THE BEAUTY OF VINYL RECORDS Before CDs and mp3 players, vinyl records were the only way to play music. Radio stations played all the songs from records. In the past fifteen years they have had a gigantic decline in sales and also many record stores went out of business due to the up and coming mp3 and CD technology. It seemed that vinyl records had officially died, and that record stores had to convert into CD stores. Though in the past five years vinyl records have become a huge part of the indie music scene. Indie bands have even began recording on tape again, rather than using compressed digital sounds. Most of this bands want a richer analog sound. Vinyls give the experience of recorded music when it first became available and the wonder and newness of being able to play your favorite songs over and over. Also they mean you have to listen to the album all the way through and you also have to purchase an entire album. Unlike today when it is possible to buy only one song from an album off iTunes, vinyls go back to a time when albums were the whole package and sometimes told stories. To get the experience of hearing the full album, without being able to switch tracks instantly, you have to use them . The only time the music stops is when you have to flip the record. Another point vinyls bring up is that they must be played through speakers. No one can sit in the corner with headphones by themselves listening to vinyls, because they must be shared with the whole room, and sharing a musical experience is a great thing, leaving you much more fulfilled. Vinyl records are something that no one should miss out on. They are an experience and simply the most organic way to listen to music.

The Beauty of Vinyl Records

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THE BEAUTY OF VINYL RECORDSBefore CDs and mp3 players, vinyl records were the only way to play music. Radio stations played all the songs from records. In the past fifteen years they have had a gigantic decline in sales and also many record stores went out of business due to the up and coming mp3 and CD technology.It seemed that vinyl records had officially died, and that record stores had to convert into CD stores. Though in the past five years vinyl records have become a huge part of the indie music scene. Indie bands have even began recording on tape again, rather than using compressed digital sounds. Most of this bands want a richer analog sound.Vinyls give the experience of recorded music when it first became available and the wonder and newness of being able to play your favorite songs over and over. Also they mean you have to listen to the album all the way through and you also have to purchase an entire album. Unlike today when it is possible to buy only one song from an album off iTunes, vinyls go back to a time when albums were the whole package and sometimes told stories. To get the experience of hearing the full album, without being able to switch tracks instantly, you have to use them.The only time the music stops is when you have to flip the record. Another point vinyls bring up is that they must be played through speakers. No one can sit in the corner with headphones by themselves listening to vinyls, because they must be shared with the whole room, and sharing a musical experience is a great thing, leaving you much more fulfilled.Vinyl records are something that no one should miss out on. They are an experience and simply the most organic way to listen to music.