THE AVENUE OF EXPRESSION REFERENCES: SomatoEmotional Release and Beyond, Upledger — Chapter 4 CranioSacral Therapy II: Beyond the Dura, Upledger — Chapters 1, 2 and 3 Avenue of Expression, Upledger, videotape The Avenue of Expression Definition The title of this section of the study guide and videotape is Avenue of Expression. The reference to pertinent materials in previous writings refers to: (1) Mouth, Face and Throat Work: Expanded and Revised in Chapter 4 of SomatoEmotional Release and Beyond; (2) Anatomy of the Neck in Chapter 2; (3) Temporomandibular Joint in Chapter 3 of CranioSacral Therapy II: Beyond the Dura; and (4) Mouth, Face and Temporomandibular Joint in Chapter 12 of CranioSacral Therapy. To some extent, the titles of these references when placed in reverse chronological order show the evolution of the concept. The Avenue of Expression is composed of all structures, tissues, fluids and energies involved in the allowance of oral expression of thoughts, images, feelings, emotions and so on. Each of the components has at least some influence over the ability of the patient/client to express himself/herself by making sounds or speaking words. It is of utmost importance that we as therapists help to open the Avenue of Expression.


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SomatoEmotional Release and Beyond, Upledger — Chapter 4

CranioSacral Therapy II: Beyond the Dura, Upledger — Chapters 1, 2 and 3

Avenue of Expression, Upledger, videotape

The Avenue of Expression Definition The title of this section of the study guide and videotape is Avenue of Expression. The reference to pertinent materials in previous writings refers to: (1) Mouth, Face and Throat Work: Expanded and Revised in Chapter 4 of SomatoEmotional Release and Beyond; (2) Anatomy of the Neck in Chapter 2; (3) Temporomandibular Joint in Chapter 3 of CranioSacral Therapy II: Beyond the Dura; and (4) Mouth, Face and Temporomandibular Joint in Chapter 12 of CranioSacral Therapy. To some extent, the titles of these references when placed in reverse chronological order show the evolution of the concept. The Avenue of Expression is composed of all structures, tissues, fluids and energies involved in the allowance of oral expression of thoughts, images, feelings, emotions and so on. Each of the components has at least some influence over the ability of the patient/client to express himself/herself by making sounds or speaking words. It is of utmost importance that we as therapists help to open the Avenue of Expression.


Infrahyoid Tissues

Infrahyoid Tissues

Sternohyoideus Muscles

Sternothyroideus Muscles

Thyrohyoideus Muscles

Omohyoideus Muscles

Hand Position


Retrohyoid Tissues

Constrictor Pharyngeus Medius Muscles

Posterior Belly of Digastricus Muscles

Stylohyoideus Muscles

Hand Position


Occipital Cranial Base

Nasal Bones Zygomas

Hard Palate




Suprahyoid Tissues

Mylohyoideus Muscles

Geniohyoideus Muscles

Anterior Belly of Digastricus Muscles

Hand Position



Stylohyoid ligament and greater horn of hyoid

Pharyngeal Raphe CN X Vagus Pharyngeal plexus

Constricts wall of pharynx during swallowing

Stylohyoid Styloid process of temporal

Body of hyoid CN VII Facial Elevates and retracts hyoid

Post Belly Digastricus

Mastoid process of temporal

Intermediate tendon bound to hyoid

CN VII Facial Depresses mandible and hyoid during swallowing and speaking

INFRAHYOID Sternohyoid Manubrium

sternum and clavicle Body of hyoid C1-C3 from Ansa

cervicalis Depresses hyoid after swallowing

Sternothyroid Manubrium sternum

Oblique line on lamina of thyroid cartilage

C2-C3 from Ansa cervicalis

Depresses larynx after swallowing

Thyrohyoid Oblique line on lamina of thyroid cartilage

Body and greater horn of hyoid

C1 via CN XII – Hypo glossal

Depresses hyoid and elevates larynx

Omohyoid Near suprascapula notch via fascial sling bound to clavicle and first rib to . . .

Body of hyoid C1 to C3 from Ansa cervicalis

Depresses, retracts and fixes hyoid


Ant. Belly Digastricus

Lower border of mandible near midline

Intermediate tendon bound to hyoid bone

Mylohyoid nerve. A branch of Inferior alveolar nerve of CN V

Depresses mandible and lifts hyoid during swallowing and speaking

Mylohyoid Mylohyoid line on med surface of mandible

Body of hyoid and mylohyoid raphe

Mylohyoid nerve. A branch of Inferior alveolar nerve of CN V

Elevates hyoid, floor of mouth and tongue, during swallowing and speaking.

Geniohyoid Inferior mental spine

Body of hyoid C1 through CN XII Elevates hyoid and depresses mandible

Technique Protocol Sequence * Cranial vault (with special attention to the temporal bones) and the sacrum must be relatively free and mobile before beginning this protocol.

Thoracic Inlet Infrahyoid Tissues Sternohyoid muscles Sternothyroid muscles Thyrohyoid muscles Omohyoid muscles Retrohyoid Tissues

Middle Pharyngeal Constrictor muscles

Posterior Belly of Digastric muscles Stylohyoid muscles Occipital Cranial Base Release

Nasal Bones Zygomas Hard Palate Release and Mobilization Maxillary Palatine complex Flexion/Extension Torsion Shear Disimpaction Vomer Flexion/Extension Torsion Shear Disimpaction Palatine Mobilization

Suprahyoid Tissues Mylohyoid muscles Geniohyoid muscles Anterior Belly of Digastric muscles Tongue Teeth and Gums Rebalance Hard Palate Decompress Mandible Decompress Sphenoid Re-Check Occipital Cranial Base Temporal Ear Pull Treat any related structures, as indicated CV-4 Always end practice session with CV-4

Footnote This work should be done thoroughly and completely by and to each participant in the Somato-Emotional Release workshop. It is important that each participant has an open Avenue of Expression in anticipation of optimally productive work with Therapeutic Imagery and Dialogue on Day 3 of this workshop. This work is again reviewed on Day 1 of the SER2 workshop in order to optimize what follows.