The Battle for Middle Earth Campaign

The Battle for Middle Earth Campaign Rules

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A Campaign System for use with the Lord of the Rings SBG rules and figures.

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Page 1: The Battle for Middle Earth Campaign Rules

The Battle for Middle Earth Campaign

Page 2: The Battle for Middle Earth Campaign Rules



The Lord of the Rings SBG is fantastic system, with players able to re-tell their favourite moments

from the Epic trilogy whether it be at Helms Deep fighting off hordes of Uruk Hai or on the plains of

Pelennor, deciding the fate of Middle Earth. But the system only details how individual battles are

fought. There are a number of scenarios in the sourcebooks and when linked create mini-campaigns

but these are often short and predictable. That is why I’ve written a simple campaign system that

gives players the chance to control multiple armies based on their miniature collection.

A campaign fought over by two or more opponents, directing multiple armies around Middle Earth.

Armies will move around the map, claiming areas of strategic value and fighting over various lands to

secure resources just as would happen in reality. The campaign system incorporates battle strategy

with financial and geographical factors, which will influence the course of the war. Players can

reinforce their preferred strongholds and push for dominance on key areas of the map as well as on

the battlefield.

The rules are inspired by the Might Empire rules and also the Middle Earth in Flames rules. A number

of key changes have been made and these are addressed in the Designer Notes. What is important is

for players to create forces as small or as large as their collections allow. There are special rules and

random events to keep players on their toes and battlefield modifiers that could make or break the

defence of a stronghold.

The Battle for Middle Earth is about to begin!

This document is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. Lord of the Rings

Warhammer, White Dwarf, the White Dwarf logo, and all associated marks, names, races, race insignia, characters,

locations, illustrations and images from the Lord of the Rings world are either ®, TM and/or © Copyright Games

Workshop Ltd 2000-2011, variably registered in the UK and other countries around the world. Used without

permission. No challenge to their status intended. All Rights Reserved to their respective owners.

Page 3: The Battle for Middle Earth Campaign Rules


Contents page

Campaign Rules 4

Campaign Layout 4

Campaign Story 4

Campaign Objectives 4

Strategic Points 5

Armies 5

Stationed Garrison 5

Campaign Turn 6

Initiative Roll 6

Turn Actions 6

Event Phase 6

Gather Resources 7

Move Armies 7

Scouting Roll 7

Forced March 8

Capturing a Strategic Point 8

Splitting Armies 8

Distribute Resources 8

Reinforcing Armies 8

Creating New Armies 9

Building Outposts 9

Destroying Outposts 9

Resolving Battles 10

Battlefield Objectives 10

Selecting Forces 11

Reinforcements 11

Battle Aftermath 12

Special Rules 12

Faction Bonuses 12

Wild Creatures 13

Turn Sheet 14

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Campaign Rules

Campaign Layout

The campaign system can be focused around a small region of Harad, the lands of Gondor or even

Middle Earth itself! Players may choose what they will be fighting over based on their miniature

collections, terrain available and time constraints. A hex-based map is suggested, so Mighty Empire

tiles are suitable alternative. There is also a map featured in White Dwarf 336 should players be

unable to produce their own. A campaign map is provided however players can create their own too!

The following website provides all you need for creating a region of Middle Earth to fight over.


Campaign Story

The campaign story should be considered prior to commencing. The suggested period is the War of

the Ring at the end of Third Age however the campaign can be set around any time during Middle

Earth’s long history. Perhaps the involvement of the Rohirrim in the Battle of the Pelennor Fields

would have been different if their own conflicts had turned ill. The constant harassment of the Corsair

raiders in Southern Gondor may have prevented reinforcements reaching Minas Tirith. All these

events are linked and so players can have great fun in playing out their own scenario using whatever

characters they wish.

Campaign Objectives

The campaign objective can be chosen by the participants from the list below. Choose one that best

reflects the struggle both forces would likely fight over.

- After 20 Campaign Turns the player whose force controls the most Strategic Points is the winner.

- The campaign continues until one side manages to claim 75% of the hexes at which point they

are victorious.

- The campaign lasts until one player manages to accumulate more than 5000 Resource Points at

which point players gather all their strength and fight one last battle. The force with fewer points

may set up within a Strategic Point (Minas Tirith, Isengard etc) and so a Siege Battle will ensue.

The winner is the force which kills or routs all the opposing side. Count up all Resource Points

after including the remnants of the battle and value of Strategic Points. The winner is the side

which has the most Resource points.

- After 20 Campaign Turns the player whose faction controls the most Resource Points (including

Army and Strategic Points) is victorious.

- The campaign continues until one side is destroyed!

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Strategic Points

Strategic Points are places of importance on the campaign map. They might signify an outpost on the

border of Harad or perhaps a great City. Such places generate wealth through trade, bounties and

other such means (see Gathering Resources) and give players the option to recruit new soldiers (see

Distributing Resources) much like Generals would use such assets as pawns in their grand game.

Strategic Points are permanent features. There should be approximately one Strategic Point for every

10 hexes, depending on the region and surrounding area within which the campaign is set. The key to

success is in increasing the resources at your disposal by winning battles, conquering territory and

holding on to these Strategic Points. Each player begins with 2 Strategic Points.


Each faction begins the game with two Armies, each made up of 300 points. Armies begin on their

Strategic Point hexes. Army Markers should be used to mark the locations of armies on the campaign


Armies can be reinforced and created during the campaign (see Distributing Resources) at Strategic

Points. A single army can split or two or more can merge to create a larger force during the ‘Move

Armies’ phase. There are no minimum or maximum point restrictions for Armies. Players must make

it known if any of their armies are ‘all mounted’ – this is for movement purposes.

Each Army Marker has a points total that players should make a note of. Every time an Army fights

against another, players may choose a force equal to the army’s points total, from the appropriate

army lists in the Legions Of Middle Earth.

Stationed Garrison

Each of the main Strategic Points in Middle Earth will have a small occupying force permanently

based there. If a battle takes place consult the following table to determine any appropriate forces

which may be used in addition to an Army present on the hex. If there is no Army available then the

defending player may only use the Stationed Garrison present there. Note named heroes are not


Strategic Point Examples Stationed Garrison

Fort/Outpost Cair Andros, Andrast, (see ‘Outposts’) 100 points

Mountain/Hills Iron Hills, Misty Mountains 100 points

Forest Mirkwood, Lothlorien 100 points

Minor Town/City Helms Deep, Isengard, The Black Gate, Osgiliath,

Linhir, Pelargir, Dol Guldur, Cirith Ungol

150 points

Fortified City Minas Tirith, Dol Amroth, Umbar, Edoras, Minas

Morgul, Barad Dur

250 points

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Campaign Turn

Initiative Roll

At the start of every Campaign Turn each player rolls a dice. Compare results to determine the order

in which players will take their Turn Actions (much like a Priority Roll). The player that rolls highest

goes first. Any ties are re-rolled.

Turn Actions

Once Initiative has been determined, players get to take their Turn Actions in the following order:

i) Event Phase

ii) Gather Resources

iii) Move Armies

iv) Distribute Resources

All players take their Turn Actions before Resolving Battles. Once every player has taken their

actions and any table-top battles have been fought, a new Campaign Turn starts with another Initiative


Event Phase

All players must roll a dice on the Event Chart below starting with the player who rolled highest in the

Initiative Roll. Consult the rules and pick an army/hex were appropriate. These events take effect

immediately and last until the end of the Campaign Turn.

D6 Effect

1 Heavy Storm Heavy winds and driving rain hamper the land. Pick an enemy hex.

Armies located there may not move this Campaign Turn.

2 Local Flooding Flash flooding has devastated the area destroying crops and buildings.

Choose an enemy Strategic Point. They may not Gather Resources at

this location this Campaign Turn.

3 Pathfinder All friendly armies receive +1 to their Scouting, Forced March and

Conquest Rolls this Campaign Turn.

4 Subsistence Shortfall Enemy forces begin to suffer as supplies run short. D12 x 5 resource

points are deducted from an enemy army of your choice. Note: this

effect can only be targeted against an army located outside of a

Strategic Point.

5 Raids Friendly forces have carried out successful raids against the enemy.

D12 x 10 resource points are added to your treasury.

6 Financial Turmoil War takes its toll on the local population, blighting the land and

leading to civil unrest. As a consequence all enemy resources

generated this Campaign Turn are halved.

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Gather Resources

Certain spaces on the map are identified with red flags as being Strategic Points. When your faction

controls one of these points it has the potential to generate resources that you can later spend to create

or reinforce armies. Roll a dice for each Strategic Point you control and add D3 x 25 resource points

to your treasury. Note the effects of the Event Phase can affect the total resources collected.

Move Armies

Moving an army involves two things – first a Scouting roll, then a Forced March roll. If an army fails

either of these rolls, it stays where it is and can move no further that Campaign Turn. There are a few

other things that can restrict an army’s movement:

• If an army moves into a space occupied by a friendly army, they may continue their move as normal.

Alternatively if the controlling player wishes it can merge the two armies (even after moving four

spaces). Neither army can then move any further that turn.

• If an army moves into a space occupied by an enemy army, it can move no further. The other army

cannot move either, even when it is its turn to move. The two become locked in combat and a battle is

fought at the end of the Campaign Turn to see which army will remain in that space.

• When two armies are locked in combat, no armies from any faction can pass through however they

may finish their movement on an adjacent hex. They may be used as reinforcements in the ensuing


Scouting Roll

To represent the problems of moving armies over

difficult terrain, an army needs to pass a Scouting roll

before it can move into an adjacent hex. To do this,

first check what type of terrain you want your army to

cross – determined by the colour of the hex. Consult

the colour on the Scouting chart and roll a dice. If the

roll is passed the army has found safe passage into the

next space. If the roll is failed the army can move no

further this turn. If a hex has a river running through it

and there is no visible crossing then a roll of a 5+ is

necessary in order to proceed. If there is a crossing

point then treat it as a Flatland.

Scouting Chart

Terrain Type

D6 Roll







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Forced March

To represent the exhausting effects manoeuvring an

army can have, you will need to make a Forced

March roll for each space moved. The Forced March

chart tells you the number you need in order to

successfully move into the next hex. As indicated on

the chart, you must make a roll for each successive

space you wish to move to. If a Forced March roll is

failed the army remains where it is and can advance

no further that Campaign Turn. An army cannot

move more than four spaces in a single Campaign

Turn. If the army is made up of 100% mounted units

then add +1 to all Forced March rolls.

Capturing a Strategic Point

In order to capture a Strategic Point, an army has to move into the hex and end the current turn’s

movement there. The player then places one of his Territory Markers to show that he retains control

of the hex even if his army moves away in a later turn. If a player’s army moves onto a Strategic Point

that already contains an enemy Territory Marker, that marker is removed and replaced by one

belonging to the new arrival. However, if the enemy has positioned an army in the hex to guard the

Strategic Point, a battle must be fought (as described below), and control goes to the victor.

Splitting Armies

At the start of the Move Armies phase, a larger force may be split into two groups. Unlike with

merging armies, splitting armies does not halt movement that turn. A player may choose to split his

armies into no more than two separate forces providing they follow the ‘Creating New Armies’

requirements. Note each force must have at least one Hero.

Distribute Resources

Once a player has moved his armies, he may distribute any resources he has in his Treasury. The

points may be used to reinforce or create new armies or simply be kept safe for a subsequent

Campaign Turn. They may also be used to build an Outpost.

Reinforcing Armies

An army can be reinforced while it is at a Strategic Point. It however must not be engaged by an

enemy force. Points from your Treasury may be spent in multiples of 50, transferring the points total

directly into the army. These may then be used when the army fights subsequent battles. Note a player

must advise whether the army is 100% mounted otherwise it will be treated as normal.

Forced March Chart

Army Movement

D6 Roll

First space


Second space


Third space 4+

Fourth space


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Creating New Armies

A new army can be created at any Strategic Point under your control providing there is not an army

already occupying it. Resources are spent from your Treasury as above and transferred directly into

Army Points. A new army must be made up of a minimum of 150 points and must include at least one

Hero. As above players must disclose if the army is 100% mounted.

Building Outposts

A player may elect to build an Outpost using resources from his Treasury. The tile must have an army

present there and must not be engaged. An Outpost may not be built on a Marsh hex nor a Strategic

Point which already contains a major defensive feature for example Minas Tirith. Outposts are not

strategic points but do have Special Battlefield effects (see below). A Fort has a Stationed Garrison of

100 points. Resources are spent from your Treasury equal to the cost below; the Outpost Marker may

then be added to the Campaign map.

Watchtower: 100 points Fort: 400 points

Watchtowers are strategic structures, designed for

small groups of warriors to protect the

surrounding lands. On a clear day a sentry will be

able to see for miles around, always giving the

defending force the initiative.

The defenders have seen the approaching army

and prepared themselves. Once both sides have

deployed but before the first turn, the defending

player may fire D3 volleys. Each volley has a

total number of shots equal to the number of

bowmen and follows the normal rules for Volley

Fire, with the exception that the bowmen do not

need to be in base contact with one another.

Forces wanting to hold a region of importance

can construct small fortresses. Forces held up in a

fort will benefit from the high walls and

crenellations protecting defenders from enemy

missile fire. In addition they will have prepared

for the oncoming siege.

Once both sides have deployed but before the

first turn, the defending player may fire D3

bombardments (treat as a trebuchet/catapult).

Roll to hit, to scatter and to wound as normal.

From the second turn onwards, during the Shoot

Phase the defending player may fire 1

bombardment per turn. This rule continues until

the attacking force has breached the walls (either

one model on or behind the walls) in which case

it is assumed all men are called to the walls!

Destroying Outposts

If the army defending an Outpost is defeated, the Outpost falls into the hands of the opposing force.

They may then benefit from the effects of the Outpost in future Campaign Turns. Alternatively they

may choose to destroy the Outpost during the Distribute Resources phase. The Outpost Marker is

removed and ruins may be added to the hex. The special effects of the Outpost cease.

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Resolving Battles

If an army moves into a space adjacent to enemy army they may declare they are attacking in which

case a table-top battle is fought. Any player can choose to attack an army in an adjacent hex to theirs

during their turn (even if they have moved four spaces), in which case they become the attacking

player. Note no scouting roll is necessary when attacking.

Battlefield Objectives

If a battle is declared the attacking player may roll on the Battlefield Objectives chart. This is the

objective to be fought over in the ensuing battle.

Battlefield Objectives Chart




Secure the Land


The game lasts until one side is reduced to 50% casualties in which

case that side rolls a D6. On a 1-2 the game ends. The side with the

most models within 6” of the defending players board edge wins.

Note for siege games all the land on or behind the walls is included

instead of the 6”.

Secure the Objectives


Place 3 objectives around the map (For siege games they must be on

or behind the walls). To secure an objective, one side must have

more models within 3” of it. The Game lasts until one side is

reduced to 50% casualties in which case that side rolls a D6. On a 1-

2 the game ends. The side with the most objectives secured wins.

Leaderless Attackers


The attacking force is held together by the strength of their leaders

and is hopeless without them. The game continues until all of the

Heroes on the attacking side are slain or routed. As normal both

sides take courage tests once casualties amount to 50% or more of

their starting force.

Leaderless Defenders


The defending force has prospered under the leadership of its

experienced commanders. The game continues until all of the

Heroes on the defending side are slain or routed. As normal both

sides take courage tests once casualties amount to 50% or more of

their starting force.

War of Attrition


The game lasts until one side is reduced to below 75% casualties in

which case that side rolls a D6. On a 1-2 the game ends. It is

assumed the remnants flee for their lives (treat as routed).

No Quarter


Both forces value the surrounding land dearly and will sacrifice

many lives in order to hold it. The game lasts until one side is

completely destroyed or routed.

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Selecting Forces

Both forces are chosen to their respective points totals. If a Hero has already fought a battle then he is

assumed to remain with the army unless otherwise stated (see Splitting Armies). If there are multiple

Heroes the same applies. The rest of the forces can then be chosen. Note they do not have to be the

same Warriors that were present in previous battles.


If an allied army is located next to to the hex where the battle is to take place, they may arrive as

reinforcements 2D6 turns into the game. Reinforcements move onto the board as one unit from a

direction that corresponds to the movements on the campaign map.

Battlefield Setup

The Battlefield Setup should be loosely based upon the area represented on the Campaign Map where

the two sides meet. The type and amount of terrain is up to players to agree on. Take it in turns to

place terrain pieces around the map. The following table lists some suggestions.

Determining Losses

Any models that are killed during a battle are removed from play. However put aside any routed

models and roll a dice for each at the end of the game. On a 3+ they return to the army after the battle

is over. A player may spend 25 resource points from their Treasury to modify this roll by +1 (much

like a point of Might).

Add up all the points of the remaining force for each Army (including the routed who returned). The

victorious army does not suffer any further losses however the conquered side must take a further

20% deduction from the remaining points total. This represents those too injured and weak to go on,

likely to have perished or been too slow to keep up as the defeated force flees the land.

For example, two 600 point forces are reduced to 300 points (victor) and 150 points (loser). The

losing force then gains back 50 points worth of routed models on the score of a 3+ taking their total to

200 points. 10% is then deducted for the percentage of those too weak to flee leaving the force with

180 points.

Terrain Details

Clear Can use more than 3 low-lying hills, bushes, trees etc

Forest/ Swamps Can use 3 or more tree/ swamp terrain features

Mountain Can use an elevated terrain feature

River Can use a portion of a river with at least 2 crossing points

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Battle Aftermath

The army that wins remains in the contested space. In addition they are assumed to scavenge

weapons, armour and other battlefield trophies. Add D6 x 10 points to the victors Treasury.

If an Army loses a battle, it immediately retreats 2 spaces towards its closest Strategic Point, ending

its movement if it reaches it. They may not enter the hex if it is Under Siege, instead ending their

movement next to the Strategic Point.

Defending Armies fighting in a Mountain hex cannot retreat and are destroyed if they lose a battle.

This also applies to armies which are trapped on all sides on the campaign map (although this is

unlikely to ever happen).

Defeated Armies are unable to move in the next Campaign Turn but can participate in any battles if

attacked. Additionally they may be involved as reinforcements if they are adjacent to an army or

Strategic Point that is attacked.

Once all the battles have been fought, a new Campaign Turn can begin again.

Special Rules

Faction Bonuses

You may want to give each faction some kind of bonus to represent the character and background of

the armies in play. As players may choose to use multiple factions, the special rules can be used in

any arrangement. Here are a few suggestions:

Dwarven Armies may add +1 to the Gathering Resource roll for one of their Strategic Points

The Armies of the Forgotten Kingdoms may re-roll their Initiative Roll

Elven Armies add +1 to all their Scouting Rolls

Gondor may re-roll on the Event Chart

Isengard receives an additional 25 resource points each turn

Mordor receives D6 x 25 resource points to their treasury for one of their Strategic Points

The Rohirrim add +1 to all their Forced March rolls (this is accumulative with the 100% mounted

special rule)

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Wild Creatures

You may wish to add the Wild Creatures special rule to your campaign, it works as follows.

Middle Earth has become a dangerous place in recent years with many tales of armies disappearing in

the dead of night. But reports have suggested evil creatures have attacked during conflicts, picking off

the injured in a desperate attempt to feed. If an army has declared they are attacking an opposing force

in an adjacent hex, a special event may occur, roll on the chart below.

- If the game is played as a Siege, then any Wild Creatures must set up outside the walls.

- During the battle the creatures are controlled by the player with Priority.

- Wild Creatures do not pick sides so will charge a model if it is in range.

- They will also move towards the nearest model at full movement if there is no one in range.

- Should there be multiple targets in range, then the player with Priority may decide which models

they will engage.

- Wild Creatures are not skilled warriors and so won’t back away if they lose a fight. Instead treat

them as trapped when rolling to Wound (this is not accumulative with the trapped rule).

- All Wild Creatures have the Survival Instinct special rule

- The Wild Creatures are not considered to be part of a force; therefore they never count as Broken.

- If the game objectives are achieved, the game ends immediately. The Wild Creatures are assumed

to run off into the wilderness.

D6 Roll Special Event

1-4 The creatures of this region have all but fled from the land. No effect


Whether it is hunger or something more sinister, the animals of this wood are

drawn to the sound of battle. Select up to 100 points of Spiders, Wargs and/or

Bat Swarms. They will arrive D12 turns into the battle from multiple

directions. Take it in turns to place newly arrived creatures along any of the

board edges no closer than 3” to any other models.


The din of battle has awoken a group of Hill Trolls. Use 3 Cave Trolls. They

will arrive D6 turns into the battle from one board edge (chosen by the player

with Priority) no closer than 3” to any other models.

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Turn Sheet

Initiative Roll: ____________________________ Event Phase: _________________________

Resources Gathered: _______________________ Treasury Total: _______________________

No. of Strategic Points: Armies:

Move Armies: _____________________________________________________________________


Distribute Resources: ________________________________________________________________


Watchtowers: Forts:

Resolving Battles

Objectives Roll: Force Total: ____________ Heroes: ______________________

Reinforcements: ________ Losses: ______________________

Objectives Roll: Force Total: ____________ Heroes: ______________________

Reinforcements: ________ Losses: ______________________

Objectives Roll: Force Total: ____________ Heroes: ______________________

Reinforcements: ________ Losses: ______________________

Objectives Roll: Force Total: ____________ Heroes: ______________________

Reinforcements: ________ Losses: ______________________

Faction Bonuses: _________________________ Wild Creatures: _______________________

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The entire map can be used for a campaign. If you want to play a smaller campaign use a portion of

the map. Alternatively, use the Mighty Empires tiles. This map can serve as a reference should you

get stuck. Also note the Strategic Points.


Forest /





