavoid the necessity of holding hakesto secure funds.

1 In- hospiial is a necessity and aniiu alcniahle bless.. jf to the commun-ity in (rcncral.

Please aid it by subsc ibine: to (he'nii.i

Suliseriptions may be made l.> MissManraret (iilfiin, ehairpian, or anymember of the committee

FI 1/AHETH I! TH \( KEKV.Sec rotary.

oooUard Of Thanks

We wish to thank our many friendsfor their assistance and sympathy tous in our recent sorrow and especial-ly lo my fellow employees in theSouthern Transportation Shipyard.

Mr. and Mrs Win. .1 Metz.

has been filed for probate in the Or-phans’ Court. His entire estate isleft to his widow durinp: her life andat her death to be divided among histhree children, together with severalbequests to close friends.

Paul Cameron and John Scott metwith a painful accident while drivingthe former's machine along K. Mainstreet on Thursday. In some waycontrol of the machine was lost andil skidded into a telephone pole, cut-ting severely the two occupants withbroken glass.

The meeting of the Woman’s Clubof Klkton, on Tuesday. April C> , incharge of the music committee, willhe especially enjoyable, with twvmembers of the Peabody Conserva-tory. Baltimore, assisting la the pro-gram.

William Hall and lames Biddle, ofth.- Klkton schools, had a hearing lie-fore Police Justice Hove S Scotten.on Thursday. They pleaded guiltyfor not attending the Klkton schoolsin accordance with the law and theirparents were fined.