t $ s> 5 * V » V y iHftxrr run« PHILADBLPHIA Each paper hear« the label,and warrantai or S DAVID LÀSTDBJJTH fil unir, by riK 15 * H A HT. Extract from «fie "ropnrt" of lit» visiting mitt««« of Hin PttiniylvBil» Horticulture 4?<»cinty ; " UNAfitMOüfli.v jädoptri», ANn 0no*mto TO n* pntNtüT». ; L/VNDHETïrS Kiimrie» it ltd Wnrilf«« "ThiO «**on«»v0 ground* }ir* on FodrnI fl(r«o«, rt<*tr the Amenai. * * * * '''« oarli««! collection of Camellia» wan mad« here. Some of thoie now in the pueeeaelnti of thoai diatingnleliett nurMry.men, are ten feet high. * * * * Thß «election ot grrmn ltou»e planta ia valuable and extensive ••In the nuraeriea we saw a grout many Magnolia», of which there ere no loua than thirteen illitinct species and ihre* varieties. One plant of the M. grand (flora ia 20 fen high and in full »'loom. Hefe ere likewise the M. cordata 50 feet, high S a beautiful M. tliplina In flower, ami a tiMfnlllclent spiel., men, 18 feet high, of the M.fconapicna ; the «uriou» osage orange, that rgtaina its lucid foliage longer than any <|hor deciduous tree. * * I "The nurseries are all verjtenrrei y man. aged, supplying ever/ part oftlie uni ï î do. tail of which would occupy i|o much of our «pace ; we therefore content Iiurselvna with stating that the «lock ia voryfnrge, and eve- ry stage of growth, cnnslatiju of forest and ornamental trees, shrubs, evfrgreeni, vine» and creepers, with * colleotlili of herbaceous planta j fruit treoa of the bosfHtid, and moet healthy condition ; largo bedij of seeding op- plea, peara, pluma, A.c., stiftk» for budding and grlting ; « plan vary sufctirior to that of working upon suckers, whichlarry with thorn Into tno graft all the disoasfs of tho pare,, •toe Ich • • I « Ga.mokn srbos ofthe fir® quality ha* been scattorml ovor the comity from those ground«, and may always be|lepondod upon The aeod ostabliahment of tlèso horticultur- late ia one of tho moat nxtetfivo in tho Un- lion and ita reputation is wolf sustained from year, loyoar. s "To obviate tho chance of mixture of the farina of tho plants of the Ratio family, they davc established another nurfery, »I a suit«« ble distanco, so that degeneration cannot take plane, and which secures t<itho purchaiors a genuine article. Knowlnl thus tho ago, quality and procoss of cutturifof every plant, the supply from their ground«!ia recommend- od with great confidence.'* I %*iVlnce tho date of th| "report" from which the above ia abstracto« tho entire es- tablishment has boon greatly Enlarged. Tho collodion of camellias embrace« all tho finer kinds, an I confiai« of somo tlousands of va., rioua sire* ; so likewise of /loses, and other deairable plants, both tend«» and hardy— fruit trees, etc. f Tho 8KB« OAtttiKNa, «lotio, tôivor fitly acres, and ihn whole ia, as il ha« bo|n for -«ore thin half a century, under the successive manage- ment of father and son, the Snost prominent in America. | Orders received by the »ugmerlber«, from whom Catalogues may be obtained gratis. PIKÇ St HART. CHi A RES VE LA If A VANE. Joatirtf Tims* (autrement §acko) informe In oublie d'Est et d'Ouest Ha|on Rouge,qu'il a en vente en gros et en détail, des cigares d'une qualité supérieur. * AuseiCitron, jus de citron* liqueurs fin &c,à des prix modérés. f aoftt 10 27. 1 AVIS AUX HABITANT NUCRIEKS. A. 0. Dauphin monteur ^'équipages, so trouvant dans la paroisse d'E«ft Baton Rouge pour le moment, offre ses services aux h bi- lan« doi paroisses voisines, sine expérience do vingt-cinq années dans loij équipages lui permet do garantir son ouvrage, et olîro aux habita»« une grande éconon je dans le bois. S'adresser ft Mr B T. BuAoïigard à Baton Nouge, ou che* Mr. S. B. bcedder il tra. vaille mantenant. » A. 0| DAUPHI/V, P. S, On pont adresser le«? lettres au bu- eau do Poste à Baton Rong^ FANCV T) rT " «OOl)SÎ"iLLIN<7~ OFF CHE A Ii An we are desirous of redlining our stock duicIi as possible, to matée room for our spring goods, we will sell (hevialance of dress goods at very low prices, together with all the rest of our winter goods. 1 Phillip? Lanoue. wis. r soussigné informe le pjiblic qu'il vient de louer le café tenu f»ar%lo ^passé par Mi. ehel Granary, sur la nie de Téjjlise, et in- forme respectueusement le« citoiyeos de Haton Rouge qu'il continuera le mêtnn cal?;, «t qu'il fera sem possible pour plaire au public, et rendre «a maison un roulez-vous ogreable pour ceux qui voudront bien l'Iio. "norer de leur pratique. Il tiendra toujours ses deux billiards en bon ordre. Dec 4, 1846. O.jHACKET. TO SOGAR PLANTERS. A. O. I>Aur!im, kottle-»etîer, residing for the preaunt in Baton Äonge,| offers his ser- vice# to the plantera of the neighboring par- ishes. After twenty-five yeàrs experience at kettle setting he can warrant his work, and save the planter a groat dteal of fuel. Ap- ply to Mr. B T Beauregard ajl ti*ton Rouge or to Mr. J B Scudder, wherefhe is now em- ployed. A. (>.} DAUPHIN. P. S. letters put in thff Baton Rouge post-office will be duly attended to. nfly 25 I 1846 Taken up by John Vounghl|-od, about nine miles from Baton ltouge, on «ie Comité Road a brown speckled cow, markeijwith an upper jilope in each ear, branded J \H or right hip. The owner is requested to tak|r her away by saying charges. S JOHN R «DUFßOCQ Parish Ranger, April 14th, 1847. MOULIN A SCÏÎË^ Le propriétaire inforsie le public «n général qu'il a achevé !e| réparations à •OD moulin, et qu'il est prûfs à exécuter les ordres qui lui seront confit s, avec promp- titude. Bois toutes dimension* et planches constamment en Vente pou' du comptant settlement. | FREDERICURBOUR mai 10 14 | ~r Taken up by Charles^Griffith, about Jgjgtwelve miles from Baton Rouge, one dun mare without any markfor brand visi- ble, three white feet, the|efl hind foot black, black mane and tail| The owner is requested to call and tak«» her away by •omplying with the law. | ' John R. Dcfk£cq Ranger. April 9—10. ~~RimEUL ON CÄIMBS.--Srölums com plete, fifth edition with additmnal Note« and References by Geor«e 8habs\Vood, Just received for sale bv GEO. "M. HEROMAK Anosite the Methodist CTiiS^h. » —— JjtUft Werk B^xe« & Minkture Bureau* if C. C. WTTL*. Sirop Pectoral Anti-Asthmati' qae\ Ja «uf« Asthmatique dt%»ui« plu« '•«••"te An«, ot bion oonnue roimii tel, nrtnaeulment do me« »ml«, mal»enei ro : d'un arrind nombre doper*onno« qui ont pu , f «g'*r da I Etat ou in'avft't réduit cot to malad.o; d«n« le«dornior« tom« (o ne pimsai« pa« u'fi nuit efitlêro dan* mon lit. et «rnivont je rts^i* hu If a dix jour« «ans rno couc her du tout. A»«i» dftn» un lau- tonil ia tête appuyée «uf le bord d un lit, je pronai« de cette maniero quelque ttepos, cotto «ituntion devenue dé«éepJ*"anto je me mi« a 'faire des e«*hie, et Je «|«i« pHrvéjnu apre« plu«d'une année de reclfwhes ft composer un sirop quia | roduit un&l effet «tir moi, que je n'éprouve plus maintenant «i 1 "" quelque« lé^ére«oppressions qu'uiie ou deux dose« de ce «pMlfique ili»sip«nt J'issitot, âl par «Bit© d'une Imprudence une fprti attaqué parait vouloir se declarer, ie prends alors le sirop a dose« répété«« et parviens à obtenir un prompt sou lag^ment. , On ne doit pas s'attempe « ce qu une ma- ladie aussi tenace que IjAstliOme cède aux premières doses de Siroi«.' ce wi'est que par un long usage que l'o's peu «'«pérer un grand soiilaifement, ou njême un» guérison parfaite eben le« porsoiinis» 1 nouvellement af- fectées. j Ce sirop comme pectoral est employé dans la plu«part de« matodies de poitrine : telles cine Bronchites, ^»mNn»« île poitrine Pluresles Ate. I,e Dr. Rrunoé l'a# cas de Phltisie pnlemna qui lui a lu mieux reusi oppressions qui ar.o rette aflrouse maladie fut constant il m'a dit n In Hu de la maladie, haute« dose«. I<e Dr. I; comme un des meilleur! La direction pour servir est attaché ans !>< <doyê km quelque te. CV»t re «Irop r par combattre les inagnaut toiyour« ri>ur que l'eftet en riir été obligé ver« < n l'ndmiiiistrer à tnné le considéré pectoraux.! ' Il1lltlic)l0 do s'en itelHo Depot ehe/, le sonssign a Baton Ifouge. Compositeur du dit sii q». l'rix 75 cent« la Phiole de cinq once* #7-50 la doiizui H. LANGUE' me couccrno. H. RANCE. «NT DENTRI Approuvé pour ce. qt AUSSI UN EXCELI PICE Dans les pay# mari ugeix et sur bords de la mer les hal liansl «ont plus ou moins attaqués du «corb et. il effecte prin- cipaleinent les drtnts, dernier« devlenent gonf céet détachés. //usage do ce ilontrif e p quatre jour» les remet c uis turpi. Par un usage journnli lau« im verre dltttt m bouche fraîche et en bot (orfîie. De plus un coametlqu lile A l'eau do cologne pour les dames, non «eu lu peau, mais lui donu! blancheur naturelle. » | Eau do cologno gaimtie, première qua ité. S les gencives, ces s, d'un violet fou- M!» roi idnnt trois ou ur /vint lia- p quelques goûtes aura toiyour» la végétal préféra- particulièrement iment il rafraîchit encore une belle BATON ÄOUOF.JlOfKL, LA. Tho undersigned beg »nvo to inform the Citizens of Baton Rouge,»nd the Travelling community, that they are§ioW prepared to en- tertain, Ladies and Oetit|nnien on the most accommodating terms. The hoöso will be open at all hours, and it tho furnished with now furniture, beds, boilling «fts and thoy solicit, the patronage o 1 al/ who may give them a call. The Hotel § siMialod within a few «topa of (ho Htcainbilt l.anding. I S. BATES. M. A. BATES. Jan. 2nd.—48. NOTKffi. Tho undorsigned haviig rlntcd the o«tab li«hmont, known as M^hel'4 Coffeo house on Church street, would&osp!clfu/ly inform tho citiiens of Baton Fjuge. that he wil/ continue at the same oliï stand. There aro two billiard tables, and no pains shall be spared by him to render t io house an agreoa- ble resort for those who Will be pleased to continue their patronng to him. Tho best supply of liguors will be kept constantly on hand. f I 0. HACKE 1'. ÏAVUUiVi, W41KKKSK and| TRUNK MANUFACTORY. The subscriber ha« on hand arid offers for sale, at very reduced prices, the largest as- sortment ofHADDLKRY ever offered in Bs- ton Rouge—consisting of Quilted Ladies' Saddle* § Plush do do I " Velvet do do Plain do do Quilted and plain Spanish Saddle ' Travellers' Saddles, I Plantation do f American do Columbian do | Black and Russet Trunks, ? Trank Valises, Carpet Bags. Carriage and Buggy Ha Gig and Sulky do Waggon and Cart do Saddle Bags, ! Waggon ar.d Cart Humes, Horse and Mule Collars,! Blind Bridles, Trace Chains, c Bridles, and Bridle Idling?, Martingales, Cruppers, Coach, Gig and Trotting Whips» Switch, Riding and Dog I doi Plantation and Cart f ' tin, And a large assortment of plated brass and steel Bridle Bitts and Spi'.rs, >-.11 of which are offered at very rcduced pilces for ICASH. Jan. 2—47. BRAfDFORD. Church Street, one door foin I'ike: & Hart's BOOKS' RDOR ?! Burton's Anatomy of Jfelam w y ; John HorneTooke's Diversions v Parley, Mott's Travels in Europe and|th%E#st ; Starkhoue's History of tlgo Biflc United States Drawing Bf*ok, f Calloot's Musical Gramnlar, Thomson's Materia Medina ana Aijatou^y, Dunglison's Practice of B|EedicineJ Dunglison's Therapeutic!) anl J^iteria Mo- di ca, j j I Wilson's Human Anatomy, ., Graham's ßlementeof Citeraic>.rf,| Druits Afodern Surgery, r La Place's Mécanique Celesta, J ; The Select works of Mrs, Ellis, Annan's Difficulties ofArmenfin jflietho Russe!'« Sermons, f i| aust received and for sgle by GEO.itf. HEROMAN, Opposite the* Me'hodist Church •4 FOR SAL13. # ; A valuable lot of grounf on f^hurch Street Apply to A|. MATTA. Also 1000 Bushels Petil Gulf Cotton Seed fc: sale at 50 cts, per Bif hel—Planters are requested to leave their orders at the Store o A MA ft the EL CO-PARTNERSHIP. Tunis & Flohance have formed a co partnership in their line of business. J Tuniz keeps the coffee.h|»use adjoining col Matt a and J Florarice thç on« adjoining J Saus- They will always ha4e or hancf an assortment o| liquors of à suierior quaiity which they will sell at wholesale and retail cheap for cash. | - Candces—20 boxes sperm and Chris taline candle« for mi by| Bkax. & Sow. "i i MORE NEW GOODS The undersigned navo received to their al- ready well filled store, the following addition: Uarège« ot the latest pattern«, French and /ingRsb /Jalttarine«, jaconet«, printed lawn«, embossed print«, black and wliitn muslin«, printed chambrey, colored crftpe, tape, check muslin«, patent Victoria muslin«; nee- dle. worked collars, fine embroidered handker- chief} ladie« and gentlemen's fancy eravat», Scotch and Ogandte ginghams, lri«h linen, esta pi I la«, linen lawn, bishop's lawn, book muslin, 8wis* and mull muslins, Russ'n «hooting 0(4, 10|5 and 1S|4, Russia diaper, birdseye do, dtuua«k table cloths, napkins, fancy drilling«, cottonado, French merino, linen licking, cotton do., linen check li«tata«, York donims, colored cambrick, fancy print«, corded skirl«, grass do, cremollne do barego scarf« and «haw Is, black and while veil«, bon- net ribbands, Cap and Polka ribband«, Tus- can bonnets, Gipsoy bonnet« for ladie« and misse«, Leghorn and Panama bat«, c««simorn bats, silk and L. C. pocket handkerchief«, needle-worked cambric handkerchief«, «ilk purses and reticules, bob I net for cans and veils, thread and cotton edgings ami inser. tings, infant cap«, perfumery, and so many other articles too numerous to mention. Gentlemen'« merino dre«« and frock coat«, linen drill« do, cottonade do, gnmbroon do, cotton cloth do, pantaloon« of the same ma- terials, fancy aummlft vests, of all deacriotion, boy«' clothing also hats and cap», shoe«,»not«, Î faiters, bootee«, half bootee«, buskin, and in act a general assortment of «hoes for gentle- men and ladles and children, suitable for the «eason, all of which will be sold at the lowest rates, foi cash and cash only, at the cheap store of SANGER, HENS, &. CO. All the goods have boon purchased by Sanger himself. THE GREAT RËMWYT1 HOUSE'S (lato Clemen«') INDIAN TONIC, \ «\r*K AMI «WIK tit?H18 pott CHILLS OR AGUE AND FEVER, In the unprecedented time of Five If mm. The attention of tho publie pirtkutarly called to thla Gatur ftjtMimr for Ghim.« or Auüfi" ANt) Fgvrh, and Iii doing «0, tho Pro- prietor deem« it proper to make the following fileolaration«, the truth of which, he desires che people to tost by a trial, and ho will cheer- fully abide their decision, viz: 1st. The arti He is pleasant and convenient to take. Snd It will cure rmry case, if tho direction« are observod, 3rd. It will leave no injurious ef. feels in the system; on the contrary, it imparts strength to the const itutio».. 4'h. It in pure- ly vegetable, and re lined from all gros« parti- cles which render other preparation« so mud- dy and disagreeable to the taste. Oth. It will cure with ptrfrct coitainty In five hours. irr Certificate« on the wrapper around the bottle, of cures from six months to ten years' standing. Prepared and sollt, wholesale and retail,by Geo. W. House, Nashville, Teiin-, and by Goo, M. Heroman, opposite tho Method ist Church. Solo agont for Geo. W. House, at Baton Rouge. *" ««and"" wîrbîr " OP (i IIA MEWS FRENCH HI A NKETSf The subscribers (successors 10 the late J. M*01««,) sole Agents of Mr. Zos Gmajuir, of Mootpelicr, take pleasure in announcing to the planters, commission merchants, and dealers generally throughout the South, West and Southwestern Htates, that their Depot, iVb. 31 Mngntinr itreet, will always be well supplied by fresh arriva/s of these HI.1P/ÏHI- Ok BLANKETS. The assortment will con- sist of. I st quality 3-point white Blankets, N to !Hbs. per pair. 2d do do do do ft to 9 do do. Superior indigo b/ue do 7 H do do. Superior green do 1 to B do do. Superior scarlet do 7 to 9 do do. ALIO—Superior «erifto Bed Blankets, from 6-point to 12-point. N. B.—The above goods will be so/d at the lowest market price, and a liberal discount made from regu/ar prices when large quanti- ties are taken. H. DE GOER A RIFFLARD. Agents for Mr.Zoe Crauier, arid Importers of French Dry Goods, 21 Magazine street, New Orleans. (Ü*The Louisville Journal, Nashville Ban- ner, Memphis Enquirer, Vicksburg Whig, Natchez Free Trader, Natchitoches Chonicle, Alexandria Repub/ican,Baton Ronge Gazette, Mobi /e Advertiser, Montgomery Advertiser, and Pensacola Gaatette^will copy the above twice a week for ihree months,and send bills to this office for co//ection. oct. 10—36 Saddlery. We have just received from New York an assortment of saddle«, bridles etc., made ex- pressly to order, and forming one ofthe lar scat and best, assortmente ever brought to Baton Rouge, all of which we offer for aale at the lowest New Orleans Cash prices. Mens Creole, Blucher, Oregon, Mexican Palo Alto. Rough and Ready, Spanish, Col- umbian and American Saddles. Ladies superior quilted seat, Fancy 01k, Velvet and plain seat Saddles. Boye spanish, Creole, Columbian and Amor ie.an Saddles. Trunks, Valise«, double and single Sad- dle Bags. Portmanteaux. Bridles, Bridle fil- lings, martingales, Worsted and Cotton Girths and Sircingles, Stirrup leathers. Snaffle and Curb bits, Curb chains, Blind Bridles, Collars, Cart Harness, Planters, Coach, Gier and Twig Whips, Spurs, etc. PHILLIPS and LAiVOUE. A. MATTA HAS received per steamers Fort Wayne, /il Dorado, Brunswick and South America, from St. Louis and Cincinnati, tho following articles ; 5000 lbs clear baconsides, 50 half barrels St. Louis flour, city mills, 12000 lbs Mies.baling rops, 75 barrels St. Louis flour. 1000 lbs tallow, 30 dozen brooms, 10 boxes cheap tobacco, 100 sacks shot, assorted, 50 kegs white lead, 9 barrels linseed oil, 2 barrels castor oil, 1000 bushels corn, 3000 lbs castings,such as Dutchovens,skil- lets, stew kettles, round pots, sauce pans, sugar and tea kettles of superior quaiity, and considerable below the customary prices. Call and see, and if you want theforegoing articles,you will certainly purchase. PAPER WAREHOUSE. NO. 9 BURLING SLIP NEW-YORK. CYRUS W. FIELD offers for sale at the lowest Manufacturers' prices, a very extensive assortment of PAPER, comprising every pos- sible variety, adapted to the wants of con- sumers h all sections of the country. Paper of all kinds made to order at short notice. The stock of PRINTING PAPER is unu- sually large, a part of which is of very superior quality. r ^arper-J^afeers' Jfcaterfala of every description, imported and kept cons- tantly on hand, viz. : Fellings, Wire Cloth Fourdrinier Wires, Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultramarine, Twine, &c., &e , RAGS. Canvass, Bale Äope, Grass Äope, Bag<rin<r, 4-c., <$-c., purchased, for which the highest price in Cash will be paid. New York, July 1846. FLOWERS ! FLOWERS ! ! CHARLES VANIER, invites amateurs of horticulture to call and examine the colJec- tion of plants which he keeps for sale at Mr. Sheppers' varden, on the Comité Äoad On hand, 200 Thugas (arber vir®,) fit f or adprningtomhs. j Oct. 31 1M6 EDUCATION 05 CHRISTIAN princif Lkh. mon Rouge Classical and Commercial Boar- ding and Day School. The Rev. John Burke (late President of Franklin Col- lege) Rector. To commence on the Isf January 1H4G. The course of instruction nt this Institu- tion, will embrace, in the English and classi- cal department,minute and critical attention to tompoitilon, elocution and philology in nil its branches. The application of the rules of Prosody in the structure and scaniiln« of Creek and LnMn verse, Is regarded ai an ex- ercise indispensable toward a ,borough knowledge and appréciation ofthe beauties of ancient poetry. fl shall be nn welt the never censing desire and care of the rector and bis assistants, so to labor 111 the most important trust committed to them,that their pupils, may, together with irreproachable moral and religious con- duct,acquire well merited reputation, for sound, useful, practical and accomplished scholarship. An able professor, a native of ' Hungary [with olhets tobe employed if ne- I cessaryl will give instructions in the French j » Uertnan and Spanish languages, also in 1 algebra, geometry, trigonometry, [plain and sphericnl] Theoretical and practical surveying, linear drawing, nriicbecture and Landscape painting. The rector grounds his hopes of continued latronage and liberal stipp >rt by .m on-- ghtened public, on the successful expe- rience of a quarter of a century in this coun- try end Europe—on the strongest recommen- dations from distinguished citizens of Louis fana, and the Carolinas and above all,on the lairly teated progress of his pupils, in moral iiterary and scientific improvement. Particular» as to discipline,course of stu- dies, vacations dre.., Ac., may be obtained by application to the (lev. John öurke, Baton Rouge. Thums or tuition for day pupils in the el- ementary branches of an English education [spelling, reading, writing and arithmetic 1 Thnxk tin 1.1.«HS ftOc. per month, classics and mathematics, six notttas per month, mo lern Languages with other studies si nur no M. A 11s per month. ftefereim».—Th Wight Rev. Leon Idas Polk, 1) D b^hop of the Diocese of La., The Kev Francis L Hawks, D D rector of Christ Church, Nf w Orleans, The ftev. Daniel S Lewis, rector ef Grace Church St. Francis- ville, The Hrv W fl Lacy, D rec'or of the Southern Insiilute, foryoung ladies, Jackson. La. Natchitoches, the Hon. J G Campbell, Urn. PA Morse, James Taylor and Charles Hullard,Esqs. Alexandrie, John K Elgee, Esq., Ur. Da- vidson, Opelousas, Judge Overton, Hon. G R King &c.,<tc> Donaldson ville. Judge Nichols. Baton Kouge, H D Avery, Esq., Ac. The Prospectus of the Boarding Hchoo Ac., wi'l be issued In a fewdays. * The teacher whose services have been engaged, «peaks French with the fluency and correctness of a well edocated native of France, December 13th, 1845. JUTON HOlfGË TÊ- oMALE INSTITUTE. Mrs L. iVL PisitHH, Fmincipal, wrr» TUKP.H ASSOCIATES. This Institution was organised in 1837. and has continued steadily to advance in public es- timation. It now run It pi among the oldest lit- orary Institutions in Liuisiuna.ij is favorably located, St it is tho desire of thrTeachera that It should possess every advantage of the liest schools at the North. Consequently Teach- ers ofthe highest standing will bo employed in every dopartinunt. A Chemical apparatus, &• select Library arc connected with the school. Great attention is paid to the health ofthe pu- pils. Only one case of t-oriou* illness has oc- curred among the I warders in nine yoarn. The scholastic year will bo divided into two sessions of tWenty throe weeks each, with no vacation at the end of the 1st session. TERMS PER SESSION Board &t Tuition in English $ 7ft,00 Tuition in French, from 12 to Iß, Washing mir month 1, Furnishing lied Si, Bedding per month 1, Music on Piano from Pro Gruneburg M5, The school is divided into two departments, and a regular course of studies pursued—It is very important that scholars should be entered at the commencement of the session. The fall session commences on tiie 1st of Oct. The Languages &, ornamental branches will recei- ve as much attention h.h parents may desire. Vocal Music will be taught in the school. Plain, & ornamental needle work, free of char- ge- ID*Mrs, Fisher takes pleasure in inform- ing her patrons and tho public generally that the Institute now op joy s »cLaiiiHges j unsurpassed by any Institution in the Sonth. To the former number of Teacher» three! eave recently b»en added. Mr Ed vnrds, Tea- cher of French, Drawing and Painting, and Miss Youngs, and M<m Whittlesey, recent- ly from the North and graduates of the Mt. Holyoke Institute, w hich is sufficient recom- mendation to those who know the character of that Institution. ST.MA H Y'S SELEC T SCHOOL. BATON ROUGE LA. The Sisters of Charity have the pleasure o informing the public, that they have opened a school in this city, in which all the branches of good education will be taught. The Sisters will use their best endeavor* to advance their pupils in their studies, and spe- cial care will be taken 'o nourish in their minds those principles of virtue which alone can make education profitable. Pupils of every denomination are admitted. The course of instruction, commencing with the elements of education in English ana French, comprises Orthography, Reading, Grammar, plain and ornamental writing, Geo- graphy, with maps and globes; Civil and natu- j ral History, N%tujal Philosophy, Astronomy, j Practical and rational Arithmetic, Book-Keep- I inp, Embroidery, Tapestry, Lace, embossed and plain work. TERMS PER QUARTER. Elementary Class. g f, oo For the more advanced. 9 OQ There are only three Sisters at present in the Institution but another is expected next month from the north expressly to teach mu- sic and Drawing. A distinct school is also taught by the Sisters for the benefit of those who cannot pay for the education of their children. Application to Sister Mary Makgukrit superior, at the Institution opposite the former residence ofT G Morgan Esq.—Mar: 20 no 8 ~ TO PLANTERS AND LAND HOLDERS. Surveying;, Levelling Sec. The subscribers, residents of Baton Rouge will attend to calls in any part of Louisiana for surveying or subdividing land, laying out city or town lots, levelling for canals or ditch- es on.plantations, give estimates ofthe num- ber of cubic yards of excavation for canals or ditches, or the quantity of Embankmentfor levees, and the necessary cost for construct- ing the same. Having had many years practical experience as Civil Engineers on various public works and Surveys, in Canada, New York, Penn- sylvania and Virginia, besides having been engaged for the last three and a half and one and a half years respectively as clerks in the Surveyor General's office of this State, they feel confident of their ability to give satis faction to all who may favor them with calls HENRY &. WILLIAM G. WALLER.' Surveyors & Civil Engineers. 5 Col. P. Hicky, B. Rouge. References,) Hon. T. Gibbs Morgan? Hon Judore Dutton, lbervLV FOR BION PK ItlODÏ CAL 8. REPUBLICATION OF Tim Lok von Q.tMU'rnnt.v Ukvibw, Titus KuimitTMoK Rbviiw, Tu« fWmim (JlUttTKBLY UtSVïJSW, TUF, WurmiNBTKH KKVIBW AND Blackwood'« Eoikboio Maoaismi The above periodicals arc re-printed in New Vork, immediately on their arrival by the Bri- tlflh steamers, in a beautiful clear type, on lino white paper, and are faithful copies 01 1 he originals—-Bi-ACitwoor/s Maoazine being tin exact fac-simile of tho Edinburgh edi- tioti. The wide-spread fame of those splendid Periodicals renders It needless to say much in, their praise. As literary organs, they stand far In advance of any works of a simi- lar stamp now published, while the political complexion of each is marked by dignity, candor and forbearance not often found in works of a party character. They embraie tho views of the ihre« great parties in fwiglntid—Whig, ToryWind Wadi- cal. "Blackwood" and the "London Q,uar terly" are Tory; the "/'/'dioburgh Review," Wliig; and the "Westminster," /indie«/.— The "Foreign Quarterly" purely literary being devoted principally to criticism on for oign Continental Works. The prices of the Nr.. print * are less than onn-llord of those of the foreign cop es, and while thev aro equally well got Hp, tlrny af. ford all tha' ad van age to the Amer lean ovor tho Enalifh reader. TERMS. PA YWKWT TO HIS MA OB t?t ADVAttOM. For any one of the four Äeviows, $ per an For any two, do. 5,(Ml " For any three, do. 7,00 " For all four of tho Reviews, ^,00 " For Blackwood's Magazine, 3,00 " For Blackwood and the 4 Rev's 10,00 " CLUBBING Four copies of any or «II of the above works will In sont to one address on payment of the regular subscription for lhreo--tbo lourtb copy being gratia. (I;r Remitta icos and communications must bo made in all cases without expense to the publishers. The former may always be done through A Post master by banding him the amount to be remitted, taking Iiis receipt and forwarding the receipt, by mail, Post paid; or the money may be enclosed in a letter, Post- paid, directed to the publishers. N. B—Tho Pottag« on all tho*« Periodi cals is reduced by the late Post Office law,o about nm third t he former rates, making a very important saving In tho expense to the mail Ubocribnrs LEONARD SOO'gT <V CO, Publishers, 112 Fui on Si., /Vow York.. BATON~ROI7GBPAC. KP/r.—/Vew Orleans and Baton Rouge packet stea W MAJESTIC, J H Uro, master, having been purchased by J II Ur« and John Klein expressly for the Baton Kongo trade, will leave as follows—New Orleans every FRIDAY al 11 o'clock, A. M., and Haton Wouge every MONDAY at 8 A. M., for freight or passage, apply on board or to PIKE & HART, Agents NEW ORLEANS AND ~BAVOU SARA REGULAR PACKET, THE RAINBOW, S. S. SELLEOK.rna». tor, Will Leave New [Orleans every Tuesday morning, at 10 o'clock, and every Friday evening, at ft o'clock, for Bayou Sara, Por Hudson, Baton Rouge Plnqtiemine Donald son vi I le, and all intermediate landings. Re turning Will leave Bayou Sara at 10o'clock A. M., on Wednesday and .Sunday, For freighter Possage, apply on board. April 11 no, 10 TO THE BELLE CREOLE. This*rnagnifirent packet, steamer, lias renewed her spring and summer arrangements, for »»« king *emi weekly trips. She will Iwnmttnr leave Now Orleans every SUNDAY and WED- NESDAY morning, at 8 o'clock, and Bayou Su m wry MOMH Y and FRIDAY at the «arte hour. CAKRIAGEM, HARNE8H, COLLARS AC The subscribers respect- f *• fully inform the citizen* of Baton Rouge and vicinity that in addition to the build* tiff and repairing of carriages, they are con- stantly receiving direct from the manufactur- er.m in Newark, N J, a complete assortment of harness, collars, trunks, cirsirigles, girts, dt.c, A.c. ; also coach and furniture varnish, black and brown Japan, all of which will be sold at a small advance on invoice prices for cash, also for sale, one leather top buggy, one cloth top do,,one do. without top, one two horse wa!?on, one dray, and a full assortment of bedsteads, and we are fully prepared to make and repair, all kinds of cabinet work. Coffin:< nade and undertaking attended to attheshortest notice. W F TUNNARD, & CO. September 2 30 1843 DR. SHERWOOD^ /Oss Ok VIBRATORY MAG- " I IMÏ1I I 1 X,gTU ' MACHINE— Vibratory rnove- ment, recently substituted for the Rotary, in this Machine, endows it with an extraordinary superiority over every form in which it has been constructed. It is compactly fitted, together its battery, wires, and other appliances, in a neat mahogany case. Each case is accompanied with a Man- ual pp, 224, y <5mo„ including a complete Manual of the Practice of Medicine, with a very full Glossary—giving clear and ample ! directions for the use of tho instrument in I e various diseases to which it is applicable j 11 which are found, by the successful prac- tice of hundreds of operators, to inc/ude the most prevalent, as well as the most peculiar and obstinate that are known to the medical profession, with the proper medicines for each case. For sale at the stores of Geo. M Heboma.v and Geo. A Pike- Oct. 3 no 35 184fi. FAMILIES AND INVALIDS. Thefollowlng family medicine* enn be bad warranted genuine from CJ«o. M. Mkhomar opposite the Methodist Church. Mick head-ache remedy—a sure cure for sicker nervou#head ache and indigestion. Hewes'nerve and bone liniment nndlndlnh Vegetable Elixir, un infallible cure for Rbeu mutism, contracted cords, swelled limbs amj stiff joints. Oldridges' Genuine Balm ofColnmbia, res- ores or preserves the hair in all cases. Hay's Liniment—a cure for tha piles, war ranted. , , Oorostoek's Vermifnge, a sure remedy for worms, price 36 cents. East India Hair Dye, f»r coloring grey or red hair, brown or black. Daily's/tftigical Pain Extractor,for all burns swellings, fever,sores,and nil external aillngs it is warranted to give satisfaction. Blixlr of Health, the best article ever used for indigestion and dyspepsia. Indian's Panacea, for the cure of Scrofula, Rheumatism, and all impurities of the blood. French com plaster warranted to give re- lief. Oil of Tannin, the worst piece of old lenth er made as soft and pliable as new, by the ose of this oil, 2 or 3 applications tans green hides effectually! and renders it impervious to water. For sale also at the same stores Pease's Hoarhound candy, Sand's de. Coin- stock's Saraparilla,quinine,castor oil,sperm, camphor, glue. Mioiighton and wine bitters, peppermint,Seidletz powders, turpentine, bo- rax, tooth wash and tooth-brushes,cologne wa- ter in small and large bottles, hair oil,freckle wash, Macassar and Bear's oil,pomatum and toilet powders, blue, black, red, carmine and India ink, Indellible ink, with and without pre- parations, cork and britnnnia screw top ink- s ta nds. Peter's, Crumbacker's, Lee's, Wtight's, Spohn's tomato and lobelia pills; white-wash and toilet brushes, saltpetre, alum, brimstone, whiting,almonds, soap, starch,saleratus, in- digo: copperas, ginger, Harrison's ointment and Thompson's healing salve, lampblack, paregoric, opedildoc, British, American and Harlem oil, Buteman's drops, lard lamps,lard oil, candlesticks and gun flints,hous* and rat- traps, linseedoil, Virsini» tobacco and segars mustard and white mustard seed, cotton nnd silk thread, fine tooth, born and ivory dressing combs, tortoise shell do. A large assortment of books in the Engl jsh French, Greek, German, and Spanish langua (ten. . A complete supply of Thompsonian medi- cines, garden-seeds, hooks find eyes, limerick and other fish-hooks and fish-lines of all sizes. Percussion caps, knitting needles, pins, ba ing, sewing, worsted and other needles, ger man silver and Iron table and tea-spoons money purses, snnff-bo*es, marble* of differ- ent qualities, India rubber balls, tops, pocket compasses, slates, slate and wood pencils, violins and violin strings, French and Ameri- can playing cards, enameled cards, broom's, match safes, buttons, shoe-brushes and shoe- thread, fine dutch, chnl and other pipes; let- ter, note and foolscap paper,letterstarnps and watch seals, pencils and pencil case»,«] I kind and colors ofbonnetand binder'sboards,tran;i parent wafers, banker's cases, #11 sizes and description of paper from letter to elephan sheet, Ac., Ac., &,c. 50 gross matches at manufacturer's priées. SOtiozen boxes premium blacking. A general assortment of almost any kind and quality of goods, for e,n»h or harter, for sale low at the Baton Rouge Bookstore,opposite the Methodist Church. May Î5th 10. LondretKn fresh and GENUINE GARDEN SEED! I have just received from D '.«ndreb's Garden, noar Philadelphia. "Cine assortment of bis superior gard»» -^ed, together with cat. alogues *ho~i"g 'be comparative worth of ; each »Miticulsr vegetable. For sale bv m2H O. P. DAVIS ! .mmi : r.-— : n —— J NOTICE Being compelled by urgent private busin- j ess to visit Europe within the least possible j delay. 1 have to beg as an especial f»vor, i that all persons indebted to me will settle j their account» on or before tbo tenth day of j January next; otherwise 1 shall be under the j disagreeab'e necessity of placing them in the 1 hands of a A,iwyor for collection nor. 14th. Geo. M IIeuo.ua?«. j NOTICE. All t'ffrsons desirous of securing choice ol PEWS, in the CHURCH of ST. JAMES. (Protestant episcopal) are requested to cell at the »tore of ALFRED GATES, where a plan ot the pews and number ia left for that purpose. t Wm. MARKHAM, Sen. Warden, ALFRED GATES, Jr., Warden. Baton/ionge, May7thiS40* UMYHY\ITA*VT TO AUW Christie's genuine Patent Galvanic Rings Bandages, Bracelets,Galvanic Fluid and Pias ters for the prevention and premsnent Core Rheumatism, Cramp, Headache and all foervious Complaints, just received and for sale by. GEO. M-HEROMAM. JVOpposite the Afetbodist Church. Cook »Stoves.™ To those who are not in poasession of one of these valuable Stoves, the price of which is saved in fuel in less than one year, we would say, "Ask your neigh- bor," who has one, how he is pleased with it, and then call upon us, and we will serve you with one that cannot be surpassed in excel- ence. Pike and Hart. LIVERY STABLF. The undeisigned takes this opportunity of informing his friend» and the public general- ly, that he has moved into his new stable in the lot immediately East of the city hotel. Fully thankful for the liberal patronage here- tofore extended, the undersigned in soliciting a continuance of the same, begs leave to say that no pains or expense has been spared to make his Livery Stable what it should be in the way of good horses and carriages. jlO JORDAN HOLT., ROUGH & READY PALO ALTO HATS! The subscribers have just received a few cases ofthe New York stvle, black and Drab PALO ALTO HATS, direct from ! the manufactory, ylll those wanting fash- ionable hats, are requested to call at PHILLIPS & LANOUE. GENTLEMEiVS BROGANS. We are now receiving direct from the man u facturera in the rorth, a beautiful assort- ment 01 gents Calf sewed Brogana, with Pump and Boot soles», PHILLIPS &. LAiVOUE. LOT« FOfi SALE. Eight valuable lots situated in that part of the Town, known as Beauregard Town, Lots, Afo, 1 2 3 9 10 11, in sqnare No 30 and 1011 in square No 30. Said lots will be sold on liberal terms. A plan of said property can be seen at the store of the undersigned, PHILLIPS & LAiVOU£- NOTICE TO BUILDERS. The subscriber respectfully informs build ers and others, that he is prepared to execute all kinds of I rick and mason work—and that he will put np^buildings and furnish all the materials necessary—such as brick, sand me, &c,on the most reasonableterms. He also offers his services tosngarplanters and from his long experience in setting sugar kettles and other work necessary in a sugar house he can give ample satisfaction. Apply to LOYEAU BERKEL feb 4 52 at the Garrison brickyard. FOR SALE. Carvers latest improved Gin Stands for terns apply to Messrs Phillips 4* Lanoue Baton Roii^e.— HAARLEM FLOWER ROOTS Fine assortment of the* most different and exquisite sort of Haarlem Flower Roots ; con- s sting of double and tingle Jonquilles, Iris, Crocus ear'y due von Tholl'p, &.C., <f.. Just received and for sale by Dec 31 tf G. M. HEROMAN, Opposite the Methodist Church. PAINTS OILS <jrc. White lead in kegs, dry white lead, chrome green, chrome yellow, vermiilion, Venetian red, yellow ochre, Litharge, prussiari blue, red lead, turkey umber, terra de sienna, lin- seed oil, spts. turpentine, copal, japan and black varnish, and a variety of other articles in the paint line too numerous to mention. Also paint brushes of every size and quality, all of which have just arrived, and warranted pure and good, by the subscriber who offers them for sale ; cheap for cash, either at wholesale or retail. On Lafayette street m28 O. P. DAVIS. SELLING OFF AT AND UNDER COSTS D. SANGER, has the pleasure of announ- j cing to the public, that he has made such ar- | rangements as to dissolve copartnership with j Messrs, L. and A. Hess, after the coming New Year, in order to reduce his presen large stock of goods, which consist of th choicest articles of all kinds of Dry fancg and Staple Goods, as well as gentlemen' Clothing, /fats, Boots, Shoes, etc., Thee will sell positively at cost, and a great many articles even boiow cost. D. Sanger wil after do business alone, as soon as their pres- ent stock is mostly sold, With the above named inducements we hope to sell out our present stock, and at the same time respectfully invite all those in- debted to us to come forward and settle their accounts,otherwise;they will be placed in the hands of a lawyer for collection. D. SANGER, HESS & Co. REMOVAL. ALFRED GATE^>, has removed his Stora to Church Street, near the Post office, in the new four story Brick Building; where he will sell Dry Good, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. & Glassware, as low as can be purchased at any store in the city. Feb. 12. No. 3. 1*47. VIO LIN S & ACC O R DIONS Violin Bows, Pegs. Bridges A: Strings elle st., C. C. TUTTLE ANOTHER ARRIVAL DKV coons. Tho iindersignrid ha»jn»i received,in dit ion to Iiis former «for k,—Fancy print*, ( icoea, See,, colored barsge, printed mnaliio-, plaid dre*a ginghams, nhirtifig *>»rij,P, û-niti , »«sorted r.oitonade, linen rhecft, linen «Ici!, ling, tweed», bleached and unblffirhed cott< n, shirting linen, lint fi platillss, netting, munqui. to bar«, diaper, crsnb, »wins mntlin, jaconet», linon cambric liHiidkerchiefa, eoloro^ew»tig silk, french eottonade, dnnmsk clnth!^^** ^ CLOTHING. m 7 Striped listüde «oaitee«, check linen, do, gingham do,, cbflfk linen palfoea, striped fia- fade sack», union rhfek coats, mazurka dress coats, black merino ponts, chock linen pants, cottoiijide pants, blaci .-»tin vests, fancy vest», inarsai'les verts, gingham cravats, suspende», white hats,black hnts, boy's bats,glassed wool hats; Si c. HARDWARE , Waffle iroea, wrought nails, brsds, holts, plow lines,drawer locks, fill lock», raal-sfc«! hoes, and garden hoes, aatice pans, grass rope, firo dogs, hooks and eyes, needle», bath bt us lies, & c. SADDLERY. A general assortment of spanish saddles ladies side saddle, blind bridles, collars, ha- mes, and saddle bag*.—All of which it effere» for sale as low for cash, or on approved cre - dit, as can bo had from any other store in ibid city. ^M«y IB ALFRED G ATM. BËÀL St SON Have just aeceived and offer for »»le— lf> Boxes A'ew crop M. R. Raisins 15 do Fresh Cod-fish, 10 Kits do No 1 Mackerel, 15 Boxes Claret Wine, JO Baskets Cnampaign, f> Barrels Brandy, 5 do Gin 50 /foxes Cheese, 40 Kegr Butter, 10 Do« Water Buckets, 30 Detnijlions 1 2 A îf, gais. ffi Nests Cedar Tubs, plain and painted 150 Boxes Cincinnati! Soap, 50 Whole and half boxes Star Candi«», 100 Pairs Rutvei Brogane, 120 do Kip do 50 do do Boots, 5 Det Wyol Hats, All of which we proposo to sell at a* #m«U advance for cash, nov. 14th 18 40. PTMCKI'I RICK, H71 i!der aw! Architect. Is now prepared to lake all contracts in hts line,on the most reasonable terms. A good assortment of Cypress lumber oa hand. m21 1 ANDREW BRADFORD. Sannt.KH A?«t> HARNESS maum Respectfully informs the public that he Km opened a store on Quireh-atreet two door» »~ bove Pike «f- Hart, where he is ready to exe- cute»!! work in his line with neetne«» and despatch, april 1H 1140 NO OÎJINÎNK! NO MINERAL. Dr. GANH' Vognubia Ague Pill« contain neither tiuinioe nor any Mineral. The proprietor authorizes hit agent's guarantee the cure, provHerf the personam» ar cord m 2 to the dir»' noos acompaiiyieg each ni.*. For by C. C. TC'J'TLli. BATON ROI Ol? KKMALE S KM! NARY, This Seminary superintended by Mkh Bt*» St Mie* 0*£oi»w, commenced » new quarter on the 5tb January, omler't ? moet flattering auspices, AII the branches usually taught in Ins . lions for young ladies, will rereh » roi , •; and thorough atten'ion. TERMS. Tuition boarding per annum, $i.% f,f Day Scholar» per quarter, 90 to &I1' r . ' //raw ng A, Fainting, *' tfi', l( Music on Piano, " f><) Latin, French, Spanish Italian each per quarter, ffi nfi fifd and bedding fufnished by the pupil, or fornishedhv the institution at an »jsttacl art« AM charges pay bio qnarterly, in i>dt»e>e. j a n, 17 50 liATÏt AURWAlX' SANOER'Hf.f >1 ,f Co, have jiist receive»', and will rousiantly receive during the winter a full and splendid stock r»f ds, of all d'-«- criptions-—from tho commonest brown domes- tic to the nebest cashmeres and silks. They bave now on band and in store, th/» best a«»orlment of Dry goods that et er came to the town of Baton Roues : Indies' fancy goods, unsritpassed in quality and cheapness , gentleman's clothing ; hats, esps shoes and brogans of every description, also a foil slock of boy's clothing, and an elegant and fre*b~ lot of peifumery. We have not mentioned zvr.Rr article we bave in store, because to do so would take up a full page of this paper—go nomeroos are the articles . We only invite onr old friends and*the public generally to visite oer store, and they will find that they can besuited in any article they may wish to buy. The low prices at which we sell onr goods, are too well known, to make it necessary for us again repeat, that goods can be obtained in our store much cheaper than any where else. Only come and judge of this fact for your- selves, before purchasing elsewhere. A. .MATTA7 Informs his friends and customers thai he has just returned from New Orleans a fresh supply of provisions, Groceries Sic consisting of 100 barrels, best Ohio flour SO barrels mess pork 50 do prime pork 10 do chime pork 10 do jolea 15000 lbs bulk pork hog round 80 kegs prime lard 5000 lbs sugar cored bacon hams on- canvassed 500 do smoked shoulders sugar cured 20 boxes sperm candles, 4s 5s Oa 20 do adamentine candles 6s & 4s 20 sacks best Rio coffee 200 sacks salt fine and coarse 25 barrels rectified whiskey 15 hhd prime sugar also superior quality imperial tea, loaf sugar, rice, spices, sweet oil, starch, alium. White Lead, chrome green, chrome Yel- low, litherage, Linseed oil, spts Turpentine paint brushes, copaZ varnish, window gla puty, a fut assortment of crockery ware.»», Ploughs, haimes, Collars, bridles and a number of other articles too tedious to men.'"" tion, if you desire to purchase good articles cheap, call and examine for yourselves. Tho subscriber has received from a late di- rect importât ion- 120 boxes claret wine various brands, some superior and cheap table Wine, 3 boxes old Maderia in half bottles 30 gals old Afaderia wine 5 yeare in mv tore, as $5 00 per gals. © 30 Boxes french Cordials assorted 5 boxes old cherry wine 10 baskets cbampaigne very fine, 3 doz hotels, old port wine gtmvine. A. MATTA, church street. The subscriber has received a small lot of Dupont F F F Powder, do E F powder, can- non powder,and also Dupont's celebrated F - gîe powder in tin ranuisters. Shot of a/1 sizes and a superior article prcussion caps. A MS TT A. rhnrch strcr TO RENT jH The fine two story Brick Store m Church street adjoining" Col A. Afatta and formerly occupied by -Wr Chas A- Hiii For terms apply to PHILLIPS * I.AXOPK CEDAR LOGS for «ale bv PIKE St HART

The Baton Rouge gazette (Baton Rouge, La.) 1847-06-12 [p ] · A. 0. Dauphin monteur ^'équipages, so trouvant dans la paroisse d'E«ft Baton Rouge pour le moment, offre ses services

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Page 1: The Baton Rouge gazette (Baton Rouge, La.) 1847-06-12 [p ] · A. 0. Dauphin monteur ^'équipages, so trouvant dans la paroisse d'E«ft Baton Rouge pour le moment, offre ses services

t $

s> 5 * V » V



Each paper hear« the label,and warrantai or S

DAVID LÀSTDBJJTH f i l u n i r , b y

riK 15 * H A HT.

Extract from «fie "ropnrt" of lit» visiting mitt««« of Hin PttiniylvBil» Horticulture 4?<»cinty ; " UNAfitMOüfli.v jädoptri», ANn 0no*mto TO n* pntNtüT». ;


Kiimrie» it ltd Wnrilf«« "ThiO «**on«»v0 ground* }ir* on FodrnI

fl(r«o«, rt<*tr the Amenai. * * * * '''« oarli««! collection of Camellia» wan mad« here. Some of thoie now in the pueeeaelnti of thoai diatingnleliett nurMry.men, are ten feet high. * * * * Thß «election ot grrmn ltou»e planta ia valuable and extensive

••In the nuraeriea we saw a grout many Magnolia», of which there ere no loua than thirteen illitinct species and ihre* varieties. One plant of the M. grand (flora ia 20 fen high and in full »'loom. Hefe ere likewise the M. cordata 50 feet, high S a beautiful M. tliplina In flower, ami a tiMfnlllclent spiel., men, 18 feet high, of the M.fconapicna ; the «uriou» osage orange, that rgtaina its lucid foliage longer than any <|hor deciduous tree. * * I

"The nurseries are all verjtenrrei y man. aged, supplying ever/ part oftlie uni ï î do. tail of which would occupy i|o much of our «pace ; we therefore content Iiurselvna with stating that the «lock ia voryfnrge, and eve-ry stage of growth, cnnslatiju of forest and ornamental trees, shrubs, evfrgreeni, vine» and creepers, with * colleotlili of herbaceous planta j fruit treoa of the bosfHtid, and moet healthy condition ; largo bedij of seeding op-plea, peara, pluma, A.c., a« stiftk» for budding and grlting ; « plan vary sufctirior to that of working upon suckers, whichlarry with thorn Into tno graft all the disoasfs of tho pare,, •toe Ich • • • I «

Ga.mokn srbos ofthe fir® quality ha* been scattorml ovor the comity from those ground«, and may always be|lepondod upon The aeod ostabliahment of tlèso horticultur-late ia one of tho moat nxtetfivo in tho Un-lion and ita reputation is wolf sustained from year, loyoar. s

"To obviate tho chance of mixture of the farina of tho plants of the Ratio family, they davc established another nurfery, »I a suit«« ble distanco, so that degeneration cannot take plane, and which secures t<itho purchaiors a genuine article. Knowlnl thus tho ago, quality and procoss of cutturifof every plant, the supply from their ground«!ia recommend-od with great confidence.'* I

%*iVlnce tho date of th| "report" from which the above ia abstracto« tho entire es­tablishment has boon greatly Enlarged. Tho collodion of camellias embrace« all tho finer kinds, an I confiai« of somo tlousands of va., rioua sire* ; so likewise of /loses, and other deairable plants, both tend«» and hardy— fruit trees, etc. f

Tho 8KB« OAtttiKNa, «lotio, tôivor fitly acres, and ihn whole ia, as il ha« bo|n for -«ore thin half a century, under the successive manage-ment of father and son, the Snost prominent in America. |

Orders received by the »ugmerlber«, from whom Catalogues may be obtained gratis.


CHi A RES VE LA If A VANE. Joatirtf Tims* (autrement §acko) informe

In oublie d'Est et d'Ouest Ha|on Rouge,qu'il a en vente en gros et en détail, des cigares d'une qualité supérieur. *

AuseiCitron, jus de citron* liqueurs fin &c,à des prix modérés. f

aoftt 10 27. 1

AVIS AUX HABITANT NUCRIEKS. A. 0. Dauphin monteur ^'équipages, so

trouvant dans la paroisse d'E«ft Baton Rouge pour le moment, offre ses services aux h bi­lan« doi paroisses voisines, sine expérience do vingt-cinq années dans loij équipages lui permet do garantir son ouvrage, et olîro aux habita»« une grande éconon je dans le bois. S'adresser ft Mr B T. BuAoïigard à Baton Nouge, ou che* Mr. S. B. bcedder où il tra. vaille mantenant. »

A. 0| DAUPHI/V, P. S, On pont adresser le«? lettres au bu-

eau do Poste à Baton Rong^


An we are desirous of redlining our stock a« duicIi as possible, to matée room for our spring goods, we will sell (hevialance of dress goods at very low prices, together with all the rest of our winter goods. 1

Phillip? Jç Lanoue.

wis. r L« soussigné informe le pjiblic qu'il vient

de louer le café tenu f»ar%lo ^passé par Mi. ehel Granary, sur la nie de Téjjlise, et in­forme respectueusement le« citoiyeos de Haton Rouge qu'il continuera le mêtnn cal?;, «t qu'il fera sem possible pour plaire au public, et rendre «a maison un roulez-vous ogreable pour ceux qui voudront bien l'Iio.

"norer de leur pratique. Il tiendra toujours ses deux billiards en

• bon ordre. Dec 4, 1846. O.jHACKET.

TO SOGAR PLANTERS. A. O. I>Aur!im, kottle-»etîer, residing for

the preaunt in Baton Äonge,| offers his ser­vice# to the plantera of the neighboring par­ishes. After twenty-five yeàrs experience at kettle setting he can warrant his work, and save the planter a groat dteal of fuel. Ap­ply to Mr. B T Beauregard ajl ti*ton Rouge or to Mr. J B Scudder, wherefhe is now em­ployed. A. (>.} DAUPHIN.

P. S. letters put in thff Baton Rouge post-office will be duly attended to.

nfly 25 I 1846

Taken up by John Vounghl|-od, about nine miles from Baton ltouge, on «ie Comité Road a brown speckled cow, markeijwith an upper jilope in each ear, branded J \H or right hip. The owner is requested to tak|r her away by saying charges. S

JOHN R «DUFßOCQ Parish Ranger,

April 14th, 1847.


Le propriétaire inforsie le public «n général qu'il a achevé !e| réparations à •OD moulin, et qu'il est prûfs à exécuter les ordres qui lui seront confit s, avec promp­titude. Bois dé toutes dimension* et planches constamment en Vente pou' du comptant settlement. |


~r Taken up by Charles^Griffith, about

Jgjgtwelve miles from Baton Rouge, one dun mare without any markfor brand visi-ble, three white feet, the|efl hind foot black, black mane and tail| The owner is requested to call and tak«» her away by •omplying with the law. | • ' John R. Dcfk£cq Ranger.

April 9—10.

~~RimEUL ON CÄIMBS.--Srölums com plete, fifth edition with additmnal Note« and References by Geor«e 8habs\Vood,

Just received for sale bv GEO. "M. HEROMAK

Anosite the Methodist CTiiS^h. — — » ——

JjtUft Werk B^xe« & Minkture Bureau* if C. C. WTTL*.

Sirop Pectoral Anti-Asthmati'

qae\ Ja «uf« Asthmatique dt%»ui« plu« d« '•«••"te

An«, ot bion oonnue roimii tel, nrtnaeulment do me« »ml«, mal»enei ro : d'un arrind nombre doper*onno« qui ont pu ,f«g'*r da I Etat ou in'avft't réduit cot to malad.o; d«n« le«dornior« tom« (o ne pimsai« pa« u'fi nuit efitlêro dan* mon lit. et «rnivont je rts^i* hu If a dix jour« «ans rno couc her du tout. A»«i» dftn» un lau-tonil ia tête appuyée «uf le bord d un lit, je pronai« de cette maniero quelque ttepos, cotto «ituntion devenue dé«éepJ*"anto je me mi« a

'faire des e«*hie, et Je «|«i« pHrvéjnu apre« plu«d'une année de reclfwhes ft composer un sirop quia | roduit un&l effet «tir moi, que je n'éprouve plus maintenant «i1"" quelque« lé^ére«oppressions qu'uiie ou deux dose« de ce «pMlfique ili»sip«nt J'issitot, âl par «Bit© d'une Imprudence une fprti attaqué parait vouloir se declarer, ie prends alors le sirop a dose« répété«« et parviens à obtenir un prompt sou lag^ment. ,

On ne doit pas s'attempe « ce qu une ma­ladie aussi tenace que IjAstliOme cède aux premières doses de Siroi«.' ce wi'est que par un long usage que l'o's peu «'«pérer un grand soiilaifement, ou njême un» guérison parfaite eben le« porsoiinis»1 nouvellement af-fectées. j

Ce sirop comme pectoral est employé dans la plu«part de« matodies de poitrine : telles cine Bronchites, ^»mNn»« île poitrine Pluresles Ate.

I,e Dr. Rrunoé l'a# cas de Phltisie pnlemna qui lui a lu mieux reusi oppressions qui ar.o rette aflrouse maladie fut constant il m'a dit n In Hu de la maladie, haute« dose«. I<e Dr. I; comme un des meilleur!

La direction pour 1« servir est attaché ans !><

<doyê km quelque te. CV»t re «Irop r par combattre les inagnaut toiyour« ri>ur que l'eftet en riir été obligé ver«

< n l'ndmiiiistrer à tnné le considéré pectoraux.!

' Il1lltlic)l0 do s'en itelHo

Depot ehe/, le sonssign a Baton Ifouge. Compositeur du dit sii q». l'rix 75 cent«

la Phiole de cinq once* #7-50 la doiizui H. LANGUE' me couccrno.



Approuvé pour ce. qt


Dans les pay# mari ugeix et sur bords de la mer les hal liansl «ont plus ou moins attaqués du «corb et. il effecte prin-cipaleinent les drtnts, dernier« devlenent gonf céet détachés.

//usage do ce ilontrif e p quatre jour» les remet c uis turpi.

Par un usage journnli lau« im verre dltttt m

bouche fraîche et en bot (orfîie. De plus un coametlqu

lile A l'eau do cologne pour les dames, non «eu lu peau, mais lui donu! blancheur naturelle. » |

Eau do cologno gaimtie, première qua ité. S

les gencives, ces s, d'un violet fou-


roi idnnt trois ou ur /vint lia-

p quelques goûtes aura toiyour» la

végétal préféra-particulièrement

iment il rafraîchit encore une belle

BATON ÄOUOF.JlOfKL, LA. Tho undersigned beg »nvo to inform the

Citizens of Baton Rouge,»nd the Travelling community, that they are§ioW prepared to en­tertain, Ladies and Oetit|nnien on the most accommodating terms. The hoöso will be open at all hours, and it tho furnished with now furniture, beds, boilling «fts and thoy solicit, the patronage o 1 al/ who may give them a call. The Hotel § siMialod within a few «topa of (ho Htcainbilt l.anding.


Jan. 2nd.—48.

NOTKffi. Tho undorsigned haviig rlntcd the o«tab

li«hmont, known as M^hel'4 Coffeo house on Church street, would&osp!clfu/ly inform tho citiiens of Baton Fjuge. that he wil/ continue at the same oliï stand. There aro two billiard tables, and no pains shall be spared by him to render t io house an agreoa-ble resort for those who Will be pleased to continue their patronng to him.

Tho best supply of liguors will be kept constantly on hand. f •

I 0. HACKE 1'.



TRUNK MANUFACTORY. The subscriber ha« on hand arid offers for

sale, at very reduced prices, the largest as­sortment ofHADDLKRY ever offered in Bs-ton Rouge—consisting of

Quilted Ladies' Saddle* § Plush do do I " Velvet do do Plain do do Quilted and plain Spanish Saddle ' Travellers' Saddles, I • Plantation do f American do Columbian do | Black and Russet Trunks, ? Trank Valises, Carpet Bags. Carriage and Buggy Ha Gig and Sulky do Waggon and Cart do

Saddle Bags, !

Waggon ar.d Cart Humes, Horse and Mule Collars,! Blind Bridles, Trace Chains, c • Bridles, and Bridle Idling?, Martingales, Cruppers, Coach, Gig and Trotting Whips» Switch, Riding and Dog I doi Plantation and Cart f ' tin,

And a large assortment of plated brass and steel Bridle Bitts and Spi'.rs, >-.11 of which are offered at very rcduced pilces for ICASH.

Jan. 2—47. BRAfDFORD. Church Street, one door foin I'ike: & Hart's

BOOKS' RDOR ?! Burton's Anatomy of Jfelam w y ;

John HorneTooke's Diversions v Parley, Mott's Travels in Europe and|th%E#st ; Starkhoue's History of tlgo Biflc United States Drawing Bf*ok, f Calloot's Musical Gramnlar, Thomson's Materia Medina ana Aijatou^y, Dunglison's Practice of B|EedicineJ Dunglison's Therapeutic!) anl J^iteria Mo­

di ca, j j I Wilson's Human Anatomy, ., Graham's ßlementeof Citeraic>.rf,| Druits Afodern Surgery, r • La Place's Mécanique Celesta, J ;

The Select works of Mrs, Ellis, Annan's Difficulties ofArmenfin jflietho Russe!'« Sermons, f i|

aust received and for sgle by GEO.itf. HEROMAN,

Opposite the* Me'hodist Church •4

FOR SAL13. # ; A valuable lot of grounf on f^hurch Street

Apply to A|. MATTA. Also 1000 Bushels Petil Gulf Cotton Seed

fc: sale at 50 cts, per Bif hel—Planters are requested to leave their orders at the Store o

A MA ft the


Tunis & Flohance have formed a co partnership in their line of business. J Tuniz keeps the coffee.h|»use adjoining col Matt a and J Florarice thç on« adjoining J Saus- They will always ha4e or hancf an assortment o| liquors of à suierior quaiity which they will sell at wholesale and retail cheap for cash. | -

Candces—20 boxes sperm and Chris taline candle« for mi!« by| Bkax. & Sow.

"i i •


NEW GOODS The undersigned navo received to their al­

ready well filled store, the following addition: Uarège« ot the latest pattern«, French and /ingRsb /Jalttarine«, jaconet«, printed lawn«, embossed print«, black and wliitn muslin«, printed chambrey, colored crftpe, tape, check muslin«, patent Victoria muslin«; nee­dle. worked collars, fine embroidered handker­chief} ladie« and gentlemen's fancy eravat», Scotch and Ogandte ginghams, lri«h linen, esta pi I la«, linen lawn, bishop's lawn, book muslin, 8wis* and mull muslins, Russ'n «hooting 0(4, 10|5 and 1S|4, Russia diaper, birdseye do, dtuua«k table cloths, napkins, fancy drilling«, cottonado, French merino, linen licking, cotton do., linen check li«tata«, York donims, colored cambrick, fancy print«, corded skirl«, grass do, cremollne do barego scarf« and «haw Is, black and while veil«, bon­net ribbands, Cap and Polka ribband«, Tus­can bonnets, Gipsoy bonnet« for ladie« and misse«, Leghorn and Panama bat«, c««simorn bats, silk and L. C. pocket handkerchief«, needle-worked cambric handkerchief«, «ilk purses and reticules, bob I net for cans and veils, thread and cotton edgings ami inser. tings, infant cap«, perfumery, and so many other articles too numerous to mention.

Gentlemen'« merino dre«« and frock coat«, linen drill« do, cottonade do, gnmbroon do, cotton cloth do, pantaloon« of the same ma­terials, fancy aummlft vests, of all deacriotion, boy«' clothing also hats and cap», shoe«,»not«,

Îfaiters, bootee«, half bootee«, buskin, and in act a general assortment of «hoes for gentle­

men and ladles and children, suitable for the «eason, all of which will be sold at the lowest rates, foi cash and cash only, at the cheap store of

SANGER, HENS, &. CO. All the goods have boon purchased by

Sanger himself.


TONIC, \ «\r*K AMI «WIK tit?H18 pott

CHILLS OR AGUE AND FEVER, In the unprecedented time of Five If mm.

The attention of tho publie i« pirtkutarly called to thla Gatur ftjtMimr for Ghim.« or Auüfi" ANt) Fgvrh, and Iii doing «0, tho Pro­prietor deem« it proper to make the following fileolaration«, the truth of which, he desires che people to tost by a trial, and ho will cheer-fully abide their decision, viz: 1st. The arti He is pleasant and convenient to take. Snd It will cure rmry case, if tho direction« are observod, 3rd. It will leave no injurious ef. feels in the system; on the contrary, it imparts strength to the const itutio».. 4'h. It in pure-ly vegetable, and re lined from all gros« parti­cles which render other preparation« so mud­dy and disagreeable to the taste. Oth. It will cure with ptrfrct coitainty In five hours.

irr Certificate« on the wrapper around the bottle, of cures from six months to ten years' standing.

Prepared and sollt, wholesale and retail,by Geo. W. House, Nashville, Teiin-, and by Goo, M. Heroman, opposite tho Method ist Church. Solo agont for Geo. W. House, at Baton Rouge.

*" ««and"" wîrbîr " OP

(i IIA MEWS FRENCH HI A NKETSf The subscribers (successors 10 the late J.

M*01««,) sole Agents of Mr. Zos Gmajuir, of Mootpelicr, take pleasure in announcing to the planters, commission merchants, and dealers generally throughout the South, West and Southwestern Htates, that their Depot, iVb. 31 Mngntinr itreet, will always be well supplied by fresh arriva/s of these HI.1P/ÏHI-Ok BLANKETS. The assortment will con­sist of. I st quality 3-point white Blankets, N to !Hbs.

per pair. 2d do do do do ft to 9 do do. Superior indigo b/ue do 7 U» H do do. Superior green do 1 to B do do. Superior scarlet do 7 to 9 do do.

ALIO—Superior «erifto Bed Blankets, from 6-point to 12-point.

N. B.—The above goods will be so/d at the lowest market price, and a liberal discount made from regu/ar prices when large quanti­ties are taken.

H. DE GOER A RIFFLARD. Agents for Mr.Zoe Crauier, arid Importers

of French Dry Goods, 21 Magazine street, New Orleans.

(Ü*The Louisville Journal, Nashville Ban-ner, Memphis Enquirer, Vicksburg Whig, Natchez Free Trader, Natchitoches Chonicle, Alexandria Repub/ican,Baton Ronge Gazette, Mobi /e Adver t i ser , Montgomery Adver t i ser , and Pensacola Gaatette^will copy the above twice a week for ihree months,and send bills to this office for co//ection.

oct. 10—36

Saddlery. We have just received from New York an

assortment of saddle«, bridles etc., made ex­pressly to order, and forming one ofthe lar scat and best, assortmente ever brought to Baton Rouge, all of which we offer for aale at the lowest New Orleans Cash prices.

Mens Creole, Blucher, Oregon, Mexican Palo Alto. Rough and Ready, Spanish, Col­umbian and American Saddles.

Ladies superior quilted seat, Fancy 01k, Velvet and plain seat Saddles.

Boye spanish, Creole, Columbian and Amor ie.an Saddles.

Trunks, Valise«, double and single Sad­dle Bags. Portmanteaux. Bridles, Bridle fil­lings, martingales, Worsted and Cotton Girths and Sircingles, Stirrup leathers. Snaffle and Curb bits, Curb chains, Blind Bridles, Collars, Cart Harness, Planters, Coach, Gier and Twig Whips, Spurs, etc.


A. MATTA HAS received per steamers Fort Wayne,

/il Dorado, Brunswick and South America, from St. Louis and Cincinnati, tho following articles ;

5000 lbs clear baconsides, 50 half barrels St. Louis flour, city mills, 12000 lbs Mies.baling rops, 75 barrels St. Louis flour. 1000 lbs tallow, 30 dozen brooms, 10 boxes cheap tobacco, 100 sacks shot, assorted, 50 kegs white lead, 9 barrels linseed oil, 2 barrels castor oil, 1000 bushels corn,

3000 lbs castings,such as Dutchovens,skil­lets, stew kettles, round pots, sauce pans, sugar and tea kettles of superior quaiity, and considerable below the customary prices.

Call and see, and if you want theforegoing articles,you will certainly purchase.


lowest Manufacturers' prices, a very extensive assortment of PAPER, comprising every pos­sible variety, adapted to the wants of con-sumers h all sections of the country. Paper of all kinds made to order at short notice.

The stock of PRINTING PAPER is unu-sually large, a part of which is of very superior quality. r

^arper-J^afeers' Jfcaterfala of every description, imported and kept cons­tantly on hand, viz. : Fellings, Wire Cloth Fourdrinier Wires, Bleaching Powder, Blue Ultramarine, Twine, &c., &e ,

RAGS. Canvass, Bale Äope, Grass Äope, Bag<rin<r,

4-c., <$-c., purchased, for which the highest price in Cash will be paid.

New York, July 1846.

FLOWERS ! FLOWERS ! ! CHARLES VANIER, invites amateurs of

horticulture to call and examine the colJec-tion of plants which he keeps for sale at Mr. Sheppers' varden, on the Comité Äoad

On hand, 200 Thugas (arber vir®,) fit for adprningtomhs. j

Oct. 31 1M6


mon Rouge Classical and Commercial Boar­ding and Day School. The Rev. John Burke (late President of Franklin Col­lege) Rector. To commence on the Isf January 1H4G. The course of instruction nt this Institu­

tion, will embrace, in the English and classi­cal department,minute and critical attention to tompoitilon, elocution and philology in nil its branches. The application of the rules of Prosody in the structure and scaniiln« of Creek and LnMn verse, Is regarded ai an ex­ercise indispensable toward a ,borough knowledge and appréciation ofthe beauties of ancient poetry.

fl shall be nn welt the never censing desire and care of the rector and bis assistants, so to labor 111 the most important trust committed to them,that their pupils, may, together with irreproachable moral and religious con-duct,acquire well merited reputation, for sound, useful, practical and accomplished scholarship. An able professor, a native of

' Hungary [with olhets tobe employed if ne-I cessaryl will give instructions in the French j » Uertnan and Spanish languages, also in 1 algebra, geometry, trigonometry, [plain

and sphericnl] Theoretical and practical surveying, linear drawing, nriicbecture and Landscape painting.

The rector grounds his hopes of continued latronage and liberal stipp >rt by .m on--ghtened public, on the successful expe­

rience of a quarter of a century in this coun­try end Europe—on the strongest recommen­dations from distinguished citizens of Louis fana, and the Carolinas and above all,on the lairly teated progress of his pupils, in moral iiterary and scientific improvement.

Particular» as to discipline,course of stu­dies, vacations dre.., Ac., may be obtained by application to the (lev. John öurke, Baton Rouge.

Thums or tuition for day pupils in the el­ementary branches of an English education [spelling, reading, writing and arithmetic 1 Thnxk tin 1.1.«HS ftOc. per month, classics and mathematics, six notttas per month, mo lern Languages with other studies si nur no M. A 11s per month.

ftefereim».—Th Wight Rev. Leon Idas Polk, 1) D b^hop of the Diocese of La., The Kev Francis L Hawks, D D rector of Christ Church, Nf w Orleans, The ftev. Daniel S Lewis, rector ef Grace Church St. Francis-ville, The Hrv W fl Lacy, D 1» rec'or of the Southern Insiilute, foryoung ladies, Jackson. La. Natchitoches, the Hon. J G Campbell, Urn. PA Morse, James Taylor and Charles Hullard,Esqs.

Alexandrie, John K Elgee, Esq., Ur. Da­vidson, Opelousas, Judge Overton, Hon. G R King &c.,<tc>

Donaldson ville. Judge Nichols. Baton Kouge, H D Avery, Esq., Ac. The Prospectus of the Boarding Hchoo

Ac., wi'l be issued In a fewdays. * The teacher whose services have been engaged, «peaks French with the fluency and correctness of a well edocated native of France,

December 13th, 1845.

J U T O N H O l f G Ë T Ê -

oMALE INSTITUTE. Mrs L. iVL PisitHH, Fmincipal, wrr»

TUKP.H ASSOCIATES. This Institution was organised in 1837. and

has continued steadily to advance in public es­timation. It now run It pi among the oldest lit-orary Institutions in Liuisiuna.ij is favorably located, St it is tho desire of thrTeachera that It should possess every advantage of the liest schools at the North. Consequently Teach­ers ofthe highest standing will bo employed in every dopartinunt. A Chemical apparatus, &• select Library arc connected with the school. Great attention is paid to the health ofthe pu­pils. Only one case of t-oriou* illness has oc­curred among the I warders in nine yoarn.

The scholastic year will bo divided into two sessions of tWenty throe weeks each, with no vacation at the end of the 1st session.

TERMS PER SESSION Board &t Tuition in English $ 7ft,00 Tuition in French, from 12 to Iß, Washing mir month 1,

Furnishing lied Si, Bedding per month 1, Music on Piano from Pro Gruneburg M5, The school is divided into two departments,

and a regular course of studies pursued—It is very important that scholars should be entered at the commencement of the session. The fall session commences on tiie 1st of Oct. The Languages &, ornamental branches will recei­ve as much attention h.h parents may desire. Vocal Music will be taught in the school. Plain, & ornamental needle work, free of char­ge-

ID*Mrs, Fisher takes pleasure in inform­ing her patrons and tho public generally that the Institute now op joy s »cLaiiiHges j unsurpassed by any Institution in the Sonth.

To the former number of Teacher» three! eave recently b»en added. Mr Ed vnrds, Tea­cher of French, Drawing and Painting, and Miss Youngs, and M<m Whittlesey, recent­ly from the North and graduates of the Mt. Holyoke Institute, w hich is sufficient recom­mendation to those who know the character of that Institution.


The Sisters of Charity have the pleasure o informing the public, that they have opened a school in this city, in which all the branches of good education will be taught.

The Sisters will use their best endeavor* to advance their pupils in their studies, and spe­cial care will be taken 'o nourish in their minds those principles of virtue which alone can make education profitable.

Pupils of every denomination are admitted. The course of instruction, commencing with

the elements of education in English ana French, comprises Orthography, Reading, Grammar, plain and ornamental writing, Geo­graphy, with maps and globes; Civil and natu-

j ral History, N%tujal Philosophy, Astronomy, j Practical and rational Arithmetic, Book-Keep-I inp, Embroidery, Tapestry, Lace, embossed and

plain work. TERMS PER QUARTER.

Elementary Class. g f, oo For the more advanced. 9 OQ

There are only three Sisters at present in the Institution but another is expected next month from the north expressly to teach mu­sic and Drawing.

A distinct school is also taught by the Sisters for the benefit of those who cannot pay for the education of their children.

Application to Sister Mary Makgukrit superior, at the Institution opposite the former residence ofT G Morgan Esq.—Mar: 20 no 8



Surveying; , Leve l l ing Sec . The subscribers, residents of Baton Rouge

will attend to calls in any part of Louisiana for surveying or subdividing land, laying out city or town lots, levelling for canals or ditch­es on.plantations, give estimates ofthe num­ber of cubic yards of excavation for canals or ditches, or the quantity of Embankmentfor levees, and the necessary cost for construct-ing the same.

Having had many years practical experience as Civil Engineers on various public works and Surveys, in Canada, New York, Penn­sylvania and Virginia, besides having been engaged for the last three and a half and one and a half years respectively as clerks in the Surveyor General's office of this State, they feel confident of their ability to give satis faction to all who may favor them with calls

HENRY &. WILLIAM G. WALLER.' Surveyors & Civil Engineers.

5 Col. P. Hicky, B. Rouge. References,) Hon. T. Gibbs Morgan?

Hon Judore Dutton, lbervLV


Tim Lok von Q.tMU'rnnt.v Ukvibw, Titus KuimitTMoK Rbviiw, Tu« fWmim (JlUttTKBLY UtSVïJSW, TUF, WurmiNBTKH KKVIBW

AND Blackwood'« Eoikboio Maoaismi The above periodicals arc re-printed in New

Vork, immediately on their arrival by the Bri-tlflh steamers, in a beautiful clear type, on lino white paper, and are faithful copies 01 1 he originals—-Bi-ACitwoor/s Maoazine being tin exact fac-simile of tho Edinburgh edi-tioti.

The wide-spread fame of those splendid Periodicals renders It needless to say much in, their praise. As literary organs, they stand far In advance of any works of a simi­lar stamp now published, while the political complexion of each is marked by dignity, candor and forbearance not often found in works of a party character.

They embraie tho views of the ihre« great parties in fwiglntid—Whig, ToryWind Wadi-cal. "Blackwood" and the "London Q,uar terly" are Tory; the "/'/'dioburgh Review," Wliig; and the "Westminster," /indie«/.— The "Foreign Quarterly" 1» purely literary being devoted principally to criticism on for oign Continental Works.

The prices of the Nr..print* are less than onn-llord of those of the foreign cop es, and while thev aro equally well got Hp, tlrny af. ford all tha' ad van age to the Amer lean ovor tho Enalifh reader.


For any one of the four Äeviows, $ per an For any two, do. 5,(Ml " For any three, do. 7,00 " For all four of tho Reviews, ^,00 " For Blackwood's Magazine, 3,00 " For Blackwood and the 4 Rev's 10,00 "

CLUBBING Four copies of any or «II of the above works

will In sont to one address on payment of the regular subscription for lhreo--tbo lourtb copy being gratia.

(I;r Remitta icos and communications must bo made in all cases without expense to the publishers. The former may always be done through A Post master by banding him the amount to be remitted, taking Iiis receipt and forwarding the receipt, by mail, Post paid; or the money may be enclosed in a letter, Post­paid, directed to the publishers.

N. B—Tho Pottag« on a l l tho*« Periodi cals is reduced by the late Post Office law,o about nm third t he former rates, making a very impor tant saving In tho expense to the mail Ubocr ibnrs

LEONARD SOO'gT <V CO, Publishers, 112 Fui on Si., /Vow York..

BATON~ROI7GBPAC. KP/r.—/Vew Orleans and Baton Rouge packet stea W MAJESTIC, J H Uro,

master, having been purchased by J II Ur« and John Klein expressly for the Baton Kongo trade, will leave as follows—New Orleans every FRIDAY al 11 o'clock, A. M., and Haton Wouge every MONDAY at 8 A. M., for freight or passage, apply on board or to

PIKE & HART, Agents


REGULAR PACKET, THE RAINBOW, S. S. SELLEOK.rna». tor, Will Leave New [Orleans every Tuesday

morning, at 10 o'clock, and every Friday evening, at ft o'clock, for Bayou Sara, Por Hudson, Baton Rouge Plnqtiemine Donald son vi I le, and all intermediate landings. Re turning Will leave Bayou Sara at 10o'clock A. M., on Wednesday and .Sunday,

For freighter Possage, apply on board. April 11 no, 10


THE BELLE CREOLE. This*rnagnifirent packet,

steamer, lias renewed her spring and summer arrangements, for »»« king *emi weekly trips. She will Iwnmttnr leave Now Orleans every SUNDAY and WED­NESDAY morning, at 8 o'clock, and Bayou Su m wry MOMH Y and FRIDAY at the «arte hour.

CAKRIAGEM, HARNE8H, COLLARS AC The subscribers respect-

f *• <£ fully inform the citizen* of Baton Rouge and vicinity that in addition to the build*

tiff and repairing of carriages, they are con­stantly receiving direct from the manufactur­er.m in Newark, N J, a complete assortment of harness, collars, trunks, cirsirigles, girts, dt.c, A.c. ; also coach and furniture varnish, black and brown Japan, all of which will be sold at a small advance on invoice prices for cash, also for sale, one leather top buggy, one cloth top do,,one do. without top, one two horse wa!?on, one dray, and a full assortment of bedsteads, and we are fully prepared to make and repair, all kinds of cabinet work.

Coffin:< nade and undertaking attended to attheshortest notice.

W F TUNNARD, & CO. September 2 30 1843


" I IMÏ1I I 1 X,gTU' MACHINE— Vibratory rnove-

ment, recently substituted for the Rotary, in this Machine, endows it with an extraordinary superiority over every form in which it has been constructed. It is compactly fitted, together its battery, wires, and other appliances, in a neat mahogany case. Each case is accompanied with a Man­ual pp, 224, y <5mo„ including a complete Manual of the Practice of Medicine, with a very full Glossary—giving clear and ample

! directions for the use of tho instrument in I e various diseases to which it is applicable j 11 which are found, by the successful prac­

tice of hundreds of operators, to inc/ude the most prevalent, as well as the most peculiar and obstinate that are known to the medical profession, with the proper medicines for each case.

For sale at the stores of Geo. M Heboma.v and Geo. A Pike-

Oct. 3 no 35 184fi.


INVALIDS. Thefollowlng family medicine* enn be bad

warranted genuine from CJ«o. M. Mkhomar opposite the Methodist Church.

Mick head-ache remedy—a sure cure for sicker nervou#head ache and indigestion.

Hewes'nerve and bone liniment nndlndlnh Vegetable Elixir, un infallible cure for Rbeu mutism, contracted cords, swelled limbs amj stiff joints.

Oldridges' Genuine Balm ofColnmbia, res-ores or preserves the hair in all cases.

Hay's Liniment—a cure for tha piles, war ranted. , , „

Oorostoek's Vermifnge, a sure remedy for worms, price 36 cents.

East India Hair Dye, f»r coloring grey or red hair, brown or black.

Daily's/tftigical Pain Extractor,for all burns swellings, fever,sores,and nil external aillngs it is warranted to give satisfaction.

Blixlr of Health, the best article ever used for indigestion and dyspepsia.

Indian's Panacea, for the cure of Scrofula, Rheumatism, and all impurities of the blood.

French com plaster warranted to give re­lief.

Oil of Tannin, the worst piece of old lenth er made as soft and pliable as new, by the ose of this oil, 2 or 3 applications tans green hides effectually! and renders it impervious to water.

For sale also at the same stores Pease's Hoarhound candy, Sand's de. Coin-

stock's Saraparilla,quinine,castor oil,sperm, camphor, glue. Mioiighton and wine bitters, peppermint,Seidletz powders, turpentine, bo­rax, tooth wash and tooth-brushes,cologne wa­ter in small and large bottles, hair oil,freckle wash, Macassar and Bear's oil,pomatum and toilet powders, blue, black, red, carmine and India ink, Indellible ink, with and without pre­parations, cork and britnnnia screw top ink-s ta nds.

Peter's, Crumbacker's, Lee's, Wtight's, Spohn's tomato and lobelia pills; white-wash and toilet brushes, saltpetre, alum, brimstone, whiting,almonds, soap, starch,saleratus, in­digo: copperas, ginger, Harrison's ointment and Thompson's healing salve, lampblack, paregoric, opedildoc, British, American and Harlem oil, Buteman's drops, lard lamps,lard oil, candlesticks and gun flints,hous* and rat-traps, linseedoil, Virsini» tobacco and segars mustard and white mustard seed, cotton nnd silk thread, fine tooth, born and ivory dressing combs, tortoise shell do.

A large assortment of books in the Engl jsh French, Greek, German, and Spanish langua (ten. .

A complete supply of Thompsonian medi­cines, garden-seeds, hooks find eyes, limerick and other fish-hooks and fish-lines of all sizes.

Percussion caps, knitting needles, pins, ba ing, sewing, worsted and other needles, ger

man silver and Iron table and tea-spoons money purses, snnff-bo*es, marble* of differ­ent qualities, India rubber balls, tops, pocket compasses, slates, slate and wood pencils, violins and violin strings, French and Ameri­can playing cards, enameled cards, broom's, match safes, buttons, shoe-brushes and shoe-thread, fine dutch, chnl and other pipes; let­ter, note and foolscap paper,letterstarnps and watch seals, pencils and pencil case»,«] I kind and colors ofbonnetand binder'sboards,tran;i parent wafers, banker's cases, #11 sizes and description of paper from letter to elephan sheet, Ac., Ac., &,c.

50 gross matches at manufacturer's priées. SOtiozen boxes premium blacking. A general assortment of almost any kind

and quality of goods, for e,n»h or harter, for sale low at the Baton Rouge Bookstore,opposite the Methodist Church.

May Î5th 10.

LondretKn fresh and GENUINE GARDEN SEED!

I have just received from D '.«ndreb's Garden, noar Philadelphia. "Cine assortment of bis superior gard»» -^ed, together with cat. alogues *ho~i"g 'be comparative worth of ; each »Miticulsr vegetable. For sale bv

m2H O. P. DAVIS ! .mmi : r.-—: n —— — J

NOTICE Being compelled by urgent private busin- j

ess to visit Europe within the least possible j delay. 1 have to beg as an especial f»vor, i that all persons indebted to me will settle j their account» on or before tbo tenth day of j January next; otherwise 1 shall be under the j disagreeab'e necessity of placing them in the 1 hands of a A,iwyor for collection

nor. 14th. Geo. M IIeuo.ua?«. j

NOTICE. All t'ffrsons desirous of securing choice ol

PEWS, in the CHURCH of ST. JAMES. (Protestant episcopal) are requested to cell at the »tore of ALFRED GATES, where a plan ot the pews and number ia left for that purpose. t

Wm. MARKHAM, Sen. Warden, ALFRED GATES, Jr., Warden.

Baton/ionge, May7thiS40*

UMYHY\ITA*VT TO AUW Christie's genuine Patent Galvanic Rings

Bandages, Bracelets,Galvanic Fluid and Pias ters for the prevention and premsnent Core

Rheumatism, Cramp, Headache and all foervious Complaints, just received and for sale by. GEO. M-HEROMAM. JVOpposite the Afetbodist Church.

Cook »Stoves.™ To those who are not in poasession of one of these valuable Stoves, the price of which is saved in fuel in less than one year, we would say, "Ask your neigh­bor," who has one, how he is pleased with it, and then call upon us, and we will serve you with one that cannot be surpassed in excel-ence. Pike and Hart.

LIVERY STABLF. The undeisigned takes this opportunity of

informing his friend» and the public general­ly, that he has moved into his new stable in the lot immediately East of the city hotel. Fully thankful for the liberal patronage here­tofore extended, the undersigned in soliciting a continuance of the same, begs leave to say that no pains or expense has been spared to make his Livery Stable what it should be in the way of good horses and carriages.



The subscribers have just received a few cases ofthe New York stvle, black and Drab PALO ALTO HATS, direct from ! the manufactory, ylll those wanting fash­ionable hats, are requested to call at


GENTLEMEiVS BROGANS. We are now receiving direct from the man

u facturera in the rorth, a beautiful assort­ment 01 gents Calf sewed Brogana, with Pump and Boot soles»,


LOT« FOfi SALE. Eight valuable lots situated in that part of

the Town, known as Beauregard Town, Lots, Afo, 1 2 3 9 10 11, in sqnare No 30 and 1011 in square No 30.

Said lots will be sold on liberal terms. A plan of said property can be seen at the

store of the undersigned, PHILLIPS & LAiVOU£-

NOTICE TO BUILDERS. The subscriber respectfully informs build

ers and others, that he is prepared to execute all kinds of I rick and mason work—and that he will put np^buildings and furnish all the materials necessary—such as brick, sand me, &c,on the most reasonableterms. He also offers his services tosngarplanters

and from his long experience in setting sugar kettles and other work necessary in a sugar house he can give ample satisfaction.

Apply to LOYEAU BERKEL feb 4 52 at the Garrison brickyard.

FOR SALE. Carvers latest improved Gin Stands for

terns apply to Messrs Phillips 4* Lanoue Baton Roii^e.—

HAARLEM FLOWER ROOTS Fine assortment of the* most different and

exquisite sort of Haarlem Flower Roots ; con-s sting of double and tingle Jonquilles, Iris, Crocus ear'y due von Tholl'p, &.C., <f..

Just received and for sale by Dec 31 tf G. M. HEROMAN,

Opposite the Methodist Church.

PAINTS OILS <jrc. White lead in kegs, dry white lead, chrome

green, chrome yellow, vermiilion, Venetian red, yellow ochre, Litharge, prussiari blue, red lead, turkey umber, terra de sienna, lin­seed oil, spts. turpentine, copal, japan and black varnish, and a variety of other articles in the paint line too numerous to mention. Also paint brushes of every size and quality, all of which have just arrived, and warranted pure and good, by the subscriber who offers them for sale ; cheap for cash, either at wholesale or retail.

On Lafayette street m28 O. P. DAVIS.

SELLING OFF AT AND UNDER COSTS D. SANGER, has the pleasure of announ- j

cing to the public, that he has made such ar- | rangements as to dissolve copartnership with j Messrs, L. and A. Hess, after the coming New Year, in order to reduce his presen large stock of goods, which consist of th choicest articles of all kinds of Dry fancg

and Staple Goods, as well as gentlemen' Clothing, /fats, Boots, Shoes, etc., Thee will sell positively at cost, and a great many articles even boiow cost. D. Sanger wil after do business alone, as soon as their pres­ent stock is mostly sold,

With the above named inducements we hope to sell out our present stock, and at the same time respectfully invite all those in­debted to us to come forward and settle their accounts,otherwise;they will be placed in the hands of a lawyer for collection.



ALFRED GATE^>, has removed his Stora to Church Street, near the Post office, in the new four story Brick Building; where he will sell Dry Good, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery. & Glassware, as low as can be purchased at any store in the city.

Feb. 12. No. 3. 1*47.

VIO LIN S & ACC O R DIONS Violin Bows, Pegs. Bridges A: Strings

elle st. , C. C. TUTTLE


DKV coons. Tho iindersignrid ha»jn»i received,in

dit ion to Iiis former «for k,—Fancy print*, ( icoea, See,, colored barsge, printed mnaliio-, plaid dre*a ginghams, nhirtifig *>»rij,P, û-niti, »«sorted r.oitonade, linen rhecft, linen «Ici!, ling, tweed», bleached and unblffirhed cott< n, shirting linen, lint fi platillss, netting, munqui. to bar«, diaper, crsnb, »wins mntlin, jaconet», linon cambric liHiidkerchiefa, eoloro^ew»tig silk, french eottonade, dnnmsk clnth!^^** ^

CLOTHING. m 7 Striped listüde «oaitee«, check linen, do,

gingham do,, cbflfk linen palfoea, striped fia-fade sack», union rhfek coats, mazurka dress coats, black merino ponts, chock linen pants, cottoiijide pants, blaci .-»tin vests, fancy vest», inarsai'les verts, gingham cravats, suspende», white hats,black hnts, boy's bats,glassed wool hats; Sic.

HARDWARE , Waffle iroea, wrought nails, brsds, holts,

plow lines,drawer locks, fill lock», raal-sfc«! hoes, and garden hoes, aatice pans, grass rope, firo dogs, hooks and eyes, needle», bath bt us lies, & c.


A general assortment of spanish saddles ladies side saddle, blind bridles, collars, ha-mes, and saddle bag*.—All of which it effere» for sale as low for cash, or on approved cre ­dit, as can bo had from any other store in ibid city. ^M«y IB ALFRED G ATM.

BËÀL St SON Have just aeceived and offer for »»le— lf> Boxes A'ew crop M. R. Raisins 15 do Fresh Cod-fish, 10 Kits do No 1 Mackerel, 15 Boxes Claret Wine, JO Baskets Cnampaign,

f> Barrels Brandy, 5 do Gin

50 /foxes Cheese, 40 Kegr Butter, 10 Do« Water Buckets, 30 Detnijlions 1 2 A îf, gais. ffi Nests Cedar Tubs, plain and painted 150 Boxes Cincinnati! Soap, 50 Whole and half boxes Star Candi«», 100 Pairs Rutvei Brogane,

• 120 do Kip do 50 do do Boots, 5 Det Wyol Hats,

All of which we proposo to sell at a* #m«U advance for cash,

nov. 14th 18 40.

• PTMCKI'I RICK, H71 i!der aw! Architect.

Is now prepared to lake all contracts in hts line,on the most reasonable terms.

A good assortment of Cypress lumber oa hand.

m21 1


Respectfully informs the public that he Km opened a store on Quireh-atreet two door» »~ bove Pike «f- Hart, where he is ready to exe­cute»!! work in his line with neetne«» and despatch,

april 1H 1140


Dr. GANH' Vognubia Ague Pill« contain neither tiuinioe nor any Mineral.

The proprietor authorizes hit agent's >« guarantee the cure, provHerf the personam» ar cord m 2 to the dir»' noos acompaiiyieg each ni.*. For by C. C. TC'J'TLli.


This Seminary superintended by Mkh Bt*» St Mie* 0*£oi»w, commenced » new quarter on the 5tb January, omler't ? moet flattering auspices, •

AII the branches usually taught in Ins . lions for young ladies, will rereh » roi , • •; and thorough atten'ion.


Tuition boarding per annum, $i.% f,f Day Scholar» per quarter, 90 to &I1' r. ' //raw ng A, Fainting, *' tfi', l( Music on Piano, " f><) Latin, French, Spanish Italian

each per quarter, ffi nfi fifd and bedding fufnished by the pupil, or

fornishedhv the institution at an »jsttacl art« AM charges pay bio qnarterly, in i>dt»e>e. j a n, 17 50

liATÏt AURWAlX' SANOER'Hf.f >1 ,f Co, have jiist receive»',

and will rousiantly receive during the winter a full and splendid stock r»f ds, of all d'-«-criptions-—from tho commonest brown domes­tic to the nebest cashmeres and silks.

They bave now on band and in store, th/» best a«»orlment of Dry goods that et er came to the town of Baton Roues : Indies' fancy goods, unsritpassed in quality and cheapness , gentleman's clothing ; hats, esps shoes and brogans of every description, also a foil slock of boy's clothing, and an elegant and fre*b~ lot of peifumery.

We have not mentioned zvr.Rr article we bave in store, because to do so would take up a full page of this paper—go nomeroos are the articles . We only invite onr old friends and*the public generally to visite oer store, and they will find that they can besuited in any article they may wish to buy. The low prices at which we sell onr goods, are too well known, to make it necessary for us again repeat, that goods can be obtained in our store much cheaper than any where else. Only come and judge of this fact for your­selves, before purchasing elsewhere.

A. .MATTA7 Informs his friends and customers thai he

has just returned from New Orleans a fresh supply of provisions, Groceries Sic consisting of

100 barrels, best Ohio flour SO barrels mess pork 50 do prime pork 10 do chime pork 10 do jolea

15000 lbs bulk pork hog round 80 kegs prime lard

5000 lbs sugar cored bacon hams on-canvassed

500 do smoked shoulders sugar cured 20 boxes sperm candles, 4s 5s Oa 20 do adamentine candles 6s & 4s 20 sacks best Rio coffee 200 sacks salt fine and coarse 25 barrels rectified whiskey

• 15 hhd prime sugar also superior quality imperial tea, loaf sugar, rice, spices, sweet oil, starch, alium.

White Lead, chrome green, chrome Yel­low, litherage, Linseed oil, spts Turpentine paint brushes, copaZ varnish, window gla puty, a fut assortment of crockery ware.»»,

Ploughs, haimes, Collars, bridles and a number of other articles too tedious to men.'"" tion, if you desire to purchase good articles cheap, call and examine for yourselves.

Tho subscriber has received from a late di­rect importât ion-

120 boxes claret wine various brands, some superior and cheap table Wine,

3 boxes old Maderia in half bottles 30 gals old Afaderia wine 5 yeare in mv

tore, as $5 00 per gals. © 30 Boxes french Cordials assorted 5 boxes old cherry wine 10 baskets cbampaigne very fine, 3 doz hotels, old port wine gtmvine.

A. MATTA, church street. The subscriber has received a small lot of

Dupont F F F Powder, do E F powder, can-non powder,and also Dupont's celebrated F -gîe powder in tin ranuisters.

Shot of a/1 sizes and a superior article prcussion caps.

A MS TT A. rhnrch strcr


jH The fine two story Brick Store m Church street adjoining" Col A. Afatta and formerly occupied by -Wr Chas A- Hiii

For terms apply to PHILLIPS * I.AXOPK