1 The British European Association BRITISH EUROPEAN Bulletin Campaigning for the Rights of Britons in Europe ISSN 1604-5025 Issue No. 79 June 2014 “BE together” – Forthcoming events: Our annual summer picnic will take place on Sunday, July 20 th. Some of us will meet at Skodsborg Station (Kystbanen) on the land side at 11 a.m. If you come by Kystbanen be sure to take the Nivå train as the Helsingør train does not stop at Skodsborg. We will walk through the woods to Rådvad. It will take about 45 minutes. Those preferring not to walk and coming by car or bicycle will meet us in Rådvad at 12 noon. We take our own picnic lunches and drinks with us. We meet at the red gates near Rådvad Kro. The picnic tables are behind the buildings on the 'main' street. If the weather is terrible you are welcome at Rundforbivej 48 A with your sandwiches and drinks at 12 noon. St. Alban’s Church summer fete takes place on Saturday 23 rd August from about 10 a.m. till 5 p.m. K.U.K.S. Inter-national Exhibition of National Heraldry will be held from Friday the 24th October at 15.00 hrs.to Thursday the 6th November.

THE BRITISH EUROPEAN · 2016-06-14 · The British European – page 2 2 Annual Dinner. We held our annual dinner on 14. February at the Hong Fu Restaurant on Østerbrogade as is

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Page 1: THE BRITISH EUROPEAN · 2016-06-14 · The British European – page 2 2 Annual Dinner. We held our annual dinner on 14. February at the Hong Fu Restaurant on Østerbrogade as is

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The British European Association


Bulletin Campaigning for the Rights of Britons in Europe

ISSN 1604-5025 Issue No. 79 – June 2014

“BE together” – Forthcoming events:

Our annual summer picnic will take place on Sunday, July 20th.

Some of us will meet at Skodsborg Station

(Kystbanen) on the land side at 11 a.m. If you come by Kystbanen be sure to take the Nivå train as the Helsingør train does not stop at Skodsborg.

We will walk through the woods to Rådvad. It will take about 45 minutes.

Those preferring not to walk and coming by car or bicycle will meet us in Rådvad at 12 noon. We take

our own picnic lunches and drinks with us. We meet at the red gates near Rådvad Kro. The picnic tables are behind the buildings on the 'main' street. If the

weather is terrible you are welcome at Rundforbivej 48 A with your sandwiches and drinks at 12 noon.

St. Alban’s Church summer fete takes place on Saturday 23rd August from about 10 a.m. till 5 p.m.

K.U.K.S. Inter-national Exhibition of National Heraldry will be held from Friday the 24th October at 15.00 hrs.to Thursday the 6th November.

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Annual Dinner.

We held our annual dinner on 14. February at the Hong Fu Restaurant on Østerbrogade as is our custom. We enjoyed a wide variety of Chinese food and some very good company.

Dual citizenship

SUCCESS AT LAST!!!! After about 25 years of working to get representation by being able

to vote in National General Elections we seem to have achieved our goal. When the B.E.A.

started we were called ARBA (The Association for the Rights of Britons Abroad). Our main

aim was to be able to vote in British General Elections. This was very uphill work, as apart

from John Major

who was British Prime Minister about 25 years ago, we were more or less ignored and

forgotten by British politicians. Some years ago we decided to change our main focus and

lobby for dual citizenship in Denmark as the majority of us have lived here for most of our

lives and know more about the state of affairs here than in Britain; but we did not want to

give up our British nationality. Fortunately Danes living abroad found themselves in a

similar position and Danes Worldwide began to lobby for dual citizenship together with an

American group. This was a great help. At last Danish politicians began to take notice

especially as dual citizenship was allowed in the majority of the EU countries. This means

that the law with the necessary changes should be agreed upon in 2015.

Many British Nationals living in other European countries, especially France, continue to

lobby for the 15-year limit on being able to vote in British General Elections being removed.

Many of them lived and worked in Britain until they retired and they consider this limit

unfair and as a result are extremely active. We wish them luck.

In May Bent and I were invited by KUKS to their AGM which was held in the Masonic

buildings on Blegdamsvej. Count Ulrik of Rosenborg arranged this. We were given a very

interesting tour of these magnificent buildings, saw many portraits of past dignitaries

involved in Free Masonry some of whom were members of the Danish Royal family. One

room in particular has very fine acoustics and is often used for important musical events.

When we hold our AGM later this year we will have to decide on our future. Please come

with your ideas.

Thank you so much for your support over the years, and as a Scottish politician once said to

me "just don't go away!" - and we didn't, and it paid off!

Valerie Kristiansen.


There was an article Politiken on Thursday January 30 which reported that EU's Justice

Commissioner, Viviane Reding, had said in the EU Commission on January 29. that "The

right to vote is one of the fundamental political rights of citizenship. It is part of the very

fabric of democracy." In connection with this she also commented on the free movement of

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labour within the EU. In 2011 Viviane Reding sent letters to Denmark, Great Britain,

Ireland, Cyprus, Malta and Austria and asked them to repeal their laws concerning voting

rights. Margrethe Vestager says she is sure that the laws will be discussed when Denmark

gets a new Grundlov. The present Grundlov was written before globalisation and before so

many Danes worked abroad.

Fra Statsborger.dk:

”Ændring af lov om dansk indfødsret (Dobbelt statsborgerskab mv.” er nu sat i Folketingets kalender for marts måned.

(LINK: http://www.ft.dk/samling/20131/almdel/fiv/bilag/120/1338392/index.htm )

Du skal et stykke ned i dokumentet og se under programsatte punkter for lovforslag

præsenteret af Justitsministeriet

Vi holder naturligvis netop i denne fase løbende kontakt med danske politikkere, og presser på for at VORES sag behandles, så vi alle kan blive HELE BORGERE IGEN!

Vore kontakter i regeringen svarer vores utålmodige forespørgelser med, at sagen går sin

gang, og vil blive behandlet inden Folketinget går på sommerferie.

Hvornår en ny lov træder i kraft, og hvordan den i detaljer kommer til at se ud, kan

politikkerne ikke udtale sig om på nuværende tidspunkt.

Men som en af vores kontakter udtrykker det:

”Det ser godt ud!”

I mellemtiden leder vi stadig efter aktuelle case stories!

Vi er specielt på udkig efter danskere i udlandet og udlændinge i Danmark, der for nyligt har følt sig tvunget til at opgive deres oprindelige statsborgerskab.

Vi vil gerne have aktuelle historier ”parat”, så vi er klar til at ”fodre” danske medier med

vores historier NÅR lovforslaget bliver offentliggjort.

I mellemtiden beder vi igen Jer alle om at minde Jeres netværk om sagen – via personlige

kontakter til familie og venner, via henvendelser til politikkere I kender, og via læserbreve

og indlæg på blogs m.m.m.

I kan f.eks kopiere og videresende teksten her med den korte udgave af de gode

argumenter og kortet, der tydeligt viser, at dansk lovgivning ikke er tidssvarende.


- Dobbelt statsborgerskab giver borgerrettigheder og stemmeret i bopælslandet.

(Retten til at stemme i DK falder i følge nuværende lovgivning bort efter højest to år med

adresse i et andet land.) - Pension er afhængig af antal år, man i sit arbejdsliv har boet i DK.

- Ret til sociale ydelser kræver bopæl i DK.

- Mandlige "dobbelte statsborgere" aftjener værnepligt i bopælslandet.

- Kun 6 ud af Europas 46 stater tillader ikke dobbelt statsborgerskab.

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- 23 af 28 EU-lande tillader dobbelt statsborgerskab.

- Over 90 % af Europas borgere har ret til dobbelt statsborgerskab. - Sverige tillod dobbelt statsborgerskab i 2002, Island og Finland i 2003, Belgien og

Tyskland i 2007 og Luxembourg i 2008, Letland i 2013 og Tjekkiet i 2014.

Danmark tillader de facto allerede dobbelt statsborgerskab, f.eks. for børn med forældre, der har forskellig nationalitet og for de mange, der ikke kan fraskrive sig deres oprindelige




På vores Facebook-gruppe jubler de pt 4.262 medlemmer over, at regeringens grundige

rapport om dobbelt statsborgerskab - 112 sider og erfaringer fra 29 europæiske lande - nu

er blevet færdig og afleveret, så lovgivningsarbejdet for alvor kan gå i gang.

Det er glædeligt at konstatere, at rapporten tydeligt bærer præg af forståelse for de mange

case stories, vi gennem årene har sendt til de danske politikere.

(LINK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/11034191452/ - lige nu finder du også aktuelle

case stories ved at scrolle ned på siden.)

Danskere i udlandet og udlændinge i Danmark ønsker ikke særbehandling, men derimod

ligestillig og lige rettigheder, nøjagtigt som de over 90% af Europas befolkning, der allerede

i dag har mulighed for dobbelt statsborgerskab.

Statsborger.dk noterer med stor glæde, at der i dag - med undtagelse af De Konservative

og Dansk Folkeparti - tilsyneladende er bred politisk enighed for at muligheden for dobbelt

statsborgerskab kommer til at gælde alle nationaliteter – alt andet ville også være i strid

med Danmarks demokratiske traditioner.

Vi sætter stor pris på, at rapporten anbefaler at give mulighed for generhvervelse af tabt

dansk statsborgerskab, ligesom vi glæder os til konkrete regler for, hvornår danske børn

vokset i udlandet har ret til at beholde deres danske statsborgerskab.

Vi ser frem til fortsat at bidrage med konkrete forslag, når lovforslaget sendes til høring –

og alllermest glæder vi os til i en overskuelig fremtid igen at kunne blive HELE borgere med

FULDE borgerrettigheder i det land vi bor i, uden som i dag at tvinges til at kappe vore

rødder til fødelandet.

Vi er naturligvis til rådighed for spørgsmål og interviews: Charlotte Sylvestersen - Italien

0039 348 32 35 269

Tina Thusen - Schweiz 0041 79 635 4816 Eva Gregers Jørgensen - Conneticut USA 001 646



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- Dobbelt statsborgerskab giver borgerrettigheder og stemmeret i bopælslandet. (Retten til

at stemme i DK falder i følge nuværende lovgivning bort efter højest to år med adresse i et

andet land.)

- Pension er afhængig af antal år, man i sit arbejdsliv har boet i DK.

- Ret til sociale ydelser kræver bopæl i DK.

- Mandlige "dobbelte statsborgere" aftjener værnepligt i bopælslandet.

- Kun 6 ud af Europas 46 stater tillader ikke dobbelt statsborgerskab.

- 23 af 28 EU-lande tillader dobbelt statsborgerskab.

- Over 90 % af Europas borgere har ret til dobbelt statsborgerskab.

- Sverige tillod dobbelt statsborgerskab i 2002, Island og Finland i 2003, Belgien og

Tyskland i 2007 og Luxembourg i 2008, Letland i 2013 og Tjekkiet i 2014.

- Ret til dobbelt statsborgerskab har ingen indflydelse på reglerne for at opnå dansk


- Ja, man kan føle sig hjemme i to nationer – man elsker jo heller ikke sit første barn

mindre, når nummer to bliver født

Du finder mange flere fakta, rapporter og case stories på vores web: www.statsborger.dk

Fra DANES WORLDWIDE nyhedsbrev juni 2014:

DANES mærkesager Dobbelt statsborgerskab omsider en realitet

Begejstringen var stor, da Danes Worldwide lancerede nyheden på Facebook om, at

regeringen har indgået en aftale med Venstre, SF, Liberal Alliance og Enhedslisten om

dobbelt statsborgerskab. Mere end 200 delte vores opslag, som blev liket af over 500

personer. Og i alt blev nyheden set af ikke færre end 36.000 på Facebook.

I timerne efter strømmede det ind med glade og taknemmelige tilkendegivelser fra

medlemmer over hele verden: ”Jeg jubler bestemt”, ”Ser virkelig frem til det efter så mange

år” og ”Happiness Worldwide! Lovin’ it!” var bare nogle få af de reaktioner, man kan læse

på vores Facebookside.

I et interview i Berlingske kommenterede Anne Marie Dalgaard: ”Vi er jublende glade over

det her. Vi har kæmpet i årevis for, at dobbelt statsborgerskab blev tilladt i Danmark, og

det har meget stor betydning for vores medlemmer, så vi er virkelig tilfredse med den

brede politiske aftale, der blev indgået.”

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Til efteråret fremsætter regeringen lovforslaget om dobbelt statsborgerskab og forventer, at

loven vil træde i kraft i løbet af sommeren 2015.


Culturelle des Sociétés Étrangères – Cultural Confederation of Foreign Societies Protektor Hans Kongelige Højhed

PRINSGEMALEN K. U. K. S. Præsident Kaj Larssen MSc.MEM Præsidium: Vicepræsident Direktør Ulrik Greve af Rosenborg, Mrs.

Eleanor J. Bomholt, Cand. mag. & art. Carl-Thomas von Christierson, Consultant Ole Christoffersen MBA, Keramiker Susanne Prip Madsen,

fhv. Ministerråd, Cand.jur. John Pontoppidan

Bredgade 47, 3.th., 1260 København K. Tlf. : (+45) 2075 3306 mail: [email protected] web: www.kuks.dk

Referat fra Årsmødet i K.U.K.S., onsdag den 14. maj 2014


Den Danske Frimurerorden, Blegdamsvej 23, 2100 København Ø. Vicepræsident i K.U.K.S. Præsidium Ulrik, Greve af Rosenborg (UR) bød velkommen til det

44. årsmøde K.U.K.S. UR udtrykte glæde over, at så mange foreninger var repræsenteret ved mødet og

understregede, at det var en god lejlighed til at man kunne samarbejde på tværs af

foreningerne. UR tilføjede, at K.U.K.S. er paraplyorganisationen og de enkelte foreninger er


Valg af dirigent & referent. Efter velkomsten gik UR over til valg af dirigent og referent. UR foreslog sig selv som

dirigent og Ole Christoffersen(OLC) som referent. Begge blev enstemmigt valgt.

Formandsberetningen. Præsidenten for K.U.K.S. Kaj Larssen (KL) viste på storskærm billeder fra engagementet på

Københavns Rådhus den 18. oktober 2013, hvor KUKS INTERNATIONAL GALA FESTIVAL OF

NATIONAL FARE blev afholdt. Kl sendte en stor tak til Hasse Ferrold, der som fotograf havde sikret dokumentation fra FN dagen på Rådhuset.

KL redegjorde med statistik fra FN dagen og nævnte, at 31 ambassader havde deltaget i

denne begivenhed. Heraf havde 3 ambassader samarbejdet med landenes kulturforeninger.

Donationer til dagen var ydet af 5 ambassader og 4 ambassader havde bidraget med underholdning på selve aftenen. KL understregede at underholdning sammen med

orkesteret Up Town Jazzband var med til at bære denne aktivitet.

KL fortsatte beretningen med at nævne at 67 foreninger var indbudt til at deltage i FN

dagen på Rådhuset – dette er alle K.U.K.S. medlemmer – man kun 19 foreninger deltog i selve engagementet, hvilket svarer til ca. 1/3 af alle medlemmerne.

I selve engagementet deltog 700 personer. KL mente, at der burde være plads til ca. 200

yderligere og efterlyste input fra foreningerne/ medlemmerne så der ved kommende

engagementer ville være fuldt hus. Med hensyn til udstillere/aktører har vi allerede nået maksimum fremhævede KL, idet brandmyndighederne har sat en grænse for hvor mange

aktører, der må være i rådhushallen.

Kl understregede at Københavns Rådhuset ikke er selvskreven til at afholde FN dagen for

KUKS og at der hvert år skal ansøges om tilladelse til gennemførelse af engagementer. Der

er meget arbejde i sådanne engagementer og det stiller også krav til foreningerne om at slutte op om engagementerne.

KL orienterede kort om KUKS daglige arbejder og omtalte besvarelse af breve, mails,

opdatering af hjemmesiden og især kontakten til de herværende udenlandske ambassader.

KL fremhævede at dataopdatering på medlemmer og de dertil knyttede data er omfattende og nævnte i den forbindelse at KUKS fremover vil gøre mere brug af mail og hjemmesider.

Udsendelse til medlemmerne med almindelige breve er for dyr. KL understregede, at der

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ikke er indtægter i KUKS, samt at alle arbejdsopgaver udføres af frivillige. Derfor kan man

på længere sigt ikke belaste KUKS med omkostninger til porto. KL orienterede om det kommende engagement, der er udstilling af heraldik på Københavns

Rådhus på FN dagen den 24. oktober 2014. Heraldik kan forstås af alle og er en historie

som man gerne vil Page 2 of 3

fortælle samtidig med at den med symboler kan beskrive ens mål. Invitationer udsendes

snarest og vi har anmodet især om at få nationale symboler – men alle har jo symboler om

land, folk og nation.

Af øvrige aktiviteter omtalte KL News – et nyhedsbrev der 1 til 2 gange udsendes til alle foreninger med informationer om KUKS arbejde. Kl tilføjede at dette nyhedsbrev også gerne

vil bringe de enkelte foreningers aktiviteter til videreformidling.

KL omtalte ajourføringen af hjemmesiden www.kuks.dk og lagde særlig vægt på at der

arbejdes med opdatering af medlemslisten og informationerne om de enkelte foreninger herunder formål, vedtægter og hjemmeside.

Som afslutning på beretningen nævnte KL, at der er EXPO i Milano fra 1. maj til 19. oktober

2015 og tilføjede at KUKS gerne vil assistere med informationer derom.

Regnskabet Regnskabet blev gennemgået af kassereren Carl-Thomas von Christierson (CTvC), der nævnte at regnskabet kun er til orientering, at det var godkendt og at revisor

Svend Erik Jensen har gennemgået regnskabet.

CTvC pegede på at største indtægt er festligheden på Københavns Rådhus, hvortil der

sælges adgangskort og næste indtægtskilde er legater. CTvC bemærkede at de år, hvor der er salg af adgangskort har KUKS en indtægt, men der i de år der ikke er salg af

adgangskort næsten ingen indtægt er – som oftest kun legater, der skal søges hvert år. De

år er indtægterne usikre idet KUKS ikke ved om de søgte legater tildeles og hvor meget der

tildeles af de søgte beløb. Om udgifterne nævnte CTvC at tryksager er en stor omkostning, som man måske frem over

kunne mindske ved at gøre brug af elektroniske udsendelser. Det er f.eks. trykning af

adgangskort med numre på der er belastende for denne udgiftspost. Kl tilføjede at der

arbejdes med elektroniske billetter og man vil søge at løse problemet med numre til

lotteriet. Dette kan evt. løses med håndscannere så kun de tilstedeværende deltager i lotteriet.

Der havde i indeværende år været mange runde fødselsdage og dette gjorde at udgiften til

gaver og blomster var lidt større end de forrige år. Som sidste udgiftspost fremhævede

CtvC at kørsel og parkering var steget lidt, men at denne udgiftspost er nødvendig for at holde tæt kontakt til de herværende ambassader, der ofte udgør rygraden i mange

foreninger. CTvC bemærkede at det er undersøgt om hvilke legater der kunne være aktuelle

ud fra KUKS formål, og omtalte den store legatbog som de enkelte foreninger kunne få

glæde af at studere og anvende i deres arbejde. På forespørgsel fra tilhørerne om hvem der yder legater til KUKS svarede CTvC at det er

Tuborg og Danske Bank, og at der skal søges hvert år.

Der blev rejst et spørgsmål om at rykke lotteriet frem i programmet, hertil svarede UR, at

det vil man arbejde på dette til næste gang, for at så mange som muligt kan deltage i lotteriet.

Kommende aktiviteter. KL omtalte udstillingen af heraldik den 24. oktober 2014 på Københavns Rådhus og

tilføjede, at der ikke er andre aktiviteter for nuværende. KL fortsatte med at sige, at det er

vigtigt med respons fra de enkelte foreninger og at det er vigtigt at information om denne aktivitet udsendes og at foreningerne bruger deres netværk til at formidle informationer om

denne aktivitet. KUKS bestræber sig på at få informationer ud hurtigst muligt og Kl sagde at

de enkelte foreninger kunne annoncere FN dagen ved i god tid at bede medlemmerne om at

notere sig dagen. UR tilføjede at det tilstræbes at KUKS markerer FN dagen – den 24.

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oktober på Københavns Rådhus på selve dagen i det omfang det er muligt at få stille

Rådhushallen til rådighed. KL informerede om at udstillingen af Heraldik på Københavns Rådhus vil være åben for

publikum frem til og med torsdag den 6. oktober. Informationer om Heraldik på Københavns

Rådhus vil snarest blive udsendt til foreningerne og lagt på hjemmesiden www.kuks.dk.

Optagelse af nye medlemmer Der arbejdes med 3 nye ansøgninger om optagelse i KUKS. UR påpegede vedtægterne for

optagelse af nye medlemmer – hvor referat og regnskab skal fremlægges for KUKS

Præsidium. UR tilføjede at der ganske givet findes flere foreninger der kunne have interesse

i at være med i KUKS og opfordrede deltagerne til at formidle om KUKS til de foreninger man måtte støde på.

CTvC bemærkede at der er en ny finsk forening på vej. Page 3 of 3

Eventuelt. Der blev forespurgt om bestilte adgangskort kunne returneres og de betalte beløb

returneret. Hertil svarede UR at forsigtigheden med bestilling af billetter skal ligge hos den

enkelte forening og ikke hos KUKS. Det vil være svært for KUKS at disponere dagen, hvis

der kommer adgangskort retur få dage før begivenheden finder sted.

CTvC tilføjede at han gerne sender adgangskort ud i flere omgange – hellere det en at der ligger et større antal ikke anvendelige adgangskort hos foreningerne. Så CTvC bad om at

der løbende bestilles adgangskort.

På spørgsmålet om ikke medlemmerne i de enkelte foreninger kunne bestille adgangskort

direkte hos KUKS, svarede Kl at det rent teknisk godt kunne lade sig gøre, men at KUKS gerne vil have de enkelte foreninger ind over og at det kunne være med til at knytte

medlemmerne mere til de enkelte foreninger ved at de viser synlighed i den anledning. Det

blev foreslået at der kunne ydes tilskud til KUKS fra foreningerne og hertil svarede UR at

KUKS har den opfattelse at de økonomiske midler skal forblive i de enkelte foreninger og komme medlemmerne til gode. UR nævnte derefter at KUKS i samarbejde med Hasse

Ferrold’s Internationale Klub fik kontakt til en del personer/ medlemmer af foreninger, der

deltog i FN dagen sidste år og at vi må tænke nyt hele tiden for at nå ud til potentielle

foreninger/ personer med interesse for KUKS arbejde. UR understregede at KUKS er

afhænge af informationer og input fra de enkelte medlemsforeninger for at KUKS kan arbejde og servicere medlemsforeningerne.

UR spurgte forsamlingen om de enkelte foreningers tilknytning til de stedlige

ambassader. Der viste sig at være forskellige tilknytningsforhold lige fra selvstændig

aktivitet og finansiering til tæt samarbejde med ambassaden. Ofte afhænger samarbejdet mellem en kulturel forening og ambassaden af den person, der repræsenterer ambassaden

(ambassadøren) og i nogle tilfælde kan det også være afgørende hvad holdningen i

hjemlandet er til de enkelte kulturelle foreninger. UR understregede at KUKS altid forholder

sig neutral. Fra deltagerside blev konstateret at det undertiden kan være svært at være en kulturel forening, når hjemlandet fører en uforsonlig politik og det blev tilføjet at nogle

foreninger havde set sig nødsaget til at ændre navn for at kunne bevare medlemsskaren. I

tilknytning blev nævnt den danske holdning til international lov også i nogle tilfælde kunne

være begrænsende for en kulturel forenings forankring i hjemlandet. Susanne Prip Madsen (Præsidiet) nævnte at det undertiden har været positivt at vise

nyankommne ambassadører hvad de kulturelle foreninger arbejder med og hvad KUKS

formål er. Det har bl.a. medført, at flere ambassader har tilskyndet hinanden til at støtte op

om KUKS.

CTvC nævnte at der arbejdes med en ny folder om KUKS og at den vil blive tilsendt medlemsforeningerne.

Hjemmesiden blev omtalt og KL orienterede om, at der arbejdes med opgradering af

hjemmesiden og at man gerne vil have lidt mere tid til dette arbejde. KL nævnte at Face

Book og andre portaler kunne være aktuelle frem over, men at der allerede nu er mulighed for at skrive til Præsidiet over hjemmesiden, hvor der også klan besvares mails.

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UR bad deltagerne om at benytte hjemmesiden til at komme med forslag til aktiviteter m.v.

og til at omtale emner som ønskes diskuteret medlemmerne imellem. UR lukkede mødet med at takke for fremmødet og god ro og orden. KL takkede UR for

rollen som dirigent og for rundvisningen i logen samt for at lægge at lægge lokaler til


København, den 11. juni 2014 Referent Dirigent

Ole Christoffersen Ulrik Greve af Rosenborg

centuries heraldry has been a means of identification. Originally it was the need to

distinguish friend from foe in combat, by colours and symbols, as face and body

were hidden by helmet and armoury. Today, heraldry is still much in use. Countries, cities, dynasties as well as individuals, companies or clubs carry their own coat of arms, and all

over the world there are heraldic authorities that design and grant arms. There are societies

that promote education and understanding of heraldry, its rules and beauty, and heraldry is

studied by scholars, in literature and at conference level.

KUKS is pleased to announce this year’s exhibition of national heraldry, with the aim of creating a venue for the presentation and study of how heraldry is used today by the

various countries all over the world. The Committee hopes that the embassies will take this

opportunity to show examples of heraldry, like national coat of arms, the arms of family,

living or historic, that one way or an-other have been vital to the history in a country, arms that carry an important heritage or constitute a symbolic value to the country or represent

industry, trade, sport, culture or other characteristics. We hope that this years

K.U.K.S. International Exhibition of National Heraldry and Coat of Arms

Confédération Culturelle des sociétés Étrangères Cultural Confederation of Foreign Societies

Protektor Hans Kongelige Højhed PRINSGEMALEN


The exhibition is hosted by the City of Copenhagen and will take place in The City

Hall of Copenhagen. Admission free.

The K.U.K.S. Bulletin

June 2014

K.U.K.S. International Exhibition of National Heraldry will be held from Friday the 24th October at 15.00 hrs. to Thursday the 6th November.


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E T T W Europeans Throughout The World

Europe today is much more than the sum of the 28 member states of the European

Union and the countries along its borders. It also includes a European diaspora

living around the globe of 80 million expatriates, comparable in size to the

populations of the Union’s biggest countries. This diaspora, however, is not treated in the same way as other European citizens.

They are very often deprived of some fundamental democratic rights: the right to

vote or be a candidate in European elections; the right to hold two or more

nationalities; the right to reasonable protection, if they live outside the uropean Union.

ETTW – Europeans Throughout the World – has been created to address these

issues. It is a pan-European umbrella organization of national and other

associations, working to improve the life of European expats wherever they live. Our motto: Working together is winning together!

We are currently working with the European institutions to advise them on

policies of importance to expats and also have contacts with other European and

international bodies, which deal with the same issues. We are in close contact with many research institutions both within and without

Europe in order to profit from their research in expat related topics.

We put particular emphasis on the special challenges that young European

expatriates encounter in their lives.

To make our organization truly pan-European, we aim to have active members in all European countries, big and small, within and without the EU. We welcome

organizations and individuals

For more information about ETTW and how you can become a member see our

new website: www.euromonde.eu Or contact us directly: [email protected]

Niels Jørgen Thøgersen

President of ETTW

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Brussels, 8 March 2014

BOARD MEETING FRIDAY, 28 February 2014


The new president, Niels Thøgersen opened the meeting with a special welcome to the

ETTW Members as well as the four invited guests and asked them to present themselves:

Mr Alan Blanchard, New Europeans, http://neweuropeans.net/

Mrs Annik Crynen, Board Member of VIW, is offering to help ETTW. Mr Ramon Jimenez Fraile, individual member (ES), to explore how to attract

Spanish associations and members and to help in facilitating ETTW’s work with

the EU institutions

Mr Max Oillic, European Citizens Abroad, is advocating for EU voting rights. http://www.europeancitizensabroad.eu/can-you-vote.html


The agenda was approved. The treasurer Paschalis Papachristopoulos was excused for

professional reasons.


The minutes were approved.


In a few words the President highlighted his priorities:

To build permanent good contact with the EU institutions (early warnings, hearings, lobbying, meetings, networking)

To promote the voting of European expats in the European Parliament elections in May


To work actively for that the new European Parliament and the new European Commission will give priority to diaspora issues

To assist EU presidencies in their activities of interest for European expats

To work with the coming Latvian presidency (spring 2015), which has decided to put

the diaspora policy on its agenda. Niels Thøgersen was invited on March 12 to discuss with the Latvian minister of foreign affairs in Riga how ETTW can help. NJT is asking

member associations to propose good credible ideas in order to contribute effectively

to the drafting of the Latvian diaspora proposals.

- Memberships : to look for additional associations to join ETTW (Spain,Germany,Poland,Italy, the UK, Portugal were mentioned among others).NJT

already got very good and promising contacts with expat organizations in Hungary,

Lithuania, Romania, Estonia and the British expat Associations in France, Italy,

Luxembourg and Portugal and also the British Associations in Brussels. To work to try

to involve also European youth organisations

Communication efforts : ETTW has now a presence on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter

as well as a new ETTW website which is also very accessible on mobile devices. It is

still in its building phase : http://euromonde.eu/1 (will go live and online mid March – so do not promote this internal address yet)

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Action : Any comments from members to improve the Website are welcomed. This

must on a permanent basis be a collective effort.

EMM - Europe Media Monitor : ETTW Website has an inbuilt link to EMM Europe

Media Monitor which allows access to relevant newspaper articles on basis of

choosen keywords.

The link to this site, which monitors 4.000 on-line media every ten minutes is



If you want to read an article, click on it. And if you do not understand the

language of the article, you can on the right side of the screen with one click

make a machine translation into many languages (machine translation into English

is the best one).

Action : Members are asked to type relevant keywords related to expatriate policy

and diaspora. If they wish so members could send to Niels Thøgersen the URL

of their publications in order to include those to the EMM.


Karin Palmquist, Karin Henrotte and Nicholas Newman as well as numerous other members

congratulated the president for all what he has achieved in this first 100 days !

With regard to new memberships, Mr Raymond Xerri questioned how far we should go.

Could we accept a request from a Georgian Association? The president indicated that any

organisation supporting our main goals described in the Statutes could be welcomed. Mr

George Vlachopoulos stressed the necessity to define proper guidelines for memberships eligibility.

Our statutes say that ETTW can have members in the member states of the European

Union, the European Economic Area (EEA) and in the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). Concrete modalities and practical solutions to be found.

EU elections on 22- 25 May 2014 - discussion of Action Plan:

An animated discussion started among the members on the two draft notes prepared by the

president namely on :

1) Deadlines for registration for EU voting for citizens living within the EU and

outside the EU

2) Suggestions for a campaign for expats

The following proposals met with general agreement: to support the right to vote of EU expatriates who are citizens of Belgium, Greece,

Denmark and Italy and live outside Europe as well as to combat some severe

restrictions imposed on . British and Danish expatriates

looking for testimonies of well known expatriates to promote EU voting on the European Citizens Abroad website - Members to communicate their names to ETTW

secretariat for possible YouTube interviews for New Europe i.e. Niels Thøgersen

article(24 February) on New Europeans.net

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ask candidates for MEPs what are they planning to do for expats i.e. such as VIW

did with the Belgian MEP- ETTW secretariat to contact in priority the MEP sitting in the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.

to ask at EU level for a single deadline for voting registration in future European

elections from 2019 (for example,31 January)

to promote electronic registration and voting as in the Estonia, so as to facilitate voting by expats.(NB: e-voting via a dedicated machine in situ is different to i-voting from home via internet). Paula Selenius noted however that the Finnish expatriate

parliament is still pushing for both internet voting and paper voting as not every

country in the world can issue an electronic ID card needed for internet voting. Both systems can without problems be used in all countries.


The Strategic Plan is agreed with several remarks and comments

Anne-Marie Dalgaard suggested to have a reasonable budget allowing for ETTW in order to reimburse travels made by the president ( i.e. Latvia) as well as active

help for the website, participation in and organisation of meetings, etc

Karin Henrotte indicated that Swedes Worldwide is discovering also problems for

home comers, i.e. pension rights etc

Need to agree on what issues ETTW will tackle among the main topics of interest

(elections, citizenship, cross-taxation etc). It was agreed that ETTW should tackle

only issues where it has the expertise in order to remain credible and influential.

OUR ACTION PLAN 2014 : discussion

The president indicated his willingness to create two working groups and ETTW is therefore

looking for volunteers to participate actively into these groups. The president asked

member organisations to send any useful written contributions :

WG1 : "Young expats": To identify existing problems and draw lessons from

the experience of other relevant organisations. To contact the Erasmus Student

Network, AEGEE, Mission Laïque, etc. regarding issues of language and culture for

instance. WG2 : "Future structure and financing of ETTW", i.e. review membership’s fee and sponsoring possibilities

We will try to start both working groups in March and have a first report on the

Board meeting on April 11 and the final recommendations at the Board meeting on

June 6.


Annual Accounts 2013

In the absence of the treasurer, Paschalis Papachristopoulos, Koen van der Schaeghe

presented the ETTW accounts for the year of 2013 in the form of proper balance sheet of the ETTW account for the year 2013. Nicholas Newman indicated the need to link it to the

past situation especially with regard to the membership’s fees and that he would be

recommend to present those accounts such as the accountant did formerly.

Swedes Worldwide, Suomi Seura and Latvia indicated their willingness to pay the 2013 fees

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provided they get an invoice.

A discussion started on the calculation basis ( population and GDP) of the membership’s fee. George Vlachopoulos reported that the objective was not to increase the membership’s fee

and for those who might face difficulties to allow them to pay the past membership fees in

two installments.

The annual ETTW membership’s fee to the European Movement (250 euro) was put into question and introduction of mutuality was suggested.

Actions :

- ETTW to send invoice for annual membership’s fee payment with a set deadline for payment.

Agreement to send the ETTW accounts 2013 within the old format for written approval

by the member associations.

Revised membership’s fee to be discussed within the Working Group 2 on Structure and Finance

Budget 2014 :

Ann-Marie Dalgaard wanted to see an increase within the normal operation budget in order to ition line to cover representation costs as well as travels costs for conferences to attend.

Need also to include a "publications" line as well as to increase communication expenses

(add 300 euros)

Karin Henrotte pushed to analyse the various possibilities to generate income via sponsorships, external donations and crowd funding, by adding a "donate" button on the



Media monitor prepared by George Vlachopoulos every week, is well appreciated by our members.

- European Media Monitor EMM service has a great potential – but member

associations need to give proper keywords in order to get the best information on

expatriates' issues.

Exchange of best practices i.e. the Finnish and Swedish Expatriates Parliaments, the Irish Diaspora toolkit, etc.

To prepare Fact Sheets such as the one on EU elections, the Swiss referendum

follow-up and question of Maltese citizenship. The next factsheet will be prepared by

Mr. Ramon Jimenez on the revised consular protection directive discussed and hopefully adopted at Council level under the Greek presidency.


The president quickly presented the various guests he had invited for a friendly drink for good ETTW contacts in the EU institutions, in NGOs in Brussels, in relevant academic

institutions and the colleagues who have volunteered to help us in our work. Members were

asked to present themselves as well as their expats’ organisation and that he hoped that

they would find it an excellent networking opportunity. As it was very successful we will make such a networking drink after each Board meeting a permanent event. The names and

contact information for all guests at the reception will be circulated to all members.


ETTW Board’s meetings have been scheduled on Friday April 11 and June 6, 2014.

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Brussels, 8 March 2014


FRIDAY 28 February 2014



The quorum of at least half of the members being present or represented is reached.


This one was accepted with the addition of the approval of the last meeting.

2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF MEETING OF 15 NOVEMBER 2013 These were approved.

3. APPROVAL OF THE ACCOUNT FOR 2013 As agreed within the board, a new version of the 2013 account situation will be drafted as

formerly done in order to include a global overview of the ETTW account situation on the

basis on this balanced sheet for the account 2013 prepared by the treasurer, Paschlais

Papachristopoulos. This updated document on the ETTW account 2013 shall be sent to the members for written


4. APPROVAL OF THE BUDGET 2014 With the amendments proposed by the Board namely to increase somewhat the proposed

budget for operation namely to cover :

- travel and conference costs

- Publications for ETTW leaflets - Website in order to include work and software graphics costs

The revised budget 2014 shall be sent for written approval to the members.

As regards the calculation of the ETTW membership’s fee, it is agreed that the Working

Group 2 on “Structure and Finance” will deal with this issue and come up with some draft

proposals in time before the next Board meetings fixed on April 11 or June 6. The president

is looking for volunteers to participate in this WG 2 and asked Member organizations who

could not participate to send any comment and proposal.

Brussels, 30 April 2014

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FRIDAY, 11 April 2014


1. Welcome, presentation and approval of agenda

The president, Niels Thøgersen opened the meeting with a special welcome to the new

representatives from Poland namely, Mr Josef Ptaszyinski from the Council of the Polish

Community in Belgium and Mr Wieslaw Lewicki from the Institut Polinicus promoting the

Polish culture. They are located in Aachen although registered in Eupen. They represent Polish expats all over Europe and beyond.

2. Approval of the minutes from the Board meeting of 28 February 2014

These minutes were approved taking into account the written correction sent by Nicholas


3. Follow-up and updates since last Board meeting – President visits and

member issues

Niels Jørgen Thøgersen reported on his various very fruitful visits and meetings:

3.1 Riga meeting with the Minister of Foreign Affairs to prepare for the issue on a

European Diaspora Policy whilst Latvia has the chairmanship of the EU Council during

the first semester of 2015. Please refer below to item 5.

3.2 In Vienna, the president had a meeting with the Secretary General of the

Auslandsösterreicher – Weltbund, Dr. Irmgard Helperstorfer. They might attend our

next Board meeting as our guest. We agreed to remain in close contact.

3.3 In Paris, the president met the President, Mr. Yves Aubin de la Messuzière, as well as

the Director General, Mr. Jean-Christophe Deberre, of the Mission Laïque in presence of

Bernard Mis. They are very supportive of our work and indicated their particular interest

for ETTW to create an initiative of cooperation between the various national school networks. They also underlined their support to have the two other French expat

organisations as members of ETTW.

3.4. While in Paris Niels Thøgersen also had a very useful meeting with the leaders of the British Expat Association in France, Mr. Christopher Chantley and Mr. Rod Harper. They

also want to work with us in ETTW.

3.5. The President has assisted as expert and on behalf of ETTW in the work of the

European Economic and Social Committee EESC in its work to prepare an OPINION supporting the Commission’s recommendation of January 29, 2014. This

recommendation encourages member states to give their citizens living abroad the right

to vote in national elections. The EESC OPINION was (on April 29) adopted with 203 Yes

votes, 5 No votes and 8 votes abstaining.

Mr Ivo Dubois showed the book on “ Fortunate Connections”written by a Dutch expatriate

living in New York, Mr Eelco Keij. And he also circulated a note on his contacts in the

Netherlands to try to build new contacts and partners for ETTW there.

Mrs Marie-Claude Hayoit had a telephone contact with Mr Christian Bauwens, the Secretary

general of UFBE. We will continue to work actively to make them a pro-active member again

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in our organisation.

As president for several years of CIM (the organization assembling the various Italian

expatriates association in Belgium), Mario Greco reported that this association was dormant

but he hopes that things will moved by July. Niels Thøgersen will be in Rome later this year

and hopes to meet with the representatives of the coming Italian EU Presidency to engage them for an EU expatriate diaspora policy and asked Mario Greco to brief him accordingly

before his visit.

The president reported that Ramon Jimenez Fraile is trying to get contact with an expatriate association in Spain. The president of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Belgium, Mr.

Juan Rodriques – Villa Matons is very interested in working with us (took part in the

reception). And also the Basque expat association is interested in working with us.

Raymond Xerri mentioned that within the Council of Europe, he has access to a list of

national government representatives in charge of their policy diaspora. He has almost

gathered all the information on a list of government officers, who deal with diaspora affairs

in most EU countries. These names could be a source to find additional expatriates Member

associations to build up a EU diaspora network.

Action: Raymond Xerri will send this list to the president to be circulated among the

members in order to complete this list with their relevant national contacts.

The president stressed the need for ETTW to have a critical mass of members’ representatives if we want to have a credible say towards the EU institutions in serving the

EU diaspora.

4. European Parliament elections Campaign

4.1 Presentation by Mrs Laetitia Veriter of the EMI (European Movement International) voting for Europe. “There are 1000 reasons to vote for Europe. What is yours?

Action: Members are asked to contribute actively to this EMI initiative

https://www.facebook.com/european.movement/app_219407548186016 or via Twitter using the #EU1000 hashtag

A discussion followed on the need to attract the young generation to actively vote for the

European elections.

4.2 by ETTW and by members cfr ETTW note on EUROPEAN ELECTIONS May 2014, Promotion for expats

4.2.1 VIW sent the questions they adressed to their European parlementarian

4.2.2 European Citizen’s Abroad – Max Oillic suggested that we should make some joint

proposals http://www.europeancitizensabroad.eu/

4.2.3 Anne Marie Dalgaard showed their last publication devoted mainly to their EU

Parliament election with an article of our President Niels Thøgersen. 4.2.4 Tony Venables stressed the need to have a study on what impact, rights and

measures the European - Parliament has on expatriates. Possible expert fro ULg dr.

Jean-Michel Lafleur to carry such a study impact. Also request that the diaspora policy

is put among the priorities of the new European Parliament Commission on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.

4.2.5 European Parliament’s election website: http://www.elections2014.eu/en

Vote 2014: http://www.debatingeurope.eu/vote2014/#.U0PW5PmSyHM

League of Young Voters: http://www.youngvoters.eu/eu

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5 Preparation for a European Policy for the EU diaspora

The president reported on his very fruitful meeting he had with the Latvian Minister of

Foreign Affairs and his staff ( see above 3.1) and within their priorities they want to push

the EU Institutions to pursue a common diaspora policy, representing not only national but

also Europe wide compentencies ( cfr draft Communication sent as working document for

this ETTW board meeting).

Action : One specific action would be for ETTW to help the Latvian Government in

convening a high-level intergovernmental conference on EU diaspora policy in Riga

in the beginning of 2015. For this purpose, the members discussed the 5 listed

supporting activities from the part of the ETTW ( last chapter of the draft


All members shared and fully supported the importance of this Latvian initiative. The EU

diaspora policy should really be the ETTW core business. Several members gave practical

actions to be done such as:

- to establish close contact with the DG Justice namely with its Director Paul Nimitz,

- for ETTW to also actively take part in the preparation of the Commission citizenship’s report foreseen for 2016,

- to gather data from the Member States who have an active diaspora policy.

Action: It is decided to create a small working group which will deal with this EU diaspora

policy together with the Latvian presidency. For this purpose, members agreed to

fix a meeting in Brussels before next ETTW Board meeting. This timing will be also

be perfect as we should know by them the names of the new elected MEP’s and find

out which one is interested in the diaspora policy.

6 Plans for a special effort for young European expats

Niels Thøgersen reported that he had already found among the Young European Federalist

some volunteers, namely Daria Santucci, Monica Buna, Ruben Loots and Kris Snick ( from

the League of Young voters), who will start identifying the special problems that the Young

expats are facing. We also have to work closely with other European organizations dealing

with these matters.

Action: Members are asked to make sure that their respective national student Abroad

associations, but also the Erasmus association, the European Voluntary service.. do

join this Working Group ( Skype contacts) with the aim to identify and establish a

list of priorities of young expats for discussion at our next ETTW Board meeting.

7 ETTW future organisation – plans and finance ( sponsoring etc.) mandate for

the specific working group

7.1 Niels Thøgersen stressed that under the organizational side, ETTW has a quite widely spread range of membership’s types. Although officially only 2 categories of members

are defined under the new ETTW Statutes:

- Full members such as national Member expatriates association from the EEE and the EFTA, be national, regional or pursuing specific goals in line with those of ETTW

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- Associate members : associations, organisations or individual citizens of the

countries referred to as full members which do not fall within the categories mentioned therein; correspondent organisations and European clubs, pursuing

specific goals in line with ETTW.


At the request from the president, several former colleagues from the EU institutions have

joined or shared their expertise to the work of ETTW. These persons are certainly concerned

with the issue of expatriation and are indeed a very valuable and fantastic source of

expertise that need to be officially recognized.

7.2 Regarding the membership’s fee, although the present system has been in used for

several years, the members felt that it needs to be reviewed with more transparency.

7.3 Furthermore, ETTW is looking for other sources of financial supports i.e. corporate

memberships such as with the Danes Worldwide Association or other forms but this should

be definitely done jointly by ETTW and its member’s organisations.

Actions: - Revised membership’s categories and fees to be discussed and reviewed by the

working group Structure and Finance

- The president will also look deeply into the funding issue of ETTW through

sponsorships i.e. with the help of a Swiss-based company with experience in these matters in order to come with a proposal for the next meeting ( cfr paper Funding ETTW

through sponsorship).

8 Mid-term report on the Greek EU presidency and about the Consular Protection

The president thanked Mr Kostas Pappas as well as his colleague Mr Alex Vidouris for joining

the ETTW meeting to report on the main priority issues of the EU Council during the Greek

presidency so far:

- Growth, jobs and social cohesion

- Completion of the EU monetary union

- Migration and mobility As the EU Parliament will be in recess because of the coming EU elections, they indicated

that time will be available to allow some strategic debates to take place such as: banking

restructuration as well as financial transaction tax or better known as the “ Tobin tax “

The new Commisison proposal 2011 on Consular protection to comply with the adopted

Lisbon treaty, is fairly mature to go to the Parliament although this will no longer be under

the Greek presidency. The main issue lies in fact within a Consular intergovernmental

agreement between the 28 Member states to delegate their competences to the EU

delegations abroad. Within the Commission, a subgroup of the External Action Service and

the EU External Affairs are meeting regulargly on the 3 months. The approval of this

Commission proposal on Consular protection will have to be taken up by the next EU Italian

presidency. The aim is lying with the competencies of the EU delegation and to agree on an

institutional framework of the EU delegations to possibly absorb a diplomat from each

Member country to deal respectively with their national requests.

9 Reports from Member organisations on other matters:

Danes Abroad: Anne Marie Dalgaard very happily announced that following their ministry

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recommendation, they hoped to get a draft legislation on dual citizenship

after this summer.

France: Jean-Claude Séché reported on the changes brought with the election of the

“Assemblée générale des Français de l’étranger” and secondly that there will no

longer have a Ministry to represent the French citizens abroad but only a State

Secretary which shall also cover Tourism and foreign trade.

Action: The president addressed a call to each member to send to the ETTW office, their up

to date practical data and information about their organzation as well as statistics

on their number of expatriates.

Reception with invited guests 16.00 -17.30

The president quickly presented the various guests he had invited for a friendly drink ( list

of invitees attached) as the members felt this previous initiative to be of a real opportunity

to meet new potential interested persons and be able to discuss informally specific issues

with them.


Next ETTW Board’s meeting is scheduled on Friday November 7 at 11.00 – combined with a General Assemby

With the specific working group meeting on the EU policy diaspora to take place as soon as



EU citizens have the right to vote in the European elections from May 22-25, 2014. This is in most cases also so, if you live in another country than the one you are

born in.

Altogether 24 EU member states accept votes by their citizens living in another of

EU’s 28 member state. And 20 member states also accept it, if they live in a

country outside EU.

If you live outside your home country, you can read much more on this website (

which ETTW is a partner in):


Here you have all the information you need:

If you are entitled to vote

When and how to register to use your right to vote

How to vote


Your vote is equally important as the vote of any other citizen. Make your voice

heard. Have a say on how Europe should develop in the years to come.

And remember: if you don’t vote, you don’t count!

Niels Jørgen Thøgersen

President of Europeans Throughout the World [email protected]

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PS: In ETTW we work hard to give all European citizens living abroad the right to

vote – in European as well as in national elections, either where they live or where they come from. Support our efforts.

See more here:

Our website: www.euromonde.eu

LinkedIn: Group Europeans Throughout the World Facebook: Group Europeans Throughout the World

Twitter: @euromonde1

Europe and Us – The House of Lords -The

Referendum– the vote!

On Friday 10th January the House of Lords debated the EU (Referendum Bill)

This Bill may never see the light of day, because the Lords’ debate may well run it out of


The Bill was introduced by Lord Dobbs, an obviously nice chap, but who has not bowed to

pressure to agree that we who are most affected by the outcome of a referendum should be

allowed the RIGHT to vote in this referendum

We, who live in the continental States of the EU, must have the Right to Vote. The outcome of this Referendum could make us Foreigners in Europe. As foreign as Russians or

Japanese. We would have no automatic right to live here.

The following Peers have spoken for our interests (I apologise for omissions – I scanned

through the Hansard report and it is easy to miss records.) To view the Hansard Report click here – begin at column 1738;

http://www.publications.parliament.uk/pa/ld201314/ldhansrd/text/140110-0001.htm The

Lords Oakeshott, Crisp, Shipley, Tugendhat, - there are most certainly others who did not


The next Stage of debate in the Lords is the Committee Stage – For this detailed debate,

the peers table amendments.

Read here Publication: Amendments to be moved in Committee

An important amendment relates to Clause 2 (‘the who can vote’ clause) and is tabled by

the following peers. It would enable all of us to vote in the Referendum.

Lords Shipley, Kerr of Kinlochard, Bowness and Baroness Quinn

A further important amendment is tabled by Lords Roper. Hannay, and Baroness Quinn.

More can be located via the above link.

What you can do!

To lobby - write to any ‘peer’ as above

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Suggestions [A personal letter is best]. - Dear Lord/Baroness xxxx I am a British Citizen,

living in France/Spain/Cyprus/ Germany/ ete— The outcome of an IN/OUT Referendum is vitally important to me. If it is ‘out’ then I will be a foreigner in the EU. Yet most of us in

Europe will have no vote. Please do all you can to help.

Get the email address from http://www.parliament.uk/mps-lords-and-offices/lords/

That also gives you the opportunity to read the background of the’ peer’

Brian Cave ([email protected]) Please note change of e: mail address

www.votes-for-expat-brits.com & www.votes-for-expat-brits-blog.com

Good afternoon Colleagues

Harry Shindler has been requested to attend the Committee for Petitions in

Brussels next Monday 20th January 2014

I have just received a telephone call from Harry who confirmed that he has been requested

to attend the above, which is part of the Euro Parliament. Briefly, when Harry first started

his campaign seven years ago he was in contact with the Committe for Petitions. After much

campaigning and correspondence between Harry and the Committee the case was rejected. However Harry has been in contact with the President of the European Parliament, Mr

Martin Schulz and a decision has now been made to reopen his case, hence Harry´s

presence has now been requested in Brussels. Harry would like to put on record, and for all

of us to join him, in thanking Mr Schultz for his support which is very much appreciated. Unfortunately Harry will not be able to attend in person, as he is suffering from food

poisoning and will be represented by his Solictitor / Avvocato Charlotte Oliver of Italian law

firm Oliver & Partners; http://www.oliverpartners.it/shindler-case-will-not-be-referred-to-

the-echr-grand-chamber/ Early last September Harry and a delegation from Votes for Expat Brits, including Charlotte, attended a meeting in Brusssels with EC Vice President

Viviane Reding and were very well received.

Harry would also like to put on record his most sincere thanks to everybody who personally

wrote to him to congratulate him on being awarded the MBE in the Queen´s New Years Honours List.

Kindest Regards

Graham Ruchards

www.votes-for-expat-brits.com & www.votes-for-expat-brits-blog.com

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IN PARLIAMENT January 9th - Electoral

Commission questions

Sir Roger Gale (North Thanet) (Con): In addition to the hundreds of thousands of expatriate United Kingdom citizens who—like Harry Shindler, 93, who received an MBE in

the new year’s honours list—are disfranchised because of the 15-year rule, there are also

tens of thousands of expat citizens who could vote but who are not registered. What is the

commission doing to ensure that they can be registered to vote?

Mr Gary Streeter (North Devon) (Con): My hon. Friend raises an important question;

this is a matter of concern across the House. A recent meeting was held between the

Electoral Commission and representatives of the political parties and the Foreign and

Commonwealth Office, and attempts are being made to increase awareness among expats that they have the opportunity to register to vote in the next election. There will be a

significant public awareness campaign in overseas literature and online to try to encourage

more voter registration, and there will also be an expat voter day in February this year. The

success of that event will be reviewed after the May elections.

Many thanks to Sir Roger for asking this question. Sir Roger is great at drawing attention to this matter in Parliament and there are others like him.

But aren't there are so many more questions remaining?

1. When will the politicians distinguish between Voting and Representation?

2. When will they ask of the citizen abroad 'How can we help you? What are your problems? Your needs? Your wishes? How can we support you?´ - That is the true

measure of Representation.

3. When will the political parties present policies which display a true interest in the

citizen abroad?

4. When will they lift the 15 year limit on voting? That limit is hardly an

encouragement, and does not convey confidence.

5. When will Nick Clegg regret saying 'If you want a vote, vote in the country where

you live.'/

6. When will Lord Lipsey regret saying 'I will never want you to have the vote for a Westminster MP'?

7. When will Iain Duncan Smith regret disparaging us? And recognise the worth we

bring to Britain.

Brian Cave ([email protected])

www.votes-for-expat-brits.com & www.votes-fro-expat-brits-blog.com

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New post on Votes for Expat Brits blog

Expatriate voters could make the difference in

marginal constituencies by right2vote4xpatbrits

Find out more about the marginal seats which could decide the 2015 General Election in

the UK by browsing the interactive BBC News link below. One of them could be the

constituency in which you last voted before you became an expatriate.

You can still register as an overseas voter where you last lived in the UK and vote to make

a difference, that is if not already disqualified by the 15-year-rule. Go to the Electoral

Commission website http://www.aboutmyvote.co.uk/ and insert the post code

of where you were last resident in the UK to find out how to register and vote from abroad.

BBC News: The seats which could decide the next election.

If you are already disenfranchised by the 15-year-rule and can no longer register to vote in

the UK, we would still appreciate you adding your vote here in support of our campaign

to remove this arbitrary limit on our democratic rights.

Good afternoon everyone,

Below is a bombshell of a message which comes from the EU Commission and circulated by

Graham- The EU have passed a resolution to urge all States of the Union to grant voting rights

without limit to their citizens living in other States of the Union. The files attached give the full

details and reasoning.

Below is the summary.....


1. Where Member States' policies limit the rights of nationals to vote in national elections

based exclusively on a residence condition, Member States should enable their nationals

who make use of their right to free movement and residence in the Union to

demonstrate a continuing interest in the political life in the Member State of which they

are nationals, including through an application to remain registered on the electoral roll,

and by doing so, to retain their right to vote.

2. Where Member States allow their nationals residing in another Member State to retain

their right to vote in national elections through an application to remain registered on

the electoral roll, this should be without prejudice to the possibility for those Member

States to put in place proportionate accompanying arrangements, such as reapplication

at appropriate intervals.

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3. Member States that allow their nationals residing in another Member State to retain

their right to vote in national elections through an application or a reapplication to

remain registered on the electoral roll should ensure that all relevant applications may

be submitted electronically.

4. Member States providing for the loss of the right to vote in national elections by their

nationals residing in another Member State should inform them by appropriate means

and in a timely manner about the conditions and the practical arrangements for retaining

their right to vote in national elections.

This recommendation is addressed to the Member States.

Done at Brussels, It is desirable that all MPs at Westminster get wind of this recommendation and are urged

to act on it.

Your MP or the MP of your last constituency of residence can be found here


Best wishes Brian Cave ...........

European Commission - Commission Recommendation addressing

the consequences of disenfranchisement of Union citizens exercising

their rights to free movement

Please find attached copies of documents published today by the European Commission concerning the above. There was also a press briefing by Viviane Reding, Vice President and

Commissioner for Justice, and Citizens Rights in the European Union.

Please forward this mail to all your friends, families, colleagues and social media contacts. Kindest Regards

Graham Richards

www.votes-for-expat-brits.com & www.votes-for-expat-brits-blog.com

Statement from Sir Roger Gale MP - Cons. Thanet North

Give Ex-Pats the right to vote – MP Ex-Pat UK citizens should be given the right to vote in perpetuity. That is the view

expressed this morning by Sir Roger Gale, MP (North Thanet) following a statement by the

European Commission in support of the proposal. In a rare moment of harmony with

Brussels the euro-sceptic MP has said:

“It is not often that I agree with the Commission and of course the manner in which we

determine our electoral system is and must remain a matter for the UK and not the EU but

in this instance they have got it right.

In the interests of democracy all UK citizens, wherever they may reside, should have the

right to vote in both UK parliamentary elections and in a future EU referendum if , as I

hope, there is to be one. In most developed democracies citizens have the right to vote in perpetuity. In the UK that right, for those overseas, is limited to 15 years and the

registration system is far too complex. That is the case that we put to the Commission

when Harry Shindler and I met with Commissioner Reding last year and I am pleased that

Harry`s particularly powerful case seems to have found favour. At 93 Harry (who received

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the MBE for services to the United Kingdom in the New Years` Honours list) may not have

too many votes left in him and we need to get on with this.

Personally, I would like to see ex-pats enabled to vote at the next general election but given

Liberal Democrat resistance to a change that seems unlikely. I know that the Cabinet Office

is working on a simplification of the registration system and I hope that we shall have a manifesto commitment for 2015 so that at the very least we can legislate to give ex-pats

the absolute right to vote in an in/out EU Referendum by 2017. That is the least that we

can do for people who in many cases have paid UK taxes throughout their lives, may have

fought for our Country and have children and grandchildren still living in Britain” (ENDS)



Britain is 'punishing' expats by denying vote, Europe says European Commission says Britain is treating vote-less expats

like 'second class citizens'

More than five million Britons live abroad, but only 20,000 are registered to vote Photo:


By Matthew Holehouse and Elizabeth Roberts

7:45PM GMT 29 Jan 2014


Britain is “punishing” its expatriates for leaving the country by denying them the right to

vote, the European Commission has said.

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The Government should overturn a law which strips UK citizens of their right to vote if they

have not been on the electoral roll for the past fifteen years, Viviane Reding, the EU’s Justice Commissioner said.

Britons who retire abroad are treated as “second class citizens” because of rules that run

contrary to European principles of freedom of movement, Ms Reding said.

More than five million Britons live abroad, but only 20,000 are registered to vote. The Government is not thought to keep track of how many have lost their vote under the clause.

“The right to vote is one of the fundamental political rights of citizenship. It is part of the

very fabric of democracy,” said Ms Reding. “Depriving citizens of their right to vote once

they move to another EU country is effectively tantamount to punishing citizens for having exercised their right to free movement. Such practices risk making them second-class


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Joyce, Hancock and Mercer are perfect examples of Parliament’s low standards

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Britain is 'punishing' expats by denying vote, Europe says

29 Jan 2014

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29 Jan 2014

Nigel Farage: Why always pick on us?

27 Jan 2014

The European Commission raised the example of a British pensioner who retires to France

but keeps in contact with friends, owns a flat in the UK and follows political developments on British radio and TV, yet is unable to take part in elections.

Last year Harry Shindler, 91, a war veteran and long-term resident of Italy, lost a case at

the European Court of Human Rights to regain the vote.

The ECHR said it its judgement that links such as property, pensions and bank accounts did not amount to a close connection to the UK, and it is up to the British Government to

choose a cut-off point.

But European Commission said principle behind the “disenfranchisement rules” that expats

have insufficient ties to their home country “seems outdated in today’s interconnect world”.

Denmark, Ireland, Cyrpus and Malta should also repeal similar rules, the commission said.

Graham Richards, of the Votes for Expats Campaign, said the right was particularly

important given prospect of an EU referendum vote. "Why is it that the French government,

and other EU governments, encourage their expats now living abroad to vote, and provide

polling booths?" he said.

Chris Grayling, the Justice Secretary, said the announcement was another example of

European interference in national matters.

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The right to freedom of movement is being used to trump British laws and “broaden EU

competencies,” Mr Grayling told MPs.

A Cabinet Office spokesman said: “The issue of who votes in domestic elections is clearly a

matter for national governments and not the European Commission. The Government’s

position has been backed by the Courts and the Government is not minded to change it.”

Under plans revealed yesterday, the public will be able to register to vote online, including using a smartphone or a tablet, instead of returning a paper form by post. Officials hope it

will cut down on fraudulent “ghost” voters.

A message from Harry Shindler Harry Shindler* has sent this message,

We are nearly there !

To Madam Reding and her Commission go the thanks of British expats in Europe. To the UK Government we say this is a test of statesmanship, a moment to show that

when they say We believe in democracy, then it has a meaning.

To all ex pats I say, 'Well done'. But we are not at the end yet. So lets keep at it for the

final stretch.

Best wishes,

Harry Shindler.

* You should not need reminding - Harry fought in WWII - at the Anzio beach head just south of Rome. He is nearly 93. He lives in Italy. He has worked voluntarily in many ways

to ensure that the British soldiers who died in Italy are remembered and that the places

where their remains lie are truly understood and respected. For that he was recently

awarded a MBE. He is shining guiding light in the battle to bring to British Citizens in Europe true democracy.

Brian Cave ([email protected])


All Britons abroad should have the right to Representation in the British Parliament.

Equal rights - The Government of Britain speaks for all British Citizens. Treaties

which affect Britons abroad are signed IN THEIR NAME! The consequences impinge on their lives, often directly, but always by inference.

eXpatriates to be supported and confirmed as British citizens, i.e. passport

holder, tax payer, NI contributor etc, and guaranteeing the rights of freedom of movement in the EU without discrimination.

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Provide "constituency style" support to British citizens abroad who have

problems, grievances etc, particularly relating to relationships between the citizen and the UK government.

A realisation that the majority of British citizens abroad still have strong ties with the

'mother country'. Children, grandchildren, Parents and other relatives, social security

payments, a work history, former work colleagues and friends, ownership of property,

investments, pension entitlements:- the list is endless.

The Democratic Principle -- that constant vigilance supports freedom. The concepts of

‘citizenship’ mean a binding relationship between the governing body and the people? –

N.B. Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states ‘nationality is the legal

bond between a person and a State’.

Vaunted ‘Military Covenant’ implies that a relationship of support continues between

the Government and the retired service people for life. They should have the democratic

Right of Representation for life and their needs wherever they choose to live in retirement


Overseas - Business-grounded British Citizens in the EU (let alone elsewhere) are most

important for the EU and the UK. They should have unhindered rights to vote. It is time

for UK to discard antiquated political views and for UK politicians to look to the future of

Europe and impress the rest of the European Nations by supporting and encouraging their

UK/EU citizens.

The British abroad, in particular the elderly, are more likely to take an interest in what is

happening in their own country, particularly where it impacts on their life and the lives of

their loved ones. It is in the interest of any political party to build on this.

Example – The UK Government surely wishes to show itself as a leader amongst the

Nations. It would do well to demonstrate this quality amongst the Nations of Europe by

allowing the citizens the full rights of citizenship.

Simply put - Consciously or unconsciously all British Citizens abroad are ambassadors

of the British Nation. It is wise for the Government to foster this sense of Britishness and

not to destroy it.

Brian Cave (with thanks to Denis Turner) [email protected]

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FROZEN PENSIONS for Expatriates.

The beginning of the end?

What it means for the British expatriate EVERYWHERE.

I have a report of a meeting on the Frozen Pensions issue at Westminster on April Ist.

But as a preamble I quote from a report concerning the thoughts of David Cameron..

This extract is quoted from the Daily Telegraph! [The article by the journalist Richard Evans

is linked below]

“Sir Roger Gale, the Conservative MP for Thanet North, said he had recently met David Cameron to lobby him for a better deal for the pensioners affected. He said the Prime

Minister was "not unsympathetic" over their plight but that no change was imminent. "Some of these people do not have long left," Sir Roger told a meeting of a new cross-party

parliamentary group formed to fight on the pensioners' behalf. "We need urgent action.

But he added that while the Prime Minister himself had been sympathetic, others in his

office had not. "The attitude towards expat pensioners was 'they don't vote, do


My correspondent who was at the meeting reports as follows…

It was a VERY interesting meeting with hints from Sheila Telford (from Canada) that

perhaps something will be done. There is a further meeting to which we have not been

invited. I think it is with ambassadors.

Many interesting people. I spoke to the journalists from the Telegraph (Richard Evans) and Independent (Simon Read), they are both good listeners and here is Richard's piece which

he got out very quickly:


It was good to meet Sir Peter Bottomley MP and to hear what all members of the panel had

to say. I suspect that David Cameron's hopeful words are pie in the sky, but perhaps I am wrong. There is a growing number of friends in both houses of Parliament, and they sound

determined to get the problem solved.

I was only given time to ask one short question, in my words to Sheila's request: "The whole frozen pension issue is very difficult to understand. How on earth did it begin and

who thought it up?" Peter Bottomley described the ad hoc manner in which it started and

emphasised that freezing was totally wrong. He is a firm ally and speaks very clearly.

NOTE – The need for all of us to have the VOTE! And for US to use it! This is the only certain way that Britons Abroad will be recognised and respected by the politicians in


In the next few days an important circular on this matter will land on your

computer. Please keep a watch for it and if you can… act on it

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Author Brian Cave ([email protected])

-Votes for Britons -http://votes-for-expat-brits.com

MPs for expats -- http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk/petitions/55085


A major consultation about Democracy is under way which affects you.

Your active support would be most helpful. This is probably one of the most important

milestones in the journey to achieve Democratic Justice for British Citizens throughout the Union.

The Cameron Government launched the first of a series of consultation documents some

while ago to analyse the relationship between the UK and the EU – leading to a possible re-

framing of the European link between the States of the Union.

This last March, the third and last tranche of these ‘analyses of competences’ was published. This last includes the ‘competence’ relating to VOTING and DEMOCRACY.

It is of fundamental importance to all British Citizens residing in the EU. A response by as

many of us who can manage it is necessary.

The Government have published some notes which can be read in the following link. They are extensive – To help I draw attention to certain paragraphs

Introductory notes on ‘Voting – Consular and Statistics –call for Evidence’

Paragraph 4.29 page.16 to 4.33 page 17 are particularly relevant. These comment on the

Rights of expatriate Britons to have a voice in Parliament. This Government paper insists that they are ‘within the law’ to limit the ‘vote’ to 15 years residence beyond the UK It also

mentions para. 4.33 the EU’s insistence that we should have representation ‘for life’. para.

4.5 on page 8 is also of interest.

The next link (see below) gives the form for entering responses to the following questions...

What are the benefits and drawbacks to the UK of the current division of

responsibility between the EU and Members Staes at European Parliamentary

elections? You may wish to comment on matters including: (at European

Parliamentary, local and national elections); the administration of elections; electoral integrity; and costs

What challenges do candidates and parties wishing to stand for election at European

Parliamentary elections face, and are they appropriate?

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What are the impacts of European initiatives to engage citizens in policy making and

democracy? What has worked well and/or what has not worked so well? You may wish to give examples.

Are there any future opportunities or challenges for the UK whuch result from EU-wide

democratic engagement initiatives other than voting at elections? If so, how can

opportuntities be capitalised on, or challenges met?

Are there any general points you would like to make which are not captured by the


Form is here - Voting RESPONSE form

I myself have completed this form. Here I give a slightly shortened version of it solely for guidance. click on Consultation response.

The views I express are my own. You may well have different views. It is recommended

that you interpret the questions in your own way and respond in your own words.

Though I have already received opinions from certain correspondents, my version will be finalised after I have been able to read other views. Please take action for yourselves.


Brian Cave ([email protected])

www.votes-for-expat-brits.com & www.votes-for-expat-brits-blog.com

Good morning Colleagues

Please find latest projections of seats in next month´s European Parliament elections;



Kindest Regards

Graham Richards

www.votes-for-expat-brits.com & www.votes-for-expat-brits-blog.com

Good evening Colleagues

Further to yesterday´s meeting in Brussels and mail update from Niels Jorgen Thogersen,

please find below copy of mail that I have just received from Niels and copy of the final and

official document which can be published.


Hi Alan and Graham,

Hereby the final text of the OPINION on voting rights, which was adopted in the

meeting yesterday by the EESC section meeting. It was approved by 79 YES votes,

1 NO vote and 3 Abstentions.

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EN Rue Belliard/Belliardstraat 99 — 1040 Bruxelles/Brussel — BELGIQUE/BELGIË

Tel. +32 25469011 — Fax +32 25134893 — Internet: http://www.eesc.europa.

It is an official document, which may be published, if you mention that the final approval in the EESC plenary will take place on April 29. The EESC rule is that is

fewer than 5 members vote against it it will go directly to the vote without a

debate in the plenary. It seems to be the case here.

The EESC had appointed me as the Expert for the OPINION, and I had the

opportunity in the meeting to present our views and strong support from EETW.

This EESC OPINION does not revolutionise the world. But it is certainly a step in the right direction.

Best greetings,



I wish to put on record on behalf of both the Votes for Expat Brits campaign team and our support group our most sincere thanks for all the hard work and effort put in by Niels and

his team. We now all await with great interest the vote of the plenary on 29 April.

Kindest Regards

Graham Richards

www.votes-for-expat-brits.com & www.votes-for-expat-brits-blog.com

European Economic and Social Committee



Brussels, … 2014


of the

Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship

on the

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic

and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on addressing the consequences of

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disenfranchisement of Union citizens exercising their right to free movement

COM(2014) 33 final


Rapporteur working alone: Andris Gobiņš


Administrator: Torben Bach Nielsen

On 7 March 2014 the European Commission decided to consult the European Economic and Social Committee,

under Article 304 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, on the

Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European

Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions on addressing the

consequences of disenfranchisement of Union citizens exercising their right to free movement

COM (2014) 33 final.

The Section for Employment, Social Affairs and Citizenship, which was responsible for preparing the Committee's

work on the subject, adopted its opinion on 7 April 2014.

At its ... plenary session, held on … (meeting of ...), the European Economic and Social Committee adopted the

following opinion by ... votes to ... with ... abstentions.


* *

View of the Committee

The EU's citizens are at the heart of Article 10(3) TEU which states that "Every citizen shall have the right

to participate in the democratic life of the Union". By the very nature of things, this must also include the

right to take part in elections, which is an essential part of democracy and a fundamental human right.

One of the fundamental rights of EU citizens is the right to free movement. EU citizens can reside and work

in any of the 28 Member States.

The Charter of Fundamental Rights – which has the same legal value as the Treaties – states in Articles 39

and 40 that EU citizens who exercise their fundamental right to free movement have the right to take part

in European and local elections under the same conditions as nationals of their country of residence.

Participation in national elections, however, is not included in the Charter.

A total of 23 EU Member States allows their citizens living abroad in the EU to vote in national elections.

In an unofficial survey carried out by Europeans Throughout the World (ETTW) for the purpose of this

opinion, expat organisations in Europe mention, amongst other things, the following positive reasons for

retaining the right to vote:

Voting in elections – whether they are local, regional, national or European – is a fundamental

democratic right, which must be supported and safeguarded.

In order for national elections to be truly democratic, the voice of all citizens must be heard – including

the voice of those who have decided to live and work abroad.

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Voting rights in national elections allow expats to maintain important ties with their home country and

continue to be "responsible citizens" and "good Europeans".

Expats are, by definition, "ambassadors" of their home countries and also often have to face the

consequences of political decisions taken by their home countries.

Voting abroad in Europe is seen as a realisation of the European motto "Unity in diversity".

Five EU Member States – Cyprus, Denmark, Ireland, Malta and the United Kingdom – prevent their

citizens living abroad in the EU from voting in national elections – either immediately after leaving their

home country or after a certain period of time. It is uncertain how many EU citizens are affected or

potentially affected by this kind of disenfranchisement but it is estimated that some 3 million EU citizens

from the five countries in question live abroad in the EU1.

The majority of citizens disenfranchised as a result of such policies also cannot take part in national

elections in the country where they live2. These practices have created a lost electorate – a group of

citizens with no rights to vote in national elections whatsoever.

One of the arguments often used in favour of disenfranchisement is that citizens living abroad lose contact

with their home country. This may have been true in the past. However, thanks to modern communication

technology, it is easy nowadays for EU citizens living abroad to maintain close links with their home

country. They can follow current affairs in their home country on television, the radio and the internet –

with the internet in particular being a common tool for interaction and participation. They can travel home

quickly and cheaply. And in many cases they even pay taxes in or draw pensions from their home country.

The place of physical residence can hardly be justified as a proportionate indicator for losing voting rights.

In its Recommendation of 29 January 2014, the Commission urges the five Member States concerned to

allow their citizens to retain the right to vote in national elections if these citizens demonstrate a continuing

interest in the political life of their home country, for instance through an application to remain registered

on the electoral roll. The Committee would have appreciated the inclusion of a general request to all

Member States to ensure that voting is as straight-forward for citizens living abroad as for citizens living in

the home country.

The Committee strongly supports this recommendation which accompanies the communication to which this

opinion relates.

Article 20 TFEU defines Union citizenship as additional to national citizenship. It can thus be seen as odd

that some citizens are deprived of one fundamental right – the right to vote – when exercising another

fundamental right – the right to move. It is understandable if many see this as being against the whole

philosophy of EU citizenship.

The rules concerning voting rights in national elections are clearly a national – and not European –

competence. The EU does not and must not put this important principle into question. Seen from the

citizens’ point of view, however, progress is needed on the matter. Citizens should still be entitled to

1 According to Eurostat figures, 1.17 million EU citizens from the five countries in question were

living abroad in the EU in 2013, but this figure does not include foreign EU citizens living in Greece, France,

Croatia, Cyprus, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta and the UK (though Irish citizens living in the UK are counted). 2 According to the Commission, no Member State has a general policy granting other Member States' nationals

residing in its territory the right to vote in national elections. There are, however, exceptions: "qualifying

Commonwealth citizens" can vote in national parliamentary elections in the UK and UK nationals have the right to

vote in national parliamentary elections in Ireland.

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exercise those fundamental rights which all Member States have acceded to in the EU Treaties, without

being disenfranchised by national legislation for doing so.

The Committee encourages the five Member States concerned to find ways to be more flexible. The

solutions will naturally differ from one country to another. The crucial point is that all EU citizens should

retain the right to vote in the national elections of their country of origin. The Committee encourages these

Member States to consider the European Commission's view that, rather than limiting the right to vote

based on a residence condition, expats should have the opportunity to demonstrate their continuing interest

in the political life of their country of origin. Time limits for retaining the right to vote are by their very

nature likely to be arbitrary.

The Committee furthermore wants to underline the importance of providing expats with clear information

about their rights and how these rights can be exercised.

The Committee urges the competent national authorities to make the procedures for registration and voting

as simple and transparent as possible.

Finally, the Committee stresses that disenfranchisement in national elections is only one example of the

encroachment on citizenship rights that citizens experience when living abroad in the EU. The Committee

urges the Commission to map all such encroachments in order to provide a full overview of the current

state of play in Europe, whilst paying special attention to opportunities for active citizenship and

participation in "day-to-day" decision making.

Additional background information

The Recommendation from the Commission gives a good overview of the legal situation in each of the five

Member States concerned. Based on information from ETTW, the Committee would, however, like to add a

few comments to what the Commission has said:

Cyprus: Around 480 000 citizens of Cyprus live in other EU countries, most of them in the UK. Despite

what has been said, these citizens actually could take part in last year’s national elections. In other words,

there seems to be a discrepancy between the legal situation and actual practices.

Denmark: Around 140 000 Danish citizens live in another EU country. The Danish constitution states that

a Danish citizen has the right to vote in Danish Parliament elections if he or she has permanent residence

in the country. However, a number of exemptions have been introduced. Under certain circumstances,

citizens retain their right to vote for 12 years or in some cases even more. These exemptions call into

question the constitutional argument for a continued "general" disenfranchisement of Danish citizens living


Ireland: The number of Irish citizens living abroad is very high – according to a recent official estimate, it

is around 3 million, half a million of whom live in another EU Member State. One of the arguments against

giving expats voting rights has been that they could become a dominant factor in Irish politics. Recent

developments, though, indicate that Irish citizens living abroad could gradually gain voting rights. 78% of

the delegates in the ongoing Constitutional Convention favour giving expats the right to vote in

presidential elections. In a reform bill for the Seanad (the Upper House of Parliament) it has even been

proposed that expats should have the right to vote in Seanad elections. While the government's response to

the Constitutional Convention is still pending, there seems to be a wind of change concerning the question

of disenfranchisement in Ireland.

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Malta: 101 700 Maltese citizens live in another EU Member State, the vast majority of them in the UK3.

The Maltese constitution states that a Maltese citizen has voting rights if "he is resident in Malta and has

during the eighteen months immediately preceding his registration been a resident for a continuous period

of six months or for periods amounting in the aggregate to six months". In a landmark court case in 2003,

a Maltese court ruled that the reference to "residence" in the Maltese Constitution was to be interpreted as

"habitual residence", as the more restrictive interpretation of "residence" as "physical residence" would

infringe the European Convention on Human Rights. This Court decision was never followed up by a

constitutional amendment.

United Kingdom: Almost 2.2 million UK citizens live in another EU Member State. The rules on their

voting rights in UK parliamentary elections have changed three times over the last 30 years. Before 1985

expats could not vote at all, but as of 1985 citizens would lose their voting rights only after five years

abroad. This period was increased to 20 years in 1989 and then reduced to 15 years in 2000, which is still

the period in force. In a very recent development, the Liberal Democrats – who form part of the coalition

government – decided, at their party congress on 1-2 March 2014, that UK citizens in Europe should have

the right to vote in national elections.

Brussels, 7 April 2014

The President

of the Section for Employment, Social Affairs and


Maureen O'Neill


Dear friends,

The EESC OPINION on voting rights to citizens who use their right to free

movement was finally adopted in the EESC plenary yesterday.

The result of the vote was:

203 YES

5 NO


The full and final text in all official EU languages will appear here in a few days:


One step more forwards!

Best greetings,



3 Figure provided by the Maltese government.

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From Members From Elizabethann Burke Madsen:

Free Passport Renewal for Oldies If you are a British citizen born before 2nd September 1929 you are entitled to a free ten-

year passport. This perk was introduced by Home Sec. David Blunket in 2004 as a reward

for everyone who was over 15 at the end of the war.

You apply in the normal way, but just omit to send any payment with your renewal application. If you have been charged for one since 19th May 2004 you are entitled to a


NEW ADDRESS FOR PASSPORT RENEWAL: It seems just a moment ago I wrote to inform that the office for renewal of British passports

had moved to Düsseldorf, Germany.

Well, that has now changed – this time it is Liverpool, England! Renewal costs £148, and

you should allow four weeks for processing.

Go to the site:


Elizabethann Burke

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The British European – page 39


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please payASAP.

Please pay your yearly subscription. The subscriptions should be paid into our new account in Danske Bank. Reg.nr. 0454. Account number: 4724327443. The subscription can be

transferred from your account to the account of the Association.

The amount to be paid is d.kr. 150-00 for a single member and d.kr. 250-00 for a couple.

For businesses the amount is d.kr. 250-00.

For questions forwarded to us on e-mail - please use [email protected]

Please send articles and letters intended for the next BE Bulletin to: Valerie Kristiansen at

[email protected]

BE Bulletins can be read on our home page: www.briteuro.dk



www.briteuro.dk The BE bulletin is produced by The British European Association. (Assoc. Reg. No. 4479)

President: Valerie Kristiansen, e-mail: [email protected]

Treasurer and editor: Bent Kristiansen

Meetings and socials: to be determined

Co-ordinator: Monty London Webmaster: Bill Vase

Bulletin Editor: Valerie and Bent Kristiansen [email protected]

Other Core Members: Joe McKernan