THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MAGAZINE BDlT ED BY A. B. \V ALKOM . D. Sc. ' . 0 3 .. 'P 1 1 .983 -< i VOLUME VIII 1942-1945 SYDNEY: Pub! ishod Qn n.r te rly by T HE TRUSTE ES 01 <' T ll E l94- 2- l 945

THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MAGAZINE · the australian museum hyde park, sydney board of trustees. president: 1i b. mattiews, b.a. official trustees: llls honour the c.hlef justich:. 'i'll!~

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Page 1: THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MAGAZINE · the australian museum hyde park, sydney board of trustees. president: 1i b. mattiews, b.a. official trustees: llls honour the c.hlef justich:. 'i'll!~





' . 0 • <./~


3 .. 'P 11 .983 -<

,· S~'bb'O i

VOLUME VIII 1942-1945


Pub! ishod Qnn.r terly by THE TRUSTEES 0 1<' T ll E AUSTRALlA~ l\IUS I~ l l "

l94-2- l 945

Page 2: THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MAGAZINE · the australian museum hyde park, sydney board of trustees. president: 1i b. mattiews, b.a. official trustees: llls honour the c.hlef justich:. 'i'll!~












1£. C. ANDREW , B.A. C. OORDON MACI.EOD, ~LA., l\I.D., Cu.M. 0 A. WA'rERIIOU SE, D.Sc., B.E., P .R.E.S. PROF. A. N. T. 0. BUR.KITT, ~LB., B.Sc. Plt0 1' . W. J. DAKI N, D.Sc. , F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.Jl.Z.S. H. B. MATHEWS, B.A.

FRANK B. SPgNCER. PRO F. ERIC A ll llY. D.Sc. (J.onllon), A.R.C.S., D.J.C. JOHN SPENCE, C.M.O. SI R SAMUEL \\'ALDER, Kt. C. A. SUSSM:ILCJI, Jl' .O.S. 0. G. VTCKERY, B.E., M.T.K


A. B. WALKOM, D.So .

Atsitlallt to the Director :

J. R.. KINOHORN, C.l\L~.i:;.

SCIENTIFIC STAFF: Vertebratll Zoology :

Ilirds, I?t ptiles at1d Amphibians . J. R. KlNOHORN, C.~I.Z.S.

Invertebrate Zoology : It~ sect& at~d A rach111·ds.

A. l\1U SGRAVR. ll'.R.Z.S., ll'.ll..E.S. Mammals ancl SkeletonJ.

E. LE G. 'l' ROUGHTO~. l".lt..Z.S, C.M.Z.S. K. C. MoKEOWN, F.R.Z.S. NANCY B. ADA~IS.

F'ithes. G. P. WJLITLEY, F.R.Z.S.

Geology: .llit~eralt and Rocks.

R. 0. CllAUIERS, A.S.T.C.

Fouilt. H. 0. FLETCHER.

.lfolluscs. JOYCE ALLAN.

Crustacea and other groups. F. A. MoNEILL . E L I ZA'BETLI C. POPE, M.Sc.

Anthropology : 1~. 0. MCCARTHY, Dip.Anthr.



G. C. CLUTTON, 111 Clwroe. \ J . KINOSLEY.


PR<H'. 'L' . ll ARVEY JOHNSTON, M.A., D .Sc. AliST. l'ROb'. E . A. BRIOGS, D.So. H. LlHOlHO~ KE~TEVEN, D.Sc., M D. mH.UO!Jit~IC WAUD, F.R.Z.S., F.Z.S: TOM: IREDALE.

Entomolooitta. G. A . WATEU.HOUSE, D.So., B.E., F.R.Z.S. T. H. GUTHRIE.

n mitholo(littl. K. A. llJNOWOOD, O.F.A.O.U., l •'.R.Z.S. A. J. )£A ll.S1IALL, 'B.Sc.

d rcllaeoloyists. PROL•'. ,1. 1 •. SJll1JLLSTIEAR, M.B., CII .M. OEOROlll A. T HOMAS.

r~llilatelist. FRANK W. HILL.

Page 3: THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MAGAZINE · the australian museum hyde park, sydney board of trustees. president: 1i b. mattiews, b.a. official trustees: llls honour the c.hlef justich:. 'i'll!~

CONTENTS ~o. l. J u~~.; At'GI ' S'J', I 942. Page.

The Mu:o~t'llm and i\ lot·Aio..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SpccinH'IIs a:ul tlwi1· H isto1·y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 l')aunloring .\mund the :\[tu•c:hes ........................... J. R. KJ XU II OR:-. . c.~l.Z .S. 5 . \ Strang<' Pn1·t nership .............................................. F .. \. :\lcXEILL 11 Tweh-C'- \\'in>cl Bit·d of Panuli-;e ........................... J. H. KJ'=(:uonx. C.1l.Z .• '. 12· The :->to1·y of :\Tan .................................... ELSJE BHA~l f: J .J.. ~l.r\., Dip.Ed. 13 The Kang:tll'oo l<'nmily : 01·igin and EadiC'::~l Disc·m·eriC'-; ........................... .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... BLLJS 'I' HOI (;H'l'O'\. F .H.Z . .' .. C.?\l.Z .• •. 11 Pish nl'<' .. \\'orm Consc·iou::; ............................ l~r . nr.,, BF:TII C. PoPE, .)L 'c. 23 :\u,.;l ralian ln,.;t•c· t s. X\'1 1. ThE' Bugs- Orde t· Hemiptt· •·a- ll <'l<•roptcrfl ............... .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . K. ('. :\1<-KJ~O\\':-<, F . .R.Z.. . 27 Tlw P yg111y P oo pJp-; of Oceania ..... ... . . .......................... F. D. l\lcCARTHY 32

No. 2, SKP'L'l~i\IIH:H Nov~;;\ I IH:H, I U~t. A Nota.hlo Girt t o the Nation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3SJ 'l'he Tmth ~lllOul, i\•l a.rsupial Birth .. .. .......... 8LJ .. Is THOl' OII'rO , l•'.H.Z.S., C.M.Z.S. 40 A Fall of Mci<'OI'iLos at l<'orcs t Valo, New South Wales ............... .'1'. 1-J ooor.:-S?tH'l'l:l 45 J'Vhtrine Parn.d<'. Jl'o1·sLC'r, New South 'Vales ............. . .. l ~L J :t.Aill<:'J' ll C. PoPE, 1\II.Sc. 49 Pl'imiti,·e Man and flis Ln.nier .................. i\I J':t .. nOl'HNI•: WAHD, F.Z.t:l, F.R.Z.S. 5;2 Mo~quitocs ................... .. ............. FHANK H. T.\.YLOH, F.R.L.S .. F.Z.S. 57 .J ungle Dwe lle rs of ~he i\lalay Peninsula: The Ple-T em in1· SC'noi .... . . l•'. D. McCARTHY 61 Au'Stmlian l nsects. X \ ' 111. H emiptera. 3 Aradidae-CimiC'idac .. r<. (;. ~JcKEOWN, .b'.R.Z. ·. 66 Chados Oavics ShcL"born ................. ......... .............. AN'l'HONY l\IusGRAVE 71

Ko. 3 .. JANC'AR\.' ~lAHCII. I 9·l:L Xew c:ui,nca...................................................................... 75 H unlet·,:; nnd GaniPner·s of Xt>w Guinea ............................ I•'. D. ~lcCARTliY 76 The 1<'111'1'('( ' .\nimals of Xew Ouinea..... . ' ...... Eu.Js TJWI' OII 'I'OX. F.R.Z ... c .:\I.Z.. . 2 The (:cnlogy of :\(•w C:uincn ...................................... T. Hoocn~-SmTR ~1 Some Papunn Jn-;cds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................. ...\. )luSC RAVE 96 Some 13uttcl'fli<'" of the Papuan Region ........ G. L\. WA'r'Jo:H JIOl 'SF:. D.Sc .. F.R.E.S. 101 Strang<' K<'w Uuinca Ucct iC',:; .............................. 1\. C. l\lc K EO\\"N. F.R.Z. '. 104

xo. 4. ArnrL .J FNE. 1 n~:~. The ::\falc-olm Rtn.nlcy CoiiC'(·tion of Fossil I nsect,;. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lJ J , 'ome N(•w (:uinen R"pl il<'-; ............................... J. H. KINn iLom<. C.l\l.Z.S. 112 Malaria. NC'w C:uinoa and l',.; .......... F. A. l\lcNr.: rLL and I ~J.JZAJH:'J'll C. Po.Plll. ::\i.Sc. Ll8 Collettinp; and Pt'<'SPI'Ving Insects and Their Allies .................... A. lVlusc:RAVE 123 A Deadly Po isonous .Tt' ll yfish .......... 1<'. A. M cNH ILL rtnd ELJZAllJo:'l'll C . POPJO:, M .Se . 127 A ltaro i\lfiJ H'I'al. ....................... . . . .... . ................. 'f. H ODOE-SJ\UTJJ 131 Some Arachnids 1t11cl MillipPck>; from New Ouinett ..................... . A. M uSGllAVE 132 Tlw " Dn.wn 11 c)l's<' " a ne! its P1·ogeny .............................. 11. 0. FLETCHER 136 The F'is hos of J<'w C uinca ....... ... .............................. C:. P. V\'JiiTLF.Y 14-J

~o. 5 •• ft·LY SEPTJ•:r.nmn. I f>-l-:3. The (;hild and tho i\luscum...................................................... l 47 A P aradise' for B irds ....................................... J. H. K1xc:uon~. C.l\l.Z.S. 14 Tho Shell- l nluy D C'coration of the Southe1·n Solomon i s lands ......... F. D. )IcCARTHY 154 The H opping o1· .J c t·boa ~fa1·,.;upiak\Iice ............ RLLIS 'l'Rot:C:TITON, F.R.Z .... C.M.Z.S. 159 Collecting and Prc,o;Nving ln;o;t'('ts and Their Allies ...................... A. :\IrscnATE 161 Lobster o1· Crayfish~ ................................. i<.:LJZAJH:TH C. PoPE. )f.Sc. 166 Tho Kangaroo Fumily - Rat Kangaroos. I. ......... ELLJS Tnot C:ll1'()~, F.R.Z.S., C.11.Z .. 171 Austealian lnsocts. XIX. H emiptera-4. The Bugs (Oclastocoridac-C:orixidae) .... ..... .

·. · · ............................................ K. C. :\IcKJW\\'N, F.R.Z.S. 176 A ~C'w :\l ine1·al H.N:ord.... ....................................................... 180

~0. 6. DECE:l\£BER. 1943-F~:URUARY, 194~. Abo t·ig inol Nonwnc·latui'C'.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 Tlw Making of a Bark Canoe ......... ................... , ......... F. D. McCARTnY 184-Ausknlinn l llHN·t H. XX. H C'tniptera.-Homopl<'m rrlw Cic·ada;; .. K. ('. J\fcf<J~ow::o<. F.R.Z.S. J A Tt·ip 10 t.IH• Hnrrington 'l'ops .................... P1•:AHJ. H. J\Jr.:ss;~u•:H and A. J\1trSGRAVF. 194 Bluoholtl<' Hli ng:;: A ULJro......... . ... ..... ...................................... 1~9 Pughoad<'d ltiHhCH ....... ............ ............................. (L P. WnrrLEY :WO Somo Hutt ()l'fly.<JoiiN·Iing Prohlcnns ................................. . r\. ~ l usORAVl~ 202 'rhe K a.ngttl·oo 1•\tmi ly Hal, J\anga 1·ooR. H . . ...... J~LJ. J s T noliO II 'I'ON , I<' .H.Z.S., C.:.M.Z.S. 204 QooloKiNd I{.P iic•f Mod<'l off ho Bl ue Mountains and tho ~ydn<'y Dist t·ic·t .. 1'. H ooc:r-:-Sl\nTH 207 Sn,ncHiifl "l ...................................................... F nANK 11. TAYLOR 210 An Af1·it·n11 l)~vil J\h1sk ............... : . ......................... F. D. NIC'CAR'l'liY :H-1:

Page 4: THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MAGAZINE · the australian museum hyde park, sydney board of trustees. president: 1i b. mattiews, b.a. official trustees: llls honour the c.hlef justich:. 'i'll!~


~0. 7. :\[AHCII :\l AY, I B·ll. A X cw Order fo•· om fi,aun.a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :l l i Hhowy Shells l'•·om the South Pacific ................................... Jo\<'1·: ,\ L'-•'" 2 1!! The R. ,J. I Larris Coll t>C'I ion of :.Medals............................................ :.?:!:~ The Coronut- Pnlm and it..; L~,.;es in Oceania .......................... I~'. JJ . ,\ I C'C',\HTII\ 22-l T he Kungaroo Family- Hare Wallabies ........ 8LLIS ' l'1wt <:111'0'1:, F. H.Z.S .. l'.:\LZ.H. :?:?!I Aust ralian [nsccls. XX. H c'l1iptera-Homopte•·a - Th<• CiNHla-.; .. 1<. ('. :\l c· l<l.;o\\ ~- I~'. I{.Z.H. :?:ll A T1·ip to the> BaeJ•ington Tops. Pa1-t 2 ...... P JUHL H. ) I J·:s•nii':H and.\. )ln;c:uA\ 1·: 2:3 , .\\' .P. ~tltUI'uli sl;; ......................................... J. R. Kr:-. oHOR" . C. :\I.Z.R. :.? 4:.? Holes and Co1'11CI'» of .'eashore Life ...................... I~ I , JZAUJ•:T II ('. Po1·~:. :\f..'C', 2+7

Ko. , .fL·N r~ A trous'L', HH I. lVT uscums and Adu 1l E ducal io n. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2:>:3 RarE' l•' islws ......................... ... ................... . .... (.;. p . \ \ ' mTL lt:Y z ,)..J Smoking and Art iu New Guinea ....... ........ ................... J1', D. 1\lcC'AH'l'HY :.?:3:) l nte l'osting Hhtwks' l~ggs .......... ......... ............. . ......... C: . P . \\ ' llrTLEY 2(10 Pntwns and Pra,wning ................................ . . . ........... F. A. McN'r;ru. 2G2 A \VaLor· Supply nml it.s lnhahitn.n t;; ............... .... .. l ~~ l .lZAn B'I' J r C'. P oPE, l\L Sc. :267 li'rogs a nd Toads ................ .. .................. .. . J. R. Kl 'IG II O H:>T. C.1\J. Z.S. 27 1 'l' ho Kanga1·oo L"amily: Tree Wallabies .. . ....... RLL IS 'I'IWI ' O II 'I'O'l, I<'.R.Z. · .. C.:\f.Z .• ·. 27i Aust ralian l n~ocls. XXT. H omoptera. 2. T ree- and Lc•nf- ll opper·s ............. .... .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I<. c. McK,.;owN, l <'.R.z .• •. 2 J

No. 9. SE¥1'~1\I BER No\rEliiBF:It. I H44. :\luseu1n St.orago. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 · ~) T he Art of the Admi•·alty Islands ........... . ...................... F. D . :\IcC..utTHY 290 The Kangaroo Family- Rock \\'allabies ........ EJ..J.I . T ROL'G II'I'O'\' . F'.R.Z.S .. C.:\l.Z.S. ~95 T om [redale ...................................... CRtWORY :\L :\lAT ilE \\'S . C.B.E. :?99 Aust1·ulian I nsect::;. XXII. Homoptc•·a. 3. P:wllidaC' and .\phididnc ................. .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . ............ K. C:. :\lc-KhOWN. F.R.Z.S. 300 Charles Andcrson. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :304 T reatment of ,'nakc Bite ................................. J. H . KI-;C:ItOll~ . C.:\f.Z.R. ;lo.) Keeping Drinking Water· PurE' .. .......................... I·~I.IZArH:TII C. P oPE. :\I.Sc. :lOH Baker's Creek Gorge .............. .... ............................ T . Houo r·:- ·~JITH 3 14 The Cla .. .:;ificat ion of Aust raJ ian Butterflies ............................ .A. ~[l's(:'RAYI~ 3 1 I

No. 10, D RCF.MBF.R . J94t t~'EllJ:tl ' AH\' IOL'3. AusLt·alian Poisonous Snake::; ..... ............ ........... ,J . Jt. 1\1 Nc:JIO ~t'\. ' .i\I.Z.R. :3~.'} The Wood Can·crs of the Admiralty Is lands ........................ F'. D. i\ l cCARTilY :3:31 Aust r·a.lian Insects. XXU I. H' omoptet·a. 4 . Snow-fli<•s a nd ::.;c•n l c• l n s~'f'i :-; ........... .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1\. . C. l\ }(' 1\ r·:o\\'N. F'.H.Z.S. 3:3fi Light s Undcr the Roa : .) C11·elled Sqnidl' ............................. . .J OYC'l •: :-\J~L.\" :~ -U Tlw Kanga roo Fam ily: Thc Nai l-tail \\'a llani1·~ .. l.i.: I.LIS T not'C: II 'I'ON, I<' . H.Z.H .. C'.J\l.Z.~. 3-W Conscn ·a.t ion of Wild Life. . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3-Hl Tropi<' fslarrd MemoriE-s ............................................ I" . A. ~l c~~-;nJ, 8;)0 Some Huttc l'flios of Aust ra lia and the P acific: The Birdwing Bu t tNflit•s. I .. A. Al t·snR-\ \ 'E :lJ+

~0. 11, :\[ ARC II - :\J ,\\' , J9..J;), Pa lm·ch<'.;tcs- AustJ·alia 's Ex I inct C iant K angn1·oo .................... ll . 0. Fu;l'CHER :~ () I . ~<'W Spide1· :\[odcl P.xhibits.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :~(i(i Fi1·e W ithou t :\latches .............................................. F D. :\[cC'ARTHY :3ti~ Aryulu.<~, An Aqual'ium l\Jennce ..................... ..... EI. JZAilJ·:Tll ('. P<H>F.. :\J .• c. :~i-t Au.:;tt'alinn [n:;ect!>. XXI\r. Coleoptera- Becllcs. l nii'Oduc-tion .. K. C. :\l c-Kr-;ow·""· F.R .Z.l'i. :~lli • ome \Vcste•·c Austt·alian Frogs ....... .. ......................... L. GLAI ' ERT. B.A. :ll9 A Fishy :\lons trosity ....... . ... . ...................... ELTZ<\IH:TII C. P oPE. M .• c. :~ , :l Explm·ing a Cot·al I sland R eef. ..................................... fi' .\ :\kXFn.l. :lH I Some Buttcrrics of Austmlia and t ho Pacific: T he Birdwing Butt<'l'flit•s . r1. and S111.lllo".

tai ls, l. .......... .... . ... .. .. .. ............................... A. :\ft"sr.n,\ \'1·: :l!Hl

No. 12, .TuNr.:- D Ecr.:l\HJ lm. 19-l!i. 'rhe Ar·t of Malangan in Now Ir·eland . . ...... .... . .. ................. F. D. ;\IC'CAWI'II \ :HII J ohn Oi lbOI't: Centenary of his Death..... ........ ...... . ........................ -IO:l Design among t,he Ji'!chinodenns ....................... . I~ I, IZJ\JH:'J' II ('. PoPJ~ . l\U~<'. w;, Austntlia n Lnsoc ts . XXV. Colcoptora . 2. 1'hc 'l'igo•· B1'1<' tl<'s .. l(. (' . l\l c· K mo\\ ~ - I". H.=t. .~. Ill Advontu r·c~ on n C01·al TsiC' .......................... . ............. 11' . • \ . 1\lt'~t·: Jt . l tl.i Homl' Bu Lt.odli<'>~ of Ausl l'a lia and the Pat·ifit·. Thf' Hwullowlnil~ I I ....... \ . ~ l n:t:H \\ I•: I ~ I RPqa/ec/1.~ Rogoncll'n.tc : 'J'he Om· Fish Again .......................... <: . I" . \\'llt' l' l "'' l ~.i .\>folyhdon itc ................................. .. : . ....... ('l' lu' lnlt') T. ll nllt.I·'-S'"''" ' ~"

Page 5: THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MAGAZINE · the australian museum hyde park, sydney board of trustees. president: 1i b. mattiews, b.a. official trustees: llls honour the c.hlef justich:. 'i'll!~

INDEX .\' a111r 8 uj Clllllri/)11/(J/'.'i flrf stl i11 .~111nll I'IIJiif(/1.'1 .

\ 11111'1J.!IIIIl I ~ Clllll' lll'ltl t lll'l1 • I S:l \hnngtnl' ... , \lnkr11~ of u Bu1·k ( 'ullot.•, I S I \ddt>l'. I )l'HI h. :!:.?() \dllltt'l\lt,\ 1-.lnlld... .\rl of'. :.?!HI; \\' owl

{'Ill'\ l'l'l'- , :l:l l

.\l'ri1·rw f)p, tl ~ln:-;k. :! I I

. \t. J, \'\, .Jo\ t ' l·: : l .ighls 1111111•1' I tiC' St•ll,

.J c \1 t•llt•d Squid:.. :31 I Shu\1 \' :-ilwll:..; frorn t lw South Pnc·lfit·. :! I !I

\ nwt•htl. :i I I \1Hit' I" Otl. Dt·. ('luu·Je,... Dent lt uf', :W-l

.\phids. :Hill

.\qut\rium ;\ l l'lliH'l' , 37-t.

.\ nwlruid,l n11d l\1 illipcdoK f't'OIIt Ntl\\' Uui11vu, 1 :~z

. lrbitis fusl'iJIUI, :Hi7

.\n·hE'I· !"ish, 11:~ l raulu.-<, rill .\qunr·ium ~IPIIIII'l'. :r; I I ri8toloclt io. :J,).i

.\rt o{' (lw .\d111irnlty lsln11d, , :!!HI : t~f :-\t•\1 l r<'lnlld. ;{!)7

. l lm.l· rolt t!sltt8, :HJU

. l ulostomu.'l chint·u.-ti .-; , :!.i I AuslraJiall lhHk l'rtrtUl'. I~ I

Bukl'r's l'l't•t•k Uoq.!<' . ;J I I Barring! o n Tops . I !11. :.?:!'\ 1 3(~dlC' -dt·- :'llt • r , ;{~i. l tJ.i Hl•C·ll<'... . :l i (i. 11 I Bl'tt Ulll!"' · :!O I Btnl, uf' :-\1'\\ t:tiiiii 'H. 11:--Btrd of Panuli ... P. '1\H•lu··\\ tll ·d. I:! Btnl,.. nf l'nntdr-.t-, 11 Bml\\ in!! But tt•l flu•,.. , :J!III HIAk<' lllOI'I' ( 'nllt'l ' tinll of' :\11111 '1111 .. . ·I ·)

Blut'hottl<• Stlll j,:s, tl ('11rt•. 1!1!1 Bnn•1', Shot ltoh•, I !I ' Hlt\\li';t, L. Jo:l...,n: : Till• Stun ol ~ l un. 1:1 Bnti'h ('nlllllrlllllll Bard t'olit•t•lrnn. -!:.?11 I hill h• ."1111. llli Hwldhu. :!:i:! Bug,... :n. tili. t i li Bun·n1111 11 111t. <:uti of' ('nt' (l!'llllll ' ill, I 11 Hurrl.'ll. 11. .J. ( ll u1'1'~). I >Pullr nf'. Il -l B llllr·l'fltt•.... \ u ... trul1n 11 11 11d l'nl' i li<· H ll'd

\\illg,.. , a:-. 1. :!!Ill: .\u -.tndttlll ttlld PH t'llic· S\HtJhl\\lntJ,.., :l!HI, 1:! 1 ('Jnssifi<·ntinll nf. :1 1 i

Buttr•t·rl,\ {'nllt•t • lill~. :W:?

C'nncw. \u -.IIHIIHII Bnd<. 1 ~ 1 ( 'npt'll'lll' ll (: t'oll p. <: 1'1•n I I h11Ti~· ~ · l{ppf,

:i.-111. 11 ;, C'at,\IHlt•ul 'l• ·du ,tt, 1:.!7 < 'n """"HI , , I ;,u <'•llll .. h, i 11 ( 1/a, ''"' , ,,.,,,altt. :J tili ( 'l1tlrl 1111d 1!11· 'lu t'11111. I 17 ( hftlltllftlt/ljl/111111< f.lll!fll, llli l'wwlu-. I ~S. :.?:4 1, ( 'ml'l ' , :"\11 . fi ( ·I, 111d••lrdnc . Ill ( ' o••••ldN, :J:!I; I 'ot 'lilllll l 'ul11t 1111<1 ii H l t•s i11 Ot'4'1111111, :.?:.! I '-A •I••f•Jih 111, :nli, 11 I

( 'oll<'l'l i11g 111td l'l 't•s l'l'\ 111).( IIIKt'l'l "' tLnd tlwir , \ 11 ic•l'- , I :!:1. Hi I

( 'olllh·j~>ll ,\, ('11\1'1' , :-\o. Ill ( 'unscwvu t 10 11, :! I H. :14 H Cnn1l 1 ~-< ln~td H"''r. :lH·I. I t.'i ( 'on1 l l )ttl(l ' l' ll, ('n\t'l', t\n, 11 ('rab. t'ol'lll. I I ( ' 1·n vrislt. I lili ( 'y1·iop8. :.!70

J)nplturd,.. . :!ill l)ps 1g11 lllllllllg t lw h:l'lunndl'l'111s , 405 I >ins por·t· . I Ktl l>i tl t 11111::., :!liH D~tt · k. \\'iltl. I 11

/~'1'111111 ; .... Il l ll l'l't/l t."i , :!;"14 !o:t•h11llldt•tJII '-, I )l' ... l j.(ll . \1111111).{, 10.) l-:11111 \\ 1'1 ' 11. { 'o\ PI'. :-\o. :! J•:tl i fiiiHIJII fi'P• l't tfll('/(1, :!.i•l J•:l/n .~tm·u8 .-;t rntlll .~. I li7

(•'tHIIIII l 'l'tlll 'l' lillll, :! I K Ft-u tl11 •r· St11r, I 11!1. C'm t•r, Xu. I~ Jo'rr·t• \\ ttltnul ~lntl'lw-.. :ws Jt't ..,h ('1111' 1', Ji .... ; ~tOJh[I'O "' it,\. ;~ha l•', .... h .. ,.. of :-\t•\\ C:utllC'R. Ill ; Pughcadt>cl. :!110 J.'J to:' l' t Ill• H, 11 . 0. : DU\\ 11 ll ors(' n11d it:-<

J>t'llgc•ll,\. t:lli; Pttlor·!'ht'slc•s Australia 's l •~'t i11f'l C:itrrtl " u"gni'Oo, :3til

l<' lul !'ll\0111 h. :!.i I Fund. l'r1111it i\ I' ~hut nnd. ;):.? 1-'on• .... t \ ' ul,• ~IPit•uritt• .... . a:; Ft·og,... :.!i I : In Hcwl,. :.?i I : \\'c-st<'rn

.\ 11 ,.,1 nrltnll. :ri!l 1•'1'11).: . 'l'r'l'l', ti

Unla.r iu .o; c·o.ri i. !l(i ( :,.,.Jw. !1. 11 I , :!-l.i (:ilht>l'l. .Jul111. ('<'nlt~IHll'\' of DN\Ih. -1 03 l:1 '' l·:wr. L . : ~om<' \\'t•sl<.>rn Aus tnllinn

1•'1'11).:,., . :1 i !I Coldfi1wll, (L ;\I., Tn1~!l·P, Dettlh of, 10 ' (:ontlnn. X Unl'htt\\k, X l:Olll'£\ Pig!'oll. l.i l Urnnl. ll c'll l'\ S .. Pr<'JHll'ti i Ot', Ret.irement

of. I (1, •

Ureal BtU'J'IN HePf, :JH-1 , ..j l.i <:I'll hti .... h. H 1•d lf('('d. Z.'l ~

ll ttjJ((/(1('1/I'cit/1/.'1 /1/(1/'.911/)i(l/il'l. 11 ll n d Ciqllill ,\n~lcw Jt' is h. :Ui-1 ll nrd!-! ( 'oll twl ion of MC'dnt..... :.?:.?:{ .. 11 i~h Tidl'r::. ••. ~a 11 mlgt• -Srnit h. T .. D <'nl h nf . .J 14 11 npJWI's. 'l'n·l'· und Lt>nf-. :!X I ll oppi11g l\lursupial ;\luiiKt'. J.i!l ll o 1'st'. 'l'lw " Dn\\ n ". nntl its Prog<'ll,\', 1311

lnKtW t s, . \ IlK I I'll I inn : , \ ph itls. :100 : Bct•lll"s, :17 n : 1\ug:;. :! 7. titi. 171i : Cicndns. I XX. :.?:1 1 : ll uppt•rs, '1'1'1'1'· Hlld LNtl'·, :!H I : Ps, llrds, ;}(Ill : S1'1l l11 l ll~t·C'!~ . 336 : :-;1111\\ flu:,... :J:lli : Ttgc't' lkt,tll'"• 41 I

Page 6: THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MAGAZINE · the australian museum hyde park, sydney board of trustees. president: 1i b. mattiews, b.a. official trustees: llls honour the c.hlef justich:. 'i'll!~

-130 l.N O l~X

ln~(l('(s, Collect.ing twu Preserving. I :23, 161 : l•'ossi l, 1\lalcolm S tanloy Co llot'l ion, lll

lrodn.l<', Tom, Proson Lttl ion l.o, 286 ; Approdation of, 299

Isopeda ·i1nmwnis, 367 lstiompax a1tst-ralis, 254

Japanese H.iver Fever, 134 Jasu.s lalandii, 166 Jellyfish, Deadly Poisonous, 127 Jungle Dwellers of the Malay Peninsula, 61

Kangaroo, Captain Cook's, 20; Extinct Giant, 361 ; H.at, 171, 204

Kangaroo Family : Origin and Earliest Discoveries, 17 ; Hare Wallabies, 229 ; Na,il-Tail Wallabies, 346 ; H-at-Kan­garoos, 171, 204; Rocl;: Wallabies, 295 ; Tree Wallabies, 277

Kingfisher, Port Moresby H.acket-tailed, 152

KrxGHORN, J. R.: Australian Poisonous Snakes, 325; Frogs and Toads, 271 ; Paradise for Bieds, 148; Sauntering H.ound the Marshes, 5; Some New Guinea Reptiles, 112; S.W.P. Naturalists, 242; 'rreatment of Snake Bite, 305

"King \¥orms ", 23 ·Koala, Cover, No. 1 K u1·tus gulliveTi, 142

Leather J acket, 383 Leeuwenhoekia, 133 Lialis bU?·tonis, 113, 243 Lights under the Sea : J ewelled Squids, 341 Lizard, Eastem Water Dragon, 115; Frilled,

116; Jew, 9; LeglesH, 113, 243 Long Tom, 143

McCARTHY, F. D . : African Devil Mask, 214; Art of the Admiralty Islands, 290 ; Art of Malangan in New Ireland, 397; Coconut-Palm and its Usos in Oceania, 224 ; Fire without Matches, 368 ; Hunters and Gardeners of New Guinea 76 ; Jungle Dwellers of the Malay Peninsula: the Ple-Temiar Senoi, 61 ; Making of a Bark Canoe, 184; Pygmy Peoples of Oceania, 32; Shell-Inlay Decoration of the Southern Solomon I slands, 154; Smoking and Art in New Guinea, 255 ; Wood Carvers of the Admiralty Islands, 331

l\l[cKEOWN, K . C. : Australian Insects . XVII. The Bugs-Or·dor H emiptera­Heteroptera I, 27 ; XVIII. Hemiptera, 3. Aradidae-Cimicidae, 66; XIX. Hemiptera, 4. Tho Bugs (Gela,c;tocoridae Corixidae), 176; XX. Hemiptera­H omoptera. The Cicadas, 188, 2:34 ; XXl. H omoptera, 2. Tl'eo- and Leaf­hopper,;, 281; XXIl. R omopLot'SJ, 3. PHyllidao and Aph ididao, HOO; XXl ll. Homoptora, 4. Snow-flioa and Scale fttHccts, 3:36; XXJ V. Colooptera. Beetles, TnLroduc:tion, 376; XXV. Coleoptera, 2. Tiger Bootles, 411 ; Strange New Guinea Beetles, 104

l\1 c· M nslN. C . .J .. Cullo('( ion of, 35H 1\ l t• ! r•: rr , r.. I•'. A. : J\d nm t ur·oH urr a Corn I

h;lo. LJ 15 : l~xplurirrg a Contl Hcof', :3X·l ; Pntwn:s ttnd Pl'ttwni rlg, :W~; SLI'A.ngc Partrr or·sb ip : ll al>iLH of a Crab fr•ont the Gt·oat l3arl'ior· l-toof, Quoo11slanu, lJ ; rl'ropic bland l\llomOJ'iOH, 31)0

McN11:1LL, F. A ., and B. C. POPE: Deadly .Poisonous Jellyfish, 127 ; Nlalaria, Now Guinea, ancl Us, 118 ; Correction, 214

l\lalangan in New Ireland, 397 Malaria, 118 Man, Story of, 13 Manco, !?. S ., Death of, ~J 0 Marino Parade, Forst.cr. Now ~outh Wales. 4-fl .Maditt Swordfish, Bhtck, 25~ Mtl.r:;upia.l Hirth , ·~O M at·Hup ial -mou~o, ,Jm·bun, 150 Ma:; k, Afriean De\' i I, Z I -1 MathcwH, .H. B ., Ekded l'r<'Hidt•nL of Boa.rd

of Trusl.oes of Australian J\luseLUn. 4-14 1\lNiusa, Cat·ybdeid, 127 l\h:ssl\li•:R, P. H., and 1\ . :\ll' S<:HAYE: Trip

Lo l3arrington 'l'ops, 1!)4, ~3 l\lC'tooriLes, Foro~t Vale, -l-5 Miot·:;itc, 131 M.illipodos from New Guinea, 132 Mimicry, 366, 393 Minnow, Mow1ta.in, 50 MiLes, 132 Model, Geological Belief, of the Blue

Mountains and the Sydney District . 207 1\folybdenite, 42 1\Iosquitoes, 57 :\l ossman Fever. 132 Mouse, Hopping Marsupial, 159 Murox, Branched, CoYOl', No. 9 Mu::;oum Educational Activities, 14 7 ;

LocLLu·es, % ; Stontgo, 289 Museum and the Chi ld , 147 ; Morale, 3;

AdulL Education, 253 MlJSORAVE, A . : Cla.<>sification of Australian

Butterflies, 317 ; Collecting and P re­setTing Insects and Thoir Allies, 123, 161; Some Arachnids and Millipedes from New Guinea, 132; Some Butterflies of Australia and tho Pacific : Birdwing 13utterfl.i~s, I, 35<!; Bir·dwing Butter­flies, II, and Swallowtai ls, T, 390; Some Butterfly-Collecting Problems, 202 ; Some Papuan I nsects, 96

M usaRAVE, A. See M-u:SSJ11KR. P. H ..

Negritos, 32 N eis cordirJem, Cover, No. 1 0 New Guinea, 75 Now Guinea Beetles, 104 ; Bit·ds, H ;

13uttodiies, 101 ; F'urrod Animals, 2 ; Geology, 91; Bun tm·~:~ and Gardener~. '76 ; Insects, 96 ; NaLivo:-l, 76 ; Smoking 1~nd A1·t, 21)[)

Now lroland, A r· t of M ~•l ~tngH.n ill, 3!)7 NumiRrnbtl.ic Co lloction , H .. J. ll nni:-;, ~23 N lii'HOl'Y l•'ish, J ..J 2

Oar· l•'ish, 42.5 Onuphis teres, 2:3 0 I'll it hopterct, :3 55

Page 7: THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MAGAZINE · the australian museum hyde park, sydney board of trustees. president: 1i b. mattiews, b.a. official trustees: llls honour the c.hlef justich:. 'i'll!~

T~DEX 431

Prtlorclleslcs, :361 l'apilio. :35-t. :3!J3. 4:H PnpliH II BuLlor·Aics, lOI ; lnso("(s, 06 J>nrrot., Pygmy, 14!) fJh!J8i{JIICtthus lesneu1·ii, L Lli Pigeon, Goura, 151 Plowdon-\Vardlaw Bird Collodion, 420 J?OPI!:. E. C. : Argulus. An Aquarium ·Menace,

37-1 ; Design among tho Echinoderms, 405; Fish are ·· \Vonn-conscious ", 23; Fishy :\Ionstt·osity, 3 3; Holes and Comot·s of • eashore L ifo, 24 7 ; K eeping Drin.king \\'ater Puro, 309; Lobster or Crayfish"!, 166; Correction, 187; ':\Ia rino Pa rade, Fors tot·. Now South \\'a le:;, +9; Water S upply and jts Inhabitant~ . 267

l'o Pt·:. 1•:. C. See JVl c Nt•; u.,. t., 1•' . A. Pnt·t ugllt':4C :\fan-o'- \\"ttt", I ~8. 1!J9 Pnt oroo. I H Pt·awtts and Prawning-, :W2 PI"I'S(' t"\'M ion of r nsec ts. 12:3 Pri 111it i\"1' :\fan and flis Larder, 52 /' .s£·wldaps rhristcarus. 2-!6 Psrllids. aoo l't; ropllryl!oides histrio, :W+ Pygmy Peoples of Oceania , 32 Python, Amethyst, 117

lta~-Kangamo, 171, 204 Ltains of Frogs, 274 Rcaalccus Hegenemte : The Oam' Fish Again.


Hept ile,. Xew Guinea, 112 lh: \'11~\\'S :

Chisholm . .-\. H.: The Story of Elizabeth Uould, :n

l•: lkin. .\. P.: Citizc11ship fo t· the r\ borigi nes, a+n

l•'o nne r, Cltado~: Mo!;t ly Aus tralin11, 26(i Md(oown. K. C.: Ans tt·alian Insects. 70;

Autho r's Rcjo indc t·, I 0:3 R0.•s. L. : Dig it. Dick on the Barrier H eef.

I 53 ; Story of " Shy ", the Platy pus, 427

Whitley. G . P.: Poi!iono ul:> and Harmful Fishes. 170

Woodhouse, L. U. 0., and (L :\1. R. Henry: The Butte t·fly F t:t UJH:t of Ceylon, lOO

l:ti flo Fish , l-!3

Sandflies. 210 ~calc-Insects, 336 Sl'rub Typhus, 132 Soa Lil~' · 406 ~ea Shore Life. 24 7 Seastar, Ornamental , Co,·et·, "No. 5 , ea Grchin, Slate P encil, Cover , "No. 7 Sea \\'asp, 127 Seleucides nigricans, 12 Senoi, Ple-Temiar. 61 Shat'k 's Eggs, 260 Shark-t.agging, 51 Sltoll -lnlay Docot·ation or Sont.horn Solomon

Jslands, 154 Sholls from t..he Sout.h Pa<·ific-, 2J!l Sherborn, Charles Uavios, Obi tuary, 71 " Silver Slimey;; ", 23 "Silver Worms'', 23

, MtTil. T. HoncE-: J3akor 's Creek Gorge, 31 ~ ; F all of l\iotcOJ"itcs at Forel:lt Vale, New South Wales, 4.5; Geological l ~ol iof Model of tho 13Juo Mountains and Lhe Sydney Dis tt-ict , 207 ; Geology of Now Guinea, 91 ; Molyl?dcnite , 428; New Mineral R ecord Diaspore, 180; Rare Mineral, Miersit.e, 131

Smith, T. Hodge-, D eath of, 414 Smoking and Art in Xew Guinea, 255 Snail, Garden, CoYer, "No. 8 Snakes, Australian Poisonous, 325 Snake, Black, 329 ; Brown, 32 ; Brown

Tree, 244; Copperhead, 330 ; Superb, 330; Tiger, 327

S nake Bite, Treatment or, 305 l:inow-fii.es, 336 Solomon I slands, Slloll-i n lay D ecoration

of, 154 S. \\'.P . NaLtu·alis ts, 242 Hpcc irnens and their 11 istory . 4 Splw~'rodenta rusticum . L 7H l:ipidct·, Bird's Dw1g :Mimicking, 366; Brown

Tt·ap-door , :367; J<'unncl-\\"eb. 36£): Uiant Orb-\\'ean'r, <..:over, No. 4; Huntsman, 6, 7, 367

Spider Model Exhibit s, 366 Squids, 341 S~amps, Vickery Boquot>i, 39 , 'tanloy, l\Ia.lcolm, Collection of Fossil

Insects, 111 ::;tud'i~h. Thorny. 405 l:itibnite. 315 Sucker Fish , 254 Swallowtail B uttorAic!'l. 390. 421

Tnipa n, 117, 325 ' I'AYLOH, .FRANK H.: 1\losguitoes, 57 :

Ha nclflies, 2 10 Tiger Beeiles, 411 T onds , 271 Toc•- bil er. J 77 'l'o rt oi;o;e, Long-necked, 311 Tree \\'a llabies. 277 Trepang. 387 T riantelope. 367 'Jlroidcs, 355. 39 1 'l'rogonoptera, 391 'Jl romlJicula . 1 33 TrtOl' G ILTON, ELLIS: FuiTed Animals of

New Guinea, 82; Hopping or· J erboa Marsupial-Mice, 159: Kangaroo Family, Origin and Earliest Disc-overies, 17 ; Kangaroo Family, H are \\'allabies, 229; K angar oo Family. Nail-tail "'allabies. 346: Kangaroo F amily, Rat Kangaroos. l , 17 1 ; Kangaroo Family, Rat Kan­ga•·oos, II. 204: Kangaroo Family, Rork Wallahies, 295; Kangaroo Family. Tt·co \>Vallabies, 277 ; Truth about 1\1a•·supial Birth, .tO

' l'ud,le, Cre<>n. 11:2, 4 L5 T yph us, Scrub. 1:32

Urchins, 409, 410

Vickory Stamp Collec tion, 39

Page 8: THE AUSTRALIAN MUSEUM MAGAZINE · the australian museum hyde park, sydney board of trustees. president: 1i b. mattiews, b.a. official trustees: llls honour the c.hlef justich:. 'i'll!~

\ \'At.FOHn. l•'ll ,\'<1\: 'l' hr i\ltHIIlftlill i\l illllll\1. :)(i

\\ 'nllahil"s, :l4!l: :\"nil -tnil. :1 17: Hm·k . ~!l .i; Tl'('l'. '277

\\'alia by. 11 tu·c· . :? '29 \\'anrle;·or Buttrrfh. Lif'l' 1-f i~toq of, :H !I \\'All D. J\1 1-:LHOt ' H-lt·:: Pt·imit i\'!~ :\I an a11d

H is L a niN·. .i '2 \ Vtud law B il'd ('olhwt ion. 4 :W \ Vatot·-hont mnu. 179 \\'atot·- Bug. 178 \Vt'tl<W Pmirkat ion, :w!l: Rt tppl,v and its

I nhnbitnnts . :?!>7: ~kvrpio11 . J 7(i

\\' \ 'l' t•: HIIOI :on :. C: . \ . : l"n11 1t• Hut (; • rflt~·~ nf lht• l'nptullt l< c l~ llllt. IOI

\\' utTt t•: '. <: . 1' .: l•'t,du·~ nf' ::\l•\\ ( :u irwA. I l l : In t ,,,.,,~ ti ""' Shn rk ·.., Eggs. ~no : l'u~ hl'lttlt•d Fisht·~. :!110: Hnr<' Fishl"'-, :!.i ~ : Ut yrd l't'/111 Ht•gi•IIC ' t'lll t•: T h<· Oa r Frsh .\ g uin. I :!.i

\ \'ild Lif'l' C 'omu•t'\ ut tnll, :! I X. :! HI \\'nod C'ur·, "''"' uf t lw . \ d~rtint l l~ 1 :-; lnt~d ~-o . aa I \\ ';mu. F ish, :!:1 \\'ut~dt11' li1·h. l•:ru1•s l. l >c•u th of. :17:~

YHhhit>. I fii