THE BROOKLYN HANDICAP FIFTEEN PROBABLE STARTERS FOR IT. i EXTIUFS IN ALL THE RACES TO BE RUN AT (.RAVE.SF.ND TO-D\Y. The Rroohlyn Handicap will be contented today st the tBranaaaal track for the seventh trme. lt has never failed lo en fra fte WtdBSBBBOl attention. Hie Hrs! hlruiy-le took place In ItOT, reoultlnK In « remarkably .lose and cm-IUiii! Mah between Dry Monopole. Blue Wins nnd Hidalgo. Ihe prtre wus anitVl. only 9B.B00 Im-jhr the amount of money added. Tr>-diiv Ihe nuaranteed value of the race ls ten limes as ni'uch-tfUO.OUO. This illustrate* the growl Ju of rgctng. Fifteen hlph br.-d horses ar.- named for the race, which will ba run nt 4 o*tlock. or a IBBs after. In th.- inri lOliunus of Tbe TrHnine ihe tiial- af till have heea carefully reported from lime to lime -in order thut the (reader may lor* a correct Judgment of the chances Of each, lt ls not now the uistotn «»f this paper to live "tips."' lt ls sur.iilent lo Rive Hie netta. Lei every mun SbSBOS for himself which of the entries ls best entitled io bear hts commission. Have due regard for tba condition of tho track, and tbs appearance of ino horses, aud understand that each Jockey will stilve lo the utmost to win. The eui rles tn ull tbe nins ure jrlvcn below. The first race will ba called al -'-'JO o'clock. The day marks the opening of the rcjnilar racing season In tills **tate.a BSSeda of thc most brilliant promise. PIMMS kai 1.-novo arSSad. gonn. Wh jfauu). wt. Dr. Ha*b otick.Vie I Gen ection.ViO 'x'etmruiijl'_'.-..ll.'& iai. ......tfi..c?-».I*-*? KHifcaU.ii l... Urvi.ta ......*...... Hi SECOND n.VCE-Thr-1 .j cai -ol is. *1 OOO aided. One n..;c Bed a sixteenth. (st. IL.relit;...1 'i h..rt.112 oauoaase Pmuhet. !--. naiaoow.JIB faTntOt .t'-"- '.""* Dock.107 Mtasehen . ij-j Si.yonora .lol Red Uanoer.117 1 T1UIU) BM T-'-F.Xl'fcXTATlON STAKES. Two-year- olds. 01,300 added. BOM mile. Ptmlogs.IIB BaBeM .118 1-etrl lan .HS Anawurda .US kio backs .u* i.iu..- nama .118 M. Inure. 118 Montreal.118 inanaa .ns jispriu- .us Si Maxim.IKS tit l.xcess .118 frvri,,i!.i .ms maekhaark .na .-» uuiire.118 U. cl«r." .118 ii»iiv coi: _ . iis Caa*. Petra .ll* narila! .ns ImehaB .tis gOVMB BACBr.The mooklin Handicap. *-2i,ooo (UBSS. Chic mlle and a quarter. Bow. Ott, Jo ker. Imupiigster .153....... Btnma Lone«e« .-..I*J. Bastdam ft.c Und .110. LamOley judg- Monow .UO. ...A. tiiiltiRii.il Ma " .m..... Ltttleield .Kasad].il-'..,,..- .lil ho . . I'- .... Taral l,iMi.a»eU.Ho ..'... uokxcu .x.iiud . ....UO....,. MrDerii.on .TOI .nut .u».. -. Rigel o. 108_.J I.amblry thai, e .10S. C. Sonne 1" i ipOwBet .Hil. 'mylor ,10010.)0:i. .Mldm-Iev Illume . BB.... . Xi bis UaTMtt BACK-BBUBg. TivoyearoUs. (ll,OOO added. lUif-inilc. A««)iiit giidlog...no ; Bebe sf Kif*-.IBB Tok.ii .nu li'umider.100 Lord Nelse* .inn | Alantinitciu- .IBO X"'i-ii*6 .107 JameetcaTn . t(8 careless .im (Jerrie. BB Issie .10*. J en nie W. 'Ji Canada.itt soddy . 95 SPrH KAI K- Sell!.)-?, (fl.OOO oBded. Six furious*. UBe-wpmke.in BBsceJottea . ...ivi Eaa-ic l,irj.110 \lcMde .¦.-¦ Bl lO'ceam . 107 rremont . 07 i«"*"»'1 .-.10*'. | 11tuullf.il BNU. 88 Mordsna . los | Hanron . ti lm lam called st 2:30. Tin- treeb e.>n be roached bv five different rentes, a:id those wtohbtg lo sveM the ni«h viii do w.-ll io f" Bj wog ..f Illili ave. and Tliiriv-sixth st.. Urook- vn. when- train- will be lu readiness at UCAJ. ll Azt, ll :i:>. and then imlf-linnrlv from 12:10 lo 2:40 oil ck. R.tco boat- |ea-re Whitehall-id. (Culver routt) nt 10:10. ll:l(). 11:10. 12:10, lt:4ft 1:10. 1 :3i>, 2:1*1 Htii 3:10. Irom tout of Bast Tl.iru fourth-t (L. I. R. Ri nt 19:06, l'i :._.<>. li .'il,. IS ::.o, l (parlor cur trulni mid l :10 o'clock. From Kioto-are. and Twrntlt-rh st., Brooklyn, ;it ll ill >, li M:'.A), 1 1 -4s 2. lao nnd .1 o'clock. From Futhosh-see. Bt 1 :l-_:" BtasmlBg at Franklin, Bosriead, Ikey and utica aves. THF. HAM.li AP l A.MUDATIS. Tc", tra-k al ¦Gravesend voa iv and fan ysetiiaa.i. ? iar;:r asoabet af peaasoa \i it u it than e\e.- before on a Uay Ohm UMBU oem m ian'-. Hie suir-oiindlni,'* ot the track lt-oXed ts antin.1. There are numerous flurrv tre... shout draw send. BI 1. h ar- now In blossom, and the air was tilled with their fragrance. Tho tratnels bor¬ gan vork -aily, m. as to irlve thc r»>y* « chane to Inalie call*. In th"? BimroesOa CBomBa «a> ihe SLll llaiilial. candidate thai «:ta BSbSd tv izu fus'.-.-r than a btViiiK' fra lop. The biak «o:i ol Charaxoa went a hslf-mlik lti 6-"a second*. Ila seems t.< be in splendid coiidinjon. "BUtSgOSSa lU-eland aud Noniad pnt a langi aSMU ealloj), arih a br us., (or a gaoiSOl ol . mile st a Utile h.Uer than a twombmm "-'ai.;. (.reen B. Morris ls "apen vn.r.ln' hosscs on Sunclav'' so that thu ¦Madge Hertel Ines'' and Illunie had walkin? exercise. nasgeasna arrived aad ls looked upon as hav¬ ing sn excellent chance tu wm the race. Pickpocket ¦worked ona and a quarta-r miles In BshOB, »o that rrnrn a time test, he is In the ruc with a i«ig*lb!e thaine to defeat hi* ronner stable coiiipiiiilon, I.ainiili;ht..'r. lanni.any Hall was well lS*SSOseatad Bl M. F. Divyer's stable yesterday murnini*. I'.lchatd (.'rokcr with a large ti-ii>'Htion of his tosasla (napaemB th>- horses. The vassals preli. t-i that the Tammany thief would win enoui;h money «itJi his .-uti* io rcor-;aiil7e tho C(ajdSgS 4Jon)pany or furnish ail the gold the Admiulatiatl.ta at WosbSagSao niiglil need tor years to come. V. J. Xiwycr vas ccnipelled to return tu th.- eily at au early hour. Hor1<-r. or poisons, who visii.-d Ska tracli d--n.arid.tl hiidse-. Irom bini. It was or no us-- u, refer (hom Ui thc v-.-r. tary. They Insisted that l.c could tarnish them. "Ed" Ma-XJstn mm a.l the I-'.vur 4: .Son lol moderate wor!' -' ':' ll II- Otcril.L- lr un tl,. aBftttO ol Lilli." '.UuikslOiiii'd." and le alnosl sure fi stan te Sar. Hemv N\a.sli gsm the M.'Doii..iji,h h.t ii siioirj tattier. Monowai BSanctn a lal >.f sue.ton. He i- aet a uisr horse hf BOP ii. ..is. ii a aa Bttma »'.d aiurralai and so areli nut fageaost amt nain ai fda tsien Bu .-vear^ads that tnaai tat BOOM in their csufstmottm are likely to mfier deteat when (tey n.iv. him iii a mee. ManoaBl U esiiecijllv st on jj iii his gasiOres. ll .- elsastr counbd wim ah- agoaml siitles ai.d la ev>. Un,riv arall i>oiicd. The sister to er W-ilte.- i. | ut. ir...like lillv. She i- acdat > and tsi.es little oetlea o: wiiut is eolni; on. bhc is spe^di. hut the real qiestioii lias not htm a.ked ol her paS. ihe Lily by *BOpQlf*a,d OolaiS, .ul .t thu rreat lOSd fl ar.- (.liur>lla. lau *o*J loihiiv I,.:.', .-src was hsdh- bruised aa the trip fr un tal.ioruia. she la jai.id.v lOeOVOriao, IS lhat tar- I, a ctiii t il-, it ia. .u ra .uv Bm tt.u Bet ol J. A. ¦Jdorr.-'.s »^0.i>'>0 alis win loem Hus vi ii Boyle i: laifieic lu's haesm are a DL-af-'Flraokiiic lot. tVime ri IhBfB lock lik>- (<<><rl one. Tue fetsBIsm Mable's Top'.- and Kniicid hud i-u-v canters. K.ntiLcriia ts full cl lib', "she a Btrong-k'Jiiig Jilly. Mr. Kt-liey hop's to nhl asms or thc sukes .ith me. Qisauburi is likely uo b in SSSmog as a sire Bon that some of ms nroducc Lave mroS aug won. lt is not I.kely ihat pi-rr- 1.millard will go io tin- nam mdsjr Uta health i. taanrevaag (dentp. He (io s u..t mm '" 'si'*' trna taaamia of eatcfclas esldi Is leyari al am tfalsaodei amadlns bmwem W**sb**^**i taa isiloar, a-.d ghm, th.- jo.-kev, ti:*- Brier aadi a im-tako ahem ta dtstaaea tao be rou. Bs puBfri InflBStlghloi ni. ut uv end t< oe- ,.r *. fiji ta iliiSJbi niles. Haggtaa taaeaatd to w.r. taa I.:- eOS ant olie-iia f mile.. i. .. ai aaa kt wat keanes Bona pstamfotailp. nc is l.kiiy to mm at Bsmuaaah l'ark. 'iii*' brother u. Bum u r,., .. work. Il ls taOOahS thal he will uain w.d ram aaetemfoBjPa POB BACBI OB THF. TIT.!1. Tiie t-jiicy isBud atsakey Cbta announces the feUowlog aii'i.ual atukes t-, tr.' de. lc-d a: the Jun.. n,r. tine The Daisy "stak.a. for tn t-y< ai-olds, tl.lizW added; ave fun. sgt ..ii ii. tari. J lie Pmaay .-sUk. s. for two-year-olds, S1.*.(.0 addrd ; six tuiloiij's on tl.e turf. 11..- BprtoB Tori Batltag i>tjke», »l,3i0 adJed; »1\ i :r. Bga on tba earl' Tin en: i..ii lo.-c te BUT. May 1*> ut thc offices af thc elub. at 1 ilthave. and i Ot .niy-thlrd-st. BOTSfB auoit TUM BUBdWI. The vork of the hstSOa at |m lad. on gaSaidflg was such that anal pasama gmaatt mm guttiest lacing ae*von ;.i the history ol (ii.- tm I Dr. liashruuek woik.-i masaaajaassaaa -.i a ¦ns ta i rio, iiaiu >. is Iga entiia- dlstai.c'-. K.r.i.'-L ..i went thi'c .piard-rs In 1 l'i',. 1 airy waa bre /cl a h'.if-ii.il'. *..¦ j :.'¦¦! is fast at ever a'.id eoveied hic-eljl.tlu over ¦bSSjaBand liay in 1 Xi bi. Domiii'o warned one siid aoomgam mum m isu. He was all out ai the iini.-ii. ile seems to moffat a sh'.rit.- Ui.Ume. Ooraloo! J>oiak. i one ot lin Klelscliiiuiii lot. Ile lias lmniovid lu appeatBafOS and UarifBg a i.,ile a la* tiais BgS In 1 '.HS. .Metuchni is a t< nor. Il" has to he saddled at the siai.i*-. lie cj,ii0i..u lotaessaa. Bs la tasdf to ra.e. lasaj Barb «..is *; a aabi m ii?. Kalnbow sktoiiUh-a everybody at Okeepaatag Bay last . eek hy workinx a mile li Ali ani 1'« nnles In ttllV ."d'liityr.- la a »la»hili» blt' cou lie UUUUag at gBm beth n\e..-isfhto» ol a ni!" iii 1 (i. .. He ans as if h.- reqtlted time to cil'ii- Baadsoei i* bssbsatasef in au io«r legs. BaaBBB i* shin son-, ton, but iuy suit tn the F.x- p' elation. st. Baalm Mt Jul+ii and Bmalta worked a hulf odie a errida siowr-r titan m aanads Tbe Ksbcr-Dolly iolt has done Rood work, ('hsuau la reiod as staae cia»». He fjailo-ed % hajf mils yestcr- cay. JtuS-iO wotked a i-.:i mile in wj'« seionds. THE BASEBALL AVERAGES. NEW-YORK'S PITU1ISO THE TROUBLE. r. VTTlXf; AM) FII'l.ni.Ni: SATISFACTOnY-BF.C ORDS OF THF. NIXES. The Iacague championship sesson ls now fully under way sud tilla a little iii rc seasonable Meatier the onllm-iast- "ould be happy. It h lin cs'ly >ei to iin-dh t amthiim about the probable m Inners, althouuh lt ls hu-hlv probable that aome ot the teams hom n."w the flout ..III h. ic aiei Ute tall end Of UM pmCSBfllafl nt the end of (he s-a-on. N'eiv.Yorkers a,,- disappointed at th. P'.or taOWtOS mad. by the New.Yoik team, hui the whole itoiihle ls wurt thc pitchers, ss the re ands below will sho.v. Crane and King are not In pit hew condition, and Busts I* WU iloin.' so x^ll as he will laicr B BBS season. Sow-YniK 1. far ahead of Prooklvn in hattliis' and luserunniiie. Iliook- lye's Isttlne BVOfOga heine SMS, with a t.ital of .40S. while Xetv-York's g\Stags ls S.'S, Mlth a total of ,4*1. Burke and Fuller have carried olf Ott bas. runnlii',' honors, while Davis end ggaatasm tmi la BaTttlng. gen>Teen* hos tame katy* n\en with sn BdSmgS of .100 or over, while r.rooklyn has only ene, and he has playci. In t«o gOOMa o.ili. The appended records include all games uji to Saturday NF.W-YORK BATTING. Plovers. (iamr*«. A H. Drills .I ir.-i linn .1- Koel r . 3 l 'ullin.r .12 Ward .12 Lyona .9 Miller .12 Boote . o llurko .ll bogle .ii BB| . * 5. 40 10 41 l'i tl AA -., iii 4(1 12 A in. tb. mi. sn. :i, :> 9 a 4 I *.('. 10 21 BO 18 ia ii ia 3 Total Ate. A\e. .-i i mu .ns .:>io .4(0 l.Ot/0 Jill Mi .¦ah mi: .ttl .p$t .i.n .2 .1 .2 11 .'..50 .83. .22.1 .27:1 .'..IA ASH .ii,o XKIV-YOUK Fl ELDIN* Flayers and positions. P.o. A. Killi?, p "Toromaa, Dorita, e cnu.-r. lb. Il ric. If... Kio. tt.. lyons, et... T er an, lt. Wind. 2b... Ru*l\ p. Davis, 8b... < lane, p. Kcti i. et... o 41 Ali Al -.'O nt 15 .. 1 ii 0 BROOKLYN BATTING navers. Games.An. R. P: euther; Huns . 0 i.rlffln .ll C.rcoran .ll J-outr. .ll Maddock . 8 Var .ll Letma . t Kin-1 iw ..... 'J Itichi.rdson ..lu Stioch . 9 Kcnnelv . 4 Dal v. 8 "t lu . 6 in. TH. J A 10 lo 9 IS I Li ll ll I SM 1 sn. i li 4 4 0 1 0 Average. 1.OOH 1.000 .'ash .083 .'.Kii .'.Ul .'.CO Ju .'.i 17 .'.)0!l .841 .800 .COG Total Ave. .:,oo .019 .511 .444 .4*i.-» .714 .410 .L'S.'. .481 .307 .4 Od .Sll .231 .10*. .381 .340 .BOB .'iSi .299 .tit ..'70 .270 .-.'13 .103 .105 BROOKLYN glELDlKQ navers and positions. l'.O. A. ,.Bl '.» Average. i.Coo Itluahjw, c and rf.Bl '-. .> Richardson, Sb.17 ti Gii.'hn. if.3.*, 2 l 01.0 illl, ss.IB IB Knut/. Ih sud If.SS .*» Frottlhers, lb.15 1 Sh.,ch, If aird 2b..AU B Dalley, .. and rf.2d I Stein, p. 1 8 BaMe. ri. B l Daly. Bb.21 If Kenn, ly, ),. I 13 Maddock, p. 2 B Lovett, p. . 0 3 The St. Lois snd Cleveland teams sre dividing the h..nors for the pennant, with Washington, "Pittsburg and Brooklyn not far behind. The Giants can't get much lower, ss they are tenth now. Thc New-Yorkers play three panics in Bonton this week. the record to date ls: .911 .'.i_".i .'.114 .909 .87-> .OW >.';( .8i'D MA) ~ s. \ If! il fi i i St. Ixt-ils.|...| il O1 Ol Ol 01 Ol Ol Ol O' 81 i\ 8 (loveland .I 1J...I Ol 21 0| ll 0| Ol 0| Ol 2i OJ (I Washington .f 0 OJ... Ol ll Ol (V 2| ll 2[ 0| 0| 9 l-lltsh.ire .I Ol Ol OL. Ol 81 Ol Ol Ol Oi ll 31 7 iri'.oklvii .I Ol Ol ll Ol...I Ol 21 ll Ol 8| 0| 0| 7 Cincinnati.I 21 1| 0| 0| Ol.. 0| 0| 0| Oi 41 1| 8 l'.iilsdel-.hla .I 0| Ol Ol Ol 21 Ol... ll 1| 21 0 Oj (I llosUn. 0 0 1 0 2 Ol IL. I 1 ll 0 (' fi . ".altimore .I ol O' 21 O' O' Ol 2 21.. Ol Ol Ol (1 New.York .I 0| oi i| o| o| 0| l| ll 21...| Oi ol 5 Qhlrsgd.I Ol ll Ol ll Ol 21 Ol Ol Oi Ol...| Ol t Louisville .I ll Ol OJ tl Olol Ol BJ 01 0| Sf...} » Games lost.I ll 31 BJ 41 BJ C| U!~7I 8! 8jl0| 81... BAHES TO-DAY. BaBbaam ta Brooklyn, at '".astern Pa ric. Brooklyn. Rotton >>¦ N.ii-York. ii', Host .n. J'hlladelphla vs. Wasiilngton. at Philadelphia. Cleveland ss. Louisville, at Cleveland. Chicago vs. Plttobursr. at Chicago. St. Louli eb Cincinnati, at St. Louli. CABTKB, DF.CLINES THE BOSTON'S OFFER. New-Haven, Conn., May ll (Special)..Probably no other college baseball pilcher ever sprang into such sudden an«t wide prominence as Carter, of Yale, has nttnlncd. Before- the opening of this Reason be was unknown os B pitcher, although lie had an enviable leputation ns patcher and tir^t baseman. He ha* struck out 122 men In the few games pitched thus far this season, nnd hus held some cf the strongest college nines In the country down "wonder¬ fully, his (neatest performance being to retire tlio Brena Vnlverelty players with only one hit. Ills ability has found signal recogni'lon In an offer from lh<- professional champions of the world. Hie Boston I marat nine, wbo Rre In need of another pitcher He has been asked to send lils terms 1|» them aud to play with them, reporting at (.nco if possible. Mr. Carter, hnwevei. plays imll only for fun and glory he has absolutely declined the Boston otter and will continue his' (.ourse at Yale. He ls In tbs sophomore dais, and will be captuin of Uie Yule team In lils senior year, if not ne*t teasou. ihe coi"*, Weather ANSON'S COLTS GET A DBCBBINO. Chicago, May 14.."Father"' Anion's coln were walloped iu the ninth inning to-day, the Cincinnati "Heda" »natch- log \lctory out of thc jans of defeat. For teven Inning* Uie drop thrown In by McGlunls was effective. Then the distance beran to tell and at Wa aa.no time areal la pi"ces, the, ..Reds'* winning b.v a neck. pl<Mi-aiit. Attendance, 13,233. (Beam ("Mease .2 . I 1 . 1 4 . i.12 (""Iii-Ininti .0 0 0 1 1 0 I 4 4-13 Kernot* runs.Chicago 4. Cincinnati (1. Fiist base hy wrara < hi. ago 3, cincinnati 0 Lett on bama Chicest o. . inc-ina'i 0. 1'lr-t ha*.- o-i taila.OS Miamherlaln i, o;T McGinnls '.'. Scurk ouV-Bv McGinrils 1. Home run .sl.rii I Smith. Two-base hit.Kian, Dahlen, Sn.ith. Chamberlain, Behrtter, Mcphee, Voogh. BseriSes hits. Duncan 2. Lam?.-. Chamberlain 2, Barrett, (arrutheis. .Stolen bav.es.Dunga.ii. Canavan, licker, Oarrathera, Iio'r: ie ular*.(Smith. MrPhee. Omni.kev: Austin and Md.Inuit McI'Iie***' and Smith. Hit hv pilcher-Bjr MeOln- Mi 1, willi pitchiy-chamtierlaii) I, MefMoale. Pssaoi bal'.-Schiller. L'mplre.Lynch. Time of ganic-2 hours, io n lin,i.-.. FOR THE HABUEM UIVER RBOATBAa Tba Regatta OfMBBdtbM nf thc Harlem Regatta As- BasfaltBB met at tba Nonpareil Unit Club JIousc, on lbs llarli-ni Blver. yesterday, to complete minor de¬ tails fat lbs Harlem Blvei- regatta, which will tulle place oa Mny 30. H. J. BsbreUS, of the Nonpareil, presH-nt t,f tin- aaaaebiilon, was ebaltnaaa, and the tomodttetmea atttsoal were the HSOUlsil and treas¬ urer, k .i. p.irne, of tbe Atlanta: Jurua Maher, of tba Metropolitan', Oliver Hurt, of tho Frl.-n-lshlp; Frederick, I'elmour. of lbs BSSBBB, bid II. \V. Wattora, of tba l)Hiiu:less Deal dubs. Tiie race* 1<> b<- conles'ed nnd tba bopbtoa sre: I Irt race, for Junlc»r atugtm, modal offered by Ihe Noiipni. il Bout Club, and n banner OfbraB bf Hie as- SBriBllsa; second race, fir BSSJor rtBglss, a rudal and i aBuaoad; sculls, ands!; third mee, junior iosblm. m.slals offensl by the Loee Slur Boat Club, and BB as lOebitlan banui-r; four'h race, si nhir SeubtSB, for BS- KociaMoii andnlfl and (iiall-n^'e cup; fifth raes, Junl'/i- toaenared shills, sssodettsa smsani sad banners; sixth nice, senior four-onred d'ul.lc shells, for tin- mme i>ri/es; aereaU mee. looter low-oared eit-'s sim ilnr prises; eighth rac.-, Junior eight oared shells, for aaxoclatlon manliils und direr eoe; ninth ince. Hetilor aHgbt-oared shells, aaaertatloa m.-dals aad Harlem cap Th- entries will elms with uh- nails on botordar next AEEBtWAR PEIUmOPEBES TO meix. I'lilhid. Ipliln. May l-l (speclal).-Tlie lO.Mh nnnl- versiiiy «if UM Ainerlcun I'lillosophpnl gantstj will be mlabaalad in titis city nv.- days, laeglintdag es Bay a. B.-sidcs amnjabni from lbs American BanespoBd lng BOftatlSa, lhere tem be many representiiilves of forelgri b'rdles. Among thc latter may be mention.-d ( njUiilii Abney, B. Ba, from the Iloyul Boristf of Kngland ; Hr gtaUglai OOltOU, Koyal Jn-.(]tinion ; i>r. lsiiii. Bnberts, BSfal Astronomical Sotlety; riBtftmiU 0*aetna Forbes, of London, and Cuptaln Karl, Clievn- Uer BsaBSBBU d'Hopperu onrl and Ltouti ii.uit ( olonel Rolaert Daublelieky von Nternerk, ¦eBieiefBfdaf the laftueriol Beyal Military ('.-..graphical In-tillite, of Austria. Among them who will read BBSOn al the mssbmi an- lbs following: I'resldi-nl liidirlck lrnl.-v. aa '.History of the Ann rican PhlleooeblCBl si.cici.i"; Pretddenti D. c. Ullman, .Johns Hopklni ijilversity, ea " I'n-sent Aspecl of Bdenee lu Amer¬ ica"; Ulsbop Kean.-. Cathollo rnlversliy. on "l'hll- OOOPby'a l'lace Among the BeteaeW; Cnionel Carrick Mslery. "BelenUltc sorletlefl ol Wsablngton'i Brm. lessor J- Ba Hoppto, " Pbllosophy of ah". Dr, J, n. Norri*, "Tin- .sta!.- Historical socleilcs of Hie rnlted Malo,"; Dr. Imiuc Roberta, "nseeat Dtaroverlea in Asirt.iioiuy"; l>r. J-. G. linrkcr, " Klc in. ty " Til.- topics i,, b, dlsonssed bv I'rofessor Oeotrgs ForU-s nnd Slr Douglas UaltOB hnvi- amt v. t been saesnemd. Ow lbs last day of the seeslnn. Copula Kotinr-enn B'lloppeneoart otll illustrate u nathog of (leterintii.ng gravity by amana of a pendulum aa- puratns ii.-iUeti by his K.iiengiie. lieutenant llolonel von Merrick. A number ol brilliant reooptloni "111 be gjtvn lo the delegates Buring Ibeif slay In Ihe (airy, it ls experted Uni four member* who uttendul tlie society's ("antenatal celebration, tn IB43, will bo present. Ttiey pre Pn-shlent Fraley, tba Bev. Dr. lUi-B-iao, WlUlam fioyt- and l'roti-aaor Kt-udail. IN IIOXOH OF THE RET. DR. CTTLEE. A ni'AUTIl-FI. Ml.MOlUAL WI XHOW IN TIIF. LA I'AYF.TTl: AVI.XI IB rKI>nYTF,RIAN ( IIIRCM. BROOKLYN. A window remarkable for Its site and beauly was unveiled yesterday In the Lafayette Avenue Presby- terian Cbaesb, st lafayette ave. and south o.xfoidst., Hrooklyn. The window commemorate* the Ihlity veins during which lbs Hov. In. Theodor.- l/s-lvan] ( nylor mliil-ti-ird m the congr. ration, lt wu- gtsee to lbs (iiiinii b\ ali tba saaabsm al lbs psilib, who i.nv.. aBauram this method of Irstlfylag Ihelr n-girl .M ppp CXJC J nra y Plr THF. FYI.KR MEMORIAL W1BD0W. and affection for their venerable friend nrll former I paator. Al ll o'clock the curtain was put uslde by the Rev. Dr. David Gregg, who succeeded Dr. Culler when Hie latter retired from the active psateeats thies yean ago. This was followed by un elaborate musical service under the direction of JobB Myall Braver, tba organist of the church. Dr. ('reg-; preeobed tba Banoon, and Dr. Caylsf made a short address after tbs sermon. The new window ls placed over the entrance to the church and ls directly opposite tba pulpit. It ls of unusual sUe, being ii feet wide and N f'"-t high. lt con'Ms of live lancets, with tracery work above, und was designed by Louis V. Tiffany, and tam Bled by the Tiffany Glass and .Decorating Company under Mr Tiffany's per-onal siipenNon. Many thou-fttid sepuratf pieces of SBBSMHSl gl«*H were Mad In CM composition of UN BKnlSm, which ls one ,,f the Ilnest »,*., Ini.'is of ..ccles|,.si|.nl art In Hie country. Iliul prcaohln« on Bart HIM '" Athen" *. untiiil sahjest "f tU window, having I.ii elm ",. .s .specially BSfteSriStO, In M.w of Dr. tnyl.-r's p.ng .nd faithful s.rvKet U a pMBSbSf. di either slrte of Hie asattal scene am lbs figures of M*)scs the lawgiver. ..nd MlB tbs Kvangellst. Moses Mauds with th.- tabbi <.f lbs Commandments, Hlui js rep- raeeetrd as Hu- lawgiver ol ll.*' old dispensation. \lmve Hie Bants of Moses ls Inscribed the dato "April "th. IMO." the time wh.-n Dr. Cuvier sssumed tea piiStoru'te of tba (''ilin li. JobB sliimls oil tba Opposite side, bearing In his hand nu open volume on nbleh is written tbs iir-i rene of bb Gospel. "Is lbs be- ginning was tho Word, BBd tba Word was with Qed, and tho Word Wai Oed." Aliove tbs figure ls the In-crlp- tlon "April (Bb, lHOD." tin- dote OB which Dr. (nylor retired fn.ni attire work In tho church. In Ibe iipp.r portion <>f Ibe window are tero tablets, <>n om-" of which ls this memorial Inscription, "This Window hus be.-n erected lu ln\liig friends llll'l di-dlcited to the thirty years' pastorate In this elitinii nf the Rev. Theodore Ledyard cuvier, I>. D." Tire oi h.-r panel u-nrs tin- following: '-For I determined not to know anything among von mrs .tesiis Christ and Him (nulli.-il.** RUSSIANS HOMEWARD BOUND. TIIE GQOERAL ADMIRAL LEAVES PORT. GOING TO FRANCK AND THENCE TO Rl'SSIA- SITNDAY ON* TIIE FLF.F.T. And sill! another of Hie for-lpn warships Ins goes lo sen. Now- lt ls tbe trim black Russian, with the white nBBbOSlBOb. the tall mtists ead UM BBB tWPk* - the tieneral Admlral-thul has weighed h.r um hoi and -niling down tbs North River and out by Sandy Hook has mado away for hume and the BOSS of the Folur bear. lt was 4 o'clock yesterday after¬ noon when the General Admiral flow ly moved aw.ty from her entliorage In tbs mai of tho Dimitri Doesbst, and "jointing up tbaeifaJBOB caine up abreast the philadelphia to say adieu lo Admiral Glurardl. As tha llussiuri passed tho flag-hip cf her own nation sup asbtted eigmeusly, nm! was sent anny wuk tbs good wishes of answering Russian cannon. cppMto the Phlladelpl la the American colors broho from lbs BaaBaa'S masthead while h*r guns hatted their r> f-fSBt to tho Stars anl. ftrifss. iBstantly lbs Busslsa nag wa* run up abotud Uri Pbflodelphla sad lbs DBbw guns returned gan for gun ibo solute .f tbe departing Russian, while tho tars climbed Into tbs rigging mid waved their hats a*.id cheered. When the smoke lilted trom over the Philadelphia tba florin Sd Ungi *>!«- nailing "bon voyage*1 were dlsiov.i.sl waving above the colors. From t]je (ienei.il Admiral came the reply In flags, " Jtaiiy thanks." Bs tnim that lia.s parted Irom the North River beet has been sent away with more friendly feelings than the trim black and willie liusslnn Admiral now fur out at lea. The tillie was on the ebb os she came BbOUt ii little above the Philadelphia and headed down thc river. As she sailed slowly l.y, the white ships drifted around with the tide and faced their departing gBSSta A3 Mie went from sight behind ihe lottery the ships had all headed down stream. The movement was so timely und gcijer.il that it seemed as If it must ha.e been ai. order of the Admiral, when lt was only the changing tide. The General Admiral will go directly acitoss to Fiance and then to Russia. Theie were few Hatton to the foreign vessels yesterday and not so many as usual for Sunday to the American ships. Riverside Drl-e regained part of Its life of two weeks ago In thc throngs of people which IVrdercd Its wall and paraded up and down Rs broad path. The public, gardeners evidently ron- sidered tha excitement over, for they have (leaned the gr.ecn knolls bordering the drive and hove te- plsesd the signs, "Keep o'.r the grass,¦ which two weeks ago were trampled down. Captain W. R. Uridgeman, who has been In com¬ mand of the Philadelphia during the Naval Review. has received orders tl) rellim to his former command, the Rainmore, to relieve C'spbalu Runtier, who btu been ordered to hold himself In readiness to tak" charge of the cruiser Columbia, generally km.wu ns the "Ponte," now Utting at Cramps' yards In Philadelphia. The I "lilted Boban Society lit New-York will give a l.ampiot to Admiral BogMghl and ..fliers nf the Itali.in men <>! war now in ..ort at Ihe Hotel Bsdleott, Eighty-first st. and Columbus-avc, lids evening. AMERICAN OFTICEBfl HAYE BEEN ALERT. THF-Y BAY! IBBFBCTBO THE FOlU'.If.N WARSHIPS CAREFULLY. One of the Important and valuable results In the line of Banalest* and development sj naval machinery, naval Architecture nnd mBMBSBBl fll tbs BSBembBog here of ho many foreign war vessels will BS lbs reports to b>' written by the American oflicers who have been making notes of their Inspection visit. Cominoilore Theodore 1). WI1m.ii, Chief of the lliireait of Bevel Ci md rut tion, and Naval Constructor T. T. Beodaretd, after (heir asarial "iii upon Beor a.i mimi Qbemfdl S few days ago were .-iccompunl.sl by him to Uie foreign flagships nnd were tatmduoed to tbe sag Barneto, who *MEtsae>d io Ossfuasten Wll-on iveiy courtesy that would .liable him to malo- u thor.,ugh Inspection. On Un- BriBel flagship lilalie ihe ehlton Wem escorted through lbs ship by Mr. white, sob ri lbs chief iteastimlw ri lbs lilli h Navy. Tiny hnv since htSfBCtSd Hie French (iiil.is .lean Fart and Arethuse, tbs KsbStta Au gaeta, of Um Genna Navy; ina Argentine Bruten Neuve tie .Julio, the Italian cruiser Etna, and such other (fenris as lime Would permit, "Ipon tin- Whole.*' says I'oininodore Wilson, "our (flab of |.- speciion wns u very i-iil-f.ictory one, nnd aSnUed ino to eoiiipnre our own with tho latest built foreign Vessel.." The l|i-pe< Illili convinced I ..Ililli,sh.re wil¬ son nnd ills BBBbdsat that tin- United States Bary Depertemet was mablug no niistak.- in tin- eeastrue- Hon of Ha any ves.eis. Each of the [Tatted States war "reseals has a representative of thc Lureau of Barbi Intelligence i.ii boord, who. win, i.th.r oiiic.-rs nf ii,, bureen, luis \lsltc.1 the foreign vessels irtid mad.- notes <if his oi.s..rviiuoiiK juhi lefaramtlea abtetied. ti,,. fMbeen of tbs Engineer Corps have also been alert, "ind upon their visits lo the vessels hav,- Beted ,|i Imirovemeiiis li. inncl li.erv and holler, n.,t tuns bo of vuln.i-ln lix- future tleeignlng of ma, hln.-rv In' Uta Bureau ..I .-t.uiii hnglaeerliaf. t-,,.-.-.-.i Assistant Kngl- n.er ira N. Hollis. mtnaeftJac th.- eblef of toa bureau, im. oompwted u cujefui inspection ot Hm engines and boilers of Ibo foreign warships and will make a detall.-d and thorough report. IIVTHOIUST ClICRi'llES lt AY CSITE. A letter was read at the morning service |n the A.hun Methodist F.plscopal Church, Washington S'pinre Brut, yesterday by the pnsfor, Hie Rev. .lames * Moue, ashlnK ih,. congregation to consider :i pro- PSSSd union with the Washlnglon S.juiir.' BbBbsdftM Bpfbunaal Cbenb, in Bm! Fourth st.. brineaa Wssh- lngioii Benara ami Hath ave. The snUos mid ibal a IHMIK HBKBJUI ini nnd si iNi-*i li .nnd I'.ii ok fre.'duni tram nm. <iMiu,t». perfaci Mneeags. u-t uimiuv aster, electric Ilkina.. i>|i'.r,i nm. 1 itreeVi, lats reilflrtml «B;-il,;«t ,,(,,,,," tloiijaUie featur.-- u.sutifni ,iaOffluri . sud meris lots fm «aln rhaap. on rum lana* 8 Hues of H. H fn"i|in-nt fast, imho. block signals, IriMirld* isfetj run,.' liiiitsCon 18 oiits; iim,i<. ..4 ml rn, i,i froiai N. V. KV tory Silo li..imt'-'l Urst six el,uno lota elven .n»sv If S.1,OOO howe Tl In,lit it. Va FIBanuB, Bound Rrook, B. J. meeting to decide the question of union would be held on .Inn." 1 H'M. l-i-t winter a preposition was uinler ci.ri-.ld..rail.-ri 1 i form a UUlon of Hie Asbnry Cluirch .\iiii the Central Betbodbvt Btfmapal Charoba st Peue teoatb-st sad Se**renth-a*ee. WeeoHa tiena were finally shondoerd. beconm of the salvation Army's plan to el'.-t a briMlBg lu Follrtectltll-.st. If the plan ns now proposed be cnrrl."d out, the Anbury Church will sdi its bonantane property, nrieb ls ruined Bl not less tbsa OtOOfiOO, sad devote tbs procc.sls of sii-ii mis to t.i*' enlargement of lbs work of the unit.si churches, Hu- erection of nen keOdlBsn for pariah extension, etc. Tm- Asbnry Cluirch ll one of the oldest Methodist Episcopal Churches In the rlty, baring been estab¬ lished lu 1638. The Washing! n Square church una founded, about tbs year 18BB in Bunnan -c. uni trna for many yenrs ("Tootra a.i lbs "Sullivan Street .Meth¬ odist F.plscopal Cburcba STIi A Y NO TES HERE A ND THERE A Brittsb tar, not a bad-looking fellow, but Utile the ¦aroma for drinking. Stopped a New-Yorker In Twenty-ihinl-st. and BSbed him In :t voice which Inul a line nil: " V. here's the Robroy'l**1 ..Where's the whatI" Babel the New-Yorker, willing to aid Ibe Wti"'if- -irlior If be could. '.Tlio Robroy'l," be sosvered, trying to disjoint his nerds, bat falling utterly. The New-*Yorher hadn't tin- slightest Iden where th*- Rob Royal waa, but by dint ol questioning nnd perena-ion bs n'snsged to barn what locality wus wonted. lt was th.- Bowery. There Isn't any street lu the world better known to Uri sailor than the Ro.very. Drop* li.to any port, Europe, A ia, ¦seth Instill!, and say "Bowery" to a seafaring 'lian and ho wants to know more about yan. Brea if he has never been in the Bowery, ha knows a lot about it, und knows that he would like to get lin re. A naval oilier tells Ibis story. One Bight In a driving gale, when lt wns a bTM Of a Copper whether lll.S Vess-1 was tlilvell oil lh<> rocks or blown lino a channel win ra there was a hope fir her, one o,' tin- sailors come np to hlrn iinii. willi a Obits niivlons lace looked al tho otli- cer. Vasa he siipi pi a honor stricken voice: " Mr. K.. this ls an awful long way from tin- Bowery, isn't ltf _ There ls Store In Beroi habits than one right suppose. Two petty ollie.-rs of one of the cruisers were gulag up on the clcvctcd train about 4 a. m. They Were l*>th sleepy, but were afraid If they slumbered that tiny would be canted past their station. Filially one of them said: .. We'll match to sc- who sle.ps nnd who stiinds watch."' They mulch.si. and Hu- winner, curling himself up In ii < rn- - ..-.'il. tell lulu ii doze. The loser sat upright all tbe woy, as solemn ns nn owl. his eves wide open, his figure erect, ".st.miling walch" on tlie cruiser Baahsttaa. .come men who saw a young wr-mnn hurrying along a street holding a handkerchief over her new spring bonne: to .shield lt from a few drops of rain laugh*'*!, some one remarking Ihnl nothing was nore denr lo a woman's heart than her new- bonnet. "Mold up.*' said another, an elderly man. "you Breda'l laugh at that Woman. I think she's a very sensible women. She deservm a greet desi of credit for trying to spare tbs ch*.k-book of ber husband or Ihtber from fresh spring bonnet attacks. She I-, a aenstMe, conscientious, praiseworthy m.nug weman of great prudence and [-outage, I is*/, ami rou ought toodudre her." "Bay, Frown,' hu wns risked, "stace when did you become entbualsaUd about sensible women.'" "Young ninn,"' answered the other arith groat flclemntty and rnrnestneuM, -I buy spring bon¬ net > for a Wife and Bevon di nighters.'' in lbs end the eily club may possibly beat Into the head of tho Boyer sonic slight anaaura of re¬ spect fm- pul lie Miiiimnii. It must not hope to nc cempUab bm much at once. of course Cominis stoner Brseaaa rnnaet go just yet There is no Otbm place for bini nt this particular time. rum many tHk.s ran ol Its iwn. Hy mid by time nuiv ba n vacant Ju.lgslup. How woaM it do lo adopt a ten fttrtshm Idem on street cleaning) »>r course um eoedttlous are rsstly ciii:. r.ni, but inii.ii emili u- learned irom the ir. in hu.h. win. im ve tba elosncri (Hy In Uta warida Tin- Pbrbdsn housewife rurel) brim bar ene furniture und carpets oater linen rtotha io keep tao du-t from ruining them. Ibm B little deal In i'itils. Why.' Beeeuoa lhere is Mule aind. riu' boulerurdfl ililli -treets ill'.- Wi,.lied ilS t)f|e|| ll'i tl.eV lll'«> SW.'pt. N.w Yorb bas plenty of water now. why ari nv u linle mi ih" .sir..i.' Th- Parisian sent lt>wooton wens ker .sunn siij pem lu th., street when sin- gue, wslklng. Here ihe women weer teether sinus, uml Bometbaea rubbers._ The Farlslnns do imt orssb exert tulng Into tho Bewers, m naay Baroona hasgbie. Unnl wagem luke sway ail lbs refaee that ma bs ptbered i.y "-boret (Hld bmom, Hull the hose ls lurried on illili He- small particles are sse! into lae (tewon. Boan *>f lau streets are almost Sfl fi. fem du-t and Irish ;,s ninny Am-i h nu piiibi.. A ni'ni could will nigh eat lils dinner tut tbs pavement of th*. Rue Be Rivoli. American intel j rb- VOA Un.lr;.dd to ii porty of Bngtl li aural utBtiri Hu; sKtenlng after the In nt the old nrmory. Inering lo vlei,- lbs rUBU thc, eon eatonIsbed to sc- lbs burned nnd blackened walls literally covered with piny bills of ever] *l. bi rl[.il.rl.. I'.veii Un- Imn ...Inn.ns .,( !!,.. .-ul story were doromted hy Hie ui>i<|uitous 1.111 poster, long bolors lbs in i On mflas bsd wtihdrawn in siiiiiin. Beerykodj stopped io om tbs rttbtt, and ali mw lha iid\iriiseni.-iiis. An b amii idan baabn has '.cen in this country for three moiilhs for the purpom of Investing 13,000, (KK) lu ii certain . ni. tpii .-. ll<* ls mtlsBed with iiio aroepasts, sal win Mara io Aaiaajerden aoat week without having purchased a il..Iiiii s worth ,,f .loch The coiiiiiilou ol affairs In Wall HtrOet frightened him. Winn things become settled h" may return. Ills fib lids ut I. have more nioner than Hoy know what lo do willi, but they will nut risk ll Jeri now. Tin-re angbt i<> ka tonal king very rodalag abonl n flower abOW, nnd, ns a inaitcr if fi;, ih.ro ls, for it iippeais io th" amt "ii-., i.f man *vi1 nemos, it is u coinbiiuitii'n of bounty, Bweriaem .imi pertly. Could then- be iinyllilng bettor Winn lin- average rittrea ibm Is lbs haem abew ka feds proud sf tbs horses. Whcll lie see, Hie dog show In- l.-els proud Of the dogs. Winn kS 'pends nil .-veiling muong Ike flower li" fels proud of hllll.ielf, benns.- bs fads tl i.t he bsa Maaortated with eometnlng lu natuw muli, ben.- .uni higher than klsiatlf. We csaaet have too mu lu How er shows. ECHOES OF THE LEAGUE- Til*; GREAT CLUB CONVKNTION AT LOUIS¬ VILLE. REMABBABLB f/BATt*I'.F.s Of THK PROCF.F.DINUS -TO VQRK IN H.'TI'UI* INDKl'K.VDK.NTLY OB THK I'.l.r.l.I.Ml QBOABISATIOB. il".. CLAlKBOB ot'T Of POU' TICS KOR Till". PRF.SKNT. Louisville, Ky., Mny IS BJuacBll TbS ISST pu-i'd of ibe Renebllcea srmjr thal invaded Beatably Bria weei* lins dsfarlsd, sad Loni.vin.- hus settled down again to IN quio! xvavs. lasns B, Malleson, thc iciiiing presslrtit Bf lbs Inser. n;;d Mr. Tracy, h!« youan i'1"'' ^'or. xvere BBumg lbs Bal ld Uses lbs citx". Mr. Tracy manlaed ken ts orgnnlss h.c n.-w Bxecbtlvo Committee mid appolhl ¦ sub-esaunftlea which xviii kars direct ccntrol of Hip orgd nl/ii lion's nilalrs during th" coming year. At the meeting of ihe Bteenllre flimnltlm H nea aseMsd fo poMseas lor tho precut tbs election of u secretary to succeed Mr. Humphrey, WbCdS nslgBSBOB WBB placed ls-fore lbs cullin,iir.c, nnd al K tnesarer in pises of es* Ooreraor Umaabarjr. Mr. Tnej thought it weeM ks helter ii ken eaotber mei ung wltkia s few anebs, ned lbs * then agieed xvith kim; so th*- commute-; .dJoCrbed, xviih tba saderatsndlng Ibat Bb members would h*' csllcd together lu 'hit ugo some time In June. The pnsldsnt nl-o defined tin." selection of B -ubi MaBttae. Ile BBeJaied it lo bs hi-* Intention 10 mnl'.e tlie laagna, h. fur iis lay In his poxv.-r. one of the grmtmt forces iii danstben politics. The ksesV uaarten xviii nmals in Bow-Vorb, In rbarta of Mr. Humphrey, until th.- Beat niceting of tho K.\-cutlve Ooaunlttoe; but it la sot »t nu imarobsbls thut it xviii then be imasferred io cumgn, though a brooch ottice mny 1..- maintained lu New-York or Washington. This course 1-, alana! certain io bc ndopt»-d if colonel McAlpiu la elected trea.-ur.-r, nnd if Secretary Humph¬ rey (1111 be pievniiiti up, n to iiccept ro-ele'Hon. Mr. (Inrkson has gone to tho Puclflc Onaat. He expects lo spend two or three months there, attend¬ ing to some bustaem afolm. '"I nm now going ti try to mn ki- .-om.- money,» ka mM to a group of friends: In tbs Gell House rotunda iis he xxas starling for tho Bala. "I um don" xvith arilrs poBttta, at lenst for tba present. Inning tba I st riv,- -roan that I hiive keen in karama my oxvn affairs hilve been Deflected, nnd I have spent PQS-hslf of the money I lind ncciiniiikitcd during my Hf*! of hard labor. 1 hate r-'ix'ii my kari surleea to my pnrty, but now I nm geing to glx-e my satin nttentlon tu my family snd my private matters. I nm glad to my that the Btreapecl before sm is excellent. I confidently >-x [net to millie a tood many thousand dollars within a reasonable time, but lo do lt I lind to promise my associates that I neaH rut loom from politics. The lengue ls now In capital condition, lt can take ciro f Itself, uud I predict foi- li n great, future. This r utlon, I think, win ¦how the country" that Be* i.'iblicuni-rn ls fur from bein;; iu a moribund condi¬ tion.'' in revicxving the eooeentloa'i work one ls- lm pceaaad aaew with thc tadepsndont and, nt times. radical spirit windi area fUspfay*** ,'iffeugboal the d.iib.rations, and which bow uud thee seemed to lind some satisfaction In defying many important l>arty declarations nnd In endeavoring to shatter aberBhef Mean Beak Manlhntlona worn most fre- <|iieiiily observed lu thc rooms of the xarlous com- Blttesa, particularly th.it on resolutions. This t'oniinllteo consisted of one member from each Stitt.?. ¦elected by his tetlow dclegatos. it was therefore a comniltteo tluit fairly represented, tile gen.-tal a Bmw bly. The majority of the body might be fairly UrSBfld aribodeii but it required all the power of that element to prevent tho vigorous minority fruin pre- matlnf s platform that would have made ntSfSBttBg reading alongside the pnrty principles .set forth at Minneapolis. IW xvhlte dslflgqtm from the Southern states were enger for a renolution Imposing nn edu¬ cational test, declaring thal If such a resolution were adopted they would be nblo to attract enough Pro¬ tection Democrats to carry two or three states and a large number of C'lngrcss Districts for the Republican parly. "Beattie BS," mid one of them, '*tr> become a pnity of Hie white mun ns xvell ns the bink 111:111. and lbs solid Sooth is broken. An adhwtionaI uaabanatfoa Beeb as BaSSSCansriU and Wyoming hax-e xviii elimi¬ nate ji large contingent of Ignorant negroes, whoae votes If cunt for us ure not allowed to be counted and Who therefore do us no good xvhatever. I bellnx'e tn ni ci piing thlflgl BS they ni'"'- You can't pet the negra vote except by Federal assistance, faders! assistance can't bo hui, even If lt xvere desirable; anl so I ¦UT, l*t us seek other menns. The educational test ls ihe most practical. It xviii put the Republican party In the South on a lilgh.r plane nnd bring to us tbeassads of white roten xvho woaM bo xvith ns now xx'ero it not for (his ignorant colored clement." Some criticism wus hoard becau.se the so-called "Force bill'' had failed to becomo a law, but the majority of Southern League men addn ssed them- .elves to ths task of having the puny organizations beloxv Mason and Dixon's line Investigated, with a view to construction of mw machinery. Some of these organizations, they concluded, are con- troUfed by a few men who care for little be¬ yond dictating the election of delegates to National conventions and disbursing the patronage of Repub¬ lican Administrations. A resolution embodying this Idea was adopted by the convention; and President Tracy will appoint a committee consisting of nine League men to examine tbs condition of Republican¬ ism in the south and report its findings to the next meei lng of the League, Which will bc held at Denver In May. 1804. 11 ls understood that a majority of this special committee will be Northern men lu sympathy with Hie xiews of the Soi.'herii.-rs who ure cager to form a new pnrty In Dixie, regardless of existing organ¬ izations there. This League Committee will be en¬ tirely Independent of the special committee which IBS regular National Committee trill send late th- loath for (h.- Bowness of SdJesttBg the relations of rival BepeMlcaa state committees, i nairana Garter win appoint his committee xxlthln a fexv days; but Pres Ideal Tracy Intends, lt ls said, to proceed without consultation with the older body, for the reason thut Hie purposes of the two Investigating committees are eni Inly difTcrent, and bsttsr results cnn be ob¬ tained by I'lriivldual "action than by co-operation. The National Committee's representatives xviii deal With Hie exIMlug organizations; the League men with the elements of the parly outside of those or gnnlzatloii-. Hut, xvhlle the League Intends to proceed Indc- aeneeetty in its inxv-tig.it ion of Bualkris In pabUOSalsm, if B In complete accord -xxitu not a fexv members of tlio BattOBBl Cunmlttee, on the propo¬ sition to cartel] ihe power of ihe neath in ffstloasl (onx dillons by making the actual vi te cast the basis cf repeoientatton. The ptegrasrivc character <.f mis Iden, xvll.i, xvas enunciated by Mr. Payne, member of ih.- Betloaal Commutes Ben Wlaroasta, salted Hie ten.pe,- »f he tluhtncii. mid they (adorned ll xvl'h Mill...s|'-:u. "Tbs lime ha- coin.-.a Bald one le:,ding .'...I, tai", '-fu 11- t> take hold of our party lu tbs <li. If we an- going to carry Hi*' countrv again for I'.ililleau principles. Tin- solid Ninth has been teni Iii twain; xxe mri io the same xvith Dixie. How: First, by ipUttlng the negro vote, that ls, by making Hie UepabWian party ns arneb arblts ns blacb. What clso can xve do? We can't have FrdenJ pro lection iit the *shnn, ami xe mal gel blaek rein ci.nilled xvitimut it. Therefore we Boal adopt another ionic, nml I think tin- South ls 1 ip*? for tin- change x.l- -uggi .( Iii ihe educational test." rh.- 11 na ni mum rote ol tba convention agalasl 'he eligibility of the Pr.-nhill of the I'rilcd States kW a second siiccis-lve term lu ofll-e xvas easther Ula* Iriitlun of Hu- c invention's rtpirlt. A few friend- of ex I're-ii'cnt lliiril.-o: Int. pict,si this us 11 rcll«ctloii iii.ii his cnnilhtiicy for reelection biri fill, but Jil. 'lincluden i- not warranted. Tin- resolution nos IT PP.K\'EXTS THE ESTRANGE of disease.pure blood lund an active liver. How explained t The circulation of the l.l.cl Ls tho great highway over which thc germs ot (liaeane travel, tbe liver is the quarantine through whose gate any ilreail disc-use may or mu*/ nut puss, aa the liver clio. w*. Are you watchful I _Is your blood in order aaa.-- gag] youf Qa/ga active. no ns t.t repel disense 1 If not, TCB xviii find in J,»r. l'icice'sli.il.leii Mislicil Discovery just (he h. I), you need. It ionic* to your u.ssist- anco WBBB you Bees BB*** wnrnings of im- iiuni Mood and inactive liver, os pimples, IhuIs or larliuiu-lea; or a feeling of hiasitude, weakness and despondency. When your flesh is, from auv cause, "reduced below a healthy sUtndaix.," you've onlr to toke tho " I kana > very," which xviii act all the orpans iuto vigorous action and build up both flesh aud strength. Avoid naustMma preparations of Ced Uver Oil. They Md fat, but not tthoietome firth or healthy tissue WHEN THE ACCIDENT COMES, The ExtensionFull Indemnity Policy of THE UNITE! 8TITE8 MUTUAL ACCIDENT ASSOCIATION gives the fullest protection and covert casualties no covered by any other policy in existence. Other forms of insurance In Ihe same company are ail good, and all at reasonable rates. mo, j?2 t ta Beaataor, new'Tark. DBBBfaBB li. I'EIT, lafriBd i: viicurw **UaU .,. eiri Baaanav Bruited by m-n wito Itibored I- (.crural Harrison's l.lnlf Mt Mini.nil,|:». T.,. y ..imply pone tsae**aaea to u nMeajrsri watharnt, aad asa doti tbs --\. President BBbeU BOS strongly BBsesBat Hud Haeh u resolution b-t-n adopted a ,\.-ir ngia- that 1-, prior le tbs hint .Nitlonnl Onn. nth.n lt migh' bax- bBBb looked upon Bl a tlnust at Mr. Harriss but it cjr> not Ur BS regird.'d BBrii lin- iio or moro toasesiallss driegatea nba se bitterly aaneand Bat laaariloa lu ihe plaUatri ri the Hank relating ls nesasa'a mfraga pfabakt] Bbssoi anser » nUsptorben len bi ».. lt* scape. Krideattp they thought tfcnt lbs *rnn*deUoa cu..Iul",d fae jurty ¦1'tlr.ly to that dotti inc.'Hi -I. .1 mlttak". AB Ibat Bb) plunk ssabBBS ls aerri) » icaeiaUs reeosfuu^adbal tin- ajoeariea H n*anoa inBBsen to tii#» MBs*reeaBte faaasbbanshni of Uri 'opu.iican riana al ih.» tountry.*" In other word-, lt ]a simply 'wMMMUMtA by tba batts al A .s.-mbly as n good stbject for thc- heil asa <i:.t.ons to dh,;u«s. Among thn loiters rial were read none attrartel more attention or were llatened to more sUenttvelr than tliat of .Mr. Powderlx, uenend Master Vu.rb> man of (SS Knights of Labor. Uta suggestion at te ihe attitude the Republican par'y oegbr to auume on the labor (juestlon, bis evident ay'mp.v'.v wltb the tendencies of RepabUcaalsqi, in c0W.ni lt with those of the iwmicraT, oa mattera .aflea'.ing tut wa ge-workers, .-ind the g. Berri bMM 'nt Ha >Her made a decidedly favorable lmpres-l'*n ev«-n upoa th*.se xvho did not ag..-.- OBI .ill lils BtOtSIB BtS, Tao mere faa t .ni Hie rdBdol Bend ot <>ne of tbs greatest lober orgBBlastloas in toe wort-] .1 oin- In tuck a friendly .pim before ¦ Bceobibrsa Convention was gratifying lo iii.- Selegatei si k> dlcottng th*- h.trnionv .wi-tinc between the labor www ul th.- country nnd tlie Republican party. 'Ihe fie.- silver ndvoc.it ,s arete SO hand, but (.ur- prls.-il a good many hy Un lr sndsst*f. Tfcril repre¬ sentatives in tlc- Committee on Reaolntloofl sought ii> commit tin* ronrentlon ifi unbaatted v.xat-. nut the real xxere rjotto content to nil .xv a realtirmiil in of lbs declarotioo Blade mi Hil. question fll Minni to stniid. Besne 't tboae who <ir:ift--«l the piauoni xvere surprised by on" proposition (hat mi. ur-,'i-l na * means of r*'li-x"lng the pr.-«»*nt finr'uel.tl enndtdna of (he Nation. This eras, tu ¦abstaaee. (ha* the i,. y emntent should immediately go lato 'h.- aatrbrii sf Boroo* and soil the surplus inver "hich bsa b^en acciiniiilated In ibo Treasury vault- auder the Bberaata act. This proposition, li xxas urgfd. bsd tbe approval cf ea ¦Secretety Foster and noun bsve brea ranted ont br him bnd PrcflMeel Hinds xn given BU coi.-u.t. By .selling the silver In this w-«y tbe x i«r BBBOUBf of money locked np would be released and gold would DB brought back Tr in the old World, and Hi* leal Hint Hie Knited ^tnles |< rr.,|Mg tn adopt a sllv*>r bn«ls xx-ould be dissipated at least .., rv IbSSS who advo- cale the plan. A good deni of dlsnppolntrr.ent x-as r-tpre'sed by Leone men beeauee tuerubera of tbs National con., inlttec hurried onay ns flOOS ns tool Ixidy adjourned. Ali effort hud linen made to hold a Joint couferent a of tin- (wo bodice; but, despite the efforts nf Mr. Ko-- water, F.*litor of -'The Omabfl Bee." and otbrrs, thia proposition xv.'is not ndopr»-<I-a btct that perhaps disposed the younger men to net In future wtfk mors Independence ol the regular party i.rgnnlntl'.n. It B generally iigrcwl that one of tho boot "Xtem- pore sp.-i"chcrt eurie before th.- convention was de¬ livered by .fam.-s A. HIanchard, <f New-York. Mr. Blanchard does not enjoy the repototloa of baing ua orator, but *"ni<- of Hie deb-cutf- inado him aniny (faring tko dori g es-lon. n id k re < ried w th n po >.- of invective rboa won the entbariaeUoe appleuse of the convention. TBE SEASOS AT ROTSD LAKE. AS ATTRACTIVE PROGRAMME ARRANGED FOI THE SI'MMfi; Hound Lake, N. Y., May ld (Speciali..The aeason at this sylvan riflsp will open curlier than usual this your, kscaass the copious raina have suddenly saassd lt to blossom Into n wildi-mess of hUom and verdure. Nearly everx* cottnire to let has secured a tenant, and these ure largely from residents of New. York, Hrooklyn, Philadelphia, linton and other lurga cities, whose people two year* ago had to consult s railroad guide to find out where Round Lake was. The Musical Ass#ymhly, which has now become al- BTfaMt a national affair lu musical circles, wm ne more Interesting this yeur than ever before, lt will laat six days, with two matinees, and will be directed by Ivdxvard F. Myer, of Ne xv York. The Mlnltters' Institute will (.pen In .August aad last two weeks. It will ngaln havr. a corps of teach¬ ers from the prent theological Institutious. AU ara welcome to tuition, and furnished lodgings ore sup* piled free to all theological students, or young clergy¬ men of any denomination. Ibero ls no charity obit, gation imposed, for s millionaire clergyman w..ukt not be allowed to pay any more than the BOStasI of the., ologlcal student*. The course Include* c.r..-k und He¬ brew, ecclesiastical luw, und the higher branches of a theological training, while it enibnu.-s al- > oratory und voice culture. Rlahop Nett Man, Who ls now la South Anierlcu. will be ktwB In August kt "ak<» his place In the faculty. lbs Hlshop wa.s tbs originator of this school. The great camp meeting will be held toward ths close of August. Mr. Keene, the evangelist, vxlll con¬ duct the exercises thu venr, and xxiii pmladdy be ussUted by the Kev. Thomas Marrissa, who vt a, ones koona us "Tho u.iv Preacher.*' (.rand Army Day will bc .-.¦ptcmber 13. Round Lake alxvavs glx-es o day to the -..l.tlr-r. This year thc Saratoga veterans' Association, which ls erect- lug a Silrtlers' Home at Round Lake, propoaes to CS*- rbtate Its houxe warming on Ihst *!ay. GeaersI (». 0. Howard will probably be the orator. BUd'General lckles max deliver a abort adili.-.". The Art Behool xviii open lu .Inly "order the dlrec- Hon of Mr. Chester Leeann. TRYISG TO FISD WHAT (ACHED 77/5 DE.im. An autopsy was WtWJttMMWPt yesterday afteruooa on the body of Percy f, .lafTray. xvho cornmlifi sui¬ cide tat Mount Vernon r-iturday. No true- of BStbOSJ xvas found, bul some of bbs BtfSBB nntB put In f*asjat jars, wlhch will sent to B eheSriM for anaii.-t*. The BateBBf ana pariofBMri by i>;s. P. R. fuaaoei and Louis Hertii.e, and WMt order, d by Coronei l>rexv. TUE WMmTBEB REPORT. A STORM DEVr.MH'lNi. BOBTB OWhaMMtmMm, Wushlncteii. May ll.-\ d'eturbtd condition, wita .ii. has dsrelBBSd In IQSSI ami IBS Lower fcUSSSSUBBl VOUey. a sauna saneart kt Mettttttnm to Bjt asrik of m iiitina. a .huiinn .oii.iic.iri bsa fBesbsari lu -Iml- ti,iii Lisht r.ii.H.1* hsvs ikt.'iim-I ii lha lake r'i.-ii». iii.i t inw-rntur lm. r.s. u bi Ute Okla Vdt*) fallen in >:, M ..mi lower iud Mi-M' rilsat«fltppl xal-;., and '.rn ni,cl ll. ai!}' sij'li. mi'. t-U-'«!iir PKT Al I.I".!» I.Hti X-i POB I'lOxV. Kor Ncii-I'iiirlani avd i:n-t"r,i RS ItTWUt, gflflBBS% fair; niightiv vaansf beai r.otvii u lo-.iariii; eeaB b flodug «. si. Kur the Olstrt.-t of t'o'.uatll.. K.ist i-i I'- t.i: --. :\ i «, [Tau Israajf. Drisnore, Bsijkari ari Vttwhttt, tut; -1.glitl} w.xrn.ei anal Bffna*. I ..r Nurth I'folina. BauSfc Ciro 1.ii u'lt (. o-rli, ;ea- iraiiy fair, Irilonad by rioneflfl. .i I lo.-iila. fair, fotowei by akewt ii lb c\!i*"»iaS west, tor Alnboinit. sh vters; f.i Ul .. effeswara, adtawflB kg Ml s uti. ts a a; for Kn«tern Tanas, fin pi-c'b: t- abe Kor Weat Y!rj,l .la. NV. »'..-r P SS . fl BllB W ri M BSSn Vork and OMS, generally lair, Mtswed I B * .' ,' ¦ 's-ri^ira'riu.::.::^';^'"; >;.'..:-. .;.>-. nlT.tl\Xw,uu^:m..;:. r;r.\v.,,,;^f:;iN;Vj ^r;,^?xl;r:,.^'.:,:':.,'^.;.^^^.^^, .; i .nd Mc.ih naOota, BenersUj !.'. -''.'¦¦¦. , «d#i Vee io»i anl N.b,a-aa. ur i- s., ¦-. . i 1 rMo ¦nd Montaxna, lair. Titi DI NE I.OCAi. (JlUsEUVAll^NS ROtlkBi nvjrntak". N,'*h«. I j I i 7 I » IO 11 tl BIBO 1 SHISH jq q |i-«farai pai|in ¦(^¦.¦.'?-f ;-*. r M¦'¦ pi " " trw 117 ll '': E^hErS *,' j \ ; . ) sr-.T.r>-;-r-r .-i-..-- U" f ^_iL ti ti. I iur. IttrB. ?¦¦""-¦,-' Lp i lU-J -'!>.( In U»i« dugiuui a ...inin....ia vthiu bas -;.*..»a Us thin;.', in bte*.um ». i,uiit;..1 bi In* : - ¦ t-ra. cord nil biirvinrtrr lhi> lr., en li '.. rf-i'-lit' la- KTOa ¦.rstaN .* Nsatvag at rarry'a PbaasBBf. Tineas BBto, Bal I*i * s. sta ats aaofaee arith iisiu riowria. claarlaa la ia .i-;«.¦' ' HifnidBj Ti.- flBBaotsssN flasged bftw»ea .. -. d Bl asgrsss, tlie-avcrac (BBBs) b*-li,^ *\, luxiir than ..« »"te n upaaBlflg i*> last tear »'"» B\ hlflo-r BMk OB OmMM* tn and near IhU city to dsy the BSBBbfl w Uk'ly ts bu lar._ .i WORLD'* lOl.lMHIAN KMH^ITION Will be of v,xiu» to the sstri bx Hi'isiMtisg Ska la i-r.-.*- i.i.'ii* in ene iii-.-baiii.sl »rt», a-.d .-...I'.t'it ,.i,.».i.lui.. »tB Ul rea thal tiie pretre.a lu ^'.^JSX&a.'U euua. liiiporuiu-e. m.d 0* * 'u^'i'{t .!'... Uv ** 9}tnp ot Tige ls Bar adxeucc et all oUtera.


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(.RAVE.SF.ND TO-D\Y.The Rroohlyn Handicap will be contented today

st the tBranaaaal track for the seventh trme. lt

has never failed lo en fra fte WtdBSBBBOl attention.Hie Hrs! hlruiy-le took place In ItOT, reoultlnK In «

remarkably .lose and cm-IUiii! Mah between DryMonopole. Blue Wins nnd Hidalgo. Ihe prtre wus

anitVl. only 9B.B00 Im-jhr the amount of money added.

Tr>-diiv Ihe nuaranteed value of the race ls ten limes

as ni'uch-tfUO.OUO. This illustrate* the growl Ju of

rgctng.Fifteen hlph br.-d horses ar.- named for the race,

which will ba run nt 4 o*tlock. or a IBBs after. In

th.- inri lOliunus of Tbe TrHnine ihe tiial- af till have

heea carefully reported from lime to lime -in orderthut the (reader may lor* a correct Judgment of the

chances Of each, lt ls not now the uistotn «»f this

paper to live "tips."' lt ls sur.iilent lo Rive Hie

netta. Lei every mun SbSBOS for himself which of

the entries ls best entitled io bear hts commission.Have due regard for tba condition of tho track, and

tbs appearance of ino horses, aud understand that

each Jockey will stilve lo the utmost to win.

The eui rles tn ull tbe nins ure jrlvcn below. The

first race will ba called al -'-'JO o'clock. The daymarks the opening of the rcjnilar racing season In

tills **tate.a BSSeda of thc most brilliant promise.PIMMS kai 1.-novo arSSad.

gonn. Wh jfauu). wt.

Dr. Ha*b otick.Vie I Gen ection.ViO'x'etmruiijl'_'.-..ll.'& iai. ......tfi..c?-».I*-*?KHifcaU.ii l... Urvi.ta ......*...... Hi

SECOND n.VCE-Thr-1 .j cai -ol is. *1 OOO aided. Onen..;c Bed a sixteenth.

(st. IL.relit;...1 'i h..rt.112oauoaase Pmuhet. !--. naiaoow.JIBfaTntOt .t'-"- '.""* Dock.107Mtasehen . ij-j Si.yonora .lolRed Uanoer.117 1

T1UIU) BMT-'-F.Xl'fcXTATlON STAKES. Two-year-olds. 01,300 added. BOM mile.

Ptmlogs.IIB BaBeM.1181-etrl lan .HS Anawurda .USkio backs .u* i.iu..- nama .118M. Inure. 118 Montreal.118inanaa .ns jispriu- .usSi Maxim.IKS tit l.xcess .118frvri,,i!.i .ms maekhaark .na.-» uuiire.118 U. cl«r." .118ii»iiv coi: _ . iis Caa*. Petra.ll*narila! .ns ImehaB .tis

gOVMB BACBr.The mooklin Handicap. *-2i,ooo(UBSS. Chic mlle and a quarter.

Bow.Ott, Jo ker.Imupiigster .153....... BtnmaLone«e« .-..I*J. Bastdamft.c Und .110. LamOleyjudg- Monow .UO. ...A. tiiiltiRii.il

Ma".m..... Ltttleield

.Kasad].il-'..,,..-.lil ho . . I'- .... Tarall,iMi.a»eU.Ho ..'... uokxcu.x.iiud . ....UO....,. MrDerii.on.TOI .nut .u».. -.

Rigel o.108_.J I.amblrythai, e .10S. C. Sonne1" i ipOwBet .Hil. 'mylor

,10010.)0:i. .Mldm-IevIllume . BB.... . Xi bis

UaTMtt BACK-BBUBg. TivoyearoUs. (ll,OOO added.lUif-inilc.

A««)iiit giidlog...no ; Bebe sf Kif*-.IBBTok.ii.nu li'umider.100Lord Nelse* .inn | Alantinitciu- .IBOX"'i-ii*6 .107 JameetcaTn . t(8careless .im (Jerrie. BBIssie .10*. J en nie W. 'JiCanada.itt soddy . 95

SPrH KAI K- Sell!.)-?, (fl.OOO oBded. Six furious*.UBe-wpmke.in BBsceJottea. ...iviEaa-ic l,irj.110 \lcMde .¦.-¦ BllO'ceam . 107 rremont . 07i«"*"»'1 .-.10*'. | 11tuullf.il BNU.88Mordsna . los | Hanron. ti

lm lam called st 2:30.Tin- treeb e.>n be roached bv five different rentes,

a:id those wtohbtg lo sveM the ni«h viii do w.-ll io

f" Bj wog ..f Illili ave. and Tliiriv-sixth st.. Urook-vn. when- train- will be lu readiness at UCAJ. ll Azt,ll :i:>. and then imlf-linnrlv from 12:10 lo 2:40oil ck.

R.tco boat- |ea-re Whitehall-id. (Culver routt) nt10:10. ll:l(). 11:10. 12:10, lt:4ft 1:10. 1 :3i>,2:1*1 Htii 3:10. Irom tout of Bast Tl.iru fourth-t(L. I. R. Ri nt 19:06, l'i :._.<>. li .'il,. IS ::.o, l (parlorcur trulni mid l :10 o'clock. From Kioto-are. andTwrntlt-rh st., Brooklyn, ;it ll ill >, li M:'.A), 1 1 -4s2. lao nnd .1 o'clock. From Futhosh-see. Bt 1 :l-_:"BtasmlBg at Franklin, Bosriead, Ikey and utica aves.

THF. HAM.li AP l A.MUDATIS.Tc", tra-k al ¦Gravesend voa iv and fan ysetiiaa.i.

? iar;:r asoabet af peaasoa \i it u it than e\e.- beforeon a Uay Ohm UMBU oem m ian'-. Hie suir-oiindlni,'*ot the track lt-oXed ts antin.1. There are numerous flurrvtre... shout draw send. BI 1. h ar- now In blossom, andthe air was tilled with their fragrance. Tho tratnels bor¬gan vork -aily, m. as to irlve thc r»>y* « chane to Inaliecall*. In th"? BimroesOa CBomBa «a> ihe SLll llaiilial.candidate thai «:ta BSbSd tv izu fus'.-.-r than a btViiiK'fra lop. The biak «o:i ol Charaxoa went a hslf-mlik lti6-"a second*. Ila seems t.< be in splendid coiidinjon."BUtSgOSSa lU-eland aud Noniad pnt a langi aSMU ealloj),arih a br us., (or a gaoiSOl ol . mile st a Utile h.Uerthan a twombmm "-'ai.;.

(.reen B. Morris ls "apen vn.r.ln' hosscs on Sunclav''so that thu ¦Madge Hertel Ines'' and Illunie had walkin?exercise. nasgeasna arrived aad ls looked upon as hav¬

ing sn excellent chance tu wm the race. Pickpocket¦worked ona and a quarta-r miles In BshOB, »o that rrnrn

a time test, he is In the ruc with a i«ig*lb!e thaine todefeat hi* ronner stable coiiipiiiilon, I.ainiili;ht..'r.

lanni.any Hall was well lS*SSOseatad Bl M. F. Divyer'sstable yesterday murnini*. I'.lchatd (.'rokcr with a largeti-ii>'Htion of his tosasla (napaemB th>- horses. Thevassals preli. t-i that the Tammany thief would winenoui;h money «itJi his .-uti* io rcor-;aiil7e tho C(ajdSgS4Jon)pany or furnish ail the gold the Admiulatiatl.ta at

WosbSagSao niiglil need tor years to come. V. J. Xiwycrvas ccnipelled to return tu th.- eily at au early hour.Hor1<-r. or poisons, who visii.-d Ska tracli d--n.arid.tl hiidse-.Irom bini. It was or no us-- u, refer (hom Ui thc v-.-r.

tary. They Insisted that l.c could tarnish them."Ed" Ma-XJstn mm a.l the I-'.vur 4: .Son lol moderate

wor!' -' ':' ll II- Otcril.L- lr un tl,. aBftttO ol Lilli."'.UuikslOiiii'd." and le alnosl sure fi stan te Sar. HemvN\a.sli gsm the M.'Doii..iji,h h.t ii siioirj tattier. MonowaiBSanctn a lal >.f sue.ton. He i- aet a uisr horse hf BOPii. ..is. ii a aa Bttma »'.d aiurralai and so areli nutfageaost amt nain ai fda tsien Bu .-vear^ads that tnaaitat BOOM in their csufstmottm are likely to mfier deteatwhen (tey n.iv. him iii a mee. ManoaBl U esiiecijllvst on jj iii his gasiOres. ll .- elsastr counbd wim ah-agoaml siitles ai.d la ev>. Un,riv arall i>oiicd. Thesister to er W-ilte.- i. | ut. ir...like lillv. She i-

acdat > and tsi.es little oetlea o: wiiut is eolni; on. bhc isspe^di. hut the real qiestioii lias not htm a.ked ol herpaS. ihe Lily by *BOpQlf*a,d OolaiS, .ul .t thu rreat lOSd fl ar.-

(.liur>lla. lau *o*J loihiiv I,.:.', .-src was hsdh- bruised aathe trip fr un tal.ioruia. she la jai.id.v lOeOVOriao, IS lhattar- I, a ctiii t il-, it ia. .u ra .uv Bm tt.u Bet ol J. A.¦Jdorr.-'.s »^0.i>'>0 alis win loem Hus vi ii

Boyle i: laifieic lu's haesm are a DL-af-'Flraokiiic lot.tVime ri IhBfB lock lik>- (<<><rl one. Tue fetsBIsm Mable'sTop'.- and Kniicid hud i-u-v canters. K.ntiLcriia ts fullcl lib', "she i» a Btrong-k'Jiiig Jilly. Mr. Kt-liey hop's to

nhl asms or thc sukes .ith me. Qisauburi is likely uo

b in SSSmog as a sire Bon that some of ms nroducc Lave

mroS aug won.

lt is not I.kely ihat pi-rr- 1.millard will go io tin-

nam mdsjr Uta health i. taanrevaag (dentp. He (io s

u..t mm '" 'si'*' trna taaamia of eatcfclas esldi Is leyarial am tfalsaodeiamadlns bmwem W**sb**^**i taa isiloar, a-.d

ghm, th.- jo.-kev, ti:*- Brier aadi a im-tako ahem tadtstaaea tao be rou. Bs puBfri InflBStlghloi ni. ut uv end

t< oe- ,.r *. fijita iliiSJbi niles. Haggtaa taaeaatd to

w.r. taa I.:- eOS ant olie-iia f mile..

i. .. ai aaa kt wat keanes Bona pstamfotailp. nc is

l.kiiy to mm at Bsmuaaah l'ark. 'iii*' brother u. Bumu r,., .. work. Il ls taOOahS thal he will

uain w.d ram aaetemfoBjPa


Tiie t-jiicy isBud atsakey Cbta announces the feUowlogaii'i.ual atukes t-, tr.' de. lc-d a: the Jun.. n,r. tine

The Daisy "stak.a. for tn t-y< ai-olds, tl.lizW added;ave fun. sgt ..ii ii. tari.

J lie Pmaay .-sUk. s. for two-year-olds, S1.*.(.0 addrd ;

six tuiloiij's on tl.e turf.11..- BprtoB Tori Batltag i>tjke», »l,3i0 adJed; »1\

i :r. Bga on tba earl'Tin en: i..ii lo.-c te BUT. May 1*> ut thc offices af thc

elub. at 1 ilthave. and i Ot .niy-thlrd-st.

BOTSfB auoit TUM BUBdWI.The vork of the hstSOa at |m lad. on gaSaidflg was

such that anal pasama gmaatt mm guttiest lacingae*von ;.i the history ol (ii.- tm I Dr. liashruuekwoik.-i masaaajaassaaa -.i a ¦ns ta i rio, iiaiu >. is Igaentiia- dlstai.c'-.

K.r.i.'-L ..i went thi'c .piard-rs In 1 l'i',. 1 airy waa

bre /cl a h'.if-ii.il'. *..¦ j :.'¦¦! is fast at ever a'.ideoveied hic-eljl.tlu over ¦bSSjaBand liay in 1 Xi

bi. Domiii'o warned one siid aoomgam mum m isu.He was all out ai the iini.-ii. ile seems to moffat a

sh'.rit.- Ui.Ume. Ooraloo! J>oiak. i i» one ot lin

Klelscliiiuiii lot. Ile lias lmniovid lu appeatBafOS and

UarifBg a i.,ile a la* tiais BgS In 1 '.HS..Metuchni is a t< nor. Il" has to he saddled at the

siai.i*-. lie cj,ii0i..u lotaessaa. Bs la tasdf to ra.e.

lasaj Barb «..is *; a aabi m ii?.Kalnbow sktoiiUh-a everybody at Okeepaatag Bay last

. eek hy workinx a mile li Ali ani 1'« nnles In ttllV."d'liityr.- la a »la»hili» blt' cou lie UUUUag at gBm

beth n\e..-isfhto» ol a ni!" iii 1 (i. .. He ans as if h.-reqtlted time to cil'ii-

Baadsoei i* bssbsatasef in au io«r legs.BaaBBB i* shin son-, ton, but iuy suit tn the F.x-

p' elation.st. Baalm Mt Jul+ii and Bmalta worked a hulf odie

a errida siowr-r titan m aanadsTbe Ksbcr-Dolly iolt has done Rood work, ('hsuau

la reiod as staae cia»». He fjailo-ed % hajf mils yestcr-cay.

JtuS-iO wotked a i-.:i mile in wj'« seionds.




The Iacague championship sesson ls now fully under waysud tilla a little iii rc seasonable Meatier the onllm-iast-"ould be happy. It h lin cs'ly >ei to iin-dh t amthiimabout the probable m Inners, althouuh lt ls hu-hlv probablethat aome ot the teams hom n."w the flout ..III h. ic aiei

Ute tall end Of UM pmCSBfllafl nt the end of (he s-a-on.

N'eiv.Yorkers a,,- disappointed at th. P'.or taOWtOS mad.

by the New.Yoik team, hui the whole itoiihle ls wurt thc

pitchers, ss the re ands below will sho.v. Crane and

King are not In pit hew condition, and Busts I* WU iloin.'

so x^ll as he will laicr B BBS season. Sow-YniK 1.

far ahead of Prooklvn in hattliis' and luserunniiie. Iliook-

lye's Isttlne BVOfOga heine SMS, with a t.ital of .40S. while

Xetv-York's g\Stags ls S.'S, Mlth a total of ,4*1. Burke and

Fuller have carried olf Ott bas. runnlii',' honors, while Davis

end ggaatasm tmi la BaTttlng. gen>Teen* hos tame katy*n\en with sn BdSmgS of .100 or over, while r.rooklyn has

only ene, and he has playci. In t«o gOOMa o.ili.

The appended records include all games uji to SaturdayNF.W-YORK BATTING.

Plovers. (iamr*«. A H.Drills .Iir.-i linn .1-Koel r . 3l 'ullin.r .12Ward .12Lyona .9Miller .12Boote. ollurko .llbogle .iiBB|. *



iii4(112 A

in. tb. mi. sn.:i, :> 9 a

4 I*.('.1021BO18ia



TotalAte. A\e..-i i mu.ns .:>io.4(0 l.Ot/0Jill Mi.¦ah mi:.ttl.p$t.i.n.2 .1.2 11.'..50





XKIV-YOUK Fl ELDIN*Flayers and positions. P.o. A.

Killi?, p"Toromaa,Dorita, ecnu.-r. lb.Il ric. If...Kio. tt..lyons, et...T er an, lt.Wind. 2b...Ru*l\ p.Davis, 8b...< lane, p.Kcti i. et...




BROOKLYN BATTINGnavers. Games.An. R.

P: euther;Huns . 0i.rlffln .llC.rcoran .llJ-outr. .llMaddock . 8Var .llLetma . tKin-1 iw ..... 'JItichi.rdson ..luStioch. 9Kcnnelv . 4Dalv. 8"t lu . 6

in. TH.J A






Average.1.OOH1.000.'ash.083.'.Kii.'.Ul.'.COJu.'.i 17.'.)0!l.841.800.COG

TotalAve..:,oo.019.511.444.4*i.-».714.410.L'S.'..481.307.4 Od.Sll.231.10*.









BROOKLYN glELDlKQnavers and positions. l'.O. A.

,.Bl '.»Average.i.CooItluahjw, c and rf.Bl '-. .>

Richardson, Sb.17 tiGii.'hn. if.3.*,2l 01.0 illl, ss.IB IBKnut/. Ih sud If.SS .*»Frottlhers, lb.15 1Sh.,ch, If aird2b..AUBDalley, .. and rf.2dIStein, p. 1 8BaMe. ri. B lDaly. Bb.21 IfKenn, ly, ),. I 13Maddock, p. 2 BLovett, p. . 03

The St. Lois snd Cleveland teams sre dividing the

h..nors for the pennant, with Washington, "Pittsburg and

Brooklyn not far behind. The Giants can't get much

lower, ss they are tenth now. Thc New-Yorkers playthree panics in Bonton this week. the record to date ls:


~ s. \

If!ilfi i


St. Ixt-ils.|...| il O1 Ol Ol 01 Ol Ol Ol O' 81 i\ 8(loveland .I 1J...I Ol 21 0| ll 0| Ol 0| Ol 2i OJ (I

Washington .f 0 OJ... Ol ll Ol (V 2| ll 2[ 0| 0| 9l-lltsh.ire .I Ol Ol OL. Ol 81 Ol Ol Ol Oi ll 31 7iri'.oklvii .I Ol Ol ll Ol...I Ol 21 ll Ol 8| 0| 0| 7Cincinnati.I 21 1| 0| 0| Ol.. 0| 0| 0| Oi 41 1| 8l'.iilsdel-.hla .I 0| Ol Ol Ol 21 Ol... ll 1| 21 0 Oj (IllosUn. 0 0 1 0 2 Ol IL. I 1 ll 0 (' fi. ".altimore .I ol O' 21 O' O' Ol 2 21.. Ol Ol Ol (1

New.York .I 0| oi i| o| o| 0| l| ll 21...| Oi ol 5

Qhlrsgd.I Ol ll Ol ll Ol 21 Ol Ol Oi Ol...| Ol tLouisville .I ll Ol OJ tl Olol Ol BJ 01 0| Sf...} »Games lost.I ll 31 BJ 41 BJ C| U!~7I 8! 8jl0| 81...

BAHES TO-DAY.BaBbaam ta Brooklyn, at '".astern Pa ric. Brooklyn.Rotton >>¦ N.ii-York. ii', Host .n.

J'hlladelphla vs. Wasiilngton. at Philadelphia.Cleveland ss. Louisville, at Cleveland.Chicago vs. Plttobursr. at Chicago.St. Louli eb Cincinnati, at St. Louli.


New-Haven, Conn., May ll (Special)..Probablyno other college baseball pilcher ever sprang into

such sudden an«t wide prominence as Carter, of

Yale, has nttnlncd. Before- the opening of this Reason

be was unknown os B pitcher, although lie had an

enviable leputation ns patcher and tir^t baseman.

He ha* struck out 122 men In the few games pitchedthus far this season, nnd hus held some cf the

strongest college nines In the country down "wonder¬

fully, his (neatest performance being to retire tlio

Brena Vnlverelty players with only one hit. Ills

ability has found signal recogni'lon In an offer from

lh<- professional champions of the world. Hie Boston

I marat nine, wbo Rre In need of another pitcherHe has been asked to send lils terms 1|» them aud to

play with them, reporting at (.nco if possible. Mr.Carter, hnwevei. plays imll only for fun and gloryhe has absolutely declined the Boston otter and willcontinue his' (.ourse at Yale. He ls In tbs sophomoredais, and will be captuin of Uie Yule team In lilssenior year, if not ne*t teasou.

ihe coi"*,Weather


Chicago, May 14.."Father"' Anion's coln were wallopediu the ninth inning to-day, the Cincinnati "Heda" »natch-

log \lctory out of thc jans of defeat. For teven Inning*Uie drop thrown In by McGlunls was effective. Then the

distance beran to tell and at Wa aa.no time

areal la pi"ces, the, ..Reds'* winning b.v a neck.

pl<Mi-aiit. Attendance, 13,233. (Beam("Mease .2 . I 1 . 1 4 . i.12(""Iii-Ininti .0 0 0 1 1 0 I 4 4-13

Kernot* runs.Chicago 4. Cincinnati (1. Fiist base hywrara < hi. ago 3, cincinnati 0 Lett on bama Chicest o.. inc-ina'i 0. 1'lr-t ha*.- o-i taila.OS Miamherlaln i, o;T

McGinnls '.'. Scurk ouV-Bv McGinrils 1. Home run.sl.rii I Smith. Two-base hit.Kian, Dahlen, Sn.ith.Chamberlain, Behrtter, Mcphee, Voogh. BseriSes hits.Duncan 2. Lam?.-. Chamberlain 2, Barrett, (arrutheis..Stolen bav.es.Dunga.ii. Canavan, licker, Oarrathera,Iio'r: ie ular*.(Smith. MrPhee. Omni.kev: Austin andMd.Inuit McI'Iie***' and Smith. Hit hv pilcher-Bjr MeOln-Mi 1, willi pitchiy-chamtierlaii) I, MefMoale. Pssaoibal'.-Schiller. L'mplre.Lynch. Time of ganic-2 hours,io n lin,i.-..

FOR THE HABUEM UIVER RBOATBAaTba Regatta OfMBBdtbM nf thc Harlem Regatta As-

BasfaltBB met at tba Nonpareil Unit Club JIousc, on

lbs llarli-ni Blver. yesterday, to complete minor de¬tails fat lbs Harlem Blvei- regatta, which will tulle

place oa Mny 30. H. J. BsbreUS, of the Nonpareil,presH-nt t,f tin- aaaaebiilon, was ebaltnaaa, and thetomodttetmea atttsoal were the HSOUlsil and treas¬

urer, k .i. p.irne, of tbe Atlanta: Jurua Maher, oftba Metropolitan', Oliver Hurt, of tho Frl.-n-lshlp;Frederick, I'elmour. of lbs BSSBBB, bid II. \V. Wattora,of tba l)Hiiu:less Deal dubs.

Tiie race* 1<> b<- conles'ed nnd tba bopbtoa sre:I Irt race, for Junlc»r atugtm, modal offered by IheNoiipni. il Bout Club, and n banner OfbraB bf Hie as-

SBriBllsa; second race, fir BSSJor rtBglss, a rudal andi aBuaoad; sculls, ands!; third mee, junior iosblm.m.slals offensl by the Loee Slur Boat Club, and BB as

lOebitlan banui-r; four'h race, si nhir SeubtSB, for BS-KociaMoii andnlfl and (iiall-n^'e cup; fifth raes, Junl'/i-toaenared shills, sssodettsa smsani sad banners;sixth nice, senior four-onred d'ul.lc shells, for tin-mme i>ri/es; aereaU mee. looter low-oared eit-'s similnr prises; eighth rac.-, Junior eight oared shells, foraaxoclatlon manliils und direr eoe; ninth ince. HetiloraHgbt-oared shells, aaaertatloa m.-dals aad Harlem cap

Th- entries will elms with uh- nails on botordarnext

AEEBtWAR PEIUmOPEBES TO meix.I'lilhid. Ipliln. May l-l (speclal).-Tlie lO.Mh nnnl-

versiiiy «if UM Ainerlcun I'lillosophpnl gantstj will be

mlabaalad in titis city nv.- days, laeglintdag es Baya. B.-sidcs amnjabni from lbs American BanespoBdlng BOftatlSa, lhere tem be many representiiilves offorelgri b'rdles. Among thc latter may be mention.-d( njUiilii Abney, B. Ba, from the Iloyul Boristf ofKngland ; Hr gtaUglai OOltOU, Koyal Jn-.(]tinion ; i>r.lsiiii. Bnberts, BSfal Astronomical Sotlety; riBtftmiU0*aetna Forbes, of London, and Cuptaln Karl, Clievn-Uer BsaBSBBU d'Hopperu onrl and Ltouti ii.uit ( olonelRolaert Daublelieky von Nternerk, ¦eBieiefBfdaf thelaftueriol Beyal Military ('.-..graphical In-tillite, ofAustria. Among them who will read BBSOn al the

mssbmi an- lbs following: I'resldi-nl liidirlcklrnl.-v. aa '.History of the Ann rican PhlleooeblCBlsi.cici.i"; Pretddenti D. c. Ullman, .Johns Hopklniijilversity, ea " I'n-sent Aspecl of Bdenee lu Amer¬ica"; Ulsbop Kean.-. Cathollo rnlversliy. on "l'hll-OOOPby'a l'lace Among the BeteaeW; Cnionel CarrickMslery. "BelenUltc sorletlefl ol Wsablngton'i Brm.lessor J- Ba Hoppto, " Pbllosophy of ah". Dr, J, n.Norri*, "Tin- .sta!.- Historical socleilcs of Hie rnltedMalo,"; Dr. Imiuc Roberta, "nseeat Dtaroverlea inAsirt.iioiuy"; l>r. J-. G. linrkcr, " Klc in. ty "

Til.- topics i,, b, dlsonssed bv I'rofessor OeotrgsForU-s nnd Slr Douglas UaltOB hnvi- amt v. t beensaesnemd. Ow lbs last day of the seeslnn. CopulaKotinr-enn B'lloppeneoart otll illustrate u nathog of(leterintii.ng gravity by amana of a pendulum aa-puratns ii.-iUeti by his K.iiengiie. lieutenant llolonelvon Merrick. A number ol brilliant reooptloni "111be gjtvn lo the delegates Buring Ibeif slay In Ihe(airy, it ls experted Uni four member* who uttendultlie society's ("antenatal celebration, tn IB43, will bopresent. Ttiey pre Pn-shlent Fraley, tba Bev. Dr.lUi-B-iao, WlUlam fioyt- and l'roti-aaor Kt-udail.




A window remarkable for Its site and beauly was

unveiled yesterday In the Lafayette Avenue Presby-

terian Cbaesb, st lafayette ave. and south o.xfoidst.,

Hrooklyn. The window commemorate* the Ihlityveins during which lbs Hov. In. Theodor.- l/s-lvan]( nylor mliil-ti-ird m the congr. ration, lt wu- gtseeto lbs (iiiinii b\ ali tba saaabsm al lbs psilib, whoi.nv.. aBauram this method of Irstlfylag Ihelr n-girl


pppCXJC J nrayPlr

THF. FYI.KR MEMORIAL W1BD0W.and affection for their venerable friend nrll former Ipaator. Al ll o'clock the curtain was put usldeby the Rev. Dr. David Gregg, who succeeded Dr.

Culler when Hie latter retired from the active

psateeats thies yean ago. This was followed by un

elaborate musical service under the direction of JobBMyall Braver, tba organist of the church. Dr. ('reg-;

preeobed tba Banoon, and Dr. Caylsf made a short

address after tbs sermon.The new window ls placed over the entrance to the

church and ls directly opposite tba pulpit. It ls of

unusual sUe, being ii feet wide and N f'"-t high.lt con'Ms of live lancets, with tracery work above,

und was designed by Louis V. Tiffany, and tam Bled

by the Tiffany Glass and .Decorating Company under

Mr Tiffany's per-onal siipenNon. Many thou-fttidsepuratf pieces of SBBSMHSl gl«*H were Mad In CM

composition of UN BKnlSm, which ls one ,,f the Ilnest

»,*., Ini.'is of ..ccles|,.si|.nl art In Hie country.Iliul prcaohln« on Bart HIM '" Athen" .« *.

untiiil sahjest "f tU window, having I.ii elm ",.

.s .specially BSfteSriStO, In M.w of Dr. tnyl.-r'sp.ng .nd faithful s.rvKet U a pMBSbSf. di either

slrte of Hie asattal scene am lbs figures of M*)scs the

lawgiver. ..nd MlB tbs Kvangellst. Moses Mauds

with th.- tabbi <.f lbs Commandments, Hlui js rep-

raeeetrd as Hu- lawgiver ol ll.*' old dispensation.\lmve Hie Bants of Moses ls Inscribed the dato "April

"th. IMO." the time wh.-n Dr. Cuvier sssumed tea

piiStoru'te of tba (''ilin li. JobB sliimls oil tba Oppositeside, bearing In his hand nu open volume on nblehis written tbs iir-i rene of bb Gospel. "Is lbs be-ginning was tho Word, BBd tba Word was with Qed, and

tho Word Wai Oed." Aliove tbs figure ls the In-crlp-tlon "April (Bb, lHOD." tin- dote OB which Dr.

(nylor retired fn.ni attire work In tho church. InIbe iipp.r portion <>f Ibe window are tero tablets, <>n

om-" of which ls this memorial Inscription, "ThisWindow hus be.-n erected lu ln\liig friends llll'ldi-dlcited to the thirty years' pastorate In this

elitinii nf the Rev. Theodore Ledyard cuvier, I>. D."Tire oi h.-r panel u-nrs tin- following: '-For I

determined not to know anything among von mrs.tesiis Christ and Him (nulli.-il.**





And sill! another of Hie for-lpn warships Ins goeslo sen. Now- lt ls tbe trim black Russian, with the

white nBBbOSlBOb. the tall mtists ead UM BBB tWPk* -

the tieneral Admlral-thul has weighed h.r um hoi and

-niling down tbs North River and out by SandyHook has mado away for hume and the BOSS of

the Folur bear. lt was 4 o'clock yesterday after¬

noon when the General Admiral flow ly moved aw.ty

from her entliorage In tbs mai of tho Dimitri Doesbst,and "jointing up tbaeifaJBOB caine up abreast the

philadelphia to say adieu lo Admiral Glurardl. As

tha llussiuri passed tho flag-hip cf her own nation

sup asbtted eigmeusly, nm! was sent anny wuk tbs

good wishes of answering Russian cannon. cppMtothe Phlladelpl la the American colors broho from lbsBaaBaa'S masthead while h*r guns hatted their r>

f-fSBt to tho Stars anl. ftrifss. iBstantly lbs Busslsanag wa* run up abotud Uri Pbflodelphla sad lbs DBbwguns returned gan for gun ibo solute .f tbe departingRussian, while tho tars climbed Into tbs rigging mid

waved their hats a*.id cheered. When the smoke lilted

trom over the Philadelphia tba florin Sd Ungi *>!«-nailing "bon voyage*1 were dlsiov.i.sl waving above

the colors. From t]je (ienei.il Admiral came the

reply In flags, " Jtaiiy thanks." Bs tnim that lia.s

parted Irom the North River beet has been sent

away with more friendly feelings than the trim black

and willie liusslnn Admiral now fur out at lea.The tillie was on the ebb os she came BbOUt ii little

above the Philadelphia and headed down thc river.

As she sailed slowly l.y, the white ships driftedaround with the tide and faced their departing gBSStaA3 Mie went from sight behind ihe lottery the shipshad all headed down stream. The movement was so

timely und gcijer.il that it seemed as If it must ha.e

been ai. order of the Admiral, when lt was only the

changing tide. The General Admiral will go directlyacitoss to Fiance and then to Russia.

Theie were few Hatton to the foreign vessels

yesterday and not so many as usual for Sunday to

the American ships. Riverside Drl-e regained part ofIts life of two weeks ago In thc throngs of peoplewhich IVrdercd Its wall and paraded up and down Rs

broad path. The public, gardeners evidently ron-

sidered tha excitement over, for they have (leanedthe gr.ecn knolls bordering the drive and hove te-

plsesd the signs, "Keep o'.r the grass,¦ which two

weeks ago were trampled down.Captain W. R. Uridgeman, who has been In com¬

mand of the Philadelphia during the Naval Review.

has received orders tl) rellim to his former command,the Rainmore, to relieve C'spbalu Runtier, who btubeen ordered to hold himself In readiness to tak"charge of the cruiser Columbia, generally km.wu ns

the "Ponte," now Utting at Cramps' yards InPhiladelphia.

The I "lilted Boban Society lit New-York will givea l.ampiot to Admiral BogMghl and ..fliers nf theItali.in men <>! war now in ..ort at Ihe Hotel Bsdleott,Eighty-first st. and Columbus-avc, lids evening.



One of the Important and valuable results In the

line of Banalest* and development sj naval machinery,naval Architecture nnd mBMBSBBl fll tbs BSBembBoghere of ho many foreign war vessels will BS lbsreports to b>' written by the American oflicers who

have been making notes of their Inspection visit.Cominoilore Theodore 1). WI1m.ii, Chief of the lliireait

of Bevel Ci md rut tion, and Naval Constructor T. T.Beodaretd, after (heir asarial "iii upon Beor a.i

mimi Qbemfdl S few days ago were .-iccompunl.slby him to Uie foreign flagships nnd were tatmduoedto tbe sag Barneto, who *MEtsae>d io OssfuastenWll-on iveiy courtesy that would .liable him to

malo- u thor.,ugh Inspection. On Un- BriBel flagshiplilalie ihe ehlton Wem escorted through lbs shipby Mr. white, sob ri lbs chief iteastimlw ri lbslilli h Navy. Tiny hnv since htSfBCtSd Hie French(iiil.is .lean Fart and Arethuse, tbs KsbStta Augaeta, of Um Genna Navy; ina Argentine BrutenNeuve tie .Julio, the Italian cruiser Etna, and suchother (fenris as lime Would permit, "Ipon tin-Whole.*' says I'oininodore Wilson, "our (flab of |.-speciion wns u very i-iil-f.ictory one, nnd aSnUedino to eoiiipnre our own with tho latest built foreignVessel.." The l|i-pe< Illili convinced I ..Ililli,sh.re wil¬son nnd ills BBBbdsat that tin- United States BaryDepertemet was mablug no niistak.- in tin- eeastrue-Hon of Ha any ves.eis.

Each of the [Tatted States war "reseals has a

representative of thc Lureau of Barbi Intelligencei.ii boord, who. win, i.th.r oiiic.-rs nf ii,, bureen,luis \lsltc.1 the foreign vessels irtid mad.- notes <ifhis oi.s..rviiuoiiK juhi lefaramtlea abtetied. ti,,.fMbeen of tbs Engineer Corps have also been alert,"ind upon their visits lo the vessels hav,- Beted ,|iImirovemeiiis li. inncl li.erv and holler, n.,t tuns boof vuln.i-ln lix- future tleeignlng of ma, hln.-rv In' UtaBureau ..I .-t.uiii hnglaeerliaf. t-,,.-.-.-.i Assistant Kngl-n.er ira N. Hollis. mtnaeftJac th.- eblef of toabureau, im. oompwted u cujefui inspection ot Hmengines and boilers of Ibo foreign warships andwill make a detall.-d and thorough report.

IIVTHOIUST ClICRi'llES lt AY CSITE.A letter was read at the morning service |n the

A.hun Methodist F.plscopal Church, WashingtonS'pinre Brut, yesterday by the pnsfor, Hie Rev. .lames* Moue, ashlnK ih,. congregation to consider :i pro-PSSSd union with the Washlnglon S.juiir.' BbBbsdftMBpfbunaal Cbenb, in Bm! Fourth st.. brineaa Wssh-lngioii Benara ami Hath ave. The snUos mid ibal a

IHMIK HBKBJUI ini nnd siiNi-*i li .nnd I'.ii ok fre.'duni tram nm.<iMiu,t». perfaci Mneeags. u-t uimiuvaster, electric Ilkina.. i>|i'.r,i nm. 1itreeVi, lats reilflrtml «B;-il,;«t ,,(,,,,,"tloiijaUie featur.-- u.sutifni ,iaOffluri . sudmeris lots fm «aln rhaap. on rum lana*8 Hues of H. H fn"i|in-nt fast, imho.block signals, IriMirld* isfetj run,.'liiiitsCon 18 oiits; iim,i<. ..4 ml rn, i,ifroiai N. V. KV tory Silo li..imt'-'l

Urst six el,uno lota elven .n»sv IfS.1,OOO howe Tl In,litit. Va FIBanuB, Bound Rrook, B. J.

meeting to decide the question of union would be held

on .Inn." 1 H'M. l-i-t winter a preposition was uinlerci.ri-.ld..rail.-ri 1 i form a UUlon of Hie Asbnry Cluirch

.\iiii the Central Betbodbvt Btfmapal Charoba st Peueteoatb-st sad Se**renth-a*ee. WeeoHatiena were finallyshondoerd. beconm of the salvation Army's plan to

el'.-t a briMlBg lu Follrtectltll-.st.If the plan ns now proposed be cnrrl."d out, the

Anbury Church will sdi its bonantane property, nriebls ruined Bl not less tbsa OtOOfiOO, sad devote tbsprocc.sls of sii-ii mis to t.i*' enlargement of lbs workof the unit.si churches, Hu- erection of nen keOdlBsnfor pariah extension, etc.Tm- Asbnry Cluirch ll one of the oldest Methodist

Episcopal Churches In the rlty, baring been estab¬lished lu 1638. The Washing! n Square church unafounded, about tbs year 18BB in Bunnan -c. uni trnafor many yenrs ("Tootra a.i lbs "Sullivan Street .Meth¬odist F.plscopal Cburcba


A Brittsb tar, not a bad-looking fellow, butUtile the ¦aroma for drinking. Stopped a New-YorkerIn Twenty-ihinl-st. and BSbed him In :t voice whichInul a line nil: " V. here's the Robroy'l**1

..Where's the whatI" Babel the New-Yorker,willing to aid Ibe Wti"'if- -irlior If be could.

'.Tlio Robroy'l," be sosvered, trying to disjointhis nerds, bat falling utterly.The New-*Yorher hadn't tin- slightest Iden where

th*- Rob Royal waa, but by dint ol questioning nndperena-ion bs n'snsged to barn what locality wus

wonted. lt was th.- Bowery.There Isn't any street lu the world better known

to Uri sailor than the Ro.very. Drop* li.to any port,Europe, A ia, ¦seth Instill!, and say "Bowery" toa seafaring 'lian and ho wants to know more about

yan. Brea if he has never been in the Bowery, haknows a lot about it, und knows that he would liketo get lin re. A naval oilier tells Ibis story.One Bight In a driving gale, when lt wns a bTM Of a

Copper whether lll.S Vess-1 was tlilvell oil lh<>rocks or blown lino a channel win ra there was a

hope fir her, one o,' tin- sailors come np to hlrniinii. willi a Obits niivlons lace looked al tho otli-cer. Vasa he siipi pi a honor stricken voice: " Mr.K.. this ls an awful long way from tin- Bowery,isn't ltf


There ls Store In Beroi habits than one rightsuppose. Two petty ollie.-rs of one of the cruisers

were gulag up on the clcvctcd train about 4 a. m.

They Were l*>th sleepy, but were afraid If theyslumbered that tiny would be canted past theirstation. Filially one of them said: .. We'll matchto sc- who sle.ps nnd who stiinds watch."' Theymulch.si. and Hu- winner, curling himself up In ii< rn- - ..-.'il. tell lulu ii doze. The loser sat uprightall tbe woy, as solemn ns nn owl. his eves wide open,his figure erect, ".st.miling walch" on tlie cruiserBaahsttaa.

.come men who saw a young wr-mnn hurryingalong a street holding a handkerchief over her new

spring bonne: to .shield lt from a few drops of rainlaugh*'*!, some one remarking Ihnl nothing was noredenr lo a woman's heart than her new- bonnet."Mold up.*' said another, an elderly man. "youBreda'l laugh at that Woman. I think she's a verysensible women. She deservm a greet desi of creditfor trying to spare tbs ch*.k-book of ber husbandor Ihtber from fresh spring bonnet attacks. She I-,a aenstMe, conscientious, praiseworthy m.nug wemanof great prudence and [-outage, I is*/, ami rou oughttoodudre her." "Bay, Frown,' hu wns risked, "stacewhen did you become -« entbualsaUd about sensiblewomen.'" "Young ninn,"' answered the other arithgroat flclemntty and rnrnestneuM, -I buy spring bon¬net > for a Wife and Bevon dinighters.''

in lbs end the eily club may possibly beat Intothe head of tho Boyer sonic slight anaaura of re¬

spect fm- pul lie Miiiimnii. It must not hope to nc

cempUab bm much at once. of course Cominisstoner Brseaaa rnnaet go just yet There is noOtbm place for bini nt this particular time. rummany tHk.s ran ol Its iwn. Hy mid by time nuivba n vacant Ju.lgslup.How woaM it do lo adopt a ten fttrtshm Idem

on street cleaning) »>r course um eoedttlous are

rsstly ciii:. r.ni, but inii.ii emili u- learned irom their. in hu.h. win. im ve tba elosncri (Hy In Uta waridaTin- Pbrbdsn housewife rurel) brim bar ene furnitureund carpets oater linen rtotha io keep tao du-tfrom ruining them. Ibm B little deal In i'itils.Why.' Beeeuoa lhere is Mule aind. riu' boulerurdflililli -treets ill'.- Wi,.lied ilS t)f|e|| ll'i tl.eV lll'«> SW.'pt.N.w Yorb bas plenty of water now. why ari nvu linle mi ih" .sir..i.' Th- Parisian sent lt>wootonwens ker .sunn siij pem lu th., street when sin-gue, wslklng. Here ihe women weer teether sinus,uml Bometbaea rubbers._

The Farlslnns do imt orssb exert tulng Into tho

Bewers, m naay Baroona hasgbie. Unnl wagem lukesway ail lbs refaee that ma bs ptbered i.y "-boret(Hld bmom, Hull the hose ls lurried on illili He- small

particles are sse! into lae (tewon. Boan *>f laustreets are almost Sfl fi. fem du-t and Irish ;,s ninnyAm-i h nu piiibi.. A ni'ni could will nigh eat lilsdinner tut tbs pavement of th*. Rue Be Rivoli.

American intel j rb- VOA Un.lr;.dd to ii porty of

Bngtl li aural utBtiri Hu; sKtenlng after the In nt

the old nrmory. Inering lo vlei,- lbs rUBU thc,eon eatonIsbed to sc- lbs burned nnd blackenedwalls literally covered with piny bills of ever] *l.

bi rl[.il.rl.. I'.veii Un- Imn ...Inn.ns .,( !!,.. .-ul

story were doromted hy Hie ui>i<|uitous 1.111 poster,long bolors lbs in i On mflas bsd wtihdrawn insiiiiiin. Beerykodj stopped io om tbs rttbtt, and alimw lha iid\iriiseni.-iiis.

An bamii idan baabn has '.cen in this countryfor three moiilhs for the purpom of Investing 13,000,(KK) lu ii certain . ni. tpii .-. ll<* ls mtlsBed with

iiio aroepasts, sal win Mara io Aaiaajerden aoatweek without having purchased a il..Iiiii s worth,,f .loch The coiiiiiilou ol affairs In Wall HtrOetfrightened him. Winn things become settled h"

may return. Ills fib lids ut I. have more nionerthan Hoy know what lo do willi, but they will nutrisk ll Jeri now.

Tin-re angbt i<> ka tonalking very rodalag abonln flower abOW, nnd, ns a inaitcr if fi;, ih.ro ls, forit iippeais io th" amt "ii-., i.f man *vi1 nemos,it is u coinbiiuitii'n of bounty, Bweriaem .imi pertly.Could then- be iinyllilng bettor Winn lin- average

rittrea ibm Is lbs haem abew ka feds proud sf tbshorses. Whcll lie see, Hie dog show In- l.-els proudOf the dogs. Winn kS 'pends nil .-veiling muongIke flower li" fels proud of hllll.ielf, benns.- bsfads tl i.t he bsa Maaortated with eometnlng lu natuwmuli, ben.- .uni higher than klsiatlf. We csaaethave too mu lu How er shows.






Louisville, Ky., Mny IS BJuacBll TbS ISST pu-i'dof ibe Renebllcea srmjr thal invaded Beatably Briaweei* lins dsfarlsd, sad Loni.vin.- hus settled downagain to IN quio! xvavs. lasns B, Malleson, thc

iciiiing presslrtit Bf lbs Inser. n;;d Mr. Tracy, h!«

youan i'1"'' ^'or. xvere BBumg lbs Bal ld Uses lbscitx". Mr. Tracy manlaed ken ts orgnnlss h.c n.-w

Bxecbtlvo Committee mid appolhl ¦ sub-esaunftleawhich xviii kars direct ccntrol of Hip orgd nl/ii lion'snilalrs during th" coming year. At the meeting ofihe Bteenllre flimnltlm H nea aseMsd fo poMseaslor tho precut tbs election of u secretary to succeedMr. Humphrey, WbCdS nslgBSBOB WBB placed ls-forelbs cullin,iir.c, nnd al K tnesarer in pises of es*Ooreraor Umaabarjr. Mr. Tnej thought it weeM kshelter ii ken eaotber mei ung wltkia s few anebs,ned lbs * then agieed xvith kim; so th*- commute-;

.dJoCrbed, xviih tba saderatsndlng Ibat Bb memberswould h*' csllcd together lu 'hit ugo some time InJune. The pnsldsnt nl-o defined tin." selection of B

-ubi MaBttae. Ile BBeJaied it lo bs hi-* Intention10 mnl'.e tlie laagna, h. fur iis lay In his poxv.-r. one

of the grmtmt forces iii danstben politics. The ksesVuaarten xviii nmals in Bow-Vorb, In rbarta of Mr.

Humphrey, until th.- Beat niceting of tho K.\-cutlveOoaunlttoe; but it la sot »t nu imarobsbls thut it xviiithen be imasferred io cumgn, though a brooch otticemny 1..- maintained lu New-York or Washington.This course 1-, alana! certain io bc ndopt»-d if colonelMcAlpiu la elected trea.-ur.-r, nnd if Secretary Humph¬rey (1111 be pievniiiti up, n to iiccept ro-ele'Hon.

Mr. (Inrkson has gone to tho Puclflc Onaat. He

expects lo spend two or three months there, attend¬ing to some bustaem afolm. '"I nm now going ti

try to mn ki- .-om.- money,» ka mM to a group of

friends: In tbs Gell House rotunda iis he xxas starlingfor tho Bala. "I um don" xvith arilrs poBttta, at

lenst for tba present. Inning tba I st riv,- -roan thatI hiive keen in karama my oxvn affairs hilve been

Deflected, nnd I have spent PQS-hslf of the moneyI lind ncciiniiikitcd during my Hf*! of hard labor. 1

hate r-'ix'ii my kari surleea to my pnrty, but now

I nm geing to glx-e my satin nttentlon tu my familysnd my private matters. I nm glad to my that the

Btreapecl before sm is excellent. I confidently >-x

[net to millie a tood many thousand dollars within a

reasonable time, but lo do lt I lind to promise my

associates that I neaH rut loom from politics. The

lengue ls now In capital condition, lt can take ciro

f Itself, uud I predict foi- li n great, future. Thisr utlon, I think, win ¦how the country" that Be*

i.'iblicuni-rn ls fur from bein;; iu a moribund condi¬tion.''

in revicxving the eooeentloa'i work one ls- lm

pceaaad aaew with thc tadepsndont and, nt times.radical spirit windi area fUspfay*** ,'iffeugboal thed.iib.rations, and which bow uud thee seemed to

lind some satisfaction In defying many importantl>arty declarations nnd In endeavoring to shatter

aberBhef Mean Beak Manlhntlona worn most fre-

<|iieiiily observed lu thc rooms of the xarlous com-

Blttesa, particularly th.it on resolutions. This

t'oniinllteo consisted of one member from each Stitt.?.¦elected by his tetlow dclegatos. it was therefore a

comniltteo tluit fairly represented, tile gen.-tal aBmwbly. The majority of the body might be fairly UrSBfldaribodeii but it required all the power of thatelement to prevent tho vigorous minority fruin pre-matlnf s platform that would have made ntSfSBttBgreading alongside the pnrty principles .set forth at

Minneapolis. IW xvhlte dslflgqtm from the Southernstates were enger for a renolution Imposing nn edu¬cational test, declaring thal If such a resolution were

adopted they would be nblo to attract enough Pro¬

tection Democrats to carry two or three states and a

large number of C'lngrcss Districts for the Republicanparly.

"Beattie BS," mid one of them, '*tr> become a pnityof Hie white mun ns xvell ns the bink 111:111. and lbssolid Sooth is broken. An adhwtionaI uaabanatfoaBeeb as BaSSSCansriU and Wyoming hax-e xviii elimi¬nate ji large contingent of Ignorant negroes, whoaevotes If cunt for us ure not allowed to be counted andWho therefore do us no good xvhatever. I bellnx'e tnni ci piing thlflgl BS they ni'"'- You can't pet the negravote except by Federal assistance, faders! assistancecan't bo hui, even If lt xvere desirable; anl so I¦UT, l*t us seek other menns. The educational test

ls ihe most practical. It xviii put the Republicanparty In the South on a lilgh.r plane nnd bring to us

tbeassads of white roten xvho woaM bo xvith ns now

xx'ero it not for (his ignorant colored clement."Some criticism wus hoard becau.se the so-called

"Force bill'' had failed to becomo a law, but themajority of Southern League men addn ssed them-.elves to ths task of having the puny organizationsbeloxv Mason and Dixon's line Investigated, witha view to construction of mw machinery. Someof these organizations, they concluded, are con-

troUfed by a few men who care for little be¬yond dictating the election of delegates to Nationalconventions and disbursing the patronage of Repub¬lican Administrations. A resolution embodying thisIdea was adopted by the convention; and PresidentTracy will appoint a committee consisting of nineLeague men to examine tbs condition of Republican¬ism in the south and report its findings to the nextmeei lng of the League, Which will bc held at DenverIn May. 1804.

11 ls understood that a majority of this specialcommittee will be Northern men lu sympathy withHie xiews of the Soi.'herii.-rs who ure cager to forma new pnrty In Dixie, regardless of existing organ¬izations there. This League Committee will be en¬

tirely Independent of the special committee which IBSregular National Committee trill send late th- loathfor (h.- Bowness of SdJesttBg the relations of rivalBepeMlcaa state committees, i nairana Garter winappoint his committee xxlthln a fexv days; but PresIdeal Tracy Intends, lt ls said, to proceed withoutconsultation with the older body, for the reason thutHie purposes of the two Investigating committeesare eni Inly difTcrent, and bsttsr results cnn be ob¬tained by I'lriivldual "action than by co-operation.The National Committee's representatives xviii dealWith Hie exIMlug organizations; the League men

with the elements of the parly outside of those or

gnnlzatloii-.Hut, xvhlle the League Intends to proceed Indc-

aeneeetty in its inxv-tig.it ion of Bualkris InpabUOSalsm, if B In complete accord -xxitu not a fexvmembers of tlio BattOBBl Cunmlttee, on the propo¬sition to cartel] ihe power of ihe neath in ffstloasl(onx dillons by making the actual vi te cast the basiscf repeoientatton. The ptegrasrivc character <.f misIden, xvll.i, xvas enunciated by Mr. Payne, memberof ih.- Betloaal Commutes Ben Wlaroasta, saltedHie ten.pe,- »f he tluhtncii. mid they (adorned ll xvl'hMill...s|'-:u. "Tbs lime ha- coin.-.a Bald one le:,ding.'...I, tai", '-fu 11- t> take hold of our party lu tbs

<li. If we an- going to carry Hi*' countrv again forI'.ililleau principles. Tin- solid Ninth has been

teni Iii twain; xxe mri io the same xvith Dixie.How: First, by ipUttlng the negro vote, that ls, bymaking Hie UepabWian party ns arneb arblts ns blacb.What clso can xve do? We can't have FrdenJ prolection iit the *shnn, ami xe mal gel blaek reinci.nilled xvitimut it. Therefore we Boal adopt anotherionic, nml I think tin- South ls 1 ip*? for tin- changex.l- -uggi .( Iii ihe educational test."

rh.- 11na nimum rote ol tba convention agalasl 'he

eligibility of the Pr.-nhill of the I'rilcd States kWa second siiccis-lve term lu ofll-e xvas easther Ula*Iriitlun of Hu- c invention's rtpirlt. A few friend- ofex I're-ii'cnt lliiril.-o: Int. pict,si this us 11 rcll«ctloiiiii.ii his cnnilhtiicy for reelection biri fill, but Jil.

'lincluden i- not warranted. Tin- resolution nos

IT PP.K\'EXTS THE ESTRANGEof disease.pure bloodlund an active liver.How explained t Thecirculation of thel.l.cl Ls tho greathighway over whichthc germs ot (liaeanetravel, tbe liver is thequarantine throughwhose gate any ilreaildisc-use may or mu*/nut puss, aa the liverclio. w*.

Are you watchful I_Is your blood in order

aaa.-- gag] youf Qa/ga active.no ns t.t repel disense 1 If not, TCB xviii findin J,»r. l'icice'sli.il.leii Mislicil Discovery just(he h. I), you need. It ionic* to your u.ssist-anco WBBB you Bees BB*** wnrnings of im-iiuni Mood and inactive liver, os pimples,IhuIs or larliuiu-lea; or a feeling of hiasitude,weakness and despondency. When yourflesh is, from auv cause, "reduced belowa healthy sUtndaix.," you've onlr to toke tho" I kana >very," which xviii act all the orpansiuto vigorous action and build up both fleshaud strength. Avoid naustMma preparationsof Ced Uver Oil. They Md fat, but nottthoietome firth or healthy tissue

WHEN THE ACCIDENT COMES,The ExtensionFull Indemnity Policyof


gives the fullest protection and covertcasualties no covered by any otherpolicy in existence. Other forms ofinsurance In Ihe same company are ailgood, and all at reasonable rates.

mo, j?2 t ta Beaataor, new'Tark.DBBBfaBB li. I'EIT, lafriBd i: viicurw

**UaU .,. eiri Baaanav

Bruited by m-n wito Itibored I- (.crural Harrison'sl.lnlf Mt Mini.nil,|:». T.,. y ..imply pone tsae**aaeato u nMeajrsri watharnt, aad asa doti tbs --\.President BBbeU BOS strongly BBsesBat Hud Haehu resolution b-t-n adopted a ,\.-ir ngia- that 1-, priorle tbs hint .Nitlonnl Onn. nth.n lt migh' bax- bBBblooked upon Bl a tlnust at Mr. Harriss but it cjr>not Ur BS regird.'d BBrii

lin- iio or moro toasesiallss driegatea nba sebitterly aaneand Bat laaariloa lu ihe plaUatri ri theHank relating ls nesasa'a mfraga pfabakt] Bbssoianser » nUsptorben len bi ».. lt* scape. Krideattpthey thought tfcnt lbs *rnn*deUoa cu..Iul",d fae jurty¦1'tlr.ly to that dotti inc.'Hi -I. .1 mlttak". AB Ibat Bb)plunk ssabBBS ls aerri) » icaeiaUs reeosfuu^adbaltin- ajoeariea H n*anoa inBBsen to tii#» MBs*reeaBtefaaasbbanshni of Uri 'opu.iican riana al ih.» tountry.*"In other word-, lt ]a simply 'wMMMUMtA by tba batts alA .s.-mbly as n good stbject for thc- heil asa <i:.t.onsto dh,;u«s.

Among thn loiters rial were read none attrartelmore attention or were llatened to more sUenttvelrthan tliat of .Mr. Powderlx, uenend Master Vu.rb>man of (SS Knights of Labor. Uta suggestion at teihe attitude the Republican par'y oegbr to auumeon the labor (juestlon, bis evident ay'mp.v'.v wltbthe tendencies of RepabUcaalsqi, in c0W.ni lt withthose of the iwmicraT, oa mattera .aflea'.ing tutwa ge-workers, .-ind the g. Berri bMM 'nt Ha >Hermade a decidedly favorable lmpres-l'*n ev«-n upoa

th*.se xvho did not ag..-.- OBI .ill lils BtOtSIB BtS,Tao mere faa t .ni Hie rdBdol Bend ot <>ne of tbsgreatest lober orgBBlastloas in toe wort-] .1

oin- In tuck a friendly .pim before ¦ BceobibrsaConvention was gratifying lo iii.- Selegatei si k>dlcottng th*- h.trnionv .wi-tinc between the labor wwwul th.- country nnd tlie Republican party.

'Ihe fie.- silver ndvoc.it ,s arete SO hand, but (.ur-

prls.-il a good many hy Un lr sndsst*f. Tfcril repre¬sentatives in tlc- Committee on Reaolntloofl soughtii> commit tin* ronrentlon ifi unbaatted v.xat-. nutthe real xxere rjotto content to nil .xv a realtirmiil in oflbs declarotioo Blade mi Hil. question fll Minnito stniid. Besne 't tboae who <ir:ift--«l the piauonixvere surprised by on" proposition (hat mi. ur-,'i-l na

* means of r*'li-x"lng the pr.-«»*nt finr'uel.tl enndtdnaof (he Nation. This eras, tu ¦abstaaee. (ha* the i,. y

emntent should immediately go lato 'h.- aatrbrii sfBoroo* and soil the surplus inver "hich bsa b^enacciiniiilated In ibo Treasury vault- auder the Bberaataact. This proposition, li xxas urgfd. bsd tbe approvalcf ea¦Secretety Foster and noun bsve brea rantedont br him bnd PrcflMeel Hinds xn given BU coi.-u.t.By .selling the silver In this w-«y tbe x i«r BBBOUBf ofmoney locked np would be released and gold wouldDB brought back Tr in the old World, and Hi* lealHint Hie Knited ^tnles |< rr.,|Mg tn adopt a sllv*>r bn«lsxx-ould be dissipated at least .., rv IbSSS who advo-cale the plan.A good deni of dlsnppolntrr.ent x-as r-tpre'sed by

Leone men beeauee tuerubera of tbs National con.,inlttec hurried onay ns flOOS ns tool Ixidy adjourned.Ali effort hud linen made to hold a Joint couferent a oftin- (wo bodice; but, despite the efforts nf Mr. Ko--water, F.*litor of -'The Omabfl Bee." and otbrrs, thiaproposition xv.'is not ndopr»-<I-a btct that perhapsdisposed the younger men to net In future wtfk mors

Independence ol the regular party i.rgnnlntl'.n.It B generally iigrcwl that one of tho boot "Xtem-

pore sp.-i"chcrt eurie before th.- convention was de¬livered by .fam.-s A. HIanchard, <f New-York. Mr.Blanchard does not enjoy the repototloa of baing uaorator, but *"ni<- of Hie deb-cutf- inado him aniny(faring tko dori g es-lon. n id k re < ried w th n po >.-

of invective rboa won the entbariaeUoe appleuse ofthe convention.



Hound Lake, N. Y., May ld (Speciali..The aeason

at this sylvan riflsp will open curlier than usualthis your, kscaass the copious raina have suddenlysaassd lt to blossom Into n wildi-mess of hUom andverdure. Nearly everx* cottnire to let has secured a

tenant, and these ure largely from residents of New.York, Hrooklyn, Philadelphia, linton and other lurgacities, whose people two year* ago had to consult s

railroad guide to find out where Round Lake was.

The Musical Ass#ymhly, which has now become al-BTfaMt a national affair lu musical circles, wm ne more

Interesting this yeur than ever before, lt will laatsix days, with two matinees, and will be directed byIvdxvard F. Myer, of Ne xv York.

The Mlnltters' Institute will (.pen In .August aadlast two weeks. It will ngaln havr. a corps of teach¬ers from the prent theological Institutious. AU ara

welcome to tuition, and furnished lodgings ore sup*piled free to all theological students, or young clergy¬men of any denomination. Ibero ls no charity obit,gation imposed, for s millionaire clergyman w..ukt notbe allowed to pay any more than the BOStasI of the.,

ologlcal student*. The course Include* c.r..-k und He¬brew, ecclesiastical luw, und the higher branches ofa theological training, while it enibnu.-s al- > oratoryund voice culture. Rlahop Nett Man, Who ls now laSouth Anierlcu. will be ktwB In August kt "ak<» his

place In the faculty. lbs Hlshop wa.s tbs originatorof this school.

The great camp meeting will be held toward ths

close of August. Mr. Keene, the evangelist, vxlll con¬

duct the exercises thu venr, and xxiii pmladdy beussUted by the Kev. Thomas Marrissa, who vt a, ones

koona us "Tho u.iv Preacher.*'(.rand Army Day will bc .-.¦ptcmber 13. Round

Lake alxvavs glx-es o day to the -..l.tlr-r. This yearthc Saratoga veterans' Association, which ls erect-lug a Silrtlers' Home at Round Lake, propoaes to CS*-rbtate Its houxe warming on Ihst *!ay. GeaersI (».

0. Howard will probably be the orator. BUd'Generallckles max deliver a abort adili.-.".The Art Behool xviii open lu .Inly "order the dlrec-

Hon of Mr. Chester Leeann.


An autopsy was WtWJttMMWPt yesterday afteruooa

on the body of Percy f, .lafTray. xvho cornmlifi sui¬

cide tat Mount Vernon r-iturday. No true- of BStbOSJxvas found, bul some of bbs BtfSBB nntB put In f*asjatjars, wlhch will b» sent to B eheSriM for anaii.-t*.

The BateBBf ana pariofBMri by i>;s. P. R. fuaaoei

and Louis Hertii.e, and WMt order, d by Coroneil>rexv.


A STORM DEVr.MH'lNi. BOBTB OWhaMMtmMm,Wushlncteii. May ll.-\ d'eturbtd condition, wita

.ii. has dsrelBBSd In IQSSI ami IBS Lower fcUSSSSUBBlVOUey. a sauna saneart r» kt Mettttttnm to Bjt asrikof m iiitina. a .huiinn .oii.iic.iri bsa fBesbsari lu -Iml-

ti,iii Lisht r.ii.H.1* hsvs ikt.'iim-I ii lha lake r'i.-ii».

iii.i t inw-rntur lm. r.s. u bi Ute Okla Vdt*) fallen in

>:, M ..mi lower iud Mi-M' rilsat«fltppl xal-;., and'.rn ni,cl ll. ai!}' sij'li. mi'. t-U-'«!iir

PKT Al I.I".!» I.Hti X-i POB I'lOxV.

Kor Ncii-I'iiirlani avd i:n-t"r,i RS ItTWUt, gflflBBS%fair; niightiv vaansf beai r.otvii u lo-.iariii; eeaBb flodug «. si.

Kur the Olstrt.-t of t'o'.uatll.. K.ist i-i I'- t.i: --. :\ i «,

[Tau Israajf. Drisnore, Bsijkari ari Vttwhttt, tut;

-1.glitl} w.xrn.ei anal Bffna*.I ..r Nurth I'folina. BauSfc Ciro 1.ii u'lt (. o-rli, ;ea-

iraiiy fair, Irilonad by rioneflfl..i I lo.-iila. fair, fotowei by akewt ii lb c\!i*"»iaS

west, tor Alnboinit. sh vters; f.i Ul ..

effeswara, adtawflB kg Ml s uti. ts a a;

for Kn«tern Tanas, fin pi-c'b: t- abeKor Weat Y!rj,l .la. NV. »'..-r P SS . fl BllB W ri M BSSn

Vork and OMS, generally lair, Mtswed I B * .' ,' ¦

's-ri^ira'riu.::.::^';^'"; >;.'..:-. .;.>-.nlT.tl\Xw,uu^:m..;:. r;r.\v.,,,;^f:;iN;Vj^r;,^?xl;r:,.^'.:,:':.,'^.;.^^^.^^, .;i.nd Mc.ih naOota, BenersUj !.'. -''.'¦¦¦. , «d#i

Vee io»i anl N.b,a-aa. ur i- s., ¦-. . i 1 rMo

¦nd Montaxna, lair.


ROtlkBi nvjrntak". N,'*h«.

I j J « I i 7 I » IO 11 tl BIBO 1 SHISH jq q|i-«farai pai|in ¦(^¦.¦.'?-f ;-*. r M¦'¦ pi " "


'': E^hErS *,' j \ ;. ) sr-.T.r>-;-r-r .-i-..--

U" f ^_iL ti ti. I


?¦¦""-¦,-' Lp i lU-J -'!>.(In U»i« dugiuui a ...inin....ia vthiu bas -;.*..»a Us

thin;.', in bte*.um ». i,uiit;..1 bi In* : - ¦ t-ra.cord nil biirvinrtrr lhi> lr., en li '.. rf-i'-lit' la- KTOa

¦.rstaN .* Nsatvag at rarry'a PbaasBBf.

Tineas BBto, Bal I*i * s. sta ats aaofaee

arith iisiu riowria. claarlaa la ia .i-;«.¦' <¦ '

HifnidBj Ti.- flBBaotsssN flasged bftw»ea .. -. d Bl

asgrsss, tlie-avcrac (BBBs) b*-li,^ *\, luxiir than ..« »"te

n upaaBlflg i*> last tear »'"» B\ hlflo-r BMk OB OmMM*

tn and near IhU city to dsy the BSBBbfl w Uk'ly ts

bu lar._ .i


Will be of v,xiu» to the sstri bx Hi'isiMtisg Ska la i-r.-.*-i.i.'ii* in ene iii-.-baiii.sl »rt», a-.d .-...I'.t'it ,.i,.».i.lui.. »tBUl rea thal tiie pretre.a lu ^'.^JSX&a.'Ueuua. liiiporuiu-e. m.d 0* * 'u^'i'{t .!'... Uv **

9}tnp ot Tige ls Bar U» adxeucc et all oUtera.