1 The CantinaCCG Rules: The objective of the game: The player who has the most booze points at the end of the game wins. There are three kinds of cards: Patrons, Booze, Weapons

The CantinaCCG Rules: The objective of the game: … · The CantinaCCG Rules: The objective of the game: ... These cards represent the patrons of the cantina. ... Star Wars and all

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The CantinaCCG Rules: The objective of the game: The player who has the most booze points at the end of the game wins. There are three kinds of cards: Patrons, Booze, Weapons



Patron Cards: These cards represent the patrons of the cantina. Each card has a Strength number. This is the most important number on this card. You’ll use it during the barfight and the bounty hunt to determine the winner. Some patrons also have special abilities that can be used during the game. Booze Cards: These are the beverages that Wuher serves. Each card has a “booze point.” Booze points are what you need to win the game. Some cards might even give you special abilities or have special requirements to be won. Weapons: These cards will give your alien’s strength boosts during barfights and bounty hunts. Some weapons have special abilities as well.

Each player has his own deck of Patron cards and his own Patron discard pile. Both players share a weapons deck and a booze deck.


Each round consists of two parts: Barfight and Bounty Hunt. BARFIGHT: The cantina is crowded, and a fight inevitably breaks out to get to Wuher’s drinks... Each player draws a patron card. Whoever has the card with higher strength number is player one. If it is a tie, draw again. Discard these cards. Player One draws four booze cards and places them face up in a row. Each of these cards has “booze points” based on the kind of drink represented. Each player draws SIX patron cards and holds them in their hand, and one card from the WEAPONS deck. Player one draws weapons first. Each player then places ONE patron card face down on his side of each booze card.


HINT: You’ll be able to see what the booze cards are worth, so it might be a good idea to put your strongest cards in front of the most valuable drinks. On the other hand, your opponent might be thinking the same thing. You won’t know what’s waiting for you until he flips the card over! Player one reveals his patron card on his farthest left. Player two reveals his card opposite that patron card. Whichever patron has the higher strength wins the booze, and the player takes the booze card. The aliens are then discarded. If it is a draw, all three cards are discarded. (Remember to discard them in separate piles. Put the Booze card at the bottom of the Booze Deck.) Player one reveals the next patron card, and so on until all the booze cards are removed from the play area. At any point, either player may play his weapon card to boost his patron. Once the weapon is used, it must be discarded. If weapons are not used, they must be discarded as well. If playing by ADVANCED RULES, make sure to take into account the special booze modifiers. For instance, Wuher’s Special won’t let you use your weapon, and highballs can only be won by patrons with strength of five or more (before weapons bonuses). BOUNTY HUNT: When you run out of money to buy liquor, there’s a good chance you can always find someone in the cantina with a price on his head... Each player should have TWO aliens remaining. Each player draws TWO more weapons. Player one places one patron down first (face up)), then player two places a patron (face up). Player two then places a weapon (face down) beside his patron, followed by player one placing a weapon (face down) beside his patron (note the reverse order when placing down weapons). Flip weapon cards. The player with the higher strength + weapon bonus wins and draws a number of booze cards equal to the strength of the other player’s defeated alien. The winning player puts the booze cards immediately in his pile of winnings. Each player discards his patron and weapon. If it is a draw, all cards are discarded. Repeat for the remaining patron. Start over again with the barfight. If the patron or weapon decks run out, then reshuffle the discard decks. Repeat until the bar is out of booze. Bonuses and abilities: Of course, no modern card game would be complete with adding quirky features to special cards. Cards with special power-ups will be marked with additional rules for how to play them.


RESHUFFLING THE DECKS If you run out of weapon or patron cards, simply reshuffle the discard decks. BASIC PLAY VS. ADVANCED PLAY You can play a “basic” match of the CantinaCCG by simply using the large numbers on the top right hand corner of the cards. This is a good version of the game to play if you have short attention spans or a low verbal SAT score. You can play an “advanced” match of the Cantina game by reading the text boxes on every card. Some of these text boxes include special abilities and modifiers that will change the rules of the game. These make the game very complex very quickly, so you might want to try your hand at the basic game at least once until you are familiar with some of the cards’ abilities.


BUILDING DECKS: PATRONS: Each player must use at least 45 patron cards in their patron deck. Each patron card has a number in the lower left hand corner indicating the maximum number times that particular card can appear in the deck. For instance, Jawas are numerous and weak, so the Jawa card is x8. You can have up to eight Jawas in your deck (though you may have less than eight or even none). Wuher, however, is a very powerful card. Therefore, his card is x1. You can only have one Wuher in your deck, if any at all. You do not need to have one of every patron to play the game, but you cannot have more than the “x” number on the card. WEAPONS: Because the weapon and booze decks are shared, card distribution is less of an issue. Still, the game is more fun if your weapons are varied. However tempting it might be to have everyone wield a lightsaber, the game is simply more enjoyable if there is more chance involved. We recommend making at least three of every weapon (you may want to make more than three for weapons with strength less than five). BOOZE: The only real issue to consider here is how long you want the game to last. The more booze cards you include in the deck, the longer the game will run. We recommend playing with at least 54 booze cards. Distribute them as you wish. CHASE CARDS: Look for exclusive CantinaCCG cards across the Internet! Some of the participating Websites include:

jedidefender.com mousedroid.com rebelscum.com sandtroopers.com snowtroopers.ca swaft.info theforce.net thejawa.com yakface.com yodasnews.com


FAQ: Q: Two players are fighting over an “Oddball” drink. The drink says that the winner’s patron must have an odd number strength to win the drink. What happens if the player with the higher total strength has a patron with an even number? A: The player with the higher total strength wins the match, but the drink must be discarded at the bottom of the booze deck. You can use this strategy to keep your opponent from winning a card even if you cannot win that card yourself. Q: A highball requires that the winning patron card have a strength of five or more. If a Jawa (strength 1) uses a lightsaber (strength 8) and has a total strength of 9, can he claim the highball? A: No. Even though he has a higher total strength to win the match, the patron’s strength isn’t strong enough to handle a highball. Even if the Jawa could hack a Wookiee in half, imagine what would happen if a drink that potent went through that poor little Jawa’s liver? He’d never have a chance. Oznemoc would be wiping up Jawa entrails for weeks... Q: Walrusman’s BULLY ability says he gets a bonus of +1 against patrons with strength less than three. If he is fighting a Jawa over Jawa juice, does he still get his bonus? A: No. The Jawa’s strength is now six. If you want to get litigious about it, notice that Walrusman’s card says that he gets a +1 against patrons with a strength less than three (i.e. unlike the oddball and highball cards, Walrusman’s ability doesn’t say that the opponent’s card must have a strength less than three. If a Jawa pulled a lightsaber on Walrusman, he’d be pretty freaked out). Q: Walrusman’s BULLY ability says he gets a bonus of +1 against patrons with a strength less than three. What if he is fighting a patron with strength of one, but that patron uses a weapon with +3 strength? A: The opponent’s strength is now four, and Walrusman’s ability cannot be used. See the previous response regarding what would happen if a Jawa pulled out a lightsaber. Q: If there are multiple booze cards stacked on top of each other, how do I deal with the booze modifiers? A: Treat each card individually. If an oddball and a highball are on top of one another, and the winning patron has strength of 8, then you only take the highball. If the winning patron has strength of 7, then you take both. If two Jawa Juices are stacked on top of each other, the Jawa receives a +10 strength bonus.


CREDITS: ILLUSTRATIONS and CARD BACKS BILL CABLE GAME MECHANICS, DESIGN, and COPY TRESOB YR The Cantina Card Game was designed exclusively for CreatureCantina.com, Creature Cantina SUCKS! Have questions? Find a typo? Want to request a card? Feel compelled to sing our lauds? E-mail [email protected] Star Wars and all of its properties belong to Lucasfilm. They are used in this Star Wars parody card game without permission. Please send all lawsuits to Bill Cable. He’s the guy running the show around here. Tresob Yr was forced to create this game against his free will.