1 OCAL INVEL I. \CE Tuesday. February 19, - - 1901 -Sanday was an ideal di. -Miss Liz2'e Frazier is visiting at Blacksteck. -Mr. J. E. Williams spent Surday in Columbia. Read Special Offer on --pagetwo. Buchaain is holding court e this week. -"Who is the new policeman?" was a question as ked yesterday. -Mr. Joo. Beaty, of Columbia, visited relatives in town Sunday. -Mr. B. C. Gooding was installed a deacon in the A.. R. P. Cbrch Sunday -Mr- W. A. Beaty, cf Fort Mill, spent aunday in town with his family. --Mr. Dave Elliott, of Kosciusko, Miss., Is in town on a visit to his mother. -Miss Sarah Beaty came up from Columbia Saturday to spend a few days at home. -The various roads are reported as .muchimproved bince the last few days of dry weather. Hon. T. B. Gourdin, a member of the house from Williamsburg, spent Sunday in town. -Mrs. J. L. McLin and two chil- dren, of Anderson, are on a visit to Mr. W. A. Beaty's. The News and Herald free for one year to the resent subscriber w h o secues six new paid-in- itvance subscriptions. -Supervisor Hood had the court house yard put in good condition be! fore court week. -The mail carrier from Cornwell to Douglass and intarmeiate points has resigned his position. -Some much needed work is buing "done on the streets of our town. The good work should continue. -Don't forget that only two days remain for making tax returns. The auditor is waiting to see you. -Do you owe the estate of Q. D. WL1JiLQrd?- If -so, read the ard of J.--1*Mimnugb, tdarinistrator. - -Paul Hemphill, Esq, of Chester; is In atteodance upon court. He comea to assist in the defence of the Camer- ons. --D. Y. Walker & Co. have handed - in copy -for an advertisement of their al~l line of y. --- -Mrs. J. F. McMast'er has returned from Union, where she went to at- \tend the marriage of her sister, Miss gh'is Wee. -Tbose dump cart harness have not yet been seen, but of dry goods boxes and other street obstruction,, well Jthere has been seen a plenty. -Our Feaster ville correspondent in- forms us that Mrn. Faweett, the widow of Major Fawett, was not expected to live when he left bemne Monday. There is not a present subscribes to The News and Herald that can not secutre at least one new fsubscriber. For every' new paid-in-advance subscrip- tioni you secure you get twqnty-five cents in cash. -Mr. Jas Q. Davia was selected as one of the committee of three to ar- range fjir thebuitding of the Stewards' ball at the South Carolina College. N-Alice.of O:d Vincennes is one of the most pbpuiky books in the readir g roo'm. Its author, Maurice Thoms~on, died at hirIndiarra home last Friday -Ta-o,. H. McMaster & Co. cail your attention to the fact that they a~e prepared'io furnish paint to all those who ars doitemptating any painting. -Mr. J. F. L3 les, of Rockton, had the riefortune ;o be thrown from his buggyitby a run-away hormo Saturday, -j and h~e sustained painfnl irjt jies the: c- irosi.. -FrIday will be Washington's birth- day. The trustees of Mt. Zion have decided to give it as a holiday. The next holidays will be Good Friday and 'April thelst. * -Nine nsw. nia-es were addied to The News and Herald subssription list Monday. With the speoial ffer now bding made rhe list should receive many additions. -The teactber.' u xamination was held Friday. -Three white, and five uiegross engaged in, the contest for pedsszogical license Seven, of the Dumber wer<- temaks. If you have not yet made use .of your'-couponls, be sure to cut them out from your last, from this, and frorn all your papers con- taining same and hand thenm to your friends. --D. A. .t'rawford calls ;our aiuen- tion to the arrival of another earlead of mu'es, yourg andi well brtken; a'so to his saddle horses, and the old re- iable Rock illlbnry. WHY COUGH Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures Cough or Cold at once. Conquers Croup, Whooping-Cough and Measle-Cough without fail. All mothers praise it. Doctors prescribe it for Bronchitis, Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia and Consumption. Quick, sure results. Price, 25 cents. Refuse the dealer's substitute. Dr.Buls COUCH SYRUP Always cures when others fail. Dr. Bul's PHIs curConstpaton. so pVis soc. -By reference to our advertising column% it will be aeen that Mr. J. M. Elliott bas been appointed agent for the Equitable Life Insurance Socieiy for Winnsboro. -Misses Isabel Douglass, Alice Walker, Marie McCants, Anna Beaty and Gassie DesPortes came up Satur- day for a few days rest from their college duties after examinations. -Tomorrow being Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, a Litany service will be held at 12 o'clock m., followed by a celebration of the holy commun- ion. A cordial invitation to attend is extended to all. -The early visitors to town yester- day morning had the pleasure of see- ing the usual Monday morning trash- ouraing. ,W hen the dump-cart-harness arrive, this time-honored cnstcm will be discontinued. -Mr. D E. McDowell, who went to SantaFe for his health found the climate so cold that lie has returned to Texas and is now stopping at Willis in Montgomery county. He is not re- ported a a much improve d -"Say, Mr. Editor," said an obser- vant citizen the other morning, "which is the worse, dry goods boxes or barbed wire, cotton-planters and other agri- cultural implements on the streets?" Referred to the town council. -Mr. Robt. Mackorell was in town Friday with his uncle, J. D. McCarley- Mr. Mackerell has been in the artil lery on Tibee Island, but is now off for a short visit to friends and relatives in this and neighboring *eaiye'd-fcover f rom typhoid fever. -There was quite an exciti ng run- away in town Sunday afternoon. The hore, which was hitched to a roa 1- cart, made a-dashing run, landed both of the riders in the street, and after cireitouq running, was brought to a stand-still by running against a granite post. -The Reverepd William Porcher Diose, -. T. I., is visiting his rela- tives here. Dr. EnBose is a native of Winsboro, and an alumns of old Mount Zion, of the State Military Academy, and of the University of Virginia. He is too a mnucb wounded veteran of the army cf northern Vir- ginia. His kinsfolk and the warm friends of his earlier years are giving ima most hearty welcome. You get a credit of twenty-five cents in cash or on subscription for every new name added through your eiffo r t, whether the subscription is handed in through you or your name is credited on the coupon. - We have been informed that after the runaway Sunday afternoon, men- tioed elsewiere, that the horse was hitched to a w agon and carried through the "breaking" process to the enter- tainment of a g-reat crowd of lookers- on. Of course the policeman didn't see t his Surnday atterneon nerformance, or else some one would -that is shou'd have paid the penalty for tbe same. -From a letter in the Associate Rteformed Presbyteria", written by Mrs. Dr-. Chalmera, who spesaks en- couragingly of her husbarnd's condi- tion, a e take the following in regard to te Misses Cummings, of cur town: -' We were delighted to find our friend, Miss Ray Cummings from Winnaboro, S. C., who came here last May an invalid, looking so well. She tells us she has gained elghleen pounds since last August. She her sister, Miss Nannie, have not been a great deal of company to t at a source of com' ort as well. It was through these youg ladies that we first heard of Silao's climate at d Dr. Byde's treat- met, and we~ are irdeed grateful to the kind Provid-nee that directed us hi: her." His Life Was Saved. Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately had a won- drful deliver-ance from a frightful death. In t- ling of it he say-s: "I was taken with Typhod Fever, that ran into [Pneumonia. My lungs be- came hardened I was so weak I culd't even sit up in bed. Notbing helped me. I expected to soon die of Con-umption, wuen I heard of Dr. King's New Discovery. One bottle gave gre at relief. 1 continued to u-e it, a i now am well and strong, I can't say too much in its praIse." This mai velus merlicine is the surest and qicke-t cure in the world for all Throat and Lung' Trouble. Regular -izes 50 cents and $1 00'. Trial bottles free at McMaster Co.'s drug store; Cut out your coupons, hand them to your friends, and see that they sub- scribe to The News and Herald. Every subscrip-. tion thus secured wil I bring you in twenty-five cents in cash or on sub- scription. LOsT.-A piece of fur trimming from a dark marten scarf. Finder will please leave same at Mrs. Habeniaht's store. Butie T1hr Kiid 1*.NoA". 3.tt A1~IdH~A 6 It -7 . da t et TO-DAY AND TO-MORROW. Today and tomorrow are the last days for the making of tax returns, without I penalty. Those who have not yet made their returns, have only these two days in which to escape the penalty. Those who wait till after the 20oi wiit have to pay a penalty of Afty per cent. for their failure to do so. Be sure to e ill and see the auditor to- day or tomorrow, if you have net already looked after your taZ returns. -OO UHEAF. Four d.;ar. is a mighty low figure on any bic; ee, but when it comes to offering one almost new and of a good make at this low price, there is some- thing wrong or the fellow is mighty hard up for cash. But the tormer is usually the case, and Saturday after- noon, when a negro boy sold a good one In'town for that amount of cash, Policeman Gilbert gave him quarters in the town lock-up till the matter could be investigated. ONE MORE MEETING. The county pension board held a meeting in the town ball yesteraay. This would have been the final meet- ia but for the unavoidable absence of one-of I embers. This was Mr. W. W. Smith, ho f 11 from his wagon one day last week. re- ceived very painful injuries, still suffering much as a res same. On account o absence the board he had the vario - pensioners from session, and so many applica . in o a ourn flex onday, at which time it will hold its last meet- ing. All peneiners are notified to act accordingly. HONOE ROLI. The teachers of the Lebanon Graded School at Stevenson give the following honr roli for the month ending Feb| rmary 1: Louise Turner, Ethel Har den, Bessie Stevenson, Jilia Stevenson, Cooper| Walkup, Lillian Lemmon, Gertrude| Harden, Wilie V. Stevenson, May| Belle Clark, Marion Scruggs, Willie| Stevenson, Laurence Pope, Charlie| Clark, Gertrude Stevenson, Sadie| Bevenson, Hazel rope, Joe Harden,j Charlie M aid -n, Mamie Smith, Jeanette Pope, Belle Bille w. Requirements: - Deportment, 100; attendance, 90; recitations, 85. J. W. Pope, Clerk of the Boird, GREENBRIEE DOTS The farmers of this community are' very busy preparing their landis for plantirg and hauling their gueno home. t has been raining so eften that the farmers are a little behind time.- The ats of this community are looking fairly well. Wheat is not looking Te health of the communit y is very food ercepting a few casss of grippe. Or schooi i: rapidly progressing. Th debating society of our school will deb'tte the following question next Friday: Resolved, That co-cducation is do. sirable. Affirmative-Miss Isabell Rutland, Mis Ira Smith, Mr. Edwin Lyles, Mr. Backuan Langford. Negative-Miss Jessie Lyler, Miss Nora Cuilee, Mr. Howe Lemmon, Mr. HeathCaldwell. Feb. 16, 1901. E. F. L. No Right to Uglness. The woman who is lovely in face, ~rm and tempe'r will always have friends, but one who would be attrac- tive must keep her healtb. If she is weak sickly and all run down, she will be L.ervous and irritable. If she had constipation or kidney trouble, her impre blood will cause pimples, blot ches, tskin eruptions and a wretch- e complexion. Electric Bitters is the best medIcine in the world to regulate stomach, liver and kidneys and to purify the blood. It gives strong nerves, bright eve', smooth, velvety skin, rich complexion. It will make a good-looking, chat ming woman of a run-down invalid. Only 50 cents at uMatn Co.' drug rstore. PRESTON RION, AOM "o Pacfic, Fire Insurance Company of New York. Glen Fall Insurance Company or New York. Rochester German Insurance Cow- pany of Rochester, N. Y. Solicits share of publis patroage. 9-26-1y COWET NOTES The court of General Sessions con. vened Monday morning at 9.30 o'clock. Hie Honor, Judge Townsend, Solicitor flenry, and Stenographer McCaw were all on hand. All the grand jury were present save Mr. T. L. Bulow who was unavoidably detained at home. Mr. Nat Dunbar, a petit. juror, Was eaeused upon an affidavit presented. Al Rugby and Lige Brown, two yonng negroes, came to trial on the cbarge of housebreaking. The case against the latter was nol prossed and the former upon trial was found guilty. His sentence was one year upon the ehaingang. Jno. Jackson upon rthe charge of as- sautt and battery with intent to kill plead guilty. The sentence was sns- pended. The case against Smith Pearson charged with rape was nol prossed upon his agreement to pay costs in the same.. The cases against Moses Goleman for violation of dispensary law and Edward Parr for assault and battery were no! prossed. Lawrence Smith plead not guilty to the charge of carrying concea!ed weapons and upon trial was found not guilty. J. W Hanahan, Esq., defend him. The case of John.Abell was nel prosed. Thos. Barnwell, alias Thomas Bar- ney, plead guilty to the charge of house-breaking and larceny. His'sen- tence. was eighteen months on the county chaingang or in the peniten- tiary. The grand jury brought In the fol- lowing additional tine bills: The State vs. Daisy Clceroj cbarged C'e set fi- . ith murder. set fr lhrday. The State vs. Andy Brice, Will White, Samuel Craig and John Bowe, - ~ewieh murder. The case set for Wnedayor as early thereafter as he court may see fit. Capt. H. A. aillard will reresent Samuel Craig, anahan and olass will represent Will White and JonRowe, and also Andy Brie, whoe was withost an at- orney, by appointment of the court. The merited reputation for cugrin iles, sores and skin diseases acquired y DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, has Led to the making of worthless counter- ets. Be sureto get only DeWitt's ave. McMaster Co. "Yh MANAGEMENT OF THE Equable Life Assurance Society of he United States desires to announce he appointment of Mr. J. M. Elliott s Resident Aft .1 t.for Winnsboro and Notice. The contract for bulldlhg~ a now fist or Ashford's Ferry will be let to the oweet bidder, at Strother, on Febru- A. D. HOOD, 2-12 ' tCounty Supervisor. l'Oll IffIAYCR ALL PARTIES INDEBTED TO he estate of Q.- D). Williford, de- ~eased, will please call and settle their counts with A. W., Brown at the old and. J. L. IMNAUGH, 1.8-Sm Administrator. We be still in the market t'oisell you your Eaint and Painters' Supplies, and Want o to see our goods before you de- ide about it. Our goods are guaran- ed first-class in every respect and tands the test of time and weather. To Paint rith cheap paint Is false economy, hich none can afford. Good paint an investumeDt that pays a large livideud, and we want The Town nd country to call and examine our tock of Paints, Ols, Brushes and 'ainters' Snpplies. If you want to paint an~ thing from a rocking chair to onr house it will pay you to call and es us. Yours respectfully, Drnu-gists. WE WISH 10 MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING GOODS, and offer many goods at BARGAIN PRICES. Some o these goods are offered at less than cost. This does not ia- clude all the goods in our store. The bargain lets are put on the counters and marked in plain figures. These ite2s are for CASH ONLY and WILL NOT BE CHARGED at these prices. A varied lot of Dress Goods,jPlaids and Silks, Lot of Percals, at 7, 8 and io cents. Flannelets and Outings. All Winter Underwear at a discount. Let of Gents' Heavy Gloves. Cotton and Wool Blankets. SHOES. Lot of Ladies' Fine Shoes, at $.r.5o to $.oe. Those are loss than cost, worth $2.00 to $3.00. Lot of Children's Shoes, all sizes and prices. Lot of Gents' Shoes, at $1.50 to. $2.50, worth $2.00 to S3- Many of the goods we offer are fresh, new stoek, bought this fall. We do not wish to carry them over the summer, and offer at these prices for CASH. To the many who have patronized us we wish a happ New. Year with the hope that the new century may brig them much of prosperity. We ask a continuance 4f your patronage, promising at all times to use our best efforts to supplyyour wants to your entire satisfaction both as to quality and prices The Caldivell Dry G-oods Coinpij. MOLA33 OF ALL KIND54 THE VERY BEST lRew Greans %Trup anb tMolasses. Georgfa liibbon Cane StMup# fresb ]Porto lEicas. --at- oCarley . TH E WE WILL SELL LACE, COLORED RIBBONS AND SILKS FOR LESS THAN Some nice Silk for waists at 50 cents on the doiar4* as cost. Lauderdale & EBryson. I HAVE JUST RECEIVED ANOTHER CAR- LOAD OF Extra Good Young Broke Mules, ready to go to your fields. Also a few good Saddle and Harness Horses. Call and see me and you will be convinced that I keep the best assortment of both mules and horses that is in Winnsboro. Saddles and Harness of all descriptions aid of the best make. Call and examine the IMPROVED 1901 ROCK HILL BUGGY. Bodies two inches .longer and gear in propor- tion, Bradley shaft couplings on all buggies. Horses fed during court at reasonable price and best attention given them,- "~?S "*. 3.211: Fh*-*"- D. A. Crawaford, WININSBOBOb A 0. 50 YARDS 7c. GINGHAMS AT 5c. AS~LONG AS SPAIRS OF OUR SPECIAL ONE DOLLAR BRO- Wganis, former price $i-50-. 50YARDS 8 r-3c. BLEACHING. FOR ONLYG -4 YARDS PURE INDIGO BLUE CALICO AT 5wthe low price of 5c..a yard. P OTNDS GOOD ioc. TOBACCO TOGO AT 5w 7 I-2C. a plug. OTHE&R BARGAINS without number. A call will, convince you. A he~t ome to all who know that a dollar saved is a dollarmde Wlnnsboro Racket CQ. C. B. Gladder, Mgr.

The Caldivell G-oodsCoinpij....-The mail carrier from Cornwell to Douglass and intarmeiate points hasresignedhisposition.-Somemuchneededwork is buing "doneonthestreets of our town

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Page 1: The Caldivell G-oodsCoinpij....-The mail carrier from Cornwell to Douglass and intarmeiate points hasresignedhisposition.-Somemuchneededwork is buing "doneonthestreets of our town


Tuesday. February 19, - - 1901

-Sanday was an ideal di.-Miss Liz2'e Frazier is visiting at

Blacksteck.-Mr. J. E. Williams spent Surday

in Columbia.Read Special Offer on

--pagetwo.Buchaain is holding court

e this week.-"Who is the new policeman?" was

a question asked yesterday.-Mr. Joo. Beaty, of Columbia,

visited relatives in town Sunday.-Mr. B. C. Gooding was installed a

deacon in the A.. R. P. Cbrch Sunday-Mr- W. A. Beaty, cf Fort Mill,

spent aunday in town with his family.--Mr. Dave Elliott, of Kosciusko,

Miss., Is in town on a visit to hismother.-Miss Sarah Beaty came up from

Columbia Saturday to spend a few

days at home.-The various roads are reported as

.muchimproved bince the last few daysof dry weather.

Hon. T. B. Gourdin, a member ofthe house from Williamsburg, spentSunday in town.-Mrs. J. L. McLin and two chil-

dren, of Anderson, are on a visit to

Mr. W. A. Beaty's.The News and Herald

free for one year to theresent subscriber w h o

secues six new paid-in-itvance subscriptions.-Supervisor Hood had the court

house yard put in good condition be!fore court week.-The mail carrier from Cornwell

to Douglass and intarmeiate pointshas resigned his position.-Some much needed work is buing

"done on the streets of our town. The

good work should continue.-Don't forget that only two days

remain for making tax returns. Theauditor is waiting to see you.-Do you owe the estate of Q. D.

WL1JiLQrd?- If -so, read the ard of

J.--1*Mimnugb, tdarinistrator. -

-Paul Hemphill, Esq, of Chester;is In atteodance upon court. He comeato assist in the defence of the Camer-ons.

--D. Y. Walker & Co. have handed- in copy -for an advertisement of their

al~l line ofy. ---

-Mrs. J. F. McMast'er has returnedfrom Union, where she went to at-

\tend the marriage of her sister, Miss

gh'is Wee.-Tbose dump cart harness have not

yet been seen, but of dry goods boxesand other street obstruction,, well

Jthere has been seen a plenty.-Our Feaster ville correspondent in-

forms us that Mrn. Faweett, the widowof Major Fawett, was not expected tolive when he left bemne Monday.There is not a present

subscribes to The Newsand Herald that can notsecutre at least one new

fsubscriber. For every'newpaid-in-advance subscrip-tioni you secure you gettwqnty-five cents in cash.-Mr. Jas Q. Davia was selected as

one of the committee of three to ar-

range fjir thebuitding of the Stewards'ball at the South Carolina College.

N-Alice.of O:d Vincennes is one ofthe most pbpuiky books in the readirgroo'm. Its author, Maurice Thoms~on,died at hirIndiarra home last Friday

-Ta-o,. H. McMaster & Co. cailyour attention to the fact that they a~eprepared'io furnish paint to all thosewho ars doitemptating any painting.-Mr. J. F. L3 les, of Rockton, had

the riefortune ;o be thrown from his

buggyitby a run-away hormo Saturday,-j and h~e sustained painfnl irjtjies the: c-

irosi..-FrIday will be Washington's birth-

day. The trustees of Mt. Zion havedecided to give it as a holiday. Thenext holidays will be Good Friday and

'April thelst.* -Nine nsw. nia-es were addied to

The News and Herald subssription listMonday. With the speoial ffer now

bding made rhe list should receivemany additions.-The teactber.' uxamination was

held Friday. -Three white, and five

uiegross engaged in, the contest forpedsszogical license Seven, of the

Dumber wer<- temaks.If you have not yet made

use .of your'-couponls, besure to cut them out fromyour last, from this, andfrorn all your papers con-

taining same and handthenm to your friends.--D. A. .t'rawford calls ;our aiuen-

tion to the arrival of another earlead

of mu'es, yourg andi well brtken; a'soto his saddle horses, and the old re-

iable Rock illlbnry.

WHY COUGHDr. Bull's Cough Syrup cures Coughor Cold at once. Conquers Croup,Whooping-Cough and Measle-Coughwithout fail. All mothers praise it.Doctors prescribe it for Bronchitis,Hoarseness, Grippe, Pneumonia andConsumption. Quick, sure results.Price, 25 cents. Refuse the dealer's substitute.

Dr.BulsCOUCH SYRUPAlways cures when others fail.

Dr. Bul's PHIs curConstpaton. so pVis soc.

-By reference to our advertisingcolumn% it will be aeen that Mr. J. M.Elliott bas been appointed agent forthe Equitable Life Insurance Socieiyfor Winnsboro.-Misses Isabel Douglass, Alice

Walker, Marie McCants, Anna Beatyand Gassie DesPortes came up Satur-day for a few days rest from theircollege duties after examinations.-Tomorrow being Ash Wednesday,

the first day of Lent, a Litany servicewill be held at 12 o'clock m., followedby a celebration of the holy commun-

ion. A cordial invitation to attend isextended to all.-The early visitors to town yester-

day morning had the pleasure of see-

ing the usual Monday morning trash-

ouraing. ,W hen the dump-cart-harnessarrive, this time-honored cnstcm willbe discontinued.-Mr. D E. McDowell, who went

to SantaFe for his health found theclimate so cold that lie has returned to

Texas and is now stopping at Willisin Montgomery county. He is not re-

ported a a much improved-"Say, Mr. Editor," said an obser-

vant citizen the other morning, "whichis the worse, dry goods boxes or barbedwire, cotton-planters and other agri-cultural implements on the streets?"Referred to the town council.-Mr. Robt. Mackorell was in town

Friday with his uncle, J. D. McCarley-Mr. Mackerell has been in the artillery on Tibee Island, but is now off fora short visit to friends and relatives inthis and neighboring

*eaiye'd-fcover from typhoid fever.-There was quite an exciti ng run-

away in town Sunday afternoon. Thehore, which was hitched to a roa 1-cart, made a-dashing run, landed bothof the riders in the street, and after

cireitouq running, was brought to a

stand-still by running against a granitepost.-The Reverepd William PorcherDiose, -. T. I., is visiting his rela-

tives here. Dr. EnBose is a native ofWinsboro, and an alumns of oldMount Zion, of the State MilitaryAcademy, and of the University ofVirginia. He is too a mnucb woundedveteran of the army cf northern Vir-ginia. His kinsfolk and the warmfriends of his earlier years are givingima most hearty welcome.

You get a credit oftwenty-five cents in cashor on subscription forevery new name addedthrough your eiffo r t,whether the subscriptionis handed in through youor your name is creditedon the coupon.

- We have been informed that afterthe runaway Sunday afternoon, men-tioed elsewiere, that the horse was

hitched to a wagon and carried throughthe "breaking" process to the enter-tainment of a g-reat crowd of lookers-on. Of course the policeman didn'tsee this Surnday atterneon nerformance,or else some one would-that is shou'dhave paid the penalty for tbe same.

-From a letter in the AssociateRteformed Presbyteria", written byMrs. Dr-. Chalmera, who spesaks en-

couragingly of her husbarnd's condi-tion, a e take the following in regardto te Misses Cummings, of cur town:

-'We were delighted to find our friend,Miss Ray Cummings from Winnaboro,S. C., who came here last May an

invalid, looking so well. She tells usshe has gained elghleen pounds sincelast August. She her sister, MissNannie, have not been a greatdeal of company to t at a source ofcom'ort as well. It was through theseyoug ladies that we first heard ofSilao's climate at d Dr. Byde's treat-met, and we~ are irdeed grateful tothe kind Provid-nee that directed us


His Life Was Saved.

Mr. J. E. Lilly, a prominent citizenof Hannibal, Mo., lately had a won-drful deliver-ance from a frightfuldeath. In t- ling of it he say-s: "Iwas taken with Typhod Fever, thatran into [Pneumonia. My lungs be-came hardened I was so weak Iculd't even sit up in bed. Notbinghelped me. I expected to soon die ofCon-umption, wuen I heard of Dr.King's New Discovery. One bottlegave gre at relief. 1 continued to u-eit, a i now am well and strong, Ican't say too much in its praIse." Thismaivelus merlicine is the surest andqicke-t cure in the world for allThroat and Lung' Trouble. Regular-izes50 cents and $1 00'. Trial bottlesfree at McMaster Co.'s drug store;

Cut out your coupons,handthem to your friends,and see that they sub-scribe to The News andHerald. Every subscrip-.tion thus secured wil Ibring you in twenty-fivecents in cash or on sub-scription.LOsT.-A piece of fur trimming

from a dark marten scarf. Finder will

please leave same at Mrs. Habeniaht'sstore.

Butie T1hr Kiid 1*.NoA".3.tt A1~IdH~A 6

It -7 . da t



Today and tomorrow are the last

days for the making of tax returns,

without I penalty. Those who havenot yet made their returns, have onlythese two days in which to escape the

penalty. Those who wait till after the20oi wiit have to pay a penalty of Aftyper cent. for their failure to do so.

Be sure to e ill and see the auditor to-

day or tomorrow, if you have net

already looked after your taZ returns.


Four d.;ar. is a mighty low figureon any bic; ee, but when it comes to

offering one almost new and of a goodmake at this low price, there is some-

thing wrong or the fellow is mightyhard up for cash. But the tormer is

usually the case, and Saturday after-noon, when a negro boy sold a goodone In'town for that amount of cash,Policeman Gilbert gave him quartersin the town lock-up till the mattercould be investigated.


The county pension board held a

meeting in the town ball yesteraay.This would have been the final meet-ia but for the unavoidable absence of

one-of I embers. This was Mr.

W. W. Smith, ho f 11 from hiswagon one day last week. re-

ceived very painful injuries,still suffering much as a ressame. On account o

absence the boardhe had the vario -

pensioners fromsession, and somany applica .

in o a ourn flex onday, atwhich time it will hold its last meet-ing. All peneiners are notified to actaccordingly.


The teachers of the Lebanon GradedSchool at Stevenson give the followinghonr roli for the month ending Feb|rmary 1:Louise Turner, Ethel Har den, Bessie

Stevenson, Jilia Stevenson, Cooper|Walkup, Lillian Lemmon, Gertrude|Harden, Wilie V. Stevenson, May|Belle Clark, Marion Scruggs, Willie|Stevenson, Laurence Pope, Charlie|Clark, Gertrude Stevenson, Sadie|Bevenson, Hazel rope, Joe Harden,jCharlie Maid -n, Mamie Smith, Jeanette

Pope, Belle Billew.Requirements: - Deportment, 100;attendance, 90; recitations, 85.

J. W. Pope,Clerk of the Boird,


The farmers of this community are'verybusy preparing their landis forplantirg and hauling their gueno home.

t has been raining so eften that thefarmers are a little behind time.- Theats of this community are lookingfairly well. Wheat is not looking

Te health of the community is very

food ercepting a few casss of grippe.Or schooi i: rapidly progressing.Th debating society of our school

will deb'tte the following questionnext Friday:Resolved, That co-cducation is do.

sirable.Affirmative-Miss Isabell Rutland,

Mis Ira Smith, Mr. Edwin Lyles, Mr.Backuan Langford.Negative-Miss Jessie Lyler, MissNoraCuilee, Mr. Howe Lemmon, Mr.HeathCaldwell.Feb. 16, 1901. E. F. L.

No Right to Uglness.

The woman who is lovely in face,~rmand tempe'r will always have

friends, but one who would be attrac-tivemust keep her healtb. If she isweak sickly and all run down, shewill be L.ervous and irritable. If shehadconstipation or kidney trouble,herimpre blood will cause pimples,blotches, tskin eruptions and a wretch-

ecomplexion. Electric Bitters is thebestmedIcine in the world to regulatestomach, liver and kidneys and topurify the blood. It gives strongnerves, bright eve', smooth, velvetyskin,rich complexion. It will make agood-looking, chat ming woman of arun-down invalid. Only 50 cents atuMatn Co.' drug rstore.


Pacfic, Fire Insurance Company ofNew York.Glen Fall Insurance Company or

New York.Rochester German Insurance Cow-

pany of Rochester, N. Y.Solicits share of publis patroage.9-26-1y


The court of General Sessions con.

vened Monday morning at 9.30 o'clock.Hie Honor, JudgeTownsend, Solicitorflenry, and Stenographer McCaw wereall on hand.All the grand jury were present save

Mr. T. L. Bulow who was unavoidablydetained at home.Mr. Nat Dunbar, a petit. juror, Was

eaeused upon an affidavit presented.Al Rugby and Lige Brown, two

yonng negroes, came to trial on thecbarge of housebreaking. The case

against the latter was nol prossed andthe former upon trial was foundguilty. His sentence was one yearupon the ehaingang.Jno. Jackson upon rthe charge of as-

sautt and battery with intent to killplead guilty. The sentence was sns-

pended.The case against Smith Pearson

charged with rape was nol prossedupon his agreement to pay costs in thesame..The cases against Moses Goleman

for violation of dispensary law andEdward Parr for assault and batterywere no! prossed.Lawrence Smith plead not guilty to

the charge of carrying concea!edweapons and upon trial was found notguilty. J. W Hanahan, Esq., defendhim.The case of John.Abell was nel

prosed.Thos. Barnwell, alias Thomas Bar-

ney, plead guilty to the charge ofhouse-breaking and larceny. His'sen-tence. was eighteen months on thecounty chaingang or in the peniten-tiary.The grand jury brought In the fol-

lowing additional tine bills:The State vs. Daisy Clceroj cbarged

C'e set fi- .

ith murder. set frlhrday.The State vs. Andy Brice, WillWhite, Samuel Craig and John Bowe,-~ewieh murder. The case set forWnedayor as early thereafter as

he court may see fit. Capt. H. A.aillard will reresent Samuel Craig,anahan and olass will representWill White and JonRowe, and alsoAndy Brie, whoe was withost an at-orney, by appointment of the court.

The merited reputation for cugriniles, sores and skin diseases acquired

y DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve, hasLedto the making of worthless counter-ets. Be sureto get only DeWitt'save. McMaster Co.

"Yh MANAGEMENT OF THEEquable Life Assurance Society ofhe United States desires to announcehe appointment of Mr. J. M. Elliotts Resident Aft .1 t.for Winnsboro and

Notice.The contract for bulldlhg~ a now fist

or Ashford's Ferry will be let to theoweet bidder, at Strother, on Febru-

A. D. HOOD,2-12 ' tCounty Supervisor.


he estate of Q.- D). Williford, de-~eased, will please call and settle theircounts with A. W., Brown at the oldand. J. L. IMNAUGH,1.8-Sm Administrator.

Webe still in the market t'oisell you yourEaint and Painters' Supplies, and

Wanto to see our goods before you de-ide about it. Our goods are guaran-ed first-class in every respect andtands the test of time and weather.

To Paintrith cheap paint Is false economy,hich none can afford. Good paintan investumeDt that pays a largelivideud, and we want

The Townnd country to call and examine ourtock of Paints, Ols, Brushes and'ainters' Snpplies. If you want topaint an~ thing from a rocking chair toonrhouse it will pay you to call andes us.

Yours respectfully,



SPRING GOODS,and offer many goods at BARGAIN PRICES. Some o

these goods are offered at less than cost. This does not ia-clude all the goods in our store. The bargain lets are puton the counters and marked in plain figures. These ite2sare for CASH ONLY and WILL NOT BE CHARGEDat these prices.A varied lot of Dress Goods,jPlaids and Silks,Lot of Percals, at 7, 8 and io cents.Flannelets and Outings.All Winter Underwear at a discount.Let of Gents' Heavy Gloves.Cotton and Wool Blankets.

SHOES.Lot of Ladies' Fine Shoes, at $.r.5o to $.oe. Those are

loss than cost, worth $2.00 to $3.00.Lot of Children's Shoes, all sizes and prices.Lot of Gents' Shoes, at $1.50 to. $2.50, worth $2.00 to S3-Many of the goods we offer are fresh, new stoek, bought

this fall. We do not wish to carry them over the summer,and offer at these prices for CASH.To the many who have patronized us we wish a happ

New. Year with the hope that the new century may brigthem much of prosperity. We ask a continuance 4f yourpatronage, promising at all times to use our best efforts to

supplyyour wants to your entire satisfaction both as to qualityand prices

The Caldivell Dry G-oodsCoinpij.MOLA33 OF ALL KIND54


lRew Greans %Trup anb tMolasses.Georgfa liibbon Cane StMup#

fresb ]Porto lEicas.--at-

oCarley .



Some nice Silk for waists at 50 cents on the doiar4*ascost.



Extra Good Young Broke Mules,ready to go to your fields. Also a few good Saddle andHarness Horses. Call and see me and you will be convincedthat I keep the best assortment of both mules and horsesthat is in Winnsboro.

Saddles and Harness of all descriptions aid of the bestmake.

Call and examine the IMPROVED 1901 ROCK HILLBUGGY. Bodies two inches .longer and gear in propor-tion, Bradley shaft couplings on all buggies.

Horses fed during court at reasonable price and bestattention given them,-"~?S"*. 3.211: Fh*-*"- D. A. Crawaford,





without number. A call will, convince you. A he~tome to all who know that a dollar saved is a dollarmdeWlnnsboro Racket CQ.

C. B. Gladder, Mgr.