MY MOTHER'S DOUGHNUTS. D VNCAK HOTEL, WhitcviUe, Term. & N. DUNCAN, : : JVcpridori A Wonderful Fhenomenon I The man who should pass through Ufa without experiencing a- - twinge of indiges- tion might fitly be regarded as a wonderful phenomenon. We doubt if such a privil- eged mortal has ever existed. If so, we have never seen him. But thousands are known to be daily relieved of dyspepsia by Bostet-ter'- s Stomach Bitters, the popular remedy for that national complaint, as well as for fever and ague, debility, consti-atio- n, rheu- matism and kidney troubles. Obesijt induces to Inactivity. That's probably why the fat office acver seeks the man. Binghamton Leader. among the laurels attracted the atten- tion of the hunters, and out of the thicket like a whirlwind rushed the big boar they had first encountered. Salem Grant was standing within four feet of tho edge of the swamp, and the boar was upon him before he could avoid it. Ho went down heavily full length on the ground, and the boar, frothing at the mouth and champing furiously, stood astride of him. Marks was afiaid to shoot for fear of hitting Grant, but something had to be done instai tly to save his companion from the boar's tu.sk s. Marks ran up and dealt the boar a tremendous kick under the jav.-- . That saved Grant, for tho boar turned quickly and rushed at Marks, who sprang to ono side. The boar's rush carried him nomo distance by Marks, and as ho turned for another attack the hunter sent a rifle ball into his shoul- der. The boar fell, but was up again in a second, and charged Marks ou three legs, tho right fore-le- g having boon broken by tho bullet. Marks says that as his gun was empty when this savage rush was made by the loar, he would certainly have fallen a victim to its fury if Grant had not been with him. Grant had regained his feet, and as the )oar. crippled pa it was, asft Jsl ' jpssWassBi ' : :we A Procreulve Kail way. Oa April 27 Ji tie Cotton Belt Route in- augurated iis new Fast Train Service be- tween Memphis and Fort Worth, leaving Memphis 6:10 p. m., and arriving ia Fore Wortn the following afkernoon. This train anl the Cotton Belt Waco train, leaving Memphis in the morning, form the only through-ca- r routes between Mem-p- hi i and Texas, and to familiarize the public with the Only Lin to the Southwest, Round-tri- p Tickets will be sold from Memphis to Fort Worlh, from May 7th to May 28th, inclusive, rood returning till Jane 31, at one fare for the round trip, thus affording every body an opportunity to visit the great Texas Spring Palace over the Great Texas Throngh Line. And, In addition to the foregoing, Ex- cursion Tickets will be sold from Mom-p- hi to all point in Arkansas aud Texas on May at one fare for the round trip, good thirty days from datj of sale, with the privilege of stoppiu? on as de-sir- d. Forfurihor information apply to 8. G. Warxeb, H. W. Morkisox, Southeastern Pass. A?t. Gen'l Ag't W. G. Adams, Passenger Agent NasUVillo, Tenn. . Occasionallt you seo a girl with five dollar pold pieces for bangles on her brace- let and a lonely nickel ki her pocket-boo- Atchison Gloho. Decay, the Universal lw. Let anything in nature become lifeless ind inactive and decay follows as a usual sequence. Decay is the universal law. Can you wonder when a person feels constantly worm ont and more than half dead, that do-ca- y of the lungs or kidneys sets in. They say that decay of the lungs (consumption) and decay of the kidneys (right's disease) is incurable. Who says sol Only those experimental doctors who have failed. Don't despair. WtUo there's life, there's hone! In checking decay of the lungs or kidneys, in preventing further ulceration, it is essential that all blood impurities should be removed, and an alterative influ- ence exerted upon the whole system. The appetite and digestion must both be im- proved. Tho nervous 6ystcm soothed, and sleep, nature's sweet restorer, invited and encouraged. Energy must be aroused and nientil depression banished. In this mo- mentous rallying effort Dr. John Bull's Sarsaparilla is au essential ally to nature. Use this remedy. It has restored many to health and strength, even after doctors had given up all hope Dox'r be a clam. If you've pot to be any thing of the kind be a mud turtle. Then you may have some snao to you. Bingiiamton Republican. The Cause of Tain. An ache or pain is not of itself a disease, t is but a symptom, and warns the sufferer (hat there is something the matter with his Chysical erpanization. Weak kidneys, bad nervousness are frequently the source or cause of the many mysterious ach- ing sensations that afflict the body. You can romove the cause of such distress by using B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm). C. H. Robctts, Atlanta, Ga. writes: "My kidneys were disordered and pave mo pain. A single bottle of B. B. B helped me wonderfully." Wm. N. Nelson, Mcbonough, Ga., writes: "B. B. B. has benetitcd my daughter very much. She was afflicted with severe nerv- ousness. I think it the best family med- icine.' W. It Ellis, Brunswick, Ga., writes: "I havo tried B. B. B. and it. is a proat thing for tho blood. It also cured me of rheu- matic pains. Pitad roes by any other rtmo would doubtless taste about the same. Prkshiro Kews. IIIS OWN HORSE. i&tA,' W,T 5r7- - the testimony of thousands of women who have been cured by it of " weakness," " ir- regularities," and all the peculiar diseases from which their sex suffers so much, proves that his faith was well founded. As a powerful, invigorating tonic, "Fa- vorite Prescription " imparts strength to th whole system, and to the womb and it appendages in particular. For overworked, " wom-out,- " " run-down- ." debilitated teach- ers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-girls- ," housekeepers, nursing moth- ers, and feeble women generally. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being unequalod as an ap- petizing cordial and restorative tonic, or strength-give- r. As a soothing and strengthening nerr-in- e. "Favorite Prescription" is unequaled and is invaluable in allaying and subdu- ing nervous excitability, irritability, ex- haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms, com- monly attendant r.pon functional and organic disease. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and NEVER BETS ON Ther tell a good story of a man who has a fondness for fast horses. A year or two ago he had one that was said to be a "flyer," and marvelous stories were told of what she had done, and was capable of doing. But an intimate friend noticed that tho owner of the wonderful horse never staked any money on her. " Why don't you bock her for a good, round sum, if she can do what you claim she can!" he asked. ilxhat would prove that you had confidence in her, but as it it is ." "Seo here, my friend," said the other, with a twinkle in his eyo, " don't you know me well enough to know that I'm too modest to bet on my own nag, especially when I feel sure that she can't come out ahead ? " When a man knows he can accomplish what he undertakes, he doesn't feel too mod- est to say so. When Dr. Tierce put his "Favorite Prescription" before the public as a certain remedy for " femalo weakness," with " satisfaction guaranteed or money re- funded" on every bottle of it, it proved that he had entire confidence in the prep- aration, lie felt sure of its merits, and DR. Purely " " V t rfnu,.ii PIERCE'S PELLETS to Take. One Tiny, Snsrar-coaic- d Pellet nose. Cures Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, Billon Attack, and all derangements of the stomach and bowels. 25 cents, by druggists. . .Tm.y a ' fc,alEDY FOB CATARBH. Best, Easiest to use. a tjneapcsi. nenei is immediate, a cure la certain, ior ' 1 q VdlU HI liUO UCOU lb 1UU UU Cljlitll. . S .it I It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied to J nostrils. Price, 60c. Sold by druMtlstsorsentbymall. up in the Ktn kloa I've wandered about, Anl feasted quite oTlcn on flapjacks and trout. 1 liuvo 'i:c 1 on the tisoa, tbo elk and the 1't; tut mil have remembered, whatever the cheer Wlii!" tasting Hie fniil-ii-eo- f life's varied tree Tlie woiwtrrful il'Mi-hn- uls that mother mado me. Ti ll not of rich daintier, rare treats and all that, IJut lrins to the cook-stov- a kettle of fat; Now Mend all the goodies the in'tture roll thin They were rrptfil In i.sted when the dropped them fn llow grac-fu- l I thought her, as she worked by the lire. While tiie cinnamon incen.se rose higher and higher! IIow deftly she turned thi-m- , just touch inf? each one. And iuii lJy rt moved them, as !ho saw they were ih 'lie ! Call th.-- cimuels, or crullers, or fcimballa, or cakrs. To in' llioy are doughnuts. What a mem'ry that waUes Of the l.nie. ir. niv boyhood forget I ne'er can When, in the kettle, she fried me a man '. Oh: mother's brown ilou; hnut.s, whose hearts were s. litr'ut. Whose crispy, tirra texture gave something to 1 itc: I hold to the fancy, wherever I stray. That trees never yielded such nuts as were they ; And my mind paints a picture that fills me with jy : Of a mother, a kettle, brown doughnuts, a boy! Oliver Howard, in Santa Claua. AFTER WILD HOGS. Two Bravo Hunters Encountor a Ferocious Bruto. After a Ilrsperste Struggle, In Which tha Jlottr ( barer Ills Assailants Kepsat-- . e.lly, a W Itlfle Hall Makes Him Hi Ut the Unit. r?'rflN'A LETTER from iKr..' r'A ! Laufrhiintow-Ti- , Pa.. VVr t'(v'5jl tli e New York Sun fcufif' f "'- - " J i 10113 the following: il iJ 3r I rour jears ago '- - 'lj.l nirrj nrin a blooded boar kept i"l, ' A Ior "reeding pur 'v? '"'j a K. v iit poses and noted for irago temper. KJ l,rok0 out of their rA(l: rnontfc premises . . . i ' XT v V Vl "'"rr," v ". 'e ;j in lliis piace, ana a j5 search of several days failed to yield any traco of tho missing animals. Last fall deer hunt- ers in tho wild and mountainous region in th Ligonier valley, a fow miles from Iaii!tilintwn, discoveied curious-lookin- g tracks in the snow. They led into a thicket of laurels, whero tho dogs routed out :tn imnienso hog. It charged furiously upon tho hunters, and was shot and killed after a severe struggle. The hog was a lioar, and weighed over three hundred pounds, although ayoung anitu:l. 1 ts tusks were three inches in length. Subsequently three other pigs, equally wild and savage, were killed by t.tlicr hunters. Tho only way that tho prsi'iieo of the wild hogs could bo ac- counted for was that they were tho gs of iJeorgo Kuhns' stray Jig8, which Ii;vl chosen a wild life among the Ligonier mountain- to domestic peaco-fiilnes- .s in a villago hog Kn. One dny rerently Lemon Marks, a Lau7h!intown hunter, who last fall 1eat all liuiitlnjr records by bagging five deer in one. afternoon two largo bucks, a iho and two fan n was out after foxes in the mountains, lie discovered tracks in the snow that he know must have been inauo by one of the wild hojrs of the Ligonier. lie was not fitted up for bg-liuntin- g an 1 returned home for his i!:1e and dog. Ho also induced Salem ('.runt, another good hunter, to go with biin an I help bag tho wild hog. They Uruek the track and followed it for two mil'-s- , tho dog not exhibiting much nnii ty to take it w ith a rush. Sudden- ly tie- - bog jumped out from a thicket of laun-ti- , with a tremendous snort, lie faced his pursuers, his bristles erect on his b;tck, and his long w hite tusks glist- ening on each side of his ugly snout, above which their curved points extend- ed. Tlie dog was a few steps ahead of the hunters. Tlie lioar lowered his head and began to champ and froth at the mouth. Ho stood fully three feet high, and an ujUer-lookin- g beast Marks s ijs he never saw in all his experience in the woods. The sight of the boar to inspire tho dog with reckless rage, for h" sprang at the hog as ho would have done at a stray old sow in tlie garden. The lioar received htm with a vicious lunge of his big head, w hich hurled the dog ten feet away, ripi"d to the vitals by one of the boar's long tusUs, and be soon died. All this bad occurred before either of the hunters recovered from his surprise at the sudden appearance of the formid- able boast. After tossing the dog oft to die, the lioar turned with a savago snort, plunging back into tho laurels, and his course could lo traced by tho breaking and cracking of tho bushes as be rushed his way through them. Marks firi-- two shots after tbo re- treating lioar, and the two hunters, do- - rrcEivrn him witu a viciors u xge. termined not to lose their game, pressed into tho thicket and followed a-- s rapidly as they could in the boar's wake. They followed it through the iwamp for half a mile, when the laurels pae w ay to a more open growth. The hunters had hardly stepped out into the opening before they were confronted by what they at firt supposed was the tog they were following; but they quickly discovered it was another and a smaller one. This one met them w ith short, fierce snorts, and made a rush toward them. Each man sent a bullet into the advancing War, and it fell to tho ground with ear-pierci- squeals, which death soon silenced. The last squeal had scarcely ceased Llu a great crashing aud swaying Bsw, commodions and eonyenlently loeatre TaMe supplied with the best the market affords. Special atteution paid to the IrsTeling public. , , 4 STONEWALL IIO USE, Grand Junction, Tenn. MRS. NANNIE TUCKER. Proprl Furniture all neu ard table nri-el- a. fpasw sal attenlioo glrs i to the IrsTehnt publla. IIOBTXSON HOUSE, Jackson, Tenn. JAS. BtlGJIT, - loyrdor. iTerytfilns is kept in 1:00.1 slr! slid rsneclal sttcnliou 6i? lo uct. s reasonable- - tall when In Jackson. When You so to Memphis uall onsr ECHAI.D u-- T 28-- i ST. It you wish anything in ll l'hotojraph line. Specialty of Children,- - Family Gnvipa and Liff Site Photographii. Old Pictures copied to any mic. V. B. THATEB, MAKCyACTBRI9 h IET7ELER AND OPTICIAN. o Solid gold and diamond (roods of nil kind. American snd .Swiss witches A of every description. Kcpsirins of fine wsiclies and jewelry specialties by expert woikmer:. 5pertarle In suit sil eyes. 11 ymi raiinot era al nliflit, Tbarer's fine pcbi.le apet.i-lt- ( will reMoie your liwt riion an l you o can see as well as in childhood. Kepsiiing of broken apectsiles and working oyer old gold and sllret specialties. Everything guaranteed as represented. 265 m ,t Emu tin. WOOD $ McNEAL, Attorneys at Law BOLIVAR, TENN; "East Slds of Court Squars, FJldJVCIS FENTRESS, Attorney at I aw, BOLIVAR, - - - TENN Office north side f Pjnare, corner Mats and Ji ck.-o- n Street!, THB IN5glTY Associafion. OFFEUS THE BIST, SAFEST m CHEAPEST LIFE INSURANCE OP ANY COMPANY. WRITES Tontine Insurance, Endowment Insurance, Straight Life Jnniirance, Old Age Benefit Insurance For fidl particulars and printed matter, write to RUSSELL & FISHER General Agents, JTo. 3 Madison St.. i i MEMPHIS. ins. r,KUi r h'edical &, Surgical Institute 161 N. Sprue St., rJaih.Kle, Tenn. Trentfind Cure nil ChronlO DIs- - rfca. Driormittes and Surgical fyCaes. Seiual Clseassi of Womenand Children Hi" result of Imitrrlrrt Jtn elmimmt. .'rtl irnMUt or r.icrxvu. Opium nncl llie Whl.kn Habit. !1A SnnHariunt uii'i Prlate Lylna-l- Mos-Dlt- al lu cooueviiuu. Wrilo for clrcuinr. STINSON ESTABLISHED 1856, JJVO. A. ST1SSQN, Vropr, DEALKB IS Forcigii,l)oinosllc Marblo AND GRANITE. AlftoTron Knilin and all kinds of Qnire Sneiosure rrtiei wlhinsf trt jvurcha can ve 25 r cent, hj ncmh lng (r c.lxlojrue and price hat All work gnaranteed. Grand Junction. Tenn. DOLIVA It, Clothing cleano'l am! AirA. l'crfect if CUraaUd. All orders roiupllf tUlad. To impress a plain truth It is not neces- sary to paint it to tho eye by comic wood cuts or sensational pictures of any kind. Ordinary type is better, if it secures your coniidem-e- . To illustrate: If you are the victim of Malaria, and wish to De free from it immediately, one bottle of Shallenberger's Antidote will infal b'v do the work. It may pay you to believe this and get the medicine without delay. Dr. A. T. Shallenberger, Rochester, Fa., w 11 send it by mail for one dollar. The fisherman considers it a part of his business to scale tho hnio-ht- of fiction. Yonkers Gazette. Ix another place in this paper will be seen an advertisement of the Hartman Manu- facturing Company, of Beaver Falls, Pa They are an enterprising, reliable firm, and have a great deal of testimony to show that the Hartman Steei Picket Fence is the best thing of the kind on the market You can find out all about it by writing for particu- lars. Rcssian students still sing "God Preserve tho Czar," but they don't say in what Baa Francisco Alta. My son is affected with weak lungs and has tried various treatments, but Bull's Sar- saparilla has done more good than all other medicine. I cheerfully make this state- ment for the benefit of the afflicted. John y. McQee, Horse Cave, Ky. "Whek a broker loses all his money ho's dead broke; but when he dies he's a dead broker. Mcst not be confounded with common cath- artic or purgative pills. Carter's Little Liv- er Pills are entirely unlike them in every re- spect. One trial will prove their superiority. It frequently turns out that tho queen of diamonds is a knave of hearts. Ashland Press Parents, you do yourselves and your chil- dren great injustice if you fail to give vour children Dr. Bull's Worm Destroyers. Many little lives are sacrificed by such neglect. Tim man with a big family is a Cat fail- ure, from the landlord's point of view. Puck. m The Grip of Pneumonia maybe warded of! with Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. Moset talks, but occasionally tiie sales- lady cries "Cash I" Pittsb'irgh Chrordele. Biliocsness, dizziness, nausea, headache, are relieved by small doses of Carter's Lit- tle Liver Pills. Tts tho guest who is refused permission to run up a bill who runs down a house, liicn ! fragrant I fine ! are tho expressions of those who smoke "Tansill's Punch" 5c Cigar A title often sells a book as easily as it buys an heiress. Best, easiest to use and cheapest. Piso's Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 25c. Tub undertaker's favorite exercise is boxi??. For Fifty Years the Standard Blood-purifi- er and Tonic, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has no equal as a Spring Medicine. Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, Mass. CHEAP EXCURSIONS -- TO- ARKANSAS and TEXAS -- VIA TIIE Cotton. Belt Route. o OTSTE3 ADFtES FOR TIIK :flott3stx thif from memphis To All Points in Arkansas and Texas ON MAY 20, 1890. Tickets Ucxxl 30 days, with, Privilege of Stopping; Off. Fort Wortli and Return from Mempliis AT ONE FARE FOR THE ROUND TRIP. Tickets Sold May 7th to May 28tn. Good Returning nntll June 3;L The Only Lin rnnninff Throngh Cars from Memphis to Texas is the COTTON BELT ROUTE. For Raton. Map., etc, apply to S. O. W AttN ER, II. W. MORRISOX, Southeastern PtKraim Afcat. General Agsnt, M KM PHIS, TENN. W. O. ADA3I-- . I.ungeT Arcane NhIU. T.m. Uyonwant Family Vehicle Buggy or Bond Cart, one, tea or cr load atcheaper prices tilan ever known, writs at Tenn., and get prices and large catalogue FREE. WANTED Great Disasters And Horror, la the World's Hiatory. siylng s ftill scronntot AGENTS. to. Lnuisrille (Kjr.) Tornado and others which ha deaa- - tstod our country. Embracing nl.o Charloiton sad oth.r Earthquakes. Great Storms and Shipwrecks, Johnstown Flood. Floods In Houthern States, a well as thoss In China. Holland and Japan, and other Notable Disasters caused by Wind. Storm and Volcanic Action, cohering the whole Held e trusters in the H atorj of th World. A standard work ol historical reference. ml BIGGEST BONANZA XlXAu CONTINENTAL HB. CO., 13 Ollra SC. St. Louis, Mo. TON SCALES OF $60 (BINGHAMTON) Seam Bex Tare Beam V; N. Y. v DUEIlHSflTIOiil." MERELY 0T ntiLUi?.HI luill REIIETED but Permanently ry-FCJ- .i. TBKATi.sk sfxr J'KEK TO AST ADDKES8. Is 1 Ess Das' I Tka TnMnuI Pina ! - I n iiOXT 944. I liS IBiiuB lu.Q UUM Wi riTTSUlkt.ll. FA. sjeTKAiU Illlf rfl eran; the. re WITH aiS HUNTrXQ AXE. dashed toward Marks, the froth from its mouth now dyed with blood, ho stepped forward and with his hunting axe dealt the dazed bruto a blow between the eyes that would have felled an ox but it had not tho least effect on the wild boar. This intervention ot Grant's saved Marks, but it placed the former in imminent peril. Before he could jump out of tho infuriated animal's way the boar thrust ono of his tusks through Grant's trousers between the ankle and the knee, and, with a quick upward jerk of i Is head, tore tho cloth open almost to the hunter's waist Grant says he could feel tho cold rush of tho boar's tusk all the way up along his leg, but tho thrust had fortunately not been deep enough to enter the flesh. In the rush of tho wild hog from the thicket upon Grant, the latter's gun had been thrown some distance from where befell. The contest had now become too close to use any time except in fighting, and Marks pitched in with his hunting-knif- e, while" Grant used his axe vigorously on the. tough and furious boar. In a short time both men wero covered wit'a blood, both from flesh wounds tho boar' succeeded, in spite of their efforts, rn inflicting upon them, and from tho streams from tho bog itself. " Tho fight finally took tho contestants close to where Grant's loaded gun was lying on the ground. Grant stepped quickly aside to get tne gun. . The boar sprang fiercely after him. ' Grant got the gun, however, and lodged a ball in the boar, breaking his other shoulder. This sent the tenacious animal helpless (o the ground. He tore the earth ;with his . tusks, champed and frothed, and threw himself alxiut until he was forced to become quiet from sheer exhaustion. Marks then cut the boat's throat, and tho most despcrato fight with a wild beast that ever occurred on the Ligo- nier mountains was over. The boar was not fat but it weighed nearly four hundred pounds, l'.otu Marks and Grant were laid up for several days after' tho hunt, WRINKLES THAT TALK. The Eye Not the Only Window of the Soul to Close Observers. AVrinkles across tho forehead are found in children who are rickety or idiotic; strong sunlight Vth tho face and eyes insufficiently covered, will also causo them, but in all cases they are normal at forty, or even at an earlier age. Tcrtical wrinkles between the eyes como prematurely in men and women who study much or worry them- selves. This can readily bo imagined. Tho eyebrows contract naturally when in deep thought; grief or worry' pro- duce tho aame effects; the action being frequently repeated produces a fold Id the skin. It was and is one of the standing rules of the Jesuits to never contract the eyebrows while studying. Tho straight lines extending upward from the root of tho nose are supposed to tell of long and cruel physical suffer- ing, or still more painfnl mental tor- tures. The crows' feet, the wrinkles so detested by ladies of rank and pride, al- ways come to mark the passing of tho fortieth mile-pos- t, if not before. They are characterized by furrows, which" di- verge from the external angle of tho eye in all directions liko tho claws of tho bird from which they are named. Wrinkles of the cheeks and chin are caused by the diminution of the fatty substance under the chin which causes the skin to fall into folds. Tho small wrinkles near the eye have tho same ori- gin, and only appear in old ago. Those across the upper eye-lid- s, which give the eye an air of fatigue, are the result of hard living, grief and worry. N. Y. Journal. - How to Be Economical. Many people would be economical if they knew how. It is an art to practice economy. To do it well ono must know the art All can have it if they wilL It is an arithmetical art It is the con- clusion of numbers. All must live and ought to live well, but how to live best at the leas expense is tho work of figures to telL ; We must count the cost of ways and means and compare them. Many people use expensive articles of food and dress w hen cheaper ones would in every way be better and more serviceable. In regu- lating the table expenses is there a great want of economy. A little useful information concerning the qualities of food, tho amount and kind of nutritive matter they contain, the wants of tho human system, and the best way of cooking, would often save fully ot and, in many instances, half f!ao expense. A wise economy in table ex- penses is favorable to health, and in this way saves time, drugs, expense and doctors' bills, flesh, strength and happi- ness. GvxhI Housekeeping. Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless. .. . I.lver Pill. Pmnllraf. Cheanest. Easiest Sa Ian issr s ' "kef M.V I the I 1 . T. HAZKI.TIN3. Warren. Pa. VASELINE PREPARATIONS. On receipt of price in postage stamps we will send free bj mail the following valuable articles: One Box of Pure Vaseline, .... 10 Cents, One Box of VaselineCamphor Ice, 10 Cts. One Box of Vaseline Cold Cream, 15 Cts. One Cake of Vaseline Soap 10 Cents. One Bottle of Pomade Vaseline.lS Cents. If yon have occasion to use "Vaseline" in any form be careful to accept only genuine goods pot tip by ns in original package. A great many drnirpifts are trying to persuade buyers to take Vaseline Preparations put up by them. Never yield to such percussion, as the article) is an imitation without value and will not do gopd nor give you the result vou expect A two ounce bottle of Blue Seal Vaseline is sold by all drujrgirtaat ten cents. No Vaseline is KRraln unless our Dame is on tbs label. Cbesebrough Mfg. Co., 24 Stats St, N. Y. fBT LTOH'S TASTELESS STHUP OF QUlHiHE, 25 taut CHILDREN CRT FOR LYOM S STIIDP Of QUIHIIIE, 25c LTOM'S SIRUP OF QUlNiHEisu Swsetas Lemra Syri POTT GIVE TOUR BABY BITTER QU1MIME. Your baby will Ioyi to Uke LYON'S SYRUMQu!ai jE3 eg Mr- -5 mg.jss BE 6CRH AND ORDER . VINEGAR AND CIDER, AND GET THE BEST.' TBEATsTQ PRtTlT. POSITIVELY CI KED with Vecetable RemedUsi Bare cured many thousand esses. Cure patient pro- nounced bopelees uy the best physicians. From first dose symptoms rapidly disappear, sod In ten days at least s ot all aymvvoms are removed. Bead for FREE BOOK of testimonials of miraculous eures. Ten days treatment furnished free by nail. If you order trial, iMnd ie rents in stamp to pay poatans. IK. II. II. SKEE.N Jk ftllNH. ATLANTA, ilA. sr am tuis rArsa mi r m FRANK SCHUMANN, AS ana US - aaaa J al uniis, f isDing Taciio i AND Sportsman's .. I! - - WStlD FOB CATALOOUI No. I). duBpileS, illMtia t- - MesapkK Te. Telephone Vo. lztl. tbis SArsa ST ONEM'S tlllLDKKN. TboaMUidf ef eaos sasa an4 vonwa la the V. 8. A. ewe tlnlr Him ead lkr hesltk ma4 tb.tr hapvtoess S Rlrlgc's FsS their llr 4ln la Ia faery Chllllhswd h.Tl., ka RirtM'sPena. Mr Dreinrlsta. UTl THB LKADI6 riHIU MT'S'-Z'hi1- - - - ' AAA IWb.lBlMi DiTECTIViS Wastes la eeary Ceaaty. Shrews saes le set aa4w msueetUas ia ear Sesret Bcrrlea. Kspertenee aet aeeasaary. ParUealara free. Oraaasn Detertlre Bureau Co. Ars4,CU4llfltt.ai SrSAMS THIS rAfSS smtt aw. yea elite. WAT STRONG, aa?1T.t i0 Msvla Stree.t, MEMPHIS, TK.SH. w Special attention to collkptiho akb MA TTS RS PSRTAININO TO K EAIi tATAT10. STSAJU Iia yArsa rrwy Sw. rxeisa. svbmI rtetrs writs US for SOLDIERS new Pension laws. Pent frM. earterarelleTA4. Success or no fee. A W. McOorwlck Boas, WasklBftaa, D. 0., ClaelaaaU, . VAMS THIS t ATSS awry awe ea nas TVTASHTItLKSHOBTHAHp IHSTITTTB. Corner ll Church A Summer Bis., Nashville, Tenn. Alex. Fsall, Irw. Educates practically and ascureicso orall proficients. borthand,Typewr1llns. Srsitlonsf and Penmanship. Wrltelorcatnlosue j.a nun PATENTS nE'FORfuWras Address W. T. FITZGEKAIJ. WAsaiaTOJI.X. C. ssrSTAxn Has PAnn eewr swi m esse BUSINESS COLLEGE, VVVsJ V VV Will aendy"'! beantlf.il nHnis niHAiisHip rBEE, Lsr- - WAUXJB A1UJB. AA. IUWBB 1511.11 Ageol s liantiemjierejasdssoire good situations, writs J. D. liEOWif, dsrii JlLMa. OS to )S a day. Sample worth ft.ll a'SS'l FBE. IJni! not ndcr borsee feet. Writ V iRAlfilH SAt'tTt KCIS HOLUtACO., aeUy,aa. CnAAta THIS rAriUetwy Saw yeawMa. A. N. EL F. 1291. TIIE KITIU T AUVEstTJAKRA rLXA J utwas) that yew saw tkw AdTTtls.isast in $ Oar Hannah Jane. Oar ITsnnsh Jane was thin and weifk, Ami fishy white her lip and cueek. We often tbounht ami tlionpht with pain, " We sion must lo.--e our Hannah Jane." With change of doctors, cliane of air. She oouaht for heitliify everywhere. And. wtien our hopes were nlinojt past, " K"nte Prescription tried at last, it cave us lov.t t litre as hope, aseil to pine. he ceased to mope, MMerro s remedies are sure and truel Now ir.innan Janet s good as new. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the inly medicine for women, sold by drugpists, liuier a ytoxitive (piarantte front tho innnufact-irers- , that it will give satisfaction in every jase, or money will bo refunded. This guarantee has been pr-'nte- on the bottle-wrappe- r, and faithfully carried out for many years. - - Dr. Piercb's Pellets cleanse and repulate the stomach, bowels and system generally. Ono a dose; purely vegetable. Mast n maiden lady's ae is marked down at, a low lifruro that she may bo dis- posed of at a bargain. Rome SentincL Stats of Ohio, Cnr of Toledo, Locas County, Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is the lenior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney fc Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay the sum of one hcnpred dol- lars for each and every case of Catarrh that can not bo cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cum Frank J. Cheney. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, thisGth day of December, A.D.lSbft. seal A. W. Olsasok, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally tad acts directly upon the blood and mucous surfacos of the system. Send for testi- monials, free. F. J. Ciienbt & Co., Toledo.O. Sold by Druggists, 75c A tea-kett- lb can sing when it is merely filled with water. But man, proud man, ia no tea-kettl- e. Tcrrc Haute .Express. ' Progress. It is very important in this age of vast material progress that a remedy be pleas- ing to tho taste and to the eye, easily taken, acceptable to the stomach and healt hy in its nature and effects. Possess- ing these qualities. Syrup of Firs is the one .perfect laxative and most gentle diuretic known. TrreitE Is usnr.lly something on foot when a man takes his way to tlie chiropodist Boston Courier. IF YOU HAVE mm or piles, KICK HE AO ACHE. TTj.nn Al F. COS-TI- T K HOW E1.S, SOUK STOMACH ami BEtCHISO t if yonr feoil 4os not cs-slml- lal and you have no appetite. . F1 FSB B llllfnre these trouble. Try them; yon haveno(hinf( to I me, but will (aio a vlioreai body, l'rlee, 23e. per box. SOLD KVEItYAVIIEItE. gjg tj to en re BUtonnness. Flck Headache. Constipation, Malaria. Liver Complaint, take the aafo and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEASTS Cm the SMALL- SIZR (40 little beans to the bot- tle). Ther are the most oooveplent: salt ail aces. Triceof either sUe, 25 cent per bottle. f IQQIIMt ': Photo-irraTOT- e, wvJlllWs panel sue of this picture ior i oeats (.coppers or stamps). J. F. SMITH ft CO., Makers of "Bile Beans." Bu Louis. Mo. esss EEC . GOLD KEJAL, TAB, 13, 1673. W. BAKER & COS ar-- retfast Cocoa absolutely pur and it ia soluble. b Chemicals aim?. mti ia Its srepentioo. It lui am um tht a or a aiixcd with Etarch, Arrowroot or Sugar, and is tiureitos fax more economical, carta; Um taoa u cc.-- ii cav It i dtUciona, aooriahiii;, ttrensthcsmir, ailt Diosstzo, aa4 admirably adaptra tor inTaliJj as wcil as for peraoua ia health. Sold by Grocers n'rrKhm. W. BAKES & CO.. Dorchester. Ms. T Ton V.tT la a Hos-so-t If r Ton wait a tU N Ai'.Tll AN Sirrl Wire Mat. Absolutely flexible. I iiil r.l bj t'hvsli-lsn- and U. h. Ooi eninn-nt- . H- - od II Mi rM AN MFG. CO., Beaver Tal. I'a. IMiA rafia ami a r-- a ma a Auuress, I v SB" .O 2-9- , Y'y?$r$p3 VV. L. DOUGLAS QHnf AND $2 SHOE JOnWCFOB GENTLEMEN Il 1 -- ! Otbr Anvertlsed Snectialtles SW Are tke But l tk U'orlil. None genuine nn lea name and prl(-- e are stamped on fcottom. SOLD EVERY WHfK. U your dealer will not supply you, send pontai for insti urtioos bow to boy direct from f without extra h rite. W. I,. ItOtrQlsAM. Krookvton, Mass. fruna tms parts rrwj tase m mu. I From Atlanta Constitution. S. M. Gates, a member of the well-know- n firm of Gates and Wood, cotton factors, of Memphis, TeTw, says that he has been terribly afflicted with a deep seated pain in his hand, which appeared to be an inflammation of the muscle covering the bone of the thumb at its base, where it joins the hand. He suf- fered with it for nine months and found no relief until he procured one bottle of Mansfield's Magic Arnica Liniment, which, to his utter astonishment, cured his hand in a few days. The above is only a sample of thou- sands of letters received by the Mansfield Drug Company, Memphis, Tenn., manu- facturers of this famous pain destroyer. This liniment is simply marvelous in its effect both upon man and beast. Pain has no chance with it. J. I. CASE T. U. CO. XLA.OXICX1, - WIS., MANUFACTURE US OF CO CO Portsble. Ptstlonary and Traction Easrines, HEl- - AKS. 1VS!. xl nrs. ro.fl", rr uu HAW MILL Machinery. tT-Bi- vn for LAROS UANDSOMI CATALOaUl. MAILED fHi THIS FAFia eeay kM r rtte. fl "f B PI Af BOII.EBS, HHAJTIJfO, Il 11 21 Iulleya, attestns JPnaapa. 1 I i Ll I.lrtr, tc. I!nt- - B s9BlarBl7 ilea. HiuandnieaaiiMiai tn PAIJt. Arehlleetaral I HOXT WORK. IRONWORKS. CHiCKASAtt iNGINES, TOnX K. A CO.. Mampfala, Tcsiau R&uscsoE,LsL YEARBOOK NOW sVELAPT. Deseribea their Utet Improtwd T k rMhtrs TarnslscJEaflaet. MUU and Saw Mill iJHtWa. UvTPumm, ttlo.ry E.arlswa, Pl.U r AattomBtle.SU.4 BOILKKS. Mrr RUS8KLU A. CO., - MAS8II.LON, OHIO. litis JAraJt tnwt g irsrt your lEHsiorjsp DELAY, nn cisim in ATTOllXET, WACHUTUX,1. C THIS eAJiUt siaij Ileum sills. ARDWHISSETPASITS CURED AT BOMB WITH" OCT TAW. BooUOfPiP- - sent mi a. I B. M. WOOLLEY. M.Dw 1TLASTA. GA. OiBoe CoX WautefcaJini. rSAMX IK1S rAfla eer ibae r waie. at an if a Wfmmms 19 4f Karh libm- - of muo wrarfed iDif riteiy a:Hi Ij lliu Purvt and Besu t3T for tcr)nscie. X1UA tAttmt san jaaaraa.

The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Tennessee) 1890-05-16 [p ]

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Page 1: The Bolivar bulletin. (Bolivar, Tennessee) 1890-05-16 [p ]


& N. DUNCAN, : : JVcpridori

A Wonderful Fhenomenon I

The man who should pass through Ufawithout experiencing a-- twinge of indiges-tion might fitly be regarded as a wonderfulphenomenon. We doubt if such a privil-eged mortal has ever existed. If so, we havenever seen him. But thousands are knownto be daily relieved of dyspepsia by Bostet-ter'- s

Stomach Bitters, the popular remedyfor that national complaint, as well as forfever and ague, debility, consti-atio- n, rheu-matism and kidney troubles.

Obesijt induces to Inactivity. That'sprobably why the fat office acver seeks theman. Binghamton Leader.

among the laurels attracted the atten-tion of the hunters, and out of thethicket like a whirlwind rushed the bigboar they had first encountered. SalemGrant was standing within four feet oftho edge of the swamp, and the boarwas upon him before he could avoid it.Ho went down heavily full length onthe ground, and the boar, frothing at themouth and champing furiously, stoodastride of him. Marks was afiaid toshoot for fear of hitting Grant, butsomething had to be done instai tly tosave his companion from the boar'stu.sk s. Marks ran up and dealt theboar a tremendous kick under the jav.-- .

That saved Grant, for tho boar turnedquickly and rushed at Marks, whosprang to ono side. The boar's rushcarried him nomo distance by Marks,and as ho turned for another attack thehunter sent a rifle ball into his shoul-der. The boar fell, but was up again ina second, and charged Marks ou threelegs, tho right fore-le- g having boonbroken by tho bullet.

Marks says that as his gun was emptywhen this savage rush was made by theloar, he would certainly have fallen avictim to its fury if Grant had not beenwith him. Grant had regained his feet,and as the )oar. crippled pa it was,

asft Jsl ' jpssWassBi

': :we

A Procreulve Kail way.Oa April 27Ji tie Cotton Belt Route in-

augurated iis new Fast Train Service be-tween Memphis and Fort Worth, leavingMemphis 6:10 p. m., and arriving ia ForeWortn the following afkernoon. Thistrain anl the Cotton Belt Waco train,leaving Memphis in the morning, formthe only through-ca- r routes between Mem-p- hi

i and Texas, and to familiarize thepublic with the Only Lin to the Southwest,Round-tri- p Tickets will be sold fromMemphis to Fort Worlh, from May 7th toMay 28th, inclusive, rood returning tillJane 31, at one fare for the round trip,thus affording every body an opportunityto visit the great Texas Spring Palaceover the Great Texas Throngh Line.

And, In addition to the foregoing, Ex-cursion Tickets will be sold from Mom-p- hi

to all point in Arkansas aud Texason May at one fare for the roundtrip, good thirty days from datj of sale,with the privilege of stoppiu? on as de-sir- d.

Forfurihor information apply to8. G. Warxeb, H. W. Morkisox,

Southeastern Pass. A?t. Gen'l Ag'tW. G. Adams, Passenger Agent

NasUVillo, Tenn.. Occasionallt you seo a girl with fivedollar pold pieces for bangles on her brace-let and a lonely nickel ki her pocket-boo-

Atchison Gloho.

Decay, the Universal lw.Let anything in nature become lifeless

ind inactive and decay follows as a usualsequence. Decay is the universal law. Canyou wonder when a person feels constantlyworm ont and more than half dead, that do-ca- y

of the lungs or kidneys sets in. Theysay that decay of the lungs (consumption)and decay of the kidneys (right's disease)is incurable. Who says sol Only thoseexperimental doctors who have failed.Don't despair. WtUo there's life, there'shone! In checking decay of the lungs orkidneys, in preventing further ulceration,it is essential that all blood impuritiesshould be removed, and an alterative influ-ence exerted upon the whole system. Theappetite and digestion must both be im-proved. Tho nervous 6ystcm soothed, andsleep, nature's sweet restorer, invited andencouraged. Energy must be aroused andnientil depression banished. In this mo-mentous rallying effort Dr. John Bull'sSarsaparilla is au essential ally to nature.Use this remedy. It has restored many tohealth and strength, even after doctors hadgiven up all hope

Dox'r be a clam. If you've pot to be anything of the kind be a mud turtle. Then youmay have some snao to you. BingiiamtonRepublican.

The Cause of Tain.An ache or pain is not of itself a disease,

t is but a symptom, and warns the sufferer(hat there is something the matter with hisChysical erpanization. Weak kidneys, bad

nervousness are frequently thesource or cause of the many mysterious ach-ing sensations that afflict the body. You canromove the cause of such distress by usingB. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm).

C. H. Robctts, Atlanta, Ga. writes: "Mykidneys were disordered and pave mo

pain. A single bottle of B. B. Bhelped me wonderfully."

Wm. N. Nelson, Mcbonough, Ga., writes:"B. B. B. has benetitcd my daughter verymuch. She was afflicted with severe nerv-ousness. I think it the best family med-icine.'

W. It Ellis, Brunswick, Ga., writes: "Ihavo tried B. B. B. and it. is a proat thingfor tho blood. It also cured me of rheu-matic pains.

Pitad roes by any other rtmo woulddoubtless taste about the same. PrkshiroKews.

IIIS OWN HORSE.i&tA,' W,T 5r7- - the testimony of thousands of women who

have been cured by it of " weakness," " ir-regularities," and all the peculiar diseasesfrom which their sex suffers so much,proves that his faith was well founded.

As a powerful, invigorating tonic, "Fa-vorite Prescription " imparts strength to thwhole system, and to the womb and itappendages in particular. For overworked," wom-out,- " " run-down- ." debilitated teach-ers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses,"shop-girls- ," housekeepers, nursing moth-ers, and feeble women generally. Dr.Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the greatestearthly boon, being unequalod as an ap-petizing cordial and restorative tonic, orstrength-give- r.

As a soothing and strengthening nerr-in- e.

"Favorite Prescription" is unequaledand is invaluable in allaying and subdu-ing nervous excitability, irritability, ex-haustion, prostration, hysteria, spasms andother distressing, nervous symptoms, com-monly attendant r.pon functional andorganic disease. It induces refreshing sleepand relieves mental anxiety and


Ther tell a good story of a man who hasa fondness for fast horses. A year or twoago he had one that was said to be a "flyer,"and marvelous stories were told of what shehad done, and was capable of doing. Butan intimate friend noticed that tho ownerof the wonderful horse never staked anymoney on her.

" Why don't you bock her for a good,round sum, if she can do what you claimshe can!" he asked. ilxhat would provethat you had confidence in her, but as itit is ."

"Seo here, my friend," said the other,with a twinkle in his eyo, " don't you knowme well enough to know that I'm too modestto bet on my own nag, especially when I feelsure that she can't come out ahead ? "

When a man knows he can accomplishwhat he undertakes, he doesn't feel too mod-est to say so. When Dr. Tierce put his"Favorite Prescription" before the publicas a certain remedy for " femalo weakness,"with " satisfaction guaranteed or money re-funded" on every bottle of it, it provedthat he had entire confidence in the prep-aration, lie felt sure of its merits, and

DR.Purely" " V t rfnu,.ii


to Take. One Tiny, Snsrar-coaic- d Pellet nose. Cures Sick Headache,Bilious Headache, Constipation, Indigestion, Billon Attack, and allderangements of the stomach and bowels. 25 cents, by druggists.

. .Tm.y a ' fc,alEDY FOB CATARBH. Best, Easiest to use.a tjneapcsi. nenei is immediate, a cure la certain, ior ' 1q VdlU HI liUO UCOU lb 1UU UU Cljlitll. . S


I It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied toJ nostrils. Price, 60c. Sold by druMtlstsorsentbymall.

up in the Ktn kloa I've wandered about,Anl feasted quite oTlcn on flapjacks and trout.1 liuvo 'i:c 1 on the tisoa, tbo elk and the1't;tut mil have remembered, whatever the


Wlii!" tasting Hie fniil-ii-eo- f life's varied treeTlie woiwtrrful il'Mi-hn- uls that mother mado

me.Ti ll not of rich daintier, rare treats and all

that,IJut lrins to the cook-stov- a kettle of fat;Now Mend all the goodies the in'tture roll

thinThey were rrptfil In i.sted when the dropped

them fnllow grac-fu- l I thought her, as she worked by

the lire.While tiie cinnamon incen.se rose higher and


IIow deftly she turned thi-m- , just touch inf? eachone.

And iuii lJy rt moved them, as !ho saw theywere ih 'lie !

Call th.-- cimuels, or crullers, or fcimballa, orcakrs.

To in' llioy are doughnuts. What a mem'rythat waUes

Of the l.nie. ir. niv boyhood forget I ne'er canWhen, in the kettle, she fried me a

man '.

Oh: mother's brown ilou; hnut.s, whose heartswere s. litr'ut.

Whose crispy, tirra texture gave something to1 itc:

I hold to the fancy, wherever I stray.That trees never yielded such nuts as were

they ;

And my mind paints a picture that fills mewith jy :

Of a mother, a kettle, brown doughnuts, a boy!Oliver Howard, in Santa Claua.


Two Bravo Hunters Encountor aFerocious Bruto.

After a Ilrsperste Struggle, In Which thaJlottr ( barer Ills Assailants Kepsat-- .

e.lly, a W Itlfle HallMakes Him Hi Ut the Unit.

r?'rflN'A LETTER fromiKr..' r'A ! Laufrhiintow-Ti- , Pa..

VVr t'(v'5jl tli e New York Sunfcufif' f "'-- " J i 10113 the following:il iJ 3r I rour jears ago

'- - 'lj.l nirrj nrin ablooded boar kept

i"l, ' A Ior "reeding pur'v? '"'j a K. v iit poses and noted for

irago temper.KJ l,rok0 out of their

rA(l: rnontfc premises. . .i ' XT vV Vl "'"rr," v ".'e ;j in lliis piace, ana a

j5 search of severaldays failed to yield any traco of thomissing animals. Last fall deer hunt-ers in tho wild and mountainous regionin th Ligonier valley, a fow miles fromIaii!tilintwn, discoveied curious-lookin- g

tracks in the snow. They led intoa thicket of laurels, whero tho dogsrouted out :tn imnienso hog. It chargedfuriously upon tho hunters, and wasshot and killed after a severe struggle.The hog was a lioar, and weighed overthree hundred pounds, although ayounganitu:l. 1 ts tusks were three inches inlength. Subsequently three other pigs,equally wild and savage, were killed byt.tlicr hunters. Tho only way that thoprsi'iieo of the wild hogs could bo ac-

counted for was that they were tho gs

of iJeorgo Kuhns' stray Jig8,which Ii;vl chosen a wild life among theLigonier mountain- to domestic peaco-fiilnes- .s

in a villago hog Kn.One dny rerently Lemon Marks, a

Lau7h!intown hunter, who last fall 1eatall liuiitlnjr records by bagging five deerin one. afternoon two largo bucks, aiho and two fan n was out after foxesin the mountains, lie discovered tracksin the snow that he know must havebeen inauo by one of the wild hojrs ofthe Ligonier. lie was not fitted up forbg-liuntin- g an 1 returned home for hisi!:1e and dog. Ho also induced Salem('.runt, another good hunter, to go withbiin an I help bag tho wild hog. TheyUruek the track and followed it for twomil'-s- , tho dog not exhibiting muchnnii ty to take it w ith a rush. Sudden-ly tie- - bog jumped out from a thicket oflaun-ti- , with a tremendous snort, liefaced his pursuers, his bristles erect onhis b;tck, and his long w hite tusks glist-ening on each side of his ugly snout,above which their curved points extend-ed. Tlie dog was a few steps ahead ofthe hunters. Tlie lioar lowered hishead and began to champ and froth atthe mouth. Ho stood fully three feethigh, and an ujUer-lookin- g beast Markss ijs he never saw in all his experiencein the woods. The sight of the boar

to inspire tho dog with recklessrage, for h" sprang at the hog as howould have done at a stray old sow intlie garden. The lioar received htmwith a vicious lunge of his big head,w hich hurled the dog ten feet away,ripi"d to the vitals by one of the boar'slong tusUs, and be soon died.

All this bad occurred before either ofthe hunters recovered from his surpriseat the sudden appearance of the formid-able boast. After tossing the dog oftto die, the lioar turned with a savagosnort, plunging back into tho laurels,and his course could lo traced by thobreaking and cracking of tho bushes asbe rushed his way through them.Marks firi-- two shots after tbo re-

treating lioar, and the two hunters, do- -

rrcEivrn him witu a viciors u xge.termined not to lose their game,pressed into tho thicket and followeda-- s rapidly as they could in the boar'swake. They followed it through theiwamp for half a mile, when the laurelspae w ay to a more open growth. Thehunters had hardly stepped out into theopening before they were confronted bywhat they at firt supposed was thetog they were following; but theyquickly discovered it was another and asmaller one. This one met them w ithshort, fierce snorts, and made a rushtoward them. Each man sent a bulletinto the advancing War, and it fell totho ground with ear-pierci- squeals,which death soon silenced.

The last squeal had scarcely ceasedLlu a great crashing aud swaying

Bsw, commodions and eonyenlently loeatreTaMe supplied with the best the market affords.Special atteution paid to the IrsTeling public., , 4

STONEWALL IIO USE,Grand Junction, Tenn.


Furniture all neu ard table nri-el- a. fpasw

sal attenlioo glrs i to the IrsTehnt publla.


JAS. BtlGJIT, - loyrdor.

iTerytfilns is kept in 1:00.1 slr! slid rsneclalsttcnliou 6i? lo uct. s reasonable- -

tall when In Jackson.

When You so to Memphis

uall onsr

ECHAI.Du-- T 28-- i ST.

It you wish anything in ll l'hotojraphline. Specialty of Children,- - FamilyGnvipa and Liff Site Photographii. OldPictures copied to any mic.



oSolid gold and diamond (roods of nil

kind. American snd .Swiss witchesA of every description. Kcpsirins offine wsiclies and jewelry specialtiesby expert woikmer:. 5pertarle Insuit sil eyes. 11 ymi raiinot era alnliflit, Tbarer's fine pcbi.le apet.i-lt- (

will reMoie your liwt riion an l youo can see as well as in childhood.Kepsiiing of broken apectsiles andworking oyer old gold and sllretspecialties. Everything guaranteedas represented.

265 m ,t Emu tin.


Attorneys at LawBOLIVAR, TENN;

"East Slds of Court Squars,

FJldJVCIS FENTRESS,Attorney at I aw,


Office north side f Pjnare, corner Matsand Ji ck.-o- n Street!,







Tontine Insurance,Endowment Insurance,Straight Life Jnniirance,Old Age Benefit Insurance

For fidl particulars and printedmatter, write to

RUSSELL & FISHERGeneral Agents,

JTo. 3 Madison St.. i i MEMPHIS.

ins. r,KUi rh'edical &, Surgical Institute161 N. Sprue St., rJaih.Kle, Tenn.

Trentfind Cure nil ChronlO DIs- -

rfca. Driormittes and SurgicalfyCaes. Seiual Clseassi of

Womenand Children Hi" resultof Imitrrlrrt Jtn elmimmt. .'rtl

irnMUt or r.icrxvu. Opium nncl llie Whl.knHabit. !1A SnnHariunt uii'i Prlate Lylna-l- Mos-Dlt- al

lu cooueviiuu. Wrilo for clrcuinr.




Forcigii,l)oinosllc MarbloAND GRANITE.

AlftoTron Knilin and all kinds ofQnire Sneiosure rrtiei wlhinsf trtjvurcha can ve 25 r cent, hj ncmhlng (r c.lxlojrue and price hat Allwork gnaranteed.

Grand Junction. Tenn.

DOLIVA It,Clothing cleano'l am! AirA. l'crfect if

CUraaUd. All orders roiupllf tUlad.

To impress a plain truth It is not neces-sary to paint it to tho eye by comic woodcuts or sensational pictures of any kind.Ordinary type is better, if it secures yourconiidem-e- . To illustrate: If you are thevictim of Malaria, and wish to De free fromit immediately, one bottle of Shallenberger'sAntidote will infal b'v do the work. It maypay you to believe this and get the medicinewithout delay. Dr. A. T. Shallenberger,Rochester, Fa., w 11 send it by mail for onedollar.

The fisherman considers it a part of hisbusiness to scale tho hnio-ht- of fiction.Yonkers Gazette.

Ix another place in this paper will be seenan advertisement of the Hartman Manu-facturing Company, of Beaver Falls, PaThey are an enterprising, reliable firm, andhave a great deal of testimony to show thatthe Hartman Steei Picket Fence is the bestthing of the kind on the market You canfind out all about it by writing for particu-lars.

Rcssian students still sing "God Preservetho Czar," but they don't say in what BaaFrancisco Alta.

My son is affected with weak lungs andhas tried various treatments, but Bull's Sar-saparilla has done more good than all othermedicine. I cheerfully make this state-ment for the benefit of the afflicted. Johny. McQee, Horse Cave, Ky.

"Whek a broker loses all his money ho'sdead broke; but when he dies he's a deadbroker.

Mcst not be confounded with common cath-artic or purgative pills. Carter's Little Liv-er Pills are entirely unlike them in every re-spect. One trial will prove their superiority.

It frequently turns out that tho queen ofdiamonds is a knave of hearts. AshlandPress

Parents, you do yourselves and your chil-dren great injustice if you fail to give vourchildren Dr. Bull's Worm Destroyers. Manylittle lives are sacrificed by such neglect.

Tim man with a big family is a Cat fail-ure, from the landlord's point of view.Puck.


The Grip of Pneumonia maybe warded of!with Hale's Honey of Horehound and Tar.Pike's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute.

Moset talks, but occasionally tiie sales-lady cries "Cash I" Pittsb'irgh Chrordele.

Biliocsness, dizziness, nausea, headache,are relieved by small doses of Carter's Lit-tle Liver Pills.

Tts tho guest who is refused permissionto run up a bill who runs down a house,

liicn ! fragrant I fine ! are tho expressions ofthose who smoke "Tansill's Punch" 5c Cigar

A title often sells a book as easily as itbuys an heiress.Best, easiest to use and cheapest. Piso's

Remedy for Catarrh. By druggists. 25c.

Tub undertaker's favorite exercise isboxi??.

For Fifty YearstheStandardBlood-purifi- er


Ayer's Sarsaparillahas no equalas aSpringMedicine.Prepared by

Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.,Lowell, Mass.



Cotton. Belt Route.o


:flott3stx thiffrom memphisTo All Points in Arkansas and Texas

ON MAY 20, 1890.Tickets Ucxxl 30 days, with, Privilege of

Stopping; Off.

Fort Wortli and Return from Mempliis


Tickets Sold May 7th to May 28tn. GoodReturning nntll June 3;L

The Only Lin rnnninff Throngh Cars fromMemphis to Texas is the

COTTON BELT ROUTE.For Raton. Map., etc, apply to

S. O. W AttN ER, II. W. MORRISOX,Southeastern PtKraim Afcat. General Agsnt,

M KM PHIS, TENN.W. O. ADA3I-- . I.ungeT Arcane NhIU. T.m.

Uyonwant Family VehicleBuggy or Bond Cart, one, teaor cr load atcheaper pricestilan ever known, writs at

Tenn., and get pricesand large catalogue FREE.

WANTED Great DisastersAnd Horror, la the World'sHiatory. siylng s ftill scronntotAGENTS. to. Lnuisrille (Kjr.) Tornadoand others which ha deaa--

tstod our country. Embracing nl.o Charloiton sad oth.rEarthquakes. Great Storms and Shipwrecks, JohnstownFlood. Floods In Houthern States, a well as thoss InChina. Holland and Japan, and other Notable Disasterscaused by Wind. Storm and Volcanic Action, coheringthe whole Held e trusters in the H atorj of th World.A standard work ol historical reference.


13 Ollra SC. St. Louis, Mo.


Seam Bex Tare Beam V; N. Y. v


ntiLUi?.HI luill REIIETED

but Permanentlyry-FCJ-

.i. TBKATi.sk sfxrJ'KEK TO AST ADDKES8. Is 1 Ess Das' ITka TnMnuI Pina ! - I n iiOXT 944.I liS IBiiuB lu.Q UUM Wi riTTSUlkt.ll. FA.

sjeTKAiU Illlf rfl eran; the.re


dashed toward Marks, the froth from itsmouth now dyed with blood, ho steppedforward and with his hunting axe dealtthe dazed bruto a blow between theeyes that would have felled an ox butit had not tho least effect on the wildboar. This intervention ot Grant'ssaved Marks, but it placed the formerin imminent peril. Before he couldjump out of tho infuriated animal's waythe boar thrust ono of his tusks throughGrant's trousers between the ankle andthe knee, and, with a quick upward jerkof i Is head, tore tho cloth open almostto the hunter's waist Grant says hecould feel tho cold rush of tho boar'stusk all the way up along his leg, buttho thrust had fortunately not beendeep enough to enter the flesh.

In the rush of tho wild hog from thethicket upon Grant, the latter's gun hadbeen thrown some distance from wherebefell. The contest had now becometoo close to use any time exceptin fighting, and Marks pitched inwith his hunting-knif- e, while" Grantused his axe vigorously on the. toughand furious boar. In a short time bothmen wero covered wit'a blood, both fromflesh wounds tho boar' succeeded, inspite of their efforts, rn inflicting uponthem, and from tho streams from thobog itself. "

Tho fight finally took tho contestantsclose to where Grant's loaded gun waslying on the ground. Grant steppedquickly aside to get tne gun. . The boarsprang fiercely after him. ' Grant gotthe gun, however, and lodged a ball inthe boar, breaking his other shoulder.This sent the tenacious animal helpless(o the ground. He tore the earth ;withhis . tusks, champed and frothed, andthrew himself alxiut until he was forcedto become quiet from sheer exhaustion.Marks then cut the boat's throat, andtho most despcrato fight with a wildbeast that ever occurred on the Ligo-nier mountains was over. The boarwas not fat but it weighed nearly fourhundred pounds, l'.otu Marks and Grantwere laid up for several days after' thohunt,


The Eye Not the Only Window of theSoul to Close Observers.

AVrinkles across tho forehead arefound in children who are rickety oridiotic; strong sunlight Vth tho faceand eyes insufficiently covered, will alsocauso them, but in all cases they arenormal at forty, or even at an earlierage. Tcrtical wrinkles between theeyes como prematurely in men andwomen who study much or worry them-selves. This can readily bo imagined.

Tho eyebrows contract naturally whenin deep thought; grief or worry' pro-duce tho aame effects; the action beingfrequently repeated produces a fold Idthe skin. It was and is one of thestanding rules of the Jesuits to nevercontract the eyebrows while studying.

Tho straight lines extending upwardfrom the root of tho nose are supposedto tell of long and cruel physical suffer-ing, or still more painfnl mental tor-tures. The crows' feet, the wrinkles sodetested by ladies of rank and pride, al-ways come to mark the passing of thofortieth mile-pos- t, if not before. Theyare characterized by furrows, which" di-

verge from the external angle of thoeye in all directions liko tho claws oftho bird from which they are named.Wrinkles of the cheeks and chin arecaused by the diminution of the fattysubstance under the chin which causesthe skin to fall into folds. Tho smallwrinkles near the eye have tho same ori-gin, and only appear in old ago. Thoseacross the upper eye-lid- s, which givethe eye an air of fatigue, are the resultof hard living, grief and worry. N. Y.Journal. -

How to Be Economical.Many people would be economical if

they knew how. It is an art to practiceeconomy. To do it well ono must knowthe art All can have it if they wilLIt is an arithmetical art It is the con-clusion of numbers. All must live andought to live well, but how to live bestat the leas expense is tho work offigures to telL ; We must count the costof ways and means and comparethem. Many people use expensivearticles of food and dress w hen cheaperones would in every way be better andmore serviceable. In regu-lating the table expenses is there agreat want of economy. A little usefulinformation concerning the qualities offood, tho amount and kind of nutritivematter they contain, the wants of thohuman system, and the best way ofcooking, would often save fully ot

and, in many instances, half f!aoexpense. A wise economy in table ex-penses is favorable to health, and inthis way saves time, drugs, expense anddoctors' bills, flesh, strength and happi-ness. GvxhI Housekeeping.

Vegetable and Perfectly Harmless... . I.lver Pill. Pmnllraf. Cheanest. Easiest


Ian issr s ' "kef M.V Ithe I 1 .

T. HAZKI.TIN3. Warren. Pa.

VASELINE PREPARATIONS.On receipt ofprice in postage stamps we will send

free bj mail the following valuable articles:One Box of Pure Vaseline, .... 10 Cents,One Box of VaselineCamphor Ice, 10 Cts.One Box of Vaseline Cold Cream, 15 Cts.One Cake of Vaseline Soap 10 Cents.One Bottle of Pomade Vaseline.lS Cents.

If yon have occasion to use "Vaseline" in anyform be careful to accept only genuine goods pottip by ns in original package. A great manydrnirpifts are trying to persuade buyers to takeVaseline Preparations put up by them. Never yieldto such percussion, as the article) is an imitationwithout value and will not do gopd nor give youthe result vou expect A two ounce bottle of BlueSeal Vaseline is sold by all drujrgirtaat ten cents.

No Vaseline is KRraln unless our Dame is on tbs label.

Cbesebrough Mfg. Co., 24 Stats St, N. Y.


LTOM'S SIRUP OF QUlNiHEisu Swsetas Lemra Syri


Your baby will Ioyi to Uke LYON'S SYRUMQu!ai

jE3eg Mr--5 mg.jssBE 6CRH AND ORDER .



Bare cured many thousand esses. Cure patient pro-nounced bopelees uy the best physicians. From firstdose symptoms rapidly disappear, sod In ten days atleast s ot all aymvvoms are removed. Beadfor FREE BOOK of testimonials of miraculous eures.Ten days treatment furnished free by nail. If youorder trial, iMnd ie rents in stamp to pay poatans.

IK. II. II. SKEE.N Jk ftllNH. ATLANTA, ilA.sr am tuis rArsa mi r mFRANK SCHUMANN,

AS ana US - aaaa J al

uniis, fisDing Taciioi AND

Sportsman's.. I! - -

WStlD FOB CATALOOUI No. I). duBpileS,illMtia t-- MesapkK Te. Telephone Vo. lztl.

tbis SArsaST

ONEM'S tlllLDKKN.TboaMUidf ef eaos sasa an4vonwa la the V. 8. A. ewetlnlr Him ead lkr hesltk ma4tb.tr hapvtoess S Rlrlgc's FsStheir llr 4ln la I a faery

Chllllhswd h.Tl., kaRirtM'sPena. Mr Dreinrlsta.

UTl THB LKADI6 riHIU MT'S'-Z'hi1-- - - 'AAA IWb.lBlMi

DiTECTIViSWastes la eeary Ceaaty. Shrews saes le set aa4w msueetUasia ear Sesret Bcrrlea. Kspertenee aet aeeasaary. ParUealara free.Oraaasn Detertlre Bureau Co. Ars4,CU4llfltt.aiSrSAMS THIS rAfSS smtt aw. yea elite.

WAT STRONG, aa?1T.ti0 Msvla Stree.t, MEMPHIS, TK.SH.w Special attention to collkptiho akbMA TTS RS PSRTAININO TO K EAIi tATAT10.STSAJU Iia yArsa rrwy Sw. rxeisa.

svbmI rtetrs writs US for

SOLDIERS new Pension laws. PentfrM. earterarelleTA4.Success or no fee. A W.

McOorwlck Boas, WasklBftaa, D. 0., ClaelaaaU, .VAMS THIS tATSS awry awe ea nas

TVTASHTItLKSHOBTHAHp IHSTITTTB. Cornerll Church A Summer Bis., Nashville, Tenn. Alex.Fsall, Irw. Educates practically and ascureicso

orall proficients. borthand,Typewr1llns.Srsitlonsf and Penmanship. Wrltelorcatnlosuej.a nun


ssrSTAxn Has PAnn eewr swi m esse

BUSINESS COLLEGE,VVVsJ V VV Will aendy"'! beantlf.il nHnisniHAiisHip rBEE, Lsr- - WAUXJB A1UJB. AA.

IUWBB 1511.11 Ageol s liantiemjierejasdssoiregood situations, writs J. D. liEOWif, dsrii JlLMa.

OS to )S a day. Sample worth ft.lla'SS'l FBE. IJni! not ndcr borsee feet. WritV iRAlfilH SAt'tTt KCIS HOLUtACO., aeUy,aa.CnAAta THIS rAriUetwy Saw yeawMa.

A. N. EL F. 1291.TIIE KITIU T AUVEstTJAKRA rLXA Jutwas) that yew saw tkw AdTTtls.isast in $

Oar Hannah Jane.Oar ITsnnsh Jane was thin and weifk,Ami fishy white her lip and cueek.We often tbounht ami tlionpht with pain,

" We sion must lo.--e our Hannah Jane."With change of doctors, cliane of air.She oouaht for heitliify everywhere.And. wtien our hopes were nlinojt past,

" K"nte Prescription tried at last,it cave us lov.t t litre as hope,

aseil to pine. he ceased to mope,MMerro s remedies are sure and truelNow ir.innan Janet s good as new.

Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is theinly medicine for women, sold by drugpists,liuier a ytoxitive (piarantte front tho innnufact-irers- ,

that it will give satisfaction in everyjase, or money will bo refunded. Thisguarantee has been pr-'nte- on the bottle-wrappe- r,

and faithfully carried out formany years. - -

Dr. Piercb's Pellets cleanse and repulatethe stomach, bowels and system generally.Ono a dose; purely vegetable.

Mast n maiden lady's ae is markeddown at, a low lifruro that she may bo dis-posed of at a bargain. Rome SentincL

Stats of Ohio, Cnr of Toledo,Locas County,

Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he Is thelenior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheneyfc Co., doing business in the City of Toledo,County and State aforesaid, and that saidfirm will pay the sum of one hcnpred dol-lars for each and every case of Catarrhthat can not bo cured by the use of Hall'sCatarrh Cum Frank J. Cheney.

Sworn to before me and subscribed in mypresence, thisGth day of December, A.D.lSbft.seal A. W. Olsasok, Notary Public.Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally

tad acts directly upon the blood and mucoussurfacos of the system. Send for testi-monials, free. F. J. Ciienbt & Co., Toledo.O.

Sold by Druggists, 75c

A tea-kett- lb can sing when it is merelyfilled with water. But man, proud man, iano tea-kettl- e. Tcrrc Haute .Express.

' Progress.It is very important in this age of vast

material progress that a remedy be pleas-ing to tho taste and to the eye, easilytaken, acceptable to the stomach andhealt hy in its nature and effects. Possess-ing these qualities. Syrup of Firs is the one.perfect laxative and most gentle diureticknown.

TrreitE Is usnr.lly something on foot whena man takes his way to tlie chiropodistBoston Courier.

IF YOU HAVEmm or piles,KICK HE AO ACHE. TTj.nn Al F. COS-TI- T

K HOW E1.S, SOUK STOMACH amiBEtCHISO t if yonr feoil 4os not cs-slml- lal

and you have no appetite.. F1 FSB B

llllfnre these trouble. Try them;yon haveno(hinf( to I me, but will (aioa vlioreai body, l'rlee, 23e. per box.SOLD KVEItYAVIIEItE.


tjto en re BUtonnness. Flck Headache. Constipation,

Malaria. Liver Complaint, take the aafoand certain remedy, SMITH'S

BILE BEASTSCm the SMALL- SIZR (40 little beans to the bot-

tle). Ther are the most oooveplent: salt ail aces.Triceof either sUe, 25 cent per bottle.f IQQIIMt ': Photo-irraTOT- e,

wvJlllWs panel sue of this picture ior ioeats (.coppers or stamps).J. F. SMITH ft CO.,

Makers of "Bile Beans." Bu Louis. Mo.esss EEC. GOLD KEJAL, TAB, 13, 1673.

W. BAKER & COSar--

retfast Cocoaabsolutely pur and

it ia soluble.b Chemicalsaim?.mti ia Its srepentioo. It luiam um tht a ora aiixcd with Etarch, Arrowroot

or Sugar, and is tiureitos fax moreeconomical, carta; Um taoa u cc.--ii cav It i dtUciona, aooriahiii;,ttrensthcsmir, ailt Diosstzo,aa4 admirably adaptra tor inTaliJjas wcil as for peraoua ia health.

Sold by Grocers n'rrKhm.W. BAKES & CO.. Dorchester. Ms.

T Ton V.tT la a Hos-so-t If r Ton wait atU N Ai'.Tll AN Sirrl Wire Mat. Absolutely flexible.I iiil r.l bj t'hvsli-lsn- and U. h. Ooi eninn-nt- . H- - od

II Mi rM AN MFG. CO., Beaver Tal. I'a.IMiA rafia ami a r--a ma

a Auuress,

I v SB" .O

2-9-, Y'y?$r$p3

VV. L. DOUGLASQHnf AND $2 SHOEJOnWCFOB GENTLEMENIl 1 -- ! Otbr Anvertlsed SnectialtlesSW Are tke But l tk U'orlil.

None genuine nn lea name and prl(--e are stamped onfcottom. SOLD EVERY WHfK. U your dealer willnot supply you, send pontai for insti urtioos bow to boydirect from f without extra h rite.W. I,. ItOtrQlsAM. Krookvton, Mass.fruna tms parts rrwj tase m mu.I From Atlanta Constitution.

S. M. Gates, a member of the well-know- n

firm of Gates and Wood, cottonfactors, of Memphis, TeTw, says that hehas been terribly afflicted with a deepseated pain in his hand, which appearedto be an inflammation of the musclecovering the bone of the thumb at itsbase, where it joins the hand. He suf-

fered with it for nine months and foundno relief until he procured one bottle of

Mansfield's Magic Arnica Liniment,which, to his utter astonishment, cured hishand in a few days.

The above is only a sample of thou-

sands of letters received by the MansfieldDrug Company, Memphis, Tenn., manu-

facturers of this famous pain destroyer.This liniment is simply marvelous in itseffect both upon man and beast. Painhas no chance with it.





Portsble. Ptstlonary and Traction Easrines, HEl- -AKS. 1VS!. xl nrs. ro.fl", rr uuHAW MILL Machinery. tT-Bi-


THIS FAFia eeay kM r rtte.

fl "f B PI Af BOII.EBS, HHAJTIJfO,Il 11 21 Iulleya, attestns JPnaapa.1 I i Ll I.lrtr, tc. I!nt- -

B s9BlarBl7 ilea. HiuandnieaaiiMiaitnPAIJt. Arehlleetaral I HOXT WORK.


TOnX K. A CO.. Mampfala, Tcsiau

R&uscsoE,LsL YEARBOOKNOW sVELAPT. Deseribea their Utet ImprotwdT k rMhtrs TarnslscJEaflaet. MUU and SawMill iJHtWa. UvTPumm, ttlo.ry E.arlswa,Pl.U r AattomBtle.SU.4 BOILKKS. MrrRUS8KLU A. CO., - MAS8II.LON, OHIO.

litis JAraJt tnwt girsrt your

lEHsiorjspDELAY,nncisim in

ATTOllXET, WACHUTUX,1. CTHIS eAJiUt siaij Ileum sills.


sent mi a.I B. M. WOOLLEY. M.Dw

1TLASTA. GA. OiBoe CoX WautefcaJini.rSAMX IK1S rAfla eer ibae r waie.

at an if a Wfmmms 19 4f

Karh libm-- of muo wrarfed iDif riteiy a:Hi Ij lliuPurvt and Besu t3T for tcr)nscie.

X1UA tAttmt san jaaaraa.