I WHEN ALL THE WORLD IS YOUNG. When all the world is young, lad, And all the trees are green. And every goose a swan, lad. And every lass a queen , Then hey for hoot and horse, lad, And round the world away , Young blood must have its course, lad, And every dog his day. When all the world is old, lad, And all the trees are brown , And all the sport is stale, lad, And all the wheels run down ; Creep home and take your plane there. The spent and maimed among. God grant you find one taoe there 1 You loved when yon was young. Ciiari.es K ivosT.r.v COUNT THE COST. Rov. Bruce Brown, pastor of the WoBt Side Christian church, Chicago, in a recent sermon, said in part : “ America is known as a business nation. The Americau people have become notod bocauso of the many RANK OF REPUCLICS. In rank, so far as population is concerned, the chief republics stand thus: The United States, France. Brazil, Mexico. After these looi, there stand Argentina, Colombia, and Chili in South America, anti Switzerland in Europe When wc come to the republics of Central America vre observe that the popu- lation of the whole five of them is less than that of the enlarge 1 city of New York Brazil is far ahead of Mexico both in tho size of its territory and in the number of itr iuhabitrnts. Brazil’s population is now over IS,000,000, while Mexico’s is 12,000,000. The area of Brazil is more than four t imes as great as that Mexico. As to the relative importance of the commer- cial interest of the two countries, Mexico is in advance of Brazil. The city of Rio do Janeiro, the eicantic business enterprises that j , T, ... , b * v, 1capital of the Brazilian republic, thov havo carried to success, a he j . , . t ■ is now nearly twice as large as tnc they biblo ought to attract business men, because it is a common sense book. One passage, if heedod, ‘Owe no man anything,’ would havo avorted our last panic. Before one rejects the bible to accept infidelity he should count the cost. Yvhat is to bo gained on the ono hand, what is to bo lost on the other ? If infidelity bo truo tho Christian will faro as well as tho one who rojeets tho biblo. If Christian- ity be truth tho unbeliever bas risked all and lost all. “ Before ono decides to lead an immoral or dishonest life ho should count tho cost. “What did the Prod- igal gain in leaving his fathor's house? Ho gained hogs and husks and lost home and happiness. Gcd a.sk3 us to givo up nothing that is good. Lot ua havo biblo namos, a bible creed, a bible baptism a bible life. No man can afford to take any risk in any matter connected with any matter connected with eternal life. Hoaven is worth any sacrifice. When wo meet beyond tho sunset’s radiant glow it will matter little whethor our earthly home was a hovel or a terracod house if we have been true to God and man.” city of Moxico, the capital of the Mexican republic. In Brazil there are a number of large cities besides the capital. In Mexico there is not a city, other than the capital, with 100,000 inhabitants. The population of Brazil is en- larged every year by immigration from Italy and Germany. Bible Brilliants, For many deceivers are entered into tho world.—II. John i, 7. When Isaid, my footslippeth; thy mercy, O Lord, he! 1ineup.— Psalms But tho Lord is my defence; and my God is tue rock of my refuge.— Psalm xciv, 22. And every man that etriveth for the mastery is temperate in all things.— I. Corinthians ix, 25. As the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is tho laughter of the fool. Ecclesiastes vii, 0. My foot standeth in an even place: in the congregations will I bless tho Lord.—Psalm xxvi, 12. Unless the Lord had been my help, my sonl had almost dwelt in silence—Fsalm xciv, 17. All the paths of tho Lord are mer- cy and truth onto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies, Ye shall have one ordinance, both for tho stranger and for him that was born in the land.—Nurn. ix, 11. Remember not tho sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: ac- cording to thy mercy remember thou mo for thy goodnoss’ sake, O Lord. When ye go, ye shall come unto a. people secure, and to a large laud : for God hath given it into your hands; a place where there is no want of anything that is in the earth.—Judges xviii, 10. Thoy are upright as tho palm tree, but speak not: they needs bo borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of then; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.—Jeremiah x, 5. Then hear thou thoir prayer and their supplication .n heaven thy dwelling place, and maintain thoir cause, and forgivo thy people that have sinned against thee, and all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against the.:, and give them compassion.—I. Kings, viii, 49-50. Dtjal Office -Holding—There is a provision in the United States statutes that no officer of the army on the active list shall hold any civil office, whether by election or ap- pointment, and every snob officer who accepts or oxereises the func- tions of a civil office shall thereby cease to be an officer of tho army and bis commission shall thereby be vacated. The statute is wise. If it were not in operation there would be scandalous misuse of the appointing power at Washington. Tho attor- ney-general has decided that the statute does not apply to officers in the volunteer army, wherefore thoy may continue to draw two salaries if they are on two pay-rolls. The attorney-general may be technically correct, but, morally, an officer of volunteers who would accept pay from both sources is doing wrong, notwithstanding the statute. General Joe Wheeler of Alabama, major-general by commission of the President, has not resigned his seat in Congress. In fairness to the people of the district that elected him ho ought to do so, or else resign his commission r.s major-general.— [Chicago Chronicle. lifer Hews. The New York Herald’s splendid Special Service, including both its Foreign and Domestic Dispatches, relating to the war with Spain, has been secured for exclusive use in the New Orleans Picayune, simultaneous- ly with its publication in tho Herald. These specials, supplementing the regular dispatches of tho Associated Press, ensure tho readers of the Pic- ayune the most thorough, complete and reliable News Service ever pre- sented by a Southern Newspaper. Subscribe for the Daily Picayune, seven issues a week, SI a month. T ue P icayune, New Orleans. « Tho beautiful old war-tiine song, “ Let Mo Kiss Him for His Mother,” was born of an incident in a hospital filled with the wounded and dying, strangers in a strange land, who had left happy homes and loving friends to achieve victory or moot death on tho field of battle. Among tho dying was a fair-haired youth, moro boy, whose beautiful eyes looked far away into a new world, whoso lips wore a pleasing smile and whispered tho word “mothor.” Thero was nothing that geutlo hands, medical sir.il or loving hearts could do to stay in this world the soul of that gentle boy, so far away from his old homo and tho dear ono to whom his thoughts had wandered; but a saintly woman stand- ing by, sweet-faced and soulful, full of love and motherly instict, stooped over the boy’s couch, saying a9 if sending a message to heaven by the angel death wating to boar away the poor boy's soul., “Let me kiss him for bis mothor.” And with that tender kiss on his lips tho fair boy died hap- py, falling into the long sleep that knew no waking as calmly and peace- fully as when, in other days, ho had fallen asleep iu his own little bod, and his own dear mother had bent over him and kissed him good-night. S t Louis Republic: It appears that oily John D. Rockfoollcr owns moro than fifty per cent, of the stock of tho Standard Oil Company. Of tho 17,795 shares 9,294 arc owned by him, and of course ho receives more than half of the net profits. To bo sure thero will be the war tax to pay, but this will not cxcoed 8?I50,000, while the profit to the oil syndicate at an advance of one-half per cent. per gallon, cr 21 cents per barrel, i day. which would be comparatively small - *'° PaPer as good new news. “war tax” on tho pooplo, would ag- G et the N ews .—The Cincin- nati Weekly Enquirer should bo n welcome visitor to evesy household. Because it i? ono of tho few papers that yet remains loyal to the wel- fare of the great mass of people. It should be known that iu this age of Gigantic Frauds and Legalized Robbery, by which all real wealth and power is transferred from tlio producer to the n ou-producer with- out a fair consideration, that such things could not be, except by and through the aid of a subsidized press ? Syndicates, Corporations, Pools and Combines have grown too pow- erful and Btrong. The people have been deceived, officials have ignored their sworn duty, and given aid to the schemes that have paralzed in- dustry and oppressed the poor man. Wo have arranged a clubbing rate by which we can give the Cin- cinnati Enquirer and tho Bossier Banner one year for $1 50, cash. The money MUST accompany the order. Just Becoived, A car load «f fresh meal. Every barrel guaranteed. Also, constantly on hand a large iot, of corn, oats and hay. T, M. V aughan . Trinity College, in Durham, N. C., to which Washington Duke, of that town, lias given 8350,000 in all, is a Methodist Episcopol institution. State Tax Sates of Immov- able Property. The State of Louisiana va. Delinquent Tax Debtors, Parish ol Bossier. B y virtue of the authority vested in mo by t he Constitution of the State of Louisiana, I will sell at tin? principal front floor of tho Court House in which the Civil District Court of said parish is held, in the town •>! Jlenton, La., within the lejral hours for judical sales, beginning a* i i a.m. on Saturday, the loth day of July, Â. in, IS:is, and continuing ou each succeeding day until said sales are completed, ;i 11 immovable property! on which taxes are now duo to th" .State of Louisiana. Parish of Bossier and the Bossier Levee District, to enforce colli etinn ol taxes assessed in the year 1897, together with interest thereon from the list day of Dei-emhor of tho year m which said taxes were duo, at tin- rat- - of J per cent per month until paid and all cost Tho number of said delinquent taxpayers, the amount ol taxes due by each an tho assess- ment of said year, and the immovable property assessed to each tobe ottered for sale are as follows, to-Wit : WARD 2 Win. Willis—Southeast quarter of south- west quarter, loss 5 acres, aud fractioi al north- east quarter oi southwest quarter of section 17, township 30. range 13. Taxes, 30. WARD 3. Chris Andersen—West half of southeast quarter aud southwest quarter of northeast quarter of section .1, township 23, range 13. Taxes, $2 fid Peter Harris—East-half of northeast quarter of section 23, township 23. range 13. Taxe.-, $2 GO . Sam Lawson—Lot eight, block forty eight, Plain Dealing. Taxes. SI 73. Penn Yunug—Northwest quarter of south west quarter ol section 3C. tuwn.-hipu.V, range 13. Taxes, $2 < 3 WARD f> . Minor Battle—West half of southwest quar tor of section 13, township 17, range eleven. Taxes. £2 82. Eli Boynton—Northwest quart' r of south- east quarter and northeast quarter of south- west quarter«! section 10, township 10, range eleven. Taxes, if3 73 Mrs. D I Brown and husband—South half of southwest quarter aud wc : h d! of south- east quarter of section 2, township eighteen, range eleven. Taxes. 05. J. R. Brown—Southwest ju&rter of .-jeetion twenty-eight, southwest quarter of south, aat quarter of section twenty-bight, southeast quarter of section 2J. township eighteen, range eleven Taxes. $3 28. H. C. Dixon—Two third inter-; st in west half of south we.-,t. quarter ol section 15. southeast quarter, southeast quarter of southwest quar- ter of section 26, township eighteen, range 12. Taxes, $5 W . Heirs of R. S. Sandidgc—Fractional east half of northeast quarter > ..u section 33, township eighteen, range 12, lying cast ot Red Chute. Taxes, 1891-'95-'96-'97, *2 50. NON-RESIDENTS. Estate D. W. Hughes—Fractional southwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 17, township 21. range 12 » Tuxes, fin cent» J. M. Wellington—Lets? to 11 inch: live, block 3, Plain Dealing. Taxes, £2 68. Unknown—East half of northwest quarter ef section 30, township 20, range 15. Taxes, lSH-’UO'06 and '97, fJ 20. Unknown—North'- est quarter of southwest quarter ef section 13, township 20, range 13. Taxes, 1811 '9.V96 and ' 27, £2 30. L. IV Perdue—West half of west half of eee- tiou eighteen, township 23, range 13. Taxes. 1397, $2 00. Joseph Simon—Lofi.3, of block 12, of Plain Dealing. Taxes, 1897, Si 55 J, D Poet—Northeast quarter of section 12, township 19, range 12, fractional south half of northwest quarter, same section, township and range, northeast quarter uf northwest quarter, same section, township and range, sind south- west quarter of northwest quarter of section 7, township 19. range 11. Taxes, $1 91, Mrs. HI. J. Ilorau—East half of southeast quarter of section 31, township 19, range 13. Taxes, 1896-97, £15 93. E. J. Hart—Southwest quarter of section 2, north half of northwest quarter, northeast quarter of southwest quarter and west half of southeast quarter of section 11, township 16, range 11 Taxes, $6 50. Atwood Violet & Co —West hall of north- west quarter of section 16, east half oi north- east quarter of,-section 17. west half of south- east quarter and southeast quarter of south- east quarter of section eight, township 19, range Î l : south half of northwest quarter aud northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 13,township 19,range 11. Taxes, $6.50 On said day of sale I will sell such portion of each of said specific property as each debtor shall point out, and in case the debtor shall not point out sufficient property, I will at once and without further tity of said which an A Kcal Bargain. T he S emi-W eeki.y R epublic, Mailed on Monday and Thursday. T ee R epublic S unday Magazine, Separately. ANI) T he B ossier B anner. Ail for Only 82.25. The Republic Magazine is made by Tho Republic in Tho Republic office. It is a homo journal of the best class, clean, interesting, original, truthful and not a stale or worked over line in it. Four pages cf illustrated fun equal to tho best comic weekly pub- lished. Fourteen pages of special and original matter for and about men and women and current topics of the day. Moro high-class pictures and cartoons than were ever attempted in a similar publication. Moro noted writers and artists contribute to Tho Republic Magazine than to any other Western publication. Fashions, illus- trated, a special feature worth alone many times tho price of the paper to any lady in the land. Tho Semi-Weekly Republic, not a newspaper, but the newspaper of to- it prints the Or. C. G, McCloud a!! Bight Again. Having lost my on tiro office by fire. I have a.bran now outfit in two days and at a ready for businees. My office, till the now building is completed, will be over the Mary A. Files Milli- nery store, two dqprs from my former stand. Your business solicited Cius. G. McClouls D. D. S. Shreveport. nt property, I will n delay sell tho least quail- ed specific property of any debtor v bidder will buy for the amount of taxes, interests and costs duo by said debtor. The sale will he without appraisement for cash or legal tender money of the United. States, and the property sold shall be redeemable at any time for the space ol one year, by paying the price given, with tweutv per cent-and cost added. A. U THOMPSON, State Tax Collector, Bossier Parish, La. Benton, La., June 9,1898. Dentistry. Dr. T. M. Comepys, office over Zodlag’s, adjoining Opera House, Shreveport, La. It takes 37 specially constructed and equipped steamers to keep the submarine telegraph cables of the world in repair. Notice to Mortgage Creditors of Bossier Parish Property. F n conformity with Section 63, Act 85, of 188. 8 , IL uotiee is hereby given to all parties holding mortgages upon real estate in Bossier parish, ou which t.iX'-.s for the year D97 have not been paid that I will begin the sale of same at tho Court House door, on Saturday. July 16, 1898, and that a number of pieces*of property so delinquent are now being advertised in this newspaper in eouforroitv with the law prepar- atory to snob sale. The attention of the mortgage creditors iu especially called to these advertisements of tax sales, mid they are warned to take such steps prior to the sale as tuavbe necessary to protect tlmir rights. A. It. THOMPSON. State Tax Collector. Bossier Parish, La. Benton, La., June 9, 1898. PIANOS! ORGANS! O rv E A S \ rr E U M .S ----- AT THE ----- MEDINE MUSIC CO., THE LARGEST AND HOST POPULAR MUSIC HOUSE OF NE W ORLEANS. -WE IIANDLE- THE FAMOUS SCHUBERT PIANO, THE WORLD’S FAVORITE. A!. jo , the Couovor, Kranich & Bach aud Kingsburry Pianos. Sheet music et half price. Our stock of Mandolins aud other musical instruments are tho finest seen iu the market, and our prices the very lowest. Write for catalogues, or send your order and we will guarantee satisfaction. MEDINE MUSIC CO., 113 Euurbon Street, Near Canal, NEW ORLEANS. Yon Can’t G et Over* Fact», and it is time wasted to go round them. VVheu we say wo are iu the Optical Goods business, we mean that we have everything iu the way of Spectacles, Glasses, Lorgnent tes and Operas, yon are likely to require or your physician prescribe. When it comes to fitting you with tho glasses suitable to your needs you reeeivo competent attention, aud the best goods to be had in town at anywhere near the price. Put ou your glasses aud look at the Leon M. C arter, 202 Texas Street, Shreveport, La. & SEEDS! SEEDS! gregato not lose than SI 3,050,000. This serves to illustrate how com- pletely we are in the hands of this trust. _______ Humanlifo is too serious to be fed on chuff or wind. It would scorn a waste of time to multiply words about this grand oiler. It is the greatest bargain over offered by a newspaper. Tho Semi-Weekly lîepnblic, the Republic Model Sunday Magazine and the Bossier Banner, four papers a week, mailed to any ad- dress ou receipt oi $2 25. Address all orders to the Bossier Banner. Tho good man whoso mind is made up to wait for his reward till the close of Lis mortal life has gained a great victory. Div. W. M. ABNEY, DENTON , LA., DEALER IN Ul&UUS, CHEMICALS Fancy aiul Toilet Articles, Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery, &c. 7 >rrs‘riptiom-i carefully compounded, tntl l orders Shed with euro and dispatch. Stock of medicine complete, and warranted genuine and of the liest quality. «•«toco**»«*••»»••«fsice THE »EXT THING TO CBS il f/jteJU/ /// a » A-y. Is to reaul all about it in smooraî i A T R O S E ’S. I now havo my complete stock of now Field and Garden Seed in storo. If iu need of any writo mo for my price list and cata- logue. S eld P otatoes and O nion S ets a specialty. Also, will offer cash prices for now potatoes, delivery to be made at certain time. Have already contracted for 1500 barxcls of scod potatoes for plant- ing purposes. Sec me if interested. Yours to serve, HENRY ROSE. Nos. 517 to 521 Spring St., Shreveport, La. Gfe W . Stm teil Sc C o ., Cotton Factors and Commission àîsrcliants, No 190 Gravier St., New Orleans. Im m igration A gent. P arties wishing'to sell land would do well Ui confer with me. J. S. ADDER, Uwjlioa' Spur, Bossier Parish, La. a Covering every item of news d on lam] and sea through its ? 5PLENLÎD SPECIAL SERVICE % as furnished the AT (rv York * World, New York Journal, * Associated Press 3nd Staff , Correspondents, aii in one. J Only $1 OO a Month. * Subscribe through your news- * dealer, postmaster or direct to 2 THE TINS ES-DEMOCRAT, « NEW ORLEANS. LA, TEXAS ELFA5D ; yjut * PACIFIC wot aous-c.* Leading Evening of tha Stnrtfc . . Nemtpaper T hree BOITIONS D aily , LOOK À Ï THE MAPI! We can Ticket You to UNITED STATES. Low K ates, Eleqant EQviirnEKT, Fast T rie. LP . TURNER , Ben! Piit'r andTil dgaoi, D 1 LLAS . Ill i THE D aily STATE9 Orleans. Giving ............. AU the N&w», AU the Time, From Every Pan cf the Earth. . ., t—1—i—1—I—I—!—1—I ' THE SUNDAY STATES PaMirhcfl on Sunday morning, il a largrj family nw ipa^r, containing every good borne feature 0# BioilsfB I _ TI!B STATES Is the Offlelal Otf*M of tho City of Wow Orleans and «• everywhere recognised • * . . . » • THE LEADHG DEMOCRATIC NEWSPAPER OP THE SOUTH. 1— i— I— I— I— I—Hl—1 THB SEMI-WEEKLY STATES, Pnbllr-.hert ovary Tuerfoy FrtStr. OOr.».L! a carefully oelMte« «TMS«» of t!i« late** now« of tho a«y. tebws ok siBsoRimoïl. DA TUT STATER. I $7 ! fejrsi « Evory U«T 1» Yoar. 1 T ill ' f UVDäY STATES.- tl M Por Annum SEMI-WEEKLY....... 11.00 Por Annum AU> POSTAGE 7 SEE.

The Bossier banner (Bellevue, La.) 1898-07-14 [p ]“ America is known as a business nation. The Americau people have become notod bocauso of the many RANK OF REPUCLICS. In rank, so

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Page 1: The Bossier banner (Bellevue, La.) 1898-07-14 [p ]“ America is known as a business nation. The Americau people have become notod bocauso of the many RANK OF REPUCLICS. In rank, so



When all the world is young, lad,And all the trees are green.

And every goose a swan, lad.And every lass a queen ,

Then hey for hoot and horse, lad,And round the world away ,

Young blood must have its course, lad, And every dog his day.

When all the world is old, lad,And all the trees are brown ,

And all the sport is stale, lad,And all the wheels run down ;

Creep home and take your plane there. The spent and maimed among.

God grant you find one taoe there 1 You loved when yon was young.

Ciiari.es K ivosT.r.v


Rov. Bruce Brown, pastor of the WoBt Side Christian church, Chicago, in a recent sermon, said in part :

“ America is known as a business nation. The Americau people have become notod bocauso of the many


In rank, so far as population is concerned, the chief republics stand thus: The United States, France. Brazil, Mexico. After these looi, there stand Argentina, Colombia, and Chili in South America, anti Switzerland in Europe When wc come to the republics of Central America vre observe that the popu­lation of the whole five of them is less than that of the enlarge 1 city of New York

Brazil is far ahead of Mexico both in tho size of its territory and in the number of itr iuhabitrnts. Brazil’s population is now over IS,000,000, while Mexico’s is 12,000,000. The area of Brazil is more than four t i mes as great as that Mexico. As to the relative importance of the commer­cial interest of the two countries, Mexico is in advance of Brazil.

The city of Rio do Janeiro, theeicantic business enterprises that j “ , T, ... ,b * v, 1 capital of the Brazilian republic,thov havo carried to success, a he j . , .

t ■ is now nearly twice as large as tnctheybiblo ought to attract business men, because it is a common sense book. One passage, if heedod, ‘Owe no man anything,’ would havo avorted our last panic. Before one rejects the bible to accept infidelity he should count the cost. Yvhat is to bo gained on the ono hand, what is to bo lost on the other ? If infidelity bo truo tho Christian will faro as well as tho one who rojeets tho biblo. If Christian­ity be truth tho unbeliever bas risked all and lost all.

“ Before ono decides to lead an immoral or dishonest life ho should count tho cost. “What did the Prod­igal gain in leaving his fathor's house? Ho gained hogs and husks and lost home and happiness. Gcd a.sk3 us to givo up nothing that is good. Lot ua havo biblo namos, a bible creed, a bible baptism a bible life.

“ No man can afford to take any risk in any matter connected with any matter connected with eternal life. Hoaven is worth any sacrifice. When wo meet beyond tho sunset’s radiant glow it will matter little whethor our earthly home was a hovel or a terracod house if we have been true to God and man.”

city of Moxico, the capital of the Mexican republic. In Brazil there are a number of large cities besides the capital. In Mexico there is not a city, other than the capital, with 100,000 inhabitants.

The population of Brazil is en­larged every year by immigration from Italy and Germany.

Bible B rilliants,

For many deceivers are entered into tho world.—II. John i, 7.

When Isaid, my footslippeth; thy mercy, O Lord, he! 1 ineup.— Psalms

But tho Lord is my defence; and my God is tue rock of my refuge.— Psalm xciv, 22.

And every man that etriveth for the mastery is temperate in all things.— I. Corinthians ix, 25.

As the crackling of thorns under a pot, so is tho laughter of the fool. Ecclesiastes vii, 0.

My foot standeth in an even place: in the congregations will I bless tho Lord.—Psalm xxvi, 12.

Unless the Lord had been my help, my sonl had almost dwelt in silence—Fsalm xciv, 17.

All the paths of tho Lord are mer­cy and truth onto such as keep his covenant and his testimonies,

Ye shall have one ordinance, both for tho stranger and for him that was born in the land.—Nurn. ix, 11.

Remember not tho sins of my youth, nor my transgressions: ac­cording to thy mercy remember thou mo for thy goodnoss’ sake, O Lord.

When ye go, ye shall come unto a. people secure, and to a large laud : for God hath given it into your hands; a place where there is no want of anything that is in the earth.—Judges xviii, 10.

Thoy are upright as tho palm tree, but speak not: they needs bo borne, because they cannot go. Be not afraid of then; for they cannot do evil, neither also is it in them to do good.—Jeremiah x, 5. •

Then hear thou thoir prayer and their supplication .n heaven thy dwelling place, and maintain thoir cause, and forgivo thy people that have sinned against thee, and all their transgressions wherein they have transgressed against the.:, and give them compassion.—I. Kings, viii, 49-50.

Dtjal Offic e-Holding—There is a provision in the United States statutes that no officer of the army on the active list shall hold any civil office, whether by election or ap­pointment, and every snob officer who accepts or oxereises the func­tions of a civil office shall thereby cease to be an officer of tho army and bis commission shall thereby be vacated.

The statute is wise. If it were not in operation there would be scandalous misuse of the appointing power at Washington. Tho attor­ney-general has decided that the statute does not apply to officers in the volunteer army, wherefore thoy may continue to draw two salaries if they are on two pay-rolls. The attorney-general may be technically correct, but, morally, an officer of volunteers who would accept pay from both sources is doing wrong, notwithstanding the statute.

General Joe Wheeler of Alabama, major-general by commission of the President, has not resigned his seat in Congress. In fairness to the people of the district that elected him ho ought to do so, or else resign his commission r.s major-general.— [Chicago Chronicle.

lifer Hews.The New York Herald’s splendid

Special Service, including both its Foreign and Domestic Dispatches, relating to the war with Spain, has been secured for exclusive use in the New Orleans Picayune, simultaneous­ly with its publication in tho Herald. These specials, supplementing the regular dispatches of tho Associated Press, ensure tho readers of the Pic­ayune the most thorough, complete and reliable News Service ever pre­sented by a Southern Newspaper.

Subscribe for the Daily Picayune, seven issues a week, SI a month.

T ue P icayune, New Orleans.


Tho beautiful old war-tiine song,“ Let Mo Kiss Him for His Mother,” was born of an incident in a hospital filled with the wounded and dying, strangers in a strange land, who had left happy homes and loving friends to achieve victory or moot death on tho field of battle. Among tho dying was a fair-haired youth, moro boy, whose beautiful eyes looked far away into a new world, whoso lips wore a pleasing smile and whispered tho word “mothor.” Thero was nothing that geutlo hands, medical sir.il or loving hearts could do to stay in this world the soul of that gentle boy, so far away from his old homo and tho dear ono to whom his thoughts had wandered; but a saintly woman stand­ing by, sweet-faced and soulful, full of love and motherly instict, stooped over the boy’s couch, saying a9 if sending a message to heaven by the angel death wating to boar away the poor boy's soul., “Let me kiss him for bis mothor.” And with that tender kiss on his lips tho fair boy died hap­py, falling into the long sleep that knew no waking as calmly and peace­fully as when, in other days, ho had fallen asleep iu his own little bod, and his own dear mother had bent over him and kissed him good-night.

S t Louis Republic: I t appearsthat oily John D. Rockfoollcr ownsmoro than fifty per cent, of the stockof tho Standard Oil Company. Oftho 17,795 shares 9,294 arc owned byhim, and of course ho receives morethan half of the net profits. To bosure thero will be the war tax to pay,but this will not cxcoed 8?I50,000,while the profit to the oil syndicateat an advance of one-half per cent.per gallon, cr 21 cents per barrel, i day.which would be comparatively small - *'° PaPer as good

new news.“war tax” on tho pooplo, would ag-

G e t the N e w s .—The Cincin­nati Weekly Enquirer should bo n welcome visitor to evesy household. Because it i? ono of tho few papers that yet remains loyal to the wel­fare of the great mass of people. I t should be known that iu this age of Gigantic Frauds and Legalized Robbery, by which all real wealth and power is transferred from tlio producer to the n ou-producer with­out a fair consideration, that such things could not be, except by and through the aid of a subsidized press ?

Syndicates, Corporations, Pools and Combines have grown too pow­erful and Btrong. The people have been deceived, officials have ignored their sworn duty, and given aid to the schemes that have paralzed in­dustry and oppressed the poor man.

Wo have arranged a clubbing rate by which we can give the Cin­cinnati Enquirer and tho Bossier Banner one year for $1 50, cash. The money MUST accompany the order.

Just Becoived,

A car load «f fresh meal. Every barrel guaranteed. Also, constantly on hand a large iot, of corn, oats and hay.

T, M. V a u g h a n .

Trinity College, in Durham, N. C., to which Washington Duke, of that town, lias given 8350,000 in all, is a Methodist Episcopol institution.

S ta te T a x Sates o f Im m ov­ab le P r o p e r ty .

The State of Louisiana va. Delinquent Tax Debtors, Parish ol Bossier.

By virtue of the authority vested in mo by t he Constitution of the State of Louisiana,

I will sell at tin? principal front floor of tho Court House in which the Civil District Court of said parish is held, in the town •>! Jlenton, La., within the lejral hours for judical sales, beginning a* i i a.m. on Saturday, the loth day of July, Â. in, IS:is, and continuing ou each succeeding day until said sales are completed,;i 11 immovable property! on which taxes are now duo to th" .State of Louisiana. Parish of Bossier and the Bossier Levee District, to enforce colli etinn ol taxes assessed in the year 1897, together with interest thereon from the list day of Dei-emhor of tho year m which said taxes were duo, at tin- rat- - of J per cent per month until paid and all cost

Tho number of said delinquent taxpayers, the amount ol taxes due by each an tho assess­ment of said year, and the immovable property assessed to each tobe ottered for sale are as follows, to-Wit :

WARD 2Win. Willis—Southeast quarter of south­

west quarter, loss 5 acres, aud fractioi al north­east quarter oi southwest quarter of section 17, township 30. range 13. Taxes, 30.

WARD 3.Chris Andersen—West half of southeast

quarter aud southwest quarter of northeast quarter of section .1, township 23, range 13. Taxes, $2 fid

Peter Harris—East-half of northeast quarter of section 23, township 23. range 13. Taxe.-, $2 GO.

Sam Lawson—Lot eight, block forty eight, Plain Dealing. Taxes. SI 73.

Penn Yunug—Northwest quarter of south west quarter ol section 3C. tuwn.-hipu.V, range 13. Taxes, $2 < 3

WARD f>.Minor Battle—West half of southwest quar

tor of section 13, township 17, range eleven. Taxes. £2 82.

Eli Boynton—Northwest quart' r of south­east quarter and northeast quarter of south­west quarter«! section 10, township 10, range eleven. Taxes, if3 73

Mrs. D I Brown and husband—South half of southwest quarter aud wc : h d! of south­east quarter of section 2, township eighteen, range eleven. Taxes. 05.

J. R. Brown—Southwest ju&rter of .-jeetion twenty-eight, southwest quarter of south, aat quarter of section twenty-bight, southeast quarter of section 2 J. township eighteen, range eleven Taxes. $3 28.

H. C. Dixon—Two third inter-; st in west half of south we.-, t. quarter ol section 15. southeast quarter, southeast quarter of southwest quar­ter of section 26, township eighteen, range 12. Taxes, $5 W.

Heirs of R. S. Sandidgc—Fractional east half of northeast quarter >..u section 33, township eighteen, range 12, lying cast ot Red Chute. Taxes, 1891-'95-'96-'97, *2 50.

NON-RESIDENTS.Estate D. W. Hughes—Fractional southwest

quarter of northwest quarter of section 17, township 21. range 12 » Tuxes, fin cent»

J. M. Wellington—Lets? to 11 inch: live, block 3, Plain Dealing. Taxes, £2 68.

Unknown—East half of northwest quarter ef section 30, township 20, range 15. Taxes, lSH-’UO '06 and '97, fJ 20.

Unknown—North'- est quarter of southwest quarter ef section 13, township 20, range 13. Taxes, 1811 '9.V 96 and '27, £2 30.

L. IV Perdue—West half of west half of eee- tiou eighteen, township 23, range 13. Taxes. 1397, $2 00.

Joseph Simon—Lofi.3, of block 12, of Plain Dealing. Taxes, 1897, Si 55

J, D Poet— Northeast quarter of section 12, township 19, range 12, fractional south half of northwest quarter, same section, township and range, northeast quarter uf northwest quarter, same section, township and range, sind south­west quarter of northwest quarter of section 7, township 19. range 11. Taxes, $1 91,

Mrs. HI. J. Ilorau— East half of southeast quarter of section 31, township 19, range 13. Taxes, 1896-97, £15 93.

E. J. Hart—Southwest quarter of section 2, north half of northwest quarter, northeast quarter of southwest quarter and west half of southeast quarter of section 11, township 16, range 11 Taxes, $6 50.

Atwood Violet & Co —West hall of north­west quarter of section 16, east half oi north­east quarter of,-section 17. west half of south­east quarter and southeast quarter of south­east quarter of section eight, township 19, range Î l : south half of northwest quarter aud northwest quarter of northwest quarter of section 13,township 19,range 11. Taxes, $6.50

On sa id d a y of sale I will sell such portion of each of said specific property as each debtor shall point out, and in case the debtor shall not point out sufficient property, I will at once and without further tity of said which an

A Kcal Bargain.

T he S emi-W eeki.y R epublic, Mailed on Monday and Thursday.

T ee R epublic S unday Magazine, Separately.

ANI)T he B ossier B anner.

Ail for Only 82.25.The Republic Magazine is made by

Tho Republic in Tho Republic office. It is a homo journal of the best class, clean, interesting, original, truthful and not a stale or worked over line in it. Four pages cf illustrated fun equal to tho best comic weekly pub­lished. Fourteen pages of special and original matter for and about men and women and current topics of the day. Moro high-class pictures and cartoons than were ever attempted in a similar publication. Moro noted writers and artists contribute to Tho Republic Magazine than to any other Western publication. Fashions, illus­trated, a special feature worth alone many times tho price of the paper to any lady in the land.

Tho Semi-Weekly Republic, not a newspaper, but the newspaper of to­

it prints the

Or. C. G, McCloud a!! Bight Again.Having lost my on tiro office by fire.

I have a.bran now outfit in two days and at a ready for businees. My office, till the now building is completed, will be over the Mary A. Files Milli­nery store, two dqprs from my former stand.

Your business solicitedCius. G. McClouls D. D. S.


nt property, I will n delay sell tho least quail­

ed specific property of any debtor v bidder will buy for the amount of

taxes, interests and costs duo by said debtor. The sale will he without appraisement for cash or legal tender money of the United. States, and the property sold shall be redeemable at any time for the space ol one year, by paying the price given, with tweutv per cent-and cost added. A. U THOMPSON,

State Tax Collector, Bossier Parish, La.Benton, La., June 9,1898.

D en tistry .

Dr. T. M. Comepys, office over Zodlag’s, adjoining Opera House, Shreveport, La.

It takes 37 specially constructed and equipped steamers to keep the submarine telegraph cables of the world in repair.

Notice to Mortgage Creditors of Bossier Parish Property.

F n conformity with Section 63, Act 85, of 188.8 , IL uotiee is hereby given to all parties holding mortgages upon real estate in Bossier parish, ou which t.iX'-.s for the year D97 have not been paid that I will begin the sale of same at tho Court House door, on Saturday. July 16, 1898, and that a number of pieces*of property so delinquent are now being advertised in this newspaper in eouforroitv with the law prepar­atory to snob sale. The attention of the mortgage creditors iu especially called to these advertisements of tax sales, mid they are warned to take such steps prior to the sale as tuavbe necessary to protect tlmir rights.

A. It. THOMPSON.State Tax Collector. Bossier Parish, La.

Benton, La., June 9, 1898.

P I A N O S ! O R G A N S !O rv E A S \ rr E U M . S

----- AT THE-----









A!.j o , the Couovor, Kranich & Bach aud Kingsburry Pianos.

Sheet music et half price. Our stock of Mandolins aud other

musical instruments are tho finest seen iu the market, and

our prices the very lowest. Write for catalogues, or send

your order and we will guarantee satisfaction.

M EDINE MUSIC CO.,113 Euurbon Street, Near Canal,


Y o n C a n ’ t G e t O v e r *Fact», and it is time wasted to go round them. VVheu we say wo are iu the Optical Goods business, we mean that we have everything iu the way of Spectacles, Glasses, Lorgnent tesand Operas, yon are likely to require or your physician prescribe. When it comes to fitting you with tho glasses suitable to your needs you reeeivo competent attention, aud the best goods to be had in town at anywhere near the price. Put ou your glasses aud look at the

L e o n M . C a r t e r ,202 Texas Street, Shreveport, La. &

S E E D S ! S E E D S !

gregato not lose than SI 3,050,000. This serves to illustrate how com­pletely we are in the hands of this trust. _______

Humanlifo is too serious to be fed on chuff or wind.

It would scorn a waste of time to multiply words about this grand oiler. It is the greatest bargain over offered by a newspaper. Tho Semi-Weekly lîepnblic, the Republic Model Sunday Magazine and the Bossier Banner, four papers a week, mailed to any ad­dress ou receipt oi $2 25. Address all orders to the Bossier Banner.

Tho good man whoso mind is made up to wait for his reward till the close of Lis mortal life has gained a great victory.




F a n c y a i u l T o i l e t A r t i c l e s ,Sponges, Brushes, Perfumery, &c.

7 >rrs‘riptiom-i carefully compounded, tntl l orders Shed with euro and dispatch. Stock of medicine complete, and warranted genuine and of the liest quality.

« • « to c o * * » « * • • » » • • « f s i c e


i l

f / j te J U // / /


»A -y .

Is to reaul all about it in

sm ooraî i

A T R O S E ’ S .

I now havo my complete stock of now Field and Garden Seed

in storo. If iu need of any writo mo for my price list and cata­

logue. S eld P otatoes and O nion S ets a specialty. Also, will offer cash prices for now potatoes, delivery to be made at certain time.

Have already contracted for 1500 barxcls of scod potatoes for plant­

ing purposes. Sec me if interested. Yours to serve,

HENRY ROSE.Nos. 517 to 521 Spring St., Shreveport, La.

Gfe W . S t m t e i l Sc C o . , C o tto n F a c to r s a n d

Commission àîsrcliants,No 190 Gravier St., New Orleans.

I m m i g r a t i o n A g e n t .

P arties wishing'to sell land would do well Ui confer with me.

J. S. ADDER,Uwjlioa' Spur, Bossier Parish, La.

a Covering every item of news d on lam] and sea through its? 5PLENLÎD SPECIAL SERVICE% as furnished the AT(rv York* World, N ew York Journal,* Associated Press 3nd Staff, Correspondents, aii in one.J Only $1 OO a M onth.* Subscribe through your news-* dealer, postmaster or direct to



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SEMI-W EEKLY.......11.00 Por AnnumAU> POSTAGE 7 SEE.