"| ' pfp" /.' ' ^'^-^^w^p^i m THE APPEAL; A NAUONAIAMO-AMERICAN NIJWSPAPEt^^^H^^^&i^ "ll H •r *^Ai.(® *' v ^it%^&z!/-i* -ftj- -<** s^af^S^^tS *rn**$2E*!* THEAPPEAI* ANATIONAL AFRO-AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED WEEKLY BT ADAMS BROS. EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS 40 £. 4th St. St. Paul, Minn. •a i • • ISSUED SIMULTANEOUSLY IK 8ttlnt Paul, Minneapolis, Chicago, Louisville, St. Louis, Dallas, ST. PAUL OFFICE, No. 164 Union Block 4th and Cedar J. Q. ADAMS, Publisher. MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE, Guaranty Loan Building, Room 817 P. F. HALE, Manager' CHICAGO OFFICE, No. 323-5 Dearborn St. Suite 213-215 C . P* A D A M S , Manager. LOUISVILLE OFFICE, No-312 West Jefferson St. Room 8 W. V. PENN, Marrager. ST. LOUIS OFFICE, No. 1002 FRANKLIN AVENUE J. N. HARRISON, Manager. DALLAS OFFICE, NUMBER 497 MAIN STREET L. A- BROWN, Manager. TERMS, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE: Single copy, one year $2.00 Single copy, six months 91.IO Single copy, three months 60 When subscriptions are by any means allowed to ran without prepayment, the terms are 60 cents for each 13 weeks and 5 cents for eaeh odd week, or at the rate of 88.40 per year. Remittances should bo made by Express Money Order. Post Office Money Order, Regis- tered Letter or Bank Draft. Postage stamps will be received the same as cash for ffae frac- tional parts of a dollar. Only one cent and two cent stamps taken. 611-jer should never be sent through the mail. It is almost sure to wear a hole through the envelope and be lost, or else it may be stolen. Persons who send silver to us in letters do BO at their own risk. Marriage and death notices, ten lines or less $1. JSach additional line 10 rents. Payment strictly in advance, and to be announced at all must come in season to be news. Advertising rates, 15 cents per agate line, each insertion. There are fourteen agate lines in an inch, and about seven words in an agate line. No single advertisement less than 91, No discounts' allowed on less than three months contract. Cash must accompany all orders from parties unknown to us. Further particulars on application. Beading notices t'5 cents per line, each inser- tion. No discounts for time or space. Bead- ing matter is set in brevier type—about six words to the line. AJ1 head lines count double. The date on the address label shows when sub- scription expires. Renewals should be made two weeks prior to expiration, so that no paper may be missed, as the paper stops when time is out. It occasionally happens that papers sent to subscribers are lost or stolen. In case you do not receive any number when due, inform us by postal card at the expiration of five days from that date, and we will cheerfully forward a duplicate of the missing number. Communications to receive attention must be newsy, upon important subjects, plainly writ' ten only upon one side of the paper; must reach us Tuesdays if possible, anyway not later tban Wednesdays, and bear the signature of the author. No manuscript returned, un- less stamps are sent for postage. . We do not hold ourselves responsible Tor the "views of our correspondents. Soliciting agents wanted everywhere. Write for terms. Sample'copies free. In* every letter that you write M never fail to * give your fafl rian.e and address, plainly writ- ten, poet'.niftce. county and state: Business letters of all kinds must be written on separ- ate sheets from letters, containing news of matter for publication.- AGENTS WANTED. - THE APPEAL wants good reliable agents tc canvass for subscribers at points not already covered. Write for our.extraordinary inducements. Address, THE APPEAL, 325 Dearborn, Chicago, ill. SVTUROAY JUXE IS, 18U8. A-v{ia hia Gr>viru3r BridUy of Ken tucky, shown that he is made of the ripht sort of .stuff to make men of, by ordering a company of tbe elite guard to Miyfield to protect Bab Blanks an Afrj- American accuaad of rape up.tn a vrbite famale, who is to be tried next week. Tueir have bean six lynching in Graves County witbin tbe past two year 8 and tbe people then won't do to trust. Ail borcor to (he noble governor. No ore need to lear that a black man ac- cused of nip9 upon a white female in Kentucky, or any where else for that mutter, will escape punishment with all the administrations of justice (?) white as t l )ey usually are, but we want the murdering when it is done to be done Icgal'y and not bv mob. OMAHA EXPOSITION SOUVENIR MEDAL. (Being a composite of forty-four photographs of typical American W\om.cnfton^ the various states.) . . , . . . . ; MILWAtiKEE.V i i •* -**w« ••*»«»eBw*jnwja»«w*»na«.. THE CREAM CITY OF THE LAKES Items of all Sorta Gathered Together by Our Ubiquitous Beporterand Served ap In Dainty Stylo for tba .Delectation of Oui Beadon.--**' >.«> ,» *r t%.. .. A F T E R TME> BATTIvB^, '' "" ' -> •>*?•* •* Among the unique features of the Trans- Missisaippi exposition is the souvenir medal, just issued, which, aside from being a memento of unusual beauty, has also value as a result of scientific Pho- tography. The obverse bears a composite profile of forty typically beautiful women of the "West, the result being: a profile of the "ideal Western beauty," as the ex- position managers boast. On the reverse appears a mounted Indian in the act of spearing a buffalo. The two dates, 1848 and 1808, tell the story of the progress of the West. When the plans of the exposition were yet in their infancy, the question of a suitable souvenir medal was discussed, aaid It w a s decided that a composite photograph of forty Western women be made and transferred to the die. The governors of the several Western states were called upon months ago to select each two beautiful women in his respec- tive community and forward their pho- tographs. The governors responded, and the task of completing the composite pro- file was intrusted to a New York pho- tographer. It was no easy task, for never before had a composite photograph of forty face* been successfully finished. After weeks of experimenting several fine negatives were shade and finished. The board having in charge the selection ol the design with great difficulty made a choice between them. The face, it is declared, is that of an ideal Western woman, having all the characteristics of strong individuality ot the type. SPANISH CUSTOMS. (DOHTZMVED raoM VOIR PAQB.) It must be confessed that "the Spaniards as a whole are cruel and bloody minded Judged by our standards. They may not be unkind parents, or, among the peas- antry, unkind husbands. But what no English speaking people can stomach is the national passion for the bull fight. No passion or sentiment anywhere in the world is, so comprehensively and intense- ly national as the passion, for "tauro- machia" is to-day in Spain. There w a s a time when bull fighting had a compara- tively slight hold on the northern prov- inces, but that time is past. Just as the broad "faja," or girdle, is the one article of dress which is worn by all the common people of Spain, otherwise as various in costume as all the rural populations of wno pawned nengjeweis to nc out unsworn Colon—and it is pleasant for us to remem- ber that Isabella the Catholic set her face sternly against bull fighting, and would have abolished it in her dominions If she could, but even Isabella was not strong enough for that. New Sleeping 1 , CarXine. Between Chicago and Buffalo on train No 6 Nickel Plate Road, leaving Chicago daily from the Van Buren Street Pas- senger Station (on the Loop), at 2:55 P. M. Also a through sleeper to New York via Nickel Plate and Lackawanna Roade, in addition to tbe excellent through service heretofore maintained. ' Mr. Wm Davis will spend the summer atSpiing Bank. Warm weather has made Us ap pearance in the Cream City. The R e v . G e o . A*. Brown and Rev. Bouce are in the city on business. Mrs. Jas. Parks and eon have been spending several week* at Green Lake. Dr. Jobison of Washington D. C. is in the cty the guest of Dr. A. L. Herron. . Mr. A. T. Broady is stopping at the Bull of tha Woods Hotel lor the sum- mer. ' .- .'; *-/:: '••"' V'':' ^•• : -'-' ' A-r .••=*•-.'-.-•.< The Coterie membirs and exmembers will give an entertainment during the Carnival. ,-,-• -..f; Hiss Marian Berry has. decided to go to Rcger Williams Collage ins ead of Tuekegee this fall. Mr. J, M. Turner of Batavia will spend a week in the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B. F. L. Taylor. Miss A. L. Miles and Bod Tayloi came \cry near being pinched for scorching on the avenue, j The many friends of Mr^ Alex Roulette will be eorry to learn that'he is seriously ill at his home in Green Biy. Mrs. Walter Cartwright has gone to Racine to join her husband where she expects to reside in the future. Mrs. P. D. Thomas has returned to Racine after spending several days in the city the guest of the Eetella chapter, Mr. A. G. Burgett the hustler and R. B. Montgomery the f vangilist, are doing a rushing basiness with their paper. ? Mrs. Adolph Tbirll, will make her home with her mother in the future, where she hopes to see her many friends. Tbe following Cream City people went to Madison to attend the Semi Centenial; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hawkins and Mr. R, B. Montgomery. Mr. 8, A. Robinson is to shrewd a business man to let anjr one buy him out. He knows when he has a good thing as well as Mr. Pale Face. Tbe Holy rood commandary will give* an entertainment oa tbje 30th, at tbe The Victor (waving trophy of hair)—An* now you'd» better take yerself off to tho a'offlcer of the fresh-h'alr fund!—Pick-Me-Up. NewiTrain Service To Buffalo. Nickel Plate Road train No 9, from the Van Buren Street Passenger Station, Chicago (on the Loop)/2:55* P. M. daily, with Buffalo sleeper arriving in that city at 7:40 the following morning. Through New York sleeper on same train, via Lackawanna Rnad, Buffalo to New York, arriving early next evening. Three through trains daily, at convenient hours, to Ft Wayns, C'eveland, Erie, Bufftlo New York and Boston. Rates lower than via other line9. City Ticket Office III Adam? Street and Auditorium Annex. Telephone Main 3389. GEN. ANTONIO MACEO. Continued from t Page. capett Dy impersonating a wounded Spanish soldier, carried for miles in a hammock by his men. Afterward Maceo crossed the Canto River and routed Suarez Valdez at Chapana, Mos- cones. and Holguin. Further west he defeat- ed General Bchagne at Puerto Padre, and then moved on Puerto Principe. Across Cama- guey he went, leaving a trail of deso.ation m his wake, broke the trocha of Jucaro, defeat- ing the Spaniards at Maltiempo, Coliseo, Paso Real, and Calimete, finally reaching Pinar del Rio. How Maceo held Pinar del Rio against the best efforts of Weyler's subordinates for months, finally forcing the Spanish com- mander to take the field in person, at the head of 35,000 men. Is recent history. Weyler's overwhelming force rresssd Macea'a r*ao*a HOLLAND SUBMARINE BOATi AN UNKNOWN &UANTITY IN THE WAR. The war goes merrily on but the Afr/.-Amarican is not troubling him- self much about it, is it too far removed from him, or is he waiting to be invited to the officers pie counter? Officers pie is what he want* we CUMP. ft^v'v THE APPEAL is under obligations to Hen. Knute Nelson IT. S, S. for valuable public docume its received from Wash- ingboD,.D. C, fchwwiek, > ' ^/^ jTance ana uermany put togeiner, so are they all united in. their love for this amusement. The man who will not save ot all his pennies to pay for. admission to a grand Sunday or Corpus Christl "cor- rida de toros" is either an inveterate spendthrift or no Spaniard; and if he leaves his wife at home he is u bad hus- band. . ,.-..» : '••.. .:• » ..'..*:. : What. we .Americans '/canBb't'vaiid- never will understtmd about bull fightihg, even when we have managed to master all the intricacies of the game itself, is how a gathering of both men and women can laugh and cheer, and clap hands, and throw their hats into the ring when a liv- ing disembowelled horse is making his screams heard above all the uproar. On the whole, we would rather not under- stand it. There Is one Spanish woman for whose memory all Americans feel 3ome reverence—Isabella the Catholic, Another Improvement In Train Service- On the Nickel Plate Road, train No 6, leaving Van Bu'en Street Pa*eerg?r Station, Chicago, (on the Loop), at 2:55 P. M. dai'y for Buff do and local station?, TOth,^uff4^ N^w YtTk; sleeper via<Nick«l Piste and lackaw<<tmf Roads. Rat«-s always the lowest. Th> excellent train serv c* to Bos on *nd New York City, with through day coaches and eleepins cars to Nv w York City and through sleeping cars to Bea- ton, and the excellent dining car seivxe, will continue as heretofore. •AREA OP /AMERICA * AND GT BRITAIN - ^* V:-. THB tow*oi&im£&&%&& 'X&6 THE POWERS .-*$£ U.S-*««O$T.8PITAIN ^^S RfJUAflve 5\ZhS OF OUR TWO M r l i f 5 . AND TH0te_OFTHft P0Vf/JCI^% '.TSS » j -JPKr jtbl *tS^*^iW ^n^^A^Si-' festal ^H Y^Li Wt st Side Army Hall 292 4 h 8L All the 400 are cordially invited to a'tend «* this will be the entertainment of the eeaeoi, ,..,,/; ; ... •;. . •••':>'_•., Mrs. R chel Sinitb, beloved wife of Mr. A'biejt Smith djed .•atvthe Muwajikef C Uf»ty'Hospital after an i l n si »» «^v^Talmonth«>. T''« jreniMP"'wer^ ut- tered from Gesu Church (Catholic) oi* t v e6thirtt. He would not join hands for b e t t c or worse or be was not r^a^y. OI<i bov, never be r ady in that Jine if you know when yon are well off ;a»vthWe is always more worse than betters It is woe unto your dollars until death. Childrens day was obferved at St, Marks A. M.E. Church Sunday June the 12th, the Alter was profusely decorated with ferns and flowers. The program of tbe evening consisted of Essays and anthems which were well selected and appropriated, . Mrs, R. H. Anderson on the 10th presented her husband with a 12th son. Mother and child are doing well. They will name him Dewey Schley Sampson Anderson. The many friends of Mr. Anderson ;will not look for any wet goods as he has never been known to refuse a-——or set them up t? anyone. We noticed in tne Advocate where THE APPEAL Agent would go to Chicago to hire waiters for the. Carnival. Mr. H. C. Vaughan of 918 W. Madison St., Chicago has been engaged to hire all waiters for tbe Plankton that will come from the city of sin, and has been given all particulars regarding terms. ^ ^ % < , v Mr. and Mrs. Jas. HigginB were out selling tickets toi a strawberry social and apron sale, which was given by the Mites Missionary society at St. MarkB Church Tueeday Jane 14ht, which was a grand affair. All present had a delight- ful time. ,To much credit can not be given to those who helped to get ap each a grand affair.; One Fare for the Round Trip. Buff* >'••, N. Y. and* return, account B-ptis r P Y «uui? Peoplftfl TJoioo meetirg, Iniy 14-17. Ka'es o^fr »h\n via other line-. F * ' fn'l i iformaftoh call on or a^drww J. Y C klahan, GenerAl.Agent, ill; Adams St., Chic-go. 'Phone 3389 Main. ._ (36) Thousands.' Te«Mfy that the only safe preparation in t v e world that makes kinky hair s r»i.'»»iis'thogenuine Ozon'zedOx Mar- ro w, m 'de only by the Ozonized Ox Mar- row.O)., 15 Washington Si„ Chicago. 'Prce 50 cents. Ask your druggist for i t Bpwt'* of imitations. veterans back into the hills, but was unable to dislodge them from their strongholds. Then the Spanish commatiaer sought' an.i found the Benedict Arnold cf Cuba, Dr. Max- imo Zertucha, and under pretext of negotiat- ing^ter tip: independence of Cuba^-for Maceo woittd have liateoed to nothing else—the in- trepid leader was betrayed to his death. When the republic of Cuba icMevea Inde- pendonce^and p«a«e'andi)rospe"riiy once mere return to the Pearl of the Antilles, the great- est bftfi» of -the nation. should be Antonk. Maceo; who did not live to see the success o! the cause for which he studied and planned and fought so many weary years. Brilliants of the first water are those given to stay the wife's first flood of tears.—Scarron. Don't bear the burden of the wash-board any longer. Hasn't it caused enough dam- age and trouble and weariness ? Do you realize the amount of wear and tear that it brings to your clothes in a single year ? Get Pearline—get rid of the wash-board and that eternal rubbing. Be a free woman. You ought to see for yourself that Pearl- ^r\ ine's easy way of washing—soak- V >\ ing, boiling,rinsing—is better for / the clothes and better for you. eis *-'i KTH1CAT1UNAL. 1 a&SSflP 1 * Col l ege Vu Cla 5!£ a U^ ci f nt,flc ; Agricultural. Mechanical. Normal and Common School Cojrses, together with Theological and Medical Schools. Fitty-five Dollars a Year will cover all expenses of board, tuiflon, fuel, light and furnished room. Separate borne and matron.tor little girls and another for littleThews from 6 to 15 yean. Termbeginslast ' Monday In September. Send lor catalogue to Prwddent oi Knoxriiia aan» a * SS^ra^ , ff 6JUmn TIEOLOeiCAl SEMINART asthma, aaoaau. •IMS .AND METHODS Tto anmaf this scbool is to 4* praetleal wfaV la halamgaMB toward IIKMI in UM aiatetry. tta OMuas of stmdy la broad aad praeticalj* Usala an Uak; tta work is thoronra; its a v * a * BM tnak, aytteawtk, clear sad simpM. COURSES OF STUDY- Via rsfalar Oonraa af ttady oecaplet tksss laan, amd aovwa UM ua«t of work ia taa asvaMi ispartmaau af taaolotieal lnstvacttea aaaaUj a w w d l n t a s laaMagtasatogical assaiaarla* •» Seraatry. EXPENSES A N D A I D TMHamaad n a a v n a t an tree. Thy apaM Mala far atadeatt an pUlaly faratshed. 4M< Ward «aa at bad far atvaa asUan per saaata, BaUdiags kwaM4 ky stoarn. m Ala from loans wttaoat mtaiatt, and gifta tf Maa4a.angiap.!tedtodMarna|st«d«atawbo as MMtrataaitlatba Itaa af aeU-help. Na youf Baawiucraca. gifts, and aaergy, need be da- Bflrvad of the aavantagas aow opeaed to a<s* a b i s SemlBary. Por farther particulars addreaa Mm. WILBIB P, JUaaKOa fiGKST&lN NORTON UN1VERSIH CANE 8PRINO. BULLITT COUNTY, RV. ••iBdnctrisl tniniae will »et k> motion ton tbenioBt wbeela." REV. WM. J. EIMMOH'J, P. P., LL.D.. Co-founder sadfirstChsaesaSlb THE LOCATION. Ths Sekatsin Norton UniTeraity ia •itnsted at Cats Spring, Ky., twenty-nine mile* from Louiaville, Ky..-ai one of tbe moat healthy and quiet settlements in tat 8u»e—the county being what *• knom u % piobibitiea eoantT for soeny years. Tbe building sad ground* am an a lofty hill of rich, rolling land, snrroauded on all •idea by moontain etreama, dashing miniature cattracsn. high mouaiaina, peopled with timber of many rarisa •peeiee. In this quiet ^treat away from tbe bustle Ol eity Ufa, frsafrom tbe anbealtby aedaetiona and aUora> menu of places of viee and unwholtaoma amnaemenf. onefindeatody easy, recreation helpful, and tbe pkyaaeaf powers dsvaloped and aeeured. b ll that playa no unia*t portent part in a atudent'a rife, and is aptly suited to a t wbedeetr* to prepareforan active life. OCf»AirnMCNT8. Lltecary, Serieattsre, BlackamitMag, Ph»««raDbf, Cabinet Making, Plain Sewing, Onyoa Won, Telegrapky, - . . - latformg, CookT- Apiaeultnra, Joulti Barber Sbejh Carpeatey, Weak Snen*ia Weeds aad Metato, •bortbaaa and Type- Writing, _ CUavUagiaOU aad Water, C MuaieafCoacecftory. Tn»aboTC<lepa»tnicntoarc aaaas eoaapetent nroaja> •on and! iactrac»a»s gjiadusrtss and epeeialiatc ia tba teaeb. They haU from Ofeeriin, Howaaa branches they teaeb. They naU from Oberlin, Howsa£, State OniTeraity,, Cnieago Manual Tratame; Schoolr8taat Kormal Sofaool, Bhod* Island,^and otber of cmr bssl Institutions. Ourclaaaeaaa&ctcdieaare so.arrancedtbatatadenai may stady what ia-caoat dMicabla, leave off any *laes» recruit their headsa erflnaoaeayaod.re*wrn to-vowptiiea the course at any future time The time to Snub aag* eourac ia the lead possible, oonaiateni with thiirniajp work ia all departments. 'TERMS. Board, roou:. fuel, tuition and waB4tiagkSM»Tjer OMSUaa Btudeiun maaj entet %t any time ia the year. HUP roa aruocNTa. Deserving students may have- the privilege of extaax reduction ia proportion to the work tney are trilling at do. Weaak patronage not only on account of our Test rate but on account of the verv high character of tat work done. Our accommodations arefirst-elaseaai ottered alike to both sexes* Peraons en route to-Cao* Sprmc, Ky., via. I^oievaUaj may find free accommodation at So. 57/ Laurel assasa) Louiaville, Ky. ?or catalogues- aadtalitbueiaeaaaddieaa tbe rrmtfV, Bolting, BuaieevyOollcgp r^ultryEntaing, Press Making, RCV. C. H. PARRISH, A. M. 8 CANE SantNtt. GOD HATH MADE OF ONE BLOOD ALL JfATIOXS OF MEN." IS TH* MOTTO OT BereaCollege Christian, non-sectarian. Three College cours- es, Music, Academy, Normal, Mannal. Tuition free. Incidental iee $4.50 a term. Expenses low. No saloons. 369 white and 217 Afro-American stndents. Go 1000 miles if need be to Get the But Education. Address, PBES. WM. O. FROST. PH. D„ PIBEA, ET. THE MEDICAL SCHOOL OF TBB NEW ORLEANS UNIVERSITY Admits NUn arid Women of all Racts. $30. Ninth Year, opens Sept. 14th. Well Equipped, Thorough Instruction Address 5 3 1 8 S t . Charles. NB W ORLEANS - LOUISIAJfA Morristown formal Academy tral Tratininir for ariris. FIFTY DOLLARS IN ADVANCE ^l!i\ pay . for "°. ard ' roo ' n ' ,l ^ ht fUPl tuition and lueid^utalsfor ibeeatfreavvr. B .»rd 86 00 per moaih. ttrtnii fi.ix) per term. Student* |. i9t ,^r 8.2.^ Thorough work do-,.- <n slldt-partmeua* send for tutalognt*, to ihe P-e^dent REV.JUDS0NS. HILL. Morristown^ Tenn SHAW UIYEBS1TY For both sexeo. Depanrofiux of i,nw. Medicine Pharmacy, Mtiric. Miu-lornry TraiMne. Colleee. College Preiyutory, Buplish >>iid li flu-trial. This year began Tnc*duv, October 1 -t For cu'-alozoef circularKand oilier"lnfoTmivtH" ,ad(lri»->. PRES CHAS F MESERVE Raleigh, N. C. BOWMD DIITERSm, D a _a.v.* S!SjSSiaGaStt.«LS!» Medical. Lei WASHINGTON H i.izyt ^-^AarraiajHTB, u n a e r IOrty c o m a tE&E&FT&& Instructors: TrtoloSaL andjndustr|al. ^rlafonnation adlresa- J. B. JOKNBOB, Bevretary. rresiaaa* - * '.. :: A v <A •/ m m ..w >! "T m% GrXTRAL TENNESSEE C O L L E l •TASamua, vmaxssxa. DeparbajttU: SaaU.^, Normal rnpmtM t>n*£f. Tl^lejlc^lfedic^ Deatal, Pau •*«f«^ }+", Mulcal, Africaa Tratniaf Sea Mastrtal. Orer forty instructor. AtteadaaesU— fw^ Bneaass boat lOte §14 per a c W SKS** Jtott**£*r*ti9tm»tio%and eataiofut. gdrsas tt* Prsaidcai, Bar. f. SrUea, VasavlUa! / JAlKlLToinSER MANUFACTURING AND General Macblne Worlds * -— ^K»» Kepslring Machinery BnUding Patent Modela». Special Machines and Other Mechanical Ap - pllanecs. All orders in These Lines Effl- ^ f- ^ , gently and Promptly Executed. A-" ^ - • , 4^ J| I. MILTON mNtirinmge^ ^Ivffe 5 ' "' ; r ^ MRS. L.M. THOMAS, Mota^v^i'.?^ l»a«idl«4N.Broadway, ST..LOUIS. Mti. T ————r—— n—^— » •<' A »s ' Defective"; Page

The appeal (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1898-06-18 [p ]

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The appeal (Saint Paul, Minn.) 1898-06-18 [p ]."| ' pfp" /.' ' '^-^^w^p^i m
"l l H
ADAMS BROS. EDITORS AND PUBLISHERS 4 0 £ . 4 t h St. St . Paul , Minn.
•a i • •
8tt lnt P a u l , M i n n e a p o l i s , C h i c a g o , Lou i sv i l l e , S t . L o u i s , D a l l a s ,
ST. PAUL OFFICE, No. 1 6 4 Union Block 4 th and Cedar
J . Q. A D A M S , P u b l i s h e r .
MINNEAPOLIS OFFICE, Guaranty Loan Building, R o o m 8 1 7
P . F. HALE, M a n a g e r '
CHICAGO OFFICE, No. 3 2 3 - 5 Dearborn St. Suite 2 1 3 - 2 1 5
C. P* A D A M S , M a n a g e r .
LOUISVILLE OFFICE, N o - 3 1 2 W e s t Jefferson S t . R o o m 8
W. V. P E N N , Marrager.
ST. LOUIS OFFICE, No. 1 0 0 2 F R A N K L I N A V E N U E
J . N . H A R R I S O N , M a n a g e r .
L. A - B R O W N , M a n a g e r .
TERMS, STRICTLY IN ADVANCE: Single copy, one year $2.00 Single copy, six months 91.IO Single copy, three months 60 When subscriptions are by any means allowed
to ran without prepayment, the terms are 60 cents for each 13 weeks and 5 cents for eaeh odd week, or at the rate of 88.40 per year.
Remit tances should bo made by Express Money Order. Post Office Money Order, Regis­ tered Letter or Bank Draft. Postage stamps will be received the same as cash for ffae frac­ tional parts of a dollar. Only one cent and two cent stamps taken.
611-jer should never be sent through the mail. It is almost sure to wear a hole through the envelope and be lost, or else it may be stolen. Persons who send silver to us in letters do BO at their own risk.
Marriage and death notices , ten lines or less $1. JSach additional line 10 rents. Payment strictly in advance, and to be announced at all must come in season to be news.
Advert is ing rates, 15 cents per agate line, each insertion. There are fourteen agate lines in an inch, and about seven words in an agate line. No single advertisement less than 91, No discounts' allowed on less than three months contract. Cash must accompany all orders from parties unknown to us. Further particulars on application.
Bead ing notices t'5 cents per line, each inser­ tion. No discounts for time or space. Bead­ ing matter is set in brevier type—about six words to the line. AJ1 head lines count double.
T h e date on t h e address label shows when sub­ scription expires. Renewals should be made two weeks prior to expiration, so that no paper may be missed, as the paper stops when time is out.
I t occasionally happens that papers sent to subscribers are lost or stolen. In case you do not receive any number when due, inform us by postal card at the expiration of five days from that date, and we will cheerfully forward a duplicate of the missing number.
Communicat ions to receive attention must be newsy, upon important subjects, plainly writ' ten only upon one side of the paper; must reach us Tuesdays if possible, anyway not later tban Wednesdays, and bear the signature of the author. No manuscript returned, un­ less stamps are sent for postage. .
W e do not hold ourselves responsible Tor the "views of our correspondents.
Sol icit ing agent s wanted everywhere. Write for terms. Sample'copies free.
In* every le t ter that you write M never fail to * give your fafl rian.e and address, plainly writ­
ten, poet'.niftce. county and state: Business letters of all kinds must be written on separ­ ate sheets from letters, containing news of matter for publication.-
- THE APPEAL wants good reliable agents tc canvass for subscribers at points not already covered. Write for our.extraordinary inducements.
Address, THE APPEAL,
tucky, shown that he is made of t h e
ripht sort of .stuff to make men of, by
ordering a company of tbe e l i te guard
to Miyfield to protect Bab Blanks an
Afr j - American accuaad of rape up.tn a
vrbite famale, who is to be tried next
week. Tueir have bean six lynching in
Graves County witbin tbe past two year8
and tbe people then won't do to trust.
Ail borcor to (he noble governor. No
ore need to lear that a black man ac­
cused of nip9 upon a white female in
Kentucky, or any where else for that
mutter, will escape punishment with all
the administrations of justice (?) white
as t l)ey usually are, but we want the
murdering when it is done to be done
Icgal'y and not bv mob.
OMAHA EXPOSITION SOUVENIR MEDAL. (Being a composite of forty-four photographs of typical American W\om.cnfton^
the various states.) • . . , . . . .
I t e m s of a l l Sorta Gathered Together by Our Ubiquitous B e p o r t e r a n d Served a p In Dainty Stylo for t b a .Delectat ion of
Oui Beadon.--**' >.«> ,» *r t%.. ..
A F T E R T M E > B A T T I v B ^ , '' "" ' -> •>*?•* •*
A m o n g the unique features of the Trans- Missisaippi exposit ion is the souvenir medal, jus t issued, which, aside from being a memento of unusual beauty, has also va lue a s a result of scientific Pho­ tography.
The obverse bears a composite profile of forty typical ly beautiful w o m e n of the "West, the result being: a profile of the "ideal Western beauty," a s the ex ­ position managers boast. On the reverse appears a mounted Indian in the act of spearing a buffalo. The two dates, 1848 and 1808, tell the story of the progress of the West .
W h e n the plans of the exposit ion were yet in their infancy, the question of a sui table souvenir medal w a s discussed, aaid It w a s decided that a composite photograph of forty Western women be
made and transferred to the die. The governors of the several Western s t a t e s were called upon months ago to select each t w o beautiful w o m e n in his respec­ t ive community and forward their pho­ tographs. The governors responded, and the task of complet ing the composite pro­ file w a s intrusted to a N e w York pho­ tographer. I t w a s no easy task, for never before had a composite photograph of forty face* been successful ly finished.
After w e e k s of exper iment ing several fine negat ives w e r e shade and finished. The board hav ing in charge the selection o l the design with great difficulty made a choice be tween them. T h e face, it is declared, is that of an ideal Western woman, hav ing all the characterist ics of s trong individuality ot the type.
It mus t be confessed that "the Spaniards a s a whole are cruel and bloody minded Judged by our standards. T h e y m a y not be unkind parents, or, a m o n g the peas ­ antry, unkind husbands. B u t w h a t no Engl i sh speaking people can s tomach i s the nat ional pass ion for t h e bull fight. N o passion or sent iment a n y w h e r e in the world is, so comprehensively and intense­ ly national as the pass ion, for "tauro- machia" is to-day in Spain. There w a s a t ime w h e n bull fighting had a compara­ t ively s l ight hold on the northern prov­ inces, but that t ime is past. Just as the broad "faja," or girdle, is the one article of dress which i s worn by all the common people of Spain, otherwise a s various in costume a s all the rural populations of
w n o pawned nengjeweis to nc out u n s w o r n Colon—and it is pleasant for us to remem­ ber that Isabel la the Catholic set her face sternly aga ins t bull fighting, and would have abolished i t in her dominions If she could, but even Isabel la w a s not s trong enough for that .
N e w Sleeping1, CarXine.
Between Chicago and Buffalo on train
No 6 Nickel Plate Road, leaving Chicago
daily from the Van Buren Street Pas­
senger Station (on the Loop) , at 2:55 P.
M. Also a through sleeper to New York
via Nickel Plate and Lackawanna Roade,
in addition to tbe excellent through
service heretofore maintained.
' Mr. Wm Davis will spend the summer atSpiing Bank.
Warm weather has m a d e Us ap pearance in the Cream City.
The Rev. Geo. A*. Brown and Rev. Bouce are in the city on business.
Mrs. Jas. Parks and eon have been spending several week* at Green Lake.
Dr. Jobison of Washington D. C. is in the c t y the guest of Dr. A . L. Herron. . Mr. A. T. Broady is stopping at the Bull of tha Woods Hotel lor the sum­ mer. ' .- .'; *-/:: '••"' V ' ' : ' ^••:-'-' ' A-r .••=*•-.'-.-•.<
The Coterie membirs and exmembers will give an entertainment during the Carnival. ,-,-• -..f;
Hiss Marian Berry has . decided to go to Rcger Williams Collage ins ead of Tuekegee this fall.
Mr. J, M. Turner of Batavia will spend a week i n the city the guest of Mr. and Mrs. B . F. L. Taylor.
Miss A. L. Miles and Bod Tayloi came \ c r y near being pinched for scorching on the avenue, j
The many friends of Mr^ Alex Roulette will be eorry to learn that'he is seriously ill at his home in Green B i y .
Mrs. Walter Cartwright has gone to Racine to join her husband where she expects to reside in the future.
Mrs. P. D. Thomas has returned to Racine after spending several days in the city the guest of the Eetella chapter,
Mr. A. G. Burgett the hustler and R. B. Montgomery the f vangilist, are doing a rushing basiness with their paper. ?
Mrs. Adolph Tbirll, will make her home with her mother in the future, where she hopes to see her many friends.
Tbe following Cream City people went to Madison to attend the Semi Centenial; Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hawkins and Mr. R, B . Montgomery.
Mr. 8, A. Robinson is to shrewd a business man to let anjr one buy him out. H e knows when he has a good thing as well as Mr. Pale Face.
Tbe Holy rood commandary will give* an entertainment oa tbje 30th, at tbe
The Victor (waving trophy of hair)—An* now you'd» better take yerself off to tho a'offlcer of the fresh-h'alr fund!—Pick-Me-Up.
NewiTrain Service T o Buffalo.
Nickel Plate Road train No 9, from the
Van Buren Street Passenger Station,
Chicago (on the Loop)/2:55* P. M. daily,
with Buffalo sleeper arriving in that city
at 7:40 the following morning. Through
New York sleeper on same train, via
Lackawanna Rnad, Buffalo to New York,
arriving early next evening. Three
through trains daily, at convenient hours, to F t Wayns, C'eveland, Erie, Bufftlo New York and Boston. Rates lower than via other line9. City Ticket Office III Adam? Street and Auditorium Annex . Telephone Main 3389.
GEN. ANTONIO MACEO. C o n t i n u e d f r o m t P a g e .
capett Dy impersonating a wounded Spanish soldier, carried for miles in a hammock by his men.
Afterward Maceo crossed the Canto River and routed Suarez Valdez at Chapana, Mos- cones. and Holguin. Further west he defeat­ ed General Bchagne at Puerto Padre, and then moved on Puerto Principe. Across Cama- guey he went, leaving a trail of deso.ation m his wake, broke the trocha of Jucaro, defeat­ ing the Spaniards at Maltiempo, Coliseo, Paso Real, and Calimete, finally reaching Pinar del Rio.
How Maceo held Pinar del Rio against the best efforts of Weyler's subordinates for months, finally forcing the Spanish com­ mander to take the field in person, at the head of 35,000 men. Is recent history. Weyler's overwhelming force rresssd Macea'a r*ao*a
The war goes merrily on but the
Afr/.-Amarican is not troubling him­
self much about it, is it too far removed
from him, or is he waiting to be invited
to the officers pie counter? Officers pie
is what he want* we CUMP. ft^v'v
THE APPEAL is under obligations to
Hen. Knute Nelson IT. S, S. for valuable
public docume its received from Wash-
ingboD,.D. C, fchwwiek, > ' ^ / ^
jTance ana u e r m a n y put togeiner, so are they all united in. their love for this amusement . The m a n w h o will not save o t all his pennies to pay for. admiss ion to a grand S u n d a y or Corpus Christl "cor­ rida de toros" i s e i ther an inveterate spendthrift or no Spaniard; and if he leaves his wi fe at home he is u bad hus ­ band. . , . - . . » : '••.. .:• » ..'..*:. :
W h a t . w e .Americans '/canBb't'vaiid- never wil l understtmd about bull fightihg, even when w e have m a n a g e d to mas ter all the intricacies of the g a m e itself, is how a gathering of both men and w o m e n can laugh and cheer, and clap hands, and throw their hats into the ring when a liv­ ing disembowelled horse is making his screams heard above all the uproar. On the whole, w e would rather not under­ stand it. There Is one Spanish woman for whose memory all Amer icans feel 3ome reverence—Isabella the Catholic,
Another Improvement In Train Service-
On the Nickel Plate Road, train No 6,
leaving Van Bu'en Street Pa*eerg?r
Station, Chicago, (on the Loop), at 2:55
P. M. dai'y for Buff do and local station?,
TOth,^uff4^ N^w YtTk;
sleeper via<Nick«l Piste and lackaw<<tmf Roads. Rat«-s always the lowest. Th> excellent train serv c* to Bos on *nd N e w York City, with through day coaches and eleepins cars to Nv w York City and through sleeping cars to Bea­ ton, and the excellent dining car s e i v x e , will continue as heretofore.
U.S-*««O$T.8PITAIN ^ ^ S
RfJUAflve 5\ZhS OF OUR TWO M r l i f 5 . AND TH0te_OFTHft P0Vf/JCI %
'.TSS » j
-JPKr jtbl *tS^*^iW ^n^^A^Si-' festal ^H Y^Li
Wt st Side Army Hall 292 4 h 8L All the 400 are cordially invited to a'tend «* this will be the entertainment of the eeaeoi, ,..,,/;;... •;. . •••':>'_•.,
Mrs. R chel Sinitb, beloved wife of Mr. A'biejt Smith djed .•atvthe Muwajikef C Uf»ty'Hospital after an i l n s i »» «^v^Talmonth«>. T''« jreniMP"'wer^ ut­ tered from Gesu Church (Catholic) oi* t v e 6 t h i r t t .
He would not join hands for b e t t c or worse or be was not r^a^y. OI<i bov, never be r ady in that Jine if you know when yon are well off ;a»vthWe i s always more worse than betters It is woe unto your dollars until death.
Childrens day was obferved at St, Marks A. M.E. Church Sunday June the 12th, the Alter was profusely decorated with ferns and flowers. The program of tbe evening consisted of Essays and anthems which were well selected and appropriated, .
Mrs, R. H. Anderson on the 10th presented her husband with a 12th son. Mother and child are doing well. They will name him Dewey Schley Sampson Anderson. The many friends of Mr. Anderson ;will not look for any wet goods as he has never been known to refuse a-——or set them up t? a n y o n e .
We noticed in tne Advocate where T H E A P P E A L Agent would go to Chicago to hire waiters for the. Carnival. Mr. H. C. Vaughan of 918 W. Madison St., Chicago has been engaged to hire all waiters for tbe Plankton that will come from the city of sin, and has been given all particulars regarding terms. ^ ^ % < , v
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. HigginB were out selling tickets toi a strawberry social and apron sale, which was given by the Mites Missionary society at St. MarkB Church Tueeday Jane 14ht, which was a grand affair. All present had a delight­ ful time. ,To much credit can not be given to those who helped to get ap each a grand affair.;
One F a r e for t h e Round Trip.
T» Buff* >'••, N. Y. and* return, account B-ptisrP Y «uui? Peoplftfl TJoioo meetirg, Iniy 14-17. Ka'es o^fr »h\n via other line-. F * ' fn'l i iformaftoh call on or a^drww J . Y C klahan, GenerAl.Agent, i l l ; Adams St., Chic-go. 'Phone 3389 Main. ._ (36)
T h o u s a n d s . '
Te«Mfy that the only safe preparation in t v e world that makes kinky hair s r»i.'»»iis'thogenuine Ozon'zedOx Mar- ro w, m 'de only by the Ozonized Ox Mar- row.O) . , 15 Washington Si„ Chicago. 'Prce 50 cents. Ask your druggist for i t Bpwt'* of imitations.
veterans back into the hills, but was unable to dislodge them from their strongholds. Then the Spanish commatiaer sought' an.i found the Benedict Arnold cf Cuba, Dr. Max­ imo Zertucha, and under pretext of negotiat- ing^ter tip: independence of Cuba^-for Maceo woittd have liateoed to nothing else—the in­ trepid leader was betrayed to his death.
When the republic of Cuba icMevea Inde- pendonce^and p«a«e'andi)rospe"riiy once mere return to the Pearl of the Antilles, the great­ est bftfi» of -the nation. should be Antonk. Maceo; who did not live to see the success o! the cause for which he studied and planned and fought so many weary years.
Brilliants of the first water are those given to stay the wife's first flood of tears.—Scarron.
Don't bear the burden of the wash-board any
longer. Hasn't it caused enough dam­ age and trouble and weariness ? Do
you realize the amount of wear and tear that it brings to your clothes in
a single year ? Get Pearline—get rid of the wash-board and that eternal rubbing. Be a free woman. You
ought to see for yourself that Pearl- ^ r \ ine's easy way of washing—soak- V > \ ing, boiling,rinsing—is better for
/ the clothes and better for you. eis
1 a&SSflP1* CollegeVuCla5!£aU^cifnt,flc; Agricultural. Mechanical. Normal and Common School Cojrses, together with Theological and Medical Schools. Fitty-five Dollars a Year will cover all expenses of board, tuiflon, fuel, light and furnished room. Separate borne and matron.tor little girls and another for littleThews from 6 to 15 yean. Termbeginslast ' Monday In September. Send lor catalogue to Prwddent oi Knoxriiia aan»a* SS^ra^
, ff
6JUmn TIEOLOeiCAl SEMINART asthma, aaoaau.
• I M S .AND M E T H O D S Tto anmaf this scbool is to 4* praetleal wfaV
la halamgaMB toward I I K M I in UM aiatetry. tta OMuas of stmdy la broad aad p r a e t i c a l j * Usala a n Uak; tta work is thoronra; its a v * a * BM tnak, aytteawtk, clear sad simpM.
C O U R S E S OF STUDY- Via rsfalar Oonraa af ttady oecaplet tksss
laan, amd aovwa UM ua«t of work ia taa asvaMi ispartmaau af taaolotieal lnstvacttea aaaaUj awwdlntas laaMagtasatogical assaiaarla* •» Seraatry.
E X P E N S E S A N D A I D TMHamaad n a a v n a t a n tree. Thy apaM
M a l a far atadeatt a n pUlaly faratshed. 4 M < Ward «aa at bad far atvaa asUan per saaata, BaUdiags kwaM4 ky stoarn. m
Ala from loans wttaoat mtaiatt, and gifta tf Maa4a.angiap.!tedtodMarna|st«d«atawbo as MMtrataaitlatba Itaa af aeU-help. Na y o u f Baawiucraca . gifts, and aaergy, need be da- Bflrvad of the aavantagas aow opeaed to a<s* a b i s SemlBary. Por farther particulars addreaa Mm. W I L B I B P, JUaaKOa
••iBdnctrisl tniniae will »et k> motion ton tbenioBt wbeela."
REV. WM. J. EIMMOH'J, P. P., LL.D.. Co-founder sad first ChsaesaSlb
T H E LOCATION. Ths Sekatsin Norton UniTeraity ia •itnsted at Cats
Spring, Ky., twenty-nine mile* from Louiaville, Ky..-ai one of tbe moat healthy and quiet settlements in tat 8u»e—the county being what *• knom u % piobibitiea eoantT for soeny years. Tbe building sad ground* am an a lofty hill of rich, rolling land, snrroauded on all •idea by moontain etreama, dashing miniature cattracsn. high mouaiaina, peopled with timber of many rarisa •peeiee. In this quiet ^treat away from tbe bustle Ol eity Ufa, frsafrom tbe anbealtby aedaetiona and aUora> menu of places of viee and unwholtaoma amnaemenf. one finde atody easy, recreation helpful, and tbe pkyaaeaf powers dsvaloped and aeeured. b ll that playa no unia*t portent part in a atudent'a rife, and is aptly suited to a t wbedeetr* to prepare for an active life.
OCf»AirnMCNT8. Lltecary, Serieattsre, BlackamitMag, Ph»««raDbf, Cabinet Making, Plain Sewing, Onyoa Won, Telegrapky, - . . - latformg, CookT- Apiaeultnra, Joulti Barber Sbejh Carpeatey,
Weak Snen*ia Weeds aad Metato, •bortbaaa and Type- Writing, _ CUavUagiaOU aad Water, C MuaieafCoacecftory.
Tn»aboTC<lepa»tnicntoarc aaaas eoaapetent nroaja> •on and! iactrac»a»s gjiadusrtss and epeeialiatc ia tba
teaeb. They haU from Ofeeriin, Howaaa branches they teaeb. They naU from Oberlin, Howsa£, State OniTeraity,, Cnieago Manual Tratame; Schoolr8taat Kormal Sofaool, Bhod* Island,^and otber of cmr bssl Institutions.
Ourclaaaeaaa&ctcdieaare so.arrancedtbatatadenai may stady what ia-caoat dMicabla, leave off a» any *laes» recruit their headsa er flnaoaeay aod.re*wrn to-vowptiiea the course at any future time The time to Snub aag* eourac ia the lead possible, oonaiateni with thiirniajp work ia all departments.
'TERMS. Board, roou:. fuel, tuition and waB4tiagkSM»Tjer OMSUaa
Btudeiun maaj entet %t any time ia the year. H U P roa aruocNTa.
Deserving students may have- the privilege of extaax reduction ia proportion to the work tney are trilling at do. Weaak patronage not only on account of our Test rate but on account of the verv high character of tat work done. Our accommodations are first-elase aai ottered alike to both sexes*
Peraons en route to-Cao* Sprmc, Ky., via. I^oievaUaj may find free accommodation at So. 57/ Laurel assasa) Louiaville, Ky.
?or catalogues- aadtalitbueiaeaaaddieaa tbe
RCV. C . H. PARRISH, A. M.8 CANE SantNtt .
BereaCollege Christian, non-sectarian. Three College cours­
es, Music, Academy, Normal, Mannal. Tuition free. Incidental iee $4.50 a term. Expenses low. No saloons. 369 white and 217 Afro-American stndents. Go 1000 miles if need be to Get the But Education. Address,
PBES. WM. O. FROST. PH. D„ P I B E A , E T .
NEW ORLEANS UNIVERSITY Admits NUn arid Women of all Racts.
$30. Ninth Year, opens Sept. 14th.
Well Equipped, Thorough Instruction
A d d r e s s 5 3 1 8 S t . C h a r l e s .
N B W O R L E A N S - L O U I S I A J f A
Morristown formal Academy tral Tratininir for ariris.
FIFTY DOLLARS IN ADVANCE ^l!i\ p a y . f o r "°.ard' r o o ' n ' , l ^ h t f U P l tuition and lueid^utalsfor ibeeatfreavvr. B .»rd 86 00 per moaih. ttrtnii fi.ix) per term. Student* |. i 9 t , ^ r 8.2.^ Thorough work do-,.- <n slldt-partmeua* send for tutalognt*, to ihe P-e^dent
Morristown^ Tenn
SHAW UIYEBS1TY For both sexeo. Depanrofiux of i,nw. Medicine
Pharmacy, Mtiric. Miu-lornry TraiMne. Colleee. College Preiyutory, Buplish >>iid li flu-trial. This year began Tnc*duv, October 1 -t For cu'-alozoef circularKand oilier"lnfoTmivtH" ,ad(lri»->.
BOWMD DIITERSm, D a_a.v.* S!SjSSiaGaStt.«LS!» Medical. Lei
tE&E&FT&& Instructors: TrtoloSaL
andjndustr|al. ^rlafonnation adlresa-J. B. JOKNBOB, Bevretary. rresiaaa*
- *
Special Machines and Other Mechanical Ap -
pllanecs. All orders in These Lines Effl- ^ f-
^ , gent ly and Promptly Executed. A-" ^ - • , • 4 ^ J |
I. MILTON m N t i r i n m g e ^ ^ I v f f e 5 ' "' ; r^ MRS. L.M. THOMAS, M o t a ^ v ^ i ' . ? ^
l»a«idl«4N.Broadway, ST..LOUIS. Mti. T ————r—— n — ^ — » •<' A »s '
Defective"; Page