Plan, Shop, Cook, Eat Well Danielle Heyhoe www.danielleheyhoe.com

The Application of Eating Well

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A Meal Planner, Shopping List, and a week's worth of Recipes to assist you in The Application of Eating Well. For singles, couples, and families. "Feed, Nourish, Value Yourself." Danielle Heyhoe www.danielleheyhoe.com

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Page 1: The Application of Eating Well

Plan, Shop, Cook, Eat Well

Danielle Heyhoewww.danielleheyhoe.com

Page 2: The Application of Eating Well

Hello all you lovely people!

'The Application of Eating Well' takes a weekly meal plan, a shopping list to match, and various recipes, resulting in everything you need to effortlessly eat well throughout your week. I created this e-book because a number of people asked me if I could give them all the information they need to cook for good health. A friend of mine said the other day, “Please justsend through a meal planner, shopping list, and some recipes and i'll do exactly what you tell me!” She is hilarious, by the way.

The truth is, many of us don't have the time to plan and prepare for a week's worth of healthy eating. We lead busy lives that involve running off to work early, dropping the kids at school, playdates, errands, housekeeping, and then caring for family and friends. There is little time to think about what to make for the week, write a list, and have everything prepared so it doesn't feel overwhelming. It may come easily to some of us, but not others, much like throwing a ball (I can't throw to save myself). So, here you have it – a week's worth of easy recipes, a shopping list, meal planner, and other pieces of information so you and your family can feed, nourish, and value yourselves.

You'll recognise a lot of these recipes from my website, but I thought it would be helpful to collate them into one book that you can always draw back on. Also, I have left Sunday off the plan to allow you to re-use your favourite recipes or on the occasion that you decide to eat outonce a week.

Click here for nutritious dessert options - http://www.danielleheyhoe.com/recipes/

Best,Danielle Heyhoe

Nutritional Health Coachwww.danielleheyhoe.com

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Meal Planner

Shopping List




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This section explains why I use certain ingredients and not others.

Coconut oilCoconut oil is a pure nourishing fat. Usually it hasn't been tampered with or hydrogenated (make sure you buy a pure or raw one), meaning that your body will have no trouble digesting it and using it efficiently for fuel. It also doesn't tend to burn at high temperatures, whereas olive oil or butter steam or turn slightly brown when heated, which can harm your health.

SauerkrautThis delicious fermented food delivers an array of friendly bacteria into the gut, which helps to improve digestion, encourage weight loss, and enhance your immune function. It works as a probiotic to enhance your overall health and wellbeing.

Apple Cider VinegarThis is not a novel addition to the average pantry. Apple cider vinegar has been used for centuries to aid digestion due to its wonderful bacteria and enzyme-friendly properties. It also helps to kill harmful bacteria in the gut, which is why it was traditionally used for disinfecting the outside of the body. If you experience food 'sitting' in your stomach after eating and not moving through your system, I suggest drinking a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar before meals. This could help enormously, even if it takes you a wee while to get used to the flavour!

SpicesYou will notice that many of my recipes consist of varied spices. I do this for two reasons... Spice enhances the flavour of food immensely - it makes food more exciting and you can have fun playing with taste by adding or taking away a little to each dish. Secondly, spices – especially turmeric – help to cleanse the liver, which is an important part of maintaining optimum health because the liver is the backbone to our immune system, so to speak.

Vegetables and Fats Instead of CarbohydratesMy way of cooking often reduces the carbohydrate content for the sake of increasing the amount of vegetables and good fats consumed. The modern diet sadly works in the reverse, and by doing so is causing a lot of people to lack the essential minerals and vitamins they need to function optimally. Eating loads of vegetables is crucial for good health and balancing moods. Healthy fats function to support all our cells and many of our hormones. We need to keep up our quality fat intake if we want to increase our immune function and for our bodies towork efficiently. In saying that, carbohydrates are present in every meal I cook. They are usuallyin the form of vegetables and sometimes legumes or grains. Chickpeas, red lentils, and buckwheat are nutrient-dense carbohydrates that won't harm the body if we are well equippedto metabolise them. Everyone is different though - if you find you feel bloated, struggle to passfood, or have a tendency to put weight on rapidly - then you may want to avoid these foods. It is up to you and I am happy to advise around this.

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Breakfast Bacony Mushroom Muffins

Bacony Mushroom Muffins

Scrambled Eggs & Greens

Lunch Kale and Goat Cheese Salad

Spinach Pesto Chicken Salad

Red Lentil & Sweet Potato Curry

Dinner Mama's Beef Casserole Red Lentil & Sweet PotatoCurry

Ginger and Lemon Salmon

Snacks Banana Bread with almond butter

Berry Bonanza Smoothie Nuts and seeds in yoghurt,Banana Bread


Breakfast Red Onion Omelette Courgette Almond Bread Buckwheat Crepes

Lunch Smashed Avocado and Squash

Jacket Sweet Potato Salsa Deconstructed Chickpea Burger

Dinner Deconstructed Chickpea Burger

Israeli Lamb Salad Turkey Meatballs, Parsnip Mash

Snacks Courgette Almond Bread Green Smoothie Courgette Almond Bread

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This is an extensive list, consisting of some items (spices) that will last you for months and are often used in my recipes on my website. You will also need to re-stock some of these items during the week - spinach or eggs for instance. Remember that for many of these recipes you can swap an ingredient out for something different. An example of this is found in the Turkey Meatball recipe where you can swap the parsnip for sweet potato or carrot. This is also the case when herbs are used. In Mama's Beef Casserole recipe you are welcome to use only thymeor only rosemary if you don't want to buy them both. If you have any questions about other items you can swap or substitute – send me an email: [email protected].


Kale (lots)spinach (lots)corianderfresh thymerosemarymintcherry tomatoesnormal tomatoes (lots)3 cucumber1 squashbag of sweet potatoavocados (lots)red onionbag of mushroomsbag of garlicbag of onions5 carrotsbag of lemonsbunch of bananas4 courgettes3 kiwifruitscelery4cm fresh ginger2 cauliflower heads2 bunches spring onionsbroccoli head2 red capsicums2 eggplantsice berg lettuce4 parsnips

150 – 300g chicken breasts600g salmon fillets600g lamb mince650g chuck steak500g turkey mincepack of baconeggs (lots)hummuspesto (ideally make your own using olive oil)goats cheesefrozen berriesunsweetened plain yoghurt

Sauerkrautchilli flakespaprikacumincorianderturmericcayenne pepperbay leavescurry powderallspicedried oreganosumac (optional)olive oilcoconut oiltahini paste3 cans coconut cream/milkalmond milkalmond butterapple cider vinegarred split peas2 cans chickpeas1 kg whole buckwheat flour3 cups almond flourbaking sodasmall container ground flaxseedchia seedsdesiccated coconutsunflower seedspumpkin seedsblack sesame seeds (optional)mixed nuts

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A lot of people tell me they skip breakfast or that they don't feel hungry until midday. This is something we ideally want to change if we want to increase the quality of our health.

Why is breakfast so important?

Filling our bodies with nutrients is always a great way to start the day. Getting enough of the right minerals and vitamins increases our cognition, helps to regulate our blood sugar levels, provides us with sustainable energy, and will always benefit the processes that go on within our bodies. Research shows that consuming breakfast has a beneficial effect on regulating our appetite and the hormones responsible for managing our food intake. Furthermore, protein-rich breakfasts (eggs, nuts, oily fish, organic butter) have shown to reduce cravings for certain foods that could harm our health. Skipping breakfast has been linked with Type 2 Diabetes. In young women in particular, skipping breakfast has been associated with irregular periods and other weight and hormonal concerns. Suffice to say, everything points to.... eat a nourishing breakfast!

I have found that consuming greens at breakfast makes me feel energised and well nourished – you know that feeling of being able to take hold of your day? That is what greens do for me. However, you may be different. The best thing to do is to explore a range of breakfasts and assess how they make you feel throughout the day (in saying that, sometimes particular foods can take a while to get used to... sauerkraut may be one of these for example).

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Breakfast Recipes

Bacony Mushroom Egg MuffinMakes 6


2 eggs6 rashers bacon3 mushrooms, halved

salt, pepperOptional: thyme sprigs, sliced garlic


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.2. Cut 6 matching circles out of baking paper to fit the cups of your muffin tray. I created a

template on the baking paper by tracing the outside of a dessert bowl then cutting along the line on the paper.

3. Line each muffin cup with one baking paper circle.4. Place a rasher of bacon on the base and around the sides of each muffin cup.5. Toss half a mushroom into each muffin cup. If using any optional ingredients, add them

now.6. Crack two eggs into each muffin cup.7. Sprinkle salt and pepper over each bacon and egg muffin.Place in the oven and bake for

30 minutes.8. Chill to room temperature then store in an airtight container in the fridge for up to three


Scrambled Eggs & GreensServes 1 (multiply for more people)


1 tsp coconut oil for cooking2 eggs2 cups kale or spinach, roughly chopped½ avocado, sliced

¼ tsp chilli flakes1 Tbsp sauerkraut2 tsp sunflower and pumpkin seeds


1. In a small saucepan, add whatever green leafy veges you have lying around. Splash a bit of water in, and cover.

2. Cook on high heat for two minutes, drain, pat dry with a paper towel, and set aside.3. Melt a teaspoon coconut oil in a pan on medium heat.4. Whisk eggs together in a bowl.5. Pour eggs into pan and gently move them around with a fish slice. You want all the egg

to be just cooked, but to still look slightly glossy, not dry. You may need to flip the eggs over.

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6. Once they are cooked, turn the heat off.7. To serve: place greens on the bottom of the plate, top with scrambled eggs, avocado,

sauerkraut, chilli flakes, and seeds.

Red Onion OmeletteServes 1 (multiply for more people)


1 tsp coconut oil for cooking2 eggs¼ red onion, finely diced¼ tomato, diced

handful spinach ¼ avocado


1. Whisk eggs in a small bowl.2. Melt coconut oil in a pan on medium heat.3. Pour in eggs and allow to cook for a minute and a half.4. Scatter over red onion.5. Using a fish slice, carefully pull the omelette away from the sides of the pan to make

sure it doesn't stick. 6. Flip the omelette when it looks cooked nearly all the way through.7. Allow to cook for 30 seconds on the other side. 8. Slide out on to a plate, top with tomato, spinach, and avocado (I like to crush the

avocado with the back of my fork). Crack over heaps of pepper and enjoy!

Buckwheat CrepesServes 2


Crepe1/3 cup organic whole buckwheat flour1 egg1/3 cup almond flour3 Tbsp water

Serving suggestions:almond butterbananaunsweetened yoghurt


1. Whisk all crepe ingredients together in a bowl.2. Melt coconut oil in a pan and swirl it around the pan.3. Add half the crepe mixture into the pan.4. Tilt the pan around in a circle to spread the crepe across the whole base of the pan.

Allow to cook for 1 – 2 minutes.5. Once it starts to bubble slightly on top, carefully flip the crepe on to the other side.6. Allow to cook for 30 seconds, then slide out on to a plate. Repeat for the other crepe.7. Spread each crepe with almond butter, top with sliced banana, then roll up into a cigar.8. Serve with a dollop of yoghurt.

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The key to a great lunch is to be prepared. If you start work early then make sure you prepare your lunch the night before. Most of these recipes take no longer than 10 minutes to prepare, excluding the Jacket Sweet Potato. Keep them in the fridge overnight then grab them on your way to work the next day. A couple of my suggested lunches are left-overs, which I recommend doing as often as possible to reduce the time of food prep. Of course, if you eat from home, have a break by preparing a delicious nutritious lunch for yourself and your family.

Each recipe explains how to prepare your lunch whether you eat from home or work.

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Lunch Recipes

Kale and Goat Cheese SaladServes 1 (multiply for more servings)


2 cups kale, shredded1 Tbsp olive oil½ avocado, cut in chunkshalf tomato, cut in chunks

40g goats cheese, crumbled3 Tbsp plain hummus¼ cup mixed seeds


1. In a small saucepan, place kale and a splash of water. Cover and steam on high heat for 2 minutes.

2. Drain and pat kale dry with a paper towel (allow to cool before transferring to a container if taking to work).

3. For serving at home: spread kale over the bottom of a plate, pour over olive oil, and top with all other ingredients, leaving the hummus and seeds till last. For serving at work: mix all ingredients together in a container and store in the fridge until lunch.

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Spinach Pesto Chicken SaladServes 1 (multiply for more servings)

Note: I suggest preparing the night before if you eat lunch at work.


2 cups spinach150g chicken breasthalf tomato, cut in chunks1 small carrot, peeled, cut in chunks

¼ cucumber, cut in chucks3 Tbsp pesto¼ avocado, cut in chunks


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees. 2. Rub chicken breast with olive oil, salt, pepper. Place on a lined oven tray and put in the

oven for 25 – 35 minutes, depending on the strength of your oven.3. Remove from the oven, cover with foil to rest for five minutes, then slice.4. For serving at home: mix all ingredients together in a bowl and pour out on to a plate.

For serving at work: place all ingredients into a container, excluding the spinach, mix well, then top with spinach and store in the fridge until lunch - just before serving, mix spinach through the rest of the salad.

Smashed Avocado and SquashServes 1 (multiply for more servings)

Note: I suggest preparing the night before if you eat lunch at work.


¼ squash, peeled and sliced in moons2 cups spinach6 cherry tomatoes, halved½ avocado

2 tsp lemon juicesmall handful coriander, chopped1 Tbsp tahini paste


1. Pre heat oven to 180 degrees.2. Place squash slices on a lined oven tray, brush with olive oil, and bake in the oven for 15

– 20 minutes. Allow to cool.3. For serving at home: spread spinach over the plate, top with baked aquash, scatter over

tomatoes and coriander, mash avocado with lemon juice and dollop over the salad, finally drizzle over tahini paste.For serving at work: Place tomatoes, squash, and coriander in the bottom of a container.Don't smash the avocado because it will turn brown, but place the avocado whole in thecontainer, topped with spinach and then tahini paste. Cover and store in the fridge until lunch. Dice avocado, and mix everything before serving.

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Jacket Sweet Potato SalsaServes 1 (multiply for more servings)

Note: I suggest preparing the night before if you eat lunch at work.


1 medium sized sweet potato3 Tbsp hummus1 tomato, diced½ avocado, diced

squeeze lemon juice5 sprigs coriander, diced1 handful spinachpumpkin, sunflower seeds


1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.2. Pierce sweet potato with a sharp knife. Place on a lined oven tray and bake in the oven

for 40 minutes.3. Meanwhile, mix together the tomato, avocado, coriander, and lemon in a small bowl.4. Remove sweet potato from the oven. 5. For serving at home: place the sweet potato on a plate, cut in half length ways, top with

hummus and salsa, and serve beside spinach.For taking to work: slice sweet potato in half length ways, scoop out sweet potato and mix it in with the salsa, return mixture to the potato skin, top with hummus, place in a container and top with spinach, store in the fridge until lunch.

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When it comes to snacks, the best thing you can do is to have them on hand. In the Meal Planner on Monday the snack is a slice of Banana Bread. I did this with the intention that you would have time on Sunday afternoon to prepare the bread for the week. All you need to do is set aside 45 minutes to prepare and bake it. Once it has cooled, slice the loaf, place it in a loaf tin, and keep it in the fridge for snacks or breakfasts throughout the week. If you need to rush off to work on Monday morning, just wrap a piece up, throw a jar of almond butter in your bag,and viola! A nourishing, delicious snack you can look forward to during the day. These are my favourite snacks, but on my website I have tonnes more ideas, including a Realfood Muesli Bar. Visit my website for more ideas - http://www.danielleheyhoe.com/recipes/

I have arranged in the Meal Planner for you to put aside some time on the Wednesday night to prepare the Courgette Almond Loaf, which will provide some snacks and breakfast options for the week ahead.

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Snack Recipes

Banana Bread (GF, DF, SF)


3 bananas, mashed3 eggs1/4 cup coconut oil, melted

1 cup whole buckwheat flour1 cup almond meal1 1/2 tsp baking soda


1. Preheat a fan-forced oven to 180 degrees.2. In a medium bowl, mix together the bananas and eggs.3. Add the melted coconut oil and mix well.4. Add the flour, almond meal, and baking soda, mix well.5. Pour the mixture into a lined loaf tin.6. Place in the oven for 30 minutes.7. Take out of the oven and allow to cool completely in the tin before slicing.8. Keep in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 5 days.

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Coco-berry Bonanza SmoothieServes 1


1 banana, frozen preferably1/3 cup blueberries1/3 cup coconut cream1/4/ cup almond milk1 Tbsp flaxseed meal

1 Tbsp almond butter1 Tbsp chia seeds2 Tbsp desiccated coconut2/3 cup chilled filtered water


1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blitz for one minute. Top with coconut.

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Courgette Almond Bread (GF, DF)


1 cup whole buckwheat flour1 cup almond flour1.5 teaspoon baking soda1 tsp saltpepper1 tsp paprika

¼ cup grated Parmesansmall handful coriander, chipped1 large courgette (2 small) grated4 eggs1/3 cup almond milkSunflower seeds


1. Preheat a fan-forced oven to 180 degrees.2. Mix together the buckwheat and almond meal.3. Add baking soda and paprika, mix well.4. Add salt and pepper, mix well.5. Add the Parmesan and mix well.6. In a separate bowl, mix together the courgette, almond flour, and eggs.7. Add the coriander and mix well.8. Mix wet and dry mixtures together in a large bowl.9. Pour into a lined loaf tin. Sprinkle with sunflower seeds.10.Place in the oven and bake for 40 minutes.11. Remove from the oven and allow to cool completely in the tin before slicing.12.Serve with butter, cream fraiche, or scrambled eggs for breakfast.

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Green Smoothie Serves 1


1 cup spinach, washed1/4 avocado, peeled1/4 cucumber, cut in batons1 Tbsp chia seeds1/2 Tbsp ground flaxseed

1/2 kiwi fruit, peeled1 cup chilled watersqueeze of lemon juice3 ice cubes


1. Place all ingredients in a blender and blitz until smooth, usually around 3 minutes (depending on the quality of blender).

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If it fits in with your life style, I suggest having dinner at least two hours before you go to sleep.Eating close to bed time, and therefore digesting while trying to get to sleep, can have a negative impact on your sleep. Ideally you'll be having dinner around 7pm or 8pm, and heading off to bed around 10pm/10:30pm to get enough sleep for optimal energy levels.

The dinners detailed in the Meal Planner mostly consist of meat, however I suggest including two vegetarian meals into your evenings for a number of reasons. Firstly, clients of mine have experienced better digestion by consuming less meat, especially red meat. Secondly, it is more affordable to have less meat, especially if you lean towards meat less often, but having more quality meat. Organic meat can be really expensive, however it is a wonderful alternative considering the decreased amounts of chemicals and hormones, which we would usually consume from inorganic meat. All the dinner recipes are designed for four people - if there are only two of you at home just half the ingredients or keep half of the full recipe for lunch the next day. I hope you enjoy the array of food before you, and that you find dinner can be a wonderful occasion for bonding with family and friends.

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Dinner Recipes

Mama’s Classic Beef CasseroleServes 6


650g beef rump, cut in 3cm chunks2 onions, diced6 garlic cloves, crushed5 sprigs thyme, roughly chopped3 sprigs rosemary, roughly chopped3 carrots, cut in 1cm rounds4 celery storks, cut in 1cm pieces

2 cans diced tomatoes, sugar-free½ cup water1 Tbsp cider vinegar2 tsp salt1 tsp pepper½ tsp chilli powder


1. Preheat oven to 160 degrees.2. Dry beef pieces off with a paper towel.3. On the stove, heat olive oil or butter in a casserole pot on medium-high heat.In batches,

brown the beef chunks on all sides. Once all browned remove from the casserole and set aside.

4. In the casserole pot melt ½ tablespoon butter and add onions, garlic, thyme, rosemary, carrots, and celery. Cover and sweat for 10 minutes. Stir half way through to make sure the vegetables are not burning.

5. Return the beef and its juices to the pot, followed by the remaining the ingredients.6. Cover and bring to the boil then place in the reheated oven.7. Cook covered for 4 – 5 hours in the oven.I check every 1 – 2 hours to make sure there is

still enough liquid in the casserole. If it looks dry at any point add a little bit of water, mix, cover, and place back in the oven.

8. You know it is ready when the meat breaks up easily and the sauce is thick.

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Ginger and Lemon Salmon, Avocado Vegetable Medley, and Cauliflower Coconut CouscousServes 4


Salmon600g fresh salmon, cut in two pieces4cm thumb fresh ginger, peeled and grated1 Tbsp lemon juice¼ tsp chilli1 Tbsp coconut oil

Cauliflower coconut couscoushead cauliflower½ cup desiccated coconut1 Tbsp olive oil1 Tbsp coconut oil

Avocado vegetable medley10 cherry tomatoes, diced½ telegraph cucumber, diced4 spring onions, thinly slicedsmall bunch fresh coriander, choppedavocado, diced1 Tbsp cider vinegarhalf lemon, zest and juice1 Tbsp olive oilsalt and pepper


Salmon1. Put the ginger, lemon, chilli in a small bowl and mix.2. Place the salmon steaks flesh-side down in the marinade and place in the fridge for

around 2 hours.3. Preheat oven to 180°C4. When ready to serve, heat coconut oil in a fry pan, add salmon steaks flesh-side down.

Cook for three minutes.5. Remove from pan and wrap salmon in foil. Place in the oven for 10 minutes, or until

cooked.6. There will be pieces of fried ginger left over in the pan. I used these as a condiment over

for serving.

Cauliflower coconut couscous1. Cut the cauliflower into florets and place in a food processor. Blitz until the cauliflower

resembles couscous.2. Heat coconut oil and olive oil in a pan on medium heat. Add cauliflower and mix well.

Cover and cook for 15 minutes, stirring every now and again to ensure it doesn’t brown.3. When cooked to your liking, remove from the heat and mix in coconut, salt and pepper.

Avocado vegetable medley1. Mix all ingredients in a small bowl.

Serve1. Spoon a hearty helping of cauliflower coconut couscous on the plate, top with salmon,

and spoon over the vegetable medley.

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Red Lentil and Sweet Potato CurryServes 4 Ingredients 1 Tbsp coconut oil6 garlic cloves, diced2cm ginger, pealed and grated1 white onion, diced4 storks celery, thinly sliced1 Tbsp apple cider vinegar1 Tbsp curry powder2 tsp turmeric1 tsp paprika

3 bay leaves1 sweet potato, pealed and diced1 cup red split peas6 cups water½ can coconut milk or coconut water1 cup spinach, rinsed handful chopped coriander, to serveyoghurt, to serve


1. In a large saucepan, melt coconut oil.2. Add garlic, ginger, onion, celery, and cover. Sweat for 8 – 10 minutes. Add a teaspoon of

water if the vegetables start to dry out.3. Remove lid and add apple cider vinegar. Mix well.4. Add spices and bay leaves, mix well, and allow to cook uncovered for 1 minute.5. Add sweet potato, lentils, water, and coconut milk. Mix well and cover.6. Allow to simmer for 1 hour, or until thicken and cooked through. If the sweet potato is

still in chunks I tend to mash the curry with a potato masher.

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Israeli Lamb Salad with Baba GhanoushServes 4


Baba Ghanoush2 eggplants2 Tbsp tahini paste½ juice of lemon½ tsp salt1 clove crushed garlic2 Tbsp olive oil

Lamb½ Tbsp coconut oil600g lamb mince½ Tbsp ground coriander½ Tbsp ground cumin1 ½ tsp paprika

½ tsp allspice½ - 1 tsp salt½ tsp pepper1 Tbsp dried oregano

SaladCherry tomatoes, halvedCucumber, slicedBroccoli, cut in floretsSpinach2 red capsicum, sliced1 Tbsp sumac (optional)2/3 cup Greek yoghurt


Baba ghanoush1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees.2. Place the whole eggplants in the oven and cook for 40 minutes. Remove from oven and

allow to cool slightly.3. Cut eggplants into large chunks.4. In a food processor, puree all ingredients for baba ghanoush. Set aside.

Lamb1. Heat coconut oil in a non-stick pan. Add lamb and break up with a wooden spoon,

making sure not to let the meat cook in ‘meat balls.’2. Add all spices and mix well.3. Sautee on medium heat until the lamb is cooked through and the spices are well

incorporated. Cover and set aside.

Salad1. In a steaming pot over boiling water, steam broccoli for 4 minutes. Season with salt then

set aside.2. In a non-stick pan, heat olive oil, add capsicum, and sauté on medium heat for 5

minutes. Set aside.3. To assemble the salad, spread the baba ghanoush equally between four plates. Top with

even amounts of broccoli, cucumber, capsicum, and spinach. Spoon the mince over the salads, top with cherry tomatoes, a dollop of Greek yoghurt, and sprinkle with sumac.

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Deconstructed Chickpea BurgerServes 5


2 Tbsp coconut oil2 cans chickpeas, drained1 tsp turmeric1 tsp ground coriander1 tsp cumin1 tsp paprika2 eggs1 head iceberg lettuce, leaves separated and

rinsed2 tomatoes, sliced2 avocados, crushed¼ cucumber, slicedhandful coriander, chopped½ cup unsweetened yoghurt1 Tbsp tahini pasteblack sesame seeds (optional)


1. In a bowl, mash together the chickpeas and all the spices. Add salt and pepper. 2. Crack the eggs in the bowl and mix well with a fork.3. Heat half coconut oil on a pan on low heat.4. Scoop a large spoonful of chickpea mixture and place it in the pan. Press down slightly

with the back of the spoon to make small patties. Fry for 6 minutes on very low heat, then flip and cook for a further 5 minutes. Set aside. Add the remaining coconut oil and cook the left-over mixture in batches of four. Set aside.

5. Mix together the yoghurt and tahini. Set aside.6. To assemble your burgers, place 1 - 2 lettuce leaves on each plate. Top with two patties,

tomato, cucumber, crushed avocado, coriander, tahini yoghurt, and sesame seeds. Crackover loads of pepper and salt and serve.

Pan-fried Turkey Meatballs on Parsnip and Cauliflower Mash with Lemon Tahini YoghurtServes 4


Turkey Meatballs500g turkey mince2 spring onions, sliced1 courgette, grated1 egg1/4 cup chopped mint and coriander2 garlic cloves, minced2 tsp ground cumin1 tsp cayenne pepper1/2 tsp sumac1 tsp saltpepper1 Tbsp coconut oil

Parsnip and Cauliflower Mash4 medium parsnips, peeled and chopped in 4s1/2 cauliflower head, cut in florets1 Tbsp coconut oil1/2 tsp salt

Lemon Tahini Yoghurt3/4 cup thick greek yoghurt1 Tbsp tahini1/2 lemon, juice1/4 tsp salt

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1. Preheat the oven to 180 degrees.2. Line a baking tray with baking paper. Set aside.3. In a large bowl, combine all the turkey meatball ingredients. Using your hands mash the

mixture together until it is well incorporated.4. Using a spoon, scoop out 2 Tbsps of the mixture at a time and roll into the shape of a

cylinder.5. Heat coconut oil in a pan on medium heat. When the pan is hot, fry the turkey balls until

lightly browned on all sides. You may need to do this in batches depending on the size of your pan.

6. When they are all browned, remove the turkey balls from the pan and place on the prepared baking tray. Place the tray in the oven for 10 - 15 minutes. Check after 10 minutes to see if they are cooked through.

7. While the turkey balls are cooking prepare the mash by placing the cauliflower and parsnips in a medium sized pot. Cover the vegetables with boiling water. Bring to the boil and allow to cook for 10 minutes, or until the vegetables are soft when pierced witha knife.

8. When they are soft, remove the pot from the stove and drain the vegetables.9. Put the salt and butter in the pot with the vegetables and mash until smooth and well

incorporated. Taste and adjust seasoning as needed. You can also do this in a food processor.

10.To make the Lemon Tahini Yoghurt, mix all ingredients together in a small bowl.11. To serve, place a generous helping of Parsnip and Cauliflower Mash in the center of each

plate, top with 4 - 5 Turkey Balls and a big dollop of Lemon Tahini Yoghurt, drizzle with olive oil if desired.

Equipping you to feed, nourish, and value yourself.